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ISO - International standards development organization

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, brings global experts together to agree on the best way of doing things – for anything from making a product to managing a process. As one of the oldest non-governmental international organizations, ISO has enabled trade and cooperation between people and companies the world over since 1946. The International Standards published by ISO serve to make lives easier, safer and better.

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Whether your goal is simply to stay in compliance with environmental regulations, or you’re actively pursuing sustainability goals like energy reduction, greenhouse gas (GHG) tracking or environmental, social, and governance (ESG), ISO 14001, the International Organization for Standardization’s globally recognized standard for environmental management, provides the tools and guidance you need to improve your ESG & sustainability programs and practices. But where do you start?

This easy-to-follow guide from the experts at VelocityEHS walks you through the ins and outs of ISO 14001 and how to use it to benefit your sustainability program and support your journey towards greater ESG maturity. 

Download your copy today to learn: 

  • the definition of an environmental management system (EMS).
  • the importance of stakeholder engagement in and outside your company doors.
  • strategies for choosing and developing good “Objectives, Targets, and Programs” for your environmental program. 
  • why ISO 14001 provides a great framework for an environmental management system that grows with your ESG maturity level.

Download eBook

Ready for a software solution? 
The increasing pressure on organizational ESG and sustainability initiatives from your many stakeholders can feel overwhelming, but software can help. The ESG and Environmental Compliance solutions from VelocityEHS have simple-to-use capabilities, so your team can easily manage ESG and maintain compliance with environmental regulations. Request a demo today!


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