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Efficiency Database

European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.

Since the 1970s, energy efficiency has contributed more to our economic prosperity than any other single source of energy supply. This is the power of a million small and often-invisible ECEEE makes these actions visible!

ECEEE, the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, is a membership-based non-profit association. We generate and provide evidence-based knowledge and analysis of policies, and we facilitate co-operation and networking through our Summer Studies, workshops, and social media. Welcome!

Locations: Europe - EU - European Union
Type: Mandatory Standard
Archived Events: (Click to expand/collapse)
Location: Eu

Public Consultations

Deadline 30/06/2022


About this initiative


In 2013, the EU adopted an ecodesign measure on vacuum cleaners that set minimum energy efficiency requirements. This led to substantial energy savings for consumers.

This initiative will review the measure in light of technological progress and assess whether to:

  • include battery-operated and robot vacuum cleaners
  • set requirements for materials and the lifetime of vacuum cleaners.

You automatically give feedback for interlinked Ecodesign-Energy labelling initiatives so duplication is avoided.



Type of act



Location: Webinar

Eco-design for a Circular Economy: Best Practices in the Electronics Industry

Join IPC for a free webinar on March 17 to learn about eco-design best practices, interact with your peers, and get a grip on realistic and achievable eco-design action items.


Join us for a 2022 physical event

  • Next in-person Summer Study in Hyères, the South of France, 6–11 June 2022
  • Oral presentations and displays
  • Acceptance as peer-reviewed papers (scopus indexed) or extended abstracts
  • Industrial efficiency panel reintroduced
  • #eceee2022 – stay tuned!

Decarbonisation requires demand reduction

We simply won’t manage the climate urgency without ambitious and effective energy efficiency policies, programmes and investments. Electrification and decarbonisation are key to the carbon-neutral energy transition, but without energy demand reduction where possible, we simply won’t make the transition to a renewables-based energy system fast enough or be able to afford it.

The eceee Summer Studies are a cornerstone in our mission to build and support the generation and sharing of evidence-based knowledge on energy efficiency and demand reduction. In 2021, the Summer Study highlighted the fact that we are indeed facing a new reality. We are now moving into a post-Covid society with massive support programmes for recovery and climate change mitigation. This year, we focus on the people and forces that are agents of change.

Industrial efficiency panel re-introduced

The 2022 Summer Study will add a panel on industrial energy efficiency after a ten year absence, but will continue to keep covering the broad range of topics from energy consumption and behaviour, over policy & evaluation, to local energy planning, transportation, buildings, and appliance and product policy.

Environmental impact of our Summer Studies

eceee is acutely aware of the fact that an in-person event has an environmental impact in terms of travel, venue and food. However, we believe it is important to meet in person. We also believe that our event is one of the best events on energy efficiency, long enough, and held relatively seldom, and thereby justifies the travel. We are based on southern France, and this allows most participants to travel by train or other low-carbon modes of transportation.

Submit your abstract by 16 November

The 2022 Summer Study offers nine panels on a broad range of energy efficiency topics. It will cover all traditional panel topics, with the addition of industry. 

Panel themes

See panels pages for in-depth descriptions.

Panel 1. Dynamics of consumption: less is more?
Panel 2. Efficiency and beyond: innovative energy demand policies 
Panel 3. Policy, finance and governance
Panel 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition
Panel 5. Towards sustainable and resilient
Panel 6. Energy-efficient and low-carbon mobility for all
Panel 7. Policies and programmes for better buildings
Panel 8. Innovations in products, systems and building technologies
Panel 9. Deep decarbonisation of industry

eceee will keep offering a fruitful mix of scopus-indexed, peer-reviewed papers and extended abstracts.

Stay tuned. See you at #eceee2022


The Calendar

01 Dec 2021: Energy Efficiency Hub Launch

2 Dec 2021: [Webinar] Job creation and workforce development...

02 Dec 2021: Combining efforts – Alternative Proteins and Smart...

02–04 Mar 2022: World Sustainable Energy Days 2022

02–04 Mar 2022: European Energy Efficiency Conference 2022

03–05 May 2022: New date: 12. Int. Conference for...

More events


European Energy Efficiency Conference 2022

Start/Stop Date:

02–04 Mar 2022


OÖ Energiesparverband


Wels, Austria

Focus Areas:

climate neutrality, energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy, industry, e-mobility, financing

Type of Event:


Read more

"Energy efficiency – full speed ahead!" is the focus of the next European Energy Efficiency Conference on 2-4 March 2022 in Wels/Austria.

The new "Fit for 55" package aims to put the EU on track towards climate neutrality. Energy accounts for 75% of GHG emissions. Speeding up the energy transition is critical!

In 2022, the European Energy Efficiency Conference presents the far-reaching transformation of policies, technologies and markets for achieving climate neutrality, and how to raise the pace of change. It shows how citizens and businesses can profit from this, how we can increase acceptance, trigger investments, and get things moving – full speed!

The event is organised by the energy agency of Upper Austria and eceee member OÖ Energiesparverband. It is held in the context of the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) – a leading annual conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality with more than 650 participants from over 60 countries each year.

What's new in 2022?

  • Fit for 55
  • Speeding up efficiency
  • The new EU directives
  • Energy Communities
  • Innovation Talks
  • Meet2Talk
  • Career Point

Programme overview

  • Energy Efficiency Policy Conference
  • Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference
  • Innovation Workshops
  • Smart E-Mobility Conference
  • Technical Site Visits
  • Young Energy Efficiency Researchers Conference
  • Poster Presentation
  • Leading Tradeshow 

Call for Papers and Speakers:

Take the opportunity to share your work, expertise, ideas and insights with the worldwide sustainable energy community! Deadline: 12 October 2021, further details:

Location: EU

(EurActiv, 1 Sep 2021) Certain fluorescent and halogen light bulbs are being banned as of Wednesday (1 September) as new ecodesign and labelling rules come into force across the European Union.

The ecodesign regulation and the energy labelling regulation came into force on Wednesday, after they were adopted in 2019.

Together, they bring major changes for producers and consumers that could cut the environmental impact of keeping Europe’s lights on.

The new rules will drive changes that will save seven million tonnes of CO2 equivalent every year by 2030, adding to emissions savings of 12 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year brought in by previous regulations, according to the European Commission.

The changes include new energy efficiency requirements that will see some fluorescent and halogen lamps banned immediately and more banned in two years’ time. The move follows a ban on incandescent light bulbs that was imposed over a decade ago across the EU.

New requirements have also been introduced to determine the removability and replaceability of light sources and the durability of LEDs and OLEDs.

In addition, light bulbs will now need to use a simpler scale to display their energy efficiency. This means ditching the A+, A++ A+++ classes and moving to an A-G system within 18 months for physical retailers and 14 working days for online shops.

External link

 EurActiv, 1 Sep 2021: Lights out for inefficient bulbs under new EU standards

Location: Newsletter

The Calendar

07–11 Jun 2021: eceee 2021 Digital Summer Study

21–25 Jun 2021: World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)

The Ecodesign Calendar

07–11 Jun 2021: We are facing a new reality. There is an increasingly urgent climate crisis, and we simply can’t go back to business as usual after the pandemic. The restart after Covid-19 offers a golden opportunity to do things smarter, greener and fairer for all. Energy efficiency and energy sufficiency are part of the solution when we fundamentally rethink how we travel, live, meet and work. Join us for eceee’s 2021 digital Summer Study in June to discuss these crucial issues. Abstracts submission will open this week and you’ll have to 11 February to submit. The exact format and fees our 2021 event are yet to be determined. We know this much: we are going to have a digital event and we know how to make it work – we did it in September 2020 with Industrial Efficiency and we will do it again.

eceee 2021 Digital Summer Study

Start/Stop Date: 07–11 Jun 2021


Venue: Digital event

Focus Areas:

Type of Event: Conference

Read more

Digital event: 7–11 June 2021

Read more and submit your abstract here.

We are facing a new reality. There is an increasingly urgent climate crisis, and we simply can’t go back to business as usual after the pandemic. The restart after Covid-19 offers a golden opportunity to do things smarter, greener and fairer for all. Energy efficiency and energy sufficiency are part of the solution when we fundamentally rethink how we travel, live, meet and work.

Join us for eceee’s 2021 digital Summer Study in June to discuss these crucial issues. Abstracts submission will open this week and you’ll have to 11 February to submit.

The format, fees and exact timing of our 2021 event are yet to be determined. We know this much: we are going to have a digital event in the period 3–18 June and we know how to make it work – we did it in September with Industrial Efficiency and we will do it again.

eceee on EU 2030 and beyond

Read eceee's views on the EU 2030 Green Paper on Climate and Energy Policy.

Location: Newsletter

The Calendar

11 May 2021: Multiple benefits of energy efficiency Virtual...

12 May 2021: Bringing energy sufficiency from local projects...

25–26 May 2021: 2021 Energy Efficiency Finance Forum Virtual

26–28 May 2021: The Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces - SurfCoat...

07–11 Jun 2021: eceee 2021 Digital Summer Study

21–25 Jun 2021: World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)

The Ecodesign Calendar

07–11 Jun 2021: We are facing a new reality. There is an increasingly urgent climate crisis, and we simply can’t go back to business as usual after the pandemic. The restart after Covid-19 offers a golden opportunity to do things smarter, greener and fairer for all. Energy efficiency and energy sufficiency are part of the solution when we fundamentally rethink how we travel, live, meet and work. Join us for eceee’s 2021 digital Summer Study in June to discuss these crucial issues. Abstracts submission will open this week and you’ll have to 11 February to submit. The exact format and fees our 2021 event are yet to be determined. We know this much: we are going to have a digital event and we know how to make it work – we did it in September 2020 with Industrial Efficiency and we will do it again.

eceee 2021 Digital Summer Study

Start/Stop Date:

07–11 Jun 2021



Digital event

Focus Areas:

Type of Event:


Read more

Digital event: 7–11 June 2021

Read more and submit your abstract here.

We are facing a new reality. There is an increasingly urgent climate crisis, and we simply can’t go back to business as usual after the pandemic. The restart after Covid-19 offers a golden opportunity to do things smarter, greener and fairer for all. Energy efficiency and energy sufficiency are part of the solution when we fundamentally rethink how we travel, live, meet and work.

Join us for eceee’s 2021 digital Summer Study in June to discuss these crucial issues. Abstracts submission will open this week and you’ll have to 11 February to submit.

The format, fees and exact timing of our 2021 event are yet to be determined. We know this much: we are going to have a digital event in the period 3–18 June and we know how to make it work – we did it in September with Industrial Efficiency and we will do it again.

Energy efficiency in the new reality – submit your abstract by 15 February noon (sharp)

Abstracts submission deadline is 15 February noon, sharp. We offer nine panels on a broad range of energy efficiency topics.

Panel 1. Energy consumption and wellbeing
Panel 2. Policy innovations to ensure, scale and sustain action
Panel 3. Policy, finance and governance
Panel 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition
Panel 5. A smart new start for sustainable communities
Panel 6. Transport and mobility
Panel 7. Policies for a green recovery in the buildings sector
Panel 8. Buildings: technologies and systems beyond energy efficiency
Panel 9. Products, appliances, ICT

Abstracts for peer-reviewed papers or extended abstracts?

Submitted abstracts are accepted for either of two formats. 

  • Peer-reviewed papers. If accepted you must submit a paper that will undergo an academic (single-blind) peer-review process. Peer-reviewed papers that make it through the review are published in our Scopus-indexed proceedings.
  • Extended abstracts. Accepted abstracts can be updated and expanded to 4,000 characters. These are thus a short desription of your contribution that undergo no further peer-review (although panels will review your presentation).

The format for presentation is exactly the same regardless of the final contribution: a short oral presentation followed by a discussion. In 2021, there will be no displays. More information on rules, timeline etc available here.

Will we ever meet in person again?

We miss the physical event, but we strongly believe that it was the right decision to  go digital in 2021. That said, we also believe in meeting face to face. After all, the human interaction of our events is unparalleled and we are already planning for a face-to-face event, possibly as early as 2022.

As we are planning, we are committed to creating a physical event that fits into your carbon-constrained travel and event budget of the future. We pledge to make our Summer Study one of the must-attend events and we will use the 2021 digital event as an opportunity to explore how.

We understand that the theme of this year’s event is not just words. We are indeed facing A new reality.

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Biden admin proposes phase out of climate-damaging refrigerant

Expert: Limit living space to shrink building carbon...

More news

Springer's Energy Efficiency Journal

Free access for eceee members to the online version of the journal.

eceee on EU 2030 and beyond

Read eceee's views on the EU 2030 Green Paper on Climate and Energy Policy.

File attachments:
Location: Newsletter

Make sure to mark all the important dates below in your calendar so that you do not miss any deadline. Please note that the schedule is extremely tight this year, and that we need to be very strict with the deadlines as we won't be able to handle delays.

eceee cannot guarantee the acceptance of late papers.

11 February: Deadline abstract submission.

8 March: Notifications to authors are sent whether abstract was accepted or not.

29 March: Deadline first draft of paper.

26 April: Authors will receive reviewer comments.

1 May: Deadline for authors/presenters to register for the Summer Study.

10 May: Deadline for papers with major changes (based on review comments).

24 May: Deadline submission of final papers and draft presentation for extended abstracts, and for authors and presenters to update their abstract (title, keywords …) in the online submission system.

3–18 June: Digital Summer Study, exact dates to be announced.

Location: Article

USB-C Makes Compelling Case as EU Moves Toward Single Charging Standard

The European Parliament recently voted to recommend a single, universal charger for all mobile phones and portable devices sold in Europe. USB-C could become that single-cable standard.

Read More


A new EU Regulation on external power supplies aimed at making a range of household appliances more energy efficient - from laptops to electric toothbrushes – enters into force as of 1 April 2020 within the context of EU ecodesign measures. As a result, European consumers will be able to save on their household bills, help reach significant EU-wide energy savings and reduce emissions.

The new rules will make the external power supplies more efficient, aligning them to the highest standards worldwide. It is expected that electricity savings across the EU of over 4 TWh/year will be generated by 2030, enough to power the whole of Latvia for a month. This will result in avoiding greenhouse gas emission of more than 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year by the end of the decade.

External power supplies are power adaptors used to convert electricity from household power mains into lower voltages, and are very common in European households, with an average of ten per household and more than 2 billion in total in the EU. They are used to power products such as consumer electronics (smartphones, loudspeakers, sound systems, some televisions), ICT products (modems, routers, laptops, tablets, electronic displays), small kitchen appliances (blenders, juicers), and personal convenience products (shavers, electric toothbrushes).

The ecodesign regulation for external power supplies is part of a comprehensive package adopted by the European Commission last year. The package, consisting of 10 ecodesign and 6 energy labelling regulations, is expected to deliver a total of 167 TWh of final energy savings per year by 2030. This is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of Denmark. These savings correspond to a reduction of over 46 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

For more information: Energy label and ecodesign

Ecodesign requirements — external power supplies



Regulation (EU) 2019/1782 — laying down ecodesign requirements for external power supplies


It establishes ecodesign* requirements for the placing on the market or putting into service of external power supplies*.


  • The regulation does not apply to:
    • voltage converters;
    • uniterruptible power supplies;
    • battery chargers without power supply function;
    • lighting converters;
    • external power supplies for medical devices;
    • active power over Ethernet injectors;
    • docking stations for autonomous appliances;
    • external power supplies placed on the market before 1 April 2025 solely as a service part or spare part for replacing an identical external power supply placed on the market before 1 April 2020.
  • The ecodesign requirements are set out Annex II.
  • The regulation sets out the conformity assessment procedure and in Annex II, point 3, the measurement method and calculations that must be used.
  • National authorities must apply the verification procedures laid down in Annex III when carrying out market surveillance checks.
  • Annex IV sets out indicative benchmarks for the best-performing products and technologies available on the market.
  • The European Commission must review this regulation in the light of technological progress and present its results, including, if appropriate, a draft revision proposal, by 14 November 2022.


It applies from 1 April 2020 and repeals Regulation (EC) No 278/2009 on that date.


Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a framework to set ecodesign requirements for energy-related products. The Commission must set these for products which are widely sold and traded in the EU and have a significant environmental impact.

For more information see:


Ecodesign: Policy to improve, through better design, products’ environmental performance throughout their life cycle, especially their energy efficiency.

External power supplies: a device meeting each of these criteria:

  • designed to convert alternating current (AC) power input from the mains power source input into one or more lower voltage direct current (DC) or AC outputs;
  • used with one or more separate devices that constitute the primary load;
  • contained in a physical enclosure separate from the device or devices that constitute the primary load;
  • connected to the device or devices that constitute the primary load with removable or hard-wired male/female electrical connections, cables, cords or other wirings;
  • nameplate output power not exceeding 250 watts; and
  • used with electrical and electronic household and office equipment included in Annex I.


Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1782 of 1 October 2019 laying down ecodesign requirements for external power supplies pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 278/2009 (OJ L 272, 25.10.2019, pp. 95-106)


Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (OJ L 285, 31.10.2009, pp. 10-35)

Successive amendments to Directive 2009/125/EC have been incorporated into the original text. This consolidated version is of documentary value only.

last update 29.01.2020


Full document link

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Location: EU

See attachment

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Location: Newsletter

eceee updates

Welding equipment

Last updated: 21 October 2019

The European Commission has broken out the section on Welding Equipment from Machine Tools (Lot 5). In January 2019 EU approved a proposal of regulation for ecodesign requirements, taking effect on January 1, 2021. A new review of the regulation will take place five years after adoption of the regulation.

