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ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency.

The ENERGY STAR program was established by EPA in 1992, under the authority of the Clean Air Act Section 103(g). Section103(g) of the Clean Air Act directs the Administrator to "conduct a basic engineering research and technology program to develop, evaluate, and demonstrate non–regulatory strategies and technologies for reducing air pollution."
Locations: Americas - US (U)
Type: Voluntary Label
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Water Heater Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are releasing the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems and should the public have any comments we will accept them through December 19, 2024.

The EPA and DOE received many informative comments in response to the Draft 1 Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems and have adjusted the Final Draft Test Method in response; responses to comments can be found in note boxes throughout the Final Draft Test Method as well as in the accompanying Draft 1 Test Method Comment Response Matrix. All comments received on the Draft 1 Test Method can be found posted on the Commercial Water Heaters product development website. The following changes are reflected in the Final Draft:  

  • Test condition temperatures for outdoor air-source heat pumps have been adjusted to be more evenly spaced out, and an optional defrost test added.
  • Indoor air-source heat pump units are defined, with a single test at 80.6°F conducted in the ducted configuration, to better represent this application.
  • Additionally, separate condenser entering water temperature conditions for indoor air-source heat pump units and water-source heat pump units are included as these only require one single-pass and one multi-pass test condition.
  • Evaporator test conditions for outdoor air-source heat pump units have been split up into Types A-D, differentiated by compressor cut-in and cut-out temperatures (equivalent to Types 1-4 in the ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance).
  • Condenser entering water temperatures varying with the evaporator entering air temperature for single-pass tests, reflecting a mix of return water and city water.
  • A Water Heating Energy Efficiency Ratio (WHEER) seasonal metric has been added, applicable to all outdoor air-source heat pump units.

The EPA also received helpful comments and input to the discussion guide that will inform the updated ENERGY STAR specification. These comments will be addressed at the time EPA releases a first draft specification – currently planned for the first quarter of 2025.

Comment Submittal:

Comments on this draft may be submitted for EPA and DOE consideration to no later than December 19, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375 or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any questions on commercial water heater testing, please contact Julia Hegarty, DOE, at Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager ENERGY STAR HVAC and Water Heating
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Final Draft Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems
ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Furnace Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is distributing the Final Draft of the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Furnace Specification. The EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. Any final comments may be submitted no later than December 19, 2024, to

The EPA received many comments on the Draft 1 specification from a wide range of stakeholders. Most commenters indicated support for a specification revision in lieu of a sunset. Commenters requested a wide range of effective dates for Version 5.0, ranging from 2025 to 2032, citing reasons such as the typical timeline for ENERGY STAR specification revisions, current qualifying model availability, upcoming Department of Energy (DOE) standards effective dates, and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) incentives expiration. Several stakeholders supported the proposed 2026 effective date.

While many commenters expressed support for the proposed 97 AFUE level for gas furnaces, several requested that the EPA maintain the regional distinction and less stringent requirements in the South, noting that the cost/benefit analysis in the South does not support purchasing a higher-efficiency gas furnace because of the fewer number of heating days in the region. One commenter also provided compelling data showing limited ENERGY STAR market penetration in the South.

A more extensive summary and response to the comments received are addressed in the Comment Response Matrix.

Key elements of Final Draft specification include:

  • The regional distinction for gas furnaces is maintained in the Final Draft to provide consumers in the South better consumer payback and to take into account the market landscape of furnaces in the South specifically, as shown by data that stakeholders provided with their comments.
  • The performance requirements for gas furnaces are 97 AFUE for the North and 95 AFUE for the South. Seven percent of gas furnace models currently meet the 97 AFUE level, while 45% meet the 95 AFUE level. All common sizes and major manufacturers are represented in the qualifying models at both of these levels. For the North, the annual savings compared to a new standard 80 AFUE furnace are 10.4 MMBtu and for the South the annual savings are 4.2 MMBtu. EPA calculated consumer payback of 5 years and 11 years respectively, using 2023 regional gas prices.  While the payback will vary greatly from market to market, a 95 AFUE level in the South will be more favorable to consumers than the 92 AFUE level several stakeholders suggested. The oil furnace 87 AFUE level remains unchanged from Draft 1.
  • The effective date is July 31, 2026. EPA considers this to be an appropriate timeline based on the interest of a large number of impacted stakeholders.  This date will enable the revision to become effective ahead of the manufacturing ramp up for the 2026/2027 heating season.
  • The UL certification reference for oil-fired furnaces has been corrected from UL 726 to UL 727.

Comment Submittal

To the extent you have any final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to by December 19, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

As a reminder, all documents related to this process are posted to the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Furnaces Specification Development webpage.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375 and Megan McNelly, ICF, at For test procedure inquiries, please contact Julia Hegarty (DOE) at Thank you for your participation in the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager ENERGY STAR HVAC and Water Heating
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Furnaces Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Furnaces Final Draft Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Furnaces Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the final ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Recognition Criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs). In concert with this release, the EPA also shares the final Version 6.2 amendment to the ENERGY STAR ASHP specification. This letter outlines the criteria and amendment, both finalized as proposed to better align ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 25C tax credit eligibility requirements and enable more effective leveraging of the widely recognized ENERGY STAR brand to communicate about qualifying models.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 ASHP Final Recognition Criteria

Feedback received on the proposal was largely supportive. While alternate approaches for setting criteria were offered by select stakeholders, the 2025 criteria, as finalized, reasonably reflect top performance in the context of today’s market to the extent they align with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) highest tier for ASHPs. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 & Specification Version 6.2 ASHP Comment Response Matrix.

The final 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition criteria for air-source heat pumps remains unchanged from the proposal, as follows:

The criteria also include a minimum 1.75 COP at 5ºF and 70% heating capacity at 5ºF compared to 47ºF requirements for cold climate heat pumps and a low ambient temperature performance backstop of 1.75 COP at 5ºF and a 45% heating capacity requirement at 5ºF compared to 47ºF for non-cold climate HPs. The installation benefits requirement has been removed. In addition to meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body.

The EPA notes that in order to recognize models as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in 2025, additional data is needed for those not currently certified as ENERGY STAR Cold Climate. For these models, partners need to ensure they submit CVP, COP and heating capacity at 5ºF data to their certification body as soon as possible. The EPA anticipates recognition of these models in mid-January once the certification bodies have updated their systems to submit the additional data to the Agency. Currently recognized ENERGY STAR Cold Climate models that meet the 2025 criteria will automatically be recognized on the EPA website early in the new year.

Final Version 6.2 Amendment to the ENERGY STAR ASHP Specification

Comments on the proposed Version 6.2 amendment to the ENERGY STAR ASHP specification were largely supportive, with a few stakeholders recommending updates to better align the ENERGY STAR specification with tax credit eligibility. The EPA notes that the amendment, as proposed, will allow for implementation of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria above, while ensuring an approach that follows the Guiding Principles of the program and reflect requirements established on balance with the variations in heat pump technology.
Therefore, the EPA is finalizing the following changes in the Version 6.2 amendment, as proposed:

  • EER2 requirement lowered to 11.0 for split systems and 10.0 for single package systems to accommodate variable speed units which have excellent seasonal performance and, on average, do not run at full capacity during peak cooling.
  • The option to use the DOE CVP, when available, instead of the ENERGY STAR CVP, for verifying low ambient performance of cold climate heat pumps.
  • Reporting requirement for COP at 5ºF, Heating Capacity at 5ºF/47ºF, and CVP verification, where available, to facilitate identification of models eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

Additionally, the EPA is clarifying in Section 3) E. of the specification that gas/electric package units need to meet all requirements for single package HPs, not just the cooling requirements, to reflect those indicated in Table 2. The Version 6.2 amendment will not impact any currently certified models. For more details on these changes, please see the ENERGY STAR ASHP Specification Version 6 webpage.

This document, along with the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 ASHP criteria, can be found here. It can also be found with the ENERGY STAR ASHP Version 6.2 amendment here.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

ENERGY STAR Version 6.2 Air Source Heat Pump Specification
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps
​​​​​​​2025 Most Efficient & Version 6.2 Air Source Heat Pumps Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: 

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Central Air Conditioners (CAC) effective February 1, 2026.

The EPA thanks stakeholders who submitted comments on the revised sunset proposal, released in April 2024. All written comments are posted here. The majority of feedback was positive with a wide range of commenters reiterating support for the sunset, noting the voluntary nature of the ENERGY STAR program and that homeowners will still be able to purchase CACs if they meet their needs. For those wishing to distinguish energy saving models in the future, commenters identified other useful resources such as Consortium for Energy Efficiency performance tiers and the EnergyGuide label. Some also expressed concern about the potential for continued endorsement of CACs by the ENERGY STAR program to impede them in reaching decarbonization and heat pump installation goals for residential buildings. Of these commenters, several supported the revised sunset effective date of February 1, 2026, while others advocated for the timeline as originally proposed for December 2024.

A small number of commentors remain opposed to a sunset, citing continued energy savings potential from efficient CACs and relevancy for consumers who do not have heating needs or are not good heat pump candidates. Others requested that the EPA delay the implementation of the sunset beyond February 1, 2026, citing challenges for a national transition to heat pumps, including market readiness, contractor training, and affordability of efficient heat pump technology.

As noted by several commenters, the EPA anticipates improved affordability of efficient heat pumps through IRA benefits and utility program incentives and considers the small increase in price to be marginal, given the additional heating capabilities of heat pump technology. Weighing all of the feedback on timing, the Agency concludes that, on balance, the delayed effective date of February 1, 2026, is appropriate.

All feedback in response to the CAC specification sunset proposal has been carefully considered by the EPA and is discussed further in the Comment Response Matrix that accompanies this letter.

Milestones for Sunsetting ENERGY STAR CACs
The sunset will proceed consistent with the following milestones:

  • ENERGY STAR certified CACs and their brand owners will continue to be recognized at until February 1, 2026.
  • No new Partnership Agreements for the CAC program will be accepted by the EPA as of July 15, 2025.
  • No new CAC certifications will be accepted by the EPA as of July 15, 2025.
  • Manufacturers and brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all CAC manufactured and services offered on or after February 1, 2026.
  • In order to be in compliance by February 1, 2026, manufacturers of CACs are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Partners are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.

Partners who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, the EPA appreciates the efforts of all CAC stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Central Air Conditioner Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Lighting Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

This letter serves as a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s sunset of the ENERGY STAR specifications for Lamps (aka Light Bulbs) and Luminaires (aka Light Fixtures) takes effect December 31, 2024. Except for models certified to the Downlights V1.0 specification, all Lamp and Luminaire partners must cease use of the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all products, including on products, web pages, and other collateral materials as of this date.

EPA appreciates the efforts of lighting partners to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Please send any questions to Thank you.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Brand Owner Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the simultaneous release of the ENERGY STAR Versions 6.0 and 7.0 Room Air Conditioner (RAC) Draft 1 Specifications. Version 6.0 is intended to address heating mode efficiency for room heat pumps while leaving other requirements unchanged. Version 7.0 proposes to update all requirements in response to new minimum standards going into effect in 2026. The Agency will be hosting a webinar on December 16, 2024, at 1pm ET to discuss EPA’s proposals in greater detail. The public is encouraged to submit comments on these draft proposals to the EPA no later than December 30, 2024.  

In the short time since the EPA finalized Version 5.0 of the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in 2023, the room heat pump (also known as reverse cycle RAC) market has advanced, with multiple manufacturers developing efficient heat pump models able to operate at temperatures considerably lower than before. In response to the innovation in these products, the EPA and Department of Energy (DOE) developed a test procedure to determine the heating efficiency of room heat pumps based on their operating temperatures and defrost, finalized in July 2024. The ENERGY STAR RAC Version 6.0 proposal adds a heating efficiency requirement for room heat pumps in order to characterize the potential energy savings from heating in addition to the savings from cooling. Further, incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebates programs require heating mode verification through ENERGY STAR certification. By setting a heating mode efficiency requirement, the EPA will enable ENERGY STAR certified room heat pumps to become eligible for these rebates.  

Version 6.0 Heating Mode Requirements 
In Version 6.0, the EPA is proposing to add a heating energy efficiency ratio (HEER) requirement of 5.1 for Type 1 and Type 2 room heat pumps and 6.8 for Type 3 and Type 4. To ensure adequate performance in low ambient temperatures, the EPA is also proposing to require a 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F and a 70% heating capacity at 17°F and 5°F compared to 47°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively. These proposed requirements were determined in consideration of preliminary testing data provided by manufacturers and will allow for recognition of models across manufacturers introducing this technology, while ensuring that room heat pumps deliver improved performance over resistance heating. The proposed 5.1 HEER requirement for Types 1 and 2 corresponds to seasonal heating performance 1.5 times more efficient than resistance heating, using 2/3rd the energy. The 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F requirement for Types 3 and 4 will ensure adequate efficiency at cold temperatures, while the 70% capacity requirement will ensure the rated heating capacity more accurately reflects the heating capacity when heating load is the greatest. The EPA is also proposing to remove the optional connected criteria from the specification in Version 6.0 and instead allow reporting of connected features available for products, simplifying the process for sharing connectivity information with consumers.  

For room heat pump models with heating efficiency at the levels proposed in Version 6.0, the EPA anticipates an average annual savings ranging from 276 kWh to 783 kWh for heating alone, depending on the Type. These savings are in comparison to the average energy use of electric resistance heating in homes that use portable space heaters or built-in electric appliances as their primary heating source. When also considering the cooling savings, the EPA anticipates a 0.5-year payback for Type 1 and 2 units for consumers compared to the installed price of a 2014 DOE minimum efficiency reverse cycle RAC. For Type 3 units, payback increases to 1.9 years, and for Type 4 units, payback is noticeably higher at 13.4 years. The EPA notes that for Type 4 units, the price of the baseline equipment used in the analysis, a DOE minimum RAC, is likely much lower than the actual price of the products a Type 4 room heat pump would be able to replace. Given the robust cold climate performance requirements at 5°F proposed in these ENERGY STAR RAC specification revisions, Type 4 room heat pumps would be appropriate alternatives to many primary heating and cooling products beyond RACs, such as mini-split systems, central air conditioners, boilers, or furnaces. As such, payback for Type 4 models is likely much lower when compared to other products often used in cold climate applications.  

Version 7.0 Cooling and Heating Mode Requirements 
The Version 7.0 proposal was developed in response to a new federal minimum standard for RACs, effective May 26, 2026, requiring an increase in the ENERGY STAR specification cooling efficiency requirements to deliver savings beyond the standard. The EPA is proposing combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER) requirements 10% above the DOE minimum for non-reverse cycle RAC product classes and 5% above the DOE minimum for room heat pump (reverse cycle RAC) product classes. The EPA recognizes that design changes to meet the upcoming standards are currently underway and anticipates the selection of products performing at these levels will expand between now and the effective date. Based on an assessment using pricing data supporting the DOE’s regulatory analysis, the EPA anticipates a payback of approximately two years for most RAC product classes with ENERGY STAR participation, compared to a 2026 federal minimum cooling efficiency model. While the estimated payback for product classes 1 and 2 is higher, prices may decrease in response to the expanded market for efficient technologies driven by the new standard, improving payback for consumers. 

Given that the new minimum standards will require product redesign to increase cooling efficiency, the EPA anticipates a subsequent increase in room heat pump heating efficiency associated with the design changes. Therefore, in Version 7.0, the EPA is proposing a 5.8 HEER requirement for room heat pump Types 1 and 2 and an 8.3 HEER requirement for Types 3 and 4, in addition to increasing the COP requirements at 17°F and 5°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively, from 1.5 to 1.75. These proposed Version 7.0 low ambient temperature performance requirements would bring the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in alignment with the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate air source heat pump requirements, reflecting acceptable cold climate performance widely recognized by industry. The EPA is also proposing to add room heat pump labelling requirements to facilitate appropriate climate application across different brands, by room heat pump type.  

For Type 1 and Type 2 room heat pumps meeting the proposed Version 7.0 criteria, the EPA anticipates an average annual savings of 343 kWh from heating alone, with a 1.4-year payback for consumers compared to a 2026 DOE minimum efficiency reverse cycle RAC, when also considering the savings from cooling. For Type 3 units, the EPA anticipates an average annual heating savings of 737 kWh and a 3-year payback. For Type 4 units, the EPA anticipates an average heating annual savings of 925 kWh and an 18.7-year payback. The additional considerations for calculating payback Type 4 models discussed in Version 6.0, above, also apply to the estimates in Version 7.0. 

Effective Dates 
The EPA is proposing a two-tiered approach to these revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification, with Version 6.0 effective nine months after finalization and Version 7.0 effective May 26, 2026, aligned with the timing of upcoming federal minimum efficiency standard effective date. While it is common for ENERGY STAR to adopt new minimum standards in advance of their effective date as a leadership program, the Agency recognizes the market circumstances in this instance are such that delaying the Version 7.0 effective date until 2026, providing as much notice as possible for manufacturers to prepare for the specification change, is likely most appropriate. Manufacturers will be able to early-certify eligible products to either version of the specification once they are finalized. 

Updated Heating Mode Performance Test Method  
These specification revisions reference the new ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance. Since its release in July 2024, the EPA has corrected the test method to ensure that COP17, COP5, and COPx are calculated to be unitless, consistent with the description of coefficient of performance (COP) in section 3 of the test method. In the originally released version, the COP calculations mistakenly resulted in units of Btu/Wh. To address this, the EPA has added a conversion factor throughout the test method to produce unitless results (i.e., Watts/Watts). The reporting template has also been amended to include this conversion factor, along with a few other minor corrections to improve consistency between the calculator and the test method. As a reminder, all documents related to this process are posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Test Method Development webpage

Comment Submittal 
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the proposed RAC specification revisions for the EPA’s consideration to by December 30, 2024. In particular, the Agency is requesting feedback on the room heat pump labeling requirement in Version 7.0, including what labeling elements would help communicate appropriate application to consumers the most clearly. All comments will be posted to the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Meeting 
The EPA will host a webinar on Monday, December 16, 2024, from 1 to 3 pm ET to discuss Draft 1 of the Version 6.0 and 7.0 revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register for the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform the EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.

To track the EPA’s progress in this development, visit the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Holly Tapani at the EPA, or 202-751-5089, or Megan McNelly at ICF, For test method questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE,


Holly Tapani 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification Data Package 
ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification Data Package 
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Brand Owner Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the simultaneous release of the ENERGY STAR Versions 6.0 and 7.0 Room Air Conditioner (RAC) Draft 1 Specifications. Version 6.0 is intended to address heating mode efficiency for room heat pumps while leaving other requirements unchanged. Version 7.0 proposes to update all requirements in response to new minimum standards going into effect in 2026. The Agency will be hosting a webinar on December 16, 2024, at 1pm ET to discuss EPA’s proposals in greater detail. The public is encouraged to submit comments on these draft proposals to the EPA no later than December 30, 2024.  

In the short time since the EPA finalized Version 5.0 of the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in 2023, the room heat pump (also known as reverse cycle RAC) market has advanced, with multiple manufacturers developing efficient heat pump models able to operate at temperatures considerably lower than before. In response to the innovation in these products, the EPA and Department of Energy (DOE) developed a test procedure to determine the heating efficiency of room heat pumps based on their operating temperatures and defrost, finalized in July 2024. The ENERGY STAR RAC Version 6.0 proposal adds a heating efficiency requirement for room heat pumps in order to characterize the potential energy savings from heating in addition to the savings from cooling. Further, incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebates programs require heating mode verification through ENERGY STAR certification. By setting a heating mode efficiency requirement, the EPA will enable ENERGY STAR certified room heat pumps to become eligible for these rebates.  

Version 6.0 Heating Mode Requirements 
In Version 6.0, the EPA is proposing to add a heating energy efficiency ratio (HEER) requirement of 5.1 for Type 1 and Type 2 room heat pumps and 6.8 for Type 3 and Type 4. To ensure adequate performance in low ambient temperatures, the EPA is also proposing to require a 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F and a 70% heating capacity at 17°F and 5°F compared to 47°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively. These proposed requirements were determined in consideration of preliminary testing data provided by manufacturers and will allow for recognition of models across manufacturers introducing this technology, while ensuring that room heat pumps deliver improved performance over resistance heating. The proposed 5.1 HEER requirement for Types 1 and 2 corresponds to seasonal heating performance 1.5 times more efficient than resistance heating, using 2/3rd the energy. The 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F requirement for Types 3 and 4 will ensure adequate efficiency at cold temperatures, while the 70% capacity requirement will ensure the rated heating capacity more accurately reflects the heating capacity when heating load is the greatest. The EPA is also proposing to remove the optional connected criteria from the specification in Version 6.0 and instead allow reporting of connected features available for products, simplifying the process for sharing connectivity information with consumers.  

For room heat pump models with heating efficiency at the levels proposed in Version 6.0, the EPA anticipates an average annual savings ranging from 276 kWh to 783 kWh for heating alone, depending on the Type. These savings are in comparison to the average energy use of electric resistance heating in homes that use portable space heaters or built-in electric appliances as their primary heating source. When also considering the cooling savings, the EPA anticipates a 0.5-year payback for Type 1 and 2 units for consumers compared to the installed price of a 2014 DOE minimum efficiency reverse cycle RAC. For Type 3 units, payback increases to 1.9 years, and for Type 4 units, payback is noticeably higher at 13.4 years. The EPA notes that for Type 4 units, the price of the baseline equipment used in the analysis, a DOE minimum RAC, is likely much lower than the actual price of the products a Type 4 room heat pump would be able to replace. Given the robust cold climate performance requirements at 5°F proposed in these ENERGY STAR RAC specification revisions, Type 4 room heat pumps would be appropriate alternatives to many primary heating and cooling products beyond RACs, such as mini-split systems, central air conditioners, boilers, or furnaces. As such, payback for Type 4 models is likely much lower when compared to other products often used in cold climate applications.  

Version 7.0 Cooling and Heating Mode Requirements 
The Version 7.0 proposal was developed in response to a new federal minimum standard for RACs, effective May 26, 2026, requiring an increase in the ENERGY STAR specification cooling efficiency requirements to deliver savings beyond the standard. The EPA is proposing combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER) requirements 10% above the DOE minimum for non-reverse cycle RAC product classes and 5% above the DOE minimum for room heat pump (reverse cycle RAC) product classes. The EPA recognizes that design changes to meet the upcoming standards are currently underway and anticipates the selection of products performing at these levels will expand between now and the effective date. Based on an assessment using pricing data supporting the DOE’s regulatory analysis, the EPA anticipates a payback of approximately two years for most RAC product classes with ENERGY STAR participation, compared to a 2026 federal minimum cooling efficiency model. While the estimated payback for product classes 1 and 2 is higher, prices may decrease in response to the expanded market for efficient technologies driven by the new standard, improving payback for consumers. 

Given that the new minimum standards will require product redesign to increase cooling efficiency, the EPA anticipates a subsequent increase in room heat pump heating efficiency associated with the design changes. Therefore, in Version 7.0, the EPA is proposing a 5.8 HEER requirement for room heat pump Types 1 and 2 and an 8.3 HEER requirement for Types 3 and 4, in addition to increasing the COP requirements at 17°F and 5°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively, from 1.5 to 1.75. These proposed Version 7.0 low ambient temperature performance requirements would bring the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in alignment with the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate air source heat pump requirements, reflecting acceptable cold climate performance widely recognized by industry. The EPA is also proposing to add room heat pump labelling requirements to facilitate appropriate climate application across different brands, by room heat pump type.  

For Type 1 and Type 2 room heat pumps meeting the proposed Version 7.0 criteria, the EPA anticipates an average annual savings of 343 kWh from heating alone, with a 1.4-year payback for consumers compared to a 2026 DOE minimum efficiency reverse cycle RAC, when also considering the savings from cooling. For Type 3 units, the EPA anticipates an average annual heating savings of 737 kWh and a 3-year payback. For Type 4 units, the EPA anticipates an average heating annual savings of 925 kWh and an 18.7-year payback. The additional considerations for calculating payback Type 4 models discussed in Version 6.0, above, also apply to the estimates in Version 7.0. 

Effective Dates 
The EPA is proposing a two-tiered approach to these revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification, with Version 6.0 effective nine months after finalization and Version 7.0 effective May 26, 2026, aligned with the timing of upcoming federal minimum efficiency standard effective date. While it is common for ENERGY STAR to adopt new minimum standards in advance of their effective date as a leadership program, the Agency recognizes the market circumstances in this instance are such that delaying the Version 7.0 effective date until 2026, providing as much notice as possible for manufacturers to prepare for the specification change, is likely most appropriate. Manufacturers will be able to early-certify eligible products to either version of the specification once they are finalized. 

Updated Heating Mode Performance Test Method  
These specification revisions reference the new ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance. Since its release in July 2024, the EPA has corrected the test method to ensure that COP17, COP5, and COPx are calculated to be unitless, consistent with the description of coefficient of performance (COP) in section 3 of the test method. In the originally released version, the COP calculations mistakenly resulted in units of Btu/Wh. To address this, the EPA has added a conversion factor throughout the test method to produce unitless results (i.e., Watts/Watts). The reporting template has also been amended to include this conversion factor, along with a few other minor corrections to improve consistency between the calculator and the test method. As a reminder, all documents related to this process are posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Test Method Development webpage

Comment Submittal 
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the proposed RAC specification revisions for the EPA’s consideration to by December 30, 2024. In particular, the Agency is requesting feedback on the room heat pump labeling requirement in Version 7.0, including what labeling elements would help communicate appropriate application to consumers the most clearly. All comments will be posted to the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Meeting 
The EPA will host a webinar on Monday, December 16, 2024, from 1 to 3 pm ET to discuss Draft 1 of the Version 6.0 and 7.0 revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register for the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform the EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.

To track the EPA’s progress in this development, visit the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Holly Tapani at the EPA, or 202-751-5089, or Megan McNelly at ICF, For test method questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE,


Holly Tapani 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification Data Package 
ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification Data Package 
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Specification. Comments may be submitted to the EPA no later than December 13, 2024. The EPA plans to finalize this Version 3.0 Room Air Cleaner specification in early January with an effective date of October 9, 2025.

The feedback the EPA received in response to the Draft 1 Version 3.0 Room Air Cleaner proposal was generally supportive with no concerns about the proposed levels. There were a few comments the EPA considered specific to the metrics, the scope, and the approach for setting levels. One stakeholder suggested relying solely on PM2.5 CADR instead of smoke CADR and dust CADR for the scope. The DOE and the EPA agree that it would be more appropriate to define the scope of this specification in terms of PM2.5 CADR to avoid inadvertently excluding products and accordingly propose to update the scope in terms of PM2.5 CADR. Another stakeholder suggested that the EPA increase the scope of the specification to include products with CADR under 30 cfm. The EPA considered this request but is retaining the current scope due to concerns that these products serve niche applications for small spaces. A couple of stakeholders requested the EPA consider an equation-based approach for setting levels rather than establishing them by bins. The EPA plans to retain the current method but will consider this approach in the future. As requested by stakeholders, the Agency will plan to allow partners to report the presence of an auto cleaning mode when certifying models. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes throughout the final draft specification and in the Version 3.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix.

The EPA is maintaining the Draft 1 performance requirements as proposed in this Final Draft given the selection of available models in the most popular product classes from a range of manufacturers that would meet the proposed levels. 

Comment Submittal
To the extent you have any final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than December 13, 2024. As a reminder, all comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3 Specification Development webpage unless the submitter specifically requests that the comments remain confidential.
Please contact or (202) 934-2262 or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at, with any questions or concerns about the specification.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances

ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Steve Leybourn
Phone: 202-564-1191
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) or Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) Manufacturer or Other Interested Stakeholder: 

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are releasing the enclosed ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method to Determine Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Low Ambient Temperature Heating Mode Performance for comment. The EPA and DOE will hold a public webinar on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 2 PM ET to discuss the Draft test procedure in greater detail. The EPA invites the public to submit comments on this draft proposal no later than December 30, 2024.

In response to the Draft 1 Version 1.0 PTHP specification, the EPA received comments from stakeholders that expressed concerns that the proposal did not require PTHPs to specify their performance in heating mode at temperatures below 47°F. These stakeholders encouraged the EPA to recognize products that can heat efficiently at low ambient temperatures, especially for programs in northern states that would need assurance of efficient heat pump operation at temperatures much colder than 47°F. In response to these comments, the EPA and DOE developed a test procedure to determine low ambient temperature heating performance for ENERGY STAR PTHPs, based on the DOE’s May 2023 Test Procedure Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (88 FR 30836), which proposed optional low ambient test points. The May 2023 proposal was further refined through discussions with an Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) standards technical committee, in consideration of updated industry rating standards for this equipment. This proposed ENERGY STAR test method follows a similar structure to the recently developed ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance and notably includes COP tests at 17°F and 5°F, classifying PTHPs into Types 1-4 based on their cut-in and cut-out temperatures and whether or not the model provides active defrost.  

Using this test procedure, the low ambient heating mode performance of ENERGY STAR certified PTHPs can be verified, enabling stakeholders to better identify which models are appropriate for their climate. The EPA requests feedback on the intention to reference this test procedure in the ENERGY STAR PTHP Version 1.0 specification and require COPs >1 for Type 3 and 4 PTHPs at 17°F and 5°F, respectively. In the absence of available data, a COP >1 requirement would ensure heat pump performance better than resistance heating at low ambient temperatures.  

Stakeholder Meeting: 
The EPA and DOE will host a webinar on December 12, 2024, from 2 PM – 4 PM ET to discuss the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register to attend the webinar here.   

Comment Submittal: 
The public is encouraged to provide written comments for EPA and DOE consideration to no later than December 30, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.  

Please contact me, Holly Tapani, EPA, at or 202-751-5089, or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For test method questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE, Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.  


Holly Tapani, Product Manager ENERGY STAR HVAC 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method to Determine Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Low Ambient Temperature Heating Mode Performance

Contact Name: Holly Tapani
Phone: 202-751-5089
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft, Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification. Comments may be submitted to EPA no later than December 13, 2024. EPA plans to finalize this version 9.0 specification with an effective date of October 27, 2025.

In developing the Final Draft specification, EPA considered the feedback submitted by stakeholders. In total, three stakeholders submitted feedback on the Draft 2 proposal. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s response to this feedback and rationale for updated levels. The Final Draft, Version 9.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Energy Criteria:
After consideration of the additional feedback from stakeholders, EPA is updating the base allowances for desktops, integrated desktops, and notebooks while also updating specific adders. In addition, integrated desktops have been broken out by their power supply output to differentiate those products utilizing desktop components compared to notebook components. As with Draft 1 and 2, no changes have been made to the workstation criteria at this time. Roughly 30-40% of products meet the updated criteria levels across a range of products.

Power Supply Criteria:
EPA also received further comment on allowing manufacturers to test with a recommended adaptor rather than an in-box adaptor for adaptors larger than 30W. EPA understands that the request is centered on slates/tablets rather than notebooks, which has been the Agency’s primary concern. As such, EPA and the Department of Energy have updated the test method references in the Final Draft to allow for testing with a recommended adaptor that is larger than 30W for slates/tablets.

Comment Submittal
To the extent you have final feedback for EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than December 13, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website here.  

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-861-8667 with questions or concerns. For any other computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft, Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification. Comments may be submitted to EPA no later than December 13, 2024. EPA plans to finalize this version 9.0 specification with an effective date of October 27, 2025.

In developing the Final Draft specification, EPA considered the feedback submitted by stakeholders. In total, three stakeholders submitted feedback on the Draft 2 proposal. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s response to this feedback and rationale for updated levels. The Final Draft, Version 9.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Energy Criteria:
After consideration of the additional feedback from stakeholders, EPA is updating the base allowances for desktops, integrated desktops, and notebooks while also updating specific adders. In addition, integrated desktops have been broken out by their power supply output to differentiate those products utilizing desktop components compared to notebook components. As with Draft 1 and 2, no changes have been made to the workstation criteria at this time. Roughly 30-40% of products meet the updated criteria levels across a range of products.

Power Supply Criteria:
EPA also received further comment on allowing manufacturers to test with a recommended adaptor rather than an in-box adaptor for adaptors larger than 30W. EPA understands that the request is centered on slates/tablets rather than notebooks, which has been the Agency’s primary concern. As such, EPA and the Department of Energy have updated the test method references in the Final Draft to allow for testing with a recommended adaptor that is larger than 30W for slates/tablets.

Comment Submittal
To the extent you have final feedback for EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than December 13, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website here.  

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-861-8667 with questions or concerns. For any other computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products 

Final Draft, Version 9.0 Specification
Final Draft Test Method

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


Max. International (HK) Ltd., Audac model CEP408

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers

Royal Range of California, Inc., Royal Range model REEF-35

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


Advantech Co., Ltd, Advantech model AIM-75

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Signify, Lightolier model C2SA15927NSUPZUF/ C2SAWTF
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935SPUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940FLLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940FLUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NFLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NFUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NSLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NSUPZU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940SPLU**/C2*****
  • Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940SPUPZU**/C2*****

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video Stakeholders:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Audio/Video (AV) equipment, effective August 20, 2025. The EPA remains open to reconsidering whether ENERGY STAR can play an effective role in differentiating these products at some future date, as technologies evolve.

The ENERGY STAR program serves an important role in helping consumers realize the benefits of energy efficiency from both a cost and environmental perspective. ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products. Absent the ability to do that based on AV stakeholder engagement and market evolution in recent years, The EPA believes making the decision to sunset this category is the right choice.

The EPA thanks stakeholders who submitted comments on the sunset proposal released last July. The Agency received feedback from four manufacturers and eight other stakeholders about the importance of the ENERGY STAR program, particularly for soundbars and commercial amplifiers. There was recognition that sunset of certain categories such as Blu-ray players may be justified due to the declining relevance of physical media. All written comments are posted here.

The EPA has made a concerted effort to enhance the value of the ENERGY STAR label for AV equipment over recent years.  The Agency proposed options for soundbars two years ago referencing a new test procedure based on limited data and received no comments. Since then, The EPA conducted further market screening and found low power consuming options across the market, even though ENERGY STAR shipments have remained extremely low (i.e. 2%). For commercial AV equipment, The EPA was unable to propose levels due to inadequate information on product performance against the latest CTA standard and received no input from stakeholders on how to differentiate these models. While The EPA appreciates the input from designers and purchasers relying on ENERGY STAR for commercial AV products, there is not sufficient information to justify retaining current levels nor setting new levels.

Manufacturers emphasized ENERGY STAR’s roles in both establishing and maintaining a minimum efficiency baseline for soundbars and covering these products as these technologies evolve. However, with only 2% of the market associated with the ENERGY STAR label, engagement is too low for ENERGY STAR to achieve that purpose.
Timeline Milestones

The EPA recognizes the investment ENERGY STAR brand owner, retailer and utility partners have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories and is sensitive to providing a reasonable transition period. The Agency proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Audio Video specification effective August 20, 2025. To facilitate a smooth transition under this proposal, partners will no longer be able to certify new products as of February 1, 2025.

Consistent with past ENERGY STAR product category sunsets, the following milestones are associated with implementing this sunset:

ENERGY STAR certified AV products and their ENERGY STAR Brandowner partners will continue to be recognized at until August 20, 2025.

No new Partnership Agreements for the AV program will be accepted by The EPA as of February 1, 2025

No new certified product information for the AV program will be accepted by The EPA as of February 1, 2025.

Brandowner Partners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all AV products manufactured and services offered on or after August 20, 2025

To minimize the cost of labeling changes and be in compliance by August 20, 2025, manufacturers of AV products are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on Web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Manufacturers are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.

Partners who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labelling may contact In closing, The EPA appreciates the efforts of all AV stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Enclosures: Audio Video Sunset Comment Summary

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders: 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the updated proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps. In concert with this release, the EPA also shares a proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Air Source Heat Pump Specification. Taken together, these proposals include marginal changes, better aligning ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 with tax credit eligibility criteria, such that the widely recognized ENERGY STAR brand can more effectively be leveraged to communicate about qualifying models. To the extent you have any final feedback on this proposal and update, please submit comments to by November 14, 2024.   

2025 ASHP Proposed Recognition Criteria 

Feedback received on the proposal to better align with the Consortium for Energy Efficient (CEE) levels associated with the 25C tax credits was mixed. While the EPA appreciates the different perspectives on its approach to ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, ultimately the adjustments reflected in the updated proposal will make it easier for consumers to identify tax credit eligible options. The EPA was able to address requests to remove the installation benefits requirement. While the EPA appreciates the request to allow for use of the AHRI Certified Verification Procedure (CVP) 210/240 test, the proposal refers to the use of a DOE CVP when available, as an option, instead. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in the 2025 Most Efficient ASHP comment response matrix.  
The EPA’s proposal for 2025 Most Efficient recognition includes minimal adjustments to efficiency levels for cold climate and non-cold climate units as follows: 

               Product Type   SEER2   EER2   HSPF2
Split system HP (Ducted & Ductless)      16.0    11.0      8.0
Single-package HP      15.2    10.0      7.2
Cold Climate Split HP (Ducted & Ductless)      16.0     9.8      8.5
Cold Climate Packaged HP      15.2    10.0      8.1

This proposal retains the 1.75 COP at 5F and 70% heating capacity at 5F compared to 47F requirements for cold climate heat pumps. It also adds a low ambient performance backstop of 1.75 COP at 5F and a 45% heating capacity requirement at 5F compared to 47F for non-cold climate heat pumps.

Proposed Amendment to Version 6.2 Specification

In addition to meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, ASHP products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. In some cases, the EER2 required for the Most Efficient 2025 levels is lower than that required for ENERGY STAR Version 6.1. Therefore, the EPA proposes the following changes in the Version 6.2 amendment:

  • EER2 requirement lowered to 11.0 for split systems and 10.0 for single package systems to accommodate variable speed units which have excellent seasonal performance and, on average, do not run at full capacity during peak cooling.
  • The option to use the DOE CVP, when available, instead of the ENERGY STAR CVP, for verifying low ambient performance of cold climate heat pumps.
  • Reporting requirement for COP at 5F, Heating Capacity at 5F/47F, and CVP verification, where available, to facilitate identification of models eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

This amendment will not impact any currently certified models. For more details on these changes, please see the Version 6.2 specification.

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

This document and the ESME ASHP 2025 criteria document can be found here. It can also be found along with the ENERGY STAR ASHP Version 6.2 proposal here. Please provide any final feedback or concerns on either publication to no later than November 14, 2024. Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page and/or the ASHP specification development page, as relevant. The EPA plans to finalize these documents in November/December 2024.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

ENERGY STAR Version 6.2 Air Source Heat Pump Specification
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps
2025 Most Efficient Air Source Heat Pumps Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders: 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the updated proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps. In concert with this release, the EPA also shares a proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Air Source Heat Pump Specification. Taken together, these proposals include marginal changes, better aligning ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 with tax credit eligibility criteria, such that the widely recognized ENERGY STAR brand can more effectively be leveraged to communicate about qualifying models. To the extent you have any final feedback on this proposal and update, please submit comments to by November 14, 2024.   

2025 ASHP Proposed Recognition Criteria 

Feedback received on the proposal to better align with the Consortium for Energy Efficient (CEE) levels associated with the 25C tax credits was mixed. While the EPA appreciates the different perspectives on its approach to ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, ultimately the adjustments reflected in the updated proposal will make it easier for consumers to identify tax credit eligible options. The EPA was able to address requests to remove the installation benefits requirement. While the EPA appreciates the request to allow for use of the AHRI Certified Verification Procedure (CVP) 210/240 test, the proposal refers to the use of a DOE CVP when available, as an option, instead. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in the 2025 Most Efficient ASHP comment response matrix.  
The EPA’s proposal for 2025 Most Efficient recognition includes minimal adjustments to efficiency levels for cold climate and non-cold climate units as follows: 

          Product Type   SEER2   EER2   HSPF2
Split system HP (Ducted & Ductless)     16.0     11.0      8.0
Single-package HP     15.2     10.0      7.2
Cold Climate Split HP (Ducted & Ductless)     16.0       9.8      8.5
Cold Climate Packaged HP     15.2     10.0      8.1

This proposal retains the 1.75 COP at 5F and 70% heating capacity at 5F compared to 47F requirements for cold climate heat pumps. It also adds a low ambient performance backstop of 1.75 COP at 5F and a 45% heating capacity requirement at 5F compared to 47F for non-cold climate heat pumps.

Proposed Amendment to Version 6.2 Specification

In addition to meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, ASHP products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. In some cases, the EER2 required for the Most Efficient 2025 levels is lower than that required for ENERGY STAR Version 6.1. Therefore, the EPA proposes the following changes in the Version 6.2 amendment:

  • EER2 requirement lowered to 11.0 for split systems and 10.0 for single package systems to accommodate variable speed units which have excellent seasonal performance and, on average, do not run at full capacity during peak cooling.
  • The option to use the DOE CVP, when available, instead of the ENERGY STAR CVP, for verifying low ambient performance of cold climate heat pumps.
  • Reporting requirement for COP at 5F, Heating Capacity at 5F/47F, and CVP verification, where available, to facilitate identification of models eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

This amendment will not impact any currently certified models. For more details on these changes, please see the Version 6.2 specification.

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

This document and the ESME ASHP 2025 criteria document can be found here. It can also be found along with the ENERGY STAR ASHP Version 6.2 proposal here. Please provide any final feedback or concerns on either publication to no later than November 14, 2024. Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page and/or the ASHP specification development page, as relevant. The EPA plans to finalize these documents in November/December 2024.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

ENERGY STAR Version 6.2 Air Source Heat Pump Specification
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps
2025 Most Efficient Air Source Heat Pumps Comment Response Matrix


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryer Partner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 1.1 Specification to clarify in the scope that combination all-in-one washer-dryer models are eligible for ENERGY STAR as referenced in the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.1 specification. This is intended to make it more transparent where ENERGY STAR provides requirements for combination all-in-one washer-dryers.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances

ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 1.1 Specification


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Xitrix Computer Corporation, XITRIX model Xitrix DeskFrame E310


  • Innovative Dehumidifier Systems LLC, INNOVATIVE model IW-25-4 


  • AUO Corporation, AUO model P550QVF07.0

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Xitrix Computer Corporation, XITRIX model Xitrix DeskFrame E310

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Innovative Dehumidifier Systems LLC, INNOVATIVE model IW-25-4 

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • AUO Corporation, AUO model P550QVF07.0

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. These Version 2.0 requirements will take effect on June 30, 2025. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process. 

The Version 2.0 specification will recognize the top performing laboratory grade refrigerator and freezer products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers will use 37% less energy than a standard product. If all laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to over $70 million each year and more than 1 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of over 95 thousand vehicles. EPA did not receive any comments in response to the final draft specification. The only update included in the final specification is to Section 3.3 which clarifies the refrigerant reporting requirement and aligns the format with other specifications across the program. This requirement was previously in place in Version 1.0/1.1.   

Version 4.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps

EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline: 

Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 2.0 requirements.  

After February 14, 2025 CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 1.1. Note, however that existing certifications to Version 1.0/1.1 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until June 30, 2025. 

Any laboratory grade refrigerator or freezer manufactured as of June 30, 2025, must meet the Version 2.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 1.0/1.1 specification will be invalid for the purposes of ENEGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 2.0 to EPA.  

On behalf of EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revision process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified laboratory grade refrigerator and freezers. Please contact me at (202) 343-9153 or, or John Clinger at (215) 967-9407 with questions. For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy, at, or 202-586-0371. 

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. 

Ryan Fogle 
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Medical Products

Final Version 2.0 Specification
Final Version 2.0 Data Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear Battery Charging Systems Partners, Battery Charger Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties: Please see the attached letter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announcing their intent to launch the revision of the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® specification for Battery Charging Systems (BCS). The announcement letter outlines the goals and next steps in the specification development process. As a key stakeholder, EPA invites your participation in the development of an appropriate test procedure(s) and performance requirements for battery chargers. If you know of others who may be interested in participating in this process, please forward this announcement and encourage them to send their contact information to to be added to the stakeholder contact list. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Fanara, EPA, at or (206) 553-6377 or Robin Clark, ICF International, at or (202) 862-1223. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

Contact Name: Robin Clark
Phone: 202-862-1223

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing for stakeholder comment the Draft 1 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR® specification for Battery Charging Systems (BCSs). The document is attached to this email, as are a cover memo and data collection sheets. The final date for provision of comments on the draft specification will be January 15, 2010. EPA would also like to notify stakeholders that it will be hosting a Webinar to discuss the draft specification on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, from 11 am to 2 pm, Eastern Time. Please RSVP to by this Friday, December 10, to receive Webinar information. Please direct any specific questions to Katharine Kaplan, at, or 202-343-9120, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Boilers.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Washington, DC

      •   Join Us for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

      •   Light the Moment, with ENERGY STAR!

      •   Choose a Light Guide

      •   Free Marketing Resources for Consumers and Partners

Join Us for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
Phoenix, Arizona | September 5-7

Get excited for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! The ENERGY STAR team has developed sessions specifically geared for Lighting Partners. These sessions are meant to help partners learn about the latest market insight, cutting edge technology, and new energy efficiency program models.Online registration closes August 14, 2018, register today!

View the latest agenda to start planning your time in Phoenix and make sure to join ENERGY STAR for the following lighting sessions on September 6:

Extending the Life of Lighting Programs: How to Light the Way to "Hard to Reach" Customers.
Learn innovative marketing strategies lighting manufacturers have adopted to deliver ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs to underserved communities and capture energy savings from this untapped market.

 •  Gillian Saidman, Director Utility Rebate and Government Programs, L'Image Home Products
 •  Jesus Pernia, Energy Efficiency Consultant, Energize CT
 •  Jill Vohr, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Key Meeting Reminders:

Location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

The hotel's cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

 •  Dan Cronin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Fashion & Features & Flair Oh My! Uncovering the Sexy Side of ENERGY STAR Luminaires
Join this session to hear success stories from a home builder about marketing non-energy features such as style and functionality to drive the energy efficiency conversation and to emphasize the importance of the ENERGY STAR.

 •  Geoff Ferrell, CTO, Mandalay Homes
 •  Dan Rogers, ENERGY STAR technical support, ICF
 •  Taylor Jantz-Sell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Recognizing Smart Home Energy Management Systems
EPA is considering ENERGY STAR recognition of smart home systems that save energy by automatically detecting when a home is empty triggering energy saving modes. ENERGY STAR certified smart lighting is a key component of this system. Come to learn more and shape this new opportunity! This technical working session will continue stakeholder discussion of the possibility. Discussion will be led by EPA's Taylor Jantz-Sell and Abigail Daken and feature contributions from:
 •  Lara Bonn, Director of Emerging Technologies and Services, Efficiency Vermont
 •  Gustaf Lonaeus, Senior Product Manager,
 •  Bradley Piper, Project Manager/Lead for NYSERDA Smart Home Pilot, Lockheed Martin Energy

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is also a great time to set up networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. The schedule for this year's meeting opens the opportunity for even more networking than in previous years. One-on-one networking rooms are now available. Learn how you can reserve meeting rooms HERE.

Key Meeting Reminders:

Location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

The hotel's cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR!

Did you know there are more than 3 billion light fixtures in homes across the U.S. with old, inefficient bulbs, wasting billions of dollars in energy costs and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions? Join the momentum with ENERGY STAR to switch out 300 million inefficient bulbs to certified LED light bulbs! Together, we could save $1.5 billion dollars in annual energy bills and prevent 17 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. Light the Moment, with ENERGY STAR!

Access key marketing resources, such as seasonal social media graphics, sample posts, event kits, posters, and more, to spread the word about the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting. Encourage your customers and networks to make the most of their moments, and their contribution to the environment, by lighting them with ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs.

Please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or with any questions.

Choose a Light Guide

Help your customers find the perfect bulb with ENERGY STAR's new tool, Choose A Light Guide! Through three easy steps, customers identify what shape, color and brightness they prefer to learn which bulb is the best fit for their needs.

Share this new tool with your networks and sales associates to use in stores and online during promotions.

Free Marketing Resources for Consumers and Partners!

Check out the ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page to access key marketing tools. Engage these resources to educate your consumers, colleagues, and networks on the benefits on choosing ENERGY STAR certified lighting!

For Consumers:

Choose a Light Guide

Renovate with LED Lighting Factsheet

Ask the Expert

Dimmable ENERGY STAR Infographic

Light Bulb Purchasing Guide

Lighting Made Easy Infographic

ENERGY STAR Lighting FAQs "Ask the Expert" Video

Product Finder

The Energy Source

Partner Training Resources:

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

"Illuminated"—EPA's Lighting Podcast

ENERGY STAR Lighting Training Center









Archived Events: (Click to expand/collapse)
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner, Certification Body, or Recognized Laboratory,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.8 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update.

The SERT Version 2.0.8 is a minor update, with the following changes and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous versions:

  • Adds support for regulatory certification with NVIDIA Grace, AMD Instinct MI300A, and Microsoft Pioneer platforms
  • Contains the latest PTDaemon 1.11.0 interface and support for newer LTS Java versions

This clarification memo is posted on the Computer Servers Version 4.0 Specification product development website. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.8, please contact For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle 
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025. This letter outlines the final criteria.

These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR products in 2024 across 14 product categories: Ceiling Fans, Clothes Dryers, Clothes Washers, Computer Monitors, Consumer Refrigeration Products, Dehumidifiers, Dishwashers, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors, Residential Skylights and Tubular Daylighting Devices, Room Air Cleaners, Room Air Conditioners, and Ventilating Fans. The proposed criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps are expected to be shared with stakeholders later this Fall as EPA continues to collaborate with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) to better align with 25C tax credit eligibility requirements in 2025.

Products that meet the 2025 criteria will deliver significant savings over a conventional product as summarized in the recognition criteria below.  

Overview of Comments on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Proposals

Stakeholders shared feedback with EPA through 15 sets of written comments. Commenters offered support for the proposed recognition criteria, as well as a select set of proposed adjustments that EPA summarizes and responds to in the comment response document. Here is a summary of key comment responses:

Dehumidifiers: One stakeholder suggested aligning the definitions of “Portable” and “Whole Home” dehumidifiers with DOE and EPA standards. To ensure clarity, the EPA has removed definitions and referenced the ENERGY STAR specification. 

Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps: The EPA continues to collaborate with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) to better align with 25C tax credit eligibility requirements in 2025. Comments on the heat pumps proposal will be addressed separately when EPA finalizes the criteria later this Fall. 

Room Air Conditioners: One stakeholder proposed specifying the sound pressure testing standard and expanding sound requirements to include both low and high sound pressure levels for indoor and outdoor settings, while another stakeholder questioned the basis for the current sound requirement. While no criteria changes were proposed for room air conditioners, the final criteria reflect an update to remove the sound requirements based on the evolution of the market to feature only variable speed compressors, which offer improved sound performance. The EPA will consider whether sound requirements are warranted in the future through the ENERGY STAR specification revision process.

Vent Fans: One stakeholder recommended setting a minimum recognition criterion of 12 CFM/W for all duct sizes, including square ducts. The EPA is retaining the proposed size-based criteria, as increasing the performance levels to 12 CFM/W for all ducts sizes would limit eligibility among higher efficient products with four-inch ducts. To address the recommendations regarding duct shapes, the Agency has adjusted the criteria to account for square, rectangle, and oval ducts in addition to circular. 


ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Categories and Recognition Criteria

Ceiling Fans: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA estimates that ceiling fans earning ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition will offer 75% in annual energy savings over the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Clothes Dryers: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA estimates that clothes dryers earning ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition will offer 245-300 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 40%-60% over the Federal Minimum for the most common product classes. View the full criteria here.

Clothes Washers: The EPA has revised the criteria for large clothes washers for 2025 consistent with the proposal. For models with a capacity larger than 2.5 cu-ft, the minimum IMEF value is 3.1 and maximum IWF value is 3.0. No changes were made to the criteria for smaller clothes washers. The EPA estimates that recognized clothes washers ≤ 2.5 cu-ft will offer about 100 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 25% over the Federal Minimum and 1,500 gal/year in annual water savings. Recognized clothes washers > 2.5 cu-ft will offer more than 370 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 46% over the Federal Minimum and 3,500 gal/yr in annual water savings. View the full criteria here.

Computer Monitors: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA estimates that recognized monitors will offer 21 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, approximately 40% over a standard model. View the full criteria here.

Dehumidifiers: The EPA has made updates to the criteria for 2025 consistent with the proposal and removed definitions based on comments received and instead referenced definitions in the ENERGY STAR dehumidifier specification. The EPA estimates that recognized dehumidifiers and portable dehumidifiers will offer 110-160 kWh/yr in annual energy savings around 40% above the Federal Minimum for the most common smaller units. Recognized whole-home dehumidifiers will offer 240 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, over 33% above the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Dishwashers: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA estimates that recognized dishwashers will offer 80 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, nearly 30% over the Federal Minimum and 680 gal/yr in annual water savings, 35% over the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps: EPA plans to make updates to the criteria as described in the proposal. Comments on the heat pumps proposal and possible criteria adjustments will be addressed separately later this Fall. 

Geothermal Heat Pumps: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA estimates that recognized geothermal heat pumps can provide 1000-1600 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 15-40% over the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025.  The EPA estimates that recognized standard refrigerators will provide 40-180 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 10-30% over the Federal Minimum while recognized standard freezers are estimated to provide 35-90 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 15-20% over the Federal Minimum. Recognized compact refrigerators and freezers will offer 35-100 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 20-30% over the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Room Air Cleaners: The EPA has revised the criteria for 2025 consistent with the proposal. The EPA estimates that recognized room air cleaners will offer 165-620 kWh/yr in savings, depending on size, around 70% over the Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Room Air Conditioners: The EPA has made changes to the 2025 criteria, removing requirements for sound in recognition of changes in the market. The EPA estimates that recognized room air conditioners will offer 100-600 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 25-35% over Federal Minimum. View the full criteria here.

Ventilating Fans: The EPA has made changes to the 2025 criteria to account for a variety of duct shapes and options, retaining the proposed updates to performance levels based on size. The EPA estimates that recognized bathroom/utility ventilating fans will offer 45 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 85% over a standard model.  Recognized in-line fans are estimated to provide more than 60 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, more than 50% over a standard model. View the full criteria here.

Windows, Sliding Glass Doors, and Skylights: The EPA is not changing the criteria for 2025. The EPA does not develop a single savings estimate for residential windows, sliding glass doors, and skylights since savings vary greatly by climate and house characteristics. View the full criteria here and here.


ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Program Considerations

ENERGY STAR certified products meeting these requirements will be highlighted as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient for 2025 at: beginning January 1, 2025. Later this Fall, EPA will begin distributing the 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation to brand owners of eligible products. As a reminder, usage guidelines are available at Guidelines for Using the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Mark.

To ensure the greatest utility of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient webpage to consumers, EPA will only highlight products that are currently available for sale in the U.S. As such, EPA reminds partners that it is critical to keep product availability information with their certification bodies current. Partners are also reminded that they must provide all information called for by the recognition criteria to their certification body at the time of certification to be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.  

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. EPA will highlight recognized products on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 web page through December 31, 2025.

We look forward to working with you to market ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in 2025. Please e-mail with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program. 


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Clothes Dryers

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48E**K***

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPK0RR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKDG

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKRR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESSKWW

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49E**K***

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKDG

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKRR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERSKWW

Commercial Fryers

Royal Range of California, Inc., Royal Range model REEF-35

Refrigerators and Freezers

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR464

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model TFR441

Residential Water Coolers

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECH-BP-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECHK-SC-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model 8LIECH-SC-SSS-5L

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8120*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8121*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8122*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8123*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8125*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8220*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8221*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8222*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8223*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8225*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCHK-*-4L-WL

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*-5I

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECHK-*-WL

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC*-*-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC-*-5L-W-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SCSSFP5W

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8122*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8123*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8125*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8130*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8132*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8133*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8134*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8135*

Windows, Doors, and Skylights

Moss Supply Company, Moss Supply Company model MSC-M-39-00478-00001

Moss Supply Company, Moss Supply Company model MSC-M-39-00478-00002

Moss Supply Company, Moss Supply Company model MSC-M-39-00478-00003

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48E**K***

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPK0RR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKDG

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKRR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESSKWW

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49E**K***

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKDG

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKRR

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERSKWW

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


Royal Range of California, Inc., Royal Range model REEF-35

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR464

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM

Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model TFR441

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECH-BP-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECHK-SC-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model 8LIECH-SC-SSS-5L

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8120*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8121*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8122*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8123*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8125*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8220*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8221*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8222*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8223*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8225*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCHK-*-4L-WL

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*-5I

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECHK-*-WL

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC*-*-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC-*-5L-W-*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SCSSFP5W

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8122*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8123*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8125*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8130*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8132*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8133*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8134*

Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8135*

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites the public to submit comments on the enclosed Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on October 2, 2024, at 1 p.m. ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than October 11, 2024. 

Since the current Version 2.0 specification took effect in October 2020, the room air cleaner market has evolved significantly, with the market share of ENERGY STAR certified models rising in the past few years to 86%. This presents an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy savings and improve the consumer value the label provides.

Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to adopt the PM2.5 Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) and Integrated Energy Factor (IEF) metrics and new Department of Energy (DOE) test procedure as well as increase the stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR room air cleaners and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings. EPA is proposing that that room cleaners be 89-96% more efficient than the current minimum standard to qualify for ENERGY STAR. Approximately 25% of current base models meet the proposed levels. Based on a comparison of similar models with different efficiency performance, EPA found that energy cost savings paid back the incremental cost in less than one year for most product classes. As with all ENERGY STAR products, EPA is working with the DOE on this ENERGY STAR revision and will ensure the revision is informed by the DOE regulatory process.   

The EPA highlights key changes associated with the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 specification below and provides rationale for these proposed changes in note boxes throughout the specification.

  • Criteria – The EPA is aligning with DOE by shifting from Smoke CADR/W to IEF
  • Product Classes – The EPA is changing the product classes from Smoke CADR bins to PM2.5 CADR bins
  • Test Method – The EPA will reference the new DOE test procedure.

Stakeholder Webinar
The EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 1, Version 3.0 specification on October 2, 2024 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. 

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for the Draft 1 Version 3.0 Specification no later than October 11, 2024. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3 Specification Development webpage unless the submitter specifically requests that the comments remain confidential.
Please contact or (202) 934-2262 or Fabria Jno. Baptiste, ICF, at or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at, with any questions or concerns about the specification.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances

ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Draft 1 Room Air Cleaners Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Draft 1 Room Air Cleaners Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Steve Leybourn
Phone: 202-862-1145
Location: Washington DC

We’re excited to launch the ENERGY STAR Market Acceleration Guide for heat pump water heaters. Created with input from experienced program designers, water heating experts, and key industry players, the Guide is a comprehensive resource offering proven strategies and best practices for program development and implementation.

A Living Resource: 
The Market Acceleration Guide is intended to be a living resource continuously informed by industry voices that represent all segments of the market. This is made possible by your feedback!

How to Contribute: 
We welcome your feedback on the Guide. You can share your insights in upcoming webinars and surveys. Stay tuned!

View the New Guide

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) or Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) Manufacturer or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the enclosed Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) specification. The EPA will hold a public webinar on September 12, 2024, at 1 PM ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. The EPA invites the public to submit comments on this draft proposal no later than September 30, 2024.

ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between government, businesses, and purchasers designed to encourage the manufacture, purchase, and use of efficient products to help protect the environment. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA in consultation with stakeholders. To date:

  • More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label.
  • Approximately 1,800 manufacturers and 1,200 retailers partner with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY STAR certified products across more than 75 residential and commercial product categories.
  • More than 840 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 97% of households in all 50 states.
  • Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses save 5 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid more than $500 billion in energy costs, and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.

In developing a specification for PTHPs, the EPA’s goal is to highlight for purchasers the PTHP models that will help them save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize their heating and cooling costs. Given the standard sizing of PTACs and PTHPs and the frequency of one-to-one retrofits, the Agency also seeks to encourage customer selection of an efficient PTHP as a replacement for an electric-resistance heating PTAC. Several PTHP manufacturers have expressed interest in an ENERGY STAR program, noting frequent customer requests for ENERGY STAR models, particularly in the hospitality sector. The EPA is also interested in the applicability of PTHPs to multifamily housing as a potential solution for buildings seeking to efficiently decarbonize.

Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The EPA is proposing that to qualify for the ENERGY STAR recognition, a unit that meets the definition of a PTHP and provides heat through a reverse-cycle refrigeration loop must be at least 6% more efficient than the current DOE minimum standard for both heating and cooling. Given the interchangeability of PTACs and PTHPs in application, the EPA has considered a combination of both products as representative of the market in its analysis of energy savings potential and consumer payback in the proposed ENERGY STAR specification. Out of currently available PTACs and PTHPs, approximately 26% of standard size and 17% of non-standard size basic models meet the proposed criteria.

The EPA calculated that an ENERGY STAR certified PTHP at the proposed levels would have, on average, less than a 6-year consumer payback period when compared to a baseline PTAC, and less than a 4-year consumer payback period when compared to a baseline PTHP. However, this payback period greatly varies with a building’s heating needs and may be less than 4 years when switching a baseline PTAC to an ENERGY STAR certified PTHP in climates with more heating days, for buildings without centralized heating, and for buildings that use individual space heaters. The EPA estimates that at the proposed levels, the national annual cost savings will grow to $86 million with over 1 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions prevented each year. As with all ENERGY STAR products, the EPA has worked with the Department of Energy (DOE) on this draft proposal and will ensure it continues to be informed by the DOE regulatory process.  

Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:

  • Definitions of eligible products
  • COP and EER minimum requirements, varying by standard and non-standard sizing and cooling capacity

Stakeholder Meeting:
EPA will host a webinar on September 12, 2024, from 1 PM – 3 PM ET to discuss the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register to attend the webinar here. 

Comment Submittal:
The public is encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than September 30, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Please contact me, Holly Tapani, EPA, at or 202-751-5089, or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Holly Tapani, Product Manager ENERGY STAR HVAC
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 PTHP Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 PTHP Draft 1 Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Holly Tapani
Phone: 202-751-5089
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR ® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification. Comments may be submitted to the EPA no later than September 13, 2024. EPA plans to finalize this Version 2.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification with an effective date of June 30, 2025.

The EPA received public comments from three stakeholders in response to the Draft 2 specification. Broadly speaking, the comments were supportive of the changes made from the Draft 1 proposal. The Agency has highlighted and responded to the comments received in note boxes throughout the Final Draft specification. Key changes reflected in the Final Draft include:

  • The EPA received further comment regarding the peak variation temperature, requesting this be amended back to the Version 1.1 definition where the peak variation for high performance refrigerators is no greater than 6 degrees C. After consideration of the comments, the EPA has reverted to the original definition, finding that it aligns with the commonly accepted International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (IHC) requirements. 
  • The EPA received feedback that the requirements for high performance solid door refrigerators were too stringent for mid-sized products. The Agency has revised the volume bins and associated maximum daily energy consumption (MDEC) requirements in this subcategory slightly to provide greater availability of qualifying products, specifically in that middle volume range.

Comment Submittal

To the extent you have final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than September 13, 2024. As a reminder, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at (202) 343-9153 or, or John Clinger at (215) 967-9407 or with questions. For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Best Regards,
Ryan Fogle 
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Medical Products

Final Draft Version 2.0 Specification

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Dehumidifiers Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification. EPA would like to acknowledge the ENERGY STAR stakeholders who have invested time and effort to ensure the successful completion of the Version 6.0 specification. EPA has considered all stakeholder feedback carefully in developing this final specification. This letter summarizes the Agency’s final decisions regarding these new requirements and outlines the schedule for qualifying products using Version 6.0. The effective date will be October 1, 2025.

This specification revision responds to a significant increase in market share at current ENERGY STAR performance levels and enhances the value of the ENERGY STAR label to consumers by establishing more stringent efficiency criteria. If all dehumidifiers sold in the United States were certified to ENERGY STAR Version 6.0, annual cost savings would grow to over $340 million and approximately 6 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented each year.

Since initiating the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR specification revision for dehumidifiers in March 2024, the EPA has released two drafts and held a webinar to collect feedback from stakeholders, as well as coordinated with the Department of Energy (DOE) to ensure the ENERGY STAR specification aligns with the DOE’s definitions and test methods used in minimum efficiency standards.

The EPA received comments in response to the final draft specification that focused on the timing of the effective date of this specification and the scope. This included a request to delay the effective date to October 2025 to better align with the typical manufacturer development cycle for dehumidifiers. There was also feedback encouraging EPA to adjust the scope of the specification to allow products that meet the definition of ‘dehumidifier’ and ‘consumer product’ to be within scope, with no limit on capacity. EPA made adjustments in the final specification consistent with both of these requests.  Finally, there was a new concern shared about the proposed refrigerant reporting requirement. Stakeholder comments, the final draft, previous drafts of the specification, and all related supporting materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier Version 6.0 Specification Development webpage.

Timeline and Next Steps:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 6.0 requirements.
  • On March 11, 2025, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 5.0.
  • Any dehumidifiers manufactured as of October 1, 2025, must meet Version 6.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 5.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, and CBs will only submit product models certification to Version 6.0 to the EPA.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the Unites States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models because only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

The EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process. Please contact me Steve Leybourn, EPA, at or 202-564-1191, or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers Final Data and Analysis Package
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifier Final Draft Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Fryers

  • Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-4#0
  • Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-410


  • HP Inc., HP model M27

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422U*
  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UM
  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UU
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440BE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440SE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440ST
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440WE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440BE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440ST
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440WE

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Fryers

  • Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-4#0
  • Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-410

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • HP Inc., HP model M27

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422U*
  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UM
  • Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UU
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440BE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440SE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440ST
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440WE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440BE
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440ST
  • MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440WE

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Water Heater Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing an ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Discussion Guide and Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Test Method. The purpose of this discussion guide and draft test method is to solicit public comment to further inform how central heat pump water heaters (Central HPWH) will be handled in the upcoming ENERGY STAR Version 3 specification for commercial water heaters. When that revision is launched, the EPA will share proposals related to all commercial water heaters that are in scope, but first seeks input on central HPWH in particular.

Central HPWHs are an essential tool to efficiently decarbonize larger buildings, including mid- and high-rise multifamily, where they could largely replace the current central water heaters in existing buildings. They also offer a potentially economical way to serve new multifamily buildings. While these products are currently in scope for the ENERGY STAR Version 2 Commercial Water Heater specification, the current coverage is inadequate for several reasons outlined in the discussion guide.

The discussion guide sets the framework for how the EPA envisions capturing system performance in the Version 3.0 specification. One of the reasons the current coverage is inadequate is that the performance of the heat pump engine is only characterized at a single set of conditions and in one configuration rather than covering the range of common conditions affecting the units. The proposed test method addresses this issue. Furthermore, the specification only covers the performance of the heat pump engine itself, while the achieved efficiency depends on the system it works within and on other components in the system.

Comment Submittal:
The EPA relies on public engagement in its specification efforts and encourages those with interest or knowledge to submit written comments for the EPA’s consideration to no later than Friday, September 13, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Public Meeting:
The EPA plans to host a public webinar on Thursday, August 15, 2024, from 3 – 5 PM Eastern Time, to cover topics outlined in the discussion guide. Those interested in the topic are encouraged to attend and may register here.
Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375 or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any questions on commercial water heater testing, please contact Julia Hegarty, DOE, at Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager ENERGY STAR HVAC and Water Heating
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Discussion Guide
Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Brand Owner Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are pleased to announce the release of the Final ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance. The EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources in contributing feedback that has informed this test method development process.

In response to the Final Draft, the EPA received a recommendation that the test method require defrost testing for all variable-speed room heat pumps (RHPs), noting the optional defrost (H2,int) test is not sufficiently incentivized in lieu of the alternative calculation. In response to this comment, the DOE and EPA analyzed available data for variable-speed RHPs and mini-splits and found that, for some units, the alternative calculation overstated efficiency compared to using data resulting from the optional defrost test. Rather than requiring this defrost test for Type 3 and Type 4 variable-speed RHPs, which would increase testing burden, the Agencies are adopting a 0.95 correction factor in the final heating energy efficiency ratio (HEER) equation for models that elect to use the alternative calculation in lieu of the defrost test. This change will ensure the alternative calculation is more conservative than conducting the optional defrost test.

The EPA and DOE have also corrected minor errors and made clarifying editorial changes to the test method in response to the comments received; responses to all comments can be found in the accompanying Final Draft Comment Response Matrix.

The development of this test procedure was led by the DOE to allow for the introduction of heating mode criteria to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification. The EPA is aware of the need to develop heating mode criteria in the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification and is working with stakeholders to do so as soon as possible. To assist with future heating mode data reporting, the EPA has published an ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance Test Reporting Template. As a reminder, all documents related to this process are posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Test Method Development webpage.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Holly Tapani at the EPA, or 202-751-5089, Steve Leybourn at the EPA, or 202-934-2262, and Megan McNelly at ICF, or 703-934-3726. For test method questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE,


Holly Tapani
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Steve Leybourn
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Appliances Program

Final ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance
ENERGY STAR Final Draft Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance Comment Response MatrixENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance Test Reporting Template

Contact Name: Steve Leybourn
Phone: 202-564-1191
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video Manufacturer and Other Interested Parties:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for Audio/Video (AV) systems. The EPA recognizes the significant and long contribution of ENERGY STAR AV stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input. The EPA invites the public to submit comments on this proposal no later than August 20, 2024.

Under certain circumstances, the EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a product category should be sunset rather than revised. The following factors are most relevant to this sunset proposal:

  • Additional cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset

Across the various types of product categories eligible for the label under the AV specification, there are numerous indications the ENERGY STAR label is no longer serving its intended purpose.

  • With the advent of digital platforms, consumers are increasingly accessing video content online, rendering physical media less relevant.
  • In the case of DVD/Blu-ray players, the market has declined significantly due to a significant shift in how consumers access content and partners have stopped investing in certification for ENERGY STAR, with the most recent certifications in 2022.
  • Soundbars have evolved over the years to consume very low power. This evolution has diminished the value in differentiating efficiency for consumers. Furthermore, the advent of enhanced Audio Return Chanel (eARC) HDMI connections in TVs and soundbars has revolutionized user experience by allowing seamless control of the soundbar through the TV remote. This technological development also ensures that soundbars are turned off when TVs are turned off, further enhancing their energy efficiency, and making automatic power down requirements redundant.
  • In the realm of AV equipment, smart speakers have emerged as the main innovation. These devices are included in the scope of the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) specification ensuring that they continue to meet stringent energy efficiency standards. Note that EPA shared the intention to exclude these products from the AV specification in 2022.
  • Lastly, while commercial amplifiers are currently covered within the scope of AV specification, the lack of performance information hampers our ability to effectively differentiate top performing efficient ENERGY STAR models. The available data does not indicate that additional cost-effective efficiency gains are anticipated.  

Considering these developments, EPA is proposing to sunset the current specification and focus program resources on areas that provide more value and relevance to consumers in today’s digital age.

Proposed Timing

The EPA recognizes the investment ENERGY STAR brand owner, retailer and utility partners have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories and is sensitive to providing a reasonable transition period. The Agency proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Audio Video specification effective August 1, 2025. To facilitate a smooth transition under this proposal, partners would no longer be able to certify new products as of February 1, 2025.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments on this proposal to sunset the AV program via email to no later than August 20, 2024. In closing, the EPA appreciates the efforts of all AV stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder,

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Proposed Criteria in an emailed message on July 9th. Comments are due August 12th, 2024 and may be submitted to
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the 2025 Proposed Criteria and address stakeholder questions on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EST. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Dehumidifiers Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification. Comments may be submitted to the EPA no later than July 25, 2024. EPA plans to finalize this Version 6.0 Dehumidifier specification in August, with an effective date of June 2, 2025.

The feedback the EPA received in response to the Draft 1 Version 6.0 Dehumidifier proposal was generally supportive. Some concerns specific to the proposed levels and timeline were shared and considered. Given the selection of available models in the most popular product classes from a range of manufacturers that would meet the proposed levels, the EPA is maintaining the draft 1 performance requirements as proposed in this final draft. The Agency has also added a reporting requirement related to refrigerants. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes through the final draft specification as well as in the Version 6.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix.

The EPA received feedback from stakeholders recommending the EPA consider establishing optional reporting for connected features in dehumidifiers. In contrast to other specifications that have focused optional connected criteria on load shifting, the EPA proposes for dehumidifiers to concentrate on the ability to connect to a home network. Those that can connect to a home network will be able to report a variety of features enabled by the connectivity, especially those important for energy savings and load flexibility. The EPA plans to feature network capable products on the ENERGY STAR Certified Product List.

Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes through the final draft specification as well as in the Version 6.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix.

Comment Submittal:

To the extent you have any final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than July 25, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Please contact me Steve Leybourn, EPA, at or 202-564-1191, or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifier Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifier Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table: 

 Product Category  Product Count  Partner Count
 Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP)           682           90
 Ceiling Fans           113           13
 Clothes Dryers            32            7
 Clothes Washers            64            5
 Computer Monitors            53           17
 Dehumidifiers            58           20
 Dishwashers            56            12
 Freezers            20           10
 Geothermal Heat Pumps           379           19
 Refrigerators           739           70
 Room Air Cleaners            54           22
Room Air Conditioners            10            5
Ventilating Fans           111           16
 Windows/Sliding Glass Doors and Skylights/ Tubular Dayighting Devises           785           84
 Totals          3156          390

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Ceiling Fans: No changes are proposed for ceiling fans for 2025. Currently, ceiling fan products recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 represent 16% of certified models. Link to full proposal document

Clothes Dryers: No changes are proposed for dryers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025. Currently, 11% of all dryer base models qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition. Link to full proposal document

Clothes Washers: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for large clothes washers for 2025. For models with a capacity larger than 2.5 ft3, the proposed minimum IMEF value is 3.1 and maximum IWF value is 3.0. With these changes, across all clothes washers, 16 base models from 3 brands would currently be eligible for recognition. This represents 5% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

Computer Monitors: No changes are proposed for computer monitors for 2025. With approximately 4% of certified models meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 criteria, the current criteria for monitors remain a high-performance benchmark for product redesigns. Link to full proposal document

Dehumidifiers: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for dehumidifiers for 2025. The proposed minimum criteria for portable dehumidifiers is an IEF of 1.85 for products ≤ 25 pints/day, an IEF of 2.20 for products between 25.01-50 pints/day, and an IEF of 3.40 for products ≥ 50.01 pints/day. The proposed minimum criteria for whole-home dehumidifiers are an IEF of 2.35 for products ≤ 8.0 ft3 and an IEF of 3.81 for products > 8.0 ft3. Currently, 12 base models from 7 brands meet the proposed 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, which represents 3% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

Dishwashers: No changes are proposed for dishwashers for 2025. Currently, 56 base models from 13 brands qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024. This represents 12% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for air source heat pumps for 2025, based on collaboration with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) to better align with 25C tax credit eligibility requirements in 2025. The proposed minimum SEER2 criterion is 16.0. The proposed minimum HSPF2 criteria are 8.0, 7.5, and 8.5, for split system HPs, single-package HPs, and cold climate HPs, respectively. The proposed minimum EER2 criterion for all categories is TBD, pending finalization of CEE’s 2025 tax credit tiers. The EPA is also proposing to remove the installation benefits requirement for ducted models. The low ambient and CVP requirements of ENERGY STAR Version 6 cold climate recognition already correspond to the criteria in CEE optional cold climate levels. Link to full proposal document

Geothermal Heat Pumps: No changes are proposed to the criteria for geothermal heat pumps for 2025, meaning that all ENERGY STAR certified GHP will continue to be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient. They remain a small part of the residential heating and cooling market, providing radically higher efficiencies particularly at the times the grid is most stressed. Therefore, as a class, they fit the concept that this recognition is intended to highlight. Link to full proposal document

Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers: The EPA proposes to maintain the 2024 criteria for 2025. There are 38 base models from 9 brands of bottom freezer and side-by-side refrigerators, which represents 5% of the bottom freezer and side-by-side base models. The proposal includes a large number of ENERGY STAR top freezers given their notable efficiency relative to other configurations. For compact refrigerators, there are 47 base models from 24 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 6% of all compact refrigerator base models. There are 8 upright freezer and chest freezer base models from 6 brands that meet the criteria representing 4% of all standard-size freezer base models. For compact freezers, there are 9 base models from 6 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 4% of all compact freezer base models. Link to full proposal document

Room Air Cleaners: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for room air cleaners for 2025, with a change in metrics from Smoke CADR to PM2.5 CADR and Smoke CADR/W to IEF to align with the Department of Energy (DOE) minimum standards metrics. The proposed minimum criteria for products between 30 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 100 are an IEF of 5.40, for 100 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 150 are an IEF of 6.60, and for products between 150 ≤ PM2.5 CADR are an IEF of 8.60. Currently, 46 base models from 28 brands meet the proposed 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, which represents 8% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

Room Air Conditioners: No changes are proposed for the room air conditioner product criteria for 2025. Currently, 11 models qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition. The EPA anticipates this number will increase as manufacturers redesign models for new DOE room air conditioner efficiency standards, effective spring of 2026. Link to full proposal document

Ventilating Fans: No changes are proposed for inline fans. The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for bathroom/utility room fans for 2025. The proposed minimum criteria for efficacy at high speed will now scale with diameter (i.e. ≥ 1.9D + 2.9 where D equals the diameter or depth of the duct in inches). This proposal is intended to more equitably recognize models designed for four-inch ducts. Link to full proposal document 

Windows, Sliding Glass Doors, and Skylights: No changes are proposed for the window and sliding glass door criteria or the skylight and tubular daylighting device (TDD) criteria for 2025. Since the ENERGY STAR Version 7 effective date in the Fall of 2023 and recent alignment of 25C Federal tax credits with ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, the market is still adjusting to the changes. Link to full proposal documents here and here.

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Ceiling Fans: No changes are proposed for ceiling fans for 2025. Currently, ceiling fan products recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 represent 16% of certified models. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Clothes Dryers: No changes are proposed for dryers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025. Currently, 11% of all dryer base models qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Clothes Washers: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for large clothes washers for 2025. For models with a capacity larger than 2.5 ft3, the proposed minimum IMEF value is 3.1 and maximum IWF value is 3.0. With these changes, across all clothes washers, 16 base models from 3 brands would currently be eligible for recognition. This represents 5% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Computer Monitors: No changes are proposed for computer monitors for 2025. With approximately 4% of certified models meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 criteria, the current criteria for monitors remain a high-performance benchmark for product redesigns. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Dehumidifiers: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for dehumidifiers for 2025. The proposed minimum criteria for portable dehumidifiers is an IEF of 1.85 for products ≤ 25 pints/day, an IEF of 2.20 for products between 25.01-50 pints/day, and an IEF of 3.40 for products ≥ 50.01 pints/day. The proposed minimum criteria for whole-home dehumidifiers are an IEF of 2.35 for products ≤ 8.0 ft3 and an IEF of 3.81 for products > 8.0 ft3. Currently, 12 base models from 7 brands meet the proposed 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, which represents 3% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Dishwashers: No changes are proposed for dishwashers for 2025. Currently, 56 base models from 13 brands qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024. This represents 12% of all base models. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for air source heat pumps for 2025, based on collaboration with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) to better align with 25C tax credit eligibility requirements in 2025. The proposed minimum SEER2 criterion is 16.0. The proposed minimum HSPF2 criteria are 8.0, 7.5, and 8.5, for split system HPs, single-package HPs, and cold climate HPs, respectively. The proposed minimum EER2 criterion for all categories is TBD, pending finalization of CEE’s 2025 tax credit tiers. The EPA is also proposing to remove the installation benefits requirement for ducted models. The low ambient and CVP requirements of ENERGY STAR Version 6 cold climate recognition already correspond to the criteria in CEE optional cold climate levels. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Geothermal Heat Pumps: No changes are proposed to the criteria for geothermal heat pumps for 2025, meaning that all ENERGY STAR certified GHP will continue to be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient. They remain a small part of the residential heating and cooling market, providing radically higher efficiencies particularly at the times the grid is most stressed. Therefore, as a class, they fit the concept that this recognition is intended to highlight. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers: The EPA proposes to maintain the 2024 criteria for 2025. There are 38 base models from 9 brands of bottom freezer and side-by-side refrigerators, which represents 5% of the bottom freezer and side-by-side base models. The proposal includes a large number of ENERGY STAR top freezers given their notable efficiency relative to other configurations. For compact refrigerators, there are 47 base models from 24 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 6% of all compact refrigerator base models. There are 8 upright freezer and chest freezer base models from 6 brands that meet the criteria representing 4% of all standard-size freezer base models. For compact freezers, there are 9 base models from 6 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 4% of all compact freezer base models. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Room Air Cleaners: The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for room air cleaners for 2025, with a change in metrics from Smoke CADR to PM2.5 CADR and Smoke CADR/W to IEF to align with the Department of Energy (DOE) minimum standards metrics. The proposed minimum criteria for products between 30 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 100 are an IEF of 5.40, for 100 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 150 are an IEF of 6.60, and for products between 150 ≤ PM2.5 CADR are an IEF of 8.60. Currently, 46 base models from 28 brands meet the proposed 2025 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, which represents 8% of all base models. Link to full proposal

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024.

Room Air Conditioners: No changes are proposed for the room air conditioner product criteria for 2025. Currently, 11 models qualify for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition. The EPA anticipates this number will increase as manufacturers redesign models for new DOE room air conditioner efficiency standards, effective spring of 2026. Link to full proposal document

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and proposed recognition criteria for 2025. The EPA is seeking public input on these criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 

As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 46 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 11 million households. These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 1,750 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. Currently, in 2024, there are 18 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 31% of U.S. households. 

The EPA provides consumers with information about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Product Finders. You can access the ENERGY STAR Product Finders here.

2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria

The EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. The EPA is proposing changes for ASHPs, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024. 

Ventilating Fans: No changes are proposed for inline fans. The EPA proposes to revise the criteria for bathroom/utility room fans for 2025. The proposed minimum criteria for efficacy at high speed will now scale with diameter (i.e. ≥ 1.9D + 2.9 where D equals the diameter or depth of the duct in inches). This proposal is intended to more equitably recognize models designed for four-inch ducts. Link to full proposal document 

In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. 

The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.

The EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 18, 2024, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 12, 2024, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling





Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-A14-18-LED-WT-TN1-120-WF-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-2700
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-2700-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3000-92
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3500
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-4000
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-CRISP
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-CRISP-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
  • Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ceiling Fans

  • VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Monte Carlo model 3AMR60*******


  • Si Computer Spa, SiComputer model M1.*#.##.##

Connected Thermostats

  • International Environmental Corporation, IEC model E055-71520325
  • International Environmental Corporation, IEC model E055-71520330


  • SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647
  • SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647X

Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment

  • Dropcases Ltd. DBA Lectron, Lectron model EVCharge5-15N


  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-White
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-White
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-White
  • Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850B
  • Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850W
  • Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W27-BLK
  • Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W40-BLK

Ventilating Fans

  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-150E
  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-180E
  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model TLD-200E

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ceiling Fans

  • VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Monte Carlo model 3AMR60*******

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Si Computer Spa, SiComputer model M1.*#.##.##

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:



  • List of Products Disqualified from ENERGY STAR
  • SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647
  • SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647X

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:



  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-White
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-White
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-Black
  • 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-White
  • Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850B
  • Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850W
  • Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W27-BLK
  • Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W40-BLK

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ventilating Fans

  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-150E
  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-180E
  • Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model TLD-200E

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Electric Cooktop Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 (Rev. May 2024) Specification to remove simmer energy-efficiency from the definitions and reporting section of the specification. It was brought to EPA’s attention that the definition included in the specification is not clear and there is no reference to the way the efficiency should be determined through the test method, which is limited to measuring the simmer energy rate. EPA has also removed this field for certification bodies to submit data on certified models.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Ovens

  • Angelo Po Grandi Cucine S.p.A. con Socio Unico, Angelo Po model FX202G3
  • Angelo Po Grandi Cucine S.p.A. con Socio Unico, Angelo Po model FX202G3R

Connected Thermostats

  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2050
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3###
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4###
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2###
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2000
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3700
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3800
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3900
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4800
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4900

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites public comment on the enclosed Draft 2, Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on May 21, 2024 from 1-3PM ET to discuss the Draft 2 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than June 4, 2024.  Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for proposals. Also attached to this distribution is an updated data package that includes the EPA dataset, Draft 2 proposed levels, and savings estimates.

In developing the Draft 2 specification, EPA considered the feedback submitted by stakeholders. In total, five stakeholders submitted feedback on the Draft 1 proposal. The Draft 2, Version 9.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Energy Criteria: EPA received further data from stakeholders, which allowed many new products to be included in the updated dataset. While the addition of these products did not change the approach outlined in Draft 1, it did support a change in the base allowances. As such, the base allowances have been updated to identify the top quartile of products in the market for desktop computers, notebook computers, and integrated desktop computers. As with Draft 1, no changes have been made to the workstation criteria at this time.

Power Supply Criteria:
After consideration of comments received, EPA is proposing to retain the internal power supply (IPS) requirements from Version 8.0 in the Draft 2 specification. EPA believes that the program will have more impact continuing with more stringent lower load efficiency requirements than increasing the higher load requirements through 80Plus Silver or equivalent efficiencies .

EPA also received comments on allowing manufacturers to test with a recommended adaptor rather than an in-box adaptor for adaptors larger than 35W. EPA remains concerned about impacts on efficiency and performance when potentially pairing a notebook with the incorrect adaptor and has retained the test method references in the Draft 2. In addition, EPA received comments on a temporary solution for workstation testing. However, the Agency has concerns about the approach and has retained the current structure in Draft 2. EPA may consider exempting those products from the reporting requirement in the event the test method cannot be run on workstations.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 2, Version 9.0 specification on May 21, 2024 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments to no later than June 4, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website here.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 9.0 Draft 2 Specification
ENERGY STAR Computers Version 9.0 Draft 2 Specification Data and Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Certification and Accreditation Bodies:
This letter announces several updates to ENERGY STAR program documentation supporting the lighting sunset and transition to the new Downlights Version 1.0 specification. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted the following revised documents to support the lighting transition.

1. Downlights V1.0 Final Specification – Revised April 2024

a. Table 2 (page 7) has been updated to clarify that only integrating sphere measurements per LM-79 are required for each LED driver variant, including at least Light Output and Power Consumption.

b. Footnote 2 (page 7) has been updated to clarify that “each input power variation should be listed individually within the Additional Models Represented by Family, Series, or DOE Basic Model section of the representative tested model’s listing. If a variation meets the minimum efficacy requirement (Section 8.1) then it may be listed separately.”

2. Revised XML Submission System Technical Documentation with updated direction on the use of wildcards consistent with the Downlights V1.0 specification and the sunsetting of the Lamps and Luminaires specifications.
3. Revised Required Test Methods for EPA Recognized Laboratories document to incorporate the methods of measurement required for testing products seeking certification to the Downlights V1.0 specification. (This replaced The Lighting Lab Guide which has been retired).
4. Revised Directive 2011-02: Laboratory Scopes of Accreditation consistent with the updates noted above.

Please send questions to Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Downlights V1.0 Final Specification – Revised April 2024
XML Submission System Technical Documentation
Required Test Methods for EPA Recognized Laboratories
Directive 2011-02: Laboratory Scopes of Accreditation

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

On May 18, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) distributed a proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for central air conditioners (CAC). The ENERGY STAR program serves an important role in helping consumers realize the benefits of energy efficiency from both a cost and environmental perspective. ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products. The EPA develops new and updated specifications through a transparent process in consultation with manufacturers, brand owners, and other stakeholders before making decisions consistent with the program’s objectives and principles. With this letter, the EPA is proposing to delay the sunset of the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner specification to February 1, 2026, with no new certifications accepted after May 1, 2026, allowing additional time for the transition.

The Agency appreciates the extensive stakeholder engagement and comments on the CAC sunset proposal. The majority of commenters responding to the May 2023 proposal supported the CAC sunset, noting that in virtually all parts of the US using a heat pump instead of an air conditioner saves energy, money, and greenhouse gas emissions by partially or fully offsetting other heat sources. In addition, several pointed out that Inflation Reduction Act programs more than account for the cost difference between a heat pump and a CAC. Some objected to the CAC sunset based on their interest in continuing to promote efficient CAC systems in regions where heat is not needed. In addition, a few indicated that the proposed timeline was too fast for the HVAC industry. One commentor that supported the sunset also asked for a slower timeline than originally proposed.

The EPA notes that an extremely limited number of US households operate without some form of heating and to the extent homeowners wish to purchase central air conditioners, they will continue to be able to distinguish energy saving models based on the EnergyGuide label. The delay proposed here would allow more time for the HVAC industry and utility incentive programs in cooling-only climates to prepare for the change.

The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the revised CAC sunset proposal for the EPA’s consideration to by May 16, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Please direct any specific questions to Holly Tapani, EPA, at or 202-564-0679 and Megan McNelly, ICF, at or 703-934-3726.

1A summary and response to comments can be found in the Sunset Proposal Comment Matrix. Individual comment letters can be reviewed on the sunset proposal webpage.


Abigail Daken, EPA Product Manager

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Furnace Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

On May 18, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) distributed a proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for furnaces. The Agency appreciates the extensive stakeholder engagement and comments on this proposal 1. In response to compelling support for continuing the labeling of furnaces, the EPA has decided to propose an update, rather than sunset, to the ENERGY STAR furnace specification. The proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for central air conditioning is addressed in a separate letter.

The ENERGY STAR program serves an important role in helping consumers realize the benefits of energy efficiency from both a cost and environmental perspective. ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated through a transparent process to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products as markets evolve.

The ENERGY STAR furnace specification includes requirements for gas and oil products and was last updated in 2013. With the Department of Energy’s recent finalization of the gas furnace federal minimum efficiency standards at the current ENERGY STAR efficiency level of 95 AFUE and an ENERGY STAR market share of about 40%, the Agency sees an opportunity for further differentiation as the market advances to meet the new minimum requirements effective in December 2028. In addition, increasing the gas furnace efficiency requirement will align the ENERGY STAR specification with eligibility requirements for Section 25C tax credits established under the Inflation Reduction Act. The EPA also proposes to increase efficiency levels for oil furnaces, of which close to 90% of models meet current ENERGY STAR requirements. ENERGY STAR certified oil furnaces would remain eligible for tax credits.

Furnace Specification Revision
With this letter, the EPA is distributing a first draft of the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR furnace specification and is targeting an effective date of 2026. If all furnaces sold in the United States met the proposed requirements, the cost savings would grow to over $2 billion each year and more than 17 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

Key elements of Draft 1 specification revision include:

  • An increase in stringency for the gas furnace requirement to 97 AFUE. Nearly 500 furnace models, representing all common sizes and all major manufacturers currently meet this level2.
  • A proposal to eliminate the regional distinction for ENERGY STAR furnaces, to align with current minimum efficiency standards and simplify program administration and participation. Sales data reported to the EPA indicates that consumers are generally not taking advantage of the U.S. South performance level.
  • An increase in stringency for the oil furnace requirement to 87 AFUE. While more stringent than the eligibility requirements for federal tax credits, this level offers a consumer pay back of less than two years2. At least 13% of oil furnace models will meet the proposed criteria.

Future Plans
In addition to updating the ENERGY STAR furnace specification, the EPA remains interested in the potential for dual-fuel HVAC systems to serve as a lower cost option in cold climates. The Agency is considering a new specification recognizing furnaces in the context of new dual fuel heating systems (i.e. furnace plus heat pump), relying on system metrics developed in collaboration with industry. The EPA plans to work with stakeholders in 2024 to finalize a test procedure, evaluate performance data and develop a proposed specification. Because the furnaces in these systems will run on a limited basis, it may make sense to specify lower furnace efficiency in the interest of overall cost.

Further, the EPA recognizes that the requirement for heat pumps to be rated with specific furnaces is a barrier to ENERGY STAR certification for heat pumps installed in households with an existing furnace. The Agency is investigating how best to address this situation and seeks stakeholder feedback.

Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the proposed furnace specification revision for the EPA’s consideration to by May 16, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Meeting
The EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, from 3 to 5 pm ET to discuss the Draft 1 furnaces specification revision and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register for the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform the EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.

To track the EPA’s progress in these developments, visit the ENERGY STAR website at (click on the “Furnaces” or “Air Conditioner, Central” links).

Please direct any specific questions to Holly Tapani, EPA, at or 202-564-0679 and Megan McNelly, ICF, at or 703-934-3726. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Lucas Adin (DOE) at 202-287-1317 or Thank you for your participation in the ENERGY STAR program. I look forward to working with you over the next several months to develop the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Furnaces specification.
1A summary and response to comments can be found in the Sunset Proposal Comment Matrix. Individual comment letters can be reviewed on the sunset proposal webpage.

2See Draft 1 furnace specification data packet.

Abigail Daken, EPA Product Manager

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Medical Imaging Equipment Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites public comment on the enclosed Draft 2, Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on April 17, 2024, from 12-2PM ET to discuss the Draft 2 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than May 1, 2024.

The EPA continues to look for ways to provide end-users with improved access to power management. This draft specification adds two elements, operational hours and non-operational hours, which have separate power management criteria. While products may have these functionalities already, the program seeks to automate power management in the case of operational hours and improve the visibility and ultimately make it easier for end-users to work with their vendors to engage power management during non-operational hours.

Overview of Draft 2 Proposal

The EPA received comments from a variety of end-users supporting the effort to create an ENERGY STAR program for medical imaging equipment along with more specific comments on the criteria. Based on these comments, EPA has updated the definitions, scope, test methodology, and criteria elements in Draft 2 after extensive conversations with the public. Note boxes throughout the specification explain the rationale for the changes to the specification.  

Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include:

After further discussion with stakeholders, the EPA has determined that it will focus on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) devices in the Version 1.0 specification and is developing a roadmap with industry stakeholders to collect data to incorporate the other modalities as part of a future revision.

Power Modes and Auto-Power Down:
As part of the amendments made to the Draft 2, the EPA has added definitions for operating hours and non-operating hours and has created power down criteria for each. For operating hours, MRI devices will go into a power saving mode that saves at least 7% (depending on MRI type) compared to the Ready to Scan mode. This power saving mode would be automatic. During non-operating hours, the product would need to be able to reduce its power consumption in a power saving mode by at least 16% (depending on the MRI type). This, however, will not be automatic at this time. There is a desire that moving the MRI into a lower power state should be a conscious decision by the user based on the situation at the time of closing. The EPA is planning on developing materials with stakeholders to provide further information on how to best do this.

The EPA also has retained an interest in providing end-users with the best possible information on the energy consumption of the product. However, stakeholders noted that the numbers obtained through testing may not be a particularly accurate representation of the energy profile of the specific product obtained by the end-user. The EPA is considering additional ways to provide accurate information that allows hospitals and other medical facilities to estimate their consumption and will provide an update in the next draft of the specification.

Test Method:
The Department of Energy (DOE) has made two slight modifications to the test method, adding one test to allow for testing the power saving condition when the product is in the operating hours and noting that the ENERGY STAR test method currently only applies to MRI devices.

Stakeholder Meeting:

The EPA will host a webinar on April 17, 2024, from 12-2PM Eastern Time to answer any questions on this discussion guide. Please register to attend the webinar here.  

Comment Submittal:

The public is encouraged to provide written comments to no later than May 1, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other medical imaging related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle, Product Manager ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Draft 2 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Draft 2 Test Method

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:
Ceiling Fans

  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model 52060

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Brand Owner Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are announcing the release of the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance and invite the public to submit comments to no later than April 15, 2024.

In response to the Draft 1 Test Procedure, the EPA received generally supportive comments from stakeholders with a few recommended changes. The EPA and the DOE have adjusted the Final Draft Test Procedure in response to the comments received; responses to comments can be found in note boxes throughout the Final Draft Test Procedure as well as in the accompanying Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix. As a reminder, the development of this test procedure is being led by the DOE in advance of EPA adding a heating mode test requirement to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification at some point in the future. In the meantime, brand owner partners will be able to update their certification to include heating mode test results for ENERGY STAR reverse cycle models once the test procedure is final. The EPA plans to include the heating mode efficiency in the ENERGY STAR dataset.

Key elements of the Final Draft Test Procedure include:

  • Definition of room heat pump types
    • Altered from mild, cool, cold climate, and other to Types 1-4
    • Removed the capacity ratios and efficiency requirements
  • Clarification that supplemental test instructions may vary fan speed according to the test condition
  • Addition of a simulated cut-out
  • Added test conditions for both single-speed and variable-speed units with active defrost but have cut-in and cut-out temperatures above 17 °F
    • H2,int test is now optional for all units to reduce overall test burden
  • Meltwater required to be drained using an indoor or outdoor drain port, if possible, during tests
  • Small non-substantive corrections and formatting adjustments to the equations

Comment Submittal:
The public is encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA and the DOE by Monday, April 15, 2024, to As always, stakeholder engagement is a critical to the success of the ENERGY STAR program and the EPA and the DOE look forward to working with all parties to develop the ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners.

As a reminder, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise their respective comments remain confidential.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Holly Tapani at the EPA, or 202-564-0679, Steve Leybourn at the EPA, or 202-934-2262, and Megan McNelly at ICF, or 703-934-3726. For test procedure questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE,

Holly Tapani
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Steve Leybourn
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Appliances Program

Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance
ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance Comment Response Matrix


Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites the public to submit comments on the enclosed Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on March 28, 2024, at 1p.m. ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than April 12, 2024.

Since the current Version 5.0 specification took effect in February 2019, the dehumidifier market has evolved quite a bit, with the market share of ENERGY STAR certified models rising significantly in the past few years to 90%. This presents an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy savings and improve the consumer value the label provides.

Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to increase stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings. EPA is proposing that to qualify for ENERGY STAR, dehumidifiers must be at least 18-58%, depending on product class, more efficient than the current minimum standard. Approximately 19% of current base models meet the proposed levels. Based on a comparison of similar models with different efficiency performance, EPA found that energy cost savings paid back the incremental cost in less than one year for most product classes. EPA estimates that at the proposed levels of efficiency, annual cost savings will grow to over $350 million and approximately 7 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions will be prevented each year. As with all ENERGY STAR products, EPA is working with DOE on this ENERGY STAR revision and will ensure the revision is informed by the DOE regulatory process.  

Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:

  • Integrated Energy Factor (IEF) criteria for portable dehumidifiers ≤ 25.00 pints/day, 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day, and ≥ 50.01 pints/day as well as for whole-home dehumidifiers with case volumes ≤ 8.0 cubic feet and > 8.0 cubic feet (as tested according to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix X1).
  • A minor update to the IEF definition to be in alignment with the DOE definition.

Stakeholder Meeting:
EPA will host a webinar on March 28, 2024, from 1–3PM Eastern Time to discuss the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register to attend the webinar here. 

Comment Submittal:
The public is encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than April 12, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
Please contact me Steve Leybourn, EPA, at or 202-564-1191, or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifier Draft 1 Specification 
ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifier Data & Analysis Package

Location: Washington DC

In order to ensure additional opportunity for public comment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing a revised ENERGY STAR Dryers Discussion Guide and opening a new public comment period. Please provide any new or updated comments to by April 8, 2024. Unless otherwise specified, EPA will consider comments previously submitted.

The purpose of this discussion guide is to solicit public comment to further inform an ENERGY STAR Version 2 specification for the clothes dryer product category.  

Since EPA last partnered with stakeholders to finalize the first ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Specification that took effect January 1, 2015, the clothes dryer market has evolved significantly. Specifically, technological advances, most notably heat pumps, offer significant efficiency gains and new features and functions are available across all brands.  

Per the ENERGY STAR Guiding Principles, EPA also works towards ensuring that consumers have a positive experience and association with ENERGY STAR certified products, ensuring there is not a trade off in performance while in pursuit of greater efficiency. Accordingly, and in follow up to ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Clothes Dryers Clarification Memo (May 19, 2020), EPA is seeking to gain a better understanding of the user experience with dryers and how to ensure promised savings are delivered. 

Comment Submittal: 
The public is encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than April 8, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.  

Please contact me, Steve Leybourn, EPA, at or 202-564-1191, Fabria Jno. Baptiste, ICF, at or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any clothes dryer testing related questions, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.  


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

Revised ENERGY STAR Dryers Discussion Guide

Contact Name: Steve Leybourn
Phone: 202-564-1191
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® TV Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.1 Final Specification. This final specification references the U.S. Department of Energy’s Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Television Sets incorporated in Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430, published in a Final Rule on March 15, 2023 and effective April 14, 2023. Updates to Appendix H align with the finalized, industry-developed test method, ANSI/CTA-2037-D: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption.

The Televisions Final Version 9.1 Specification has not changed since Version 9.1 Draft Specification’s publication on August 3, 2023, as no comments were received. The Version 9.1 Specification accounts for updates to Appendix H. These updates include:

  • Updated, added, and removed definitions;
  • removed requirements for previously defined modes;
  • revised the power measurement interpolation instructions for models that would otherwise be certified at a dynamic luminance level below given thresholds; and
  • updated the applicable test procedures to reference Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430.

Products already certified to Version 9.0 will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification; however, all new certifications will be based on testing per Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430 (i.e., ANSI/CTA-2037-D). To ensure consistent reporting of efficiency metrics, EPA encourages manufacturers with products already certified to the Version 9.0 specification to work with their certification bodies to update their reported performance metrics consistent with testing from the updated Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430.

Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9 Specification Development webpage.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Annie Williams at (703) 236-5492 or, with questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics
ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.1 Final Specification

Contact Name: James Kwon
Phone: (202) 564-8538
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR ® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

This letter is being redistributed due to a sending error impacting some potential recipients this week. 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 2 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers specification. The deadline to submit comments on this draft specification is March 19, 2024.  

In response to the Draft 1, Version 2.0 proposal, EPA received numerous comments regarding the criteria. The Agency has taken that feedback into account in developing the Draft 2 proposal and has referred to the comments received and responded to them through the Draft 2 specification. In particular, the Agency assessed the need to further segment the High Performance Refrigerator and Freezer markets based on door type and defrost type. In addition, the ultra-low temperature freezer category was split into two bins to reflect differences in energy consumption of those products. EPA is also proposing energy allowances for High Performance products that certify to NSF 456. In reaching the criteria levels proposed in Draft 2, EPA reviewed all available data sources where products were tested to the ENERGY STAR test method to allow for an appropriate comparison of products. The updated data set that reflects new data has been released with this draft. EPA continued to look to differentiate the market and based on the feedback received from Draft 1 believes that this proposal differentiates the top performers in the market while maintaining a good selection of eligible products for purchasers. Finally, EPA notes that there was interest in expanding the scope of this specification to include combination refrigerator/freezers and cryogenic freezers. However, as of this time, the Agency has no data with which to determine criteria and therefore has continued to exclude these products from scope.

Comment Submittal

Comments on the Version 2.0 Draft Specification may be submitted to by March 19, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous draft specifications, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage.

Stakeholder Webinar

EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2, Version 2.0 specification on March 7, 2024, from 1-3 pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Please contact me at (202) 343-9153 or, or Annie Williams at (703) 217-3853 or with questions. For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Best Regards,

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Medical Products

Draft 2, Version 2.0 Specification
Data Set

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR ® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 2 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers specification. The deadline to submit comments on this draft specification is March 19, 2024.  

In response to the Draft 1, Version 2.0 proposal, EPA received numerous comments regarding the criteria. The Agency has taken that feedback into account in developing the Draft 2 proposal and has referred to the comments received and responded to them through the Draft 2 specification. In particular, the Agency assessed the need to further segment the High Performance Refrigerator and Freezer markets based on door type and defrost type. In addition, the ultra-low temperature freezer category was split into two bins to reflect differences in energy consumption of those products. EPA is also proposing energy allowances for High Performance products that certify to NSF 456. In reaching the criteria levels proposed in Draft 2, EPA reviewed all available data sources where products were tested to the ENERGY STAR test method to allow for an appropriate comparison of products. The updated data set that reflects new data has been released with this draft. EPA continued to look to differentiate the market and based on the feedback received from Draft 1 believes that this proposal differentiates the top performers in the market while maintaining a good selection of eligible products for purchasers. Finally, EPA notes that there was interest in expanding the scope of this specification to include combination refrigerator/freezers and cryogenic freezers. However, as of this time, the Agency has no data with which to determine criteria and therefore has continued to exclude these products from scope.

Comment Submittal

Comments on the Version 2.0 Draft Specification may be submitted to by March 19, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous draft specifications, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage.

Stakeholder Webinar

EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2, Version 2.0 specification on March 7, 2024, from 1-3 pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Please contact me at (202) 343-9153 or, or Annie Williams at (703) 217-3853 or with questions. For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Best Regards,

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Medical Products

Draft 2, Version 2.0 Specification
Data Set

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Progress Lighting, Progress Lighting model P7249-0930K9
  • Progress Lighting, Progress Lighting model P7249-XX30K9
  • Star Mount Enterprise Limited, Star Mount model P7249-XX30K9

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Component Inspection Participants,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share an updated list of critical energy components to be included in the Energy Files of models covered under the Component Inspection of ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Products directive. Future updates to this component list will be directed only to active CFS component inspection bodies and partners. Certification Bodies (CBs) and partners may use this updated component list to assist in developing Energy Files for individual models, although it is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all components that may affect energy use.

Partners should have already notified their CB of their intention to participate in the component inspection program within the eligible categories by January 15th, but please contact your CB if you missed this deadline and still wish to participate.

Important dates to remember:

  March 31, 2024                         

CBs and partners are expected to establish Energy File Reports for all models covered by component inspection program in 2024.

Note: If a partner participates in the component inspection verification approach, all of the partner’s ENERGY STAR certified products within a product category must be covered.
                               April- December, 2024             CBs conduct two inspections at each relevant manufacturing facility.

If you have any questions, please contact or Brian Krausz (, 202-564-3069).

