Power electronics courses and research along with hardware and software power electronics laboratory equipment provide undergraduate and graduate students with quality hands-on research and educational experiences on the design and application of power supplies, inverters, and converters. Electric drives are also emphasized.
The List
Provide PSMA Member Companies a resource to identify Educational and University Institutions, world wide, which have ongoing and active programs in power electronics. This will provide the Member Companies a source for attracting potential new employees and opportunity for possible partnering on Research and Development projects.
Provide the Educational and University Institutions an opportunity to promote their programs in power electronics to interested companies outside their immediate areas. This exposure could result in generating additional support for the institution from the power sources industry for ongoing and new programs. In addition the exposure will provide the students and graduates with additional options as they transition from the educational to the business community.
Click on the links below for detailed program information for each of the listed Universities.
University of North Dakota
Professor and Interim Chair
University of North Dakota
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
243 Centennial Drive, UPSON II Hall, Room 160-D
Stop 7165
Grand Forks, ND 58202-7165, U.S.A.
Office: (701) 777-4432
FAX: (701) 777-5253
Number of graduate and undergraduate students varies from 15 to 20.