The ecodesign requirements include:

  • On January 1, 2021, requirements will be introduced for product information as well as availability of spare parts, maintenance and repair information. Furthermore, a list of critical raw materials in the welding equipment shall be displayed. The EU has produced a list of 27 materials that were considered to be extra critical such as cobalt, molybdenum, niobium and tungsten.
  • On January 1, 2023, energy efficiency requirements are introduced for welding equipment and idle consumption
Location: Newsletter

White House to relax energy efficiency rules for light bulbs

(New York Times, 5 Sep 2019) The Trump administration plans to significantly weaken federal rules that would have forced Americans to use much more energy-efficient light bulbs, a move that could contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

The proposed changes would eliminate requirements that effectively meant that most light bulbs sold in the United States — not only the familiar, pear-shaped ones, but several other styles as well — must be either LEDs or fluorescent to meet new efficiency standards.

The rules being weakened, which dated from 2007 and the administration of President George W. Bush and slated to start in the new year, would have all but ended the era of the incandescent bulb invented more than a century ago. Eliminating inefficient bulbs nationwide would save electricity equivalent to the output of at least 25 large power plants, enough to power all homes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, according to an estimate by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The Trump administration said the changes would benefit consumers by keeping prices low and eliminating government regulation.

“The Energy Department flat out got it wrong today,” said Jason Hartke, president of the Alliance to Save Energy, a nonprofit coalition of business and environmental groups. Calling the move an “unforced error,” he said, “Wasting energy with inefficient light bulbs isn’t just costly for homes and businesses, it’s terrible for our climate.”

The actions are the latest by the Trump administration to weaken a broad array of rules designed to fight climate change. Last week it announced a far-reaching plan to cut back on the regulation of emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Earlier this year it proposed freezing antipollution and fuel-efficiency standards for cars, and tried to replace the Clean Power Plan, a signature emissions-reduction measure of the Obama administration.

External link

New York Times, 5 Sep 2019: White House to relax energy efficiency rules for light bulbs


Location: Newsletter

Commission refers Belgium to court for failing to comply with EU electricity and gas rules

The European Commission has decided to refer Belgium to the Court of Justice of the EU for failure to ensure the correct implementation of EU electricity and gas market rules, including not correctly transposing certain rules on the powers of the national regulator.


Commission refers Italy to court for failure to transpose EU rules on protection against radiation

The European Commission has decided to refer Italy to the Court of Justice of the EU due to its failure to transpose the revised basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.


July infringements package

In its July package of infringement decisions, the European Commission moves against Member States for not respecting EU energy rules.


Other news

Member States' compliance with EU law in 2018: improvements still needed            More

State aid: Endorsement of six offshore

wind farms in France       More

State aid: Green light for Croatian LNG terminal at Krk island        More

Upcoming events

European high-level conference on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)   More

Date                05/09/2019 - 05/09/2019

Venue               Oslo, Norway

The 11th Citizens Energy Forum           More

Date                12/09/2019 - 13/09/2019

Venue               Dublin, Ireland        

33rd Madrid Forum             More

Date                23/10/2019 - 24/10/2019

Venue               Madrid, Spain

Latest studies, publications and consultations

Publication: Mainstreaming renewable energy sources


Publication: Clean energy for all Europeans


Video highlights

Supporting a clean and fair energy transition - Platform for Coal Regions in Transition


DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy union

Clean energy for all Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Energy Union: Commission calls on EU countries to step up ambition

The Commission has published its assessment of Member States' draft plans to implement the EU's Energy Union objectives, particularly the agreed 2030 energy and climate targets. A collective step up of ambition is required to reach the EU's commitments under the Paris agreement.


Energy security: The synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity networks - European solidarity in action

A new political roadmap that implements the synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity networks with the continental European network via Poland has been signed, with an agreed target date of 2025 for full synchronisation.


Driving energy efficiency in the European building stock

The Commission has published a series of new recommendations on how EU countries should implement the revised building modernisation aspects of the Energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) to national law.


Other news

Experts deliver recommendations on electricity interconnections


New energy market reports covering the first quarter of 2019


Launch of the BatteRIes Europe Platform


Commissioners Arias Cañete and Vella attend G20 Energy and Environment Ministerial


Successful completion of the energy defence consultation forum's 2nd phase


Making the energy transition happen locally: 12th SET Plan conference


Upcoming events

High-level event on cybersecurity in the energy sector



09/07/2019 - 09/07/2019


Brussels, Belgium

European high-level conference on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)



05/09/2019 - 05/09/2019


Oslo, Norway

The 11th Citizens Energy Forum



12/09/2019 - 13/09/2019


Dublin, Ireland

Video highlights

Clean energy for all Europeans - energy efficiency


Clean energy for all Europeans - renewable energy


Clean energy for all Europeans - consumers


Latest studies, publications and consultations

Study: Impact assessment "Measures resulting from the mid-term evaluation of the Oil Stocks Directive 2009/119"


Study: Assessing the independence and effectiveness of national regulatory authorities in the field of energy


DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy union

Clean energy for all Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Clean energy for all Europeans package completed

Four files on electricity market design have formally been adopted, which concludes the Clean energy for all European package. This represents a major step towards completing the Energy Union and delivering on the priorities of the Juncker Commission.


CO2 emissions decreases in the EU - 2018 estimate

Eurostat estimates that in 2018 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion significantly decreased by 2.5% in the European Union (EU), compared with 2017. The highest decreases were recorded in Portugal, Bulgaria and Ireland.


EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) likely to be as lively as ever

The annual EUSEW takes place in Brussels between 17-21 June. This year’s events promise to be even bigger than in recent years following the theme ‘Shaping Europe’s energy future’, with around 3,000 stakeholders and speakers gathering in Brussels to attend over 90 sessions.


Other news

12th SET Plan Conference - making the energy transition happen locally


Vice-President Šefčovič joins U.S. President Trump in opening an LNG export terminal


Energy Charter Treaty: negotiations on investment provisions


Implementation guidance on revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive


First battery gigafactory in Northern Sweden gets EU support


Upcoming events

32nd Madrid Forum


5th European Nuclear Safety Conference


The 12th SET Plan conference 2019


Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence


EU Sustainable Energy Week 2019


Webinar: Experiences in bridging the gap between Investors and Project Developers


Calls for tender and consultations

  • Consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in smart grids


Consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in cross-border carbon dioxide transport infrastructure


DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy union

Clean energy for all Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Catalogue number: MJ-AF-19-006-EN-N

Location: Newsletter

Clean energy for all Europeans: Commission welcomes European Parliament's adoption of new electricity market design proposals

The adoption of the market design rules by the European Parliament marks the finalisation of negotiations on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package.


 EU awards €323 million grant to Baltic synchronisation project

In the margins of the PCI Energy days on 19 March 2019 in Brussels, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grant was signed to support the first phase of investments necessary for the synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity network with the European system.


Clearer, simpler energy labels to help consumers save money and contribute to the Energy Union’s objectives

To make energy labels more understandable for consumers and help them make better informed purchasing choices, the Commission adopted new energy efficiency labels covering dishwashers, washing machines and washer-driers, refrigerators, lamps, electronic displays including televisions, and refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function.


€750 million in EU funding available for clean energy infrastructure

The Commission is releasing €750 million of funding for key European energy infrastructure projects with major cross-border benefits.


17 - 21 June 2019

EU Sustainable Energy Week – save the date!

Interested in developments in energy policy? Europe’s biggest energy community will gather in Brussels between 17 and 21 June 2019 to discuss the future of energy. Make sure not to miss the registrations for the Policy Conference (18-20) and Networking Village – sign up to stay up-to-date or follow on Twitter @euenergyweek!

Read more...                                                                                                                              

Other news
Joint understanding on the application of the third energy package towards Iceland

New prize to reward islands for local renewable energy production

A climate neutral economy will give the European renewable energy industry a global competitive advantage

New sustainability criteria for biofuels in transport sector

The new call for energy efficiency is open!

EU-U.S. Joint Statement: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports from the U.S. continue to rise, up by 181%

EU Budget: Commission welcomes provisional agreement for funding high-performance infrastructure to better connect Europeans

Commission refers Spain to Court for heat and hot water metering in multi-apartment buildings

Energy for heating and cooling from renewable sources

State aid: Commission clears increase in regasification capacity of LNG terminal in Świnoujście, Poland

State aid: Commission approves budget increase for support scheme for energy-intensive companies in Spain

Upcoming events

4 April 2019

Webinar: Participatory Financing for Sustainable Energy


12 April 2019

Central Asian Sustainable Energy Conference


25 April 2019

EU Refining Forum


29 - 30 April 2019

14th European Nuclear Energy Forum


2 May 2019

1st EU-US Energy Council B2B energy forum


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies, publications and consultations
Consultation on the role of the euro in the field of energy

Consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in cross-border carbon dioxide transport infrastructure

Consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in smart grids
Study: The future electricity intraday market design

See all studies published by DG Energy here

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged


Location: Newsletter

Draft National Energy & Climate Plans (NECPs) all submitted

All the draft national energy and climate plans have now been submitted, outlining how Member States intend to achieve the new 2030 targets.


Commission welcomes provisional political agreement to ensure that pipelines with third countries comply with EU gas rules

New rules for improving the functioning of the EU gas market and strengthening solidarity between Member States have been provisionally agreed by negotiators from the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission.


Clean mobility: Putting an end to polluting trucks. Commission welcomes first-ever EU standards to reduce pollution from trucks

The European Parliament and the Council reached provisional agreement on a Regulation setting, for the first time in the EU, strict CO2 emission standards for trucks.


Towards a climate-neutral Europe: EU invests over €10bn in innovative clean technologies

The Commission today announces an investment programme worth over €10 billion for low-carbon technologies in several sectors to boost their global competitiveness.


26 European islands launch clean energy transition

European Commission initiative kick-starts energy transition process with islands to support them in becoming more self-sufficient, prosperous and sustainable.


Other news

Europe leads the global clean energy transition, latest Eurostat data confirms

More European funds available to support energy efficiency in residential buildings

Energy consumption in the EU increased by 1% in 2017, Eurostat figures confirm

Consolidating the industrial basis for batteries in Europe: launch of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries

State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigation into British Capacity Market scheme

State aid: Commission approves support for four floating demonstration offshore wind farms in France

Upcoming events

11 - 13 March 2019

EU-India conference on Advanced Biofuels


18 March 2019

High-level meeting on renewable energy: Clean Energy Industrial Forum


19 - 20 March 2019

PCI Energy Days


4 April 2019

Webinar: Participatory Financing for Sustainable Energy


12 April 2019

Central Asian Sustainable Energy Conference


29 - 30 April 2019

14th European Nuclear Energy Forum


17 - 18 June 2019

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum


17 - 21 June 2019

A more connected Energy Union – local events and networking at the EU Sustainable Energy Week! #EUSEW19


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies, publications and consultations
Consultation on the role of the euro in the field of energy
Consultation on the list of candidate gas PCIs

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Video Highlights

EU Energy Day on sectoral integration and the clean energy transition

The 7th EU Energy Day took place in Abu Dhabi on 14 January, as part of the EU side events programme at the World Future Energy Summit 2019.

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DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Energy Union: EU invests a further €800 million in priority energy infrastructure

EU Member States voted on a Commission proposal to invest almost €800 million in key European energy infrastructure projects with major cross-border benefits


Commission refers Czechia and Slovenia to Court for failure to ensure proper display of energy performance certificates for buildings

The European Commission decided to refer Czechia and Slovenia to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to comply with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive


The Commission recognises the U.S. Soya bean - scheme as compatible with EU sustainability standards

The Commission has concluded that U.S. soya beans meet the technical requirements to be used in biofuels in the EU, and has formally recognised the scheme until 1 July 2021.


EU Sustainable Energy Week – extended deadlines to apply!

Submit your session proposal for the Policy Conference (call extended until 11/02), compete for the EUSEW Awards (call extended until 11/02), sign up for the Networking Village (until 25/03), or register your local Energy Days.


Video announcements

Arias Cañete takes responsibility for Energy Union while Šefčovič takes electoral leave

Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič is taking electoral leave from February 1 until at least March 17 – and Miguel Arias Cañete will take on his responsibilities in that period (from minute 4).

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Other news
Can you afford to heat your home?

Have your say! Consultation on the list of electricity PCIs

State aid: Commission approves support for production of electricity from renewable energy sources and for electro-intensive users in Lithuania

State aid: Commission approves a €320 million scheme to support biomass energy installations close to forests at risk of fires in Portugal

State aid: Commission approves €36 million Polish investment aid to LG Chem's electric vehicles batteries plant

Commission welcomes Francesco La Camera as newly elected Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Upcoming events

5 February 2019

Second Roundtable on Finance for Energy Efficiency in Italy, 5 February 2019, Rome (Italy)


5 February 2019

4th EU-Norway Energy Conference


14 February 2019

The international role of the euro in the field of energy


19 - 20 February 2019

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy efficiency finance market place


20 February 2019

Eastern Partnership Conference


19 - 20 March 2019

PCI Energy Days


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies and publications

New data and analyses for building the Energy Union in a robust way - the 2018 energy prices and costs report in Europe

New gas and electricity market reports covering the third quarter of 2018

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

The Commission calls for a climate neutral Europe by 2050

The European Commission adopted a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for all.


Council and Parliament adopt new rules on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Governance

The EU has now adopted four of the eight legislative acts which make up the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, published by the European Commission on 30 November 2016.


Political agreement on EU risk preparedness proposal

Negotiators were able to reach political agreement on a new EU regulation on risk preparedness in the electricity sector this month – the 5th dossier in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package to be concluded.


UN climate conference in Katowice: EU aims for adoption of rules for implementing Paris Agreement

The 24th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change– ‘COP24’ – is taking place from 3-14 December in Katowice, Poland, presided over by the Polish government.


Other news

Commission presents ways to further strengthen the euro's global role

The European Union and Algeria strengthen their energy partnership

Press statement on the third EU-Iran High-Level Seminar on International Nuclear Co-operation

Brexit preparedness: European Commission proposes to make technical amendment to EU energy efficiency legislation to take account of UK's withdrawal

Call for applications for candidate Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) in cross-border CO2 transport infrastructure networks

Call for applications for candidate Projects of Common Interest in gas

The rise of EU islands on the clean energy transition front: second Forum in Lanzarote highlights islands’ energy potential

Energy efficiency: Commission calls on 7 Member States to correctly transpose EU rules

Safer, more affordable energy supply in Greece thanks to Cohesion Policy

Selection of a temporary staff for Directorate-General for Energy

Upcoming events

11 December 2018

EU Energy Day at COP24

The 6th EU Energy Day will take place in Katowice, as part of the EU side events programme at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP24


13 December 2018

Webinar: Financing Energy Efficiency in the Industry Sector

This webinar, organised in partnership with the UN Environment Finance Initiative, will discuss in particular the financing of investment into energy efficiency in the Industry sector.


18 December 2018

EU - Ukraine renewable energy investment forum

The forum aims to share the EU and worldwide experience in developing the market for renewable energy and identify best ways for the boosting the market for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Ukraine.


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies and publications
Discover all the publications released by DG ENER on our new dedicated web page creating a direct link with the EUBookshop

Please fill in the online subscription form if you are interested in receiving more information

See all studies published by DG Energy here

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

State of the Union 2018

On September 12, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his annual State of the European Union speech to the European Parliament in which he referred to climate and energy policy, calling the new EU targets for 2030 as “both scientifically accurate and political indispensable”.

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Michael R. Bloomberg partners with Commissioner Arias Cañete to support European transition from coal power

Bloomberg and Arias Cañete announce a new partnership to step up Europe’s clean energy ambitions.

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Synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity grid with the continental European system

Commission President Juncker together with the Heads of State and Government of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland signed a Political Roadmap for the synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity grid with the continental European system.

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EU energy statistics – latest data now available

Did you know that renewables are currently the leading source of electricity generation in the EU? And that in the years 1995-2016, the amount of solar and wind energy capacity increased 100 times?


Other news
Commissioner Arias Cañete at Global Wind Summit in Hamburg

Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Arias Cañete attend 10th Citizens' Energy Forum in Dublin, 20 – 21 of September

State aid: Commission approves €3.5 billion support to three offshore windfarms in Belgium

State aid: Commission approves support to two highly efficient cogeneration plants in Germany

Upcoming events

5 November 2018

2nd Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum

Registration is now open! The forum aims at taking stock of the Initiative's first year, and at presenting the offer of support for islands within the Secretariat's framework.


5 November 2018

Central European Day of Energy (CEDE) 2018

This year’s high level conference will focus on cross-border energy within Central Europe, bringing together around 100 stakeholders. For social media follow: #CEDEnergy


5 October 2018

Horizon 2020 Energy info day

The Horizon 2020 Energy info day will present the upcoming funding opportunities offered by the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme to projects focusing on smart energy systems and smart cities and communities concepts. Live streaming available!


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

17 July 2018 - 9 October 2018
Public consultation on the strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction

19 September 2018 - 21 December 2018
Public consultation on the evaluation of the offshore safety directive

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Public consultation on the strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on a strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction. All interested citizens and stakeholders can send their contributions by 9 October 2018.


Commission welcomes Parliament committee votes on Clean Energy Package

The recent political agreements on new legislation for Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Governance were strongly endorsed in a joint meeting of the EP ITRE and ENVI Committees this month – thereby moving a further step closer towards fulfilling the Energy Union.


Second energy interconnection summit: Lisbon declaration is signed

In Lisbon on Friday 27th July, at the Second Energy Interconnections summit, the Lisbon Declaration was signed.


EU and China step up cooperation on climate change and clean energy

The EU and China reaffirmed their commitment this month to advance the implementation of the Paris Agreement and intensify their cooperation on climate change and clean energy.


