Two undergraduate courses: EE427 Power Electronics. Addresses basics of power electronic circuits and power devices. Textbook is Rashid, 4/e. Coverage is chapters 1-6, 9-10, 12-13, 15. Spring semester annually. ECE 320 Energy Systems I. 25% of the course addresses DC/DC converters. Text is Hart, chapters 6 and 7. Both semesters. Three graduate courses: EE527 Dynamics of Ac Drives. A course addressing the fundamentals of motor drives. Textbook is Sul; material follows the text quite closely. EE529 Power Electronics in Utilities. A course on the fundamentals of HVDC, FACTS, and utility issues related to power electronics. Uses course notes. EE528 Understanding Power Quality. A course in fundamental issues of power quality. Oriented at the customer level. Textbook is Dugan, McGranahan, and Beaty. Coverage follows text, but amplifies it greatly. We have also presented this course on-site to industry customers. All our courses in these topics are available on "nearly live" videotape (two hours’ delay from on-campus live presentation). Complete course tapes available for immediate rental or purchase. Graduate courses are on a four-semester rotation. Recent research projects include the following: Arbitrary programmable power supply development; Modeling and protection of DFIG machines; Drive sytems for flywheel energy storage systems; public utility electrical power distribution with smart devices and systemselectronic converters and fast intelligent electronic protection systems for power supplies and motor drives. We usually have capstone design team projects in power electronics topics for our undergraduates. Annually, we have from 2-5 undergraduate capstone design projects that are power electronics related, one or two of which appear in ASEE or NAPS; such undergraduate projects won seven best papers at ASEE over the past twenty years).
The List
Provide PSMA Member Companies a resource to identify Educational and University Institutions, world wide, which have ongoing and active programs in power electronics. This will provide the Member Companies a source for attracting potential new employees and opportunity for possible partnering on Research and Development projects.
Provide the Educational and University Institutions an opportunity to promote their programs in power electronics to interested companies outside their immediate areas. This exposure could result in generating additional support for the institution from the power sources industry for ongoing and new programs. In addition the exposure will provide the students and graduates with additional options as they transition from the educational to the business community.
Click on the links below for detailed program information for each of the listed Universities.
University of Idaho
Six faculty in electrical energy engineering; three in power electronics
Univ of Idaho, Dept of ECE, MS 1023, 875 Perimeter Drive, Moscow ID 83844-1023
We graduate approximately 45 Electrical Engineers per year. Nearly all go to companies in Idaho, California, and the states immediately bordering them. Of these, about 25 find employment in utilities, electric power work in the process industries, and in small companies that have positions of a power electronics nature.