Capacitor Forum

Capacitor Info & Resources
for the Power Electronics Industry.


The PSMA Capacitor Committee is committed to educating and sharing the latest technologies, design trends, and design techniques for capacitors with the electronic community at large. We organize Workshops, Industry Sessions, and Webinars. The Workshops are all day events typically held on the Saturday before APEC that include, not only interactive discussions from Manufactures and Universities, but also a demonstration area for added educational opportunities. Our Industry Sessions are a part of APEC, and focus on a trending theme in which we bring in speakers from many industries to dig into that theme from several different angles. We offer Webinars that are focused strictly on education. We named these Webinars “Capacitor Fundamentals” 101, 201, etc. The Capacitor Committee also has Webinars dedicated to the information that is included in the PSMA Roadmap that is published every second year.  

We are a group of volunteers knowledgeable about capacitors and power electronics. Members include people from capacitor makers, the power electronics industry, and leading consultants. The members and their companies can be excellent resources for designers and users of capacitors. Our Webpage also includes reference documents to educate designers on capacitor basics. These are pulled from many of our member company Websites all pulled together for a single point of use.

Thank you for visiting our PSMA Webpage, and if you would like to participate or have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the Co-chairs.

Victor Boyadzhyan,

Alan Cooper,

Frank Puhane,