Other news
EU coal regions: opportunities and challenges ahead

Completing the Energy Union: EU invests €48 million in priority energy infrastructure

Infringement - Internal energy market: Commission refers Germany and Hungary to the Court of Justice of the EU for failure to fully comply with the Third Energy Package

Comprehensive risk and safety assessments of the Belarus nuclear power plant completed

8th EU-US Energy Council in Brussels

Video highlights

The EU’s vision for a modern, clean and competitive economy - Stakeholder event

This stakeholder event provided an opportunity for discussion on a long-term EU strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building a modern, competitive, clean economy. Watch the webstreamed sessions

Alternatively, read the opening speech or the closing speech of Commissioner Arias Cañete, and the presentations of other speakers at the July 10-11 event.

130th Plenary session of the Committee of the Regions - discussion on Energy and Climate policy, with the participation of Miguel Arias Cañete

EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel ARIAS CAÑETE addresses the Committee of the Regions plenary debate on Climate change.

Watch video [NB Commissioner's intervention starts at 15:00]

Upcoming events

20 - 21 September 2018

10th Citizens' Energy Forum


17 - 18 October 2018

Madrid Forum


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

17 July - 9 October 2018
Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Commission to host high-level stakeholder event on EU vision for a modern, clean and competitive economy

On 10-11 July, the European Commission will organize a high-level stakeholder consultation event on the EU’s long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building a modern, clean and competitive economy.


The Energy Union gets simplified, robust and transparent governance: Commission welcomes ambitious agreement

An ambitious political agreement on the governance of the Energy Union was reached on 20 June 2018 between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council.


Energy efficiency first: Commission welcomes agreement on energy efficiency

A political agreement on new rules for improving energy efficiency in Europe was reached on 19 June 2018 between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council.


Europe leads the global clean energy transition: Commission welcomes ambitious agreement on further renewable energy development in the EU

An ambitious political agreement on increasing renewable energy use in Europe was reached on 14 June 2018 between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council.


New Energy Performance in Buildings Directive comes into force on 9 July 2018

The revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EU) 2018/844 has been published in the EU Official Journal (L156) and entered into force as of 9 July 2018.


G20 Energy ministers meeting in Argentina to discuss clean energy transition

The G20 Energy Ministers met in Bariloche, Argentina on 15 June 2018 to discuss public policies to help promote the transition towards more flexible, more transparent and cleaner energy systems.


European solidarity on Energy: Synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity network with the European system strengthens security of supply

The President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker together with the Heads of State or Government of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland on 28 June 2018 agreed on the Political Roadmap for synchronising the Baltic States' electricity grid with the continental European network by the target date of 2025.


Other news
Successful EU Sustainable Energy Week focused on clean energy transition

EU Budget: Commission proposes increased funding to invest in connecting Europeans with high-performance infrastructure

More growth and jobs: €500 million in EU funding available for clean energy infrastructure

Continued budgetary support for nuclear safety and decommissioning proposed by the Commission

Europe continues to show leadership by supporting the completion of ITER, the international experimental fusion reactor

Greener and more secure electricity in Madeira thanks to EU funds

Important impetus for integration of energy markets in South East Europe: Prime Ministers issue statement of support for Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector

Commissioner Arias Cañete discusses progress in regional energy cooperation in Central and South East Europe

Fifth CESEC meeting: important milestones reached in energy projects in Central and South-Eastern European Countries

The construction phase of the Balticconnector pipeline started

New energy market reports covering the first quarter of 2018

First Clean Air Outlook: Europe's air pollution health problems could be halved by 2030, if action is taken now

Comprehensive risk and safety assessments of the Belarus nuclear power plant completed

June infringements package: key decisions. Nuclear waste: Commission calls on Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia and Malta to correctly transpose EU rules

June infringements package: key decisions. Nuclear safety: Commission calls on Belgium, Poland and Spain to completely transpose EU nuclear safety rules

Mergers: Commission approves the acquisition of Uniper by Fortum

Video highlights

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the EU for Talanoa Conference

Watch extracts from the opening panel of Talanoa dialogue for climate ambition.

Signature of the Political Roadmap on the synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity networks

Watch the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Vice-President of the EC Maroš Šefčovič and Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete signing the Political Roadmap on the synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity networks with the Continental European Network via Poland.

Upcoming events

10 - 11 July 2018

The EU’s vision for a modern, clean economy - Stakeholder event


20 - 21 September 2018

10th Citizens' Energy Forum


17 - 18 October 2018

Madrid Forum


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

16 April - 10 July 2018
Public consultation on potential measures for regulating the environmental impact of machine tools and welding equipment

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

The annual EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) takes place between 4-8 June 2018.

Preparing the EU’s vision for a modern, clean economy

In his EUSEW keynote speech Commissioner Arias Cañete confirmed that the Commission will be launching a public consultation in the next few weeks in order to prepare the Commission Long-Term Strategy document, which will include a major stakeholder conference on 10th and 11th July.

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2018 EU Sustainable Energy Week's focus is on clean energy transition

The annual EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) takes place between 4-8 June 2018.

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EU Budget: Commission proposes to increase funding to support the environment and climate action

For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing to increase funding by almost 60% for LIFE, the EU programme for the environment and climate action.

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Commission welcomes Council adoption of new Energy Performance in Buildings Directive

The revised Energy Performance of Buildings directive (EPBD) has been approved by the Council of Ministers of the EU on 14 May.

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Commission proposes improved tyre labelling rules

Proposals for updating and improving the EU regulation for the labelling of tyres have been published by the European Commission on 17 May 2018 within the broader package of measures on Low Carbon Mobility.

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Expanding clean energy is a global top priority: European Commission at Mission Innovation and Clean Energy Ministerial

On 23 and 24 May, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and the Commissioners Miguel Arias Cañete and Carlos Moedas attended two Ministerial meetings focussing on the clean energy transition globally.

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EU invests in natural gas interconnections

On the sidelines of the Energy Infrastructure Forum taking place on 24-25 May in Copenhagen, Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete witnessed the signing of two agreements for two major infrastructure projects.

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Other news

EU investment in gas interconnection between Bulgaria and Serbia to enhance energy security in the region

Joint Press Statement following the meeting between Commissioner Arias Cañete and VicePresident Salehi, Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI)

Vice-President Šefčovič in Czech Republic for second Energy Union Tour

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete discusses decarbonisation agenda at European Economic Congress in Katowice

European Commission supports energy efficiency projects

Stakeholder panel on Governance of the Energy Union at Green Week 2018

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete discusses clean energy transition at Energy Infrastructure Forum

European Commission and EIB further clarify statistical treatment of Energy Performance Contracts

Study on the quality of electricity market data, supply disruptions and their impact on the European electricity markets

Infringements: Nuclear waste: Commission refers Austria, Croatia and Italy to Court for failing to notify national programmes

Antitrust: Commission imposes binding obligations on Gazprom to enable free flow of gas at competitive prices in Central and Eastern European gas markets

State aid: Germany needs to recover illegal aid from certain large electricity users exempted from network charges in Germany in 2012-2013

Video highlights

Clean Energy Ministerial documentary - The power of partnerships in a changing world

Watch the Clean Energy Ministerial documentary that includes exclusive interviews with Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete.

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič at the Press conference on the third 'Europe on the Move' package for a safe, connected and clean mobility

Watch extracts from the press conference by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the EC and Commissioners Miguel Arias Cañete and Violeta Bulc.

Upcoming events

4 - 8 June 2018

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2018


4 - 5 June 2018

13th European Nuclear Energy Forum


13 June 2018

EU for Talanoa (Talanoa dialogue for climate ambition)


27 - 28 June 2018

General Assembly of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC)


28 June 2018

Financing energy efficiency in Bulgaria and other countries from Central and South-Eastern Europe


10 - 11 July 2018

The EU’s vision for a modern, clean economy - Stakeholder event


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

16 April - 10 July 2018
Public consultation on potential measures for regulating the environmental impact of machine tools and welding equipment

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Commission welcomes final EP vote on energy performance of buildings

New rules will make buildings smarter and more energy efficient, saving money and creating jobs in the renovation and construction sector.


Questions & Answers on Energy Performance in Buildings Directive

The overall benefits, intention of the revision, added value and other aspects of the EPBD explained.


Europe’s investment in the ITER fusion project: mastering the power of the sun and the stars

Europe is being the host of large-scale scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate the potential of nuclear fusion as an energy source.


New era in EU-Egypt energy cooperation

First ever EU-Egypt Sustainable Energy Forum takes place after Memorandum of Understanding is signed.


EU invests in Baltic synchronisation project

Illustrating Europe’s strong commitment to synchronising the Baltic States' electricity grid with the continental European System by 2025, the EU will support the project with € 125,000.

Read more

Other news
The Clean Energy Package and the Southern Mediterranean

EU energy ministers meet in Sofia, Bulgaria

Vice-President Šefčovič in Slovenia for second Energy Union Tour

Speech by Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the 4th EU Energy Summit

Vice-President Šefčovič in Germany for second Energy Union Tour

Video highlights

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at EU-Egypt Energy Dialogue

Watch the video from bilateral meeting with Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, President of Egypt.

Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič at Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

Watch the keynote speech by Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič.

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at Informal meeting of Energy Ministers, Sofia

Watch extracts from the joint press conference by Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and Bulgarian Minister for Energy Temenuzhka Petkova.

Upcoming events

21 - 25 May 2018

EU Green Week 2018


22 - 24 May 2018

Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial and Third Mission Innovation Ministerial


24 - 25 May 2018

Energy Infrastructure Forum 2018


30 - 31 May 2018

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence


31 May 2018

Financing energy efficiency in Greece and Cyprus


4 - 8 June 2018

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2018


4 - 5 June 2018

13th European Nuclear Energy Forum


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

13 February - 7 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign and energy labelling on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, televisions, computers and lamps

2 March - 24 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign requirements for standby, networked standby and off mode electric power consumption

12 March - 4 June 2018
Evaluation of the EU framework for taxation of energy products and electricity

16 April - 10 July 2018
Public consultation on potential measures for regulating the environmental impact of machine tools and welding equipment

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Renewable energy: EU has cost-effective potential to use more renewables

A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows that EU countries could increase the share of renewable energy in their energy mix to 34% by 2030 – double the share in 2016 – with a net positive economic impact.


10 years of the Covenant of Mayors: Local and regional leadership for clean energy and climate action

Mayors from across Europe met in Brussels to discuss the fight against climate change at a local level.


EU Industry Day – 600 participants, one credo: "modernise our industry"

The event was a chance to debate the future of European industry, including the role of innovation in the clean energy transition.


Foreign Affairs Council calls for global ambition on climate change, steps up EU climate diplomacy

EU foreign affairs ministers called for renewed global momentum in tackling climate change and restated the EU's commitment to leading the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Other news

Vice-President Šefčovič in Azerbaijan to attend the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council

Roundtable underlines the role of energy storage in the clean energy transition

State aid: Commission approves Belgian certificates schemes for renewable electricity and high-efficiency cogeneration in Flanders

State aid: Commission approves €4.7 billion public support scheme for advanced biomethane and biofuels in Italy

Vice-President Šefčovič in Austria for second Energy Union Tour

Video highlights

The EU Battery Alliance: Powering the EU

Find out more about this new initiative to develop and produce the next generation of batteries in Europe.

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony 2018

Watch highlights from the celebration of what the Covenant of Mayors has achieved since it was founded in 2008.

Upcoming events

6 - 9 March 2018

EU events at India Smart Grid Week 2018


20 - 21 March 2018

Addressing Societal Challenges through Advancing the Medical, Industrial and Research Applications of Nuclear and Radiation Technology


10 - 11 April 2018

The role of low carbon fuels in decarbonising transport: the emerging consensus from international initiatives


30 - 31 May 2018

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence


4 - 8 June 2018

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2018


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

13 February - 7 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign and energy labelling on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, televisions, computers and lamps

2 March - 24 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign requirements for standby, networked standby and off mode electric power consumption

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of investment in research, innovation, SMEs, and the Single Market

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of security

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of strategic infrastructure

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Renewable energy: EU has cost-effective potential to use more renewables

A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows that EU countries could increase the share of renewable energy in their energy mix to 34% by 2030 – double the share in 2016 – with a net positive economic impact.


10 years of the Covenant of Mayors: Local and regional leadership for clean energy and climate action

Mayors from across Europe met in Brussels to discuss the fight against climate change at a local level.


EU Industry Day – 600 participants, one credo: "modernise our industry"

The event was a chance to debate the future of European industry, including the role of innovation in the clean energy transition.


Foreign Affairs Council calls for global ambition on climate change, steps up EU climate diplomacy

EU foreign affairs ministers called for renewed global momentum in tackling climate change and restated the EU's commitment to leading the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Other news

Vice-President Šefčovič in Azerbaijan to attend the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council

Roundtable underlines the role of energy storage in the clean energy transition

State aid: Commission approves Belgian certificates schemes for renewable electricity and high-efficiency cogeneration in Flanders

State aid: Commission approves €4.7 billion public support scheme for advanced biomethane and biofuels in Italy

Vice-President Šefčovič in Austria for second Energy Union Tour

Video highlights

The EU Battery Alliance: Powering the EU

Find out more about this new initiative to develop and produce the next generation of batteries in Europe.

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony 2018

Watch highlights from the celebration of what the Covenant of Mayors has achieved since it was founded in 2008.

Upcoming events

6 - 9 March 2018

EU events at India Smart Grid Week 2018


20 - 21 March 2018

Addressing Societal Challenges through Advancing the Medical, Industrial and Research Applications of Nuclear and Radiation Technology


10 - 11 April 2018

The role of low carbon fuels in decarbonising transport: the emerging consensus from international initiatives


30 - 31 May 2018

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence


4 - 8 June 2018

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2018


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

13 February - 7 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign and energy labelling on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, televisions, computers and lamps

2 March - 24 May 2018
Public consultation on ecodesign requirements for standby, networked standby and off mode electric power consumption

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of investment in research, innovation, SMEs, and the Single Market

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of security

10 January - 8 March 2018
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of strategic infrastructure

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2018 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Smart finance for smart buildings: Investing in energy efficiency in buildings

The board of the European Investment Bank has approved the creation of the new Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative which aims to make investments in energy efficiency projects in residential buildings more attractive to private investors.


Share of renewables in energy consumption in the EU reached 17% in 2016

The EU has doubled the share of renewable energy in gross final soncumption compared to 2004 and eleven Member States have already achieved their 2020 targets.


Have your say on how the EU budget should be spent: launch of the public consultation on the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework

Give your views on the EU's long-term budget: six public consultations are now open (until 8 March), four of which concern energy.


Renewables Grid Initiative: Good Practice of the Year Award

You can apply for the Good Practice of the Year Award until 16 February.


EUROSTAT: Energy consumption in 2016

Consumption in the EU above the energy efficiency target - 4% gap for primary energy consumption and 2% gap for final energy consumption targets.


Other news
Commission approves six electricity capacity mechanisms to ensure security of supply in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Poland

Launch of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV)

Smart Specialisation: Sixty European regions get ready to develop joint energy projects

More growth and jobs: EU invests €873 million in clean energy infrastructure

Commission refers Romania to Court for failing to fully comply with the Oil Stocks Directive

Focus on Latvia: the Energy Union tour

Focus on Croatia: the Energy Union tour

Upcoming events

19 February 2018

Launch of the IRENA report 'Renewable Energy Prospects in the European Union'


21 February 2018

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum: Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place


22 February 2018

EU Covenant of Mayors Ceremony


27 February 2018

Home renovation in Europe: The User Perspective


6 March 2018

2018 EU – India Smart Grids Workshop


7 - 8 March 2018

EU-India conference on Advanced Biofuels


Find out more about upcoming events here

Video highlights

Launch of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory

On January 29 EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV) was launched with the participation of the Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete and the Vice-President of th European Commission in charge of the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič.

Public consultations

10 January - 8 March 2018
Consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion

10 January - 8 March 2018
Consultation on EU funds in the area of investment in research, innovation, SMEs, and the Single Market

10 January - 8 March 2018
Consultation on EU funds in the area of security

10 January - 8 March 2018
Consultation on EU funds in the area of strategic infrastructure

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2017 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.


Location: Newsletter

Launch of the EU Clean Energy Industrial Competitiveness and Innovation Forum for Renewables

With the objective to consolidate the industrial basis for renewables in the EU and to gather industry support to take advantage of the growth opportunities of the clean energy transition, the first High-level meeting of the renewables section of the EU Clean Energy Industrial Competitiveness and Innovation Forum was celebrated on January 9.


EU Energy Day at World Future Energy Summit focuses on clean energy and innovation

The next EU Energy Day will take place on January 16 as part of the World Future Energy Summit, in Abu Dhabi; where the Commission will present the EU's priorities for accelerating clean energy innovation and the latest funding opportunities for the period from 2018 to 2020.


No region left behind: Launch of the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition

The Platform is created to ensure that no regions are left behind in the move away from fossil fuels based economies and will assist the regions in the development of long-term strategies to boost the clean energy transition.


Political agreement on the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive

The Council, Parliament and Commission have reached Political agreement on the revisions of the EPBD – the first part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package to be concluded.


One Planet Summit: Commission Action Plan outlines initiatives for a modern and clean economy

The Commission presented ten EU initiatives on clean energy transition at the One Planet Summit which marked the second anniversary of the Paris Agreement.


