Safety & Compliance Forum

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The Power Electronics Industry.

Safety & Compliance Database

For copies of Standards, please contact the appropriate agency. PSMA does not provide copies of standards.

As an association and as an industry, we have many milestones and achievements to celebrate. On these pages, read about the vision of the six printed circuit board manufacturers that came together to create the Institute of Printed Circuits in the fall of 1957. Since that day, IPC has been dedicated to removing supply chain obstacles, creating industry standards, and supporting the advancement of the industry.

No matter what changes lay ahead, the strength of our volunteer leadership and commitment to serve the needs of our membership will continue to be the hallmark of IPC for many years to come.

Locations: Global - Global
Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

IPC-HERMES-9852 Version 1.6           July 2024    The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

IPC-2294      Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1602A   Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-9716      Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

J-STD-001JS Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-609C Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-1753 WAM2 Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-4203C             Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-4204C             Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-6011A            Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards  

IPC-7527A            Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-8981               Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242               Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-630A           Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

IPC-HDBK-005A  Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

Working Draft

IPC-1753A    Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783       International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA) 

IPC-2553       Global Standard for Digital Sustainability Credentials                 

IPC-4101F     Specifications for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards      

IPIPC-4101FC-6921        有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7251       Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7621A    Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A    Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922       Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953       Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961       Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables 

IPC-A-600M Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials                         

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-2201                    Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A                 Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A             Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A                 Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557                    Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6911                    Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)  

IPC-7070                    Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7077                    Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-9205                    Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes                                     

IPC-HDBK-001A       Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E   Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C   Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

Archived Events: (Click to expand/collapse)
Location: Newsletter

IPC Standards Published

IPC J-STD-004D, Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

IPC J-STD-005B, Requirements for Solder Pastes
IPC-A-610J, Acceptability for Electronic Assemblies
IPC J-STD-001J, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies
IPC-4413, Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards
IPC-4562B, Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad Laminates for Printed Boards
IPC-4922, Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electrical and Thermal Interconnects
IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards
IPC-7711/21D, Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

Location: Newsletter

IPC Report Status of Standardization

Proposed Standard for Ballot July 2024

IPC-2294             Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4105             Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4556A          Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-6904             Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7095E           Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7530B           Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-HERMES-9852 V 1.6 The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-1602A          Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1753 WAM2              Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-4203C           Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-4204C           Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7527A          Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-J-STD-002F Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires

Working Draft

IPC-1783             International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-6921             有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077             Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251             Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7621A          Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A          Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922             Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953             Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961             Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242             Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M       Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-2201             Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A          Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612A          Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557             Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6911             Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-7070             Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-HDBK-001A Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E    Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C    Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly


Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

IPC-A-610J  March 2024, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-J-STD-001J-Redline March 2024, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies – Redline

J-STD-001J  March 2024, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

IPC-4922  January 2024, Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-2294  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6904  Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-HERMES-9852 V 1.6    The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-8981 Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

Working Draft

IPC-1602A      Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-4101F      Specifications for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards

IPC-6011A      Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6905         Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6921         有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P  Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications                      

Project Approved

IPC-2201  Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2612A  Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Description

IPC-CC-830D  Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-850A Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly


Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

IPC-6012FS February 2024      Space and Military Avionics Application Addendum to IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7711/21D January 2024     Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-2221C December 2023      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-1791D October 2023         Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S             October 2023 Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.


Proposed Standard for Ballot

 IPC-4105 Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4413  Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4556A Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4562B Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-4922 Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7095E Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-9691C User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-004D Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

J-STD-005B Requirements for Soldering Pastes

J-STD-609C Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes


Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2294 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4203C Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6018D Amendment 1   Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-6904 Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7527A Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-7530B Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-8401 Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-A-630A Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

IPC-HERMES-9852 V 1.6 The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

IPC-J-STD-002F Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires


Project Approved

IPC-1602A Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-2611A Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-4204C Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-4557 Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6911 Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931 Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070 Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205 Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies



Location: Newsletter

IPC Report Status of Standardization FEB 2024

Published Standards

IPC-7711/21D         January 2024  Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-2221C              December 2023  Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S  October 2023         Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

IPC-1782B              September 2023 Standard for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Traceability of Electronic Products

IPC-6012F              September 2023 Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F-RL        September 2023 Redline Standard: Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards - Redline

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4105  Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4413  Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4562B     Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-4922  Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012FS   Space and Military Avionics Application Addendum to IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9691C     User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC-A-610J    Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J    Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-004D   Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

J-STD-005B   Requirements for Soldering Pastes

J-STD-609C   Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4556A                Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-6018D Amendment 1     Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7095E                Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-8401                   Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-A-630A              Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

IPC-J-STD-002F       Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires

Working Draft

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4101F      Specifications for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards

IPC-4203C      Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6011A      Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6921         有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies     

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization for IPC

IPC-2221C      December 2023  Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S    October 2023      Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

IPC-1782B       September 2023 Standard for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Traceability of Electronic Products

IPC-6012F       September 2023 Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F-RL     September 2023 Redline Standard: Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards - Redline


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4556A     Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-6018D Amendment 1     Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-A-630A    Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

IPC-J-STD-002F   Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires

Working Draft

IPC-1602A    Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1753A     Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783       International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2223F     Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294       Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2591 v 2.0 Connected Factory Exchange (CFX), Version 2.0

IPC-4101F     Specifications for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards

IPC-4203C     Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6011A    Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6904       Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6905       Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6921       有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077       Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251       Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B     Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A    Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A    Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922       Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953       Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961       Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981       Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242       Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716       Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M  Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P      Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-1602A             Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-2201                Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A             Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A         Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A             Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4204C             Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-4557                Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6911                Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931                Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070                Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7527A             Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-8401                Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-9205                Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-CC-830D        IPC-CC-830D Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-001A  Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

IPC-1791D         October 2023        Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-1782B          September 2023     Standard for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Traceability of Electronic Products

IPC-6012F          September 2023     Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F-RL    September 2023     Redline Standard: Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards - Redline

IPC-2591, V 1.7  August 2023           Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4413                Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4556A             Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-6012FS            Space and Military Avionics Application Addendum to IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6018D Amendment 1     Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7095E              Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-A-630A           Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

IPC-J-STD-002F     Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires

Working Draft

IPC-1602A      Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2591 v 2.0           Connected Factory Exchange (CFX), Version 2.0

IPC-4203C      Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6011A      Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6905         Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6921         有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P       Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Working Draft

IPC-1602A      Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4203C      Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6011A      Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6905         Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6921         有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P       Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-1602A             Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-2201                Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A             Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-4204C             Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-4557                Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6911                Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931                Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070                Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7527A             Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-8401                Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-9205                Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-CC-830D        IPC-CC-830D Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-850A    Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA   Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

Location: Newsletter

IPC Status of Standardization

Published Standards



No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4413   Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4556A Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-A-630A  Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

Working Draft

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4203C      Cover and Bonding Material for Flexible Printed Circuitry

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6921         有机封装基板的要求与验收 Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Organic IC Substrate

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P       Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-2611A             Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-4204C             Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-4557                Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6905                Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6911                Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931                Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070                Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7527A             Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-8401                Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-9205                Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-CC-830D        IPC-CC-830D Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


No entries available.


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No Longer Maintained

No entries available.

Test Methods Guage R&R Under Evaluation

No entries available.


Location: Newsletter


Status Of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-9797A May 2023 Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-7352   May 2023 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4562B Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6018D Amendment 1 Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-A-630A Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

Working Draft

IPC-1602A      Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2223F      Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6011A      Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50P       Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-1602A            Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage

IPC-2201               Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2591 v 2.0      Connected Factory Exchange (CFX), Version 2.0

IPC-2611A            Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A         Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A            Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4556A            Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4557               Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6905               Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6911               Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931               Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070               Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7527A            Requirements for Solder Paste Application

IPC-8401               Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics

IPC-9205               Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-CC-830D       Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-001A Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A

IPC-HDBK-850A Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


No entries available.


No entries available.

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.









Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization 8_8_2023

Published Standards

IPC-9797A           May 2023 Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-7352              May 2023 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-1791C            March 2023         Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2591, V 1.6     March 2023    Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1782B            Standard for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Traceability of Electronic Products

IPC-2221C            Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-4105               Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4922               Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F             Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7711/21D       Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-9691C            User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S         Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

J-STD-005B          Requirements for Soldering Pastes


Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-1791D Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-4562B Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-A-610J    Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-630A  Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

J-STD-001J    Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-609C   Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes


Working Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4562B Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-A-610J    Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-630A  Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

J-STD-001J    Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-609C   Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes


Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2294         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6904         Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8922         Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8953         Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles

IPC-8961         Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9716         Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications


Project Approved

IPC-2201               Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-4556A            Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4557               Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6905               Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6911               Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931               Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070               Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205               Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-850A Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly

J-STD-001JA/IPC-A-610JA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies



No entries available.


No entries available

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.

Test Methods Guage R&R Under Evaluation

No entries available.

Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-9797A                  May 2023       Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-1791C                  March 2023   Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4105      Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4562B    Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6012F    Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7711/21D            Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-610J   Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-630A Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

J-STD-001J   Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-609C  Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes

Working Draft Project Approved

IPC-2201              Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294              Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4557              Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904              Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6905              Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6911              Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931              Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070              Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7352              Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9205              Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-9716              Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-850A Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E       Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C       Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly



No entries available.



No entries available.


Location: Newsletter

IPC Global Insight ipc@multibriefs 6/13/2023

Published Standards

IPC-9797A   May 2023    Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

J-STD-003D January 2023   Solderability Tests for Printed Boards


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4105          Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4562B       Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6012F       Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7711/21D    Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-610J      Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-630A    Acceptability Standard for Manufacture, Inspection, and Testing of Electronic Enclosures

J-STD-001J      Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-609C     Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes


Working Draft

IPC-1791D Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2201 Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557 Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904 Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-6905 Qualification and Performance Specification for Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6911 Acceptability of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)

IPC-6931 Requirements and Acceptance of Optical Module Printed Boards

IPC-7070 Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-7352 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9205 Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-9716 Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033E Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive Devices

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609C Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly


No entries available.


No entries available

No Longer Maintained


Location: Newsletter

IPC Status of Standardization 5/23/2023

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-9797A May 2023        Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

J-STD-003D                       January 2023       Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

IPC-8952    December 2022  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles


No entries available.

 Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4922        Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352      Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9691C     User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

J-STD-005B   Requirements for Soldering Pastes


Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4105                    Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-4562B                 Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6012F                  Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J                Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S      Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

J-STD-001J                 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Working Draft

IPC-1783                                      International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C                                    Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077                                      Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E                                    Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251                                      Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B                                    Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A                                   Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A                                   Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981                                      Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242                                      Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M                                 Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A                        Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F                               Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911                            Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications                                                                

Project Approved

IPC-2201     Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294     Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A  Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A  Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557     Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904     Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070     Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting


No entries available.


No entries available.

No Longer Maintained

Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

J-STD-003D January 2023 Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

IPC-8971 November 2022 Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9203A November 2022 Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-HERMES-9852 V 1.5 November 2022 The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A November 2022 Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F November 2022 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC-8952 December 2022 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles                                                            


No entries available

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4922 Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9691C User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

J-STD-005B Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-1782B Standard for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Traceability of Electronic Products

IPC-4105 Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9797A Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Working Draft

IPC-1783 International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077 Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251 Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981 Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242 Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

Project Approved

IPC-2201 Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2612-1A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A  Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557 Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904 Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070 Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting


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Location: Newsletter

IPC Status of Standardization 3_21_2023

Standard are selected for use in Power Electric Design

Entire list of IPC Active Standards is available at

Published Standards

J-STD-003D                   January 2023 Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

IPC-8952                        December 2022       Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                        November 2022      Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-HERMES-9852 V1.5   November 2022  The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A   November 2022   Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F   November 2022    Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC-2228                        October 2022 Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A                     October 2022 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-7092A                     October 2022 Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

J-STD-004C-WAM1      October 2022 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791C     Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-4922 Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9691C     User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

J-STD-005B   Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4105                    Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F                  Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9797A                 Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-A-610J                Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S  Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620E.

J-STD-001J                 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications


Project Approved

IPC-2201     Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294     Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A  Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A  Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557     Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904     Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070     Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205     Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes



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No entries available.

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.

Location: Newsletter

Published Standards

IPC-4922                  Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352                  Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9203A               Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9691C               User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A   Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F   Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

J-STD-005B             Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4105     Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F  Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9797A  Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C       Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E       Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B       Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J      Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201 Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294 Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-4557 Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904 Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070 Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205 Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

Reaffirmation-No entries available

Reaffirmed-No entries available

No Longer Maintained-No entries available


Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

J-STD-003D   January 2023      Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

IPC-8952    December 2022  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971    November 2022  Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-2228    October 2022   Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A October 2022   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-7092A October 2022   Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791C                   Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-4922                     Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352                     Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9203A                  Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A      Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F       Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

J-STD-005B                 Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4105    Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad laminates for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6012F Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9797A Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic

Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Projects Approved

IPC-2201  Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A     Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612A     Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557  Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904  Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070  Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205  Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes


No entries available


No entries available.

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.


Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-2228                         October 2022   Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A                      October 2022   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-7092A                      October 2022   Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-4592                         August 2022      Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6018DS                    August 2022      Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6018D, Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4922                   Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7352                   Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9203A                Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9691C                User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A    Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F    Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

J-STD-003D              Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-005B              Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6012F     Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9797A     Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M  Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201       Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294       Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A    Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A       Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A    Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557       Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904       Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070       Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting


No entries available.


No entries available.

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.






Published Standards

IPC-2292A   October 2022    Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-7801A   August 2022     Reflow Oven Process Control Standard

IPC-5262      July 2022 Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC/DAC-2552    July 2022     International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1792                     Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-4922                     Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7091A                  Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7352                     Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8952                     Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                     Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9203A                  Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A      Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F       Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

J-STD-003D                 Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-005B                 Requirements for Soldering Pastes                                                           

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6012F     Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9691C     User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

IPC-9797A     Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911         Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies          

Project Approved

IPC-2201     Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294     Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2612-1A Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-4557     Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904     Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070     Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205     Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes


No entries available.


No entries available

No Longer Maintained

No entries available.


IPC Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-2228      October 2022      Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-9202A   October 2022      Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-4592      August 2022       Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6018DS August 2022       Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6018D, Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7801A   August 2022       Reflow Oven Process Control Standard

IPC-5262      July 2022  Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC/DAC-2552     July 2022     International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories


IPC-A-610GR July 2022 电子组件的可接受性轨道交通补充标准

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-2292A                    Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4922                       Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7091A                    Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A                    Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7352                       Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8952                       Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                       Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9203A                    Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

J-STD-003D                  Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-005B                  Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6012F     Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-9691C     User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance       and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing

Working Draft

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9797A      Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A    Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F  Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911    Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201          Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294          Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A       Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A    Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A       Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557          Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904          Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070          Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205          Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A      Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A


No entries available


No entries available

No Longer Maintained

No entries available



IPC Global Insight

Status of Standardization

Standards for Ballot and Final Drafts

View IPC documents under development.

Published Standards

IPC-2228     October 2022  Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4592     August 2022  Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6018DS   August 2022   Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6018D, Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1402     Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-2292A  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4922     Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-7091A  Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A  Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7352     Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8952     Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971     Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9203A  Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC/WHMA-A-620E      IPC/WHMA-A-620E: Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

J-STD-003D  Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-005B   Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6012F Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Board

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-1753A    Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783        International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-7077        Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251        Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530B      Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A     Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A     Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8981        Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242        Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-9797A     Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and other High-Reliability Applications

IPC-A-600M  Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J    Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201           Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2294           Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-2611A        Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A    Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A        Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557           Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-6904           Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates

IPC-7070           Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205           Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A


Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-7801A            August 2022       Reflow Oven Process Control Standard

IPC-2591, Version 1.5 July 2022      Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC/DAC-2552      July 2022           International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC-A-640A          April 2022           Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-9798    April 2022          Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797, IPC-9797 - Press-Fit Standard for Automotive Requirements ...


IPC-A-610GR       July 2022    电子组件的可接受性轨道交通补充标准

Proposed Standard for Ballot               


Final Draft for Industry Review


Working Draft

IPC-1402         Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A      Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783         International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792         Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C      Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228         Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C      Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922         Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F      Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077         Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E      Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251         Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530         Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A      Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A      Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8971         Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981         Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242         Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M   Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A    Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F   Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911     Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved






No Longer Maintained



Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-2591, Version 1.5  July 2022     Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC/DAC-2552            July 2022      International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC-A-640A                 April 2022    Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-9798        April 2022     Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-A-610GR             March 2022   Rail Transit Addendum to IPC-A-610G Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WHMA-A-620CR March 2022  Rail Transit Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620C


IPC-A-610GR         July 2022 电子组件的可接受性轨道交通补充标准

IPC/WHMA-A-620CR March 2022  线缆及线束组件的要求与验收轨道交通补充标准 Rail Transit Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620C

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2292A               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-7352                  Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-9202A               Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A               Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F       Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

J-STD-004C             Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

J-STD-005B             Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Working Draft

IPC-1402             Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A          Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783             International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792             Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C          Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228             Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C          Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922             Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F           Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077             Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E          Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251             Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530             Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A          Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A          Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8971             Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981             Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242             Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M       Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J         Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA       Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J          Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved Reaffirmation Reaffirmed No Longer Maintained


IPC-1402, Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing Now Open for Public Review

IPC’s draft version of IPC-1402, Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing, is now open for public review through July 15, 2022. Once published, the standard will provide a core set of foundational environmental, health and safety requirements, which aim at reducing impacts and improving the safety of cleaning products used in electronics manufacturing processes.


IPC APEX EXPO 2023 Call for Participation Deadline Extended

IPC has extended the deadline for IPC APEX EXPO 2023 technical conference and professional development abstracts to Monday, August 8, 2022. The IPC APEX EXPO 2023 technical conference will take place January 24-26 and professional development courses will run from January 21-26, 2023.


North American EMS Industry Up 9.4 Percent in May

IPC has announced the May 2022 findings from its North American Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) Statistical Program. The book-to-bill ratio stands at 1.35.


North American PCB Industry Sales Up 3.4 Percent in May

IPC has announced the May 2022 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program. The book-to-bill ratio stands at 1.03.


Sponsored Video

Akrometrix Warpage Solutions and Testing Services
Akrometrix is the leading manufacturer of Warpage Solutions for the R&D Lab and SMT Production Lines, as well as the leading provider of Warpage Testing Services. Learn about how we utilize Shadow Moiré, Digital Fringe Projection, and Digital Image Correlation (CTE) vision technologies at ECTC May 31st -June 3rd,2022, in San Diego, California.


Industry Groups Urge U.S. Congress to Fix Weaknesses in Electronics Supply Chain

IPC, along with the U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) and Printed Circuit Board Association of America (PCBAA), last week urged U.S. Congress to support legislation that would address challenges confronting the U.S. electronics supply chain.


Advocacy, Standards, Events, and Education — All Highlighted in IPC's New European Subsidiary

John W. Mitchell, IPC president and CEO, announces IPC’s new subsidiary, IPC Electronics Europe GmbH, along with IPC plans to continue to serve European members to help drive new standards, education, advocacy and solutions vital to transforming Europe’s factories of the future.



Protecting Electronics Just Got Easier
Promoted By Electronic Coating Technologies

Higher Costs Continue to Dominate Electronics Industry Narrative

Per IPC’s June Global Sentiment of the Electronics Supply Chain Report, nine in 10 electronics manufacturers surveyed are currently experiencing rising material costs, while 86 percent of electronics manufacturers are concerned about inflation. Supporting data from IPC’s June Economic Report indicate there are three main forces exerting pressure: geopolitical uncertainties, inflationary pressure, and China lockdowns exacerbating supply chain disruptions.


Opening New Opportunities in Mexico

IPC and WHMA have long supported the electronics assembly and wire harness manufacturing industries in Mexico, but recent regional growth coupled with supply chain disruptions necessitated a closer relationship.



Promoted by Eptac Corporation

Registration Open for 4th Annual M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology Expo

The fourth annual M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology Expo (M-EXPO) will be held in person September 27-29, 2022, in the El Paso, Texas–Juárez, Mexico region, one of the largest manufacturing centers in the world.


IPC Issues Call for Participation for IPC E-Textiles 2023

IPC is now accepting abstracts for IPC E-Textiles 2023, the international conference for the e-textiles industry, to be held live and in-person on Monday, January 23, 2023, in San Diego, California, in conjunction with IPC APEX EXPO 2023, the industry’s premier conference and exhibition for the electronics industry.



Automatic repair of complex assemblies up to 625 x 625 mm

  • Highly efficient 800 W hybrid heating head, (optional 2,000 W)
  • Large-area IR Matrix bottom heater with 25 single heating elements (600 W each)
  • Automatic and precise component alignment with the help of machine vision
  • Highly accurate, motor-driven axis system for component placement (+/- 0.025 mm)
  • User independent, reproducible repair results guaranteed

For more information, visit our website or watch our product video.


IPC Calls for Robust Support of Advanced Packaging in European Chips Act

IPC called for robust support of advanced packaging in comments submitted to the European Commission on the European Chips Act and how to implement the strategy. Within its comments, IPC reiterated the critical role that advanced packaging plays in chip performance and supply chain resiliency.


IPC India Celebrates a Decade of Service to the Electronics Manufacturing Industry

IPC India is one of IPC's global offices, with locations in Bengaluru and Delhi. We are celebrating a decade of IPC involvement in India's electronics manufacturing industry, supporting IPC in this corner of the world.



Powerful Crimp Tools for High Voltage Applications
DMC® provides heavy-duty tools for large gauge, high voltage applications where increased crimp force is necessary. Manual, pneumatic, and battery powered versions are available. Dies and locators are interchangeable between power types.

  • 4 Indent and Form Crimp
  • Wire Range up to 4/0 AWG
  • Crimp Force up to 12 Tons


Build Electronics Better with IPC Standards

For more than 50 years, IPC standards have been the processes, procedures and criteria that the global electronics industry implement daily to design and build electronics better with quality, reliability and consistency.


Better Electronics Start with Better Training

The term skills gap is used to describe a mismatch between the skills that employers need and the skills that job seekers possess. It seems straightforward enough, but it's often used as a catch-all phrase that oversimplifies more complex and multifaceted issues.



Promoted by Chemtronics

Help Build the Industry's Future: Become an IPC Emerging Engineer or Mentor

IPC launched the Emerging Engineer program in 2016 to provide professionals early in their careers an opportunity to learn from the dedicated industry volunteers who participate in standards development.


Stay in Contact with IPC — Manage Your E-mail Preferences

In order to ensure that you receive the information you want from IPC, please manage your e-mail preferences! Please visit for more information on our Privacy Policy.



Ultrasonic Stencil & Pallet Cleaner
Model 6000 ultrasonic stencil cleaner: Fully automatic, EPA compliant, flexible and guaranteed performance. Capable of cleaning solder paste, adhesives and flux residue in one machine. Wash, rinse and dry in less than 4 minutes. Complete with touchscreen controller that stores multiple programmable profiles. Compatible with all ultrasonic cleaning chemistries.


IPC Global Marketplace Delivers Intelligent Search Technology

IPC Global Marketplace is an innovative buyer's guide that enables electronics industry professionals to easily locate the products and services they need to effectively run their business.


IPC Events and Education Calendar — For Your 2022 Planning

Plan your professional development with IPC's Programs Calendar. Maximize your time and efforts by coordinating your schedule with ours.


In Search of the Ultimate Instructor
Promoted by Eptac Corporation

We are looking to grow our instructor team. There are many people who might be interested in a career change; such as someone with tribal knowledge of the electronic manufacturing and an interest in teaching this to others, people with teaching skills who can learn the technology, people who are tired of the daily grind of repetitive processes and even people from the industry who have retired and want to keep current about the products being manufactured and have an interest in teaching.


Tech Question of the Week

I'm looking for info regarding IPC recommendations about the minimum copper line width (I think it is normally called "sliver") that may create issues during etching if too narrow.


Status of Standardization

Standards for Ballot and Final Drafts

View IPC documents under development.


IPC Member Milestones

APCT (Santa Clara, Calif.) celebrated its 35th year as an IPC member. See other companies celebrating membership anniversaries.

Member Anniversaries

New Members

Invest in your company by joining IPC and experience the membership benefits of the industry's premier global association. Learn more about IPC membership.

IPC Certification Online or In-Person
IPC Training and Certification is available from Blackfox either online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers. Experience the Blackfox difference!




August 8-September 14

PCB Design for Embedded Components



August 8-September 14


PCB Design for Radio Frequency (RF) Boards


August 9- September 29


Introduction to PCB Design II



August 9-September 15


PCB Design for Rigid-Flex Boards



September 13-October 6


PCB Design for Manufacturing



September 13-October 6


PCB Troubleshooting and Defect Analysis



September 21-22


M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology, a WHMA/IPC Event



September 27-November 3


Certified Electronics Program Manager (CEPM) Training Program and Certification Exam Bundle


IPC Global Insights

3000 Lakeside Drive, 105 N  |  Bannockburn, IL 60015 
847-615-7100  |  Contact Us  |


Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-A-640A           April 2022   Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-A-610GR        March 2022 Rail Transit Addendum to IPC-A-610G Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WHMA-A-620CR               March 2022            Rail Transit Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620C

IPC-9121A             February 2022    Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2292A               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4592                  Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-7352                  Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8952                  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                  Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9202A               Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A               Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A      Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F       Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC/WHMA-A-620E IPC/WHMA-A-620E: Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

J-STD-004C              Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402             Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A          Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783             International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792             Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C          Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228             Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C          Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922             Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F           Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077             Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E          Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251             Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530             Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A          Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A          Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8971             Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981             Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242             Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M       Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J         Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA       Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J          Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

No entries available


Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Standards for Ballot and Final Drafts

Published Standards

IPC-9121A February 2022 Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes


No entries available

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2292A               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4592                  Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-7352                  Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8952                  Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                  Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9202A               Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A               Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A      Acoustic Microscopy for Non-hermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F       Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC/WHMA-A-620E IPC/WHMA-A-620E: Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

J-STD-004C              Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402             Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A          Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783             International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792             Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C          Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228             Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C          Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922             Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F           Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077             Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E          Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251             Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530             Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A          Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A          Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8971             Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981             Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242             Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M       Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J         Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911  Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA       Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J          Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

No entries available


Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

IPC-9121A  February 2022 Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes Translations

Proposed Standard for Ballot Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2292A                   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-2591, Version 1.5     Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-4592                      Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-7352                      Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8971                      Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9202A                   Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A                   Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A   Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F   Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC/WHMA-A-620E IPC/WHMA-A-620E: Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

J-STD-004C                 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402                Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A             Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783                International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792                Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C             Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228                Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C             Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922                Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F              Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077                Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E              Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251                Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530                Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A             Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A             Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8952                Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981                Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242                Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M         Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J            Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A  Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F        Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911    Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J            Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Location: Newsletter

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4412C      Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-5262       Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6018DS  Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6018D, Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7091A    Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A    Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7525C     Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-7526A    Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9701B     Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A  Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A  Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-51        Terms and Definitions for the Design and Manufacture of Printed Electronics

IPC/DAC-2552   International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

J-STD-003D  Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-2292A                   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-2591, Version 1.5     Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-4592                      Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-7352                      Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-8971                      Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics on E-Textiles

IPC-9202A                   Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A                   Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-HDBK-9798         Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035A   Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices

IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020F   Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMD)

IPC/WHMA-A-620E     IPC/WHMA-A-620E: Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

J-STD-004C                 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402                Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A             Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783                International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792                Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C             Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228                Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-4202C             Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922                Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F              Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7077                Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E              Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251                Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530                Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A             Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A             Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8952                Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971                Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981                Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9242                Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M         Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J            Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A  Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F        Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911    Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J            Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Location: Webinar

Eco-design for a Circular Economy: Best Practices in the Electronics Industry

Join IPC for a free webinar on March 17 to learn about eco-design best practices, interact with your peers, and get a grip on realistic and achievable eco-design action items.