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. For more information on the Third-Party Certification program please visit

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Boiler Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has revised the ENERGY STAR Boilers Version 3.0 Specification to update the test method reference to 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B, Appendix EE in coordination with changes to the code of federal regulations (CFR). The test method referenced in the specification prior to this update was 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B, Appendix N. However, on March 13, 2023, the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule pertaining to the test procedure for boilers, which resulted in moving provisions for consumer boilers to this new appendix EE. In appendix EE, DOE includes all provisions previously included in appendix N relevant to consumer boilers, with no substantive modifications.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected two new categories for recognition with the 2024 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award: Commercial HVAC Electric Motors and Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems. EPA is proposing recognition and draft performance criteria for these product categories with the goal of recognizing promising new technologies that offer purchasers new ways to save energy and protect the environment. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments on the selection of these categories and draft performance levels by February 7, 2024. Following review of those comments, EPA will either release new draft product performance criteria or develop and release final criteria.

Overview of the Emerging Technology Award
Launched in 2011, the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award raises the profile of innovative technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once more widely adopted. The annual Award recognizes promising technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with product categories eligible for the ENERGY STAR label (e.g., those that are broadly available, cost effective to the consumer) or may represent large improvements in existing ENERGY STAR product categories. As products become more mainstream, Award categories may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. For more information on the Award, visit

2024 Award Extension Notice for Commercial or Industrial Heat Pump Dryers
With this letter EPA is extending the existing award category for Commercial or Industrial Heat Pump Dryers into 2024. Commercial or Industrial Heat Pump Dryers remain a promising technology as they have the potential to deliver dramatic energy improvements to commonly used commercial and industrial product categories. Extending this award category into 2024 provides EPA and manufacturers additional time to develop final test method and performance criteria.

2024 New Category Proposal: Commercial HVAC Electric Motors
Electric motors are the largest electrical end use category in the world, currently consuming 45% of all electricity at a cost projected to reach $900 billion per year by 2030. 1 This presents a large opportunity for efficiency, provided the right market factors and motor technologies. Following the call for product category nominations EPA received a proposal to recognize electric motors that comply with the most rigorous efficiency performance levels from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): the “IE-5” level (levels range from IE1 – IE5). Recognized in Europe but also in the USA by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, motors rated to the “IE” scale have been receiving utility program support, but only up to the “IE – 4” level. In this letter EPA is supporting the establishment of the Emerging Technology Award for commercial HVAC motors that achieve performance at IE-5 level. There are several advantages to this approach: 

  • There is a well-established international test method in place.
  • Existing manufacturers already make products.
  • Utility programs may elect to modify their programs by raising performance levels to recognize products that meet the Award levels.
  • Motors represent the largest electrical end use in the world, representing 45% of total consumption and even a small increase in efficiency can have a large impact. 
  • Motors are inexpensive relative to the total cost of ownership, with purchase price to the total cost of ownership, with purchase price representing just 1% of the total cost, which is mostly electrical optional cost.

In addition to energy savings from increased efficiency, there are other technology improvements associated with IE-5 motors which offer advantages to users that could help speed adoption of this technology.

  • Quieter operation
  • Lower temperature operation
  • Longer life
  • Reduced energy losses of 20% (vs IE-4) motors, and 40% (vs IE-3) motors
  • No use of rare earth materials in magnets
  • Efficiency savings ranging from 5% (motor only) and 25% (when variable fan and drive systems are included.)   

2024 New Category Proposal: Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems
The type of commercial refrigeration equipment found in grocery stores that permits customers to reach into freezers, or vertical doored systems holding frozen or chilled foods and beverages, are known in the industry as “self-serve.” Typically, these systems are cooled by large rooftop units which have long tubes of refrigerants providing cooling to the rows of self-serve refrigerators (as found in grocery store isles). There are three problems associated with this existing product design: 1) during service the entire row of refrigerators or freezers goes off-line, leading to spoiled foods; 2) legacy systems use refrigerants that have high global warming potential; and 3) legacy systems are prone to refrigerant leaks due to the long length of the refrigerant tubing.

During the call for nominations, EPA received a proposal to recognize a new product category in commercial refrigeration most simply called the “modular packaged system.” The characteristics of this system are that the refrigeration systems are self-contained; there is one packaged cooling system per refrigerator/freezer (eliminating the rooftop unit); they use low GWP refrigerants, and they work as “drop in” replacements for legacy technologies. Given the large technical potential that exists with the legacy systems that will need to be replaced due to mandatory refrigerant phase outs, EPA agrees that this product category has the potential to play an important role in this market. Establishing an Emerging Technology Award category could help accelerate the market by establishing performance criteria and giving buyers more confidence in the new systems.

Interested stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the attached proposed recognition criteria to by February 7, 2024. Depending on the comments received, EPA may release subsequent drafts for stakeholder review prior to finalizing the criteria.

If you have any questions about the Award or the criteria development process, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at or (202) 343-9408 or

Best Regards,

Peter Banwell

2024 Emerging Technology Award Draft Criteria - Commercial HVAC Electric Motors

2024 Emerging Technology Award Draft Criteria - Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 12IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 12IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 18IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 18IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 24IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 24IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6123-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6123-WH
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6124-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6125-**

Windows, Doors, and Skylights

  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-158-01744-00001
  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-158-01464-0001
  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-01744-00001
  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-5-01486-00001
  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-5-01766-00001

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of December 31, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new lamps to the Version 2.1 specification and new luminaires to the Version 2.2 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing lamp and luminaire certifications until December 31, 2024. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with products certified to Lamps V2.1 and Luminaires V2.2 on and after December 31, 2024.

While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after December 31, 2024.

Please reference EPA's ENERGY STAR Lighting Sunset Memo for more details, and contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified lamp and luminaire products to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Servers specification is January 12, 2024. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 4.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 4.0 certified Computer Servers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of December 31, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new lamps to the Version 2.1 specification and new luminaires to the Version 2.2 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing lamp and luminaire certifications until December 31, 2024. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with products certified to Lamps V2.1 and Luminaires V2.2 on and after December 31, 2024.

While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after December 31, 2024.

Please reference EPA's ENERGY STAR Lighting Sunset Memo for more details, and contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified lamp and luminaire products to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of December 31, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new lamps to the Version 2.1 specification and new luminaires to the Version 2.2 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing lamp and luminaire certifications until December 31, 2024. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with products certified to Lamps V2.1 and Luminaires V2.2 on and after December 31, 2024.

While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after December 31, 2024.

Please reference EPA's ENERGY STAR Lighting Sunset Memo for more details, and contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified lamp and luminaire products to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Brand Owner Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are announcing the release of the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to no later than January 9, 2024. EPA and DOE will host a stakeholder webinar on December 12, 2023, from 1 to 3 pm EST to discuss this Draft 1 test procedure. Stakeholders interested in attending the webinar should register here.

The development of this test procedure is being led by DOE with the intention of eventually adding it to the test requirements for the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification. Note brand owner partners will be able to update their certification to include heating mode test results for ENERGY STAR reverse cycle models once the test procedure is final. EPA plans to include the heating mode efficiency in the ENERGY STAR dataset.

Key elements EPA and DOE welcome for comment for the proposed Draft 1 Test Procedure include:

  • Definitions of Active and Passive Defrost
  • Distinction between mild, cool, and cold climate heat pumps
  • Test conditions for variable-speed units
  • Testing setup requirements and pre-test UUT configuration
  • Single speed and variable speed heat pump heating mode tests
  • HEER equation, building load line, and fractional hours within heating season bins

Comment Submittal:
Stakeholders are requested to share written feedback with EPA and DOE by Tuesday, January 9, 2024, to As always, stakeholder engagement is a vital ingredient in the success of the ENERGY STAR program and EPA and DOE look forward to working with all parties to develop the ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners. 

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar:
EPA and DOE will host a webinar on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, from 1-3pm Eastern Time to engage with stakeholders on the content included in the test procedure. To register for the webinar, click here.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, Steve Leybourn at EPA, or 202-934-2262, and Megan McNelly at ICF, or 703-934-3726. For test procedure questions, please contact Lucas Adin at DOE,


Steve Leybourn
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Appliances Program

Abigail Daken
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

It is not too late to register for today’s webinar at 2:00 PM ET providing an overview of the major changes from Luminaires V2.2 to Downlights V1.0! Register here to attend. Please note that the webinar will be recorded and posted at if you are unable to attend.

Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Fryers

Pitco Frialator, Ultrafryer model E17-14

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Fryers

  • Pitco Frialator, Ultrafryer model E17-14


  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/175 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6 27/175 AR ND LD MVOLT GZ10 90CRI
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6SQ [27|30|35|40|50]/175 [AR|WR] [ |FL] [LSS|LD ][MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |90CRI] [OPTIONS]
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-930-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-935-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-940-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-950-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6153-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6154-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6155-**
  • Lowe's Home Improvement, PROJECT SOURCE model MXL1072A-LED18K9027

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • S.P. Richards and Co., Lorell model LLR72311


  • Polycom, Inc., POLYCOM INC. model Rove 30/40 Multi Handset Charger

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:
The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/175 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6 27/175 AR ND LD MVOLT GZ10 90CRI
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6SQ [27|30|35|40|50]/175 [AR|WR] [ |FL] [LSS|LD ][MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |90CRI] [OPTIONS]
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-930-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-935-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-940-**
  • Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-950-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6153-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6154-**
  • Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6155-**
  • Lowe's Home Improvement, PROJECT SOURCE model MXL1072A-LED18K9027

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

 The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • S.P. Richards and Co., Lorell model LLR72311

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

 The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Polycom, Inc., POLYCOM INC. model Rove 30/40 Multi Handset Charger

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service Stakeholders,

Thank you for the comments submitted in response to the October 19, 2023 letter “CFS Component Inspection Program Expansion Proposal”. This is to notify you that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will include the following product categories under the directive Component Inspection of ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Products:

Commercial Coffee Brewers
Commercial Electric Cooktops (beginning 2025)
Commercial Fryers
Commercial Griddles
Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets

All comments received indicated support for the proposal. EPA also received comment that cold side products should be included in the expansion. Due to the complexity of these products and potential for variability in the energy performance of refrigerants and refrigeration components, EPA does not intend to expand component inspections to these product areas.

Expansion timeline details for participants:

Decembe 31, 2023 EPA to publish an updated list of critical components to be included in a product’s Energy File based on product type. This does not serve as an exhaustive list but may be used to assist Certification Bodies (CBs) and partners.

January 15, 2024

Latest date for Partners to notify CB of their intention to participate in the component inspection program. Participating partners must include in the program all ENERGY STAR certified CFS models within an eligible product category or none at all. All products not enrolled in the program remain subject to annual verification testing requirements.

March 31, 2024

Establish Energy File Reports.

April – Dec, 2024

CBs conduct two inspections at each relevant manufacturing facility.

If you have any questions, please contact or Brian Krausz (, 202-564-3069).

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. For more information on the Third-Party Certification program please visit

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification.

EPA released a Discussion Guide for stakeholder review and comment focused on the ENERGY STAR categorization systems, mode weightings, internal power supplies, and possible scope amendments. EPA is now releasing a Draft 1 specification and test method that considers this early feedback. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for proposals. Also attached to this distribution is a data package that includes the EPA dataset, Draft 1 proposed levels, and savings estimates. The Draft 1, Version 9.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Energy Criteria:
EPA is proposing to amend the criteria and program structure for desktop computers, notebook computers, and integrated desktops, greatly simplifying the base allowance structure. In reviewing the dataset, the Agency identified that performance is no longer a notable differentiator in whether products can achieve efficient low power operation when in idle / sleep. EPA is, therefore, applying the same base allowance within each of the three primary categories. EPA has also adjusted the adder structure, folding some adders that were commonly used into the base allowance.

EPA has not made changes to workstations at this time, but requests feedback on the efforts industry has undertaken to identify the best modern active mode workstation benchmark and its readiness for EPA to adopt for Draft 2.

Power Supply Criteria:
After consideration of data received, EPA is proposing to increase the power supply criteria from 80Plus Bronze to 80Plus Silver for those products with power supplies under 500W. EPA found in the dataset that there are ample products available at the 80Plus Silver level under 500W. In contrast, EPA did not find enough product availability at or above 500W to adjust the power supply criteria for those products. Thus, EPA proposes to maintain the 80Plus Gold criteria for products at or above 500W.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 9.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by January 11, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on November 30, 2023 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website here.  

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Draft 1, Version 9.0 Specification
Data and Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

This letter announces the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) finalization of the ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 specification (V1.0). EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. The Version 1.0 specification is effective immediately.

EPA appreciates the detailed and thoughtful comments and questions from stakeholders since the draft final release. This engagement highlighted several points of confusion and oversights that have been addressed in the final version. EPA received a formal letter of support on the final draft of the specification from two industry associations (jointly) which is posted at

Following are minor revisions made in the final specification:

  • Single- and multi-head monopoint accent lights were added to the excluded products list in Section 1.2 and an example photo was added in Annex A. This product is essentially the same category as track lights but was not explicitly called out before.
  • Two definitions were modified (one definition was added, and one definition was removed) in Section 4:
    • The “Accent Light” definition was replaced by “Recessed Accent Light” to better clarify the difference between included recessed adjustable accent lights and excluded single- and multi-head monopoint accent lights.
    • A definition of "Communication Link” was added.
    • The “Input Power” definition was modified slightly.
    • The “LED Light Engine” definition and all references to light engines in other sections were removed since a complete unit of the representative model must be tested.
  • The requirement for testing and reporting color tunable and multi-output models at the default white light setting have been removed from Section 5.1. This data is no longer pertinent, as with the new approach the partner is responsible for representing a product certification only at the most consumptive setting. Therefore, only in the case where the default is the most consumptive setting would its performance be reported.
  • To further aid in understanding the new approach and provide all relevant requirements for establishing a product family’s tested representative model in Section 6.1, EPA carried over language from Section 12.1 on thermal management. “Downlight retrofit kit must be tested in the worst-case thermal condition for which it is rated per ANSI/UL1598C-2014” and “recessed downlight retrofit kits must be tested in the worst-case thermal environment that the product is rated for per ANSI/UL1598C-2014.”
  • The Start time test method was updated to include ANSI/IES LM-79-19.
  • Step Dimming was removed from Section 15.1 for products marketed as dimmable since continuous dimming is required.

While retesting is not required for Version 1.0, based on the new approach to product groupings or “families” (going from least efficient to most consumptive), partners may benefit from doing additional testing to submit a new representative tested model to optimize their product family listings. Specifically for color tunable models certified to Luminaires V2.2, partners should work with their certification body to leverage existing test data to the greatest extent possible since the variation between the least efficient setting and most consumptive may be negligible for certain criteria. Finally, to provide a better understanding of the new approach to product certification EPA included an example of an allowable product family in Section 6 of the specification.

Please review the partner commitments that are now attached to the specification. They are unchanged from Luminaires, however, given the sunset of Luminaires, unit shipment data will not be collected for products shipped in 2023 but will resume for downlights shipped in 2024. Verification testing will resume at a reduced level for the first year based on a subset of certification requirements as described in the new Downlights Verification Testing direction to certification bodies (Directive 2023-01).

On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 2:00 PM EST EPA will host a webinar, providing an overview of the major changes from Luminaires V2.2 to Downlights V1.0. Register here to attend. Partners may now begin to work with their EPA recognized Certification Body (CB) to certify their eligible products to the Downlights Version 1.0 requirements.

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes inquiries; please contact me with questions at or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

WASHINGTON (Nov. 15, 2023) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR program celebrates over 25 years of achievements in lighting efficiency. Since the ENERGY STAR label for lighting and lightbulbs was first introduced in 1997 to improve market uptake of energy efficient lighting, well over 3 billion ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs have been sold in the United States. These sales have helped transform the lighting market and deliver electric energy savings of over one trillion kWh – equivalent to the annual carbon sequestration of over 800 million acres of forest in the United States – emphasizing that energy choices count and our collective decisions as consumers can have a big impact on the environment.  

“The recent transformation of how America lights its homes and businesses is an ideal success story of how a simple partnership program can make astounding progress in addressing climate change,” said Joseph Goffman, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. “The ENERGY STAR label has guided millions of consumers towards lightbulbs that provide better lighting quality and save money, all while avoiding extraordinary amounts of climate pollution.” 

Back in 1997, the energy efficient alternative to incandescent lighting was primarily compact fluorescent bulbs, and the U.S. lighting industry had struggled to create consumer demand. A lack of consumer awareness and education around lighting efficiency, combined with limited coordination among manufacturers, utilities, and retailers created an opportunity for EPA to generate a market signal to help boost consumer adoption through ENERGY STAR. Over the next two decades, EPA’s focus on product quality, branding, and consumer education helped transform the market with the help of dedicated industry partners. These efforts brought together manufacturers, retailers, utilities, test labs, certification bodies, utility program implementers, advocates, and government to collaborate in a voluntary partnership that delivered unprecedented environmental results – with some partners having been with the program for over 30 years since the inception of the Greenlights program, ENERGY STAR’s predecessor.  

With these remarkable improvements in lighting efficiency and quality resulting from over two decades of innovation from the ENERGY STAR program in partnership with the lighting industry, the lighting market has transformed, and inefficient light bulbs are a thing of the past. In May 2022, the Department of Energy formalized a policy that enforces a 45 lumen-per-watt limit and ushers in a new era for lighting. With this new standard, only energy efficient lightbulbs, predominantly LEDs and a small subset of CFLs, can be sold in the U.S. As a result of this new standard and widespread market penetration of energy efficient lighting, the ENERGY STAR label will be phased out from most lighting options effective at the end of 2024. ENERGY STAR will continue to certify and maintain specifications for downlights and string lights, which are not impacted by the federal standard.  

ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions. Thousands of industrial, commercial, utility, state, and local organizations rely on their partnership with EPA to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses avoid more than $500 billion in energy costs and achieve more than 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions. More background information about ENERGY STAR’s impacts.

For further information: EPA Press Office (

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryer Stakeholders: 

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide. The purpose of this discussion guide is to engage with interested stakeholders to further inform an ENERGY STAR Version 2 specification for the clothes dryer product category.  

EPA will host a webinar on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 1 – 3 PM Eastern Time to seek input from stakeholders on the topics enclosed. Please register to attend the webinar here. Stakeholders are also asked to share feedback and data in response to this discussion guide by Thursday, December 14, 2023. 

Since EPA last partnered with stakeholders to finalize the first ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Specification that took effect January 1, 2015, the clothes dryer market has evolved significantly. Specifically, technological advances, most notably heat pumps, offer significant efficiency gains and new features and functions are available across all brands.  

Per the ENERGY STAR Guiding Principles, EPA also works towards ensuring that consumers have a positive experience and association with ENERGY STAR certified products, ensuring there is not a trade off in performance while in pursuit of greater efficiency. Accordingly, and in follow up to ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Clothes Dryers Clarification Memo (May 19, 2020), EPA is seeking to gain a better understanding of the user experience with dryers and how to ensure promised savings are delivered.  Further, EPA sees the potential for heat pump dryers to avoid the concerns EPA raised in 2020 and requests feedback in the accompanying draft with this in mind. 

The discussion guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the discussion guide.  

  • Scope:  EPA seeks information on the viability of expanding the scope of this specification to include a subset of commercial products.   
  • Dryer Efficiency: EPA seeks feedback on the understanding of dryer efficiency gains and technological and market updates. 
  • Paired Laundry: EPA seeks feedback on the impact of consumers using paired laundry versus washers and dryers not designed as a pair. EPA also requests feedback on how EPA could recognize energy efficiency and cycle time benefits for paired laundry.  
  • Consumer Preferences:  EPA seeks information on the cycle and settings selections including the “eco” setting and their impact on energy use and consumer satisfaction. 
  • Network-Connected Functionality, Updates, & Smart:  EPA seeks feedback on the understanding of demand response programs’ engagement with dryers, product firmware and downloadable cycle updates, and smart or AI functionality in laundry products. 
  • Commercial Dryer Testing: EPA seeks feedback for the development of a new test method for commercial clothes dryers.  

Comment Submittal: 

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than Thursday, December 14, 2023. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.  

Stakeholder Meeting: 

EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, to cover topics outlined in the discussion guide. Stakeholders interested in participating in these discussions may register here.  

Please contact me Steve Leybourn, EPA, at or 202-564-1191, Fabria Jno. Baptiste, ICF, at or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any clothes dryer testing related questions, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.  


Steve Leybourn, Product Manager ENERGY STAR Appliances 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide 

Location: Washington DC

Dear Commercial Food Service Partners and Stakeholders, 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) would like to cordially invite you to attend the celebration meeting 3-5pm EST on November 1, 2023, at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. We will discuss and celebrate the environmental and energy-saving contributions of the commercial food service industry, highlight major milestones and successes, where the program is today, and where it’s expected to grow.

Please join us in our Nation’s Capital on November 1, 2023 and for security purposes register by today October 25, 2023, through the Eventbrite link. The meeting will be hybrid with in-person and Microsoft Teams options. The in-person location is the Oceans Auditorium in the Ruckelshaus Conference Center which is in the basement of the U.S. EPA’s William Jefferson Clinton East and West buildings. Enter through the East building on 1201 Constitution Ave N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the meeting or logistics and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Thank you,
Tanja Crk
Product Manager, ENERGY STAR

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ceiling Fans

  • WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L
  • WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L-MB

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists.

Clothes Washers

  • Electrolux Professional, Electrolux model W5180H
  • Electrolux Professional, Wascomat model EX745co

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

LED Lamps

  • HONGKONG CHITE TRADE CO., LTD, Li-Tech model LT-US-PAR3813W2278E-02
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D927FL/JA8
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D930FL/JA8

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Allanson International Inc., Allanson Lighting Technologies model (ALF16-120V-WW-R) + (54-262-02-ALT)
  • American Lighting Inc., American Lighting model BRD6-5CCT-RD
  • Signcomplex Limited, Signcomplex model SC-DL12-D06-A1-01RE
  • Topaz Lighting, Topaz model RDL/6RND/12/5CTS

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ceiling Fans

  • WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L
  • WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L-MB

Clothes Washers

  • Electrolux Professional, Electrolux model W5180H
  • Electrolux Professional, Wascomat model EX745co

Connected Thermostats

  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7###
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7850
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7900
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8###
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8850
  • Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8900

LED Lamps

  • HONGKONG CHITE TRADE CO., LTD, Li-Tech model LT-US-PAR3813W2278E-02
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D927FL/JA8
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D930FL/JA8


  • Allanson International Inc., Allanson Lighting Technologies model (ALF16-120V-WW-R) + (54-262-02-ALT)
  • American Lighting Inc., American Lighting model BRD6-5CCT-RD
  • Signcomplex Limited, Signcomplex model SC-DL12-D06-A1-01RE
  • Topaz Lighting, Topaz model RDL/6RND/12/5CTS

Windows, Doors, and Skylights

  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-158-01745-00001
  • Ply Gem Window Group, Ply Gem Window Group model PWG-M-158-01745-00002

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Commercial Food Service Partners and Stakeholders, 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) would like to cordially invite you to attend the celebration meeting 3-5pm EST on November 1, 2023, at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. We will discuss and celebrate the environmental and energy-saving contributions of the commercial food service industry, highlight major milestones and successes, where the program is today, and where it’s expected to grow.

Please join us in our Nation’s Capital on November 1, 2023 and for security purposes register by tomorrow October 25, 2023, through the Eventbrite link. The meeting will be hybrid with in-person and Microsoft Teams options. The in-person location is the Oceans Auditorium in the Ruckelshaus Conference Center which is in the basement of the U.S. EPA’s William Jefferson Clinton East and West buildings. Enter through the East building on 1201 Constitution Ave N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the meeting or logistics and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Thank you,
Tanja Crk
Product Manager, ENERGY STAR

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Commercial Food Service Partners and Stakeholders, 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) would like to cordially invite you to attend the celebration meeting 3-5pm EST on November 1, 2023, at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. We will discuss and celebrate the environmental and energy-saving contributions of the commercial food service industry, highlight major milestones and successes, where the program is today, and where it’s expected to grow.

Please join us in our Nation’s Capital on November 1, 2023 and for security purposes register by October 25, 2023, through the Eventbrite link. The meeting will be hybrid with in-person and Microsoft Teams options. The in-person location is the Oceans Auditorium in the Ruckelshaus Conference Center which is in the basement of the U.S. EPA’s William Jefferson Clinton East and West buildings. Enter through the East building on 1201 Constitution Ave N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the meeting or logistics and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Thank you,
Tanja Crk
Product Manager, ENERGY STAR

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:  

This letter announces the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release of the final draft of the ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 specification (V1.0), intended to replace the Luminaires Version 2.2 specification (V2.2; the “existing specification”) for downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits.  

EPA received formal comment on the second draft of the specification from two industry associations (jointly) and one EPA-recognized Certification Body, which are posted at

In response to the valuable feedback provided by stakeholders on Draft 2, this final draft includes eased efficacy criteria, as well as clarified naming and scope.  

Scope (Section 1) 
Based on feedback received from Draft 2 and subsequent dialog with multiple stakeholders EPA has clarified that downlights with integrated light source(s) and apertures of ten inches or less that are intended to be recessed, semi-recessed, surface-ceiling mounted, wall mounted or suspended from a ceiling or wall support are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR. Recessed downlight retrofit kits with integrated light source(s) and apertures of ten inches or less continue to be eligible for certification. 

Definitions (Section 4) 
In response to questions about the scope of this specification, EPA has updated the “aperture size,” “downlight,” “downlight retrofit” and “trim” definitions, added definitions of “aperture,” “built-in LED module,” and “integral LED module” and removed the “residential downlight” definition. Additionally, the definitions of “direct lighting,” “optics” and “MacAdam color ellipses” have been removed. New definitions of “consumer authorized third party”, “interface specification,” and “open standards” were also added consistent with current program-wide ENERGY STAR connected criteria. Finally, the “rated luminous flux maintenance” and “rated luminous flux maintenance life” definitions were renamed to be consistent with relevant methods of measurement. 

Product Families (Section 6.1) 
Based on the feedback received from Draft 2 and subsequent dialog with multiple stakeholders, EPA has clarified the light source, LED driver, input power, and diffuser variations that are allowed within a product family and added an allowable variation for exterior housing finish applicable to suspended, surface-mounted, and wall-mounted models. 

Luminous Efficacy, Output and Zonal Lumen Density (Section 8.1) 
In response to Draft 2, stakeholders requested that EPA consider a lower luminous efficacy requirement—specifically 80 lumens per watt (lm/W) instead of 90 lm/W as proposed in Draft 2. Stakeholders argued that the 90 lm/W level would increase product cost and a threshold of 80 lm/w would increase engagement and compete better against economical recessed can and low performing A-line lamp combinations. Initial EPA analysis assumed only the current ENERGY STAR integrated downlight levels as the alternative. Thanks to stakeholder-provided photometric data of various bulb configurations in recessed cans, including low performing A-lamps, we were able to assess the potential savings relative to these alternative downlight options.   

While an integrated solid-state luminaire or retrofit kit optimizes the energy savings and user experience, consumers can also choose other more affordable options like simply installing a CFL or LED bulb. To the extent ENERGY STAR certified downlights will compete with a broader set of alternatives, it makes sense to consider incremental cost more comprehensively, while ensuring that the ENERGY STAR level produces savings relative to each of them.  

The top performing 25% of ENERGY STAR certified downlights have efficacies of 82 lm/W or greater. Further analysis showed this level provides meaningful savings over typical luminaire and most bulb-in-luminaire options. Based on the estimated number of downlights sold each year in the U.S., this level also represents a significant national savings opportunity. As a result, EPA has updated the minimum luminous efficacy requirement to 82 lm/W. Our research revealed little incremental cost -- in most cases an average of less than $2 -- for integrated downlight products performing at 82 lm/w or greater. We thank all stakeholders for providing data that informed this analysis. 

Today, more than 5,400 ENERGY STAR certified downlights and retrofit kits have efficacy ≥ 82 lm/w. If all downlights and downlight retrofit kits sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified with efficacy > 82 lumens per watt, the energy cost savings would grow to more than: 

$1 billion each year, save more than 12 billion kWh and prevent more than 18 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to the emissions from more than 1.8 million vehicles.                                                                       

Products with Connected Functionality (Section 14.2) 
In this draft EPA reorganized this section and updated terminology consistent with current program-wide ENERGY STAR connected criteria, edits do not change requirements. 

Scope Details & Examples (Appendix A)  
In this draft, EPA is introducing Appendix A to assist with questions about the scope of this specification as detailed in Section 1. It is critical that partners, stakeholders, EPA-recognized test labs and certification bodies have a clear understanding of which products are in and outside of scope. EPA welcomes feedback, including additional examples that would further clarify whether a product is eligible or ineligible for certification. 

Additional Changes  

  • Removed Section 5.2 which was a holdover from Luminaires V2.2 but not relevant to this specification which requires testing of fully assembled fixtures. 
  • Clarified that reported light output divided by reported input power must comply with the luminous efficacy requirement. Additionally, adjustable accent lights must meet the zonal lumen density requirement when aimed at nadir (Section 8.1). 
  • Incorporated alternative methods of measurement and reference documents for start time, transient protection, and standby power consumption. (Section 10). 
  • Harmonized terminology to be consistent with solid state lighting industry maturation. 
  • Clarified that a supplemental performance summary would satisfy the labeling and packaging requirements for units of certified models not intended for stocking on retail shelves. Additionally, recommended CCT nomenclature and certification marking requirements previously marked as “optional” were removed. Finally, requirements for the use of the ENERGY STAR mark which previously appeared only in the Partner Commitments are now included. (Section 15.1). 

Stakeholders may comment on this final draft via email to by November 1, 2023. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Downlights V1 Final Draft Comments” in the subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless otherwise requested. All documents related to the final draft are posted to  

As EPA stated previously, the Agency’s intent remains that eligible models currently certified under Luminaires V2.2 may be reevaluated and recertified to this Version 1.0 specification without additional testing. Partners with currently certified products that will remain in scope will receive requests from EPA to submit annual unit shipment data for downlights and retrofit kits shipped in 2023. Verification testing for downlights and retrofit kits will begin in spring 2024.  

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes inquiries; please contact me with questions, comments or concerns at or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR. 

Taylor Jantz-Sell 
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder,

In recognition of our shared commitment to promote energy efficient lighting products that help consumers save energy and money, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce our plan to promote ENERGY STAR certified Lighting products and celebrate their impact on the lighting industry. ENERGY STAR certification for lighting products has been critical to the success of the ENERGY STAR program since its launch in 1997. Since then, it is estimated that ENERGY STAR certified bulbs alone have resulted in electric energy savings of over one trillion kWh, equivalent to the annual carbon sequestration of over 800 million acres of forests in the United States.

Through this remarkable collaboration lasting over 25 years, ENERGY STAR along with our partners have helped transform the lighting market and foster widespread adoption of energy efficient lighting. We sincerely thank all of you who have been a part of this success story over the years, and we invite you to take a bow! To celebrate our shared success and extend our thanks to all of you for your contributions to the ENERGY STAR program, the EPA invites you to join us for a Virtual Efficient Lighting Celebration on November 15th, 2023.

Lighting Materials and EPA Recognition

This year, our team is excited to expand upon our typical lighting product promotion and include some new materials that celebrate the long history of achievements with the ENERGY STAR Lighting Program. Our team has created a combination Lighting Celebration and Marketing Toolkit which includes messaging, graphics, fact sheets, videos, as well as an engaging library of promotional content – for both celebrating your contributions to the lighting industry as well as promoting ENERGY STAR certified lighting products in this final year. We invite you to share the materials that we curated in our toolkit or create your own unique content!

Download the ENERGY STAR Lighting Celebration Toolkit

Like past promotions, we will support your lighting marketing efforts with our own paid media spurring Americans to change a light and change the word and light their moments with ENERGY STAR certified lighting. We will launch the promotion on our day of celebration, November 15th, and continue promoting lighting through to early December. We will drive traffic both on the day and throughout the promotion to a new landing page that features our collective contributions to transform the lighting market and promote widespread adoption of energy efficient lighting products, including links to product finder and rebates as well as a spotlight on partners that have joined us through the years.

If you market lighting directly or through a program, please join us for our Virtual Lighting Celebration social sharing event on November 15th as well as throughout the promotion timeframe. We will be posting fun and engaging content, both new and old, that celebrates the impacts of the ENERGY STAR lighting program and showcases the fantastic materials and outreach that we’ve created along the way. We ask that you please interact with content that ENERGY STAR will be posting throughout the day, and also share your own achievements with your followers. We will then continue to promote lighting with our Light the Moment messaging into December.
How to Participate
When: Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Where: Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter)

To join the celebration on November 15th, we ask that you engage with content we will be posting throughout the day our own social media channels. Additionally, if you would like to celebrate your own achievements in the ENERGY STAR lighting program, we ask that you please tag us using @ENERGYSTAR so that we can find and amplify your posts. If you plan to participate, we ask that you reach out share your plans for participation, and we will recognize you for your contribution.

If you have any questions or plan to participate in the celebration, please email us at

Thank you, and we hope to see you online!

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Stakeholders,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes inclusion of additional product categories to be covered under the directive Component Inspection of ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Products. The component inspection method provides ENERGY STAR partners with an alternative to verification testing that involves documenting and confirming components of a product at the manufacturing facility. The procedures used for ENERGY STAR component inspections are similar to those used to determine compliance with safety standards in commercial food service (CFS) products, with a focus on components that impact ENERGY STAR requirements.

EPA proposes including the following categories in 2024 except where noted:

Commercial Coffee Brewers
Commercial Electric Cooktops (beginning 2025)
Commercial Fryers
Commercial Griddles
Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets

Initial conversations with stakeholders indicate strong support for inclusion of the remaining hot-side product categories above. However, concerns remain about the variability of energy consumption in products that contain refrigerants and refrigeration components. EPA does not propose allowing component inspections of cold-side products at this time.

Proposed timeline:

It is EPA’s expectation that brand owner partners can begin working with recognized CBs starting in November 2023 to identify products for inclusion in the 2024 calendar year cycle. Partners should identify new or existing certified CFS models to be covered by the program by January 15, 2024 and establish Energy File Reports by March 31, 2024. Final details of this proposal and confirmation of this timeline will be released after the comment period ends.

If you wish to comment on this proposal, please reply to or Brian Krausz (, 202-564-3069) by November 3, 2023.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. For more information on the Third-Party Certification program please visit

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Room Air Conditioners Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification is October 30, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified room air conditioners to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a productive week in Atlanta at the 2023 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.  It was wonderful to be back in person, with 381 registered attendees representing a broad range of ENERGY STAR stakeholder groups and program personnel. We especially want to thank the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) for serving as this year’s facilitating co-sponsor, and for bringing a valuable perspective on efficiency market opportunities in the region. We were also pleased to welcome representatives from 15 states, who are gearing up to take advantage of ENERGY STAR as they design and implement Inflation Reduction Act home energy rebate programs.

This year’s meeting featured an outstanding group of expert panelists who shared their perspectives on efficiency program best practices, on emerging approaches to serving low-income households, innovations in efficient technology, and even a cooking with an induction cooktop. A pre-meeting workshop about heat pump HVAC and heat pump water heaters set the stage for additional information sharing and collaboration around all the elements of an ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade, as well as the new ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Service Provider Partnership. The product expo 15 exhibitors also allowed attendees to experience firsthand a range of ENERGY STAR certified product offerings including heat pump water heaters, induction cooktops, and lighting.

If you were unable to join us this year or missed a session of interest, we have posted copies of the presentations made at the 2023 ENERGY STAR Product Partner meeting here.  If you do not see a presentation listed, please continue to check back.  Presentations will be posted as we receive approvals to post them online.  If we can help make additional connections or facilitate follow-on collaboration please contact us at

During this time of significant evolution and opportunity in residential efficiency and efficiency program implementation, the ENERGY STAR Program is grateful for the opportunity to bring together so many key stakeholders to cement relationships that will be critical to transforming the market in support of a healthier environment.  It’s exciting to think about all the developments we will be able to feature next fall at the 2024 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.   


Location: Washington DC

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460              

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024. This letter outlines the final criteria.

These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR products in 2024 across 14 product categories: Air Source Heat Pumps, Ceiling Fans, Clothes Dryers, Clothes Washers, Computer Monitors, Consumer Refrigeration Products, Dehumidifiers, Dishwashers, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors, Residential Skylights and Tubular Daylighting Devices, Room Air Cleaners, Room Air Conditioners, and Ventilating Fans. Products that meet the 2024 criteria will deliver significant savings over a conventional product as noted below:

Air Source Heat Pumps: 9-15% in annual energy savings over the Federal Minimum. Ceiling Fans: Nearly 75% in annual energy savings over the Federal Minimum. Clothes Dryers: 245-300 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 40%-60% over the Federal Minimum for the most common product classes.
Clothes Washers: 
≤ 2.5 cu-ft: 100 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 25% over the Federal Minimum and 1,500 gal/year in annual water savings, 37% over the Federal Minimum.

> 2.5 cu-ft: 450 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, more than 40% over the Federal Minimum and 3,500 gal/yr in annual water savings, 45% over the Federal Minimum.
Computer Monitors:
15.0 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, nearly 40% over a standard model.
Consumer Refrigeration Products:

Standard Refrigerators: 40-180 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 10-30% over the Federal Minimum.

Standard Freezers: 35-90 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 15-20% over the Federal Minimum.

Compact Refrigerators and Freezers: 35-100 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 20-30% over the Federal Minimum.

Portable Dehumidifiers: 100 and 170 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 30% and over 20% above the Federal Minimum for the most common, smaller product classes.

Whole-home Dehumidifiers: 400 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, over 20% above the Federal Minimum for the most common, smallest product class.
Dishwashers: 80 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, nearly 30% over the Federal Minimum. 400 gal/yr in annual water savings, 35% over the Federal Minimum. Geothermal Heat Pumps: 1000-1600 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 15-40% over the Federal Minimum.
Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors: Savings vary by climate, house construction, and number and type of windows replaced. Room Air Cleaners: 175-650 kWh/yr, depending on size. Almost 70% to 75% annual energy savings over numerous state standards. Room Air Conditioners:  100-600 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 35-50% over Federal Minimum.
Ventilating Fans:

Bathroom/utility: 20 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 80% over a standard model.

In-line: 5 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 60% over a standard model.

*Note: In the case of most product types, energy use of a product that meets ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 criteria is compared to the Federal Minimum.  

Overview of Comments on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Proposals

Stakeholders shared feedback with EPA through 16 sets of written comments from 26 commenters. Commenters offered support for the proposed recognition criteria, as well as a select set of proposed adjustments that EPA summarizes and responds to in the
comment response document.

Air Source Heat Pumps: EPA has lowered the EER2 requirement for ducted cold climate heat pumps to match that needed for Inflation Reduction Act tax credits. This is consistent with our efforts to make it easier for consumers and installers to identify tax-credit eligible equipment. In addition, it reflects that cold climate heat pumps sized for heating loads are unlikely to be at full capacity for peak cooling loads. Lastly, in many heating-dominated climates, peak cooling demand is not a critical factor. The criteria for other heat pump types are finalized as they were proposed.

Dehumidifiers: One stakeholder recommended EPA revise the level for the smallest product class for portable dehumidifiers from an IEF of 1.70 to 1.75. In revisiting the available data, EPA found that 40% of base models meet an IEF of 1.70. As such, EPA agrees with this commenter and is finalizing the criterion for the smallest product class at an IEF of 1.75. Five percent of models from 7 brands meet this level.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Categories and Recognition Criteria

Final criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 are summarized below. In addition to meeting these performance requirements, products must be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for each product category is included in the recognition criteria documents available at

1 For purposes of this requirement, the manufacturer shall test the dryer according to the provisions in the DOE test procedure in 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2, but where the drying temperature setting can be chosen independently of the program, it shall be set to the maximum. At the time of certification, for each basic model the manufacturer shall report per this criteria section the energy performance (CEF), the cycle program name, the temperature setting, the dryness setting, as well as any settings enabled by default, and the time taken to complete the energy test cycle (as defined in the Test Requirements Section of the current ENERGY STAR specification.

  Category      ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Recognition Criteria
Ceiling Fans

  Efficiency as per 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U (cfm/W)

   Ceiling Fan Type   Ceiling Fan Efficiency (CFM/W)*
  Standard and Low-Mount HSSD Ceiling Fans   > 3.25 x Blade Span + 107
  Hugger Fans   > 1.44 x Blade Span + 120

  *This is a weighted average efficiency in different modes,
  according to 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U

  Clothes   Dryers

Products must meet the applicable energy performance requirements shown in the table below, as determined by 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix D2, unless noted otherwise.

   Cycle Setting    Product Type    CEFBASE (lbs/kWh)
   Normal   Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)           > 5.5
  Compact Electric (120 V)           > 6.3
  Electric (All Others)           ≥ 5.2
  Normal, Maximum      Dryness1   Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)           > 2.68
  Compact Electric (120 V)           > 3.80
  Electric (All Others)           ≥ 3.93


  Clothes Washers*


  Clothes Washer Capacity   Integrated Modified Energy Factor (IMEF)   Integrated Water Factor (IWF)
    ≤ 2.5 cu-ft                ≥ 2.2             ≤ 3.7
    > 2.5 cu-ft                ≥ 2.92             ≤ 3.2


  Total Cleaning Score (CSt)   ≥ 85.0

  To be recognized, laundry centers must meet the Most Efficient washer and dryer criteria.

  Computer Monitors  

 Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) in kilowatt-hours per year shall be calculated as follows:

ETEC=8.76 ×(0.35×PON+0.65×PSLEEP)

PON = measured On Mode power in watts; PSLEEP = measured Sleep Mode power in Watts;

Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) shall be less than or equal to Maximum allowable Total Energy Consumption in kilowatt-hours per year calculatd as follows:

ETECMAX = (1.9+ (0.12×A) + [3.1× (r+C )]) × effAC_DC 


  effAC_DC =   1.00 for AC-powered monitors
  0.85 for DC-powered monitors

A= viewable screen area in square inches;
r = Total Native Resolution in megapixels; and

    C=    4.07   if A < 180 in2
  3.43   if 180 in2 ≤ A < 220 in2
  5.67   if A ≥ 220 in2


    Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers   Product must have an Annual Energy Consumption (AEC) of less than or equal to 637 kWh per year.

Side-by-side and bottom freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Top freezers must be at least 10% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size chest freezer product types must be at least 15% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size upright freezer and compact freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements. Compact refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Optional reporting of refrigerant type.

  Product must meet the following applicable minimum Integrated Energy Factor (IEF):


          Type, Size   Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)

  Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

          ≥ 1.75
  Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/da           ≥ 2.01
  Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day           ≥ 3.40
  Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3           ≥ 2.22
  Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3           ≥ 3.81




     Product Type   Annual Energy Use  (kWh/yr)   Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr)
  Standard Dishwasher           ≤ 225           ≤ 3.2


  Ducted Air Source Heat Pumps

     Installation benefits, multiple capacities.

  Product type   SEER2   EER2   HSPF2
  Split system HP      16.9      12.0      8.1
  Single-package HP      15.2      11.5      7.2
  Cold Climate HP      15.2      10.0      8.1

  Cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.

  Ductless Heat Pumps  

Multiple capacities. 

  Product type   SEER2   EER2   HSPF2
  Ductless HP      16.0      12.0      9.0
  Ductless Cold Climate HP      16.0      9.0      9.5

  Ductless cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.

  Geothermal Heat Pumps*


     Product type   EER   COP
  Closed Loop Water-to-Air GHP   17.1   3.6
  Open Loop Water-to-Air GHP   21.1   4.1
  Closed Loop Water-to-Water GHP   16.1   3.1
  Open Loop Water-to-Water GHP   20.1   3.5
  DGX   16.0   3.6
  DGX-to-Water   15.0   3.1


  Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors

  Products must meet these new performance requirements. Changes occur in the
SHGC requirements for the South-Central Zone and the U-factor and SHGC
requirements of the Southern Zone

  Climate Zone     U-factor   SHGC
   Northern    ≤0.20   ≤0.20
  Northern-Central   ≤0.20   ≤0.40
  South-Central   ≤0.20   ≤0.23
  Southern   ≤0.21

  Note: SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

  Room Air  Cleaners

  Product must meet the minimum PM2.5 Clean Air Delivery Rate per Watt (PM2.5 CADR/W) requirements shown in the table below, as determined by Appendix FF to Subpart B of Part 430—Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Air Cleaners.

   PM2.5 CADR Bins    Minimum PM2.5 CADR/W
  30 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 100                     5.4
  100 ≤ PM2.5 CADR < 150                     6.6
     150 ≤ PM2.5 CADR                     7.6


Room Air Conditioners

  Product must have a Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) that is greater than or equal to 35% better than the DOE Federal Minimum Standard.


   Product Classes    Minimum Percent Better than the Federal Standard (%)
     1, 2, 6, and 7                             35%
       8b and 15                             46%
  3, 5a, 5b, 8a, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16                             47%
                4                            50%

  Products must also be at or below a maximum sound level of 45 dB(A) for the lowest operational setting.

Products with heating capability must report the heating mode efficiency based on the TBD ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test for Room Air Conditioners

  Ventilating Fans  

Bathroom/Utility Room:

  • Efficacy at high speed ≥ 11.4cfm/W
  • Bathroom and Utility Room Fans must provide a sound level ≤ 4.0 sones at 0.25 inches of water gauge external static pressure at high speed. 

Inline Fan:

  • Efficacy ≥ 6.5 cfm/W
In-Line Fans with Filter: 6 ≤ MERV ≤ 13: 4.7 cfm/W

*Proposed criteria carried over from 2023 for these categories with no changes.  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Recognition

ENERGY STAR certified products meeting these requirements will be highlighted as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient for 2024 at: beginning January 1, 2024. Shortly, EPA will begin distributing the 2024 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation to brand owners of eligible products. As a reminder, usage guidelines are available at Guidelines for Using the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Mark.

To ensure the greatest utility of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient webpage to consumers, EPA will only highlight products that are currently available for sale in the U.S. As such, EPA reminds partners that it is critical to keep product availability information with their certification bodies current. Partners are also reminded that they must provide all information called for by the recognition criteria to their certification body at the time of certification in order to be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient. While it is our intention to begin automatically nominating window products for Most Efficient recognition in 2024, until that time, partners will need to apply for recognition for all products new to ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in order for the Agency to verify that a product meets the recognition criteria. EPA will share updates on the auto nominating process as they are available. Lastly, EPA will also review currently recognized product lines to see which may meet the new Southern zone recognition criteria.

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. EPA will highlight recognized products on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 web page through December 31, 2024.

We look forward to working with you to market ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in 2024. Please e-mail with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:


  • Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-10-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
  • Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-6-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
  • Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-8-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Electric Cooking Product Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources in contributing feedback that has informed this specification development process. The Version 1.0 requirements will take effect immediately, September 25, 2023.

ENERGY STAR certified residential electric cooking products under the Version 1 specification will offer users, on average, energy savings of approximately 18% from standard electric units. Further, ENERGY STAR certified models are anticipated to deliver additional benefits such as a healthier indoor living environment and induction units, in particular, are expected to offer faster heating, precision controls, easy cleaning, smart capabilities, various sensors, and multiple user-friendly product features.  
If all residential electric cooking tops sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the energy cost savings would grow to nearly $160 million each year, and almost 1.75 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.                                       

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications and a final draft specification, two webinars, multiple stakeholder meetings, and additional input from various industry stakeholders including manufacturers, utilities, and affiliated groups. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related supporting materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website.

EPA received written and verbal feedback in response to the Final Draft which was released on August 29, 2023. Though stakeholders generally support the residential electric cooking products specification and the relaxed certification criteria proposed in the final draft, a couple commenters reiterated previously written feedback or expressed new concerns. EPA has provided responses to all previously submitted comments in the Draft 1 and Draft 2 comment response matrices with one notable difference: EPA retains the Time t90 reporting as optional instead of as a requirement and has removed the entry from the “Additional Reporting Requirements” list in Section 4 of the product specification. Further, EPA lists electric standalone ovens under excluded products for further clarity on scope (see Section 2). New comments include a proposal to exclude coil and portable products from ENERGY STAR scope. However, coil and portable products can be tested under the DOE test procedure, which forms the basis for this product specification. Further, the certification criteria of 195 kWh/year expands the selection of residential electric cooking products eligible for certification, which continues to include relatively low-cost coil and portable products.

In addition to the minor change to Section 4 of the product specification, EPA revises the final data and analysis package to include a new worksheet for energy efficiency program sponsors (EEPS) and utility programs to reference. The worksheet contains supplemental information about the calculation of annual energy consumption from the DOE test procedure.

Third-Party Certification
Effective immediately, brand owner partners may begin the certification process for residential electric cooking products. Companies new to the program may apply for partnership at All products must be tested by an EPA-recognized laboratory that is accredited to use the required test method, 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix I1 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Conventional Cooking Products. Successful test results may allow products to become certified through an EPA-recognized certification body (CB) before being labeled and marketed as ENERGY STAR. Laboratories and CBs seeking EPA recognition should submit an application, which can be found at the third-party certification page, by e-mail to

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Manufacturers are strongly encouraged to list every model number associated with each model certification. Rebate programs match model numbers to the ENERGY STAR certified models. If the certification is for a model number with wildcards, manufacturers need to list all actual model numbers as additional models at the time of certification and update the information with their certification body as new model variations become available so models can be matched for rebates. The UPC number will also be required at the time of certification to enable EPA, retailers, and others to identify those models for consumers.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification development process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient residential electric cooking products. If you have any questions or concerns about the specification or partnership process, please contact me at Steve Leybourn (EPA) at or 202-862-1566, Tanja Crk (EPA) at or 202-650-7522, and Fabria Jno Baptiste (ICF) at or 571-842-4949 for questions or concerns. For questions about the test method, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Steve Leybourn, EPA Product Manager

Tanja Crk, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Data & Analysis Package


Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Ceiling Fans

  • Royal Pacific Ltd., RP Lighting & Fans model 1048LED

Clothes Dryers

  • Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC*
  • Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC2
  • Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FS*
  • Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FW*


  • IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7
  • IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7-LX

LED Lamps

  • Lucidity Lights, Inc., BRILLI model BRI-L/BLB/BR30/65/27/D00
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30FL
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30NF
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30SP
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40FL
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40NF
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40SP
  • Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/827/D-46
  • Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/830/D-46
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53130
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53132
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53200
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53201


  • ASD Lighting Corp,, ASD model ASD-CDL5-8AD30AC
  • ESL Vision LLC, ESL Vision model ESL-OPT-8-xW-1yy-10V
  • Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-44-L
  • Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-84-L
  • NDR Electric, NDR Electric model TBX-CCT-810-WH
  • P.Q.L., Inc.,, Superior Life model 90997
  • Taizhou JiaoGuang Lighting Co. Ltd., LIGHT THE FUTURE model D848-90-10

Refrigerators and Freezers


Ventilating Fans

  • FartF, LLC, FartF model IRF-150

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box (STB) Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

This letter serves as a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for STB products takes effect September 29, 2023. All STB partners must cease use of the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all STB products, including on products, web pages, and other collateral materials as of this date.

EPA appreciates the efforts of STB product partners to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Please send any questions to Thank you.


Ann Bailey, Chief
ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Electric Cooking Product Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Specification. Stakeholder comments in response to the Final Draft may be submitted to EPA no later than September 12, 2023.

EPA received written and verbal feedback in response to the Draft 2 which was released on May 31, 2023.  Most stakeholders are in support of the creation of this residential cooking products specification. They support the technology neutral approach to determining the energy consumption level for ENERGY STAR. Some concerns specific to the proposed criteria, reporting requirement for Time t90, and timeline remain. The Agency provides a summary of comments and Agency responses in the Version 1.0 Draft 2 comment response matrix.

Overview of Final Draft
The Final Draft reflects input received from stakeholders in response to the Draft 2 specification and individual discussions with a range of stakeholders. Several revisions were made to the Version 1.0 Final Draft specification and Version 1.0 Final Draft data package relative to Draft 2 documents. A short list of revisions to the specification is provided below:

  • Addition of two terms and definitions, minimum-above-threshold power setting and active cooling.
  • Adjustment to the proposed IAEC criteria, such that ENERGY STAR residential electric cooking tops would use ≤ 195 kWh/yr.
  • Specify that Time t90 will be reported in minutes with rounding to the nearest half minute.
  • Inclusion of reporting requirements for presence/absence of active mode cooling and designations for cooktops as either portable, free-standing, or built-in/slide-in.

EPA estimates the proposed ENERGY STAR efficiency level is 18% more efficient in annual energy consumption, electricity costs, and emissions, compared to a weighted baseline efficiency level using DOEs market share estimates for smooth and coil electric product types.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are welcome to submit any final comments on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft specification to by September 12, 2023. EPA anticipates finalizing this Version 1.0 specification September 25, 2023. Upon finalization, manufacturers will be able to immediately begin certifying products.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Steve Leybourn (EPA) at or 202-862-1566, and Fabria Jno Baptiste (ICF) at or 571-842-4949 for questions or concerns. For questions about the test method, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, EPA Product Manager

Steve Leybourn, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Stakeholder Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that Steve Leybourn has joined EPA as the new ENERGY STAR appliance program manager.

Steve has over a decade of experience in the appliance industry, as the lead technical consultant to EPA for ENERGY STAR appliances and with the home appliance trade association. Steve also served as a development engineer at Carrier Corporation. Steve has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Butler University and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. He also holds a Juris Doctor from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.

I trust many of you have interacted with Steve as he has worked on over 30 ENERGY STAR specifications and test procedures. He is excited to continue working with all of the ENERGY STAR stakeholders and hopes to see many of you at the 2023 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will take place Tuesday, September 26 – Thursday, September 28, 2023. Dan Cronin will continue to be available to our ENERGY STAR appliance partners to support marketing activities and collaboration with retailers.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Katharine Kaplan, Manager, Product Development and Product Administration
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR ® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 2 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers specification. The deadline to submit comments on this draft specification is September 18, 2023.
The ENERGY STAR Lab Grade Refrigerator and Freezers specification has been in place since 2017. Participation in the specification has grown in part due to rebates for ENERGY STAR equipment offered in connection with COVID vaccines. Additionally, EPA’s analysis shows that there are many products performing better than the ENERGY STAR levels particularly in the high performance and ultra-low categories. 

Leading up to the release of this Draft 1, EPA invited stakeholders to submit data and information in support of this revision. While EPA did not receive data, EPA did receive feedback on recommended changes to the criteria, which EPA has considered in preparing this Draft 1. 

Based on EPA’s analysis of ENERGY STAR data, the Agency is proposing more stringent criteria for most lab grade refrigeration and freezer products. This Draft 1 also adjusts the bins for each of the product categories, confirming that a variety of products at different volumes can meet the proposed criteria. In addition, EPA has adjusted the definition of these products to more closely align with the latest NSF/ANSI standard.

Comment Submittal
Comments on the Version 2.0 Draft Specification may be submitted to by September 18, 2023. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous draft specifications, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1, Version 2.0 specification on August 28, 2023, from 1-3 pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Please contact me at (202) 343-9153 or, or Annie Williams at (703) 236-5492 or with questions. For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Best Regards,

Ryan Fogle

EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Medical Products

Draft 1, Version 2.0 Specification
Data and Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of August 30, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new computer servers to the Version 3.0 specification and may only certify computer servers to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing computer server certifications to the Version 3.0 specification until January 12, 2024. After this date, only computer servers certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 29, 2023, of models certified to Version 3.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified computer servers to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

  • Compumax Computer Ltd., COMPUMAX model ML2022CM

LED Lamps

  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K
  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/2
  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/4
  • Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-850-ND
  • Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-830-ND
  • Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-827-ND
  • Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-835-ND
  • Kian Tech LLC, Kian model 13PAR38DIM827LT25DD
  • Megalight Inc., Megalight model LPAR3801330

Room Air Cleaners

  • Shenzhen Starmax Technology Co., Ltd, Storebary model C380


  • VTech Telecommunications, Ltd., VTech model VSP861

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® TV Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing amendments to the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 Televisions Specification to align with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Television Sets incorporated in Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430, published in a Final Rule on March 15, 2023 and effective starting April 14, 2023. Updates to Appendix H correspond with the recently finalized industry-developed test method, ANSI/CTA-2037-D: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption.

Products already certified to Version 9.0 will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification. In other words, test results already submitted through the certification process using test method ANSI/CTA-2037-C are not affected by this update. All new testing shall be based on Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430 (i.e., ANSI/CTA-2037-D). EPA encourages manufacturers with products already certified to the Version 9.0 specification to work with their certification bodies to update their reported values consistent with the results from the updated Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430.

The Version 9.1 Draft Specification has been amended to account for this updated test method. These proposed updates include:

  • Updating, adding, and removing definitions;
  • removing requirements for previously defined modes;
  • revising the power measurement interpolation instructions for models that would otherwise be certified at a dynamic luminance level below given thresholds; and
  • updating the applicable test procedures to reference Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430.

Comments on the Version 9.1 Draft specification may be submitted to by August 17, 2023. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9 Specification Development webpage.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Annie Williams at (703) 236-5492 or, with questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.1 Draft Specification


Contact Name: James Kwon
Phone: (202) 564-8538
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans, Ventilating Fans, and Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties: 
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce that the amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications with the lighting requirements removed, are now posted and effective.

As a reminder in line with the sunset timeline, EPA will no longer allow products to be certified referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database as of August 1, 2023. The web services for submitting data on certified subcomponents is closed and the database is no longer available for certification.
The finalized lighting sunset details are available on the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Public Notices page.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specifications. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified ceiling fans, ventilating fans, or lighting subcomponents to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR® program. 

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Four Weeks Left to Reserve Your Hotel Sleeping Room!

September 26–28, 2023
Atlanta, Georgia



Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Electric Cooktop Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification. Stakeholders’ comments in response to the Final Draft may be submitted to EPA no later than August 11, 2023.

EPA received written and verbal feedback since the Draft 2 was released on April 20, 2023, and notes that most of the feedback was supportive of the Draft 2 specification. The Agency provides a summary and responses in the Version 1.0 Draft 2 comment response matrix.

Overview of Final Draft Proposal
Minor revisions were made to the Version 1.0 Final Draft specification and no changes were made to the Version 1.0 Final Draft data package relative to the Draft 2 documents. A short list of revisions to the specification is provided below:

  • Addition of two terms and definitions, cooking energy and simmer average water temperature, derived from the from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F1521-22 Standard Test Methods for Range Tops.
  • Inclusion of the safety requirement for third-party testing under UL 197 Standard for Safety Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances prior to ENERGY STAR certification for products included in scope.
  • Removal of the reporting requirement confirming testing to NSF/ANSI Standard 4. Reporting requirements confirming testing to UL 197 Standard are also excluded to avoid confusion.
  • Revision of the reporting requirement for individual hob size from diameter to area for greater inclusivity.
  • Revision of the reporting requirement for simmer test results to include three endpoints: simmer average water temperature, energy rate, and energy efficiency.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are welcome to submit any final comments on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktops specification to by August 11, 2023. EPA anticipates finalizing this Version 1.0 specification September 1, 2023. Upon finalization, manufacturers will be able to immediately begin certifying products.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 or Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 for any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager for Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification Data Package
ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Draft 2 Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner, Certification Body, or Recognized Laboratory,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.7 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update. This clarification memo can be found on the Computer Servers Version 4.0 Specification product development website.

The SERT Version 2.0.7 is a minor update, with the following changes, and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous SERT versions:

  • Adds support for regulatory certification with AmpereOne and other future ARM-compatible processors developed by Ampere
  • Addresses an ARM specific disk I/O bug

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.7, please contact For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Register Now!

September 26–28, 2023
Atlanta, Georgia                             

REGISTER HERE                                                                                        


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 and proposed recognition criteria for 2024. Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these proposed criteria no later than August 21, 2023, to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023

As of June 2023, 2651 models from 343 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

 Product Category  Product Count  Partner Count
 Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps    35     3
 Ceiling Fans   163    15
 Clothes Dryers    34     8
 Clothes Washers    62     6
 Computer Monitors   130    21
 Dehumidifiers   330    49
 Dishwashers   288    37
 Freezers    20    11
 Geothermal Heat Pumps   348    23
 Refrigerators   750    66
 Room Air Cleaners     53   19
 Room Air Conditioners     75    14
Ventilating Fans   194    23
Windows/Sliding Glass Doors/Skylights   517    42
Totals  2651  343

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 17 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 5.3 million households (or roughly 13.8 million consumers). These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 and reflect a diverse geographic spread.  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent 1,243 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. In 2023, there are 15 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving 21.3% of U.S. households.

EPA provides consumers with information about recognized products through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Products Finders. This year, EPA created the first ever EPA hosted ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Product Finders for central air conditioners and air source heat pumps making identification of an energy efficient choice in heating and cooling much easier. EPA also recently launched a new consumer friendly ENERGY STAR Product Finder for windows, doors, and skylights and intends to feature ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models through this interface in 2024.

2024 Product Categories and Recognition Criteria

EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in multiple cases updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria are needed to recognize the best of ENERGY STAR. EPA is proposing changes for ceiling fans, CAC/ASHP, computer monitors, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, dryers, freezers, room air cleaners, room air conditioners, vent fans, and windows. Criteria for clothes washers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigeration products, and skylights will remain unchanged in 2024.

Ceiling Fans: EPA proposes to raise the current criteria for ceiling fans for 2024 as many high performing fans have entered the market recently. Savings offered by the proposed criteria are significant, 74% for a 52-inch fan, the most common size on the market, and 75% for hugger fans.

Clothes Washers: No changes are proposed to the current criteria for clothes washer types. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 41 base models from 5 brands, providing consumers with a good selection of models with superior energy and water efficiency.

Computer Monitors: Recognizing the availability of more efficient models, EPA proposes to revise the current criteria for 2024. 52 models meet the proposed criteria, offering consumers an average of 15.7kWh/year and savings of 38% over conventional models.

Dehumidifiers: EPA proposes to revise the criteria for dehumidifiers for 2024. Currently, there are 35 base models that meet the proposed criteria, offering consumers significant savings between 10% and 27%, depending on product class, over conventional models. Five whole-home dehumidifiers meet the criteria with a savings between 23% and 45%, depending on product class, over conventional models.

Dishwashers: With the Version 7.0 specification being equal to the current Most Efficient level, EPA proposes to revise the criteria for 2024. Currently, there are 20 base models from 8 brands that meet this proposal. Additionally, EPA is removing the cleaning performance requirement from the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria since cleaning performance is part of the Version 7.0 specification taking effect on July 19, 2023. The proposed criteria save consumers 27% in energy and 36% in water over the federal standard.

Dryers: EPA proposes to adjust the criteria for dryers for 2024 in light of more efficient products entering the market. Currently 21 base models from 8 brands, representing both heat pump and hybrid heat pump technologies, meet the proposed criteria. EPA is proposing to carve out a separate product class for compact ventless 120V units for 2024. At the proposed levels energy savings will increase to 40% better than the federal standard for standard sized units, 61% for compact ventless 240V units, and 52% for compact ventless 120V units. EPA continues to encourage partners to complete optional fields for technology type when certifying products to make it easier for utilities to incentivize these technologies in the market.

Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps: EPA proposes to adjust the criteria for ductless heat pumps, in light of the opportunity to make equipment that meets the requirements for tax credits easier to find while maintaining the exclusiveness of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition. The criteria for ducted products remain unchanged. For ductless heat pumps, EPA has aligned SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2 requirements with tax credit levels, such that all ENERGY STAR Most Efficient non-ducted heat pumps will be eligible for a tax credit. In addition, since the installation benefits requirement has proven to be a challenge particularly for ductless units, EPA is pausing this requirement for ductless units in 2024. As indicated when finalizing the 2023 criteria and in line with EPA’s May 18 proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for CAC, EPA proposes to cease ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition of CAC in 2024. Lastly, EPA has reorganized the criteria documents, grouping all air-source heat pumps together and creating a separate recognition criteria document for geothermal heat pumps.

Geothermal Heat Pumps: No changes are proposed to the current criteria for geothermal heat pumps.

Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers: EPA proposes to make a single adjustment to the criteria for refrigerators and freezers for 2024. Specifically, EPA proposes to revise the level for upright freezers from 15% to 20% better than the federal standard for 2024. This proposal will reduce the base models meeting the criteria from 18% to 7% of base models on the market. EPA proposes to maintain the criteria for all other product classes for 2024. There are 292 base models from 59 brands of standard size refrigerators, which represents 28% of the standard size market. For compact refrigerators, there are 43 base models from 23 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 4% of the market. There are 10 upright freezer and chest freezer base models from 7 brands that meet the criteria representing 4% of the market.

Room Air Cleaners: EPA proposes to revise the metric but maintain the same levels for room air cleaners in 2024. The proposal is for the metric to change from Smoke CADR to PM2.5 to align with the new DOE test procedure going into effect next year. Under this proposal, EPA estimates 49 base models from 25 brands will meet the criteria, which represents 9% of the market. There has been tremendous growth in shipments over the past few years due to both COVID + wildfires​ making it more important to highlight greater efficiency for consumers.  

Room Air Conditioners: EPA proposes to revise the criteria for most of the room air conditioner product classes in 2024 in light of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 specification taking effect in October 2023. There are currently 13 base models from 6 brands meeting the proposed criteria, which represents 2% of the market. EPA also proposes that for products with heating capability, the heating mode efficiency be reported based on the TBD ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test for room air conditioners. EPA will be working with stakeholders to develop this test procedure with the goal of finalizing later this year.

Ventilating Fans: EPA proposes to revise the criteria for 2024. 10% of the market and 20% of ENERGY STAR certified models meet the proposed criteria, offering more than 80% savings over a baseline bath fan, and almost 60% savings over baseline in-line vent fans across a variety of fan types and 15 brands.  

Windows and Sliding Glass Doors: EPA proposes to revise the window and sliding glass door criteria for 2024. No changes are proposed for the Northern Zone and North-Central Zone criteria. EPA proposes to revise the SHGC down to 0.23 in the South-Central Zone to align with the new ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 criteria. In addition, EPA proposes to revise U-factor and SHGC of the Southern Zone criteria to 2 equivalent energy performance options: Either U ≤ 0.21 and SHGC ≤ 0.23 or U ≤ 0.22 and SHGC ≤ 0.21 may be used. This change in the Southern Zone may help expand the number of products available to consumers. These combinations of performance criteria for the Southern Zone have equivalent energy performance when using the ‘Results and Assumptions’ table created for the Version 7.0 criteria revision analysis. EPA is also proposing to remove the requirement of North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (NAFS) Performance Grade ≥15 for windows, doors, and skylights. This will simplify the criteria. EPA believes that the NAFS Performance Grade requirement has not been shown to be beneficial in the product’s energy performance. EPA is not proposing any changes to the skylight U-factor or SHGC criteria.

The proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 criteria for the full suite of products is summarized below. In addition to meeting these recognition criteria, products must be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for each product category is included in the recognition criteria documents.  


 Category  ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Recognition Criteria
Ceiling Fans

 Efficiency as per 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U (cfm/W)

 Ceiling Fan Type  Ceiling Fan Efficiency (CFM/W)*
 Standard  3.25 x Blade Span + 107
 Hugger  1.44 x Blade Span + 120
 HSSD Ceiling Fans  3.25 x Blade Span + 107

*D is the ceiling fan blade span in inches
**This is a weighted average efficiency in different modes,
according to 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U

Clothes Washers*


  Clothes Washer Capacity    Integrated Modified Energy     Factor (IMEF) Integrated Water Factor (IWF)
   ≤ 2.5 cu-ft   ≥ 2.2   ≤ 3.7
  > 2.5 cu-ft   > 2.5 cu-ft   ≤ 3.2
  Total Cleaning Score (CSt)   ≥ 85.0

To be recognized, laundry centers must meet the Most Efficient washer and dryer criteria.

  Ducted Air Source Heat Pumps

Installation benefits, multiple capacities

  Product type   SEER2   EER2   HSPF2
  Split HP    16.9    12.0    8.2
  Packaged H    15.2    11.5    7.2
  Cold Climate HP    15.2    11.0    8.

  Cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.



     Type, Size    Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)
  Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day      ≥ 1.70
  Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day      ≥ 2.01
  Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day      ≥ 3.10
  Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3      ≥ 2.22
  Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3      ≥ 3.81

  Product must meet the following applicable minimum Integrated Energy Factor (IEF):

Ductless Heat Pumps

  Multiple capacities. 

  Product type   SEER2   EER2    HSPF2
  Ductless HP     16.0     12.0      9.0
  Ductless Cold Climate HP     16.0      9.0      9.5

Ductless old climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.

Geothermal Heat Pumps*


     Product type    EER     COP  
  Closed Loop Water-to-Air/GHP    17.1     3.6
  Open Loop Water-to-Air GHP    21.1     4.1
  Closed Loop Water-to-Water GHP    16.1     3.1
  Open Loop Water-to-Water GHP    20.1     3.5
  DGX    16.0     3.6
  DGX-to-Water    15     3.1

Computer Monitors

Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) in kilowatt-hours per year shall be calculated as follows:

            ETEC = 8.76 x (0.35 x PON + 0.65 x PSLEEP)

PON = measured On Mode power in watts; PSLEEP = measured Sleep Mode power in watts;

Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) shall be less than or equal to Maximum allowable Total Energy Consumption in kilowatt-hours per year calculatd as follows:

            ETECMAX = (1.9 + (0.12 X A) + [3.1 x (r+C)]) x effAC_DC


   effAC_DC =         1.00 for AC-powered monitors
                             0.85 for DC-powered monitors

A= viewable screen area in square inches;
r = Total Native Resolution in megapixels; and

                             4.07 if A < 180 in2

      C=                  3.43 if 180 in2 ≤ A < 220 in2 
                              5.67 if A ≥ 220 in2



  Product Type   Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr)   Water Consumption (gallons/cycle)
  Standard Dishwasher    ≤ 225    ≤ 3.2




Products must meet the applicable energy performance requirements shown in the table below, as determined by 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix D2, unless noted otherwise.

  Cycle Setting    Product Type   CEFBASE (lbs/kWh)
  Normal   Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)     > 5.5
  Compact Electric (120V)     ≥ 6.3
  Electric (all others)     ≥ 5.2
  Normal, Maximum Dryness(1)   Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)     > 2.68
  Compact Electric (120V)     ≥ 3.80
  Electric (all others)     ≥ 3.93



Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers*

  Product must have an Annual Energy Consumption (AEC) of less than or equal to 637 kWh per year.

 Side-by-side and bottom freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Top freezers must be at least 10% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size upright freezer and chest freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements. Compact freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements. Compact refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Optional reporting of refrigerant type.


Room Air Cleaners

Product must meet the minimum PM2.5 Clean Air Delivery Rate per Watt (PM2.5 CADR/W) requirements shown in the table below, as determined by  Appendix FF to Subpart B of Part 430—Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Air Cleaners

  PM2.5 CADR Bins   Minimum  PM2.5  CADR/W
  30 ≤  PM2.5  CADR < 100       5.4
  100 ≤  PM2.5  CADR < 150       6.6
  200 ≤  PM2.5  CADR       7.6



Room Air Conditioners

Product must have a Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) that is greater than or equal to the values in the table below.

  Product Classes   Minimum Percent Better than the Federal Standard (%)
  1, 2, 6, and 7      35%
  8b and 15      46%
  3, 5a, 5b, 8a, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16      47%
  4      50%

Products must also be at or below a maximum sound level of 45 dB(A) for the lowest operational setting.

Products with heating capability must report the heating mode efficiency based on the TBD ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test for room air conditioners.


Ventilating Fans

  • Bathroom/Utility Room:
  • Efficacy at high speed ≥ 10.1 cfm/W
  • Reported sound level (sones): ≤ 4.0 at 0.25 in. w.g. at high speed.
  • Inline Fan Efficacy
  • Single-port: 6.5 cfm/W
Multi-port: 4.0 cfm/W Bathroom and Utility Room Fans must provide a sound level ≤ 4.0 sones at 0.25 inches of water gauge external static pressure at high speed.

Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors

Products must meet these new performance requirements. Changes occur in the SHGC requirements for the South-Central Zone and the U-factor and SHGC requirements of the Southern Zone.

  Climate Zone   U-factor    SHGC 
  Northern    ≤ 0.20    ≥ 0.20 
  North-Central    ≤ 0.20    ≤ 0.40 
  South-Central    ≤ 0.20   ≤ 0.23
  Southern   ≤ 0.21
  ≤ 0.22 
  ≤ 0.23
  ≤ 0.21 

Note: SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient.


*Proposed criteria carried over from 2023 for these categories with no changes.  

[1]For purposes of this requirement, the manufacturer shall test the dryer according to the provisions in the DOE test procedure in 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2, but where the drying temperature setting can be chosen independently of the program, it shall be set to the maximum. At the time of certification, for each basic model the manufacturer shall report per this criteria section the energy performance (CEF), the cycle program name, the temperature setting, the dryness setting, as well as any settings enabled by default, and the time taken to complete the energy test cycle (as defined in the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 specification, Section 5C).

EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.
EPA will host a webinar to discuss these proposals with stakeholders on July 26, 2023, from 1-3pm EDT. Please register here. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 21, 2023, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans, Ventilating Fans, Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties: 
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that on August 1, 2023, the EPA will issue amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications with the lighting requirements removed, effective at issuance.

EPA will be updating the data requirements for the XML-based web services for submitting data on models for these products on August 1st to align with the amended requirements.
In addition, EPA will no longer allow products to be certified referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database on August 1, 2023. As of this date, the web services for submitting data on certified subcomponents will all be closed and the database will no longer be available for certification.
The finalized lighting sunset details are available on the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Public Notices page.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specifications. Certification bodies should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified ceiling fans, ventilating fans, or lighting subcomponents to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR® program. 

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans, Ventilating Fans, Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties: 
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that on August 1, 2023, the EPA will issue amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications with the lighting requirements removed, effective at issuance.

EPA will be updating the data requirements for the XML-based web services for submitting data on models for these products on August 1st to align with the amended requirements.
In addition, EPA will no longer allow products to be certified referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database on August 1, 2023. As of this date, the web services for submitting data on certified subcomponents will all be closed and the database will no longer be available for certification.
The finalized lighting sunset details are available on the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Public Notices page.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specifications. Certification bodies should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified ceiling fans, ventilating fans, or lighting subcomponents to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR® program. 

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

This is a reminder that this Wednesday July 12, 2023, beginning at 2 PM EDT EPA will host a webinar providing an overview of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1 Draft 2 specification and allow for detailed discussion. Please register here to attend.

We look forward to our discussion and thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Residential Dishwashers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers specification is July 19, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 7.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 7.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 7.0 certified residential dishwashers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

This letter announces the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release of the second draft of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 specification (V1.0), intended to replace the Luminaires Version 2.2 specification (V2.2; the “existing specification”) for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits.

EPA received formal comment on the first draft of the specification from three EPA-recognized Certification Bodies, two industry associations (jointly), and one brand owner partner which are posted at

Changes Proposed in This Draft
EPA’s intent remains that eligible models currently certified under Luminaires V2.2 may be reevaluated and recertified without additional testing. In response to the valuable feedback provided by stakeholders, the primary changes proposed in draft 2 are a new approach to certifying product families, simplification of lumen maintenance life requirements, and revised packaging requirements for models destined only for online sales. Please review all note boxes in the draft specification for details. Below is a summary of changes proposed in Draft 2.

(Section 6.1) Product Families
Based on the feedback received from draft 1 around efficacy and product variations, EPA is proposing a new approach to certifying product families in draft 2. Rather than requiring the testing of all variations or worst-case efficacy scenarios, this proposal focuses on the amount of energy used and requires the tested representative model for a product family to be the variation with the highest input power and highest efficacy. Variations in the product family that reduce light output and thus would have lower luminous efficacy are allowed so long as the applicable minimum initial light output requirement is met. The goal of this approach is for the certification to represent the same energy savings for any product in the family. The result of this approach should be a greater number of models being certified, with less testing. Further, this approach allows for flexibility in serving customer preference while delivering the same benefit to the environment.

(Section 9) Lumen Maintenance and Rated Life Requirements
In response to concerns about more conservative projections highlighted in the 2022 NEMA white paper (, EPA is proposing a single light source life requirement for all products, whether the light source is separable or inseparable, of 25,000 hours instead of maintaining the two thresholds of 25,000 and 50,000 hours respectively. With the official release of the ANSI/IES TM-21 Calculator confirmed, EPA is proposing that all products be re-evaluated using the new calculator so that all ENERGY STAR certified recessed downlights under the new specification will be represented consistently. Additionally, EPA proposes to remove the “Option 2” lumen maintenance compliance path and all associated references to LM-84 testing and TM-28 lifetime projections due to the extremely limited use of this certification pathway over the history of the luminaires program.

(Section 15.1) Packaging Requirements
EPA has updated the packaging requirements in response to stakeholder comments that the current packaging requirements were designed for retail sales where consumers make purchasing decisions based on information displayed on a package in a store and are costly and unnecessary for online sales. For models destined exclusively for online sale, EPA proposes that packaging requirements may be fulfilled by providing a supplemental performance summary document for certification and to all online resellers to help ensure that online marketing claims are consistent with the model’s certification. Additionally, EPA has removed requirements that were redundant with existing safety standards. Note that this does not impact existing luminaires partner commitments regarding the use of ENERGY STAR marks which will carry over.

Additional Changes Proposed

  • The scope has been expanded to allow for alternate mounting configurations (Section 1).
  • The Downlight, Accent Light, and Downlight Retrofit definitions are further harmonized and a new Wallwash Distribution definition is introduced (Section 4).
  • The expectation that color tunable and multi-output products are to be evaluated at the most consumptive white light setting has been clarified (Section 5.1).
  • EPA has clarified that ANSI/IES LM-80-21, IES LM-80-15, or LM-80-08 and its Addendum A are acceptable methods of measurement related to ENERGY STAR lumen and color maintenance requirements. Additionally, ANSI/IES LM-79-19 and IES LM-79-08 are acceptable methods of measurement where applicable (section 7, 8, and 9) as are ANSI C82.77-10-2021 and C82.77-10-2014 for power factor.
  • Light source serviceability and driver replaceability requirements are replaced with recommendations whenever possible based on product design (Section 11).

EPA seeks comments on the second draft via email to by July 28, 2023. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1 Draft 2 Comments” in the subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless otherwise requested.

On Wednesday July 12, 2023, EPA will host a webinar providing an overview of the V1 Draft 2 specification and allow for detailed discussion. Register here to attend. All documents related to Draft 2 are posted to

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes inquiries; please contact me with questions, comments or concerns at or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 Specification
ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1.0 Draft 1 Comment Summary and Response

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share with you the finalized ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment specification. EPA would like to thank the stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification amendment. EPA has not revised any criteria pertaining to DC EVSE and currently certified DC and AC products will not be affected by this update. These Version 1.2 requirements are effective immediately.

With Version 1.2, EPA addresses updates to the criteria for AC EVSE prompted by recent state requirements in terms of added product functionality. Data shared demonstrated that some of the state mandated features warrant additional allowed energy across multiple modes. This proposed amendment also includes minor updates to the connected criteria. In response to extensive stakeholder feedback as well as data shared by multiple partners, this amended specification proposes a new base allowance and new functionality adders for the AC-output EVSE energy efficiency criteria. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, test method and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 EVSE Specification Development Page.

Feedback on the Draft Specification
EPA received stakeholder comments in response to the draft specification. EPA made modest updates to the final specification in response to these comments as outlined below:


  • EPA received feedback from stakeholders that although the metering in charging stations meets utility requirements for accuracy, noise, environmental conditions etc. it doesn’t typically meet ANSI C-12 requirements. As such, EPA updated the Revenue Grade Meter definition to harmonize with NIST Handbook 44 requirements, which EPA understands products do meet.
  • Stakeholders requested that EPA update the Credit Card Reader definition to allow for EMV CHIP credit cards as required by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which this final document does.
  • Stakeholders mentioned that the term ‘In-use’ in tables 2 through 4 was unclear. EPA added a definition clarifying the meaning of the in-use feature.


  • EPA would like to remind stakeholders that EVSE station lighting including status lights and with the exception of displays may be turned off or disabled by means of hardware or software during the ENERGY STAR testing process as lighting doesn’t pertain to the EVSE functionality.
  • Stakeholders pointed out that some EVSEs in the market require Wi-Fi, Cellular and Ethernet to be enabled simultaneously. As such, EPA allows testing of products with any or all the network connections enabled. However, allowance can be claimed for only one connection as per the order mentioned in the test method.
  • To support the addition of ISO 15118 functionality in the optional connected criteria, EPA has clarified how brand owners should demonstrate compliance if they want their model recognized as having ENERGY STAR connected functionality. 

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Abhishek Jathar at (202) 862-1203 or, with questions or to share feedback on this amendment.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.2 Final Specification

Contact Name: James Kwon
Phone: (202) 564-8538
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Medical Imaging Equipment Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment Specification.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched the ENERGY STAR program in 1992. Since then, ENERGY STAR has grown to become the international standard for energy efficiency and one of the most successful voluntary U.S. government programs in history. ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between government, businesses, and purchasers designed to encourage the manufacture, purchase, and use of efficient products to help protect the environment. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA in consultation with stakeholders. To date:

  • More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label.
  • In 2020, more than 2000 manufacturers and 1900 retailers partnered with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY STAR certified products across more than 75 residential and commercial product categories.
  • More than 840 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 97% of households in all 50 states. Nationwide, utilities invested $8.4 billion in energy efficiency programs in 2019.4
  • Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses save 5 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid more than $450 billion in energy costs, and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.

The ENERGY STAR program benefits partners by benefiting their customers. In 2020 alone, Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, 400 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions––and saved $42 billion on their utility bills. Consistent with the commitment to helping consumers save money and reduce their environmental impact, EPA adds new products to the ENERGY STAR product portfolio as compelling new opportunities arise.

Medical imaging equipment contributes about five percent to the energy use of medical facilities. Since ENERGY STAR last considered a specification in this space, interest from buyers in hospital systems and clinics has continued to grow as they look to achieve their energy and emissions savings goals. With this in mind, EPA seeks to establish an ENERGY STAR specification that recognizes medical imaging equipment that can save energy without compromising performance. ENERGY STAR is aware of initiatives in Europe and is looking to build on that effort by expanding energy efficiency in these products to the United States and Canada.

EPA previously released an ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment Discussion Document for stakeholder review and comment focusing on developing the key components for a specification. These included definitions, scope, test methodology, and criteria, notably power management criteria and energy reporting. EPA is now releasing a Draft 1 specification and test method that consider this early feedback. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for the enclosed proposals and respond to comments made by stakeholders in response to the Discussion Document.

The Draft 1, Version 1.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Stakeholders commented that ENERGY STAR should have a limited scope. EPA has considered the comment, but without further justification for why the scope should not follow the COCIR1 self-regulatory initiative scope, EPA is largely retaining what was presented in the Discussion Document. The Agency has made some slight adjustments based on the stakeholder feedback, particularly clarifying excluded products.

Power Modes and Auto-Power Down:
The efficiency requirements in this specification remain focused on the non-active state of medical imaging products. EPA is proposing to collect energy consumption data on the ready-to-scan mode and low-power mode. The ENERGY STAR program has consistently heard feedback from radiology and facilities staff that they are interested in better understanding the energy consumption of these products so they can factor energy use into purchasing decisions.

In addition, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program is proposing that ENERGY STAR certified medical imaging equipment default to having power management capabilities enabled. The Agency understands that not every medical facility’s use-cases are appropriate for power management and notes that as proposed, this feature can be turned off based on user needs. However, the Agency also believes that equipment in all but the heaviest use scenarios would benefit from some energy saving power management and offering this functionality in the default setting will allow more facilities to engage it, where prudent to do so.

Test Method:
The Department of Energy (DOE) has made a slight modification to the test method clarifying that all products should be tested with the power saving mode turned on for ENERGY STAR certification purposes.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 1.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to July 7, 2023. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on June 14, 2023, from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other medical imaging related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft 1, Version 1.0 Specification
Draft 1, Version 1.0 Specification Partner Commitments
Draft 1 Medical Imaging Equipment Test Method

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Electric Cooking Product Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than June 30, 2023. EPA will host a webinar on June 21, 2023, to discuss this Draft 2 specification.

Activities to Date
The ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Draft 1 specification was released on December 15, 2022. EPA hosted a webinar on January 11, 2023, to discuss the specification with stakeholders and gather initial feedback. EPA received comments from multiple stakeholders in response to the Draft 1 specification.

Most stakeholders expressed support for the development of this residential cooking products specification, noting it will provide market guidance at a key time. Some stakeholders proposed a more stringent IAEC level, while others recommended that the level be eased to account for an engineering margin between the tested values and reported values. Additionally, one stakeholder suggested that the levels be relaxed to allow more radiant products to qualify. Another stakeholder suggested removing oven standby mode energy use from the criteria. Based on analysis of the available test data, EPA believes that the originally proposed levels are justified. EPA also agrees with the commenter who notes that with time more data will become available and enable further criteria refinements that can be reflected in a Version 2.0 specification.

Several stakeholders expressed support for additional reporting. A stakeholder proposed induction cooking tops be a separate product class. A different stakeholder requested EPA align the product classes with DOE. Some stakeholders expressed reservations about using the DOE test procedure to qualify products. EPA addresses each of these comments in the Draft 1 comment response matrix.

Some stakeholders encouraged the specification to move forward as soon as possible, while other stakeholders indicated more time is necessary. EPA anticipates finalizing the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 in the summer of 2023.

Multiple stakeholders requested the EPA offer a savings and payback analysis, which EPA is providing in the Draft 2 data package and further explanation in the corresponding note box in the Draft 2 specification.

Electric cooking products are present in 60% of U.S. homes according to the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)[1]. As momentum has rapidly built around the expansion of electric cooking, many are eager to understand the savings potential. Since Draft 1 was published, DOE published a Technical Support Document, which provides baseline levels for coil and smooth electric products. With these baseline levels, EPA estimates the proposed ENERGY STAR efficiency level is 16% more efficient in annual energy consumption, electricity costs, and emissions, compared to a weighted baseline efficiency level using DOEs market share estimates for smooth and coil electric product types.

Overview of Draft 2 Proposal
The EPA has considered all stakeholder comments and addresses them in the Draft 2 specification including explanations in section note boxes, the Draft 1 comment response matrix as well as the Draft 2 data package.

Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include:

  • Simplifying the wording for the additional reporting requirement of the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption (ETLP), excluding the following clause: “of the conventional electric cooking top component of a combined electric cooking product,” and replacing it with “of the cooking top.” The reporting requirement is written as follows: “annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the cooking top (ETLP).” The annual combined low-power mode energy consumption for the combined cooking product (conventional range) and conventional electric oven component can be calculated from the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the conventional electric cooking top component.
  • Providing savings analysis in the Draft 2 data package.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by June 30, 2023.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522, Fabria Jno Baptiste (ICF) at or 571-842-4949, and Steve Leybourn (ICF) at or 202-862-1566 for questions or concerns. For questions about the test method, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification 
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Stakeholder Comment Response Matrix

[1] U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Demand and Integrated Statistics, Form EIA-457A of the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Electric Cooking Product Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than June 30, 2023. EPA will host a webinar on June 21, 2023, to discuss this Draft 2 specification.

Activities to Date
The ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Draft 1 specification was released on December 15, 2022. EPA hosted a webinar on January 11, 2023, to discuss the specification with stakeholders and gather initial feedback. EPA received comments from multiple stakeholders in response to the Draft 1 specification.

Most stakeholders expressed support for the development of this residential cooking products specification, noting it will provide market guidance at a key time. Some stakeholders proposed a more stringent IAEC level, while others recommended that the level be eased to account for an engineering margin between the tested values and reported values. Additionally, one stakeholder suggested that the levels be relaxed to allow more radiant products to qualify. Another stakeholder suggested removing oven standby mode energy use from the criteria. Based on analysis of the available test data, EPA believes that the originally proposed levels are justified. EPA also agrees with the commenter who notes that with time more data will become available and enable further criteria refinements that can be reflected in a Version 2.0 specification.

Several stakeholders expressed support for additional reporting. A stakeholder proposed induction cooking tops be a separate product class. A different stakeholder requested EPA align the product classes with DOE. Some stakeholders expressed reservations about using the DOE test procedure to qualify products. EPA addresses each of these comments in the Draft 1 comment response matrix.

Some stakeholders encouraged the specification to move forward as soon as possible, while other stakeholders indicated more time is necessary. EPA anticipates finalizing the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 in the summer of 2023.

Multiple stakeholders requested the EPA offer a savings and payback analysis, which EPA is providing in the Draft 2 data package and further explanation in the corresponding note box in the Draft 2 specification.

Electric cooking products are present in 60% of U.S. homes according to the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)[1]. As momentum has rapidly built around the expansion of electric cooking, many are eager to understand the savings potential. Since Draft 1 was published, DOE published a Technical Support Document, which provides baseline levels for coil and smooth electric products. With these baseline levels, EPA estimates the proposed ENERGY STAR efficiency level is 16% more efficient in annual energy consumption, electricity costs, and emissions, compared to a weighted baseline efficiency level using DOEs market share estimates for smooth and coil electric product types.

Overview of Draft 2 Proposal
The EPA has considered all stakeholder comments and addresses them in the Draft 2 specification including explanations in section note boxes, the Draft 1 comment response matrix as well as the Draft 2 data package.

Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include:

  • Simplifying the wording for the additional reporting requirement of the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption (ETLP), excluding the following clause: “of the conventional electric cooking top component of a combined electric cooking product,” and replacing it with “of the cooking top.” The reporting requirement is written as follows: “annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the cooking top (ETLP).” The annual combined low-power mode energy consumption for the combined cooking product (conventional range) and conventional electric oven component can be calculated from the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the conventional electric cooking top component.
  • Providing savings analysis in the Draft 2 data package.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by June 30, 2023.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522, Fabria Jno Baptiste (ICF) at or 571-842-4949, and Steve Leybourn (ICF) at or 202-862-1566 for questions or concerns. For questions about the test method, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification 
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Stakeholder Comment Response Matrix

[1] U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Demand and Integrated Statistics, Form EIA-457A of the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Medical Imaging Equipment Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment Specification.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched the ENERGY STAR program in 1992. Since then, ENERGY STAR has grown to become the international standard for energy efficiency and one of the most successful voluntary U.S. government programs in history. ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between government, businesses, and purchasers designed to encourage the manufacture, purchase, and use of efficient products to help protect the environment. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA in consultation with stakeholders. To date:

  • More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label.
  • In 2020, more than 2000 manufacturers and 1900 retailers partnered with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY STAR certified products across more than 75 residential and commercial product categories.
  • More than 840 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 97% of households in all 50 states. Nationwide, utilities invested $8.4 billion in energy efficiency programs in 2019.4
  • Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses save 5 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid more than $450 billion in energy costs, and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.

The ENERGY STAR program benefits partners by benefiting their customers. In 2020 alone, Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, 400 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions––and saved $42 billion on their utility bills. Consistent with the commitment to helping consumers save money and reduce their environmental impact, EPA adds new products to the ENERGY STAR product portfolio as compelling new opportunities arise.

Medical imaging equipment contributes about five percent to the energy use of medical facilities. Since ENERGY STAR last considered a specification in this space, interest from buyers in hospital systems and clinics has continued to grow as they look to achieve their energy and emissions savings goals. With this in mind, EPA seeks to establish an ENERGY STAR specification that recognizes medical imaging equipment that can save energy without compromising performance. ENERGY STAR is aware of initiatives in Europe and is looking to build on that effort by expanding energy efficiency in these products to the United States and Canada.

EPA previously released an ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment Discussion Document for stakeholder review and comment focusing on developing the key components for a specification. These included definitions, scope, test methodology, and criteria, notably power management criteria and energy reporting. EPA is now releasing a Draft 1 specification and test method that consider this early feedback. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for the enclosed proposals and respond to comments made by stakeholders in response to the Discussion Document.

The Draft 1, Version 1.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Stakeholders commented that ENERGY STAR should have a limited scope. EPA has considered the comment, but without further justification for why the scope should not follow the COCIR1 self-regulatory initiative scope, EPA is largely retaining what was presented in the Discussion Document. The Agency has made some slight adjustments based on the stakeholder feedback, particularly clarifying excluded products.

Power Modes and Auto-Power Down:
The efficiency requirements in this specification remain focused on the non-active state of medical imaging products. EPA is proposing to collect energy consumption data on the ready-to-scan mode and low-power mode. The ENERGY STAR program has consistently heard feedback from radiology and facilities staff that they are interested in better understanding the energy consumption of these products so they can factor energy use into purchasing decisions.

In addition, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program is proposing that ENERGY STAR certified medical imaging equipment default to having power management capabilities enabled. The Agency understands that not every medical facility’s use-cases are appropriate for power management and notes that as proposed, this feature can be turned off based on user needs. However, the Agency also believes that equipment in all but the heaviest use scenarios would benefit from some energy saving power management and offering this functionality in the default setting will allow more facilities to engage it, where prudent to do so.

Test Method:
The Department of Energy (DOE) has made a slight modification to the test method clarifying that all products should be tested with the power saving mode turned on for ENERGY STAR certification purposes.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 1.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to July 7, 2023. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on June 14, 2023, from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other medical imaging related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft 1, Version 1.0 Specification
Draft 1, Version 1.0 Specification Partner Commitments
Draft 1 Medical Imaging Equipment Test Method

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Heating and Cooling Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) focus on the potential for electric heat pumps to deliver energy-efficiency gains, pollution reduction and cost-savings to consumers, the ENERGY STAR program is proposing to sunset the certification pathway to the ENERGY STAR label for residential furnaces and central air conditioners (CACs). This will allow EPA to evolve the ENERGY STAR portfolio of product specifications toward identifying the most efficient electric equipment now available to consumers.

This proposal involves sunsetting the ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 Specification for Furnaces and removing CACs from the ENERGY STAR V6.1 Specification for CAC and Heat Pump Equipment. A similar sunset proposal will be considered for gas and oil appliances in the context of forthcoming revisions of the ENERGY STAR V3.0 Specification for Boilers, the Version 1.0 Specification for Dryers, and the ENERGY STAR V1.0 for Commercial Packaged Boilers.

With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, EPA sees an unprecedented opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to support the national transition to the most energy efficient equipment available. The Agency recognizes an important responsibility to guide consumers to the choices that support the efficient electrification of residential space conditioning. As such, EPA is proposing to phase out the labeling and promotion of residential gas furnaces and CACs. Leading up to this sunset proposal, EPA has heard from a range of stakeholders emphasizing the opportunity the Agency has to focus the ENERGY STAR label on efficient electric products like air source heat pumps in order to highlight products that reduce energy consumption, improve energy security, and reduce pollution. In fact, heat pumps are as much as four times more efficient than even the most efficient condensing gas furnaces. Notably, while indoor NOx pollution is associated with gas appliances, electric appliances are not responsible for any direct emissions and garner significant emissions reductions even when source or upstream emissions from electricity generation are factored in.

With respect to cooling, stakeholders have highlighted the need for the ENERGY STAR label to serve as a market signal moving the United States towards energy efficient heat pumps. Estimates indicate that if all CACs were replaced by heat pumps about 50 Mt of CO2 would be avoided over 10 years and billions of dollars in heating costs would also be saved. EPA agrees that ENERGY STAR can serve as a trusted resource in helping American households understand the value of replacing their CACs with heat pumps. At the same time, EPA recognizes that households in the coldest climates may not be comfortable relying solely on a heat pump and may therefore retain their existing furnace in the near term. EPA intends to serve as a trusted source for consumers by providing guidance about how to use such a dual fuel system to save energy and minimize greenhouse gas emissions while staying comfortable.

Proposed Timing
EPA recognizes the investment ENERGY STAR brand owner and utility partners have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories and is sensitive to providing a reasonable transition period. The Agency proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 Specification for Furnaces and remove CAC from the ENERGY STAR V6.1 Specification for CAC and Heat Pump Equipment effective December 30, 2024, with no new certifications accepted after December 30, 2023.

EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal and timeline. Comments may be submitted to by June 22, 2023. Stakeholders may contact with questions. In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all heating and cooling stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch


Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Save the Date!

September 26-28, 2023

Atlanta, Georgia


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing a clarification to the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification.

The ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification was released on March 28, 2022, and a clarification of the specification was released in April 2022. The specification went into effect on January 1, 2023. On March 21, 2023, DOE issued a final rule pertaining to standards for air-cooled, three-phase, small commercial air conditioners and heat pumps and air-cooled, three-phase, variable refrigerant flow air conditioners and heat pumps. DOE notes that compliance with the amended standards established in this final rule is required on and after January 1, 2025. These final rules do not require substantive change to the ENERGY STAR specification but allow EPA to clarify existing criteria.

Summary of Changes
The purpose of this clarification is to account for DOE test standards being final and for upcoming test method compliance dates.

Key elements of the clarification include:

  • “Proposed Appendix B1” has been changed to “Appendix F1.”
  • Table 6 in the Test Requirements section now clarifies when to transition to using the updated DOE test methods. DOE requires the use of the updated test methods to show compliance with new energy conservation standards starting on January 1, 2024, for some equipment and January 1, 2025, for other equipment.
    • Table 6 includes a footnote which states "Table 1 includes guidance about the transition to updated test methods.  All quantities reported to EPA shall use the same test method as the rated values reported to DOE at all times, regardless of whether they are rated values.  For instance, when large CUHP are required to use Appendix D1 to rate their equipment to IEER, they shall also use Appendix D1 to measure EER for the purposes of this specification. "

EPA does not expect the transition to new test methods to require products to be recertified, but their performance may need to be updated to reflect new results.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and Megan McNelly at ICF, or 703-934-3726.


Abigail Daken
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification Rev May 2023

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:


The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:
Ceiling Fans

  • Royal Pacific Ltd., RP Lighting+Fans model 1RP69LED-***
  • Royal Pacific Ltd., RP Lighting+Fans model 1RP69LED-WW
  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model YG493A-***
  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model YG493A-BN
  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model YG493A-EB
  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model YG493A-EB (1002 910 948)
  • The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model YG493A-WH

LED Lamps

  • Verbatim Americas, LLC, Verbatim model 70170
  • Verbatim Americas, LLC, Verbatim model 70189

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Electric Cooktop Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than May 22, 2023.

Activities to Date
The ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 1 Specification was released on November 10, 2022. The EPA hosted a webinar on November 30, 2022 to discuss the specification with stakeholders and address any initial concerns and questions. The deadline for submitting Draft 1 comments to EPA was December 22, 2022. EPA received comments from multiple stakeholders in response to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 1 specification.

Stakeholders proposed suggestions on scope clarification regarding terms and definitions, including differentiating between range and non-range electric cooktops. Additionally, commenters suggested that EPA consider taking a more segmented approach regarding how an electric cooktop that is part of a packaged range (i.e., inclusive of a conventional or standard oven as a base but sold as a single unit) should be considered for ENERGY STAR certification compared to a dedicated independent countertop electric cooktop without an oven base. Clarification was also requested for differentiating terms and definitions between “hot tops” and “countertop cooktop units.” Other stakeholders requested further clarification on cooking container specificity such as dimensions and metal composition/material. EPA was encouraged to consider basing the energy efficiency level on each individual hob (for multi-hob units) rather than taking a weighted average of energy efficiency performance. In addition, EPA considered treatment of units with more than one operating voltage and potential impact to energy performance.

Overview of Draft 2 Proposal
The EPA has considered all stakeholder comments and addresses them in the Draft 2 specification including explanations in section note boxes, the Draft 1 comment matrix as well as the Draft 2 data package

Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include:

  • Adding definitions for cooktop types including counter top cooktop units, commercial electric ranges, measured energy input, and simmer energy rate; and clarified inside diameter (ID) as the approach to use to measure cookware dimensions.
  • Basing energy efficiency criteria on individual hobs instead of a weighted average of all hobs.
  • Incorporating efficiency measures for multiple operating voltages for a single unit.
  • Including a reporting requirement to confirm commercial electric cooktops are certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 4 ahead of energy efficiency testing for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.
  • Adding in scope commercial electric ranges, which may be certified if the commercial cooktop portion of the unit meets the criteria set forth in this specification and the commercial electric oven portion is included in scope and is certified to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification version currently in effect.

To ensure consistent and comparable test results among laboratories as well as certification and verification testing, the EPA continues to support use of a stainless-steel cooking container for commercial induction and electric non-induction cooktops for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification. The EPA supports and engages in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F26 committee process and encourages participants to work through their process to specify a single cooking material for commercial electric cooktops.

Data Assembly for Commercial Electric Cooktops
EPA received additional induction and non-induction data that were evaluated and included in the data package. The induction data which closely track the ASTM F1521-22 standard test method affirm the ENERGY STAR proposed level of 80%. While EPA believes that the current dataset is reasonably reflective of commercial electric cooktop energy performance, the Agency remains interested in obtaining additional eligible data to incorporate in the performance requirement analysis. Data used for purposes of setting specification levels does not need to be third-party certified.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktops Draft 2 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by May 22, 2023. EPA will also accept additional data for any electric cooktop products submitted by this same deadline. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on May 3, 2023, from 1 pm- 3 pm ET to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 or Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 for questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager for Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 1 Comment Matrix 
ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 2 Data Package 
ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Draft 2 Specification 

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. These Version 4.0 requirements will take effect on January 12, 2024. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.

The Version 4.0 specification will recognize the top performing computer server products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified computer servers with power management enabled will use, on average, approximately 38% less energy than standard computer. If all computer servers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to over $4 billion each year and more than 74 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of nearly 8 million vehicles.

EPA received limited comments in response to the final draft specification focused on improving clarity, which EPA has addressed fully in the final document. Specifically, EPA made very modest clarifications to the definitions for Storage Heavy Servers, Auxiliary Processing Accelerator (APA) and High and Low End Performance Configurations. New definitions for Field Programmable Gate Array and Data Processing Units were included to support the changes to the APA definition. In addition, the footnote related to power supplies was amended to clarify that the power supply values used for servers should be at 230V/60Hz rather than 115V/60Hz. Finally, there were small changes made to the scope, to exclude products that would never be sold without an APA.

Version 4.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements.
    • CBs must upload required SERT files specified in Section 4.1.2.v of the specification to EPA in a location to be determined which will be shared with CBs upon the release of the final QPX form.
  • After August 30, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to V3.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until January 12, 2024.
  • Any computer server manufactured as of January 12, 2024, must meet the Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 3.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 4.0 to EPA.

On behalf of EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revision process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified computer servers. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Data and Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. These Version 4.0 requirements will take effect on January 12, 2024. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.

The Version 4.0 specification will recognize the top performing computer server products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified computer servers with power management enabled will use, on average, approximately 38% less energy than standard computer. If all computer servers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to over $4 billion each year and more than 74 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of nearly 8 million vehicles.

EPA received limited comments in response to the final draft specification focused on improving clarity, which EPA has addressed fully in the final document. Specifically, EPA made very modest clarifications to the definitions for Storage Heavy Servers, Auxiliary Processing Accelerator (APA) and High and Low End Performance Configurations. New definitions for Field Programmable Gate Array and Data Processing Units were included to support the changes to the APA definition. In addition, the footnote related to power supplies was amended to clarify that the power supply values used for servers should be at 230V/60Hz rather than 115V/60Hz. Finally, there were small changes made to the scope, to exclude products that would never be sold without an APA.

Version 4.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements.
    • CBs must upload required SERT files specified in Section 4.1.2.v of the specification to EPA in a location to be determined which will be shared with CBs upon the release of the final QPX form.
  • After August 30, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to V3.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until January 12, 2024.
  • Any computer server manufactured as of January 12, 2024, must meet the Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 3.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 4.0 to EPA.

On behalf of EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revision process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified computer servers. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Data and Analysis Package

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Residential Water Heaters Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Water Heaters specification is April 18, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified residential water heaters to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:

The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

LED Lamps

  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78352
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78353
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78354
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78355
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78356
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78357
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78358
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78359
  • LEDVANCE LLC, Sylvania model 78360


  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JBK4 ADJ SWW5 90CRI
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JBK4 ADJ SWW5 90CRI MW M6
  • AM Conservation Group, Inc., Simply Conserve model L9DL627D
  • AM Conservation Group, Inc., Simply Conserve model L9DL630D
  • AM Conservation Group, Inc., Simply Conserve model L9DL640D
  • AM Conservation Group, Inc., Simply Conserve model L9DL650D
  • EarthTronics, Inc., Earthtronics model RTF700406WH2
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LCALD6B350-DUN-T35
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LCALDX6350-DUN-T30
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LCALDX6350-DUN-T40
  • EnVision LED Lighting, Inc., Envision LED model LED-DLJBX-6B-9W-27K
  • EnVision LED Lighting, Inc., Envision LED model LED-DLJBX-6B-9W-30K
  • EnVision LED Lighting, Inc., Envision LED model LED-DLJBX-6B-9W-40K
  • EnVision LED Lighting, Inc., Envision LED model LED-DLJBX-6B-9W-50K
  • Inspiring Star Tech Co.,Ltd, Inspiring Star model INS-02LED-12-AS2(3000K)
  • Inspiring Star Tech Co.,Ltd, Inspiring Star model INS-02LED-12-AS2(4000K)
  • Inspiring Star Tech Co.,Ltd, Inspiring Star model INS-02LED-12-AS2(5000K)
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 50900
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 50910
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 50920
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 50930

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

It was brought to our attention some stakeholders did not receive the mailing that went out Mach 23, 2023. We apologize for the delay in this communication. For reference public notices related to ENERGY STAR products are posted here

March 23, 2023 

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:  

This letter announces the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release of the first draft of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 Specification (V1.0), intended to replace the Luminaires Version 2.2 specification (V2.2; the “existing specification”) for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits. 

In response to EPA’s Lighting Sunset Proposal, two trade associations and the DesignLights Consortium™ made a case for continuing ENERGY STAR certification for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits because of the potential for significant additional energy savings. In response, EPA performed research and confirmed a wide range of performance levels in this category and the opportunity for significant energy savings. Considering DOE’s stated intent not to cover recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits in federal standards, EPA determined it would be valuable to continue ENERGY STAR certification for these products via a new specification with higher efficacy criteria than currently set in the Luminaires specification, while preserving existing relevant performance requirements.  

EPA aims to complete this process promptly and release a final Recessed Downlight V1.0 specification in 2023. After its release date, until the end of 2023, partners will be able to certify new models to either Luminaires V2.2 or Recessed Downlights V1.0. Consistent with the Luminaires V2.2 sunset timeline, after December 31, 2023, new recessed downlight and recessed downlight retrofit kit models must be certified to Recessed Downlights V1.0. Additionally, upon finalization of Recessed Downlights V1.0, EPA’s intent is that currently certified models that meet the new requirements may be certified to the new specification without additional testing. 

Recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits certified to Luminaires V2.2 specification will be considered ENERGY STAR certified until December 31, 2024. For recessed downlight products that will not be recertified to the new specification, brand owners are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on websites and materials as they are updated or reprinted to ensure compliance by December 31, 2024.  

Proposed Changes from the Existing Specification  
The primary changes proposed in Draft 1 are raising the existing minimum efficacy requirement, focusing the scope to cover only recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits, and harmonizing with the latest versions of the existing methods of measurement and reference documents. The following summarizes proposed changes in Draft 1.  

Specification Scope 
EPA is proposing the scope of this specification cover recessed downlights and retrofit kits with apertures less than or equal to ten inches. All other luminaire types are excluded. 

EPA is proposing a single minimum efficacy requirement of 90 lumens per watt for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits. As of January 10, 2023, there were nearly 2,500 recessed downlight and recessed downlight retrofit kit model families certified by more than 100 partners on the Luminaires V2.2 QPL that meet the proposed efficacy requirement. 

Power Factor 
EPA is proposing the power factor requirement be greater than or equal to 0.7 because there are currently no certified recessed downlights or recessed downlight retrofit kits with efficacy ≥90 lumens per watt that have power factor less than 0.7.  

Test Methods 
EPA is proposing updating methods of measurement to the latest versions, use of the ANSI/IES TM-21 Calculator for new certifications, and to retire the ENERGY STAR TM-21 Calculator on December 31, 2023, when no new models may be certified to Luminaires V2.2. 

Based on market developments and insights gained with color tunable and multi-output products, EPA is proposing to include 2200K and 2500K nominal CCTs and for all tests and evaluations to be performed at the most consumptive white light setting (i.e., the white light setting that results in the highest measured input power) rather than the least efficient white light setting per Luminaires V2.2. EPA has clarified definitionally that dim-to-warm, full-color-tunable, and white-tunable products are considered color tunable for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification. Since performance at the most consumptive setting was always required to be reported for these products, EPA does not anticipate additional testing for recertification.  

EPA seeks comments on the first draft via email to by Friday April 21, 2023. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1.0 First Draft Comments” in the subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless otherwise requested.  

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes inquiries; please contact me with questions, comments or concerns at or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR. 


Taylor Jantz-Sell 
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1.0 Draft 1 Specification  
ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1.0 Draft 1 Specification Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Manufacturer or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the revision of the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer specification. To support this revision, EPA is assembling an enhanced dataset. Additional information and a template to follow. 

Since the 2016 launch of this specification, more than 650 lab grade refrigerators and freezers and ultra-low lab grade freezers are currently certified. These products are from 35 different brands and are purchased by hospitals, clinics, university and government research laboratories, and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. With growing interest among health care facilities in reducing their environmental footprint, more such facilities are seeking the best in efficiency. With the development of the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR criteria, the program intends to recognize the significant improvements in energy efficiency that have been achieved and will continue to highlight products that make use of lower GWP refrigerants on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder

EPA will leverage the robust dataset associated with products certified to current Version 1.1 specification as a starting point when evaluating levels for the Version 2.0. However, EPA would like to give manufacturers the opportunity to provide additional data to inform the Draft 1 proposal. EPA is particularly interested in energy data for smaller ULT products as few are currently certified. Testing should be completed using the ENERGY STAR Test Method for Laboratory Grade Refrigerators, Freezers, and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers and data should be submitted using the test reporting template to EPA will accept data through May 24, 2023.

EPA also encourages manufacturers to contact EPA with any items that the Agency should take under consideration as we begin the development of the Draft 1, Version 2.0 proposal, including additional product types that could be added to the eligible product list and features or functionality that may impact energy use.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Your input is valuable during this specification development process. All EPA correspondence and specification documents will be posted throughout the specification development process to the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Specification Development webpage.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. Please direct any questions on the finalized test method to Bryan Berringer, DOE, at, or 202-586-0371. For any other laboratory grade refrigerator or freezer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share with you a proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment specification. This amendment addresses updates to the criteria for AC EVSE prompted by recent state requirements in terms of added product functionality. EPA has not revised any criteria pertaining to DC EVSE and currently certified DC and AC products will not be affected by this update. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments on this amendment to by April 10, 2023.

In response to extensive stakeholder feedback as well as data shared by multiple partners, this amended specification proposes a new base allowance and new functionality adders for the AC-output EVSE energy efficiency criteria. Data shared demonstrated that some of the mandated features warrant additional allowed energy across multiple modes. This proposed amendment also includes minor updates to the connected criteria. Key specification updates are outlined below.

Definitions – EPA has included the definition for a speaker, PLC board (ISO 15118), RFID card reader, Revenue Grade Meter and a credit card reader in harmonization with the state regulatory requirements to clarify treatment of these features for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.

Base Allowance – EVSE is a rapidly evolving product category wherein many new features have been added to improve customer experience since the last revision. These additional features require more advanced processors leading to higher energy consumption. As such, EPA has amended the base allowance from 2.6 watts to 4 watts based on the data and feedback received from stakeholders.

No Vehicle, Partial On, and Idle Mode Adders – EPA has proposed additional allowances for EVSEs in the No Vehicle Mode, Partial On Mode, and Idle Mode for functionalities such as credit card readers, Revenue Grade Meters, RFID systems and PLC boards that will be enabled during testing in accordance with the state regulatory requirements. EPA is proposing an additional allowance for in-use speakers for improved driver engagement with the vehicle and its functions. Occupancy sensing is an important feature from an energy savings standpoint. When EVSE systems are sophisticated and well designed, occupancy sensing can be used as a primary input to determine the time required to put various subcomponents to sleep, identifying utility rates, detecting vacant spots as well as equipment security. To encourage innovation in this space and reward systems that lead to significant savings through occupancy sensing, EPA is also proposing an adder for this function. EPA would appreciate stakeholder comments and the submission of any additional data to support further refinement of this proposal, as needed. 

Connected Functionality Criteria – To be recognized as having connected functionality, EPA has proposed an additional requirement that the EVSE have the necessary hardware (PLC board for ISO 15118) to facilitate high-level communication between the EV and the EVSE based on a wired communication technology beyond basic signaling. At this time, EPA intends compliance with this criterion to be confirmed through review of documentation by a certification body, rather than with a test procedure. For instance, this might include annotated product manuals, a record of product examination, etc. Products already certified as connected will continue to maintain their connected listing on the ENERGY STAR website.

Feedback – The exchange of ideas and information between EPA and stakeholders is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Stakeholder participation is key to the ENERGY STAR specification development process and is strongly encouraged. Please send comments via e-mail to by April 10, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the EVSE specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments remain confidential. EPA looks forward to further work with stakeholders in the completion of this amendment to the EVSE Version 1.2 specification.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Abhishek Jathar at (202) 862-1203 or, with questions or to share feedback on this amendment.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.2 Draft Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-Top Box Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of March 31, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new set-top boxes to the Version 5.1 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing set-top box certifications to the Version 5.1 specification until September 29, 2023. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all set-top box products on and after September 29, 2023.

While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, as soon as possible to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after September 29, 2023.

Please reference EPA's Set Top Box Sunset Decision Memo for more details, and contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified set-top box products to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Lighting Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:  

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps and luminaires effective December 31, 2024. Recessed downlights, discussed more below, will be covered by a new specification moving forward. Lighting requirements will be removed from the ENERGY STAR ceiling fan and ventilation fan specifications effective August 1, 2023. Fans with lighting will still be eligible. 

EPA thanks stakeholders who submitted comments on the sunset proposal released last year. Feedback was provided by manufacturers, trade associations, energy efficiency organizations, facility managers and procurement organizations, certification bodies for ENERGY STAR lighting products, and sustainability consultants. All written comments received as well as the Comment Response Document are posted here, and the final sunset timeline is detailed below. 

Multiple commenters suggested that the marketplace still needs part or all the ENERGY STAR lighting program to avoid losing the significant efficiency gains associated with lamps and luminaires. To the contrary, historical efficiency gains for lamps and luminaires will be secured by way of the sales prohibition of inefficient light sources in the United States that will be enforced starting this summer. These efficiency gains will translate to luminaires to the extent they accept covered light sources. For the remaining luminaires, recessed downlights excepted, which multiple stakeholders noted still had room for significant energy savings differentiation, any remaining efficiency potential is quite small, especially for residential applications. Commenters also expressed concern regarding quality. While instituting performance quality metrics in the ENERGY STAR program was critical for ensuring widespread market adoption of energy efficient lighting technology, it is not the role of the Program to recognize products based on non-energy attributes alone. It is important to note that energy conservation is the congressionally mandated directive of the ENERGY STAR program. 

In absence of the ENERGY STAR mark, the Federal Trade Commission’s Lighting Facts labels will continue to communicate lamp performance to consumers, including brightness, estimated yearly energy cost, life, light appearance as the expression of the correlated color temperature, and energy used. Additionally, the Department of Energy (DOE) has initiated a rulemaking process that would significantly raise the minimum efficiency of general service lamps and establish a new minimum power factor requirement of 0.7 to go along with the minimum Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80 initially set by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The proposed DOE rulemaking is open for comment until March 23, 2023, providing stakeholders the opportunity to participate in the development of a national standard for general service lamps (light bulbs). 

ENERGY STAR for Recessed Downlights

Two trade associations, and the DesignLights Consortium™ made a case for continuing ENERGY STAR certification for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits because of the potential for significant additional energy savings. In response, EPA performed research and confirmed wide performance in this category and the opportunity for energy savings. If all downlights and downlight retrofit kits sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified with efficacy > 90 lumens per watt (for example), the energy cost savings would grow to more than $1 billion each year, and more than 13 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions from more than 1 million vehicles. Considering DOE’s stated intent not to cover recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits in federal standards, EPA has decided to continue ENERGY STAR certification for these products via a new specification with a higher efficacy requirement than currently required in the luminaires specification, while preserving existing relevant performance requirements. EPA is striving to complete this specification in time for a seamless transition from Luminaires. 

Timeline Milestones
This timeline was set based on the 45 lumen per watt backstop and not future DOE rulemaking. 



 Lamps and Luminaires*                     Ceiling Fan Light Kits   Ceiling and Vent fans with    Lighting 

 Certified lighting models recognized on until

     (static lists will be archived) 

 December 31, 2024   December 31, 2024    N/A
 EPA to stop accepting new Partnership Applications   August 1, 2023   August 1, 2023    N/A
 Certification Bodies (CBs) to stop certifying new lighting models and  subcomponents**   December 31, 2023   August 1, 2023   August 1, 2023 
 Brand owners to stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark   December 31, 2023   December 31, 2024  December 31, 2024

* EPA intends for there to be no interruption in the certification of recessed downlights and downlight retrofit kits. 
** CBs to stop certifying models referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database on August 1, 2023. 

EPA will continue market surveillance and enforcement of the proper use of the ENERGY STAR mark. Brand owners are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on Web sites and materials as they are updated or reprinted to ensure compliance by December 31, 2024. 

Ceiling Fan and Ventilation Fan Amendments
On August 1, 2023, EPA will issue amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications with the lighting requirements removed, effective at issuance. See Appendix A. 

Please contact us at with any questions. For inquiries on DOE’s Rulemaking please contact Bryan Berringer at EPA appreciates the efforts of lighting partners to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.
Thank you. 


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Appendix A
Following are details for the specification amendments EPA plans to finalize effective August 1, 2023. EPA will coordinate with its Certification Bodies the changes necessary to the Qualified Product Exchange forms to reflect the elimination of all lighting criteria. Ceiling and Vent fans packaged with lighting will still be eligible, but no longer be subject to lighting requirements. 

Residential Ceiling Fans Version 4.1
For purposes of this amendment:

1. Definitions of the following terms will be removed: ceiling fan light kit (CFLK) with integrated solid-state lighting circuitry, CFLK with separable light source, LED light engine, non-standard integrated LED lamps, Other SSL product, and solid-state lighting.
2. Scope: as of August 1, 2023, Ceiling Fan Light Kit that are sold separately from a residential ceiling fan will be removed from the scope.
3. Ceiling Fan Light Kit Requirements (Section 3.2) will be removed. 
4. Control and Standby Requirements (Section 4) related to CFLKs will be eliminated. 
5. Minimum Warranty requirements (Section 5) related to CFLKs will be eliminated. 
6. Product Certification requirements related to CFLK Product Families (Section 6.1), Solid-state Lumen Performance Data (Section 6.2), and CFLK rounding, and sampling requirements will be eliminated. 
7. Labeling and Packaging requirements (Section 7) related to CFLKs sold separately from a residential ceiling fan will be eliminated. 
8. Lighting Toxics Reduction Requirements (Section 8) will be eliminated. 

Residential Ventilating Fans Version 4.2
For purposes of this amendment:

1. Definition of Residential Ventilating Fan will be updated to recognize that some models contain a light source for general lighting and/or a night light. 

2. Definition of Combination Unit will be eliminated. 

3. Lighting Requirements (Section 3.B.) will be eliminated. 

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. The effective date for this ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification will be October 30, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 specification will recognize the best in energy efficiency and will continue to arm consumers with features and materials that further their energy savings including; consumer overridable energy saver mode, installation materials and instructions, and filter change reminders, as well as refrigerant information. Further, products seeking connected recognition will do so without required demand response testing under Version 5.0. If all room air conditioners sold in the United States were certified to ENERGY STAR Version 5.0, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $1 billion each year and 5.7 MMT of greenhouse gas emissions would be avoided annually.

Since initiating the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR specification revision for room air conditioners in July 2022, EPA has released three drafts and held numerous webinars and meetings to collect feedback from stakeholders, as well as coordinated with DOE to ensure the ENERGY STAR specification harmonizes with DOE’s definitions and test methods used in minimum efficiency standards. EPA received comments from numerous stakeholders, including manufacturers, utilities, and energy efficiency organizations.

EPA received one set of comments in response to the final draft specification that focused on topics shared and responded to previously, including the timing of the finalization of this specification and the provision of a credit for connected room air conditioners. EPA weighed these comments previously as the Agency did those of other stakeholders who supported the timing and the simplification of the connected testing. One new concern was shared specific to Energy Saver Mode. EPA has maintained the Energy Saver Mode requirements and notes that Energy Saver Mode is overridable by the consumer if they are dissatisfied.

The Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner final specification is unchanged from the final draft. Stakeholder comments, the final draft, previous drafts of the specification, and all related supporting materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5.0 Specification Development webpage.

Timeline and Next Steps

EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. Considering this, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 5.0 requirements.
  • On June 12, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 4.2. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid until October 30, 2023.
  • Any room air conditioners manufactured as of October 30, 2023, must meet Version 5.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 4.2 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, and CBs will only submit product models certification to Version 5.0 to EPA.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the Unites States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models because only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.
EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners. If you have any questions or concerns about the specification or partnership process, please contact me at or (202) 343-9120, or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1566.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Katharine Kaplan, Manager, Product Development and Product Administration
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Final Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-Top Box Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Set-Top Boxes (STB) and the Set-Top Box Service Provider Partnership, effective September 29, 2023.

In response to EPA’s proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for Set-Top Boxes and the Set-Top Box Service Provider partnership, EPA received one set of supportive comments. The comments agreed with EPA that the relevance and usage of set-top boxes has drastically declined over the years since EPA began recognizing efficiency leadership in these products. The market shift to lower energy using alternatives to accessing content, enables EPA to sunset the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box specification and Set-Top Box Service Provider partnership. Further, EPA expects, and stakeholders agreed, that the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement will prevent backsliding in efficiency gains. 

Milestones for Sunsetting ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Products and the Set-Top Box Service Provider Partnership

The sunset will proceed consistent with the following milestones:

  • ENERGY STAR certified set-top box products and their brand owners as well as ENERGY STAR Service Provider partners will continue to be recognized at until September 29, 2023.
  • No new Partnership Agreements for the Set-Top Box program will be accepted by EPA as of February 22, 2023.
  • No new Set-Top Box product certifications will be accepted by EPA as of March 31, 2023.
  • Manufacturers and Service Provider Partners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all Set-Top Box products manufactured and services offered on or after September 29, 2023.
  • In order to be in compliance by September 29, 2023, manufacturers of Set-Top Box products and Set-Top Box Service Provider partners are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Partners are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.

Partners who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all set-top box stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. 

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they have provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this final draft specification. The effective date for this specification will be January 12, 2024.

EPA received limited comments on the Draft 1 proposal.  Stakeholders broadly supported the active mode levels proposed in the Draft 1 specification. This final draft reflects the close work with stakeholders to finalize the criteria and incorporates minor edits suggested by stakeholders for better clarity. Among the edits made were clarifications to definitions, scope, internal power supply requirements, and testing guidance. This testing guidance is included in the draft test method.  Clarifying edits are highlighted in note boxes throughout the specification and test method.

Any remaining comments on this Final Draft Version 4.0 specification may be submitted to by February 14, 2023. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Computer Servers Specification Version 4.0 product development webpage.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Draft, Version 4.0 Specification
Final Draft Test Method


Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. Final comments on the Version 5.0 Final Draft specification may be submitted no later than February 9, 2023, to

EPA received support for the Draft 2 proposed levels and the inclusion of a second tier to be established through a subsequent specification development process. One stakeholder noted that the levels would limit selection while a second indicated that EPA should return to the more stringent Draft 1 levels as they are more appropriate for a leadership program. EPA has retained the Draft 2 levels in this final draft as they balance efficiency gains and selection. Some commenters supported the signaling of a second tier timed with the DOE standard while others called on EPA to hold both Version 5 and Version 6 until the DOE standard is finalized. In light of the high ENERGY STAR market share for room air conditioners and to create an incentive for meaningful efficiency gains for the 2024 cooling season and beyond, EPA is moving to a finalize the Version 5 specification now and will return to the Version 6 subsequently. Responses to each of these comments and others can be found in note boxes throughout the final draft specification as well as in the accompanying Draft 2 Comment Response Matrix.

Final comments on the Version 5.0 Final Draft specification may be submitted no later than February 9, 2023, to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Version 5.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments remain confidential.
Please contact Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or (202) 343-9120, or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1566, with any questions or concerns about the specification. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Katharine Kaplan, Manager, Product Development and Product Administration
  ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

  ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Final Draft Specification
  ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 2 Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington DC

Thank you for participating in the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 webinar on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted the presentation slides here. In response to stakeholder request, EPA has extended the comment deadline to February 10, 2023.  Please submit any comments to EPA at

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwashers Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of January 19, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new residential dishwashers to the Version 6.0 specification and may only certify residential dishwashers to the Version 7.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing residential dishwashers certifications to the Version 6.0 specification until July 19, 2023. After this date, only residential dishwashers certified to the Version 7.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by January 18, 2023, of models certified to Version 6.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified residential dishwashers to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:
The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Product List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

LED Lamps

  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model LED19WA21/OMN/850-G8
  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 19W/A21/H/50K
  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 19W/A21/H/50K/2
  • Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 19W/A21/H/50K/4
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 12G40DLED302
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 12G40DLED272
  • SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S8649
  • Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 51170


  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6* 15LM [27|30|35|40]K 90CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6* 24LM [27|30|35|40]K 80CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6*18LM [27|30|35|40]K 80CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6S 15LM 30K 90CRI 120 FRPC HZWH
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6w-15-9xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6w-18-8xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6w-20-9xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR6w-24-8xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8* 15LM[27|30|35|40]K 90CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8* 18LM[27|30|35|40]K 80CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8* 24LM [27|30|35|40]K 80CRI [120 FRPC|347 ZT|MVOLT ZT] [HZWH|WWH]
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8w-15-9xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8w-18-8xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8w-20-9xxKy-zz
  • Acuity Brands Lighting, Juno model JCLR8w-24-8xxKy-zz
  • Best Lighting Products, BEST model BRK-LED4-BW-27-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, BEST model BRK-LED4-BW-3-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, BEST model BRK-LED4-BW-4-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, BEST model BRK-LED4-BW-5-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, Best model BRK-LED56-GR-27K-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, Best model BRK-LED56-GR-3K-ECO
  • Best Lighting Products, Best model BRK-LED56-GR-4K-ECO
  • Cree Lighting, e-conolight model E-RTA06A-4ABW-8301E
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B10-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B10-T27UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B10-T35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B10-T40UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B10UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25-T27UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25-T35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25-T40UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B25UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35-T27UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35-T35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35-T40UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60-T27UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60-T35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60-T40UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521***-L14-B60UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10-T27UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10-T35UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10-T40UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B10UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B25-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521J***-L14-B25-T27-C97UE-DUN-**
  • EEMA Industries Dba Liton Lighting, Liton model LRLD2521SW-L14-B10-C97UE-DUN / LHLD25-FRM
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS4-70-10W-830-120-DT-WH
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS4-70-10W-840-120-DT-WH
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS4-70-10W-850-120-DT-WH
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS6-100-15W-830-120-DT-WH
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS6-100-15W-840-120-DT-WH
  • EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model DDS6-100-15W-850-120-DT-WH
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 26 model LS26-DL4"-10W3K(3000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 27 model LS26-DL4"-10W4K(4000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 28 model LS26-DL4"-10W5K(5000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 29 model LS26-DL6"-15W3K(3000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 30 model LS26-DL6"-15W4K(4000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 31 model LS26-DL6"-15W5K(5000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 32 model LS26-DL8"-20W3K(3000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 33 model LS26-DL8"-20W4K(4000K)
  • Lighting Spot 26 LLC, Lighting Spot 34 model LS26-DL8"-20W5K(5000K)
  • Liteline Corporation, A-Line, Liteline model DL6-15W-C-**-#
  • Liteline Corporation, A-Line, Liteline model DL6-15W-C-WH
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR4-10W120-30K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR4-10W120-40K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR4-10W120-50K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR6-15W120-30K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR6-15W120-40K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR6-15W120-50K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR8-20W120-30K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR8-20W120-40K-*SA
  • Shenzhen Homi Lighting Co., HOMI model HM15-DR8-20W120-50K-*SA
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model AM[33|32|54|72]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model AM[33|32|54|72]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model AM[33|32|54|72]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DAB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DAB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DAB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DAB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBC18/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBC18/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBC18/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBC18/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBN[11|12|13|14|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBN[11|12|13|14|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBN[11|12|13|14|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBN[11|12|13|14|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBP15/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBP15/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBP15/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBP15/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DBS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCB[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DDB[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DDB[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DDB[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DDB[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/[10|12]GL/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/CC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/CC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/CC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/CC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EBH/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EBL/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EG/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EG/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EG/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/EG/BK/17W/E/D/50K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/OC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/OC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/OC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/OC/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTR/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTR/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTR/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTS/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTS/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTS/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DOD/PTS/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWS[11|13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWT11/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWT11/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWT11/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model DWT11/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model FCM[12|16|20]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model FCM[12|16|20]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model FCM[12|16|20]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model FCM[12|16|20]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/AM[11|12|14|15|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/AM[11|12|14|15|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/AM[11|12|14|15|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/AM[11|12|14|15|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DBN[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DBN[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DBN[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DBN[13|15]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DCO[10|12|14|16|18]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DOD/HM/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/DOD/HM/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/HM/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/HM/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CB]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/MU[15|20|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/MU[15|20|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/MU[15|20|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model LFX/MU[15|20|23]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model M[33|32|54|72]/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model OD/PTR/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model S1050A/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model S1050A/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model S1050A/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model S1050A/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model VANXX/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/10W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model VANXX/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/17W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model VANXX/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/23W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Sunshine Lighting, Sunlite model VANXX/[WH|BK|BN|BZ|PB|CH|WP|CP]/28W/E/D/[27|30|35|40|50]K
  • Verbatim Americas, LLC, Verbatim model 70272
  • Verbatim Americas, LLC, Verbatim model 70273

Residential Water Coolers

  • Greenway Home Products Inc., Vitapur model VWD1076BLST

Windows, Doors, and Skylights

  • United Window & Door Manufacturing, Inc., United Window & Door Manufacturing, Inc. model UWD-M-56-00002-00003
  • United Window & Door Manufacturing, Inc., United Window & Door Manufacturing, Inc. model UWD-M-56-00002-00004

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Commercial Ovens Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification is January 12, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 3.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 3.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 3.0 certified Commercial Ovens to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

EPA has finalized the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria for Central Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP) and qualified models will be highlighted on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient web page beginning January 1, 2023. This memo explains how you can have your models recognized.

In the interest of bringing more attention to these highly efficient models, EPA will be featuring ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models using its highly visited ENERGY STAR Product Finder. EPA is using certification data to recognize eligible models in the CAC-HP product category. To ensure recognition, models will need to meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient efficiency criteria, have 2 or more capacity stages, and meet 3 of the 6 installation criteria (or 2 of the 4 that apply to ductless units). All of this information can be confirmed automatically using your ENERGY STAR certification data, but please remember you must supply your certification body with information that confirms your model meets the installation criteria as the installation criteria are optional for ENERGY STAR certification but required for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 recognition. 

Once you have a 2023 recognized model, EPA will share the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 designation and usage guidelines. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation is intended to be used on point of purchase material, product literature, and websites but may not be applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. If your models meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria and are on the ENERGY STAR certified product list but are not yet featured as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient, or if you have any other questions, please contact

We look forward to working with you in 2023 to recognize your ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC and HP partners: 

EPA has finalized the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria for Central Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP) and qualified models will be highlighted on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient web page beginning January 1, 2023. This memo explains how you can have your models recognized.

In the interest of bringing more attention to these highly efficient models, EPA will be featuring ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models using its highly visited ENERGY STAR Product Finder. EPA is using certification data to recognize eligible models in the CAC-HP product category. To ensure recognition, models will need to meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient efficiency criteria, have 2 or more capacity stages, and meet 3 of the 6 installation criteria (or 2 of the 4 that apply to ductless units). All of this information can be confirmed automatically using your ENERGY STAR certification data, but please remember you must supply your certification body with information that confirms your model meets the installation criteria as the installation criteria are optional for ENERGY STAR certification but required for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 recognition. 

Once you have a 2023 recognized model, EPA will share the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 designation and usage guidelines. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation is intended to be used on point of purchase material, product literature, and websites but may not be applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. If your models meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria and are on the ENERGY STAR certified product list but are not yet featured as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient, or if you have any other questions, please contact

We look forward to working with you in 2023 to recognize your ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC and HP partners: 

EPA has finalized the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria for Central Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP) and qualified models will be highlighted on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient web page beginning January 1, 2023. This memo explains how you can have your models recognized.

In the interest of bringing more attention to these highly efficient models, EPA will be featuring ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models using its highly visited ENERGY STAR Product Finder. EPA is using certification data to recognize eligible models in the CAC-HP product category. To ensure recognition, models will need to meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient efficiency criteria, have 2 or more capacity stages, and meet 3 of the 6 installation criteria (or 2 of the 4 that apply to ductless units). All of this information can be confirmed automatically using your ENERGY STAR certification data, but please remember you must supply your certification body with information that confirms your model meets the installation criteria as the installation criteria are optional for ENERGY STAR certification but required for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 recognition. 

Once you have a 2023 recognized model, EPA will share the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 designation and usage guidelines. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation is intended to be used on point of purchase material, product literature, and websites but may not be applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. If your models meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria and are on the ENERGY STAR certified product list but are not yet featured as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient, or if you have any other questions, please contact

We look forward to working with you in 2023 to recognize your ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Electric Cooking Product Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders: 

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than January 27, 2023. EPA will host a webinar on January 11, 2023 to discuss this Draft 1 specification.

ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between government, businesses, and purchasers designed to encourage the manufacture, purchase, and use of efficient products to help protect the environment. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA in consultation with stakeholders. To date: 

  • More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label,
  • In 2020, more than 2000 manufacturers and 1900 retailers partnered with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY STAR certified products across more than 75 residential and commercial product categories.
  • More than 840 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 97% of households in all 50 states. Nationwide, utilities invested $8.4 billion in energy efficiency programs in 2019.
  • Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses save 5 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid more than $450 billion in energy costs, and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.

Electric cooking products are present in 60% of U.S. homes according to the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)1. EPA is launching the development of an ENERGY STAR specification for residential electric cooking products as momentum has rapidly built around the expansion of electric cooking, with city and state policymakers, manufacturers, and retailers eager for these products to grow their market presence. The ENERGY STAR program is well-positioned to support the market’s evolution towards efficient electric by raising consumer awareness, convening interested stakeholders, and recognizing innovation in this space. The efficiency level proposed in Draft 1 is 16% more efficient than the highest energy consuming electric cooking product evaluated by EPA. As such, the models recognized by this specification will reflect be recognizing the most efficient electric models, including induction, electric resistance, and coil, on the market. 


Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:

Comment Submittal 
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by January 27, 2023. By this same deadline, EPA will also accept additional data for any electric cooking top/range products tested to Appendix I1 to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Conventional Cooking Products. Data used for purposes of setting specification levels do not need to be third-party certified. 

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm ET to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522, Fabria Jno Baptiste (ICF) at or 571-842-4949, and Steve Leybourn (ICF) at or 202-862-1566 for questions or concerns. For questions about the test method, please contact Carl Shapiro, DOE, at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 


Tanja Crk, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 1 Data & Analysis

1 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Demand and Integrated Statistics, Form EIA-457A of the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey 

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  CAC/HP Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump specification is January 1, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 6.1 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 6.1 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 6.1 certified Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating test method references in select ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment categories:

  • Version 2.0 Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets (HFHC) specification, and
  • Version 1.1 Commercial Coffee Brewers specification. 

The current commercial HFHC and coffee brewer ENERGY STAR specifications reference outdated American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test methods. EPA is introducing amendments to the current ENERGY STAR specifications for these two separate product categories to align with the latest ASTM standards.

Based on a review of the specification and updated ASTM standard test methods for these two categories, EPA has determined that changes to the levels, certification criteria, or any other aspects of the Version 2.0 Commercial HFHC and Version 1.1 Commercial Coffee Brewers specifications as a result of the updated test method references are not necessary. 

For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, commercial HFHCs and coffee brewers should be tested using ASTM Standard F2140-11 (2019), Test Method for Performance of Hot Food Holding Cabinets and ASTM Standard F2990-12 (2018), Test Method for Commercial Coffee Brewers, respectively, moving forward. Certifications based on previously accepted versions of these ASTM tests are not affected by this update. The updated specifications can be found here and here.

If you have comments or questions regarding these updates, please contact me at (202) 650-7522 and or Adam Spitz, ICF, at (916) 231-7685 and

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification. This Discussion Guide highlights an initial list of priority areas for this specification revision, key questions for stakeholders, and next steps in the revision process. EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 9.0 specification that will recognize efficiency gains in the computer market. The deadline to provide comments on this Discussion Guide is January 27, 2023.

The Discussion Guide focuses on the following areas:

  • Updated and new definitions
  • Mode weightings
  • P-score categorization / boundaries
  • Revisions to adders
  • Internal power supply efficiency
  • Workstation metrics  

Stakeholder suggestions on any other issues to be considered during the Version 9.0 specification revision process are welcomed, in particular on those topics raised in the Discussion Guide.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Discussion Guide.  Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by January 27, 2023 All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on January 12, 2023, from 1-3PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Discussion Guide

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers specification is December 22, 2022. On this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for set-top boxes. EPA recognizes the significant and long contribution of ENERGY STAR set-top box stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 16, 2023.

Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued
  • Power use of ENERGY STAR certified products is no different from conventional products, hence, the program offers no clear energy efficiency differentiation.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset

As evidenced by the latest report from the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement (VA) Annual Report for 2021, most of the pay TV service providers are proactively enabling consumers to watch video programming without the use of set-top boxes through their support of apps that can be used across various devices. Set-top box deployments decreased 31% from 2012 to 2021 and future projections indicate even a steeper decline. The majority of adults (54%) now watch video regularly on devices other than televisions, such as tablets, smartphones, and computers. Consistent with the above noted pay TV service provider actions, the latest trends show that consumers are moving away from set-top boxes with the emergence of Smart TVs that come pre-loaded with apps that eliminate the need for a set-top box. More than three quarters of American households now have at least one Smart TV, and Smart TVs now represent 57% of all TVs used in the US. Nearly all Smart TVs (86% in a recent study) are now used to access at least some video directly without a set-top box.

ENERGY STAR Program Background

In 2008 the set-top box was one of the biggest energy users in the American home. These devices, typically provided by cable, satellite, or phone companies, consumed 27 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity that year, as much as the entire state of Maryland. In that same year, EPA launched ENERGY STAR criteria that coupled rigorous energy saving specifications for set-top box hardware with new requirements for pay TV providers that wished to earn ENERGY STAR recognition for their devices. EPA called on pay TV providers to purchase and deploy ENERGY STAR set-top boxes or upgrade a large part of their deployed fleet to meet ENERGY STAR specifications -- driving demand for efficient boxes and ensuring consumer savings. In 2011, EPA raised the bar on requirements for both box makers and pay TV providers and did so again in 2014 and 2016. 

To drive towards these greater efficiencies, EPA first focused on a number of technological hurdles to efficiency. This included the development of a fair and repeatable energy use test. The ENERGY STAR test procedure for this category was later codified into an industry-wide standard for testing set-top boxes under the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement. 

To address pre-existing barriers to energy efficiency, EPA worked through key industry standard development efforts to ensure standards prioritized efficiency including MOCA 2.0, DOCSIS, and the Open Cable standard. Whereas in the past it was perfectly acceptable for set-top boxes to be on 24 hours a day and for final industry standards for set-top box communication and data transmission to assume that the device was always on and operating at full power, industry now recognized that boxes should operate in a range of power states, and scale power based on the amount of activity the box is engaged in -- realizing big energy savings.

Using data gathered by the Natural Resources Defense Council, which sounded the alarm about the energy consumption of set-top boxes, EPA set efficiency criteria for a range of pay TV boxes. The Agency complimented its specification development work with partner recruitment efforts such that shipments of ENERGY STAR set-top boxes continued to grow. In 2009, 50% of set top boxes shipped to US costumers were ENERGY STAR certified. By 2011, this number grew to 62% and then 88% in 2012. ENERGY STAR and its leading partner companies, including: AT&T, DirecTV, Dish Network, EPB, Suddenlink, and Verizon as well as 14 manufacturers, were an early efficiency driver in the set-top box space, delivering enormous national dollar and greenhouse gas savings by dialing back the power use. Over the life of this ENERGY STAR specification, about 240 million ENERGY STAR set-top boxes were sold saving almost 140 tWh of electricity, and almost 100 million metric tons of greenhouse gases were avoided.

Proposed Timing

With the introduction and continuation of the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement, which EPA believes will prevent backsliding, as well as the notable shift in the market to lower energy using alternatives to accessing content like smart TVs and content viewing on mobile phones, EPA now proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR program for hardware and pay TV providers. 

Proposed Milestones for Sunsetting the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Program

EPA proposes the following milestones associated with implementing this proposal:

  • ENERGY STAR certified set-top box products and their manufacturers as well as ENERGY STAR Service Provider partners will continue to be recognized at until September 29, 2023.
  • No new Partnership Agreements for the Set-Top Box program will be accepted by EPA as of March 31, 2023.
  • No new certified product information for the Set-Top Box program will be accepted by EPA as of March 31, 2023.
  • Manufacturers and Service Provider Partners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all Set-Top Box products manufactured and services offered on or after September 29, 2023.
  • To minimize the cost of labeling changes and be in compliance by September 29, 2023, manufacturers of Set-Top Box products are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on Web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Manufacturers are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.

Stakeholders are invited to comment on this proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box program. Any feedback or data you wish to share with EPA may be submitted via email to, no later than January 16, 2023. In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all set-top box stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.


Ann Bailey, Chief
ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for set-top boxes. EPA recognizes the significant and long contribution of ENERGY STAR set-top box stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 16, 2023.

Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued
  • Power use of ENERGY STAR certified products is no different from conventional products, hence, the program offers no clear energy efficiency differentiation.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset

As evidenced by the latest report from the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement (VA) Annual Report for 2021, most of the pay TV service providers are proactively enabling consumers to watch video programming without the use of set-top boxes through their support of apps that can be used across various devices. Set-top box deployments decreased 31% from 2012 to 2021 and future projections indicate even a steeper decline. The majority of adults (54%) now watch video regularly on devices other than televisions, such as tablets, smartphones, and computers. Consistent with the above noted pay TV service provider actions, the latest trends show that consumers are moving away from set-top boxes with the emergence of Smart TVs that come pre-loaded with apps that eliminate the need for a set-top box. More than three quarters of American households now have at least one Smart TV, and Smart TVs now represent 57% of all TVs used in the US. Nearly all Smart TVs (86% in a recent study) are now used to access at least some video directly without a set-top box.

ENERGY STAR Program Background

In 2008 the set-top box was one of the biggest energy users in the American home. These devices, typically provided by cable, satellite, or phone companies, consumed 27 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity that year, as much as the entire state of Maryland. In that same year, EPA launched ENERGY STAR criteria that coupled rigorous energy saving specifications for set-top box hardware with new requirements for pay TV providers that wished to earn ENERGY STAR recognition for their devices. EPA called on pay TV providers to purchase and deploy ENERGY STAR set-top boxes or upgrade a large part of their deployed fleet to meet ENERGY STAR specifications -- driving demand for efficient boxes and ensuring consumer savings. In 2011, EPA raised the bar on requirements for both box makers and pay TV providers and did so again in 2014 and 2016. 

To drive towards these greater efficiencies, EPA first focused on a number of technological hurdles to efficiency. This included the development of a fair and repeatable energy use test. The ENERGY STAR test procedure for this category was later codified into an industry-wide standard for testing set-top boxes under the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement. 

To address pre-existing barriers to energy efficiency, EPA worked through key industry standard development efforts to ensure standards prioritized efficiency including MOCA 2.0, DOCSIS, and the Open Cable standard. Whereas in the past it was perfectly acceptable for set-top boxes to be on 24 hours a day and for final industry standards for set-top box communication and data transmission to assume that the device was always on and operating at full power, industry now recognized that boxes should operate in a range of power states, and scale power based on the amount of activity the box is engaged in -- realizing big energy savings.

Using data gathered by the Natural Resources Defense Council, which sounded the alarm about the energy consumption of set-top boxes, EPA set efficiency criteria for a range of pay TV boxes. The Agency complimented its specification development work with partner recruitment efforts such that shipments of ENERGY STAR set-top boxes continued to grow. In 2009, 50% of set top boxes shipped to US costumers were ENERGY STAR certified. By 2011, this number grew to 62% and then 88% in 2012. ENERGY STAR and its leading partner companies, including: AT&T, DirecTV, Dish Network, EPB, Suddenlink, and Verizon as well as 14 manufacturers, were an early efficiency driver in the set-top box space, delivering enormous national dollar and greenhouse gas savings by dialing back the power use. Over the life of this ENERGY STAR specification, about 240 million ENERGY STAR set-top boxes were sold saving almost 140 tWh of electricity, and almost 100 million metric tons of greenhouse gases were avoided.

Proposed Timing

With the introduction and continuation of the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement, which EPA believes will prevent backsliding, as well as the notable shift in the market to lower energy using alternatives to accessing content like smart TVs and content viewing on mobile phones, EPA now proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR program for hardware and pay TV providers. 

Proposed Milestones for Sunsetting the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Program

EPA proposes the following milestones associated with implementing this proposal:

  • ENERGY STAR certified set-top box products and their manufacturers as well as ENERGY STAR Service Provider partners will continue to be recognized at until September 29, 2023.
  • No new Partnership Agreements for the Set-Top Box program will be accepted by EPA as of March 31, 2023.
  • No new certified product information for the Set-Top Box program will be accepted by EPA as of March 31, 2023.
  • Manufacturers and Service Provider Partners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all Set-Top Box products manufactured and services offered on or after September 29, 2023.
  • To minimize the cost of labeling changes and be in compliance by September 29, 2023, manufacturers of Set-Top Box products are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on Web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Manufacturers are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.

Stakeholders are invited to comment on this proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box program. Any feedback or data you wish to share with EPA may be submitted via email to, no later than January 16, 2023. In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all set-top box stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency.


Ann Bailey, Chief
ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Light Commercial HVAC Partners and Certification Bodies:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC specification (finalized March 28, 2022) is January 1, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 4.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Note that EPA has been notified that AHRI may have delays in certifying Light Commercial HVAC models to Version 4.0. To ensure a smooth transition to the new version on January 1st, please notify your EPA recognized certification body and EPA at as soon as possible and no later than December 16, 2022 of your plans to ensure models are certified and listed by January 1, 2023.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified light commercial HVAC to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Light Commercial HVAC Partners and Certification Bodies:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC specification (finalized March 28, 2022) is January 1, 2023. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 4.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Note that EPA has been notified that AHRI may have delays in certifying Light Commercial HVAC models to Version 4.0. To ensure a smooth transition to the new version on January 1st, please notify your EPA recognized certification body and EPA at as soon as possible and no later than December 16, 2022 of your plans to ensure models are certified and listed by January 1, 2023.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified light commercial HVAC to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:
The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

LED Lamps

  • Ascent Battery Supply, Duracell model LED11409F
  • Bulbrite Industries, BULBRITE model LED9MR16FL35/75/927/D
  • Bulbrite Industries, BULBRITE model LED9MR16FL35/75/930/D
  • Bulbrite Industries, BULBRITE model LED9MR16NF25/75/927/D
  • Bulbrite Industries, BULBRITE model LED9MR16NF25/75/930/D
  • Bulbrite Industries, BULBRITE model LED9MR16SP15/75/927/D
  • LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 41246
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 5G16.5DLED27/G2


  • Current Lighting Solutions, LLC, Lumination™ LED Luminaire – LTM Series model LTM*DA1****930PQ******D**
  • Current Lighting Solutions, LLC, Lumination™ LED Luminaire – LTM Series model LTM*DA1****935PQ******D**
  • Current Lighting Solutions, LLC, Lumination™ LED Luminaire – LTM Series model LTM*DA1****940PQ******D**
  • Current Lighting Solutions, LLC, Lumination™ LED Luminaire – LTM Series model LTMVDA113FL930PQJ1BLCKDXX    
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED21921-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED21931-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22021-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22121-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22321-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22331-ORB
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22331-X
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22421-***
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22431-***
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22521-***
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED22531-***
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED32521-***
  • Designers Fountain, Inc., Designers Fountain model LED32531-***
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-10-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-15-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-20-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-5-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-E1-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-35-8-E2-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-10-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-15-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-20-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-5-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-E1-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-40-8-E2-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-10-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-15-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-20-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-5-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-E1-S-X-A
  • EcoSense Lighting Co Ltd, Rise model F080-1S-HO-50-8-E2-S-X-A
  • Morris Products, MORRIS model 72252
  • Morris Products, MORRIS model 72253
  • SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S11712
  • SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S11713
  • SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S11714
  • SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S11715
  • Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89296-MKS
  • Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/3H/12W/30K/**
  • Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/3H/12W/40K/**
  • Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/3H/12W/50K/**
  • The Home Depot, World Imports model 9700-X
  • The Home Depot, World Imports model 9701-X
  • The Home Depot, World Imports model 9703-X
  • The Home Depot, World Imports model 9704-X
  • The Home Depot, World Imports model 9705-X

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Water Heaters Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of November 23, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new residential water heaters to the Version 4.0 specification and may only certify residential water heaters to the Version 5.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing residential water heaters certifications to the Version 4.0 specification until April 18, 2023. After this date, only water heaters certified to the Version 5.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by November 23, 2022, of models certified to Version 4.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified residential water heaters to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is notifying stakeholders of the Agency’s intention to allow the use of a new safety standard when certifying products to the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers specification. The update is the result of the completion of a new safety standard, UL/CSA 60335-2-89, that will ultimately replace UL 471, referenced in the ENERGY STAR specification.  Specifically, for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, commercial refrigerators and freezers shall be in compliance with UL/CSA 60335-2-89 standard testing and/or UL471 until the UL/CSA 60335-2-89 effective date, September 29, 2024, at which time, only UL/CSA 60335-2-89 will be accepted for certification. The updated specification can be found here. Further, these changes do not impact current Version 5.0 and Version 4.0 certification status for the commercial refrigerator and freezer category.

Regarding Alternative Efficiency Determination Methods (AEDMs), the EPA supports ENERGY STAR certification of products, including commercial refrigerators and freezers, through an AEDM per 10 CFR 429.42(2). It is EPA’s expectation that verification test sample(s) be procured and tested according to the test method listed in the current specification.

If you have comments or questions regarding this update, please contact me at 202-650-7522 and or Adam Spitz, ICF, at 916-231-7685 and  Unless concerns are raised, EPA will finalize and post the updated specification on December 1, 2022.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing the Draft 2, ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5.0, as well as a draft Version 6.0 specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder input on these specifications; please provide written comments via email to no later than December 22, 2022. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on December 1, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm EST to discuss this draft with interested parties. Stakeholders interested in attending the webinar should register here.

In response to ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Version 5.0, Draft 1, EPA received comments from stakeholders that were both supportive and concerned with the proposal. While the concerned stakeholders expressed support and understood the need for revising the ENERGY STAR specification, they indicated that the proposed changes are significant and that qualifying product for the 2024 cooling season timeframe would be challenging at the proposed levels. Additionally, numerous stakeholders expressed concern regarding selection of products should the Draft 1 levels take effect now. They proposed setting an interim specification, with another increase seeking additional savings after the DOE standard takes effect.  

Consistent with these suggestions, EPA is releasing this Draft 2 Version 5.0 with somewhat eased levels, that would be in effect until DOE’s new federal minimum standards require compliance, as well as proposing levels for a Version 6.0 that would go into effect on the new federal standards compliance date. Key elements of Version 5.0, Draft 2 and Version 6.0 proposals include:

Revised Efficiency Criteria
EPA is proposing that to qualify for ENERGY STAR Version 5.0, room air conditioners within product classes 3-5b and 8-16 must be 35% more efficient than the 2014 minimum federal efficiency standards, whereas the proposed levels for product classes 1, 2, 6, and 7 remain the same as the levels proposed in Draft 1. Those levels are 19-28% more efficient than the current federal minimum standards.


For Version 6.0, EPA is proposing efficiency requirements that equal or outperform DOE’s new federal minimum standards by 10% for all product classes. Following this Draft 2 proposal, EPA will separate the two specifications and pause in the development of Version 6.0 until DOE finalizes the federal minimum standard. At that time, EPA will release a Draft 2 Version 6.0 that is informed by the DOE levels and timing. 

Optional ‘Connected’ Criteria
EPA is proposing to simplify and eliminate the requirement for demand response testing and instead require compliance with either one of the two dominant demand response communications protocols, OpenADR 2.0B or with CTA-2045B. Furthermore, with the simplification of the connected criteria, EPA plans to discontinue the 5% energy use allowance for connected products.

Sound Performance Reporting
While many stakeholders expressed support for a sound performance reporting requirement, some stakeholders expressed concerns regarding inconsistencies in the way that sound pressure testing is conducted across test methods and manufacturers. As such, EPA will not be requiring sound pressure reporting for ENERGY STAR certification at this time but does encourage identification or development of a consensus industry standard for testing sound for these products.

Stakeholders are requested to provide any comments on the Version 5.0 Draft 2 and Version 6.0 specification no later than December 22, 2022. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5.0 development page, unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
Please direct any specific questions to Katharine Kaplan at or (202) 343-9120 or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Katharine Kaplan, Manager, Product Development and Product Administration
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5.0, Draft 2, and Version 6.0 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 2 Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the launch of the newly developed resource on Commercial Food Service Midstream Programs. With this resource energy efficiency program sponsors (EEPS) can review emerging best practices on program design, implementation, and evaluation based on the experiences of program sponsors and ENERGY STAR partners throughout the United States. The intent of this resource is two-fold:

  • Encourage interested program implementers to take steps towards developing a midstream dealer/distributor-focused CFS incentive program. 
  • Facilitate conversation and information exchange between industry experts and program implementers interested in shifting to midstream. 

You can find the CFS Midstream Programs page as a Utilities/Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor resource on the CFS landing page:  

If you would like to learn more about midstream programs, please reach out to your regional account manager directly or through

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Dishwashers

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Steam Cookers

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Ovens

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Ice Makers

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Fryers

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the newly revised ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment sell sheets. The overview and individual equipment sell sheets are intended to market ENERGY STAR certified equipment. They are single page snapshots of savings potential broken out by energy, water (if applicable) and dollar savings. The sheets also provide helpful purchasing tips and links to other tools and resources!

The overview and individual sell sheets are provided below:

Commercial Griddles

Otherwise, the individual sell sheets are available through the ENERGY STAR product pages. The overview sell sheet that includes savings, benefits, and incentive ranges for all nine CFS categories is available under the dealer/distributor resources on the CFS landing page:

For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits. EPA recognizes the significant, decades long contributions of ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input, particularly with respect to timing. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 6, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR label for lighting and the specifications associated with it have been an amazing success story. When the first specification launched in 1997, CFLs were about one percent of light bulb sales; they cost an average of $19 each; and they suffered from a bad performance reputation among consumers. Advances in bulb design combined with a range of efforts from dedicated stakeholders, and rigorous ENERGY STAR performance requirements set the stage for improved product quality, with an equally positive impact on the introduction and evolution of LED bulbs and fixtures. Over the past two decades, this public-private collaboration, with a focus on product quality, branding and consumer education, has transformed the market for efficient lighting and delivered significant benefit to consumers and the environment. Since 1998, EPA estimates that ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs and fixtures have saved a combined total of more than one trillion kWh of electricity. Today, the associated annual greenhouse gas savings are roughly equivalent to the carbon sequestered by over 140 million acres of forest.

Criteria for Sunsetting
Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop so efficiency gains are maintained.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued

For residential lighting products, EPA anticipates that, in addition to the backstop, upcoming new efficiency standards will capture the bulk of existing cost-effective efficiency gains.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset
On May 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop. Consistent with the definitions for covered products, the backstop and anticipated new standards cover the vast majority of the lamps on the U.S. market. Further, to the extent that a significant amount of luminaire and light kit certifications and shipments involve screw-based sockets, the lamp standards represent a new baseline and backstop for fixtures as well.
Utility programs have been a powerful driver for the uptake of ENERGY STAR certified lighting for two decades, delivering much needed long term energy savings to their customers through cost-effective rebates. EPA recognizes that the prevalence of utility lighting rebates has been an important consideration among manufacturers as they weigh the certification costs associated with earning the ENERGY STAR label. In recent years, utility programs have been declining in anticipation of forthcoming federal standards, and with the backstop triggered, the new baseline for lighting will make it difficult for utility programs to justify continuing their rebates. It is EPA’s understanding that some utility programs may continue to offer rebates on ENERGY STAR lighting through the end of 2023, and fewer may be able to continue offering free bulbs to income eligible customers through 2024.
Proposed Timing
Consistent with the anticipated phase down of utility rebate programs leveraging ENERGY STAR lighting, EPA proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR label for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits effective the end of 2024. The Agency expects to stop accepting new certifications for these products as of the end of 2023. EPA welcomes feedback on this timeline. 

In light of the market considerations driving this sunset proposal, EPA also plans to remove lighting requirements from the ENERGY STAR specifications for ceiling fans and ventilation fans. These changes would be effective, in alignment with DOE’s backstop enforcement timeline, at the end of July 2023.

EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal. Stakeholders who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you.


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits. EPA recognizes the significant, decades long contributions of ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input, particularly with respect to timing. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 6, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR label for lighting and the specifications associated with it have been an amazing success story. When the first specification launched in 1997, CFLs were about one percent of light bulb sales; they cost an average of $19 each; and they suffered from a bad performance reputation among consumers. Advances in bulb design combined with a range of efforts from dedicated stakeholders, and rigorous ENERGY STAR performance requirements set the stage for improved product quality, with an equally positive impact on the introduction and evolution of LED bulbs and fixtures. Over the past two decades, this public-private collaboration, with a focus on product quality, branding and consumer education, has transformed the market for efficient lighting and delivered significant benefit to consumers and the environment. Since 1998, EPA estimates that ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs and fixtures have saved a combined total of more than one trillion kWh of electricity. Today, the associated annual greenhouse gas savings are roughly equivalent to the carbon sequestered by over 140 million acres of forest.

Criteria for Sunsetting
Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop so efficiency gains are maintained.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued

For residential lighting products, EPA anticipates that, in addition to the backstop, upcoming new efficiency standards will capture the bulk of existing cost-effective efficiency gains.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset
On May 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop. Consistent with the definitions for covered products, the backstop and anticipated new standards cover the vast majority of the lamps on the U.S. market. Further, to the extent that a significant amount of luminaire and light kit certifications and shipments involve screw-based sockets, the lamp standards represent a new baseline and backstop for fixtures as well.
Utility programs have been a powerful driver for the uptake of ENERGY STAR certified lighting for two decades, delivering much needed long term energy savings to their customers through cost-effective rebates. EPA recognizes that the prevalence of utility lighting rebates has been an important consideration among manufacturers as they weigh the certification costs associated with earning the ENERGY STAR label. In recent years, utility programs have been declining in anticipation of forthcoming federal standards, and with the backstop triggered, the new baseline for lighting will make it difficult for utility programs to justify continuing their rebates. It is EPA’s understanding that some utility programs may continue to offer rebates on ENERGY STAR lighting through the end of 2023, and fewer may be able to continue offering free bulbs to income eligible customers through 2024.
Proposed Timing
Consistent with the anticipated phase down of utility rebate programs leveraging ENERGY STAR lighting, EPA proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR label for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits effective the end of 2024. The Agency expects to stop accepting new certifications for these products as of the end of 2023. EPA welcomes feedback on this timeline. 

In light of the market considerations driving this sunset proposal, EPA also plans to remove lighting requirements from the ENERGY STAR specifications for ceiling fans and ventilation fans. These changes would be effective, in alignment with DOE’s backstop enforcement timeline, at the end of July 2023.

EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal. Stakeholders who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you.


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits. EPA recognizes the significant, decades long contributions of ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input, particularly with respect to timing. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 6, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR label for lighting and the specifications associated with it have been an amazing success story. When the first specification launched in 1997, CFLs were about one percent of light bulb sales; they cost an average of $19 each; and they suffered from a bad performance reputation among consumers. Advances in bulb design combined with a range of efforts from dedicated stakeholders, and rigorous ENERGY STAR performance requirements set the stage for improved product quality, with an equally positive impact on the introduction and evolution of LED bulbs and fixtures. Over the past two decades, this public-private collaboration, with a focus on product quality, branding and consumer education, has transformed the market for efficient lighting and delivered significant benefit to consumers and the environment. Since 1998, EPA estimates that ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs and fixtures have saved a combined total of more than one trillion kWh of electricity. Today, the associated annual greenhouse gas savings are roughly equivalent to the carbon sequestered by over 140 million acres of forest.

Criteria for Sunsetting
Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop so efficiency gains are maintained.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued

For residential lighting products, EPA anticipates that, in addition to the backstop, upcoming new efficiency standards will capture the bulk of existing cost-effective efficiency gains.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset
On May 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop. Consistent with the definitions for covered products, the backstop and anticipated new standards cover the vast majority of the lamps on the U.S. market. Further, to the extent that a significant amount of luminaire and light kit certifications and shipments involve screw-based sockets, the lamp standards represent a new baseline and backstop for fixtures as well.
Utility programs have been a powerful driver for the uptake of ENERGY STAR certified lighting for two decades, delivering much needed long term energy savings to their customers through cost-effective rebates. EPA recognizes that the prevalence of utility lighting rebates has been an important consideration among manufacturers as they weigh the certification costs associated with earning the ENERGY STAR label. In recent years, utility programs have been declining in anticipation of forthcoming federal standards, and with the backstop triggered, the new baseline for lighting will make it difficult for utility programs to justify continuing their rebates. It is EPA’s understanding that some utility programs may continue to offer rebates on ENERGY STAR lighting through the end of 2023, and fewer may be able to continue offering free bulbs to income eligible customers through 2024.
Proposed Timing
Consistent with the anticipated phase down of utility rebate programs leveraging ENERGY STAR lighting, EPA proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR label for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits effective the end of 2024. The Agency expects to stop accepting new certifications for these products as of the end of 2023. EPA welcomes feedback on this timeline. 

In light of the market considerations driving this sunset proposal, EPA also plans to remove lighting requirements from the ENERGY STAR specifications for ceiling fans and ventilation fans. These changes would be effective, in alignment with DOE’s backstop enforcement timeline, at the end of July 2023.

EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal. Stakeholders who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you.


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits. EPA recognizes the significant, decades long contributions of ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders and is committed to carefully considering all input, particularly with respect to timing. EPA requests feedback on this proposal no later than January 6, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR label for lighting and the specifications associated with it have been an amazing success story. When the first specification launched in 1997, CFLs were about one percent of light bulb sales; they cost an average of $19 each; and they suffered from a bad performance reputation among consumers. Advances in bulb design combined with a range of efforts from dedicated stakeholders, and rigorous ENERGY STAR performance requirements set the stage for improved product quality, with an equally positive impact on the introduction and evolution of LED bulbs and fixtures. Over the past two decades, this public-private collaboration, with a focus on product quality, branding and consumer education, has transformed the market for efficient lighting and delivered significant benefit to consumers and the environment. Since 1998, EPA estimates that ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs and fixtures have saved a combined total of more than one trillion kWh of electricity. Today, the associated annual greenhouse gas savings are roughly equivalent to the carbon sequestered by over 140 million acres of forest.

Criteria for Sunsetting
Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised. Some or all of the following factors play into such a decision:

  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated
  • A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop so efficiency gains are maintained.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued

For residential lighting products, EPA anticipates that, in addition to the backstop, upcoming new efficiency standards will capture the bulk of existing cost-effective efficiency gains.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset
On May 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop. Consistent with the definitions for covered products, the backstop and anticipated new standards cover the vast majority of the lamps on the U.S. market. Further, to the extent that a significant amount of luminaire and light kit certifications and shipments involve screw-based sockets, the lamp standards represent a new baseline and backstop for fixtures as well.
Utility programs have been a powerful driver for the uptake of ENERGY STAR certified lighting for two decades, delivering much needed long term energy savings to their customers through cost-effective rebates. EPA recognizes that the prevalence of utility lighting rebates has been an important consideration among manufacturers as they weigh the certification costs associated with earning the ENERGY STAR label. In recent years, utility programs have been declining in anticipation of forthcoming federal standards, and with the backstop triggered, the new baseline for lighting will make it difficult for utility programs to justify continuing their rebates. It is EPA’s understanding that some utility programs may continue to offer rebates on ENERGY STAR lighting through the end of 2023, and fewer may be able to continue offering free bulbs to income eligible customers through 2024.
Proposed Timing
Consistent with the anticipated phase down of utility rebate programs leveraging ENERGY STAR lighting, EPA proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR label for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits effective the end of 2024. The Agency expects to stop accepting new certifications for these products as of the end of 2023. EPA welcomes feedback on this timeline. 

In light of the market considerations driving this sunset proposal, EPA also plans to remove lighting requirements from the ENERGY STAR specifications for ceiling fans and ventilation fans. These changes would be effective, in alignment with DOE’s backstop enforcement timeline, at the end of July 2023.

EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal. Stakeholders who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact In closing, EPA appreciates the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you.


Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Electric Cooktop Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktops Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than December 22, 2022.

Activities to Date
EPA initially launched this specification development effort with the publication of the Commercial Electric Cooktop Discussion Guide for the purpose of engaging with manufacturers and other interested stakeholders to further inform a potential ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 specification. The Agency hosted a webinar stakeholder meeting to discuss general topics outlined in the Discussion Guide, which included, in part, the test methodology for evaluating energy efficiency performance, production capacity (throughput), and scope of products for consideration under the ENERGY STAR specification.

Prior to releasing the discussion guide and hosting the webinar, EPA had been and continues to be involved with the refinement of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test method development effort. The ASTM F1521-12 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Range Tops was ballot approved October 2022 and is slated for imminent publication through ASTM. The test forms the basis for the heat-up energy efficiency criterion for the ENERGY STAR commercial electric cooktops specification.

Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The Draft 1 specification builds on the concepts and information presented in the discussion guide with the addition of proposed eligibility criteria. EPA addresses stakeholder comments submitted in response to the discussion guide in the associated comment matrix as well as the draft product specification.

Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:

  • Cooking (Boil) Energy Efficiency (expressed as a percentage, %)
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F-1521-12 (2022) Standard Test Methods for Performance of Range Tops
  • Reporting requirements including: total number of hobs, maximum input rate per hob, diameter(s) of the individual hobs, heat-up time for each hob shall be reported from ambient to production-ready temperature, production capacity, and sub-category type (i.e., countertop, drop-in, and/or floor standing)

Data Assembly for Commercial Electric Cooktops
Data used to inform the Draft 1 specification was obtained through stakeholders, including Southern California Edison (SCE). While EPA believes that the current dataset is reasonably reflective of commercial electric cooktop energy performance, the Agency remains interested in obtaining additional data to incorporate in the performance requirement analysis. Data used for purposes of setting specification levels do not need to be third-party certified. Data that could enhance the EPA dataset include cooking (boil) energy efficiency for a variety of commercial electric cooktop models such as induction and non-induction electric units with more than 1-2 hobs.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktops Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by December 22, 2022. EPA will also accept additional data for any electric cooktop products submitted by this same deadline.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on November 30, 2022, from 11:30am – 1:00pm ET to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 for questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktop Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktop Draft 1 Specification Data Packet
ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktop Discussion Guide Comment Matrix

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share a first draft of the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification. EPA monitors market and technology developments and reviews specifications regularly, looking for opportunities to recognize increased energy savings. The Agency sees an opportunity to improve the ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification by referencing the latest industry standard test method that better reflects products that exist today and expanding scope to realize additional energy savings. EPA thanks stakeholders for their comments on the discussion guide, and engagement in subsequent conversations about improving the specification and test method. 

Over the past few years, EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have worked alongside industry as part of the Consumer Technology Association’s (CTA) R3 Working Group 3 to develop an updated test procedure for audio/video products for use by the ENERGY STAR program. This newly completed test provides results that better represent the way products are likely to be used by consumers.

The proposals reflected in this draft of the specification are based on an analysis of 312 models in the ENERGY STAR V3.0 dataset, as well as limited product testing that EPA completed.  The Agency seeks additional data from stakeholders to establish performance requirements noted as ‘TBD’ and to demonstrate the need to adjust levels that are proposed based on test results from the new CTA test method.

In addition to adopting the latest CTA/ANSI test method, EPA proposes the following changes in this Draft 1 specification:

  • Definitions and Scope: EPA made minor updates to the definitions throughout the specification to harmonize with the CTA 2084-A test procedure. EPA also proposes a definition for Tower/ PA systems to provide guidance on acceptable configurations and clarifying the scope to establish energy efficiency requirements. The revised test method also allows for testing of battery powered devices and as such EPA proposes to include them in the scope of the specification.
  • Rounding: EPA made editorial updates to the significant digits and rounding section to harmonize with other recently updated ENERGY STAR specifications.
  • EPS requirements: EPA has revised the EPS requirements to level VI consistent with the U.S. federal energy conservation standards.
  • Idle mode requirements: EPA proposes reducing the base allowance for Idle State power requirements based on data from the ENERGY STAR certified product list and welcomes stakeholder feedback, along with any data stakeholders can share to fine tune the requirements if needed. With the proposed criteria, EPA expects about a 40% improvement in terms of savings in Idle State across all Audio/Video product categories compared to the previous version of the specification.
  • On mode requirements: EPA is proposing a reduction in the On Mode power allowance for Blu-Ray DVD from 10.5 W to 5.4 W. An analysis of EPA’s current dataset supports a healthy selection of products from a range of manufacturers that would qualify at this level. With the revised criteria, EPA expects a pass rate of 25% for DVD players and an overall 19% pass rate for optical disc players based on the On Mode requirements.
  • Sleep mode requirements: EPA proposes to eliminate all the networking allowances in sleep mode as technology has rapidly evolved over the past decade and most products that have networking capability have demonstrated that they can meet the base allowance level.   
  • APD requirements: EPA proposes that Idle State power requirements be met irrespective of the APD timing default settings. This proposal is based on the fact that duty cycle data demonstrate significant savings potential given that a product typically spends an average of 146 hours in idle mode every year. Products used for Mass Notification and Emergency Communications Systems and those subject to ANSI/UL 2572 are exempt from this requirement.
  • Products with Audio Amplification shipped without speakers: Prior to proposing efficiency requirements for products with audio amplification shipped without speakers in a forthcoming Draft 2 Specification, EPA seeks to enhance its dataset for these products such that it is more representative of the market and robust per the updated CTA-2084 test method. As such, EPA welcomes any new data generated per the CTA-2084 test method, as well as proposals on how to address energy use of these products most appropriately.

EPA will host a webinar to discuss and answer questions regarding the Draft 1 on Tuesday, November 15 from 1 to 3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here to attend. Again, stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback and any relevant data for use in determining the ENERGY STAR performance levels no later than December 9, 2022 via e-mail to The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. To track EPA’s progress in revising the ENERGY STAR Audio/Video product specification, please visit the Audio/Video Version 4.0 product development webpage, which also hosts the previously published stakeholder comments regarding a Version 4.0 specification.

Please contact me at or (202) 564-8538, or Abhishek Jathar at ICF at or (202) 862-1203, with any questions or concerns. For any general audio/video related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Best Regards, 

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Audio Video Version 4.0 Draft 1 Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor or Other Interested Party:
The models listed below have been disqualified from the ENERGY STAR® program. The Disqualified Products List has been updated, and these models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:

Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets

  • The Delfield Company (A division of Welbilt), Delfield model GAHRT2-S

Decorative Light Strings

  • L & H Decoration, L & H Decoration model CLS, LHLS, LHLI, CLHLI, CLLH, CLTS, CC, LS, LI, SCZ, ICZ, CXCZ, CICZ, CLI, SZ, IZ, CSCZ, CICZ, CSZ, CIZ series
  • L & H Decoration, L & H Decoration model LS350-2(0.04)-057
  • L & H Decoration, L & H Decoration model LS370-2(0.04)-025


  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., ABESTORM model Guardian SN55
  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., ABESTORM  model Guardian SNS65
  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., ALORAIR model Sentinel HD55
  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., ALORAIR model Sentinel HDI65
  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., BASEAIRE DAY YOUR CRAWL SPACE & BASEMENT model AirWerx 55
  • AlorAir Solutions Inc., BASEAIRE DRY YOUR CRAWL SPACE  & BASEMENT model AirWerx 65X


  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 7.5MRGD927FL/JA8/G2
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 7.5MRGD927NF/JA8/G2
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 7.5MRGD930FL/JA8/G2
  • Maxlite, MaxLite model 7.5MRGD930NF/JA8/G2

Ventilating Fans

  • Electric Supply Depot, Inc., ESD-TECH model BF80L
  • Electric Supply Depot, Inc., ESD-TECH model BF80LH
  • Orbit Industries, Orbit model OE80RL
  • Qingdao Xingbang, Fanstar model FSE80RVL
  • S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P model PCRL80F

Please visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Televisions Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Televisions Program Requirements is October 20, 2022. On this date, only products certified to Version 9.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 9.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 9.0 certified Televisions to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner, Certification Body, or Recognized Laboratory,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation® (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool® (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.6 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update. In addition, testing that has already begun using Version 2.0.4 may be completed using that version if desired. This clarification memo can be found on the Computer Servers Version 3.0 Specification product development website.

The SERT Version 2.0.6 is a minor update following Version 2.0.5, which was previously in review for adoption but had not yet been formally adopted by EPA. The combined changes in Version 2.0.5 and Version 2.0.6 are included below and the results Version 2.0.6 produces are comparable to those produced by previous versions:

  • Support for the latest ARM, Power, and x86 architectures
  • Support for the PTDaemon 1.10.0 Interface
  • Support for Java 17
  • Various GUI optimizations
  • Bug fixes

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.6, please contact For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders: 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023. This letter outlines the final criteria. 

These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR products in 2023 across 13 product categories: Air Source Heat Pumps and Central Air Conditioners, Ceiling Fans, Clothes Dryers, Clothes Washers, Computer Monitors, Consumer Refrigeration Products, Dehumidifiers, Dishwashers, Ductless Heat Pumps and AC, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors, Room Air Cleaners, Room Air Conditioners, and Ventilation Fans. Products that meet the 2023 criteria will deliver significant savings over a conventional product as noted below:


*Note:  In the case of appliances and HVAC equipment, energy use of a product that meets ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria is compared to the federal standard.    

Overview of Comments on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Proposals 

In light of an unexpected budget cut, EPA is finalizing limited updates to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2023. Stakeholders shared feedback with EPA through 6 sets of written comments from 13 commenters. Commenters offered support for the proposed recognition criteria, as well as a select set of proposed adjustments that EPA summarizes and responds to in the comment response document

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) amends Section 25C federal income tax credits to allow credit for purchasing a skylight that meets the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient requirements, starting in 2023.  EPA plans to issue a separate proposal to add ENERGY STAR Most Efficient skylight criteria in the next 60 days. 

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Categories and Recognition Criteria 

Final criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 are summarized below. In addition to meeting these performance requirements, products must be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for each product category is included in the recognition criteria documents available at


ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Recognition Criteria

Air Source Heat Pumps and Ducted Central AC 

Installation benefits, multiple capacities 


Product type 




Split System CAC 




Split System HP 




Single-Package CAC




Single-Package HP




Cold Climate HP 





Cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F. 

Ceiling Fans*

Efficiency as per 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U (cfm/W)


Ceiling Fan Type

Blade Span (D)*

Ceiling Fan Efficiency (CFM/W)**

Standard, Hugger, and Low-Mount HSSD Ceiling Fans

D ≤ 36”

≥ 1.44D + 83.86

 D > 36”

≥ 5.26D - 53.66

*D is the ceiling fan blade span in inches
**This is a weighted average efficiency in different modes,
according to 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U



Products must meet the applicable energy performance requirements shown in the table below, as determined by 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix D2, unless noted otherwise.  


Cycle Setting 

Product Type 

CEFBASE (lbs/kWh) 


Compact Ventless Electric (240 V) 

> 3.70 

Electric (All Other) 

≥ 4.30 

Normal, Maximum Dryness1 

Compact Ventless Electric (240 V) 

> 2.68 

Electric (All Other) 

≥ 3.93 


Clothes Washers*



Clothes Washer Capacity

Integrated Modified Energy Factor (IMEF) 

Integrated Water Factor (IWF) 

≤ 2.5 cu-ft 

≥ 2.2

≤ 3.7

> 2.5 cu-ft

≥ 2.92

≤ 3.2 


Total Cleaning Score (CSt)

≥ 85.0

To be recognized, laundry centers and combination all-in-one washer-dryers with air-only drying must meet the Most Efficient clothes washers and clothes dryer criteria. Combination all-in-one washer-dryers with air-only drying do not need to meet the time requirement for ENERGY STAR clothes dryers. 

Computer Monitors* 

   Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) in kilowatt-hours per year shall be calculated as follows:

ETEC = 8.76 x (0.35 x PON = 0.65 x PSLEEP)

PON = measured On Mode power in watts; PSLEEP = measured Sleep Mode power in watts:


ETEC_MAX = (1.9 + (0.12 x A) + [3.1 x (r + C)]) x effAC_DC



effAC_DC =

1.00 for AC-powered monitors

0.85 for DC-powered monitors

A= viewable screen area in square inches;
r = Total Native Resolution in megapixels; and




if A < 180 in2


if 180 in2 ≤ A < 220 in2


if A ≥ 220 in2

Consumer Refrigeration Products* 

Product must have an Annual Energy Consumption (AEC) of less than or equal to 637 kWh per year.

Side-by-side and bottom freezer product types must be at least 27% more efficient than federal requirements. Top freezers must be at least 10% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size freezer product types must be at least 15% more efficient than federal requirements.  Compact freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements.  Compact refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements.


Product must meet the following applicable minimum Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2:


Type, Size 

Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day 

≥ 1.70 

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day 

≥ 1.90 

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day 

≥ 3.40 

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3 

≥ 2.22 

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3 

≥ 3.40 





Product Type

Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr) 

Water Consumption (gallons/cycle) 

Standard Dishwasher

≤ 240

≤ 3.2


Test Cycle

Cleaning Index


≥ 65 


≥ 65


≥ 65


Ductless AC and Heat Pumps

Installation benefits, multiple capacities. 

Product type




Ductless CAC




Ductless HP




Ductless Cold Climate HP




Ductless old climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.

Geothermal Heat Pumps



Product type



Closed Loop Water-to-Air/GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Air GHP



Closed Loop Water-to-Water GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Water GHP











Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors* 

U-factor ≤ 0.20 in all Zones 

SHGC in Northern Zone ≥ 0.20  

SHGC in North-Central Zone ≤ 0.40  

SHGC in South-Central and Southern Zones ≤ 0.25  

North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (NAFS) Performance Grade ≥15 


NEW Room Air Cleaners

Product must meet the minimum Smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate per Watt (Smoke CADR/W) requirements shown in the table below, as determined by ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2020: Method of Measuring the Performance of Portable Household Electric Room Air Cleaners.


Smoke CADR Bins

Minimum Smoke CADR/W 

  30 ≤ Smoke CADR < 100


100 ≤ Smoke CADR < 150


150 ≤ Smoke CADR



Room Air Conditioners*

Product must have a Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) that is greater than or equal to 35% better than the DOE Federal Minimum Standard.

Products must also be at or below a maximum sound level of 45 dB(A) for the lowest operational setting.

Ventilating Fans*

Bathroom/utility fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥10
In line fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥5
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (6≤MERV<13): ≥4.7
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (MERV≥13): ≥3.8
Bathroom and Utility Room Fans must provide a sound level ≤ 4.0 sones at 0.25 inches of water gauge external static pressure at high speed.


*Proposed criteria carried over from 2022 for these categories with no changes. 

1 For purposes of this requirement, the manufacturer shall test the dryer according to the provisions in the DOE test procedure in 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2, but where the drying temperature setting can be chosen independently of the program, it shall be set to the maximum.

At the time of certification, for each basic model the manufacturer shall report per this criteria section the energy performance (CEF), the cycle program name, the temperature setting, the dryness setting, as well as any settings enabled by default, and the time taken to complete the energy

test cycle (as defined in the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 specification, Section 5C).

2Capacity and Integrated Energy Factor determined per Appendix X1 to 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Recognition

ENERGY STAR certified products meeting these requirements will be highlighted as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient for 2023 at:

beginning January 1, 2023. Shortly, EPA will begin distributing the 2023 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation to brand owners of eligible products. As a reminder,

usage guidelines are available at Guidelines for Using the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Mark.

To ensure the greatest utility of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient webpage to consumers, EPA will only highlight products that are currently available for sale

in the U.S. As such, EPA reminds partners that it is critical that they keep product availability information with their certification bodies current. 

EPA will identify ENERGY STAR Most Efficient HVAC using certification data, thus applications are no longer required.  For window products, partners

will need to apply for recognition for all products new to ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in order for the Agency to verify that a product meets the recognition criteria outlined above. Since the recognition criteria have not changed, window products recognized in 2022 need not be resubmitted.

EPA will distribute the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 graphic along with instructions for obtaining it prior to January 1, 2023.

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites.

It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. EPA will highlight recognized products on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 web page through December 31, 2023.

We look forward to working with you to market ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in 2023. Please e-mail with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Criteria Development | ENERGY STAR

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Ovens Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of August 29, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new commercial ovens to the Version 2.2 specification and may only certify commercial ovens to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing commercial ovens certifications to the Version 3.0 specification until January 12, 2023. After this date, only commercial ovens certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 28, 2022, of models certified to Version 2.2, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified commercial ovens to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 4.0 Computer Server specification. The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 1 specification is September 9, 2022.

EPA released a Discussion Guide for stakeholder review and comment focused on updating definitions, the addition of storage “heavy” servers, and internal power supply efficiency. EPA has taken the feedback received from that Discussion Guide and incorporated this feedback into the Draft 1 specification. The Draft 1, Version 4.0 specification incorporates the following key elements.

Energy Criteria
Although 2020 market penetration for ENERGY STAR certified computer servers was 25%, improved chipsets have largely caught up to the ENERGY STAR specifications. As such, EPA is proposing more stringent ENERGY STAR criteria for server products. This proposal increases the stringency of the active efficiency criteria by 2-3 times over the previous levels with between 24-34% of products meeting the proposal in each bin. This includes smaller servers as well that are best suited for small businesses.

In addition, for storage “heavy” products, EPA is adding the definition for these products, but has not proposed active state criteria at this time due to a lack of data. As has been done for servers in the past, products may be certified and will be required to report the energy data so that the Agency can consider setting active state criteria in a future revision.

Internal Power Supply Criteria
EPA is proposing to create a four-tiered system for power supplies where power supplies at or above 750 watts are required to meet more stringent requirements than those below 750 watts which have maintained their requirements from Version 3.0. This is true for single and multi-output products.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 4.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by September 9, 2022. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on August 16, 2022, from 1-3pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft 1, Version 4.0 specification
Data Savings and Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of August 15, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new light commercial HVAC to the Version 3.1 specification and may only certify light commercial HVAC to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing light commercial HVAC certifications to the Version 4.0 specification until January 1, 2023. After this date, only light commercial HVAC certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 14, 2022, of models certified to Version 3.1, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified light commercial HVAC to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing an update to the ENERGY STAR Computer test method to allow certain products to ship without an external power supply included and to lay out how they should be tested. This change was requested by stakeholders due to changes in the way laptops are sold.  The changes are reflected in the updated test method. Products that have been certified to Version 8.0 will not be affected by this change and will remain ENERGY STAR certified.

EPA received support from stakeholders for this change. One stakeholder commented that the allowance to ship without an external power supply and test using the revised method should not be limited to power supplies of 30W or less. For power supplies greater than 30W, EPA continues to have concerns, which are shared by some stakeholders, regarding the performance of products not using a power supply designed specifically for that product. As such, EPA has retained the 30W limit. However, EPA is willing to revisit stakeholder interest in this issue as part of the Version 9.0 specification revision process, which is scheduled to launch later this year.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this amendment. For other computer related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


  Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Version 8.0 Final Specification Rev. July 2022 (includes updated test method)

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of August 6, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new commercial refrigerators and freezers to the Version 4.0 specification and may only certify commercial refrigerators and freezers to the Version 5.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing commercial refrigerators and freezers certifications to the Version 4.0 specification until December 21, 2022. After this date, only commercial refrigerators and freezers certified to the Version 5.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 5, 2022, of models certified to Version 4.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA. 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified commercial refrigerators and freezers to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this Draft 1 specification; please provide written comments via email to no later than September 1, 2022. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on August 17, 2022 from 2 to 4 pm EST to discuss this draft with interested parties. Stakeholders interested in attending the webinar should register here.

EPA is proposing to revise the ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners specification for multiple reasons. The ENERGY STAR market share has grown; in 2020 it was 54%, highlighting the opportunity to recognize a higher level of efficiency. Further, the Department of Energy (DOE) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) to revise the federal efficiency standard for room air conditioners on April 7, 2022 with a proposal of levels that exceed those of the current ENERGY STAR requirements. Accordingly, EPA is proposing new efficiency criteria.

Key elements of the Version 5.0 Draft 1 proposal include:

     Revised Efficiency Criteria

EPA is proposing that to qualify for ENERGY STAR, room air conditioners must be at least 19-50% more efficient than those meeting the 2014 minimum federal efficiency standards, depending on the product class. EPA estimates that room air conditioners that that meet the proposed ENERGY STAR specification will equate to an average national energy cost savings of over $85 million and prevent nearly 2.4 billion pounds of carbon emissions per year. As with all ENERGY STAR products, EPA is working with DOE on this ENERGY STAR revision and will ensure the revision is informed by that regulatory process.

      Optional ‘Connected’ Criteria

EPA is considering revising optional connected criteria for room air conditioners. EPA is seeking to make the connected criteria both more useful to those interested in grid response from room air conditioners and less burdensome to test and meet for brand owners, which together should increase the number of connected products on the market. As such, EPA is proposing and/or seeking feedback on the following:

1. Connectivity protocols, and if brand owners would be open to EPA specifying compliance with specific protocols, and if this would be helpful for utilities and aggregators.

2. Evaluation of connectivity through the examination of documentation and product(s) information, and if this would lead to more connected recognition of more product lines by product brand owners.

3. Connected recognition of wider variety of room air conditioner models, and if this would make reliance on ENERGY STAR connected recognition more useful for utilities and aggregators.

In light of EPA’s current understanding of Demand Response (DR) programs and concerns EPA has received about the complexity of the connected criteria for room air conditioners, EPA is considering simplifying the connected criteria and associated test procedure. EPA believes that utilities have moved towards adopting demand response programs that are not product-specific, and EPA is not aware of any utilities with plans to include room air conditioner-specific demand response programs going forward. 

Furthermore, EPA plans to discontinue the 5% energy use allowance for connected products. This change is based on multiple factors. The first, noted above, is the market shift away from product-specific DR programs. The second is an unintended consequence that EPA has observed from the current credit. EPA has not seen large numbers of ENERGY STAR models certified as connected while the models that do claim the credit are those that need the 5% credit to meet the efficiency criteria. Meanwhile, highly efficient models that are Smart or Wi-Fi capable are not being certified as Connected, working against the program’s intent to deliver both efficiency and performance.

      Refrigerant Type Reporting

EPA is proposing a reporting requirement for the refrigerant type to allow consumers to easily identify products with lower-GWP refrigerants.

      Sound Performance Reporting

Informed by stakeholders that increasing room air conditioner efficiency can be reasonably achieved by increasing fan speeds with a resulting effect on noise, EPA is proposing a reporting requirement for the indoor sound pressure performance at the lowest operational cooling level, which may be preferred by consumers sleeping or working in proximity to the units.   

Stakeholders are requested to provide any comments on the Version 5.0 Draft 1 specification no later than September 1, 2022. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page, unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
Please direct any specific questions to or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Data & Analysis Package

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Heater Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR® Water Heater specification and the Final Version 1.2 ENERGY STAR Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process. Version 5.0 requirements will be effective on April 18, 2023. All connected products should use the new version of the test method immediately.

Gas water heaters meeting this specification can save between $19 and $88 per year of average use, depending on the water heater type and capacity. Please see the accompanying data package for details. If all gas water heaters sold in the US met these criteria, the energy cost savings would grow to $28 billion per year, and 55 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included the release of a draft specification and holding individual meetings with numerous industry stakeholders to receive feedback. The themes from the Draft 1 comments were repeated in the latest comment period. EPA received comments asking for both lower and higher UEF levels from different stakeholders. Those calling for lower levels typically were in favor of no changes to the current Version 4.0 UEF levels, though some were interested in adding a higher tier recognition for products with a UEF above 1.00. Some commentors were only interested in slightly lower levels than proposed by EPA. Those calling for higher UEF criteria were typically asking for a level higher than 1.00, requiring a heat pump level of efficiency. EPA has retained the suggested levels for Further details and EPA’s responses can be found in the Final Draft Comment Response Matrix.

EPA made one change in the final specification, removal of NOx reporting requirements for all gas water heater types, which was our intention in the Final Draft. Numerous commentors requested we do so, typically citing added certification burden on manufacturers as a concern. While there were partners that appreciated NOx reporting, EPA does not believe it adds enough value to include.

EPA received extensive feedback both supporting and opposing the possibility of sunsetting gas products in the near future. Many stakeholders opposing sunsetting gas products cite EPA’s guiding principles, with specific comments made about the availability of units and the cost effectiveness of ENERGY STAR products after that change. Many stakeholders are interested in keeping the products available to consumers who may not financially be able to make the upgrades necessary for a heat pump water heater, and in maintaining existing utility programs that reference the ENERGY STAR certification for their program offerings. Some also challenged the conventional wisdom that electrification of water heating is the least costly path to decarbonization, which was the primary argument of those supporting the sunset. Those supporting the sunset referred to the urgency of decarbonization and to the Biden administration’s commitment to it.

Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on EPA's ENERGY STAR website at Click on the “View the Version 5.0 Development Process” link for Water Heaters.

Test Method to Validate Demand Response
The Final ENERGY STAR Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response, Version 1.2 remains unchanged from the final draft release of the document. EPA and DOE remain involved in the development a related industry document that may have an impact on the test method: proposed AHRI Standard 1430, Demand Flexible Water Heaters. AHRI, DOE, and EPA are committed to as much alignment as possible, and do not anticipate problems with achieving it.  However, as the AHRI standard is not yet final, we have not changed the ENERGY STAR Test Method at this time. Once the standard is finalized, we will revisit alignment as needed.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares Partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 5.0 requirements, including recognition as connected. 
  • As of November 23, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 4.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until April 18, 2023.
  • Any water heater manufactured as of April 18, 2023, must meet Version 5.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 4.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 5.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient water heaters. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and its timeline to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Ned Bent, ICF, at, or (571) 842-4917. For marketing or webpage questions, please contact Nate Jutras at or (202) 738-3515. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Julia Hegarty, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (240) 597-6737. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Abigail Daken
EPA Product Manager, ENERGY STAR for HVAC and Connected


ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Water Heaters Final Specification and Partner Commitments
ENERGY STAR Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response, Version 1.2
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Water Heaters Final Draft Comment Response Matrix
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Water Heaters Final Data Package

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 and proposed recognition criteria for 2023. Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these proposed criteria no later than August 15, 2022, to   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 

As of June 2022, 3308 models from 258 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table: 

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 37 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 8.4 million households (or roughly 23.2 million consumers). These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 and reflect a diverse geographic spread, including one water utility in California.    

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent 822 appliance storefronts in current program sponsors’ service areas. In 2022, there are 13 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving nearly 15% of U.S. households.  

EPA provides consumers with information about recognized products through a special view of the ENERGY STAR Product Finders. Consumers can now directly access ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models through a filter on the popular ENERGY STAR Products Finders and are also highlighted in the search results as having earned the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition. In addition to highlighting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models on the ENERGY STAR website, EPA is also sharing information on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models with Amazon to be featured in their Climate Pledge Friendly program. The UPC codes recently added for all ENERGY STAR products currently enable the Amazon listings. 

2023 Product Categories and Recognition Criteria  

In light of an unexpected budget cut, EPA is pursuing a limited update of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2023. EPA completed a review of the data associated with currently recognized models and found in all cases that the current criteria would adequately recognize the best of ENERGY STAR for another year. As such, EPA is extending the 2022 efficiency criteria into 2023 for ceiling fans, clothes washers, computer monitors, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, dryers, refrigeration products, room air conditioners, vent fans, and windows. EPA is proposing changes to the CAC/ASHP and geothermal heat pump criteria to ease the recognition processes. In response to sustained stakeholder interest and in service to consumers seeking ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products, EPA proposes to add recognition for room air cleaners in 2023. Televisions will not be recognized in 2023.    

Ceiling Fans: EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for ceiling fans into 2023. Savings offered by the current criteria are significant, 67% for a 52-inch fan, the most common size on the market.   

Clothes Washers: No changes are proposed to the current criteria for clothes washer types. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 20 base models from 6 brands, providing consumers with a good selection of models with superior energy and water efficiency.  

Computer Monitors:  EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria into 2023 as the number of models in the market is steady since the last update. Recognized models demonstrate significant energy savings and there has been no technology update due to the chip shortage. 

Dehumidifiers: EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for dehumidifiers into 2023. 227 portable models meet these rigorous criteria, offering consumers significant savings of 22% over conventional models. Nine whole-home dehumidifiers meet the criteria with a savings of 25% over conventional models.  

Dishwashers: In light of the ongoing revision of the ENERGY STAR Dishwasher specification, EPA will maintain the current recognition criteria into 2023. Currently, the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 34 base models from 12 brands.  

Dryers: No changes are proposed to the criteria for dryers. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 30 base models from 8 brands, representing both heat pump and hybrid heat pump technologies. EPA encourages partners to complete optional fields for technology type when certifying products to make it easier for utilities to incentivize these technologies in the market. 

Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps and Ductless Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for CAC and Heat Pumps. The Agency will simplify the criteria to allow EPA to nominate products automatically from products certified to ENERGY STAR Version 6.1, eliminating the need for an application.​ The current criteria set in 2022 account for the revised ENERGY STAR specification, and reward certification to the V6.1 cold climate heat pump criteria.  ​Inclusion of optional installation capabilities in Version 6.1 allows automatic recognition of units that meet the criteria as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient​. The inclusion of compressor staging (single, dual, multi-stage, variable capacity) in QPX allows automatic recognition of dual and multistage units. EPA believes this change will ease participation in ENERGY STAR Most Efficient for partners.​ 

Geothermal Heat Pumps: EPA also intends to move away from use of an application for Geothermal Heat Pumps for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition. In light of the truly superior efficiency of these products, EPA proposes to recognize all models that meet the current ENERGY STAR criteria.   

Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers: EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for refrigerators and freezers. There are 204 base models from 49 brands of standard size refrigerators, which represents 20% of the standard size market. For compact refrigerators, there are 44 base models from 24 brands that meet the proposed criteria representing 5% of the market. There are 12 upright freezer and chest freezer base models from 5 brands that meet the criteria.  

Room Air Cleaners: EPA proposes to add Room Air Cleaners to the portfolio in 2023. EPA proposes this expansion due to the rich savings offered by this higher level of efficiency, 65% to more than 70%, over the level used in numerous state standards. There has been a tremendous growth in shipments over the past couple of years due to both COVID + wildfires​ making it more important to highlight greater efficiency for consumers. Lastly, stakeholders like the ESRPP have requested this expansion consistently in the last few years. 

Room Air Conditioners: No changes are proposed for the current criteria for room air conditioners. Available models stayed steady from last year, and there are currently 13 base models from 6 brands meeting the proposed criteria, which represents 2% of the market.  

Ventilating Fans: EPA proposes to maintain the 2022 criteria for ventilating fans into 2023. The current efficiency criteria are met by an appropriate subset of products, just 2.3% of HVI’s product list; however, a very small number of those fans are currently recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient. This is due to a lack of reported data for the noise criteria as measured at 0.25 in wtg. static pressure for bathroom/utility fans. EPA encourages partners to submit this data and contact EPA with questions regarding how to do so.  

Windows and Sliding Glass Doors: No changes are proposed for the 2023 residential window or sliding door recognition criteria. While high performance window products are widely available, they are still a relatively small slice of the total market. EPA will consider revising the criteria next year after the Version 7.0 Window, Door and Skylight specification is finalized. 

The proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 criteria for the full suite of products is summarized below. In addition to meeting these recognition criteria, products must be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for each product category is included in the recognition criteria documents as well as the stakeholder slide deck accompanying this letter.   



ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Recognition Criteria



Ceiling Fans*

Efficiency as per 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U (cfm/W)


Ceiling Fan Type

Blade Span (D)*

Ceiling Fan Efficiency (CFM/W)**

Standard, Hugger, and Low-Mount HSSD Ceiling Fans

D ≤ 36”

≥ 1.44D + 83.86

 D > 36”

≥ 5.26D - 53.66

*D is the ceiling fan blade span in inches
**This is a weighted average efficiency in different modes,
according to 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U


Clothes Washers*



Clothes Washer Capacity

Integrated Modified Energy Factor (IMEF) 

Integrated Water Factor (IWF) 

≤ 2.5 cu-ft 

≥ 2.2

≤ 3.7

> 2.5 cu-ft

≥ 2.92

≤ 3.2 


Total Cleaning Score (CSt)

≥ 85.0

To be recognized, laundry centers must meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient washer and dryer criteria.

Ducted Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps

Installation benefits, multiple capacities


Product type




Split AC




Packaged AC




Split HP




Packaged HP




Cold Climate HP




Cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.


Product must meet the following applicable minimum Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2:



Type, Size

Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

≥ 1.70

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day

≥ 1.90 

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day

≥ 3.40

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3

≥ 2.22

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3

≥ 3.40


Ductless AC and Heat Pumps

Installation benefits, multiple capacities. 

Product type




Ductless CAC




Ductless HP




Ductless Cold Climate HP




Ductless old climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.

Geothermal Heat Pumps


Product type



Closed Loop Water-to-Air/GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Air GHP



Closed Loop Water-to-Water GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Water GHP










Computer Monitors*

Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) in kilowatt-hours per year shall be calculated as follows:

ETEC = 8.76 x (0.35 x PON = 0.65 x PSLEEP)

PON = measured On Mode power in watts; PSLEEP = measured Sleep Mode power in watts:


ETEC_MAX = (1.9 + (0.12 x A) + [3.1 x (r + C)]) x effAC_DC



effAC_DC =

1.00 for AC-powered monitors

0.85 for DC-powered monitors

A= viewable screen area in square inches;
r = Total Native Resolution in megapixels; and




if A < 180 in2


if 180 in2 ≤ A < 220 in2


if A ≥ 220 in2




Product Type

Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr) 

Water Consumption (gallons/cycle) 

Standard Dishwasher

≤ 240

≤ 3.2


Test Cycle

Cleaning Index


≥ 70 


≥ 70 


≥ 70



Products must meet the applicable energy performance requirements shown in the table below, as determined by 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix D2, unless noted otherwise.

Cycle Setting

Product Type 

CEFBASE (lbs/kWh) 


Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)

> 3.70 


≥ 4.30


≥ 3.80

Normal, Maximum Dryness[1]

Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)

> 2.68 


≥ 3.93


≥ 3.48




Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers*

Product must have an Annual Energy Consumption (AEC) of less than or equal to 637 kWh per year.

Side-by-side and bottom freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Top freezers must be at least 10% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size freezer product types must be at least 15% more efficient than federal requirements. Compact freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements. Compact refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements.

NEW Room Air Cleaners

Product must meet the minimum Smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate per Watt (Smoke CADR/W) requirements shown in the table below, as determined by ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2020: Method of Measuring the Performance of Portable Household Electric Room Air Cleaners.


Smoke CADR Bins

Minimum Smoke CADR/W 

  30 ≤ Smoke CADR < 100


100 ≤ Smoke CADR < 150


150 ≤ Smoke CADR



Room Air Conditioners*

Product must have a Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) that is greater than or equal to 35% better than the DOE Federal Minimum Standard.

Products must also be at or below a maximum sound level of 45 dB(A) for the lowest operational setting.

Ventilating Fans*

Bathroom/utility fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥10
In line fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥5
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (6≤MERV<13): ≥4.7
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (MERV≥13): ≥3.8
Bathroom and Utility Room Fans must provide a sound level ≤ 4.0 sones at 0.25 inches of water gauge external static pressure at high speed.

Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors*

U-factor ≤ 0.20 in all Zones
SHGC in Northern Zone ≥ 0.20
SHGC in North-Central Zone ≤ 0.40
SHGC in South-Central and Southern Zones ≤ 0.25
North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (NAFS) Performance Grade ≥15


*Proposed criteria carried over from 2022 for these categories with no changes.  

[1] For purposes of this requirement, the manufacturer shall test the dryer according to the provisions in the DOE test procedure in 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2, but where the drying temperature setting can be chosen independently of the program, it shall be set to the maximum. At the time of certification, for each basic model the manufacturer shall report per this criteria section the energy performance (CEF), the cycle program name, the temperature setting, the dryness setting, as well as any settings enabled by default, and the time taken to complete the energy test cycle (as defined in the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 specification, Section 5C).

EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.
In light of the minimal changes proposed to the 2023 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria, EPA is distributing a slide deck that relays data associated with this year’s review rather than sharing this information via a stakeholder webinar. This document as well as the criteria documents can be found here. Please share written comments no later than August 15, 2022, with Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Proposals with Rationale 

Location: Washington DC

As you are likely aware the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published its final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop.
The ENERGY STAR Program is currently processing the market implications of the new standard. Should EPA decide to go forward with a proposal to sunset or otherwise alter relevant ENERGY STAR specifications, we would do so through our usual open and transparent process with timing established in consultation with our partners. Given the prospect that utility rebate programs will still be running in 2023, we would not expect any such action to be effective before the end of next year.
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
For more information, visit:

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment (SNE) Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

This letter serves as a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for SNE products takes effect July 13, 2022. All SNE partners must cease use of the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all SNE products, including on products, web pages, and other collateral materials as of this date.

EPA appreciates the efforts of SNE product partners to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program and applauds your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Please send any questions to Thank you.


Ann Bailey, Chief
ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch
US Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Residential Dishwashers specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. The effective date for this ENERGY STAR Dishwashers specification will be July 6, 2023. 

EPA appreciates stakeholders’ feedback on the Draft 2 specification. Responses to stakeholder comments are reflected in the final draft specification as well as in the accompanying Draft 2 Comment Response Matrix.

The Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Residential Dishwashers specification maintains the criteria proposed in Draft 2, including the proposed minimum energy and water efficiency requirements as well as a cleaning index threshold of 65. Given that the current ENERGY STAR market share for dishwashers is near 100%, instituting these changes is important to preserving the consumer value associated with the label. In recognition of simultaneous testing requirements associated with forthcoming changes to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix C1 and ENERGY STAR, EPA has extended the transition period for Version 7.0 revision to 12 months.  

Any final comments on the Version 7.0 Final Draft specification may be submitted no later than June 30, 2022 to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments remain confidential.
Please contact Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1566, with any questions or concerns about the specification. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR for Residential Dishwashers


Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of June 2, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Televisions to the Version 8.0 specification and may only certify Televisions to the Version 9.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Television certifications to the Version 8.0 specification until October 20, 2022. After this date, only Televisions certified to the Version 9.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by June 2, 2022 of models certified to Version 9.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified televisions to

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing an update to the ENERGY STAR Computer test method to allow certain products to ship without an external power supply included and to lay out how they should be tested. This change was requested by stakeholders due to changes in the way laptops are sold.  The changes will be reflected in an updated test method, and products that have been certified to Version 8.0 will not be affected by this change and will remain ENERGY STAR certified.

The changes made to the test method in Section 5.1.C (newly added) is as follows:

C) Notebooks and Slates/Tablets shall be tested using the external power supply (EPS) shipped with the product. If the UUT is designed with the intention of utilizing an EPS that is 30W or less, but does not include a pre-packaged EPS, then test the UUT as follows:
1) Test the UUT with an EPS sold and recommended by the manufacturer; or,
2) If the manufacturer does not recommend and EPS that it sells, test the UUT with an EPS recommended by the manufacturer in the manufacturer materials; or,
3) If the manufacturer does not recommend any EPS, test the UUT with an EPS that meets the parameters specified by the UUT manufacturer and minimally complies with the applicable Federal energy conservation standard. The input voltage shall be within ±1 percent of the UUT manufacturer specified voltage.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this proposed amendment. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by July 1, 2022. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Materials associated with this amendment are posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this amendment. For other computer related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method for Computers

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
This letter serves to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Specification. This update, which takes effect upon publication of this letter, adds a testing option for purposes of dust and pollen Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) reporting. Specifically, for reporting measured dust CADR and pollen CADR performance values, the average of tests on three units of the same model may be used. No changes have been made to testing and reporting of results for smoke CADR performance. The revised text adding this testing option is highlighted in attachment. Table 1.

In addition, EPA added a clarifying statement to the requirement for ozone emitting models. This clarification explicitly allows the use of test results from a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) measured per UL 867 Ed. 5.0 to be used to confirm that a model meets this requirement to prevent the need for retesting ozone emissions. See 3.2.1 in attachment.

These updates do not impact models currently certified as ENERGY STAR. The updated specification and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Specification Development webpage.

Please contact or (202) 564-1085, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For any other questions pertaining to Room Air Cleaners, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
ENERGY STAR for Room Air Cleaners

ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Final Version 2.0 Program Requirements (Rev. May 2022)

File attachments:
Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders, 

We are pleased to share with you a new report to Congress on the ENERGY STAR Program. This report highlights how the program has evolved and expanded since the 2009 realignment of responsibilities between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The joint report was written in response to a request from Congress to review the 2009 EPA-DOE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Products and Buildings and the extent to which expected efficiencies for ENERGY STAR home appliances have been achieved. EPA and DOE find that the realignment of roles that resulted from the 2009 MOU facilitated program improvements to the benefit of American consumers, ENERGY STAR partners, including the appliance industry, and the environment. These improvements include:

  • Nine ENERGY STAR appliance specification updates in order to keep product specifications up to date with a changing marketplace;
  • Two new appliance product categories – residential clothes dryers and commercial clothes washers to the program to expand savings opportunities for consumers;
  • The launch of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition program to highlight super-efficient products, including refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers, clothes dryers, room air conditioners, and dehumidifiers as part of an integrated effort to enable consumers to identify the top performing products;
  • Revised test procedures for home appliances that reflect advancements in the home appliance market;
  • Third-party certification to support the integrity of the ENERGY STAR label;
  • A sophisticated, consumer-oriented ENERGY STAR Product Finder tool that leverages a single, integrated database of product testing results;
  • Updated ENERGY STAR Products Program Strategy and Guiding Principles;
  • A more effective consumer education strategy integrated across all product categories and coordinated nationally throughout the year, as well as an evolution in the design of utility rebate programs (i.e., the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform).
  • The formalization of the product specification setting process into a standard operating procedure, providing additional transparency, clarity and increased stakeholder participation.

The ENERGY STAR Products Program has grown to include more than 75 product categories and to partner with 2,000 manufacturers, 1,850 retailers, 800 energy efficiency program administrators and others seeking to help consumers select products that can save them money and help protect the environment. Americans purchased more than 300 million products earning the ENERGY STAR label in 2018 with a market value of more than $100 billion. An average of 800,000 ENERGY STAR certified products was sold every day in 2018, bringing the total to more than 6 billion products sold since 1992.  Since its inception, ENERGY STAR and its partners have helped American families and businesses save more than 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity and achieve over 3.5 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions, equivalent to the annual emissions of more than 750 million cars.

Thank you for the role you have played in the continued success of the ENERGY STAR program,

Ann Bailey, Chief
ENERGY STAR Products Labeling Branch

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

This letter serves to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification.

As indicated in the March 28th release of the Version 4.0 specification, the Certified Cold Climate Light Commercial Heat Pumps energy efficiency criteria for Very Small CUHP Single Package and Split System, as well as Very Small VRF Air-Cooled Heat Pumps, required one additional stakeholder comment period until April 19. EPA received no comments on the cold climate proposal, and as a result, the criteria are unchanged in this revised final specification. The notebox in the previous version of the specification indicating the cold climate proposal was not yet finalized has now been removed and this update serves as notice that the full specification is final.

These Version 4.0 requirements will still be effective on January 1, 2023. The updated specification and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Specification Development webpage.

Please direct any questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375, and Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at (202) 586-7335 or

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Specification Rev. April 2022

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

   Specification Updates

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regularly updates ENERGY STAR product specifications. For every specification, product performance data submissions from partners are foundational to the process. Proposed efficiency levels tend to be based on the performance of existing certified models and data offered by manufacturers and other stakeholders during the specification development process. Establishing requirements that reflect the performance of the highest efficiency models available sometimes requires going beyond the data at hand and anticipating the market. To this end, EPA relies on insights shared by stakeholders and partners to help the Agency anticipate important trends in the market. For more information, you can view EPA’s ENERGY STAR specification Standard Operating Procedure on Revising or Establishing an ENERGY STAR Product Specification.
The following information includes some helpful reminders as you prepare for upcoming specification changes and manage your inventory of ENERGY STAR certified products. For more information regarding the ENERGY STAR specification process or additional CFS equipment updates, visit  For milestones on these and other upcoming specification revisions in 2022, visit the ENERGY STAR Products Plan.
Recent and upcoming specification activities include:

  • ENERGY STAR Final Version 3.0 Water Coolers Final Specification

The ENERGY STAR Final Version 3.0 Specification was published on June 23, 2021, and became effective March 23, 2022. Any water cooler manufactured as of March 23, 2022, must meet Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 2.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification and the ENERGY STAR Product Finder will only include models certified to Version 3.0. After March 23, 2022, products placed under new contracts as ENERGY STAR should be certified to the Version 3.0 specification. For more information, please contact

  • ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Specification

The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Specification was published on March 22, 2022, and will become effective on December 22, 2022. ENERGY STAR certified commercial refrigerators and freezers under the Version 5.0 specification will offer consumers, on average, energy savings of up to 24 percent. This specification establishes updated performance levels for a subset of product classes previously in scope, expands scope to include service over the counter and chef base classes, and aligns with current industry test methods, terms, and definitions. If all commercial refrigerators and freezers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified to Version 5.0, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $200 million each year and more than 5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. Please visit the Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Version 5.0 product development webpage to view all materials supportive of the specification revision process.  For more information, please contact

  • ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Specification

The ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Specification was published on April 12, 2022, and will become effective on January 12, 2023. ENERGY STAR certified commercial ovens under the Version 3.0 specification will offer users, on average, energy savings of up to 30 percent. This specification establishes updated performance levels for a subset of product categories previously in scope, expands scope to include large electric combination ovens (≤ 40 pans), small electric combination ovens (≥ 3 pans), small gas combination ovens (≥ 5 pans), and electric 2/3-size combination ovens (with a pan capacity ≥ 3 and ≤ 5), and newly proposed water consumption criteria for combination ovens in steam and convection modes during cooking periods. If all commercial ovens sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified to Version 3.0, the energy cost savings would grow to nearly $250 million each year and more than 4.5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. Please visit the Commercial Ovens Specification Version 3.0 product development webpage to view all materials supportive of the specification revision process. For more information, please contact

  • Electric Cooktops Version 1 Draft 1

As a reminder, the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktop Discussion Guide was released on February 24, 2021. The discussion guide highlighted specific topics, including the scope and test methodology for electric cooktop technology, including commercial induction products, not currently covered under the ENERGY STAR program. EPA expects to release a Draft 1 of the specification in Q2 of 2022. This product development webpage will host future specification drafts, comments, data packages, and responses to comments. For more information, please contact

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Oven Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens product specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

The Version 3.0 requirements will take effect on January 12, 2023. ENERGY STAR certified commercial ovens under the Version 3.0 specification will offer users, on average, energy savings of up to 30 percent. This specification establishes updated performance levels for a subset of product categories previously in scope, expands scope to include large electric combination ovens (≤ 40 pans), small electric combination ovens (≥ 3 pans), small gas combination ovens (≥ 5 pans), and electric 2/3-size combination ovens (with a pan capacity ≥ 3 and ≤ 5), and newly proposed water consumption criteria for combination ovens in steam and convection modes during cooking periods. If all commercial ovens sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified to Version 3.0, the energy cost savings would grow to nearly $250 million each year and more than 4.5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications and a final draft specification, two webinars, multiple stakeholder meetings, and additional input from various industry stakeholders including manufacturers, utilities, and affiliated groups. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related supporting materials are available on the commercial ovens product development webpage. One last comment was received on the final draft in support of the specification and can be found on this webpage. No changes were made from the final draft to the final specification.