Other news

EU solidarity and regional cooperation: Integration of the Baltics into the European electricity grid

Central European Day of Energy focuses on innovative solutions for a smooth energy transition

EU invests in energy security and diversification in Central and South Eastern Europe

Commission approves Greek auction scheme for renewable electricity

Video highlights

On December 4 the ITER Industry Day was celebrated in Barcelona focussing on the opportunities created by fusion and energy marking as well the 10 year anniversary of Fusion for Energy


On December 11, Vice President Maroš Šefčovič participated in a FB live event on how to engage young Europeans in climate action. The best ideas were presented by Šefčovič at the #OnePlanetSummit


Upcoming events

16 January 2018

EU Energy Day: EU's Clean Energy Future – From Technology Development to System Integration


29 January 2018

New! Launch of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV)


1 February 2018

Financing energy efficiency in Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria


7 - 8 March 2018

EU-India Conference on Advanced Biofuels


Find out more about upcoming events here

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union
Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2017 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

Launch of the third list of Projects of Common Interest

PCIs are key infrastructure projects which help to link the energy systems of EU countries. The new list includes 173 specific projects which will contribute to the creation of a fully integrated European market for energy.


Commission outlines electricity interconnection target of 15% by 2030

Based on expert group recommendations the Commission has confirmed its support for a 15% interconnection target for 2030 – an increase from the 2020 10% target.


Third State of the Energy Union report published

The new report tracks the progress made in implementing the five Energy Union objectives and is accompanied by detailed factsheets for all 28 EU countries.


COP23: Bridging local authorities and innovative entrepreneurs

The EU Covenant of Mayors and the World alliance for Efficient Solutions will cooperate in developing clean, smart, efficient, and renewable energy technologies.


Focus on fusion energy: The ITER Industry Day

The event was held in Brussels on the 4th of December and focussed on how fusion is already creating opportunities for industry, research and innovation.


EUROSTAT figures show decrease of household energy prices in EU

Between the first half of 2016 and the first half of 2017, household electricity prices decreased by 0.5% on average, while gas prices decreased by 6.3% on average.


Other news

Commission publishes new energy efficiency progress report

10 years of Fusion for Energy

New opportunities in sustainable energy for defence sector

Second agreement on statistical transfers of renewable energy amounts between Estonia and Luxembourg

EU Energy Day: Clean energy solutions for decarbonisation, economic growth and jobs

Commission approves Spanish support scheme for renewable electricity

EU science supports affordable secure and sustainable energy

Video highlights

On the 24th of Novemeber the third list of Projects of Common Interest was launched


Upcoming events

11 December 2017

Central European Day of Energy


11 December 2017

Coal Regions in Transition Platform


11 December 2017

Energy efficiency in buildings: How to accelerate investments


9 January 2018

High-Level Meeting of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum on Renewables


16 January 2018

EU Energy Day: EU's Clean Energy Future - From Technology Development to System Integration


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

27 September - 15 December 2017
Public consultation on priorities for Network Codes and Guidelines for 2018 based on Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 715/2009

10 October 2017 - 8 January 2018
Public consultation on the evaluation and review of the EU tyres labelling scheme

Calls for tender

5 December 2017 - 5 April 2018
Over €138 million available to energy projects

See current and past calls for tender from DG Energy here.

Location: Newsletter

EU expects solid progress on Paris Agreement implementation at UN climate conference in Bonn

The EU expects the conference, which began on 6 November, to demonstrate clear progress on the development of the technical rules and guidelines for implementing the provisions of the Paris Agreement.


Over EUR 2 billion EU funding announced for clean energy innovation

The Commission's Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 will include investment in renewables, energy efficiency in buildings, electro-mobility and energy storage solutions.


High-Level Conference on Clean Energy Financing in Brussels

At the conference, organised jointly by DG ENER and the European Parliament, distinguished speakers from across the world will consider the best ways to finance the transition from carbon to more sustainable energy sources.


EU Energy Day - Clean energy solutions for decarbonisation, economic growth and jobs

The next EU Energy Day will take place on 16 November as part of the COP 23 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany.


Securing Europe's gas supply: new Regulation comes into force

EU countries will have to work together to assess the potential for disruption to their gas supplies and agree on joint actions to prevent or mitigate the consequences.


Towards sustainable and integrated European energy networks: final report by Commission Expert Group on 2030 electricity interconnection targets

A new report considers the possibility of increasing EU electricity interconnection targets to improve the functioning of the European electricity market.


Commission proposes update to Gas Directive

The proposed new rules aim to improve the functioning of the EU internal gas market, increase competition between suppliers, and boost Europe's energy security.


Other news

New opportunities in sustainable energy for defence sector

Agreement on statistical transfers of renewable energy amounts between Lithuania and Luxembourg

Unique high-altitude wind farm opens in Austria

Focus on Finland: the Energy Union tour

Focus on Luxembourg: the Energy Union tour

Focus on Greece: the Energy Union tour

Video highlights

On November 7 a High-Level Conference on Clean Energy Financing took place in Brussels


Go to related site

The next EU Energy Day will happen on 16 November, as part of the COP 23 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn


Go to related site

Upcoming events

6 - 11 November 2017

EU side events at COP23


16 November 2017

Financing energy efficiency in Italy, Croatia and Slovenia


16 November 2017

EU Energy Day - Clean energy solutions for decarbonisation, economic growth and jobs


20 - 21 November 2017

Meeting of the Energy and Managing Authorities Network


21 November 2017

Webinar - Financing Home Renovation in Europe


27 November 2017

High Level European Electricity Regulation Conference


29 November - 1 December 2017

10th Annual SET Plan conference


30 November 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania


1 December 2017

EU Refining Forum


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


11 December 2017

Energy efficiency in buildings: how to accelerate investments?


11 December 2017

Central European Day of Energy


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

27 September - 15 December 2017
Public consultation on priorities for Network Codes and Guidelines for 2018 based on Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 715/2009

10 October 2017 - 8 January 2018
Public consultation on the evaluation and review of the EU tyres labelling scheme

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All European

Location: Newsletter

New! November 7: High-level conference on clean energy

The European Commission and European Parliament are pleased to announce a Conference next month on financing the clean energy transition, aimed at policy makers, investors, energy market participants and other stakeholders.

Read more...EU co-hosts major international climate meeting with Canada and China

Ensuring that the Paris Agreement is implemented was top of the agenda.


First Clean Energy for EU Islands forum: an integral part of Europe's energy transition

The event focused on advancing the clean energy transition on Europe's islands and its environmental and economic benefits.


Successful Informal Energy Council in Tallinn

EU energy ministers discussed the operation of a unified European electricity market.


EU energy statistics – latest data now available!

The EU's energy statistical pocketbook for 2017 has just been published: it includes an energy profile of each EU country and information about the EU as a whole.


Strengthening solidarity between Central and South-Eastern European Countries

Ministers agreed to reinforce cooperation in gas and electricity markets, energy efficiency and renewables.


EU citizens increasingly concerned about climate change

A survey shows that almost 80% of European citizens believe fighting climate change and using energy more efficiently will bring economic benefits.


Changes to Eurostat rules to boost investment in energy efficiency

The updates will promote investment in energy efficiency measures and combat energy poverty.


Focus on Romania: the Energy Union tour

Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič met politicians, researchers and start-up creators.


Track the Energy Union's progress with new webtool

You can now see how the Energy Union is becoming a reality.


Video highlights

The first ever Clean Energy for EU Islands forum

The first ever Clean Energy for EU Islands forum was held in Crete, Greece on 22 September and featured Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, and other distinguished speakers.


· Video recording of the event

· Animation explaining what Clean Energy for EU Islands is all about

Other news

Member States to benefit from over €222 million investments for environment, nature and climate action

Next stop on the Energy Union Tour: Belgium

Sign up now to attend October's Energy Info Days

Upcoming events

5 October 2017

Citizens' Dialogue in Bordeaux with Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič


5 October 2017

Citizens' Dialogue in Malaga with Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete


19 - 20 October 2017

Madrid Forum


23 - 25 October 2017

Horizon 2020 Energy Info Days


6 - 11 November 2017

EU side events at COP23


7 November 2017

High-level conference on clean energy: financing the energy transition for jobs, growth and investment


8 November 2017

European Association for Storage of Energy Investor Workshop


16 November 2017

EU Energy Day - Clean energy solutions for decarbonisation, economic growth and jobs


16 November 2017

Financing energy efficiency in Italy, Croatia and Slovenia


20 - 21 November 2017

Meeting of the Energy and Managing Authorities Network


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


Find out more about upcoming events here

Public consultations

27 September - 15 December 2017
Public consultation on priorities for Network Codes and Guidelines for 2018 based on Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 715/2009

Location: Newsletter

Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum – save the date!

This event in Crete, Greece on 22 September will mark the launch of the new Clean Energy for All European Islands Initiative.


Updated energy efficiency rules for vacuum cleaners will save consumers money

New vacuum cleaners will clean more efficiently while using less energy.


Looking forward to the next EU Energy Day at COP 23

The event, scheduled for 16 November in Bonn, Germany, will highlight how decarbonisation can generate economic growth and jobs.


EU Energy Day focuses on clean energy ideas for buildings and cities

Decision-makers and researchers from all over the world shared ideas about the clean energy transition at this event in Astana, Kazakhstan.


Commission publishes new energy efficient labelling regulations to empower consumers

The new rules will make it easier to select the most energy efficient household appliances.


Sinbio project: find out more about the Sustainable Energy Awards winner

This project generates renewable energy for a Slovakian town from hay, straw and woody material.


Commission launches new website for public consultations

You can now access EU public consultations in all areas from the same site.


EU and Switzerland join forces on emissions trading

Plans to link the EU and Swiss Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) are underway.


Home Energy Saving Kit: find out more about the Sustainable Energy Awards winner

Thanks to this scheme, people in Dublin can borrow kits with information on how to save energy in their homes.


EU Energy Day on fusion energy: from science fiction to science fact

At this conference in Kazakhstan, researchers discussed developments in fusion as a source of sustainable energy.


Celsius project: find out more about the Sustainable Energy Awards winner

The initiative helps over 60 European cities share knowledge about district heating and cooling systems.



Video highlights

At the EU Energy Day held in July at EXPO 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan, international energy cooperation was in the spotlight.

•   Highlights of the discussions on creating the clean energy buildings and cities of the future.

Other news

Fiscal incentives – how do they impact electric vehicle sales?

New study explores renewables potential of North Sea and Irish Sea

Assisting the transition to green and renewable energies in Burkina Faso

Upcoming events

22 September 2017

Clean Energy for EU Islands - Inaugural Forum


27 - 28 September 2017

6th International Conference on Ethanol from Lignocellulosics


28 September 2017

Promoting and Financing Energy Efficiency in Ireland and the United Kingdom


19 - 20 October 2017

Madrid Forum


6 - 11 November 2017

EU side events at COP23


16 November 2017

EU Energy Day - Clean energy solutions for decarbonisation, economic growth and jobs


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies
Environmental baseline study for the development of renewable energy sources, energy storages and a meshed electricity grid in the Irish and North Seas

Design of flexibility portfolios at Member State level to facilitate a cost-efficient integration of high shares of renewable electricity

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Public consultations

29 September 2017
Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Nuclear Decommissioning Assistance Programme

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

Location: Newsletter

G20 Summit confirms that the Paris Agreement is irreversible

EU representatives were amongst the world leaders who reaffirmed their commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change at a summit in Hamburg.


EU Energy Day in Kazakhstan – register now!

On 24 July EXPO2017 in Astana will host an EU conference on clean energy solutions for buildings and cities.


EU and Japan boost cooperation on energy security

The EU and Japan will work together to promote and establish a liquid, flexible and transparent global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market.


TILOS Island project: find out more about the double Sustainable Energy Awards winner

Read an interview with one of the people behind the TILOS Island project, which is bringing sustainable energy to a remote Greek island.


EU and Eastern Partnership countries step up cooperation on energy efficiency

Ministers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and EU representatives explored policy and investment opportunities.


Focus on Portugal: the Energy Union tour

Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič travelled to Portugal to see how it is implementing the clean energy transition


Global erosivity map shows differences between climatic regions

New EU research highlights differences between climatic regions and calls for global action to protect our soils.


Get the latest energy data for all EU countries

The Commission has published new energy statistical datasheets showing how each EU country's energy use and greenhouse gas emissions evolved between 1990 and 2015.


Vice-President Šefčovič stresses Georgia's role in EU energy security

Discussions at a conference in Batumi, Georgia focused on securing Europe's gas supplies, including by the construction of the new Southern Gas Corridor.


Unlocking the power of research data

You can now access a new catalogue of open access data produced by EU scientists.


Other news

Producing energy locally – opportunities in Poland

Construction and the clean energy transition: EU Energy Day

EU Aviation: 25 years of reaching new heights

Commission publishes status update for New Entrants' Reserve

Video highlights

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič and energy innovator Bertrand Piccard have been spreading the word about the clean energy transition globally.


On 7-8 July G20 leaders held a summit in Hamburg.


Upcoming events

24 July 2017

EU Energy Day - Clean Energy Solutions for the Buildings of the Future


28 September 2017

Promoting and Financing Energy Efficiency in Ireland and the United Kingdom


19 - 20 October 2017

Madrid Forum


6 - 11 November 2017

EU side events at COP23


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies

Modelling study contributing to the Impact Assessment of the European Commission of the Electricity Market Design Initiative

The macro-level and sectoral impacts of energy efficiency policies

Study supporting the impact assessment concerning transmission tariffs and congestion income policies

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Public consultations

22 May - 15 August 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed projects of common interest for Cross-Border Carbon Dioxide Transport

30 May - 4 September 2017
Evaluation of the TEN-E Regulation

23 June - 29 September 2017
Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Nuclear Decommissioning Assistance Programme

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

Location: EU


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 194(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),

After consulting the Committee of the Regions,

Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure(2),


(1)The Union is committed to building an Energy Union with a forward looking climate policy. Energy efficiency is a crucial element of the Union's 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework and is key to moderating energy demand.

(2)Energy labelling enables customers to make informed choices based on the energy consumption of energy-related products. Information on efficient and sustainable energy-related products makes a significant contribution to energy savings and to reducing energy bills, while at the same time promoting innovation and investments into the production of more energy efficient products. Improving the efficiency of energy-related products through informed customer choice and harmonising related requirements at Union level benefits also manufacturers, industry and the Union economy overall.

(3)The Commission reviewed the effectiveness of Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council(3) and identified the need to update the energy labelling framework to improve its effectiveness.

(4)It is appropriate to replace Directive 2010/30/EU by a Regulation which maintains essentially the same scope, but modifies and enhances some of its provisions in order to clarify and update their content, taking into account the technological progress for energy efficiency in products achieved over recent years. As the energy consumption of means of transport for persons or goods is directly and indirectly regulated by other Union law and policies, it is appropriate to continue to exempt them from the scope of this Regulation, including means of transport with a motor that stays in the same location during operation, such as elevators, escalators and conveyor belts.

(5)It is appropriate to clarify that all products placed on the Union market for the first time, including second-hand imported products, should fall under the scope of this Regulation. However, products that are made available on the Union market for a second or additional time should not be included.

(6)A Regulation is the appropriate legal instrument as it imposes clear and detailed rules which preclude divergent transposition by Member States and thus ensures a higher degree of harmonisation across the Union. A harmonised regulatory framework at Union rather than at Member State level reduces costs for manufacturers, ensures a level playing field and ensures the free movement of goods across the internal market.

(7)Moderating energy demand is recognised as a key action in the European Energy Security Strategy set out in the Commission Communication of 28 May 2014. The Energy Union Framework Strategy set out in the Commission Communication of 25 February 2015 further emphasised the energy efficiency first principle and the need to fully implement existing Union energy law. The Roadmap for the Energy Union Framework Strategy set out in that Communication provided for a review of the energy efficiency framework for products in 2015. This Regulation improves the legislative and enforcement framework for energy labelling.

(8)Improving the efficiency of energy-related products through informed customer choice benefits the Union economy, reduces energy demand and saves customers money on energy bills, contributes to innovation and investment in energy efficiency, and enables industries which develop and produce the most energy efficient products to gain a competitive advantage. It also contributes to the achievement of the Union's 2020 and 2030 energy-efficiency targets, as well as to the Union's goals for the environment and climate change. Furthermore, it aims to have a positive impact on the environmental performance of the energy-related products and their parts, including use of resources other than energy.

(9)This Regulation contributes to the development, recognition by customers and market uptake of energy smart products, which can be activated to interact with other appliances and systems, including the energy grid itself, in order to improve energy efficiency or the uptake of renewable energies, reduce energy consumption and foster innovation in Union industry.

(10)The provision of accurate, relevant and comparable information on the specific energy consumption of energy-related products facilitates the customer's choice in favour of products which consume less energy and other essential resources during use. A standardised mandatory label for energy-related products is an effective means by which to provide potential customers with comparable information on the energy efficiency of energy-related products. The label should be supplemented by a product information sheet. The label should be easily recognisable, simple and concise. To that end, the existing dark green to red colour scale of the label should be retained as the basis for informing customers about the energy efficiency of products. In order for the label to be of real use for customers looking for energy and cost savings, the steps of the label scale should correspond to significant energy and cost savings for customers. For the majority of product groups, the label should, where appropriate, also indicate the absolute energy consumption in addition to the label scale, in order to allow customers to predict the direct impact of their choices on their energy bills. However, it is impossible to provide the same information with regard to energy-related products that do not themselves consume energy.

(11)The classification using letters from A to G has been shown to be cost effective for customers. It is intended that its uniform application across product groups raises transparency and understanding among customers. In situations where because of ecodesign measures pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(4) products can no longer fall into class ‘E’, ‘F’ or ‘G’, those classes should nonetheless be shown on the label in grey. In exceptional and duly justified cases, such as reaching insufficient savings across the full spectrum of the seven classes, the label should be able to contain fewer classes than a regular A to G scale. In those cases the dark green to red colour scale of the label should be retained for the remaining classes and should apply only to new products that are placed on the market or put into service.