Location: Newsletter

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-1755A-AM1 October 2021  Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Data Exchange Standard

IPC-6012EA          October 2021  Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4412C       Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4592          Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-5262          Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6018D       Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7525C       Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-7526A       Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A       Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9701B       Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A     Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A     Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC/DAC-2552   International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-4555                           Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-6012E Amendment 1     Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-7091A                        Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A                        Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7352                           Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-HDBK-9798              Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-T-51                            Terms and Definitions for the Design and Manufacture of Printed Electronics

J-STD-003D                      Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C                       Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402               Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A            Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1783               International Standard for Component-Level Authentication (CLA)

IPC-1792               Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C            Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228               Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A            Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C            Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4922               Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-6012F            Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM        Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077               Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7095E            Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs)

IPC-7251               Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7530               Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)

IPC-7621A            Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A            Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941               Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8971               Requirements for Electrical Testing of Printed Electronics E-Textiles

IPC-8981               Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A            Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A            Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242               Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-600M         Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC-A-610J           Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A  Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/JPCA-8911   Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J           Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


The long-awaited release of IPC-7093A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs) is here. Revision A is a complete overhaul of IPC-7093 which provides design and assembly guidance for implementing BTCs and focuses on critical design, materials, assembly, inspection, repair, quality, and reliability issues.              

IPC-7093A includes a step-by-step process on how to design and incorporate BTCs into any card layout. Comprehensive descriptions on how to successfully implement robust designs and assembly processes and troubleshooting guidance for common anomalies which can occur during BTC assembly are included.


As 2021 comes to a close, IPC would like to wish our members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide our readers with a look at some of the most accessed articles from the past year. Our regular publication will resume Tuesday, Jan. 11.

IPC Promotes Sanjay Huprikar to President of Europe and South Asia Operations

From January 12: IPC has promoted Sanjay Huprikar to president of Europe and South Asia Operations. In his new role, Huprikar will lead IPC’s globalization initiative to expand the association’s standards, education and advocacy support to Europe, the United Kingdom, India, and several countries in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

IPC Education Reaches Significant Milestones

From April 27: You may have heard about IPC’s new online course, “Electronics Assembly for Operators (EAO).” Like most IPC products and services, this course was developed in collaboration with industry to provide truly engaging, effective and efficient workforce training.


2022 IPC Certification Schedule
The New 2022 Solder Training and IPC Certification Schedule is here. EPTAC offers a variety of options for the way you like to learn. From In-Person (classes in 19 locations), Online, On-Site, or Dedicated Online (select the class, date and time and we deliver the program live), EPTAC has you covered.

Global Economic Recovery is Picking Up Speed, but Risks Remain

From May 4: The global economic recovery is picking up speed, but there remain risks. The global economy should grow roughly 5 percent in 2021, driven by growth in the United States and China, according to IPC’s April economic outlook report.


Economic Recovery Continues Across the Globe

From June 1: The economic narrative we’ve been building in recent months continues to play out. First, COVID will be the predominant force defining economic growth in the early months of the recovery.


Find the Training Materials You Need for Your IPC and Soldering Certifications - From Standards, Exam Funds and Soldering Kits.

EU Steps Up "Semiconductor Sovereignty" Plans

From September 21: The European Commission plans to introduce a "European Chips Act" to provide a European vision and strategy to boost cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing capacity in the region.



Ersa EXOS 10/26 - Inline Reflow Soldering with Vacuum

  • Maintenance-friendly and lubricant-free roller conveyor in the vacuum module
  • 4-part conveyor system, supports dual track configuration
  • Easy access to the vacuum chamber through lifting unit from above
  • Optimum temperature profiles through medium-wave emitters in the vacuum module
  • Innovative cleaning system SMART ELEMENTS®
  • Award winning

For more information, visit our website or watch our product video.


North American PCB Industry Sales up 1 Percent in November

From January 5: IPC has announced November 2020 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program. The book-to-bill ratio stands at 1.05. Total North American PCB shipments in November 2020 were up 1.0 percent compared to the same month last year.


Large Gauge Crimp Tools for All Production Environments
DMC 23 Series tools provide pneumatic, manual hydraulic and battery solutions for crimping large gauge contacts and terminals. These versatile tools feature interchangeable Mil-Qualified dies and locators that are capable of crimping 8 – 4/0 AWG. DMC also offers custom dies for your application.


Get Engaged with Sustainable Electronics

From February 16: IPC and iNEMI are calling on experts to participate in the development of a roadmap for sustainable electronics, provide insights in a technology integration group, and advance research projects that address recognized technology gaps.


Promoted by Cadence Design Systems

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Economic Recovery Continues Along a Bumpy Path

From September 7: Economic recovery continues along a bumpy path. In this month's economic outlook report from IPC, IPC's Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac offers five key observations.


Turbo Max CCR MV-2L

  • Quite dust collection
  • Quickest Conformal Coating Removal method
  • Ergonomic shape for operator comfort
  • Removes: Parylene, Silicones, Urethanes, Epoxies, Acrylics and Much More
  • Catch pan for spent abrasive
  • Great for low volume re-work
  • Show with (optional) microscope
  • IPC Recognized


North American PCB Industry Sales Up 6.3 Percent in June

From July 27: IPC has announced the June 2021 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program. The book-to-bill ratio stands at 1.15. Total North American PCB shipments in June 2021 were up 6.3 percent compared to the same month last year.

IPC Commends US Senate on Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

From August 17: On Aug. 10, IPC President and CEO John Mitchell released a news statement on the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the U.S. Senate.

New Defense Electronics Group, USPAE, Invites Industry Participation

From February 23: The U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) is inviting electronics manufacturers and related companies to participate in its programs, highlighting the opportunities to collaborate with industry peers and the U.S. government.

IPC Certification Online or In-Person
IPC Training and Certification is available from Blackfox either online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers. Experience the Blackfox difference!

Test any JBC product for free
We give you the opportunity to test our products for 30 days without any obligation.

IPC National Hand Soldering Competitions Return to Europe
From July 20: IPC's national hand soldering competitions return to Europe this year with events scheduled in France, Estonia, and Germany. Although the 2021 IPC Hand Soldering World Championship was canceled due to ongoing pandemic concerns, skilled competitors in Europe will participate in national competitions at scheduled live tradeshows.

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847-615-7100  |  Contact Us

Location: Newsletter

IPC Global Insight

Learn About IPC's Firmware Standard

IPC is developing a firmware requirements standard. To learn more about this standard or get involved in standards development, read IPC's blog. Next standards meeting will take place at IPC APEX EXPO on Monday, January 24. 


Build Electronics Better with IPC Standards

For more than 50 years, IPC standards have been the processes, procedures and criteria that the global electronics industry implement daily to design and build electronics better with quality, reliability and consistency.


Leverage A.I. and Predictive Analytics Toward Zero-Downtime, Zero-Defects Manufacturing

A few percentages of scrap reduction can yield millions of dollars in savings for manufacturers. This has led manufacturing firms to embrace Digital Transformation and leverage the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and metrics to achieve greater efficiency and productivity on the shop floor.



2022 IPC Certification Schedule
The New 2022 Solder Training and IPC Certification Schedule is here. EPTAC offers a variety of options for the way you like to learn. From In-Person (classes in 19 locations), Online, On-Site, or Dedicated Online (select the class, date and time and we deliver the program live), EPTAC has you covered.


EMS Leadership Summit at IPC APEX EXPO 2022 Brings Together Current and Future Industry Leaders

New and experienced managers will gather at the EMS Leadership Summit at IPC APEX EXPO on January 24, 2022, to discuss strategies for advancing the industry and enhancing leadership skills.


Summit Interconnect — Toronto Earns IPC-1791, Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML) as Trusted Electronics Fabricator

IPC's Validation Services Program has awarded an IPC-1791, Trusted Electronics Fabricator Requirements Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML) to a Summit Interconnect printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing facility located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



Smart ang highly flexible SMT solutions
Promoted By Essemtec AG

Current Conditions for the Electronics Supply Chain Remain Challenging

IPC has issued two new industry intelligence reports: the December sentiment of the global electronics manufacturing supply chain report and the December economic outlook report. Material and labor costs continue to be the two largest issues facing the electronics supply chain.


Are You Aware of the Latest Update to the Cybersecurity Maturation Model Certification?

To help industry cut through the noise and confusion surrounding Cybersecurity Maturation Model Certification, CMMC expert Leslie Weinstein, provides a detailed breakdown of the changes that have been announced from CMMC 1.0 to CMMC 2.0, including timelines for compliance in this webinar recording.



Jackie Mattox, Founder of Women in Electronics to Keynote Women in Electronics Reception at IPC APEX EXPO 2022

Does a disruptive climate help or hinder women in the workplace? Has diversity improved in electronics? These are just a few of the topics Jackie Mattox, founder, president and CEO of Women in Electronics, will address during the Women in Electronics Reception at IPC APEX EXPO on Jan. 25, 2022.


New Study Finds Semiconductor Supply Chain Will Remain Vulnerable Without Robust Federal Investment in Advanced Packaging

A new study from IPC about the current state of advanced packaging in the semiconductor value chain finds that urgent action is required to strengthen domestic packaging ecosystem to meet increased production of semiconductor chips, without which the semiconductor supply chain is likely to remain weak and vulnerable.



Ersa EXOS 10/26 - Inline Reflow Soldering with Vacuum

  • Maintenance-friendly and lubricant-free roller conveyor in the vacuum module
  • 4-part conveyor system, supports dual track configuration
  • Easy access to the vacuum chamber through lifting unit from above
  • Optimum temperature profiles through medium-wave emitters in the vacuum module
  • Innovative cleaning system SMART ELEMENTS®
  • Award winning

For more information, visit our website or watch our product video.


Better Electronics Start with Better Training

The term skills gap is used to describe a mismatch between the skills that employers need and the skills that job seekers possess. It seems straightforward enough, but it's often used as a catch-all phrase that oversimplifies more complex and multifaceted issues.


WHMA 29th Annual Wire Harness Conference Offers Technical Education Workshop on Federal Contract Opportunities

Representatives from the U.S. Small Business Association, Arizona District Office, will present a technical education workshop, "Selling to the Federal Government," on February 15 at the 2022 WHMA 29th Annual Wire Harness Conference in Tucson, Ariz.



Large Gauge Crimp Tools for All Production Environments
DMC 23 Series tools provide pneumatic, manual hydraulic and battery solutions for crimping large gauge contacts and terminals. These versatile tools feature interchangeable Mil-Qualified dies and locators that are capable of crimping 8 – 4/0 AWG. DMC also offers custom dies for your application.


How Can Government Help or Hurt You in 2022?

As we look towards 2022, we want to know what our members are worried about. What are the key challenges you are facing right now, and what about over the horizon? How can the IPC Government Relations team best advocate for you?


Stay Competitive with IPC Standards

IPC has released several new standards to support the electronics manufacturing industry in building electronics better. Add these to your library of standards and stay ahead of the competition by using the most current standards from IPC.



Promoted by Cadence Design Systems

Start Your Free Trial Today!

  WHMA/IPC Announces Dates for M-EXPO 2022

The fourth M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology exhibition will be held in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sept. 21-22, 2022. Due to ongoing COVID-19 health and welfare concerns, the event will not be held in 2021.


Help Build the Industry's Future: Become an IPC Emerging Engineer or Mentor

IPC launched the Emerging Engineer program in 2016 to provide professionals early in their careers an opportunity to learn from the dedicated industry volunteers who participate in standards development.



Turbo Max CCR MV-2L

  • Quite dust collection
  • Quickest Conformal Coating Removal method
  • Ergonomic shape for operator comfort
  • Removes: Parylene, Silicones, Urethanes, Epoxies, Acrylics and Much More
  • Catch pan for spent abrasive
  • Great for low volume re-work
  • Show with (optional) microscope
  • IPC Recognized


Stay in Contact with IPC — Manage Your E-mail Preferences

In order to ensure that you receive the information you want from IPC, please manage your e-mail preferences! Please visit for more information on our Privacy Policy.


IPC Global Marketplace Delivers Intelligent Search Technology

IPC Global Marketplace is an innovative buyer's guide that enables electronics industry professionals to easily locate the products and services they need to effectively run their business.


IPC Events and Education Calendar — For Your 2021/2022 Planning

Plan your professional development with IPC's Programs Calendar. Maximize your time and efforts by coordinating your schedule with ours.


Tech Question of the Week

Is there a lower limit of eutectic solder ball size where it becomes impossible to re-ball for immediate use of the IC in defense electronics? Is that because of the ball sizes available, or are there equipment limitations in removal and replacement? Are there serious problems with flux in this fine pitch application?


Status of Standardization

Standards for Ballot and Final Drafts

View IPC documents under development.


IPC Certification Online or In-Person
IPC Training and Certification is available from Blackfox either online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers. Experience the Blackfox difference!


IPC Member Milestones

Virginia Panel Corporation (Waynesboro, Va.) celebrated its 10th year as an IPC member. See other companies celebrating membership anniversaries.
Member Anniversaries
New Members

Invest in your company by joining IPC and experience the membership benefits of the industry's premier global association. Learn more about IPC membership.

Test any JBC product for free
We give you the opportunity to test our products for 30 days without any obligation.



Jan. 11  F2 Webinar Series: Leverage A.I. and Predictive Analytics Toward Zero-Downtime, Zero-Defects Manufacturing

Jan. 22-27  IPC APEX EXPO 2022

Feb. 15-17  2022 WHMA 29th Annual Wire Harness Conference

May 10-12  Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo

Sept. 21-22  M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology, a WHMA/IPC Event
3000 Lakeside Drive, 105 N  |  Bannockburn, IL 60015 
847-615-7100  |  Contact Us



IPC Global Insight 

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-4412C      Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4592        Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-9121A     Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9701B      Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-9709A Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing


Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-7091A     Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-A-640A   Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A   Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

J-STD-004C    Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


Working Draft

IPC-1402            Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A         Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792            Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C         Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228            Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C         Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4555            Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922            Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262            Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA      Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F          Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM      Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077            Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A         Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251            Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352            Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A         Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A         Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941            Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952            Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981            Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A         Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A         Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242            Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J        Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797       Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F     Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552           International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA       Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J         Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Project Approved

IPC-2201   Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-4557        Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070        Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205        Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes


IPC Status of Standardization Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments 

Individuals or companies are invited to submit a comment to IPC on standards improvement via the Standards Improvement form, found on the right. The purpose of this form is to provide the appropriate technical committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding recommendations for published standards or work in progress on new or revisions of standards being worked on. Complete the form on the right and just click on the submit button, a tech staff person will be in touch if there are any questions.

Your technical expertise and comments are critical to the development of IPC standards that cover areas of supply, design, manufacture of boards and finished assemblies. We are continually looking for ways to improve current standards but we are also looking for what might be that next standard the industry. Every idea or comment goes through a rigorous process to meet the criteria for potential standards development for the industry. Once accepted a project is established and the great work of the industry committees starts. 

IPC encourages and welcomes individuals from the global electronics industry to submit their ideas or to request to be added to a ballot group as part of the standards development process. 

If you are located in Asia Pacific Market - 

IPC members in China and Asia are invited to participate through TGAsia Forum, our e-mail forum for discussion of standards development. Find out more about TGAsia Forum by contacting  Harry will contact you and review your comments to understand your interest and follow through with next steps. 

IPC Standardization Procedures - provides processes, structure and ANSI policy in developing standards for the electronics industry 

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-4552B May 2021  Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

J-STD-001HS May 2021  Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1401A  Corporate Social Responsibility Management System Standard

IPC-1791B  Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A  DFX Guidelines

IPC-4412C  Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4592     Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E  Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A  Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A  Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9709A  Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6018D  Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7091A  Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7525C  Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-9701B  Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A        Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A        Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-50N  Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

J-STD-003D        Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402               Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A            Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792               Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C            Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228               Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A            Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C            Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4555               Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922               Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262               Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA         Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F            Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM        Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077               Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A            Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251               Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352               Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A            Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A            Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941               Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981               Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A            Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A            Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242               Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J           Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797  Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552    International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911   Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J           Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201            Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A         Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A     Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A         Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557            Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070            Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205            Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A


Economic Recovery Continues Along a Bumpy Path

Economic recovery continues along a bumpy path. In this month's economic outlook report from IPC, IPC's Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac offers five key observations.


IPC Urges Electronics Inclusion in US Tech R&D and Competitiveness Bill

IPC has called upon U.S. Congress to make improvements to critically important legislation that would boost investment in federal research and development in 10 high-tech fields.


Akrometrix Warpage Solutions and Testing Services

Akrometrix is the leading manufacturer of warpage solutions for the R&D Lab, and for SMT Production Lines. We are also a provider of Warpage Testing Services for our customers. We utilize Shadow Moiré, Digital Fringe Projection, and Digital Image Correlation (CTE) vision technologies. We apply the appropriate technology that provides the best quality data, specific to the given application.


North American PCB Industry Sales Up 7.3 Percent in July

IPC announced today the July 2021 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board Statistical Program. The book-to-bill ratio stands at 1.29.




Promoted by EPTAC Corporation

STI Electronics, Inc. Requalifies for IPC Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML)

IPC's Validation Services Program announces that STI Electronics, Inc., a multifaceted technical organization supporting the electronics manufacturing industry, has been requalified, at the Class 3 level, to IPC J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610, and IPC J-STD-001 Space & Military Addendum Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML).


Kurtz Ersa HR600 XL – Automatic rework on large assemblies

  • Active heating surface of 24 x 24 inches (625 x 625 mm)
  • Highly efficient 800 W hybrid heating head
  • Large-area IR Matrix bottom heater with 25 single heating elements (600 W each)
  • Process observation with up to 8 thermocouples
  • Automatic and precise component alignment with the help of machine vision
  • Highly accurate, motor-driven axis system for component placement (+/- 0.025 mm)
  • Guaranteed user-independent reproducible repair results

For more information, visit our website or watch our product video.


IPC is Crowdsourcing for Artwork and Illustrations of Electronics Manufacturing

IPC members, you can help IPC help you by letting us know of any existing or potential sources of original artwork related to electronics manufacturing.



Strip Cable 5x Faster!
Stripping shielded twisted cable just got easier with DMC’s Twist-Strip™ tool. Available in two sizes, with a variety of interchangeable die sets, Twist-Strip™ can accommodate cables from .081 to .310 OD and provides a precise strip of the outer jacket in a fraction of the time.

  • Consistent & Repeatable Stripping
  • Reduced Shield Damage
  • Ergonomic & User-Friendly


Better By Design — Bringing PCB Design Professionals Together

IPC Design brings printed board design professionals together to connect with other designers, enjoy education and training opportunities, mentor and encourage the next generation of designer engineers, and above all, help advance the art and science of printed board design.



Pillarhouse Jade MkII – World's best selling selective solding system.

  • 1000+ systems sold
  • Up to 457 x 508mm board handling size
  • Drop-Jet fluxer as standard
  • Fiducial correction as standard
  • 1.5mm micro-nozzle capable (world’s smallest nozzle)
  • New PillarCOMM_X control software
  • Multiple process enhancements available

Post Covid-19 deals available. For more information visit our website.


IPC Launches Electronics Assembly for Engineers Course

To provide a market solution to address a need for a fundamentals training course on PCBA processes and electronics manufacturing, IPC is announcing the launch of "Electronics Assembly for Engineers" (EAE) as its newest workforce development training course.


Companies Commit to Improving Chemical Management Practices

The Clean Electronics Production Network announced a new program this week to improve chemical management practices and eliminate workers' exposure to hazardous chemicals across the global electronics manufacturing industry.



Doesn't your stockroom deserve better?
Lightning-fast pick times, minimized storage space, elimination of errors – these are just three of the benefits DELTEC Automotive achieved when they moved their high-running part numbers into Inovaxe’s Smart Storage platform. Click to learn more about DELTEC and the benefits Inovaxe has brought to their operation!


Jumping the Technology Curve — Collaboration with your Competition

Mike Carano, IPC Thought Leaders Program Chair details the four "Cs" of maintaining a company's competitiveness — collaboration, consortium, clusters and calls to action.



Turbo Max CCR MV-2L

  • Quite dust collection
  • Quickest Conformal Coating Removal method
  • Ergonomic shape for operator comfort
  • Removes: Parylene, Silicones, Urethanes, Epoxies, Acrylics and Much More
  • Catch pan for spent abrasive
  • Great for low volume re-work
  • Show with (optional) microscope
  • IPC Recognized


IPC National Hand Soldering Competitions Return to Europe

IPC's national hand soldering competitions return to Europe this year with events scheduled in France, Estonia and Germany. Although the 2021 IPC Hand Soldering World Championship was canceled due to ongoing pandemic concerns, skilled competitors in Europe will participate in national competitions at scheduled live tradeshows.


IPC Certification Online or In-Person
IPC Training and Certification is available from Blackfox either online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers. Experience the Blackfox difference!


Share Your Knowledge at Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo 2022

WHMA/IPC invites engineers, researchers, academics, technical experts and industry leaders to submit technical conference abstracts for the Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo, to be held May 10-12, 2022, at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


JBC's Resource center
Download! Free eBooks & Infographics about JBC Technology


Which Government Policies Worry You Most?

The IPC government relations team is here for you year-round, but the success of our work depends on the active engagement of IPC members. We invite you to join our efforts.


Stay Competitive with IPC Standards

IPC has released several new standards to support the electronics manufacturing industry in building electronics better. Add these to your library of standards and stay ahead of the competition by using the most current standards from IPC.


WHMA/IPC Announces Dates for M-EXPO 2022

The fourth M-EXPO Wire Processing Technology exhibition will be held in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sept. 21-22, 2022. Due to ongoing COVID-19 health and welfare concerns, the event will not be held in 2021.


Help Build the Industry's Future: Become an IPC Emerging Engineer or Mentor

IPC launched the Emerging Engineer program in 2016 to provide professionals early in their careers an opportunity to learn from the dedicated industry volunteers who participate in standards development.


Stay in Contact with IPC — Manage Your E-mail Preferences

In order to ensure that you receive the information you want from IPC, please manage your e-mail preferences! Please visit for more information on our Privacy Policy.


IPC Global Marketplace Delivers Intelligent Search Technology

IPC Global Marketplace is an innovative buyer's guide that enables electronics industry professionals to easily locate the products and services they need to effectively run their business.


IPC Events and Education Calendar — For Your 2021/2022 Planning

Plan your professional development with IPC's Programs Calendar. Maximize your time and efforts by coordinating your schedule with ours.


Tech Question of the Week

I'm looking for a standard describing Axial and TH component lead forming that described the various options to prep the components for vertical mounting, vibration, different bend points, etc.


IPC Member Milestones

JPS Composite Materials Corp. (Anderson, S.C.) celebrated its 55th year as an IPC member. See other companies celebrating membership anniversaries.

Member Anniversaries

New Members


Status of Standardization

Standards for Ballot and Final Drafts

View IPC documents under development.



Sept. 3-Oct. 6, 2021 PCB Troubleshooting & Defect Analysis (every Tuesday and Thursday)
Sept. 15

IPC Hermes Introduction: "Smart Manufacturing Begins at the Machines" – Brought to you by the IPC EMS Management Council

Sept. 21

Certified Electronics Program Manager (CEPM) Training Program and Certification Exam Bundle
Oct. 26-Nov. 18 PCB Troubleshooting & Defect Analysis

Oct. 27

IPC E-Textiles 2021 Virtual World Tour | Pennsylvania

Nov. 1-Nov. 17

Contracting with the Customer Every Monday and Wednesday

Nov. 8-Dec. 15

PCB Design for Advanced Packaging Every Monday and Wednesday

Nov. 9-Nov. 23 PCB Design for Manufacturability
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2021 The 15th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC15)





Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-4552B  May 2021 Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

J-STD-001HS  May 2021 Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1401A Corporate Social Responsibility Management System Standard

IPC-1791B Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A DFX Guidelines

IPC-4412C Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4592    Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9709A Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6018D Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7091A Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7525C Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-9701B Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A  Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A  Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-50N Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

J-STD-003D   Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C   Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402    Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing                              

IPC-1753A         Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792     Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain                               

IPC-2221C         Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228            Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A         Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C         Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4555            Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922            Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262            Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA      Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F          Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM      Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077            Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A         Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251            Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352            Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A         Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A         Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941            Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952            Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981            Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A         Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A         Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242            Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J        Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A      Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797       Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F     Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552  International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA       Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J         Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201          Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A       Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A    Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A       Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557          Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070          Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205          Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A      Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A


Dear Colleagues:   

IPC has released several new standards to support the electronics manufacturing industry in building electronics better. Add these to your library of standards and stay ahead of the competition by using the most current standards from IPC.

Companion documents to IPC-J-STD-001H are available now:

IPC-HDBK-001H, Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001, provides guidance and supporting information for requirements found in the standard.

IPC-J-STD-001HS, Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, provides specific requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies that must survive the vibration and thermal cyclic environments of getting to and operating in space and military applications.

If you use IPC-J-STD-001H you should be using IPC-A-610H, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies.

Other documents that have been released:

IPC-7093A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs)

IPC-2591 V1.3, Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)



IPC Report 2021 0803

Stay Competitive with IPC Standards

IPC has released several new standards to support the electronics manufacturing industry in building electronics better. Add these to your library of standards and stay ahead of the competition by using the most current standards from IPC.