Timeline and Next Steps:

EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 3.0 requirements.
  • On August 29, 2022, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.2. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until January 12, 2023.
  • Any commercial oven products manufactured as of January 12, 2023, must meet Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 2.2 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 3.0 to EPA.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient commercial ovens. If you have any questions or concerns about the specification or partnership process, please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial ovens related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Data Package

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the development of the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. This Discussion Guide highlights an initial list of priority areas for this specification revision, key questions for stakeholders, and next steps in the revision process. EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 4.0 specification that will recognize efficiency gains in the computer server market. The deadline to provide comments on this Discussion Guide is May 6, 2022.

The Discussion Guide focuses on the following areas:

  • Updated and new definitions
  • Potential treatment of Storage “heavy” Servers
  • Revisions to the SERT tool
  • Internal Power Supply Efficiency  

Stakeholder suggestions on any other issues to be considered during the specification revision process are welcomed.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by May 6, 2022. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on April 19 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Discussion Guide

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Oven Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Draft Specification, which includes revisions responsive to stakeholder feedback to Version 3.0 Draft 2.

EPA received written and verbal feedback since the Draft 2 was released. The Agency provides responses in two locations: note boxes throughout the Version 3.0 Final Draft specification and the Version 3.0 Draft 2 comment matrix. Though leading specification revisions are highlighted below, stakeholders are encouraged to review the details in all supporting materials to the product specification including the Version 3.0 Final Draft data package and Version 3.0 Draft 2 comment matrix.

Changes Reflected in Version 3.0 Final Draft

  • Criteria Levels: Based on the input provided by stakeholders in response to the proposed water consumption criteria for combination ovens in steam and convection modes during cooking periods, expressed in gallons per hour per pan (gal/hr/pan), the Agency has converted the units to gallons per pan (gal/pan). The specifics are outlined in the note boxes and Section 3.F. within the Final Draft specification.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Draft Specification. Any final comments can be sent to by March 28, 2022.

All product specification drafts including supporting documents are posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Version 3.0 Product Development website. Submitted stakeholder comments are also posted to this webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 for questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Final Draft Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Draft 2 Comment Matrix

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification with stakeholders. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

EPA revised this specification in response to the forthcoming increase in stringency of federal minimum efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment that will go into effect on January 1, 2023. As the 2023 requirements are more stringent than those posed by the current Version 3.1 specification, EPA sought to update the ENERGY STAR criteria for Light Commercial HVAC products in parallel.

Version 4.0 requirements will be effective on January 1, 2023. Light Commercial HVAC equipment certifying to ENERGY STAR under the Version 4.0 specification will offer a savings of more than 12% over a conventional model. If all Light Commercial HVAC products in the United States met these new requirements, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $3 billion each year and more than 125 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included the release of two draft specifications. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Specification Development webpage.

EPA received only one comment in response to the Final Draft specification, which supported the IEER levels for commercial unitary air conditioners (CUACs) and commercial unitary heat pumps (CUHPs) and supported recognition of cold climate performance for very small CUHPs. In addition, the comment urged EPA to consider several additional changes in future specifications, which are addressed in the “Considerations for Future Revisions” section of the final specification.  

EPA received no comments on the very small cold climate heat pump proposal, and we have included the criteria unchanged in the final specification. Given the difference between the first draft and the final draft for these criteria, EPA will wait until April 19 to consider them final. Any stakeholders with further comments may submit them to until that time. All comments will be posted unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements.
  • As of August 15, 2022, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.1. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until January 1, 2023.
  • Any Light Commercial HVAC product manufactured as of January 1, 2023, must meet Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 3.1 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 4.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Need for Amendment in the Next 12 Months
EPA expects to revisit this specification in the next 12 months but will avoid triggering recertification of products due to this amendment. Specifically, EPA expects to:

  • Consider updating the specification to reference a single test method and one set of criteria (SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2),
  • Review the criteria and revise the test method for small and large VRF products, based on anticipated DOE action, and
  • Add cold climate recognition for unitary products.

Please direct any questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375, and Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at (202) 586-7335 or

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

 Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Specification

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Water Coolers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Program Requirements (finalized June 23rd, 2021) is March 23rd, 2022. On this date, only products certified to Version 3.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 3.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 3.0 certified Water Coolers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers product specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources in an effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

The Version 5.0 requirements will become effective on December 22, 2022. ENERGY STAR certified commercial refrigerators and freezers under the Version 5.0 specification will offer consumers, on average, energy savings of up to 24 percent. This specification establishes updated performance levels for a subset of product classes previously in scope, expands scope to include service over the counter and chef base classes, and aligns with current industry test methods, terms, and definitions. If all commercial refrigerators and freezers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified to Version 5.0, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $200 million each year and more than 5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of a discussion guide, a draft specification, and the final draft specification, three webinars, stakeholder meetings, and additional input from various industry stakeholders including manufacturers, utilities, and affiliated groups. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the commercial refrigerators and freezers product development webpage.  

Comments received on the final draft and responses can be found in the accompanying comment response document. No changes were made from the final draft to the final specification that impact scope of eligible products or certification criteria under Sections 2 and 3, respectively. In response to a stakeholder request, EPA revised the ENERGY STAR definition for doors to include drawers. EPA has adopted Department of Energy’s (DOEs) definition for doors, which subsumes drawers, and includes it under Section 1.A.23. For additional clarity, the words ‘Doors or Drawers’ are removed from the chef base section in Table 1.  

Timeline and Next Steps:

EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to
the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest
requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 5.0 requirements.
  • On August 6, 2022 CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 4.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until December 22, 2022.
  • Any commercial refrigeration products manufactured as of December 22, 2022, must meet Version 5.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 4.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 5.0 to EPA.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient commercial refrigerators and freezers. If you have any questions or concerns about the specification or partnership process, please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial refrigerators or freezers related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

  Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Comment Matrix
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Data Packet

Contact Name: Adam Spitz
Phone: 916-231-7685
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners and Industry Colleagues,

Greetings from ENERGY STAR

Building the Market for EV Chargers

Attention - Manufacturers of DC Fast Chargers

Completing Your Certification for “Connected” Recognition

2021 - Year of the EVs

What We've Been Up To

Contact List
The past year was filled with exciting announcements, and positive market trends for EV adoption and EV charging infrastructure growth. As we expand our efforts to increase awareness around the benefits of energy efficient EV charging, we’re celebrating the following accomplishments from 2021:  

  • EPA finalized the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) specification to include DC fast chargers up to 350 kW in scope.
  • We have been actively engaging with federal and state agencies and organizations to increase awareness and adoption of ENERGY STAR certified EV charging stations.
  • Our list of qualified products added several new EVSE manufacturers, including ABB and Electrify America, and now includes 28 leading manufacturers, for a total of more than 200 unique Level 1 and Level 2 AC models carrying the ENERGY STAR label.
  • We continue to engage with utilities across the country to increase awareness about the benefits of incorporating ENERGY STAR certified EV charging stations into their EV charging programs.

This newsletter provides a summary of these and other recent activities, and is a means to thank our partners for their participation and engagement in our efforts.
As always, please reach out to us at any time, either via or the contacts listed at the end of this newsletter.

Peter Banwell

Building the Market for Certified EV Chargers 

Over the past several months, a number of utilities across the country have adopted ENERGY STAR certification as a requirement for participating in their rebate and incentive programs - highlighting energy efficiency and safety as key components of their programs.

Utility/Program Sponsor

AEP SWEPCO Louisiana, Texas
Public Service Company of Oklahoma Oklahoma
Potomac Edison Maryland
El Paso Electric Texas
Snohomish PUD Washington
Xcel Energy Minnesota
Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) New Mexico
Energy Trust of Oregon Oregon

In addition to utilities, EPA has been actively engaging with government agencies and organizations to increase awareness and share best practices related to ENERGY STAR certified EV charging stations. At the federal level, the General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), have incorporated  ENERGY STAR as procurement requirements for their programs (visit the GSA and FEMP websites to learn more how requirements were incorporated). Similarly, the state of Maryland Green Purchasing Committee has adopted language to require AC EV chargers purchased by the Department of Government Services to be ENERGY STAR certified, while incorporating future requirements for the purchase of certified DC fast chargers as they become commercially available. Finally, the USGBC has included points in their LEED v4.1 Building Design and Construction rating system to recognize ENERGY STAR certified chargers in new constructions and major renovations.

Attention - Manufacturers of DC Fast Chargers: 

If you have not already, it is time to begin the process of certifying DC EVSE to the ENERGY STAR DC EVSE specification! The DC EVSE requirements were finalized and in effect as of March 2021. The new requirements recognize the most efficient DC EV chargers on the market. The test method developed by EPA, with input from industry, accounts for product efficiency with numerous real-world variables, including charge rate, voltage, and temperature.

EPA has heard from manufacturers that are currently undergoing various stages of the certification process and a list of ENERGY STAR certified DC EVSE is expected to be available in Q2 2022.

ENERGY STAR certified DC EV chargers provide significant savings opportunities - but the benefits don't stop there!  Recent consumer studies have shown that the ENERGY STAR logo is one of the most highly recognized and influential symbols consumers look for when making sustainable purchases. Other studies have shown that co-branding with the ENERGY STAR label can lead to increased web traffic where the logo is displayed, and can result higher adoption of energy efficient practices and customer satisfaction over time.  Learn more at

Utilities, states, and other organizations with infrastructure funding opportunities are interested in requiring and/or incentivizing ENERGY STAR certification for DC EVSE for participation in their programs. Certifying your DC EVSE now will demonstrate that your products are energy efficient, meet industry safety requirements, and ensure they can participate in programs that require ENERGY STAR.

In order to certify your DC charging stations, you will want to follow these steps (step #3 can be done simultaneously with #1 and #2):

  • Confirm you are eligible by reviewing the ENERGY STAR Partner commitments and product specifications
  • Complete a Partnership Application and Participation Form and send the forms to
  • Contact an EPA-recognized laboratory and certification body. Products must be certified by an EPA-recognized Certification Body (CB). There are two options for testing DC EVSE: In-house laboratory testing and testing in a third-party EPA-recognize laboratory. More information on both of these options can be found on slides 17-19 in this presentation. A list of currently recognized Labs and CBs, and their contact information can be found here.
  • Once the CB certifies a product, it will automatically be uploaded to the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List (QPL).

Completing Your Certification for “Connected” Recognition

Utilities’ demand response programs are asking for networked EV chargers, and some are requiring that chargers meet EPA’s definition of “connected.”  For example, Snohomish Public Utility District No. 1 and the Energy Trust of Oregon have requirements.  To qualify for these incentives, manufacturers that had AC EV chargers certified as connected capable on the ENERGY STAR website will need to work with their certification body to update their listings to reflect if the charger meets our newly updated requirements.  Please contact us for more information on this process at
What steps must manufacturers take to ensure that products are listed as connected functionality capable (including those products previously certified as connected capable under Version 1.0)?

Check if your EVSE meets the updated connected criteria in Section 3.10 of the final specification

Ask your EPA-recognized certification body to update the listing 

Provide necessary documentation to the certification body to verify compliance

2021 – The Year of EVs

2021 was a breakthrough year for EVs, with several manufacturers announcing new EV models entering the market and big plans for vehicle electrification over the next decade.
Further, the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) secured $5 billion in formula funding for states with a goal to build a national charging network, and $2.5 billion for communities and corridors to support rural charging, and increase EV charging access in disadvantaged communities. 

With more EVs on U.S. roads, the benefits are becoming more compelling for a wider audience of manufacturers, policymakers, and drivers alike. Research studies and consumer data show that EV owners save on both fuel and vehicle maintenance costs, while contributing to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, even after accounting for the emissions from electricity used for charging. 

You can learn more about EV savings and best practices for EV charging in the Ask the Experts ‘Tips on Electric Vehicles and Chargers with ENERGY STAR’ linked below.
ENERGY STAR Ask the Experts | Products

What We've Been Up To...
You may be interested in the following updated resources highlighting ENERGY STAR EV chargers:

ENERGY STAR EV Chargers – Sample Procurement Language

Additional Resources

Looking for rebates? Check out the EV incentive finder here.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® EVSE Brand Owner, Certification Body, or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, April 7, 2022, from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Eastern to discuss the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 EVSE connected functionality criteria. EPA encourages all EVSE brand owners and certification bodies to attend. Please register for the webinar here.

EPA released the Version 1.1 EVSE Specification on March 31, 2021. This specification includes all current criteria for both AC and DC EVSE, as well as optional connected functionality criteria in Section 3.10. These connected criteria seek to identify products that provide consumer amenity and grid services through connection to other systems. EVSE that comply with these criteria are identified on the ENERGY STAR website as being ‘Connected Capable’.

The connected criteria were updated in the Version 1.1 Specification with the intention of making this designation more useful to utilities and other organizations. The updated criteria largely built upon the criteria in Version 1.0, with the addition of more prescriptive product capabilities. As a result of the changes to these criteria, brand owners that previously had AC EVSE certified as connected capable on the ENERGY STAR website prior to March 2021 need to work with their certification body to update their listings to reflect if the charger meets the updated requirements.

Since March 2021, when the Version 1.1 Specification took effect, EPA has received a number of inquiries from utilities requesting a list of products that meet the connected criteria. Upon speaking with several manufacturers, EPA realized there may be some confusion regarding the criteria. As a result, EPA is hosting this webinar to review the requirements, answer stakeholder questions, and encourage brand owners to certify their products as ‘Connected Capable’.

All materials related to the Version 1.1 Specification development effort (stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification and test method, etc.) are available on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 EVSE Specification Development webpage.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that 93 U.S. manufacturing plants earned the agency’s ENERGY STAR certification in 2022. ENERGY STAR certified plants are verified to be among the most energy-efficient plants within their industries. Together, they prevented more than 5 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector, which is responsible for nearly a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

"As these companies demonstrate, improving energy efficiency serves to confront climate change while strengthening our economy,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “Manufacturing plants that reduce energy consumption as part of the transition to a zero-emissions future save money and create the resiliency needed for the long-term health of their operations, our economy, and our planet.”

Thanks to their superior energy performance over a single year, these plants avoided nearly 90 trillion Btus of energy consumption and prevented emissions equal to the annual energy use of nearly 650,000 American homes. Since the first plants were certified in 2006, ENERGY STAR certified plants have cumulatively saved manufacturers more than $7 billion on energy bills when compared to average-performing facilities.

Energy efficiency cuts energy waste and is an essential action for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 for both the United States’ Long-Term Strategy and the sustainability of the manufacturing  sector. 

To assess energy performance, plants use EPA’s ENERGY STAR energy performance indicators (EPIs), or, in the case of petroleum refineries, the Solomon Associates Energy Intensity Index (Solomon-EII™) scoring system. Plants must score 75 or higher on these 100-point scales—indicating that they are more energy efficient than at least 75% of similar facilities nationwide—to be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification. ENERGY STAR certification is available for 20 manufacturing sectors, from cement and steel to glass and commercial bakeries.

All ENERGY STAR certified manufacturing plants in 2022:
*Represents first-time certification


Argos USA, Calera (cement manufacturing)

Georgia-Pacific, Brewton Containerboard & Bleached Board (integrated paper mill)*

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Lincoln (automobile assembly)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Lincoln (automobile engine)

Tuscaloosa Organic Baking Co., LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Phoenix (commercial bread and roll baking)

CalPortland, Rillito (cement manufacturing)

Drake Cement, LLC, Paulden (cement manufacturing)

Holsum Bakery of Tolleson, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

Mesa Organic Baking Co., Inc. (commercial bread and roll baking)

Salt River Materials Group, Clarkdale (cement manufacturing)


Flowers Baking Co. of Batesville, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)


Ardagh Glass Inc., Madera (container glass manufacturing)

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Escondido (commercial bread and roll baking)

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., San Luis Obispo (commercial bread and roll baking)

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Placentia (commercial bread and roll baking)*

Flowers Baking Co. of Modesto, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

J.R. Simplot Company, Helm (nitrogenous fertilizer)


GCC, Pueblo (cement manufacturing)

Mile Hi Companies, Denver (commercial bread and roll baking)

Rocky Mountain Bottle Company, Wheat Ridge (container glass manufacturing)*


AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Newark (pharmaceutical)


CEMEX USA, Miami (cement manufacturing)

Flowers Baking Co. of Bradenton, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)*

Titan America LLC, Medley (cement manufacturing)


Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Tallapoosa (automobile transmission)


Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Robinson (petroleum refining)

TreeHouse Foods, Inc., South Beloit (cookie & cracker baking)


General Motors Company, Roanoke (automobile assembly)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Greensburg (automobile assembly)

Klosterman Baking Company, Morristown (commercial bread and roll baking)

PepsiCo, Indianapolis Gatorade Hotfill Facility (juice production)

Tate & Lyle, Lafayette (corn refining)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Dubuque (commercial bread and roll baking)

Koch Fertilizer Ft. Dodge, LLC (nitrogenous fertilizer)*


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., London (commercial bread and roll baking)

TreeHouse Foods, Inc., Princeton (cookie & cracker baking)


ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants, Baton Rouge (petroleum refining)

Flowers Baking Co. of New Orleans, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Garyville (petroleum refining)


Lepage Bakeries Park Street, LLC, Lewiston (commercial bread and roll baking)*


AbbVie, Wyandotte (pharmaceutical)

General Motors Company, Flint (automobile assembly)*


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Fergus Falls (commercial bread and roll baking)

Flint Hills Resources, Pine Bend (petroleum refining)

Lamb Weston/RDO Frozen, Park Rapids (frozen fried potato processing)

Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Saint Paul Park (petroleum refining)


Georgia-Pacific, New Augusta (pulp mill)

North Carolina:

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Gastonia (commercial bread and roll baking)


Koch Fertilizer Beatrice, LLC (nitrogenous fertilizer)

New Jersey:

AbbVie, Branchburg (pharmaceutical)

Ardagh Glass Inc., Bridgeton (container glass manufacturing)


Flowers Baking Co. of Henderson, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

New York:

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Olean (commercial bread and roll baking)

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Auburn (commercial bread and roll baking)

TreeHouse Foods, Inc., Tonawanda (cookie & cracker baking)


Bimbo QSR Ohio, LLC. – Airport, Zanesville (commercial bread and roll baking)*

Bimbo QSR Ohio, LLC. – Eastpointe, Zanesville (commercial bread and roll baking)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Anna (automobile engine)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, East Liberty (automobile assembly)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Marysville (automobile assembly)

Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC, Russells Point (automobile transmission)

Klosterman Baking Company, Cincinnati (commercial bread and roll baking)

Klosterman Baking Company, Springboro (commercial bread and roll baking)

Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Canton (petroleum refining)


Koch Fertilizer Enid, LLC (nitrogenous fertilizer)


Dave’s Killer Bread, Inc., Milwaukie (commercial bread and roll baking)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Reading (commercial bread and roll baking)

O-I, Brockway (container glass manufacturing)*

Puerto Rico:

Merck & Co., Inc., Las Piedras (pharmaceutical)

South Carolina:

Argos USA, Harleyville (cement manufacturing)

South Dakota:

GCC, Rapid City (cement manufacturing)


Beiersdorf North America, Cleveland (pharmaceutical)

Buzzi Unicem USA, Chattanooga (cement manufacturing)

Crown Bakeries, Dickson (commercial bread and roll baking)

Crown Bakeries, Nashville (commercial bread and roll baking)

Nissan North America, Decherd (automobile engine)

Nissan North America, Smyrna (automobile assembly)

Tate & Lyle, Loudon (corn refining)


AbbVie, Waco (pharmaceutical)

ExxonMobil Fuel & Lubricants, Beaumont (petroleum refining)*

Flowers Foods, Inc., El Paso (commercial bread and roll baking)

Flowers Baking Co. of Houston, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

Flowers Baking Co. of Tyler, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Salt Lake City (commercial bread and roll baking)

TreeHouse Foods, Inc., Odgen (cookie & cracker baking)


Flowers Baking Co. of Norfolk, LLC (commercial bread and roll baking)

Titan America LLC, Troutville (cement manufacturing)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Kent (commercial bread and roll baking)*

Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Anacortes (petroleum refining)


Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Milwaukee (commercial bread and roll baking)

Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., La Crosse (commercial bread and roll baking)


J.R. Simplot Company, Rock Springs (nitrogenous fertilizer)*

About the ENERGY STAR Industrial Program
Since 2006, the ENERGY STAR Industrial Program has annually certified manufacturing plants for performing within the top 25% of energy performance in their industries nationwide. More than 230 plants have achieved this distinction since 2006. For more information, see: ENERGY STAR plant certification. For a list of all certified plants, see: ENERGY STAR Certified Building and Plant Locator. To learn more about how EPA and industry work together, see: Industrial Energy Management.

ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions. Thousands of industrial, commercial, utility, state, and local organizations—including about 40 percent of the Fortune 500®—rely on their partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses avoid more than $450 billion in energy costs and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions. More information about the impacts of ENERGY STAR can be found at: ENERGY STAR Impacts.

Location: Washington DC

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the 2022 ENERGY STAR Products Specification Development Plan. The ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Program identifies and promotes products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting the highest energy efficiency specifications across more than 75 product categories. Each year, EPA identifies ENERGY STAR product specifications that warrant revision. When resources allow, the Agency also considers new product categories to add to the portfolio. EPA weighs many considerations when flagging specifications for revision, including market penetration of ENERGY STAR certified models, changes in Federal minimum efficiency standards, and technological advancements. New product categories must deliver meaningful national savings while maintaining their intended performance and efficiency must be able to be tested and verified. 

In 2021, EPA completed revisions to ENERGY STAR specifications for residential water heaters, central air conditioning and air source heat pumps, water coolers, and small network equipment as well as expanded the scope in ENERGY STAR specifications for residential clothes washers and refrigerators, imaging equipment, and electric vehicle supply equipment. 

In 2022, EPA plans to make progress on revisions across 15 product types through its traditional open and transparent specification development process.  The Agency also plans to initiate specifications for two new product types. You will find the 2022 ENERGY STAR Products Specification Development Plan as well as Quarterly Updates to this plan on the ENERGY STAR Partner Resources page. 

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.  If you have any questions about this plan, please contact me, Katharine Kaplan, at and (202) 343-9120.

Katharine Kaplan
Manager, ENERGY STAR Product Development and Program Admin

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the final ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award criteria for a new 2022 product category: Adaptive Commercial Refrigeration Equipment. This award will recognize self-contained commercial refrigeration products using variable speed compressors with sensor-driven control systems capable of capacity modulation.

After reviewing input from stakeholders, EPA has maintained the criteria presented in the initial draft that EPA released on January 12th. All documents associated with the development of the Adaptive Commercial Refrigeration Equipment criteria can be found on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology for Industry Stakeholders webpage.

Award Application Process
Manufacturers with products that meet the award criteria may immediately begin submitting the necessary documentation to for EPA review. Award-winning products will be recognized upon determination that all award criteria have been satisfied. Note that multiple products are eligible for the award. All recognized, award-winning products will be listed on at Adaptive Commercial Refrigeration Equipment.

2021 Residential Induction Cooking Tops Category
This letter also serves as notice that EPA is extending recognition of the 2021 award category – Residential Induction Cooking Tops – into 2022. No changes to the criteria have been made for 2022. The performance criteria and list of award-winning products can be found at Residential Induction Cooking Tops.

If you have any questions about either award, the criteria development process, or marketing and promotion of award-winning products, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at and (202) 343-9408, or Emmy Feldman at and (202) 862-1145.


Peter Banwell
Senior Manager, ENERGY STAR Product Marketing

Final Criteria for Adaptive Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to present the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 LCHVAC Final Draft specification for stakeholder review. While most elements of the specification will be finalized promptly, there are a few that will require additional review and thus will be completed in the near future, as noted below and in note boxes in the specification. Stakeholders may submit comments to EPA on this Final Draft no later than March 3.

EPA is revising this specification in response to the forthcoming increase in stringency of federal minimum efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment that will go into effect on January 1, 2023. As the 2023 requirements are more stringent than those posed by the Version 3.1 specification, it is critical that the ENERGY STAR criteria for LCHVAC products receive an update in parallel. EPA therefore intends for Version 4.0 to take effect by January 1, 2023.

Need for amendment in the next 12 months
In several areas noted below EPA will need to revisit this specification in the next 12 months. EPA will seek to avoid triggering recertification of products due to future amendments.

Summary of Changes from Draft 1
EPA appreciates the thoughtful comments and extensive discussions on Draft 1 from a variety of stakeholders. Given new insight arising from these interactions, EPA has made extensive updates to the proposal from the Draft 1. There is more information on these and other changes in note boxes throughout the specification as well as in the comment response document.

  • Very Small Unitary and VRF products: EPA appreciates stakeholder support for including these products within the scope of this specification. We have updated the proposal to align with the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump specification requirements and have provided equivalent criteria in terms of both SEER, EER, and HSPF, and SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2. We have clarified that manufacturers may use either set of criteria (and the associated test methods) for certification to Version 4.0. In the next 12 months, in response to DOE actions, EPA will consider updating the specification to reference a single test method.
  • Small and Large Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: EPA has revised the proposed IEER, EER, and COP at 47°F requirements in light of new information about changes in the market by the time this specification is effective in 2023. In addition, many stakeholders provided feedback about how levels relate to each other for sub-classes of equipment, and EPA took this into account in this proposal. The updated criteria reflect the balance of energy savings, product cost, and product availability that EPA recognizes with the ENERGY STAR mark.
  • Gas/Electric Packaged Units: Amid uncertainty about how much savings capacity adjustment can provide for commercial equipment, EPA has eased the gas efficiency proposal to require at least two stages of heating, one of which can be the compressor-based heating a heat pump provides.
  • Small and Large VRF Products: The proposed levels have been adjusted slightly to reflect feedback about the additional challenge large systems face meeting EER requirements, and to allow synergy with other entities on cold climate recognition (see below). EPA anticipates reviewing the levels for these products and revising the test method in the next 12 months based on anticipated DOE action.
  • Cold Climate Recognition: The proposed criteria have been revised extensively based on conversations with a variety of stakeholders. The criteria reflect a conclusion that COP at low ambient temperature is more important than capacity for VRF systems, and capacity maintenance is more important for unitary systems.

Accordingly, capacity maintenance has been removed from the VRF criteria. In addition, the proposal has been adjusted to align more closely with products advertised by manufacturers and proven in the field as capable of cold climate performance, providing purchasers the best balance of affordability and efficiency. To this end, EPA has reduced COP requirements at 47°F and removed EER requirements. In addition, we have raised IEER with the understanding that products meeting other requirements for recognition will also meet this IEER. However, if a lower IEER requirement would allow less expensive units that also have excellent low ambient performance to enter the market, EPA may consider using the Draft 1 IEER requirement. EPA welcomes feedback on this point. Overall, this proposal will also allow better synergy with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) cold climate VRF specification, as drafted.

We have decided to delay cold climate recognition for unitary products in order to consider possible levels more thoroughly without delaying finalization of the rest of the specification. In addition, several other entities are working on cold climate specifications for unitary equipment, and this will allow coordination with them. EPA expects to add criteria within a year.

For very small units, EPA proposes alignment with the cold climate criteria in the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump specification. Demonstration of low ambient performance would ideally be the same as in that specification as well, however, the misalignment of test method timing makes that challenging. We have referenced the proposed B1 amendment and propose allowing a second pathway to demonstrate low ambient performance relying on the equivalency with residential models (single phase) recognized as cold climate heat pumps. The proposed DOE regulation already accounts for using tests of single-phase units to derive ratings of equivalent 3-phase models for rated values, so adding this path for the low ambient performance should allow recognition with minimal test burden. We expect to finalize these criteria slightly after the rest of the specification, and thus welcome stakeholder feedback on this proposal until March 24.
Comment Submittal Process
Any stakeholder that wishes to provide feedback on this proposal may submit written comments for EPA consideration to by March 3. Comments on cold climate criteria for very small units will be accepted until March 24. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR LCHVAC Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375, and Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at (202) 586-7335 or


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Draft 1 Comment Response Document
ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Data Package

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Partners and Interested Stakeholders,

Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the launch of the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade, a series of high-impact, efficient electric home improvements that can be made as equipment needs to be replaced. Designed to ensure clean and energy efficient technologies are within reach of every American home, the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade provides the market with a tangible, credible framework that is flexible enough to offer a promising formula for success.

A central resource for this new initiative is an interactive web-tool that lays out the value of an ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade and helps consumers navigate the process with buying guidance, information on financial incentives, and links to qualified contractors. To learn more about the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade interactive web-tool, visit

EPA introduced the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade during last year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting through a series of webinars. The first, “The ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade (Part 1 of 3): An Overview”, introduced the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade and provided an in-depth look at associated tools and resources, including the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade web tool.  The second webinar, “The ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade (Part 2 of 3): Making the ESHU Work for You” focused on why ENERGY STAR partners should leverage this new initiative to achieve deep reductions in energy use. The third and final webinar in the series, “The ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade (Part 3 of 3): Scaling the Home Energy Upgrade: How Can We Get There Equitably?”, brought together innovators and change makers in the field of energy efficiency financial tools to share insights on ways we can reach all Americans. All three webinars are available on the ENERGY STAR Products Webinar Series web page.

EPA looks forward to working with our partners to make the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade a success! If you’d like to discuss or learn more about this exciting new initiative, please contact Dan Lawlor at Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR. 


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® TV Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Final Version 9.0 TVs Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

Version 9.0 requirements will become effective on October 20, 2022. Televisions certifying for ENERGY STAR under the Version 9.0 specification will offer consumers a savings of more than 34% over a conventional model. This specification:

  • Requires use of the ANSI/CTA-2037-C test method which utilizes camera equipment to measure light averaged across the entire screen during dynamic video play, resulting in a new metric called Dynamic Luminance
  • Establishes performance-based criteria to encourage more efficient product design through the adoption of efficient components (e.g., LEDs, films, power supplies, etc.) and energy saving features (e.g., local dimming)
  • Evaluates TV performance in three different preset picture settings
  • Evaluates standby power in a more typical network environment (e.g., multicast traffic on the network) and with smart wake features enabled to encourage efficient integration with smart speakers and mobile device casting applications

If all televisions in the United States met these new requirements, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $1.8 billion each year and more than 27 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of three draft specifications and one limited topic proposal, along with multiple stakeholder meetings and input from stakeholders. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.0 Specification Development webpage.

EPA received several stakeholder comments in response to the Final Draft specification:

  • Several stakeholders supported the Version 9.0 requirements, noting that the updated criteria will be more representative of average consumer use of the latest television technology. Specifically, stakeholders supported the revised HCR definition and alignment with the ANSI/CTA-2037-C test method.
  • One stakeholder suggested reviewing additional HCR model data to determine if the HCR adjustment factor should be reduced. EPA reviewed the full data set of 12 HCR models, which demonstrated a 25% pass rate of HCR-capable TVs. Based on this data, EPA believes the adjustment factor reflects the intention to recognize the top-performing HCR models.
  • A stakeholder proposed the use of weighted On Mode metrics that factor in the typical usage of each preset picture setting based on recent survey data. EPA appreciates this additional information and understands the merits of this suggestion to improve representativeness of how the TV is being used. However, this suggestion warrants further research and investigation. EPA included this in the Considerations for Future Revisions section of the specification.

EPA also summarizes these comments and the Agency’s responses in the enclosed comment response document. EPA has made modest clarifying edits to the final specification to ensure consistency with the final ANSI/CTA-2037-C test method.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 9.0 requirements.
  • As of June 2, 2022, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 8.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until October 20, 2022.
  • Any television manufactured as of October 20, 2022, must meet Version 9.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 8.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 9.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards, James Kwon, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Final Version 9.0 Televisions Specification
ENERGY STAR Final Version 9.0 Televisions Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 Televisions Final Draft Specification Comment Response Document

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the amendments to the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification, which expands the marketing requirements for data center storage products. Products certified to Version 2.0 will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification.

EPA did not receive any formal comments in response to the Draft Version 2.1 amendment. As such, the criteria remain unchanged in the final amended specification. With the new requirements included in Version 2.1, customers will be able to consistently access key efficiency information for ENERGY STAR products from brand owner websites including which family members are ENERGY STAR certified, what COMs are made available for the product, and the minimum power supply that is provided with the product. EPA notes that while currently certified products will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification, EPA strongly encourages partners to make this information available for currently certified products as soon as possible.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Specification, which includes revisions responsive to stakeholder feedback to Version 5.0 Draft 1.

EPA received feedback via written feedback and during a webinar hosted on September 1, 2021. The Agency provides responses in two locations: note boxes throughout the Version 5.0 Final Draft specification and the Draft 1 comment matrix. Though leading specification revisions are highlighted below, stakeholders are encouraged to review the details in all supporting materials to the product specification including the Version 5.0 Final Draft data package and Version 5.0 Draft 1 comment matrix.

Changes Reflected in Version 5.0 Final Draft

  • Definitions: For further clarification on eligible equipment, EPA has proposed the addition of the following new definitions in the Final Draft Version 5.0 specification:
    • Undercounter
    • Worktop
  • Criteria Levels: In light of improvements to our Vertical Closed Solid Self-Contained Low Temperature (VCS.SC.L) dataset, which now excludes LAPT and discontinued models, EPA has included less stringent criteria for these classes in the Final Draft. In addition, the Chef Base Self-Contained Medium (CB.SC.M) dataset and the Chef Base Self-Contained Low Temperature (CB.SC.L) dataset now include additional models that were not available during Draft 1 development. In light of this new data, the criteria for both CB.SC.M and CB.SC.L have been eased from the criteria proposed in Draft 1.
  • Test Methods: Stakeholders affirmed that chef bases may be tested using 10 CFR Part 431 Subpart C Appendix B.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Specification. Any final comments can be sent to by February 16, 2022. EPA will accept additional data for preparation tables and buffet tables beyond this deadline and encourage stakeholders to use the previously issued data assembly template for these categories.

All product specification drafts including supporting documents are posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Version 5.0 Product Development website. Submitted stakeholder comments are also posted to this webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at or 202-650-7522 and Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 for questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Data Packet

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Wahington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Residential Dishwasher Draft 2 specification. EPA encourages stakeholders to provide comments on this draft via email to by February 24, 2022. There will be a webinar on February 16, 2022 to discuss this Draft 2 specification. The comment period has been extended to accommodate webinar scheduling.
EPA appreciates stakeholders’ feedback on the Draft 1 specification. EPA’s responses to stakeholder feedback are reflected in the accompanying Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix. Highlights of key changes in the Draft 2 specification are summarized below, and the rationale for these proposed changes are discussed in note boxes throughout the specification.

First, EPA is maintaining the proposed revisions to the minimum energy and water efficiency requirements for residential dishwashers proposed in Draft 1. The current ENERGY STAR market share is near 100%, which showcases the need for more stringent criteria for the program to recognize leadership products in efficiency.

Additionally, instead of referencing cleaning index as part of the specification’s scope, and in light of DOE’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the test procedure for dishwashers, EPA is including the per-cycle cleaning index for the normal cycle for ENERGY STAR certification. The inclusion of the per-cycle cleaning index is consistent with EPA’s commitment to ensuring that the label is associated with products that deliver energy efficiency without compromising performance.

While EPA continues to support the connected criteria for ENERGY STAR certified dishwashers, EPA is removing the connected adder to the maximum for Annual Energy Consumption for demand response capable residential dishwashers. EPA believes the consumer value of connected appliances remains and that the market will reward the best implementations. Further, with diminishing returns for efficiency for dishwashers, providing a connected adder is not in the best interest of the consumer. 
Stakeholders are requested to provide any comments on the Version 7.0 Draft 2 specification no later than February 24, 2021. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential.
Please contact Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1566, with any questions or concerns about the specification. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR for Residential Dishwashers

ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Draft 2 Specification
ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/HP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing the final ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Version 6.1 specification. As amended, the specification supports more effective deployment of the ENERGY STAR label for central AC and heat pumps, in light of additional information stakeholders shared. 

EPA received several comments on the Version 6.1 Draft and has adjusted the amendment in response. A summary of comments and responses is available in the comment response matrix. In particular:

  • EPA is retaining the EER2 requirements as outlined in Version 6.0, preserving both the simplicity of the specification and the peak demand benefits that are important to stakeholders in warmer regions.
  • Based on information about new, lower cost, variable speed split systems entering the market, EPA will not require units to meet the installation criteria for certification. Instead, the Agency will distinguish combinations that meet the criteria on the ENERGY STAR product finder, similar to the “connected” designation.  EPA remains convinced that air conditioners and heat pumps that provide aid to installers and raters are needed in the market, but seeks to avoid disadvantaging new variable speed units at this critical time for the advancement of that technology.  While we have retained the term “installation criteria” for the specification, we intend to work with stakeholders to identify a more appropriate term to identify the units that offer these features for consumers and installers.
  • In addition, the installation criteria have been further clarified based on a series of very helpful detailed conversations with brand owners. In residential use, it is not expected that cooling will be needed with outdoor temperatures under 65ºF (relevant to requirement a).  Furthermore, defrost mode need not be tested in addition to other tests (relevant to requirement f). Lastly, EPA has updated language about the test mode (requirement d) to reflect that the maximum speed may not be the most appropriate for testing particularly in units with “boost” capability.

Products certified from this point forward should use Version 6.1.

All materials related to the Version 6.1 specification development process are available on EPA’s ENERGY STAR Version 6 CAC/HP product development page. Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Morganne Blaylock at ICF, or 202-862-2952. Please direct questions about test methods to Catherine Rivest at DOE, or 202-586-7335.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Air Source Heat Pump Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of January 1, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps to the Version 5.0 specification and may only certify Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps to the Version 6.0 specification. EPA also expects the Version 6.1 specification (modified in light of new market information) to be available in early January, at which time new products should be certified to that version. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps certifications to the Version 5.0 specification until January 1, 2023. After this date, only Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps certified to the Version 6.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by December 31, 2021 of models certified to Version 5.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified Central Air Conditioner and Air Source Heat Pumps to

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of January 13, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new small network equipment (SNE) products to the Version 1.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing small network equipment (SNE) product certifications to the Version 1.0 specification until July 13, 2022. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all small network equipment (SNE) products on and after July 13, 2022.

Additionally, no new promotional materials for small network equipment (SNE) products (printed and electronic) that use the ENERGY STAR mark may be produced after January 13, 2022. Brand owners are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, to minimize waste. 

Please reference EPA's Small Network Equipment Products Sunset Decision Memo for more details, and contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS News: First Certification & More

ENERGY STAR SHEMS First Certification

Congratulations to Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) for being the first to successfully complete the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems certification process! The first ENERGY STAR SHEMS partner is bringing innovative energy saving smart home technology to 200 Baltimore Gas and Electric customers through their Connected Home and Small Business Demonstration, a 2020-2021 pilot study in Annapolis. Their platform gives users tools to control lights, thermostats, and outlets for energy savings. Learn more at about BGE’s ENERGY STAR SHEMS package through the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List (QPL). You can learn more about their program by contacting BGE’s Sam duPont at


“BGE is proud to be a leader in showing how our industry can optimize AMI network investments and smart technology to provide our customers with cutting edge tools that allow a greater degree of control over their energy usage and costs.”
-Alex Núñez, BGE senior vice president of Strategy & Regulatory Affairs

Your System May Be Close to a SHEMS! Can Your System . . .

1.Control an ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat?

2.Control either a smart light switch (standby power ≤ 0.5 W) that can report energy, or an ENERGY STAR certified smart lighting product?

3.Connect to a smart plug, outlet, power strip, home energy monitor, smart breaker panel, or other device (standby power ≤ 1.0 W) that controls miscellaneous loads or reports circuit-level energy use data?

4.Control a smart water heater add-on controller?

5.Detect room, apartment, or home occupancy based on a non-battery-powered occupancy sensor (may be integrated in other devices) or with two battery operated occupancy detectors?

6.Provide energy saving tips?

7.Report estimated or actual energy use of connected devices in a dwelling to the user?

8.Perform a demand response event on at least one smart device?

9.Allow a user to integrate with a utility time of use program?

10.Aggregate 6 months of system data from ≥ 30 installations with devices from questions 1-3?

Ready to take the next step? Visit our SHEMS for Partners page to learn more. Contact to learn more.


Interest in smart home devices to save energy on the rise amidst pandemic

According to Parks Associates data, 20% of US broadband households report that COVID-19 has increased their interest in smart energy solutions that can help them manage their energy use, cost, and comfort. Forty-three percent of US broadband multifamily households owned at least one smart home device in 2020. This reflects a nearly 50% increase since 2019, likely driven by increasing consumer interest and the advantages of smart home technology to building managers looking to save energy. Read more 

Likewise, 34% of single-family households have installed at least one smart home device, with 23% owning 3 or more devices. Read more

Energy is top of mind for likely smart home adopters

A recent E Source survey found that residents of single-family homes of ages 18-34 are most likely to purchase smart home devices in the coming year. These customers are most interested in smart technologies that provide energy insights, savings, home security improvements, and automation. Read more.

ENERGY STAR SHEMS On The (Virtual) Road

Taylor Jantz-Sell, U.S. EPA, was featured in an Executive Spotlight as part of the Parks Associates 2021 Smart Energy Summit. The Q&A was part of the “Energy Management Platforms: Accelerating Growth” track of the summit. Check out the session recap here.

Taylor Jantz-Sell also presented on the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program in the 2021 National Home Performance Conference’s “Smart on Smart Workshop: Products, People, Policy and Possibilities.” 



Looking forward to helping our future get energy smart together! Have SHEMS insights to share from a pilot or research? Please contact or Taylor Jantz-Sell at

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sharing proposed changes to the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Specification, which expands the marketing requirements for data center storage products. EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this proposal, which will be reflected in a Version 2.1 specification once final. These proposed changes will apply to products certified after Version 2.1 is finalized. While currently certified products will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification, EPA strongly encourages partners to make this information available for currently certified products as soon as possible.

EPA has engaged with stakeholders since the release of the Version 2.0 Data Center Storage specification regarding the verification procedures for this uniquely complicated product type. Recognizing that operators have access to real-time power and temperature data from each product via Data Center Information Management (DCIM) software, this allows them to manage IT hardware and observe when individual units fall outside of expected operating parameters. EPA has concluded that the presence of this DCIM software combined with certification data provides a high level of transparency regarding performance. EPA has also learned that there would be benefit in providing customers with additional information on ENERGY STAR products. In many cases, key efficiency information is missing from brand owner websites or not provided to customers. As such, EPA will require that product websites clearly indicate those elements of the product family that are ENERGY STAR certified, what COMs are made available for the product, and the minimum power supply that is provided with the product. EPA believes these pieces of information will allow stakeholders to provide more transparency to their customers. Discussions with stakeholders and a review of the market affirm that no other changes to this specification are warranted at this time. This requirement is noted in Section 3.5.8 excerpted below. 

3.5.8  Report the web link to the following product information made clearly visible on partner primary marketing and/or product summary websites:

            i. Identification of configurations within a model line that are included in the ENERGY STAR certified product family;
            ii. COMs available for the product;
            iii. Minimum power supply efficiency offered within the product family (preferably as an 80 Plus equivalent statement).

Stakeholders may submit any comments on this Version 2.1 specification to by December 16, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the data center storage product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the dishwasher final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria document and the EPA cover memo.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® TV Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Final Draft Specification. This Final Draft contains changes made in response to written comments received regarding the Draft 2 specification, the Limited Topic Proposal (LTP), and to account for the continued progress made towards finalizing the Consumer Technology Association’s CTA-2037C: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption test procedure, which is referenced by the specification.

These changes are highlighted in noteboxes throughout the specification and outlined below. Stakeholders may submit written comments on this Final Draft by December 22, 2021.

Overview of the Final Draft Specification

EPA received generally positive feedback regarding the approach and criteria levels proposed by the Draft 2 specification. Several stakeholders expressed support for the following aspects of the Draft 2:

  • Standby-Active Mode Power requirement of 1 W,
  • Average On Mode Power approach, which allows manufacturers added flexibility in programming Preset Picture Settings (PPS) so long as On Mode requirements are met on average, and
  • The introduction of lower luminance thresholds for certification, which allow manufacturers to set default backlight levels however they wish while eliminating the incentive to provide overly dim settings to meet criteria.

As such, EPA maintained these proposals for this Final Draft.

In response to the Limited Topic Proposal (LTP) published in September 2021, regarding the High-Contrast-Ratio (HCR) adjustment factor, EPA received feedback requesting additional clarification for the definition of an HCR Display included in the specification. As such, the definition for an HCR Display included in this Final Draft contains the requirement that the display must be capable of controlling pixels individually, which is an integral factor in their ability to offer such high contrast ratios.

Also in response to the LTP, EPA received feedback and data regarding the proposed value of the HCR adjustment factor. EPA has retained the proposed AFHCR value of 1.12 for this Final Draft specification. Testing data used to develop the value proposed in the LTP indicated that the current value of 1.12 will allow only the most efficient HCR-capable models to earn certification.

Testing data submitted in response to the LTP indicates that some of the most recently developed HCR Display models would be able to meet requirements with a smaller adjustment factor. The observed increases in efficiency between this sample of adjacent model years support EPA’s belief that there are readily available means by which manufacturers can increase efficiency and reinforces the viewpoint that by making ENERGY STAR certification obtainable for these products, there is an incentive for manufacturers to do so. Additionally, these models observed to meet requirements after some redevelopments are significantly more efficient than comparable models that have not been updated, which supports the notion that the models that have been engineered to perform well above the baseline should be recognized. EPA has maintained the 1.12 value as further restriction of the adjustment factor risks making certification unobtainable for the most efficient HCR-capable models, thus eliminating the incentive to increase efficiency.

Finally, EPA acknowledges that the CTA-2037C: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption test procedure referenced in the Draft 2 is now complete and available to the public for reference. Included in this Final Draft are several amendments to calculation methodologies that follow the changes made to CTA-2037C between the time of Draft 2’s publication and finalization of the test procedure.


Stakeholders are invited to provide any comments on the Version 9.0 Final Draft Specification no later than December 22, 2021. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the Version 9.0 TVs Specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.0 Final Draft Specification

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing an amendment to the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment (IE) specification. This amendment provides updated criteria for professional imaging equipment and will be reflected as Version 3.2. Products that have been already certified to Version 3.0 and Version 3.1 will not be affected by this change and will remain ENERGY STAR certified with no further action required.

EPA received multiple comments on the Version 3.2 proposal. One commenter requested that EPA ease the proposed Ready Mode Power requirement for professional imaging equipment. However, the proposed 900 W limit has been retained for Version 3.2 as EPA has observed that products with a variety of features (e.g., speed, color-capability, etc.) are able to readily meet this requirement. The commenter also indicated that the dataset used to form the Version 3.2 criteria included a few products that realize high speed duplex productivity via two serially connected engines. Subsequent analysis has shown that the proposed criteria is not appropriate for products of this type as their heightened performance appears to require a significant amount of additional energy. As such, and because a larger dataset of these models is not currently available to inform criteria, dual-engine products have been excluded from the scope of this Version 3.2 specification.

Finally, a commentor informed EPA that some models used to inform the proposed criteria were equipped with a digital-front-end (DFE) during testing and expressed concern that the proposed criteria may not properly account for the additional energy they require to provide enhanced performance (e.g., speed, resolution, etc.). It is critical to ensure that these products do not appear to be more efficient because they receive the benefits of a DFE without needing to report the additional energy required to enable them. After analysis of the impact of DFE energy on the current dataset, EPA believes that the previously proposed criteria remain appropriate when DFE energy is simply summed with the energy of the main product and has retained the proposed criteria in this Version 3.2 Final specification.  EPA has provided instruction in the specification on how to incorporate DFE energy for units tested with a DFE equipped.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or Cody Niblett, ICF, at or (202) 862-1245 with questions or concerns about the specification. For other imaging equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Version 3.2 Specification

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central AC/Heat Pump Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing amendments to the recently completed Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/HP specification.  These amendments will be reflected in a Version 6.1, which will be effective upon completion. Products certified to Version 6.0 will not be affected.

Since finalizing the Version 6.0 revisions in March, EPA received substantial additional feedback that altered our understanding of the current market and the extent to which the Version 6.0 requirements reflect the performance of an adequate selection of ASHP models in the market.  In particular, that in several cases we had chosen capabilities less widespread in the market than we had intended.  In addition, we learned that some of the criteria for cold climates prevented less expensive units that have performed well and meet specific needs from being recognized with the cold climate designation.  The proposed amendment includes the following changes:

  • Lower EER requirements for multi-capacity air conditioners and heat pumps, which provide additional comfort and efficiency through other means, such as higher SEER and HSPF values, and meeting the V6.1 installation criteria.
  • For Cold Climate Heat Pumps, removed EER requirements and reduced HSPF requirements for ducted heat pumps.
  • Clarified several installation criteria and allowed systems to get credit for a test mode in addition to measurement of specific quantities as installed.

More details on each of these changes are available in the specification.  EPA welcomes conversation with stakeholders about this proposal.  In addition, we encourage written stakeholder input on the proposed Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR CAC/HP Product Specification. Please submit any comments to by November 23, 2021. 

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA,, or 202-343-9375 and Cody Niblett, or (202) 862-1245. Please direct test procedure questions to Catherine Rivest at DOE, or (202) 586-7335.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens Draft 2 Specification on October 14, 2021. EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the specification and address stakeholder questions on Thursday, November 4, 2021, from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT. To participate in the meeting, please register here by November 3, 2021.

Visit and bookmark the Commercial Ovens Specification Version 3.0 product development website to view all specification drafts and supplemental materials including data packets, comments, responses to comments, and webinar slides. Comments for Draft 2 are due December 2, 2021, and may be submitted to

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to present the ENERGY STAR LCHVAC Draft 1 specification for stakeholder review. EPA plans to hold a webinar on November 16th from 12pm-2pm ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this Draft to EPA no later than December 13, 2021.

EPA begins this specification revision in response to the forthcoming increase in stringency of federal minimum efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment that will go into effect on January 1, 2023. As the 2023 requirements are more stringent than those posed by the Version 3.1 specification, it is critical that the ENERGY STAR criteria for LCHVAC products receive an update in parallel. EPA therefore intends for Version 4.0 to take effect by January 1, 2023.

Proposal Summary
To ensure that that ENERGY STAR continues to distinguish the top performing products in terms of energy efficiency while supporting national decarbonization goals, the Version 4.0 Draft 1 specification proposes the following changes and identifies other areas for further discussion:

  • Scope: EPA proposes to bring units with a cooling capacity below 65,000 Btu/h into the scope of this Version 4.0 specification after they were previously removed from scope for Version 3.0. This proposal is based on manufacturer feedback indicating that the market would be best served by an ENERGY STAR specification that offers certification to these products. EPA has however been unable to find updated installation cost and energy usage data to suggest whether payback times for these units has improved. As such, EPA welcomes the submission of data regarding the purchase, installation, and/or energy costs of these units. The performance criteria proposed for these products aligns with associated CEE Tier 2 criteria levels.
  • Performance Criteria: EPA proposes higher IEER and EER requirements for Central Air Conditioner (CAC) products and higher IEER, EER and COP at 47°F requirements for Air-Source Heat Pump (ASHP) products. The stringency of these criteria recognizes those products that clearly perform at a level above the 2023 federal minimum efficiency requirements. EPA does not propose a change to the criteria for VRF mini-split systems as DOE is currently reviewing the test method and federal standard applicable for such products.
  • Cold Climate Recognition: EPA proposes recognizing ASHP and VRF mini-split products meeting cold climate performance requirements with an “ENERGY STAR Cold Climate” label. EPA believes that capacity maintenance at low temperatures is a critical component to cold climate performance because if a product cannot maintain capacity, it is likely to become undersized for the intended application. As such, the criteria put emphasis on a product’s ability to maintain heating capacity at very low ambient temperatures while also retaining a high COP. EPA does however seek industry insight into the whether a moderately increased COP at low temperatures is more influential than capacity maintenance on annual energy costs.
  • Gas/Electric Packaged Units: EPA proposes that the gas furnace included in a Gas/Electric Packaged Product must have 3 or more capacity stages. This is intended to incentivize the use of multi-capacity heating technologies that are known to provide energy and cost savings.
  • Connected Criteria: EPA does not propose criteria that would lead to a “Connected” designation for LCHVAC products due to an understanding that demand response and energy management programs for commercial units are typically implemented by a building management system (BMS) as opposed to the unit itself. As EPA recognizes that a unit’s ability to communicate with building occupants, utilities, and other equipment may lead to additional energy and cost savings, the Agency seeks industry insight into what, if any, open source communication protocols are being used for LCHVAC products.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by December 13, 2021.  All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR LCHVAC Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on November 16th from 12pm-2pm to discuss the Draft 1 specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP here.

Please direct any questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375, and Cody Niblett, ICF, at or 202-862-1245.  For test procedure inquiries, please contact Ashley Armstrong, U.S. Department of Energy, at (202) 586-6590 or


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 4.0 Draft 1 Data and Analysis

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Brand Owner or Other Interested Party,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Limited Topic Proposal on September 9, 2021, with an original comment deadline of October 7. In light of stakeholder requests for an extension on submitting comments, EPA is now extending the comment period deadline to October 21. The dataset of High Contrast Ratio TV models used to inform the Limited Topic Proposal can be found on the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development website.

Stakeholders can provide written comments for EPA consideration to All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.


James Kwon, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Coolers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of October 13, 2021, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Water Coolers to the Version 2.0 specification and may only certify Water Coolers to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Water Cooler certifications to the Version 2.0 specification until March 23, 2022. After this date, only Water Coolers certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by October 27, 2021 of models certified to Version 2.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified Water Heaters to

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Heater Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the first draft of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Residential Water Heaters specification. As anticipated at the close of the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 specification revision, which made the requirements for electric products more stringent, EPA is now proposing more stringent criteria for gas-fired storage and instantaneous water heaters. No changes are proposed for electric products and Version 4.0 will still take effect as planned January 5, 2022. 

Consistent with the Biden Administration’s commitment to decarbonization, EPA is proposing significant increases in the criteria for gas-fired water heaters, while allowing them to remain in scope as familiarity with electric alternatives grows. The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Residential Water Heaters Draft 1 specification reflects changes to ensure ENERGY STAR gas-fired criteria represent the most energy efficient technology. The proposed gas-fired storage water heater level could be met with developments in technologies like gas heat pump water heaters. The gas-fired instantaneous water heater proposed criteria reflect differentiation within the market and improve consumer payback for these models.

EPA had maintained Energy Factor (EF) criteria as an option for the certification of products sold only in Canada, as well as Thermal Efficiency (TE) criteria for products on the residential market with input rates between 75,000 and 100,000 Btu per hour, and up to 100 gallons storage volume. Natural Resources Canada has confirmed that maintaining two sets of criteria is no longer necessary. As such, all efficiency requirements for in this specification will be made with the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) or Solar Uniform Energy Factor (SUEF) metrics.

Calculated savings associated with the proposed criteria are 80 therms ($81) per year for gas-fired water heaters under 55 gallons, 45 therms ($46) per year for gas-fired water heaters 55 gallons or greater, and 31 therms ($31) per year for gas-fired instantaneous water heaters. The national electric savings potential for gas-fired storage and instantaneous water heaters is over 5,000 million therms, or over 27 MMT CO2e.

EPA will hold a webinar to discuss the proposed criteria and test method on October 13 from 12:00 pm 2:00 pm ET; please RSVP here for the specification webinar. We encourage stakeholder feedback on the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Residential Water Heater Draft 1 specification. Please submit any comments to by November 11, 2021. Based on current circumstances, this comment period has been extended to 6 weeks.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Water Heaters Version 5.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and Morganne Blaylock at ICF, or 202-862-2952.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner, Certification Body, or Recognized Laboratory,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.4 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update. This clarification memo can be found on the Computer Servers Version 3.0 Specification product development website.

The SERT Version 2.0.4 is a minor update, and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous versions and will not negatively impact comparison of products. The update includes the following changes:

  • Support for the latest ARM processors from Ampere, Fujitsu, and Marvell
  • The PTDaemon 1.9.2 Interface in order to control power analyzers and temperature sensors
  • Support for Java 15
  • ISO compliance report links on SERT JVM Options website
  • Various GUI optimizations

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.4, please contact For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Programs utilizing the ENERGY STAR specification will benefit from increased energy savings along with optional grid-connected functionality established by the latest Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Water Heater Specification.

Bigger savings: The savings associated with this specification revision are significant. An electric heat pump water heater earning the ENERGY STAR label will save consumers $315 a year on average with a typical sized water heater. If all electric water heaters sold in the US met ENERGY STAR requirements, the energy cost savings would grow to $8 billion per year, and 150 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

Innovative Technologies: Version 4.0 offers the option for products to be recognized as connected with a tested ability to shift electrical load for grid stability without sacrificing consumer performance. Version 4.0 also recognizes the importance that split system models and 120V options play in growing the market for efficient water heating products.

Timeline: Early certification using Version 4.0 is available today for eligible water heaters, including recognition as connected. All water heaters that carry the ENERGY STAR mark will be required to meet Version 4.0 on January 5, 2022.

Learn more about Version 4.0 Water Heater Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Brand Owner or Other Interested Party,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revising the ENERGY STAR Televisions specification and most recently published the Version 9.0 Draft 2 specification for review and comment on April 22, 2021. In response to stakeholder feedback on the Draft 2 and subsequent further discussions with stakeholders, EPA is proposing changes to aspects of the On Mode criteria that relate to the High Contrast Ratio (HCR) capabilities of some display technologies. EPA is now releasing a limited topic proposal to provide stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the proposed changes before releasing a Version 9.0 Final Draft specification. Comments on this limited topic proposal may be submitted no later than October 7, 2021.

Stakeholder Comments Regarding the Version 9.0 Draft 2 HCR Criteria

EPA received public comments from several stakeholders in response to the Version 9.0 Draft 2 specification. They can be found on the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.0 product development webpage. Comments regarding the proposed HCR criteria can be condensed into two main considerations:

  1. EPA should more clearly specify the technical characteristics that a TV must possess to qualify for the HCR Adjustment Factor so that the risk of certification bodies incorrectly designating models is reduced.
  2. EPA should monitor TV technology development to ensure that no new display technology makes the HCR Adjustment Factor unnecessary and reevaluate the current value of the HCR Adjustment Factor to confirm that it reflects an aspirational level.

EPA also received test data measured per a recent draft of CTA-2037C, the test procedure specified for use in the Version 9.0 specification, for an additional five OLED TV models from two stakeholders. CTA-2037C was near completion at the time of reference and no subsequent changes to the procedure affect the relevance of this data. Considering this feedback and the submitted data, EPA is proposing refinements to the definition of an HCR Display and the value of the HCR Adjustment Factor through this limited topic proposal.

Proposed Definition Refinement

A TV must meet the definition of an HCR Display as outlined in the Version 9.0 specification to qualify for the HCR Adjustment Factor. The definition for an HCR Display was presented in the Draft 2 specification as follows:

A display where pixels emit no light when displaying a pure black color, thus yielding a contrast ratio of infinity:1 when comparing these pixels against those that do emit light.

According to several stakeholders, this assertion of an infinity-to-1 contrast ratio has been a heavily debated marketing claim. EPA thus proposes the following definition for an HCR Display to reduce the possibility of a Certification Body incorrectly designating whether the HCR Adjustment Factor should be applied:

A display where pixels emit no light when displaying a pure black color.

EPA believes that this simplified definition for an HCR Display eliminates the possibility of marketing materials influencing a Certification Body’s decision to apply the HCR Adjustment factor. After brief research into the display technologies available today (e.g., LCD, OLED, etc.), EPA has been able to easily determine those that are able to disable individual pixels and thus project no light when displaying a pure black color on-screen.

Proposed Changes to the HCR Adjustment Factor

The value of the HCR Adjustment Factor as presented in Draft 2 varies depending on the viewable screen area of the TV being evaluated. This relationship is defined by the following equation:

HCR Adjustment Factor Value= 0.4588×Area0.138

The analysis leading to Draft 2 indicated that there was no available TV model meeting the definition of an HCR Display that could meet the On Mode criteria without some allowance. EPA then developed the HCR Adjustment Factor with the intention of providing HCR TVs with an On Mode efficiency target that encourages demonstrable efficiency improvements.

In response to the Draft 2 specification, EPA received On Mode testing data for an additional five OLED TVs, all of which would qualify for the HCR Adjustment Factor. These models all have a screen size (diagonal) of 65 inches. Analysis of this data confirms the idea that models meeting the definition of an HCR Display will not be able to meet requirements without some allowance but updates EPA’s understanding of the size of the adder that would be needed to allow any OLED models to earn ENERGY STAR certification.

Per Draft 2, the proposed value of the HCR Adjustment factor with a 65 inch diagonal screen size is 1.29 or 29%. This means that an HCR TV of this size would be able to meet On Mode Power requirements while using 29% more On Mode Power on average than a non-HCR TV with the same diagonal screen size and measured dynamic luminance. However, the data from the five newly submitted TVs indicates that all five models were within 20% of the requirement. The performances of these five TVs with respect to the proposed On Mode Power requirements are outlined below:

(anonymous identifier)






% Over the Proposed On Mode Power Requirement






*For example: O3 was measured to use 12% more W than allowed by the proposed On Mode Power requirement

This data demonstrates that the Adjustment Factor proposed in Draft 2 does not fulfill its intended purpose of recognizing the most efficient HCR models. Further investigation indicates that an explanation for this overestimation is likely the absence of information regarding High Dynamic Range (HDR) picture settings from the dataset that informed Draft 2 – TVs with individual pixel control are especially efficient in an HDR picture setting when compared to LCD TVs because they achieve a black color by turning off a pixel rather than using a filter. By using data for only Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) picture settings, the models in the Draft 2 dataset did not capture this benefit and the added energy need was skewed high. This review of the referenced dataset against the newly submitted data also suggests that the correlation between viewable screen area and needed allowance is not as strong as previously indicated.

As such, EPA proposes a universal HCR Adjustment Factor of 1.12 allowing the very top-performing HCR-capable TVs to qualify while encouraging significant efficiency improvements for most HCR TVs to meet these On Mode requirements. This requirement would be presented in the Version 9.0 Final Draft specification as:

Comment Submission

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by October 7, 2021. EPA also invites stakeholders to submit any data taken per CTA-2037C relevant to the Adjustment Factor value proposed by this document. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Cody Niblett at (202) 862-1245 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The 2020 Unit Shipment Data Summary Report has been posted to the ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment Data webpage. This report includes aggregate shipments provided by ENERGY STAR brand owner partners and estimated market share for ENERGY STAR products included in the data collection effort. Despite fluctuations in the market resulting from the COVID pandemic, ENERGY STAR shipments remained strong in 2020.

If you have any questions about the summary report, please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at or Katie Veasey, ICF, at

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Kathleen Vokes
ENERGY STAR Program Integrity

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner and Stakeholder:

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Specification on August 11, 2021.

Comments are due September 22, 2021 and may be submitted to EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the specification and address stakeholder questions on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EDT. To participate in the meeting, please register here by August 31, 2021.

Visit and bookmark the Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Version 5.0 product development webpage to view the draft 1 specification, stakeholder comments to the discussion guide, and additional documents related to the specification including a data packet as well as a data assembly template for preparation and buffet tables. All Version 5.0 specification revision documents will be posted to this webpage.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Partner and Stakeholder:

The Ask the Experts blog features informational posts on energy efficiency topics in the form of How-To, Did You Know, Q&A, and Innovation & Tech categories. The second CFS Ask the Experts blog, How to Reduce Refrigeration Energy Costs in Commercial Kitchens, was published August 2021 in conjunction with the publication of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Specification. The article includes an overview of commercial refrigeration maintenance tips, energy savings, and common component rebates. Stakeholders are encouraged to share the article broadly to promote your partnership with ENERGY STAR and educate your customers on the benefits of energy efficiency. We encourage you to check out other Ask the Experts posts and continue to stay up-to-date to learn tips for purchasing, promoting, and selling ENERGY STAR certified products.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future CFS Ask the Experts topics, please email

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 Proposed Criteria on July 8th. Comments are due August 19th, 2021 and may be submitted to
All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 criteria development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments be treated otherwise. 
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than September 22, 2021. EPA acknowledges the stakeholders who reviewed the discussion guide, participated in the associated webinars, and contributed verbal and written comments in preparation for this draft 1 product specification. Responses to your comments are included in the discussion guide comment matrix and in relevant note boxes throughout this draft specification.

Based on the 2019 ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment and Market Penetration Summary Report, ENERGY STAR certified commercial refrigerators and freezers currently represent approximately 46% of the market. This high level of overall ENERGY STAR market share presents an opportunity to revise the specification to ensure it continues to recognize top-performing products in existing categories and continues to deliver meaningful energy savings over conventional models. The current ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Version 4.0 Specification took effect on March 27, 2017. The Agency reviewed the refrigerator and freezer categories and determined that vertical closed solid self-contained medium temperature (VCS.SC.M) and vertical closed solid self-contained low temperature (VCS.SC.L) categories had higher market penetration and presented the most significant savings opportunity relative to the remaining products in scope. Therefore, EPA proposes amended levels to those two commercial refrigerators and freezers categories in this Draft 1 specification. EPA believes the criteria proposed in this Draft 1 specification will offer significant energy savings relative to standard products in the marketplace.

The primary objectives of this revision are to expand the scope to include self-contained low and medium temperature chef bases, self-contained medium temperature service over counter products, and revise the maximum daily energy consumption for two current categories, VCS.SC.M and VCS.SC.L. These and other changes are summarized below and explained in the note boxes throughout the Draft 1 specification.

  • Scope: EPA proposes to expand the scope of this specification to include the following products: chef base self-contained medium temperature (CB.SC.M), chef base self-contained low temperature (CB.SC.L), and service over counter self-contained medium temperature (SOC.SC.M).


  • Criteria Levels: To continue recognizing the most efficient refrigerators and freezers in the market, EPA proposes revisions to the VCS.SC.M and VCS.SC.L categories. Revisions to these categories offer an opportunity for further energy savings.


  • Test Methods: Based on stakeholder feedback, chef bases and service over counter products can be tested using 10 CFR Part 431 Subpart C Appendix B, and data used in analyses were obtained using that standard. Standard references for total volume and total display area are under 10 CFR 431.63.


  • Reporting Requirements: In numerous product categories, the ENERGY STAR program highlights refrigerants in the consumer-facing Product Finder. More than 1,000 certified commercial refrigerators currently report refrigerant information. The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Draft 1 Specification formalizes this practice by including a refrigerant type reporting requirement.

Further, EPA recognizes the buffet and preparation tables as a potential category to include in scope at a later time and provides a data assembly template with the Draft 1 Version 5.0 product specification. As soon as EPA has a viable dataset for these products, EPA could propose ENERGY STAR levels. Interested parties are encouraged to share data to support this data assembly effort by September 22, 2021

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by September 22, 2021. EPA will also accept additional data for chef bases and service over counter products submitted by this same deadline.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on September 1, 2021, from 4:00-5:30 EDT to address stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here by August 31, 2021.

Ask the Experts
In conjunction with the publication of this ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Specification, the EPA is also releasing the second CFS Ask the Experts blog post, entitled How to Reduce Refrigeration Energy Costs in Commercial Kitchens. The article provides an overview of maintenance tips, energy savings, and common component rebates. Stakeholders are encouraged to share the article broadly to promote your partnership with ENERGY STAR and educate your customers on the benefits of energy efficiency.

Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Jasmin Melara, ICF, at or 202-862-2950 for questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Refrigerator and Freezer Manufacturers, Cooler Manufacturers, and Other Interested Parties:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Version 5.1 Consumer Refrigeration Products Final specification. This amendment expanded the scope to include coolers, a type of miscellaneous refrigeration product that includes wine coolers and beverage centers. This update does not affect currently certified products. Manufacturers may certify coolers meeting the requirements of this amendment immediately upon this publication.

Recognizing the differentiation in the market and potential for savings, EPA pursued this amendment to highlight efficiency leaders in coolers using ENERGY STAR. ENERGY STAR coolers have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.185 billion lbs CO2e by saving 760 million kWh. Additionally, EPA updated definitions to align with DOE and changed the name of the specification to be inclusive of residential refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, freezers, and miscellaneous refrigeration products.   

Most stakeholder-submitted comments agreed with EPA’s scope expansion, criteria, and updated definitions. Some stakeholders disagreed with EPA’s decision to not extend the connected credit to demand response capable coolers. Several years of experience working to incent connected functionality has demonstrated the constructive role the ENERGY STAR program can play increasing demand through recognition and influencing improved implementation through our specifications.  EPA intends to continue these efforts while phasing out the use of credits to preserve the consumer value ENERGY STAR represents in terms of energy savings. All comments received are summarized in the comment response matrix, which also includes the Agency’s responses. EPA thanks stakeholders for their comments on this amendment.

All materials related to this amendment are posted on the ENERGY STAR Consumer Refrigeration Products Version 5 development page. Please direct any specific questions to Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085, and Morganne Blaylock, ICF, at or (202) 862-2952. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of July 26, 2021, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Water Heaters to the Version 3.0 specification and may only certify Water Heaters to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Water Heater certifications to the Version 3.0 specification until August 9, 2021. After this date, only Water Heaters certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by July 25, 2021 of models certified to Version 3.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified Water Heaters to

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 Proposed Criteria on July 8th. Comments are due August 19th, 2021 and may be submitted to
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the 2022 Proposed Criteria and address stakeholder questions on Thursday, July 29, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

Over the past few years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have worked alongside industry as part of the Consumer Technology Association’s (CTA) R3 Working Group 3 to develop an updated test procedure for audio/video products for use by the ENERGY STAR program. This newly completed test provides results better representing how products are likely to be used by consumers. EPA is pleased to call for the use of this test in association with the ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Version 4.0 specification. With this letter, EPA re-launches the Version 4.0 specification revision and announces its effort to assemble data using CTA-2084A: Test Methods for Determining Audio/Video Products Energy Efficiency for the purpose of developing the Draft 1 specification.  EPA will consider all energy performance data received by September 2, 2021.

Data Assembly
The Agency is not proposing performance levels for Version 4.0 at this time but is assembling data to inform doing so. Using the enclosed Data Assembly Form, stakeholders are invited to submit test data for their current models taken per the CTA-2084A: Test Methods for Determining Audio/Video Products Energy Efficiency test procedure for inclusion in the dataset by September 2, 2021. After analysis of submitted data, the Agency anticipates releasing draft requirements for stakeholder review and comment in early October 2021. Please note that for data assembly purposes, data submitted to EPA is not required to undergo third party certification.

An Updated Test Procedure
Several of the more significant updates to historic testing approach as presented by the CTA-2084A test procedure are outlined below:

  • Input Signal: EPA and industry have researched various input signals and tested the 1 kHz signal used for Version 3.0 against several noise signal types to determine which type is most useful for characterizing a device’s power consumption across typical listening volumes. This research has indicated that pink noise signals, such as the CTA-2034 noise signal with a 12dB crest factor as defined in ANSI/CTA-2034 Section 8.1.1, would better simulate practical audio amplifier performance because they present a more realistic workload with a wide spectrum of frequencies. As such, the CTA-2034 pink noise signal is prescribed for use in CTA-2084A.
  • Maximum Undistorted Power (MUP) Measurement: EPA received feedback from stakeholders that the previous approach to electrically testing products with at 1/8th of the product’s MUP will not fully exercise each channel in a multi-channel system. Furthermore, if one or more of the channels is not fully exercised, then the total measured input power may be below 20 W and the Version 3.0 specification states that there are no efficiency requirements for products with an input power below 20 W. The CTA-2084A test procedure addresses these issues by requiring that all channels be connected and tested simultaneously. Similarly, for multi-component systems, all components that are shipped together as part of the product are considered to be part of a single product and tested together.
  • Efficiency Measurements: To better understand how products perform throughout the range of volume settings that consumers may decide to employ and again address the issue that a 1/8th MUP signal may not fully exercise all channels, CTA-2084A instructs that:
    • For products that ship with a speaker, products shall be tested at 10 equally spaced volume levels throughout its entire volume range. Furthermore, testing is to be completed with a sound pressure level meter to determine the decibel output of a product and enable the creation of efficiency metrics based on projected sound; and
    • For products that do not ship with speakers, recording of electrical efficiency measurements (output power versus input power) is to take place at up to 20 equally spaced intervals throughout the products entire volume range.
  • Idle State: Two distinct Idle States are understood to be commonplace for audio products. This updated test procedure accounts for both:
    • Where there is no input signal, but the volume is set to a nonzero volume; and
    • Where there is an active input signal, but the volume is set to zero.


Scope Expansion

In recent years, audio products with integrated displays, commonly referred to as Smart Displays, have rapidly increased in popularity. CTA-2084A includes provisions for testing both the audio and display features of these products so that their energy consumption characteristics may be better understood and compared to similar products without a display. As these new products are intended to be covered by the scope of the Audio/Video product category, EPA invites manufacturers to also submit data on such.

Again, stakeholders are encouraged to provide completed Data Assembly Forms for use in determining the Draft 1 performance levels no later than September 2, 2021. Please send completed forms via e-mail to The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. To track EPA’s progress in revising the ENERGY STAR Audio/Video product specification and, please visit the Audio/Video Version 4.0 product development webpage, which also hosts the previously published stakeholder comments regarding a Version 4.0 specification that formed the starting point for development of the CTA-2084A test procedure.

Thank you for taking the time to review this data assembly invitation and pre-draft overview of the CTA-2084A test procedure, which EPA was proud to develop alongside CTA’s industry members. Please contact me at or (202) 564-8538, or Cody Niblett at ICF at or (443) 944-4149, with any questions or concerns. For any audio/video related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwashers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Program Requirements is July 27, 2021. On this date, only products certified to Version 3.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 3.0 web service will display on our list of certified models. 
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 3.0 certified Commercial Dishwashers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share both an update on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 and proposed recognition criteria for 2022. Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these proposed criteria no later than August 15, 2021 to  
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021

As of June 2021, 3,361 models from 203 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:

Product Category Models ENERGY STAR Partners
Ceiling Fans 268 18
Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps 247 10
Clothes Dryers 23 7
Clothes Washers 48 6
Compact Freezers (new) 11 5
Compact Refrigerators (new) 98 23
Computer Monitors 384 25
Dehumidifiers 175 27
Dishwashers 101 9
Freezers 4 2
Furnaces 159 7
Geothermal Heat Pumps 611 10
Refrigerators 540 44
Room Air Conditioners 16 4
Ventilating Fans 166 22
Windows and Sliding Glass Doors 510 46
Total* 3361 203

*Total ENERGY STAR partners that meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 recognition criteria are calculated by removing duplicate partners that may appear in more than one product category. Therefore, unlike the Total Models count, the total ENERGY STAR Partners count does not represent the sum of its column.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by 29 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving over 7 million households (or roughly 18.5 million consumers). These rebate programs feature one or more product categories covered by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 and reflect a diverse geographic spread, including two water utilities in California. 

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also being leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 75% of the appliance market, with 935 stores in current program sponsors’ service areas. In 2021, there are 15 efficiency program sponsors participating in ESRPP currently serving nearly 16% of U.S. households. The ESRPP is striving for large-scale market participation – serving more than 30% of the US population – a key milestone in the ESRPP vision to transform the market for energy efficient consumer products.

EPA provides consumers with the information they need about recognized products. In addition to highlighting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 products, our website includes images of models, as well as real-time information on retail pricing and where to locate and buy these models.  Super-efficient compressors, available in select ENERGY STAR Most Efficient refrigerators, are also recognized via the  ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology award. Currently, 19 models from four different brands have received the Emerging Technology Award for advanced adaptive compressors with use of low global warming potential refrigerants and foams.

2022 Product Categories and Recognition Criteria

The proposed recognition criteria for 2022 are based on an analysis of currently certified ENERGY STAR models and the engineering analysis the Department of Energy (DOE) conducts for covered products. This analysis indicates that for many categories, existing recognition criteria remain reflective of the “best of the best.” As a result, EPA is extending the 2021 efficiency criteria into 2022 for clothes washers, dehumidifiers, dryers, furnaces, geothermal heat pumps (GHP), vent fans, and windows. EPA has proposed revised criteria for boilers, central air conditioners and heat pumps, ceiling fans, computer monitors, refrigerator-freezers, and room air conditioners. EPA will release a proposal for dishwashers in the coming months.  Televisions will not be recognized in 2022.   

Ceiling Fans: EPA proposes to update the criteria for all ceiling fans to recognize differentiation that has emerged in the market now that the industry has adjusted to the new Federal minimum efficiency criteria. The proposed levels apply to all standard, hugger, and low-mount high-speed small diameter fans, and approximately 6% of all fans certified by DOE meet the proposed level. These fans offer approximately 67% savings over a DOE minimum efficiency fan. EPA welcomes feedback on the proposal, specifically if there are product categories or advanced features that offer excellent overall energy performance but that would not meet the proposed criteria.  To support such comments, stakeholders are encouraged to share available data on the energy saving advantages of these categories and/or advanced features.

Clothes Washers:  EPA proposes to maintain the current Most Efficient 2021 criteria for all clothes washer types. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 18 base models from 6 brands, providing consumers with a good selection of models with superior energy and water efficiency.

Computer Monitors:  EPA proposes to update the Most Efficient criteria to recognize more efficient models that have emerged in the market since EPA last updated the criteria in 2020. 10% of ENERGY STAR models meet the proposed Most Efficient criteria for 2022, for an average savings of 30% over conventional models.

Dehumidifiers:  EPA proposes to maintain the current Most Efficient recognition criteria into 2022. 130 portable models meet these rigorous criteria, offering consumers significant savings of 22% over conventional models. 8 whole-home dehumidifiers meet the criteria with a savings of 25% over conventional models.

Dishwashers:  In light of the ongoing revision of the ENERGY STAR Dishwasher specification, EPA will make a determination on proposed changes to the Most Efficient criteria in the coming months.

Dryers:  EPA proposes to maintain the Most Efficient 2021 criteria. The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient list includes 19 base models from 8 brands, representing both heat pump and hybrid heat pump technologies. EPA encourages partners to complete optional fields for technology type and refrigerant when certifying products to make it easier for utilities to incentivize these technologies in the market.

Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps and Ductless Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: 
EPA proposes changes to the criteria for central air conditioners and heat pumps, in line with the Version 6.0 specification revision. Overall, the efficiency criteria continue to recognize a select group - less than 1% of the AHRI listings - of extremely efficient products with features facilitating quality installation and maintenance. The system status and messaging criteria have been updated to require that products must meet three out of six listed installation criteria, as is required for Version 6.0 products. Two additional changes have been proposed to the system status and messaging criteria – a requirement that a product must store the past ten (10) faults until they are cleared, and that a product must have the capability to directly contact a service professional when a fault arises, given the consumer permits the communication. These two criteria are in line with capabilities seen on recent Most Efficient applications and provide clarity on the features required.

The efficiency criteria for single packaged heat pumps were raised so that the levels are in line with the Version 6.0 criteria for that product category. EPA has also added a category for Most Efficient Cold Climate heat pumps. Cold climate heat pumps will be required to meet the Version 6.0 criteria, including the low ambient temperature criteria, in addition to the system status and messaging criteria, to be recognized as Most Efficient. For ductless air conditioners and heat pumps, no changes are proposed beyond the system status and messaging criteria.

As new products may choose to certify to Version 6.0 early with the Appendix M1 test method and criteria that will be effective in 2023, EPA has provided equivalent levels in both Appendix M and Appendix M1 metrics. ENERGY STAR central air conditioners and heat pumps currently certified to Version 5.0 may add Most Efficient 2022 recognition if they meet the criteria. Note that after January 1, 2022, all new products certified to ENERGY STAR must do so under Version 6.0 and via the Appendix M1 pathway.

Geothermal Heat Pumps: EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for geothermal heat pumps, with small changes to the system status and messaging criteria. The current criteria continue to recognize a select group of extremely efficient products (3.9% of the AHRI list) with features facilitating quality installation and maintenance. Geothermal heat pumps are exempt from the installation criteria, but new applications for Most Efficient will need to comply with the additional requirements for length of fault history and communication with a service professional.

Furnaces: EPA also proposes to maintain the current requirements for furnaces as the AFUE requirement offers great differentiation, is aligned with CEE Tier 3, and a small subset of products are recognized - just 1.6% of all products.  New applications for Most Efficient will need to comply with the additional requirements for length of fault history and communication with a service professional.

Boilers: EPA will recognize boilers as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in 2022. The proposed level was selected to recognize gas-fired heat pump boilers and is aligned with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency’s Advanced Tier for residential gas boilers. EPA has referenced the CSA ANSI Z21.40.4 Performance Testing and Rating of Gas-Fired, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances, understanding that the standard is under revision. Once the standard is available for testing, boilers will be able to be recognized as Most Efficient 2022. Information on the development and timing of this test method would be appreciated. Partners should note that the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) measured by this test method is not directly comparable to the AFUE measured by the federal test method for residential boilers.

Refrigerators-Freezers: EPA proposes to revise the criteria for side-by-side, bottom freezer, and compact refrigerator product types in 2022 to greater than or equal to 30% above the Federal Minimum. Currently available refrigerator technologies such as innovative refrigerants and advanced variable speed compressors as well as improvements in the manufacturing techniques and materials for insulation yield significant efficiency improvements. There are 37 base models from 18 brands that are able to meet the proposed criteria for side-by-side and bottom freezers, which is represents 6% of the market for these product types. For compact refrigerators, there are 52 base models from 23 brands that meet the proposed criteria and represents 5% of the market. While there is currently strong ENERGY STAR Most Efficient representation among top freezer models, EPA is not proposing to move the level, as they remain the lowest energy consuming standard-size refrigerator-freezers.

Room Air Conditioners:  EPA proposes to revise the recognition criteria to greater than or equal to 35% better than the Federal Standard in 2022. Available models doubled from last year and there are currently 14 base models from 6 brands meeting the proposed criteria, which represents 3% of the market.

Televisions: Due to the ongoing revision of the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 specification for televisions, EPA is not proposing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2022.   

Ventilating Fans: EPA has maintained the 2021 criteria for ventilating fans. The current efficiency criteria are met by an appropriate subset of ENERGY STAR products; however, a very small number of those fans are currently recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient. This is due to a lack of reported data for the noise criteria as measured at 0.25 in wtg. static pressure for bathroom/utility fans. EPA encourages partners to submit these data and contact EPA with questions regarding how to do so. EPA continues to monitor range hoods but has not seen sufficient differentiation to propose Most Efficient recognition for them.

Windows and Sliding Glass Doors:  No changes are proposed for the 2022 residential window or sliding door recognition criteria. While high performance Most Efficient window products are widely available, they are still a relatively small slice of total market with 494 window product lines and 16 sliding glass door product lines recognized. 

The proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 criteria for the full suite of products are summarized below. In addition to meeting these recognition criteria, products must be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for each product category is included in the recognition criteria documents accompanying this letter. 


ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 Recognition Criteria


AFUE 120% or higher, per ANSI Z21.40.4 Performance Testing and Rating of Gas-Fired, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances

Ceiling Fans

Efficiency as per 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U (cfm/W)


Ceiling Fan Type

Blade Span (D)*


Ceiling Fan Efficiency (CFM/W)**

Standard, Hugger, and Low-Mount HSSD Ceiling Fans


D ≤ 36”

≥ 1.44D + 83.86

 D > 36”

≥ 5.26D - 53.66

*D is the ceiling fan blade span in inches
**This is a weighted average efficiency in different modes,
according to 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, Appendix U


Clothes Washers*


Clothes Washer Capacity

Integrated Modified Energy Factor (IMEF)

Integrated Water Factor (IWF)

≤ 2.5 cu-ft

≥ 2.2

≤ 3.7

> 2.5 cu-ft

≥ 2.92

≤ 3.2


Total Cleaning Score (CSt)

≥ 85.0

To be recognized, laundry centers must meet the Most Efficient washer and dryer criteria.

Ducted Central Air Conditioners and Air Source Heat Pumps

System status and messaging capabilities, installation criteria, variable capacity

Product type




Split AC




Packaged AC




Split HP




Packaged HP




Cold Climate HP




Cold climate heat pumps must also meet a COP of 1.75 at 5 degrees F, and provide 70% capacity maintenance at 5 degrees F.



Product must meet the following applicable minimum Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2:

Type, Size

Integrated Energy Factor (IEF)2

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

≥ 1.70

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day

≥ 1.90

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day

≥ 3.40

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3

≥ 2.22

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3

≥ 3.40

Ductless AC and Heat Pumps*

Products must meet the following cooling and heating performance levels: 20 SEER, 12.5 EER, 10 HSPF (Heat pumps only); system status and messaging capabilities, installation criteria, variable capacity. 

Geothermal Heat Pumps*

System status and messaging capabilities; variable capacity except water-to-water models.


Product type



Closed Loop Water-to-Air/GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Air GHP



Closed Loop Water-to-Water GHP



Open Loop Water-to-Water GHP










Computer Monitors

Total Energy Consumption (ETEC) in kilowatt-hours per year shall be calculated as follows:
                                ETEC=8.76 ×(0.35×PON+0.65×PSLEEP)

PON = measured On Mode power in watts; PSLEEP = measured Sleep Mode power in watts;

                   ETECMAX= (1.9+(0.12 ×A)+[3.1×(r+C)]) × effAC_DC 


effAC_DC =


1.00 for AC-powered monitors


0.85 for DC-powered monitors

A= viewable screen area in square inches;
r = Total Native Resolution in megapixels; and

               0            if A < 180 in2
 C =        -0.2        if 180 in2 ≤ A < 220 in2
               -1.0        if A ≥ 220 in2



Products must meet the applicable energy performance requirements shown in the table below, as determined by 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix D2, unless noted otherwise.

Cycle Setting

Product Type

CEFBASE (lbs/kWh)


Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)

> 3.70


≥ 4.30


≥ 3.80

Normal, Maximum Dryness[1]

Compact Ventless Electric (240 V)

> 2.68


≥ 3.93


≥ 3.48

 [1] For purposes of this requirement, the manufacturer shall test the dryer according to the provisions in the DOE test procedure in 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2, but where the drying temperature setting can be chosen independently of the program, it shall be set to the maximum. At the time of certification, for each basic model the manufacturer shall report per this criteria section the energy performance (CEF), the cycle program name, the temperature setting, the dryness setting, as well as any settings enabled by default, and the time taken to complete the energy test cycle (as defined in the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 specification, Section 5C).


AFUE 97% or higher; system status and messaging capabilities. 

Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers

Product must have an Annual Energy Consumption (AEC) of less than or equal to 637 kWh per year.

Side-by-side and bottom freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements. Top freezers must be at least 10% more efficient than federal requirements. Standard-size freezer product types must be at least 15% more efficient than federal requirements.  Compact freezer product types must be at least 20% more efficient than federal requirements.  Compact refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer product types must be at least 30% more efficient than federal requirements.

Room Air Conditioners

Product must have a Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) that is greater than or equal to 35% better than the DOE Federal Minimum Standard.

Products must also be at or below a maximum sound level of 45 dB(A) for the lowest operational setting.

Ventilating Fans*

Bathroom/utility fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥10
In line fans: Efficacy at high speed (cfm/W): ≥5
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (6≤MERV<13): ≥4.7
In-line Ventilating Fan tested with a filter in place (MERV≥13): ≥3.8
Bathroom and Utility Room Fans must provide a sound level ≤ 4.0 sones at 0.25 inches of water gauge external static pressure at high speed.

Residential Windows and Sliding Glass Doors*

U-factor ≤ 0.20 in all Zones
SHGC in Northern Zone ≥ 0.20
SHGC in North-Central Zone ≤ 0.40
SHGC in South-Central and Southern Zones ≤ 0.25
North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (NAFS) Performance Grade ≥15


*Proposed criteria carried over from 2021 for these categories with no changes.

EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022 recognition with the finalization of these criteria.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on July 29, 2021 from 1:00-3:00pm EDT to discuss the proposed 2022 recognition criteria. To participate in this webinar, please register here by July 29th

Please share written comments no later than August 15, 2021 with EPA plans to finalize these recognition requirements in the coming months.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Thermostat Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Smart Thermostats Discussion Guide prior to developing and releasing a Draft Version 2.0 Specification. EPA will also host a webinar on July 26, 2021, to seek input from stakeholders on topics outlined below. Please submit your feedback and any relevant data to by August 09, 2021.

The ENERGY STAR program helps businesses and individuals save money and protect the environment by identifying products with superior energy efficiency. EPA monitors market and technology developments and reviews specifications regularly, looking for opportunities to recognize increased energy savings. EPA sees an opportunity to improve the ENERGY STAR Connected (Smart) Thermostat specification through updates and expand scope to realize additional energy savings.

Discussion Guide Summary
The Discussion Guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion which are summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the Discussion Guide.

  • Updated terminology: EPA believes that ‘Smart Thermostats’ is a consumer recognized classification and hence proposes to begin referring to the product category as ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostats with all stakeholders.
  • Revisions to the Specification Metrics: EPA is evaluating the opportunity to improve the submission-to-submission stability of metrics along with improving the correlation between metrics and energy savings through metered data. In addition, EPA is considering a more even weighting across the different climate zones which would yield a metric more relevant to percent savings for every homeowner in the US.
  • Specification criteria changes: EPA is considering updating the demand response requirements and seeks information on product families to ensure that ENERGY STAR can distinguish more efficient models for a range of purchasers. EPA is also interested in understanding the impact of broadband connectivity on savings.
  • Expansion and clarification of scope: EPA seeks feedback on the viability of expanding the scope of the ENERGY STAR specification to include additional product types.  EPA also seeks to clarify the scope during the development of Version 2.0 such that all partners are clear on product types covered by this specification.
  • Software updates: Provided with this Discussion Guide is a list of major software updates. Stakeholders are requested to test the software on their data, review documentation and provide feedback on the same.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by August 09, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostats Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on July 26, 2021 from 1 to 3 pm EST to review the Discussion Guide and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here by July 25, 2021.

Please direct any questions specific to the connected criteria to Abigail Daken at EPA,, or 202-343-9375, Abhishek Jathar at ICF, or 202-862-1203.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Cooler Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Cooler Final Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have devoted time and effort to informing this specification revision process. Version 3.0 requirements will be effective March 23, 2022.

This specification revision has the potential to deliver significant savings. Over its lifetime, a water cooler certifying to ENERGY STAR under this specification could save up to $378 in energy costs. If all water coolers sold in the US met these criteria, the energy cost savings would grow to over $250 million per year and 4.5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of a discussion guide and three draft specifications, along with multiple stakeholder meetings. This final specification not only raises the bar on energy efficiency but includes updates that will help consumers select the best water cooler for their use.  The Version 3.0 will differentiate conditioned storage hot and cold as well as hot, cook, and cold water coolers based on their capacity, creating distinct categories for high-traffic locations like offices or commercial spaces and low-capacity environments like homes or small offices.  The specification also adds reporting of energy consumption during and after hot and cold water draws, giving a more complete picture of a product’s energy consumption.

Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on EPA's ENERGY STAR website at Click on the “View the Version 3.0 Development Process” link for Water Coolers.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 3.0 requirements.
  • As of October 13, 2021, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.0. Note that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until March 23, 2022.
  • Any water cooler manufactured as of March 23, 2022, must meet Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 2.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 3.0. After March 23, 2022, products placed under new contracts as ENERGY STAR should be certified to the Version 3.0 specification.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks the many stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient water coolers. Please direct any specific questions to Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163.  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service, Vending, and Water Coolers

ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Cooler Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Cooler Final Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Cooler Final Draft Comment Response Matrix


Location: Washington DC

The purpose of this letter is to present a proposal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for Small Network Equipment (SNE) products. Relevant background and the rationale for sunsetting are provided below.  The Agency requests feedback on this proposal no later than June 22, 2021.

ENERGY STAR SNE Products Background
Recognizing the potential to advance energy efficiency in this ubiquitous product, EPA began working with stakeholders in 2009 and through a multi-year, engaged process developed both the first test method to evaluate efficiency and the first recognition program for leadership in efficiency.  The ENERGY STAR SNE product specification was introduced in 2013 with the intention to increase energy efficiency primarily in the home and small office networking space. These products were of interest due to their 24/7 activity and large sales. EPA developed a specification to recognize SNE products that were efficient when connected to a network and passing minimal traffic, the most common operating condition in residential environments.

Rationale for Proposed Sunset SNE
Under certain circumstances, EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a particular product category should be sunset rather than revised for one or more of these reasons:

  • A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop so efficiency gains are maintained.
  • Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated.
  • The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued.

The Small Network Equipment Voluntary Agreement (VA), designed to serve as a back stop, was introduced in 2015 leveraging the ENERGY STAR Test Method for Small Network Equipment as well as the program’s definitions and structure to set minimum levels that all signatories commit to meeting. The VA has been signed by all major internet providers, estimated to provide approximately 60% of SNE products to the market with continued growth expected.

In addition, a recent review showed that the opportunity for further efficiency gains beyond ENERGY STAR’s current requirements may be constrained by the energy needs associated with product features that are valued by consumers. In particular, we anticipate the industry will be evolving products to accommodate functionality such as increased range, speed, and the ability to support more clients. EPA will, however, continue to monitor the SNE landscape and will revisit this decision if the technology or market changes and significant energy savings become available.

Proposed Milestones for Sunsetting the ENERGY STAR for SNE Products
EPA proposes the following milestones associated with implementing this proposal:

  • Existing certifications of ENERGY STAR SNE products will remain valid until July 13, 2022.
  • Certification Bodies will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals as of January 13, 2022.
  • No new promotional materials for SNE products (printed and electronic) that use the ENERGY STAR mark may be produced after January 13, 2022. Brand owners are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging to minimize waste.
  • Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all SNE products manufactured on or after July 13, 2022.
  • To minimize the cost of labeling changes and be in compliance by July 13, 2022, brand owners of SNE products are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on Web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed.

Stakeholders are invited to comment on this proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR for SNE products. Any feedback or data you wish to share with EPA may be submitted via email to, no later than June 22, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR SNE page, unless the stakeholder requests otherwise.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems stakeholders:

In the interest of helping stakeholders navigate the new ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems specification and certify their SHEMS, EPA is sharing a few clarifications. Have a question? Please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CFS Partner or Other Interested Party,

The purpose of this announcement is to provide clarification to the referenced American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F1920-20 Standard Test Method for Performance of Rack Conveyor Commercial Dishwashing Machines for ENERGY STAR certification purposes.

As a reminder, EPA finalized the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwashers product specification on October 27, 2020, which goes into effect July 27, 2021. Since publication of this specification, EPA was notified of an oversight in the latest F1920 standard test method revision that may impact certification eligibility for certain commercial dishwashers.

Section 10.8.3. of F1920-20, which falls under the Washing Energy Performance Test, states: “Confirm that the minimum wash tank temperature is above the manufacturer’s recommended setting.” Similar guidance was revised during the last iteration of the F1696-20 Standard Test Method for Energy Performance of Stationary-Rack, Door-Type Commercial Dishwashing Machines, but retained in F1920-20. Consistent with other referenced ASTM standards, Section 10.8.3 of F1920-20 should have been amended from “minimum” to “average.”

Considering this was an oversight during the last revision of the ASTM F1920 standard, and the guidance language was not updated to reflect this change, EPA will accept a deviation from the current guidance language in Section 10.8.3. of F1920-20 for eligible commercial rack conveyor dishmachines. If the UUT maintains an “average” wash tank temperature above the manufacturer’s recommended setting during the period of test, that is deemed acceptable for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.

EPA has notified ASTM that this temporary deviation is allowed and is reflected in a notebox under Section 4. Test Requirements in the final ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwashers product specification available here. An amendment to the F1920-20 standard is anticipated in a subsequent iteration.  At which time, EPA will lift this temporary deviation allowance, along with publication of an amended Version 3.0 specification announcement.

Note that any ENERGY STAR commercial dishwasher model certified under this temporary deviation shall be verified to the same specification deviation upon verification testing, if nominated.

If you have any questions regarding this deviation allowance, please reach out to  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 2 Specification on April 22, 2021. Comments are due June 3, 2021 and may be submitted to
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
Yesterday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan joined other members of the Biden cabinet to announce new initiatives supporting a whole of government approach to efficient decarbonization of U.S. buildings. In outlining EPA’s commitment, Administrator Regan emphasized the importance of partnership programs, highlighting recent updates to the ENERGY STAR specifications for CAC/ASHPs and water heaters, as well as the expansion of the ENERGY STAR EVSE specification to cover DC fast chargers.   

We look forward to continuing our important work, together, to advance an economy-wide transition to the efficient technologies that are critical in the fight against climate change. 

See EPA press release here:

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Refrigerator and Freezer Manufacturers, Cooler Manufacturers, and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Version 5.1 Consumer Refrigeration Products Draft specification, which proposes to amend the scope to include coolers, a type of miscellaneous refrigeration product (MREF) also known as wine coolers and beverage centers. Expanding the scope of the specification will allow consumers of coolers to identify the best in energy efficiency. EPA will host a stakeholder webinar regarding the Draft specification on May 25, 2021. Please register here if you plan to attend.

This amendment to the residential refrigerators and freezers specification, when final, will be published as ENERGY STAR Version 5.1 Consumer Refrigeration Products specification. Manufacturers will be able to certify products meeting the new definition immediately upon publication, and currently certified products will not be affected. Stakeholders may provide comments to EPA on these proposed changes no later than June 23, 2021. A data package that provides EPA’s dataset, proposed levels, and savings associated with this Draft accompanies this mailing.

Proposal Summary

  • Name: EPA has changed the product name from “Residential Refrigerators and Freezers” to “Consumer Refrigeration Products” to align with DOE.
  • Definitions: EPA has included new definitions for Consumer Refrigeration Product, All-Refrigerator, Miscellaneous Refrigeration Product, Cooler, Combination Cooler Refrigeration Product, Freestanding Cooler, Freestanding Compact Cooler, Built-in Cooler, and Built-in Compact Cooler. Additional definitions were updated to align with DOE.
  • Scope: The scope has been expanded to include coolers.
  • Certification Criteria: EPA has proposed four cooler product classes – built-in compact coolers, built-in coolers, freestanding compact coolers and freestanding coolers – and set annual energy consumption levels at 10% - 30% less than federal standard measured energy use.  
  • Connected: EPA has observed dwindling interest in demand response programs for residential refrigerators and most other traditional appliances. For this reason, EPA is shifting the Agency’s technical and educational focus to demand response capability for larger loads. EPA believes the consumer value of connected appliances remains and the market will reward the best implementations. As such, EPA will not provide a credit for demand response capable coolers. Further, EPA intends to review the connected credit for other appliances as their ENERGY STAR criteria are revised.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this proposed amendment. Given the current circumstances, EPA is allowing extra time for ENERGY STAR comments. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by June 23, 2021. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Version 5 Consumer Refrigeration Products specification development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085, and Morganne Blaylock at ICF, at or (202) 862-2952. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 2 Specification on April 22nd. Comments are due June 3rd, 2021 and may be submitted to
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the Draft 2 specification and address stakeholder questions on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing an update to the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment (IE) specification to add criteria for professional imaging equipment. This proposal is based on data gathered per the Version 3.0 professional imaging equipment test method. Products that have been certified to Version 3.0 and Version 3.1 will not be affected by this change and will remain ENERGY STAR certified.

Over the past year, EPA has had ongoing discussions with stakeholders regarding appropriate criteria for differentiating professional imaging equipment. As part of these discussions, several manufacturers have tested their products per the Version 3.0 professional imaging equipment test method and submitted resulting data to EPA for consideration. After analyzing these data, EPA proposes to amend the ENERGY STAR criteria to incorporate new professional imaging efficiency metrics for active mode and ready mode, the two modes with the greatest effect on the overall energy consumption of these products. This proposal includes separate active mode criteria for color and monochrome products. Further, EPA has proposed levels that enable products of a variety of speeds to qualify.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this proposed amendment. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by June 1, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Materials associated with this amendment are posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or Cody Niblett, ICF, at or (202) 862-1245 with questions or concerns about this amendment. For other imaging equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft, Version 3.2 Specification


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner, Certification Body, or Recognized Laboratory,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of a 2020 update to the ANSI/AHAM AC-1 test procedure for measuring the performance of Room Air Cleaners. As a result, EPA is updating the referenced test procedure, for use in measuring the cigarette smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) and operating power to determine certification for ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners, to the updated 2020 version of the ANSI/AHAM AC-1 test method.

For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, room air cleaners should be tested using ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2020 moving forward. Currently certified products are not affected. This update will be reflected in Table 2 of the specification (as shown below).

Please contact or (202) 564-1085, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For any other questions pertaining to Room Air Cleaners, please contact

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® TV Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 2 Specification, which includes revisions in response to stakeholder feedback on Draft 1. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on this Draft 2 by June 3, 2021. In addition, EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the Draft 2 specification and address stakeholder questions on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here

In response to Draft 1, EPA received several sets of written comments as well as verbal feedback during a webinar hosted on September 30, 2020. The Agency has made a number of adjustments to the specification as a result. These changes and EPA’s rationale for them are highlighted in noteboxes throughout the specification and outlined below. Additionally, EPA’s responses to stakeholder feedback are reflected in the Draft 1 comment response document.

Version 9.0 Test Procedure

Since publishing the Draft 1 specification, EPA has begun to work with stakeholders in the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) R4 Working Group 13 to develop the CTA-2037C: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption and Average Luminance test procedure that is based on the same approach to measuring TV power and projected luminance as the additional test procedures outlined in Draft 1. As such, and as long as the working group continues to make timely progress towards the finalization of CTA-2037C, the Agency intends to reference it for use in this specification. This will allow ENERGY STAR to align with the industry accepted approach to measuring TV efficiency and reduce the test burden of having an additional test method.

EPA has continued to monitor the development of an updated approach to testing with an Automatic Brightness Control (ABC) feature enabled. At this time, the procedure as presented in the forthcoming CTA-2037C has been developed to the extent that the Agency feels it appropriate to include ABC-enabled metrics in Version 9.0. EPA believes that this will reinforce the Agency’s support of a well-programmed version of the ABC feature and allow for ENERGY STAR criteria to better reflect how TVs are typically used.

EPA developed the specification levels based on a dataset of TVs tested in accordance with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) test method being used as the starting point for developing CTA-2037C. EPA understands that as the CTA-2037C test procedure continues to be developed, some changes are likely to be made to the test method that may impact power measurements. As changes are made, the Agency will reevaluate the criteria presented in this specification to determine whether corresponding modifications to the specification levels are necessary.

Updated Dataset

The dataset used to inform Draft 1 criteria has been replaced with an updated dataset for Draft 2. The Draft 2 dataset includes 41 2020-2021 model year TVs. This assortment of TVs represents 10 manufacturers and a wide range of screen sizes, display technologies, and native resolutions of TVs available in the market today. Additionally, the data in this dataset were obtained through testing per the current iteration of the forthcoming CTA-2037C test procedure. This ensures that to the furthest extent possible, that the criteria presented in this Draft 2 reflect how TVs are expected to perform when tested for purposes of certification.   

Updated Certification Criteria

With a new dataset, EPA set out to assess whether the criteria presented in Draft 1 continued to provide a fair level of stringency across TV size bins, native resolutions, and display technologies. As such, Draft 2 includes the following updates in approach towards On Mode and Standby Mode criteria:

  • To provide manufacturers more flexibility in designing each Preset Picture Setting (PPS), Draft 2 has replaced the On Mode Power requirements prescribed for each PPS with an On Mode Power Requirement that averages the power across the applicable PPSs. As such, the criteria evaluate a TV’s overall efficiency instead of the efficiency of individual settings.
  • Draft 2 proposes that PPSs with ABC enabled by default test with ABC enabled. For PPSs with ABC enabled, EPA developed corresponding metrics that take the average dynamic luminance and power at several illuminance conditions to represent the PPS in calculating the power limit. EPA believes this will incentivize the persistence of a well-implemented ABC function across PPSs.
  • To give manufacturers more freedom to program their brightness settings however they believe will deliver the best viewing experience while ensuring that ENERGY STAR in not providing an incentive to do otherwise, Draft 2 proposes the use of luminance thresholds to determine compliance with the specification. Essentially, if the dynamic luminance of a PPS is measured or calculated to be below the applicable threshold, the On Mode Power used to determine compliance will be the interpolated power value at the luminance threshold. It is important to note that manufacturers may still set their TV default settings to luminance values below the threshold and be eligible for ENERGY STAR, but compliance will be assessed assuming the product is at or above the luminance threshold. 
  • In order to apply comparable stringency for models with an atypical resolution (e.g., 2k) or a resolution below 4K (e.g., 720p vs. 1080p), Draft 2 proposes a universal adjustment factor equation based on screen resolution instead of separate equations for specific screen resolutions, as was proposed in Draft 1.
  • EPA has updated the approach towards TVs classified to receive the High Contrast Ratio (HCR) adjustment factor. This update broadens the applicability of the adjustment factor to beyond just 4K models and includes a new definition for what is considered an HCR TV to appropriately account for current and future technologies that offer this feature to receive the adjustment factor.
  • Draft 2 proposes to lower the Standby-Active, Low Mode Power requirement from 2 W to 1 W. The current dataset shows that while the industry average is higher, several manufacturers have been able to configure their TVs to remain well below 1 W in this mode.

Upcoming Webinar

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Stakeholder participation is key to the ENERGY STAR specification development process and is strongly encouraged. EPA plans to hold a webinar on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the Version 9.0 Draft 2 specification. To participate in this webinar, please register here to attend.