(12)Where a supplier places a product on the market, each unit of the product should be accompanied by a label in paper form complying with the requirements of the relevant delegated act. The relevant delegated act should set out the most effective way of displaying the labels, taking into account the implications for customers, suppliers and dealers, and could provide that the label is printed on the packaging of the product. The dealer should display the label supplied together with the unit of the product in the position required by the relevant delegated act. The label displayed should be clearly visible and identifiable as the label belonging to the product in question, without the customer having to read the brand name and model number on the label, and should attract the attention of the customer browsing through the product displayed.

(13)Without affecting the obligation of the supplier to provide a printed label together with each unit of a product, advances in digital technology could allow for the use of electronic labels in addition to the printed energy label. The dealer should also be able to download the product information sheet from the product database.

(14)Where it is not feasible to display the energy label, such as in certain forms of distance selling, visual advertisements and technical promotional material, potential customers should be provided at least with the energy class of the product and the range of the efficiency classes available on the label.

(15)Manufacturers respond to the energy label by developing and placing on the market ever more efficient products. In parallel, they tend to discontinue the production of less efficient products, stimulated to do so by Union law relating to ecodesign. This technological development leads to the majority of product models populating the highest classes of the energy label. Further product differentiation may be necessary to enable customers to compare products properly, leading to the need to rescale labels. This Regulation should therefore lay down detailed arrangements for rescaling in order to maximise legal certainty for suppliers and dealers.

(16)For several labels established by delegated acts adopted pursuant to Directive 2010/30/EU, products are available only or mostly in the top classes. This reduces the effectiveness of the labels. The classes on existing labels, depending on the product group have varying scales, where the top class can be anything between classes A to A+++. As a result, when customers compare labels across different product groups, they could be led to believe that better energy classes exist for a particular label than those that are displayed. To avoid such potential confusion, it is appropriate to carry out, as a first step, an initial rescaling of existing labels, in order to ensure a homogeneous A to G scale for three categories of products pursuant to this Regulation.

(17)Energy labelling of space and water heating products was introduced only recently and the rate of technological progress in those product groups is relatively slow. The current labelling scheme makes a clear distinction between conventional fossil fuel technologies that are at best class A, and technologies that use renewable energy, which are often significantly more expensive, for which classes A+, A++ and A+++ are reserved. Substantial energy savings can already be achieved by the most efficient fossil fuel technologies, which would make it appropriate to continue promoting them as class A. As the market for space and water heating products is likely to move slowly towards more renewable technologies, it is appropriate to rescale the energy labels for those products later.

(18)Following initial rescaling, the frequency of further rescaling should be determined by reference to the percentage of products sold that are in the top classes. Further rescaling should take into account the speed of technological progress and the need to avoid over burdening suppliers and dealers, and, in particular, small businesses. Therefore, a timescale of approximately 10 years would be desirable for the frequency of rescaling. A newly rescaled label should leave the top class empty to encourage technological progress, provide for regulatory stability, limit the frequency of rescaling and enable ever more efficient products to be developed and recognised. In exceptional cases, where technology is expected to develop more rapidly, no products should fall within the top two classes at the moment of introduction of the newly rescaled label.

(19)Before rescaling, the Commission should carry out an appropriate preparatory study.

(20)When a label for a product group is rescaled, confusion on the part of customers should be avoided by replacing the labels on the affected products displayed in shops within a short timeframe, and by organising adequate consumer information campaigns clearly indicating that a new version of the label has been introduced.

(21)In the case of a rescaled label, suppliers should provide both the existing and the rescaled labels to dealers for a certain period. The replacement of the existing labels on products on display, including on the internet, with the rescaled labels should take place as quickly as possible after the date of replacement specified in the delegated act on the rescaled label. Dealers should not display the rescaled labels before the date of replacement.

(22)It is necessary to provide for a clear and proportionate distribution of obligations corresponding to the role of each operator in the supply and distribution process. Economic operators should be responsible for compliance in relation to their respective roles in the supply chain and should ensure that they make available on the market only products which comply with this Regulation and the delegated acts adopted pursuant thereto.

(23)In order for customers to retain confidence in the energy label, other labels that mimic the energy label should not be allowed to be used for energy-related products and non-energy-related products. Where energy-related products are not covered by delegated acts, Member States should be able to maintain or introduce new national schemes for the labelling of such products. Additional labels, marks, symbols or inscriptions that are likely to mislead or confuse customers with respect to the consumption of energy for the product concerned should not be allowed for the same reason. Labels provided for pursuant to Union law, such as the labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other environmental parameters, and additional labels such as the EU Energy Star and EU Ecolabel should not be considered to be misleading or confusing.

(24)Increasingly, customers are offered software or firmware updates of their products after the products have been placed on the market and put into use. While such updates are typically intended to improve product performance, they may also impact the energy efficiency and other product parameters indicated on the energy label. If those changes are to the detriment of what is indicated on the label, customers should be informed about those changes and should be given the option of accepting or refusing the update.

(25)In order to ensure legal certainty, it is necessary to clarify that rules on Union market surveillance and control of products entering the Union market provided for in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council(5) apply to energy-related products. Given the principle of free movement of goods, it is imperative that Member States' market surveillance authorities cooperate with each other effectively. Such cooperation on energy labelling should be reinforced through support by the Commission of the Administrative Cooperation Groups (AdCos) on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling.

(26)The Commission proposal for a new regulation on market surveillance of products integrates the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008, Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(6) and several sector-specific Union harmonisation legislative acts. That proposal includes provisions on safeguard clauses contained in Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(7), which would apply to all Union harmonisation legislative acts. For so long as the new regulation is still under consideration by the co-legislators, it is appropriate to refer to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 and to include safeguard clauses in this Regulation.

(27)Market surveillance activities covered by Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 are not directed exclusively towards the protection of health and safety, but are also applicable to the enforcement of Union law which seek to safeguard other public interests, including energy efficiency. In line with the Commission Communication entitled ‘20 actions for safer and compliant products for Europe: a multi-annual action plan for the surveillance of products in the EU’ of 13 February 2013, the Union general risk assessment methodology has been updated so that it covers all risks, including those relating to energy labelling.

(28)Coherent and cost-effective market surveillance activity throughout the Union also requires well-structured, comprehensive archiving and sharing of all pertinent information among Member States on national activities in this context, including a reference to notifications required by this Regulation. The Information and Communication System on Market Surveillance (ICSMS) database established by the Commission is well-suited for the purpose of forming a complete database of market surveillance information, and its use should therefore be strongly encouraged.

(29)In order to set up a useful tool for consumers, to allow for alternative ways for dealers to receive product information sheets, to facilitate the monitoring of compliance and to provide up-to-date market data for the regulatory process on revisions of product-specific labels and information sheets, the Commission should set up and maintain a product database consisting of a public and a compliance part, which should be accessible via an online portal.

(30)Without prejudice to the Member States' market surveillance obligations and to suppliers' obligations to check product conformity, suppliers should make the required product compliance information available electronically in the product database. The information relevant for consumers and dealers should be made publicly available in the public part of the product database. That information should be made available as open data so as to give mobile application developers and other comparison tools the opportunity to use it. Easy direct access to the public part of the product database should be facilitated by user-oriented tools, such as a dynamic quick response code (QR code), included on the printed label.

(31)The compliance part of the product database should be subject to strict data protection rules. The required specific parts of the technical documentation in the compliance part should be made available both to market surveillance authorities and to the Commission. Where some technical information is so sensitive that it would be inappropriate to include it in the category of technical documentation as detailed in delegated acts adopted pursuant to this Regulation, market surveillance authorities should retain the power to access that information when necessary in accordance with the duty of cooperation on suppliers or by way of additional parts of the technical documentation uploaded to the product database by suppliers on a voluntary basis.

(32)In order for the product database to be of use as soon as possible, registration should be mandatory for all models the units of which are placed on the market as from the date of entry into force of this Regulation. For models, the units of which are placed on the market before the date of entry into force of this Regulation and which are no longer marketed, registration should be optional. An appropriate transitional period should be provided for the development of the database and to allow suppliers to comply with their registration obligation. When any changes with relevance for the label and the product information sheet are made to a product already on the market, the product should be considered to be a new model and the supplier should register it in the product database. The Commission, in cooperation with market surveillance authorities and suppliers, should pay special attention to the transitional process until the full implementation of the public and compliance parts of the product database.

(33)The penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation and delegated acts adopted pursuant thereto should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

(34)In order to promote energy efficiency, climate mitigation and environmental protection, Member States should be able to create incentives for the use of energy-efficient products. Member States are free to decide on the nature of such incentives. Such incentives should comply with Union State aid rules and should not constitute unjustifiable market barriers. This Regulation does not prejudice the outcome of any future State aid procedure that may be undertaken in accordance with Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) in respect of such incentives.

(35)Energy consumption, performance and other information concerning the products covered by product-specific requirements under this Regulation should be measured by using reliable, accurate and reproducible methods that take into account the generally recognised state-of-the-art measurements and calculation methods. In the interests of the proper functioning of the internal market, standards should be harmonised at Union level. Such methods and standards should, to the extent possible, take into account the real-life usage of a given product, reflect average consumer behaviour and be robust in order to deter intentional and unintentional circumvention. Energy labels should reflect the comparative performance of the actual use of products, within the constraints due to the need of reliable and reproducible laboratory testing. Suppliers should therefore not be allowed to include software or hardware that automatically alters the performance of the product in test conditions. In the absence of published standards at the time of application of product-specific requirements, the Commission should publish, in the Official Journal of the European Union, transitional measurement and calculation methods in relation to those product-specific requirements. Once a reference to such a standard has been published, compliance with it should provide a presumption of conformity with measurement methods for those product-specific requirements adopted on the basis of this Regulation.

(36)The Commission should provide a long-term working plan for the revision of labels for particular energy-related products including an indicative list of further energy-related products for which an energy label could be established. The working plan should be implemented starting with a technical, environmental and economic analysis of the product groups concerned. That analysis should also look at supplementary information including the possibility and cost of providing consumers with information on the performance of an energy-related product, such as its energy consumption, durability or environmental performance, in coherence with the objective to promote a circular economy. Such supplementary information should improve the intelligibility and effectiveness of the label towards consumers and should not lead to any negative impact on consumers.

(37)Suppliers of products marketed in accordance with Directive 2010/30/EU before the date of entry into force of this Regulation should continue to be subject to the obligation to make available an electronic version of the technical documentation of the products concerned upon request of the market surveillance authorities. Appropriate transitional provisions should ensure legal certainty and continuity in this respect.

(38)In addition, in order to ensure a seamless transition to this Regulation, the existing requirements laid down in delegated acts adopted pursuant to Article 10 of Directive 2010/30/EU and Commission Directive 96/60/EC(8) should continue to apply to the relevant product groups until they are repealed or replaced by delegated acts adopted pursuant to this Regulation. The application of those existing requirements is without prejudice to the application of the obligations under this Regulation.

(39)In order to establish specific product groups of energy-related products in accordance with a set of specific criteria and in order to establish product-specific labels and information sheets, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 TFEU should be delegated to the Commission. It is of particular importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law Making(9). In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all documents at the same time as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically have access to meetings of Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts.

(40)In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers for determining under the Union safeguard procedure whether a national measure is justified or not and for establishing detailed requirements concerning the operational details relating to the product database should be conferred on the Commission. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council(10).

(41)Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely to allow customers to choose more efficient products by supplying relevant information, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by further developing the harmonised regulatory framework and ensuring a level playing field for manufacturers, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.

(42)This Regulation should be without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and the date of application of Directive 2010/30/EU.

(43)Directive 2010/30/EU should therefore be repealed,


(1) OJ C 82, 3.3.2016, p. 6.

(2) Position of the European Parliament of 13 June 2017 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and decision of the Council of 26 June 2017.

(3) Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products (OJ L 153, 18.6.2010, p. 1).

(4) Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (OJ L 285, 31.10.2009, p. 10).

(5) Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 30).

(6) Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2001 on general product safety (OJ L 11, 15.1.2002, p. 4).

(7) Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 82).

(8) Commission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-driers (OJ L 266, 18.10.1996, p. 1).

(9) OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1.

(10) Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).

Location: Newsletter

EU leaders commit to swiftly and fully implementing Paris climate deal

During June's European Council meeting, leaders of EU countries underlined their commitment to the fight against climate change.


Clean Energy package is top of the agenda for EU Energy Council

EU energy ministers focused on energy efficiency and the energy performance of buildings, and also approved new energy labelling legislation.


Increased energy efficiency: ensuring progress towards EU's climate and energy goals

See the Energy Council's proposal for a revised directive on energy efficiency.


EU Sustainable Energy Week

EUSEW 2017 was marked by events all over Europe, a Policy Conference in Brussels, and the EU Sustainable Energy Awards.


Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation: discussing the clean energy transition

Two international meetings considered the innovative technologies driving the clean energy transition.


EU-China Energy Dialogue: clean energy in an international context

This high-level conference was centered on the EU's internal electricity market and the clean energy transition.


Vice-President Šefčovič discusses innovation in electricity networks

A conference took place on building the European energy networks of the future.


EU-Japan Energy Dialogue: a wide-ranging partnership

Policy-makers met to discuss electricity market design, renewable energy and energy efficiency, and the global liquid natural gas market.


Nuclear safety in Europe: a continuing high priority

Stakeholders met to discuss all aspects of the safe operation of European nuclear installations.


Focus on Hungary: the Energy Union tour

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič visited Hungary.


Copenhagen forum focuses on infrastructure, investment and clean energy

Clean energy infrastructure and how to finance it were on the agenda.


Other news

The EU and Nordic countries to host energy ministerial meetings next year

Conference focuses on financing energy efficiency in Spain and Portugal

Energy Community meeting focuses on sustainability and treaty updates

Fusion as an energy source: the ITER project is back on track

Video highlights

On 26 June the EU Energy Council met in Luxembourg.

You can view the photos from their meeting.


On 22-23 June EU leaders met in Brussels for a European Council summit


Upcoming events

19 - 20 October 2017

Madrid Forum


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies

Integration of the Baltic States into the EU electricity system

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Public consultations

22 May - 15 August 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed projects of common interest for Cross-Border Carbon Dioxide Transport

30 May - 4 September 2017
Evaluation of the TEN-E Regulation

23 June - 29 September 2017
Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Nuclear Decommissioning Assistance Programme

Location: Newsletter

Europe on the Move: Commission launches new transport package

The proposals in the Mobility Package aim to create safer, cleaner and better connected transport networks in the EU.


EUSEW Policy Conference: putting sustainable energy top of the agenda

As part of EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017, a Policy Conference will bring together energy stakeholders from across Europe to discuss sustainable energy policy.


Citizens' Energy Forum: clean energy from the consumer perspective

A platform to debate what the European Commission's 'Clean Energy for All Europeans' package means for consumers.


'Clean Energy for EU Islands' launched in Malta

14 EU countries signed a declaration to help islands generate and use more renewable energy and make better use of innovative technologies.


Florence Forum discusses EU electricity market

This high-level conference was centered on the EU's internal electricity market and the clean energy transition


EUR 40 million EU funding will help connect Slovenian and Croatian electricity grids

The money will go to a smart grids project linking Slovenia and Croatia and increasing the region's use of renewable energy.


Energy efficiency and urban mobility: EUR 30 million for project development assistance

A new agreement releases EU funding in the areas of energy efficiency, distributed renewables, and sustainable urban transport.


Discover EU projects near you and be in with a chance to win

The EU in My Region campaign is showcasing EU-funded projects; between now and August you can enter a photo contest and blogging competition.


Prague meeting discusses nuclear energy in the EU

The European Nuclear Energy Forum focused on nuclear safety and the management of radioactive waste.


EU Green Week 2017: green jobs for a greener future

This week, events across Europe are assessing EU environmental policies and sharing ideas for creating green jobs that lead the way to sustainable economic growth.


The Energy Union Tour - Focus on Belgium


The Energy Union Tour - Focus on Poland


The Energy Union Tour - Focus on Lithuania


Other news
Financing Energy efficiency: best practices in Nordic countries

Gas and electricity network codes in the spotlight

Smart homes and devices: how connecting to the internet can save energy

EU CO2 emissions from energy decreased in 2016

Video highlights

On 18 May EU energy ministers met in Malta for the Informal Energy Council.


On 6 May the EU institutions in Brussels opened their doors to the public.


Upcoming events

1 - 2 June 2017

Energy Infrastructure Forum


15 June 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency in Spain and Portugal


19 - 25 June 2017

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017


28 June 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency: The Key Role of Standardisation & Benchmarking


28 - 29 June 2017

Fourth ENSREG Conference on Nuclear Safety


4 - 7 December 2017

European Nuclear Safeguards Training Seminar


Find out more about upcoming events here

Latest studies
Early Estimates of Main Energy Balance Sheets Components-a methodology and 2015 results

Mapping of the current EU clean energy finance landscape

Case study – Energy Resilience and Vulnerability in the EU and Other Global Regions

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Public consultations

30 May - 4 September 2017
Evaluation of the TEN-E regulation

27 March - 19 June 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed Projects of Common Interest in energy infrastructure

3 April - 26 June 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed Projects of Common Interest - Additional projects in oil and smart grids

22 May - 15 August 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed projects of common interest for Cross-Border Carbon Dioxide Transport

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Location: Newsletter

Agreement reached on new Security of Gas Supply Regulation

Moves to improve regional coordination and a common approach to security of gas supply were agreed on April 26.


Commissioner Arias Cañete reaffirms EU clean energy commitment at G7 Energy Ministerial Meeting

At the G7 Energy Ministers' meeting in Rome, Commissioner Arias Cañete stressed the EU's determination to implement the Paris Agreement and advance the global clean energy transition.