Companion documents to IPC-J-STD-001H are available now:

IPC-HDBK-001H, Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001, provides guidance and supporting information for requirements found in the standard.

IPC-J-STD-001HS, Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, provides specific requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies that must survive the vibration and thermal cyclic environments of getting to and operating in space and military applications.

If you use IPC-J-STD-001H you should be using IPC-A-610H, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies.

Other documents that have been released:

IPC-7093A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs)

IPC-2591 V1.3, Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

If you are missing any of the standards listed above, you can order online by visiting the IPC Online Store. Have questions about using a PO to order standards send them to

Status of Standardization

Published Standards

IPC-4552B, May 2021, Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

J-STD-001HS, May 2021, Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791B, Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A, DFX Guidelines

IPC-4592, Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E, Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A, Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A, Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9709A, Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

Working Draft

IPC-1402, Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A, Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792, Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228 Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4412C Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4555 Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922 Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262 Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM ,Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077 Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251 Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352 Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8941 Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-9202A Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242 Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797 Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552 International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911 Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201, Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A, Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A, Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A, Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557, Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070, Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205, Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A, Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A



Status of Standardization

Published Standards

J-STD-001HS-May 2021-Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

IPC-2591, Version 1.3-February 2021-Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-6902-February 2021-Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-9257-February 2021-Requirements for Electrical Testing of Flexible Printed Electronics


Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791B-Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A-DFX Guidelines

IPC-4552B-Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4592-Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E-Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A-Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A-Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9709A-Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6018D-Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7091A-Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7525C-Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-9701B-Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A-Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A-Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-50N-Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

J-STD-003D-Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C-Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402-Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A-Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792-Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C-Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228-Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A-Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C-Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4412C-Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4555-Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922-Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262-Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA-Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F-Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM-Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077-Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A-Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251-Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352-Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A-Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A-Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941-Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952-Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981-Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A-Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A-Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242-Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J-Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A-Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797-Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F-Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552-International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911-Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA-Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J-Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201-Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A-Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A-Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A-Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557-Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070-Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205-Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A-Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A


Published Standards

IPC-2591, Version 1.3-February 2021-Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-6902-February 2021-Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-9257-February 2021-Requirements for Electrical Testing of Flexible Printed Electronics

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791B-Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A-DFX Guidelines

IPC-4552B-Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4592-Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E-Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A-Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9121A-Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9709A-Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

J-STD-001HS-Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6018D-Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-7091A-Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7525C-Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-9701B-Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A-Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A-Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-50N-Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

J-STD-003D-Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C-Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402-Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A-Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792-Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C-Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228-Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A-Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C-Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4412C-Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4555-Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922-Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262-Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA-Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F-Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM-Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077-Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7092A-Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251-Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352-Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A-Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A-Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941-Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952-Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981-Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A-Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A-Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242-Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J-Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A-Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797-Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F-Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552-International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

IPC/JPCA-8911-Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA-Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J-Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Project Approved

IPC-2201-Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A-Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A-Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A-Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557-Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070-Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205-Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A-Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision ABottom of Form



IPC Status of Standardization

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments 

Individuals or companies are invited to submit a comment to IPC on standards improvement via the Standards Improvement form, found on the right. The purpose of this form is to provide the appropriate technical committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding recommendations for published standards or work in progress on new or revisions of standards being worked on. Complete the form on the right and just click on the submit button, a tech staff person will be in touch if there are any questions.

Your technical expertise and comments are critical to the development of IPC standards that cover areas of supply, design, manufacture of boards and finished assemblies. We are continually looking for ways to improve current standards but we are also looking for what might be that next standard the industry. Every idea or comment goes through a rigorous process to meet the criteria for potential standards development for the industry. Once accepted a project is established and the great work of the industry committees starts. 

IPC encourages and welcomes individuals from the global electronics industry to submit their ideas or to request to be added to a ballot group as part of the standards development process. 

If you are located in Asia Pacific Market - 

IPC members in China and Asia are invited to participate through TGAsia Forum, our e-mail forum for discussion of standards development. Find out more about TGAsia Forum by contacting  Harry will contact you and review your comments to understand your interest and follow through with next steps. 

IPC Standardization Procedures - provides processes, structure and ANSI policy in developing standards for the electronics industry 

Top of Form

Status of Standardization

Published Standards


February 2021

Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates


February 2021

Requirements for Electrical Testing of Flexible Printed Electronics


January 2021

Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001


No entries available.

Proposed Standard for Ballot


Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


DFX Guidelines


Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards


Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials


Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook


Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing


Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Final Draft for Industry Review


Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards


Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components


Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments


Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies


Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies


Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits


Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 


Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft


Generic Standard on Printed Board Design


Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates


Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 


Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards


Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards


Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly


Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications


Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E


Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly


Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices


Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard


Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design


Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics


Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires


Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles


Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles


Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables


Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials


Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications


Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Project Approved


Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies


Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation


Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology


Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications


Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting


Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes





Dear Colleagues:   

IPC has released several new standards to support the electronics manufacturing industry in building electronics better. Add these to your library of standards and stay ahead of the competition by using the most current standards from IPC.

Companion documents to IPC-J-STD-001H are available now:

IPC-HDBK-001H, Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001, provides guidance and supporting information for requirements found in the standard.

IPC-J-STD-001HS, Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, provides specific requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies that must survive the vibration and thermal cyclic environments of getting to and operating in space and military applications.

If you use IPC-J-STD-001H you should be using IPC-A-610H, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies.

Other documents that have been released:

IPC-7093A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs)

IPC-2591 V1.3, Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

If you are missing any of the standards listed above, you can order online by visiting the IPC Online Store.


Published Standards

IPC-2591, Version 1.3   February 2021  Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-6902   February 2021    Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-9257   February 2021    Requirements for Electrical Testing of Flexible Printed Electronics

IPC-HDBK-001H      January 2021 Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791B Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-2231A DFX Guidelines

IPC-4552B Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4592    Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E  Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9709A Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

J-STD-001HS  Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-6018D  Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-9121A  Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9701B  Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

IPC-A-640A   Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-D-640A    Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies

IPC-T-50N  Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

J-STD-003D   Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

Working Draft

IPC-1402               Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-2221C            Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2292A            Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C            Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4412C            Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4555               Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922               Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262               Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012EA         Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E

IPC-6012F            Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013EM        Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077               Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7091A            Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A            Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251               Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352               Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A            Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8952               Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981               Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A            Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9242               Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J           Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-SM-840F      Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC/DAC-2552    International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J           Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies Project Approved

IPC-2201            Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A         Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A     Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A         Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4557            Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070            Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205            Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A



June 2   Factory of the Future Webinar Series: The ABC’s of DfX in Electronics Manufacturing

June 8    Supply Chain Disruption, Economic Recovery, and What to Expect in the Post-Pandemic World

June 29    Critical Environmental Requirements for Electronics

July 5-Aug. 11  PCB Design for Extreme Environments (every Monday and Wednesday)

July 6-Aug. 12   Introduction to PCB Design I (every Tuesday and Thursday)

July 13  Leveraging USG Trade Assets for Sales Support

July 15  Factory of the Future Webinar Series: Smart Industry 4.0 Enablement in Security-Critical Applications

Aug. 24-Sept. 16   PCB Troubleshooting & Defect Analysis (every Tuesday and Thursday)

Aug. 28-Sept. 2   IPC SummerCom

Aug. 30-Oct. 6     PCB Design for Military & Aerospace Applications (every Monday and Wednesday)

Aug. 30-Oct. 6   PCB Design for Rigid-Flex Boards (every Monday and Wednesday)

Aug. 31-Oct. 21   Introduction to PCB Design II (every Tuesday and Thursday)

Sept. 15    IPC Hermes Introduction: "Smart Manufacturing Begins At the Machines" – Brought to you by the IPC EMS Management Council

Published Standards

IPC-2591, Version 1.3  February 2021 Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)

IPC-6902  February 2021 Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-9257  February 2021 Requirements for Electrical Testing of Flexible Printed Electronics

IPC-HDBK-001H   January 2021  Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001

IPC-2551  December 2020 International Standard for Digital Twins

Proposed Standard for Ballot

IPC-1791B Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements

IPC-4552B Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards

IPC-4592   Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Dielectric Materials

IPC-6013E  Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7526A Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook

IPC-9709A Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing

J-STD-001HS  Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Final Draft for Industry Review

IPC-7525C  Stencil Design Guidelines

IPC-9121A  Troubleshooting Printed Board Fabrication Processes

IPC-9701B  Thermal Cycling Test Method for Fatigue Life Characterization of Surface Mount Attachments

Working Draft

IPC-1402  Standard for Green Cleaners Used in Electronics Manufacturing

IPC-1753A  Laboratory Report Standard

IPC-1792   Standard for Cybersecurity Management in the Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain

IPC-2221C   Generic Standard on Printed Board Design

IPC-2228  Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards

IPC-2292A   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Flexible Substrates

IPC-4202C   Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Wiring 

IPC-4412C  Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards

IPC-4555     Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) coating for Printed Boards

IPC-4922    Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly

IPC-5262  Design, Critical Process and Acceptance Requirements for Polymeric Applications

IPC-6012D MBB Addendum   Metal Base Printed Boards Addendum to IPC-6012D

IPC-6012F    Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC-6013DM   Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013D Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards

IPC-7077    Requirements and Acceptance of Wire Bonding in the Microelectronic Assembly

IPC-7091A   Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3-D Components

IPC-7092A   Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry and Devices

IPC-7251   Generic Requirements for Through-Hole Design and Land Pattern Standard

IPC-7352  Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design

IPC-7621A  Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics

IPC-8921A   Requirements for Woven, Knitted and Braided Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles) Integrated with Conductive Yarns and/or Wires

IPC-8941   Guideline on Connections for E-Textiles

IPC-8952   Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles

IPC-8981   Quality and Reliability of E-Textiles Wearables

IPC-9202A    Material and Process Characterization/Qualification Test Protocol for Assessing Electrochemical Performance

IPC-9203A     Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle

IPC-9242        Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation

IPC-A-610J     Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-HDBK-005A    Guide to Solder Paste Assessment

IPC-HDBK-9797    Handbook and Guide to Supplement IPC-9797

IPC-SM-840F   Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials

IPC-T-50N    Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC/DAC-2552   International Standard for Model Based Design (MBD) for Digital Twin Factories                            

J-STD-001HA/A-610HA  Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-001J     Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

J-STD-003D    Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 

J-STD-004C    Requirements for Soldering Fluxe

Project Approved

IPC-2201    Requirements for Physics of Failure Analysis for Components and Assemblies

IPC-2611A      Generic Requirements for Electronic Product Documentation

IPC-2612-1A    Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Symbol Generation Methodology

IPC-2612A   Sectional Requirements for Electronic Diagramming Documentation (Schematic and Logic Descriptions)

IPC-4412B Am 3      Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from ‘‘E’’ Glass for Printed Boards - Amendment 3

IPC-4557     Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications

IPC-7070     Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting

IPC-9205    Evaluating Electrochemical Performance of Electronics Manufacturing Materials and Processes

IPC-HDBK-001A  Handbook and Guide to Supplement J-STD-001G and J-STD-001G - Revision A

Location: Illinois

IPC Releases New "H" Revision to Two Leading Standards for Electronics Assembly, IPC J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610

IPC has released H revisions of two leading standards for the electronics assembly industry: IPC J-STD-001H, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, and IPC-A-610H, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


Location: Illinois

PC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronics Assemblies Training and Certification Program

Translated Training Materials

Translated training materials for this program are available. Additional languages are continuously being added.

Targeting Excellence in Electronics Assembly

Support for Lead Free and Modular Training at the Application Level!

IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies is the most widely used standard published by the IPC. With multiple language versions, it has an international reputation as the source for end product acceptance criteria for consumer and high reliability printed wiring assemblies.

An industry developed and approved program that includes training, certification and instructional materials based on the IPC-A-610 is available to your company. This certification will demonstrate your commitment to customer requirements and greatly assists any company dedicated to ISO-9000 or other quality assurance initiatives.

This training and certification has immediate recognition, legitimacy and value throughout the electronics industry. Thousands of individuals have been trained to be IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainers. A comprehensive and technically accurate program, IPC-A-610 Training and Certification provides Certified IPC Trainers with high quality materials and detailed instructional plans for training Application Specialists at all levels, including buyers, sales teams and management.

How the IPC Certification Program Works

IPC-A-610 Training and Certification program has two tiers of instruction. Certified IPC Trainer candidates are sent by their parent companies to receive intensive training on the IPC-A-610 from an IPC authorized certification center. Candidates are certified once they complete their course of study and pass the certification examinations. If they feel they do not need the training course, candidates may opt to take a "challenge test" administered by one of the certification centers. Certified IPC Trainers are provided instructional materials for training Application Specialist in a modular training program. Certified IPC Trainers are considered certified for two years after the course completion date. They must then re-certify at an IPC authorized certification site.

Instructor Training Course Topics

  • Establishing and maintaining integrity of the certification program
  • Purpose and application of IPC-A-610
  • Hardware installation
  • Soldering criteria, including lead free connections
  • Soldered requirements for connecting to terminals
  • Soldered connection requirements for plated-through holes
  • Surface mounting criteria for chip components, leadless and leaded chip carriers
  • Swaged hardware and heatsink requirements of mechanical assemblies
  • Component mounting criteria for DIPS, socket pins and card edge connectors
  • Jumper wire assembly requirements
  • Solder fillet dimensional criteria for all major SMT component groups
  • Soldering, such as tombstoning, dewetting, voiding and others
  • Criteria for component damage, laminate conditions, cleaning and coating
  • Steps to effectively using the lesson plan and materials, tips on inspection and a review of important Certified IPC Trainer skills

Who Should Become a Certified Trainer

Anyone responsible for the quality and reliability of electronic assemblies should consider becoming an IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainer. Trainers and quality supervisors versed in electronic assembly are excellent candidates for A-610 training, as are engineering and manufacturing supervisors with assembly responsibilities.

"An excellent course of study on an excellent document… My students were nervous about testing, but we have had high pass rates and a lot of personal satisfaction gained from participating in the training. Without question, the greatest strength of the program is its relevance: it is used by our operators every day. The program has given the entire facility a much higher level of common knowledge about terminology and important concepts."

~ Bernie Schaeffer, Kimball Electronics Group

Program Benefits

The IPC-A-610 Training and Certification Program offers those interested in company-wide quality assurance initiatives in an industry traceable, IPC-sponsored program to support their commitment to continuous improvement of product quality and reliability. The program provides individuals with a portable credential that represents their understanding of the IPC-A-610.

Download the course synopsis (schedule format).

All IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainers receive materials for participating in the A-610 training as well as instructional materials for conducting the Modular Application Specialist training. The modular approach lets users control cost by tailoring training to the specific needs of their work force.

These include:

  • A CD-ROM with full color teaching visuals illustrating every aspect of the IPC-A-610 document and training information, and all reports and forms required for conducting Application Specialist training
  • An Instructor Guide, providing complete instructions for conducting the Application Specialist training and testing
  • IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies and IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
  • Open and closed book Application Specialist Written Examinations
  • IPC certificate of course completionApplication Specialist training materials, including official, serialized IPC certificates, may be purchased from IPC only by Certified IPC Trainers and the companies they represent. Certified IPC Trainers may teach the course at any location and to any audience and may set a training fee, if applicable.

The term for an IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainer is two years. Re-certification training is conducted at the IPC Licensed Certification Centers.

Support for Training A-610 Certified Instructors

  Last Updated
IPC Training and Certification Policies and Procedures 4/22/2019
Certification Portal User’s Guide 10/4/2018
A-610G Training Materials Checklist 12/7/2017

Back to top of page

Support for Training A-610 Application Specialists

  Last Updated
IPC Training and Certification Policies and Procedures 4/22/2019
Certification Portal User’s Guide 10/4/2018
IPC-A-610G for CIT to train CIS – Editorial updates slides 6/13/2018
A-610G Training Materials Checklist 12/7/2017

* If this is your first time using the Certification Help Desk, you will be prompted to create an account. You must create an account to receive a response.

Updates to Training Materials for Amendments

These files are being made available to update existing training PowerPoints in each of the indicated courses with the changes in the Amendments for each course.

To use the files:

  1. Click on the link for the desired course.
  2. Download the zipped files.
  3. Edit your existing full training course PowerPoint files to include or replace the existing training slides as appropriate.

Included with each zipped file is a “How to” PowerPoint. The “How To” PowerPoint includes step-by-step instructions for adding the amended slides (to train CITs) and for replacing the original slides with the amended slides (to train CIS).

Updates to Training Materials for Policy & Procedure:

The slides in the downloadable Zip files are the complete, module Policy and Procedure modules. The slides are intended to be used with revision 6 of the Policy and Procedures document.

Instructions for use:

  1. Download the files
  2. Unzip the PPT presentation
  3. Remove the existing PPT presentation from the training program
  4. Use the new, downloaded PPT presentation for presenting in training classes.



For information about IPC standards with DRM protection, visit

This standard describes materials, methods and acceptance criteria for producing soldered electrical and elec-tronic assemblies. The intent of this document is to rely on process control methodology to ensure consistent quality levelsduring the manufacture of products. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude any procedure, such as for componentplacement or for applying flux and solder used to make the electrical connection.The soldering operations, equipment, and conditions described in this document are based on electrical/electronic circuitsdesigned and fabricated in accordance with the specifications listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Design, Fabrication and Acceptability Specifications

Board Type Design Fabrication/Acceptability Specification
Generic Requirements IPC-2221 IPC-6011
Rigid Printed Boards IPC-2222



Flexible Circuits IPC-2223 IPC-6013
Rigid Flex Board




Application: Acoustic Noise
IPC-9709:2011 - Start year: : 2011

Test Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement during Mechanical Testing


Surface mount pad cratering typically initiates prior to detection by existing electrical monitoring test methods. There are limited instrumentation techniques that are currently available that can identify non-electrical damage and its location to a high degree of accuracy. This guideline document establishes an Acoustic Emission (AE) method to evaluate the performance and reliability of surface mount attachments of electronic assemblies during mechanical loading. Mechanical loading may include stressors such as fourpoint bend test, spherical bend test, or back-end manufacturing steps post surface mount attachment. The initial focus for this test method is to identify the printed board pad cratering mechanism and printed board material performance. This approach may eventually be extended to examine other failure modes depending on the guideline’s evolution and adoption, as this methodology remains in development. 

Start Year / Status
IPC-9709A - Start year: : 2021

Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement Method During Mechanical Testing


This guideline document establishes an Acoustic Emission (AE) method to enhance evaluation of the performance and reliability of surface mount attachments of electronic assemblies during mechanical loading. Mechanical loading may include stressors such as four-point bend test, spherical bend test, back-end manufacturing and test steps post surface mount attachment and drop/shock test. The current focus for this measurement method is to identify the printed board pad cratering mechanism and printed board material performance. This approach may eventually be extended to examine other failure modes depending on the guideline’s evolution and adoption, as this method remains in development.
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document includes:
Detection of crack/mechanical damage initiation: initial damage from strain may precede electrical detection of failures such as pad cratering damage during a mechanical stress test.
Identification of the failure initiation location and propagation through detection of AE signals generated due to stress-induced physical damage.
Estimation of the strain at which the mechanical failure event is observed acoustically, which can be used as a design guideline.
Provision of standardized test guidelines and reporting procedures.
1.2 Background Pad cratering typically initiates prior to detection by existing electrical monitoring test methods. There are limited instrumentation techniques that are currently available that can identify non-electrical damage and its location to a high degree of accuracy. Alternative methodologies often require large sample sizes to estimate these virtually undetectable failure modes.
1.3 Performance Classification The specific reliability requirements need to be established by agreement between customer and supplier.
1.4 Definition of Terms The definition of all terms used herein shall be as specified in IPC-T-50, ASTM E1316, and as defined below.
1.4.1 Acoustic Emission (AE) The class of phenomena whereby transient stress/displacement waves are generated by the rapid release of acoustic energy from localized sources within a material, or the transient waves so generated.
1.4.2 Acoustic Emission Count The number of times the acoustic emission signal exceeds a preset threshold during any selected portion of a test.
1.4.3 Acoustic Emission Signal An electrical signal obtained by detection of one or more acoustic emission events.
1.4.4 Average Signal Level The rectified, time averaged AE logarithmic signal, measured on the AE amplitude logarithmic scale and reported in dBAE units (where 0 dBAE refers to 1 μV at the preamplifier input).
1.4.5 Channel An assembly of a sensor, preamplifier or impedance matching transformer, filters, secondary amplifier or other instrumentation as needed, connecting cables, and detector or processor.
1.4.6 Couplant A material used at the structure-to-sensor interface to improve the transmission of acoustic energy across the interface during acoustic emission monitoring.
1.4.7 Effective Velocity Velocity calculated on the basis of arrival times and propagation distances determined by artificial AE generation. This quantity is used for computing the location of the AE.
1.4.8 Energy, Acoustic Emission Signal The energy contained in an acoustic emission signal, which is evaluated as the integral of the volt-squared function over time.
1.4.9 Evaluation Threshold A threshold value used for analysis of the examination data. Data may be recorded with a system examination threshold lower than the evaluation threshold.
1.4.10 Event (Emission event) An occurrence of a local material change or mechanical action resulting in acoustic emission.
1.4.11 Hit The detection and measurement of an AE signal on a channel.
1.4.12 Location Accuracy A value determined by comparison of the actual position of an AE source (or simulated AE source) to the computed location.

Start Year / Status
Application: Automotive
IPC-J-STD-001XA/A-610XAH - Start year: : 2021

IPC-J-STD-001HA/A-610HA: Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


This Addendum provides requirements to be used in addition to, and in some cases, in place of, those published in J-STD-001H to ensure the reliability of mission-critical soldered automotive electrical and electronic assemblies in the field under harsh environments, considering the conditions of automated high-volume production.

0.2 Purpose When required by procurement documentation/drawings, this Addendum supplements or replaces specifically identified requirements of J-STD-001H.

0.3 Existing or Previously Approved Designs This Addendum shall not constitute the sole cause for the redesign of previously approved designs. When drawings for existing or previously approved designs undergo revision, they should be reviewed and changes made that allow for conformance with the requirements of this Addendum.

0.4 Use This Addendum is not to be used as a standalone document.

Where criteria are not supplemented, the Class 3 requirements of J-STD-001H shall apply. Where J-STD-001H criteria are supplemented or new criteria are added by this Addendum, the clause is listed in J-STD-001HA, and the entire J-STD-001H clause is replaced by this Addendum except as specifically noted.

The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, e.g., 1.4 does not include 1.4.1. Clauses, Tables, Figures, etc., in J-STD-001H that are not listed in this Addendum are to be used as published. J-STD-001HA must be used with J-STD-001H. This Addendum shall be used only in conjunction with the corresponding automotive addendum pertaining to IPC-A-610H.

In the context of this Addendum, IPC-A-610 shall be used as a companion document to J-STD-001. The revisions of J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610 shall correspond, e.g., J-STD-001H and IPC-A-610H. The likelihood of criteria not aligning increases when different revisions are used together.

If there is a conflict between the documents referenced in this section, the order of precedence is documented in 1.7 Order of Precedence.

Start Year / Status
IPC-9203A:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle


While there are a variety of industry test vehicles for the examination of material compatibility, the IPC-B-52 test board was created to meet the needs for testing both ion chromatograph and surface insulation resistance (SIR) which would be more representative of the manufacturing materials and processes. IPC-9203A standard addresses the IPC-B-52 test vehicle, which can be used to evaluate a manufacturing process, or to provide objective evidence that a chosen manufacturing material set, and process are compatible, from a cleanliness standpoint. IPC-9203A user guideline has been written as a companion document to the IPC-9202, providing clarification on what a manufacturer “should” do and what they “must” do for demonstrating material and process compatibility.

Start Year / Status
IPC-9203A - Start year: : Draft

Users Guide to IPC-9202 and the IPC-B-52 Standard Test Vehicle


Final Draft for Industry Review

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
Application: Cable and Harnesses
IPC/WHMA-A-620D - Start year: : 2020

Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies


This standard prescribes practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies.
This standard does not provide criteria for cross-section or X-ray evaluation.
If a conflict occurs between the English and translated versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
The illustrations in this document portray specific points noted in the title of each section. A brief description follows each illustration. The development committee recognizes that different parts of the industry have different definitions for some terms used herein. For the purposes of this document, the terms cable and wire harness are used interchangeably.
IPC/WHMA-A-620 can be used as a stand-alone document for purchasing products, however it does not specify frequency of in-process inspection or frequency of end product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of process indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of defects. Such information should be developed with a statistical process control plan (see IPC-9191).
1.2 Purpose This standard describes materials, methods, tests and acceptability criteria for producing crimped, mechanically secured, or soldered interconnections and the related assembly activities associated with cable and harness assemblies.
The intent of this document is to rely on process control methodology to ensure consistent quality levels during the manufacture of products.
Any method that produces an assembly conforming to the acceptability requirements described in this standard may be used.

Standards may be updated at any time, including with the use of amendments. The use of an amendment or newer revision is not automatically required. The revision in effect shall [D1D2D3] be as specified by the User.
1.3 Classification Use of this standard requires agreement on the Class to which the product belongs. The User has the ulti- mate responsibility for identifying the Class to which the assembly is evaluated. If the User does not establish and document the acceptance Class, the Manufacturer may do so. Criteria defined in this standard reflect three Product Classes, which are as follows:
Class 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is the function of the completed assembly.
Class 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
Class 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support systems and other critical systems.
1.4 Measurement Units and Applications This document uses the International System of Units (SI) in accordance with ASTM SI10-10, IEEE/ASTM SI 10, American National Standard for Metric Practice (Section 3). Imperial English equivalent units follow in brackets. The derived SI units used in this document are millimeters (mm) [in] for dimensions and dimensional tolerances, Celsius (°C) [°F] for temperature and temperature tolerances, grams (g) [oz] for weight, and lux (lx) [footcandles] for illuminance.
1.4.1 Verification of Dimensions Where not specifically invoked by this standard, actual measurements, e.g., of specific sol- der fillet dimensions, determination of damage and wrap percentages, are not required except for referee purposes.
1.5 Definition of Requirements The word ‘‘shall’’ is used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, process or acceptance of cable, wire and harness assemblies.
Where the word shall indicates a requirement for at least one Class, the requirements for each Class are in brackets next to the shall requirement.