Given the current circumstances, EPA is extending the normal comment period deadline to allow stakeholders to provide any comments on the Version 9.0 Draft 2 Specification no later than June 3, 2021. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the Version 9.0 TVs Specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. Stakeholder engagement is vital to the ENERGY STAR program and EPA looks forward to further work with stakeholders in the development of the TVs Version 9.0 specification.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 2 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 2 Data Package
ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 1 Comment Response Document

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturers, ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Manufacturers, and Other Interested Parties,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the ENERGY STAR Version 8.1 Clothes Washer specification. This amendment expands the scope to enable combination all-in-one washer-dryers with air-only drying to earn the ENERGY STAR. This update does not affect currently certified products.  Manufacturers may certify combination all-in-one washer-dryer products meeting the requirements of this amendment immediately upon this publication.

With this amendment, EPA both expanded the scope of the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer specification to include combination all-in-one washer-dryers with air-only drying products and established tailored ENERGY STAR requirements for this special product type. Combination all-in-one washer-dryers must meet the relevant ENERGY STAR washer criteria and ENERGY STAR dryer criteria (excluding the cycle time requirement) and will be listed as certified on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Product Finder. Combination all-in-one washer-dryer products will continue to be listed as an excluded product type under the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer specification.

All stakeholder-submitted comments agreed with EPA’s overall proposal. These comments are summarized in the comment response document, along with the Agency’s responses. EPA thanks stakeholders for their comments in support of this amendment.

All materials related to this amendment are posted on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8 development page. Please direct any specific questions to Ga-Young Park at or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

ENERGY STAR Version 8.1 Clothes Washer Final Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 8.1 Clothes Washer Draft Specification Comment Response Document

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR® Water Heater specification and the Final ENERGY STAR Test Method to Validate Demand Response. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process. Version 4.0 requirements will be effective on January 5, 2022.

The savings associated with this specification revision are significant at the product level and nationally. Electric water heaters under 55 gallons certifying to the new requirements will save consumers $315 a year, on average. If all electric water heaters sold in the US met these criteria, the energy cost savings would grow to $8 billion per year, and 150 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. In addition, this revision offers the option for products to be recognized as connected, with a tested ability to shift electrical load for grid stability without sacrificing consumer performance.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications, along with multiple stakeholder meetings and input from stakeholders. Several themes from Draft 1 comments were repeated in the latest comment period, including requests to require a physical CTA-2045 port on all connected water heaters. EPA also received suggestions about the levels proposed for the new split and 120V product classes. Further details and EPA’s responses can be found in the Final Draft Comment Response Matrix.

EPA made two changes in the final specification. The first is a clarification to the definition for split system water heaters, to specify that these products must include a tank that is supplied or specified by the manufacturer and rated with the product. This change to the definition is in line with the intent of the current specification and previously proposed drafts, which excluded add-on heat pump units. EPA also amended the definition of a “loss of connectivity” event based on stakeholder concerns that the previous definition and test method was not applicable to water heaters with an OpenADR 2.0b implementation. The change to the specification language and test method will allow for products with either protocol to meet the requirements for loss of connectivity.

In addition, EPA received extensive feedback about the maintain the current levels for gas-fired water heaters. While some stakeholders supported EPA’s choice, the majority commented that the current levels do not reflect ENERGY STAR guiding principles, and the wide choice of labeled models will mislead consumers and manufacturers about the environmental impact of their choices. EPA understands these concerns and plans to revisit gas water heaters with a proposal later this year.

Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on EPA's ENERGY STAR website at Click on the “View the Version 4.0 Development Process” link for Water Heaters.

Test Method to Validate Demand Response
The Final Test Method to Validate Demand Response includes a minor change to the testing of loss of connectivity, aligned with the change in the specification. It is otherwise unchanged.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares Partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements, including recognition as connected.
  • As of July 26, 2021, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until January 5, 2022.
  • Any water heater manufactured as of January 5, 2022, must meet Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 3.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 4.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient water heaters. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and its timeline to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163. For marketing or webpage questions, please contact Nate Jutras at or (202) 738-3515. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (202) 586-7335. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Water Heaters Final Specification and Partner Commitments
ENERGY STAR Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response
ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Water Heaters Final Draft Comment Response Matrix
ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Water Heaters Final Data Package

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the ENERGY STAR® Version 6.0 Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump (CAC/HP) Final Specification and the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump Final Controls Verification Procedure (CVP). EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have devoted time and effort to informing this specification revision process. Version 6.0 requirements will be effective January 1, 2023, although EPA encourages early certification. 

This specification revision has the potential to deliver significant savings.  Over its lifetime, a central air conditioner certifying to ENERGY STAR under this specification could save $800 in household energy costs, and a heat pump could save up to $2000.  If all central air conditioners and heat pumps sold in the US met these criteria, the energy cost savings would grow to $3 billion per year and 105 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. In addition, this revision offers the option for products to be recognized as connected, providing expanded ability to respond to grid needs with minimal impact to consumers.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of a discussion guide, three draft specifications and two limited topic proposals, along with multiple stakeholder meetings. Several themes were repeated throughout the process, including industry concerns with the burden of preparing to comply with the 2023 Federal minimum efficiency standards and test method as well as California refrigerant standards. As a result, EPA has aligned the effective date of the Version 6.0 specification with the effective date of the new Federal standards.

Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on EPA's ENERGY STAR website at Click on the “View the Version 4.0 Development Process” link for Central Air Conditioners or Heat Pumps.

Translation to EER2
From comments and discussions with stakeholders, EPA  understands that the proposed translation of EER to EER2 may not be accurate for high efficiency products. In the absence of better information, EPA has maintained the proposed EER2 criteria, but encourages partners to share any test data they may have to support a lower EER2 criteria that would be equivalent to the 12.5 EER criteria. Should a better understanding of the conversion arise, EPA will revise the EER2 criteria before 2023 when that metric is required.

Installation Capabilities
As proposed in the Limited Topic Proposal on Installation Criteria, EPA has limited the applicability of the installation criteria to variable capacity products only. This decision allows for a wider set of products to meet the Version 6.0 criteria, while encouraging products with advanced controls and communicating software to improve installation quality. EPA has also made small adjustments to some features based on conversations with stakeholders.

Controls Verification Procedure
The final version of the CVP includes changes from the draft that are in line with stakeholder feedback. As the CVP will not be required for new certifications until January 1, 2022, EPA encourages stakeholders to report any substantive issues with the CVP so that it may be improved as appropriate, but the Agency believes the procedure accomplishes the goal of confirming cold climate heat pump operation under native controls in its current form.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. In addition, the Appendix M1 test method and associated metrics will become effective on January 1, 2023. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

•    Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 6.0 requirements, including recognition as connected and the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump label. These certifications can be made according to the current Appendix M test method and associated metrics until January 1, 2022. 

•    As of January 1, 2022, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 5.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until January 1, 2023. Beginning on January 1, 2022, early certifications to Version 6.0 must be made according to the Appendix M1 test method and associated metrics.
•    Any CAC/HP manufactured as of January 1, 2023, must meet Version 6.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 5.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 6.0. Products that certified early using the Appendix M compliance pathway must submit data according to the Appendix M1 test method by this date.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks the many stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient central air conditioners and heat pumps. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and its timeline to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163. For marketing or webpage questions, please contact Dan Lawlor at or (202) 564-8561. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at or 202-586-7335. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

Final Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Specification
Final Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Data Package
Final Controls Verification Procedure
Final Draft Version 6.0 and CVP ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to participate in its next installment of the commercial food service (CFS) webinar series!

This webinar series occurs monthly and covers a range of topics which highlight strategies to leverage the ENERGY STAR logo, tools, and resources, ENERGY STAR partner success stories, and more! The April webinar will spotlight another EPA voluntary program, the Green Power Partnership, and opportunities to leverage both programs.

Webinar information:

Title: Spotlight on EPA’s Green Power Partnership 
Date and Time: Tuesday April 13; 1 PM – 2 PM EDT
Please register for the webinar here.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Green Power Partnership (GPP) was established in 2001. The goal of the GPP is to protect human health and the environment by increasing organizations’ voluntary green power use. The program provides technical assistance to organizations as they either start or expand their green power use. The GPP also provides public recognition and promotion for companies and other organizations that use green power. In return for technical assistance and recognition, Partners commit to using green power for all, or a portion, of their annual electricity consumption.

This webinar will:

  • Celebrate this year’s Earth Day theme by introducing partners and stakeholders to EPA’s Green Power Partnership program and the combined benefits of energy efficiency and green power
  • Demonstrate how other organizations have leveraged both ENERGY STAR and the Green Power Partnership program to meet their clean energy goals

Questions may be directed to

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 EVSE Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process. These Version 1.1 requirements will become effective immediately. EPA will host a webinar on Thursday, April 8, 2021 from 3 – 4 PM Eastern Time to outline the process for certifying DC EVSE and answer any stakeholder questions. Please register for the webinar.

With this Version 1.1, EPA expanded the scope of the ENERGY STAR EVSE specification to include DC charging products. This updated specification establishes requirements to recognize the most efficient DC-output products. Due to the potential for DC chargers to increase the range of EVs and the efforts to establish EV charging corridors for cross-country EV transportation, there has been an increase in demand for this product type. Adding DC charging stations to the ENERGY STAR scope will bring additional value to stakeholders by recognizing the safe and efficient models with the ENERGY STAR label. 

This specification was developed through a multi-year process that began with the development of a test method to ensure there was a repeatable and appropriate procedure for testing DC-output EVSE for energy efficiency. The test method development process included the release of a discussion guide, two working session memos, and three draft test methods, along with multiple stakeholder meetings and input from stakeholders. EPA then began to develop energy efficiency criteria for DC-output EVSE with the release of two draft specifications. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification and test method, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 EVSE Specification Development webpage.

Feedback on the Final Draft Specification
EPA received a few stakeholder comments in response to the Final Draft specification. These comments are summarized in the enclosed comment response document, along with the Agency’s responses. EPA made modest updates to the Final specification in response to these comments:

  • EPA removed the term ‘portable’ from describing DC-output EVSE with integrated batteries that cannot be disabled, as a stakeholder noted it would inadvertently prevent equipment that have integral batteries that are intended to be installed from claiming a battery management system allowance.
  • EPA received stakeholder feedback that the requirement to report compliance with ISO-15118 was vague and other standards should also be considered. EPA updated the reporting requirement to emphasize advanced energy management functionality, while ensuring that ENERGY STAR program requirements are durable enough to evaluate these protocols as they evolve over time. As a result, the criteria will allow for reporting of additional protocols beyond ISO 15118, such as SAE J1772, IEC 61851-1, CHAdeMO 2.0, that are being leveraged by the EV charging industry to enable smart charging.
  • Stakeholders requested that EPA allow for flexibility in the frequency allowed during testing to the ENERGY STAR DC-output EVSE Test Method to accommodate testing in in-house testing laboratories that may not be located in the United States. EPA has updated the AC-input supply requirements in the final ENERGY STAR DC-output EVSE Test Method (now marked revised as of March 2021) to allow testing at either 50 or 60 Hz, although it is still preferred that the unit be tested at the highest rated voltage and frequency combination listed.

Testing and Certifying DC-output EVSE for ENERGY STAR
Manufacturers should pursue testing through a third party testing laboratory, or enroll an in-house laboratory as a witnessed or supervised manufacturer test laboratory through a recognized Certification Body to begin testing and certifying products to the ENERGY STAR DC-output EVSE criteria. Currently UL Verification Services Inc., TUV SUD America, Inc., and Intertek Testing Services NA are recognized Certification Bodies for EVSE with approved W/SMTL programs. All EPA recognized test labs and certification bodies for EVSE can be found here.

Again, EPA will be hosting a webinar to outline the process for certifying DC EVSE on Thursday, April 8, 2021 from 3 – 4 PM Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Best Regards,  James Kwon, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.1 Final Specification
ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.1 Final Test Method
ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.1 Final Draft Specification Comment Response Document

Location: Newsletter

ENERGY STAR® Spring HVAC Newsletter

Change the World. Start with ENERGY STAR.

Promotional Opportunities

Educational Materials

Partner Meeting 2020

Earth Day

Smart Thermostat Best Practices Guide
HVAC Guide
HVAC Fact Sheets

Session Descriptions 
Presentation Decks

New ENERGY STAR Initiatives in HVAC Markets 
EPA is expanding efforts in the HVAC product category and developing new tools, resources, and campaigns for partners. In this session, EPA presented tools and resources, including a dynamic new customer facing ENERGY STAR HVAC Guide as well as describe future promotional plans for this category (with an emphasis on heat pumps). They also discuss updates on the ENERGY STAR HVAC Specification 6.0 revision process.

Helpful Links for Partners

ENERGY STAR is the simple choice for energy efficiency.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the final ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award criteria for a new 2021 product category: Residential Induction Cooking Tops. With this letter EPA is also extending the 2020 product category, Refrigerators with Advanced Adaptive Compressors, for another year.

After reviewing input from stakeholders, EPA has maintained the criteria presented in the initial draft that EPA released on January 13th. All documents associated with the development of the Residential Induction Cooking Tops criteria, including stakeholder comments and the U.S. Department of Energy’s response regarding the use of the referenced test procedure, can be found on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology for Industry Stakeholders webpage.

Award Application Process
Manufacturers with products that meet the Award criteria may immediately begin submitting the necessary documentation to for EPA review. Award-winning products will be recognized upon determination that all Award criteria have been satisfied. Note that multiple products are eligible for the Award. All recognized, Award-winning products will be listed on on the list of ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award winners for Residential Induction Cooking Tops.

2020 Refrigerators with Advanced Adaptive Compressors Category
This letter also serves as notice that EPA is extending recognition of the 2020 Award category – Refrigerators with Advanced Adaptive Compressors – into 2021. No changes to the criteria have been made for 2021. The performance criteria and list of award-winning products can be found on the Advanced Adaptive Compressors webpage.

If you have any questions about the Award, the criteria development process, or marketing and promotion of Award-winning products, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at and (202) 343-9408, or Emmy Feldman at and (202) 862-1145.


Peter Banwell
Senior Manager, ENERGY STAR Product Marketing

Final Criteria for Residential Induction Cooking Tops

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Program Requirements is March 15, 2021. On this date, only products certified to Version 2.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 2.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 2.0 certified Data Center Storage products to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing an ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Discussion Guide. The purpose of this discussion guide is to engage with manufacturers and other interested stakeholders to further inform a potential ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 specification for the commercial electric cooktop product category. During the comment period, the Agency will host a webinar to discuss the questions and general topics outlined in the discussion guide.

EPA reviewed existing research and engaged with manufacturers and other stakeholders. The initial formal notification of this effort was presented during a meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Committee F26 on Food Service Equipment on October 28, 2020. Upon initial suggestion, EPA’s proposal received broad support and the Agency is encouraging further input from industry in response to this proposed expansion covering this product category.

Discussion Guide Summary
The discussion guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion which are summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the discussion guide.

  • Scope: Develop ENERGY STAR specification scope definitions and terminology for the new equipment classes not currently covered under the ENERGY STAR program.
  • Test Methodology: Reference the forthcoming revised ASTM F1521 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Range Tops leveraging energy performance testing and available data to set ENERGY STAR minimum efficiency criteria.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than Wednesday, April 7, 2021.

As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Stakeholder Meetings
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on March 17, 2021 to cover topics outlined in the discussion guide. Stakeholders interested in participating in these discussions may register here.

Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Brian Ward, ICF, at or (224) 622-4068 with questions or concerns. For any commercial food service equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Enclosures:Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Discussion Guide

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwashers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of March 11, 2021, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Commercial Dishwashers to the Version 2.0 specification and may only certify Commercial Dishwashers to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Commercial Dishwashers certifications to the Version 2.0 specification until July 27, 2021. After this date, only Commercial Dishwashers certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by March 10, 2021 of models certified to Version 2.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified Commercial Dishwashers to

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing an amendment to the ENERGY STAR specification for Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS), to clarify lighting vacation mode requirements and expand flexibility in meeting lighting device requirements. These changes do not impact the eligibility of SHEMS that meet the original requirements to certify to the specification.

Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or and Théo Keeley-LeClaire at (571) 373-5471 or with any specific questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems Version 1.1 Specification

Location: Washington DC


Since releasing the ENERGY STAR specification for Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received valuable feedback leading the team to propose further clarification and flexibility through an amendment, Version 1.1. The changes allow service providers that prefer to control lighting loads through smart switches to participate, enabling additional device and system design options to be eligible for the ENERGY STAR certification. SHEMS meeting the original requirements (published in September 2019) will continue to be eligible for certification.

For more information you can review the Version 1.1 announcement.

Learn about certifying a SHEMS package using the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Checklist or check out the SHEMS for Partners page.


Certification Bodies

News You Can Use

Smart Home Energy Solutions Gain Traction With Users

According to Parks Associates data, 11% of US broadband households own at least one smart light bulb and 9% own a smart plug or adapter module. This reflects an additional 3% of US broadband households adopting each device type since 2018. Read more

Energy Management Drives Smart Home Appeal

In a recent E Source consumer survey, saving energy and money through optimization emerged as the top two most appealing benefits of smart home systems (Figure 1). The survey also found that incentives such as rebates may be more effective than online marketplaces and other strategies in encouraging customers to purchase smart home technology from their energy utility. Members of the E Source Technology Assessment Service can find many more details in the new report US utility customers’ preferences for smart home technologies.

Figure 1: Most appealing benefits of smart home systems

Source: E Source. Survey respondents showed a clear preference for energy savings when considering benefits from smart home systems. Utilities are ideally suited to help customers realize these benefits.

According to E Source DSMdat (a database of over 6,000 utility demand side management and renewable energy programs throughout North America), there are more than 20 utilities currently offering incentives for customers to acquire smart home technology and systems (excluding programs that offer rebates for individual devices like smart thermostats), and E Source expects that number to increase once ENERGY STAR-qualified SHEMS become available on the market and energy and demand savings are demonstrated. Finally, more than 50 utilities currently have online marketplaces where they’re promoting and selling smart devices, and many of those utilities may also be likely to consider creating rebates or incentives for ENERGY STAR-qualified SHEMS going forward to promote adoption. Contact Essie Snell at for more information on E Source’s smart home research.

ENERGY STAR SHEMS On The (Virtual) Road


Save the date! Taylor Jantz-Sell, U.S. EPA, will be featured in an Executive Spotlight as part of the Parks Associates 2021 Smart Energy Summit. The Q&A is part of the “Energy Management Platforms: Accelerating Growth” track and will take place on February 24, 2021 at 12:45pm ET.


The 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting was held virtually from October 27-29 and featured dedicated SHEMS content in two sessions:

  • SHEMS Pilots Update: The latest updates from utilities and supporting service providers that are conducting pilots and programs that intersect with the ENERGY STAR smart home energy management systems specification. Speakers discussed key insights on automated energy savings and consumer engagement and education from pilots across the country. Insights touched on segmentation from low income to multi-family and covered successful leveraging of partnerships and utility marketplaces.
  • SHEMS Pitch Party: Looking for innovative new ideas in the smart home energy management space? Review this series of short pitches covering topics from integration with distributed energy resources to messaging strategies for security and consumer privacy. Speakers included service providers working toward ENERGY STAR certification, device manufacturers, and researchers.

Your Smart Home System May Be Closer To An ENERGY STAR SHEMS than you think

If you operate a smart home system and can answer “yes” to all ten questions below you’re probably ready to start certifying your smart home system! Just review the current specification and data collection template to see all the detailed requirements and contact an ENERGY STAR recognized certification body to get started! If you have any questions, contact Please note that the checklist is based on the proposed Version 1.1 specification.

Can Your System . . .

Control an ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat?

Control either a smart light switch (standby power ≤ 0.5 W) that can report energy, or an ENERGY STAR certified smart lighting product?

Connect to a smart plug, outlet, power strip, home energy monitor, smart breaker panel, or other device (standby power ≤ 1.0 W) that controls miscellaneous loads or reports circuit-level energy use data?

Control a smart water heater add-on controller?

Detect room, apartment, or home occupancy based on a non-battery-powered occupancy sensor (may be integrated in other devices) or with two battery operated occupancy detectors?

Provide energy saving tips?

Report estimated or actual energy use of connected devices in a dwelling to the user?

Perform a demand response event on at least one smart device?

Allow a user to integrate with a utility time of use program?

Aggregate 6 months of system data from ≥ 30 installations with devices from questions 1-3?

Looking forward to helping our future get energy smart together! Have SHEMS insights to share from a pilot or research? Please contact or Taylor Jantz-Sell at



Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the final recognition criteria for Dishwashers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 and to inform stakeholders that televisions will not be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in 2021. This letter outlines the final criteria for dishwashers and summarizes EPA’s rationale with regard to TVs.

Please note that the criteria for 13 other product categories, which were finalized on September 2, 2020, are unchanged, and they and the dishwasher criteria can be found at

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Dishwasher Recognition Criteria

The Final 2021 Most Efficient criteria for dishwashers require an annual energy use of <240 kWh/yr and water consumption of <3.2 gallons per cycle for standard-sized models. Products must also meet a per cycle Cleaning Index of a minimum of 70 for each test cycle (heavy, medium, and light).

Dishwashers that meet the 2021 criteria will deliver 67 kWh/yr in annual savings, equivalent to 22% above the Federal Minimum and 387 gal/yr in annual water savings, 36% over the Federal Minimum, as compared to a conventional product.

EPA received two sets of comments on the dishwasher proposal. One commenter provided support for the proposed criteria for dishwashers for 2021, stating that the rationale EPA provided for both products is consistent with their understanding of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

A second commenter proposed that EPA discontinue recognition of dishwashers as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient and expressed concern with the abbreviated process used to develop Most Efficient criteria. Additionally, this commenter stated its opposition to the cleaning performance criteria and reporting for Most Efficient dishwashers because of its concern with repeatability and reproducibility of the cleaning performance test procedure.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient identifies and advances cutting-edge efficiency among products otherwise eligible for the ENERGY STAR label. Annual reviews and revisions help to ensure that ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria stay current, consistent with the expectations of early-adopters, which are the intended audience.

In response to concern regarding the inclusion of minimum cleaning criteria, EPA notes that as a voluntary program, ENERGY STAR is successful only as long as consumers have a positive association with the label. On occasion, requirements are added to prevent trade-offs between efficiency and performance. The need to ensure performance takes on added significance in context of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient where the levels are more stringent. In regard to concerns relating to the cleaning performance test procedure, EPA and DOE view the test procedure as having acceptable repeatability and reproducibility.  EPA has seen a growth in the number of Most Efficient dishwasher models from 2019 to 2020 – from 101 to 116 models, demonstrating partner interest in this category. As such, EPA will maintain the cleaning performance minimum for Most Efficient criteria for dishwashers.

Pausing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Criteria for TVs in 2021

EPA proposed that TVs not be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in 2021. EPA received one set of comments supporting this decision and none arguing against it. EPA recently launched the Version 9.0 specification development process which proposes use of performance-based criteria to encourage more efficient product design through the adoption of efficient components and energy saving features. The Version 9.0 varies significantly from the Version 8.0 approach, which was the basis for the Most Efficient criteria since 2019. As a result of this proposed deviation from the current specification, and since these Version 9.0 criteria are not yet complete, EPA will not recognize TVs as Most Efficient in 2021.   

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Recognition

ENERGY STAR certified products meeting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 requirements are highlighted at EPA will follow this letter with distribution of the 2021 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation to brand owners of eligible products. As a reminder, usage guidelines are available on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Criteria page. As new products are certified, EPA will invite partners to augment their product listing with the following:

  • A product image. Product images can be in any common format (jpg, png, or gif), should include only one product – do not include other people and objects – be a minimum of 250 pixels wide, and for best results, be on a single-color background, preferably white;
  • A product description for use on the web page (i.e., key features and functionalities). The first 50 words will be displayed beside the product photo on the web page; additional text will link to a separate web page; and
  • The name of retail stores or online distributors where the product is available for consumer purchase. This information helps provide price and store location information to consumers on the web page.

To ensure the greatest utility of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient webpage to consumers, EPA will only highlight products that are currently available for sale in the U.S. As such, EPA reminds partners that it is critical that they keep product availability information with their Certification Bodies current.

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. EPA will highlight recognized products on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 web page through December 31, 2021.

We look forward to working with you to market ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in 2021. Please e-mail with any questions. Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturers, ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryer Manufacturers, and Other Interested Parties,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is presenting a draft amendment to the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers specification to expand the scope to enable combination all-in-one washer-dryers with air-only drying to earn the ENERGY STAR. Expanding the scope of the specification will allow consumers who seek these types of products to find those that deliver the best in energy efficiency.

To support this scope expansion, EPA proposes the addition of multiple definitions and edits to the scope exclusion list as highlighted in yellow below. Further, EPA is adding language to the certification criteria specifying that, in addition to meeting relevant washer criteria, combination all-in-one washer-dryers must meet the ENERGY STAR dryer criteria applicable for the product type it best matches if it were a stand-alone dryer. The proposal specifies any connected allowance may be applied to either the clothes washer criteria or the dryer criteria, but not both and exempts the dryer from the maximum dry-time requirement. This amendment to the clothes washer specification, when final, will be published as ENERGY STAR Version 8.1 Clothes Washers specification. Manufacturers will be able to certify products meeting the new definition immediately upon publication, and currently certified products will not be affected.
Stakeholders may provide comments to EPA on these proposed changes no later than April 2, 2021.

Key Proposed Definitions Edits

Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryer: A consumer product that meets the definition of a Residential Clothes Washer and Electric Clothes Dryer or Gas Clothes Dryer, which cleans and dries clothes in a single tumble-type drum; a drying cycle can be performed independently without first performing a wash cycle. 


a.Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryer with Air-Only Drying: A Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryer that uses circulated air (without the use of water) to cool and condense moisture from the dryer process air, during the dry cycle.

b.Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryer with Water-Cooled Drying: A Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryer that uses tap water to cool and condense moisture from the dryer process air, during the dry cycle.

Proposed Changes to the Excluded Products List


Excluded Products: The following products are not eligible for ENERGY STAR certification:

i. Products with a primary clothes washer drum volume of less than 1.6 cubic feet

ii. Products configured in any way other than a front- or top-loading design

iii.Combination All-in-One Washer-Dryers with Water-Cooled Drying

iv. Residential Clothes Washers with Heated Drying Functionality

v. Commercial Clothes Washers with a clothes container volume larger than 8.0 cubic feet

vi. Commercial Clothes Washer with top-loading design

Additional Certification Criteria for Combination All-In-One Washer-Dryers:

1. Product shall meet the requirements in this specification and also meet the requirements in Sections 3 and 5 of the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Clothes Dryers applicable for the product type it best matches if it were a stand-alone dryer. Combination all-in-one washer-dryers are exempt from the 80-minute maximum cycle time requirement in Section 3.A of the ENERGY STAR dryer specification.

Additional Connected Criteria for Combination All-In-One Washer-Dryers:

a. A product meeting the definition of a clothes washer and the definition of a clothes dryer may only apply the Connected Allowance if:

i. the product meets the criteria in Section 4 of this specification,

ii. the product meets the criteria in Section 4 of the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Clothes Dryers,

iii. certified using the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Test Method to Validate Demand Response (TBD), and

iv. is certified using the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Test Method to Validate Demand Response (TBD).

b. Any connected allowance may be applied only once (i.e., either 𝐼𝑀𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑟_𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 in Equation 2 of this specification or 𝐶𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑟_𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 in Equation 1 of the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Clothes Dryers must be set to zero).

Any comments on this proposal may be submitted by April 2, 2021 to The draft specification and related materials are available on the clothes washers product development webpage. Please direct any specific questions to Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085 and Steve Leybourn at ICF, or (202) 862-1566.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Heater Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR® Water Heater specification and the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to Validate Demand Response. Stakeholders may submit comments on the final draft to EPA no later than March 4, 2021. EPA plans to finalize this Version 4.0 Water Heater specification and the Test Method to Validate Demand Response before the second quarter of 2021.

With the Version 4.0 revision, EPA seeks to recognize a variety of products that have both excellent efficiency and advanced design features, including those products with demand response and connected capabilities. In light of stakeholder feedback to the Draft 1 specification, this draft incorporates some changes to recognize a variety of efficient water heating technologies. As for all revisions, products may certify to the new version as soon as it is final, and products currently certified remain so throughout the 9-month transition period. 

Final Draft Summary
The Final Draft Version 4.0 includes changes from the Draft 1 proposal that are in line with stakeholder feedback. In accordance with stakeholder recommendations, EPA has defined two new product subcategories – split-system heat pump water heaters and 120-volt integrated heat pump water heaters. Based on stakeholder feedback, these products will be unable to meet the criteria for electric storage water heaters as proposed in the Draft 1 specification. Because split-system and 120-volt products are well-suited to installations for which integrated 240 volt products would not be appropriate, EPA is proposing separate less stringent criteria to recognize these new categories.

EPA has also raised the efficiency criteria proposed for > 55 gallon heat pump water heaters to a Uniform Energy Factor of 3.30, thereby setting a single level for 240-volt integrated heat pump water heaters of all tank sizes. This change was suggested by several stakeholders who confirmed that currently certified products not meeting the more stringent level are being phased out and replaced by more efficient models. Thus, EPA does not expect this change will impact product availability.     

No major changes are proposed to the Connected Criteria. More details regarding all changes described above are included in note boxes throughout the specification document.

Test Method to Validate Demand Response
The Final Draft Test Method to Validate Demand Response includes changes from the Draft 2 proposal that are in line with stakeholder feedback.

In accordance with stakeholder recommendations, DOE and EPA amended the test method to provide explicit instruction on the time to wait to establish that a loss of connectivity has occurred and how to verify that the water heater accurately reports when it is heating water.  DOE and EPA also amended the criteria for determining when a water heater has fully finished heating water. Finally, DOE and EPA made a slight adjustment to the curtailment request to more closely align with how the request will be sent in the field.

More details regarding the changes described above are included in note boxes throughout the test method document.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders may provide written comments for EPA consideration to by March 4, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Water Heaters Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163.  For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at or 202-586-7335. Thank you for taking the time to review these Final Draft documents. I look forward to continuing working with you.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

ENERGY STAR Final Draft Version 4.0 Water Heaters Specification
ENERGY STAR Final Draft Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response
ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 4.0 Water Heaters Comment Response Matrix
ENERGY STAR Final Draft Version 4.0 Water Heaters Data Package

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is presenting a draft amendment to the ENERGY STAR specification for Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS), to clarify lighting vacation mode requirements and expand flexibility in meeting lighting device requirements. The proposed updates do not impact the eligibility of SHEMS that meet the original requirements to certify to the specification.

Vacation Lighting Mode Requirement
Certified Smart Home Energy Management Systems are required to provide a feature that operates lighting minimally at night or while the user is away. Based on feedback, EPA has further clarified the intent that service providers have flexibility in naming and deploying this feature. This feature is not intended to add lighting load to any lower energy away modes that a service provider may provide, but simply to offer a low energy option for users who like to leave a light on while away. Proposed updates to the Version 1.0 specification are highlighted with bold text below.

Section 4.1:
The SHEMS shall perform the following services:
G) Provide a vacation, nighttime safety, leave a light on, nightlight, or similarly identified mode to automate lighting load to operate one or multiple lights minimally at night or while away, using no more than 0.03 kWh per day while the feature is activated. This feature must be available to the user but need not be enabled by default and should not be a part of a default vacation mode if that setting does not operate lights.
Note: service providers may ensure that lighting energy does not exceed 0.03 kWh per day either by collecting lighting energy consumption data from connected devices or by limiting runtime based on the rated wattage of a given bulb.

Connected Lighting Device Requirement
EPA has heard from many service providers about market demand and preferences for controlling lighting load at the switch. In response, EPA is proposing to allow a pathway for SHEMS relying on smart switches to earn certification, as outlined below in bold. EPA strongly encourages service providers pursuing this option to select switches compatible with ENERGY STAR dimmable lighting for optimal energy savings and consumer experience. Making this change will accommodate service providers and consumers that prefer smart switches for reasons such as permanence; ease of installation in new construction; similarity to existing lighting controls; added flexibility in choosing communications protocols; power reliability; and lower overall standby power for lighting loads. EPA has also added the word “product” and clarified the definition of ENERGY STAR Certified Smart Lighting Product to address present and potential future device options.

Section 4.3 A):
Any package marketed as an ENERGY STAR certified SHEMS shall include the following devices. (Note: since actual installations may vary, only those installations that include the required devices will be analyzed as part of the compliant population.)

b) At least two connected lighting devices, consisting of:

·         Two ENERGY STAR certified smart lighting products;

·         One ENERGY STAR certified smart lighting product and one lighting load control device capable of measuring lighting load; or

·         Two lighting load control devices capable of measuring lighting load. Service providers using this option are strongly encouraged to select lighting load control devices compatible with ENERGY STAR certified dimmable lighting.

Please feel free to contact us with questions and submit any comments to by February 18.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development Webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or and Théo Keeley-LeClaire at (571) 373-5471 or with any specific questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems Draft Version 1.1 Specification

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award is given to innovative technologies that meet rigorous performance criteria to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions, without sacrificing features or functionality.  The Award provides forward-thinking, environmentally conscious consumers and end users with a tool to identify and purchase cutting-edge technologies that offer energy savings and help to reduce their carbon footprint. Interested?  Check out the technologies below for more information on savings opportunities and product availability.  

Award Winning Technologies for 2021:

Residential induction Cooking Tops

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the selection of Residential Induction Cooking Tops as a 2021 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award category with the goal of recognizing a promising residential cooking top technology that offers the consumer new ways to save energy and protect the environment. Conventional residential cooking tops typically employ gas or a resistive electrical element to generate heat, which is then transferred to cookware via thermal conduction. Through this process, gas cooking tops transfer energy with efficiencies of approximately 32% while electric cooking tops are 75-80% efficient. Residential induction cooking tops instead consist of an electromagnetic coil that creates a magnetic field when supplied with an electric current. When brought into this field, compatible cookware is warmed internally and transfers the energy with about 85% efficiency, providing energy savings and reduced cooking times, among other health and safety benefits.

Advanced Adaptive Compressors

The Award beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2021 recognizes the best available adaptive refrigerator compressor systems. An advanced adaptive compressor system in residential refrigeration products pairs an inverter compressor with a sensor-driven control system capable of cooling capacity modulation in response to a varying internal thermal load. As a result, the advanced adaptive compressor system allows for the refrigerator to save a significant amount of energy while regulating the temperature by minimizing wide temperature variations.

(Are you an Industry Stakeholder? See For Industry Stakeholders)

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/HP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party,

As part of the specification revision process for ENERGY STAR CAC/HP, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking stakeholder input on a proposal regarding the installation criteria.  This proposal follows the release of the Final Draft Version 6.0 specification in October 2020. Feedback received in response to this letter, along with feedback provided on the Final Draft proposal, will inform the Final Version 6.0 specification. Stakeholders may provide comments on this limited topic proposal no later than February 23, 2021.

Proposed Amendment to the Installation Criteria

On October 22, 2020, EPA released the Final Draft Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Specification, which included several changes to the certification levels for CAC/HP products and removed the explicit requirement that all products must be variable or staged capacity. In light of feedback received on this draft and subsequent conversations with stakeholders, EPA is proposing refinements to the installation criteria through this limited topic proposal.

The conversation centered on two aspects of the criteria. First, for centrally ducted systems, criteria b and c below rely on sensor data from the main blower fan, which is typically not part of the CAC/HP. Second, criteria b, c, e, and f cannot be met unless there is two-way digital communication between the various components of the heating and cooling system. Variable speed products typically use such communication for basic control functions, but it is unusual in other systems. Even single- and two-speed systems that are capable of such communication are often installed without thermostats required to enable such a network. While EPA wants to encourage the adoption of capabilities supporting excellent installation in all products, EPA also wants to ensure that an appropriate percentage of models are eligible for ENERGY STAR, including models that are more competitively priced. As such, EPA will focus installation criteria on products that have three or more capacities or are continuously variable. 

This limited topic proposal for CAC/ASHP installation criteria adds text to the 3) Certification Criteria section from the CAC/ASHP Version 6 Final Draft specification.

3) Certification Criteria:

C. Installation Capabilities To certify as ENERGY STAR, all CAC/HPs that have three or more capacities, or are continuously variable, must be capable of providing at least three of the following capabilities to aid in quality installation. For purposes of this section, a thermostat or controller can be considered part of the system. Items a, b, and c are understood to be measured at maximum fan speed and capacity. Single-stage or two-stage CAC/HPs are exempt from this requirement but should report these features if they are available with some controllers.

a. Refrigerant charge – System can verify that the refrigerant charge is within manufacturer recommended tolerances at a range of conditions including outdoor temperatures at least as low as 55ºF.

b. Airflow measurement or external static pressure – System shall have some capability to display airflow and confirm that it is within the OEM recommended settings, or to display external static pressure and fan speed setting. For split systems, this capability may be contingent on the recognized product being paired with a specific furnace or air handler. (Not relevant to ductless units)

c. Blower fan power draw – System shall have the capability to measure and report the watt draw of the blower fan. For split systems, this capability may be contingent on the recognized product being paired with a specific furnace or air handler.

d. If systems DO NOT include any of the capabilities in a, b, or c, and have multiple or variable capacities, the system provides an easily accessible test mode that locks the system into the highest fan speed and compressor capacity setting available in that installation, such that a technician can measure the quantities in a, b, and c with external equipment.

e. Automatic system discovery – System is capable of automatically recognizing compatible communicating indoor/outdoor units, furnaces. Automatic discovery of humidifiers and dehumidifiers is encouraged.

f. Preprogrammed system tests – System shall automatically prompt the installer to run preconfigured system tests following the initial setup. These tests should verify, at a minimum, fan blower, cooling-mode, defrost mode, heat pump only heating, and auxiliary heating tests as applicable to the product. The test should require installer verification of the results before exiting test mode.

Note: Limiting the installation criteria to variable capacity products in Version 6 reflects the current market and available technologies. Stakeholders affirmed that products with communicating capabilities and ductless products will be able to meet these criteria without adding cost. EPA firmly believes in the role of advanced product capabilities to address poor installation for all products and looks forward to working with stakeholders to identify a practical path to expand their availability. EPA encourages partners to report whether single stage and two-stage products can meet any of these capabilities with the right controller, and that information will be displayed in the QPL.

Additionally, EPA has clarified that airflow measurement or external static pressure and blower fan power draw capabilities may require that a split system unit is paired with a specific furnace or air handler.

Lastly, as these capabilities rely on particular sensor data from blower fans, EPA anticipates proposing that ENERGY STAR products with blower fans (e.g. furnaces) provide that data in future versions. In addition, EPA is currently working to add communicating controllers to the ENERGY STAR Connected Thermostat specification, and anticipates proposing that such controllers enable installation capabilities that rely on them.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to  by February 23, 2021. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, or (202) 586-7335.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Discussion Guide on December 22, 2020. Comments are due February 23, 2021 and may be submitted to

EPA will host two stakeholder webinars to present details of the Discussion Guide and address stakeholder questions on Tuesday,
February 2 and 9, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST. If you wish to attend these meetings, please register for Part 1 and Part 2 prior to the start of each session. Note that the two-part webinar series will cover different topics such that the first webinar will cover scope expansion and best practice guidance; and, the second webinar will cover criteria revisions to product categories currently in scope and test methods for categories with no currently applicable energy conservation standards.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

The ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award (ETA) is given to innovative technologies that meet rigorous performance criteria to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to recognize Residential Induction Cooking Tops for the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for 2021.

Products that meet the performance criteria (PDF) will be listed on a Qualified Product List (PDF) once it is determined that all Award criteria have been satisfied. Manufacturers can submit documentation for eligible residential induction cooking top products to

Benefits of ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award-Winning Systems:

Conventional residential cooking tops typically employ gas or resistance heating elements to transfer energy with efficiencies of approximately 32% and 75-80% respectively. Residential induction cooking tops instead consist of an electromagnetic coil that creates a magnetic field when supplied with an electric current. When brought into this field, compatible cookware is warmed internally, transferring energy with approximately 85% efficiency. Furthermore, because the source of heat is the cookware itself, the cooking top surface remains cool to the touch and less heat is lost to the surrounding air, providing an additional energy efficiency benefit by reducing the workload for the HVAC equipment. A cooler cooking top surface also makes induction cooking tops safer to work with than other types of cooking tops. Finally, because the cookware itself is the source of heat, it reaches desired temperatures more quickly and provides faster cook times.

The per unit efficiency of induction Cooking Tops is about 5-10% more efficient than conventional electric resistance units and about 3 times more efficient than gas. If all Cooking Tops sold in 2021 in the U.S. used induction technology and met these draft criteria, the energy cost savings would exceed $125 million and the energy savings would exceed 1,000 GWh.

Winning Products Must Demonstrate That They:

  1. Meet the Department of Energy (DOE) definition for built-in, drop-in or freestanding Cooking Tops and be intended for residential use. 
  2. Only include induction heating technology for all surface units on the cooking top.
  3. Are tested to have an Integrated Annual Energy Consumption (EIAEC) ≤ 125 kWh/year.
  4. Are approved for use and available for sale in the U.S. market.
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Discussion Guide.

EPA is sharing this ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Discussion Guide to provide input on key topics prior to developing and releasing a Draft 1 Version 5.0 specification. EPA will host two webinars one on February 2, 2021 and the next on February 9, 2021 to seek input from stakeholders on the topics outlined below. Please submit feedback and any relevant data to by February 23, 2021.

Discussion Guide Summary
The Discussion Guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion which are summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the Discussion Guide.

  • Revised Levels: Revision of energy efficiency criteria for existing ENERGY STAR product categories. The ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment and Market Penetration Report Calendar Year 2019 Summary indicates that ENERGY STAR certified commercial refrigerators and freezers represent approximately 46% of all eligible units shipped in the United States in 2019. Based on preliminary review, there appear to be opportunities to amend the maximum daily energy consumption (MDEC) levels for three product categories (VCT.SC.M, VCS.SC.M, and VCS.SC.L).
  • Scope: ENERGY STAR specification scope expansion to new equipment classes currently covered by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) energy conservation standards, including:
    • Vertical Closed Transparent Remote Condensing Refrigerators (VCT.RC.M) and Freezers (VCT.RC.L), and
    • Service Over Counter Remote Condensing (SOC.RC.M) and Self Contained (SOC.SC.M) Refrigerators.
  • Test Methods: Review of existing and forthcoming test procedures to best support scope expansion for three categories with no currently applicable energy conservation standards, including:
    • Refrigerated Preparation and Buffet Tables;
    • Chef Bases or Griddle Stands; and
    • Blast Chillers and Freezers.
  • Best Practice Guidance: Exploring opportunities to promote energy efficient best practices through the ENERGY STAR, GreenChill, and DOE programs for commercial refrigeration.

Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to no later than February 23, 2021.

As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Stakeholder Meetings
EPA plans to host two stakeholder webinars on February 2 and 9, 2021 from 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. EST to review the discussion guide and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. The two part webinar series will cover different topics from the discussion guide: the first webinar will cover scope expansion and best practice guidance; and, the second webinar will cover criteria revisions to product categories currently in scope and test methods for categories with no currently applicable energy conservation standards. Stakeholders interested in participating in these discussions should register for Part 1 and Part 2 prior to the start of each session.

Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For test method questions, please contact Stephanie Johnson at or 202-287-1943. For any other commercial refrigerator and freezer inquiries, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Version 5.0 Discussion Guide

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties, 

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the Version 4.2 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification. This amendment adds the option to certify models as having connected functionality through an Alternative Demand Response Validation (ADRV). This update does not affect currently certified products. 

Recognizing the potential grid benefit and customer convenience of room air conditioners with connected capabilities, and in response to stakeholder requests to reduce the complexity of testing of such products, the EPA pursued this amendment with the intention of encouraging more ENERGY STAR models to be certified as connected.  

With Version 4.2, EPA will allow manufacturers and brand owners the option to certify models as having connected functionality through an Alternative Demand Response Validation (ADRV). Manufacturers and brand owners with at least two models certified with connected functionality may forego demand response validation testing for new models by using an ADRV. The ADRV is a set of parameters developed and proposed by the manufacturer that predicts a basic model’s ability to meet the demand response portion of the connected criteria. These parameters can include, but are not limited to, hardware and software documentation, connection types and capabilities, and computer simulations. 

All stakeholder-submitted comments agreed with EPA’s proposal, and no clarifications or edits were suggested. EPA thanks stakeholders for their comments in support of this amendment. 

All materials related to this amendment are posted on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 4 development page. Please direct any specific questions to or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566.   

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 


Ga-Young Park 
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing an amendment to the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment specification. This amendment enables remanufactured imaging equipment products to certify as ENERGY STAR and will be reflected as Version 3.1. Imaging equipment products previously certified to Version 3.0 are not affected by this change.

EPA received multiple comments on the Version 3.1 proposal. A commenter requested that EPA ease the proposals around unique model numbers and testing. EPA has retained the requirement for a unique model number as this enables buyers to distinguish efficient remanufactured product on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder. EPA has, however, eased testing by extending the reduced testing afforded to products within a family to include remanufactured family members. Commenters also provided feedback on the remanufactured imaging equipment definition. EPA has simplified the definition to allow greater flexibility, while retaining the key attributes of the definition for ENERGY STAR purposes. Finally, stakeholders requested that these changes be made outside of a “dot” revision, EPA believes because commenters were concerned about the impact on currently certified products.  Recognizing that this is an expansion of scope for the imaging equipment program, the changes made to the specification are incorporated as a Version 3.1 but, EPA wishes to clarify that no action is required for currently certified products.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about the specification. For other imaging equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Version 3.1 Specification

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently in the process of expanding the scope of the ENERGY STAR Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) specification to include DC fast chargers. The Agency is pleased to share a final draft of proposed requirements for the Version 1.1 specification. Stakeholders may submit written comments to by January 20, 2021.

The changes reflected in Version 1.1 will not affect currently certified AC EVSE products, except with respect to the optional connected requirements. EPA has updated the optional connected functionality criteria in this specification that will apply to both AC and DC EVSE. These updates propose more prescriptive requirements (e.g., remote management and scheduling capabilities, as well as defined DR signals) intended to make the connected designation more useful. As a result of the changes to these criteria, manufacturers that have AC EV chargers certified as connected capable on the ENERGY STAR website will need to work with their certification body to update their listings to reflect if the charger meets these updated requirements after Version 1.1 is finalized. In addition, EPA has included several clarifications to the definition of Product Family and subsequently the instructions on selecting a representative model when testing a Product Family, for both AC and DC EVSE.

With this final draft, EPA has updated definitions and several minor aspects of the proposed performance criteria for DC-output EVSE that are outlined below. Additionally, EPA responds to comments received on the initial draft of the amended specification in the accompanying comment response document.

  • Definitions 
    • EPA changed the definition for cabinet/dispenser and minimum dispenser configuration to be termed distributed product configuration and minimum distributed product configuration, respectively, in response to stakeholder comments that the cabinet/dispenser terminology may not represent all possible iterations of DC EVSE configurations.
    • In addition, EPA updated the definition of product family to include two additional allowable variations within models in a product family, as long as the variation does not impact the product’s performance or ability to meet all requirements. This added flexibility applies to both AC and DC EVSE.
  • No Vehicle and Partial On Mode Requirements for DC-output EVSE
    • In response to stakeholder comment, EPA updated the high resolution display allowance for these standby requirements to remove from the equation the instruction to divide the allowance by the number of outputs. This division by the number of outputs is utilized in calculating allowances for AC EVSE because the test method for multi-output AC EVSE requires the tester to measure power for each output. The DC EVSE test method instructs multi-output DC EVSE power to be measured when a single output is being used. As a result, this division by number of outputs is not relevant for DC EVSE and has been removed.
    • Also, EPA included an allowance for portable DC EVSE with an integrated battery that cannot be disabled during testing to account for the power required for a battery management system.
  • Connected Functionality Criteria – EPA updated the requirement to report ISO 15118 capability with more specifics on what would be considered as supporting ISO 15118, in response to feedback that the requirement was vague. In addition, EPA added a requirement to report compliance with UL 9741 in the case of a bidirectional EVSE.
  • Representative Model Selection for Testing – EPA received a recommendation from a stakeholder that the description of representative model should be updated to clarify that if a product family has models with various rated output currents, only the highest consuming would need to be tested as the representative model, as long as all models within the family meet all requirements in the specification. EPA also clarified that non-networked versions of models can be included in a product family as long as they meet the requirements without the respective network allowances, with the networked version being tested as the representative model. This clarification to the selection of a representative model applies to both AC and DC EVSE.

As a reminder, the V1.1 DC EVSE Test Method was finalized and released in June 2020. At this time, manufacturers are encouraged to pursue enrolling an in-house laboratory as a witnessed or supervised manufacturer test laboratory through a recognized Certification Body to be prepared to test and certify products to the ENERGY STAR DC EVSE specification upon finalization in February. Currently UL Verification Services Inc., TUV SUD America, Inc., and Intertek Testing Services NA are recognized Certification Bodies for EVSE with approved W/SMTL programs. It is EPA’s understanding that currently there are third-party laboratories capable of testing lower powered DC EVSE, but most are still building the capacity to test high powered stations. All EPA recognized test labs for EVSE can be found here.

Given the current circumstances, EPA is extending the normal comment period deadline to allow stakeholders to provide any comments on the Version 1.1 Final Draft Specification no later than January 20, 2021. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the Version 1.1 EVSE specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. Stakeholder engagement is vital to the ENERGY STAR program and EPA looks forward to further work with stakeholders in the development of the EVSE Version 1.1 specification.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager

ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.1 Final Draft Specification
ENERGY STAR EVSE Version 1.1 Draft 1 Specification Comment Response Document

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and other Stakeholders:
In follow-up to our recent process to establish ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to maintain 2020 Most Efficient criteria into 2021 for dishwashers and to suspend recognition for televisions. These proposals were delayed as we awaited further progress on ENERGY STAR specification revisions for these categories, which will continue into 2021. 

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Dishwasher Proposal

As of November 2020, 103 models (31 base models) from 9 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 recognition criteria for dishwashers. EPA proposes to maintain the current criteria for dishwashers into 2021 as the criteria continue to recognize top performance. These criteria require an annual energy use of <240 kWh/yr and water consumption of <3.2 gallons per cycle for standard-sized models. Additionally, products must meet a per cycle Cleaning Index of a minimum of 70 for each test cycle (heavy, medium, and light).

The graph below is included to provide additional context regarding the basis of this proposal. Data for the graph below is from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products List for dishwashers.

Proposed Suspension of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Recognition for Televisions in 2021

Five models from four ENERGY STAR partners meet the 2020 recognition criteria for TVs. The Version 9.0 specification development effort, which is currently underway, proposes a new performance-based approach to establishing criteria. The new approach varies significantly from the Version 8.0 approach, which has been the basis for the Most Efficient criteria for TVs since 2019. With this movement to performance-based criteria underway but not complete, EPA is unable to establish meaningful Most Efficient criteria for TVs for 2021. Further, the very limited participation in ENERGY STAR Most Efficient for TVs in 2020 argues against extending the current criteria in 2021.

Stakeholder Comments and Feedback

Stakeholder feedback on this proposal may be provided no later than January 21, 2021 to

Please contact Ga-Young Park, 202-564-1085 or or Steve Leybourn, 202-862-1566 or for questions on the proposed dishwasher criteria. For questions on TVs, please contact James Kwon, 202-564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman, 202-862-1145 or For questions about the DOE test method for dishwashers, contact Bryan Berringer, or 202-586-0371. For TV test method questions, contact Jeremy Dommu, or 202-586-9870.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Cooler Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Product Specification, along with the Draft 1 comment response matrix and a revised data package. The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 2 specification is January 22, 2021.

Proposal Summary
EPA received multiple comments on the first draft of this specification and considered each of those comments carefully, incorporating changes into this draft as warranted.  The changes proposed in the Draft 2 are summarized below. More details regarding these topics, EPA rationale, and specific requests for comment are included in note boxes throughout the draft specification as well as the Draft 1 comment response matrix.

  • Capacity Categories: Commenters expressed concern about the proposed levels in Draft 1, namely that they would exclude large capacity water coolers that serve a large portion of the market in commercial spaces. EPA is requiring that all products report their cold water capacity, as measured by the ANSI/ASHRAE 18-2008 (RA 2013) test method. Units that provide hot water shall also report their hot water capacity per the same test method. EPA proposes categorizing all water cooler products as either “Low-Capacity” or “High-Capacity” based on these rated values. This information, along with the On Mode Performance (OMP) data that is reported under this specification, may be used to identify units that are more appropriate for placement in high-traffic areas such as a commercial office setting or lower use frequency areas such as in residences.
  • Certification Criteria: Per the comments mentioned above, distinct On Mode with no water draw levels have been proposed for Low Capacity and High Capacity water coolers in the Hot and Cold and Hot, Cook, and Cold Conditioned Storage categories. The level for Low Capacity units has been reduced to 0.68 kWh/day, which represents approximately 26% of currently recognized ENERGY STAR products in this category. The level for High Capacity water coolers has been proposed at 0.80 kWh/day, which represents approximately 11% of currently recognized ENERGY STAR products within this category. EPA believes these levels recognize the best performing products within each market segment.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by January 22, 2021. All comments to Draft 1 are posted and those for Draft 2 will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on January 7, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST to outline the Draft 2 specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register at this link by January 6, 2021.

Please direct any specific questions to Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163.  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service, Vending, Water Coolers

Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Specification
Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Data Package
Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Comment Response Matrix

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are seeking your input as part of the early stages of a revision of the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment (SNE) specification. This letter and accompanying discussion document highlight questions EPA and DOE have regarding testing methodology and scope. EPA and DOE believe that the issues addressed in this document can provide a framework to reducing the testing burden for manufacturers, while providing relatable information to the customer and the ability to differentiate top-performing products in the market. EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 2.0 specification that will recognize efficiency gains in the SNE market.

The following are EPA’s priorities for the Version 2.0 revision:

  • Revise the SNE test method with a goal of aligning with the European Union Code of Conduct test method, already in use by manufacturers thus reducing testing for many products.
  • Revise the program structure, e.g. scope, adders, criteria levels, to account for an updated testing methodology.

EPA welcomes stakeholder suggestions on any other issues to be considered during the Version 2.0 specification revision process and in particular on those topics raised in the discussion guide.

EPA and DOE will host a webinar to answer any questions on this discussion guide on January 7, 2021 from 1:30-3:30 PM Eastern Time. Stakeholders are requested to share written feedback with EPA and DOE by January 22, 2021. Please register here if you plan on attending.  

Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Small Network Equipment product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other SNE related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Small Network Equipment Version 2.0 Discussion Document

Location: Washington DC

EV Charging Newsletter - Year End 2020 

•  Greetings from ENERGY STAR

     •      ESPPM: EV Highlights

     •      ENERGY STAR Day Recap

     •      Partner Corner

    •       ENERGY STAR Specification Updates

     •      What We've Been Up To

     •      New & Updated Resources

Greetings from ENERGY STAR

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners and industry colleagues,

As we approach the end of another calendar year, we wanted to share our appreciation for your participation and engagement in our efforts to increase awareness around the benefits of energy efficient EV charging. Thanks to your efforts, we’re celebrating the following accomplishments in 2020:

  • Our list of qualified products continued to grow and now includes 15 leading manufacturers. Considering the various product families these manufacturers provide, more than 200 unique models carry the ENERGY STAR certification.
  • EPA launched a new and improved website to educate consumers about EV chargers and EVs. It includes tools and resources intended for a broad range of end-users.
  • More utilities incorporated the ENERGY STAR specification into their EV charging programs, including the Southwestern Electric Power Company and the Snohomish Public Utilities District.
  • U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED v4.1 Building Design and Construction rating system was recently updated to incorporate the connected functionality criteria from ENERGY STAR’s EVSE Key Product Criteria.

This newsletter provides a summary of a few recent virtual events in which our partners participated. We’ve also included links to new and updates resources that may be of interest.

As always, please reach out to us at any time, either via or the contacts listed at the end of this newsletter.

Peter Banwell

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2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting: EV Highlights

This year’s first-ever virtual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (ESPPM) saw record-breaking levels of engagement, with nearly 800 industry experts joining sessions, connecting via one-on-one meetings, and engaging with virtual exhibitors.

Among the most active participants were our ENERGY STAR EV charging partners. On the final day of the meeting, EPA was joined by representatives from SolarEdge, Xcel Energy, and the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) to discuss best practices, lessons learned, and successful marketing approaches to increase consumer adoption of efficient EV chargers. View the presentation slides and learn more about how ENERGY STAR is helping build consumer confidence in a rapidly evolving market here.

In addition to participating in sessions, ENERGY STAR EV charging partners highlighted their latest and greatest ENERGY STAR certified chargers and product promotions at the Virtual Product Expo. ClipperCreek and EVBox were joined by 26 fellow ENERGY STAR manufacturers and retailers showcasing the latest energy-saving products on the market. For more information on the products and promotions that were featured, contact us at

For more information about the meeting, check out the 2020 ESPPM webpage here.  

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ENERGY STAR and its partners, including EV charging manufacturers and utilities, are proud to celebrate efforts to help Americans Save Today, Save Tomorrow, and Save For Good. This year, ENERGY STAR and its partners used social media to raise awareness of the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified products, with a particular focus on providing energy-saving opportunities to underserved audiences that need it the most. Special thanks to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), ClipperCreek, and EVBox for sharing posts promoting ENERGY STAR Day.

In case you missed it, check out the ENERGY STAR Day video. Dozens of ENERGY STAR partners, including our ENERGY STAR EV charging partners, joined with EPA by sharing the video on social media! 
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Partner Corner

Reminder: Submit Unit Shipment Data to EPA by March 1, 2021

Mark your calendars! 2020 Unit Shipment Data is due by March 1, 2021. All ENERGY STAR product brand owner partners are required to report annually their certified product unit shipment data. EPA collects unit shipment data to determine the market penetration of ENERGY STAR products and evaluate the overall performance of the program. Failure to submit unit shipment data by the March 1 deadline will result in the removal of the partner's certified products from the certified products list on the ENERGY STAR website, and its name from the partner list.

EPA will distribute instructions for submitting 2020 data, which will include the data collection template in the coming months. Since all correspondence will be sent via email to all primary and secondary contacts, it is important that partners update their contact information in My ENERGY STAR Account tool (MESA).

For more information or if you have any questions, please visit the FAQs page or email

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Stay in the Loop!

Update your information within 30 days of a change of contact status to ensure you receive important correspondence from ENERGY STAR, such as information on the annual unit shipment data requirement or specification updates.

To update your contact information, please log into your My ENERGY STAR Account (MESA).

 If you have issues accessing your account, please click “Forgot password?” or contact your ENERGY STAR account manager.

ENERGY STAR Specification Updates

EPA has proposed updates to the optional connected criteria in the Version 1.1 specification development process that will apply to both AC and DC EV charging equipment. These more prescriptive grid responses are intended to make the connected designation more useful.

Figure 1: Open Protocols based EV Charging Example Architecture

The criteria include proposed requirements for:

  • Using open standards, including Open Charge Point Protocol, SEP 2.0, CTA-2045, and/or OpenADR 2.0, for all Demand Response communication layers
  • Reporting whether the EV charger has the necessary hardware to support ISO 15118 for higher level communication, and reporting of UL-9741 compliance for bidirectional EVSE
  • Enabling scheduling, remote management, and consumer feedback capabilities
  • Providing the ability for the consumer to override a DR request
  • Supporting specific, defined DR signals: charge now, curtail charge, delay charge, and return to normal operation (EPA provides demand response message mapping in Appendix A of the specification as a useful framework for aligning these signals with CTA 2045, OpenADR 2.0b, and OCPP operational states)

EPA intends these criteria for long dwell time applications, based on our understanding that these provide the most load flexibility. EPA also provides an informational appendix regarding benefits and examples of the types of architectures possible for managed charging.

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What We've Been Up To...

You may be interested in the following recent webinars featuring ENERGY STAR EV chargers:

ENERGY STAR’s Peer Reviewed Paper for the 33rd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS33): Plugging Energy Efficiency into North American EV Charging Infrastructure

New & Updated Resources

Contact List:

Product Testing and Laboratory Procedures
Brian Krausz, EPA ENERGY STAR Program

Emmy Feldman, ICF

Partnership and Marketing
Peter Banwell, EPA ENERGY STAR Program

State and Electric Utility Programs:
Stacy Noblet, ICF

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ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency.
For more than 25 years, EPA's ENERGY STAR Program has been America's resource for saving energy and protecting the environment. Join the millions making a difference at today.

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US



Location: Washington DC

EPA is rescheduling the webinar for the recently released Draft 1 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Water Heaters specification and the Draft 2 Test Method to Validate Demand Response for Residential Water Heaters due to the Federal holiday. The stakeholder webinar will now be held on November 20, 2020 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm ET. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP here, those who have already registered should have received an updated calendar event.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

   Abigail Daken
   EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR HVAC Program


   Draft 1 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Water Heaters Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Heater Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a revision of the ENERGY STAR specification for water heaters. We are pleased to share the first draft of the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR specification and the second draft Test Method to Validate Demand Response for Residential Water Heaters. The current criteria for recognition have been in place since April 2015. Since that time, the products on offer (particularly heat pump water heaters) have progressed rapidly. In response, EPA recognizes the need to revise the criteria. This process will encompass and supersede the ongoing Version 3.3 specification development process to add optional connected criteria.

The Draft 1, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Water Heater Product Specification reflects changes to keep the ENERGY STAR specification in line with products on offer in the market. Revising the specification serves key market players by providing a nationally available efficiency level that aligns with energy efficiency program sponsors’ need for program savings and ideally boosting market adoption of efficient models. Calculated savings associated with the proposed criteria are 2,544 kWh ($315) per year for electric water heaters under 55 gallons, and 466 kWh ($58) per year for electric water heaters 55 gallons or greater. The national electric savings potential for electric water heaters is 87 TWh per year, or $10.8 billion. Recognizing electric heat pump water heaters already reflect the lowest energy use for the service delivered, this revision will not substantially affect the number of ENERGY STAR models available to consumers. EPA considered raising levels for gas storage and gas instantaneous water heaters as well, but was unable to find higher levels with compelling savings or consumer payback. 
In addition, EPA seeks to simplify and rationalize a specification that has become complicated by the piecewise transition from EF to UEF metrics. As proposed in the Version 3.3 Draft 2, the EF criteria have been moved to Appendix A. Products sold only in Canada may still certify using EF, but all products sold in the U.S. must certify with UEF. EPA is also updating the solar water heater criteria to reflect the upcoming SUEF metric as proposed in the Solar Ratings and Certification Corporation’s draft revision to the ICC 900/SRCC 300-2020 Solar Thermal System Standard, Appendix A: Solar Uniform Energy Factor Procedure for Solar Water Heating Systems.

The Draft 2 Test Method to Validate Demand Response incorporates updates based on comments received in response to the publication of the Draft 1 Test Method to Validate Demand Response and the Draft 2, Version 3.3 ENERGY STAR Water Heater Product Specification. Updates were also proposed based on testing water heaters with connected capabilities to the Draft 1 Test Method. The Draft 1 Version 4.0 specification also contains minor modifications to the connected criteria in response to comments received on the Version 3.3 specification. More details can be found in note boxes throughout the specification.

EPA will hold a webinar to discuss the proposed criteria and test method on November 11th from 3:00-5:00pm ET; please RSVP here for the specification and test method webinar. We encourage stakeholder feedback on the Draft 1, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Water Heater Product Specification and the Draft 2 Test Method to Validate Demand Response. Please submit any comments to by December 9, 2020. Based on current circumstances, this comment period has been extended to 6 weeks. 

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA,, or 202-343-9375 and Julia Hegarty at ICF, or 202-862-1163. Please direct test procedure questions to Catherine Rivest at DOE, or 202-586-7335.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 


Abigail Daken

ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 4.0 Water Heaters Specification
ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 4.0 Water Heaters Data Package
Draft 2 ENERGY STAR Connected Residential Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Demand Response
ENERGY STAR Draft 2 Version 3.3 Water Heaters Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the Draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.0 specification in September 2020. Comments are due October 29th, 2020 and may be submitted to

All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9.0 product development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments remain confidential.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher product specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources in an effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

The Version 3.0 requirements will become effective on July 27, 2021. ENERGY STAR certified commercial dishwashers under the Version 3.0 specification will offer consumers, on average, energy savings of up to 17 percent. This specification establishes updated performance levels, including the introduction of a wash energy metric; recognizes products with innovative heat recovery technologies; and aligns with updated industry test methods, terms and definitions. If all commercial dishwashers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified to Version 3.0, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $230 million each year, and more than 4.3 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. 

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications, a limited topic proposal, and the final draft specification, two webinars, stakeholder meetings, and additional input from American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F26 committee participants and various other industry stakeholders. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the product development website.  

No changes were made from the final draft to the final specification that impact scope of eligible products or certification criteria under Sections 2 and 3, respectively. 

Key changes to the Version 3.0 specification since the final draft are summarized below.  Additional comments and responses can be found in the accompanying comment response document

  • Test Method References: In response to the final draft, a stakeholder requested EPA refrain from finalizing the specification until the referenced test method revisions were approved by the ASTM F26 committee. With the recent approval of the methods, EPA is finalizing this specification making minor changes to align.  EPA adjusted the heat recovery machine definition; assumed system efficiency constant in the hot water energy offset equation (from 0.80 to 0.77), and updated the test method references in Table 3 of the V3.0 specification as: 
    • ASTM F1696-20, Standard Test Method for Energy Performance of Stationary-Rack, Door-Type Commercial Dishwashing Machines
    • ASTM F1920-20, Standard Test Method for Energy Performance of Rack Conveyor Commercial Dishwashing Machines
  • Heat Recovery Machine Requirement: Based on input from stakeholders, EPA has included the following footnote in Section 1.D.a. of the final specification, clarifying that in order to meet the heat recovery machine definition and for purposes of applying the offset equation, the machine may not exceed 5% hot water supply: 
    • If at any point during the wash and rinse cycles hot water is supplied to the machine, it is part of the allotted maximum 5% volume, which includes top-off or make-up water to replenish the tank due to evaporation or other residual losses.

Timeline and Next Steps: 

EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to 
the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest 
requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following 

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 3.0 requirements. 
  • On March 11, 2021, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until July 27, 2021.
  • Any Commercial Dishwasher products manufactured as of July 27, 2021, must meet Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 2.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 3.0 to EPA.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient commercial dishwashers. If you have any questions or concerns about the specification or partnership process, please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial dishwasher related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best regards,

Tanja Crk, Product Manager 
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service

Commercial Dishwashers Final Version 3.0 Specification
Commercial Dishwashers Final Draft Version 3.0 Comment Response Matrix
Commercial Dishwashers Final Version 3.0 Data Packet  

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties,

Recognizing the potential grid benefit and customer convenience of room air conditioners with connected capabilities, and in response to stakeholder requests to reduce the complexity of testing of such products, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the ENERGY STAR testing requirements for room air conditioners with connected functionality with the intention of encouraging more models to be certified as ENERGY STAR. This proposed amendment will not impact currently certified products.

As demonstrated for federally regulated products like central air conditioners and heat pumps, an alternative method for certification can be a viable path when different models are available with similar components and programing. For room air conditioner, EPA is proposing to allow manufacturers and brand owners the option to certify models as having connected functionality through an Alternative Demand Response Validation (ADRV). Manufacturers and brand owners with at least two models certified with connected functionality may forego demand response validation testing for new models by using an ADRV. The ADRV is a set of parameters developed and proposed by the manufacturer that predicts a basic model’s ability to meet the demand response portion of the connected criteria. These paraments can include, but are not limited to hardware and software documentation, connection types and capabilities, and computer simulations.

Proposed Changes to the Test Requirements Section

5) Test Requirements:
* * * * *

D. Compliance with connected functionality requirements, as specified in Section 4, shall be demonstrated through examination of product and/or product documentation.

E. Compliance of a basic model with demand response functionality (section 4.G.) shall be:

a. Validated by testing using the ENERGY STAR Test Method for Room Air Conditioners to Validate Demand Response (June 2017) in order for a product to be listed as having connected functionality on the Qualified Product List, and to be eligible for any connected allowance.


b. Predicted via an Alternative Demand Response Validation (ADRV). An ADRV is developed based on the specific set of manufacturer-defined parameters from a minimum of (2) tested basic connected models (TBCMs) that have been tested according to the ENERGY STAR Test Method for Room Air Conditioners to Validate Demand Response (June 2017) and meet the demand response requirements of the connected criteria. Examples of these parameters can include, but are not limited to, hardware and software documentation, connection types and capabilities, and computer simulations. To use an ADRV for a model’s certification, the manufacturer shall submit 1) test data from the relevant TBCM, and 2) a short memo to the certifying body stating their intent to use an ADRV to meet the demand response portion of testing requirements and explaining how the TBCM test data is relevant to the model for certification.

i.  A TBCM manufactured by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and sold across different brands and brand owners may be used to support an ADRV across those brands.

ii.  Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the ADRV. Models certified based on an ADRV will be subject to verification testing based on the ENERGY STAR Test Method for Room Air Conditions to Validate Demand Response.

In recognition of advances in connected functionality in the market and to align with optional connected criteria in other ENERGY STAR specifications, EPA has made non-substantive updates to the connected criteria in the room air conditioner specification.

Given the current circumstances, EPA is extending the normal comment period deadline to allow stakeholders to provide any comments.  If you have comments or concerns about this amendment, please submit them by December 7, 2020 to  Please direct any specific questions to or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump (CAC/HP) specification and the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump Controls Verification Procedure (CVP). Stakeholders may submit comments on the final draft to EPA no later than November 19, 2020. EPA plans to finalize this Version 6.0 CAC/HP specification before the end of 2020.

With the Version 6.0 revision, EPA seeks to recognize products that have both excellent efficiency and advanced design features, including those products with connected and installation capabilities as well as cold climate heat pumps. This draft has considered stakeholder feedback and incorporates some changes to ensure that the specification reflects an appropriate subset of the market in 2023. EPA is maintaining the proposed effective date of January 1, 2023 to allow manufacturers time to adjust to the regulatory changes that will occur on that date. However, EPA notes that as for all revisions, products may certify to the new version as soon as it is final.  For CAC/HP, EPA has made specific provisions to allow products to certify immediately to the Cold Climate and Connected designations as they are able.

Final Draft Summary
The Final Draft Version 6.0 includes changes from the Draft 2 proposal that are in line with stakeholder feedback. In accordance with stakeholder concerns, EPA revised SEER2 criteria for all categories and the HSPF2 criteria in some cases to allow for a wider range of models to certify and reduce the cost of an ENERGY STAR certified unit. These changes are reflected in the revised Final Draft Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/HP Data Package, which contains updated savings and payback periods.

EPA continues to see the value in having climate specific criteria for heat pumps, but in line with comments received on both the Draft 2 specification and the CVP, seeks to reduce the burden of certification and clarify when tested data is needed. For currently available units that certify early, the low ambient performance criteria can be met, and the Cold Climate designation earned, through use of application data, and the CVP will not be required until January 1, 2023. Certification via Appendix M metrics will be allowed until twelve months before the specification effective date. As of January 1, 2022, certification must be made with Appendix M1 and the CVP will be required for units to gain the Cold Climate designation. Products that certify early to the Version 6.0 specification shall submit the appropriate metrics per Appendix M1 by January 1, 2023 to remain certified, including the low ambient performance criteria and CVP for Cold Climate heat pumps.

Additionally, EPA has removed the requirement that all products must have staged or variable capacities for the Version 6.0 specification. EPA remains confident there is value in having units that offer two or more capacities for most installations and will continue to support those programs that are interested in promoting those units. However, the efficiency criteria will provide sufficient exclusivity for the Version 6.0 specification.

No major changes are proposed to the Connected Criteria or the Installation Capabilities, although some adjustments to the language and format of those sections have been made. More details regarding all changes described above are included in note boxes throughout the specification document.

Controls Verification Procedure
The final draft version of the CVP includes changes from the draft that are in line with stakeholder feedback. All references to the DOE Appendix M test procedure have been removed as the final draft specification proposes that the CVP not be required prior to January 1, 2022.

EPA has revised its definition for Native Controls to clarify the literature hierarchy for determining settings, as well as the type of indoor unit thermostat to be paired with the unit under test. EPA is aware of performance differences that may result from variable-speed systems being tested with a thermostat that is not specifically designed for use with that system. For this reason, EPA has specified that a lab-standardized thermostat control is only to be used for single and two-stage equipment. Units that are intended for use with a communicating thermostat shall be tested with the thermostat shipped with the system or that is specified by the manufacturer as the most common application for that unit.

Additionally, EPA has restructured the Test Procedure section of the CVP to more explicitly reference the defrost cycle and to clarify the application of steady-state tolerances vs dynamic equilibrium criteria. The adjustment procedure for units having a variable-speed compressor has been left unchanged, other than to clarify the optional nature of the procedure as an additional step for systems to obtain Energy Star Cold Climate Heat Pump certification.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders may provide written comments for EPA consideration to by November 19, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163.  For test procedure inquiries, please contact Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, at or 202-586-7335. Thank you for taking the time to review these Final Draft documents. I look forward to continuing working with you.

Abigail Daken, Product Manager

Final Draft Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Specification
Final Draft Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Data Package
Final Draft Controls Verification Procedure
Draft 2 Version 6.0 and CVP ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of November 2, 2020, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new storage products to the Version 1.1 specification and may only certify storage products to the Version 2.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing storage product certifications to the Version 1.1 specification until March 15, 2021. After this date, only storage products certified to the Version 2.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified storage products to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Computers Program Requirements is October 15, 2020. On this date, only products certified to Version 8.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 8.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 8.0 certified Computers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 1 Specification on September 17th. Comments are due October 29th, 2020 and may be submitted to
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the Draft 1 specification and address stakeholder questions on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC



News You Can Use

Relevant Standards

ENERGY STAR SHEMS on the (Virtual) Road


Throughout the summer, the Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) team has worked closely with potential partners to help guide them towards certification. While some potential partners have been delayed by COVID-19, we anticipate that the program will have certified several systems by the end of the year, bringing ENERGY STAR SHEMS to homes across the country.

Interested service provider partners can find out about certifying their SHEMS packages by viewing the resources on the SHEMS for Partners page.

•  Past Webinars

•  Frequently Asked Questions

•  Key Product Criteria

•  Version 1.0 specification

Certification Bodies

•  UL Verification Services Inc

News You Can Use

Smarter Households

Over 41.3 million American households currently have at least one smart home device. By 2024, this number is expected to grow rapidly, reaching over 61 million households. Of those, 45 million are expected to include devices for energy management. Read More

SHEMS in California Law

California’s Statewide Utility Codes and Standards Team is recommending that key requirements of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS program be used as the basis for a HEMS credit under the state’s Energy Code starting in 2023, or sooner. Read more

Study Reveals Smart Lighting Savings

A recent study from National Grid and TRC Companies found that adding room level occupancy controls on top of basic whole-home occupancy doubles the additional lighting energy savings from a HEMS – smart lamp integration. Together, geofencing and room-level controls provide an additional 34% energy savings relative to an LED retrofit for an estimated total savings per bulb of 45.8 kWh per year. Please contact Brad Piper,, for more information.

ENERGY STAR SHEMS On The (Virtual) Road


In case you missed it, an ENERGY STAR SHEMS paper and presentation recording were featured in the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study in August 2020. This paper discusses bundling consumer interest with energy savings and provides an in-depth understanding of the drivers and market actors for the ENERGY STAR SHEMS program. The full paper is titled "Bundling energy savings with consumer interest in smart homes," and can be found here along with a short 20-minute presentation recording.

ENERGY STAR SHEMS is one of the "Top Five Residential Technical Market Opportunities" examined during a presentation at the 2020 American Lighting Association (ALA) Residential Lighting Symposium which replaces the ALA Annual Conference this year. The session features Terry McGowan, ALA’s Director of Engineering & Technology, and is scheduled for online presentation from 2:30 – 3:45 P.M. CST on Wednesday, September 16. The recording will be viewable to registrants (including non-ALA members) after the session concludes.


Save the date! The 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will be held virtually from October 27-29 and will feature dedicated SHEMS content in two sessions:

SHEMS Pilots Update: Get the latest updates from utilities and supporting service providers that are conducting pilots and programs that intersect with the ENERGY STAR smart home energy management systems specification. Speakers will discuss key insights on automated energy savings and consumer engagement and education from pilots across the country. Insights will touch on consumer segmentation such as low income and multi-family and cover successful leveraging of partnerships and utility marketplaces.

SHEMS Pitch Party: Looking for innovative new ideas in the smart home energy management space? Join us for a series of short pitches covering topics from integration with distributed energy resources to messaging strategies for security and consumer privacy. Speakers include service providers working toward ENERGY STAR certification, device manufacturers, and researchers.

Register for free and review this 3-minute overview of the virtual meeting platform!


How Smart Homes Could Benefit from Energy Management Systems

"A program like this [ENERGY STAR SHEMS] could be vital for saving consumers money through smart energy management, particularly as residents become more educated about ongoing home maintenance costs, the total cost of homeownership, and have the desire to keep utility bills low."

-National Association of Home Builders. June 1, 2020.

Relevant Standards

New Standards for Submetering Devices

Electrical energy monitoring and management starts with measuring it. Submeters provide details of energy and associated quantities for monitoring or revenue submetering for a variety of applications including SHEMS. In order for the measured energy to be useful in energy management, it should meet certain levels of accuracy. The National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) is a trade association of electrical equipment manufacturers and maintains relevant standards. The NEMA Submetering Product Section has published two standards, NEMA ESM1-1 and ESM1-2, to begin addressing these needs. These standards are part of an emerging series of electrical submetering standards.

•ESM1-1 2019 Electrical Submeter - General Requirements document covers the common definition and requirements for all ESM1 documents.

•ESM1-2 2019 Electrical Submeter - Active Energy Accuracy standard covers metrological requirements for regular AC submeters.

They are available for free download here: ESM1-1 and ESM1-2.

Looking forward to helping our future get energy smart together! Have SHEMS insights to share from a pilot or research? Please contact or Taylor Jantz-Sell at

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a revision of the ENERGY STAR specification for televisions and releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 1 Specification for stakeholder review. EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to present details of the Draft 1 specification and address stakeholder questions on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time. If you wish to attend this meeting, please register here.

Since Version 8.0’s release in February 2018, EPA has participated in efforts to test a significant number of current TV models and has monitored international test procedure developments. This work has brought to light challenges with the current approach to testing and recognizing TVs, including:

  • Using a metric that encourages TVs to employ dim backlight settings;
  • Setting requirements for only one Preset Picture Setting, which may not persist in the home; and
  • Testing luminance by measuring a center-screen point with the 3-bar pattern, which is not reflective of viewer perceived luminance while viewing typical content.

As a result, EPA is now proposing use of performance-based criteria to encourage more efficient product design through the adoption of efficient components (e.g., LEDs, films, power supplies, etc.) and energy saving features (e.g., local dimming). The key features of the V9.0 approach are summarized below and described in more detail later in this letter. Version 9.0:

  • Leverages a performance-based metric that encourages designs that produce light more efficiently;
  • Requires the use of camera equipment to measure light averaged across the entire screen during dynamic video play (as opposed to a center-screen point measurement), resulting in a new metric called Dynamic Luminance;
  • Evaluates TV performance in multiple SDR and HDR Preset Picture Settings; and
  • Evaluates TVs with multicast traffic present on network, with and without smart speakers.

Version 9.0 Test Procedures
To the extent that the Department of Energy (DOE) requires use of the Federal Test Procedure, EPA plans to collect and post associated test results on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder. Under Version 9.0, TVs will be certified based on measurements from additional testing that EPA proposes for On Mode and measurements from both the Federal Test Procedure and additional proposed tests for Standby Mode. These additional tests were developed in consultation with DOE, in collaboration with NEEA, and have been recognized by a handful of industry and NGO stakeholders as solving some of today’s more daunting TV testing issues. The On Mode test procedures that EPA proposes for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification will measure performance/watt in commonly used preset picture settings. These tests and resulting performance-based criteria are based on the results from testing over 100, mostly 4K, TV models with automated test equipment. The tests require the use of camera equipment to measure light averaged across the entire screen during dynamic video play (as opposed to a center-screen point measurement), resulting in a new metric called dynamic luminance. EPA believes that dynamic luminance measurements will better reflect the levels of light and degree of luminance uniformity that a typical viewer experiences.

EPA also proposes that automatic brightness control (ABC) and Motion Detection Dimming (MDD) remain disabled during the additional tests for ENERGY STAR certification. Testing with MDD disabled aligns with the provisional direction of the IEC MT62087 test procedure. EPA does recognize the potential saving opportunities that a well-programed ABC feature can deliver to consumers. As a result, EPA is following the development of the updated approach towards ABC testing in MT62087 and will evaluate whether to include ABC-based metrics in future ENERGY STAR TV program requirements.

The proposed tests require that the TV be tested in three commonly selected preset picture settings: SDR default, SDR brightest, and HDR default. Current research shows that a majority of devices are either left in their default setting or have been put into their brightest preset picture setting. As a result, testing in both settings captures typical use and addresses the preset picture setting that is often the most energy consuming. In addition, with broadcast TV transitioning to HDR, the HDR10 PPS is expected to be much more commonly used in the near future and well within the lifetime of TVs sold today.

In addition to Standby Mode requirements based on the Federal Test Procedure, EPA proposes testing to measure standby power with Multicast DNS requests present on the network. EPA has observed that a significant number of smart TVs use more power (e.g. > 10 watts) in Standby-Active, Low Mode when configured to allow wake-by-voice commands via smart speaker. Furthermore, other smart TVs experience a similar increase in standby power when Multicast DNS requests are present on the network, with or without a smart speaker connection. Use of streaming media services (e.g. YouTube, Spotify) creates this type of network traffic. As a result, EPA believes this testing and the standby mode criteria will encourage efficient integration with smart speakers.

Updated Certification Criteria
EPA proposes On Mode criteria based on proposed additional test procedure measurements of three picture settings (default, brightest, and HDR):

  • An efficiency limit based on screen area and measured luminance; and
  • A power cap based on screen area (to provide a mechanism to limit extremely bright backlight settings, which are not constrained by the efficiency limit alone).

An Adjustment Factor is applied to the On Mode criteria to account for the power requirement differences innate to technologies that produce different screen resolutions. Today’s market for televisions has evolved to consist of several standard resolutions; as such, EPA is providing adjustment factors for HD (1080p), 4K, and 8K resolution formats since they represent the majority of TV sales. In addition, as consumers have come to desire products that deliver an enhanced viewing experience, technologies have emerged to produce content with exceptionally high contrast ratios. The Agency acknowledges that these different formats and technologies have inherently different energy requirements and has developed the criteria proposed in Draft 1 accordingly.

The above criteria eliminate the need for today’s minimum luminance requirements, allowing for a wide range of luminance settings while ensuring that luminance is provided efficiently. In doing so, this approach provides manufacturers more flexibility and an incentive to deliver light efficiently (i.e., more efficient TVs can be brighter than less efficient TVs).

Lastly, EPA proposes standby mode criteria based on both the Federal Test Procedure and the proposed additional standby tests.

Upcoming Webinar
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Stakeholder participation is key to the ENERGY STAR specification development process and is strongly encouraged. EPA plans to hold a webinar on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time to discuss the Draft 1 Version 9.0 specification. To participate in this webinar, please register here to attend.

Given the current circumstances, EPA is extending the normal comment period deadline to allow stakeholders to provide any comments on the Version 9.0 Draft 1 Specification no later than October 29, 2020. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the Version 9.0 TVs Specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. Stakeholder engagement is vital to the ENERGY STAR program and EPA looks forward to further work with stakeholders in the development of the TVs Version 9.0 specification.

Please contact me at (202) 564-8538 or, or Emmy Feldman at (202) 862-1145 or, with questions or to share feedback for this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Best Regards,

James Kwon, EPA Product Manager
ENERGY STAR for Consumer Electronics

ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 TVs Draft 1 Data Package

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has published the revised SNIA Emerald™ Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V4.0, which is referenced by the ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Specification Version 2.0.

These revisions in the SNIA specification include updates to the Storage Taxonomy for Solid State Storage-based systems, other taxonomy clarifications, and minor changes to the testing process and reporting requirements.

The SNIA Green Storage Technical Work Group (TWG) and Green Storage Initiative (GSI) will deliver a 2-hour training webinar oriented toward Emerald testers detailing the updates made in Version 4.0.

Information on the webinar can be found below:

Webinar: SNIA Emerald™ V4.0 Training
Date and Time: September 16, 2020, 3:00 - 5:00 PM ET 

To register: Please send an email no later than September 4th, 2020 with your name, title, email address, and company name to There is no fee to register or attend the training. Webinar details will be emailed in advance of the webinar.

The webinar will cover:

  • Pre-requisite assumptions of the webinar
  • Changes in SNIA Emerald™ Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V4.0 from V3.0.3
  • Detailed overview of the revised V4.0 Storage Taxonomy
  • Overview of the timeline for ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage V2.0

For more information about the SNIA Green Storage TWG and GSI, please visit and

Questions about this webinar can be directed to

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR and we look forward to seeing you there!

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has published the revised SNIA Emerald™ Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V4.0, which is referenced by the ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Specification Version 2.0.

These revisions in the SNIA specification include updates to the Storage Taxonomy for Solid State Storage-based systems, other taxonomy clarifications, and minor changes to the testing process and reporting requirements.

The SNIA Green Storage Technical Work Group (TWG) and Green Storage Initiative (GSI) will deliver a 2-hour training webinar oriented toward Emerald testers detailing the updates made in Version 4.0.

Information on the webinar can be found below:

Webinar: SNIA Emerald™ V4.0 Training
Date and Time: September 16, 2020, 3:00 - 5:00 PM ET 

To register: Please send an email no later than September 4th, 2020 with your name, title, email address, and company name to There is no fee to register or attend the training. Webinar details will be emailed in advance of the webinar.

The webinar will cover:

  • Pre-requisite assumptions of the webinar
  • Changes in SNIA Emerald™ Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V4.0 from V3.0.3
  • Detailed overview of the revised V4.0 Storage Taxonomy
  • Overview of the timeline for ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage V2.0

For more information about the SNIA Green Storage TWG and GSI, please visit and

Questions about this webinar can be directed to

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR and we look forward to seeing you there!

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the draft of the proposed 2021 criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in June 2020. Comments are due August 7th, 2020 and may be submitted to

All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Criteria Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machine Partners:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind vending machine partners that as of April 29, 2020 only vending machines that meet the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine product specification may be certified as ENERGY STAR and only these units will appear on the ENERGY STAR certified product list.

Already two leadership partners have certified eight models which are listed on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder. Rebates for ENERGY STAR Vending machines are available in territories served by PPL, ComEd, Vectren, and El Paso Electric as well as across Nebraska through a statewide loan fund. 

These energy saving models are in good company. Americans purchased more than 300 million ENERGY STAR certified products and more than 300 million ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs in 2018, for an estimated annual market value of more than $100 billion. 

In 2018 alone, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped Americans save nearly 430 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and avoid $35 billion in energy costs, with associated emission reductions of 330 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, 220,000 short tons of sulfur dioxide, 210,000 short tons of nitrogen oxides, and 23,000 short tons of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). 

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. Please visit the ENERGY STAR website for details on the process for certifying models to the Version 4.0 requirements.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Location: Washington DC

This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the first draft of proposed requirements for DC-output EVSE in June 2020.  Comments are due July 27th, 2020 and may be submitted to

All comments received will be posted to the Version 1.1 EVSE specification development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. Stakeholder engagement is vital to the ENERGY STAR program and EPA looks forward to further work with stakeholders in the development of the EVSE Version 1.1 specification. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) Stakeholders,

As a reminder, we are seeking proposals from stakeholders who want to present their ENERGY STAR SHEMS-related ideas and expertise at the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! We are looking for:

  • Insights from SHEMS-related pilots. Pilots of interest should be leveraging systems that align with the ENERGY STAR criteria even if not yet certified, and may be planned, in progress, or completed.
  • Pitches regarding ENERGY STAR SHEMS-related projects or products. Find support for your ideas for groundbreaking smart home device integrations, service offerings, or pilot programs!

Interested in presenting? Contact with a brief description of your role and presentation topic by July 8.

This year’s meeting will be held from October 27-29, 2020 and will be held virtually if social distancing persists. Otherwise, the meeting will take place in Denver, CO. Check for updates and more information.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency would like to share an amendment to the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment (IE) specification, a proposed minor expansion of scope which EPA intends to publish as a Version 3.1 specification once finalized. Currently certified products are not affected.

Based on recent discussions with partners, EPA is proposing to add remanufactured imaging equipment to the scope of the specification. EPA proposes to allow for certification of remanufactured imaging products if they meet the enclosed definition and the same eligibility criteria as a corresponding new model.  Further, they must also make use of a unique model number, allowing for differentiation from a new model.  This approach enables models that bring the additional environmental benefit realized by avoiding the energy and other resources used in making a new model to be certified as ENERGY STAR.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on this proposed amendment. Given the current circumstances, EPA is allowing extra time for ENERGY STAR comments.  Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by July 27, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Materials associated with this amendment are posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this amendment. For other imaging equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
   EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

   Draft, Version 3.1 Specification

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2021 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for twelve product categories and the EPA cover memo. The proposed criteria for Dishwashers and Televisions will be shared with stakeholders in the coming months. EPA will not recognize Boilers as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient in 2021.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, July 15th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2021 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will feature two sessions with dedicated SHEMS content. This year’s meeting will take place Tuesday, October 27 – Thursday, October 29, 2020, in Denver, Colorado. In the event that social distancing persists, we are designing the meeting so we can convene virtually over the same dates. Please hold October 27 – 29 for ENERGY STAR, and we will keep you posted on our plans as the dates get closer.

We are seeking proposals from stakeholders who want to present their ENERGY STAR SHEMS-related ideas and expertise at Partner Meeting! We are looking for:

  • Insights from SHEMS-related pilots. Pilots of interest should be leveraging systems that align with the ENERGY STAR criteria even if not yet certified, and may be planned, in progress, or completed.
  • Pitches regarding ENERGY STAR SHEMS-related projects or products. Find support for your ideas for groundbreaking smart home device integrations, service offerings, or pilot programs!

Interested in presenting? Contact with a brief description of your role and presentation topic by July 8.

Location: Newsletter

Welcome to ENERGY STAR’s inaugural HVAC newsletter. This newsletter will showcase what’s new and upcoming with ENERGY STAR air source heat pumps, s mart t hermostats, c entral a ir c onditioning, r oom ACs, and beyond. By updating our partners quarterly, our goal is to keep an open channel of communication that emphasizes education, collaboration, and above all, saving energy!Welcome to ENERGY STAR’s inaugural HVAC newsletter. This newsletter will showcase what’s new and upcoming with ENERGY STAR air source heat pumps, s mart t hermostats, c entral a ir c onditioning, r oom ACs, and beyond. By updating our partners quarterly, our goal is to keep an open channel of communication that emphasizes education, collaboration, and above all, saving energy!

Smart Thermostats

ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats span 17 brands and 56 different models. A rapidly spreading technology, smart thermostats witnessed sales of 7.5 million units in 2018, compared to 6.5 million in 2017. As of 2018, the market penetration for ENERGY STAR smart thermostats was 58% for all thermostats due to enormous support from over 40 utilities nationwide that offer rebates. With the versatility, ease of installation, and ability to control the temperature in your home from anywhere, an ENERGY STAR smart thermostat is the simple choice for your home.

Federal Tax Credits Extended

The Non-Business Energy Property Tax Credits have been extended through 12/31/2020. Air source heat pumps and central air conditioners that are ENERGY STAR certified and are installed in a primary residence meet the requirements for this tax credit of up to $300. Additional details can be found here.

Product Development:

EPA is in revising the metric used to determine product qualification for connected thermostats. If you’re interested in participating in upcoming connected thermostat metric development meetings, please email to be added to the list. A list of documents related to the development of the metric can be found here.

New and Upcoming with HVAC

The ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps Specification Version 6.0 is currently under development . Materials related to this revision process are here. The current timeline is below:

Tech Spotlight: Integrated Controls

The energy and cost savings associated with airsource heat pumps are no secret, but utilization remains low in cold weather climates due to performance concerns. Now with integrated controls, homes that are heated with oil or propane can utilize a heat pump in conjunction with their existing heating system to maximize comfort and cost savings. Integrated controls work by automatically switching between systems based on the outdoor temperature, allowing homes to utilize highly efficient heating when practical, and traditional heating when that’s not quite enough.

New on

  • HVAC guide/ calculator – The ENERGY STAR Heating and Cooling Guide help consumers navigate an HVAC equipment upgrade that will save energy, save money, and help protect the climate.
  • HVAC Product Finder – The newly available HVAC Product Finder is an easy to use resource identify the brands that offer ENERGY STAR certified equipment. If you know the size range you need, you can see which model series that have ENERGY STAR options could work for you.

Social Media Engagement Opportunities

A big thank you to all partners who were able to participate in the ENERGY STAR Earth Day campaign in April. The support was overwhelming, especially considering the difficult circumstances, and we were inspired by the engagement. For those who want to get or stay involved, ENERGY STAR will be promoting HVAC and Smart Thermostats through our cooling campaign all summer long.

Helpful links for partners

      •     Product Finder

      •     Rebate Finder

      •     Federal Tax Credit Information

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholders:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Final Draft Specification. This final draft addresses stakeholder feedback on the previously released Draft 2 specification, the subsequent Draft 2 stakeholder webinar held on October 22, 2019, and the limited topic proposal that was published on March 4, 2020. EPA plans on publishing the Final Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Specification no later than August 10, 2020 with an effective date of May 24, 2021.

Through the limited topic proposal and extensive discussion with stakeholders, EPA vetted a means of offsetting the energy used by heat recovery machines.  EPA’s proposal received broad support and the Agency has carried this proposal into the final draft. In response to Draft 2, stakeholders suggested, and EPA has included, a footnote acknowledging the difference in water consumption measurements outlined in NSF versus ASTM test methods. Lastly, EPA received requests for clarifications to definitions and the idle energy efficiency requirements, all of which are addressed in the final draft.  EPA has noted these changes and the Agency’s rationale with note boxes throughout the specification and has also attached a comment response matrix for the Draft 2 Specification and Limited Topic Proposal.

Comment Submittal
Remaining stakeholder comments regarding the Version 3.0 Final Draft Specification may be submitted no later than July 13, 2020 to

As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.

Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial dishwasher related questions, please contact commercialdishwashers@energystar.go

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Final Draft Specification
Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Draft 2 Comment Matrix
Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Limited Topic Proposal Comment Matrix

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Newsletter

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners and industry colleagues,

Thanks to your continued hard work and support, we have seen tremendous growth in ENERGY STAR certified Electric Vehicle Chargers. We continue to add new partners and products to the list of certified products and our list now represents a significant portion of the Level 2 EV charging market.

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide partners, stakeholders, and interested parties with helpful EV charger resources and to update you on ENERGY STAR Program plans and activities. We will distribute the newsletter twice a year, and we hope the content informs you about important updates related to ENERGY STAR EV chargers. In this edition, we will highlight opportunities to engage with electric vehicle leaders across the nation, remind everyone of key upcoming deadlines, and provide tools for making the most of your ENERGY STAR partnership.

We appreciate you being a part of this program and we are excited to share additional specification updates and highlights from upcoming industry events in our next communication.

Peter Banwell

Welcome ENERGY STAR Electric Vehicle Charging Partners!
Thank you to all our participating partners, both existing and new! We recently welcomed new partners, including BTCPower, Flo, Nuvve, and Tellus.

Existing partners are taking several approaches to reach customers with the ENERGY STAR message. From social media to digital advertising, we appreciate the many ways you participated to help more consumers save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by choosing ENERGY STAR certified products. For the most up to date ENERGY STAR EV Charging news and resources, check out our updated webpage!  

Earth Day Recap
April 22nd marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and the ENERGY STAR Program celebrated by featuring the combined benefits of energy efficiency and green power as the path toward a clean energy future and a healthier environment. 

In case you missed it, check out the Earth Day video, which featured EV images. Dozens of ENERGY STAR partners, including several of our ENERGY STAR EV charging partners, joined with EPA by sharing the video on social media!

 Partner Corner

Save the Date: 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

Mark your calendars - the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is scheduled to take place either as a virtual meeting or in Denver, CO from October 27-29, 2020. Join product partners from around the country to discuss the latest market insights, new energy efficiency program models, and cutting-edge technology.

The EV Chargers team is planning to host several sessions that dive into important industry topics. A link to the 2019 session presentation can be found here.

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is a rare opportunity to meet with utilities, implementers, manufacturers, and retailers - all in one place! Stay tuned for additional information.

Stay in the Loop!

Update your information within 30 days of a change of contact status to ensure you receive important crespondence from ENERGY STAR, such as information on the annual unit shipment data requirement or

ENERGY STAR Specification Updates

EPA is in the process of revising and expanding criteria for EV chargers. There are several goals to this process: 1) Expand the product coverage beyond Level 2 to include DC “fast” and “high power” models. 2) Provide stakeholders (state agencies, utilities, etc.) with a uniform test method for energy efficiency. 3) Develop networking criteria that reflects emerging standards and communications protocols (price signals, demand response, billing and payments, etc.).

EPA released an ENERGY STAR Final Draft Test Method for DC EV chargers in September 2019 and expects to release Draft 1 criteria shortly. Stakeholder participation is encouraged.  Click here to be added to the distribution list for future documents.

In addition, the Draft 1 will include changes to the existing connected/networked requirements for AC Level 2 Units. EPA is proposing new requirements for:  

  • Scheduling of charging sessions.
  • Remote management capabilities.
  • Definitions of demand response signals that the EV charger should support

Draft requirements can be found here. EPA is interested in comments on these criteria, here

Data Request:
Your engagement is critical to the success of this program. Manufacturers and other stakeholders are invited to continue providing test data for current DC EV charging models, using the data assembly form, for inclusion in the data set that informs the specification criteria. EPA will release subsequent drafts for stakeholder review and comment in the coming months as EPA and anticipates a final specification for DC EV chargers will be released and go into effect in Fall 2020.
Back to Top

What We've Been Up To...nterested in the following recent webinars featuring ENERGY STAR EV chargers:

New & Updated Resources

Contact List:

Product Testing and Laboratory Procedures
Brian Krausz, EPA ENERGY STAR Program

Emmy Feldman, ICF

Partnership and Marketing
Peter Banwell, EPA ENERGY STAR Program

State and Electric Utility Programs:
Stacy Noblet, ICF

ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency.
For more than 25 years, EPA's ENERGY STAR Program has been America's resource for saving energy and protecting the environment. Join the millions making a difference at today.

Location: Washington DC

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the Version 1.1 amendment to the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment (LNE) specification. This amendment expands the scope to allow products with more than 40Gb/s ports to certify as ENERGY STAR. EPA has updated the reference to the Generalized Internal Power Supply Efficiency Test Protocol in Section 3.2.3 to align with the reference in Section 3.2.2 in response to a stakeholder comment.  EPA was also asked to raise the IPS efficiency requirement to 80Plus Gold.  While out of scope for an amendment, EPA will consider this comment when next revising this specification. EPA received no further comment on the proposed amendment.  Large Network Equipment products previously certified to Version 1.0 are not affected by this change.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other LNE related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
ENERGY STAR LNE Version 1.1 Final Specification

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft 1 Version 3.0  ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Product Specification, and plans to host a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, June 24, 2019 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST to outline the Draft 1 specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register at this link by Monday, June 22, 2020

For assistance with registering for the Draft 1 webinar, or to provide comments to the Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification, please contact For specific questions about the specification, please contact Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163.  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Cooler Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1 Version 3.0  ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Product Specification.  This draft includes proposals in response to stakeholder feedback on the previously released discussion guide. The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 1 specification is Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The ENERGY STAR program helps businesses and individuals save money and protect the environment by identifying products with superior energy efficiency. EPA monitors market and technology developments, looking for opportunities to increase market adoption of products that meet consumer demands while offering great energy performance. The ENERGY STAR specification development process is an opportunity to review the current specification (Version 2.0, in effect since 2014) for additional savings opportunities and update multiple sections for clarity, adjusting the scope and criteria as needed. EPA is launching the development of the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Cooler specification with proposed adjustments to the criteria to provide further differentiation where necessary, primarily in categories that use more energy in standby and that make up the bulk of ENERGY STAR sales.

Proposal Summary 
The changes proposed in the Draft 1 are summarized below. More details regarding these topics, EPA rationale, and specific requests for comment are included in note boxes throughout the draft specification.

  • Definitions: This draft includes a definition for “Hot, Cook, and Cold Units” to allow this category to be identified in the ENERGY STAR Product Finder. Adjustments have also been made to the definitions within the Water Source and Water Conditioning sections, to clarify which products should be recognized by each designation and reduce confusion regarding categorization in the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products List and in unit shipment data reported to EPA. The definition for “Compartment-type Water Cooler” has been removed as there does not appear to be a market presence for these units.
  • Scope: EPA is expanding the scope of the specification to include products that dispense sparkling, flavored, and alkaline water, in addition to hot and cold water. EPA excludes from scope water coolers that have provisions for making, storing, and dispensing small amounts of ice.
  • Certification Criteria: To continue to recognize the most efficient water coolers in each category, EPA is revising the criteria for Hot and Cold & Hot, Cook, and Cold Conditioned Storage units as these offer the greatest energy savings improvement per unit and also represent the majority of current ENERGY STAR shipments.
  • Test Modes: While the test method has not changed, additional sections are explicitly referenced in this draft to include a requirement that On Mode with Water Draw Performance (OMP) for Cold Water Draw and Hot Water Draw must be reported.
  • Alternative Refrigerants: EPA is interested in highlighting products that use alternative, low global warming potential (low-GWP) refrigerants across product categories and is requiring that water coolers report the refrigerant type and charge.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by Tuesday, July 14, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, June 24, 2019 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST to outline the Draft 1 specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register at this link by Monday, June 22, 2020

Please direct any specific questions to Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163.  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service, Vending, Water Coolers

Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Specification
Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Data Package

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or other Interested Stakeholder:

The purpose of this email is to notify you about an amendment the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making to the ENERGY STAR Lamps specification (V2.1). The change extends the allowance for worst-case testing of families with envelope finish differences to all lamp types. Further explanation is provided in this letter.   

This change will be posted effective on June 15, 2020. Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or concerns at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Taylor Jantz-Sell

ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. These Version 2.0 requirements will take effect March 15, 2021 and will recognize the top performing data center storage products on the market. This letter outlines the transition process.

EPA has made some minor editorial changes to the final specification at the request of stakeholders. This includes a slight adjustment to the capacity optimizing method (COM) definition more clearly align with the terminology used in the SNIA Emerald test method.  EPA also removed a sentence in the example under Table 8 and updated the test data requirements for scale up products. No other comments were offered.    

Version 2.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline: 

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 2.0 requirements.
  • After November 2, 2020, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to Version 1.1 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until March 15, 2021.
  • Any data center storage manufactured as of March 15, 2021, must meet the Version 2.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 1.1 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 2.0 to EPA.

On behalf of the EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revisions process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified data center storage. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Data Center Storage Version 2.0 Final Specification
Data Center Storage Version 2.0 Final Data Package


Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient consumer pages now reflect the appliances currently recognized for 2020, including clothes dryers, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers, and room air conditioners. ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognizes products that deliver cutting edge energy efficiency along with the latest in technological innovation. This award truly represents the best of ENERGY STAR.

Please check the website to see if your ENERGY STAR Most Efficient product is listed to ensure we are sharing the most up to date information with consumers. If not, please contact to work toward getting your product listed. You can also request the 2020 graphic files and guidelines for using the mark.

Additional information can be found on the 2020 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Criteria page. Take advantage of the 2020 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Sell Sheet to help your sales team communicate the benefits of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient appliances to your consumers.

Appliance Specification Updates

Room Air Cleaners: EPA released the Final Room Air Cleaner Specification on October 16, 2019, with an original effective date of July 17, 2020. In light of widespread and unanticipated supply chain disruptions, and in response to broad stakeholder concern, EPA is now delaying the effective date until October 17, 2020. As part of the specification revision, EPA also updated the ENERGY STAR room air cleaner disclaimer label. More information about this update and the labeling requirements can be found in the webinar slides EPA presented in October 2019. 

Dishwashers: EPA launched a specification revision for this category on March 10, 2020, and comments for Draft 1 were due May 18, 2020. If you are not already a dishwasher contact for your organization and would like to receive communications related to dishwashers, please update your contact information via MESA.

In 2020, EPA also anticipates launching new specification development efforts for microwaves and miscellaneous refrigeration products. If you are interested in receiving communications related to any of these products please fill in this form or send an email to with your name and indicate which products are of interest.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has become aware that clothes dryer cycles have increased in number and that settings have become much more adjustable since the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Specification Version 1 (“Version 1”) became effective on January 1, 2015. In response, EPA is clarifying the intention of the ENERGY STAR specification, that ENERGY STAR certified clothes dryers default back to the cycle and settings in which they were tested and that savings information for downloadable cycles be made available for consumers.

Since Version 1 went into effect, EPA has learned of the availability of functionalities that impact the clothes dryer cycles that are typically used. Consumers with clothes dryers that are Wi-Fi-enabled, or “smart,” are now able to download specialized cycles. Also, for some dryer models, consumers can change default settings for some cycles in ways that persist. Additionally, EPA has discovered that some clothes dryer models default to the last-used cycle upon next use. These shifts in functionality could mean that a clothes dryer is rarely run in the cycle in which it was tested and obtained ENERGY STAR certification, likely contrary to consumer expectations.

EPA makes clear its intent that the tested mode persists per the note under Section 3.B of Version 1, that products “provide consumers with a satisfactory experience in the tested mode so as to encourage continued use and consistently yield both savings and environmental benefit.”

Further, the Version 1 specification requires manufacturers to provide the specific cycle and setting selections on which the energy-use rating of a dryer is based in informational materials per Section 3.C.a. Guidance about cycles and settings that may use more or less energy than the tested cycle must also be provided to consumers per Section 3.C.b.; this requirement applies to cycles that are downloadable post-installation, as well.