EUR 800 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure

The 2017 CEF Energy call for proposals offers funding to cross-border gas, electricity and smart grids infrastructure projects.


Commissioner Arias Cañete meets Algeria's Energy Minister

The strategic energy partnership between the EU and Algeria, the EU's third biggest gas supplier, was top of the agenda.


Energy Union: EU invests EUR 22.1 million supporting synergies between transport and energy sectors

The funding will go to projects developing better links between transport and energy networks in EU countries.


Have your say on proposed oil and smart grids projects for Projects of Common Interest list

A public consultation has opened on energy infrastructure projects that are candidates to become new EU Projects of Common Interest.


Fifteen energy projects selected for Horizon 2020 funding

The funds will support the development of next-generation technologies for biofuels, capture and storage of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, and renewable energy technologies.


Latvia's gas market now liberalised

From this month onwards, Latvian consumers will be able to choose between different gas suppliers.


New cars sold in Europe: fuel efficiency improvements continued in 2016

The average new car sold in the EU in 2016 emits less CO2 than in previous years.


Other news
New study focuses on potential of biogas as source of clean energy

Report: EU energy efficiency requirements for products generate financial and energy savings

Commissioner Arias Cañete in Israel for EastMed Energy Summit

European Investment Project Portal showcases energy projects across EU

Video highlights

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and Algerian Energy Minister Noureddine Boutarfa met in Brussels as part of the EU-Algeria energy dialogue.


Go to related site

European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and Solar Impulse Foundation Chairman Bertrand Piccard answered questions from Facebook users around the world.


Upcoming events

3 - 4 May 2017

Conference on European Network Codes


15 - 16 May 2017

Meetings of the Energy and Managing Authorities Network


17 - 18 May 2017

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum


19 May 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency in Denmark, Sweden and Finland


22 - 23 May 2017

European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Plenary Meeting


19 - 25 June 2017

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017


1 - 2 June 2017

Energy Infrastructure Forum


28 - 29 June 2017

Fourth ENSREG Conference on Nuclear Safety


Find out more about upcoming events here

Calls for tender

22 April - 24 May 2017
Study on the impact of the ITER project activities in the EU

See current and past calls for tender from DG Energy here.

Latest studies
Early Estimates of Main Energy Balance Sheets Components-a methodology and 2015 results

Mapping of the current EU clean energy finance landscape

Case study – Energy Resilience and Vulnerability in the EU and Other Global Regions

See all studies published by DG Energy here

Public consultations

3 April - 26 June 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed Projects of Common Interest - Additional projects in oil and smart grids

27 March - 19 June 2017
Consultation on the list of proposed Projects of Common Interest in energy infrastructure

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2017 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Location: Newsletter

DG Energy News

Energy Policy round-up from the European Commission

Top stories

Commissioner Arias Cañete in China to strengthen climate and clean energy ties

The Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy tomorrow begins a visit to China to meet policymakers and discuss the clean energy transition.


Agreement on clearer energy efficiency labelling rules to empower consumers

New labelling rules for products agreed this month will make it easier for consumers to save money and be more energy efficient.


EU rules on Intergovernmental Agreements in energy updated

In the future, EU countries will have to submit intergovernmental agreements with non-EU countries concerning gas and oil to the European Commission before signing them.


Eleven EU countries hit 2020 renewable energy targets

The EU is making good progress towards its target of 20% renewable energy by 2020, figures for 2015 show.


First meeting of North Seas Energy Forum held

North Seas countries discussed plans for an offshore energy grid linking the region.


The Energy Union Tour

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič visits Slovakia and also Spain to talk about the Energy Union.


Commissioner Arias Cañete speaks at Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete presented Europe's clean energy transition to global energy decision-makers and experts.


Other news

JRC Ocean Energy Status Report: 2016 Edition

JRC Wind Energy Status Report: 2016 Edition

Roundtable meeting on cyber security in energy takes place in Rome

Interreg Europe third call for project proposals is now open

Commissioner Cañete and Minister McKenna reaffirm commitment to address climate change

JRC’s Work Programme for 2017-2018 adopted

Video highlights

60 years of the Rome Treaties

On March 25, EU leaders met in Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome.


Europe 1957-2017: 60 years of peace, democracy, solidarity

Energy Council in action

At the latest meeting of the Energy Council on February 27, Ministers discussed the 'Clean Energy for all Europeans'  legislative package, the Energy Union, proposals for Regulations on security of gas supply and energy efficiency labelling, and the Ocean Energy Forum.


Post-Council press conference with Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete

Upcoming events

30 March 2017

Financing energy efficiency: lessons from successful Horizon 2020 projects and other initiatives across Europe


27 April 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency in Central Europe


15 - 16 May 2017

Meetings of the Energy and Managing Authorities Network


17 - 18 May 2017

Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum


19 May 2017

Financing Energy Efficiency in Denmark, Sweden and Finland


22 - 23 May 2017

European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Plenary Meeting


19 - 25 June 2017

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017


Find out more about upcoming events here

Calls for tender

7 February - 10 April 2017
Study on the Evaluation of Risks of Cyber-Incidents and on Costs of Preventing Cyber-Incidents in the Energy Sector

1 February - 17 April 2017
Technical assistance services to assess the implementation status and effectiveness of Article 17 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

See all current and past calls for tender here

Latest studies

Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables)

Study on Technical Assistance in Realisation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the Period 2020-2030 in the European Union


See all studies published by DG Energy here

DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2017 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Application: Air Conditioners
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 06 - Start year: : 2014

Tertiary Air Conditioning 1253/2014


Last updated: 04 April 2015

Ecodesign regulation entered into force in December 2014.

Products treated in this lot and Lot 10 were merged into one proposal and ecodesign requirements cover both residential and non-residential ventilation units.

Regulation in force

Ecodesign Regulation 1253/2014(pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Battery Chargers
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 07:2009 - Start year: : 2009

Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies 278/2009


Last updated: 14 December 2018

Proposed revised ecodesign requirements for this product group can be found here.

Existing requirements for external power supplies include most stand-alone AC/AC and AC/DC devices with a rated power up to 250 Watts and were introduced in two stages: 2010 and 2011.

Regulation in force

Ecodesignl regulation 278/2009 (pdf)


Proposed revised ecodesign requirements for this product group can be found here. WTO scrutiny until 4 December 2018.

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Desktop Computers
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 03:2012019 - Start year: : 2019

Personal computers (desktops & laptops) and servers:617/2013


Last updated: 06 November 2019

Proposal for revised requirements adopted. Scrutiny by the European Parliament and the Council period, until January 17, 2019.

Draft revised ecodesign and labelling requrements for displays were discussed in Consultation Forum July 6, 2017. Se under Televisons and electronic displays.

Ecodesign requirements for computers and servers applied from July 1, 2014. Draft guidelines accompanying regulation 617/2013 were submitted in April 2014.

Computers and servers

The adopted measure applies to desktop computers, integrated desktop computers and notebook computers.

The provisions on internal power supply efficiency also apply to:

  • desktop thin clients
  • workstations
  • mobile workstations
  • small-scale servers
  • computer servers

Annex II includes requirements for total energy consumption (TEC), off- and sleep mode power, internal power supply efficiency and power management enabling.

2018-07 Revision study report Task 7
2018-01 Final report JRC Technical reports - Analysis of material efficiency aspects of personal computers product group (pdf)
2017-02 Revision study report

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Tasks 5-6

2016-01 Revision study launched Revison product study
2014-12 Consultation Forum WD ecodesign (docx), labelling (doc)
Explanatory notes (doc)
2014-04 Draft guidelines published Draft guidelines (docx)
2013-06 Final regulation adopted Final regulation (pdf)
None Final regulation adopted Final regulation (pdf)
None   Archived working documents (zip)


Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Dishwashers
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 14:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Domestic dishwashers:1016/2010 and 1059/2010

In December 2019, revised ecodesign and labelling requirements werre published, taking effect on March 1, 2021.


The new requirements include:

  • Ecodesign requirements regarding resource efficiency, such as requirements for repairability, mandatory access to spare parts, and good recoverability.
  • New scale for energy labelling. The old scale from A+++ to D will be replaced with a new scale from A to G.

Ecodesign requirements

The ecodesign regulations set requirements for the energy efficiency index, washing efficiency index, drying efficiency index, and information requirements for electric dish washers for usage in households. 

Energy labelling

The energy efficiency for electric dishwashers is labelled with a scale from A+++ to D, where A+++ is the most efficient. The label is also required to indicate the dishwasher’s yearly energy usage, yearly water usage, drying efficiency class, number of standard envelopes for the standard washing cycle, and noise level.

Date Process Key documents
2019-01-10 New regulations approved

Final review: ecodesign dishwashers (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

Final review: energy labelling dishwashers (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

2017-12-19 Consultation Forum

WD Energy Labelling (docx)
Annexes Energy Labelling (docx)
WD Ecodesign (docx)
Annexes Ecodesign (docx)

Explanatory memorandum (docx)

2017 Review study finalised

Review study (pdf)

Follow up (pdf)

2010-12 Labelling regulation enters into force

Final labelling regulation (pdf)

2010-11 Regulation published in the Official Journal

Final ecodesign regulation (pdf)

None Study on domestic wet appliances

Final report (zip)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 14:2010 - Start year: : 2010

Domestic dishwashers 1016/2010 and 1059/2010


Last updated: 03 December 2018

This product group is under revision. Feed back period ended in November 2018 and will be followed by public consultation.

Current ecodesign requirements for dishwashers include:

  • Prohibition of dishwashers of current energy class A in December 2011 and stricter requirements for dishwashers with more than 10 place settings from 2011 and 2013.

  • Limits for water consumption, standby and off modes.

  • Instruction manuals for energy use and water consumption.

The regulation entered into force 1 December 2010 and will applied from 1 December 2011 with some exemptions.


The energy labelling regulation for domestic dishwashers entered into force in December 2010 . Labels for this product group were introduced already in 1992. According to the previous system, the best class is A. However, new technologies would allow about half the energy consumption of an A-class product. Therefore the scale was extended upwards with three new classes (A+, A++ and A+++).


Feed back period ended in November. Public consultation upcoming.

Draft working documents and feed back can be retrieved here

View draft energy labelling requirements here

Regulations into force

Ecodesign regulation 1016/2010 (pdf)
Labelling regulation 1059/2010 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign Domestic washing machines 2010 - Start year: : 2010

Domestic washing machines 1015/2010 and 1061/2010


Last updated: 04 December 2018

This product group is under revision. Proposed energy labelling and ecodesign requirements are waiting for adoption.


Public consultation ended in November 2018.

Proposals for ecodesign requirements an be found here.

Proposals for energy labelling requirements can be found here.

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 1015/2010 (pdf), corrigenda (pdf)
Labelling regulation 1060/2010 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: External Power Supplies
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 07:2020 - Start year: : 2020

External Power Supplies


In December 2019, revised ecodesign requirements were published. The regulation apply from April 2020, adding more products covered by the requirements.

Last updated: 30 January 2020

Ecodesign requirements

The ecodesign regulations set requirements for low losses at no load, the lowest efficiency over the load area and the technical documentation. Existing ecodesign requirements for external power supplies includes most AC/AC and AC/DC units that are standalone and have an output of up to 250 watts. The requirements were introduced in two stages: 2010 and 2011.

Date Process Key documents
2019-01-16 Regulation approved

Final review: Proposal of regulation for ecodesign requirements (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

2015-04 WD and updated assessment report submitted

Draft WD for external power supplies (doc)
Updated assessment report (pdf)
Explanatory notes (pdf)

None Archived documents

Archived documents (zip)

None Regulation entered into force

Final regulation (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 07:2009 - Start year: : 2009

Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies 278/2009


Last updated: 14 December 2018

Proposed revised ecodesign requirements for this product group can be found here.

Existing requirements for external power supplies include most stand-alone AC/AC and AC/DC devices with a rated power up to 250 Watts and were introduced in two stages: 2010 and 2011.

Regulation in force

Ecodesignl regulation 278/2009 (pdf)


Proposed revised ecodesign requirements for this product group can be found here. WTO scrutiny until 4 December 2018.

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Laptop Computers
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 03:2012019 - Start year: : 2019

Personal computers (desktops & laptops) and servers:617/2013


Last updated: 06 November 2019

Proposal for revised requirements adopted. Scrutiny by the European Parliament and the Council period, until January 17, 2019.

Draft revised ecodesign and labelling requrements for displays were discussed in Consultation Forum July 6, 2017. Se under Televisons and electronic displays.

Ecodesign requirements for computers and servers applied from July 1, 2014. Draft guidelines accompanying regulation 617/2013 were submitted in April 2014.

Computers and servers

The adopted measure applies to desktop computers, integrated desktop computers and notebook computers.

The provisions on internal power supply efficiency also apply to:

  • desktop thin clients
  • workstations
  • mobile workstations
  • small-scale servers
  • computer servers

Annex II includes requirements for total energy consumption (TEC), off- and sleep mode power, internal power supply efficiency and power management enabling.

2018-07 Revision study report Task 7
2018-01 Final report JRC Technical reports - Analysis of material efficiency aspects of personal computers product group (pdf)
2017-02 Revision study report

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Tasks 5-6

2016-01 Revision study launched Revison product study
2014-12 Consultation Forum WD ecodesign (docx), labelling (doc)
Explanatory notes (doc)
2014-04 Draft guidelines published Draft guidelines (docx)
2013-06 Final regulation adopted Final regulation (pdf)
None Final regulation adopted Final regulation (pdf)
None   Archived working documents (zip)


Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Refrigerators
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 13:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Domestic refrigerators and freezers:643/2009 and 1060/2010

In December 2019, revised ecodesign and energy labelling requirements were published, taking effect on March 1, 2021.


The new requirements include:

  • Ecodesign requirements regarding resource efficiency, such as requirements for repairability, mandatory access to spare parts, and good recoverability.
  • New scale for energy labelling. The old scale from A+++ to G will be replaced with a new scale from A to G.


The ecodesign requirements and energy labelling scale are built on an "energy efficiency index" (EEI), which is the ratio between annual consumption of the appliance and a standard consumption of a typical similar model. 


Revised energy labelling requirements for this product group entered into force 2010. Labelling requirements were introduced in 1992 and according to the previous system, the best class was A. The scale was extended upwards with three new classes (A+, A++ and A+++).

Date Process Key documents
2018-12-10 Regulation approved

Final review: Proposal of regulation for ecodesign requirements (pdf), 
Annexes (pdf)

Final review: Proposal of regulation for energy labelling (pdf), Annexes (pdf)


2018-10 Proposals to WTO

Proposed ecodesign requirements (pdf)

Proposed labelling requirements (pdf)


2018-07-10 Final report

Study on the impact of a draft energy label on consumer understanding and purchase decisions for household refrigerating appliances (pdf)

2017-02 Final report

Optimal food storage conditions in refrigeration appliances (pdf)

2016-03 Final report submitted

Final revision report (pdf)

2014-01 Communication of implementation issued

Communication of the implementation of regulations 2005/32 and 1060/2010 (pdf)


Measurement methods for energy label (pdf)
Measurement standards ecodesign (pdf)
Measurement standards ecodesign corrigendum (pdf)

2010-12 Labelling regulation in force

Final labelling regulation (pdf)

None Study on domestic cold appliances

Final report (zip)

None Archived documents

Archived documents (zip)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 12:2014 - Start year: : 2014

Commercial refrigerators and freezers


Last updated: 18 November 2014

Consultation forum for commercial refrigerators and freezers was held 2 July 2014.


Requirements for minimum energy efficiency and energy labelling are proposed for the following  categories or segments of equipment:

  • Supermarket segment refrigerated display cabinets
  • Beverage coolers
  • Small ice-cream freezers
  • Soft scoop ice-cream cabinets
  • Refrigerated vending machines

Many of these appliances are used non-stop (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

An initial preparatory study for Lot 12 was published in 2007 which was subsequently updated by the JRC in 2013/2014. Working Documents for ecodesign requirements and energy labels were discussed at a Consultation Forum on 2 July 2014.

Ecodesign requirements

The proposed regulation includes three tiers, and the exclusion of the less efficient products based on their Energy Efficiency Index (EEI). The proposed time plan is as follows:

  • From 1 January 2017: EEI < 150
  • From 1 January 2019: EEI < 130
  • From 1 January 2021: EEI < 110

Labelling requirements

The proposed energy labelling regulation includes labelling schemes for different product categories within this lot. Energy classes are specified in Annex II and range from G to A.

Related lots

Household refrigerators and freezers (Lot 13) are regulated in by regulations 1060/2010 and 643/2009.

Professional refrigerated storage cabinets (also called service cabinets), treated in ENTR Lot 1, are intended for the storage, but not the sale and display, of chilled and/or frozen foodstuff.

Saving potentials

According to data from the revised preparatory study, energy consumption for this product group could be reduced to 64 TWh/year by 2020 and 30 TWh/year by 2030 (compared to a business-as-usual scenario of 82 TWh/year by 2020 and 88 TWh/year by 2030). This corresponds savings of 18 TWh/year by 2020. Note that the industry association has suggested that the savings from supermarket segment (which account for the majority) are over-estimated by 50%.


Consultation Forum 2 July 2014

Updated proposed requirements:WD ecodesign (doc)
WD labelling (docx)

Explanatory notes (docx)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 13:2010 - Start year: : 2010

Domestic refrigerators and freezers 643/2009 and 1060/2010


Last updated: 24 October 2018

This product group is under revision. Proposed new ecodesign and labelling requirements open for feed back until 26 December (ecodesign) and 17 December (energ labelling).