Start Year / Status
IPC/WHMA-A-620CRT - Start year: : 2022

Rail Transit Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620C


Scope This Addendum provides additional requirements specified for rail transit applications over those published in IPC/WHMA-A-620C. It prescribes the practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies in rail transit industry, and it applies to Class 3 to ensure industry-specific high reliability and environmental adaptability.
This Addendum is used in conjunction with IPC/WHMA-A-620C.
For the purpose of this Addendum, if a conflict occurs between the English version and other versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
This Addendum particularly supplements or replaces Class 3 requirements in IPC/WHMA-A-620C. Clauses not involved and requirements not mentioned, i.e., Class 1, 2 requirements, are subject to the corresponding provisions of IPC/WHMA-A-620C.
The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, i.e., changes made to 1.7 do not affect 1.7.1, unless 1.7.1 is also addressed in this Addendum.
When a paragraph, e.g., the first paragraph in 15.1 of this Addendum, refers to an entire section, i.e., section 15, it’s the Responsibility of the Addendum users to determine which clauses from that section are used from IPC/WHMA-A-620C and which clauses are covered by this Addendum.
Tables/Figures, including newly added as well as original or modified from IPC/WHMA-A-620C, in a section in this Addendum are numbered from “1R”, e.g., Figure 3-1R, 3-2R, Table 3-1R, 3-2R in section 3.
This Addendum does not specify frequency of in-process or frequency of end-product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of Process Indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of defects. Such information should be developed with a SPC plan (see IPC-9191). Whenever special process is involved, e.g. soldering, crimp, ISO/TS 22163 and relevant documents shall apply.

Start Year / Status
IPC WHMA-A-620E - Start year: : 2022

Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies


Scope This standard prescribes practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies. This standard does not provide criteria for cross-section or X-ray evaluation. For X-ray guidelines, see Appendix D X-Ray Guidelines.
If a conflict occurs between the English and translated versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
The illustrations in this document portray specific points noted in the title of each section. The development committee recognizes that different parts of the industry have different definitions for some terms used herein. For the purposes of this document, the terms cable and wire harness are used interchangeably. IPC/WHMA-A-620 can be used as a stand-alone document for purchasing products, however it does not specify frequency of in-process inspection or frequency of end product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of process indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of defects. Such information should be developed with a statistical process control plan (see IPC-9191).

Start Year / Status
IPC/WHMA-A-620E-S - Start year: : 2023

Space and Military: Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620



This Addendum provides modified and additional requirements over those published in IPC/WHMA-A-620E to ensure the performance of cable and wire harness assemblies that must survive the vibration and thermal excursions encountered getting to and operating in the military and space environments.
Where content criteria are not supplemented or replaced, the Class 3 requirements of IPC/WHMA-A-620E apply.

Start Year / Status
Application: Electronic Assembly
IPC-J-STD-001H:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies- Multi Device License


IPC-J-STD-001H is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries providing input and expertise, the IPC-J-STD-001H standard brings the latest criteria to the industry including guidance on the use of x-ray to inspect through-hole solder conditions that are not visible by any other means.

IPC-J-STD-001H is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and is supported by IPC-HDBK-001 for those wanting additional information and explanation on the requirements. If you purchased IPC-J-STD-001H you should also purchase and use IPC-A-610H, they work together.

Multiple-Device License (MDL), Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Protected Document. The MDL DRM product can be purchased starting with a 12 device license and any quantity larger than that. NOTE: The pricing shown is for 1 device. Upon check out the price will be updated for the total devices purchased. A 10% discount is applied to any quantity of 20 and more when purchased on the same order. Users of this MDL document will only be able to open it on the number of devices specific to the product order. (Example: If you placed an order for a MDL of 12 then you would be able to open the document on 12 devices) For information about IPC standards with DRM protection, visit

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610:2020 - Start year: : 2020

The IPC-A-610 Endorsement is included of the following IPC Certification Programs: Certified IPC Specialist (CIS), Certified IPC Trainer (CIT/MIT), Certified Standards Expert (CSE/SCSE). Specific program information is outlined in the Policies and Procedures.

Topics Covered in the IPC-A-610 Endorsement Program

  • Establishing and maintaining integrity of the certification program
  • Purpose and application of IPC-A-610
  • Hardware installation
  • Soldering criteria, including lead free connections
  • Soldered requirements for connecting to terminals
  • Soldered connection requirements for plated-through holes
  • Surface mounting criteria for chip components, leadless and leaded chip carriers
  • Swaged hardware and heatsink requirements of mechanical assemblies
  • Component mounting criteria for DIPS, socket pins and card edge connectors
  • Jumper wire assembly requirements
  • Solder fillet dimensional criteria for all major SMT component groups
  • Soldering, such as tombstoning, dewetting, voiding and others
  • Criteria for component damage, laminate conditions, cleaning and coating
  • Steps to effectively using the lesson plan and materials, tips on inspection and a review of important Certified IPC Trainer skills

Who Should Earn an IPC-A-610 Endorsement

Anyone responsible for the quality and reliability of electronic assemblies should consider becoming an IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainer. Trainers and quality supervisors versed in electronic assembly are excellent candidates for A-610 training, as are engineering and manufacturing supervisors with assembly responsibilities.

"An excellent course of study on an excellent document… My students were nervous about testing, but we have had high pass rates and a lot of personal satisfaction gained from participating in the training. Without question, the greatest strength of the program is its relevance: it is used by our operators every day. The program has given the entire facility a much higher level of common knowledge about terminology and important concepts." ~ Bernie Schaeffer, Kimball Electronics Group


For information about IPC standards with DRM protection, visit

This standard is a collection of visual quality acceptability requirements for electronic assemblies. This standard doesnot provide criteria for cross-section evaluation.

This document presents acceptance requirements for the manufacture of electrical and electronic assemblies. Historically, elec-tronic assembly standards contained a more comprehensive tutorial addressing principles and techniques. For a more completeunderstanding of this document’s recommendations and requirements, one may use this document in conjunction withIPC-HDBK-001, IPC-AJ-820 and J-STD-001.

The criteria in this standard are not intended to define processes to accomplish assembly operations nor is it intended to autho-rize repair/modification or change of the product. For instance, the presence of criteria for adhesive bonding of components doesnot imply/authorize/require the use of adhesive bonding and the depiction of a lead wrapped clockwise around a terminal doesnot imply/authorize/require that all leads/wires be wrapped in the clockwise direction.

Users of this standard should be knowledgeable of the applicable requirements of the document and how to apply them, see1.3 Classification.

IPC-A-610 has criteria outside the scope of J-STD-001 defining mechanical and other workmanship requirements.

Table 1-1 is a summary of related documents

Documet Purpose      

Spec #


Design Standard




Design requirements reflecting three levels of complexity (Levels A, B, and C) indicat-ing finer geometries, greater densities, more process steps to produce the product.Component and Assembly Process Guidelines to assist in the design of the bareboard and the assembly where the bare board processes concentrate on land pat-terns for surface mount and the assembly concentrates on surface mount andthrough-hole principles which are usually incorporated into the design process and the documentation.

Printed Board – Requirement



Requirements and acceptance documentation for rigid, rigid flex, flex and other types of Substrates.

End Item Documentation


Documentation depicting bare board or assembly requirements. Details may or maynot reference industry specifications or workmanship standards as well as the User’sown preferences or internal standard requirements.

Process Requirement Standard


Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies depicting minimumend product acceptable characteristics as well as methods for evaluation (test meth-ods), frequency of testing and applicable ability of process control requirements.

Acceptability Standard


Pictorial interpretive document indicating various characteristics of the board and/orassembly as appropriate relating to desirable conditions that exceed the minimumacceptable characteristics indicated by the end item performance standard andreflect various out-of-control (process indicator or defect) conditions to assist the shop process evaluators in judging need for corrective action.

Training Programs (Optional)


Documented training for process, procedures, techniques, and requirements.

Rework and Repair


Documentation providing the procedures to accomplish conformal coating and com-ponent removal and replacement, solder resist repair, and modification/repair of lami-nate material, conductors, and plated through-holes.

IPC-AJ-820 is a supporting document that provides information regarding the intent of this specification content and explains oramplifies the technical rationale for transition of limits through Acceptable to Defect condition criteria. In addition, supporting infor-mation is provided to give a broader understanding of the process considerations that are related to performance but not com-monly distinguishable through visual assessment methods.

The explanations provided in IPC-AJ-820 should be useful in determining disposition of conditions identified as Defect, processes associated with Process Indicators, as well as answering questions regarding clarification in use and application for defined con-tent of this specification. Contractual reference to IPC-A-610 does not additionally impose the content of IPC-AJ-820 unless specifically referenced in contractual documentation.

Start Year / Status
IPC J-STD-004A - Start year: : 2004

Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


This standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and testing of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. This standard is a flux characterization, quality control, and procurement document for flux and flux-containing material

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-004B1 - Start year: : 2011

Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


Amendment 1 to the J-STD-004B corrects editorial mistakes throughout the document and addresses Halogen-free and Halide-free terminology and requirements in fluxes.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-004C:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


This standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. This standard may be used for quality control and procurement purposes.
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to classify and characterize Sn-Pb and Pb-free soldering flux materials for use in electronic metallurgical interconnections for printed circuit board assembly. Soldering flux materials include the following: liquid flux, paste flux, solder paste, solder cream as well as flux-coated and flux-cored solder wires and preforms. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude any acceptable flux or soldering material; however, these materials must produce the desired electrical and metallurgical interconnection.
1.2 Classification
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic
Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.
1.3 Measurement UnitsAll dimensions and tolerances in this specification are expressed in hard SI (metric) units and bracketed soft imperial [inch] units. Users of this specification are expected to use metric dimensions. All dimensions ≥ 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in millimeters and
inches. All dimensions < 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in micrometers and microinches.

1.4 Definition of Requirements The words shall or shall not are used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, process control or acceptance. The word “should” reflects recommendations and is used to reflect general industry practices and procedures for guidance only. Line drawings and illustrations are depicted herein to assist in the interpretation of the written requirements of this Standard. The text takes precedence over the figures.
1.5 Process Control Requirements The primary goal of process control is to continually reduce variation in the processes, products, or services to provide products or processes meeting or exceeding User requirements. Process control tools such as IPC-9191, JESD557 or other User-approved system may be used as guidelines for implementing process control. Manufacturers of Class 3 products shall develop and implement a documented process control system. A documented process control system, if established, shall define process control and corrective action limits.
This may or may not be a statistical process control system. The use of “statistical process control” (SPC) is optional and should be based on factors such as design stability, lot size, production quantities, and the needs of the Manufacturer, see 4.6. Process control methodologies shall be used in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the manufacturing processes used to produce soldered electrical and electronic assemblies. The philosophy, implementation strategies, tools and techniques
may be applied in different sequences depending on the specific company, operation, or variable under consideration to relate process control and capability to end product requirements. When a decision or requirement is to use a documented
process control system, failure to implement process corrective action and/or the use of continually ineffective corrective actions would be grounds for disapproval of the process and associated documentation.

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610H - Start year: : 2020

Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


IPC-A-610H is the most widely used electronics assembly acceptance standard in the electronics industry. IPC-A-610H standard includes a general update to the document, introduces several new surface mount component types and removes target conditions. Participants from 29 countries provided their input and expertise to bring this document to the electronics industry.

This is a must-have for inspectors, operators and others with an interest in the acceptance criteria for electronic assemblies. IPC-A-610 is developed in synergy with J-STD-001 and IPC/WHMA-A-620.

This standard is a collection of visual quality acceptability requirements for electronic assemblies. This standard does not provide criteria for cross-section evaluation. This document presents acceptance requirements for the manufacture of electrical and electronic assemblies. Historically, electronic assembly standards contained a more comprehensive tutorial addressing principles and techniques. For a more complete understanding of this document’s recommendations and requirements, one may use this document in conjunction with IPC-HDBK-001, IPC-AJ-820 and J-STD-001. The criteria in this standard are not intended to define processes to accomplish assembly operations nor is it intended to authorize repair/modification or change of the product. For instance, the presence of criteria for adhesive bonding of components does not imply/authorize/require the use of adhesive bonding and the depiction of a lead wrapped clockwise around a terminal does not imply/authorize/require that all leads/wires be wrapped in the clockwise direction. Users of this standard should be knowledgeable of the applicable requirements of the document and how to apply them, see 1.3 Classification. IPC-A-610 has criteria outside the scope of J-STD-001 defining mechanical and other workmanship requirements. Table 1-1 is a summary of related documents.

Table 1-1 Summary of Related Documents

Documet Purpose      

Spec #


Design Standard




Design requirements reflecting three levels of complexity (Levels A, B, and C) indicat-ing finer geometries, greater densities, more process steps to produce the product.Component and Assembly Process Guidelines to assist in the design of the bareboard and the assembly where the bare board processes concentrate on land pat-terns for surface mount and the assembly concentrates on surface mount andthrough-hole principles which are usually incorporated into the design process and the documentation.

Printed Board – Requirement



Requirements and acceptance documentation for rigid, rigid flex, flex and other types of Substrates.

End Item Documentation


Documentation depicting bare board or assembly requirements. Details may or maynot reference industry specifications or workmanship standards as well as the User’sown preferences or internal standard requirements.

Process Requirement Standard


Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies depicting minimumend product acceptable characteristics as well as methods for evaluation (test meth-ods), frequency of testing and applicable ability of process control requirements.

Acceptability Standard


Pictorial interpretive document indicating various characteristics of the board and/orassembly as appropriate relating to desirable conditions that exceed the minimumacceptable characteristics indicated by the end item performance standard andreflect various out-of-control (process indicator or defect) conditions to assist the shop process evaluators in judging need for corrective action.

Training Programs (Optional)


Documented training for process, procedures, techniques, and requirements.

Rework and Repair


Documentation providing the procedures to accomplish conformal coating and com-ponent removal and replacement, solder resist repair, and modification/repair of lami-nate material, conductors, and plated through-holes

IPC-AJ-820 is a supporting document that provides information regarding the intent of this specification content and explains or amplifies the technical rationale for transition of limits through Acceptable to Defect condition criteria. In addition, supporting information is provided to give a broader understanding of the process considerations that are related to performance but not commonly distinguishable through visual assessment methods. The explanations provided in IPC-AJ-820 should be useful in determining disposition of conditions identified as Defect, processes associated with Process Indicators, as well as answering questions regarding clarification in use and application for defined content of this specification. Contractual reference to IPC-A-610 does not additionally impose the content of IPC-AJ-820 unless specifically referenced in contractual documentation


Start Year / Status
IPC-4922 - Start year: : Draft

Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610J - Start year: : Draft

Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-001XA/A-610XAH - Start year: : 2021

IPC-J-STD-001HA/A-610HA: Automotive Addendum to IPC J-STD-001H Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC-A-610H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


This Addendum provides requirements to be used in addition to, and in some cases, in place of, those published in J-STD-001H to ensure the reliability of mission-critical soldered automotive electrical and electronic assemblies in the field under harsh environments, considering the conditions of automated high-volume production.

0.2 Purpose When required by procurement documentation/drawings, this Addendum supplements or replaces specifically identified requirements of J-STD-001H.

0.3 Existing or Previously Approved Designs This Addendum shall not constitute the sole cause for the redesign of previously approved designs. When drawings for existing or previously approved designs undergo revision, they should be reviewed and changes made that allow for conformance with the requirements of this Addendum.

0.4 Use This Addendum is not to be used as a standalone document.

Where criteria are not supplemented, the Class 3 requirements of J-STD-001H shall apply. Where J-STD-001H criteria are supplemented or new criteria are added by this Addendum, the clause is listed in J-STD-001HA, and the entire J-STD-001H clause is replaced by this Addendum except as specifically noted.

The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, e.g., 1.4 does not include 1.4.1. Clauses, Tables, Figures, etc., in J-STD-001H that are not listed in this Addendum are to be used as published. J-STD-001HA must be used with J-STD-001H. This Addendum shall be used only in conjunction with the corresponding automotive addendum pertaining to IPC-A-610H.

In the context of this Addendum, IPC-A-610 shall be used as a companion document to J-STD-001. The revisions of J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610 shall correspond, e.g., J-STD-001H and IPC-A-610H. The likelihood of criteria not aligning increases when different revisions are used together.

If there is a conflict between the documents referenced in this section, the order of precedence is documented in 1.7 Order of Precedence.

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610GRT:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Rail Transit Addendum to IPC-A-610G Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies



This Addendum provides additional requirements specified for rail transit applications over those published in IPC-A-610G. It prescribes the practices and requirements for the manufacture of electronic assemblies in rail transit industry, and applies to Class 3 to ensure industry-specific high reliability and environmental adaptability.
This Addendum is used in conjunction with IPC-A-610G.
For the purpose of this Addendum, if a conflict occurs between the English version and other versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
This Addendum particularly supplements or replaces Class 3 requirements in IPC-A-610G. Clauses not involved and requirements not mentioned, i.e., Class 1, 2 requirements, are subject to the corresponding provisions of IPC-A-610G.
The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, i.e., changes made to 1.7 do not affect 1.7.1 unless 1.7.1 is also addressed in this Addendum.
When a paragraph refers to an entire section, e.g., the first paragraph in Section 10 of this Addendum, it’s the responsibility of the Addendum users to determine which clauses from that section, e.g., 10.2.2, are used from IPC-A-610G and which clauses are covered by this Addendum.
Tables/Figures, including newly added as well as original or modified from IPC-A-610G, in a section in this Addendum are numbered from “1R”, e.g., Table 7-1R, and Figure 7-1R, 7-2R in section 7.
This Addendum does not specify frequency of in-process or frequency of end-product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of Process Indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of Defects. Such information should be developed with a SPC plan (see IPC-9191). Whenever special process is involved, e.g., soldering, crimp, ISO/TS 22163:2017 and relevant documents shall apply.
1.3 Classification Use of this Addendum applies to Class 3 by default. See IPC-A-610G 1.3 for product classification and the definition of Class 3. In general, the criteria in this Addendum are more stringent or applicable to rail transit than the criteria for Class 3 in IPC-A-610G.
Determination of Class relates to manufacturability, complexity, function and performance requirements, and the frequency of validation (inspection/test). The User or the Designer has the ultimate responsibility for identifying the Class to which the assembly is evaluated. If the User does not establish and document the acceptance Class, the Manufacturer may do so.
1.7 Order Of Precedence In the event of conflict, the following order of precedence applies:
1) Procurement as agreed between User and Manufacturer.
2) Engineering documentation reflecting the User’s detailed requirement or end-use requirement.
3) When invoked by the User or per contractual agreement, this Addendum.
In case a conflict between this Addendum and the referenced documents, this Addendum takes precedence. If a referenced document or its version in this Addendum differs from that in IPC-A-610G, the one in this Addendum takes precedence.
The User has the opportunity to specify alternate acceptance criteria.

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610G:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Addendum - Rail Transit


This Addendum provides additional requirements specified for rail transit applications over those published in IPC-A-610G. It prescribes the practices and requirements for the manufacture of electronic assemblies in rail transit industry, and applies to Class 3 to ensure industry-specific high reliability and environmental adaptability.
This Addendum is used in conjunction with IPC-A-610G.
For the purpose of this Addendum, if a conflict occurs between the English version and other versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
This Addendum particularly supplements or replaces Class 3 requirements in IPC-A-610G. Clauses not involved and requirements not mentioned, i.e., Class 1, 2 requirements, are subject to the corresponding provisions of IPC-A-610G.
The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, i.e., changes made to 1.7 do not affect 1.7.1 unless 1.7.1 is also addressed in this Addendum.
When a paragraph refers to an entire section, e.g., the first paragraph in Section 10 of this Addendum, it’s the responsibility of the Addendum users to determine which clauses from that section, e.g., 10.2.2, are used from IPC-A-610G and which clauses are covered by this Addendum.
Tables/Figures, including newly added as well as original or modified from IPC-A-610G, in a section in this Addendum are numbered from “1R”, e.g., Table 7-1R, and Figure 7-1R, 7-2R in section 7.
This Addendum does not specify frequency of in-process or frequency of end-product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of Process Indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of Defects. Such information should be developed with a SPC plan (see IPC-9191). Whenever special process is involved, e.g., soldering, crimp, ISO/TS 22163:2017 and relevant documents shall apply.

Start Year / Status
IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-035A:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Acoustic Microscopy for Nonhermetic Encapsulated Electronics Devices


This test method defines the procedures for performing acoustic microscopy on non-hermetic encapsulated electronic devices. This method provides users with an acoustic microscopy process flow for detecting anomalies (delaminations, cracks, mold compound voids, etc.) nondestructively in encapsulated electronic devices while achieving reproducibility.

Start Year / Status

Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electronics Assembly


5-21P Sintering Materials for Electronics Assemblies

Vice Chair   Erin Costello, Danfoss Silicon Power, LLC

Staff Liaison  Doug Sober

Committee Charter  This Task Group is responsible for the development of technical information, guidelines and testing techniques to evaluate sintering materials for electronics assemblies. It is responsible for developing and maintaining a new standard for use in the electronics supply chain.

Start Year / Status

Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


7-31B IPC-A-610 Task Group

Cochair      Tiberiu Baranyi, Flextronics Romania SRL

Cochair      Symon Franklin, Custom Interconnect Ltd

Vice Chair    Ekaterina Stees, Lockheed Martin-Missiles & Fire Control

Staff Liaison   Teresa Rowe

Staff Liaison   Francisco Fourcade

Committee Charter     The 7-31B task group is responsible for maintaining IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies.

Start Year / Status
J-STD-001J - Start year: : Draft

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


5-22A J-STD-001 Task Group

Cochair           Milea Kammer, Honeywell International

Cochair           Jonathon Vermillion, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

Cochair           Tiberiu Baranyi, Flextronics Romania SRL

Cochair           Symon Franklin, Custom Interconnect Ltd

Vice Chair       Jarrod Webb, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control

Vice Chair       Ekaterina Stees, Lockheed Martin-Missiles & Fire Control

Staff Liaison    Teresa Rowe

Staff Liaison    Andres Ojalill

Staff Liaison    Francisco Fourcade

Committee Charter    This task group is responsible for the soldering standard, J-STD-001, and will support revision activities as necessitated by industry or technology developments.

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-610J:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Acceptability for Electronic Assemblies



This standard is a collection of visual quality acceptability requirements for electronic assemblies. This standard
does not provide criteria for cross-section evaluation or x-ray inspection. There are x-ray guidelines located in J-STD-001.
This document presents acceptance requirements for the manufacture of electrical and electronic assemblies. Historically,
electronic assembly standards contained a more comprehensive tutorial addressing principles and techniques. For a more
complete understanding of this document’s recommendations and requirements, one may use this document in conjunction
with IPC-HDBK-001 or IPC-AJ-820.
The criteria in this standard are not intended to define processes to accomplish assembly operations nor is it intended to authorize
repair/modification or change of the product. For instance, the presence of criteria for adhesive bonding of components does
not imply/authorize/require the use of adhesive bonding and the depiction of a leads/conductors wrapped clockwise around a
terminal does not imply/authorize/require that all leads/conductors be wrapped in the clockwise direction.
Users of this standard should be knowledgeable of the applicable requirements of the document and how to apply them, see
1.3 Classification.
IPC-A- 610 has criteria outside the scope of J-STD-001 defining mechanical and other workmanship requirements.Table 1 -1 is
a summary of related IPC documents that the user may want to be familiar with to better understand the requirements of this
document. For additional referenced documents see section 2 .0 Applicable Documents.

Table 1-1 Summary of Related Documents

     Document Purpose   Spec.#      Definition
  Design Standard   IPC-222X
  Design requirements reflecting three levels of complexity (Levels A, B, and C)
  indicating finer geometries, greater densities, more process steps to produce the
  Component and Assembly Process Guidelines to assist in the design of the bare
  board and the assembly where the bare board processes concentrate on land patterns
  for surface mount and the assembly concentrates on surface mount and through-
  hole principles which are usually incorporated into the design process and the
  Printed Board – Requirements   IPC- 601 X
  Requirements and acceptance documentation for rigid, rigid flex, flex and other types
  of substrates.
  Process Requirement
  J-STD- 001   Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies depicting minimum
  end product acceptable characteristics as well as methods for evaluation (test
  methods), frequency of testing and applicable ability of process control requirements.
  Acceptability Standard   IPC-A- 610   Pictorial interpretive document indicating various characteristics of the board and/
  or assembly as appropriate relating to desirable conditions that exceed the minimum
  acceptable characteristics indicated by the end item performance standard and reflect
  various out-of-control (process indicator or defect) conditions to assist the shop
  process evaluators in judging need for corrective action.
  Training Programs (Optional)     Documented training for process, procedures, techniques and requirements.
  Rework and Repair  IPC- 7711/7721   Documentation providing the procedures to accomplish conformal coating and
  component removal and replacement, solder resist repair, and modification/repair of
  laminate material, conductors, and PTHs (plated through-holes).
  Assembly and Joining
  IPC-AJ- 820   IPC-AJ-820 is a supporting document that provides information regarding the
  intent of this specification content and explains or amplifies the technical rationale
  for transition of limits through Acceptable to Defect condition criteria. In addition,
  supporting information is provided to give a broader understanding of the process
  considerations that are related to performance but not commonly distinguishable
  through visual assessment methods
  The explanations provided in IPC-AJ- 820 should be useful in determining disposition
  of conditions identified as Defect, processes associated with Process Indicators, as
  well as answering questions regarding clarification in use and application for defined
  content of this specification. Contractual reference to IPC-A- 610 does not additionally
  impose the content of IPC-AJ-820 unless specifically referenced in contractual

1.2 Purpose The visual standards in this document reflect the requirements of existing IPC and other applicable specifications.
For the content of this document to apply, the assembly/product should comply with other existing IPC requirements, such as
IPC- 7351, IPC-222X (where X is the last digit in the IPC document number), IPC-601 X and IPC-A-600. If the assembly does not
comply with these or with equivalent requirements, the acceptance criteria shall be defined between the User and Supplier.


Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-001J:2024 RLV - Start year: : 2024

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


The IPC J-STD-001H to IPC J-STD-001J Redline Comparison Document is a redline document showing the changes from J-STd-001H to J-STD-001J. The IPC J-STD-001H to IPC J-STD-001J Redline Comparison Document is only available in digital format and provides a side-by-side comparison of the two documents.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-001J:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


Scope This standard describes materials, methods and acceptance criteria for producing soldered electrical and electronic
assemblies. The intent of this document is to rely on process control methodology to ensure consistent quality levels during the
manufacture of products. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude any procedure, such as for component placement or for
applying flux and solder used to make the electrical connection.
The soldering operations, equipment, and conditions described in this document are based on electrical/electronic circuits
designed and fabricated in accordance with the specifications listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Design, Fabrication and Acceptability Specifications

          Board Type       Design      Fabrication/Acceptability Specification 
  Generic Requirements   IPC-2221          IPC-6011
  Rigid Printed Boards   IPC-2222       IPC-6012, IPC-A-600
  Flexible Circuits   IPC-2223          IPC-6013
  Rigid Flex Board   IPC-2222

1.2 Purpose This standard prescribes material requirements, process requirements and acceptability requirements for
the manufacture of soldered electrical and electronic assemblies. For a more complete understanding of this document’s
recommendations and requirements, one may use this document in conjunction with IPC-HDBK-001, IPC-AJ-820 and
IPC-A-610. Standards may be updated at any time, including with the addition of amendments. The use of an amendment or a
newer revision is not automatically required.
Note: See 1.7 Order of Precedence.
1.3 Classification This standard recognizes that electrical and electronic assemblies are subject to classifications by intended
end item use. Three general end product classes have been established to reflect differences in manufacturability, complexity,
functional performance requirements and verification (inspection/test) frequency.
Use of this standard requires agreement on the class to which the product belongs. The User has the responsibility for identifying
the class to which the assembly is produced. If the User does not establish and document the acceptance class, the Manufacturer
may do so.
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired
but not critical. Typically the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products
Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be
tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life
support or other critical systems.
1.4 Measurement Units and Applications This standard uses The International System of Units (SI) units per ASTM SI10,
IEEE/ASTM SI 10, Section 3 [Imperial English equivalent units are in brackets for convenience]. The SI units used in this standard
are millimeters (mm) inches [in] for dimensions and dimensional tolerances, Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit [°F] for temperature and
temperature tolerances, grams (g) ounces [oz] for weight and lux (lx) foot-candles [foot-candles] for illumination.
Note: This standard uses other SI prefixes (ASTM SI10, Section 3.2) to eliminate leading zeros (for example, 0.0012 mm
becomes 1.2 μm) or as alternative to powers-of-ten (3.6 x 103 mm becomes 3.6 m).

Start Year / Status
IPC J-STD-004C WAM1:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


This standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. This standard may be used for quality control and procurement purposes.
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to classify and characterize Sn-Pb and Pb-free soldering flux materials for use in electronic metallurgical interconnections for printed circuit board assembly. Soldering flux materials include the following: liquid flux, paste flux, solder paste, solder cream as well as flux-coated and flux-cored solder wires and preforms. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude any acceptable flux or soldering material; however, these materials must produce the desired electrical and metallurgical interconnection.

Start Year / Status
IPC - J-STD-004D:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Requirements for Soldering Fluxes


This standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. This standard may be used for quality control and procurement purposes.
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to classify and characterize Sn/Pb and Pb-free soldering flux materials for use in electronic metallurgical interconnections for printed board assembly. Soldering flux materials include the following: liquid flux, paste flux, solder paste, solder cream as well as flux-coated and flux-cored solder wires and preforms. The fluxes involved relate to all aspects of application, such as: printed board fabrication, lead tinning, wave soldering, reflow and rework. Fluxes covered by this standard are intended for use in various applications in industry. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude any acceptable flux or soldering material; however, these materials must produce the desired electrical and metallurgical interconnection.
1.2 Classification
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.
1.3 Measurement Units All dimensions and tolerances in this specification are expressed in hard SI (metric) units and bracketed soft imperial [inch] units. Users of this specification are expected to use metric dimensions. All dimensions ≥ 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in millimeters and inches. All dimensions < 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in micrometers and microinches.
1.4 Definition of Requirements The words shall or shall not are used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, process control or acceptance. The word “should” reflects recommendations and is used to reflect general industry practices and procedures for guidance only.
Line drawings and illustrations are depicted herein to assist in the interpretation of the written requirements of this Standard.
The text takes precedence over the figures.
1.5 Process Control Requirements The primary goal of process control is to continually reduce variation in the processes, products, or services to provide products or processes meeting or exceeding User requirements. Process control tools such as IPC-9191, JESD557 or other User-approved system may be used as guidelines for implementing process control.
Manufacturers of Class 3 products shall develop and implement a documented process control system.
A documented process control system, if established, shall define process control and corrective action limits.
This may or may not be a statistical process control system. The use of “statistical process control” (SPC) is optional and should be based on factors such as design stability, lot size, production quantities, and the needs of the Manufacturer, see 4.6.
Process control methodologies shall be used in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the manufacturing processes used to produce soldered electrical and electronic assemblies. The philosophy, implementation strategies, tools and techniques may be applied in different sequences depending on the specific company, operation, or variable under consideration to relate process control and capability to end product requirements.
When a decision or requirement is to use a documented process control system, failure to implement process corrective action and/or the use of continually ineffective corrective actions would be grounds for disapproval of the process and associated documentation

Start Year / Status

Space and Military Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


5-22AS J-STD-001 Space and Military Electronic Assemblies Task Group

  Chair   Garry McGuire, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  Vice Chair   Ekaterina Stees, Lockheed Martin-Missiles & Fire Control
  Staff Liaison   Teresa Rowe
  Committee Charter The 5-22AS Task Group is responsible for maintaining an addendum to J-STD-001 to enable users to specify a standardized set of acceptance criteria unique to electronic assemblies used in the rigorous micro-gravity micro-atmosphere high mechanical stress environments associated with space electronic hardware.


Start Year / Status

Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly


B-10A Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group

Cochair Christina Landon, Naval Surface Warfare Ctr
Staff Liaison Teresa Rowe
Staff Liaison Debora Obitz
Committee Charter This task group was formed based on concerns raised at the Surface Mount Council regarding cracking observed in plastic chip components. They developed technical document IPC-SM-786 (Recommended Procedures for Handling of Moisture Sensitive Plastic IC Packages) to address this. Subsequently, they joined with JEDEC to develop replacements for IPC-SM-786 to reflect current technology. J-STD-020A.


Start Year / Status
Application: Equipment, Electronic
IPC-9701A:2006 - Start year: : 2006

Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments


Provides specific test methods to evaluate the performance and reliability of surface mount solder attachments of electronic assemblies. Establishes levels of performance and reliability of the solder attachments of surface mount devices to rigid, flexible and rigid-flex circuit structures. When used with IPC-SM-785, it provides an understanding of the physics of SMT solder joint failure and an approximate means of relating performance tests results to the reliability of solder attachments in their use environments. Revision A includes Appendix B which provides recommended changes to the thermal cycling profiles given in the document when utilizing Pb-free solder joints. 24 pages. Released February 2006.

Start Year / Status
IPC-7091 - Start year: : 2017

Design and Assembly Process Implementation of 3D Components


The IPC-7091 intends to provide useful and practical information to those who are designing, developing or using 3D-packaged semiconductor components or those who are considering 3D package implementation. The 3D semiconductor package may include multiple die elements—some homogeneous and some heterogeneous. The package may also include several discrete passive SMT devices, some of which are surface mounted and some of which are integrated (embedded) within the components’ substrate structure.

This document describes the design and assembly challenges and ways to address those challenges for implementing 3D component technology. Recognizing the effects of combining multiple uncased semiconductor die elements in a singlepackage format can impact individual component characteristics and can dictate suitable assembly methodology. The information contained in this standard focuses on achieving optimum functionality, process assessment, end-product reliability and repair issues associated with 3D semiconductor package assembly and processing

Start Year / Status
Application: Fabric
IPC-4412B-AM2:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Specification for finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


IPC-4421B-AM2 an amendment includes two extensive tables of finished fabric glass styles, one in SI (metric) units and the other in U.S. (English) units. IPC-4412B standard exhaustively covers the classification and requirements for finished fabrics that are formed by plain woven glass fiber yarns. Simply, these yarns are appropriately sized bundles of continuous filament, electrical-grade ("E" glass) borosilicate glass. Bulk "E" glass, for ease of description, is composed of a blend of raw metal oxides that form a borosilicate glass upon melting. Once melted, the glass formed loses all relation to the raw metal oxides, including the network forming boron oxides or borates. Released 5/18.

Start Year / Status
IPC 4412C:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


This specification covers finished fabrics woven from ‘‘E’’ glass electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by this specification are plain weave.
1.1 Purpose This specification determines the nomenclature, definitions, general and chemical requirements for the glass, and physical requirements for finished woven glass fiber fabrics.
1.2 Designation Appendix A provides the user with a cross reference between the IPC-4412 requirements and ISO specifications applicable to woven glass. Appendix B of this standard provides a style designator for each finished fabric glass style, with specifications on yarn, fabric count, thickness and weight in both SI and US system. Fabrics listed in Appendix B also categorize fabrics by their current availability status.
1.3 Classification
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.

Start Year / Status
IPC-4412C:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


This specification covers finished fabrics woven from ‘‘E’’ glass electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by this specification are plain weave.
1.1 Purpose This specification determines the nomenclature, definitions, general and chemical requirements for the glass, and physical requirements for finished woven glass fiber fabrics.
1.2 Designation Appendix A provides the user with a cross reference between the IPC-4412 requirements and ISO specifications applicable to woven glass. Appendix B of this standard provides a style designator for each finished fabric glass style, with specifications on yarn, fabric count, thickness and weight in both SI and US system. Fabrics listed in Appendix B also categorize fabrics by their current availability status.

Start Year / Status
IPC-8953 - Start year: : Draft

Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles


D-73B Embroidered E-Textiles Design Standard Task Group

Chair Melanie Hoerr, 3E Smart Solutions, a subsidiary of ZSK
Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen
Committee Charter This task group is developing IPC-8953, Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles. This standard will establish specific requirements for the design of embroidered e-textiles. Embroidered e-textiles, as pertains to this standard, cover embroidery of conductive materials (yarns, fibers, threads, wires) onto bare textiles or integrated e-textiles (e.g., woven, knitted, printed electronics e-textiles) to create solely embroidered functionality, interconnect with functional components of integrated e-textiles and/or to form an interconnection/attachment of a device (e.g., printed boards) to a textile or e-textile.


Start Year / Status
IPC/JPCA-8911 - Start year: : Draft

Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications


D-72A Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Task Group

Chair oe Geiger, Bally Ribbon Mills
Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen
Committee Charter This task group is developing IPC/JPCA-8981, a standard that will identify categories and establish the classification system and qualification/quality conformance requirements and suggested test methods for conductive yarns used in e-textiles. Conductive yarns covered under this standard include conductive fibers and conductive wire used in combination with fiber and yarn systems. This group is developing this standard jointly with the Japan Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association (JPCA).


Start Year / Status
Application: Industrial/Automation and Control Systems
IPC-HERMES-985204 - Start year: : 2022

IPC-Hermes-9852-Version 1.4: The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly


The aim of this specification is to create a state-of-the-art communication protocol for surface-mount technology (SMT) production lines. Therefore, this new communication protocol has to cope with the following:
Replace the electrical SMEMA interface as specified in IPC-SMEMA-9851
Extend the interface to communicate:
Unique identifiers for the handled printed circuit boards (PCBs)
Equipment identifiers of the first machine noticing a PCB
Conveyor speed
Product type specific information:
Product type identifier
With respect to version numbers The Hermes Standard adheres to the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 [SemVer_2.0.0].
Hints on naming:
Wherever a feature is described by the word “shall“ it is mandatory.
The word “machine” is used for any equipment which can be found in a SMT production line (e.g., printers, placement machines, ovens, AOIs, transport modules, shuttles, stackers).
The term “PCB” may also refer to carriers transporting PCBs.
The word “Hermes” is used as abbreviation for “The Hermes Standard”.
“The Hermes Standard” and IPC-HERMES-9852 are synonyms for the standard specified in this document and might be used interchangeably.

Start Year / Status
IPC/HERMES-9852 V 1.5:2022 - Start year: : 2022

The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly


The aim of this specification is to create a state-of-the-art communication protocol for handling board transfers and associated data at surface-mount technology (SMT) production lines. Therefore, this new communication protocol has to cope with the following:
Replace the electrical SMEMA interface as specified in IPC-SMEMA-9851
Extend the interface to communicate:
Unique identifiers for the handled printed circuit boards (PCBs)
Equipment identifiers of the first machine noticing a PCB
Conveyor speed and intended board route
A lightweight digital twin of the product containing, e.g.,
Product type identifier
Board state
With respect to version numbers The Hermes Standard adheres to the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 [SemVer_2.0.0].
Hints on naming:
Wherever a feature is described by the word “shall” it is mandatory.
The word “machine” is used for any equipment which can be found in a SMT production line (e.g., printers, placement machines, ovens, AOIs, transport modules, shuttles, stackers).
The term “PCB” may also refer to carriers transporting PCBs.
The word “Hermes” is used as abbreviation for “The Hermes Standard”.
“The Hermes Standard” and IPC-HERMES-9852 are synonyms for the standard specified in this document and might be used interchangeably.

Start Year / Status
IPC-HERMES-9852 V 1.6 - Start year: : Draft

The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly


2-17B IPC-HERMES-9852 Standard Task Group

Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen

Committee Charter   This task group is responsible for working with The Hermes Standard Initiative on the management of the joint standard IPC-HERMES-9852. The purpose of this task group will be to provide an open forum for collaboration on future updates to IPC-HERMES-9852, and members of the task group will be provided the opportunity to join ballot groups to represent IPC on future version updates of the standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC/HERMES-9852 V 1.6

The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly


2-17B IPC-HERMES-9852 Standard Task Group

  Cochair   Oliver Koehler, Vitesco Technologies
  Cochair   Thomas Marktscheffel, ASMPT GmbH & Co. KG
  Staff Liaison   Chris Jorgensen
  Committee Charter This task group is responsible for working with The Hermes Standard Initiative on the management of the joint standard IPC-HERMES-9852. The purpose of this task group will be to provide an open forum for collaboration on future updates to IPC-HERMES-9852, and members of the task group will be provided the opportunity to join ballot groups to represent IPC on future version updates of the standard.


Start Year / Status
Application: Network and Data Center Equipment
IPC-7093A - Start year: : 2020

Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs)


The IPC-7093A standard provides essential design and assembly guidance for implementing bottom termination components (BTCs). Specifically, IPC-7093A provides guidelines on critical design, materials, assembly, inspection, repair, quality, and reliability issues associated with BTCs.

Start Year / Status
Application: Optical Cable Installation
IPC-A-640 - Start year: : 2017

IPC-A-640: Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable, and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies


The IPC-A-640, Acceptance Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring Harness Assemblies standard provides acceptance requirements and technical insight for cable and wire harness assemblies incorporating optical fiber, optical cable and hybrid wiring technology. The IPC-A-640 standard includes full-color illustrations and an Excel spreadsheet Verification and Compliance checklist

Start Year / Status
IPC-D-640 - Start year: : 2016

IPC-D-640: Design and Critical Process Requirements for Optical Fiber, Optical Cable and Hybrid Wiring


This full-color document provides design and critical process requirements and technical insight for cable and wire harness assemblies incorporating optical fiber, optical cable and hybrid wiring technology. This standard also includes an Excel spreadsheet Verification and Compliance checklist.

Start Year / Status
Application: Printed Circuit Boards
IPC-4412B-AM2:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Specification for finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


IPC-4421B-AM2 an amendment includes two extensive tables of finished fabric glass styles, one in SI (metric) units and the other in U.S. (English) units. IPC-4412B standard exhaustively covers the classification and requirements for finished fabrics that are formed by plain woven glass fiber yarns. Simply, these yarns are appropriately sized bundles of continuous filament, electrical-grade ("E" glass) borosilicate glass. Bulk "E" glass, for ease of description, is composed of a blend of raw metal oxides that form a borosilicate glass upon melting. Once melted, the glass formed loses all relation to the raw metal oxides, including the network forming boron oxides or borates. Released 5/18.

Start Year / Status
IPC-9121:2016 - Start year: : 2016

Troubleshooting for PCB Fabrication Processes


This handbook is an essential resource for anyone involved in manufacturing or purchasing PCBs. Hundreds of real-world, full-color photos spotlight more than 650 PCB process defects, with causes and corrective actions for each. IPC-9121 supersedes the PCB sections of IPC-PE-740A. Released March 2016

Start Year / Status
IPC-9121-AM1:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Troubleshooting for PCB Fabrication Processes, Amendment 1


IPC-9121 AM1 is an amendment to IPC-9121 which provides updates to the Hole Preparation/Protection and Interconnect Formation sections, covering troubleshooting topics and guidance on nonconductive plugging paste, microvias and pattern plating rim voids. IPC-9121 AM1 also includes a new section on Flexible Circuits.

Start Year / Status
IPC-9121-AM2:2019 - Start year: : 2019

Troubleshooting for Printed Board Fabrication Processes, Amendment 2


The amendment 2 to IPC-9121 provides new troubleshooting topics on hole quality, laser drilling, microvias, drill smear, electroless nickel, organic solderability preservative (OSP) and rigid-flex boards.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-003CW1 - Start year: : 2014

Solderability Tests for Printed Boards


J-STD-003C prescribes test methods, defect definitions and illustrations for assessing the solderability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes utilizing either tin-lead or lead-free solders. This standard is intended for use by both vendor and user. The objective of the solderability test methods described in this standard is to determine the ability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes to wet easily with solder and to withstand the rigors of the printed board assembly processes. This standard describes test methods by which both the surface conductors (and attachment lands) and plated-through holes may be evaluated for solderability. Revision "C" contains the latest information about GR&R (gauge reproducibility & repeatability) of the solderability tests as well as updated illustrations.

Amendment 1 corrects editorial errors as well as adds clarifying statements to many areas of the document. Released 2014, 27 pages

Start Year / Status
IPC-4552B - Start year: : 2021

Specification for Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards


IPC-4552B standard sets the requirements for Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) deposit thickness for applications including soldering, wire bonding, and as a contact finish. IPC-4552B standard is used to specify acceptance criteria to meet performance standards for IPC-6010 family of documents including IPC-6012, IPC-6013 and IPC-6018. The ENIG deposit specified using this document will meet the highest coating durability rating as specified in IPC-J-STD-003 printed board solderability specification.


This performance specification sets requirements for Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG) deposit thicknesses for applications including soldering, wire bonding and as a contact finish. It is intended for use by chemical suppliers, printed board manufacturers, electronics manufacturing services (EMS) and original equipment manufacturers (OEM). This standard may be used to specify acceptance criteria to meet performance requirements in addition to those found in the IPC-6010 series (IPC-6012, IPC-6013 and IPC-6018) of standards. The ENIG deposit specified by using this document will meet the highest coating durability rating as specified in the J-STD-003 printed board solderability specification.

This specification is based on three critical factors:

1) The ENIG plating process is in control producing a normal distribution for nickel and gold deposit thickness.

2) That the tool used to measure the deposit and therefore control the process is accurate and reproducible for the thickness range specified.

3) That the ENIG plating process results in uniform deposit characteristics.

If any of these three critical factors are not met, then the deposit produced will not meet the performance criteria defined herein.

1.1 Purpose This specification sets the requirements specific to ENIG as a surface finish (see Table 3-1 for a summary of these requirements).

1.2 Description ENIG is an electroless nickel layer capped with a thin layer of immersion gold (IAu). It is a multifunctional surface finish, applicable to soldering, aluminum and copper wedge wire bonding, press fit connections, and as a contact surface. The immersion gold layer protects the underlying nickel from oxidation/passivation over its intended life. However, this layer is not impervious and it will not pass the requirements of a ‘‘classic’’ porosity test as defined in ASTM B735 and IPC-TM-650, Methods 2.3.24, and

1.3 Classification IPC standards recognize that electrical and electronic assemblies are subject to classifications by intended end-item use. Three general end-product classes have been established to reflect differences in manufacturability, complexity, functional performance requirements, and verification (inspection/test) frequency. It should be recognized that there may be overlaps of equipment between classes.

CLASS 1 General Electronic Products Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.

CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.

CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.

1.4 Measurement Units All dimensions and tolerances in this specification are expressed in hard SI (metric) units and bracketed soft imperial [inch] units. Users of this specification are expected to use metric dimensions. All dimensions ≥ 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in millimeters and inches. All dimensions < 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in micrometers and microinches.

1.5 Definition of Requirements The words shall or shall not are used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, process control or acceptance

Start Year / Status
IPC-4552A:2017 - Start year: : 2017

Performance Specification for Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plating for Printed Boards


The IPC-4552A performance specification sets requirements for Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG) deposit thicknesses for applications including soldering, wire bonding and as a contact finish. The IPC-4552A is intended for use by chemical suppliers, printed board manufacturers, electronics manufacturing services (EMS) and original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The IPC-4552A standard may be used to specify acceptance criteria to meet performance requirements in addition to those found in the IPC-6010-FAM Printed Board Performance Specifications. The ENIG deposit specified by using this document will meet the highest coating durability rating as specified in the J-STD-003 printed board solderability specification.

The IPC-4552A specification is based on three critical factors:

  1. The ENIG plating process is in control producing a normal distribution for nickel and gold deposit thickness.
  2. That the tool used to measure the deposit and therefore control the process is accurate and reproducible for the thickness range specified.
  3. That the ENIG plating process results in uniform deposit characteristics.

If any of these three critical factors are not met, then the deposit produced will not meet the performance criteria defined.


Start Year / Status
IPC 6012EM - Start year: : 2020

IPC Releases IPC-6012EM, Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


IPC Releases IPC-6012EM, Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC is known for developing addendums to some of its most widely used standards for specific industry sector use, including military/aerospace, space flight, automotive and telecommunications.  Now, IPC has responded to requests from the medical device segment of the electronics industry and has released IPC-6012EM, Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards.

The IPC D-33AM Task Group developing IPC-6012EM realized that there are two different focuses for electronics in the medical device industry sector: the relatively high-volume production of “standard-sized” printed boards for medical diagnostic equipment applications; and the miniature, high density printed boards for very small devices which are often human body implantable.

“We understand the medical industry utilizes electronics in laser surgical devices, radiation emitting devices, x-ray machines, ultrasound devices and implantable where product failure can result in the high risk of injury to the patient,” noted John Perry, IPC director of printed board standards and technology. “IPC recognized the industry’s desire for more stringent printed board fabrication requirements than can be provided within the current IPC Class 3 Performance class for these types of medical devices. The IPC D-33AM Task Group was created to develop an addendum to the base IPC-6012E printed board performance specification that addresses those technological needs.” 

IPC’s family of printed board design standards (IPC-2220 series) and board performance specifications IPC-6010 series) make use of three IPC producibility levels, intended to convey to the end user an increasing cost and sophistication with respect to fabricating printed board features of smaller and smaller size. IPC-6012EM is the first addendum to an IPC specification that makes use of a new design level “D”, which was created to address the miniaturization level of medical devices. This new design level “D” goes beyond the typical feature sizes of what is typically considered “high density interconnect” (HDI) and addresses conductor width/spaces below 60 µm as well as via structures below 100 µm.

Many regulatory requirements provided by both the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union (EU), help ensure the safety and security of human beings (and animals) with respect to not only human and veterinary drugs and biological products, but also electronic medical devices. Examples include the EU Medical Device Directive, EU Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive and the EU Commission Regulations. As noted by Andres Ojalill, IPC technical staff liaison to the IPC D-33AM Task Group, “IPC-6012EM has been written to streamline the production of high reliability printed boards for medical devices in accordance with regulations mentioned above so that there are no gaps between technical and regulatory requirements.”

For more information on IPC-6012EM, visit

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012E:2020 - Start year: : 2020

IPC-6012E: Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


IPC-6012E specification covers qualification and performance of rigid printed boards, including single-sided, double-sided, with or without plated-through holes, multilayer with or without blind/buried vias and metal core boards. It addresses final finish and surface plating coating requirements, conductors, holes/vias, frequency of acceptance testing and quality conformance as well as electrical, mechanical and environmental requirements. IPC-6012E incorporates many new and expanded requirements in areas such as back-drilled structures, alternative surface finishes, copper wrap plating, marking inks, solderability testing, plating overhang, microsection evaluation, thermal shock and performance-based testing for microvia structures. For use with IPC-6011. Supersedes IPC-6012D.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2231A - Start year: : 2021

IPC-2231A provides guidelines for establishing a best practice methodology for use in developing a formal DFX (Design for Manufacturing, Fabrication, Assembly, Testability, Cost, Reliability, Environment, Reuse) process for layout of printed boards.