EPA is clarifying its expectation that future clothes dryers certified to Version 1 perform in a manner consistent with its stated intent regarding the consistent use of the default or tested mode. Specifically, certified models should default to the cycle and settings in which the products were tested and obtained ENERGY STAR certification prior to each use. Further, partners are required to provide consumers with information on the energy implications of downloadable cycles. This clarification reflects EPA’s heightened interest and attention to this issue.

Please contact me at or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn at or (202) 862-1566 with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted an updated Data Package for the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification.

In response to requests, EPA is releasing an updated data package with additional information specific to the Draft 1 proposals. This updated data package includes an analysis of cleaning, drying, noise, cycle time, and consumer satisfaction for models that meet the Draft 1 proposed levels.

EPA is also extending the comment period deadline to Monday, May 18 in response to numerous stakeholder requests. Stakeholders can submit comments to up through this date. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 7.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests for his or her comments to remain confidential.
Please contact Ga-Young Park, EPA, at or (202) 564-1085, or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the proposed specification or data package.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machines Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Program Requirements is April 29, 2020. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 4 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 4.0 certified Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification and the ENERGY STAR Draft test method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this Final Draft specification. This specification will take effect on March 15, 2021.

EPA received broad stakeholder support in response to the Draft 2 released on February 19th along with modest comments requesting clarifying language in two instances and an update the test method notation to reflect the new Emerald Version 4.0.0 test method which this specification references. 

Given the current circumstances, EPA is giving stakeholders until May 14, 2020 to submit any remaining comments on this Final Draft specification to All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the storage product development website.

Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this specification revision. For other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Final Draft, Version 2.0
Draft Test Method

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the Final ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaner Specification on October 16, 2019, with an original effective date of July 17, 2020. In light of widespread and unanticipated supply chain disruptions, and in response to broad stakeholder concern, EPA is now delaying the effective date until October 17, 2020.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the Final ENERGY STAR Computer Version 8.0 Specification on October 15, 2019, with an original effective date of July 15, 2020. In light of widespread and unanticipated supply chain disruptions, and in response to broad stakeholder concern, EPA is now delaying the effective date until October 15, 2020

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. 

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® EVSE Partners, Certification Bodies and Laboratories,

To prepare for the inclusion of DC EVSE in the ENERGY STAR EVSE specification, this letter shares information about testing and certification of eligible models.

ENERGY STAR Certification Process Overview for Manufacturers/Product Brandowners
To earn the ENERGY STAR label, products must be certified by an EPA-recognized certification body (CB) based on testing in an EPA-recognized laboratory. This third-party certification program is now in effect for over 75 ENERGY STAR product categories. 

EPA-recognized laboratories test products according to the test methods referenced in ENERGY STAR specifications. EPA provides recognition to laboratories that are either accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by an EPA-recognized accreditation body or participate in a CB's witnessed or supervised manufacturers' testing laboratory (W/SMTL) program for the relevant ENERGY STAR test methods.

Upon certifying a product, the CB submits corresponding performance data to EPA, which is then displayed on the list of ENERGY STAR Certified Products and Product Finder tool online. The ENERGY STAR partner is responsible for any costs related to testing and certification. Certification costs will vary by certification body and are not dictated or influenced by EPA. More information about third-party certification is available here.

Options for testing DC EVSE
As of March 2020, it is EPA’s understanding that several third-party laboratories are capable of testing low-output AC chargers, but most lack capacity to test higher powered, DC EVSE. While third-party laboratories build capability to test high-powered DC EVSE, EPA is aware of several in-house laboratories that are currently equipped to perform this test.

As soon as the ENERGY STAR DC EVSE Test Method is finalized, enrolling an in-house lab as a witnessed or supervised manufacturer test laboratory through a recognized CB may present the best option for manufacturers until enough third-party labs gain accreditation to meet the demand. Currently UL Verification Services Inc., TUV SUD America, Inc., and Intertek Testing Services NA are recognized Certification Bodies for EVSE with approved W/SMTL programs. 

Laboratories planning to apply for EPA recognition for DC EVSE are encouraged to work with these CBs and/or have their scopes of accreditation updated to include the final test method as soon as it is available.

For questions regarding the ENERGY STAR certification process for EVSE, please contact,, or Brian Krausz (


Brian Krausz, ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/HP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump Controls Verification Procedure (CVP)  on April 1, 2020, with an original comment deadline of April 30. In light of the pressures on stakeholders due to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), EPA is now extending the comment period deadline to May 15. Stakeholders can provide written comments for EPA consideration to All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

EPA and DOE will host a stakeholder webinar meeting on April 13, 2020 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EDT to discuss the CVP proposal and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP at this link by April 10, 2020.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

During this challenging time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants you to know that we are here to support your energy efficiency efforts.

With respect to our promotions, we are receptive to feedback we have gathered from many of our partners about your programs and marketing efforts, and have made some corresponding adjustments, including:

  • Postponing the ENERGY STAR Pool Pumps promotion until May or June, 
  • Planning a later launch in mid-May of Flip Your Fridge with ENERGY STAR, and
  • Proceeding as planned for the ENERGY STAR Laundry and Cooling promotions until further notice. 

We will continue to monitor both partner and consumer response and adjust accordingly. Any feedback on how we might best support your programs/marketing efforts under the current circumstances would be greatly appreciated.

Proactively, we have prepared a consumer e-blast on how to save energy while at home with a number of recommendations and tips that are available for partners to utilize as needed. We will be including this content and other supporting materials on our marketing materials page at for easy access. 

We plan to go ahead with our social celebration for Earth Day on April 22 and will be providing assets for any partners interested in leveraging them, including a 60-second video and sample partner tweets, that will be distributed by mid-April. We encourage your participation if it makes sense for your organization at this time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions, suggestions, or concerns. 

Utility Partners:
Retail and Manufacturer Product Partners:

We wish all our partners the best,

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service (CFS) Partners and Stakeholders,

We are sorry to inform you that we are cancelling the ENERGY STAR CFS Workshop scheduled for May 18th in conjunction with the 2020 National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago.

While we understand this is a difficult time for the food service industry, we are committed to continuing our support of energy efficient equipment sales by offering future educational, networking, and marketing opportunities through webinars, promotional events, quarterly newsletters, and new resources in development. We hope you will continue to leverage tools and resources available on the ENERGY STAR CFS webpage.

We anticipate holding an in-person workshop at next year’s National Restaurant Association Show, which will be held May 22-25, 2021 in Chicago. We will send notifications in early 2021 as the workshop date and agenda is finalized.

Thank you again for your commitment to ENERGY STAR and we look forward to engaging with you throughout the year. All of us from ENERGY STAR deeply regret the lost opportunity to hold an in-person workshop.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and look forward to our work together in the coming year.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/HP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump Controls Verification Procedure (CVP). EPA and the Department of Energy (DOE) plan to hold a stakeholder meeting on April 13, 2020 to discuss the CVP proposal in greater detail. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to EPA no later than April 30, 2020.

As proposed in the Draft 2 Version 6.0 Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump (CAC/HP) Specification, EPA seeks to recognize products that have superior performance as appropriate for different climates. For cold climates, this includes certifying products that meet a minimum Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 1.75, and a minimum Percentage of Heating Capacity of 70% at 5°F. These values are certified at a fixed compressor speed, and EPA recognizes a need to verify that the fixed settings used for lab testing are translated to performance under the unit’s native control. The proposed CVP verifies that 5°F criteria can be achieved under the native controls of the unit.

Consistent with past practice, ENERGY STAR partners will have the option to certify products to the Version 6.0 specification as soon as the specification is finalized. To allow products to certify in the extended time period between the final criteria publication and the anticipated effective date, the CVP provides explicit test conditions for use with Appendix M certification, as well as a reference to the Appendix M1 conditions for products certifying to that test method. Once the effective date of the specification is passed, the CVP will be revised to reflect that all products must use Appendix M1 for certification.

Proposal Summary 
The attached proposal intends to confirm that the performance required in the specification will be achievable once the unit is installed in a home. The proposal details that the unit should be set to operate under native controls. For products certified with the Appendix M test method, the CVP explicitly outlines the appropriate test conditions to verify the COP and Percentage Heating Capacity at 5°F. For products certifying with the Appendix M1 test method, the CVP references the low ambient temperature test conditions defined in Appendix M1. The performance is recorded after the unit reaches steady state, and power measurements indicate the COP and Percentage Heating Capacity at 5°F are at or above the minimum specification requirements.

EPA and DOE request feedback on several aspects of this proposal. More details regarding the proposal and specific questions are included in note boxes throughout the draft document.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by April 30, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA and DOE will host a stakeholder webinar meeting on April 13, 2020 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EDT to discuss the CVP proposal and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this date. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP at this link by April 10, 2020.

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163.  For test procedure inquiries, please contact Antonio Bouza, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (202) 586-4563. Thank you for taking the time to review this CVP document. I look forward to working with you over the next several months to finalize the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/HP specification.


Abigail Daken, Product Manager

Draft ENERGY STAR Cold Climate Heat Pump Controls Verification Procedure

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of March 2, 2020, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) were required to cease certification of new computers to the Version 7 specification and may only certify computers to the Version 8.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing computer certifications to the Version 7 specification until July 15, 2020. After this date, only computers certified to the Version 8.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified computers to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification on March 10, 2020, with an original comment period deadline of April 7. In light of the pressures on stakeholders due to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and in response to a stakeholder request, EPA is now extending the comment period deadline to May 11. Stakeholders can submit comments to at any time by this date.

EPA thanks those that participated in the Draft 1 Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Webinar on Thursday, March 26. The webinar slides are available on the ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Residential Dishwashers Product Development webpage with all the other documents associated with this effort.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a revision of the ENERGY STAR specification for residential dishwashers. We welcome your input on the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments on this draft specification no later than April 7, 2020. EPA will host a stakeholder webinar regarding this Draft 1 Specification on March 26, 2020 from 1 – 4 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan to attend.
The current ENERGY STAR criteria for residential dishwashers went into effect on January 29, 2016, and the market share of products meeting them has grown significantly to about 90%. Considering this high market share and the availability of products in the market that exceed the current ENERGY STAR criteria, stronger requirements are necessary to provide meaningful differentiation of highly efficient residential dishwashers for consumers.

With this revision, EPA seeks to recognize advances in energy and water efficiency for residential dishwashers. Key changes in Draft 1 are highlighted below, and the rationale for these proposed changes are explained in note boxes throughout the specification. A data package that provides EPA’s dataset, proposed levels, and savings associated with Draft 1 accompanies this mailing as well.

  • Revised Energy & Water Criteria for Dishwashers: EPA proposes revisions to the kWh/year and gallons per cycle for both standard and compact dishwashers. The Draft 1 decreases the energy consumption for standard dishwashers from 270 kWh/year to 240 kWh/year and decreases water consumption from 3.5 gallons per cycle to 3.2 gallons/cycle. Draft 1 decreases the energy consumption for compact units from 203 kWh/year to 155 kWh/year and decreases water consumption from 3.1 gallons per cycle to 2.0 gallons/cycle.
  • Scope – EPA amended the scope to include only products that can meet a minimum cleaning performance score. Consistent with the ENERGY STAR Guiding Principles, EPA is committed to associating the label with products that deliver energy efficiency without sacrificing performance. Further, manufacturers have cautioned that if product performance does not meet consumer expectations, savings will be negated due to the use of more intensive energy and water cycles or the increased instances of handwashing.
  • Connected – In recognition of advances in connected functionality in the market and to align with optional connected criteria in other ENERGY STAR specifications, EPA has made modest updates to the connected criteria in the dishwasher specification.

Stakeholder engagement is vital to the success of the ENERGY STAR program, and EPA looks forward to collaborating with stakeholders to develop the Version 7.0 specification. Stakeholders are requested to provide comments on the Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification no later than April 7, 2020. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 7.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential.
Please contact me at or (202) 564-1085, Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Ga-Young Park
Product Manager for Appliances
ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Draft 1 Specification Data Package

Contact Name: Ga-Young Park
Phone: 202-564-1085
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/ASHP and Connected Thermostats Stakeholders,

Reminder: It’s not too late to register for in-person or remote attendance! Call-in information will be distributed to registrants prior to the meeting.
Update: As of now, EPA continues to plan for an in-person meeting with a call-in option. If the situation changes, with significant closures or travel advisories for Atlanta due to COVID-19 concerns, we may switch to a webinar-only format.

For the average American household, almost half the annual energy bill goes to heating and cooling – more than $900 a year. Based on a recent canvass of existing programs, smart thermostat energy efficiency programs are numerous, growing, and diverse in design. Since 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized smart thermostats that deliver energy savings with the ENERGY STAR, but the controllers for the most efficient, variable speed heating and cooling equipment have not been able to participate. EPA is updating the criteria for ENERGY STAR connected thermostats to allow these controllers to be recognized, and is looking for stakeholder input. 

The format will include presentations and guided discussions addressing relevant issues, including the following:

  • Controls verification procedure for Residential variable speed HVAC controllers: The specifics and usefulness of the test.
  • Using field data to reward controls that successfully avoid cycling variable speed systems and instead run at moderate capacity.
  • NEW: Other ways controls can contribute to energy savings with variable capacity HVAC, and ways to demonstrate them.
  • Updates to the specification criteria and associated software as needed for these controllers.

This free session will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2020 (the day after the ACEEE Hot Water Forum) from 9:00am - 3:00pm, at the ASHRAE headquarters in Atlanta, GA. 

Currently, confirmed speakers include EPA and Lennox.

Pre-work: In a February technical meeting with stakeholders, EPA introduced one possible metric to demonstrate that controls were successfully keeping variable speed HVAC in lower capacity states when possible. Provisionally called “Average Capacity Fraction” or ACF, the metric is explained in the publicly available slides from that meeting, found here. Please review ACF ahead of time and be ready to discuss with other stakeholders on the 26th. This metric presumes that the primary opportunity controls have to ensure energy savings with variable capacity HVAC is to avoid using higher capacity states; however, EPA is interested if there are other mechanisms we should consider instead or in addition to this. For instance, are there savings available from knowing when no one is home and awake? Would it be meaningful to try to avoid large capacity swings in a short period of time? EPA hopes to spend time at the workshop brainstorming about savings mechanisms and whether they can be recognized through analysis of field data.  Field data analysis can be applied to any information the controller would typically have access to, and the analysis may be able to focus on particular times, such as core heating and cooling season, shoulder seasons, recovery from setback, times of moderate or extreme outdoor temperature, etc.

EPA has reached out to several organizations to ask them to speak, and any attendee is welcome to ask for time on the agenda to present their views on this matter. Call-in attendees are welcome to present remotely.

Expected attendees include Mitsubishi Electric, Trane Technologies, Honeywell, Carrier, AHRI, Intertek, SkyCentrics, NEEP, Lennox, Daikin, and Energy Solutions.

The final agenda and details will be released on March 25th.

Please let EPA know if you are interested in attending and/or presenting using this form. Please send any questions to

For more information, visit:

Location: Denver, Colorado

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for appliances, electronics ,electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters.

This year’s meeting will take place Tuesday, October 27 – Thursday, October 29, 2020 in Denver, CO. Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; promotions and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, EVSE, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and/or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, EVSE, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and/or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2019, the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting will be held at the same location.

More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming months.

As in 2019, co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and 2020 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Meeting will be available to ENERGY STAR partners, facilitated by Nationwide Marketing Group. Details to follow in the coming months. Contact Richard Weinberg, Sr VP, Business Services,, 336.714.5095 for more information.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please email  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2020 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Denver, CO!

Contact Name: Rick Weinberg
Phone: 336-714-5095
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the final ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award criteria for a new 2020 product category: Refrigerators with Advanced Adaptive Compressors. With this letter EPA is also extending the 2019 product category, Air to Water Heat Pumps, for another year.

In response to input from stakeholders, the initial draft criteria for Advanced Adaptive Compressors have been revised as follows:

  • EPA clarified that the product must outperform the measured Annual Energy Consumption for the Federal Minimum Standard by 30%. This change was necessary to account for icemaker use, which would produce inaccurate results unless measured energy consumption is used.   
  • For testing under Option 2 listed in the criteria, EPA is now specifying the energy consumption measurement for comparison is from the steady-state portion of the DOE 10 CFR 430, Subpart B Appendix A – Residential Refrigerators test method. As a result, EPA noted that the steady-state energy consumption should be measured, per Section 5.2.1 of the test method, with all compartment temperature controls set at their median position midway between their warmest and coldest settings.

All documents associated with the Advanced Adaptive Compressors criteria can be found on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology for Industry Stakeholders webpage.

Award Application Process
Manufacturers with products that meet the Award criteria may immediately begin submitting the necessary documentation to for EPA review. Award-winning products will be recognized upon determination that all Award criteria have been satisfied. Note that multiple products are eligible for the Award. All recognized, Award-winning products will be listed on on the list of ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award winners for Advanced Adaptive Compressors.

2019 Air-to-Water Heat Pumps Category
This letter also serves as notice that EPA is extending recognition of the 2019 Award category – Air-to-Water Heat Pumps – into 2020. EPA has updated the criteria to allow for commercial Air-to-Water Heat Pumps (those with a rated cooling capacity greater than 65,000 Btu/h). Please see for Award criteria and instructions for new submissions.

If you have any questions about the Award, the criteria development process, or marketing and promotion of Award-winning products, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at and (202) 343-9408, or Emmy Feldman at and (202) 862-1145.


Peter Banwell

Final Criteria for Advanced Adaptive Compressors
Updated Final Criteria for Air-to-Water Heat Pumps

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking comment on a modified approach to crediting heat recovery under the upcoming Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher specification. Specifically, EPA is proposing to replace the energy recovery credit calculation as proposed in the Draft 2 V3.0 specification with an equation that calculates the amount of primary water heating energy offset and then subtracts that from the ASTM measured washing energy value. This proposal also includes minor modifications to the definition for heat recovery machines based on stakeholder feedback. The objective is to align the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher specification more closely with the primary domestic hot water energy use calculation in the ASTM F1696-18 and F1920-15 test methods by calculating the primary water heating energy offset by the heat recovery machine.

EPA released Draft 2 of the Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher specification on October 10, 2019 for stakeholder review. In response to stakeholder comments, EPA is now releasing this limited topic proposal focused on new thinking specific to the Draft 2 credit for units with heat recovery capabilities. Stakeholders may provide comments to EPA at no later than March 18, 2020.

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Feedback on EPA’s Draft 2 Energy Recovery Credit and ASTM’s Updates to F1696-18, F1920-15

EPA received feedback from stakeholders recommending that the Agency refer to the ASTM F1696-18 and F1920-15 test methods to measure the total energy consumption of heat recovery machines rather than taking measurements specific to the heat recovery system within the dishwasher, which would require an estimate or measurement of the inlet water temperature to the booster heater. However, the ASTM test methods do not currently require the inlet water temperature of the booster heater to be measured for these machines. In addition, stakeholders expressed concern over measuring the inlet water temperature to the booster heater, noting that the process for measuring this water temperature would vary among heat recovery machines. This raised repeatability issues that could result in inherent inaccuracies and potentially overestimation of the heat recovery credit proposed in Draft 2 that assumed a fixed inlet water temperature of 110oF to the booster heater. These concerns caused EPA to look more closely at the Draft 2 credit and evaluate other more suitable options for recognizing the energy savings of heat recovery machines. 

Further, EPA has been tracking ASTM’s progress on updating the F1696-18 and F1920-15 test methods and communicating regularly with the ASTM F26 committee chairpersons. ASTM has submitted for ballot proposed updates to the test methods, including an update to F1920-15 to align with F1696-18 to specify the temperature of the water (70±3°F) connected to the cold-water supply for heat recovery machines. This change would ensure that all heat recovery machines, as defined later in this document, follow the same test conditions and process to measure the total energy consumption including all heating devices. In addition, this change would account for the total energy consumption of heat recovery machines in a repeatable way, allowing for comparison to non-heat recovery systems. The primary water heater energy consumed, as reported by the ASTM test method, reflects the actual hot water energy use of each machine, but is currently not included in the energy used per rack. EPA expects this updated test, with modification, to serve the intended purpose of properly crediting heat recovery machines. EPA proposes an intended use below.

Proposed Primary Hot Water Energy Offset Calculation

EPA notes that the primary hot water energy use calculation in ASTM F1696-18 and F1920-15 (section 11) is well-established but is not used for calculating energy performance. Based on the feedback from ASTM F26 committee chairpersons, EPA acknowledges a modification to this equation as a useful way to account for the difference in water inlet temperatures between heat recovery and standard commercial dishwashers. As such, the energy recovery credit described in Draft 2 will be replaced with this stakeholder recommended hot water energy offset (Equation 1). As with the credit proposed in Draft 2, this offset for eligible models would be applied once to a commercial dishwasher and subtracted from the ASTM measured washing energy value to obtain an adjusted (credited) value. Specification requirements would apply to the adjusted value (i.e., Washmeasured - Eprimaryoffset in kWh/rack).

Hot Water Energy Offset: Calculate and report the primary hot water energy offset by the heat recovery dishwasher fed by a cold-water inlet during the washing energy rate test based on Equation 1.

Equation 1.    Eprimaryoffset = (Vwater x cp x r x (Tinstd – Tinhr))/ h whereby

Eprimaryoffset = calculated primary hot water energy offset in Btu/rack (convert to kWh/rack)
Vwater = measured water volume consumed by dishwasher in gallons/rack
cp = specific heat of water Btu/lb*oF = 1 Btu/lb*oF

r= density of water in lb/gal = 8.334 lb/gal

Tinstd = inlet water temperature to a standard (non-heat recovery) machine (per ASTM F1696-18/1920-15 section 9.3 not to exceed 140±2°F) = 140°F (in calculation)
Tinhr = inlet water temperature to a heat recovery machine (per ASTM F1696-18/1920-15 section 9.3 at 70±3°F) = 70°F

h= assumed commercial primary water heating system efficiency feeding dishwashers including standby and recirculation losses in % = 80% = 0.80 (in calculation)
Conceptually, this equation represents the energy the primary water heater would have used had the heat recovery not been present. According to stakeholder input, gas water heaters are more common in commercial settings (reflected in the primary hot water energy use equation for the standard dishwasher as 65%, per ASTM F1696-18 and F1920-15 Sections 11.8.4 and 11.9.4, respectively). In Equation 1, the assumed commercial primary water heating system is based on electric resistance water heaters (and associated distribution efficiency), which are more thermally efficient than gas heaters. In other words, the hot water energy offset will be lower with the assumed commercial primary electric water heater than with a gas water heater. Thus, the electric water heater assumption (i.e., 80%) is a conservative one.

Proposed Revision to Definition for Heat Recovery Machine

In addition, stakeholder comments relayed the need to revise the Draft 2 definition for heat recovery machines to ensure that all dishwashers using heat recovery mechanisms are properly identified to apply the offset equation. This revised definition is provided below.

Heat Recovery Machine: Warewashing equipment with heat recovery; a heat exchanger that recovers energy from other sources (i.e. waste water, exhaust duct) for the purpose of heating potable water. This includes but is not limited to drain water heat exchangers, wash compartment heat exchangers, exhaust heat exchangers, and supplemental heat pumps. The equipment must meet all the following requirements:

a.    ​​​​​​​Use a minimum of 95% of water volume from the cold-water inlet for the wash and rinse
       cycle (the machine can have a cold- and a hot-water inlet, but a maximum of 5% of wash and rinse
       cycle water can come from the hot water inlet);

b.    The temperature of the water at the dishwasher’s inlet must be 70±3°F; and,
c.    The dishwasher must operate at or above 180°F rinse temperature.

As written, part a of the heat recovery machine definition implies that most of the water entering the dishwasher’s heat exchanger is coming from the cold-water inlet and a much smaller fraction is entering the dishwasher’s heat exchanger from the water heater. Part b accounts for the 70oF±3 combined temperature of the cold- and hot-water inlets entering the dishwasher’s heat exchanger. Finally, part c limits the definition of a heat recovery machine to high temperature machines only to exclude vapor condensing machines operating at lower rinse temperatures (i.e., 140oF) that do not use the heat recovered by condensing to reduce energy use for heating water. The EPA’s understanding is that only machines with high temperature rinse provide dense enough waste heat to be worth recovering.

EPA recognizes the value of heat recovery and proposes the approach outlined above as a way to more accurately address it. EPA also appreciates the continued input of collaborators, especially ASTM, in developing this approach.

If you have comments or concerns about this proposal, please submit them by March 18, 2020, to Please direct any specific questions to Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to by March 20, 2020.

In response to the Draft 1, Version 2.0 specification released for stakeholder review, comments focused on aligning ENERGY STAR definitions with those of Emerald V4.0, adjusting the internal power supply requirements, and on concerns regarding the active requirements for transaction and streaming optimized systems. EPA reviewed our dataset and market conditions and hosted follow-up discussion with stakeholders. Based on the comments and additional analysis, EPA has accommodated stakeholder feedback as follows: 

  • EPA supports alignment with Emerald V4.0 and has revised the definitions.
  • Market research affirmed the conditions raised with respect to internal power supplies and relevant redundant requirements are now applied to all products.
  • Criteria levels have been adjusted for transaction and streaming workload types. These changes consider stakeholder feedback regarding the difficulty in attaining the criteria levels for the most common configuration types as well as anticipated changes in the market during the life of Version 2.0.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 2, Version 2.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by March 20, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 specification on March 4, 2020 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the storage product development website.

Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this specification revision. For other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Draft 2, Version 2.0

Contact Name: Ryan Fogle
Phone: 202 343-9153
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final ENERGY STAR Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method. EPA thanks stakeholders for their feedback which has informed this final test method.

In response to the Final Draft Test Method, multiple stakeholders offered suggestions for clarifying sections of the test method. EPA incorporated many of these suggestions including: updating the voltage in the input power requirements table, clarifying that uncoated paper should be used, and specifying the appropriate print speed as well as the images to be used per test copy. EPA received additional comments regarding the product speed and product initialization. EPA did not make changes in these cases in the interest of maintaining consistency with the agreed upon testing protocols for all other imaging equipment. Additionally, the Agency does not believe a different test for Professional Imaging Equipment is called for in these instances. EPA also received a comment regarding the service and maintenance mode and has maintained this element of the test method. As noted in the Version 3.0 process, automatic adjustments that happen by default are included in the measurement, but EPA has clarified that any manual processes shall be excluded from the measurement to ensure repeatability of the test method.

To assist EPA in establishing ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements for professional imaging equipment products, manufacturers are invited to submit product energy data using the accompanying reporting template posted with this letter. A robust dataset will help EPA ensure that proposed levels are reflective of the overall professional imaging equipment market. Please send completed forms to no later than June 12, 2020. An amendment to Version 3 incorporating professional imaging equipment products is anticipated for the summer or fall of 2020.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Imaging Equipment Specification Version 3.0 product development webpage.

Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about the imaging equipment specification. For test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or (202) 586-9870. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method
Professional Imaging Equipment Test Reporting Template

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Program Requirements is October 17, 2020. On this date, only products certified to Version 2.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 2.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 2.0 certified Room Air Cleaners to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.3 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update. This clarification memo can be found on the Computer Servers Version 3.0 Specification product development website.

The SERT Version 2.0.3 is a minor update, with the following changes and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous versions:

  • Support for Marvell ThunderX2 processors
  • Support for HP-UX on Itanium
  • Fix for IBM Power Lage Memory configurations running Linux OS

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.3, please contact For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/HP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed Draft 2 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump (CAC/HP) specification. EPA plans to hold a stakeholder meeting on February 11, 2020 to discuss the Draft 2 specification in greater detail. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this Draft to EPA no later than February 28, 2020.

With the Version 6.0 revision, EPA seeks to recognize products for their superior efficiency as well as their advanced design and capabilities, namely for connected and cold climate products. This draft continues this specification development process with refinements based on stakeholder feedback and also proposes recognizing capabilities that can facilitate a high-quality installation.

In response to the Draft 1 specification, EPA received strong industry feedback that manufacturers will be facing extensive redesign and retesting for the upcoming Federal standards and test method change. In recognition of the concerted effort this will require, EPA is proposing to align the Version 6.0 effective date with the January 1, 2023 effective date of the new standards and test method. In so doing, the Agency is committed to anticipating potential market advances such that the value this ENERGY STAR specification delivers is maintained, even with the delay. Recognizing the investment partners are making in products now and the benefit that extra time to meet ENERGY STAR requirements offers, EPA is proposing adjustments to the criteria for CAC/HP products to achieve the long-term savings goals of the ENERGY STAR program and maintain differentiation in the future market. Consistent with past practice, ENERGY STAR partners will have the option to certify products to the Version 6.0 specification beginning once the specification is finalized. For purposes of this interim period between finalization and the specification’s effective date, equivalent criteria are provided in terms of current DOE metrics (i.e. SEER, EER and HSPF).

Proposal Summary
Draft 2 Version 6.0 proposes the following changes from the Draft 1 proposal, and identifies other areas for further discussion:

  • Definitions: Definitions have been amended to align with Appendix M1 and definitions related to connected capability have been added. Due to the change in the DOE definition, the specification throughout has been amended to refer to central air conditioners and heat pumps (CAC/HP), rather than the previous term, air-source heat pump.
  • Cold Climate Recognition: EPA has maintained the climate-based recognition as proposed in Draft 1. For purposes of certification prior to the January 1, 2023 effective date, EPA will accept manufacturer provided application data for the Cold Climate requirements for Coefficient of Performance (COP) and Percentage of Rated Capacity @ 5°F.
  • Performance Criteria: Per the Appendix M1 test method, EPA has proposed ENERGY STAR levels in the new metrics of SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2 for CAC/HPs. To maintain differentiation from the Federal minimum efficiencies and account for future advances, EPA has proposed increased levels for SEER2 and HSPF2. 
  • Staged and Variable Capacity: EPA has maintained the proposal from Draft 1 that all ENERGY STAR certified units have at least two capacity stages or are continuously variable.
  • Installation Capabilities: Per conversations with stakeholders about the important role installation plays in terms of delivered efficiency, EPA is proposing that all ENERGY STAR certified units meet at least three out of several listed capabilities that would help facilitate a high-quality installation.
  • Connected Criteria: As proposed in the recent limited topic proposal on connected criteria for CAC/HP, EPA has included optional connected criteria for this product category. Minor adjustments have been made to align more closely with AHRI 1380.
  • Test Method: The test method reference has been updated to refer to the 2023 Federal test method for CAC/HP units, 10 CFR part 430 Subpart B, Appendix M1. The Appendix M test method may be used for certification prior to January 1, 2023.

More details regarding these elements are included in note boxes throughout the draft specification document.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by February 28, 2020. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar meeting on February 11, 2020 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm ET to discuss the Draft 2 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP here by February 7, 2020. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date. 

Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or (202) 862-1163.  For test procedure inquiries, please contact Antonio Bouza, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (202) 586-9870. Thank you for taking the time to review this Draft 2 document. I look forward to working with you over the next several months to develop the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/HP specification.


Abigail Daken, Manager

Draft 2 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Specification
Draft 2 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Data Package
Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-HP Comment Response Matrix


Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the selection of Refrigerators with Advanced Adaptive Compressors as a 2020 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award category. EPA is proposing performance criteria for these products with the goal of recognizing the best available advanced adaptive compressors that help protect the environment while offering the consumer new ways to save energy.

Overview of the Emerging Technology Award
Launched in 2011, the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award raises the profile of innovative technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once more widely adopted. The annual Award recognizes promising technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with categories eligible for the ENERGY STAR label (e.g., broadly available, cost effective to the consumer) or may represent large improvements in existing ENERGY STAR product categories. As products become more mainstream, Award categories may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. For more information on the Award, visit

Technology Overview – Advanced Adaptive Compressors:
In a conventional refrigerator, the compressor operates at maximum capacity in response to thermal load, or it is turned off when the desired temperature has been achieved. However, the energy consumption requirements of a refrigerator vary widely based on various factors. An advanced adaptive compressor system in residential refrigeration products pairs an inverter compressor with a sensor-driven control system capable of cooling capacity modulation in response to a varying internal thermal load. As a result, the advanced adaptive compressor system allows for the refrigerator to save a significant amount of energy while regulating the temperature by minimizing wide temperature variations. The per unit efficiency increases by at least 25% with this technology when compared to standard units. If all refrigerators sold in 2020 in the U.S. used this technology and met these draft criteria, the energy cost savings would exceed $160 million.

Draft Criteria for Review
Interested stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed recognition criteria to by February 28, 2020. Depending on the comments received, EPA may release a subsequent draft for stakeholder review prior to finalizing the criteria. Once final, manufacturers of refrigerators that meet the Award criteria will be able to submit information and data to EPA for review. Upon EPA approval, manufacturers will be able to use the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award logo to promote the product.

Additional Technology Categories for 2020: Air-to-Water (ATW) Heat Pumps
To date there have been two companies that earned an Award for Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: Chiltrix Inc. and Mestek, Inc. With this letter, and to allow the new market to further develop, EPA is extending recognition of the 2019 Award category – Air-to-Water Heat Pumps – into 2020. This category of heat pumps has numerous applications with advantages over traditional hydronic systems in new and existing homes, and advantages over forced air systems in new construction. Compared to a typical gas condensing boiler system, Air-to-Water heat pumps can offer energy savings up to 47%[1] with a seasonal Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 1.7 - 3.0. In new construction, Air-to-Water heat pumps provide all the advantages of a hydronic system while also providing efficient electric heat, using up to 70% less electricity than electric baseboard heat.

Air-to-Water systems also demonstrate superior performance at low outdoor temperatures when compared with traditional air source heat pumps, making them appropriate for use throughout the United States, including cold regions. Please see for award criteria and instructions for new submissions.

If you have any questions about the Award or the criteria development process, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at and (202) 343-9408, or Emmy Feldman at and (202) 862-1145.

Peter Banwell

Draft Criteria for Advanced Adaptive Compressors



Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the final recognition criteria for Dehumidifiers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020. This letter outlines the final criteria.

Dehumidifiers that meet the 2020 criteria will deliver significant savings over a conventional product as noted below: 

  • Portable dehumidifiers: 100 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 19% above the Federal Minimum.
  • Whole-home dehumidifiers: 177 kWh/yr in annual energy savings, 23% above the Federal Minimum.

Please note that the criteria for 14 other product categories, which were finalized on September 26, 2019, and the Dehumidifier criteria can be found at

Final criteria for Dehumidifiers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 recognition are summarized below. EPA did not receive comments specific to the proposed Dehumidifier criteria. Accordingly, EPA has finalized the criteria as proposed. Products must also be certified as ENERGY STAR by an EPA-recognized certification body. Additional detail for Dehumidifiers is included in the recognition criteria documents available at

To be recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient, Dehumidifiers must meet the applicable minimum Integrate Energy Factor (IEF) shown in the following table, as determined per Appendix X1 to 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B.


Type, size

Integrated Energy Factor

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

≥ 1.70

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day

≥ 1.90

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day

≥ 3.40

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3

≥ 2.22

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3

≥ 3.40

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Recognition

ENERGY STAR certified products meeting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 requirements will be highlighted at beginning January 1, 2020. Shortly, EPA will begin distributing the 2020 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation to brand owners of eligible products. As a reminder, usage guidelines are available at As new products are certified, EPA will invite partners to augment their product listing with the following:

  • A product image. Product images (in jpg, png, or gif format), should include only one product - do not include other people and objects; be a minimum of 250 pixels wide; and for best results, be on a single-color background, preferably white;
  • A product description for use on the web page (i.e., key features and functionalities). The first 50 words will be displayed beside the product photo on the web page; additional text will link to a separate web page; and
  • The name of retail stores or online distributors where the product is available for consumer purchase. This information helps provide price and store location information to consumers on the web page.

To ensure the greatest utility of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient webpage to consumers, EPA will only highlight products that are currently available for sale in the U.S. As such, EPA reminds partners that it is critical that they keep product availability information with their Certification Bodies current. 

The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging.  Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition. EPA will highlight recognized products on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 web page through December 31, 2020. 

We look forward to working with you to market ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in 2020. Please e-mail with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of December 16, 2019, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new Vending Machines to the Version 3 specification and may only certify Vending Machines to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing Vending Machines certifications to the Version 3 specification until April 29, 2020. After this date, only Vending Machines certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by December 15, 2019 of models certified to Version 3.2, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 4.0 certified vending machines to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR® Fall Lighting Newsletter | 2019

Recap of ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting 

Partner of the Year Application

Choose a Light Guide

Specification Update for Fixtures

Light the Moment Materials

Free ENERGY STAR Marketing Resources

Energizing 2019 Products Partner Meeting in Charlotte, NC

From retail, to efficiency program managers, to product manufacturers, and to builders, the ENERGY STAR Partner Meeting was full of collaboration and thought-provoking conversations. Partners collaboratively evaluated market data and strategies for efficiency programs, discussed technology breakthroughs, and energized each other in the quest for greater adoption of ENERGY STAR certified technologies. The meeting was co-located with ENERGY STAR Residential Homes meetings which brought even more ENERGY STAR players together. Several lighting products partners participated across meetings. EPA presented a panel on "What's so Special About Specialty Bulbs?" that highlighted opportunities to promote and incentivize the sale of specialty lighting. We also heard from experts on the panel "Everyone Gets a Star" about ways to successfully drive sales of ENERGY STAR certified bulbs and deliver energy savings to underserved communities.

Visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting website to learn more about these presentations and more.

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards: Applications are Now Live!

EPA and DOE honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through energy efficiency during the annual ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards. Applications are currently live and can be found here. The deadline for applying will be early December. Applicants will receive notice on whether they received a 2020 award mid-February. 2020 award winners will be recognized at the ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, April 2, 2020. Learn more about this year's application process and last year's ceremony here:

Questions? Partners may contact their account manager or email

Choosing a Light Bulb is as Easy as 1-2-3

Finding the right light bulb just got a whole lot easier with the new and improved ENERGY STAR Choose a Light Guide. Offering consumers a simple path to picking the right light for every room and occasion, the tool addresses three important bulb characteristics.

Users follow simple steps to brighten their homes with energy efficient lighting:

  • Choose the shape
  • Choose the color
  • Choose the brightness

The tool is mobile-friendly, so consumers can identify their desired bulb quickly and on-the-go!

Updates to Lamps, Luminaires, and Fan Specifications

On August 15th 2019, EPA finalized minor adjustments to the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, reflected in Version 2.2. Current certifications will not be affected by these changes. Version 2.2 adjustments include: the addition of ANSI/IES LM-79-19 as a new acceptable measurement method, inclusion of products with integral battery packs for emergency light source operation, clarifications for the definition of inseparable "other" luminaire types, and updates to the Qualified Product Exchange forms to simplify model certifications that could be considered more than one luminaire type. One of the most exciting updates in Version 2.2 is the inclusion of personal device charging. Products like portable floor and desk task lights with integrated USB chargers and AC outlets are now included in the scope of the Luminaires specification. The ENERGY STAR specification for Luminaires Version 2.2 and the cover memo with its release can be found at There are no new versions currently in development.

Light the Moment

Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR is an annual effort to drive sales and adoption of energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs. The focus is on both the emotional and rational aspects of lighting to capture consumer interest and imagination, accompanied by meaningful engagement opportunities for you, our partners. Campaign materials address product benefits while resonating on an emotional level and emphasize what sets ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs apart from other bulbs, namely:

  • Quality: Whatever the moment, there's an ENERGY STAR certified LED light perfect for maximizing the impact.
  • Light Distribution: ENERGY STAR LED bulbs light the small, intimate moments AND the big, busy ones.
  • Long life: Lasting over 12 years, an ENERGY STAR certified LED bulb will be there for all the special moments.
  • Environmental Protection: Protecting the planet for future generations so we can continue to experience these moments for years to come.

Messaging and creative assets are now available at and include:

  • Campaign messaging
  • Example POP
  • POP Building Blocks
  • Digital Advertising, and more

See the 2020 Outreach Plan Calendar for specifics on tactics and timing for the year to see how you can support the movement.

Contact for more information

.Free ENERGY STAR Marketing Resources!

Check out the ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page to access factsheets, infographics, marketing tools, and more. Use these resources to engage and educate your consumers, colleagues, and social media followers. You might also learn a thing or two!

For Consumers:

Choose a Light Guide

Renovate with LED Lighting Factsheet

Ask the Expert

Dimmable ENERGY STAR Infographic

Light Bulb Purchasing Guide

Lighting made Easy Infographic

ENERGY STAR Lighting FAQs "Ask the Expert" Video

Light Bulbs Product Finder

Light Fixtures Product Finder

The Energy Source

Partner Resources:

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

ENERGY STAR Lighting Training Center


Location: Washington DC

Water Coolers Version 3.0 Discussion Guide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Coolers Discussion Guide.

EPA is sharing this ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Water Coolers Discussion Guide to invite stakeholder input on key topics for discussion prior to developing and releasing a Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification. EPA will host a webinar on December 5, 2019, to seek input from stakeholders on the topics outlined below. Please submit feedback and any relevant data to  by December 19, 2019.

The ENERGY STAR program helps businesses and individuals save money and protect the environment by identifying products with superior energy efficiency. EPA monitors market and technology developments, looking for opportunities to more fully serve stakeholders, and to drive increasing energy savings. The ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment Data Summary Report  indicates that ENERGY STAR certified water coolers represent 62% of all units shipped in the United States in 2018. This high level of market share presents an opportunity to review the specification to ensure it continues to recognize top performing products and that the ENERGY STAR label continues to deliver meaningful energy savings to consumers.

Discussion Guide Summary
The Discussion Guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion which are summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the Discussion Guide.

  • Energy Savings Potential: Understanding the market and typical use schedules will improve estimates of overall energy savings in this product category. EPA seeks information from stakeholders regarding the market size and lifetime of leased and directly sold units to commercial and residential customers. This information is key to determining energy savings and the extent to which ENERGY STAR can effectively differentiate the more efficient models for a range of purchasers.
  • Test Method Scope Considerations: EPA is evaluating the opportunity to introduce criteria based on the “On Mode Test with Water Draw – All Unit Types” and “On Mode Test with Water Draw – On Demand Units Only” which are both included in the current test method. In addition, EPA is considering revising the dispensed temperatures for hot and cold water.  
  • Clarifying Definitions and Scope: Products that provide a range of additional features such as sparkling or alkaline water have been added to the ENERGY STAR certified product list under Version 2.0.  EPA seeks to clarify definitions and scope during the development of Version 3.0 such that all partners are clear on product types covered by this specification.
  • Alternative Refrigerants and Foams: Across ENERGY STAR product categories, EPA is interested in recognizing products that use alternative, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants and foams; and, would like to understand the availability of those products.
  • Data Assembly: Provided with this discussion guide is a Water Coolers Data Template which stakeholders are requested to use to provide test results for the current test method, as well as data with alternate dispensed water temperatures.

Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by December 19, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on December 5, 2019 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm EST to review the Discussion Guide and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should register here by December 4, 2019.

Please direct any specific questions to Tanja Crk, EPA, at or 202-566-1037, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163.  

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service, Vending, Water Coolers

Version 3.0 Specification and Test Method Discussion Guide
Water Cooler Data Template

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR data center storage specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by November 29, 2019.

EPA previously released a Discussion Guide for stakeholder review and comment focused on simplifications to the storage program, introducing EPA’s planned approach for differentiating based on active mode, and requesting initial feedback on the development of Emerald V4.0. EPA is now releasing a Draft 1 specification that considers all of the feedback received in response to the Discussion Guide. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for proposals. Also attached to this distribution is a data package that includes the EPA dataset, Draft 1 proposed levels, and potential product qualification estimates.

The Draft 1, Version 2.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:

Energy Criteria: Active state energy efficiency requirements have been proposed for Block I/O products optimized for transaction and/or streaming workloads. All Block I/O storage products will need to meet these requirements in order to certify. These requirements are not proposed to apply to File I/O products in Version 2.0, primarily due to an insufficient amount of File I/O product data to determine levels.

Internal Power Supplies (IPS)s: Based on stakeholder feedback, the stringency of the IPS requirements has been increased to align with 80Plus Platinum for single-output IPSs and 80Plus Gold for multi-output IPSs.

Simplified Testing: As proposed in the Discussion Guide, product families will be represented by a single optimal configuration test point per certified workload type. The simplification of test points will reduce test burden and greatly simplify the product family structure.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 2.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by November 29, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 specification on November 5, 2019 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the storage product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns about this specification revision. For other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Draft 1, Version 2.0 Specification
Draft 1 Data Package

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

Dehumidifiers ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Proposed Criteria
As indicated in communications specific to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 criteria development, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awaited the availability of dehumidifier data in terms of the IEF metric to form the basis of proposed dehumidifier recognition criteria.  EPA is now pleased to share proposed recognition criteria for Dehumidifiers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020. Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these criteria no later than November 22, 2019 to

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019

Dehumidifiers have been eligible for Most Efficient recognition since 2018. ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by over 30 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving almost 13 million households (or roughly 30 million consumers).

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also being leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ENERGY STAR certified models in limited product categories (including dehumidifiers) are promoted by program sponsor-labeled signage in stores. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 70% of the appliance market, accounting for more than 1,000 stores in current program sponsors’ service areas. Going forward, the ESRPP is striving for large-scale market participation – serving more than 30% of the US population – a key milestone in the ESRPP vision to transform the market for energy efficient consumer products.  

EPA has also made progress in arming consumers with the information they need about recognized products. In addition to highlighting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019 products, our website includes images of models, as well as real-time information on retail pricing and where to locate and buy these models. This information is currently available for clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers, monitors, refrigerators, and ventilating fans found at select major retailers. In order to continue to access pricing data from the Amazon API, EPA is completing significant upgrades to our underlying structure for pulling the information. We expect to have that in place by the end of the fall, at which point we will again display prices for dehumidifiers, ceiling fans, and TVs.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Proposed Dehumidifier Recognition Criteria

EPA is proposing revisions to the criteria for dehumidifiers in response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) recent updates to the federal minimum standards for dehumidifiers, which include a new efficiency metric and test method, and in response to the completion of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 specification in early 2019. The 2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for dehumidifiers offered two options for assessing eligibility – one using the previous efficiency metric (Efficiency Factor, EF) and test method (which is no longer relevant), and the other using the new efficiency metric (Integrated Efficiency Factor, IEF) and test method. The ESME 2019 IEF criteria were set at a level that has since become effective for ENERGY STAR certification under the Version 5.0 specification. Thus, the Most Efficient criteria require an update for 2020 to identify the “best of the best” products on the market.

For ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020, EPA is proposing to recognize portable and whole-home dehumidifiers that are 19% and 23% above the federal minimum efficiency standards, respectively:  

Type, Size

Integrated Energy Factor

Weighted Average Savings (Relative to Federal Minimum)

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

≥ 1.70

100 kWh/year

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day

≥ 1.90

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day

≥ 3.40

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3

≥ 2.22

177 kWh/year

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3

≥ 3.40


Although data is still limited for some product categories, an analysis of certified ENERGY STAR models and models listed on DOE’s compliance certification database, in conjunction with a review of the engineering analysis DOE conducts for covered products, provided a sufficient basis for EPA’s proposal.

In lieu of a webinar, EPA is sharing the graphs below to provide additional context regarding the basis of this proposal. Data for the graphs below was retrieved from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Compliance Certification Database for Dehumidifiers and includes limited additional data provided by manufacturers for models not yet represented in the database.



According to EPA’s analysis, 11 models from 9 ENERGY STAR brand owners meet the proposed criteria. EPA expects this will grow over time as the market continues to adjust to the new DOE standards and new metrics. In the large portable category where no data were available, EPA followed the same practice as for ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Version 5.0 and set a level equivalent to that for large whole home units. Several manufacturers have mentioned they may bring new technology to the US market soon which is expected to meet this level.

EPA welcomes stakeholder feedback on this proposal provided no later than November 22, 2019 to

Please contact Ga-Young Park, 202-564-1085 or, or Théo Keeley-LeClaire, 571-373-5471 or with questions. For questions about the DOE test method, contact Bryan Berringer at DOE, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch

Location: Washington DC

Dehumidifiers ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Proposed Criteria
As indicated in communications specific to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 criteria development, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awaited the availability of dehumidifier data in terms of the IEF metric to form the basis of proposed dehumidifier recognition criteria.  EPA is now pleased to share proposed recognition criteria for Dehumidifiers for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020. Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these criteria no later than November 22, 2019 to

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019

Dehumidifiers have been eligible for Most Efficient recognition since 2018. ENERGY STAR Most Efficient enjoys robust utility support and is leveraged by over 30 energy efficiency program sponsors, serving almost 13 million households (or roughly 30 million consumers).

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient is also being leveraged for retailer incentives as part of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP), an innovative, nationally coordinated, market transformation initiative. ENERGY STAR certified models in limited product categories (including dehumidifiers) are promoted by program sponsor-labeled signage in stores. ESRPP retailers now represent more than 70% of the appliance market, accounting for more than 1,000 stores in current program sponsors’ service areas. Going forward, the ESRPP is striving for large-scale market participation – serving more than 30% of the US population – a key milestone in the ESRPP vision to transform the market for energy efficient consumer products.  

EPA has also made progress in arming consumers with the information they need about recognized products. In addition to highlighting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019 products, our website includes images of models, as well as real-time information on retail pricing and where to locate and buy these models. This information is currently available for clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers, monitors, refrigerators, and ventilating fans found at select major retailers. In order to continue to access pricing data from the Amazon API, EPA is completing significant upgrades to our underlying structure for pulling the information. We expect to have that in place by the end of the fall, at which point we will again display prices for dehumidifiers, ceiling fans, and TVs.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Proposed Dehumidifier Recognition Criteria

EPA is proposing revisions to the criteria for dehumidifiers in response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) recent updates to the federal minimum standards for dehumidifiers, which include a new efficiency metric and test method, and in response to the completion of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 specification in early 2019. The 2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for dehumidifiers offered two options for assessing eligibility – one using the previous efficiency metric (Efficiency Factor, EF) and test method (which is no longer relevant), and the other using the new efficiency metric (Integrated Efficiency Factor, IEF) and test method. The ESME 2019 IEF criteria were set at a level that has since become effective for ENERGY STAR certification under the Version 5.0 specification. Thus, the Most Efficient criteria require an update for 2020 to identify the “best of the best” products on the market.

For ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020, EPA is proposing to recognize portable and whole-home dehumidifiers that are 19% and 23% above the federal minimum efficiency standards, respectively:  

Type, Size

Integrated Energy Factor

Weighted Average Savings (Relative to Federal Minimum)

Portable, capacity ≤ 25.00 pints/day

≥ 1.70

100 kWh/year

Portable, capacity 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day

≥ 1.90

Portable, capacity > 50.00 pints/day

≥ 3.40

Whole Home, case volume ≤ 8.0 ft3

≥ 2.22

177 kWh/year

Whole Home, case volume > 8.0 ft3

≥ 3.40


Although data is still limited for some product categories, an analysis of certified ENERGY STAR models and models listed on DOE’s compliance certification database, in conjunction with a review of the engineering analysis DOE conducts for covered products, provided a sufficient basis for EPA’s proposal.

In lieu of a webinar, EPA is sharing the graphs below to provide additional context regarding the basis of this proposal. Data for the graphs below was retrieved from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Compliance Certification Database for Dehumidifiers and includes limited additional data provided by manufacturers for models not yet represented in the database.



According to EPA’s analysis, 11 models from 9 ENERGY STAR brand owners meet the proposed criteria. EPA expects this will grow over time as the market continues to adjust to the new DOE standards and new metrics. In the large portable category where no data were available, EPA followed the same practice as for ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Version 5.0 and set a level equivalent to that for large whole home units. Several manufacturers have mentioned they may bring new technology to the US market soon which is expected to meet this level.

EPA welcomes stakeholder feedback on this proposal provided no later than November 22, 2019 to

Please contact Ga-Young Park, 202-564-1085 or, or Théo Keeley-LeClaire, 571-373-5471 or with questions. For questions about the DOE test method, contact Bryan Berringer at DOE, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

Ann Bailey, Director
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Branch

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers 5.0 Effective Date Reminder
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Program Requirements is October 31, 2019. On this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified dehumidifiers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Register for EPA's Webinar about Room Air Cleaner Labeling Requirements
As noted in the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaner Version 2.0 Specification Cover Memo, EPA is hosting a webinar for stakeholders Tuesday, October 29th from 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM to review the new room air cleaner ENERGY STAR mark and updated disclaimer text.

During the webinar, EPA will discuss expectations for product labeling using the approved mark and answer any questions. 

EPA encourages manufacturers and retailers to attend. Please register here to attend.

Thank you,
The ENERGY STAR Appliance Team

Location: Washington DC

Room Air Cleaners Final Version 2.0 Program Requirements
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

Version 2.0 requirements will become effective on July 17, 2020. Room air cleaner products certifying for ENERGY STAR under the Version 2.0 specification will offer consumers a savings of more than 27% over a conventional model. This specification establishes new requirements to recognize the most efficient products, requires reporting of key metrics for consumers, and has optional criteria for connected functionality in room air cleaners. If all room air cleaners in the United States met these new requirements, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $400 million each year and more than 9 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications and one limited topic proposal, along with multiple stakeholder meetings and input from stakeholders. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Specification Development webpage.

EPA received a few stakeholder comments in response to the Final Draft specification all requesting clarification on definitions, instructions for significant digits and rounding, and test set up. EPA has made modest clarifying edits to the specification in response. EPA also summarizes these comments and the Agency’s responses in the enclosed comment response document. EPA specifically wants to call out the labeling requirements that were included in the Partner Commitments for the Final Draft. While use of the disclaimer label is not new to the Version 2.0, the label has been updated, and the Agency now hopes to make partners more aware of these requirements by highlighting them. EPA will hold a webinar for stakeholders Tuesday, October 29th from 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM to discuss the room air cleaner labeling requirements. Please register here to attend.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 2.0 requirements.
  • As of February 28, 2020, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 1.2. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until July 17, 2020.
  • Any room air cleaner manufactured as of July 17, 2020, must meet Version 2.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 1.2 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 2.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.

Please contact or (202) 564-1085, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For questions about the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson, DOE, at or (202) 287-1943. For any other questions pertaining to Room Air Cleaners, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Katharine Kaplan, Manager
ENERGY STAR Product Development and Program Administration

ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Final Version 2.0 Program Requirements
ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Final Draft Specification Comment Response Document
ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Final Version 2.0 Data Package

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Final Specification

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. These Version 8.0 requirements will take effect on July 15, 2020. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.

The Version 8.0 specification will recognize the top performing desktop computer and integrated desktop products on the market. Notebooks and thin clients were not impacted by this specification revision as criteria for these products were amended as part of Version 7.1. ENERGY STAR certified computers will use, on average, approximately 50% less energy than standard desktop computers. If all desktop computers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to nearly $300 million each year and nearly 5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions from nearly 500 thousand vehicles.

EPA has made some minor editorial changes to the final specification at the request of stakeholders. In particular, EPA made more clear that thin clients and workstations are not subject to resume time requirements and clarified that in order to obtain the ALLOWANCEProxy adder under Option 1, the desktop computer must meet ECMA 393 full capability. These edits are intended to improve understanding of the requirements. EPA did receive comments on the final draft specification requesting additional leniency on the criteria, particularly those for integrated desktops. EPA considered the requests, which included requests for supplemental adders for touch screen capabilities, but found that performance and market data did not support these changes and they worked against the Agency goals of delivering national energy savings and recognizing leadership products. EPA has provided more detailed responses to these requests in the accompanying comment response matrix.

Version 8.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline.

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 8.0 requirements.
  • After March 2, 2020, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 7.1. Note, however, that existing certifications to Version 7.1 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until July 15, 2020.
    • Note that the ENERGY STAR test method has not changed substantially and therefore, there will be little need for the retesting of products for Version 8.0. Only the very few products with cyclical behavior, where the test method has changed, are expected to need to be retested. 
  • Any computer manufactured as of July 15, 2020, must meet the Version 8.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 7.1 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 8.0 to EPA.

On behalf of the EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revisions process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified computers. Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or (202) 586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Version 8.0 Final Specification
Version 8.0 Final Draft Comment Response Document
Version 8.0 Final Data Analysis Package

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 Draft 2 Specification

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Product Specification. This draft includes proposals in response to stakeholder feedback on the Draft 1 specification and additional data provided to EPA.

EPA will hold a webinar to discuss the Draft 2 specification on October 22 from 2pm to 4pm; please RSVP here for the specification webinar.  We encourage stakeholder input on the Draft 2, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Product Specification. Please submit any comments to by November 7, 2019

All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

EPA thanks stakeholders for their performance data and feedback on the Draft 1 specification. The enclosed comment response document contains a summary of comments on the Draft 1 specification and an explanation of EPA’s response in each case. A majority of comments, however, are directly addressed in the note boxes in the Draft 2 specification. Changes resulting from this information in Draft 2 include: revised performance requirements, addition of an energy recovery credit for washing performance, updated definitions including one for energy recovery, and planned data collection for future revisions.

Performance Criteria, Water Consumption: EPA received several comments from stakeholders on the Draft 1 water consumption requirements, on both the need for the requirement and the proposed requirement levels. EPA remains committed to ensuring that user experience is a top priority in product specifications, and thus is proposing to revert to ENERGY STAR commercial dishwasher product specification Version 2.0 water requirements for all dishmachine types. Multiple stakeholders commented that user experience would be negatively impacted if water requirements were made more stringent, due to a decrease in rinseability performance. Rinseability ensures that particles washed off dishware are not redeposited, maintaining proper appearance of clean and sanitized ware. EPA acknowledges that this requirement was historically provided as a substitute for washing performance metrics while the ASTM test procedures were in development. At the same time, protecting against trade-offs between energy efficiency gains and increased water consumption remains a priority. EPA notes that the industry is working on a test procedure that can quantify the relationship between water and rinseability via the NSF 3 standard, and expects to review and reference this test procedure once finalized by industry.

Performance Criteria, Washing Energy: EPA received comments and additional masked data regarding the Draft 1 proposed washing energy requirements. EPA thanks stakeholders for the additional product information, which allowed the Agency to confirm that proposed levels are appropriate, with minor modifications to ensure that multiple manufacturers and product types can meet them.

Performance Criteria, Idle Energy: EPA received comments from stakeholders that the current measurement of idle energy (door closed) omits the energy use in some cases of the internal / external booster heater, and recommended that this be included in the performance metric. EPA received data confirming that the booster heater did have significant power consumption and is measured in the ASTM test procedures (F1696/F1920). EPA is proposing to collect this data through Version 3.0 in order to update the idle energy requirement in a future revision. EPA notes that all existing idle performance data for ENERGY STAR omits this energy and, as such, there is insufficient data to incorporate booster heater idle energy into the existing idle format for Version 3.0.

Energy Recovery Credit: EPA received comments from multiple stakeholders that the current ASTM test procedures for washing energy need special considerations for energy recovery machines. Due to inlet temperature differences between energy recovery machines and conventional machines, the same dishmachine would appear to require additional energy when tested to the energy recovery case. EPA notes that a long term strategy that addresses this issue is to account for the pre-heat energy used by the machines, calculated in ASTM as the primary domestic hot water energy. EPA is proposing to collect this value through Version 3.0 to allow requirements to be developed in this format in a future revision. In the short term, EPA is proposing an energy recovery credit to the washing performance requirement, where dishmachines meeting proposed energy recovery definitions are eligible for a credit based on product water consumption (gal / rack), up to a maximum value.

Scope: Due to lack of product data and no existing certifications for low temp Pot Pan Utensil and Flight Type machines, EPA removed requirements for these configurations and placed them out of scope in Draft 1. EPA received no comments about this scope revision.

Definitions: EPA clarified several definitions, referencing NSF 170-2015 when possible, and included additional definitions based on stakeholder requests and comments. New definitions were constructed for energy recovery, based on user experience benefits for this technology. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the new and revised definitions to ensure they remain reflective of products on the market.

The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track the EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.

Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Dan Baldewicz at  or 518-452-6426 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial dishwasher related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Specification
Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Data Package
Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Comment Response Document

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Version 3.0 Effective Date Reminder
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Program Requirements is October 11, 2019. On this date, only products certified to Version 3.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 3.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 3.0 certified imaging equipment to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Making Sense of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program

Confused about the recently-finalized ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) Version 1.0 specification? Want to learn more about how it could impact your business or organization? Wondering what a SHEMS is?

To answer all of your questions and help interested device manufacturers, service providers, home builders, energy efficiency program sponsors, and retailers get on board as easily as possible, EPA will be hosting a series of “office hours” about the nascent SHEMS program. The series will consist of four hour-long webinars as noted on the schedule below. Each webinar will include three basic components: (1) general information about the program, (2) information targeted to a specific stakeholder group, and (3) answering questions from session attendees. All stakeholders are invited to attend as many or as few sessions as they would like.

•  October 16, 2019, 1-2pm ET: Making Sense of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program for Service Providers and Device Manufacturers

•  October 30, 2019, 1-2pm ET: Making Sense of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program for Retailers

•  November 13, 2019, 1-2pm ET: Working Toward Smart Efficiency: an Overview of the SHEMS Specification for Energy Efficiency Program Sponsors

•  December 4, 2019, 1-2pm ET: Making Sense of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program for Home Builders

To register for a session, please follow the hyperlink for the relevant session name. Please send additional questions and any requests for material to cover to

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR, and we look forward to making sense of SHEMS

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Final Recognition Criteria
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for fourteen eligible product categories, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA response. The proposed criteria for Dehumidifiers will be shared with stakeholders this fall. The updated HVAC application will be available by January 1, 2020.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Energy Star Newsletter Summer 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regularly updates ENERGY STAR product specifications. For every specification, product performance data submissions from partners are foundational to the process. Proposed efficiency levels tend to be based on the performance of existing certified models as well as data offered by manufacturers and other stakeholders during the specification process. Establishing requirements that reflect the performance of the highest efficiency models available sometimes requires going beyond the data at hand and anticipating the market. To this end, EPA relies on insights shared by stakeholders and partners to help the Agency anticipate important trends in the market. For more information on EPA’s SOP for ENERGY STAR specification setting click here.

The following information includes some helpful reminders as you prepare for upcoming specification changes and manage your inventory of ENERGY STAR certified products.

Recent and upcoming specification activities include:

•-ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Final Version 4.0
EPA released the ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Final Version 4.0 on July 30, 2019. Version 4.0 requirements will become effective on April 29, 2020. This specification establishes updated definitions, scope, and energy and low power mode requirements in alignment with and in response to the Department of Energy (DOE) federal minimum standard that came into effect on January 8, 2019. To review the Version 4.0, please visit the product development webpage, here. Newly certified products will be added to Product Finder under vending machines.

-ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Draft 2 Version 3.0
EPA released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification on April 3, 2019. The Version 3.0 specification proposes the introduction of a wash energy metric, amendments to the current ENERGY STAR criteria levels, scope changes, and updates to the referenced test methods. Draft 2 is expected for publication and comment soon! For more information on activities performed to date in preparation for this revision, please visit the product development webpage, here. Contact with any questions or comments.

-ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Draft 1 Version 3.0
ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Draft 1 Version 3.0 development is underway with anticipated release in winter 2019. As part of a separate but related effort, ENERGY STAR is scoping induction stovetop technology, please contact for details.

-ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Discussion Guide
ENERGY STAR Water Coolers discussion guide is underway with anticipated release in fall 2019. Contact with any questions or comments.

For more information regarding the ENERGY STAR specification process or additional CFS equipment updates, visit

ENERGY STAR Component Inspection Verification Program Update

To ensure consumer confidence in the ENERGY STAR label and to protect the investment of ENERGY STAR partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires third-party certification of product models that earn the label. Prior to labeling, products are tested in an EPA-recognized laboratory and reviewed by an EPA-recognized certification body (CB). In addition, post–market verification testing is conducted on a portion of ENERGY STAR certified products. For commercial food service (CFS) product categories, EPA is developing an alternative to post-market testing that involves component inspection, with commercial steam cookers the first to be completed.

Participation in the component inspection verification program will be optional for qualified CFS partners and certification bodies to use as an alternative to traditional energy testing, for verification test purposes only. Recent EPA activities to expand the program include completing a review of the commercial steam cooker program results from 2018, discussing the energy impacts associated with changes in software controls, and reviewing information provided by CBs and partners about existing component verification programs. It is anticipated that ongoing discussions between EPA and stakeholders will lead to a draft CFS component inspection directive by 2019, which will expand upon the current steam cooker directive when finalized. The final directive will apply to an initial subset of CFS products to be determined by EPA, and will clarify the process for onboarding other CFS product categories. Please contact Brian Krausz ( with any questions about the CFS component inspection verification program.

The ENERGY STAR Industrial Workshop meeting will be held September 23 through September 24 in Washington, D.C. Energy managers from industrial companies across America are invited to meet in a no-sell environment to learn and discuss proven strategies for reducing energy costs and improving environmental footprints. Join the discussion and gain real-world sustainability best practices for energy efficiency from top U.S. industrial experts. This Workshop would be particularly useful to anyone interested in learning more about ENERGY STAR partnership for buildings. Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) is processing registrations for both the ENERGY STAR workshop and AEE World (formerly WEEC). Registration is required to attend the ENERGY STAR Industrial Workshop. Visit the event page for more details, here.

Location: Washington DC

2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Recap

Thanks to all who traveled to Charlotte, NC for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. Retailers, manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, third-party program implementers, and other stakeholders were all well represented among the 500 people who joined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for three busy days of meetings and sessions. So much work got done! Meeting participants made productive use of 12 available meeting rooms for more than 220 individual working meetings, collaborating on the best ways to promote sales of ENERGY STAR certified products. In addition to organizing and moderating presentation sessions, ENERGY STAR program staff participated in close to 150 hours of meetings with various ENERGY STAR partners. And 20 different companies brought energy efficiency to life, displaying their ENERGY STAR certified products as part of the Product Expo.

Special thanks to our meeting sponsors, who were ably facilitated by Nationwide Marketing Group. We are especially grateful to Nationwide for enlightening attendees with insights on the independent retailer perspective.   

In case you missed it, here are some additional highlights:

Efficiency Programs and Approaches

  • With a little added focus and some innovative program approaches, there are plenty of cost-effective savings to be had, featuring ENERGY STAR certified products. One increasingly popular approach recognizes low-to-middle income (LMI) audiences as an opportunity audience for energy efficiency, with companies like Walmart experiencing how the ENERGY STAR message can resonate with them. In the face of ongoing uncertainty, sponsors of lighting programs are finding success by focusing on specialty bulbs. Although more challenging, heat pump water heaters present a tremendous opportunity, particularly when you consider leveraging one of the effective midstream, distributor program models currently being piloted (Efficiency Maine, Duke Energy, and Uplight).  And who can say just how much future potential there might be when it comes to smart home energy management systems (ICF, Centerpoint Energy, and Constellation).
  • Utility investments in ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostat programs are gaining momentum, as reflected in the 39% jump in sales nationally in 2018 (Baltimore Gas & Electric, Ecobee, and Uplight).
  • With the prospect of increased electrification comes the imperative to do it efficiently and a heightened interest in residential space heating. Ductless heat pump mini-splits have the potential to play an important role (Mitsubishi, CLEAResult, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, and Eversource). Some utilities are grappling with the challenges associated with developing electric vehicle charging programs, while ENERGY STAR charging equipment partners are leveraging the new business opportunity.
  • Recognizing the critical role of third-party program implementers, EPA is offering program support tailored for you. Learn more about how your business interests and the ENERGY STAR program might intersect here (Peter Banwell, Dan Cronin, Abi Daken, and Jill Vohr).
  • In its fourth year, with more than 15% of the US market served and nearly 70% of the appliance market represented by committed and engaged retailers, the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform is ready to grow. The group is working to introduce greater flexibility to better meet the needs of program sponsors seeking to leverage this platform for strategic collaboration with retailers and manufacturers across the country. Contact EPA to learn more about ESRPP and how this powerful midstream platform could work for your energy efficiency programs.

ENERGY STAR Program Developments

  • EPA was pleased to unveil the newly finalized ENERGY STAR program for labeling smart home energy management systems (SHEMS). Learn more about how it will work and visions for the future here.
  • Progress continues, with valuable input from key stakeholders, on the development of “connected” criteria and a demand response test procedure for residential water heaters. A broad group of stakeholders are participating in bringing ENERGY STAR certified heat pump water heaters with load shifting capability to the market as early as mid-2020.
  • Taking to heart input from stakeholders about issues such as timing, EPA is exploring new options for an upcoming revision to the ENERGY STAR specification for central air conditioning/air source heat pumps. Draft 2 is expected to be released for comment before Thanksgiving.
  • It continues to be a priority for the ENERGY STAR Program to ensure that energy efficiency in products comes with high performance and attractive features. ENERGY STAR partners like Samsung and BSH continue to innovate to deliver on this promise.
  • Applications for 2020 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards are now available. The online application system will be available in mid-October, and the deadline for submission will be in early December. For the latest information visit

Outreach and Marketing

  • ENERGY STAR partners continue to innovate successful strategies for driving consumer adoption of energy-saving products with added value from ENERGY STAR. Eversource’s innovative “outside-in” approach brings together a trifecta of understanding customer needs, what messages resonate and engage them, and what media channels effectively reach them. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance featured a cutting edge approach to consumer research and how integrating ENERGY STAR into product messaging made a big difference in consumer interest and adoption. Attendees also learned about ways to optimize outreach around ENERGY STAR as the quintessential ingredient brand.
  • Residential heat pump water heaters present a significant efficiency opportunity with a compelling customer savings message. Experts in the field shared insights on effective ways to market them (D&R International, United Illuminating, A.O. Smith).  Featured resources include the online ENERGY STAR product finder which includes specifics on local installers with heat pump water heater experience. The mobile-friendly ENERGY STAR Water Heater Replacement Guide helps potential purchasers determine whether a heat pump water heater is right for their home.
  • The ENERGY STAR Program is reinvigorating outreach efforts (C+C, ICF) to raise awareness and demand for  ENERGY STAR certified HVAC with an ambitious media plan set for this fall which include the debut of a new online consumer buying guide, replacement calculator, and product finder. Now is the time to look toward aligning your HVAC programs with ENERGY STAR.

Tools and Resources

  • Attention web content managers – the ENERGY STAR Program offers a range of free resources designed to enhance the consumer experience on your website. ENERGY STAR certified product lists can be tailored automatically and made available on your website through APIs. Energy-saving advice, maintained by the ENERGY STAR program, can also be automatically tailored and packaged for your use. Product Finders have been updated to offer consumers a one- stop-shop for buying guidance, savings tips, tools, rebates, as well as price and location data – representing an off-the-shelf marketplace that you can readily leverage for your customers.

For access to all of this year’s presentations, please visit and click on the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Presentations link.

EPA is researching venues and dates in September 2020 for next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.


Location: Washington DC

Room Air Cleaners Final Draft Specification Version 2.0
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Final Draft Specification. This draft addresses stakeholder feedback on the Draft 1 Specification and a limited topic proposal that were released in March and June 2019, respectively. The proposed effective date of this Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Specification is July 17, 2020.
EPA highlights key changes in the Final Draft below and provides rationale for these proposed changes in noteboxes throughout the specification. Additionally, EPA responds to comments received on other topics in the accompanying comment response document.

  • On Mode Requirements – EPA received stakeholder feedback indicating that the proposed Smoke CADR/W criteria for the lowest size bin may cause products sold at a lower price point to be unable to qualify for the ENERGY STAR label. As a result, EPA reduced the Minimum Smoke CADR/W from 2.1 to 1.9 to increase the selection of certified products that are smaller and less expensive. Stakeholders also shared concern that products with HEPA filters would not be represented in the models meeting the Version 2.0 criteria. EPA reviewed stakeholder and EPA-gathered in-store data and ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform on-line data and concluded that a good selection of HEPA models in all size bins are eligible for the ENERGY STAR at proposed levels. Finally, EPA clarified that the rated Smoke CADR and the measured operating power be used to calculate CADR/Watt for each product.
  • Partial On Mode Requirements – EPA received stakeholder feedback that some room air cleaner products with Wi-Fi capability require additional steps upon shipment to properly set up a network connection to the product. In order to clarify how products with Wi-Fi capability should be tested, the specification now notes that products with this capability should be tested with Wi-Fi enabled and a network connection properly configured. As a result, all products with Wi-Fi capability will be tested with it enabled and configured properly and will be eligible to receive the 1 watt network connected power allowance in Partial On Mode.
  • Reporting Requirements – EPA expanded the information that will be reported on the ENERGY STAR certified product list to provide consumers with valuable details about the product (e.g., filter type and model number).
  • Optional Connected Criteria – The connected criteria that EPA sought comment on separately are now included in Section 4 of the Final Draft. EPA learned through stakeholder comments that these criteria are somewhat forward looking. However, EPA believes that they provide a level playing field for partners who are interested in providing or incentivizing this functionality and has maintained the criteria as proposed. EPA responded to stakeholder feedback in the accompanying connected criteria comment response document.
  • Test Method – EPA has included additional instructions for properly configuring a network connection to ensure this is done in a repeatable manner.

Stakeholders are requested to provide any remaining comments on the Version 2.0 Final Draft Specification no later than September 26, 2019. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential.
Please contact or (202) 564-1085, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For questions about the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson, DOE, at or (202) 287-1943. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Katharine Kaplan, Manager
ENERGY STAR Product Development and Program Administration

    ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Final Draft Specification
    ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Draft 1 Comment Response Document
    ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Limited Topic Proposal Comment Response Document

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Final Draft Specification

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification and Final Draft, Computers Test Method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this draft specification. EPA has included an anticipated effective date of July 15, 2020 for the Version 8.0 specification.

This final draft reflects significant engagement with stakeholders and strikes a reasonable balance across the numerous criteria that make up this specification. In response to stakeholder feedback, EPA has made modest adjustments to a select set of adders including reducing the adder for hard disk drives and notebook storage and adding an adder for higher throughput ports used by higher end content creation products. EPA has also made minor adjustments to the base allowances that account for the changes to the adder values. In addition, EPA has amended the incentive structure for full network connectivity to allow for tiered incentives based on how efficient the alternative low power mode is and to provide access to the incentive by integrated desktops.

Stakeholders may submit any comments on this Final Draft specification to no later than September 24, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the computers product development website.

Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or (202) 586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Draft, Version 8.0 Specification
Final Draft, Computers Test Method
Draft 2, Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: Farideh Namjou
Address: 1516 Ninth Street MS-29
City: Sacramento
State: Ca 95814
Country: USA
Comments: 916-654-4287
Location: Washington DC

Join us in celebrating ENERGY STAR Day on Tuesday, October 22, 2019!

Each year, ENERGY STAR Day brings together the Environmental Protection Agency and its partners in celebrating the value of saving energy, saving money, and protecting the climate. For ENERGY STAR Day 2019, we are bringing back our aspirational theme from 2018: Save Today, Save Tomorrow, Save for Good with ENERGY STAR. The idea is simple. With ENERGY STAR certified products, you can save today with rebates and other deals, save tomorrow with energy savings, and save for good – for all the good things you want in your life and for a healthier planet for you and your family.

This year we will use social media to raise awareness of the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified products, with a particular focus on providing energy-saving opportunities to underserved audiences that need it the most. Our goal? To ensure that energy savings with ENERGY STAR is accessible and affordable for everyone.

How to Participate 

Make your voice heard on social media on Tuesday, October 22, 2019.

Join us by raising awareness and offering opportunities for your audience to save for good with ENERGY STAR. Help amplify our message to the entire country.

Let's see how far our collective voice can reach! 

  • When: Tuesday, October 22 (ALL DAY)
  • Where: Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • How: Use the hashtag #ENERGYSTARDay to join the conversation!

Find sample social media, a video, and graphics in our ENERGY STAR Day Toolkit! We have added social images and sample posts specific to product types, such as lighting, appliances, smart thermostats, water heaters, and more to support participation regardless of the ENERGY STAR certified products you want to promote.

If you have any initiatives that provide opportunities for saving energy to those that need it the most, such as income-qualified programs and/or special deals on ENERGY STAR certified products, we invite you to promote these initiatives on ENERGY STAR Day. EPA will feature them on our ENERGY STAR Day landing page,

What will EPA be doing?

Throughout October, EPA will be conducting paid outreach through a mix of media, including broad outreach to amplify the celebration of energy-savings, as well as targeted outreach to underserved audiences based on our customer segmentation data. All outreach will drive traffic to an ENERGY STAR Day web page featuring Product Finder and a showcase of partner initiatives.

If you have questions, please contact your ENERGY STAR Regional Account Manager by emailing If you are a retail or manufacturer partner, please reach out to We look forward to your participation in another successful ENERGY STAR Day celebration!

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner and Air Source Heat Pump Partners and Stakeholders:

EPA and the Department of Energy (DOE) hope to see you at our stakeholder meeting on the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner and Air Source Heat Pump Version 6.0 Specification. The meeting will be in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (ESPPM) at The Westin Charlotte in Charlotte, NC. The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12, from 1:45-4:45PM EST, in the Morehead Room (Level 2). Topics include discussions on Draft 1 stakeholder feedback, the planned transition to 2023 test method and standard, and update on proposals for the climate-based criteria and optional connected criteria.

If you can’t join us in Charlotte, this meeting also has a webinar and call in option – register here.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program

For more information, visit:

This message was sent to you on behalf of ENERGY STAR. Each ENERGY STAR partner organization must have at least one primary contact receiving e-mail to maintain partnership. If you are no longer working on ENERGY STAR, and wish to be removed as a contact, please update your contact status in your MESA account. If you are not a partner organization and wish to opt out of receiving e-mails, please contact  Unsubscribing means that you will no longer receive program-wide or product-specific e-mails from ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Final Version 1.0 Specification

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program Requirements and Method to Determine Field Performance. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who contributed to the development of this specification. The specification is effective immediately and service providers may begin certifying their products once they have the required field data and have signed an ENERGY STAR Partnership Agreement.

The Version 1.0 specification establishes required energy-saving SHEMS features designed to deliver cost savings as well as user convenience. These features include reliable occupancy-based control of connected devices, user feedback and display of energy use data, limiting the standby power of required devices, and the inclusion of an ENERGY STAR certified connected thermostat. The specification requires periodic submission of statistical analysis of field data gathered from installations of the certified SHEMS package. EPA will use this data to affirm specification compliance, develop a performance metric, and assess energy savings potential in the coming years.

We are excited about the potential for the ENERGY STAR label to help service providers increase the demand for qualifying SHEMS packages in an increasingly competitive market where consumers seek purchase advice and guidance. More than 90 percent of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label, three-fourths of purchasers of ENERGY STAR products indicate the label was influential and four of five purchasers would recommend ENERGY STAR products to friends. More than 700 utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors, reaching roughly 95 percent of U.S. households in all 50 states, leverage ENERGY STAR to deliver greater energy efficiency. The estimated annual market value of ENERGY STAR product sales is more than $100 billion. 

This specification was developed through rigorous engagement with stakeholders including working groups, three draft specifications, and numerous meetings. EPA received several comments and letters of support in response of the Final Draft specification. In response to comments received, EPA made several minor editorial changes and clarified the expectations for water heater connectivity and the applicability of the marketing requirements to packages marketed to end users. Additional comments are addressed in the accompanying comment response document. EPA appreciates all comments and letters of support.

Next Steps

The effective date for the Version 1.0 SHEMS specification is September 3, 2019. Service providers new to the ENERGY STAR program may submit a Partnership Agreement to to initiate the application process for the SHEMS program. For information about this process, please visit Existing partners or applicants do not need to take any action to indicate their intention to certify SHEMS products.  

Certification bodies (CBs) may submit applications for EPA recognition. EPA expects to announce the first set of recognized CBs in late September. Third-party laboratories interested in obtaining EPA recognition for the ENERGY STAR SHEMS program may also submit an application for EPA recognition. Laboratories are eligible for expedited recognition if they are already accredited to IEC 62301 and recognized by EPA for testing other product categories. First-party labs can be recognized and conduct testing if they participate in a witnessed or supervised testing program run by an EPA-recognized CB. For more information, please visit EPA will host a mandatory webinar for CBs seeking recognition for this category on September 4, 2019 from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Eastern Time. Interested CBs may register for the mandatory webinar here.

Third-Party Certification

SHEMS service providers may certify their SHEMS packages once they have compiled their initial field data submission. EPA has clarified in the Method to Determine Field Performance that platform capabilities that do not impact energy saving algorithms are not required to be present in the field data submission for initial certification.

All new products must be certified by an EPA-recognized certification body before being marketed as ENERGY STAR. Upon meeting all certification requirements, a CB will notify the Partner that the product is ENERGY STAR certified and will submit certified product data to EPA for listing on the ENERGY STAR website. For more information on the Third-Party Certification program please visit After certification, partners will submit statistical analysis of field data gathered from installations of the certified SHEMS package to EPA every 6 months and will update their product listing if any required element of the SHEMS package changes.

Please note that ENERGY STAR partnership as a SHEMS service provider is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they provide the SHEMS service in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), in this case including original service providers that do not own a consumer-facing service brand. It is typical for hardware and service OEMs to work with ENERGY STAR partners to gather required field data and test data.

On behalf of EPA, we appreciate your participation in the development of this specification and look forward to working with each of you as you certify and promote your SHEMS products. Please contact Abigail Daken at or (202) 343-9375 and Taylor Jantz-Sell (returning January 2020) at or (202) 343-9042 with specific questions. General questions can be sent to

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Abigail Daken & Taylor Jantz-Sell

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems

ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for SHEMS Version 1.0
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Version 1.0 Method to Determine Field Performance
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Version 1.0 Data Reporting Template
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Final Draft Comment Response Document

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Charlotte, NC

Join Us for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

Charlotte, North Carolina | September 10-12

Get excited for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! The ENERGY STAR team has developed a session specifically geared for lighting partners. This session is meant to help partners learn about the latest market insights and specialty bulbs. It's not too late to register! Visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting page to register and for other meeting information.

View the latest agenda to start planning your time in Charlotte and make sure to join ENERGY STAR for the following sessions on September 12:

ENERGY STAR Lighting Updates & What's So Special About Specialty Bulbs?
September 12, 12:45 - 1:45pm

This session will address how ENERGY STAR can help partners seize persisting market potential in the lighting market. We will dive into recent research on specialty bulb market share and remaining savings potential. Join us in exploring how utilities incentivize consumers to look for the ENERGY STAR when purchasing LED specialty bulbs and learn about ENERGY STAR resources that lighting programs can use to promote these bulbs.

Moderator: Jessica Lorenz

Dan Rogers, ICF
Tom Cohen, Greenlite
Daniel Cote, CLEAResult

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is also a great time to set up networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. The schedule for this year's meeting opens the opportunity for even more networking than in previous years. One-on-one networking rooms are now available. Learn how you can reserve meeting rooms HERE.

Key Meeting Reminders:

Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South Collete Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600

Rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block are limited and available on a first come, first served basis. Please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Updates on meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at





Location: Charlotte, NC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

For full meeting details, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting webpage.


Meeting Location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600


Register Now!
The formal registration period for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting ends at 8:00 PM ET today, August 21.

However, as a courtesy to late registrants, the online system will remain available through September 6 at 8:00 PM ET, as well as onsite. 
To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting page and click on the green “Register Today” button.

Although registration has been extended, please:

  • Register before 8:00 PM ET today, August 21
    • To be listed on the final meeting participant list that is circulated prior to the meeting
    • To have your pre-printed badge ready when you check in at meeting registration*
  • Register before 8:00 PM ET August 27 to receive the final meeting materials via email on August 29. This email will include the participant list and agenda companion document with session descriptions and speaker information.**

*Badges for those registering after 8:00 PM ET today, August 21 will be generated onsite at the meeting. We will make every effort to have them ready as soon as possible after the start of the meeting.

**All attendees will receive a hard copy of the final meeting agenda when they check in at meeting registration.
Other Reminders:

As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

The $309 per person registration fee includes optional breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting. This fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel to cover the cost of food and beverages provided. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee if they wish to partake of the food and beverages provided by the Westin Charlotte for meeting attendees. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

The ENERGY STAR room block for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is almost sold out.
Although space is limited, the Westin Charlotte may still have rooms at the discounted ENERGY STAR meeting rate of $219/night available on certain dates. There may also be rooms available at the standard (non-discounted) rates. 
To explore all your accommodation options at the Westin Charlotte, please call reservations directly at 866-837-4148.
If your preferred dates are not available at the Westin, the following nearby venues may have availability:

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is approximately 7 miles from the Westin Charlotte.

Suggested options for getting to and from the Westin include:

  • Airport Taxi (one-way): approximately $25
  • Uber/Lyft (one-way): approximately $16
  • Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) Bus (one-way): approximately $3 – the Westin is located at the College St. & Stonewall St. stop  

More information on how to access the Westin by plane, train, bus, or car can be found here.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!


EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US


Location: Charlotte, NC

2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Update – 3 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Meeting Location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600

For full meeting details, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting webpage.


Register Now!
Online registration is open for just 3 more days, through Wednesday, August 21.
To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting page and click on the green “Register Today” button.
Reminder: As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
*The $309 per person registration fee includes optional breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting. This fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel to cover the cost of food and beverages provided. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee if they wish to partake of the food and beverages provided by the Westin Charlotte for meeting attendees. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

The ENERGY STAR room block for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is almost sold out.
Although space is limited, the Westin Charlotte may still have rooms at the discounted ENERGY STAR meeting rate of $219/night available on certain dates. There may also be rooms available at the standard (non-discounted) rates. 
To explore all your accommodation options at the Westin Charlotte, please call reservations directly at 866-837-4148.
If your preferred dates are not available at the Westin, the following nearby venues may have availability:

  • Courtyard by Marriott Charlotte City Center
  • Aloft Charlotte Uptown at the EpiCentre
  • Charlotte Marriott City Center
    Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is approximately 7 miles from the Westin Charlotte.

    Suggested options for getting to and from the Westin include:

  • Airport Taxi (one-way): approximately $25
  • Uber/Lyft (one-way): approximately $16
  • Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) Bus (one-way): approximately $3 – the Westin is located at the College St. & Stonewall St. stop  
  • More information on how to access the Westin by plane, train, bus, or car can be found here.


You are invited to join EPA at Fitted for the Future: A Discussion on Emerging Technologies. This unique session at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will give participating utilities and energy efficiency program sponsors an opportunity to hear directly from several manufacturer partners who are at the forefront of technological advances in appliances. They will speak on exciting trends and opportunities for increased energy savings, with a focus on categories where reaching the next level of savings has been challenging.

This session is by invitation only and you can reserve your seat now through our RSVP page on Eventbrite.

If you have questions about the session, please contact
Fitted for the Future: A Discussion on Emerging Technologies

  • Date: Tuesday, September 10
  • Time: 1:15 – 2:15 PM


Please contact with any questions.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!


Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Luminaires Version 2.2 Final Specification
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized minor adjustments to the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, reflected in a Version 2.2 (V2.2). Current certifications will not be affected by these changes. Comments received in response to the proposed adjustments were minimal. The final V2.2 specification and EPA’s response to comments received are posted at
Finalized adjustments include:

      1.    Personal Device Charging: products such as portable floor and desk task lights with integral USB chargers and AC outlets
             are no longer excluded from the scope of the Luminaires specification.
      2.    New Method of Measurement: ANSI/IES LM-79-19 is now an acceptable method of measurement for new
             product certifications.
      3.    Integral Battery Packs: Section 1.1 now clearly indicates that products with integral battery packs intended for emergency
             light source operation in the event of loss of normal power are not excluded for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.
      4.    Inseparable Other SSL Luminaires: A formal definition for inseparable “other” now clarifies that solid state (LED) luminaire
             types not otherwise itemized in the directional scope must be measured with luminaire photometry. Clarification was also added
             to express that directional types that are called out in the specification can be separable or inseparable. The
             exemption of inseparable other products from Color Angular Uniformity and Luminaire Serviceability requirements was
             always intended and is now explicitly stated as well.
      5.    Qualified Product Exchange form: EPA has updated the Qualified Product Exchange forms to simplify the certification of
             models that could be considered more than one luminaire type (e.g. recessed downlight and downlight SSL retrofit) so long as
             they meet all relevant requirements for each luminaire type.

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes individual inquiries; please contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at (202) 343-9408 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Taylor Jantz-Sell 
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Robert Burchard
Phone: 202-343-9126
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Charlotte, NC


EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.


For full meeting details, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting webpage.


Register Now!
Online registration has been extended through Wednesday, August 21.
To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting page and click on the green “Register Today” button.
Please note: As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
*The $309 per person registration fee includes optional breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting. This fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel to cover the cost of food and beverages provided. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee if they wish to partake of the food and beverages provided by the Westin Charlotte for meeting attendees. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

The ENERGY STAR room block for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is almost sold out.
Although space is limited, the Westin Charlotte may still have rooms at the discounted ENERGY STAR meeting rate of $219/night available on certain dates. There may also be rooms available at the standard (non-discounted) rates. 
To explore all your accommodation options at the Westin Charlotte, please call reservations directly at 866-837-4148.
If your preferred dates are not available at the Westin, the following nearby venues may have availability:

The 2019 ENERGY STAR Product Partner Meeting preliminary agenda and agenda companion document with detailed session descriptions have been updated with some minor schedule changes. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated to those registered by August 21 immediately in advance of the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!



Location: Charlotte, NC


EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.


The Westin Charlotte is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $309 per person.

Registration for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open for just 1 more week until August 14, 2019. To register, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting online registration page.
 Benefits of registering online before August 14 include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After August 14th, attendees can only register for the meeting onsite.  After August 14th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee if they wish to partake of the food and beverages provided by the Westin Charlotte for meeting attendees. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

*This per person fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel to cover the cost of food and beverages provided. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

Sleeping rooms at The Westin Charlotte are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 24, 2019.

Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600
To book your rooms at The Westin Charlotte

  • Go to 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block (recommended).
  • Call reservations directly at 866-837-4148 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” 

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $219/night - double
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requester, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and a companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!




Location: Canada

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020: Proposed product categories and recognition criteria

The ENERGY STAR program continues to recognize the highest performers in energy efficiency for recognized products by extending and expanding the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation for 2020. 

Energy efficiency advocates throughout North America can continue to raise the bar on energy efficiency by leveraging ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 product information  that helps consumers find and purchase the “best of the best” among recognized product categories.

2020 Product Categories and Recognition Criteria 
For 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to continue to highlight all 14 of the product categories currently eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition, and introduce room air conditioners to the portfolio for a total of 15 categories. The proposed criteria for dehumidifiers will be shared with stakeholders this fall. 
The proposed recognition criteria for 2020 were based on an analysis of currently certified ENERGY STAR models as well as engineering analysis conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy. The results of the analysis indicated that for many categories existing recognition criteria remain reflective of the “best of the best.” As a result, Most Efficient 2019 efficiency criteria is being extended into 2020 for boilers, furnaces, central air conditioners and air source heat pumps, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps (GHP), refrigerators/freezers, televisions, and ventilation fans. In addition to adding criteria for room air conditioners, additional product sub-types are also being proposed for recognition for refrigerator/freezer and windows*. The monitor criteria has also been revised and modest revisions are being proposed to ceiling fan and dryer criteria. Lastly, it is being proposed to allow partners to indicate the availability of consumer features such as soil sensing on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient product list for dishwashers, refrigerators, and dryers.

Additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 recognition will be provided with the finalization of these criteria. Products recognized in 2019 that meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 criteria will automatically receive recognition.

Find details on the proposal and individual product criteria on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Criteria Development web page. 

A stakeholder webinar will be held on August 7, 2019 from 2 to 4 pm EST to discuss the proposed recognition criteria. To participate in this webinar, please register here by August 6th. Please share written comments no later than August 22, 2019 with It is expected that recognition requirements will be finalized in August.

For more information, contact or in Canada, contact Erin Sullivan by e-mail at or by phone at 613 947-1219.

*The Most Efficient residential windows specification for Canada is developed and published by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). For 2020, the qualifying criteria will be more stringent and include sliding glass doors. For further information, please contact Erin Sullivan by e-mail at

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Final Draft Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this Final Draft test method.
The Final Draft reflects significant engagement with stakeholders. EPA has moved the clarified as-shipped instructions to the General Initialization section, updated the auto-off and default delay time to sleep instructions, and provided further clarifications for paper coating and measurement actions. EPA received additional comments related to the treatment of accessories. The Agency believes that accessories are better dealt with via the ENERGY STAR specification, perhaps through the incorporation of adders with sufficient supporting data. Treatment of accessories will be considered as part of this revision during development of the eligibility criteria.
Any remaining comments on this Final Draft test method may be submitted to by August 15, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Imaging Equipment Specification Version 3.0 product development webpage.
Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about the imaging equipment specification. For test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or (202) 586-9870. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Draft Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method
Draft 2 Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method Comment Response

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Recognition Criteria
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient proposed recognition criteria for 2020 on July 22nd. Comments are due August 22, 2019 and may be submitted to
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on August 7, 2019 from 2pm to 4pm Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2020 recognition criteria. To participate in this webinar, please register here by August 6th.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting - SHEMS Sessions

EPA is pleased to invite you to the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Content on ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems will be focused on Day 2 of the meeting, September 11th, with the sessions below. This meeting is a great networking opportunity and rooms are available to reserve for private meetings. Stakeholders interested in connecting with attendees of the concurrent Residential New Construction Partner Meeting can contact Brice Lang at Additional details for the meeting are available at, including the full agendaRegister before August 14th.
Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) 1 of 2: Building Towards a Future Vision
(Concurrent) 1:45 – 2:45 P.M.

ENERGY STAR certified SHEMS is the first step in building a future that incorporates varied interests into one platform for energy management. How do we continue working towards a shared vision for ultimate home energy management? How do we encourage best practices for whole home integration that will delight consumers? What other initiatives are needed to get closer to this future vision? This session will cover the program to date as well as explore the vision for the future. 

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Final Draft Version 1.0 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Draft of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Version 1.0 Specification and Partner Commitments and the Final Draft Method to Determine Field Performance. The Agency appreciates the considerable effort stakeholders have put into helping us develop this specification. All materials related to EPA’s development of the specification can be found at EPA anticipates finalizing the SHEMS Version 1.0 Specification by the end of August 2019.

The Final Draft specification reflects comments received in response to Draft 2 and subsequent stakeholder discussions. Stakeholders were generally supportive of the requirements proposed in the Draft 2 specification. EPA has made minor modifications to address remaining concerns. Revisions included in the Final Draft include:

Partner Commitments
Given the complexity and fast-moving market associated with SHEMS, EPA has added a partner commitment that anticipates regular communication with partners to gather program insights, monitor market developments, and work toward the development of a metric and future specification versions. 

EPA has clarified the partner commitment on marketing SHEMS. The intent behind this partner commitment is to ask service providers that opt to partner with the ENERGY STAR program and leverage the ENERGY STAR label for SHEMS to prioritize the ENERGY STAR offering over similar non-conforming offerings. The approach EPA has taken with the ENERGY STAR SHEMS specification allows absolute flexibility in terms of which elements of the package the customer opts to purchase or not, but we are asking ENERGY STAR partners not to pro-actively offer and market competing packages that fall short of the ENERGY STAR specification (e.g. a package with an ENERGY STAR thermostat and lighting or a smart plug but not both). Given the care that was taken to limit the prescribed elements of the specification, we anticipate that service providers interested in participating in the program that have existing SHEMS offerings will simply adapt them to add any missing device (i.e. there is no restriction on the range of additional devices that may be included). We believe this approach is reasonable as an expectation of our partnership as it avoids undermining the objectives of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS specification while preserving consumer choice. 
In response to stakeholder suggestions, EPA has made minor revisions to the definitions of Transient Occupancy Device, Home Energy Sub Metering System, and Time of Use (TOU) Pricing. Per stakeholder request, the correction to the definition of Home Energy Sub Metering System now includes non-invasive disaggregation devices.

EPA has included new definitions of “compatible,” “SHEMS-specific hub,” and "Away time" (in the Method to Determine Field Performance). These definitions were added in order to provide additional clarity about the capabilities service providers are expected to deliver in order to include encouraged devices in the ENERGY STAR listing for a certified SHEMS package, the devices for which standby power must be measured and reported, and how to identify away hours.

Eligibility Criteria
EPA has included several small edits and clarifications in the eligibility criteria section, including:

  • Requiring service providers to recommend to their customers that persistent occupancy devices be installed in high-traffic areas of the home for best results.
  • Clarifying that the service must be capable of controlling the required and, as applicable, the encouraged devices in the certified package.
  • Encouraging development of systems supporting load building and advanced variable rate structures.

Method to Determine Field Performance
EPA has made several adjustments and added optional fields per stakeholder comment, including:

  • Clarified the method for rounding calculated statistics and the rounding precision.
  • Added two optional statistics to be reported for savings metric development: average power during non-away time, and average reduction in power during away hours.
  • Added an optional field in SHEMS Market Evolution to record the number of installations in each state.

Note boxes throughout the specification provide context for edits made in the Final Draft. The accompanying comment response document addresses comments that were not addressed in the specification or method to determine field performance.
Comment Submittal
Any final comments may be submitted to by August 12, 2019. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website, unless the submitter specifically requests otherwise.
Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or (until August 9th) with any specific questions or concerns, or Abigail Daken at (202) 343-9375 or
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR SHEMS Final Draft Version 1.0 Specification and Partner Commitments
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Final Draft Method to Determine Field Performance
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 2 Comment Response Document

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Charlotte, NC


EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.


The Westin Charlotte is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $309 per person.

Registration for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open for just 2.5 more weeks until August 14, 2019. To register, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting online registration page.
 Benefits of registering online before August 14 include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After August 14th, attendees can only register for the meeting onsite.  After August 14th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee if they wish to partake of the food and beverages provided by the Westin Charlotte for meeting attendees. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

*This per person fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel to cover the cost of food and beverages provided. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

Sleeping rooms at The Westin Charlotte are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 24, 2019.

Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600
To book your rooms at The Westin Charlotte

  • Go to 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block (recommended).
  • Call reservations directly at 866-837-4148 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” 

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $219/night - double
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requester, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and a companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

The EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters.  This structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of interest to you.  


EPA is working with The Westin Charlotte to make the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible. In 2019, offerings include a range of guest room conservation measures, as well as facility energy efficiency, water conservation, and recycling programs. Additional information on The Westin Charlotte’s environmental program can be found here.
In order to reduce waste and limit printing and shipping costs associated with meeting materials, EPA invites meeting participants to join the effort to go paperless for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. As in past years, EPA will email all attendees who register online between July 16 - August 14 the final meeting materials a week before the meeting. Each individual can choose to print only those materials they deem most critical.


Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!


EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington DC

The ENERGY STAR® Appliance Newsletter July 2019

Table of Contents

Maintaining Momentum on Appliance Promotions

Thank you to all our participating partners! From social media and Twitter Chats to in-store signage and digital advertising, we appreciate the many ways you participated to help more customers save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by choosing ENERGY STAR.  

Our latest marketing materials are always available for partner use any time of the year. And, to all our laundry partners, don’t forget to check out our heat pump dryer video! This short, animated video takes viewers step-by-step through the drying process, showcasing why this technology is definitely one to consider for their next purchase. We encourage you to share the video on your website, with sales associates, through social media, or through any of your other customer outreach channels.

See You in Charlotte for Partner Meeting
Mark your calendars for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! This year’s meeting will take place Tuesday, September 10 – Thursday, September 12 in Charlotte, NC.

This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters.

Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600 (link is external)

To book your rooms at The Westin Charlotte:

  • Call reservations directly at 866-837-4148 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings(link is external) to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and an initial agenda companion document with detailed session descriptions. Key appliance-focused sessions include:

  • ENERGY STAR Products: Energy Efficiency and High Performance - During this session, manufacturers across several product categories will discuss how the latest advancements in energy efficiency technology go hand-in-hand with other high-performance benefits.
  • Making Laundry Better with Heat Pump Dryers - Join this panel discussion with leading partners to see why ENERGY STAR certified heat pump dryers offers a promising energy-saving opportunity for consumers. Panelists will share their most recent technological innovations and how they are communicating the benefits of heat pump dryers everywhere from online outreach to the store floor.
  • Fitted for the Future: A Discussion on Emerging Technologies - This industry panel will speak to products that are at the forefront of technological advances motivating exciting trends and opportunities for increased energy savings, with a focus on categories where reaching the next level of savings has been challenging. Note: this session is by invitation only for utilities/energy efficiency program sponsors.

EPA will again be scheduling individual meetings with partners. If you would like to meet with EPA during the meeting, please contact and let us know your schedule. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

The latest updates on hotel reservations and meeting registration will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Update Your ENERGY STAR Sales Training with 2019 Savings & Messaging

Arm your sales associates with the latest savings and product messaging for your ENERGY STAR certified appliances. The following 2019 appliance training materials are available online:

Be sure to visit the ENERGY STAR Training Center in August for the latest update to the Appliance Consumer Messaging Guide. Looking for graphics or messaging about our appliance promotions? You can always find the most recent updates on our Marketing Materials page.

ENERGY STAR Day is October 22 – Join Us!

Save the date for ENERGY STAR Day on October 22, 2019. This year we are building on last year’s theme of Save Today, Save Tomorrow and Save for Good with both broad audience engagement complimented by a more targeted effort to provide the benefits of saving energy to those that need it the most, the underserved. 

The ENERGY STAR Day toolkit and a wide variety of marketing materials for lighting and smart thermostats – from digital assets, such as web tools, infographics, and social media images and posts, along with point-of-sale materials, fact sheets, and more are available on our marketing materials page at

Appliance Specification Updates

Dehumidifiers: Dehumidifiers Version 5.0 is now available for early certification and will go into effect on October 31, 2019. The updated specification includes new product category definitions (portable and whole-home), new product capacity ranges, and criteria in terms of a new efficiency metric, the Integrated Energy Factor (IEF). As of June 3, 2019, CBs will no longer certify new products to Version 4.0. Details regarding the development process can be found on the Dehumidifiers Specification Version 5.0 webpage.

Room Air Cleaners: On March 18, 2019, EPA released the draft 1 Room Air Cleaner Version 2.0 Specification and invited stakeholder written comments. EPA reviewed and published the draft 1 comments and on June 27, 2019 released a limited topic proposal on adding connected criteria to the Version 2.0 specification. EPA is currently reviewing all stakeholder comments and is working on the final draft of the Room Air Cleaner Version 2.0 Specification. All comments and additional details can be found on the Room Air Cleaner Specification Version 2.0 webpage.

Dishwashers: EPA plans to launch a specification revision for this category later this year.  If you are not already a dishwasher contact for your organization and would like to receive communications related to dishwashers, please update your contact information via MESA.

EPA also plans to launch specification development efforts for a set of new appliance products.  If you are interested in receiving communications related to any of the products below please fill in this form or send an email to with your name and indicate which of the following products are of interest.

Microwaves: In Q4 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for microwave ovens.

Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products: In Q3 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for miscellaneous refrigeration products.

Portable Air Conditioners: In Q3 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for portable air conditioners.

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington DC

Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Version 4.0 Final Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine product specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.
The Version 4.0 requirements will become effective on April 29, 2020. Vending machine products certifying for ENERGY STAR under the Version 4.0 specification will use, on average, approximately 9% less energy than standard vending machine products. This specification establishes updated definitions, scope, and energy and low power mode requirements in alignment with and in response to the DOE federal minimum standard that came into effect on January 8, 2019. If all refrigerated beverage vending machines sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the energy cost savings would grow to nearly $7 million and more than 150 million pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.
This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications and a final draft specification, along with multiple webinars, stakeholder meetings, and close engagement with stakeholders. No comments were received on the final draft specification. A minor change was made to the final specification to ensure consistency across ENERGY STAR product specifications and with DOE terminology such that ‘represented value’ is replaced with ‘certified rating’ and the unit sampling plan language defers to DOE’s sampling requirements. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the product development website.
Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements.
  • As of December 16, 2019, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.1 and 3.2. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until April 29, 2020.
  • Any vending machines manufactured as of April 29, 2020, must meet Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 3.1 and 3.2 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the Product Finder will only include models certified to Version 4.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark. 
EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy efficient vending machines. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and its timeline to Tanja Crk at EPA, or (202) 566-1037. Please direct questions about the test procedure to Stephanie Johnson at DOE,  or (202) 287-1943. For any other vending machine related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Specification
    Data Packet Version 4.0 Final


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/ASHP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed Limited Topic Proposal for Optional Connected Criteria for the ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump (CAC/ASHP) specification. Stakeholders may provide comments on these proposed connected criteria to EPA no later than August 29, 2019 to inform the development of a Draft 2 Version 6.0 specification.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Monday, August 19th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the Limited Topic Proposal. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions. 
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Abigail Daken, Manager

Limited Topic Proposal for Optional Connected Criteria

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Luminaires Version 2.2 Draft Specification
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to make minor adjustments reflected in the ENERGY STAR Luminaires Version 2.2 Draft Specification to support several new market developments and provide clarification on two requirements. Current certifications will not be affected by these changes.
The proposed changes include:

1.   Personal Device Charging: Products such as portable floor and desk task lights with integral USB chargers and AC
      outlets are currently excluded from the Luminaires specification. Because consumers may carry upwards of three devices
      when they travel, table and floor lights with AC outlets and/or USB charging ports are now prevalent in hotel guestrooms and
      retailers are increasingly selling these for use in homes. Unlike other functionality (e.g., voice assistance, audio speakers, and UV
      disinfection), EPA is able to propose the inclusion of integral AC outlets and USB charging ports because a federal standard exists
      that limits the amount of power consumed by the external power supplies used to enable USB charging functionality.
2.   New Method of Measurement: The IES has updated LM-79 since the release of the Luminaires V2.1 specification. EPA
      has evaluated it for consistency and is including it as an acceptable method of measurement for new product certifications.
3.   Integral Battery Packs: Products with integral battery packs intended for emergency light source operation in the event of loss
      of normal power are not excluded for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification. This was always intended and is now
      explicitly stated in Section 1.1.
4.   Inseparable Other SSL Luminaires: EPA has included a formal definition for inseparable “other” to clarify that solid state
      (LED) luminaire types not otherwise itemized in the directional scope must be measured with luminaire photometry.
      Clarification was also added to express that directional types that are called out in the specification can be separable or
      inseparable. The exemption of inseparable other products from Color Angular Uniformity and Luminaire Serviceability
      requirements was always intended and is now explicitly stated as well. 