The ecodesign requirements and energy labelling scale are built on an "energy efficiency index" (EEI), which is the ratio between annual consumption of the appliance and a standard consumption of a typical similar model. Minimum energy efficiency performance (ecodesign) requirements include:


Revised energy labelling requirements for this product group entered into force 2010. Labelling requirements were introduced in 1992 and according to the previous system, the best class was A. The scale was extended upwards with three new classes (A+, A++ and A+++).

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 643/2009 (pdf)
Labelling regulaiton 1060/2010 (pdf)


Proposed ecodesign requirements

Proposed energy labelling requirements

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 01 - Start year: : 2015

Professional refrigerating and freezing equipment: 2015/1095 and 2015/1094


Last updated: 20 November 2015

Ecodesign and energy labelling regulations for professional refrigerating and freezing equipment entered into force in August 2015.


The ecodesign regulation includes requirements for:

  • Electric mains-operated blast cabinets
  • Electric mains-operated professional storage cabinets (including those sold for the refrigeration of items other than foodstuffs)
  • Condensing units, operating at low or medium temperature or both.
  • Process chillers intended to operate at low or medium temperature.

Energy efficiency requirements are proposed from 2016, 2018 and 2019.

Energy labelling

The energy labelling regulations sets requirements for labelling and product information on professional refrigerated storage cabinets.

Requirements apply from 2016 and 2019.

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 2015/1095 (pdf)
Labelling regulation 2015/1094 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Servers
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 03:2014 - Start year: : 2013

Personal computers (desktops & laptops) and servers 617/2013


Last updated: 26 September 2017

Proposal for revised requirements adopted. Scrutiny by the European Parliament and the Council period, until 17 January 2019.

Draft revised ecodesign and labelling requrements for displays were discussed in Consultation Forum 6 July 2017. Se under Televisons and electronic displays.

Ecodesign requirements for computers and servers applied from 1 July 2014. Draft guidelines accompanying regulation 617/2013 were submitted in April 2014.

Computers and servers

The adopted measure applies to desktop computers, integrated desktop computers and notebook computers.

The provisions on internal power supply efficiency also apply to:

  • desktop thin clients
  • workstations
  • mobile workstations
  • small-scale servers
  • computer servers

Annex II includes requirements for total energy consumption (TEC), off- and sleep mode power, internal power supply efficiency and power management enabling.


Proposal for revised requirements adopted. Scrutiny by the European Parliament and the Council period, until 17 January 2019.

Regulation in force

Ecodesign Regulation 617/2013 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 09 - Start year: : 2015
Enterprise Servers

Last updated: 01 September 2017

Final study report on Enterprise servers and data equipment was published in November 2015. Consultation Forum was held 17 February 2017.


WD (pdf)
Explanatory notes (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Televisions
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 05: 2021 - Start year: : 2021

Televisions and electronic displays:642/2009 and 1062/2010:


Last updated: 29 January 2020

Revised ecodesign and labelling regulations for televisions and displays were published in December 2019. The new requirements enter into force in March 2021.

The new requirements include:

  • Ecodesign requirements regarding resource efficiency, such as requirements for repairability, mandatory access to spare parts, and good recoverability.
  • New scale for energy labelling. The old scale from A+++ to G will be replaced with a new scale from A to G.

Regulations in force

Ecodesign requirements

The ecodesign regulation sets minimum energy performance requirements for televisions from 20 August 2010 with different levels for Full HD resolution and all other resolutions. From 1 April 2012, requirements with one level for all televisions were introduced.

An amendment of the ecodesign regulation on standby (Lot 6) includes special requirements for televisions and has introduced requirements for networked standby (Lot 26). The amendment also includes special requirements for coffee machines (Lot 25) and televisions.

Energy labelling

Energy labelling requirements for televisions entered into force 20 December 2010.

The scale is built on an "energy efficiency index" (EEI), which is the ratio between annual consumption of the appliance and a standard consumption of a typical similar model.

Date Process Key documents
2019-10 Revised ecodesign requirements approved

Revised ecodesign regulation approved 

2019-03-11 Revised labelling regulation approved

Revised labelling regulation

Final review: Proposal of regulation for energy labelling (pdf), Annexes (pdf)


2014-12-10 Consultation Forum

WD ecodesign (docx), labelling (doc)
Explanatory notes (doc)

2013-01 Interservice Consultation

Draft proposal (pdf)

2010-05 Draft mandate on measurement methods

Draft regulations for energy labelling of televisions (doc)
Loewe (pdf)
Digital Europe (pdf)
Metz (pdf)

2010-03 Entry into force

Draft mandate (doc)
Transitional methods ( doc)

2010-02 Consultation Forum (televisions)

Working documents on labels for televisions (pdf), track changes (pdf)

eceee's comments (pdf)
Industry & Trade (zip)
NGO & Consumers (zip)
Member States (zip)
Swedish comments (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 05: 2010 - Start year: : 2009

Televisions and electronic displays 642/2009 and 1062/2010


Last updated: 14 December 2018

Adoption upcoming for ecodesign rules for electronic displays (TVs, monitors, signage). Draft regulation and annex can be retrieved here

Ecodesign requirements

The ecodesign regulation sets minimum energy performance requirements for televisions from 20 August 2010 with different levels for Full HD resolution and all other resolutions. From 1 April 2012, requirements with one level for all televisions were introduced.

An amendment of the ecodesign regulation on standby (Lot 6) includes special requirements for televisions and has introduced requirements for networked standby (Lot 26). The amendment also includes special requirements for coffee machines (Lot 25) and televisions.

Energy labelling

Energy labelling requirements for televisions entered into force 20 December 2010.

The scale is built on an "energy efficiency index" (EEI), which is the ratio between annual consumption of the appliance and a standard consumption of a typical similar model.

Regulations in force

Labelling regulation 1062/2010 (pdf)
Ecodesign regulation 642/2009 (pdf)


Adoption upcoming for ecodesign rules for electronic displays (TVs, monitors, signage). Draft regulation and annex can be retrieved here

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Clothes Washers
ECEEE Ecodesign Domestic washing machines 2021 - Start year: : 2021

Domestic dishwashers:1016/2010 and 1059/2010

In December 2019, revised ecodesign and labelling requirements werre published, taking effect on March 1, 2021.


The new requirements include:

  • Ecodesign requirements regarding resource efficiency, such as requirements for repairability, mandatory access to spare parts, and good recoverability.
  • New scale for energy labelling. The old scale from A+++ to D will be replaced with a new scale from A to G.

Ecodesign requirements

The ecodesign regulations set requirements for the energy efficiency index, washing efficiency index, drying efficiency index, and information requirements for electric dish washers for usage in households. 

Energy labelling

The energy efficiency for electric dishwashers is labelled with a scale from A+++ to D, where A+++ is the most efficient. The label is also required to indicate the dishwasher’s yearly energy usage, yearly water usage, drying efficiency class, number of standard envelopes for the standard washing cycle, and noise level.

Date Process Key documents
2019-01-10 New regulations approved

Final review: ecodesign dishwashers (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

Final review: energy labelling dishwashers (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

2017-12-19 Consultation Forum

WD Energy Labelling (docx)
Annexes Energy Labelling (docx)
WD Ecodesign (docx)
Annexes Ecodesign (docx)

Explanatory memorandum (docx)

2017 Review study finalised

Review study (pdf)

Follow up (pdf)

2010-12 Labelling regulation enters into force

Final labelling regulation (pdf)

2010-11 Regulation published in the Official Journal

Final ecodesign regulation (pdf)

None Study on domestic wet appliances

Final report (zip)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Lighting
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 37:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Light sources: 2019/2020 and 2019/2015 (ENER Lot 37)

A combinaion of previous Lot numbers 9 and 19.


Last updated: 21 January 2020

A revised ecodesign regulation and labelling regulation was published in October 2019, replacing the following regulations: 

New requirements

The new ecodesign requirements taking effect on September 1, 2021, with the exception of some types of T8 fluorescent lamps that are exempt until September 1, 2023.

The new requirements include:

  • Increased requirements for the possibilities regarding reparations and recycling of different kinds of lighting.
  • Demands regarding flicker.
  • Clearer descriptions, making it easier to interpret the requirements.
  • New scale for energy labelling. The old scale from A+++ to G will be replaced with a new scale from A to G.
  • Requirements for product information to be uploaded in an EU product database: European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL).


2018-12-17 Regulation approved

Final review: Proposal of regulation for ecodesign requirements (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

Final review: Proposal of regulation for energy labelling (pdf), Annexes (pdf)


Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 19:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Directional lighting: luminaires, reflector lamps and LEDs:1194/2012 and 874/2012


Last updated: 30 January 2020

A new product category for lighting takes effect September 1, 2021. More information can be found here.

Ecodesign regulation 1194/2012

The ecodesign regulation 1194/2012 covers the following products:

  • directional lamps
  • light-emitting diode (LED) lamps
  • equipment designed for installation between the mains and the lamps (including lamp control gear, control devices and luminaires)

This also includes lighting products that are integrated in other products.

Labelling regulation 874/2012

A labelling regulation for electrical lamps and luminaires applied from 1 September 2013. The scope of the regulation includes:

  • filament lamps
  • flourescent lamps
  • high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps
  • LED lamps and LED modules

For ecodesign requirements on incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and compact fluorescent lamps see Lot 19 part 1.

Date Process Key documents
2017-12-07 Consultation Forum

Explanatory memorandum (doc)

WD ecodesign (docx)

WD labelling (docx)

Comments (zip)

2015-08 Amendment to 1194/2012 in force

Regulation 2015/1428 (pdf)

2014-05 Consultation Forum

WD (doc)

2013-08 Updated lighting guidance

Lighting guide version 2 (pdf)
Questions and answers version 2 (pdf)

2013-05 Lighting guide published

Lighting guide (pdf)
Annex to M495 technical update (xls)
FAQ:s (pdf)

2013-01 Final regulation in force

Final regulation (pdf)

None Final report available

Final project study report (pdf)


Archived documents (zip)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 08-09:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Linear and compact fluorescent lamps: 245/2009


Last updated: 30 January 2020

New product category for lighting taking effect in September 2021. View more here.

Ecodesign regulation 247/2009 entered into force 2009. Amendments were added 2010 and 2015.  Ecodesing 247/2009 covers:

  • linear and compact fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast,
  • high intensity discharge lamps, and
  • ballasts and luminaires able to operate such lamps
  • An amendment to 247/2009 - 2015/1428 - entered into force in August 2015.

2015-08 Amendment to regulation 2009/245 in force Regulation 2015/1428 (pdf)

2010 Regulation 245/2009 in force Final regulation 245/2009 (pdf)

Amendment to 245/2009:
Regulations 347/2010 (pdf) and 2015/1428 (pdf)
Regulation 245/2009 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 19:2009 - Start year: : 2009

Domestic lighting; incandescent, halogen, LED and compact fluorescent lamps 244/2009 and 874/2012


Last updated: 14 December 2018

Regulatory committee upcoming. Draft proposal can be retieved here.


Ecodesign regulation 244/2009 (amended by regulations 859/2009 and 2015/1428) sets minimum requirements for energy efficiency and functionality for lamps that are typically used in households (incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and compact fluorescent lamps). It includes mandatory requirements to indicate mercury content on CFL packaging and reference to a website with information of recycling.


Labelling regulation 874/2012 for electrical lamps and luminaires includes:

  • filament lamps
  • flourescent lamps
  • high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps
  • LED lamps and LED modules

Ecodesign requirements for luminaires, reflector lamps and LEDs are specified here (Lot 19, part II).

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation in force 2009: 244/2009 (pdf).
Amendments 859/2009 (pdf) and 2015/1428 (pdf
Energy labelling regulation 874/2012 (pdf)


Regulatory committee upcoming. Draft proposal can be retieved here.

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 19:2012 - Start year: : 2012

Directional lighting: luminaires, reflector lamps and LEDs 1194/2012 and 874/2012


Last updated: 14 December 2018

Regulatory committee upcoming. Draft proposal can be retieved here.

Ecodesign regulation 1194/2012

The regulation covers the following products:

  • directional lamps
  • light-emitting diode (LED) lamps
  • equipment designed for installation between the mains and the lamps (including lamp control gear, control devices and luminaires)

This also includes lighting products that are integrated in other products.

Labelling regulation 874/2012

A labelling regulation for electrical lamps and luminaires applied from 1 September 2013. The scope of the regulation includes:

  • filament lamps
  • flourescent lamps
  • high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps
  • LED lamps and LED modules

For ecodesign requirements on incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and compact fluorescent lamps see Lot 19 part 1.


Regulatory committee upcoming.
Proposed revised regulation
Explanatory memorandum

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 1194/2012 (pdf), amendment 2015/1428 (pdf)

Labelling regulation 874/2012 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 08-09:2010 - Start year: : 2010

Linear and compact fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps and ballasts (ENER Lot 8, ENER Lot 9)


Last updated: 06 September 2016

Ecodesign regulation 247/2009 entered into force 2009. Amendments were added 2010 and 2015. 
A product study for all lighting products was finalized in December 2015. Consultation Forum was held 7 December 2017.

Ecodesing 247/2009 covers:

  • linear and compact fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast,
  • high intensity discharge lamps, and
  • ballasts and luminaires able to operate such lamps
  • An amendment to 247/2009 - 2015/1428 -   entered into force in August 2015.

Regulations in force

Amendment to 245/2009: Regulations 347/2010 (pdf) and 2015/1428 (pdf),
Regulation 245/2009 (pdf)


A product study for all lighting products was finalized in December 2015.

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Simple Set-Top Boxes
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 18 - Start year: : 2009

Simple set top boxes 107/2009


Last updated: 25 February 2009

The regulation for simple set top boxes entered into force in February 2009.

The basic function of simple set top boxes (SSTB) is to convert digital broadcast signals to analogue broadcast signals suitable for analogue television or radio. Simple set top boxes have a short lifetime and are easier to use than complex set top boxes.

The EU Member States has agreed to replace all analogue broadcasting with digital broadcasting before 2015, which means that the number of simple set top boxes in use will rise dramatically over the coming years.

Some of the requirements are:

  • One year after the regulation has come into force, the maximum allowed power consumption is 5 W for on mode, and 1 W for standby and off-mode.
  • Three years after the regulation has come into force, the limit is still  5 W for on-mode but 0,5 W for stand by and off mode.

One year after the regulation has come into force all simple set top boxes shall provide standby mode and be equipped with automatic power-down or similar function.

Saving potentials

The introduction of the requirements are expected to deliver EU-wide electricity savings of 9 TWh by 2014, (corresponding to a decrease in energy use from 14 TWh to 9Twh, or 64% for this product group), 4 million ton CO2 and savings of 1,4 billion Euro (with today’s energy prices).

Regulation in force

Ecodesign regulation 107/2009 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Ventilation
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 10 - Start year: : 2014
Residential Ventilation 1253/2014 and 1254/2014



Last updated: 04 April 2015

Ecodesign and labelling regulations entered into foce in December 2014.

Products treated in this lot and ENTR Lot 6 were merged into one proposal and the ecodesign requirements cover both residential and non-residential ventilation units.

Regulations in force

Ecodesign Regulation 1253/2014 (pdf)
Delegated labelling regulation 1254/2014 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11 - Start year: : 2011
Ventilation Fans 327/2011

Last updated: 07 June 2016

A proposed revised regulation for ventilation fans was discussed in Consultation Forum 30 April 2015.

Requirements and scope

A fan is defined as a rotary bladed machine that is used to maintain a flow of a gas (typically air) and which is driven by an electric motor. The regulation has an extended product approach, including motor, drive and fan.

Fans that fall within the scope of the measurement include fans of power range 125 W to 500 kW. Fans that fall outside the scope are:

  • Fans designed to operate with an electric motor below 125 W but driven by a motor above 125 W primarily serving other functionalities.
  • Fans for vacuum cleaners (the 8000rpm criterion). These will be covered by future ecodesign measures.

The extended product approach is also applied to fans integrated in ventilation units; Lot 10 (residential ventilation and kitchen hoods) and ENTR Lot 6 (non-domestic ventilation).


Consultation Forum 30 April 2014.

WD (docx)
Explanatory document (docx)

Regulation in force

Ecodesign regulation (327/2011)


Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11 - Start year: : 2009
Circulators in buildings 641/2009

Final regulation for circulators in buildings entered into force 12 August 2009. An amendment was adopted in 2011.

Ecodesign requirements

The measure defines circulator as a glandless impeller pump up to 2500W used primarily for central heating systems. A standalone circulator is a circulator separate from the boiler, glandless means that the circulator has the shaft of the motor directly coupled to the impeller (the motor is also immersed in the pumped medium).

Final regulation

Ecodesign regulation 641/2009 (pdf)
Amendment 622/2012 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Heating & Cooling Systems
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 20 - Start year: : 2015

Local space heating products: 2015/1188, 2015/1185 and 2015/1186


Last updated: 23 September 2015

Ecodesign and labelling requirements for solid fuel local space heaters (LSH) entered into force in August 2015.

Local room (or space) heating products can be defined as appliances that provide heat to indoor spaces by generating heat at the same location as it is needed. The appliances are self-contained heating units, wall-mounted or chimney bound.

The energy labelling regulation applies to all local space heaters, however the product group is regulated by two ecodesign regulations;

  • 2015/1188: Space heaters that use electricity, gaseous or liquid fuels, such as electric radiators and electric underfloor heating
  • 2015/1185: Space heaters which use solid fuels such as stoves and fireplaces

Local space heaters with gaseous or liquid fuels

Space heaters that use electricity, gaseous or liquid fuels, such as electric radiators and electric underfloor heating are covered by the ecodesign regulation 2015/1188.