This document provides guidelines for establishing a best practice methodology for use in developing a formal DFX (Design for Manufacturing, Fabrication, Assembly, Testability, Cost, Reliability, Environment, Reuse) process for layout of printed board assemblies that utilize surface mount and through hole devices.
1 .1 Purpose The document provides a DFX process framework to establish a discipline of design review necessary to perform a detailed analysis of manufacturability attributes commonly found in electronics hardware for fabrication and around which to model a printed board assembly.
1 .2 Goals of This Document The goals of this document are to:
• Use a multi-discipline engineering assessment tactic on elements influencing DFX.
• Allow the user to establish standardized DFX checklist(s) for major design elements such as bare printed board fabrication, printed board assembly manufacturing, electrical testability, and elements influencing product reliability, reuse, and impact on environment.
1 .3 Limitations of This Document Electronics hardware defined under this DFX review process is limited to features of influence on DFX for bare printed board and printed board assembly

Start Year / Status
IPC-6013E:2021 - Start year: : 2021

IPC-6013E: Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


IPC-6013E standard covers qualification and performance requirements for flexible printed boards designed to IPC-2221 and IPC-2223. The flexible printed board may be single-sided, double-sided, multilayer or rigid-flex multilayer. All of these constructions may include stiffeners, PTHs, microvias, and blind/buried vias. The IPC-6013E standard incorporates new and updated requirements for final finishes, rigid-to-flex transition zones, foreign inclusions, surface mount land anomalies, plated internal layers, dielectric removal as a function of wicking and etchback, copper filled via structures microvia structures.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6013D:2017 - Start year: : 2017

Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


Statement of Scope This specification covers qualification and performance requirements of flexible printed boards. The flexible printed board may be single-sided, double-sided, multilayer, or rigid-flex multilayer. All of these constructions may or may not include stiffeners, plated-through holes (PTHs), and blind/buried vias.

The flexible or rigid-flex printed board may contain build up High Density Interconnect (HDI) layers. The printed board may contain embedded active or passive circuitry with distributive capacitive planes, capacitive or resistive components conforming to IPC-6017.

The rigid section of the printed board may contain a metal core or external metal heat frame, which may be active or nonactive. Revision level changes are described in 1.7.



Start Year / Status
IPC-6013D:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible and Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


IPC-6013D-AM1 is an amendment makes changes to the existing acceptance criteria for copper wrap plating measurements as defined by IPC-6013D. IPC-6013D-AM1 is an amendment which implements a dual criterion for Class 3 copper wrap plating, based on design effectivity (before and after July 01, 2018), so as not to impose onto legacy designs any additional qualification activity associated with adopting acceptance requirements proven on newer designs. IPC-6103D-AM1 is not applicable to legacy product that will remain subject to IPC-6013D copper wrap plating requirements

Start Year / Status
IPC-7526 - Start year: : 2007

Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook


Cleaning of stencils and misprinted PCBs has taken an increasingly important role in surface mount technology. Fine and ultra-fine pitch lands, together with other advanced packages, place new demands on stencil cleaning. Paste volume is a critical issue for fine, ultra-fine, chip-scale, BGA and flip-chip components. Insufficient solder due to clogging of stencil apertures is a primary cause of defects. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a basic understanding of stencil/misprint cleaning processes.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6018C:2016 - Start year: : 2016

Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards


Statement of Scope This specification covers end product inspection and test of high frequency (microwave) printed boards for microstrip, stripline, mixed dielectric and multilayer stripline applications with or without buried/blind vias, and metal cores. The printed board may contain embedded active or passive circuitry with distributive capacitive planes, capacitive or resistive components conforming to IPC-6017. The printed board may contain build up High Density Interconnect (HDI) layers.
1.2 Purpose The purpose of this specification is to provide requirements for qualification and performance of high frequency (microwave) printed boards.
1.3 Performance Classification and Types
1.3.1 Classifications This specification establishes acceptance criteria for the performance classification of high frequency printed boards based on customer and/or end-use requirements. Printed boards are classified by one of three general Performance Classes as defined in IPC-6011. Requirement Deviations Requirements deviating from these heritage classifications shall be as agreed between user and supplier (AABUS). Space and Military Avionics Requirement Deviations Space and military avionics performance classification deviations are provided in the IPC-6018CS Addendum and are applicable when the addendum is specified within the procurement documentation.
1.3.2 Printed Board Type This specification will define eight types of high frequency (microwave) printed boards.
Type 1 – Single Sided
Type 2 – Double Sided
Type 3 – Homogeneous Dielectric Multilayer Construction
Type 4 – Mixed Dielectric Multilayer
Type 5 – Homogeneous Dielectric Multilayer with blind and/or buried vias
Type 6 – Mixed Dielectric Multilayer with blind and/or buried vias
Type 7 – Metal and/or composite backed printed boards, single sided or double sided
Type 8 – Multilayer metal and/or composite backed or core printed boards with or without blind and/or buried vias
1.3.3 Selection for Procurement For procurement purposes, Performance Class shall be specified in the procurement documentation.
The documentation shall provide sufficient information to the supplier so that he can fabricate the printed board and ensurethat the user receives the desired product. Information that should be included in the procurement documentation is to be in accordance with IPC-2611 and IPC-2614.
The procurement documentation should specify the thermal stress test method to be used to meet the requirement of 3.6.1.
Selection shall be from those depicted in,, and If not specified (see 6.1), the default shall be per Table 1-1.
During the selection process, the user should take into consideration the following when determining the appropriate thermal stress test method:
• Wave solder, selective solder, hand solder assembly processes (see and
• Conventional (eutectic) reflow processes (see
• Lead-free reflow processes (see
IPC-6016, a sectional performance specification for HDI printed boards, was cancelled by the IPC. Relevant HDI confor- mance and acceptance criteria has been transferred to this revision of this specification.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012EA - Start year: : 2021

IPC-6012EA: Automotive Applications Addendum to IPC-6012E Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


The IPC-6012EA Addendum, when required by procurement documentation/drawings, supplements or replaces specifically identified requirements of IPC-6012 revision E, for rigid printed boards that must survive the vibration and thermal cycling environments of electronic interconnects within the automotive industry. The addendum includes updated requirements for lifted lands, pattern feature accuracy, dielectric removal (e.g. wicking), solder mask thickness, cleanliness and suitability and reliability testing parameters specific to automotive applications.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-003CW12 - Start year: : 2017

Solderability Tests for Printed Boards


This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of printed wiring board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes (PTHs). This standard is intended for use by both user and supplier. This standard is not intended to verify the potential of successful processing at assembly or to evaluate design impact on wettability. This standard describes procedures or methods to determine the acceptable wettability of a surface finish. Wettability can be affected by handling, finish application, and environmental conditions.

Start Year / Status
IPC-7351B - Start year: : 2010

Generic Requirements for Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard


This document provides generic requirements on land pattern geometries used for the surface attachment of electronic components, as well as surface mount design recommendations for achieving the best possible solder joints to the devices assembled.
1.1 Purpose The intent of the information presented herein is to provide the appropriate size, shape and tolerance of surface mount land patterns to insure sufficient area for the appropriate solder fillet to meet the requirements of IPC J-STD-001, and also to allow for inspection, testing, and rework of those solder joints. Designers can use the information contained herein to establish standard land pattern geometries not only for manual designs but also for computer-aided design systems. Whether parts are mounted on one or both sides of the printed board, subjected to wave, reflow, or other type of soldering, the land pattern and part dimensions should be optimized to insure proper solder joint and inspection criteria.
Land patterns become a part of the printed board circuitry and they are subject to the producibility levels and tolerances associated with fabrication and assembly processes. The producibility aspects also pertain to the use of solder mask and the registration required between the solder mask and the conductor patterns.
In addition to the land pattern geometries required for proper solder joint formation, other mounting conditions must be considered, such as solder mask clearance, solder paste stencil aperture sizes, clearance between adjacent components, clearance between the bottom of the component and the printed board surface (if relevant), keep-out areas (if relevant), and suitable rules for adhesive applications. These additional features become part of the overall land pattern standard for each component type.
Note 1: The dimensions used for component descriptions have been extracted from standards listed in Section 2. Designers should refer to the manufacturer’s data sheet for specific component package dimensions.
Caution: Users should be aware that individual component data sheets may not meet standardized component outlines (.e.g., JEDEC standard component outlines).
Note 2: Elements of the mounting conditions, particularly the courtyard, given in this standard are related to the reflow soldering process. Adjustments for wave or other soldering processes, if applicable, have to be carried out by the user. This may also be relevant when solder alloys other than eutectic tin lead solders are used.
Note 3: This standard assumes that even under worst case tolerance conditions the opportunity for an acceptable solder fillet will be maintained.
Note 4: Heat dissipation aspects have not been taken into account in this standard. Greater mass may require slower process speed to allow heat transfer.
Note 5: For surface mount components, the solder joints provide not only the electrical connection, but the mechanical support as well. Heavier components (greater weight per land) require larger lands; thus, adding additional land pattern surface will increase surface area of molten solder to enhance capabilities of extra weight. In some cases the lands shown in this standard may not apply for a particular application and may need to be increased in a land pattern library; in these cases, considering additional measures may be necessary.
1.2 Documentation Hierarchy This standard identifies the generic physical design principles involved in the creation of land patterns for surface mount components, and is supplemented by a shareware IPC-7351 Land Pattern Calculator that provides, through the use of a graphical user interface, the individual component dimensions and corresponding land pattern recommendations based upon families of components. The IPC-7351 Land Pattern Calculator is provided on CD-ROM as part of this standard.
Updates to land pattern dimensions, including patterns for new component families, can be found on the IPC website ( under the “Knowledge” menu, within “PCB Tools and Calculators.’’ See Appendix B for more information on the IPC-7351 Land Pattern Calculator.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791B:2021 - Start year: : 2021

IPC-1791B: Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


IPC-1791B standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication, and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products.

IPC-1791B expands the standard’s requirements to account for trusted sources of cable and wire harness assemblies.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirement


IPC-1791 provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabricating and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products.

Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of IPC-1791 as trusted design, fabricator or assembly organization benefiting customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical).

This standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products. These trusted sources shall ensure quality, supply chain risk management (SCRM), security and chain of custody (ChoC). Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of this standard as trusted design, fabrication or assembly organization benefits customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical). In the context of this standard, the terms trust and trusted are used to reflect a commitment to delivered product and process integrity assurance by printed board designers, fabricators and assemblers. The user should not confuse this certification with defense-microelectronics-specific ‘‘Trusted Supplier’’ accreditation administered by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Trusted Access Program Office. IPC-1791 certification does not include U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facility clearance unless compelled by customer-specific requirements and pursued independent of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791-AM1:2019 - Start year: : 2019

Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements, Amendment 1


The IPC-1791-Am1 provides revisions and clarifications for requirements pertaining to CAGE Code, citizenship, security, foreign person access, traceability records and NIST SP 800-171 compliance.

This standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products. These trusted sources shall ensure quality, supply chain risk management (SCRM), security and chain of custody (ChoC). Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of this standard as trusted design, fabrication or assembly organization benefits customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical). In the context of this standard, the terms trust and trusted are used to reflect a commitment to delivered product and process integrity assurance by printed board designers, fabricators and assemblers. The user should not confuse this certification with defense-microelectronics-specific ‘‘Trusted Supplier’’ accreditation administered by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Trusted Access Program Office. IPC-1791 certification does not include U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facility clearance unless compelled by customer-specific requirements and pursued independent of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791A:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


IPC-1791A standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products.

Revision A of IPC-1791 standard includes the requirements added for CAGE Code, citizenship, security, foreign person access, traceability records and NIST SP 800-171 compliance in IPC-1791, Amendment 1 and also includes new requirements on trusted source certification of non-U.S. printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations.

This standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products. These trusted sources shall ensure quality, supply chain risk management (SCRM), security and chain of custody (ChoC). Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of this standard as trusted design, fabrication or assembly organization benefits customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical). In the context of this standard, the terms trust and trusted are used to reflect a commitment to delivered product and process integrity assurance by printed board designers, fabricators and assemblers. The user should not confuse this certification with defense-microelectronics-specific ‘‘Trusted Supplier’’ accreditation administered by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Trusted Access Program Office. IPC-1791 certification does not include U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facility clearance unless compelled by customer-specific requirements and pursued independent of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC 4412C:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


This specification covers finished fabrics woven from ‘‘E’’ glass electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by this specification are plain weave.
1.1 Purpose This specification determines the nomenclature, definitions, general and chemical requirements for the glass, and physical requirements for finished woven glass fiber fabrics.
1.2 Designation Appendix A provides the user with a cross reference between the IPC-4412 requirements and ISO specifications applicable to woven glass. Appendix B of this standard provides a style designator for each finished fabric glass style, with specifications on yarn, fabric count, thickness and weight in both SI and US system. Fabrics listed in Appendix B also categorize fabrics by their current availability status.
1.3 Classification
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6013EM - Start year: : 2022

IPC-6013EM: Medical Applications Addendum to IPC-6013E Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


This addendum covers qualification and performance requirements of Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Board for Medical Device Applications. The printed boards may have a design that contains HDI and Design Level D density with special requirements to production, test and qualification.
This addendum provides requirements to be used in addition to, and in some cases, in place of, those published in IPC-6013E to ensure the reliability of printed boards that must meet requirements to High Reliability Medical Applications described as IPC Class 3 under section 0.1.5 of this addendum.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2222A - Start year: : 2010

Sectional Design Standard for Rigid Organic Printed Boards


This standard establishes the specific requirements for the design of rigid organic printed boards.
1.1 Purpose The requirements contained herein are intended to establish specific design details that shall be used in conjunction with IPC-2221 to produce designs intended to mount and attach components. The components may be through-hole, surface mount, fine pitch, ultra-fine pitch, array mounting or unpackaged bare die.
The organic materials may be homogeneous, reinforced, or used in combination with inorganic materials; the interconnections may be single, double, or multilayered. They may be any combination able to perform the physical, thermal, environmental, and electronic function.
1.2 Document Hierarchy Document hierarchy shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.3 Presentation Presentation shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.4 Interpretation Interpretation shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.5 Definition of Terms The definition of all terms used herein shall be in accordance with IPC-T-50 and as defined in 1.5.1.
1.5.1 As Agreed Between User and Supplier (AABUS) Indicates additional or alternate requirements to be decided between the user and the supplier in the procurement documentation. Examples include contractual requirements, modifications to purchase documentation and information on the drawing. Agreements can be used to define test methods, conditions, frequencies, categories or acceptance criteria within a test, if not already established.
1.6 Classification of Products Classification of products shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221 and as defined in 1.6.1.
1.6.1 Printed Board Type This standard provides design information for different printed board types. Printed board types are classified as:
Type 1 – Single-Sided Printed Board
Type 2 – Double-Sided Printed Board
Type 3 – Multilayer Printed Board without blind or buried vias
Type 4 – Multilayer Printed Board with blind and/or buried vias
Type 5 – Multilayer Metal Core Printed Board without blind or buried vias
Type 6 – Multilayer Metal Core Printed Board with blind and/or buried vias
1.7 Applicability The contents of this standard may not apply to certain leading edge technologies. Refer to IPC-2221 for additional information.
1.8 Revision Level Changes Changes that were incorporated in the current revision of this specification are indicated throughout by gray shading of the relevant subsection(s). Changes to a figure or table are indicated by gray shading of the Figure or Table header.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2222B - Start year: : 2020

Sectional Design Standard for Rigid Organic Printed Boards


This standard establishes the specific requirements for the design of rigid organic printed boards.
The following overview describes what are the core knowledge and competencies to best serve in the role of Printed Board
Design Layout as a stand-alone professional, or as the engineer performing this responsibility. Today’s printed board designer needs to address numerous perspectives for success within a given schedule, with the goal of making the first design iteration work as intended, summarized as:
• Layout Solvability – Complex Packaging Skillset
• Electrical Integrity – Signal & Power Performance on all Layers
• Manufacturability – Design for Excellence (DfX) Considerations for High Yield and Lower Cost
• Application considerations – Environmental, Performance, Shelf life, etc.
The result provides for optimal component placement, routing density and electrical performance to achieve an efficient design with high yield and defect-free manufacturability.
1.1 Purpose The requirements contained herein are intended to establish specific design details that shall be used in conjunction with IPC-2221 to produce printed boards that perform as an integral part of functional electronic hardware.
The organic materials may be homogeneous, reinforced, or used in combination with inorganic materials; the interconnections may be single, double, or multilayered. They may be any combination able to perform the physical, thermal, environ- mental, and electronic function.
1.2 Document Hierarchy Document hierarchy shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.3 Presentation Presentation shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.4 Interpretation Interpretation shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221.
1.5 Definition of Terms The definition of all terms used herein shall be in accordance with IPC-T-50 and as defined in 1.5.1.
1.5.1 As Agreed Between User and Supplier (AABUS) A bilateral agreement which indicates additional or alternate requirements to be decided between the user and the supplier in the procurement documentation. Examples include contractual requirements, modifications to purchase documentation and information on the drawing. Agreements can be used to define test methods, conditions, frequencies, categories or acceptance criteriawithin a test, if not already established.
1.6 Classification of Products Classification of products shall be in accordance with the generic standard IPC-2221 and as defined in 1.6.1.
1.6.1 Printed Board Type This standard provides design information for different printed board types. Printed board types are classified as:
Type 1 – Single-Sided Printed Board
Type 2 – Double-Sided Printed Board
Type 3 – Multilayer Printed Board without blind or buried vias
Type 4 – Multilayer Printed Board with blind and/or buried vias
Type 5 – Multilayer Metal Core Printed Board without blind or buried vias
Type 6 – Multilayer Metal Core Printed Board with blind and/or buried vias
1.7 Applicability The contents of this standard may not apply to certain leading-edge technologies. Refer to IPC-2221 for additional information.

Start Year / Status
IPC-D-325 A - Start year: : 1995

Documentation Requirements for Printed Boards


This standard establishes requirements and other considerations for the documentation of printed boards and printed board assemblies.
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to establish the general requirements for the preparation of drawings necessary to fully describe end product printed boards, printed board assemblies and related support drawings.
Special emphasis is given to the technical requirements necessary to fully describe the fabrication and assembly of various types of printed boards. Regardless of material, construction, layer count, special fabrication requirements, or end product usage, the documentation package may include, but not be limited to the following:
• Master Drawing Requirements
• Specifications
• Board Definition
• Artwork/Phototooling
• Soldermask Requirements
• Master Pattern Drawing
• Production Master
• Assembly Drawing and Parts List
• Electrical Test Requirements
• Final Schematic/Logic Diagram
• Related Support Drawings
• Artwork Plot Data
• Excellon Drill Data
Refer to IPC-D-275, ‘‘Design Standard for Rigid Printed Boards and Rigid Printed Board Assemblies,’’ regarding all subjects pertaining directly to design.
This standard may be used for both commercial and military applications. Printed boards and printed board assemblies intended for military usage shall be fabricated and/or assembled by a manufacturer that has been qualified to the appropriate military specification, unless otherwise agreed to contractually.
Documentation intended for military electronic equipment shall be so noted.
1.1.1 Organization of Information This standard is organized into various sections in order to provide information for the documentation of rigid printed boards and printed board assemblies

The major sections and their specific emphasis are:
Section 1 − Scope, Purpose and Classification
Section 2 − Applicable Documents
Section 3 − Documentation Requirements
Section 4 − Documentation Package
Section 5 − Sample Figures and Examples
Section 6 − Master Drawing Notes and Check List
Section 7 − Design Outputs
Section 8 − Printed Board Assembly Drawings
(Including Figures & Examples)
Section 9 − Printed Board Support Drawings
Section 10− Schematic / Logic Diagrams
1.2 Classification This standard recognizes that rigid printed boards and printed board assemblies are subject to classifications by intended end item use. Classification of producibility is related to complexity of the design and the precision required to produce the particular printed board or printed board assembly.
Any producibility level or producibility design characteristic may be applied to any end-product equipment category.
Therefore, a high-reliability product designated as class ‘‘3’’ (see 1.2.2), could require level ‘‘A’’ design complexity (preferred producibility) for many of the attributes of the printed board or printed board assembly (see 1.2.3).
1.2.1 Board Types This standard provides design information for different board types. Board types are classified:
Type 1 − Single-Sided Printed Board
Type 2 − Double-Sided Printed Board
Type 3 − Multilayer Board without Blind or Buried Vias
Type 4 − Multilayer Board with Blind and/or Buried Vias
Type 5 − Multilayer Metal-Core Board without Blind or Buried Vias
Type 6 − Multilayer Metal-Core Board with Blind and/or Buried Vias
1.2.2 Performance Classes Three general end-product classes have been established to reflect progressive increases in sophistication, functional performance requirements and testing/inspection frequency. It should be recognized that there may be an overlap of equipment between classes.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2228 - Start year: : Draft

Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-4202C - Start year: : 2022

Specification for Flexible Base Dielectrics for use in Flexible Printed Boards


This standard establishes the classification system, the qualification and quality conformance requirements for flexible base dielectric materials to be used for the fabrication of flexible printed boards.
1.1 Nomenclature Designation System The system described in 1.1.1 through identifies flexible base dielectrics.
1.1.1 Nonspecific Designation A nonspecific designation is intended for use by designers on master drawings to designate their material choice. At the end of this standard is a series of material specification sheets identified by specification sheet numbers.
Each sheet outlines engineering and performance data for a flexible base dielectric, indicating base material type and method of reinforcement.
Example of nonspecific designation: IPC-4202/1, Where ‘‘1’’ refers to the specification sheet detailing unsupported polyimide flexible base dielectrics.
If further material specification details (such as dielectric thickness) are required, they should be highlighted in cross sectional views or notes on the master drawing.
1.1.2 Specific Designation The specific designation should be in the form shown in the following example, and is intended for use on material purchase orders by printed board manufacturers (see 6.1). The specific designation should not be used by designers on master drawings to indicate their material selection. Master drawings shall indicate the material design by designers on master drawings to indicate their material selection, as the designation is lengthy and requires fabricator level knowledge in making the detailed selections.
Example of specific designation:
IPC-4202/1 – E1E2
IPC-4202/1 – Nonspecific Designation (see 1.1.1), for unsupported polyimide flexible base dielectrics.
E Base Dielectric Material Type Designation (see, specifying polyimide.
1 Reinforcement Method Designation (see, specifying nonreinforced.
E Reinforcement Type Designation (see, specifying nonreinforced film.
2 Base Dielectric Material Thickness Designation (see, specifying 50 μm [1970 μin] thickness.

Start Year / Status
IPC-4202B:2016 - Start year: : 2016

Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Boards


This document provides comprehensive data to help users more easily determine both material capability and compatibility for flexible base dielectric materials for manufacture of flexible printed boards. It includes flexible base material specification sheets that have been updated with the newest properties for the specification material types. It establishes the most current classification system, qualification and quality conformance requirements, including high frequency dielectric properties. A new specification sheet for an adhesive fluorocarbon film has been added as it became available to the marketplace. 23 pages. Released March 2017.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012F - Start year: : Draft

Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-600K - Start year: : 2020

Acceptability of Printed Boards


The document synchronizes to the acceptability requirements expressed in IPC-6012E and IPC-6013D. Supersedes IPC-A-600J.

This document describes the target, acceptable, and nonconforming conditions that are either externally or internally observable on printed boards. It represents the visual interpretation of minimum requirements set forth in various printed board specifications, e.g.; IPC-6010 series, J-STD-003, etc.

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-600M - Start year: : Draft

Acceptability of Printed Boards


7-31A IPC-A-600 Task Group

Cochair Scott Bowles, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Cochair Gerry Partida, Summit Interconnect - Anaheim
Staff Liaison John Perry
Committee Charter This task group is responsible for maintaining the IPC-A-600, Acceptability of Printed Boards, as a visual supporting document to the IPC-6010 specifications for printed board qualification and performance.


Start Year / Status
IPC-9111 - Start year: : 2019

Troubleshooting for Printed Board Assembly Processes


he IPC-9111 handbook is a valuable resource for anyone involved in manufacturing or purchasing printed board assemblies. Issues in the assembly process are presented along with possible causes and actions to take to resolve them. Photos are provided throughout the document to assist the reader.

IPC-9111 supersedes the printed board assembly sections of IPC-PE-740A.

Start Year / Status
IPC-9121A - Start year: : 2022

The IPC-1921A handbook provides problems, causes and possible corrective actions related to printed board manufacturing processes. Includes more than 200 photos and illustrations depicting common defects.


This handbook provides problems, causes and possible corrective actions related to printed board manufacturing processes.
1 1 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to help designers, manufacturers and users of printed boards to troubleshoot fabrication processes to build electronics better.
1 2 Classification IPC standards recognize that electrical and electronic assemblies are subject to classifications by intended end-item use. Three general end-product classes have been established to reflect differences in manufacturability, complexity, functional performance requirements, and verification (inspection/test) frequency. It should be recognized that there may be overlaps of equipment between classes.
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products
Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.
1 3 Use of “Lead” For readability and translation, the metallic element lead is always written as Pb.
1 4 Abbreviations and Acronyms See Appendix A for full spellings of abbreviations (including elements) and acronyms used in this standard.
1 5 Terms and Definitions Terms and definitions shall be in accordance with IPC-T-50 and 1.6.1 through 1.6.32.
1 6 IPC-9121 Format Example This document follows the general format seen below. In instances where there is no photo, a photo is not necessary or one could not be found. Potential test methods for discovery and verification are included in tables where applicable.
IPC encourages readers to submit process problems with photos as well as proposed causes and solutions to the IPC 7-24 Printed Board Process Effects Handbook Subcommittee. Submissions will be considered for document revisions.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012EA1 - Start year: : 2022

Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


IPC-6012E-AM1 is an Amendent to the IPC-6012E that clarifes the distinction between receding and dewetting solder in reflowed SPb or HASL coatings. The Amendment also provides amended criteria for minimum external conductor thickness of the finished printed board and new acceptance criteria for the minimum thickness of internal plated layers

Start Year / Status
IPC-4555 - Start year: : 2022

Performance Specification for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP) for Printed Boards


This performance specification sets requirements for High Temperature Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP-High Temperature) for Pb-free soldering. It is intended for use by chemical suppliers, printed board manufacturers, electronics manufacturing services (EMS) and original equipment manufacturers (OEM)

Start Year / Status
IPC-6018D:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards


This specification covers end product inspection and test of high frequency (microwave) printed boards for microstrip, stripline, mixed dielectric and multilayer stripline applications with or without buried/blind vias, and metal cores.
The printed board may contain embedded active or passive circuitry with distributive capacitive planes, capacitive or resistive components conforming to IPC-6017. The printed board may contain build up High Density Interconnect (HDI) layers.