Partners and stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on the draft to by August 5, 2019. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.2 Draft Specification Comments” in the email subject line. Comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless otherwise requested.

EPA appreciates your contribution to the development of this specification and welcomes individual inquiries; please contact me with questions, comments or concerns at (202) 343-9042 or or Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Taylor Jantz-Sell 
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Location: Washington DC

Proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Recognition Criteria
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for fourteen product categories and the EPA cover memo. The proposed criteria for Dehumidifiers will be shared with stakeholders this fall.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, August 7th from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2020 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Charlotte, NC

Online Registration Now Open and One-on-One Networking Rooms Available! September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.



Registration for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the red registration link.
The Westin Charlotte is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $309 per person.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will be available until August 14, 2019. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After August 14th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after August 14th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
*This per person meal fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.
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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requester, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  
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EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and a companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

The EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters.  This structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of interest to you.  As a reminder, the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting will take place at the same location from September 11 – 12.

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The ENERGY STAR Expo is now closed.
Exhibitors who have signed up for the ENERGY STAR Product Expo will be working with FERN for all their exhibitor-specific needs. While there is no upfront cost to exhibit at the meeting, exhibitors’ costs for the booth package, set-up, labor, and materials associated with their booths will be handled directly with FERN.  FERN will bill exhibitors for all labor and material associated with their booths.
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Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600
To book your rooms at The Westin Charlotte:

  • Call reservations directly at 866-837-4148 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $219/night - double
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 24, 2019. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
Information about The Westin Charlotte’s Green Meeting’s Initiative can be found here.  

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EPA is grateful to Nationwide Marketing Group and other ENERGY STAR partners for their generous support of food and beverage and audio/visual offerings at the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (2019 ESPPM) and the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting (2019 ESRPM).
2019 ESPPM & 2019 ESRPM Co-Sponsors  
Nationwide Marketing Group (Facilitating Co-Sponsor)
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Samsung Electronics America
Greenlite Lighting Corporation
GE Lighting 
Honeywell International, Inc. 
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
Technical Consumer Products. Inc. (TCP)
A. O. Smith
Cree Lighting
L'Image Home Products, Inc.
Top Build Home Services
Altair Lighting
Broan - NuTone, LLC
Entergy Arkansas, LLC
Feit Electric

Note: No EPA funds will be used for food and beverage offerings associated with the 2019 ESPPM and ESRPM or related events and activities.

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Draft 2
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification and test method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this draft specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by August 16, 2019.
The Draft 2, Version 8.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:
Energy Criteria:
EPA is adjusting the category system, base allowances, and functional adders in Draft 2. EPA has developed separate criteria for integrated desktops as these products most commonly use notebook components, which serve a distinct customer end use. In addition, EPA has adjusted the desktop base allowances to account for the change in product mix. Finally, EPA has adjusted the adders to better take into account the updated mode weightings. These updated levels continue to target the top quartile of the market, while also allowing products with fewer feature sets, and lower energy consumption, improved means to achieve ENERGY STAR certification. EPA has released an updated data package, which includes the new dataset.
Power Supply Criteria:
In Draft 2, EPA is proposing to reintroduce 80Plus Bronze or equivalent requirements for those products with a nameplate rating of less than 500W. However, EPA is also proposing a 10% load requirement of 0.80 for all internal power supplies.
Resume Time
Stakeholders noted in their Draft 1 comments that there has been inconsistent testing of resume time in the Version 7.1 specification and requested amendments to the sleep mode definition to exclude resume time. In Draft 1, the Department of Energy proposed an addition to the test method to help define how to test for resume time. This has been removed in Draft 2 and EPA has added a requirement for resume time for notebooks and desktops, while removing it from the sleep mode definition. Manufacturers will self-declare that the product can meet this requirement.
Full Network Connectivity
As part of the June 18 stakeholder meeting, a new proposal for full network connectivity was shared by stakeholders. EPA assessed the proposal and has reintroduced an incentive for those desktop products that meet the full connectivity. In addition, the Agency has increased the energy consumption allowance from 2 watts to 2.5 watts.
­Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached, Draft 2, Version 8.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by August 16, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2 specification on July 25, 2019 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the computers product development website.
Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or (202) 586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft 2, Version 8.0 Specification
Draft 2, Computers Test Method
Draft 1, Comment Response Matrix
Data Package

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Version 2.0 Discussion Guide
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking your early input specific to the revision of the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification. To this end, EPA has developed a Discussion Guide that highlights an initial list of priority areas for this specification revision, key questions for stakeholders, and next steps in the revision process. EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 2.0 specification that will recognize efficiency gains in the data center storage market.
This Discussion Guide focuses on the following areas:

  • Simplification of the configuration structure, system ranges, and testing data requirements.
  • Removal of family variation allowances and the current approach to certifying systems with multiple device types.
  • Revision of requirements for internal power supplies, number of required capacity optimizing methods, and minimum efficiency requirements.
  • Request for additional information on the status of the Vdbench tool and any unforeseen impacts of Emerald V4 on ENERGY STAR Version 2.0.
  • Request for non-certified product data.

Stakeholder suggestions on any other issues to be considered during the Version 2.0 specification revision process are welcomed, in particular on those topics raised in the Discussion Guide.
EPA will host a webinar to engage with stakeholders on this Discussion Guide on July 24, 2019 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments via email to, no later than August 12, 2019. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website, unless directed otherwise. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website
Please contact me at or (202) 343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns about this specification revision. For other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Version 2.0 Discussion Guide

Location: Washington DC

Save the Date for Fall Promotions: Lighting, Smart Thermostats & ENERGY STAR Day

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is excited to announce plans and materials for three ENERGY STAR promotions this fall: Lighting, Smart Thermostats, and ENERGY STAR Day.

Light the Moment

EPA is gearing up for another successful promotion of ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs based on the learnings from our 2018 fall and 2019 spring promotions targeting underserved audiences with the aspirational Light the Moment call-to-action, combined with the practical benefits of low-cost, energy- and money-saving messaging. Light the Moment 2018 garnered 2 million impressions and more than 400,000 video views exceeding industry benchmarks. Also, visitors spent more than 2.4 minutes on the landing page featuring participating partner programs – almost 1 minute longer than that page's average of 1:55.

The Fall Light the Moment promotion will continue this trend with the goal of capitalizing on remaining opportunities to replace old, less efficient lighting with ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs.

To that end, it will once again focus on underserved households, including Spanish speaking and elderly audiences by leveraging targeted media services and channels, such as GroundTruth and Instagram, plus EPA’s own customer segmentation data.

Smart Thermostats

This fall, we are introducing a fresh approach to promoting ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats. Given our goal of increased adoption, we believe targeting eco-conscious homeowners who have not yet made the switch from programmable to smart would provide the most effective results. As such, we are planning a messaging and media strategy with a focus on environmental benefits that engages at key points along the customer journey to purchase.

Our promotional creative will thus lead with environmentally-focused messaging that plays off of the dual benefits of ENERGY STAR smart thermostats: “A Perfect Climate Inside and Out” and  “Perfect for Everywhere You Live”. Stay-tuned for a full suite of updated marketing materials.




Display and Video Advertising: Draw eco-conscious consumers in on the benefits of making the switch.

Paid Social: Leverage Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to capture attention and influence purchase.

Paid Search: Engage highly qualified consumers who are actively researching Smart Thermostats and primed for purchase. 

Content Marketing: Leverage popular





Save the date for ENERGY STAR Day on October 22, 2019. This year we are building on last year’s theme of Save Today, Save Tomorrow and Save for Good with both broad audience engagement complimented by a more targeted effort to provide the benefits of saving energy to those that need it the most, the underserved. 

The ENERGY STAR Day toolkit and a wide variety of marketing materials for lighting and smart thermostats – from digital assets, such as web tools, infographics, and social media images and posts, along with point-of-sale materials, fact sheets, and more are available on our marketing materials page at

Get Materials

As always, we look forward to your participation, and let us know how we can be of assistance as you plan your own marketing activities. If you have questions, please contact your ENERGY STAR Regional Account Manager by emailing If you are a retail or manufacturer partner please reach out to

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 25 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Visit today.





Location: Washington DC

Room Air Cleaners Limited Topic Proposal Version 2.0

As part of the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaner specification revision, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering adding optional criteria for connected functionality. The objective is to define a set of minimum requirements an air cleaner would have to meet in order to be identified as “connected” on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder.
EPA released Draft 1 of the Version 2.0 Air Cleaner specification on March 18, 2019 for stakeholder review. In response to stakeholder comments, EPA is now releasing a limited topic proposal providing opportunity for comment specifically on the potential connected criteria before releasing a Final Draft Version 2.0 specification. Stakeholders may provide comments to EPA no later than July 15, 2019.
Proposed Optional Connected Criteria
EPA received feedback from stakeholders recommending that EPA consider establishing criteria for connected functionality in room air cleaners. The focus of the optional criteria EPA is proposing is open access and energy consumption reporting. These criteria reflect a simplified version of optional connected criteria found in numerous ENERGY STAR specifications. Most notably, these criteria do not address demand response. Consistent with conversations earlier in this specification development process, EPA does not plan to develop optional demand response criteria for this product category at this time.
While EPA anticipates that early entrants in providing connected functionality will focus on providing capabilities through a product specific app, in the long term, users have more energy saving opportunities for products that participate in a service provider managed smart home package. The proposed criteria include capabilities that are important for connecting to such smart home packages. This proposal addresses energy reporting by requiring that it be available to third parties through use of open standards and provision of interface documentation. EPA is developing an ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management System specification, that will recognize smart home packages that deliver energy savings. You can find more information here.
Stakeholders are encouraged to share feedback on the relevance of these features for air cleaners on the market today and in the near future, as well as thoughts on how air cleaners are envisioned to support smart energy management services. Lastly, EPA seeks information on the prevalence of Wi-Fi in today’s products and whether functions such as filter alerts and product management are being offered through a manufacturer’s app.

Proposed additions to the Version 2.0 specification follow below.


4. Optional Connected Criteria
4.1.1     To be recognized as connected, a room air cleaner shall include the base room air cleaner plus all elements (hardware, software) required to enable communication in response to consumer-authorized energy related commands (not including third-party remote management which may be made available solely at the discretion of the manufacturer).
4.1.2     The specific design and implementation of the connected room air cleaner is at the manufacturer’s discretion provided it is interoperable with other devices via open communications protocol and enables economical, consumer-authorized third-party access to the functionalities provided for in Section 4.4. The capabilities shall be supported through one or more means, as identified in Section 4.2.2. A product that enables economical and direct, on-premises, open- standards based interconnection is the preferred option for meeting this requirement, but alternative approaches are also acceptable.
4.1.3     The product must continue to comply with the applicable product safety standards – the addition of the functionality described below shall not override existing safety protections and functions. The appliance must meet manufacturer’s internal minimum performance guidelines, e.g., air cleaning.
4.2      Communications
4.2.1     Open Standards – Communication with entities outside the connected room air cleaner that enables connected functionality (Section 4.4) must use, for all communication layers, standards that are:

A. Included in the Smart Electric Power Alliance Catalog of Standards, and/or

B. Included in the NIST Smart Grid framework Tables 4.1 and 4.2, and/or

C. Adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or another well-established international standards organization such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), or Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). 

4.2.2     Communications Hardware Architecture – Communication with entities outside the connected room air cleaner that enables connected functionality (Section 4.4) shall be enabled by any of the following means, according to the manufacturer’s preference:

A. Built-in communication technology

B. Manufacturer-specific external communication module(s) and/or device(s)

C. Open standards-based communication port on the appliance combined with open standards-based communications module

D. Open standards-based communication port(s) on the appliance in addition to A, B or C, above

If option B or C is used, the communication module/device(s) must be easy for a consumer to install and shipped with the appliance, provided to the consumer at the time of sale, or provided to the consumer in a reasonable amount of time after the sale.

4.3       Open Access
4.3.1     To enable interconnection with the product, in addition to Section 4.2.1 that requires open-standards, an interface specification, API or similar documentation shall be made available to interested parties that at a minimum, allows transmission, reception, and interpretation of the following information:

A. Energy Consumption Reporting specified in Section 4.4 (must include accuracy, units, and measurement interval). 

4.4       Energy Consumption Reporting
4.4.1     In order to enable simple, actionable energy use feedback to consumers and consumer authorized energy use reporting to third-parties, the product shall be capable of transmitting energy consumption data via a communication link to energy management systems and other consumer authorized devices, services, or applications. This data shall be representative of the product’s interval energy consumption. It is recommended that data be reported in watt-hours for intervals of 15 minutes or less, however, representative data may also be reported in alternate units and intervals as specified in the product manufacturer’s interface specification or API detailed in Section 4.3.
4.4.2     The product may also provide energy use feedback to the consumer on the product itself. On-product feedback, if provided, may be in units and format chosen by the manufacturer (e.g., $/month).
4.5       Information to Consumers
4.5.1     If additional modules, devices, services, and/or infrastructure are part of the configuration required to activate the product’s communications capabilities, prominent labels, or other forms of consumer notifications with instructions shall be displayed at the point of purchase and in the product literature. These shall provide specific information on what consumers must do to activate these capabilities (e.g. “This product has Wi-Fi capability and requires Internet connectivity and a wireless router to enable interconnection with an Energy Management System, and/or with other external devices, systems or applications.”).


If you have comments or concerns about this proposal, please submit them by July 15, 2019, to Please direct any specific questions to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or (202) 343-9120, Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, and Steve Leybourn at ICF, or (202) 862-1566.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Katharine Kaplan, Manager
ENERGY STAR Product Development and Program Administration

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Final Draft Version 4.0 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification. EPA appreciates the time and effort stakeholders have contributed to this specification development process.  Any remaining comments on the Final Draft Version 4.0 product specification may be submitted via email to by July 15, 2019. This specification is anticipated to take effect in April 29, 2020. 
EPA received a limited set of comments on the Draft 2 and hosted a follow-on webinar and subsequent individual stakeholder meetings to ensure the Agency fully understood these comments. Comments reiterated concerns about the stringency of the proposed levels, placement restrictions for refrigerants under UL 541, and the effective date of the specification. The latest list of products in DOE’s Compliance Certification Management System suggests that the industry is leveraging and implementing more advanced technologies and strategies allowing them to meet the proposed eligibility criteria by a significant margin. As such, EPA has retained the Draft 2 levels in this Final Draft. All comments and EPA’s responses can be found in noteboxes throughout the Final Draft specification as well as the comment response document that accompanies this letter. EPA has also updated the data package for this specification to include the latest data available in DOE's CCMS.
Comment Submittal
Any remaining comments on the Final Draft Version 4.0 product specification may be submitted via email to by July 15, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR Product Development website.
Please contact me at or (202) 566-1037 with questions or concerns. For questions on the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson at or (202) 287-1943. For any other vending machine related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Final Draft Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Specification
    Vending Machine Comment Response Document for Draft 2 Version 4.0
    Data Packet Version 4.0 Final Draft


Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Spring Lighting Newsletter | 2019

Save the Date – 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

Congratulations to the 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award Winners!

Earth Day Recap

Light the Moment, with ENERGY STAR! Updates

Lighting Specification Updates

Free ENERGY STAR Marketing Resources!

Save the Date – 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

Mark your calendars – the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is just around the corner! This year's meeting will take place in Charlotte, North Carolina from September 10th – 12th. Join product partners and residential new construction partners from around the country to discuss the latest market insights, new energy efficiency program models, and cutting-edge technology.

As you plan your travel, schedule time to hear expert speakers dive into important lighting industry topics. On Thursday, September 12th join us for the following sessions:

  • What's So Special About Specialty Bulbs? Learn about the energy savings potential of ENERGY STAR certified LED specialty bulbs and how utilities incentivize consumers to look for the ENERGY STAR when purchasing specialty bulbs.
  • Making Fixtures a Focus. Learn how ENERGY STAR partners are capturing energy efficiency savings with stylish and functional ENERGY STAR certified fixtures.

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is a rare opportunity to meet with utilities, implementers, manufacturers, and retailers – all in one place! Meeting rooms will be available to Partners for independent working meetings. Stay tuned for additional information.

Congratulations to the 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award Winners!

Each year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protect the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements during the ENERGY STAR Awards.

This year, over 183 award winners from across the country were recognized for their outstanding feats in energy efficiency, in categories including: energy management, energy efficiency program delivery, product brand owner, retailer, and more. The awards ceremony was held on April 11th at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC.

Congratulations to ENERGY STAR Lighting Partners Eaton, GE Lighting, Globe Electric Company (USA) Inc., Greenlite Lighting Corporation, and L'Image Home Products; we loved getting to watch you shine!

Earth Day Rundown

For Earth Day this year, we let people know that they didn’t have to do anything crazy to celebrate –  just take the ENERGY STAR pledge! Between our twitter chat with our partners, and consumer-oriented ad materials, we saw:

  • 50,000 people reached through ENERGY STAR Facebook posts.
  • More than 10,000 visits to our Earth Day pledge page representing an estimated 7.4 million pounds of GHG emissions saved with a pledge to choose ENERGY STAR certified products.

Thanks to everyone who pledged, shared, and tweeted to help us put Earth Day in the spotlight.

Light the Moment, with ENERGY STAR! Updates

Use ENERGY STAR Light the Moment marketing materials to engage your customers at events, in-store, and online to encourage the purchase of ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs. Check out our suite of marketing materials, such as seasonal social media graphics, sample posts, event kits, posters, and more, to help us spread the word about the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting. We also have a Light the Moment Event Kit to help you engage consumers at retail or other events, filled with fun activities leveraging social media.

Please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or with any questions.

Lighting Specification Updates

Smart Home Energy Management Systems:  EPA is working with stakeholders to define a smart home system that saves energy, while delivering cost savings and convenience. On June 11, EPA released the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) Draft 2 Version 1.0 Specification 1.0. Your engagement is critical to the success of this program. The comment period for Draft 2 Version 1.0 closes on July 11. EPA will also host a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 2 specification and/or method on June 24, 2019 from 1-3pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. EPA hopes to complete the specification this August.

ENERGY STAR lighting partners operating in the connected product and smart home space are encouraged to participate in the process. If you are not already receiving the emails on this topic and would like to be added to the distribution list to receive updates, send your contact information to

Learn more at:

Did you know?

Filament style lamps, including 2200K vintage style ST shapes, have been able to earn the ENERGY STAR since the release of the ENERGY STAR specification for Lamps Version 2.0 on December 31, 2015.

As of May 1, 2019, 726 filament style lamps from 41 brands have earned the ENERGY STAR, including a variety of shapes (A, B, BA, C, CA, G, and ST) and color appearances (2200K up to 5000K). Filament style lamps are some of the most efficient ENERGY STAR lamps available with nearly 175 products producing 100 lumens per watt. Additionally, certified products are available to replace 15-, 25-, 40-, 60- and 100-watt incandescent products.

Luminaires: EPA is working on proposing minor adjustments to the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, reflected in a Version 2.2. This update will include a provision for the certification of table top lamps with USB chargers. Current certifications will not be affected by these changes. The ENERGY STAR specification for Luminaires Version 2.2 and the cover memo with its release will be available at

Free ENERGY STAR Marketing Resources!

Check out the ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page to access factsheets, infographics, marketing tools, and more. Use these resources to engage and educate your consumers, colleagues, and social media followers. You might also learn a thing or two!

For Consumers:

Choose a Light Guide

Renovate with LED Lighting Factsheet

Ask the Expert

Dimmable ENERGY STAR Infographic

Light Bulb Purchasing Guide

Lighting made Easy Infographic

ENERGY STAR Lighting FAQs "Ask the Expert" Video

Light Bulbs Product Finder

Light Fixtures Product Finder

Partner Resources:

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

ENERGY STAR Lighting Training Center                      

Help Us Keep Our Mailing List Up to Date no longer wish to
As always please feel free to send us any questions or suggested topics for our next newsletter.

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Package Public Info
EPA wanted to introduce and gather input on the types of information we intend to build into the ENERGY STAR Product Finder for SHEMS Packages. This information, once final, would be the official public listing of certified SHEMS packages on Please send questions and feedback to by July 20th 2019.

REMINDER: SHEMS Draft 2 Stakeholder Webinar Monday, June 24th 
EPA is hosting a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 2 specification and/or method on June 24, 2019 from 1-3pm Eastern Time. (It will likely not go for two full hours.) Please register here if you plan on attending.
Additionally, we wanted to let you know about a great in-person opportunity to network and discuss the SHEMS program and opportunities for collaboration among our stakeholders: The 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Two sessions on SHEMS will be held in the afternoon of September 11th. Key information below, and updates on the meeting will be posted at

Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or with additional questions or concerns regarding the SHEMS program. For questions pertaining to the Method to Determine Field Performance, please contact Abigail Daken at (202) 343-9375 or

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Products Partner Meeting Update – Agenda Companion Document and Updated Preliminary Agenda Available

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

2. Updated and Time Sensitive! ENERGY STAR EXPO – DEADLINE JULY 12
3. Updated and Time Sensitive! CO-SPONSORSHIP & EVENING EVENTS  – DEADLINE JULY 12

EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters.  This structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of interest to you.  As a reminder, the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting will take place at the same location from September 11 – 12.

Reserve your booth ASAP - a few spots are still available for the ENERGY STAR Expo!

EPA is offering ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting.  If you are interested in exhibiting your ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters during the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, please send an email to Kelly Schneider, ICF, at no later than July 12, 2019.
To accommodate as many requests as possible, exhibitors may initially only sign-up for one booth.  If additional space is available after July 12, EPA will release the additional booths to those exhibitors that have requested multiple booths.
Please note that the ENERGY STAR Product Expo will be in the center section of the main ballroom, where all the meals and breaks will also take place. The booths will be placed around the perimeter of the room to allow for easy interaction with other stakeholders. The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting will host their main sessions in the ballroom sections on either side of the ENERGY STAR Product Expo.   
Exhibitors will be working with an exhibitor services company for all their exhibitor-specific needs.  While there is no upfront cost to exhibit at the meeting, exhibitors’ costs for the booth package, set-up, labor, and materials associated with their booths will be handled directly with the expo services provider.   


EPA is grateful to Nationwide Marketing Group and other ENERGY STAR partners for their generous support of food and beverage and audio/visual offerings at the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (2019 ESPPM) and the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting (2019 ESRPM).
2019 ESPPM & 2019 ESRPM Co-Sponsors (as of June 12, 2019)
Nationwide Marketing Group (Facilitating Co-Sponsor)
Samsung Electronics America
Greenlite Lighting Corporatio
Phillips Lighting/Signify
L'Image Home Products, Inc.
A. O. Smith
We are forwarding the below information on behalf of Nationwide Marketing Group:

Nationwide Marketing Group is proud to be the Facilitating Co-Sponsor of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (2019 ESPPM) and the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting (2019 ESRPM). In this capacity, we are pleased to offer all our fellow ENERGY STAR partners the opportunity to join us in supporting these important meetings.
This opportunity is open until the earlier of July 12, 2019, or until co-sponsorship goals are met.
To sign up, please go to this registration page:

Questions or additional information? Contact: Richard Weinberg, Sr VP, Business Services,, 336.714.5095

Partner-hosted events and activities offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events or activities offered to all attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should email

Please note: No EPA funds will be used for food and beverage offerings associated with the 2019 ESPPM or related events and activities. 

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Version 1.0 Draft 2 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing Draft 2 of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Version 1.0 Specification, the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Partner Commitments, and the Draft 2 Method to Determine Field Performance. EPA thanks stakeholders for participating in the SHEMS stakeholder meeting on April 12 and submitting written feedback which has informed the proposed changes in these subsequent draft documents. All materials related to EPA’s development of the specification can be found at

In addition to meeting the relevant performance specifications, ENERGY STAR partners are subject to a set of partner commitments which address proper use of the label and certain additional reporting requirements. As part of this distribution, EPA is sharing the standard ENERGY STAR Partner Commitments as adapted for this category. In particular, EPA hopes to make clear how labeling will work given the unique nature of the SHEMS category.

EPA received feedback from utility stakeholders questioning the timing of this specification given a lack of data to demonstrate incremental energy savings to the consumer over a currently labeled product or service such as connected thermostats. In going forward now, our intent is to lay the foundation for energy management with smart home devices as this market develops and to pave the way for more holistic home energy management in the future. The data collected through this first phase of the program will be used to develop a savings metric which will allow the program to set objective savings targets for SHEMS going forward. EPA has carefully considered utility stakeholder program needs in designing the specification by requiring capabilities to support water heater control, time of use pricing, and basic grid services and included a specific list of encouraged products that present additional opportunities for energy efficiency and demand response for service providers to prioritize for integration. While it is impractical for the specification to require integration with all priority devices at this time, we recognize the importance of making service providers aware that utilities are unlikely to support packages that do not go beyond the minimum requirements. In addition to developing integrations with additional devices, EPA encourages service providers to engage in formal industry processes with device manufacturers to develop best practices and ensure interoperability.
Note boxes throughout the specification provide context for edits made in Draft 2 largely based on the comments received. The accompanying comment response document addresses comments that were not addressed in the specification. The Draft 2 specification and method incorporate edits to the following key elements.
EPA revised a handful of definitions including service/device package, hub, idle and standby states, and included a new definition for Time of Use Pricing.
Eligibility Criteria
EPA has included many small edits and clarifications in the eligibility criteria section, including:

  • Clarifying the minimum number of occupancy-based commands required and the level of detail required for reporting energy consumption.
  • Clarifying requirements for marketing and sale of required devices.
  • Indicating an intent to revisit standby power requirements in future revisions.
  • Clarifying demand response reporting requirements in a new section, 4.4.C).
  • Making minor updates to applicable test methods in Table 2. 

Method to Determine Field Performance
EPA has made minor edits based on comments that arose during the Draft 1 webinar and through written feedback, including:

  • Proposing that the reporting of installations by climate zone and number of away hours by month be mandatory rather than optional.
  • Explicitly allowing for a pre-market test group to be a suitable population of analysis for the first 6-month period of analysis to be submitted to attain ENERGY STAR certification.
  • Specifying a minimum sample size for data submission.
  • Adding two fields corresponding to the number of installations with poor connectivity and the lighting load in nighttime/vacation mode.

To address questions and support better understanding of how the specification will roll out for third party certification and package listings will be displayed on the ENERGY STAR web site, EPA will be releasing a separate overview of anticipated public data elements for stakeholders to review and provide feedback on shortly after the release of Draft 2.
Comment Submittal
EPA encourages stakeholders to submit any additional written comments on the structure or approaches proposed in the Draft 2 documents during this comment period so that EPA can move forward with Final Draft documents in a timely manner. Any written comments should be submitted no later than July 11, 2019. Please send comments via email to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website, unless the submitter specifically requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 2 specification and/or method on June 24, 2019 from 1-3pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or with additional questions or concerns. For questions pertaining to the Method to Determine Field Performance, please contact Abigail Daken at (202) 343-9375 or
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 2 Version 1.0 Specification
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 2 Method to Determine Field Performance
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft Partner Commitments
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 1 Comment Response Document

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The Environmental Protection Agency is pleased to announce the kick-off of our 2019 cooling season promotions featuring ENERGY STAR. There is still time for partners to get involved. The promotions include a range of products and best practices that your customers can use  to save energy, save money, and protect the climate all summer long. ENERGY STAR offerings are highlighted below and everything you need to get involved can be found on the marketing materials web page.

Brand New! Cooling Season Ask the Expert Video

ENERGY STAR is excited to release a brand new Ask the Expert video, featuring tips and best practices for saving energy this summer. Both home owners and renters at every economic level can benefit from energy efficient product purchases and practices, and this video will give them the blueprint for achieving their energy saving goals.           

From sealing and insulating, to purchasing certified room air conditioners and smart thermostats, this video takes the viewer step-by-step throughout the home with energy efficiency in mind. Partners are invited to use this video on your websites and on social media, as a simple and engaging way to educate followers about saving energy during the hottest months of the year.
ENERGY STAR Certified Room Air Conditioners - The Cool Choice for Room AC
Certified room air conditioners will play a major role in ENERGY STAR’s cooling season promotions, as we work with partners to educate consumers on the benefits of looking for the trusted blue label for energy-savings and increased comfort. This promotion will target audiences (e.g., multi-family) most inclined to seek out a room air conditioner, focusing on low to middle income, the elderly, and Spanish speaking audiences as well as a secondary audience of young, urban professionals.

ENERGY STAR has developed engaging, educational assets to reach these audiences, including short 15-second videos featuring energy-saving advice from pets, a 30-second Spanish-language video, and additional social media content. From retail POP building blocks, to fact sheets and digital content, partners can find everything they need to participate on the marketing materials web page.

ENERGY STAR Certified Smart Thermostats - The Smart Choice Made Simple

Properly using your thermostat is a great way to save energy in the summertime, and an ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat makes saving simple. During the cooling season ENERGY STAR will work with partners to educate consumers on the benefits of certified smart thermostats, showing them what differentiates ENERGY STAR models from others on the market. Similar to the room air conditioner promotion, ENERGY STAR will showcase cute and cuddly pets in 15-second videos, showing how a certified model can help everyone in your home save energy and stay comfortable all summer long.

ENERGY STAR will reach homeowners in markets with active smart thermostat programs via an integrated campaign including multiple creative assets placed on YouTube/GDN and through social media, including Facebook and Instagram.

To further support partner outreach efforts, ENERGY STAR has created a suite of educational assets including point-of-sale materials, info-graphics, web widgets, and retail fact sheets to aid in the promotion of this popular product. All assets can be found on the marketing materials web page.

Save The Date! Cooling Season Twitter Chat

ENERGY STAR is excited to join our partners to educate consumers on the best ways to save energy, save money, and protect the environment this summer. Join us for our Cooling Season Twitter Chat on Thursday, June 27th at 2 pm ET, and show the Twitterverse how your organization can help everyone save energy. Just follow the hashtag #ENERGYSTARChat.

The ENERGY STAR team is excited to work with you to promote ENERGY STAR this cooling season. Please let us know your interest in participating, as well as your promotional plans, so we can best coordinate our efforts.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team





Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Program Requirements is June 17, 2019. On this date, only products certified to Version 3.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 3.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 3.0 certified computer servers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Stakeholder Meeting
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a discussion on the recent Draft 1 computer specification and subsequent data analysis in advance of the release of the Draft 2 specification. EPA will host this stakeholder meeting on June 18, 2019 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm ET in Washington, DC. This meeting will be held at the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) headquarters at 1101 K St NW, Suite 610.
EPA will post an updated dataset to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website no later than close of business on Friday, May 24. EPA will distribute a finalized agenda in advance of the meeting.
Please RSVP at if you are planning to participate in-person, or here if you are planning on participating remotely. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

Announcing Nationwide Marketing Group as Facilitating Co-Sponsor

EPA is pleased to announce that Nationwide Marketing Group is the Facilitating Co-Sponsor for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (2019 ESPPM) and the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting (2019 ESRPM), which are being held September 10-12 and September 11-12 respectively.
We are forwarding the below information on behalf of Nationwide Marketing Group.
If you have any questions, please contact Richard Weinberg, Sr VP, Business Services,, 336.714.5095

Join Nationwide Marketing Group as a Co-Sponsor for
the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and
the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting!

Nationwide Marketing Group is proud to be the Facilitating Co-Sponsor of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (2019 ESPPM) and the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting (2019 ESRPM).

We are pleased to offer all our fellow ENERGY STAR partners this limited time opportunity to join us in co-sponsoring food and beverage and audio visual offerings for the meetings. 
This opportunity is open until the earlier of July 12, 2019, or until co-sponsorship goals are met.
Co-sponsorship opportunities are available to ENERGY STAR partners in good standing on a first-come, first-served basis until July 12, 2019 or until co-sponsorship goals are met. After the co-sponsorship cut-off, individual registration fees will be set at a level that covers remaining food and beverage costs of the meeting.
To sign up, please go to this registration page:

Questions or additional information? Contact: Richard Weinberg, Sr VP, Business Services,, 336.714.5095

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Version 2.0 Cessation Date Reminder
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of May 15, 2019, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new imaging equipment to the Version 2.0 specification and may only certify imaging equipment to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing imaging equipment certifications to the Version 2.0 specification until October 10, 2019. After this date, only imaging equipment certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by May 15, 2019 of models certified to Version 2.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified imaging equipment to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Charlotte, NC

Preliminary Agenda and Hotel Accommodation Information Available
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 10 – 12, 2019 in Charlotte, NC. 

Meeting location: The Westin Charlotte
601 South College Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704) 375-2600
To book your rooms at The Westin Charlotte:

  • Call reservations directly at 866-837-4148 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or;
  • Go to 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $219/night - double
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. 

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 24, 2019. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Back to Top

To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. Sessions seek to address key information and trends relevant to those involved with advancing energy efficiency through ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters. Session descriptions and speaker information will be provided at a later date.  As a reminder, the 2019 ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partner Meeting will take place at the same location from September 11 – 12.

Back to Top

We anticipate that there will be co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. More information to follow.

Partner-hosted events and activities offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events or activities offered to all attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should email

Back to Top

Online registration will be announced in mid-July.
For sleeping room reservations, please see section one (1) above.

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The ENERGY STAR Expo is under development. This year, exhibitor booths will be located in the same ballroom where meals will be taking place. Sessions will be held in sections of the ballroom on either side of the expo/meal space.
For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, electric vehicle chargers, HVAC, lighting, smart home energy management systems, smart thermostats, and water heaters during the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided later in the summer. If you are interested in exhibiting during the meeting, please send an email to

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact if you have any additional questions.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!



Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® CAC/ASHP Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
EPA is rescheduling the webinar for the recently released Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump (CAC/ASHP) specification. Stakeholders informed EPA of conflicting industry events at the originally scheduled time of May 7, 2019. The stakeholder webinar will now be held on May 10, 2019 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm ET. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP here by May 8, 2019.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Abigail Daken, Manager

Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Specification

Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump (CAC/ASHP) specification. EPA plans to hold a stakeholder meeting on May 7, 2019 to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this Draft to EPA no later than May 23, 2019.
The ENERGY STAR program helps businesses and individuals save money and protect the environment by identifying products with superior energy efficiency. EPA monitors market and technology developments, looking for opportunities to more fully serve stakeholders, and to drive increased energy savings. This proposal seeks to take advantage of several such opportunities. Recently, manufacturers of ASHP have started offering products that better suit colder climates. In concert with this, many regions with cold climates have become increasingly interested in efficient electric heating. In response, EPA proposes climate differentiated requirements and labels for cold climate capable products. 

Additionally, staged and variable capacity air conditioners and heat pumps have become more common and less expensive. By adjusting better for partial load, such units provide increased comfort to consumers along with efficiency gains.  
Proposal Summary
Draft 1 Version 6.0 proposes the following changes and identifies other areas for further discussion:

  • Climate-differentiated Recognition for Heat Pumps: EPA proposes differentiating ASHPs that meet performance requirements suitable for cold climates from ASHPs meeting SEER, EER, and HSPF requirements for moderate and hot climates. This change in approach would involve tailored versions of the ENERGY STAR label – one indicating cold climate qualification and another indicating moderate/hot climate qualification. CACs will continue to use the standard ENERGY STAR label.
  • Definitions: Definitions have been added to clarify the proposed regional requirements.
  • Performance Criteria: For Cold Climate ASHPs, EPA proposes higher HSPF and lower EER requirements, and two additional criteria have been added: COP @ 5°F and Percentage of Rated Capacity @ 5°F. EPA proposes retaining current ENERGY STAR levels for EER and HSPF for CACs and Moderate and Warm Climate ASHPs. For all products, EPA proposes a higher SEER level, in recognition of the efficiency typically expected of staged and variable capacity units.
  • Staged and Variable Capacity: EPA is proposing that all ENERGY STAR certified units have at least two capacity stages or are continuously variable.
  • Test Method: A test method reference has been added for the COP and Percentage of Rated Capacity criteria defined at 5°F, referring to the federal test method for CAC/ASHP units, 10 CFR part 430 Subpart B, Appendix M1 for the very low temperature Heating Test condition.

More details regarding these elements are included in note boxes throughout the draft specification.
Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by May 23, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on May 7, 2019 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm ET to discuss the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP to by May 3, 2019. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.
Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375, and Julia Hegarty, ICF, at or 202-862-1163. For test procedure inquiries, please contact Antonio Bouza, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (202) 586-9870. Thank you for taking the time to review this Draft 1 document. I look forward to working with you over the next several months to develop the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP specification.


Abigail Daken, Manager

Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR CAC-ASHP Specification

Location: Washington DC

2019 Light the Moment Launching Soon!

The 2019 ENERGY STAR spring lighting promotion is set to launch at the end of April. There is still time to get involved and share in the benefits. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is excited to bring together the emotional appeal of Light the Moment with the direct, energy-saving benefits of ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs to reach consumers who have yet to make the switch, especially those who can benefit the most from the savings. The promotion will focus on connecting low-to-moderate income (LMI) audiences to bulbs at retail locations that are easy to access with affordable price-points made possible with the help of utility program incentives.

Building off learnings from the fall lighting promotion, the media mix will include online ads, leveraging last year’s popular Light the Moment video, placed on websites relevant to the LMI audience coupled with social media on Facebook and Instagram. All ads will drive traffic to the ENERGY STAR Light the Moment promotional page featuring the Best Value Finder tool, which highlights low cost certified bulbs and where to buy them.

EPA is excited to work with participating partners to drive awareness, and ultimately purchase, among your customer base. Participation is easy. Just check out the variety of materials available on the marketing materials web page, including social media, in-store signage templates, fact sheets, and even a Light the Moment event kit—all featuring lifestyle imagery of meaningful moments lit by ENERGY STAR certified lighting.

Get Materials

Thanks to all our partners who plan to participate, including the following energy efficiency program sponsors, representing more than 5 million households, as well as several prominent retailers and manufacturers that have integrated ENERGY STAR Light the Moment messaging in-store and on their packaging.

  • Entergy Arkansas
  • Hawaii Energy
  • Consumers Energy
  • AEP Ohio
  • Indianapolis Power & Light
  • Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO)
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
  • UGI Utilities

There is still time to join us and benefit from the momentum created by the broad appeal of Light the Moment. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to make the most of your 2019 lighting programs.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Location: Washington DC

Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Version 3.2 Amendment
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine specification to align with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) test procedure Part 431 Subpart Q, Appendix B. Currently certified products are not affected; however, EPA recommends that all newly certified models make use of Appendix B. No other changes are reflected in this Version 3.2, which will take effect immediately. Version 4.0, under development now, will specify the requirement to use Appendix B.
Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For questions on the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson at or 202-287-1943. For any other vending machine related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Version 3.2 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Specification


Location: Washington DC

2019 ENERGY STAR® Products Partner Meeting: Save the Date!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters. This year’s meeting will take place Tuesday, September 10, 2019 – Thursday, September 12, 2019 in Charlotte, NC.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; promotions and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and/or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and/or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2018, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held at the same location.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
We anticipate that there will co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. More information to follow.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please email  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2019 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina!

Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification Stakeholder Meeting

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a SHEMS in-person meeting and webinar on Friday, April 12 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm ET. The discussion will focus on the Draft 1 documents released last week and will loosely follow the schedule below:

More information relevant to the SHEMS development effort can be found on the ENERGY STAR SHEMS product development webpage.
The in-person meeting will be held at the Consumer Technology Association in Arlington, VA. To RSVP, please contact by Wednesday, April 10th. If you are unable to attend in person and would like to participate in the webinar, please register here. EPA leads, Abigail Daken and Taylor Jantz-Sell, will be available for one-on-one meetings the morning of the 12th at CTA. Contact Taylor at to reserve a time.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 Draft 1 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Product Specification. This draft includes proposals in response to stakeholder feedback on the previously released discussion guide and ongoing work with stakeholders to assemble data on which this specification could be based. The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 1 specification is May 9, 2019.
Since the effective date (February 2013) of the current Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher specification, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) revised the commercial dishwasher test methods to include washing energy performance test procedures. On July 14, 2017, EPA distributed a Discussion Guide and Data Assembly Template to stakeholders to generate a more robust dataset inclusive of washing energy performance data. The Agency received some performance data in response, along with a request to extend the data submission deadline. As a result, on December 20, 2017, EPA announced a data submission deadline extension to February 28, 2018. Throughout the remainder of the 2018 calendar year, EPA continued working with stakeholders, assembling additional information used to inform this specification.
Due to the introduction of the new wash energy metric and high ENERGY STAR market share (approximately 67% in 2017), EPA is launching development of Version 3.0. EPA highlights key changes reflected in the Draft 1 below and provides rationale in note boxes throughout the specification. To support stakeholder review, a data package that includes the EPA dataset, proposed levels, and savings estimates, accompanies this Draft 1. 

Terms and Definitions: EPA has proposed the addition of the following new terms and definitions in the Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification:

  • Heat Recovery Machine
  • Washing Energy
  • Water Consumption

Scope: The EPA is proposing a scope reduction to exclude low-temperature pot, pan, utensil (PPU) and low-temperature flight type machines considering the absence of performance data and limited availability of these products in the market.
Test Method: As noted above, the ASTM F1696-18 Standard Test Method for Energy Performance of Stationary-Rack, Door-Type Commercial Dishwashing Machines and ASTM 1920-15 Standard Test Method for Energy Performance of Rack Conveyor Commercial Dishwashing Machines have been revised to include washing energy performance test procedures in addition to idle energy and water consumption, and as such, EPA is effectively replacing the current Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Test Method for Commercial Dishwashers (Rev. May-2012) with the referenced ASTM standards.
To effectively characterize the total energy profile of dishwashers and potential for energy and water savings, it is necessary to analyze performance data from both washing and idle settings, from both wash and idle energy tests. The current ENERGY STAR test method does not include a test procedure to measure wash energy consumption. EPA believes this metric is critical to accurately compare total energy performance of these products. Thus, EPA is proposing to align with ASTM test methods that include washing energy performance, water consumption rate, and idle energy rate tests.
EPA is proposing maximum washing energy performance limits for undercounter, single tank door, PPU, single tank conveyor, and multiple tank conveyor machines, expressed in kWh/rack. Insufficient washing energy data precludes proposing a washing energy limit for flight type products at this time. As a result, EPA is proposing washing energy performance as a reporting requirement for single tank and multiple tank flight type machines in order to continue certifying flight type machines while collecting washing energy performance data.
Performance Requirements: While the Agency did not receive wash energy for all models in the ENERGY STAR dataset, EPA does have ample idle energy and water consumption data and combined this with more limited wash energy data to propose levels. EPA anticipates that the proposed levels reflect a reasonable step forward for idle energy and water performance and allow for a reasonable first application of wash energy requirements. EPA’s full data package including data plots can be found on the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Draft 1 Commercial Dishwashers Product Development website.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Product Specification on April 25, 2019 from 1:30-3:30 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  
Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Product Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by May 9, 2019.  EPA will also accept additional wash energy data submitted by this same deadline. Please send an email to for further details.
All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track the EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Product Development website.
Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For any other commercial dishwasher related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Specification
Draft 1 Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher Data Package

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Draft 1 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification and test method. As had been discussed as part of the Version 7.0 specification, with Version 8.0, EPA is addressing desktop, integrated desktop, and workstation products. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by May 3, 2019.
EPA released a Discussion Guide for stakeholder review and comment focused on the ENERGY STAR categorization systems, mode weightings, internal power supplies, and possible scope amendments. EPA is now releasing a Draft 1 specification and test method that consider this early feedback. Note boxes throughout the specification provide EPA’s rationale for proposals. Comments not addressed in the specification are responded to in the accompanying comment response document. Also attached to this distribution is a data package that includes the EPA dataset, Draft 1 proposed levels, and savings estimates. The Draft 1, Version 8.0 specification incorporates the following key elements.  
Energy Criteria
Market penetration for desktop computers is currently 52% and for workstations 21%. As such, EPA is proposing more stringent ENERGY STAR criteria for desktop products. This proposal consolidates some of the desktop categories, reduces the base allowances, and adjusts the adders to take into account more recent information from the ENERGY STAR Displays and Notebook revisions and the California Energy Commission standard development effort. EPA has also adjusted the mode weightings based on significant stakeholder data. Workstations mode weightings have also been amended based on this stakeholder data, but the criteria have been maintained given the low market share of ENERGY STAR workstations.
Internal Power Supply Criteria
EPA is proposing to expand the 80Plus Gold or equivalent criteria to all internal power supplies. This represents a balance of the comments received on the Discussion Guide. EPA believes that this proposal will address poor performing power supplies at lower load points, while not imposing additional testing burden on manufacturers.
­Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached, Draft 1, Version 8.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by May 3, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 specification on April 16, 2019 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the computers product development website.
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Draft 1, Version 8.0 Specification
Draft 1, Computers Test Method
Data and Analysis Package
Discussion Guide Comment Response Matrix


Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification and Draft Method to Determine Field Performance. This is a first of its kind ENERGY STAR specification, and EPA would like to thank stakeholders for their participation and interest since we announced the concept last June. All materials related to EPA’s development of the specification can be found at

This specification aims to define a home energy management system that will enhance the consumer “smart home” experience by delivering meaningful energy savings in addition to the comfort and convenience associated with smart home devices. EPA is creating this opportunity to promote energy management in the smart home space as the market continues to grow and evolve. By providing a national platform for smart energy management that is scalable, customizable and can be leveraged by a variety of stakeholders, we hope to foster increasingly effective methods of smart home energy management.

Our initial program is designed to facilitate untapped residential energy savings associated with occupancy-based optimization control of key devices and the introduction of additional energy-saving products into the home. Longer term, as we learn more about the market, our goal is to document and increase these savings by leveraging a savings metric. Key features of the Version 1.0 performance criteria include:

  • Equipment requirements specifying an ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostat, ENERGY STAR certified lighting and plug load control.
  • Standby limits on all required devices.
  • Minimum service requirement to receive and utilize occupancy information to produce energy-saving device control actions (e.g. schedules, suggested actions, service initiated actions).
  • User access to energy use information to facilitate energy-saving behavior.
  • A daily kWh budget for operating lights while away.
  • Grid communication and access requirement to enable demand response functionality.
  • Data submittal every six months to allow statistical analysis of field data in lieu of laboratory testing to demonstrate ongoing service performance.

Consumer experience, control, privacy and user preferences are key to successful SHEMS and top of mind for the program. The proposed specification is designed to allow service providers to offer a breadth of customization features, varying methods for delivering service and the flexibility to manage these essential elements as the market evolves. EPA understands there may be security risks associated with smart products and systems. Recognizing that this is not our area of expertise, we do not intend to take the lead on developing security standards in the smart home market. To the extent that sound security standards arise, EPA may point to them in ENERGY STAR specifications as appropriate.

Additionally, EPA is committed to supporting the highest levels of interoperability among devices in homes to ensure that the largest number of devices can operate with each other, to improve the user experience by minimizing effort to integrate new devices, and so that those devices can work effectively together to save energy. Pursuing this objective will necessarily require insight into how different system architectures and protocols work and an understanding of the extent to which different equipment technologies affect key SHEMS functionalities and capabilities.
Finally, while prescriptive load management is not a hallmark of the proposed Version 1.0 SHEMS specification, smart energy load management is an important goal for the future, and we seek to encourage systems to offer load management functionality for homes capable of leveraging this opportunity.

An in-person meeting and accompanying webinar will be held at the Consumer Technology Association headquarters in Arlington, VA on April 12, 2019 from 1pm to 4pm ET. To RSVP to attend in person contact; to register for the webinar click here.

Any comments on the Draft 1 specification and Draft Method to Determine Field Performance should be submitted no later than May 3, 2019. Please send comments via email to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website, unless the submitter specifically requests otherwise.

Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell at (202) 343-9042 or with additional questions or concerns. For questions pertaining to the Method to Determine Field Performance, please contact Abigail Daken at (202) 343-9375 or

Thank you for your contributions towards the development of this new specification, and for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

Co-Leads, ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft Method to Determine Field Performance
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Draft Data Reporting Template

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Version 1.1 Updated Program Requirements
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating the Version 1.1 ENERGY STAR Storage Specification to reference a new version of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Emerald™ Power Efficiency Measurement Specification (Emerald Version 3.0.3). For purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, storage products should be tested using Emerald Version 3.0.3 moving forward. Test results already submitted through the certification process using a previously referenced version of Emerald are not affected by this update. Additional information on the update can be found here.
If you have questions or concerns about these changes, please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407. For other Data Center Storage related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Version 1.1 Specification

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification Stakeholder Meeting

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a SHEMS in-person meeting and webinar on Friday, April 12 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm (ET). The discussion will focus on the SHEMS Draft 1 Version 1.0 specification and field performance method, which EPA expects to release shortly. Information relevant to the SHEMS development effort can be found on the ENERGY STAR SHEMS product development webpage.
The in-person meeting will be held at the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) in Arlington, VA. To RSVP, please contact by April 10th. If you are unable to attend in person and would like to participate in the webinar, please register here. EPA leads, Abigail Daken and Taylor Jantz-Sell, will be available for one-on-one meetings the morning of April 12th at CTA. Contact Taylor at to reserve a time.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Spring 2019 Appliances Newsletter

Table of Contents

2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Criteria and Resources

Start your 2019 off on the right foot by highlighting your 2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient appliances. ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognizes products that deliver cutting edge energy efficiency along with the latest in technological innovation. This award truly represents the best of ENERGY STAR. Appliances that are eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition are:

  • Clothes Dryers
  • Clothes Washers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Dishwashers
  • Refrigerators

Additional information can be found on the 2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria page. ENERGY STAR certified products meeting these requirements are highlighted on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient web pages and promoted as part of our ENERGY STAR Most Efficient outreach efforts.

Take advantage of the 2019 ESME Sales Associate Training to help your sales team communicate the benefits of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient appliances to your consumers.

Email for additional info, guidelines on how to use the Most Efficient mark, and to request the 2019 graphic files.

New! Spreading the Word about ENERGY STAR Heat Pump Dryers

EPA is pleased to share the newest addition to our appliance marketing toolkit: Meet the Energy Saving Heat Pump Dryer. This short, animated video takes viewers step-by-step through the drying process, showcasing why this technology is definitely one to consider for their next purchase.

Later this year, EPA will be launching targeted online advertising using the video to promote ENERGY STAR certified heat pump dryers in markets where models are floored and rebates are available. The effort will drive clicks to the ENERGY STAR Product Finder page for heat pump dryers, where consumers can find pricing and location information, rebates, and other buying guidance.

In the new year, we encourage you to help us spread the word about this exciting product category by sharing the video on your website, with sales associates, through social media, or through any of your other customer outreach channels.

Join our 2019 Appliance Product Promotions!

Please plan on joining ENERGY STAR this spring for our annual appliance promotions – Flip Your Fridge, The Cool Choice for Room AC, and Laundry Made Better. You can get a head start by downloading the latest 2019 materials from the Marketing Materials page. Find factsheets, web buttons, social media resources, key messaging, and more! Both the Flip Your Fridge and Room AC promotions include materials in Spanish.

Flip Your Fridge

  • Promotional Window: Earth Day – Memorial Day
  • Key EPA activities include: video ads featuring Flip Your Fridge video, display ads targeting hard-to-reach audiences in markets with active utility programs, sweeps

Cool Choice for Room AC

  • Promotional Window: May – July, with key pushes during expected heat waves
  • Key EPA activities include: video ads featuring Make the Cool Choice, display ads targeting hard-to-reach audiences (low to middle income, elderly, Spanish-speaking)

Laundry Made Better

  • Promotional Window: Late May – 4th of July weekend
  • Key EPA activities include: video ads featuring Fatherhood: A Laundry Saga, display ads targeting families and new home buyers in markets with active utility programs, sweep, exploring media opportunity with YouTube family influencer

The full promotional calendar, also known as the Star Chart, is available here to assist with your planning. Tell us how you plan to get involved by emailing your account manager or

Stay tuned for more information coming soon about EPA’s plans for Earth Day and how you can help us celebrate!


Save the Date for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony

Each year, EPA and DOE honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency. This year’s winners will be recognized at the ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony at the Washington Hilton on April 11, 2019 in Washington DC. For those attending the ceremony, event registration and hotel information is now available on the 2019 event information page.

For more information about the Awards and partner accomplishments, visit .

Specification Updates

Dehumidifiers: On February 11, EPA released the final Dehumidifiers Version 5.0 Program Requirements. Version 5.0 is now available for early certification and will go into effect on October 31, 2019. The updated specification includes new product category definitions (portable and whole-home), new product capacity ranges, and criteria in terms of a new efficiency metric, the Integrated Energy Factor (IEF). Details regarding the development process can be found on the Dehumidifiers Specification Version 5.0 webpage.

Room Air Cleaners: In Fall 2018, EPA shared a Room Air Cleaner Discussion Guide and invited stakeholder written comments. EPA is currently reviewing all stakeholder comments and working on the Draft 1 Room Air Cleaner Specification. All comments and additional details can be found on the Room Air Cleaner Specification Version 2.0 webpage.

Dishwashers: In light of high ENERGY STAR market share for Residential Dishwashers, EPA plans to launch a specification revision for this category in Q2 2019. If you are not already a dishwasher contact for your organization and would like to receive communications related to dishwashers, please update your contact information via MESA.

EPA also plans to launch specification development efforts for a set of new appliance products. If you are interested in receiving communications related to any of the products below please fill in this form or send an email to with your name and indicate which of the following products are of interest.

Microwaves: In Q3/4 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for microwave ovens.

Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products: In Q2/3 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for miscellaneous refrigeration products.

Portable Air Conditioners: In Q2/3 2019, EPA plans to launch a new product specification for portable air conditioners.


Location: Washington DC

Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification. This draft includes proposals in response to stakeholder feedback on the discussion guide that was released in October 2018. EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 Specification on Thursday, April 4, 2019 from 1 – 3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
With this proposed revision, EPA seeks to recognize advances in efficiency for room air cleaner products. As such, this Draft 1 specification offers proposals to increase the stringency of the efficiency criteria. EPA highlights key changes in the Draft 1 below and provides rationale for these proposed changes in note boxes throughout the specification. Additionally, EPA responds to comments received on a number of other topics addressed in the discussion guide, including noise and filter requirements and treatment of products with sensors, as well as testing protocols in the accompanying comment response document. A data package that provides EPA’s dataset, proposed levels, and savings associated with this Draft 1 accompanies this mailing as well.

  • Definitions – EPA has updated several definitions to align with those in the ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2015 standard. 
  • On Mode Requirements – EPA understands that smoke pollutants can present the greatest health risk, that smoke is used to determine the appropriate room size for a product, and that smoke has the smallest particle of the three pollutants tested to ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2015. Due to these considerations and stakeholder feedback, EPA believes that smoke is an appropriate pollutant to use as the basis for an efficiency evaluation of room air cleaners and has set Draft 1 criteria based on smoke CADR/W. Also, after analyzing the relationship between CADR and CADR/W, EPA believes it is appropriate to set efficiency criteria based on a product’s size, or CADR. In setting these criteria, EPA targeted the top 25% of models available on the market in each size bin.
  • Partial On Mode Requirements – EPA updated the Draft 1 Specification to reference Partial On Mode (replacing Standby Mode) to align with IEC 62542. Partial On Mode now refers to a lower power mode in which a product can be providing a number of secondary functions, including network connectivity (if available and enabled by default). EPA recognizes the increasing prevalence of network capability among room air cleaners and proposes a network connected allowance, while also lowering the Maximum Partial On Mode power requirement to 1 Watt based on available data.
  • Test Method – EPA updated test method references to reflect the most recent versions. 

Stakeholder engagement is a vital aspect to the success of the ENERGY STAR program, and EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 2.0 specification. Stakeholders are requested to provide comments on the Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification no later than April 17, 2019. Please send comments via e-mail to All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential.
Please contact me at or (202) 343-9126, or Katharine Kaplan at or (202) 343-9120, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For questions about the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson, DOE, at or (202) 287-1943. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Best Regards,

Robert Burchard
ENERGY STAR for Room Air Cleaners


ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification
ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Discussion Guide Comment Response Document
ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Draft 1 Specification Data Package

Contact Name: Robert Burchard
Phone: 202-343-9126
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

2019 Lighting Materials Available!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share upcoming plans to promote ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting in conjunction with Earth Day this April. This year we will continue to build on the momentum of the ENERGY STAR Light the Moment campaign, while supplementing this broad appeal with a targeted effort to reach the low to mid-income (LMI) consumer.

To support this outreach and provide ample opportunity for lighting partners to participate and benefit, updated materials are now available, including the wide variety of Light the Moment themed materials from 2018 as well as sample mobile ads and additional social media posts targeting LMI audiences.

Get Materials

Materials have been supplemented this year based on the success of last fall’s lighting promotion, which featured a first-ever, all-mobile campaign targeting LMI audiences. Working with media services, Sharethrough and GroundTruth, EPA ENERGY STAR placed native mobile ads and mobile display ads, respectively, resulting in more than 2 million impressions and 23,000 pageviews. We reached LMI audiences through sophisticated digital targeting based on discount shopper behaviors, and certain location behaviors (multi-family housing unit renters and frequent visitors of laundromats). Due to this promising impact, the plan is to continue to supplement broad LTM outreach by also reaching this audience through their primary methods of communications, with highly targeted mobile ads as well as social media promotions on Facebook and Instagram.

We have planned two promotional pushes this year -- this one coinciding with Earth Day and another in October coinciding with ENERGY STAR Day. Whether you are supporting buydowns or offering traditional rebates, the goal is to promote favorable pricing to increase adoption of ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting. Participation is easy. Just take advantage of the marketing materials to customize your outreach activities. One easy and effective way to get involved all year round is through social media using the variety of engaging, seasonally relevant Light the Moment posts, such as Valentine's posts, with content that is sure to increase likes and shares.

We look forward to your participation to leverage the market power of ENERGY STAR in optimizing the impact of your lighting programs in 2019. Be sure to let your Account Manager know so we can add you to the list of featured partners on our promotions landing page:

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Have you added Ways to Save Tips to your website? This web service for partners provides an ongoing stream of ENERGY STAR branded, energy-saving tips. Get started at


Location: Washington DC

Smart Home Energy Management Systems 2018 Work Group Summary

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems 2018 Work Group Summary for stakeholder review. The document summarizes outcomes gathered from stakeholder discussions in work groups focusing on four key topics: device mode, occupancy, plug loads, and demand response/distributed energy resources. EPA appreciates the dedicated stakeholder involvement in these work groups and looks forward to continued engagement regarding the Draft 1 specification, which EPA anticipates releasing by the end of the first quarter of 2019.

For more information, please contact or visit Further questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

2019 Room Air Conditioner Materials Available!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the availability of marketing materials for the 2019 ENERGY STAR room air conditioner promotion—The Cool Choice for Room AC. Join in on this national promotion and help educate your customers on the energy-saving, environmental, and financial benefits of looking for the ENERGY STAR for their next room air conditioner purchase.

NEW! Room air conditioners with variable speed technology can now earn the ENERGY STAR label. Certified room air conditioners with variable speed technology save even more energy and quietly regulate the temperature, giving consumers the innovation and energy savings they desire in a state-of-the-art room AC.  

ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners:

  • Use 10 percent less energy and, on average, cost less than $75 per year to run.
  • Have improved insulation! New ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners come with better materials and clearer instructions to improve sealing around the unit, so they greatly reduce air leaks.

EPA has developed a suite of materials to assist partners in their promotions, including retail POP building blocks, a fact sheet, and digital content such as web buttons, graphics, an Ask the Expert video, and 30-second educational videos in both English and Spanish. All materials can be found on the ENERGY STAR Marketing Materials web page and are also available in Spanish.

Get Materials

The 2019 promotion will kick off mid-May with a cooling season Twitter Chat and last through June. EPA ENERGY STAR will continue some of the effective tactics from last year, but add some additional channels based on new media opportunities, including Instagram ads, as well as news article placements in targeted regions. Similar to the 2018 promotion, EPA ENERGY STAR will specifically target and develop customized content for hard-to-reach audiences (historically underserved) in areas with high room AC sales via video ads on YouTube and retargeted display ads on Google Display Network (GDN). Content will be created in both English and Spanish language, optimized for this audience. We will also time our media flights to align with heat waves when cooling is top of mind for consumers. Timely social media posts will be promoted through Facebook/Instagram to regions affected by the heat waves to take advantage of peak RAC demand. 

Last year’s promotion was a big success, with video ads on YouTube and GDN geotargeted to 9 markets with active RAC programs driving a total of 853,478 impressions and 72,384 pageviews to and (Spanish), where participating partners were featured.

The ENERGY STAR team is excited to reach even more consumers in 2019 and we look forward to working with you on this promotion. Please let us know your interest in participating, as well as your promotional plans, so we can best coordinate our efforts.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Final Version 5.0 Specification

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this specification revision process.

Version 5.0 requirements will become effective on October 31, 2019. Dehumidifier products certifying for ENERGY STAR under the Version 5.0 specification will offer consumers a savings of more than 13 percent. This specification establishes updated definitions and challenging IEF efficiency criteria in order to align with DOE’s dehumidifier product categories and efficiency metric and recognize the highest-performing models. The updated test method for dehumidifiers will further ensure that efficient and effective performance is achieved at standard operating conditions for both portable and whole-home dehumidifiers. If all dehumidifiers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $125 million each year and more than 3 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented.

This specification was developed through a process that included release of two draft specifications and one limited topic proposal, along with multiple stakeholder meetings and input from stakeholders. The single comment EPA received on the final draft specification raised no issues with specification requirements and, therefore, no changes were made to the final Version 5.0 specification. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the product development website.

Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares Partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 5.0 requirements.
  • As of June 3, 2019, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 4.0. Note, however, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until October 31, 2019.
  • Any dehumidifier manufactured as of October 31, 2019, must meet Version 5.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 4.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification and the product finder will only include models certified to Version 5.0.

ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the United States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models, since only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.
EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during the specification revision process and looks forward to working with you as you certify and market your energy-efficient dehumidifiers. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and its timeline to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375. Please direct questions about the test procedure to Bryan Berringer at DOE, or 202-586-0371. For any other Dehumidifier related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Manager

​Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that as of February 1, 2018, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) were required to cease certification of new computer servers to the Version 2.1 specification and may only certify computer servers to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing computer server certifications to the Version 2.1 specification until June 16, 2019. After this date, only computer servers certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by February 12, 2018 of models certified to Version 2.1, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified computer servers to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Rescheduled Webinar for Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Version 4.0 Draft 2 Specification
Due to a lapse in funding, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was shut down and the Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Version 4.0 Draft 2 Specification webinar was postponed. With funding restored, EPA has rescheduled the webinar for February 14, 2019 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. Please note that if you registered for the original webinar, you will need to register again.
EPA has also extended the comment period for the Draft 2 specification. Comments may now be submitted no later than February 28, 2019 via email to The specification and accompanying materials are available on the product development website.
Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns. For questions on the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson, U.S. Department of Energy, at or (202) 287-1943. For any other vending machine related questions, please contact
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Draft 2 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Vending Machines Cover Memo (Dec. 27, 2018)
    Draft 2 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Vending Machines Specification
    Draft 2 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Vending Machines Data Packet
    Vending Machine Comment Response Document for Draft 1 Version 4.0

Contact Name: Tanja Crk
Phone: 202-566-1037
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Rescheduled Webinar for ENERGY STAR Version 8.0 Computers Discussion Guide
Due to a lapse in funding, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was shut down and the Computers Version 8.0 Discussion Guide webinar was postponed. With funding restored, EPA has rescheduled the webinar for February 11, 2019 from 1-3:30 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. Please note that if you registered for the original webinar, you will need to register again. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments via email to no later than February 20, 2019. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website, unless directed otherwise. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Jeremy Dommu
Email: Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov
Phone: 202-586-9870
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Program Requirements. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested a great deal of time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. These Version 3.0 requirements will take effect on October 11, 2019. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.
The Version 3.0 specification will recognize the top performing imaging equipment products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified commercial imaging equipment will use, on average, approximately 35% less energy than standard imaging equipment. If all imaging equipment sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to $32 million each year and more than 596 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of over 57 thousand vehicles.
EPA received comments on the final draft specification. Multiple stakeholders requested clarification on the application of the Wi-Fi adder. EPA has noted that the Wi-Fi adder is applied when the imaging equipment product acts as an edge device on the network, not to functionality such as Wi-Fi Direct. The adder is applicable if the Wi-Fi is enabled as shipped. This could include three scenarios that the Agency is aware of: the Wi-Fi stays engaged even when the Ethernet cord is plugged in, the user manually chooses to disengage when the imaging equipment is turned on by selecting Ethernet, and when the Wi- Fi is disabled automatically when the Ethernet cord is plugged in. EPA also updated the duplexing requirements to harmonize with Blue Angel and clarified the language around the default setting. EPA also clarified that the professional DFE energy consumption may be excluded from the Professional Imaging Equipment and the rounding requirements. Finally, the definitions for professional imaging equipment products and professional DFEs were clarified based on the feedback received. EPA has provided additional responses to comments received that did not make it into the Final Version 3.0 specification.
As EPA is utilizing the Version 2.0 TEC criteria and revised TEC test method for professional imaging equipment, the Agency has not released the Final Draft Test Method for Professional Imaging Equipment Products with this document. Rather, the Agency will finalize this test method in early 2019.
Version 3.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline.

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 3.0 requirements.
    • EPA has provided a calculator to assist CBs with converting Version 2.0 test results to Version 3.0, which will reflect the change in the amount of paper assumed for annual printing.
  • After May 15, 2019, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to Version 2.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until October 11, 2019.
  • Any imaging equipment manufactured as of October 11, 2019, must meet the Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version2.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 3.0 to EPA. 

On behalf of EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revisions process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified imaging equipment. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693 with questions or concerns. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Final, Version 3.0 Program Requirements
Final Draft Comment Response Summary
Version 2.0 TEC to Version 3.0 TEC2018 Calculator

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machine Partner or Other Interested Party:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this draft to EPA no later than January 24, 2019.

Comments Received on the Draft 1 Proposal
EPA received extensive feedback on the Draft 1 Version 4.0 Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification. The Agency hosted a webinar to discuss this feedback as well as numerous follow-up discussions with stakeholders to fully understand the current state of the market. Commenters focused most significantly on the efficiency criteria proposed in Draft 1, which EPA has revised in Draft 2. Stakeholders also provided feedback on a range of other topics in response to the Draft 1 specification including: definitions; scope expansion to Combination A and Combination B machines; proposed energy use criteria; market characteristics; placement limitations for machines operating on R-290; and the proposed effective date. Noteboxes throughout the Draft 2 specification as well as the comment response document that accompanies this letter respond to the full range of comments.

Key elements of the Draft 2 Version 4.0 specification include:

Definitions: The Draft 1 introduced a number of term and definition changes primarily to align with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) final rule 10 CFR §431. All of the proposed Draft 1 term and definition changes remain in the Draft 2 with the exception of ‘Food Vending Machines’ which, per stakeholder feedback, has been amended to ‘Refrigerated Food Vending Machines.’

Scope: EPA proposed expanding scope in Draft 1 to include food vending machines (Refrigerated Food Vending Machines); however, due to the absence of a test method and the low market share of these products, EPA is not considering expansion at this time for perishable food product vending machines. However, the Agency is maintaining expansion to include Combination A and Combination B refrigerated beverage vending machines.

MDEC Requirements: EPA received stakeholder comments suggesting that the proposed Draft 1 levels were too aggressive. The Agency re-evaluated the performance data and is proposing amended levels in this Draft 2 specification. As EPA noted in Draft 1, the Agency anticipates that as manufacturers reconfigure their vending machine products to meet the new federal minimum standard, there will be opportunities to reduce the incremental cost of producing more efficient products by leveraging existing technologies, design options, and components. Therefore, EPA is proposing levels in Draft 2 that reflect the efficiency performance of the top 31% of Class A and 32% of Class B refrigerated beverage vending machines. Data plots can be found in the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Draft 2 Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Development website.

Refrigerants: Through stakeholder comments and subsequent follow-up conversations, EPA has been made aware of the challenge the industry is facing with the ASHARE 15, UL 541, and CSA 128 placement limitations for refrigerated beverage vending machines operating on R-290 as a refrigerant. The Agency understands that the industry is working on solutions for leak mitigation and that those 2 solutions may include additional componentry, possibly resulting in additional energy consumption. While the industry continues to address these challenges, EPA is moving forward with the planned Version 4.0 specification, but will continue to track the progress and ongoing activities related to the development of flammable refrigerant leak mitigation solutions as they are introduced to the market, and the potential impacts on the energy efficiency of the products.

Effective Date: A couple stakeholders suggested postponing the Version 4.0 effective date to allow the industry additional time to re-design their products to improve energy performance and transition to lowGWP refrigerants. In response, EPA has proposed levels achievable by a broad selection of models on the market today and will work with stakeholders to develop a new specification that considers use of alternative refrigerants and other efficiency gains in the future. EPA anticipates finalizing this specification by the end of Q1 2019 with it taking effect 9 months after.

Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification on January 10, 2019 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 2, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by January 24, 2019. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR Product Development website. 
Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns regarding this draft specification. For questions on the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson at or (202) 287-1943. For any other vending machine related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Draft 2 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Vending Machines Specification
    Vending Machine Comment Response Document for Draft 1 version 4.0

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the selection of Residential Air-to-Water Heat Pumps as a 2019 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award category. EPA is proposing performance criteria for these products with the goal of recognizing the best available air-to-water heat pumps that help protect the environment while offering the consumer new ways to save energy.
Overview of the Emerging Technology Award
Launched in 2011, the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award raises the profile of innovative technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once more widely adopted. The annual Award recognizes promising technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with categories eligible for the ENERGY STAR label (e.g., broadly available, cost effective to the consumer) or may represent large improvements in existing ENERGY STAR product categories. As products become more mainstream, Award categories may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. For more information on the Award, visit

Technology Overview – Air-to-Water (ATW) Heat Pumps:
Typical air source heat pumps take heat from outside air using a refrigerant. ATW heat pumps transfer this heat to a fluid outdoors – typically water or a mix of water and glycol – and transport this fluid into a home to provide space heating through hydronic distribution (e.g., radiant floor, radiator, or baseboard water circulation systems). These systems can also be used in a cooling mode creating chilled fluid and running it through an air coil to distribute air conditioning to a home or business. While the ATW heat pump market is small in the U.S., it is well established in Europe and China, with a global market of about 1.7M units/year1.
ATW heat pumps have numerous applications with advantages over traditional hydronic systems in new and existing homes, and advantages over forced air systems in new construction. Compared to a typical gas condensing boiler system, ATW heat pumps can offer energy savings up to 47%2 with a seasonal Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 1.7 - 3.0. ATW systems also demonstrate superior performance at low outdoor temperatures when compared with traditional air source heat pumps, making them appropriate for use throughout the United States, including cold regions. In addition to energy savings, ATW heat pump systems can provide the following benefits:

  • Since the system heats water, adding a storage tank to the system will provide homeowners with efficient domestic water heating. This eliminates the need for a separate water heater and can save thousands of dollars for a homeowner.3
  • All fans are located outside the home, providing quiet operation.
  • Allows a retrofit to provide cooling in hydronically-heated homes, without running extensive ducts through the home.

In new construction, ATW heat pumps provide all the advantages of a hydronic system while also providing efficient electric heat, using up to 70% less electricity than electric baseboard heat. These advantages include:

  • Easy zoning configurations: providing desired temperature in each room, or zone, of the home separately (e.g., the kitchen may not need to be heated as much as a bedroom)
  • No space needed for large air ducts in the house design 

As a result, ATW heat pumps can save energy, even in cold climates where many air-to-air heat pumps perform poorly, provide space conditioning and hot water heating, as well as several other benefits for the consumer.
Draft Criteria for Review
Interested stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed recognition criteria to by January 18, 2019. Depending on the comments received, EPA may release a subsequent draft for stakeholder review prior to finalizing the criteria. Once final, manufacturers of products that meet the Award criteria will be able to submit information and data to EPA for review. Upon EPA approval, manufacturers will be able to use the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award logo to promote the product.
Additional Technology Categories for 2019: EVO-Capable Room Air Conditioners
EPA is extending recognition of the 2018 Award category – EVO-Capable Room Air Conditioners – into 2019. EPA changed the required test method to reference a DOE-approved test procedure waiver. Correspondingly, EPA has adjusted the energy-efficiency criteria to now require a model to outperform the U.S. DOE Federal Minimum Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio by at least:

  • 35% for models with a capacity greater than or equal to 14,000 BTU/hour
  • 25% for models with a capacity less than 14,000 BTU/hour 

This update ensures alignment with the recent actions from DOE, reduces test burden for applicants, and simplifies the messaging for the 2019 Award. Please see the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for Industry Stakeholders webpage for award criteria and instructions for new submissions.
If you have any questions about the Award or the criteria development process, please contact me, Peter Banwell, at and (202) 343-9408, or Emmy Feldman at and (202) 862-1145.

Best Regards,

Peter Banwell

Criteria for EVO-Capable Room Air Conditioners
Draft Criteria for Air to Water Heat Pumps

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Newsletter—Fall 2018

Specification Updates

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regularly updates ENERGY STAR product specifications. The following information includes some helpful reminders as you prepare for upcoming specification changes and manage your inventory of ENERGY STAR certified products.

Recent and upcoming specification activities include:

ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens

ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers

ENERGY STAR Commercial Coffee Brewers Version 1.1

ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0

For more information regarding the ENERGY STAR specification process or additional commercial food service (CFS) equipment updates, visit

Learn more here.

Upcoming Events

Meet the ENERGY STAR Team at the 2019 North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) Show

The 2019 NAFEM Show will be in Orlando, FL on February 7–9, 2019. Foodservice professionals from around the world will gather to learn about new trends, attend education seminars, see the latest equipment and products from over 500 of the world’s leading equipment and supplies manufacturers, and network with their peers. In 2017, more than 10,000 attendees visited the NAFEM Show, and almost 50 percent were dealers/distributors, 30 percent were operators, and 10 percent were consultants.

Learn more here.

Save the Date—2019 ENERGY STAR Awards

The ENERGY STAR Awards honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through energy efficiency. The awards ceremony will be held on April 11, 2019 in Washington, DC. Learn more about past winners and find out more information here.

Learn more here.

Recent Events

2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

The 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting was held this fall in Phoenix, AZ. The three-day meeting included plenary sessions with policy and program updates, as well as opportunities for
one-on-one networking meetings and interactions with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. Presentations from the Partner Meeting can be found here.

2018 National Restaurant Association Show

The ENERGY STAR team attended and held a workshop at the 2018 National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago, IL. The show consisted of more than 1,200 exhibitors, including more than 65 ENERGY STAR manufacturer partners. EPA also facilitated the first ENERGY STAR CFS Stakeholder Workshop during the show, and over 75 CFS stakeholders attended the event.

Learn more here.

Updates on Additional Commercial Product Categories of Interest

2018 I2SL

In October, the ENERGY STAR team attended the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) Annual Conference in Raleigh, NC. The team met with partners and stakeholders and is excited about learning more about other areas for energy savings in laboratories.

ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines

On September 10, 2018, EPA published the ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Draft 1 Version 4.0 specification, which included amendments to the ENERGY STAR certification requirements and scope expansion to include combination A and combination B type machines. For more information on activities performed to date in preparation for the Draft 2 specification, visit the product development webpage.

ENERGY STAR Water Coolers

EPA is planning on revising the ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Specification in 2019. The current ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 requirements for water coolers have been in effect since February 1, 2014, and due in part to rising market penetration, EPA is revising the specification. To review the current specification, please visit the Version 2.0 product development webpage.

Learn more here.

Meet the Expert

Tanja Crk recently joined the team as EPA’s ENERGY STAR CFS Program Manager where she oversees both ENERGY STAR CFS marketing and product development activities for lab grade refrigeration, commercial kitchen/food service equipment (including coffee brewers), vending machines, and water coolers. Tanja has been with the EPA since 2008. For details on Tanja’s background, visit her LinkedIn page found here. She can be reached at (202) 566-1037 or

Learn more here.

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Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Dehumidifiers Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the Final Draft Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Specification. EPA would like to thank the stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback that has informed this product specification process. The effective date for this ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers specification will be October 18, 2019.
EPA received stakeholder comments on the Draft 1 specification that largely focused on scope and proposed integrated energy factor (IEF) criteria for portable dehumidifiers ≥ 50.01 pints/day and whole-home dehumidifiers with case volumes larger than eight cubic feet. In response to a request in the Draft 1 specification, EPA received manufacturer performance and cost data that supports the inclusion of portable dehumidifiers ≥ 50.01 pints/day in scope with IEF criteria of 3.30 L/kWh. This final draft also includes a reduction in the stringency of the IEF criteria for whole-home dehumidifiers with case volumes larger than eight cubic feet from 3.52 L/kWh to 3.30 L/kWh as introduced in a recent limited topic proposal.
EPA received limited feedback on this latest proposal with the majority supporting it. One stakeholder suggested an effective date of early 2020. Another stakeholder suggested that EPA set separate requirements for the portable dehumidifier ≥ 50.01 pints/day category based on product case volume. After careful review of these comments, which are posted on the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier product development webpage, EPA has maintained the scope and IEF criteria proposed in the limited topic proposal along with the existing categorization and an effective date of October 18, 2019. The rationale for these decisions can be found in the note boxes throughout the Final Draft specification.
Comment Submittal Process
Any final comments may be submitted to by January 10, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier product development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375. Please direct any questions about the test procedure to Bryan Berringer at DOE, or 202-586-0371. Thank you for taking the time to review this Final Draft specification. I look forward to working with you to finalize this specification revision.


Abigail Daken, Manager

Final Draft Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Specification

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking your input as part of the early stages of a revision of the ENERGY STAR Computers specification to address desktop computer and workstation efficiency. This Discussion Guide highlights an initial list of priority areas for this specification revision, key questions for stakeholders, schedule for the Version 8.0 revision, and next steps in the revision process. EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 8.0 specification that will recognize efficiency gains in the computer market.
As most are aware, the focus of the Version 7.0 revision, which was completed this past year, was notebook efficiency. The following are EPA’s priorities for the Version 8.0 revision:

  • Revise the energy requirements for desktop computers and workstations, including soliciting stakeholder feedback on the methodology used to determine the energy requirements.
  • Revise the mode weightings to account for changes in computer usage since the last revision to these weightings and assess the needs around more functional power management incentives.
  • Amend the internal power supply efficiency requirements.
  • Consider changes to the testing of notebook computers and how to translate the current levels to incorporate the new testing requirements.
  • Consider scope amendments for multiscreen notebooks and mobile phones that can convert into a tablet.

Stakeholder suggestions on any other issues to be considered during the Version 8.0 specification revision process are welcomed, in particular on those topics raised in the Discussion Guide. EPA also encourages stakeholders to provide any remaining data points on non-certified products as part of the comments via data template, which was originally distributed in May 2018. The data collected will be used for determining criteria levels in Draft 1.
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Discussion Guide on January 14, 2019 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments via email to no later than January 25, 2019. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website, unless directed otherwise. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website.
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Version 8.0 Discussion Guide
Version 8.0 Dataset Template


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 2 ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Program Requirements is January 1, 2019 . On this date, only products certified to Version 2.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 2 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 2 certified uninterruptible power supplies to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Specification, the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Test Method, and the Draft 2 ENERGY STAR Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they have provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this draft specification. The effective date of this specification is October 11, 2019.

The Final Draft reflects significant engagement with stakeholders and strikes a balance across the criteria that make up this specification. EPA has further refined the professional imaging products definition to better differentiate those products from other types of imaging equipment and has reinstated the Version 2.0 criteria for those products. These are intended to extend the current requirements until the Professional Imaging Equipment test method is available for use and refined eligibility criteria can be added to this specification. Stakeholders also commented on the efficiency criteria more broadly. After further consideration of the data submitted, EPA has eased the levels for non-professional products slightly to allow for greater selection of qualifying products and included a Wi-Fi adder for those products that ship with Wi-Fi enabled. Finally, EPA has incorporated updated elements for DFEs to differentiate those associated with professional products and further clarified the recovery time criteria and testing requirements.

Any remaining comments on this Final Draft, Version 3.0 specification may be submitted to by December 13, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Imaging Equipment Specification Version 3.0 product development webpage.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693 with questions or concerns. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
Final Draft, Version 3.0 Specification
Final Draft Imaging Equipment Test Method
Draft 2 Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method
Draft 2, Version 3.0 Specification and Draft 3 Test Method Comment Summary

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington DC

Dear Room Air Cleaner Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) thanks those that participated in the Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Discussion Guide stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, November 13. The slide deck that was presented during the webinar is available on the ENERGY STAR product development webpage with all documents associated with this effort, including the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Discussion Guide.
EPA is providing a one-week extension on the deadline to submit written comments on the Discussion Guide. Please submit comments by December 6, 2018 to  
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 7 ENERGY STAR Computers Program Requirements is November 16, 2018 . On this date, only products certified to Version 7.0 or 7.1 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 7 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 7 certified computers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the Version 7.1 amendments to the ENERGY STAR Computer specification. Most notably this amendment enables those products meeting the mobile workstation definition to utilize an adder to account for the additional utility and energy consumption of these products, clarifies the  requirements for utilizing alternative low power modes, and updates the internal power supply language. Computer products previously certified to Version 7.0 are not affected by this change.

EPA received multiple comments on the Version 7.1 proposal. One comment requested an update to the Mobile Workstation definition to update an outdated standards reference, which EPA accepted. In addition, a commenter requested a small change to the Alternative Low Power Mode (ALPM) definition to address that not all ALPMs necessarily maintain constant network connection, but are still considered an ALPM for sleep and long idle mode measurement purposes, which EPA also accepted. An additional commenter noted that in Table 6: IPS Efficiency Allowance, the reference to Minimum Average Efficiency is no longer utilized and should therefore be removed, which EPA incorporated into the amendment. A final comment received requested that EPA re-introduce the power management incentive structure found in Version 6.1. EPA reintroduced this incentive to credit manufacturers for power management settings. Finally, DOE has updated the ENERGY STAR test method to account for the release the final amendment.

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
ENERGY STAR Version 7.1 Specification

Location: Webinar

Dear Room Air Cleaner Stakeholder:
Upon learning of a conflicting industry meeting, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is rescheduling the stakeholder webinar to discuss the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Room Air Cleaners Discussion Guide to Tuesday, November 13, 2018 , from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time. If you would like to participate and have not already registered, please register prior to the webinar here.

All documents associated with this effort are available on the ENERGY STAR product development webpage. Broad participation from stakeholders is vital during this process. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments on the Discussion Guide by November 27, 2018 to
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Cleaner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a revision to the ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 Room Air Cleaners Specification. The enclosed Discussion Guide provides an early opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on key questions EPA is considering in the forthcoming specification development process. Stakeholder engagement is a vital aspect to the success of the ENERGY STAR program, and EPA looks forward to working with all parties to develop the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 specification. Please submit any formal comments on this Discussion Guide to by Tuesday, November 27. EPA will host a webinar to enable discussion regarding the guide on November 7, 2018 from 2 – 4 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
ENERGY STAR specifications are reviewed and revised periodically to ensure continued relevance in the marketplace. The ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners specification was launched in 2004 and energy efficiency performance requirements have remained unchanged. Qualified product data demonstrate that significant technological advancements enabling efficiency improvements have occurred. With this proposed revision, EPA seeks to recognize these advances in efficiency for room air cleaner products. The accompanying discussion guide highlights a list of areas of interest for this specification revision and key questions for stakeholders. These include: 

  • Scope – EPA seeks feedback from stakeholders on adjusting the scope of the Room Air Cleaners Specification to exclude products that EPA has learned may emit harmful byproducts (e.g., formaldehyde, carbon monoxides, etc.).
  • Technological Advancements – EPA analyzed the product efficiency of models on the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List (QPL) and found that the efficiency of certified products has increased significantly since Version 1.0 took effect as a result of increased adoption of more efficient alternating current (AC) motors and direct current (DC) motors, for example. EPA is seeking feedback on other advancements that have resulted in increased efficiency.
  • Efficiency and Product Size – In consideration of the differences in efficiency distribution by product size and potential differences in consumer utility, EPA is considering evaluating efficiency criteria based on a product’s size.
  • Smoke and Pollen Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) – CADR is the industry metric for determining product performance, and is measured in terms of cubic feet per minute (CFM). The Version 1.2 criteria are based on dust CADR only, but the ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2015 test procedure measures CADR for smoke and pollen particles as well. EPA has learned that the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and retailers use smoke CADR to estimate the appropriate room size for a given room air cleaner. As a result, EPA seeks feedback on addressing more than one particle type in the ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements to offer increased consumer value.
  • Noise of Room Air Cleaners – As noted in EPA’s recently published Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home1 and companion Residential Air Cleaners Technical Summary2, the noise generated by room air cleaners can be a concern for consumers, who have cited noise as a reason for decreasing the speed of their air cleaner or turning it off. EPA is interested in techniques manufacturers use to reduce the noise produced by room air cleaners and any industry standards for measuring air cleaner noise.
  • Filter Performance – The Version 1.2 Specification does not reference specific filter types. However, in the EPA Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home, it is noted that filter type does influence the performance of a room air cleaner. As a result, EPA is interested in stakeholder feedback on this specification including minimum filter criteria and on methods for determining filter performance.
  • Testing – The Department of Energy (DOE) and EPA are reviewing the test procedure requirements for room air cleaners to assess whether the test procedure provides results that are representative of current typical consumer settings and use.  DOE seeks, feedback on opportunities to provide greater differentiation in recognizing more efficient products, while maintaining product performance and minimizing the overall test burden. In the Discussion Guide, DOE and EPA welcome feedback on several test method topics where additional analyses and testing may be warranted.

EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders to develop the Version 2.0 specification. Stakeholders are requested to provide comments on the Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide no later than Tuesday, November 27. Please send comments via e-mail to
All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Specification Development webpage, unless the submitter specifically requests that his or her comments remain confidential. The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit theENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Specification Development webpage.
Please contact me at or (202) 343-9126, or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or (202) 862-1145, with any questions or concerns about the specification. For questions about the test method, please contact Stephanie Johnson, DOE, at or (202) 287-1943. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Robert Burchard
ENERGY STAR for Room Air Cleaners

ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide  


Contact Name: Robert Burchard
Phone: 202-343-9126
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Oven Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is informing stakeholders of its intention to revise the ENERGY STAR Commercial Oven specification in response to advances in energy efficiency and to expand the scope to additional sizes of combination ovens. To propose levels for this expanded set of product types, EPA is assembling performance data and invites stakeholders to participate in this effort. EPA asks that interested stakeholders provide performance data using the accompanying template no later than December 13, 2018, to
Based on the 2017 ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment and Market Penetration Report Calendar Year 2017 Summary, ENERGY STAR certified commercial ovens currently represent approximately 59% of the market. In recognition of the movement of the market toward more efficient ovens, and in the interest of better differentiating products for purchasers who prioritize efficiency, EPA is revising the ENERGY STAR criteria for these products. An equally important driver for this revision is expanding the scope of covered products to allow small gas and electric and large electric convection ovens to earn the ENERGY STAR. 
Since first recognizing efficient commercial ovens with the ENERGY STAR label in 2009, EPA has expanded the scope of the specification numerous times to the benefit of purchasers and brand owners. When first evaluating the commercial ovens market to identify equipment categories suitable for ENERGY STAR specification development, convection ovens offered the best opportunity for ENERGY STAR labeling and Version 1.0 requirements were published in May 2009. At that time, EPA informed stakeholders that additional oven categories would be evaluated and considered for inclusion in the product category, as performance data were made available for review and analysis.
In April 2013, EPA released a subsequent Version 2.0 Commercial Ovens specification that expanded the scope to include various size ranges of half- and full-size, gas and electric combination ovens. However, large capacity electric and smaller capacity gas and electric models remained excluded, as well as 2/3-size combination ovens due to lower market shares and insufficient performance data.
In 2015, EPA’s market review resulted in the addition of gas rack ovens in Version 2.2. Today, EPA’s preliminary market and technology research shows an increase in demand for the smaller capacity and larger capacity combination ovens. Consequently, EPA is now planning a scope expansion that will add these products to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification.
Performance Data
With this scope expansion in mind, EPA is assembling data for the combination oven sizes identified below to determine appropriate levels and assess possible energy savings. Steam and convection mode idle energy and cooking-energy efficiency data submitted to EPA for consideration should be based on testing that follows the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) F2861-17, Standard Test Method for Enhanced Performance of Combination Oven in Various Modes. Combination ovens of particular interest, include:

  • 2/3-Size Gas and Electric Combination Ovens
  • Half- and Full-Size Gas Combination Ovens with a pan capacity of 5 or less
  • Half- and Full-Size Electric Combination Ovens with a pan capacity of 4 or less and those with a pan capacity of greater than 20

The following is a list of key information and performance data that EPA is interested in for each oven:

1. Size (2/3, Half, or Full)
2. Fuel Type (Gas or Electric)
3. Input Rate (Btu/h or kW)
4. Gas Idle Energy Rate in Steam and Convection Modes (Btu/h)
5. Electric Idle Energy Rate in Steam and Convection Modes (kW)
6. Cooking-Energy Efficiency in Steam and Convection Modes (%)
7. Production Capacity in Steam and Convection Modes (lbs/h)

Please send data via e-mail to by December 13, 2018. Note that data submitted and used by EPA to set specification levels is not required to be third-party certified. 
Comment Submittal
All data transmitted via e-mail to and received by December 13, 2018, will be considered by EPA in preparing the Draft 1 Version 3.0 proposal. As EPA moves forward with developing these new levels, the Agency will continue to solicit input from all stakeholders on an ongoing basis via draft specifications, e-mail/phone correspondence, and stakeholder meetings.
The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track the EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website on commercial ovens.
Please feel free to contact me at (202) 566-1037 and or Adam Spitz, ICF, at (916) 231-7685 and with any questions or comments.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. I look forward to working with you during the specification revision process.

Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Commercial Ovens Version 3.0 Specification Data Assembly Template

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the ENERGY STAR Computers Test Method as updated by the Department of Energy (DOE), for use with the ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Computers specification. This update addresses testing questions on alternative low power modes, products that exhibit cyclical behavior in long or short idle mode, and products with a battery that may not be removed by the end-user. Computer products tested to the previous test method and certified to Version 7.0 are not affected by this change.
As part of the vetting process, stakeholders presented one comment regarding the ENERGY STAR Computers Test Method updates questioning the necessity of section 6.3 regarding Alternative Low Power Mode (ALPM). DOE notes that the purpose of the ALPM language is to indicate how to run the ALPM test itself, and not indicate under what conditions ALPM is used in the metric calculations. Such calculations are described below. Thus, DOE has not modified the test language as proposed. 
EPA would also like to provide some additional clarification regarding alternative low power modes that may be applied to the Version 7.0 specification.

  • In calculating Typical Energy Consumption in Section 3.5 for Notebooks, Desktops, and Integrated Desktops that use an Alternative Low Power Mode in place of System Sleep Mode and Long Idle Mode, power in Alternative Low Power Mode (PALPM) may be used in place of both the power in Sleep (PSLEEP) and the power in Long Idle (PLONG_IDLE) in Equation 1 if the Alternative Low Power Mode measured power is less than or equal to 10 watts. In such instances, (PSLEEP x TSLEEP) and (PLONG_IDLE x TLONG_IDLE) are replaced by (PALPM x TSLEEP) and (PALPM x TLONG_IDLE).
  • Products that have an alternative low power mode should be set to activate after no more than 30 minutes of user inactivity and the speed of any active 1 Gb/s or faster Ethernet network link should be reduced when transitioning to Sleep Mode or Off Mode. Alternatively, the links can enter Energy Efficient Ethernet state when transitioning to Alternative Low Power Mode, if applicable. 

Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or (215) 967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products
ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Computers Specification (Rev. October 2018)

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for the fourteen eligible product categories, HVAC narrative guide, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA response.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) Stakeholder:

This is a friendly reminder that EPA is launching work groups to advance the SHEMS program model. If you are interested in participating and have not signed up already, please fill out this form by the end of today, September 25, 2018. If unable to access the form, please indicate the work group(s) you wish to join by sending an email to Work groups will commence in October. The work group focus areas are:

  1. Utility pilots / data needs
  2. Miscellaneous energy loads
  3. Occupancy detection methods
  4. Characterizing an “away” hour
  5. Demand response and distributed energy resources

If you have already signed up, no further action is required of you at this point in time. We will be contacting everyone who has signed up to begin scheduling work group meetings for early October.

More information related to EPA’s work on Smart Home Energy Management Systems can be found at Please direct any questions to

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you.

Taylor Jantz-Sell, U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR

For more information, visit:


Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Smart Home Energy Management Systems Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is establishing stakeholder work groups for the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) program development process and invites your participation.

The goal of these work groups is to resolve pending questions that may inform a Draft 1 specification and beyond. Each work group will be co-chaired by EPA and an outside stakeholder. Work groups will meet at least twice a month through the end of this year through conference calls. EPA will reevaluate the groups and meeting frequency as the development of the program progresses.

Four focus areas were introduced at the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting based on comments on the SHEMS Discussion Guide. An additional topic came out of the SHEMS session during the meeting. Following are the work group focus areas and a key question to address:

  1. Utility pilots / data needs: co-chair Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)
    • What utility pilots or data needs are needed for utilities to support a SHEMS program?​
  2. Miscellaneous energy loads
    • How important is managing MELS with occupancy information and what strategies would lead to the most energy savings?
  3. Occupancy detection methods
    • Which occupancy detection methods (or features) would be sufficient for this type of program? 
  4. Characterizing an “away” hour: co-chair National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • What is a simple and practical way to characterize an hour with effective energy optimization?
  5. DR & DERs
    • How might integration with demand response and distributed energy resources work to help mitigate demand issues and unintended consequences.

If you would like to participate, simply complete this form by September 25, 2018.

*We have already captured people who signed up during the session at the partner meeting, so those individuals do not need to complete the form.

More information related to EPA’s work on Smart Home Energy Management Systems can be found at

Feel free to reach out with any questions to:

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you.

Taylor Jantz-Sell, U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested a great deal of time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. These Version 3.0 requirements will take effect on June 17, 2019 and computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.1. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.
The Version 3.0 specification will recognize the top performing computer server products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified computer servers will use, on average, approximately 30% less energy than standard computer servers when power management is enabled. If all computer servers sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the cost savings would grow to over $1 billion each year and more than 18 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of over 1.7 million vehicles.
EPA received comments on the final draft specification from multiple stakeholders. In particular, stakeholders commented that manufacturers should be able to use SERT V1.1.1 raw test measurements to calculate the SERT V2.0.1 score required for ENERGY STAR certification. The Green Grid has developed a calculator, which was used to develop the EPA dataset, to convert the SERT V1.1.1 measurements for those products that were tested to that test method to the SERT V2.0.1 metric. EPA will post this calculator for use by Certification Bodies to certify the impacted models. Finally, stakeholders requested that EPA clearly note that dc servers are excluded products; provide alternate calculations on a per-blade and per-node basis; and make amendments to the definition for common product family attributes and low-end performance configurations.  EPA has removed Section 1.G.1).E, which relates to the populated memory changes with the same model DIMM from the Common Product Family Attributes definition.  For low-end performance configurations, the DIMM slots have been replaced with memory channels to be consistent with the SERT test procedures and ISO 21836 (under development). EPA has provided further responses to comments in the comment response matrix.
Version 3.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline:

  • Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 3.0 requirements.
    • CBs must upload required SERT files specified in Section 4.1.2.v of the specification to EPA in a location to be determined which will be shared with CBs upon the release of the final QPX form.
    • The Green Grid has developed a calculator to assist with converting SERT V1.1.1 results to SERT Version 2.0.1, which partners may use for certifying products already certified using SERT V1.1.1 to the new specification. Products never certified as ENERGY STAR will be expected to use SERT Version 2.0.1.
  • After February 1, 2019, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.1. Note, however, that existing certifications to V2.0/2.1 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until June 17, 2019.
  • Any computer server manufactured as of June 17, 2019, must meet the Version 3.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 2.1 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 3.0 to EPA.

On behalf of EPA, I would like to thank all stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification revisions process and I look forward to working with you as you certify and market your ENERGY STAR certified computer servers. Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Version 3.0 Specification
Final Draft Comment Response Matrix

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting was a huge success – our heartfelt thanks to all who made the trip to Phoenix last week. All told, 450 people representing retailers, manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, third-party program implementers, and other stakeholders joined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for three busy days of meetings and sessions. Meeting participants made productive use of fourteen (14) available meeting rooms for more than 150 individual working meetings, collaborating on the best ways to promote sales of ENERGY STAR certified products. In addition to organizing and moderating presentation sessions, ENERGY STAR program staff participated in close to 200 hours of meetings with various ENERGY STAR partners.  And 21 different companies brought energy efficiency to life, displaying their ENERGY STAR certified products as part of the Product Expo.
In case you missed it, here are some highlights:

Efficiency Programs and Approaches

  • A new scenario analysis suggests three things that could help energy efficiency program sponsors sustain meaningful, cost-effective energy demand reductions well into the future: technologies with large or untapped savings potential, more effective program approaches (e.g. midstream incentives) and improved cost-effectiveness screening.  The ENERGY STAR Program has a number of tools in the tool box that will help.
  • New technologies offer great promise for radically improved HVAC and appliances in the 5-year to 10-year time frame, despite (and in some cases because of) several regulatory and market challenges.  From improved heat exchangers (offering thermal storage) and sophisticated controls, the future is bright!
  • Energy efficiency program sponsors around the country are embracing the challenge to try new things.  To improve the availability of energy efficient HVAC and heat pump water heaters, some are experimenting with midstream incentives paid to distributors.  Others are investing in innovative training techniques to gain contractor buy-in and increase consumer awareness during the purchasing process. Major retailers are stepping up to support instant rebates on ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats. 

ENERGY STAR Program Developments

  • With the growing popularity of smart home devices, the ENERGY STAR Program is exploring ways to encourage the market to bring energy savings along for the ride, through recognition of smart home energy management systems.  Explore the perspectives of interested stakeholders here.
  • Applications for 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards are now available. Please be sure to review the file named “Part 1. General Instructions” and make sure you can log into your MESA account early. Deadline for submittal is November 29, 2018. For the latest information visit

Outreach and Marketing

  • Several panelists presented findings demonstrating how the ENERGY STAR brand positively impacts engagement and adoption of energy efficiency, including a new JD Powers study featuring a significant increase in the Customer Satisfaction Index over time for utilities that partnered with ENERGY STAR and A/B testing conducted by Focus on Energy resulting in a 60% increase in the click-through-rate when the ENERGY STAR logo was displayed on the ad.
  • A new customer segmentation study completed by the ENERGY STAR Program identifies optimal target segments for energy-efficiency in two behavioral groups (those who own energy-saving products and those who intend to buy them) representing more than 60 million households in 5 distinct target groups, or Shades of Cyan: Old School Blues, Green Blues, True Blues, New Blues, and Bettering Blues. Extensive demographic data allows for detailed characterization of these potential ENERGY STAR product purchasers, which informs effective messaging and media mixes.
  • The ENERGY STAR Program and leading partners continue to invest in media efforts to raise consumer awareness about products earning ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition. Helping consumers identify these “best-of-the best” product models and where to buy them remains a priority. Learn more.
  • Results from the 2017 – 2018 nationally coordinated ENERGY STAR product promotions continue to impress with a total of 233 million impressions and 796 thousand pageviews reaching a total of more than 40 million households through partner participation. Get ready for the fall promotions featuring lighting, smart thermostats and water heaters and take advantage of marketing materials and messaging available here.  For next year’s promotional schedule see StarChart2019.
  • ENERGY STAR Day 2018 is right around the corner – set for October 23. Join us in the celebration by encouraging your audiences to save for good. Learn more.

Tools and Resources

  • Announcing new resources designed to help increase sales of ENERGY STAR certified heat pump water heaters.  The online ENERGY STAR product finder now includes specifics on local installers with heat pump water heater experience.  The mobile-friendly ENERGY STAR Water Heater Replacement Guide helps potential purchasers determine whether a heat pump water heater is right for their home.
  • Attention web content managers – the ENERGY STAR Program offers a range of free resources designed to enhance the consumer experience on your website. ENERGY STAR certified product lists can be tailored automatically and made available on your website through APIs.  Energy-saving advice, maintained by the ENERGY STAR program, can also be automatically tailored and packaged for your use. And the new Product Finders have been updated to offer consumers a one-stop-shop for buying guidance, savings tips, tools, rebates, as well as price and location data – representing an off-the-shelf marketplace that you can readily leverage for your customers.

For access to all of this year’s presentations, please visit and click on the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting link.
EPA is researching venues and dates in September 2019 for next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner
Meeting. Please look for a save-the-date email soon. The latest information and updates will also be posted at

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington, DC


September 10, 2018
Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machine Partner or Other Interested Party:
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification. With a more stringent DOE federal minimum standard coming into effect on January 8, 2019, revised ENERGY STAR criteria are needed to effectively differentiate energy efficient vending machine products beyond what the new regulations require of all products. The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 1 specification is October 9, 2018.
Since the finalization of the current Version 3.1 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine specification, DOE issued new federal minimum efficiency requirements for new Class A and Class B refrigerated beverage vending machines, with a compliance date of January 8, 2019. The new Class A minimum standard aligns with the performance criteria for Version 3.1 ENERGY STAR and the new Class B minimum standard exceeds current ENERGY STAR levels by approximately 22%. Additionally, the DOE introduced standards for new Combination A and Combination B vending machines. To ensure ENERGY STAR labeled refrigerated beverage vending products continue to offer significant savings beyond standard products and align with DOE’s scope and definition, EPA is launching development of Version 4.0. Key elements of the Draft 1 Version 4.0 specification include:
Definitions: The EPA has updated several terms and definitions to align with the DOE final rule 10 CFR §431 and included a definition for food vending machines to support possible scope expansion to include this growing area of the market. The Draft 1 includes additions of or amendments to the following definitions:

  • Class A and Class B Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines
  • Combination A and Combination B Vending Machines
  • Food Vending Machines
  • Rebuilt Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines
  • Low Power Mode
  • Accessory Low Power Mode
  • Refrigeration Low Power Mode

Scope: The EPA is proposing a scope expansion to include Combination A and Combination B vending machines covered in the forthcoming federal minimum standard as well as potential expansion to food vending machines.
MDEC Requirements: EPA anticipates that as manufacturers reconfigure their vending machine products to meet the new federal minimum standard, there will be opportunities to reduce the incremental cost of producing more efficient products by leveraging existing technologies, design options, and components. As such, the EPA is proposing levels in Draft 1 that reflect the efficiency performance of the top 15% of Class A and 18% of Class B refrigerated beverage vending machines. Data plots can be found in the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Draft 1 Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Development website.
Low Power Mode Requirements: EPA is proposing to align with the DOE on the low power mode terminology. In addition, EPA requires that beverage machines come equipped with hard wired controls and/or software capable of placing the machine into one of the following low power modes during operation: (1) lighting low power state; (2) refrigeration low power state; or (3) whole machine low power state. In addition, the EPA applies the same 3% credit as does the DOE to products with refrigeration low-power mode.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification on September 25, 2018, from 1:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  
Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 1, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Product Specification.  Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by October 9, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
The exchange of ideas and information between the EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track the EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the ENERGY STAR Product Development website.
Please contact me at or 202-566-1037 and Adam Spitz at or 916-231-7685 with questions or concerns regarding this draft specification. Please direct questions regarding the test method to Ashley Armstrong at Ashley.Armstrong@EE.Doe.Gov . For any other vending machine related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Tanja Crk, Product Manager
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Draft 1 Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Vending Machines Specification
    Draft 1 Version 4.0 Vending Machines Data Packet



Contact Name: Adam Spitz
Phone: 916-231-7685
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC



Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
On July 31, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the ENERGY STAR Computers Draft Version 7.1 Specification and the ENERGY STAR Computers Final Draft Version 7.1 Test Method.  Since that time, stakeholders have provided written and verbal feedback requesting further modification to the test method. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) agrees that the requested modification is warranted and is proposing that the ENERGY STAR Computers test method account for cases where long idle, alternative low power, sleep, or off modes have cyclical behavior that is not captured by the standard five-minute measurement period. The test method has been updated to allow an average of multiple runs of short idle instead of just one run.

Concerns regarding this amendment may be submitted to by September 24, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Barring concerns, EPA and DOE will finalize the test method with this modification along with the final Version 7.1 specification.
Please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870 regarding any test method questions. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft, Version 7.1 ENERGY STAR Computers Test Method


Contact Name: Jeremy Dommu
Email: Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov
Phone: 202-586-9870
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is excited to share with you the ENERGY STAR Day Toolkit with everything you need to encourage your audiences to save energy with ENERGY STAR. ENERGY STAR Day is an annual celebration during which the EPA and ENERGY STAR partners, as well as individuals across the country, come together to celebrate the benefits of energy efficiency. This year our special focus is on highlighting the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified products for underserved, hard-to-reach audiences.
Included in the ENERGY STAR Day Toolkit are instructions for participation, messaging, product savings facts, as well as digital graphics (social and web) for your use throughout the month of October to raise awareness and offer opportunities for all Americans to save for good with ENERGY STAR. The toolkit also includes Spanish versions to reach a broader, multicultural audience.


Our media efforts and digital content will drive traffic to the ENERGY STAR Day promotional page (, where customers can learn about price savings on ENERGY STAR certified products, as well as how these products deliver additional savings over time, brought to them by you, our partners.
Please feel free to contact Jill Vohr ( with questions, ideas, or to share program offerings you want us to highlight. We will be busy developing the content for the ENERGY STAR Day landing page and want to feature your initiatives, so please do share them with us by October 1 to ensure inclusion. Once again, we look forward to working with you in support of ENERGY STAR Day 2018 on October 23 and throughout October.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

ENERGY STAR®  is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 25 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Visit today.





Contact Name: Jill Vohr
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ




Register Now!

To accommodate late registrants, the online registration system will now be open through Friday, August 31.

