Join our 2011 summer course to get knowledge on the improved and new efficient ways of the power amplification – with lecturers both from the audio design industry and the science areas!
This course will present an overview and in-depth study of the current state-of-the-art in a broad perspective and address many of the new scientific disciplines involved in this emerging field.
Switch-mode audio power amplifiers are in more ways a combination of mixing otherwise complementary scientific fields as power electronics, analogue and digital signal processing, advanced analogue design, EMC and more.
The aim of the course is to address a new, complex and challenging era at an early stage.
For more information about the course 31359 - see this link - on the Electronics Group’s homepage.
Please note that you must create an Indico conference account before you will be able to register for the course itself - the course 31359 registration must be done separately after creating the account.