Start Year / Status
IPC-7526A - Start year: : 2022

Stencil and Misprinted Board Cleaning Handbook


IPC-7526A handbook addresses understencil cleanliness during stencil printing, removal of solder paste from stencils following the cleaning process and misprint PCB board cleaning considerations.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6018DS:2022 - Start year: : 2022

IPC-6018DS: Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6018D, Qualification and Performance Specification for High Frequency (Microwave) Printed Boards


This addendum provides requirements to be used in addition to, and in some cases, in place of, those published in IPC-6018D to ensure the reliability of printed boards that must survive the vibration, ground testing, and thermal cycling environments of space and military avionics.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2228:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Sectional Design Standard for High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Printed Boards


This standard establishes the specific requirements for the design of rigid, flexible and rigid-flexible printed boards utilizing radio frequency (RF) and/or Microwave circuity and/or high frequency laminates where RF transmission lines and related passive metal layers are considered as distributed circuits, instead of conventional lumped circuit elements. This standard is used to support product typically requiring materials meeting the requirements of IPC-4103 and fabricated to the requirements of IPC-6018.

Start Year / Status
IPC 7092A:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Embedded Circuitry


This document describes the design, materials and assembly challenges associated with implementing embedded circuitry into a printed board. It covers various aspects of embedded circuitry related with the design, selection, processing and testing to achieve a completed multilayered structure that is ready for surface mount and/or through-hole component attachment.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-003C:2014 - Start year: : 2014

Amendment 1 to the J-STD-003C corrects editorial errors as well as adds clarifying statements to many areas of the document. Released May 2014

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-003B:2007 - Start year: : 2007

Solderability Tests for Printed Boards


This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions and illustrations for assessing the solderability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes utilizing either tin/lead or lead-free solders. This standard is intended for use by both vendor and user. The objective of the solderability test methods described in this standard is to determine the ability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes to wet easily with solder and to withstand the rigors of the printed board assembly processes. This standard describes test methods by which both the surface conductors (and attachment lands) and plated-through holes may be evaluated for solderability. Test A, Test B, Test C, Test D and Test E for tin/lead solder processes and Test A1, Test B1, Test C1, Test D1 and Test E1 for lead-free solder processes, unless otherwise agreed upon between vendor and user. Test A and Test C for tin/lead solder processes, Test A1 and Test C1 for lead-free solder processes are to be used as default solderability tests. 36 pages.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2591 V 1.6:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


This standard establishes the requirements for the omnidirectional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing. This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies – automated, semiautomated and manual – and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791C:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


This standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication and assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products. These trusted sources shall ensure quality, supply chain risk management (SCRM), security and chain of custody (ChoC).
Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of this standard as trusted design, fabrication or assembly organization benefits customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical).
In the context of this standard, the terms trust and trusted are used to reflect a commitment to delivered product and process integrity assurance by printed board designers, fabricators and assemblers. The user should not confuse this certification with defense-microelectronics-specific ‘‘Trusted Supplier’’ accreditation administered by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Trusted Access Program Office. IPC-1791 certification does not include U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facility clearance unless compelled by customer-specific requirements and pursued independent of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC-7352 - Start year: : Draft

Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design


Final Draft for Industry Review

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-7352:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design


This document provides generic guidelines on land pattern geometries used for the attachment of electronic components to a printed board, as well as design recommendations for achieving the best possible solder joints to the devices assembled.
Adjustments to the information in this guideline may be required to meet company and/or board technology requirements. It is recommended that a company should document the modifications to the IPC-7352 content in corporate command media documentation.
A land pattern is the representation of the area and features on a printed board needed for a component to be placed and attached to the printed board during an assembly process. The land pattern is usually built using ECAD Library tools.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2591 - V1.7:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


This standard establishes the requirements for the omnidirectional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing. This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies – automated, semiautomated and manual – and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes.

Start Year / Status
IPC-25910 V 1-3:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


The IPC-2591v1.3 standard establishes the requirements for the omni-directional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing.

This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies, automated, semi-automated and manual, and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes.

IPC-2591, Version 1.3 provides updates to several IPC-CFX messages as well as mandatory and optional IPC-CFX message by equipment type.

Visit for software developer resources and information on the equipment validation system for IPC-CFX implementations.


This standard establishes the requirements for the omnidirectional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing. This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies – automated, semiautomated and manual – and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes

Start Year / Status
IPC-25910V1-4:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


This standard establishes the requirements for the omnidirectional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing. This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies – automated, semiautomated and manual – and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes.
1.1 Purpose With the growth and acceptance of digital modeling and practices in manufacturing, the lack of a holistic Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) standard for the transfer of information between machines, systems and processes has become a severe limitation to the growth of digitization and computerization in the electronics manufacturing industry, inhibiting technology innovations such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Factories being available to all companies in the industry, regardless of size, sector and location.
This Connected Factory Exchange (CFX) standard provides a true ‘‘plug and play’’ Internet of Things (IoT) communication environment throughout manufacturing, where all equipment, manufacturing processes and transactional stations can communicate with each other without the need for the development and use of bespoke interfaces. CFX-enabled equipment and solutions from different vendors work seamlessly together.
There are many types of users of this CFX standard, including equipment vendors, solution providers, in-house information technology (IT) groups, etc. The many types of data included in CFX are used in different ways depending on the application; for example, closed-loop feedback systems, live production dashboards, traceability (IPC-1782), manufacturing execution systems (MES) control, lean supply chain management, active quality management, production control, etc.
As CFX data is fully omnidirectional, any CFX endpoint connection can consume data as well as create it. As an illustration, consider the scenario in which a single machine from a certain vendor is connected in-line with other machines from different vendors. CFX messages are sent from the single machine to other machines in the line, and to host systems such as MES. The single machine can also receive CFX messages from all other machines in the line, as well as from the host systems in order to optimize the machine operation and enable the vendor of the machines to create added-value functionality, such as to support machine-specific Industry 4.0. In this way, a smart, digital, Industry 4.0 factory will be comprised of many different Industry 4.0 computerization applications, each of which can be provided by different suppliers, at the machine, line, site and even enterprise levels, all working together, sharing data seamlessly through CFX.
This CFX standard supports the concept of big data by including data of different types from across the factory, including performance, materials, resources, users, quality events, product tracking, etc., all of which can be combined to create a big-data environment. CFX, therefore, provides many kinds of added value opportunities to the whole manufacturing operation, including, for example, improving operational efficiency and productivity, quality and reliability, agility and responsiveness. This CFX standard helps organizations ensure that end users/consumers will receive products and services that meet or exceed theirexpectations and in the timeliest and most economically viable method.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2591 V 1.5:2022 - Start year: : 2022

Connected Factory Exchange (CFX)


This standard establishes the requirements for the omnidirectional exchange of information between manufacturing processes and associated host systems for assembly manufacturing. This standard applies to communication between all executable processes in the manufacture of printed board assemblies – automated, semiautomated and manual – and is applicable to related mechanical assembly and transactional processes.


Start Year / Status
IPC-4562A:2013 - Start year: : 2013

Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications


Amendment 1 to IPC-4562A re-inserts the specification sheet IPC-4562/6 (CU-W6) back into the IPC-4562A document that was previously removed when the standard was revised to it's a revision from its original release in April 2008. Also included in this Amendment 1 are all references to the IPC-4562/6 (CU-W6) in section, the Table A1, the summary of all specification sheets as well as the specification sheet, itself.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1602:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage



This standard provides requirements and recommendations for proper handling, packaging materials and methods, environmental conditions, and storage for printed boards. The requirements and recommendations are intended to protect printed boards from contamination, physical damage, solderability degradation, electrostatic discharge (ESD) (when necessary), and moisture uptake. Moisture absorbed in printed board laminates expands at soldering temperatures, and in some cases, the resulting vapor pressure can cause internal delamination or excessive strain on plated-hole walls and other structures. This is especially challenging with the higher temperatures used for Pb-free soldering.
Note: This standard includes requirements for the handling, packaging and storage of printed boards and directly supersedes IPC-1601 Revision A from 2016.
This document covers all phases from the manufacture of the bare printed board, through delivery, receiving, stocking, assembly, and soldering.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2223E:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards


This standard establishes the specific requirements for the design of flexible and rigid-flexible printed board applications and its forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures. The flexible materials used in the structures are comprised of insulating films, reinforced and/or non-reinforced, dielectric in combination with metallic materials. These interconnecting boards may contain single, double, multilayer, or multiple conductive layers and can be comprised wholly of flex or a com- bination of both flex and rigid.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6011:1996 - Start year: : 1996

Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards


1.1 Statement of Scope This specification establishes the general requirements for printed boards and the quality and reliability assurance requirements that must be met for their acquisition. The intent of this specification is to allow the Printed Board user and supplier flexibility to develop optimum procedures for the Manufacture and Procurement of Printed Boards.
1.2 Performance Classes Three general classes have been established to reflect progressive increases in sophistication, functional performance requirements and testing/ inspection frequency. It should be recognized that there may be an overlap of equipment categories in different classes. The user has the responsibility to specify in the contract or purchase order the performance class required for each product and shall indicate any exceptions to specific parameters, where appropriate.
Class 1 General Electronic Products — Includes consumer products, some computer and computer peripherals suitable for applications where cosmetic imperfections are not important and the major requirement is function of the completed printed board.
Class 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products — Includes communications equipment, sophisticated business machines, instruments where high performance and extended life is required and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Certain cosmetic imperfections are allowed.
Class 3 High Reliability Electronic Products — Includes the equipment and products where continued performance or performance on demand is critical. Equipment downtime cannot be tolerated and must function when required such as in life support items or flight control systems. Printed boards in this class are suitable for applications where high levels of assurance are required and service is essential.
1.3 Dimensions and Tolerances All dimensions and tolerances specified herein are applicable only to the end product. Dimensions are expressed in millimeters. Users are cautioned to employ a single system and not intermix metric and inch-based equivalents. Reference information is shown in parentheses ( ).
1.3.1 Acceptability When Limiting Values Are Specified Specified limiting values of 63.5 mm maximum, 63.50 mm maximum, and 63.500 mm maximum are taken to mean that, for the purposes of determining conformanceo this specification, an observed value shall be rounded off to the nearest 0.1 mm, 0.01 mm, 0.001 mm if metric units are used [to the nearest 0.1 inch, 0.01 inch, 0.001 inch if English units are used], and compared to the specified limiting value. Rounding applies to both maximum and minimum values.
1.3.2 Rounding Convention When a figure is to be rounded to fewer digits than the total number available, the procedure shall be as follows:
a) When the first digit discarded is less than 5, the last digit retained should not be changed. For example, 3.4634, if rounded to 4 digits would be 3.463; if rounded to three digits, 3.46.
b) When the first digit discarded is greater than 5, or if it is a 5 followed by at least one digit other than 0, the last digit retained should be increased by one unit. For example 8.37652, if rounded to four digits would be 8.377; if rounded to three digits, 8.38.
c) When the first digit to be discarded is exactly 5, followed only by zeros, the last digit retained should be rounded upward if it is an odd number, but no adjustment made if it is an even number. For example, 4.365, when rounded to three digits, becomes 4.36.
The number 4.355 would also round to the same value 4.36, if rounded to three digits.
The final rounded figure shall be obtained from the most precise value available and not from a series of successive roundings.
1.4 Interpretation ‘‘Shall,’’ the emphatic form of the verb, is used throughout this specification whenever a requirement is intended to express a provision that is binding. Deviation from a ‘‘shall’’ requirement may be considered if sufficient data is supplied to justify the exception.
The words ‘‘should’’ and ‘‘may’’ are used whenever it is necessary to express non-mandatory provisions. ‘‘Will’’ is used to express a declaration of purpose. To assist the reader, the word ‘‘shall’’ is presented in bold characters.
1.5 Contractual Agreements In cases where the stated parameters are inappropriate or insufficient, alternate parameters may be agreed upon between vendor and user.
The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of issuance of this specification, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Subsequent issues of,

Start Year / Status
IPC-A-600:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Acceptability of Printed Boards


This document describes the target, acceptable, and nonconforming conditions that are either externally or internally observable on printed boards. It represents the visual interpretation of minimum requirements set forth in various printed board specifications, e.g.; IPC-6010 series, J-STD-003, etc.

Start Year / Status
IPC-1791D:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements


This standard provides minimum requirements, policies and procedures for printed board design, fabrication, assembly, and cable and wire harness assembly organizations and/or companies to become trusted sources for markets requiring high levels of confidence in the integrity of delivered products. These trusted sources shall ensure quality, supply chain risk management (SCRM), security and chain of custody (ChoC).
Trusted source certification of non-U.S. printed board design, fabrication, assembly, and cable and wire harness assembly organizations requires a sponsor and to meet the requirements in Section 6, in lieu of section 3.3 and Section 4.
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is scheduled to be fully implemented by the end of Fiscal Year 2025. The rollout starts gradually, accelerating in Fiscal Year 2023. During this period there will be instances in which a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) supplier may not be required to meet CMMC but may be required to meet NIST SP 800-171 compliance.
Therefore, this revision of IPC-1791 contains reference to CMMC, and Section 5 provides clarification on the relationship between CMMC and NIST SP 800-171.
Demonstration of the ability to meet and maintain the requirements of this standard as trusted design, fabrication, assembly, or cable and wire harness assembly organizations benefits customers that provide end-products for markets desiring a high level of integrity assurance (e.g., commercial, industrial, military, aerospace, automotive and medical).
In the context of this standard, the terms trust and trusted are used to reflect a commitment to product and process integrity assurance by printed board designers, fabricators, assemblers, and cable and wire harness assemblers. The user should not confuse this certification with defense-microelectronics-specific “Trusted Supplier” accreditation administered by the Defense
Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Trusted Access Program Office. IPC-1791 certification does not include DoD facility clearance unless compelled by customer-specific requirements and pursued independent of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012F:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


1.1 Statement of Scope This specification establishes and defines the qualification and performance requirements for the fabrication of rigid printed boards.
1.2 Purpose The purpose of this specification is to provide requirements for qualification and performance of rigid printed boards based on the following constructions and/or technologies. These requirements apply to the finished product unless otherwise specified:
• Single-sided, double-sided printed boards with or without plated-through holes (PTHs).
• Multilayer printed boards with PTHs with or without buried/blind vias/microvias.
• Active/passive embedded circuitry printed boards with distributive capacitive planes and/or capacitive or resistive components.
• Metal core printed boards with or without an external metal heat frame, which may be active or non-active

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012F-RL:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards - Redline


IPC-6012F Redline document shows the changes from IPC-6012E to IPC-6012F in a side-by-side comparison of the two documents. The IPC-6012F redline is available in both electronic and hardcopy format.

Start Year / Status
IPC-4412C:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from "E" Glass for Printed Boards


This specification covers finished fabrics woven from ‘‘E’’ glass electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by this specification are plain weave.
1.1 Purpose This specification determines the nomenclature, definitions, general and chemical requirements for the glass, and physical requirements for finished woven glass fiber fabrics.
1.2 Designation Appendix A provides the user with a cross reference between the IPC-4412 requirements and ISO specifications applicable to woven glass. Appendix B of this standard provides a style designator for each finished fabric glass style, with specifications on yarn, fabric count, thickness and weight in both SI and US system. Fabrics listed in Appendix B also categorize fabrics by their current availability status.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2221C - Start year: : Draft

Generic Standard on Printed Board Design


Working Draft

Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-2221C:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Generic Standard on Printed Board Design



This standard establishes the generic requirements for the design of organic printed boards and other forms of component mounting or interconnecting structures, including PC card form factors. The organic materials may be homogeneous, reinforced, or used in combination with inorganic materials; the interconnections may be single, double, or multilayered. The following overview describes what are the core knowledge and competencies to best serve in the role of Printed Board Design Layout as a stand-alone professional, or as the engineer performing this responsibility. Today’s printed board designer must address numerous perspectives for success within a given schedule, with the goal of making the first design iteration work as intended, summarized as:

• Layout Solvability - Complex Packaging Skill set

• Electrical Integrity - Signal & Power Performance on all Layers

• Manufacturability - DFX Considerations for High Yield and Lower Cost

• Application considerations – Environmental, Performance, Life Cycle, Sustainability, Reliability etc.

The result provides for optimal component placement, routing density and electrical performance to achieve an efficient design with high yield and defect-free manufacturability.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2221B:2018 - Start year: : 2018

Generic Standard on Printed Board Design


IPC-2221B Appendix A Version 2.0 June 2018


Appendix A to IPC-2221B provides current test coupon designs as developed and maintained by the IPC 1-10c Test Coupon and Artwork Generation Task Group. These coupons are intended for qualification and conformance assessment to IPC-6010 printed board performance series specifications. This June 2018 version 2.0 file includes new coupon designs for propagated B and D structures for via evaluation, feature size and spacing, registration, thermal stress and rework simulation. The file also includes an update to the “W” surface mount solderability test coupon, a design currently under evaluation within IPC.

IPC-2221B is the foundation design standard for all documents in the IPC-2220 series. It establishes the generic requirements for the design of printed boards and other forms of component mounting or interconnecting structures, whether single-sided, double-sided or multilayer. Among the many updates to Revision B are new criteria for conductor characteristics, surface finishes, via protection, board electrical test, dielectric properties, board housings, thermal stress, compliant pins, panelization and internal and external foil thicknesses. Appendix A provides new test coupon designs used for lot acceptance and quality conformance testing.

Start Year / Status

Solderability Tests for Printed Boards 


Contribute to IPC Standards by Submitting Your Comments

Start Year / Status
IPC-2221A - Start year: : 2003

Generic Standard on Printed Board Design


 This standard establishes the generic requirements for the design of organic printed boards and other forms of component mounting or interconnecting structures. The organic materials may be homogeneous, reinforced, or used in combination with inorganic materials; the interconnections may be single, double, or multilayered.

Start Year / Status
IPC-J-STD-003D:2023 - Start year: : 2023

Solderability Tests for Printed Boards


This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and plated-through holes (PTHs).

This standard is intended for use by both user and supplier. This standard is not intended to verify the potential of successful processing at assembly or to evaluate design impact on wettability. This standard describes procedures or methods to determine the acceptable wettability of a surface finish. Wettability can be affected by handling, finish application, and environmental conditions.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6012FS:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Space and Military Avionics Applications Addendum to IPC-6012F, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards


 Scope This addendum provides requirements to be used in addition to, and in some cases, in place of, those published in IPC-6012F to ensure the reliability of printed boards that must survive the vibration, ground testing, and thermal cycling environments of space and military avionics.

Start Year / Status

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards


3-12D Woven Glass Reinforcement Task Group

Chair   Thomas Keily, JPS Composite Materials Corp.

Vice Chair   Bo Wang, Botech Enterprises

Staff Liaison  Doug Sober

Committee Charter    The objective of this task group is to determine the consistency of woven glass fabrics and their effect on laminate and prepreg manufacture and to develop meaningful performance standards. It is responsible for the maintenance of IPC-4412,

Start Year / Status

Specification for Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/ Immersion Gold (ENEPIG) Plating for Printed Boards

  Chair   Jose Rios, Raytheon
  Vice Chair     Ingrid Swenson, TTM Technologies, Inc.
  Staff Liaison   Doug Sober
 Committee Charter  This Task Group is responsible for the development of technical information, guidelines and testing techniques to evaluate electroless nickel / electroless palladium / immersion gold (ENEPIG) as a surface finish for printed boards and interconnecting substrates. It is responsible for developing and maintaining the IPC-4556 standard.

4-14F Final Finishes for Printed Boards – ENEPIG Task Group


Start Year / Status

Metal Foil for Printed Board Applications


3-12A Metallic Foil Task Group

Chair   Erik Bergum, Founder PCB USA

Vice Chair  Michael Coll, Denkai America Inc.

Staff Liaison  Doug Sober

Committee Charter This task group is responsible for maintaining IPC-4562,


Start Year / Status

User Guide for the IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.25 Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Resistance and Other Internal Electrochemical Migration Testing


5-32E Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Task Group

 Chair   Karl Sauter, High Density Packaging User Group International, Inc.
 Vice Chair  Russell Shepherd, Element Materials Technology Anaheim
 Vice Chair  Graham Naisbitt, GEN3
 Staff Liaison  Doug Sober
 Committee Charter  This task group is responsible for the determination of electrochemical migration (ECM) activity within Printed Boards. Surface ECM issues are addressed by the 5-32b SIR and Electrochemical Migration Task Group. The focus of the 5-32e Task Group is exploring Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) growth and other ECM failure mechanisms within the board.


Start Year / Status
IPC-2294 - Start year: : Draft

Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates


D-61B Rigid Printed Electronics Design Standard Task Group

Chair       Jeff Shubrooks, Raytheon Company

Vice Chair    Pratyush Rai, Nanowear Inc.

Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen

Committee Charter   This group is developing IPC-2294, Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates, which will establish specific requirements for the design of printed electronic applications and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. The rigid substrate can be conductive (e.g., rigid printed board or assembly), semiconductive or nonconductive.

Start Year / Status
IPC-2294:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates


IPC-2294 standard establishes specific requirements for the design of printed electronic applications and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. Rigid substrates, as applies to IPC-2294 standard, are those that are not required to be flexed into a new shape for the purposes of assembly or operation. The rigid substrate can be conductive (e.g., rigid...

Start Year / Status
IPC-4105 - Start year: : Draft

3-11J Metal Based Laminates for Printed Boards

  Chair   Minsu Lee, Korea Packaging Integration Association
  Staff Liaison   Doug Sober
  Committee Charter   Responsible for IPC-4105.


Start Year / Status
IPC-6904 - Start year: : Draft

Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates


D-64B Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates Performance Specification Task Group

Chair       Jeff Shubrooks, Raytheon Company

Vice Chair  Pratyush Rai, Nanowear Inc.

Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen

Committee Charter  This group is developing IPC-6904, Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates, which will establish and define the qualification and performance requirements for printed electronics and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. The rigid substrate can be conductive (e.g., rigid printed board or assembly), semiconductive or nonconductive.

Start Year / Status
IPC-6904 - Start year: : Draft

Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates


D-64B Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates Performance Specification Task Group

  Chair   Jeff Shubrooks, Raytheon Company
  Staff Liaison   Chris Jorgensen
  Committee Charter This group is developing IPC-6904, Qualification and Performance Specifications for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates, which will establish and define the qualification and performance requirements for printed electronics and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. The rigid substrate can be conductive (e.g., rigid printed board or assembly), semiconductive or nonconductive.


Start Year / Status
IPC-1602A - Start year: : Draft

Standard for Printed Board Handling and Storage


D-35 Printed Board Storage and Handling Subcommittee

  Chair   Joseph Kane, BAE Systems
  Vice Chair   Don Dupriest, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control
  Staff Liaison   John Perry
  Committee Charter  This subcommittee is responsible for maintaining the IPC-1601,  Printed Board Handling and Storage Guidelines.


Start Year / Status
IPC-4204C - Start year: : Draft

Flexible Metal-Clad Dielectrics for Use in Fabrication of Flexible Printed Boards


D-13 Flexible Circuits Base Materials Subcommittee

  Chair   Richard Wessel, DuPont Electronics & Imaging
  Vice Chair   Steven Bowles, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  Staff Liaison   Doug Sober
  Committee Charter This subcommittee serves as a forum for the discussion and development of new base materials for use in the manufacture of flexible PWBs. This subcommittee is responsible for the maintenance of flexible circuits base materials standards covering flexible base dielectrics (IPC-4202), adhesive-coated dielectric films (IPC-4203) and flexible metal clad dielectrics (IPC-4204).


Start Year / Status
IPC-8922 - Start year: : Draft

Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles


D-72C E-Textiles Printed Electronics Reliability Standard Task Group

Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen
Committee Charter This group is developing IPC-8922, Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and E-Textiles. This standard will establish and define the qualification and performance requirements for printed electronics and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on coated or treated textile substrates. Textile substrates, as pertain to this standard could be a bare textile or an integrated e-textile (e.g., woven or knitted e-textile). As part of this project, the task group may identify the need to develop new IPC Test Methods to support the standard. The group may also call for the development of a new standard similar to IPC-QL-653 for e-textiles testing and a potential addendum to or expansion of IPC-1782 to account for traceability of materials and components used for e-textiles. This group will also work closely with the D-60 Printed Electronics Committee on the development of test coupons for printed electronics.