The regulation applies to domestic local space heaters with a nominal heat output of 50 kW or less and commercial local space heaters with a nominal heat output of the product or of a single segment of 120 kW or less.

Examples of such products are:

  • gasopen/gasclosed fireplaces
  • gas stoves
  • gas cookers
  • warm air unit heaters
  • tube radiant heaters
  • storage/non-storage electric heaters

The requirements apply from 1 January 2018.

Solid fuel space heaters

Solid fuel space heaters are covered by the ecodesign regulation 2015/1185. The regulation applies to solid fuel local space heaters with a nominal heat output of 50 kW or less.

Requirements apply from 1 January 2022.


The labelling regulation applies to local space heaters with a nominal heat output of 50 kW or less.

Electric heaters have been excluded from the energy labelling regulation. This is to avoid the direct comparison between gas and electric powered products (see comments from October 2012 in the table below).

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 2015/1188 (pdf)
Ecodesign regulation 2015/1185 (pdf)
Labelling regulation 2015/1186 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 01 - Start year: : 2013

Space and Combination Heaters 813/2013 and 811/2013


Last updated: 20 November 2015

Ecodesign requirements and labelling regulations for space and combination heaters entered into force in September 2013.

The scope of the ecodesign regulation for space and combination heaters include:

  • Space heaters and combination heaters with a rated heat output of 400 kW or less.

Exceptions are, among others:

  • heaters specifically designed for using predominantly biomass fuels;
  • heaters using solid fuels;
  • heaters for drinking or sanitary water;
  • heaters for heating and distributing gaseous heat transfer media such as vapour or air;
  • cogeneration space heaters with a maximum electrical capacity of 50 kW or more.

Ecodesign Regulation 813/2013 (pdf)
Delegated labelling regulation 811/2013 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Motors
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Electric motors:640/2009 and 4/2014

Taking effect on January 1, 2021


Last updated: 29 January 2020

Revised ecodesign requirements were published 25 October 2019.

Revised ecodesign requirements


Taking effect on January 1, 2021:

  • 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-pole motors within the power range 0.75 kW - 1000 kW needs to meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE3. The ability to meet the requirements by using speed controllers is removed.
  • Small motors within the power range 0.12 kW – 0.75 kW must meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE2.

Taking effect July 1, 2023:

  • Also 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-pole motors within the power range 0.12 kW - 1000 kWwith extended safety class "Ex eb" are covered by the ecodesign requirements.
  • Single phase motors with greater power than 0.12 kW must meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE2.
  • Larger 2-, 4- and 6-pole motors within the power range of 75 kW – 200 kW must meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE4.

Variable Speed Drives

Taking effect on January 1, 2021:

  • Speed controllers must meet the ecodesign requirements of at least efficiency class IE2 when operating against motors within the power range 0.12 kW – 1000 kW.

Taking effect July 1, 2021:

  • Technical information should include data regarding power losses in a number of operating cases for the frequency inverters and information regarding consumption during standby mode.

Ecodesign requirements in force

The ecodesign regulation in force covers motors of power range 0,75 to 375 kW.

Electric motor systems include a number of energy-using products, e.g. motors, drives, pumps or fans. Motors and variable speed drives are an important part of these products, which is why this regulation requires certain types of motors to be equipped with variable speed drives.

Date Process Key documents
2019-10-25 Revised ecodesign regulation published

Revised ecodesign regulation published 

2019-01-14 New regulation approved

Final review: Proposal of regulation for ecodesign (pdf), Annexes (pdf)

2014-01 Amendment published in the OJ

Regulation 4/2014, amending ecodesign regulation 640/2009 (pdf)

2013-07 Amendment adopted

Proposed amendment (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11: Electric Motors:2009/2017 - Start year: : 2017

The ecodesign requirements for motors are set out in Annex I.

Each ecodesign requirement shall apply in accordance with the following timetable:

1. from 16 June 2011, motors shall not be less efficient than the IE2 efficiency level, as defined in Annex I, point 1;

2. from 1 January 2015:

(i)  motors with a rated output of 7,5-375 kW shall not be less efficient than the IE3 efficiency level, as defined in Annex I, point 1, or meet the IE2 efficiency level, as defined in Annex I, point 1, and be equipped with a variable speed drive.

3. from 1 January 2017:

(i) all motors with a rated output of 0,75-375 kW shall not be less efficient than the IE3 efficiency level, as defined in Annex I, point 1, or meet the IE2 efficiency level, as defined in Annex I, point 1, and be equipped with a variable speed drive.

The product information requirements on motors are as set out in Annex I. Compliance with ecodesign requirements shall be measured and calculated in accordance with requirements set out in Annex II.


Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 640/2009 (pdf)
Regulation 4/2014, amending Regulation 640/2009 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11:2009/2014 - Start year: : 2014

Electric Motors 640/2009 and 4/2014


Last updated: 29 November 2018

This product group is under revision. Feed back period for proposed ecodesign regulations ended in November 2018.

The regulationl covers motors of power range 0,75 to 375 kW.

Electric motor systems include a number of energy-using products, e.g. motors, drives, pumps or fans. Motors and variable speed drives are an important part of these products, which is why this regulation requires certain types of motors to be equipped with variable speed drives.Some of the minimum energy efficiency requirements are:

  • From 2015: Motors with a rated output of 7,5-375 kW shall reach the IE3 efficiency level, or IE2 if the motor is combined with a variable speed drive.
  • From 2017: Motors with a rated output of 0,75-375 kW shall reach the IE3 efficiency level, or IE2 if the motor is combined with a variable speed drive.

When the performance requirements for motors reach their full impact (by 2020), including the application of variable speed drives in variable load applications, they are estimated to save 135 TWh per year within the EU

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 640/2009 (pdf)
Regulation 4/2014, amending Regulation 640/2009 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11:2009/2023 - Start year: : 2023

Electric Motors


Revised ecodesign requirements  Motors

Taking effect July 1, 2023:

  • Also 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-pole motors within the power range 0.12 kW - 1000 kWwith extended safety class "Ex eb" are covered by the ecodesign requirements.
  • Single phase motors with greater power than 0.12 kW must meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE2.
  • Larger 2-, 4- and 6-pole motors within the power range of 75 kW – 200 kW must meet the ecodesign requirements of efficiency class IE4.
Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Water Heaters
ECEEE Ecodesign Lot 02 - Start year: : 2013

Water heaters and hot water storage tanks 814/2013 and 812/2013


Last updated: 04 October 2013

Final ecodesign and labelling regulations for water heaters and hot water storage tanks entered into force in September 2013. The product group is under revision. Consultation forum is scheduled to 3 October 2017.

A water heater is defined as a product connected to an external supply of drinking water to generate heat and transfer this water to desired temperature levels. The hot water is typically used for cooking, cleaning, bathing and space heating (and several items in industry).

The scope of the ecodesign regulation include:

  • Water heaters with a rated heat output ≤ 400 kW
  • Hot water storage tanks with a storage volume ≤ 2 000 litres.

Exceptions are, among others:

  • water heaters specifically designed for using predominantly biomass fuels;
  • water heaters using solid fuels;
  • water heaters designed for making hot drinks and/or food only;

For storage tanks, requirements for standing loss and product information are specified of Annex II, point 2.1.


Study on specific ecodesign aspects.

Regulations in force

Regulation 814/2013 (pdf)
Labelling regulation 812/2013 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Appliances, General
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 25 - Start year: : 2013

Non-tertiary coffee machines 801/2013


Last updated: 30 January 2014

Regulation 801/2013 on standby, including requirements for domestic coffee machines, entered into force in September 2013.

Consultation Forums of 16 December 2011 and 18 April 2012 supported the view that a product-specific implementing measure for coffee machines should not be adopted. However, requirements on standby were proposed to be made more explicit for coffee machines.

Hence, the regulation on networked standby (Lot 26) also includes power management requirements for coffee machines.

Ecodesign requirements

From 1 January 2015, the delay time after which different coffee machine technologies should go into standby and off modes are:

  • For domestic drip filter coffee machines storing the coffee in an insulated jug, a maximum time of five minutes after completion of the last brewing cycle;
  • For domestic drip filter coffee machines storing the coffee in a non-insulated jug, a maximum time of 40 minutes after completion of the last brewing cycle;
  • For other domestic coffee machines, a maximum time of 30 minutes after completion of the last brewing cycle.

Regulation in force

Ecodesign regulation 801/2013 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 24 - Start year: : 2014

Professional washing machines, dryers and dishwashers


Last updated: 16 April 2014

This lot was discussed in Consultation Forum on horizontal matters 5 May 2014

Appliances that are proposed to be included in the scope of the regulation are:

  • Non-household laundry washing machines;
  • Non-household laundry dryers;
  • Non-household dishwashers.

The scope covers non-household washing machines and textile dryers varying in capacity from 6 kg per load up to more than 500 kg/h for pass-through industrial tumble dryers and more than 2,000 kg/h for industrial tunnel washers.

The dishwashers to be covered range from a typical capacity of 200 dishes per hour for a single rack appliance to 6,000 dishes per hour for certain multi-tank dishwashers with conveyors.

The proposal suggests that the following products should be excluded from the scope:

  • Dry-cleaning appliances (using non-aqueous non-polar, mostly organic solvents),
  • Finishers
  • Flat-work dryers and ironing presses


Consultation forum 5 May 2014.

Most recent WD (docx)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 22 and 23 - Start year: : 2014

Kitchen appliances 65/2014 and 66/2014


Last updated: 07 March 2015

Ecodesign and labelling requirements for domestic kitchen appliances entered into force in February 2014. Draft implementation guidelines were issued in March 2015.


The ecodesign requirements apply for the following domestic appliances:

  • domestic ovens including when incorporated in cookers,
  • domestic hobs,
  • domestic range hoods also when sold for non-domestic purposes.

The requirements will be introduced in three tiers and include minimum performance on energy effiency, maximum air flow and minimum illumination.


The scope of the labelling requirements include domestic ovens and range hoods for which two different measuring methods have been adopted.

Domestic range hoods will have to comply with mandatory energy labelling scales as follows:

  • G to A scale in 2015
  • F to A+ scale in 2016
  • E to A++ scale in 2018
  • D to A+++ scale in 2020

For domestic ovens, a D to A+++ scale will be mandatory from 2015.

The regulation applies from January and April 2015.

Regulations in force

Ecodesign regulation 66/2014 (pdf)
Labelling regulation 65/2014 (pdf)
Draft implementation guidelines (docx)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 17 - Start year: : 2013
Vacuum cleaners 666/2013 and 665/2013

Last updated: 29 August 2017

Ecodesign and labelling requirements for vacuum cleaners entered into force in July 2013. The product group is under revision. The product study was launched in July 2017.

The scope of ecodesign and labelling measures includes electric mains-operated vacuum cleaners intended for domestic and similar commercial cleaning. This excludes for example specially trained cleaners as robot machines and central vacuum cleaners.


The ecodesign requirements will enter into force in two stages; 2014 and 2017. From the second tier, requirements on emissions and motor lifetime are introduced.


The energy labelling regulation applies from 1 September 2014 and 1 September 2017. The provisions include minimum requirements on energy efficiency, cleaning performance and dust re-emission.


Product study launched 17 July 2017.

18 June 2014:Draft guidelines (doc)
Draft standardisation mandate (doc)

Regulations in force

Ecodesign Regulation 666/2013 (pdf)
Labelling Regulation 665/2013 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 10 - Start year: : 2012
Room air conditioning appliances, local air coolers and comfort fans 206/2012 and 626/2011

Last updated: 10 April 2012

Ecodesign requirements for room air conditioning appliances entered into force in 2012. Labelling regulation entered into force in July 2011.


The scope of the ecodesign regulation includes:

  • Air-to-airelectric mains-operated air conditioners with a rated capacity of ≤ 12 kW for cooling, or heating if the product has no cooling function,
  • and comfort fans with an electric fan power input ≤ 125W.

The 12 kW level is the generally agreed limit between small (mainly domestic) and bigger (mainly commercial) air-conditioning appliances.

The requirements include:

  • Two tiers of introduction; 2013 and 2014.
  • Bonus for products using low global warming refrigerant fluids.
  • Minimum energy performance requirements for:split, double duct and single duct air-conditioners.
  • Levels for maximum indoor and outdoor sound levels.
  • Information requirements to be provided in product documentation and on manufacturer websites
  • Tolerance levels for verification (8% for splits,10% for single and double ducts).


The scope of the energy labelling regulation includes air-to-air electric mains-operated air conditioners with a rated capacity of ≤ 12 kW for cooling, or heating if the product has no cooling function.

The labelling requirements include:

  • A-G energy labels with a new design.
  • Gradual introduction of additional classes (A+ to A+++) from 2013.
  • Energy rating of the cooling and heating functions.
  • Indication of the annual or hourly energy consumption.
  • Indication of sound levels
  • Separate energy labels for split, double duct and single duct products.
  • Regulations in force

    Ecodesign regulation 206/2012 (pdf)
    Labelling regulation 626/2011 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: DVD
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 03:2010 - Start year: : 2010

Sound and imaging equipment: DVD/video players and recorders, video projectors, video game consoles


Last updated: 10 September 2015

A voluntary agreement on game consoles was recognised by the Commission in April 2015.

Video game consoles

Manufacturers of game consoles presented agreed on a voluntary agreement for this product group in April 2014.

In November 2014, after revision, the game console industry submitted a new version of the VA to the Commission. The revised text includes enhanced non-energy requirements, improved alignment with the new VA guidelines, additional consumer information disclosure requirements, and strengthened governance provisions.

The market for game consoles is growing, and a greater variation of functionalities (such as motion-detecting peripheral devices) expands the potential audience for this product group.

Game consoles are identified as one of the largest category of energy use in households (besides the TV) in the home entertainment area.

Other products

Other product groups included in the preparatory study were video players and recorders and projectors

Video players and recorders

The market for video players and recorders is declining more rapidly than predicted. There is a shift from disc-based systems to internet-connected and other systems and from hard disk drive to USB-powered solutions. There is also a shift towards media streaming, which will remove the need for hard disks.  At 2025, it is estimated that there will be no new sales of video recorder/player products, except for small volumes of niche, high-end products.


The market for projectors is also declining more rapidly than expected. Indications show that projectors in many applications will continue to be replaced by widescreen televisions.

Voluntary agreement

Voluntary agreement on game consoles recognised in April 2015.

Voluntary Agreement V1, Final (pdf)
Report from the Commission (pdf)


Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Industrial Pumps
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 29 - Start year: : 2014

Large pumps and pumps for pools, fountains, aquariums


Last updated: 14 April 2014

The product study for large pumps is expected to be finalised in June 2014.

WD lot 28 & 29 (docx)

Product study web site

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 28 - Start year: : 2014

Pumps for waste waters


Last updated: 07 June 2016

The product study for pumps and waste water was finalised in April 2014.

WD lot 28 & 29 (docx)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENER Lot 11 - Start year: : 2012
Electric pumps (commercial buildings, drinking water, food, agriculture) 547/2012

Last updated: 03 October 2017

Consultation Forum for the revision of regulation 547/2012 is scheduled to 8 December 2017.


Consultation forum 8 December 2017.

Regulation in force

Regulation 547/2012 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
Application: Transformers
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 02:2021 - Start year: : 2021

Distribution and power transformers 548/2014

A revised ecodesign regulation was published in October 2019, amending regulation 548/2014.



The new requirements include:

  • A tightening of the requirements for load- and idle losses.
  • Clarifications for table I.7 regarding efficiency requirements for large liquid-cooled and dry transformers.
  • A change regarding the method for calculating maximum efficiency index (PEI) for distribution and large power transformers.
  • Clarification regarding when new implementations for a transformer will result in the transformer being considered as new and thus must fulfill the requirements that apply at the time of completion.

Taking effect on July 1, 2021:

  • It will be possible to apply for dispensation due to special reasons for not being able to meet the new requirements, e.g. if disproportionately high infrastructure costs arise. 

Taking effect on July 1, 2023:

  • The regulation should be evaluated if the set requirements are still relevant and if the requirement levels need to be changed.



The scope of the adopted ecodesign requirements includes small, medium and large power transformers with a minimum power rating of 1 kVA used in 50Hz electricity transmission and distribution networks or for industrial applications.


Examples of products excluded from the scope are:

  • instrument transformers,
  • traction transformers on rolling stock,
  • starting transformers and testing transformers.
Date Process Key documents
2019-10-01 New regulation approved

Final review: Proposal of regulation for ecodesign, Appendices

2017-10-31 Consultation Forum

Working document (doc)
Annex (docx)

2016-09 Preparatory study for the revision of regulation 548/2014 launched

Preparatory study website

2014-05-21 Final regulation published in the OJ

Final regulation (pdf)


Final report (pdf)
Project report (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
ECEEE Ecodesign ENTR Lot 02:2015 - Start year: : 2021

Distribution and power transformers 548/2014


Last updated: 03 October 2017

Consultation Forum for the revision of requirements för power transformers will be held 31 October 2017.



The scope of the adopted ecodesign requirements includes small, medium and large power transformers with a minimum power rating of 1 kVA used in 50Hz electricity transmission and distribution networks or for industrial applications.


Examples of products excluded from the scope are:

  • instrument transformers,
  • traction transformers on rolling stock,
  • starting transformers and testing transformers.


Proposed ecodesign requirements are specified in Annex I of the regulation and will be introduced in two tiers: 2015 and 2021.

Minimum energy performance and energy efficiency requirements (Peak Efficiency Index) and product information requirements are also specified in Annex I.


Consultation Forum 31 October 2017.

Working document (doc)
Annex (docx)

Final regulation

Ecodesign regulation 548/2014 (pdf)

Rev Sort Start Year / Status
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