At the China workshop, Ernie Parker, Chairman of PSMA, together with four representatives from the PSMA membership met with Dr. Mark Dehong Xu, chairman of CPSS and 14 CPSS members. The workshop in Shenzhen China continued the dialog and reviewed the progress on the action items identified in past workshops as well as a discussion on possible new areas for cooperation. Some of the action items previously identified in the past workshops included: • Providing an English version of the CPSS website – it was reported that this feature would be available by the end of 2015. • Sharing the PSMA UPDATE newsletters with CPSS for posting on their website – selected articles would be translated and posted. The China workshop identified additional areas for cooperation including: • Safety and Compliance Standards – the possibility of CPSS translating China regulatory standards and available to PSMA members. During discussion it was felt that this would not be practical due to the number of standards and issues with keeping up with revisions. Rather it was recommended that CPSS act as a bridge to guide PSMA members to specific CPSS members that are knowledgeable of particular China standards on an as-needed basis. They also provided a link for purchasing existing China standards at: • PSMA invited representatives of CPSS member companies to join the PSMA Technical Committees. Each of the PSMA Technical Committee generally meet monthly via teleconference and interested CPSS member companies were invited to dial in and to participate or just monitor the calls. If a CPSS member company is interested in a Technical Committee they should contact the Technical Committee chairs and explore the possibility of scheduling the teleconference later in the day (US time) to facilitate their participation. The CPSS attendees expressed interest in the Manufacturing Technical Committee and the Safety and Compliance Technical Committee. • Another area discussed was for CPSS members to participate in APEC Industry Sessions that are organized by the PSMA Technical Committees. There was also interest in being considered for a presentation at PSMA organized Industry Sessions during APEC. • There was interest expressed in attending and participating in the Magnetics Workshop that is being organized by the Magnetics Committee and scheduled for the Saturday prior to APEC 2016. Additional information on the content and registration for the event will be sent to the CPSS Association Office to be shared with their membership. • There was a discussion of the options and requirements for CPSS companies to actively participate at APEC via Technical Papers, Industry Sessions, and Professional Education Seminars. PSMA and CPSS will hold another workshop with CPSS the Sunday of APEC 2016. CPSS plans to have a delegation of up to 20 company representatives for APEC 2016 and they were invited to attend and learn more about PSMA at the Annual Meeting the Monday of APEC 2016.