Start Year / Status
IPC-8953 - Start year: : Draft

Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles


D-73B Embroidered E-Textiles Design Standard Task Group

Chair Melanie Hoerr, 3E Smart Solutions, a subsidiary of ZSK
Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen
Committee Charter This task group is developing IPC-8953, Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles. This standard will establish specific requirements for the design of embroidered e-textiles. Embroidered e-textiles, as pertains to this standard, cover embroidery of conductive materials (yarns, fibers, threads, wires) onto bare textiles or integrated e-textiles (e.g., woven, knitted, printed electronics e-textiles) to create solely embroidered functionality, interconnect with functional components of integrated e-textiles and/or to form an interconnection/attachment of a device (e.g., printed boards) to a textile or e-textile.


Start Year / Status
IPC-9242 - Start year: : Draft

Guidelines for Microsection Evaluation


7-12 Microsection Subcommittee

Chair Allen Keeney, Johns Hopkins University
Vice Chair Sean Muzzio, TTM Technologies - Sterling
Staff Liaison Debora Obitz
Committee Charter This committee is responsible for the maintenance and development of concepts, guidelines, and tutorials for manual and automated microsection preparation (test method 2.1.1) which are used to evaluate the printed board and assembly quality.


Start Year / Status
IPC/JPCA-8911 - Start year: : Draft

Requirements for Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Applications


D-72A Conductive Yarns for E-Textiles Task Group

Chair oe Geiger, Bally Ribbon Mills
Staff Liaison Chris Jorgensen
Committee Charter This task group is developing IPC/JPCA-8981, a standard that will identify categories and establish the classification system and qualification/quality conformance requirements and suggested test methods for conductive yarns used in e-textiles. Conductive yarns covered under this standard include conductive fibers and conductive wire used in combination with fiber and yarn systems. This group is developing this standard jointly with the Japan Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association (JPCA).


Start Year / Status

Specification for Electrolytically Deposited Nickel/Gold Surface Finish for Printed Board Applications


4-14 Plating Processes Subcommittee

Committee Charter A subcommittee whose business to develop technical information, guidelines and testing technique to evaluate plating characteristics for printed boards and interconnection substrates is conducted at the task group level. The 4-14 group does not meet and does not maintain a separate roster.


Start Year / Status

Guidelines for Printed Board Component Mounting


5-21A IPC-7070 Task Group

Committee Charter This task group is developing the IPC-7070 which will replace the IPC-CM-770.


Start Year / Status
IPC-4413:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards


This specification covers finished fabrics woven from low Dk electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by this specification are plain weave.
1.2 Purpose This specification determines the nomenclature, definitions, general and chemical requirements for the glass, and physical requirements for finished woven glass fiber fabrics.
1.3 Designation Appendix II of this standard provides a style designator for each finished fabric glass style, with specifications on yarn, fabric count, thickness and weight in both SI and US system. Fabrics listed in Appendix II also categorize fabrics by their current availability status.
1.4 Classification
CLASS 1 General Electronic Products Includes products suitable for applications where the major requirement is function of the completed assembly.
CLASS 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products Includes products where continued performance and extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
CLASS 3 High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products Includes products where continued high performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.
1.5 Measurement Units All dimensions and tolerances in this specification are expressed in hard SI (metric) units and bracketed soft imperial [inch] units. Users of this specification are expected to use metric dimensions. All dimensions ≥ 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in millimeters and inches. All dimensions < 1 mm [0.0394 in] will be expressed in micrometers and microinches.
1.6 Definition of Requirements The words shall or shall not are used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, process control or acceptance.
The word “should” reflects recommendations and is used to reflect general industry practices and procedures for guidance only.
Line drawings and illustrations are depicted herein to assist in the interpretation of the written requirements of this Standard.
The text takes precedence over the figures.
1.7 Process Control Requirements The primary goal of process control is to continually reduce variation in the processes, products, or services to provide products or processes meeting or exceeding User requirements. Process control tools such as IPC-9191, JESD557 or other User-approved system may be used as guidelines for implementing process control.
Manufacturers of Class 3 products shall develop and implement a documented process control system.
A documented process control system, if established, shall define process control and corrective action limits.
This may or may not be a statistical process control system. The use of “statistical process control” (SPC) is optional and should be based on factors such as design stability, lot size, production quantities, and the needs of the Manufacturer, see 4.1.
Process control methodologies shall be used in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the manufacturing processes used to produce soldered electrical and electronic assemblies. The philosophy, implementation strategies, tools and techniques may be applied in different sequences depending on the specific company, operation, or variable under consideration to relate process control and capability to end product requirements.
When a decision or requirement is to use a documented process control system, failure to implement process corrective action and/or the use of continually ineffective corrective actions would be grounds for disapproval of the process and associated documentation.
1.8 Order of Precedence The contract takes precedence over this Standard, referenced standards and drawings. In the event of conflict, the following order of precedence applies:

Start Year / Status
IPC-4562B:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad Laminates for Printed Boards


This specification covers metal unsupported foils and foils supported by carrier films suitable for subsequent use in printed boards. Unless otherwise agreed upon between user and supplier (AABUS), metal foils shall be considered acceptable, so long as the requirements in this specification are met.
1.1 Purpose This specification addresses the requirements for procurement of metal foils used only in printed wiring applications.
1.2 Foil Designation The foil designation shall be in the following forms:


     IPC-4562/XX    Where XX is the specification sheet number (See 1.2.1)
         CU                            Foil Metal (See 1.2.2)
          E                            Foil Type (See 1.2.3)
          3                           Foil Grade (See 1.2.4)
          2                        Foil Thickness (See 1.2.5)
          S              Bond Enhancement Treatment (See 1.2.6)
         XS                           Foil Profile (See 1.2.7)
          3                    Quality Classification (See 1.3)


Example: IPC-4562/03-CUSE32SXS3
1.2.1 Specification Sheet Description At the end of this document is a series of specification sheets. Each sheet outlines engineering and performance data for a metal foil. The sheets are provided with a number for ordering purposes. For example, if a user wishes to order from specification sheet 1, the number ‘‘1’’ would be substituted for the ‘‘X’’ in the above designation example (e.g., IPC-4562/1).
The metal foils contained in this standard represent known materials. As new foils become available, they may be added to future revisions. Users and material developers are encouraged to supply information on new materials for review by the Metallic Foils Task Group (3-12a). Users who wish to invoke this specification for metal foils not listed shall list a 00 (zero zero) for the specification sheet number (e.g., IPC-4562/00).
This specification provides quality classes (see 1.3) for requirements to reflect functional performance. The reference of a singleclass does not preclude invoking specific requirements defined in other classes.
1.2.2 Foil Metal The metal foil shall be designated by a suitable two- or three-letter code:

Table 1-1: Metal Foil Material of Construction Designation

     Designation      Materials of Construction
            CU                Copper
            NI                Nickel


1.2.3 Foil Type Metal foil types shall be distinguished by their process of manufacture and shall be designated as:

Table 1-2: Metal Foil Manufacturing Process Designation

     Designation           Manufacturing Process
          E                Electrodeposited
          W                Wrought (rolled)
          O                     Other

1.2.4 Foil Grade Foil grade is a designation of the metal type, method of manufacture, and desired mechanical properties. The details of the designations can be found on the specification sheets at the end of this standard.

Start Year / Status
IPC/HERMES-9852:2024 V 1.6 - Start year: : 2024

The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly Version 1.6


The aim of this specification is to create a state-of-the-art communication protocol for handling board transfers and associated data at surface-mount technology (SMT) production lines. Therefore, this new communication protocol has to cope with the following:
• Replace the electrical SMEMA interface as specified in IPC-SMEMA-9851
• Extend the interface to communicate:
– Unique identifiers for the handled printed circuit boards (PCBs)
– Equipment identifiers of the first machine noticing a PCB
– Barcodes
– Conveyor speed and intended board route
– A lightweight digital twin of the product containing, e.g.,
▪ Product type identifier
▪ Length
▪ Width
▪ Thickness
▪ Board state
With respect to version numbers The Hermes Standard adheres to the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 [SemVer_2.0.0].
Hints on naming:
• Wherever a feature is described by the word “shall” it is mandatory.
• The word “machine” is used for any equipment which can be found in a SMT production line (e.g., printers, placement machines, ovens, AOIs, transport modules, shuttles, stackers).
• The term “PCB” may also refer to carriers transporting PCBs.
• The word “Hermes” is used as abbreviation for “The Hermes Standard”.
• “The Hermes Standard” and IPC-HERMES-9852 are synonyms for the standard specified in this document and might be used interchangeably.

Start Year / Status

Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies


7-25A Automated Optical Inspection Process Control Standard Task Group

  Chair   Feng Xue, IBM Infrastructure
  Vice Chair   Tiberiu Baranyi, Flextronics Romania SRL
  Staff Liaison   Chris Jorgensen
  Committee Charter This task group is developing IPC-9716, Requirements for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process Control for Printed Board Assemblies.


Start Year / Status

Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-free) and Other Attributes


B-10A Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group

  Cochair   Christina Landon, Naval Surface Warfare Ctr
  Staff Liaison   Teresa Rowe
  Staff Liaison   Debora Obitz
  Committee Charter This task group was formed based on concerns raised at the Surface Mount Council regarding cracking observed in plastic chip components. They developed technical document IPC-SM-786 (Recommended Procedures for Handling of Moisture Sensitive Plastic IC Packages) to address this. Subsequently, they joined with JEDEC to develop replacements for IPC-SM-786 to reflect current technology. J-STD-020A.


Start Year / Status

Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards


D-33 Performance Standards Subcommittee

  Chair   Steven Bowles, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  Vice Chair   Dan Loew, L3Harris Fuzing & Ordnance Systems
  Staff Liaison   John Perry
  Committee Charter   Charter: This subcommittee is responsible for maintaining  IPC-6011, Generic Performance Specification for Printed Boards.


Start Year / Status
Application: Rail Transit
IPC/WHMA-A-620CRT - Start year: : 2022

Rail Transit Addendum to IPC/WHMA-A-620C


Scope This Addendum provides additional requirements specified for rail transit applications over those published in IPC/WHMA-A-620C. It prescribes the practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies in rail transit industry, and it applies to Class 3 to ensure industry-specific high reliability and environmental adaptability.
This Addendum is used in conjunction with IPC/WHMA-A-620C.
For the purpose of this Addendum, if a conflict occurs between the English version and other versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
This Addendum particularly supplements or replaces Class 3 requirements in IPC/WHMA-A-620C. Clauses not involved and requirements not mentioned, i.e., Class 1, 2 requirements, are subject to the corresponding provisions of IPC/WHMA-A-620C.
The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated, i.e., changes made to 1.7 do not affect 1.7.1, unless 1.7.1 is also addressed in this Addendum.
When a paragraph, e.g., the first paragraph in 15.1 of this Addendum, refers to an entire section, i.e., section 15, it’s the Responsibility of the Addendum users to determine which clauses from that section are used from IPC/WHMA-A-620C and which clauses are covered by this Addendum.
Tables/Figures, including newly added as well as original or modified from IPC/WHMA-A-620C, in a section in this Addendum are numbered from “1R”, e.g., Figure 3-1R, 3-2R, Table 3-1R, 3-2R in section 3.
This Addendum does not specify frequency of in-process or frequency of end-product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of Process Indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of defects. Such information should be developed with a SPC plan (see IPC-9191). Whenever special process is involved, e.g. soldering, crimp, ISO/TS 22163 and relevant documents shall apply.

Start Year / Status
IPC WHMA-A-620E - Start year: : 2022

Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies


Scope This standard prescribes practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies. This standard does not provide criteria for cross-section or X-ray evaluation. For X-ray guidelines, see Appendix D X-Ray Guidelines.
If a conflict occurs between the English and translated versions of this document, the English version will take precedence.
The illustrations in this document portray specific points noted in the title of each section. The development committee recognizes that different parts of the industry have different definitions for some terms used herein. For the purposes of this document, the terms cable and wire harness are used interchangeably. IPC/WHMA-A-620 can be used as a stand-alone document for purchasing products, however it does not specify frequency of in-process inspection or frequency of end product inspection. No limit is placed on the number of process indicators or the number of allowable repair/rework of defects. Such information should be developed with a statistical process control plan (see IPC-9191).

Start Year / Status
Application: Reporting
IPC-1751A:2010 - Start year: : 2010

Amendment 1 to IPC-1751A standard provides the principles and details for declarations necessary between members of a supply chain relationship. This standard is the first in a series of standards that permits segmentation of declaration details based on the subject and scope of the declaration as well as the manufacturing domain. This standard contains general information and is supplemented by Sectional standards requiring more detailed information such as material declarations, quality profiles, or codes of conduct.

The 175x family of supplier declaration standards include: manufacturing process declaration (IPC-1751), materials declaration (IPC-1752), printed board declaration (IPC-1753), conflict minerals declaration (IPC-1755) assembly technology declaration (IPC-1756), and declaration of shipping, packing and packaging materials (IPC-1758).

In this revision of the 175x series, only the data format and functional requirements are specified. Development of human readable data entry and viewing tools are intentionally left in the domain of third party software providers.

Amendment 1 released November 2012.


This standard provides the principles and details necessary for declarations between members of a supply chain. Although this 1751A standard contains only generic information regarding trading partners, when combined with another specific 175x Sectional standard, the resulting document set is used to define and maintain the declaration information. The requirements pertain to both hard copy and electronic data descriptions. This standard provides for the creation of a record between trading partners, and therefore the data communicated may be used to help support and demonstrate due diligence in any subsequent representation based upon its contents.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the standard is to establish a methodology for a product or business attribute declaration process between suppliers and their customers which will define the form, structure, and content of the declaration to such an extent that it may be conveyed electronically without the necessity of human intervention. The standard benefits its adherents by providing consistency, efficiency, and integrity to the declaration process. 

The purpose of this document is also to describe in text what the electronic data content consists of, so that its capabilities can be assessed, judged, and adopted by those in need of such a standardized approach to information exchange.

 Because organizations may choose to verify information provided under this standard, brief procedures are described within this standard for such verification (see Section 8).

1.2 Intent

The intent of the 175x standard set is to establish a standard data exchange format that will facilitate, improve, and secure data transfer between all members of a supply chain.

The intent of the 1751A standard is to define the generic information comprising the basis for such data exchange: who is  requesting or making the declaration, basic identification and contact information for the party or parties involved, if there  is a requester, then who is the recipient of the request, when is this happening, and similar basic information. The 1751A standard then intends to provide definition of the electronic data exchange format sufficient to convey mandatory and  optional data contents.

IPC-1751A is ‘‘generic’’ because it specifies only basic identification and communication information which form the basis for further specific declarations. IPC-1751A is therefore intended to be used in conjunction with other 175x standards as needed which may be employed similar to menu items, building on the 1751A foundation.

Part of the intent is also to provide mechanisms for securing the integrity of the information exchanged.

1.3 Documentation Hierarchy

This 1751A standard establishes the generic requirements for a declaration process used to provide information with respect to a specified product or products on subjects of concern arising in the course of conducting business.

Declaration specifics are defined by each standard in the IPC-175x series of standards. Each standard has a specific focus and shall

be used, as appropriate, to describe a particular declaration process. The Sectional standards and their focus are:

Version 2.0:

IPC-1751A Generic Requirements for Declaration Process Management

IPC-1752A Materials Declaration Management

IPC-1756 Manufacturing Process Data Management

IPC-1758 Declaration of Shipping, Packing and Packaging Materials

Start Year / Status
IPC-1752A:2014 - Start year: : 2014

IPC-1752A establishes a standard reporting format for material declaration data exchange between supply chain participants and supports reporting of bulk materials, components, printed boards, sub-assemblies, and products. This standard is not supported directly by a PDF form. Third party software developers are invited to supply the implementation tool, and one organization has already made a free download implementation tool available. In the A revision, the data exchange format is specified as Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Amendment 2 provides important enhancements to the standard including: new Reportable Application field for use with new IEC 62474 Declarable Substances list in Appendix F to align with IEC 62474; clarification on the use of SubProduct in Class D XMLs to align with IEC 62474; clarification on reporting RoHS Exemptions tied to RoHS Exemption Lists in Class D XMLs and: addition of a new list for ELV exemptions in Appendix B. 53 pages. Released 2014.

While IPC-1751 defines the generic requirements for declaration process management, IPC-1752 establishes a standard reporting format for material declaration data exchange between supply chain participants and supports reporting of bulk materials, components, printed circuit boards (PCBs), sub-assemblies, and products. This standard defines the content and requirements for four distinct classes of declarations that can be used between members of a supply chain relationship.

1752 - Class A: Declaration Query/Reply

1752 - Class B: Material Group Declaration

1752 - Class C: Material Composition Summary Declaration - Product Level

1752 - Class D: Material Composition Declaration - Homogeneous Material Level, with JIG-101 (latest revision) list

The initial focus of material reporting is the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003, on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS). In April, 2005 the Electronic Industries Alliance, Japan Green Procurement Survey Standardization Initiative and the Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) published the Joint Industry Guide Material Composition Decla-

ration for Electronic Products (JIG-101), which established the materials and substances to be disclosed by suppliers when those materials and substances are present in products and subproducts that are incorporated into electrical and electronic

equipment. The IPC-1752 standard supports the substance disclosure requirements outlined by the latest version of JIG-101 and accommodates disclosure of additional substance information.

There are several appendices to the 1752 which represent various lists taken from legal directives and other standard bodies. These lists are subject to change; therefore, corresponding appendices in this standard will be amended to reflect those changes at regular intervals. In addition, some substances/materials may exist on more than one list, and since a requester may require meeting more than one material reporting convention described in the appendices, users should be aware that duplicate reporting of a single substance in a material could result from adhering to the reporting conventions of more than one appendix. Tool designers for 1752 implementation are cautioned to consider screening to remove duplication prior to

summing the mass or calculating mass percentages.

This standard will be updated to reflect changes affecting the global market. The methodology for update is described in the section on standard maintenance.

Version 1.1 of this standard was supported by two Portable Document Format (PDF) forms (1752-1 and 1752-2) and the

Users Guide (1752-3). However, starting with version 2.0, this standard will not be supported directly with a PDF form.

Third party software developers are invited to supply the implementation tool, and one organization has already made a free

download implementation tool available. In version 2.0 the data exchange format is specified as Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Using a software tool of the user’s choice, relevant data can be saved locally and submitted electronically back to the requester. The data structure is based on an underlying Unified Modeling Language (UML) model, which in turn is represented by an XML schema which is used to validate the XML data files. The schema and model are included in Figure 4-1and Appendix E.

End product producers and customers throughout the supply chain are requesting that suppliers provide material declarations so that the recipient is aware of the presence and amount of certain chemicals in the products it procures. This standard defines the creation of a document or electronic record that will serve as a standard way for reporting and collecting this type of data.


This standard establishes the requirements for exchanging material and substance data between suppliers and their customers for electrical and electronic product. This standard applies to products, components, subproducts and materials that are

supplied to producers of electrical and electronic products for incorporation into their products. It covers materials and substances that may be present in the supplied product or sub-product. It does not apply to process chemicals, unless those process chemicals constitute part of the finished product or sub-product.

This standard applies to business-to-business transactions. It is not intended to be used by the general public when making purchasing decisions. The standard is not a compliance guide. As revisions to the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive and the European Union’s REACH Regulation are released, this standard will be updated.

Exemptions are for specific applications as defined, and management of usage and expirations are between the requester and the supplier.

1.1 Purpose

This standard is intended to benefit suppliers and their customers by providing consistency and efficiency to the material declaration process. It establishes standard electronic data exchange formats that will facilitate and improve data-transfer along the entire global supply chain.

1.2 Classes

This standard establishes four classes for declaration of materials. Classes may be combined as desired.


Start Year / Status
IPC-1752B:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Materials Declaration Management Standard


The IPC-1752B standard establishes the requirements for exhanging material and substance data between suppliers and their customers for electrical and electronics products and other produicts. IPC-1752B includes data fields to help supply chain members transfer materials data required for submission into the ECHA SCIP database.

Start Year / Status
Application: Semiconductor Assembly
IPC-J-STD-001H:2020 - Start year: : 2020

Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies- Multi Device License


IPC-J-STD-001H is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries providing input and expertise, the IPC-J-STD-001H standard brings the latest criteria to the industry including guidance on the use of x-ray to inspect through-hole solder conditions that are not visible by any other means.

IPC-J-STD-001H is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and is supported by IPC-HDBK-001 for those wanting additional information and explanation on the requirements. If you purchased IPC-J-STD-001H you should also purchase and use IPC-A-610H, they work together.

Multiple-Device License (MDL), Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Protected Document. The MDL DRM product can be purchased starting with a 12 device license and any quantity larger than that. NOTE: The pricing shown is for 1 device. Upon check out the price will be updated for the total devices purchased. A 10% discount is applied to any quantity of 20 and more when purchased on the same order. Users of this MDL document will only be able to open it on the number of devices specific to the product order. (Example: If you placed an order for a MDL of 12 then you would be able to open the document on 12 devices) For information about IPC standards with DRM protection, visit

Start Year / Status
Application: Servers
IPC-7093A - Start year: : 2020

Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination Components (BTCs)


The IPC-7093A standard provides essential design and assembly guidance for implementing bottom termination components (BTCs). Specifically, IPC-7093A provides guidelines on critical design, materials, assembly, inspection, repair, quality, and reliability issues associated with BTCs.

Start Year / Status
Application: Test Procedure
IPC-1753 WAM2 - Start year: : Draft

Laboratory Report Standard


2-18J Lab Report Declaration Task Group

  Cochair   Jason Gooden, Anthesis
  Cochair   JB Hollister, Apple Inc.
  Staff Liaison   Patrick Crawford
  Staff Liaison   Chris Jorgensen
  Committee Charter This task group will develop a standardized lab report format for gathering and communicating information on testing data for chemicals in products. This project will facilitate the exchange of lab reports between supply chain members by having a standardized lab report format and way to exchange the information contained in lab reports. The goal is to have a common format for industry to use and standardize the data so it could be entered into the data stream for easier analysis and transfer between companies within the supply chain.


Start Year / Status
IPC-SM-840F Draft - Start year: : Draft

Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials


5-33B Solder Mask Performance Task Group

Chair Fonda Wu, Raytheon Company
Vice Chair Elizabeth Allison, Element - Baltimore
Vice Chair Paige Fiet, TTM Technologies - Logan
Staff Liaison Debora Obitz
Committee Charter This task group is responsible for the maintenance of the IPC-SM-840 Qualification and Performance Specification of Permanent Solder Mask and Flexible Cover Materials and the associated test methods.


Start Year / Status
IPC J-STD-005B:2024 - Start year: : 2024

Requirements for Solder Pastes



This standard prescribes general requirements for the characterization and testing of solder pastes used to make high quality electronic interconnections. This specification is a material quality control document and is not intended to relate
directly to the material’s performance in the assembly process. Solder paste users are referred to paragraph 6.3 for a listing of requirements information and options that should be addressed when procuring solder paste.
1.2 Purpose This standard defines the characteristics of solder paste through the definitions of properties and specification of test methods and inspection criteria. The materials include solder powder and solder paste flux blended to produce solder paste.
Solder powders are classified by the shape of the particles and size distribution of the particles. It is not the intent of this standard to exclude particle sizes or distributions not specifically listed. The flux properties of the solder paste, including
classification and testing, shall be based on J-STD-004. The solder alloy properties of solder paste, which includes requirements, shall be based on J-STD-006. The requirements for solder paste are defined in general terms. Users can perform additional tests
(beyond the scope of this specification) to determine the acceptability of the solder paste for specific processes.
1.3 Quality/Performance Classification Three general classes have been established to reflect progressive increases in inspection and testing frequency. It should also be recognized that there is typically an overlap between classes. In many cases
the difference between classes is one of attribute assurance level not attribute difference. The user has the responsibility to determine the class into which his product belongs. Testing and inspection requirements in this specification have been separated
so the metallic foils may be tested to any one of the three quality/performance classes.
The three classes are:
Class 1 Material in this class is suitable for applications where mechanical properties and cosmetic defects are not important, and the only requirement is functionality of the complete circuit. This material has no prescribed inspection and testing requirements.
Class 2 Material in this class is suitable for use where circuit design, process yield, and specification conformance requirements allow localized areas of nonconformance. This material has moderate levels of assurance, demonstrated via the use of testing and/or statistical process control (SPC)/statistical quality control (SQC) techniques.
Class 3 Material in this class is suitable for applications where high levels of assurance are required. These levels of assurance shall be demonstrated via the use of testing and/or SPC/SQC techniques.
1.4 Measurement Units This Standard uses International System of Units (SI) units per ASTM SI10, IEEE/ASTM SI 10, Section 3 [Imperial English equivalent units are in brackets for convenience]. The SI units used in this Standard are millimeters
(mm) [in] for dimensions and dimensional tolerances, Celsius (°C) [°F] for temperature and temperature tolerances, grams (g) [oz] for weight, and lumens (lm) [footcandles] for illuminance.
Note: This Standard uses other SI prefixes (ASTM SI10, Section 3.2) to eliminate leading zeroes (for example, 0.0012 mm becomes 1.2 μm) or as an alternative to powers-of-ten (3.6 x 103 mm becomes 3.6 m).
1.5 Definition of Requirements The words shall or shall not are used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, process control or acceptance. The word “should” reflects recommendations and is used to reflect general industry practices and procedures for guidance only. Line drawings and illustrations are depicted herein to assist in the interpretation of the written requirements of this Standard. The text takes precedence over the figures.
1.6 Process Control Requirements The use of “statistical process control” (SPC) is optional and should be based on factors such as design stability, lot size, production quantities, and the needs of the Manufacturer. See paragraph 4.6 for the quality assurance section regarding SPC.
1.7 Order of Precedence The contract shall take precedence over this Standard, referenced standards and drawings.

Start Year / Status
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