To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
After August 31, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.
We will make every effort to have name badges ready for late registrants as of the start of the meeting.
Reminder: As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

Back to Top


In advance of the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, EPA is pleased to provide four important summaries of energy efficiency program sponsor product program offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, HVAC and smart thermostats, lighting, and water heaters. The Summaries, which provide information about energy efficiency program sponsors’ promotions of ENERGY STAR qualified products, are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and utilities or other energy efficiency program sponsors. The Summaries are posted on and can help you plan for your time in Phoenix.

​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to extend an invitation from The Government of Canada to attendees of the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to an info session about ENERGY STAR Canada. During this session, Stephan Telka (ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Manager) will provide an overview of the program in Canada, and how partners in the U.S. can easily join the ENERGY STAR family in the “Great White North”. Please email Katie Breen, ICF, at  by Wednesday, August 22, 2018 if you are interested in participating. More information will be shared with those who RSVP.  

​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to forward you an invitation from five-time ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award winner MaxLite to join them at a welcome reception on Wednesday evening.

Where: Compass Arizona Grill 
             Hyatt Regency Phoenix
             122 North 2nd Street

When: 6:00 - 9:00 PM on Wednesday, September 5

RSVP ASAP: Sandy Bernales, MaxLite, at

​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current agenda companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. 

​Back to Top


The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block was August 14, 2018. If you still require a reservation, the hotel may have rooms available. Please contact them directly for current rates. 

Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Direct: (602) 262-2500
Reservations: (800) 325-3535

​Back to Top


Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) is approximately 5 miles from the hotel.

Suggested options for getting to and from the hotel include:

  • Airport Taxi (one-way): approximately $22 
  • Super Shuttle (one-way): approximately $13 
  • METRO Light Rail: $2 
    Metro stop is three blocks from the hotel, on Central Avenue and Van Buren. 

​Back to Top


For more information and to find the latest updates on the meeting, please visit:

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: California

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ



Register Now!

To accommodate late registrants, the online registration system will now be open through Friday, August 31.

To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
After August 31, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.
We will make every effort to have name badges ready for late registrants as of the start of the meeting.
Reminder: As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

Back to Top


EPA is pleased to extend an invitation from The Government of Canada to attendees of the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to an info session about ENERGY STAR Canada. During this session, Stephan Telka (ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Manager) will provide an overview of the program in Canada, and how partners in the U.S. can easily join the ENERGY STAR family in the “Great White North”. Please email Katie Breen, ICF, at  by Wednesday August 22, 2018 if you are interested in participating. More information will be shared with those who RSVP. 
​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to forward you an invitation from five-time ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award winner MaxLite to join them at a welcome reception on Wednesday evening.

Where: Compass Arizona Grill 
             Hyatt Regency Phoenix
             122 North 2nd Street

When: 6:00 - 9:00 PM on Wednesday, September 5

RSVP ASAP: Sandy Bernales, MaxLite, at
​Back to Top


For more information and to find the latest updates on the meeting, please visit:

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Air Source Heat Pump and Central Air Conditioner Equipment Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the ENERGY STAR Residential Air Source Heat Pump and Central Air Conditioner Equipment Version 6.0 Discussion Guide on August 3, 2018, with an original comment period deadline of September 7. 
EPA is now extending the comment period deadline to September 21, 2018, and stakeholders can submit comments to at any time up to that date.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 


Abigail Daken, Manager

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
The 2017 Unit Shipment Data Summary Report has been posted to the ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment Data webpage. This report includes aggregate shipments provided by ENERGY STAR brand owner partners and estimated market share for ENERGY STAR products included in the data collection effort.
If you have any questions about the summary report, please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at or Matt Bugajski, ICF, at
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Kathleen Vokes
ENERGY STAR Program Integrity

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ



Register Now!

Registration for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting closes tomorrow! 

Please note that in order to receive all of the final meeting materials, you must register by August 14.
Final meeting materials include:

  • Final meeting agenda;
  • Final agenda companion document with session and speaker information;
  • Full participant list and contact information for registered attendees (only sent to those pre-registered).

To register, please visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
Other benefits of registering by August 14 include:

  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting for networking purposes; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

Please note that after August 14, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments. 

Back to Top


The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is tomorrow, August 14, 2018. Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix are going fast. To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix, call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR,” or go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates are the same $139 per night for single/double/triple/quad (all applicable state and local taxes are additional). Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Back to Top


EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current agenda companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. 

Back to Top


As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

​Back to Top


For more information and to find the latest updates on the meeting, please visit:

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ




EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current agenda companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. 

Back to Top


Register Now!

Registration for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is only open for one more week! 

Please note that in order to receive all of the final meeting materials, you must register by August 14th.
Final meeting materials include:

  • Final meeting agenda;
  • Final agenda companion document with session and speaker information;
  • Full participant list and contact information for registered attendees (only sent to those pre-registered).

To register, please visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
Other benefits of registering by August 14 include:

  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting for networking purposes; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

Back to Top


The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix are going fast. To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix, call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR,” or go to  2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates are the same $139 per night for single/double/triple/quad (all applicable state and local taxes are additional). Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Back to Top


As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

​Back to Top


EPA is working with The Sheraton Grand Phoenix to make the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible. Additional information on The Sheraton Grand Phoenix’s environmental program can be found here.
In order to reduce waste, EPA invites meeting participants to join the effort to go paperless for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. As in past years, EPA will email all attendees who register online by August 14 the final meeting materials a week before the meeting. Each individual can choose to print only those materials they deem most critical.

​Back to Top


For more information and to find the latest updates on the meeting, please visit:

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Dehumidifiers Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the enclosed Draft 1 Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on August 30, 2018 at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this draft proposal to EPA no later than September 7, 2018.
The ENERGY STAR program helps businesses and individuals save money and protect the environment by identifying products with superior energy efficiency. Consistent with maintaining the consumer value associated with the ENERGY STAR label, this revision is prompted by a number of developments. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) revised the Federal test method for dehumidifier efficiency which now specifies a new metric, integrated energy factor (IEF), for use in making claims about dehumidifier efficiency. Furthermore, DOE has finalized new standards for dehumidifier efficiency, with a compliance date of June 13, 2019. While the current energy factor (EF) and new IEF metrics are not equivalent, it is apparent that the new federal standard levels approach or exceed the efficiency criteria of the current ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 specification. In addition, the percent of sales of ENERGY STAR units was 63% in 2016 and is anticipated to be higher than that for 2017 data, indicating that the mark may not be providing sufficient differentiation.
Proposal Summary
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to align product categories with those adopted by DOE for the 2019 standards, increase stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers, and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings compared to the current ENERGY STAR efficiency levels within a reasonable payback period.
Key elements of the Draft 1 Version 4.0 specification include:

  • Updated definitions to align with DOE’s dehumidifier product categories and efficiency metric.
  • Updated test method reference to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix X1.
  • IEF criteria for portable dehumidifiers ≤25.00 pints/day and 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day as well as for whole-home dehumidifiers with case volumes ≤8.0 cubic feet and >8.0 cubic feet (as tested according to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix X1). 

More details regarding these elements are included in note boxes throughout the draft specification document. The IEF criteria proposed in this Draft 1 specification are based on DOE’s final rule technical support document (TSD) for the 2019 dehumidifier energy conservation standards. EPA has aligned the IEF criteria for two portable dehumidifier categories with trial standard level (TSL) 4 and the two whole-home categories with TSL 3. Data taken from the DOE’s Energy Compliance Certification Database as well as the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products List show that the percentage of models, and likely the percentage of the market, at these proposed levels is around 5%. ENERGY STAR market penetration for dehumidifiers typically climbs quickly after a specification revision, as manufacturers respond by offering a wider selection of efficient models, often reaching above 50% in just a couple years. As such, EPA is confident that the proposed levels will not overly restrict consumer choice among efficient models.
The proposed IEF levels will drive significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions greater than the current ENERGY STAR levels, and provide consumers payback in around 2 years. EPA estimates a potential program unit energy savings of 14% over the 2019 federal standard levels, compared to 8% unit energy savings if the Version 4.0 levels were maintained. More information about EPA’s analysis of the available dehumidifier data can be found in the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier Draft 1 Data Packet.
EPA notes that it proposes to exclude portable dehumidifiers ≥50.01 pints/day in this Draft 1. For these units, which comprise less than 1% of the dehumidifier market, EPA was unable to identify a level that provided acceptable payback with the cost and usage estimates in the DOE TSD. EPA is open to receiving any performance, cost, or usage data that might help support the inclusion of this product category in scope.
Stakeholder Meeting
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar meeting on August 30, 2018 at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. If you’d like to participate, please register prior to the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date and time.
Comment Submittal Process
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for EPA consideration to by September 7, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier product development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871. Please direct any questions about the test procedure to Ashley Armstrong at DOE, or 202-586-6590. Thank you for taking the time to review this draft specification. I look forward to working with you over the next few months.


Abigail Daken, Manager

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Air Source Heat Pump and Central Air Conditioner Equipment Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Residential Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and Central Air Conditioner (CAC) Equipment specification development process. All materials related to this revision process will be located on the ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP Version 6.0 Product Development webpage.

EPA reviews all ENERGY STAR specifications regularly, and sees an opportunity with this revision to help provide consumers more cost effective units that will deliver performance while reducing heating and cooling costs and energy use. This letter informs stakeholders of key topics that EPA plans to explore in the forthcoming specification development process, and questions it seeks answers to. Stakeholder engagement is a vital aspect to the success of the ENERGY STAR program, and EPA looks forward to working with all parties to develop the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 specification. Please submit any formal comments on this letter to by September 7, 2018.

Variable Capacity
EPA considers the biggest current and upcoming opportunity in CAC/ASHP efficiency and performance to be systems that have more than one capacity. Staged systems with two or three capacities correct for oversizing, with significant improvements in customer comfort, equipment longevity, and energy use. Modulating systems specifically provide additional customer comfort advantages by following load, provide further energy efficiency improvements, and provide unique advantages for demand response.

EPA will be examining the current CAC/ASHP specification in light of the benefits of encouraging the market trend toward staged and variable capacity models. One potential way to encourage two stage and variable speed equipment would be to raise seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) and heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) levels such that only those technologies can meet them. However, it is not clear to EPA that this is the best way to make staged and variable capacity equipment available to a wider range of consumers. An alternate possibility is to simply require that models have two or more capacity stages.

As EPA considers these possible requirements, there are several other interrelated issues. For instance, EPA is aware that energy efficiency ratio (EER) requirements in the specification present a barrier to wider adoption of staged and variable capacity equipment. Several manufacturers have indicated that the additional cost of variable capacity units could be lower if EER requirements were lower. Two strategies, discussed in the following two sections, may allow for reduced EER requirements.

Regionally- Specific Performance Requirements
One of the motivations for the EER requirements in the current ENERGY STAR specification is to assure efficient seasonal performance in hot dry climates. This mirrors the inclusion of EER in the Federal minimum efficiency standards in the Southwest

EPA’s ENERGY STAR specification is not currently regionally specific, requiring the same minimum performance for all models to be certified, no matter the installation location. A regional specification might allow easing of EER requirements outside the Southwest, focusing this requirement on the region where it delivers best value. It would also allow EPA to start addressing the market interest in heat pumps specifically intended for cold climates, enabling reporting of cold climate performance in the U.S. North. Note that if EPA adopted a regional specification, it would use the regions that are currently in the DOE minimum efficiency standards for central AC and air source heat pumps. As with furnaces, the requirement would be for manufacturers to ensure equipment bears the appropriate regional label, rather than needing to understand where it is installed.

Feedback Request:
1. Is EER used to predict seasonal efficiency anywhere outside the U.S. Southwest region?
2. How widespread is the need to control peak load by incentivizing high EER systems?
3. Are there other opportunities a regional specification would present?
4. EPA is aware of ongoing efforts to define northern climate heat pump performance and establish a test method, for instance the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) effort and work that the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is doing with a Canadian utility. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of those efforts, for instance repeatability, testing burden, and capturing real world effects? Should other methods of establishing this performance be considered?

Optional Connected/ Grid-aware Criteria
The EER requirements in the current ENERGY STAR specification are also important to limit peak demand in areas where utilities face capacity constraints. However, variable capacity units have the helpful property that limiting capacity by a certain percentage reduces power draw by a larger percentage – so utility customers can keep most of their cooling capacity and still ease up their demand significantly. Units that can respond to requests to limit their load could in theory address peak demand problems without a very high EER.

The ENERGY STAR program has numerous product categories, such as Room Air Conditioners, Lighting, and Pool Pumps, which include optional connected criteria. For most of the specifications, products can be certified as ENERGY STAR without meeting these criteria, but those products that do are listed as “connected” on the ENERGY STAR certified products lists. Generally, the criteria include the use of open standards for communication, provision of energy consumption reporting, operational status updates, as well as remote management and load management capabilities, as applicable.

EPA is interested in exploring the inclusion of optional connected criteria in the Residential Air Source Heat Pump and Central Air Conditioners specification. EPA intends to build on the work of the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) and the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) on the AHRI 1380 standard for grid responsive equipment and the field trials of grid responsive equipment that the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has run.

Feedback Request:
5. Would it be reasonable for products with DR capability to have lower EER requirement (aside from where needed for seasonal energy) than those without?
6. Are there any problems with relying on AHRI 1380 for demand responsiveness criteria?
7. What value does connectivity bring to CAC/ASHP customers (aside from grid value)?
8. How would one consider connectivity for products intended to work with a proprietary controller that is not part of the unit itself, but instead takes the place of a thermostat?

Energy Efficiency Metrics
EPA plans to use SEER, EER, and HSPF for Version 6, instead of the new metrics (SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2) that DOE requires for representations after January 1, 2023. However, EPA sees value in establishing parallel requirements using the new metrics if enough data exist. Doing so would provide a path for partners to certify using new metrics, thus easing the transition to a later version solely in terms of the new metrics.

Feedback Request:
9. Would it be possible to establish parallel SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2 criteria?
10. If so, would any manufacturers be interested in using this option?

Closing Remarks
Thank you for taking the time to review this letter and the topics that EPA plans to explore in the forthcoming revision. EPA is not planning a webinar to cover this information, but welcomes stakeholder input to inform the first draft, either through formal comments or informal conversation. If you would like to discuss any of the topics outlined in this document in more detail, please contact Abigail Daken, or (202) 343-9375, and Jacob Bayus, or (202) 791-8871.

Please submit any formal comments to by September 7, 2018. EPA may also reach out to stakeholders for further discussion on these topics. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development webpage via EPA looks forward to working with stakeholders during this specification revision process. 

Separate from this specification revision process, EPA is hosting its annual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which takes place in Phoenix, AZ from September 5 to 7, 2018. EPA will be leading informative and interactive sessions on efficiency in residential HVAC products, connected criteria for ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP, and midstream incentive programs. Interested stakeholders can register for this event here by August 14, 2018.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Abigail Daken, Manager

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

ENERGY STAR Day is an annual celebration during which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and ENERGY STAR partners, as well as individuals across the country, come together to celebrate the benefits of energy efficiency. This year, our special focus will be highlighting the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified products for underserved, hard-to-reach audiences.
For anyone interested in participating, we will be making available a toolkit of campaign materials that features digital content (see example below)—including social media graphics, web banners, and a short, inspirational video—customized to this audience to help educate and motivate energy-saving actions with ENERGY STAR.The theme of these materials will be: Save Today; Save Tomorrow; Save for Good. In addition, EPA will share findings from a customer segmentation study using Claritas Prizm data that could inform outreach you may be interested in doing to this community.

Throughout the month of October, ENERGY STAR will be featuring resources and opportunities tailored for underserved audiences. Our media efforts and the digital content we share with partners will drive traffic to an ENERGY STAR Day campaign landing page.

If you have initiatives or special deals targeted to this audience around ENERGY STAR certified products, please let us know so we can include them. In addition to connecting consumers with the offerings of our partners, we will be featuring the ENERGY STAR Best Value Finder—a tool that provides real-time price and location information on ENERGY STAR certified products sorted by least cost.

We plan to have the ENERGY STAR Day digital toolkit available by mid-August and will send a link. In the meantime, feel free to contact Jill Vohr ( with questions, ideas, or to share program offerings you want us to highlight. We look forward to working with you in support of ENERGY STAR Day 2018 on October 23rd and throughout October. 

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team





Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that after August 15, 2018, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new televisions to the Version 7.0 specification and may only certify televisions to the Version 8.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing television certifications to the Version 7.0 specification until February 28, 2019. After this date, only televisions certified to the Version 8.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 16, 2018 of models certified to Version 7.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified televisions to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that after August 15, 2018, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new uninterruptible power supplies to the Version 1.1 specification and may only certify uninterruptible power supplies to the Version 2.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing uninterruptible power supply certifications to the Version 1.1 specification until December 31, 2018. After this date, only uninterruptible power supplies certified to the Version 2.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

CBs must notify EPA by August 16, 2018 of models certified to Version 1.1, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified uninterruptible power supplies to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the ENERGY STAR Computer specification to refine the treatment of mobile workstations and address stakeholder questions related to the Version 7.0 specification. These amendments will be reflected in a Version 7.1 specification and test method. Products currently certified to Version 7.0 will not need to be recertified to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification.
EPA has engaged in significant dialogue since the release of the Version 7.0 Computer specification and proposes modest amendments as a result. The Draft Version 7.1 incorporates the following elements:
Mobile Workstations
EPA has reintroduced the mobile workstation definition and, per stakeholder comments from the Version 7.0 specification development process, has introduced a definition for system memory bandwidth. In addition, EPA has introduced an allowance for those products that meet the mobile workstation definition to better reflect their energy consumption.
Alternative Low Power Mode
Since the release of Version 7.0, EPA has received questions regarding alternative low power modes. As such, EPA has introduced a new definition, updated the full network connectivity definition to include the alternative low power mode, and added clarifying language to Table 3: Power Management Requirements, as well as in the requirements section of the specification.
Internal Power Supplies
In response to stakeholder questions, EPA has removed the references to 230V requirements in the specification and has updated the International Market Certification section of the specification to remove the reference to all applicable components.
Test Method
The test method has been updated to account for the inclusion of alternate low power modes and to provide clarity in testing units with multiple integrated displays.
If you have comments or concerns regarding these amendments, they may be submitted to by August 14, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Barring any objections from stakeholders, EPA expects to finalize Version 7.1 by August 28, 2018, at which point, mobile workstations may immediately be certified to the specification.
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns regarding the specification. For any test method questions, please contact Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Jeremy.Dommu@EE.Doe.Gov, or 202-586-9870. For any other Computer related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Draft, Version 7.1 Specification
Mobile Workstation Data
ENERGY STAR Computers Test Method


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing a Version 4.1 amendment to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification.  This Version 4.1 specification now clarifies the ENERGY STAR testing requirements for room air conditioners with efficient variable output providing an explicit pathway for these products to earn ENERGY STAR certification. Current certifications are not affected.
With the Version 4.1 draft, EPA proposed adding instructions for testing and certifying products with efficient variable output as a means to permit these products to be certified as ENERGY STAR. EPA received no substantive comments on the test requirements proposed in the draft.  As such, the requirements remain unchanged.  
As a final note, EPA wishes to inform room air conditioner partners that the qualified products exchange has been updated to allow brand owners to indicate if a model has a variable speed compressor. Brand owners with variable speed compressor models should work with their certification bodies to list this feature. This information will be displayed on the consumer facing ENERGY STAR website list of qualified products.
All materials related to this amendment can be found on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 4 product development webpage. Please direct any specific questions to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at, 202-343-9120 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or (202) 862-1566.  Room air conditioner test method questions should be directed to Bryan Berringer, DOE, at or 202-586-0371.  Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Katharine Kaplan
Manager, ENERGY STAR Product Development and Program Admin
Room Air Conditioners Final Version 4.1 Specification

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2019 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the fourteen eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, September 11th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2019 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the Version 4.1 amendments to the ENERGY STAR Residential Ventilating Fans specification. In-line fans designed to be installed as supply fans may now be certified. Current certifications are not affected. 
With the Version 4.1 draft and subsequent limited topic proposal, EPA proposed changes to definitions, qualification criteria, and testing requirements as a means to permit in-line supply fans to be certified as ENERGY STAR. It also proposed aligning the lighting requirements with the most recent version of the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, with exceptions to ensure no substantive change to the current requirements. Lastly, EPA defined optional reporting criteria for sound at higher static pressure for bathroom/utility room fans. EPA received mostly supportive comments on this proposal and, as such, has adopted all updates for the final specification. 
EPA did receive one comment that the proposed 2.9 cfm/W efficacy for in-line fans tested with a MERV 13+ filter is not stringent enough for ENERGY STAR. However, EPA maintained this level in the final specification based on several stakeholders’ feedback that the expected drop in efficacy due to the installation of a MERV 13+ filter on a fan would be 20-25%. The 2.9 cfm/W level will provide purchasers a wider selection of qualifying efficient in-line fans with filters by allowing fans that can certify without filters to also certify with filters.
As a final note, EPA wishes to inform ventilating fan partners that it has updated its qualified products exchange to allow brand owners to submit ventilating fan feature information. Brand owners should work with their certification bodies to list features, such as humidity sensors, timers, light dimming, etc., associated with the ventilating fan and/or lighting performance. To the extent brand owners wish to share it, this information will be displayed on the consumer facing ENERGY STAR website list of qualified products.
All materials related to this amendment can be found on the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans Version 4 product development webpage. EPA thanks stakeholders who provided feedback during this specification process. Please direct any questions regarding the specification and amendment to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871. Other inquiries regarding ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans can be directed to
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Abigail Daken, Manager

Ventilating Fans Final Version 4.1 Specification

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment specification, the Draft 3 ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Test Method, and the Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Professional Imaging Equipment Test Method. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they have provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this draft specification.
The Draft 2, Version 3.0 specification incorporates the following key modifications:  
Imaging Equipment Energy Efficiency Criteria:
EPA has adjusted the requirements for TEC products to incorporate additional data that was provided by stakeholders. This new dataset includes all ENERGY STAR products currently in the market as well as additional non-ENERGY STAR certified products. The amended ENERGY STAR requirements differentiate the top quartile of the market overall and for each individual product segment, including for those speeds where most product is sold. In addition, after assessing the new dataset, EPA has reintroduced the A3 adder and added a Wi-Fi adder. No new criteria have been developed for OM products, but two adders have been removed due to lack of use by stakeholders.
EPA received comment from stakeholders that the duplexing requirements proposed in Draft 1 were too stringent and unnecessary for the lower speed bins. After further discussion and consideration of an alternative proposal, EPA has adjusted the requirements, harmonizing with the Blue Angel criteria and making duplexing a default requirement for a smaller set of speeds. In addition, EPA has removed the optional duplexing option for products as very few products were using that option. 
Recovery Time:
Stakeholders provided multiple comments regarding the proposed recovery time requirements, including that harmonization with Blue Angel would increase test burden, the Blue Angel recovery time requirements are inappropriate for ENERGY STAR due to the different paper used during testing, and the requirement is not needed due to market forces. EPA investigated these comments and found that stakeholders are already conducting a recovery time test as part of ENERGY STAR and therefore there is no additional testing burden. In addition, EPA investigated the differences between the tests with different paper and found that the median difference in recovery time was 1 second, which EPA believes makes the Blue Angel requirements appropriate for the US market as well. Finally, EPA reviewed the ENERGY STAR certified product list and found that over 70% of products meet the Recovery Time Requirements indicating that the requirements represent a fair backstop to ensure a good consumer experience. 
Comment Submittal
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the attached Draft 2, Version 3.0 specification.  Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by August 23, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2 on July 30, 2018 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.  
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the product development website at and navigate to “Imaging.”
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693 with questions or concerns. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Contact Name: Richard Karney
Phone: 202-586-4617
Location: Washington, DC

The ENERGY STAR® Appliance Newsletter

Summer 2018

Table of Contents

Congratulations to the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award Winners!

ENERGY STAR hosted the 2018 Partner of the Year award ceremony on April 20 in Washington, DC, to honor the companies and organizations that are leading the nation’s efforts to save energy and protect the environment. For more information about these incredible accomplishments and a full list of award winners, visit

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Update Your ENERGY STAR Sales Training with 2018 Savings & Messaging

Arm your sales associates with the latest savings and product messaging for your ENERGY STAR certified appliances. The following 2018 appliance training materials are available online:

Be sure to visit the ENERGY STAR Training Center in August for the latest update to the Appliance Consumer Messaging Guide. Looking for graphics or messaging about our appliance promotions? You can always find the most recent updates on our Marketing Materials page.

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New ENERGY STAR Product Finder Featuring Price & Location Detail

EPA is pleased to share the latest refresh on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder . The enhanced tool integrates pricing and location information, rebates, and buying guidance creating a one-stop shop for customers considering their next ENERGY STAR certified products purchase.

These features are available now for refrigerators, room air conditioners, clothes washers, and clothes dryers. Share this resource with your customers and make it even easier for them to find the ENERGY STAR certified product right for them.

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Don’t Stop Flipping Those Fridges!

Thank you to all our partners who joined us in another great Flip Your Fridge season! This year’s promotion included several new, exciting elements. We worked with influencer, Weylie Hoang to create a video blog featuring Flip Your Fridge and Earth Day messaging. Weylie showed off her new home, now stocked with ENERGY STAR certified products, to her online audience.

We also added several resources to our suite of marketing materials including a retail factsheet, 30-second video ad, and corresponding Spanish-language resources. EPA used the English and Spanish videos for targeted advertising in regions with active rebate programs.

We encourage you to use all our Flip Your Fridge resources year-around to help reduce the number of old refrigerators still in use across the country.

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The Cool Choice: ENERGY STAR Room AC

With the weather starting to heat up, remember to help your customers make the Cool Choice for Room AC! This year’s ENERGY STAR certified Room AC promotion is running through June with proactive, geo-targeted pushes ahead of expected heat waves. We are broadening our list of geo-targets for 30-second video ads in English and Spanish to include all markets with active ENERGY STAR Room AC programs.

We are supplementing the 30-second ads with articles promoting cooling tips that highlight a broad set of recommendations for saving energy in the cooling season, including with ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners. The articles will be placed through press syndicate services, including Brandpoint and NAPS, that have garnered millions of impressions with past efforts.

We hope you’ll join us for another great year of cooling with ENERGY STAR! All materials can currently be accessed on our Marketing Materials page – including social media messaging, graphics, retail POP, videos, and retail factsheets. Many of these resources are available in both English and Spanish.

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Celebrating Fathers with Laundry Made Better

The second annual ENERGY STAR Laundry Made Better campaign launched May 30, with even more promotional assets to support your outreach around energy-efficient clothes washers and dryers. Given the success of last year’s promotion, we maintained the focus on dads doing laundry. In June, we advertised online with a video featuring a dad—before and after ENERGY STAR laundry changes his life. We also be worked with an influencer vlogger who showcased the many benefits of doing laundry with an ENERGY STAR certified laundry pair.

Partners can take advantage of the new media assets in addition to our existing suite of laundry promotion materials. These include Laundry Made Better promotional messaging, imagery and building blocks, social media messaging, digital assets (such as infographics, web buttons, and widgets), as well as retail fact sheets and co-brandable signage templates.

Stay tuned – EPA is also planning an educational video for later this summer to raise awareness about the technology and savings with ENERGY STAR certified heat pump dryers.

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This September, Join Us at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

Mark your calendars for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! This year’s meeting will take place Wednesday, September 5 – Friday, September 7 in Phoenix, AZ.

The three-day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.

Registration for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary agenda and an initial companion document. This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters.

Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix:

  • Call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $139/night - single/double/triple/quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

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Appliance Specification Updates

For more information on the ENERGY STAR specification process, or appliance specification revisions, visit EPA has started the review process for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria and plans to share an initial draft for comment mid-summer.

Clothes Washers: The Version 8.0 Clothes Washer specification took effect in February and EPA is currently working with DOE on a test methodology for connected criteria in clothes washers and clothes dryers. The Version 8.0 Specification recognizes the top performing residential and commercial washers. Details can be found on the Clothes Washer Specification Version 8.0 webpage.

Room Air Conditioners: On May 31, EPA provided public notice regarding the Draft Version 4.1 Specification for Room Air Conditioners. The Draft Version 4.1 Specification adds a pathway for testing and certifying products with efficient variable output. Details can be found on the Room Air Conditioner Specification Version 4 webpage.

Room Air Cleaners: This summer, EPA plans to release a discussion guide for room air cleaners.

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Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Final Draft, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. EPA thanks stakeholders for the feedback that they have provided and has taken that feedback into consideration in developing this draft specification. The effective date for this specification will be May 10, 2019.
Stakeholders broadly support the addition of active mode to the ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. This final draft reflects close work with stakeholders to strike a reasonable balance across numerous criteria. EPA received a limited set of comments on draft 3. Among them were comments requesting easing as well as increasing the stringency of the active levels. EPA has retained the levels proposed in draft 3 as the dataset fully supports them. In response to other comments, the Agency amended multiple definitions as well as the APA guidance on how to measure idle power.  Finally, EPA received feedback indicating interest in revising the power supply efficiency requirements at the 10 and 20 percent load. We will consult with the 80Plus program to further discuss their plans for updates.     
Any remaining comments on this Final Draft, Version 3.0 specification may be submitted to by July 25, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
The exchange of ideas and information between EPA, industry, and other interested parties is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Specifications and meeting materials will be distributed via email and posted on the ENERGY STAR website. To track EPA’s progress on this specification, please visit the Computer Servers Specification Version 3.0 product development webpage.
Please contact me at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server related questions, please contact Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Ryan Fogle
EPA Manager, ENERGY STAR for IT and Data Center Products

Final Draft, Version 3.0 Specification


Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Interested Parties:
This is a reminder that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a stakeholder webinar to discuss the Smart Home Energy Management Systems Discussion Guide on Wednesday, July 11, 2018, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET. If you would like to participate and have not already registered, please register prior to the webinar here.

All documents associated with this effort are available on the ENERGY STAR product development webpage. Broad participation from stakeholders is welcomed during this process. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments on the Discussion Guide by  July 27, 2018 to
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program

For more information, visit:


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites your feedback on candidate technologies for the 2019 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award. The deadline to submit nominations is August 7, 2018

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories then may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:

  • Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share);
  • Offered by more than one supplier;
  • Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs;
  • Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations;
  • Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment);
  • Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records;
  • Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.

There is no restriction on who may provide feedback or submit a nomination; however, nominations submitted by manufacturers must be accompanied by laboratory and/or field performance data. EPA would welcome feedback and nominations from utilities on emerging technologies of interest to them as well . Please note that EPA is accepting nominations for technology categories only. As examples, previous categories included: Micro Combined Heat and Power systems, Advanced Clothes Dryers, Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation systems, Innovative Refrigerant Systems, Solid-State Refrigeration, and Room Air Conditioners with Efficient Variable Output. Nominations should be sent to

Award Extension Notice for Room Air Conditioners with Efficient Variable Output (EVO) for 2019
EPA is pleased to announce that the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology recognition will be extended for room air conditioners with EVO into 2019. Room air conditioners with EVO remain a promising technology as they are able to vary the speed of the internal compressor motor in order to continuously control the temperature thereby saving energy. Extending this award category into 2019 will provide additional promotional opportunities and will continue to reward manufacturers as they introduce additional award-eligible systems.

Stakeholders with questions can contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at and (202) 343-9408 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at and (202) 862-1145. To view previous Award categories and criteria, please visit

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ




Registration for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
The Sheraton Grand Phoenix is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $600* per person.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until August 14, 2018. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who pre-registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After August 14th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after August 14th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.

*This per person meal fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.
Due to the growing number of topics of interest to ENERGY STAR stakeholders that are relevant to more than one product category, the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting agenda will not be organized by product-specific days with a plenary day in the middle as it has traditionally.

This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters. This new structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of particular interest to you.

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A few spots are still available for the ENERGY STAR Expo!

EPA is offering ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. If you are interested in exhibiting your ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heater products during the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, please send an email to Katie Breen, ICF, at no later than July 2, 2018.
In order to accommodate as many requests as possible, exhibitors may initially only sign-up for one booth. If additional space is available after July 2nd, EPA will release the additional booths to those exhibitors that have requested multiple booths.
Please note that the ENERGY STAR Product Expo will be located in the center section of the main ballroom this year, where all meals and breaks will also take place. The booths will be placed around the perimeter of the room to allow for easy interaction with other stakeholders. The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will host their main sessions in the ballroom sections on either side of the ENERGY STAR Product Expo.   
Exhibitors will be working with GES expo services for all their exhibitor-specific needs. While there is no upfront cost to exhibit at the meeting, GES will bill exhibitors for all labor and materials associated with their booths.

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Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix:

  • Call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $139/night - single/double/triple/quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

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Due to current administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.
However, partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events offered to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should email

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Interested Parties,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to initiate a discussion on potential ENERGY STAR recognition of Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS). Through this effort, EPA means to explore with stakeholders the potential to leverage the ENERGY STAR brand and Partner network to recognize and promote energy management features in smart home systems that optimize energy savings without inconvenience or sacrifice to the end users' desired goals or comfort. EPA welcomes broad participation in this discussion.
As the centerpiece of a program designed to help prevent climate change, the ENERGY STAR label helps consumers and businesses identify energy-saving products in the marketplace. More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR. About three-fourths of U.S. households report the ENERGY STAR label as influential in their purchasing decisions, and 80% of purchasers would recommend ENERGY STAR products to a friend. Hundreds of utilities throughout the U.S. leverage the ENERGY STAR label on products for their rebate programs, with a total of $7.7 billion invested by utilities in energy efficiency programs more broadly as of 2015. Americans purchase more than 300 million ENERGY STAR certified products each year, with an estimated annual market value of more than $100 billion.
This effort is a natural extension of the ENERGY STAR label. As part of the voluntary ENERGY STAR program, EPA maintains efficiency specifications defining the level of performance required to earn the label for more than 75 product categories, some of which include “smart” functionality. Smart products are becoming increasingly common, but are not consistently optimized for energy savings. EPA is hoping to capitalize on new ways to build energy intelligence into residential products and systems. In particular, EPA is interested in collaborating with service providers, product providers, utilities, and other stakeholders through the ENERGY STAR program to effectively use occupancy information to reduce household energy use. This letter and the accompanying Discussion Guide marks the beginning of EPA’s effort to explore extending ENERGY STAR recognition of smart home systems with energy management features, which would involve developing a performance specification for a package of hardware (products and devices) and service (software, algorithms, installation, monitoring, reporting) that work together to save energy.
Why Smart Home Systems with Active Energy Optimization
More than half of Americans believe smart home technology will improve the quality of their life and will have a big impact on how they manage their home within the next five years. Global annual shipments of connected smart devices and systems are expected to grow fivefold from 72 million in 2016 to 364 million in 10 years, and North America will be about a quarter of the global market, with shipments growing from approximately 22 million to 96 million devices and systems.1
The most popular smart products in homes today are smart thermostats, home security and monitoring systems, and wireless speakers. Top purchase drivers for connected products are safety, comfort, and convenience. Energy efficiency is also an important consideration, but not a primary driver. Consumers expect smart products to be energy smart, but there is nothing inherent in smart product design that delivers energy savings or true intelligence to optimize energy performance. As a result, there is an emerging opportunity to outline a systematic approach for making smart products energy smart, which can mean anything from powering down to extremely minimal energy draw when not in use, to responding to grid balancing needs or price signals. EPA is well positioned to provide such a systematic approach within the ENERGY STAR program, which is very familiar to both utilities and consumers.
Why Service Providers
Service providers play an increasingly important role in the deployment of smart home technologies, helping to ensure that customers have a successful experience with smart home systems by eliminating much of the complexity that comes with getting into home automation. Integrating systematic energy optimization services into this existing business model offers the potential of an additional value proposition for end-users who want their smart systems to be energy smart but are not well-positioned to figure out how to do it on their own. Service providers, such as security and cable companies, are integrating smart home devices into their offerings. According to one market research company, “Growth in the residential security market and its position as the leading channel for smart home solutions have attracted numerous new entrants. Telecoms, cable operators, and [consumer electronics] manufacturers are joining traditional security players as they compete to fulfill consumer demand for safety and security."2 “Of the nearly 25% of U.S. broadband households with a working and active security system, 65% plan to buy a smart home device within the year.”3
Home monitoring services offer a unique opportunity to create a custom optimized experience with one central relationship, a central source for data, and occupancy detectors at multiple points throughout the home. Use of professionally-trained installers and continuous monitoring can provide additional assurance that setup will be reliable and that savings will be realized. The presence of professionally-monitored security is estimated at 21%-22% of broadband customers with estimated growth to 30%.4
Energy Savings Opportunity

As this market grows, the opportunity to help people manage the energy use of all the devices in the home becomes a more tangible aspiration for many stakeholders focused on improving the increasingly complex home energy profile. Studies to characterize the range of energy savings achieved when optimizing smart home systems will be helpful to better understand the true potential of this model. In 2017, New York State Energy Research & Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) Home Energy Management System Savings Validation Pilot Report found potential savings from plug load, smart thermostat, and lighting alone to be 1,241 kWh a year as shown in Table 1.5 Given the inevitability of growth in this space, the time is ripe for considering a national platform to promote effective smart home energy management systems.


Table 1 Base-load Simulation Model Maximum Annual Savings Potential by End Use


Broad participation from stakeholders is welcomed during this process. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments on the Discussion Guide by July 27, 2018 to All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise. Prior to the comment deadline, EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on July 11, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. If you’d like to participate in this open discussion, please register prior to the webinar here.
Also, an in-person discussion will be held in conjunction with the annual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held September 5-7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ. Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and John Clinger at ICF, or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you.


Taylor Jantz-Sell & Abigail Daken

ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems Discussion Guide

1 Residential Connected Products Market Assessment. Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency. September 2016.
2 Disruptive Forces in the Home Security Market. Published by Parks Associates. © Parks Associates, Dallas, TX 75248.
3 Disruptive Forces in the Home Security Market.
4 Disruptive Forces in the Home Security Market.
5 New York State Energy Research & Development Authority. Home Energy Management System Savings Validation Pilot. Final Report, Number 17-16. November 2017.


Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans specification. EPA released a Draft Version 4.1 specification on February 21, 2018 for stakeholder review. In response to stakeholder comments EPA received on this draft as well as further discussions with stakeholders, EPA is now releasing a limited topic proposal providing stakeholders an additional opportunity to comment on proposed amendments before the Agency finalizes the 4.1 specification.
Draft Version 4.1 Stakeholder Comments
EPA received public comments from five separate stakeholders regarding the Draft Version 4.1 specification. These comments, a comment response matrix, and all other materials related to this specification development process can be found on the Ventilating Fans Version 4 product development webpage. The major topic areas of the comments as a whole included:

  • Efficacy requirements for supply fans tested with a filter in place
  • Lighting requirements
  • Reporting requirements

After conducting further data analyses, reviewing stakeholder comments, and participating in continued dialogue with ventilating fan stakeholders, EPA has developed the following proposals. Unless noted in this memo, no changes are proposed to the Draft Version 4.1 specification.



EPA received a comment that the definition for “Product Family” may affect the meaning and therefore the quantity of product families certified as ENERGY STAR. EPA did not intend to alter the meaning of this definition in the specification, and as such, is proposing the following definition as a resolution:
Product Family: A fan model and all models derived from it such that differences between the models are limited to those that do not adversely affect product performance. Acceptable differences in characteristics include, but are not necessarily limited to: color, finish, and nameplate.
Efficacy Requirements
EPA received multiple comments regarding the efficacy criteria proposed for supply fans tested with a filter in place in Draft Version 4.1. Based on further analysis and follow-up discussions with stakeholders, EPA is proposing the following table (corresponding to Table 2 in the Ventilating Fans Draft Version 4.1 specification) with updates to these efficacy requirements:

In general, commenters felt that the Draft Version 4.1 efficacy level of 3.7 cfm/W was too strict for some filter types, though not unreasonable for fans tested with filters nearer to MERV 6 rating. With this understanding, and based on further data, stakeholder comments, and conversations with stakeholders, EPA is proposing to ease the stringency to 3.6 cfm/W (specifically for MERV ratings 6 to 12). In an effort to maintain simplicity of the specification efficacy requirements, but also allow fans designed for high filtration to certify, EPA is proposing one separate efficacy requirement for fans with MERV 13 or greater filters. EPA was informed of potential MERV 13 filtration requirements for incoming air in California, and as such, is proposing this separate level to not preclude efficient fans operating under higher static pressure loads. These two levels ensure that all fans certified to ENERGY STAR deliver high efficiency in their intended use.
Optional Reporting Requirements
EPA received comments that were generally not supportive of the Reporting Requirements outlined in the Draft Version 4.1 specification. Stakeholders clarified that the EPA proposed requirements did not align with the ASHRAE requirements for range hoods, as EPA intended, thus the proposal would present further testing burden. Further, both the ASHRAE and CEC requirements are in flux, making it more complicated selecting a reporting requirement. Given this, EPA has decided not to pursue reporting requirements for range hoods at this time, and all reporting requirements for range hoods will be removed from the specification for the final Version 4.1, including static pressure reference measurements that were detailed in Table 5 of the Draft Version 4.1 specification.
For bathroom and utility room fans as well, EPA now understands that the testing burden from the reporting requirements would be higher than intended and much of EPA’s goal can be accomplished without requiring reporting. EPA is maintaining the sound level reporting criteria for bathroom and utility room fans, but is making this optional. EPA will highlight the information on the ENERGY STAR Certified Products List for manufacturers who choose to supply it, but it will not be required for certification purposes.
Lighting Requirements
During the Draft Version 4.1 comment period, EPA determined that the proposed updates to the Lighting Requirements section resulted in unintended consequences. In order to avoid these, EPA is proposing the following clarifications and exemptions for the final Version 4.1 specification.

  • All newly-certified residential ventilating fans that include lighting shall meet the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements, Product Specification for Luminaires - Eligibility Criteria for non-directional luminaires in effect at the time of certification of the ventilating fan. Night lights providing 20 lumens or less shall be exempt from the total light output requirement as well.
  • In addition, ventilating fans that are shipped with ENERGY STAR certified lamps are exempt from In Situ Air Temperature Testing and Minimum Light Output requirements in the Luminaires specification. However, as indicated in the Luminaires specification, lamps must be chosen that are appropriate for the fixture, i.e., recessed and enclosed fixtures may not use bulbs that specifically say they are not for such fixtures.

EPA has clarified that ventilating fan lighting shall meet the requirements of the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification specific to non-directional luminaires. Though EPA is exempting ventilating fans shipped with ENERGY STAR certified lamps from in situ air temperature testing at this time, it believes that this testing is relevant to bathroom ventilating fans and will consider this requirement in the next major revision of the specification.

Comment Submittal Process
If you have any remaining comments or concerns about these changes, please submit them by June 29, 2018 to All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise. Please direct any specific questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871. Barring objections from stakeholders, EPA expects to finalize Version 4.1 in July 2018, at which point, in-line supply fans may immediately be certified to the specification.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Abigail Daken, Manager


Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ




EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.
Due to the growing number of topics of interest to ENERGY STAR stakeholders that are relevant to more than one product category, the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting agenda will not be organized by product-specific days with a plenary day in the middle as it has traditionally.

This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters. This new structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of particular interest to you.

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A few spots are still available for the ENERGY STAR Expo!

EPA is offering ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. If you are interested in exhibiting your ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heater products during the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, please send an email to Katie Breen, ICF, at no later than July 2, 2018.
In order to accommodate as many requests as possible, exhibitors may initially only sign-up for one booth. If additional space is available after July 2nd, EPA will release the additional booths to those exhibitors that have requested multiple booths.
Please note that the ENERGY STAR Product Expo will be located in the center section of the main ballroom this year, where all meals and breaks will also take place. The booths will be placed around the perimeter of the room to allow for easy interaction with other stakeholders. The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will host their main sessions in the ballroom sections on either side of the ENERGY STAR Product Expo.   
Exhibitors will be working with GES expo services for all their exhibitor-specific needs. While there is no upfront cost to exhibit at the meeting, GES will bill exhibitors for all labor and materials associated with their booths.

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Online registration will be announced in late June. For planning purposes, please note that this year’s registration fee is expected to be in the range of $600 - $700. The registration fee covers the option of food and beverages—breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks—offered by the hotel for the duration of the three-day meeting.
For sleeping room reservations, please see section four (4) below.

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Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix:

  • Call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $139/night - single/double/triple/quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

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Due to current administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.
However, partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events offered to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should email

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is pleased to share plans and materials for our October 2018 Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR promotion featuring the benefits of choosing LED bulbs with the ENERGY STAR label. Only ENERGY STAR LED bulbs are certified to deliver:

  • Highest quality performance
  • Just the right brightness and color
  • Big energy savings—last 13+ years!
  • Environmental benefits

This year we are excited to enhance the inspiring and successful Light the Moment promotion with an added focus on hard-to-reach consumer segments, including low-income and Spanish speaking. For this new focus, we plan to supplement existing materials that leverage the altruistic call-to-action to light your moments with ENERGY STAR, with others that dial up the more practical dollar savings message. Plus, we will make more materials available in Spanish.

Get Materials

Last year’s Light the Moment promotional push as part of ENERGY STAR Day was a huge success. More than 4 million impressions were generated from article placements focused on the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs. Our collective efforts to share the Light the Moment video—from influencers, such as Ingrid Michaelson, Weylie Hoang, and others, along with you, our partners and stakeholders—resulted in a total of more than 2 million impressions and 72,000 video views!

This year’s promotion will build upon the success from last year, but with supplemental outreach to lower-income consumers that have not had access to the lower priced, ENERGY STAR certified bulbs now available across the country. This represents a missed opportunity to offer energy-savings to those that may need it most. To that end, ENERGY STAR will make the connection for them through the following media mix:

  • Online placement of a 30-second video ad featuring the availability of lower-cost bulbs via Google Display Networks and YouTube which will drive traffic to the ENERGY STAR Best Value Finder’s LED bulb page with updated partner information on relevant models, retailers, and utility programs.
  • Boosted Facebook posts and video content—targeted to cost conscious consumers.

We will also continue to promote the Light the Moment video and run a Facebook campaign to reach green-leaning consumers and incent shares. All together, we think this will make a big difference in LED bulb adoption across the country. 

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to your participation in our 2018 ENERGY STAR Light the Moment promotion!

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ceiling Fans Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans Program Requirements is June 15, 2018. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 4 web service will display on our list of certified models. Please also remember that as of March 1, 2018, any new ENERGY STAR ceiling fan submittals must be certified to Version 4.0.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 4.0 certified ceiling fans to

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioners Stakeholders:

Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Draft Version 4.1 specification. The specification and cover letter are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Product Development Webpage.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders:

Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Version 1.1 specification.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Computers Version 8.0 Data Assembly Cover Letter and Desktop Data Assembly Template for stakeholder review. These documents are now available on the  ENERGY STAR Computers Specification Version 8.0 product development webpage.
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, July 12, 2018, from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT to discuss potentially amending the categorization system for desktop computers. If you would like to participate, please register prior to the webinar here.
Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or (202) 343-9153, or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407. For any other Computers related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ



To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the three-day meeting. Session descriptions and speaker information will be provided at a later date. 
Due to the growing number of topics of interest to ENERGY STAR stakeholders that are relevant to more than one product category, the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting agenda will not be organized by product-specific days with a plenary day in the middle as it has traditionally. This year, the EPA opening plenary will be the first session on the first day of the meeting, and the ensuing sessions will address a range of timely topics, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, smart thermostats, and water heaters.  This new structure offers attendees the advantage of being able to participate in relevant sessions, while allowing for additional networking time between those sessions that are of particular interest to you.
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Due to current administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.

However, partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events offered to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should email
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Online registration will be announced in late June. For planning purposes, please note that this year’s registration fee is expected to be in the range of $600 - $700. The registration fee covers the option of food and beverages—breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks—offered by the hotel for the duration of the three-day meeting.
For sleeping room reservations, please see section five (5) below.

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The ENERGY STAR Expo is under development. This year, exhibitor booths will be located in the main ballroom where meals will be taking place. Sessions will be held in sections of the ballroom on either side of the expo/meal space.
For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics, lighting, and HVAC products during the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided later in the summer. If you are interested in exhibiting during the meeting, please send an email to

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Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 262-2500

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix:

  • Call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional):

  • $139/night - single/double/triple/quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!



Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The second annual ENERGY STAR Laundry Made Better campaign is gearing up for its launch, May 30, with even more promotional assets to support your outreach around energy-efficient clothes washers and dryers. Given the success of last year’s promotion, we are maintaining the focus on dads doing laundry—starting now with a promotional article coupled with a Kenmore-sponsored chance to win a laundry pair, just in time for Father’s Day!

For the May 30 launch, we will be advertising online, featuring a dad before, and after, ENERGY STAR laundry changes his life.  We will also be working with an influencer vlogger who will showcase the many benefits of doing laundry with a laundry pair that has earned the ENERGY STAR.

Online advertisements will be placed through Facebook and Google Display Networks, which have delivered thousands of clicks to where participating partners are featured. Our influencer will supplement that traffic by driving even more hits among his base of hundreds of thousands of followers. Together, we are anticipating an even stronger impact than last year where the combination of influencer outreach through Motherly and Fatherly delivered more than 4 million impressions among our target audience.

Partners can take advantage of the new media assets that will be coming soon in addition to our existing suite of laundry promotion materials. These include Laundry Made Better promotional messaging, imagery and building blocks, social media messaging (now including messages to get the word out about the giveaway ), digital assets (such as infographics, web buttons, and widgets), as well as retail fact sheets and co-brandable signage templates.

-2017 Laundry Promotion

Motherly: ENERGY STAR worked with influencer Motherly to engage millennial families and educate them about the energy- and cost-saving benefits of ENERGY STAR broadly, and laundry appliances specifically, with promotions resulting in more than 1 million total impressions.

Fatherly: ENERGY STAR worked with influencer Fatherly to leverage their strong following among millennial parents with content featuring fathers doing laundry and benefits of ENERGY STAR. The campaign resulted in over 3 million total impressions.

Get Materials

Thanks to the many of you who are participating in the 2018 Laundry Made Better promotion. To date, we have 12 energy efficiency program sponsors involved, representing over 12 million households!​

  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
  • SoCalGas
  • ComEd
  • Mass Save (Cape Light Compact, Eversource, National Grid, Unitil)
  • NHSaves (Eversource, Liberty Utilities, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc., Unitil)
  • Seattle City Light

There is still time to join us and benefit from enhanced customer engagement around the value of ENERGY STAR certified clothes washers and dryers and the call-to-action to make your laundry better with ENERGY STAR. If you are interested in participating, but not yet on our list, please contact us by May 25th.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team








Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
Planning is well underway for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, Arizona.
To assist partners in making initial travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide the following information on location and accommodations.
Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona  85004
(602) 262-2500
To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix
  •  Call reservations directly at (800) 325-3535 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  •  Go to 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.
Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)
  •  $139/night - single/double/triple/quad
  •  Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.
The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is August 14, 2018. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
The preliminary draft agenda is under development and will be circulated in the coming weeks. As a reminder, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Program will also be offering stakeholder meetings at this location and during the same date range.
Meeting updates will be emailed to partners as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!

Location: Washington, DC



LIGHTFAIR International 2018                                                                                                                                                             Create Your Own "Ways to Save Tips" Widget

Save the Date—2018 ENERGY STAR Products
Partner Meeting

Updates to Lamps, Luminaires, and Ceiling
Fans Specifications

Congratulations to the 2018 ENERGY STAR
Partner of the Year Award Winners!

Free ENERGY STAR Marketing Resources!

Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR!                            


LIGHTFAIR International 2018
Chicago, Illinois | May 8-10

ENERGY STAR is headed to LIGHTFAIR International, the world's largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference. This year's conference takes place in Chicago, Illinois from May 8-10. Our team will be at booth #139—stop by to say hello, show us your products, and ask questions. We hope to see you there!

Save the Date—2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
Phoenix, Arizona | September 5-7

Mark your calendars – the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is just around the corner! This year’s meeting will take place in Phoenix, Arizona from September 5-7. Join Products and Residential New Construction partners from around the country to learn about the latest market insights, cutting edge technology, and new efficiency program models. This year’s sessions will focus on cross-cutting topics that impact lighting along with other products. We also plan to include hands-on learning demonstrations during the meeting so start thinking of bringing your latest and greatest to share and let us know if you would like to feature a product.

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is a great time to set up networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. The schedule for this year’s meeting will open the possibility for even more networking opportunities than in previous years. Watch for meeting updates in the coming weeks on our website.

Congratulations to the 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award Winners!

Each year, EPA and DOE honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protect the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements during the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards. The awards ceremony was held on April 20 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC.

This year’s ceremony focused on the important choices ENERGY STAR partners make to build a better future. Throughout the evening, awardees heard inspiring stories from partners that strive for a cleaner environment, healthier and safer buildings and homes, and the promise of making a difference for generations to come. More than 160 award winners from across the country were recognized for their outstanding feats in energy efficiency. Award categories included energy management, energy efficiency program delivery, product brand owner, retailer, and more. The ceremony was an inspirational opportunity to highlight partners that are building a brighter future with ENERGY STAR. We were proud to honor the hard work and dedication of so many of our lighting partners. Congratulations to Greenlite, Good Earth Lighting, GE, Globe, L’Image, Eaton, and Metro Lighting.

Learn more about this year’s winners here.

Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR!

Did you know there are more than 3 billion light sockets in homes across the U.S. with old, inefficient bulbs, wasting billions of dollars in energy costs and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions? Join other Americans in our challenge to switch out 300 million inefficient bulbs to ENERGY STAR certified LED light bulbs. Together, we could save $1.5 billion dollars in annual energy bills and prevent 17 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR!

Check out our suite of marketing materials, such as seasonal social media graphics, sample posts, event kits, posters, and more, to help us spread the word about the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting. We also have a Light the Moment Event Kit to help you engage consumers at retail or other events, filled with fun activities that leverage social media.

Please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or with any questions.

Create Your Own "Ways to Save Tips" Widget

Help your website visitors learn more about saving energy by using our customizable “Ways to Save Tips” widget. This service for partners provides an ongoing stream of ENERGY STAR branded, energy-saving tips that automatically refresh with each visit to your website. You can customize the tips to highlight specific product categories and/or types relevant to your program.

Not only is this automated service kept up-to-date by EPA, requiring no maintenance on your part, its fresh and frequent content supports search engine optimization, increasing overall traffic to your site with engaging consumer content.

Benefits include:

Free to use

Frequently refreshed content

ENERGY STAR brand affiliation

Once the web service is adopted, we take care of the rest!

To get started, just visit If you have questions, please contact Denise Minor-Hoes at

Updates to Lamps, Luminaires, and Fan specifications

More than 8,000 lamps have been certified to Version 2.0 and 2.1! The ENERGY STAR Lamps specification V2.0 became effective on January 2, 2017, and V2.1 went live on October 1, 2017. Check out the current list of certified lamps. (Archive lists of lamps certified to older versions are available here.)

On March 15, EPA finalized minor adjustments to the ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, reflected in a Version 2.1. Current certifications will not be affected by these changes. The ENERGY STAR specification for Luminaires Version 2.1 and the cover memo with its release can be found at . Version 2.1 updates include provisions for directional luminaires to ship with ENERGY STAR certified lamps, updated reference standards, and flicker reporting consistent with other ENERGY STAR lighting specifications. Flicker testing and reporting is required for new certifications starting in September 2018.


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

National Streaming Day is coming up on May 20th, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be using this opportunity to educate consumers about how to stream efficiently. We encourage you to join us.

From smart TVs and digital media players, to routers, modems, tablets, computers, and set-top boxes, a variety of products can earn the ENERGY SaTAR and enable consumers to stream efficiently. We have a number of educational materials to assist you in educating the public about the best ways to save energy, save money, and protect the environment, while streaming their favorite television shows and movies, including:

  • General messaging
  • Streaming infographic
  • Scial media (Facebook and Twitter) sample messaging

Get Material

With more than 60 percent of the country streaming content, it is clear that streaming is a viewing platform showing no signs of slowing down. To that end, we hope you will join us on May 20th in letting consumers know that it's simple to save energy while streaming - just use products that have earned the ENERGY STAR.
The ENERGY STAR Communications Team.

ENERGY STAR®  is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 25 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Visit today.






Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft 3 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Specification. The Cover LetterDraft 3 Specification, and Draft Test Method are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Product Development webpage.
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the Draft 3 Version 3.0 Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by June 4, 2018. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

In addition, EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 3 Specification on May 17, 2018 from 1-3 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
Please contact Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computer server-related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The ENERGY STAR Cool Choice for Room AC promotion is set to launch on May 4th to beat the heat of the cooling season!

Given the success of last year’s promotion, we are bringing back the effective 30-second online ads. Once again, we will be placing them on Google Display Networks to target consumers identified as the best candidates for room air conditioners. These ads include one in Spanish and are all supported by companion materials in English and Spanish, including promotional web pages, infographics, and fact sheets.

This year, we are will broaden our list of geo-targets to include all markets with active ENERGY STAR Room AC programs. We also plan to go into markets ahead of expected heat waves to increase the relevance of, and thus response to, our message.

            2017 Room AC Promotion Highlights

  • 30-second ads targeting Spanish-speaking and lower-income audiences served more than 1.8 million times to consumers in 3 markets – Boston, Chicago, and New York (Bronx and Queens) and generated 42,000 clicks to
  • 2,640 news article placements through NAPS with estimated readership of 1.8 million.

We plan to supplement the 30-second ads with articles promoting cooling tips that highlight a broad set of recommendations for saving energy in the cooling season, including with ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners. The articles will be placed through press syndicate services, including Brandpoint and NAPS, that have garnered millions of impressions with past efforts. 
Both of these efforts will be driving traffic to the promotional page, where participating partners are featured.
Thanks to the many of you who are participating in the 2018 Cool Choice for Room AC promotion. To date, we have 14 energy efficiency program sponsors involved representing nearly 9 million households

  • Burbank Water & Power
  • Turlock Irrigation District
  • Hawai’i Energy
  • Con Edison Company
  • ComEd
  • -Mass Save (Cape Light Compact, Eversource, National Grid, Unitil)
  • NHSaves (Eversource, Liberty Utilities, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc, Unitil)
  • UGI Utilities

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Have you added Ways to Save Tips to your website? A new web service for partners, it provides an ongoing stream of ENERGY STAR branded, energy-saving tips. Get started at

Get Started

ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 25 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Visit today.

This was sent by:
EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholder,
Please see important communication from the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the finalized Standard Operating Procedure for Revising and Establishing an ENERGY STAR Product Specification that will be followed going forward. This communication is posted here.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder,

As a reminder, there is an upcoming planned outage of the ENERGY STAR website. Product Finder, Rebate Finder, product specification development pages, and the entire ENERGY STAR website will be offline for maintenance from 8:00 pm EDT on Friday, April 6 to 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 8.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder,

Please note, there is an upcoming planned outage of the ENERGY STAR website. Product Finder, Rebate Finder, product specification development pages, and the entire ENERGY STAR website will be offline for maintenance from 8:00 pm EDT on Friday, April 6 to 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 8.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 3.0 Imaging Equipment specification and Draft 2 Test Method for stakeholder review. The drafts and cover memo are now available on the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment 3.0 product development webpage.
EPA plans to host a stakeholder webinar on March 28, 2018, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST to discuss the Draft 1 Version 3.0 Specification and Draft 2 Test Method, and address stakeholder comments and questions. If you would like to participate, please register prior to the webinar here.

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments to no later than April 10, 2018.
Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or (202) 343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693. For any other imaging equipment related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Luminaires Version 2.1. The cover letter  and specification are available at

As a reminder, current certifications are not affected by these changes.
Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting and water heaters. This year’s meeting will take place Wednesday, September 5, 2018 – Friday, September 7, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; promotions and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2017, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held at the same location.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please email  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona!


Location: Phoenix, Arizona

2018 ENERGY STAR® Products Partner Meeting: Save the Date!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting and water heaters. This year’s meeting will take place Wednesday, September 5, 2018 – Friday, September 7, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; promotions and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2017, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held at the same location.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please email  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona!

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting and water heaters. This year’s meeting will take place Wednesday, September 5, 2018 – Friday, September 7, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; promotions and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, HVAC, lighting or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2017, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held at the same location.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please email  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona!


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions V8.0 Final Specification. The specification and cover letter are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans Draft Version 4.1 specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available on the Ventilating Fans product development webpage

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, or to Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans Draft Version 4.1 specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available on the Ventilating Fans product development webpage

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375, or to Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Computers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Computers Final Version 7.0 Specification. The specification and cover memo are now available on the ENERGY STAR Computers product development web page.

Please contact Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at  or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computers related questions, please contact
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Refrigerator and Freezer Partners and Certification Bodies:
As follow-up to the email shared on February 2, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the Refrigerators and Freezers web service for Certification Bodies (CBs) to submit data to EPA for Refrigerators and Freezers certified to Version 5. This update expands the allowable decimal places in the fields for fresh and freezer compartment volumes to allow reporting to two decimal places. This adjustment aligns reporting with The Department of Energy (DOE) requirement, which specifies per AHAM HRF-1-2008 that compartment volumes be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.01 cubic foot with total volume rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic foot.
EPA currently displays the total refrigerated volume/capacity as the sum of the fresh and freezer compartment values. For products already certified where the additional decimal place will not impact the total refrigerated volume reflected on the EPA website, partners do not need to take any action. However, if the additional decimal places are needed for ENERGY STAR values to align with DOE reporting requirements, ENERGY STAR partners will need to work with their CBs to update the fresh and freezer compartment values to two decimal places. Please share any questions about this update with

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Version 1.1 Final Test Method. The final test method and cover memo are now available on the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Product Development webpage.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or 202-343-9153, or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other data center storage related questions, please contact
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ceiling Fan and Ceiling Fan Light Kit Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that after March 1, 2018, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new ceiling fans to the Version 3.1 specification and may only certify ceiling fans to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing ceiling fan certifications to the Version 3.1 specification until June 14, 2018. After this date, only ceiling fans certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

As a reminder, Version 4.0 includes specific ceiling fan light kit requirements and no longer references the separate ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification, therefore all new ceiling fan light kits should be certified to Version 4.0.

CBs must notify EPA by March 2, 2018 of models certified to Version 3.1, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.

Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified ceiling fans to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a webinar to discuss the final steps required to release the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0, Draft 3 Server specification. EPA will host this stakeholder meeting on March 12, 2018 from 12:30PM-4PM Eastern Time.
If you would like to participate in this webinar, please register here. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 and John Clinger, ICF, at  or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a webinar to discuss the development of the ENERGY STAR Version 8.0 Computers Specification. The webinar will take place on March 12, 2018 from 9AM-12PM Eastern Time. Planned discussion topics covered will include new potential categorization systems for desktops and a presentation of stakeholder efforts to develop an active mode test.

If you would like to participate in this webinar, please register here. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 and John Clinger, ICF, at  or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear EPA-recognized Certification Bodies, Laboratories and Partners:

As you know, EPA recently distributed a draft of the ENERGY STAR®  Data Center Storage specification Version 1.1, which references the Storage Networking Industry Association’s (SNIA) Emerald™ 3.0 power efficiency measurement. SNIA will host a series of six 4-hour trainings in late February 2018 on SNIA Emerald 3.0. The agenda for the 2018 training sessions is provided below:


Note: SNIA may have a need to change the dates for Feb 27-March 1st to either March 6th-8th or March 13-15th. SNIA plans to firm up the second week of dates no later than February 16th.
Information regarding these trainings can be found here. Please register for the webinar if you are interested in attending by sending an email no later than February 16th, 2018 with your name, title, email address, and company name to

Any laboratory that is interested in maintaining EPA recognition to test Data Center Storage products to Version 1.1 must either:

1) Participate in this six-part training series* OR
2) Submit an updated scope of accreditation that includes Version 1.1 to before the Version 1.1 effective date

*EPA will coordinate with SNIA to confirm laboratories’ participation in the webinars prior to the Version 1.1 effective date. In addition, laboratories should work with their accreditation body to add Data Center Storage Version 1.1 to their scope of accreditation by the time of their next reassessment, and submit their updated scope to Further information on the finalization of the Version 1.1 specification and effective date will be distributed to stakeholders and posted to EPA’s website at

EPA encourages Certification Bodies (CBs) interested in certifying Data Center Storage Version 1.1 products to also attend SNIA’s six part training series. However, CBs are not required to attend these trainings or submit an updated scope of accreditation in order to certify products to Version 1.1.
Please contact with any questions about the process for gaining EPA-recognition to test Data Center Storage products to Version 1.1.

For more information, visit:

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ceiling Fan Partners:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind partners that all new Ceiling Fan Light Kits (CFLKs) should be certified to the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Ceiling Fans, now titled "Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits," which is currently available for early certification. This specification includes specific Ceiling Fan Light Kit (CFLK) requirements and no longer references the separate ENERGY STAR Luminaires specification. This change aims to make it easier for CFLK partners who must follow a separate set of Department of Energy requirements.
As a reminder, the lighting efficacy requirements are substantively unchanged from the Ceiling Fans Version 3.1 and Luminaires Version 2.0 specifications. In addition, EPA has maintained a simple option for ceiling fan partners to meet most lighting requirements by shipping products with ENERGY STAR certified bulbs.  Finally, EPA included a new industry standard for solid-state lighting product dimming compatibility and light source flicker.
The ENERGY STAR specification for Luminaires is currently being updated to remove references to CFLKs; however, existing CFLK certifications to the Luminaires specification will not be impacted by this change. All CFLKs will be displayed on a single qualified product list that combines listings to all active specifications for CFLKs.
Please contact us with any questions: Abigail Daken, EPA, at (202) 343-9375 or for Ceiling Fans, or Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at (202) 343-9042 or for lighting requirements and marketing.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Refrigerator and Freezer Partners and Certification Bodies:
It has come to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s attention that there is an error in the number of decimal places for two fields currently included in the data requirements for Certification Body submission of V5 Refrigerators and Freezers. The Department of Energy (DOE) requires that manufacturers submit certification reports to DOE with the total refrigerated volume in cubic feet and the adjusted total volume in cubic feet per 10 CFR 429.14(b)(2). These values are rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic feet per 10 CFR 429.14(c)(2) and (3). The Federal Test Procedure otherwise references AHAM HRF-1-2008 for measuring volumes, which similarly specifies that compartment volumes be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.01 cubic foot with total volume rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic foot.
Since EPA currently displays the total refrigerated volume/capacity as the sum of the fresh and freezer compartment values, in some cases the capacity value is inconsistent with DOE reporting requirements. To address this inconsistency, EPA proposes to expand the allowable decimal places in the fields for fresh and freezer compartment volume to allow reporting to two decimal places. This adjustment will ensure that the capacity displayed on the EPA website is consistent with the DOE reporting requirements.
For products already certified where the additional decimal place will not impact the total refrigerated volume reflected on the EPA website, partners will not need to take any action. However, if the additional decimal places are needed for ENERGY STAR values to align with DOE reporting requirements, ENERGY STAR partners would need to work with their Certification Bodies to update the fresh and freezer compartment values to two decimal places.
Please email with any concerns to this approach by February 9, 2018. Assuming this update works for all stakeholders, we will plan to implement the update after this date and notify stakeholders when the updated web service is available.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Program Requirements is February 5, 2018. On this date, only products certified to Version 8.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 8 web service will display on our list of certified models. Please also remember that as of October 5, 2017, any new ENERGY STAR clothes washer submittals must be certified to Version 8.0.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 8.0 certified clothes washers to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a draft ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Luminaires Version 2.1. The cover letter and specification are available at
The updates, when final, would only be applicable to new product certifications moving forward and would not impact any current certifications. We expect to finalize this update in the spring of 2018.
Partners and stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on the draft to by Monday, February 26, 2018. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.1 Comments” in the email subject line.
Questions, comments, or concerns may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Newsletter

The ENERGY STAR® Consumer Electronics Newsletter

Winter 2018

Table of Contents

      •ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Materials Available

      •Upcoming Specifications: Television, Audio/Visual Specification, Computers, and Displays

      •Welcome James Kwon, ENERGY STAR Consumer Electronics (CE) Product Manager!

      •Save the Date – 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Ceremony is April 20th!

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Materials Available

Catch up on the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Chicago. Consumer Electronics presentations from the meeting are now available:

    •Review the 2017 ENERGY STAR Consumer Electronics program highlights and proposed 2018 initiatives.

    •Check out upcoming specifications from the Residential Product Specification Updates session.

    •Review A Detailed Look at Sound Bars to gain insights into the sound bar market and learn about capitalizing on the opportunity of the ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform.

    •Find out what's next in appliances and consumer electronics from experts presented in Keeping Up with Emerging Technology: Next Level Advances in Appliances and Electronics.

  • Learn about innovation in energy efficient consumer electronics and appliances from partners including Samsung, and LG.

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Upcoming Specifications: Television, Audio/Visual Specification, Computers, and Displays

Televisions Specification Version 8.0:

Audio/Visual Specification 4.0:

  • The revision will include new modifications to the test method to better account for network connected products and provide a test procedure that is more representative of realistic use conditions. EPA also plans to revise criteria for Blu-ray and sound bars.

Computers Specification 7.0:

  • This specification will focus on revising existing notebook and thin client requirements in response to high market penetration.

Display Specification 8.0:

  • This specification will focus on revising criteria for computer monitors; data collection anticipated for monitors marketed for gaming application.

For more information about these specifications please contact James Kwon at

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Welcome James Kwon, ENERGY STAR Consumer Electronics (CE) Product Manager!

James Kwon joined us in November of 2017 as the new Consumer Electronics Product Manager, replacing Verena Radulovic. James previously conducted chemical risk assessment and management as well as IT at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), before transitioning to the ENERGY STAR team. Learn more about James below:

  • What are you looking forward to most
    in your new role?
    I think just the fact that I get to study and work with consumer electronics as a full time job is exciting. It is a very fun category with lots of fast paced new emerging technologies and keeping up with them is what I truly look forward to everyday. The marketing aspect of the job is also very fun.
  • What has been the biggest surprise to you after working
    your new job at ENERGY STAR for a couple months?
    It's fun to learn about what other products and stakeholders ENERGY STAR has partnered with and it also makes me think we need to keep working towards partnering with even more stakeholders and cover more products in the future.
  • What is your favorite ENERGY STAR consumer
    electronics product?
    Do I just have to pick just one?? I am really excited about EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment). It's a fairly new product category that ENERGY STAR is working with and the future impact of the technology not only in the US but in the entire world is something to get hyped about.
  • If you had a month of free time and unlimited resources
    what would you do?
    Wow, this is a tough question! For the first week, I would sleep. With three young kids all under the age of 7, I can't remember the last time I slept in or took a nap. Then for the remaining three weeks, I would travel. I've done my share of travel in the past, but there are still so many places I would love to go and see.

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Save the Date – 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Ceremony is April 20th!

Mark your calendars for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Ceremony on April 20, 2018! We can't wait to celebrate all the amazing things our partners are doing. Visit for updated information.

Back to Top

EPA (Climate Protection Partnerships Division) - ENERGY STAR
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20460 US

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Computers Version 7.0 Final Draft Specification and Cover Memo. The specification and  memo are now available on the ENERGY STAR Computers for Partners webpage at

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments on this memo to no later than February 2, 2018.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or 202-343-9153 and John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other computers related questions, please contact
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a discussion of recent storage developments and applicable data analysis in support of the current ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 specification  revision. EPA will host this stakeholder meeting on January 25, 2018 from 8:30AM-12PM Pacific Time in San Jose, CA in conjunction with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) technical symposium. The meeting will be held at The Westin San Jose. Planned discussion topics covered will include: 

  • Emerald V3.0 specification overview and EPA V1.1 specification overview
  • SNIA Emerald forthcoming training
  • SNIA Emerald Roadmap, new taxonomy testing priorities
  • New storage technologies and emerging trends discussion
  • EPA V2.0 specification

A call-in option, additional meeting details, and finalized agenda will be provided in a follow-up email closer to the event. Please RSVP here if you plan on participating either in-person or remotely and select the check box for Thursday, January 25th.

Additional details on the accompanying SNIA technical symposium can be found here. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a discussion of recent developments and applicable data analysis in support of completing the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Server specification revision. EPA will host this stakeholder meeting on January 25, 2018 from 1-5PM Pacific Time in San Jose, CA following a separate ENERGY STAR Storage stakeholder meeting at the same location earlier that morning. Both of these meetings are being held at The Westin San Jose. Planned discussion topics covered will include: 

  • Overview of latest industry analysis on SERT V2.0.0 server data
  • Overview of latest EPA analysis on the latest server data set (including SERT V2.0.0 data)
  • Idle Requirement Performance Adder
  • New server technologies and emerging trends discussion
  • Next steps to finalizing the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Server specification

Please RSVP here if you are planning to participate in-person, or here if you are planning on participating remotely.  Additional meeting details and a finalized agenda will be provided in a follow-up email closer to the meeting. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at  or 202-343-9153 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a webinar to discuss the potential for new low load requirements for internal power supplies. This is intended to be an open discussion and not intended to attribute positions to individuals on the topic. Outcomes from this effort will be considered for inclusion in the upcoming ENERGY STAR Version 8.0 Computer specification revision. The webinar will take place on January 24, 2018 from 1:30 - 3:30PM Eastern Time.  

Additional agenda details will follow. If you would like to participate in this webinar, please register here. Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153 and John Clinger,ICF, at or 215-967-9407. 
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Draft Data Center Storage specification. The cover memodraft specification, and draft test method are now available on the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Product Development webpage.

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments on these documents to no later than February 1, 2018.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or 202-343-9153, or John Clinger at or 215-967-9407 with questions or concerns. For any other data center storage related questions, please contact
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to release the 2018 Emerging Technology Award Criteria for Room Air Conditioners with Efficient Variable Output. The criteria  and cover memo are available on the Emerging Technology Award for Industry Stakeholders webpage
Effective January 1, 2018, manufacturers may submit their eligible products to the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology inbox at for EPA review. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Emerging Technology Award.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Final Version 2.0 Specification. The specification and cover memo are now available on the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Brand Owner Partners and Other Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind brand owner partners that the effective date for the Version 3.1 ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Program Requirements is January 1, 2018. EPA-recognized certification bodies may only certify products to the Version 3.1 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing light commercial HVAC certifications to the Version 2.2 specification until December 31, 2017.  Also, please be reminded that as of January 1, 2018 any product manufactured and labeled as ENERGY STAR must meet Version 3.1 requirements.
Please contact EPA at with any questions.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwashers Partners and Other Interested Parties,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo informing stakeholders of an extension of the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Dishwasher specification revision data assembly efforts. The memo is available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 product development webpage.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholder,
In response to stakeholder request, EPA is extending the comment period for the ENERGY STAR product-related guidelines and procedures until January 26, 2018.  These Procedures can be found here.  Thank you for your insights.

For more information, visit:

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Final Draft Version 2.0 Specification. The specification, test method, cover memo, and comment summary and response are now available on theENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies product development webpage. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by December 14, 2017.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the availability of marketing materials for the 2018 ENERGY STAR room air conditioner promotion—The Cool Choice for Room AC. Join in on this national promotion and help your customers understand the financial and environmental benefits of looking for the ENERGY STAR when purchasing a new room air conditioner. 

ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioners:

  • Use 10 percent less energy, and on average, cost less than $70 per year to run.
  • Have improved insulation! New ENERGY STAR room air conditioners come with higher quality insulation materials, improving comfort and savings by allowing a better seal of the area between the unit and the window opening.
  • Can offer connected functionality: ENERGY STAR room air conditioners with connected functionality offer consumers additional convenience, comfort and energy-savings, including the ability to turn off the unit remotely using your phone or computer, schedule changes to temperature settings based on your needs, and receive feedback on the energy use of the product.

EPA has developed a suite of materials to assist partners in their promotion, including: retail POP building blocks and a factsheet, and digital media content including web buttons, graphics, and an Ask the Expert video, as well as two 30 second educational videos. All materials can be found on the ENERGY STAR Marketing Materials webpage and are also available in Spanish.

Get Materials


The 2018 promotion will kick off on Earth Day and last through June, and will utilize a variety of outreach methods, including online advertising, media placements in news publications, a newsletter sent to over a half-million subscribers, and a dedicated online presence on Similar to the 2017 promotion, ENERGY STAR will specifically target hard-to-reach audiences (low income, Spanish speaking), in areas with high room ac sales via video ads on platforms like the Google Display Network. Once again we will also time our advertising to coincide with heat waves throughout our targeted areas.
Last year’s promotion was a big success, with ENERGY STAR room air conditioner ads served more than 1.8 million times to the targeted audience, generating over 42,000 clicks to the promotional page on The average click-through-rate (CTR) of 2.31% was above the industry average of 0.5-1%. The Spanish-language ad did even better, at about 5%.


The ENERGY STAR team is excited to reach even more consumers in 2018 and we look forward to working with you on this promotion. Please let us know your interest in participating, as well as your promotional plans, so we can best coordinate our efforts.

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team






Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Final Draft Version 2.0 Specification. The specification, test method, cover memo, and comment summary and response are now available on theENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies product development webpage. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by December 14, 2017.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693

Thank you to those who attended the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Chicago, Illinois on October 23 – 25, 2017 and helped make it the most productive yet. We missed all of you who were unable to make it!

All told, almost 500 retailers, manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, third-party program implementers, and other stakeholders joined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for three busy days of meetings and sessions. The general theme of the meeting was advancing the market for energy efficient products through ENERGY STAR-focused information and best-practice partnership exchange and through innovative collaborations across diverse stakeholder groups. Twenty-four topical sessions addressed issues, opportunities and technology trends relevant to ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, HVAC, lighting, and water heaters. The meeting also included a Product Expo where nineteen ENERGY STAR partners displayed their ENERGY STAR certified products. EPA also made 12 meeting rooms available for participants resulting in more than 130 individual working meetings by attending retailers, energy efficiency program sponsors, manufacturers, EPA-recognized third parties, and other program stakeholders, with nine additional meeting rooms reserved by attending organizations for related working meetings.

The ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting was held in conjunction with the meeting, and for the first time this year, EPA hosted a two-day ENERGY STAR Commercial Buildings partner meeting, allowing partners and stakeholders in all three sectors to connect to an even broader group of peers. In total, almost 750 partners and stakeholders gathered together in Chicago to plan their ENERGY STAR activities for the coming year. Participants in each meeting were welcomed by Carolyn Snyder, Director of EPA’s Climate Protection Partnerships Division, and enjoyed several independent evening events hosted by partners. On the Sunday before the meeting, Sears Holdings Corporation continued its tradition of hosting a community service event and engaging other ENERGY STAR partner organizations and staff in volunteering time and resources to support to communities in need.

Presentations are now available. Please visit and click on the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting image.

Select Meeting Highlights

ENERGY STAR National Promotions Update and ENERGY STAR Day! offered an overview of the results of EPA’s 2017 national products promotions and plans for 2018. For this plenary, which was actually presented on ENERGY STAR Day, EPA thanked partners for their support for what was the most successful year of product promotions to date with 544 thousand promotional page views, 1.2 million video views, and 16 million impressions to just list a few metrics to date. It was also the best year for partner participation with over 100 partners participating in the ENERGY STAR annual products promotions, including fortune 500 brands and retailers as well as energy efficiency program sponsors representing nearly 50,000,000 households.

EPA also shared plans for 2018, unveiling the 2018 STAR Chart and providing highlights of planned activities to include a fourth year of Flip Your Fridge, and bringing back other successful promotions, such as room air conditioning, laundry, water heaters, smart thermostats, and, of course Light the Moment for ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs.

Finally, EPA rallied the group around the ENERGY STAR Day call-to-action to share the Light the Moment video in celebration of how energy-efficiency makes a huge difference in people’s lives for now and years to come.

ENERGY STAR Residential Product Specification Update provided an update on key product specification activities. With more than 75 product categories, EPA is always busy keeping the specifications up to date. EPA technical product development leads provided an overview of residential product specification development activity including plans for 2018. Several exciting new program offerings have come on line this year, including Smart Thermostats and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. Major revisions effective in 2017 and 2018 include Lamps, Ceiling Fans and Clothes Washers. Many specifications have been amended to expand scope and/or adjust requirements, including furnaces, residential water heaters, dryers, and lamps. EPA and DOE recently completed the optional test to validate room AC demand response functionality, and are working on tests for laundry equipment. Several specifications are undergoing revision now or are planned to start shortly, including Pool Pumps, AV equipment, Computers, Imaging Equipment, and Displays. Visit our specification development page to learn more.

Lighting Plenary: Our Work Is Not Done This session reflected on the tremendous progress we have made over the last two decades in energy efficient lighting, noting that as long as consumers have access to inefficient and poor quality lighting, we have more work to do. The time is now to pick up the pace of our efforts and sprint through the finish line. Panelists and audience members agreed that we need to make sure all Americans—especially those in hard to reach segments who can benefit the most because they spend the largest share of their income on energy bills—have access to high quality, affordable ENERGY STAR certified lighting. The expert panel for this session was composed of Scott Dimetrosky of Apex Analytics and Alexis Allan of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Both speakers discussed the importance of incentives and sticking with ENERGY STAR from the perspective of evaluators.

EPA also announced two new lighting resources: “The Light Bulb Revolution” details a short history of light bulb technology, options for consumers today, major market shifts, and data showing we are just scratching the surface with this promising new technology. “Remaining Opportunities for Residential Energy Efficiency Programs” helps regulators better understand the value of ENERGY STAR lighting today and in the long-term.

Helping Consumers Get Connected and Save Energy This session brought together experts from Sears/Kenmore, Nest, and DTE to share insights into how the companies are leveraging smart technology and new solutions to help consumers save energy. Kenmore shared how its new partnership with Amazon Echo will help consumers interact with their smart appliances more easily to enable energy saving features like setting a schedule for the room air conditioner when they are away from home. DTE shared their Insight App that helps customers track real-time home energy use and set an energy target. Nest shared how they can remotely enable significant energy savings at critical times of day, in a way that could never been done before. The session evolved into group breakouts where participants were engaged in discussion on standby, integration of energy-efficiency programs and demand response programs, and more. The standby power discussion focused on how to define and test standby as products change to include non-traditional functions such as acting as a node in a mesh network and balancing power limits with innovation.

Notes from the breakouts have been added to the slides for the session. Topics that stakeholders wanted to continue to discuss include standby power, a common structure to define system efficiency, making DR work, and identifying ways to link manufacturers and utilities with matching DR product interests.

Gain Steam, Go Midstream! Distributor-Focused Residential HVAC and Water Heater Incentives was a panel discussion that introduced participants to midstream incentive programs for distributed products, such as HVAC and water heaters. By partnering with distributors to provide incentives, programs have realized up to a 10-fold increase in program participation. The panel included two program administrators, a midstream implementation consultant, a manufacturer, and a distributor that are members of ENERGY STAR’s midstream Technical Advisory Group. Topics covered include best practices and common trends and challenges with implementing midstream programs.

Visit the new ENERGY STAR midstream website to learn more about HVAC and water heater-focused midstream programs and access key resources: Email for more information and to set-up a call with ENERGY STAR and the midstream Technical Advisory Group.

Keeping Up with Emerging Technology: Next Level Advances in Appliances and Electronics answered the question, “What’s next in appliances and consumer electronics?” through expert presentations, an audience poll activity and an interactive Q & A session. The evolution of advanced dryer technology highlighted through today’s availability of both ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models. A new 2018 Emerging Technology Award category was announced for Room ACs with efficient variable output. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance spoke about market transformation, and engaged the audience with a poll on what innovative, out-of-the-box technologies they would most like to see in the future. In addition, the session featured a panel of ENERGY STAR appliances and consumer electronics brand owner partners, comprised of Sazi Bugay of Beko, Dr. Dochul Choi of Samsung Electronics, and John Taylor of LG Electronics, who shared their latest product innovations. Technology discussed included refrigerator door designs and food preservation advances to use less energy and reduce food waste, highly efficient heat pump dryers, dishwashers that use less water, breakthrough variable output technology in room ac, and the possibilities with connected products such as an app to control all of your home’s smart devices.

ENERGY STAR Certified Smart Thermostats: The Right Choice for Your Incentive Program made the case for ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats serving as the foundation of energy efficiency incentive programs. Participants had the opportunity to get their questions answered by a panel of experts, which included representatives from Nest, ecobee, Best Buy and Columbia Gas of Ohio. The discussion was focused on the technical and administrative burdens manufacturers and energy efficiency program sponsors faced in establishing smart thermostat incentive programs in the past; how ENERGY STAR has relieved those burdens by offering a unique field-based standard test procedure to measure savings as part of third-party certification; the comparative ease of establishing a smart thermostat program founded on offering incentives only on ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats.

Learn why ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats are a great addition to your incentive program:

The ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP) was featured at several points during the meeting. On the first day, energy efficiency program sponsors, retailers, and energy efficiency program implementation and evaluation contractors gathered for the ESRPP Networking and Q&A Session. Attendees engaged in roundtable discussions about current program sponsor experiences, EM&V resources and strategies, data offerings and services, the participating retailers’ roles and vision for the future, and how various stakeholders could engage with ESRPP. Later, ESRPP retailers presented marketing updates to participating program sponsors in a series of half-hour sessions and participated in a session on marketing strategies. Throughout the three-day meeting, participating program sponsors, support teams, EPA, and retailers continued discussions on the current and future portfolio of products, market transformation strategies and approaches, and other ESRPP topics.

In 2018, new sponsors are expected to grow program coverage to reach more than 30 percent of the U.S. market. At the same time, Lowe’s and Nationwide Marketing Group will join participating retailers Best Buy, The Home Depot, and Sears in the ESRPP. With the addition of these two organizations, ESRPP retailers will represent more than 80% of the appliance market sales.

Help us build this long-term market transformation initiative for retail-based products! To get involved or for more information, email or visit

Hope you can join us (again) next year!

EPA is researching venues and dates in September 2018 for next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. Please look for a save-the-date email soon. The latest information and updates will also be posted at

Finally, thank you to those who shared their feedback with EPA. Your input gives us valuable insight into ways we can make these meetings even more valuable and productive for all partners and stakeholders. Please feel free to contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any additional comments or questions.


The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Team


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released draft criteria for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award, which outlines the requirements for room air conditioner products with efficient variable output. The draft requirements and cover memo can be found on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for Industry Stakeholders page.
EPA is accepting stakeholder comments on the draft criteria until Wednesday, December 13, 2017. Comments may be sent to
Questions may be directed to Peter Banwell, EPA, at and (202) 343-9408 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at and (202) 862-1145.
Thank you for your interest and support of the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award.

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Computers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an ENERGY STAR Verison 7.0 Computers Memo. The memo is now available on the ENERGY STAR Computers for Partners webpage at

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments on this memo to no later than November 30, 2017.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns. For any other computers related questions, please contact
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

After yet another successful year, the Environmental Protection Agency is excited to share marketing materials for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Flip Your Fridge promotion. From promotional messaging and web widgets, to the Flip Your Fridge Ruler, you can find everything you need to begin planning your refrigerator promotion at

Get Materials

Early replacement and recycling of the many old refrigerators still in operation throughout the U.S. continue to offer significant energy and environmental savings potential. We hope that your organization will find value in leveraging ENERGY STAR’s efforts and promoting Flip Your Fridge as part of your 2018 focus. Last year’s promotion was a huge success, with elements including:

  • An article placed with coupled with a Kenmore-sponsored giveaway also on resulting in a total of 1.6 million impressions.
  • Paid promotions via the Google Display Network netting 340,000 impressions and thousands of clicks to the promotional page.
  • 2,570 articles in local papers placed through NAPS with a readership of more than 600,000.
  • 37,500 views of the ENERGY STAR promotional web page over the course of the promotion.

Next year’s promotional plan includes media activities similar to those in 2017, along with additional elements—such as a few targeted to hard-to-reach audiences (Spanish-speaking and low income). EPA will kick off the 2018 ENERGY STAR Flip Your Fridge promotion on Earth Day, and it will continue through Memorial Day.

Please let us know if you have any questions about how to join in on this exciting promotion!

The ENERGY STAR Communications Team

Have you added Ways to Save Tips to your website? A new web service for partners, it provides an ongoing stream of ENERGY STAR branded, energy-saving tips. Get started at

Get Started

ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 25 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Visit today.


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a revised ENERGY STAR Televisions V8.0 Final Draft Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and the Revised Final Draft Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR TVs product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 




Registration for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
The Sheraton Grand Chicago is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $700 per person.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered;
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

*This per person meal fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

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EPA is working with the Sheraton Grand Chicago to make the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible by looking for ways to reduce the level of resources associated with meetings. In 2017, offerings include a range of guest room conservation measures, as well as facility energy efficiency, water conservation, and recycling programs.  Additional information on the Sheraton Grand Chicago’s environmental program can be found here .
Paperless Meeting Effort
In order to reduce printing and shipping costs associated with meeting materials, EPA invites meeting participants to join the effort to go paperless for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. As in past years, EPA will email all attendees who register online final meeting materials the week before the meeting. Each individual can choose to print only those materials they deem most critical.

The agenda and agenda companion document will also be available online prior to the meeting, at

A hard copy of the meeting agenda will still be provided to all attendees on-site.

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Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

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To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide another update to the preliminary agenda and companion document. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

This year, the first day will focus on lighting, and the second and third days will cover a range of product categories, including appliances, electronics, water heaters, and HVAC.
Mark your calendars! On the afternoon of Sunday, October 22, EPA staff will gather in a central location at the meeting hotel for a short, informal welcome. Attendees arriving on Sunday afternoon can pick up their meeting materials and stop by to connect with EPA staff and other attendees before the formal start of the meeting.

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A handful of exhibitor spots remain available for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Expo for retailer and manufacturing partners interested in showcasing their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The Expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components. 

To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR Expo, please contact Teresa Withee, ICF, at no later than August 23rd.

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Due to updated administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.

Partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events open to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should contact Elizabeth Caiafa of ICF at

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


For more information, visit:

Location: Washington, DC

The ENERGY STAR® Appliance Newsletter

Table of Contents

      •   See You at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

      •   Join Our ENERGY STAR Day Social Media Flash Mob

      •   Show Off Your Best Gifts this Holiday Season

      •   ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria for Appliances

      •   Applying for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards

      •   2016 ENERGY STAR Market Penetration Report

Join Our ENERGY STAR Day Social Media Flash Mob

Description: Join Our ENERGY STAR Day Social Media Flash Mob

Location: Washington, DC

On behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program, we are excited to share with you our new lighting market report: The Light Bulb Revolution   

EPA Predicts Widespread Consumer Adoption of LED Lighting by 2020 if Utility Programs Persist

  EPA has analyzed past, current and future market trends in lighting and has published findings that illustrate how LED lighting technology is poised to do what other technologies never could—totally transform the lighting market and deliver lasting energy savings, impactful greenhouse gas reductions, and other associated environmental benefits. The report highlights key market data, technology and sales trends, and consumer awareness insights. It shows how LED lighting is on the brink of changing the lighting game in the most significant way since Thomas Edison—but only with the continued investment and support utility programs across the country.
Interested in sharing the findings from this report with your audience? Below are some sample posts for Facebook and Twitter. EPA can work with you to develop blog posts, social media messaging, and newsletter content to educate others on the importance of this pivotal moment in energy efficiency advancement. The report is available at Please contact us at
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
Have you joined the LED revolution yet? According to ENERGY STAR, the time has finally come for mass adoption of LED light bulbs. Check out how the average American will save energy, money and protect the environment in a big way!
According to ENERGY STAR, it's time to start saving with the most efficient lighting technology today.
ENERGY STAR finds U.S. can save $6B a yr with quality, 3rd party certified LED bulbs as low as $1-2  today!

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 


The online registration system will now be open through Friday, October 20, in order to accommodate late registrants.

To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering by today, October 10, include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered as of October 10);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is distributed via email to all attendees registered by October 10; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

Please also note that after October 10, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

After October 20, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

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Four-time ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award winner Vornado Realty Trust and theMART invite you to kick off the ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings with a welcome reception on Monday evening. Mix and mingle with other ENERGY STAR conference attendees at Marshall’s Landing, theMART’s newest bar and lounge space. Reservation details will be sent to registered attendees shortly.
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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 



To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

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Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.  The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block has been extended to October 9, 2017.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

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Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors' offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.
EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.
These Summaries are available for download at or you can click on the individual products below to link directly to the individual summaries:

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EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


Back to Top

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 



To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

Back to Top

Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.  The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

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Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors' offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.
EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.
These Summaries are available for download at or you can click on the individual products below to link directly to the individual summaries:

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EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.

Back to Top

In what has become a tradition over the past several years, Sears Holdings Corporation is partnering with a national nonprofit that has been working for more than 40 years to transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing communities to offer a voluntary community service event the day before the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. 

On Sunday, October 22, Sears Holdings Corporation volunteers will come together to provide critical repairs—including installing ENERGY STAR certified products and other energy efficiency measures—to the Eddie Beard Veteran’s House in Chicago. The Eddie Beard house provides housing for military Veterans and helps residents in finding permanent income and housing. 

If you would like to participate as a volunteer in helping install these upgrades on the day before the Partner Meeting, please click here for additional details and a registration link. Volunteer organizations will be included in volunteer t-shirts and signage at the project site, and there will be a media event to recognize everyone’s support on the afternoon of October 22. Please contact Paul Campbell, Director-Sustainability/Green Leadership with Sears Holdings Corporation, at with any questions. 

Back to Top

As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partners and Interested Parties,

On Monday, October 23, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is excited to bring you engaging and in-depth lighting sessions that address the major questions facing the lighting industry at the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (ESPPM) in Chicago, IL.  
The meeting kicks off at 10:00 AM with the lighting plenary, Our Work is Not Done. This not to miss session aims to provide a current assessment of the energy-efficient lighting market and help attendees evaluate its future path.

  • Taylor Jantz-Sell and Daniel Cronin (EPA) will share highlights of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Light the Moment campaign, plans for 2018, and an assessment of the current market conditions.
  • Scott Dimetrosky (Apex Analytics, LLC) and Claire Miziolek (Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships) will then provide an examination of current sales and program trends, discuss ENERGY STAR’s role in helping the market continue to transform toward greater efficiency, and highlight key opportunities for utility programs.
  • Alexis Allen (Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance) will then establish a framework for what market transformation looks like and lead a discussion about whether the energy-efficient lighting market has been transformed across the country and how utility programs can continue to focus on lighting.

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Reaching the Consumer in a Changing Lighting Landscape, moderated by Noah Horowitz (Natural Resources Defense Council), will dive into how to help consumers navigate their options to choose the right ENERGY STAR bulb for their needs. Speakers for this session will include Art Christianson (Home Depot), Lisa McLeer (GE Lighting), and Melissa Tobin (National Grid).
1:30 - 2:30 PM: Taylor Jantz-Sell will moderate Dimming LED Lights: Insights and Solutions with speakers Jennifer Dolin (LEDVANCE Corp, formerly OSRAM SYLVANIA) and Robert Nachtrieb (Lutron). This session will cover the latest industry information on dimming LED bulbs, including ENERGY STAR criteria, testing, NEMA's new flicker and dimmer standards and the new bulb+dimmer compatibility mark.
2:30 - 3:30 PM: Getting Technical, moderated by Austin Gelder (UL), will provide an open opportunity for stakeholders to ask technical questions to Taylor Jantz-Sell and Dan Rogers (ICF) about the lighting specifications and certification process. EPA has created a portal through which technical questions may be submitted anonymously. The link to this portal is: Questions received by 5:00 PM EDT, Friday, October 6th may be addressed live during this session. The slides will be posted for those unable to attend.

We encourage you to check out the rest of the agenda for exciting program updates and networking opportunities. The meeting is also co-located this year with the ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial and Residential Homes programs so there will be an even broader group of efficiency stakeholders to network with. Learn more at
Join us in Chicago for the valuable meeting content and networking opportunities and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button and, if you have registration questions or specific needs, contact us at
Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner or other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of the ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data, found on the product development web page at

With the exception of Section 3—Content of LM-80 Test Reports—this document immediately supersedes the ENERGY STAR Program Guidance Regarding LED Package, LED Array and LED Module Lumen Maintenance Performance Data Supporting Qualification of Lighting Products (dated September 9, 2011). Please see the cover letter for details on the timeline for implementation of the requirements of Section 3.
Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft 2, Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification. The cover letter and Draft 2 Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR Computers product development webpage.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the Draft 2, Version 7.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to no later than October 26, 2017. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

In addition, EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2 specification on October 12, 2017 from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Please contact Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns. For any other computer-related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners:
EPA is pleased to provide four important summaries of energy efficiency program sponsor product program offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, lighting, and water heaters.
The Summaries, which provide information about energy efficiency program sponsors’ promotions of ENERGY STAR qualified products, are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and utilities or other energy efficiency program sponsors.
EPA thanks all the partners who contributed their program information for these important documents.
Please find the 2017 Program Summaries at and linked below:

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partners and Interested Parties,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing minor modifications to the ENERGY STAR Start Time Test Method, applicable under the ENERGY STAR specifications for Lamps and Luminaires, to ensure it does not hinder efficient, high performing SSL products with consumer-driven features from earning the ENERGY STAR. These clarifications do not impact currently certified products.

Please review the memo outlining the modifications posted at and, if you have any concerns, please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell by October 5, 2017 at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Absent concerns, EPA will adopt this amended test method for use on October 6, 2017.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 

1. Updated! FINAL AGENDA


EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.

Back to Top

Registration for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open! To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

Back to Top

Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.  The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Back to Top

In what has become a tradition over the past several years, Sears Holdings Corporation is partnering with a national nonprofit that has been working for more than 40 years to transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing communities to offer a voluntary community service event the day before the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. 

On Sunday, October 22, Sears Holdings Corporation volunteers will come together to provide critical repairs—including installing ENERGY STAR certified products and other energy efficiency measures—to the Eddie Beard Veteran’s House in Chicago. The Eddie Beard house provides housing for military Veterans and helps residents in finding permanent income and housing. 

If you would like to participate as a volunteer in helping install these upgrades on the day before the Partner Meeting, please click here for additional details and a registration link. Volunteer organizations will be included in volunteer t-shirts and signage at the project site, and there will be a media event to recognize everyone’s support on the afternoon of October 22. Please contact Paul Campbell, Director-Sustainability/Green Leadership with Sears Holdings Corporation, at with any questions. 

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Draft 2 Version 2.0 Specification. The specification, test method, cover memo, and comment summary and response are now available on the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies product development webpage. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by October 20, 2017.

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, October 4th, 2017 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed Draft 2 Version 2.0 criteria. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for thirteen eligible product categories, HVAC narrative guide, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA response.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 



EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.

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In what has become a tradition over the past several years, Sears Holdings Corporation is partnering with a national nonprofit that has been working for more than 40 years to transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing communities to offer a voluntary community service event the day before the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. 

On Sunday, October 22, Sears Holdings Corporation volunteers will come together to provide critical repairs—including installing ENERGY STAR certified products and other energy efficiency measures—to the Eddie Beard Veteran’s House in Chicago. The Eddie Beard house provides housing for military Veterans and helps residents in finding permanent income and housing. 

If you would like to participate as a volunteer in helping install these upgrades on the day before the Partner Meeting, please click here for additional details and a registration link. Volunteer organizations will be included in volunteer t-shirts and signage at the project site, and there will be a media event to recognize everyone’s support on the afternoon of October 22. Please contact Paul Campbell, Director-Sustainability/Green Leadership with Sears Holdings Corporation, at with any questions. 

Back to Top


Registration for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open! To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

Back to Top


Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.  The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a session at the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (ESPPM) in Chicago, IL to address stakeholder questions on Lamps and Luminaires: Requirements, Testing, Certification, and Verification Testing. The session will take place on Monday, October 23rd. We will address questions received in advance as well as in person as time permits.
EPA has created a portal through which you may anonymously submit your technical questions about the ENERGY STAR lighting program and policies. The link to this portal is:
Questions received by 5:00 PM EDT, Monday, September 25th may be addressed live during the ESPPM “Getting Technical” session. The slides will be posted for those unable to attend.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following reminders for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 

Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Registration for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open! To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.

The Sheraton Grand Chicago is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $700 per person.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

*This per person meal fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Residential Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits Final Draft Version 4.0 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 



As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

Back to Top


Registration for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open! To register, please visit the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
The Sheraton Grand Chicago is pleased to offer attendees a full breakfast, lunch, and breaks throughout the meeting for a cost of $700 per person.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the online system will only be available until October 10, 2017. EPA strongly encourages partners to register well in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that after October 10th, cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

*This per person meal fee is remitted in its entirety to the hotel. EPA and its contractors do not keep any portion of the fee for any purpose. If you require a kosher meal, please indicate this in the "special requirements" field during registration.

Back to Top


Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

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To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide the preliminary agenda and companion document. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.

This year, the first day will focus on lighting, and the second and third days will cover a range of product categories, including appliances, electronics, water heaters, and HVAC.
Mark your calendars! On the afternoon of Sunday, October 22, EPA staff will gather in a central location at the meeting hotel for a short, informal welcome. Attendees arriving on Sunday afternoon can pick up their meeting materials and stop by to connect with EPA staff and other attendees before the formal start of the meeting.

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A handful of exhibitor spots remain available for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Expo for retailer and manufacturing partners interested in showcasing their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The Expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components. 

To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR Expo, please contact Teresa Withee, ICF, at no later than August 28th.

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EPA is working with the Sheraton Grand Chicago to make the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible by looking for ways to reduce the level of resources associated with meetings. In 2017, offerings include a range of guest room conservation measures, as well as facility energy efficiency, water conservation, and recycling programs.  Additional information on the Sheraton Grand Chicago’s environmental program can be found here .
Paperless Meeting Effort
In order to reduce printing and shipping costs associated with meeting materials, EPA invites meeting participants to join the effort to go paperless for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. As in past years, EPA will email all attendees who register online final meeting materials the week before the meeting. Each individual can choose to print only those materials they deem most critical.

The agenda and agenda companion document will also be available online prior to the meeting, at

A hard copy of the meeting agenda will still be provided to all attendees on-site.

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Due to updated administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.

Partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events open to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should contact Elizabeth Caiafa of ICF at

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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


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Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held September 5 – 7, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ




Register Now!

To accommodate late registrants, the online registration system will now be open through Friday, August 31.

To register, please click on the link above or visit the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
After August 31, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.
We will make every effort to have name badges ready for late registrants as of the start of the meeting.
Reminder: As of August 14, we are no longer able to accept cancellations and registration refunds, under any circumstances, due to hotel commitments.

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In advance of the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, EPA is pleased to provide four important summaries of energy efficiency program sponsor product program offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, HVAC and smart thermostats, lighting, and water heaters. The Summaries, which provide information about energy efficiency program sponsors’ promotions of ENERGY STAR qualified products, are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and utilities or other energy efficiency program sponsors. The Summaries are posted on and can help you plan for your time in Phoenix.

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EPA is pleased to extend an invitation from The Government of Canada to attendees of the 2018 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to an info session about ENERGY STAR Canada. During this session, Stephan Telka (ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Manager) will provide an overview of the program in Canada, and how partners in the U.S. can easily join the ENERGY STAR family in the “Great White North”. Please email Katie Breen, ICF, at  by Wednesday, August 22, 2018 if you are interested in participating. More information will be shared with those who RSVP.  

​Back to Top


EPA is pleased to forward you an invitation from five-time ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award winner MaxLite to join them at a welcome reception on Wednesday evening.

Where: Compass Arizona Grill 
             Hyatt Regency Phoenix
             122 North 2nd Street

When: 6:00 - 9:00 PM on Wednesday, September 5

RSVP ASAP: Sandy Bernales, MaxLite, at

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EPA is pleased to provide the updated final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current agenda companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. 

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The hotel’s cut-off for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block was August 14, 2018. If you still require a reservation, the hotel may have rooms available. Please contact them directly for current rates. 

Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Direct: (602) 262-2500
Reservations: (800) 325-3535

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Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) is approximately 5 miles from the hotel.

Suggested options for getting to and from the hotel include:

  • Airport Taxi (one-way): approximately $22 
  • Super Shuttle (one-way): approximately $13 
  • METRO Light Rail: $2 
    Metro stop is three blocks from the hotel, on Central Avenue and Van Buren. 

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For more information and to find the latest updates on the meeting, please visit:

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

The 2016 Unit Shipment Data Summary Report has been posted to the ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment Data webpage. This report includes aggregate shipments provided by ENERGY STAR brand owner partners and estimated market share for ENERGY STAR products included in the data collection effort.
If you have any questions about the summary report, please contact Kathleen Vokes at or Ranette Chrea, ICF, at
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Kathleen Vokes
ENERGY STAR Program Integrity

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft 2, Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Servers specification. The cover letter and Draft 2 Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers product development webpage.
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the Draft 2, Version 3.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by August 28, 2017. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

In addition, EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 2 specification on August 18, 2017 from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns. For any other computer server-related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Dishwashers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to launch the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 Development Process. The Version 3.0 Discussion Document is now available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 product development webpage.

EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time to discuss this document. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Kirsten Hesla, EPA, at or 202-564-2984 or Adam Spitz, ICF, at or 916-231-7685.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Adam Spitz
Phone: 916-231-7685
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Draft 1 Test Method. The Cover Memo and Test Method are now available on the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment product development webpage.

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, August 24, 2017 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed Draft 1 Test Method. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites your feedback on candidate technologies for the 2018 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award. The deadline to submit nominations is August 14, 2017. 

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories then may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:

  • Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share);
  • Offered by more than one supplier;
  • Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs;
  • Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations;
  • Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment);
  • Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records;
  • Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.

There is no restriction on who may provide feedback or submit a nomination; however, nominations submitted by manufacturers must be accompanied by laboratory and/or field performance data. EPA would welcome feedback and nominations from utilities on emerging technologies of interest to them as well. Please note that EPA is accepting nominations for technology categories only. As examples, previous categories included: Micro Combined Heat and Power systems, Advanced Clothes Dryers, Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation systems, Innovative Refrigerant Systems, and Solid-State Refrigeration. Nominations should be sent to

Extension Notice of Solid-State Refrigeration for 2018
EPA is pleased to announce that the decision has been made to extend the Solid-State Refrigeration Award category into 2018. The Agency continues to see value in solid-state refrigeration products that eliminate the use of refrigerants while delivering substantial energy savings. Extending the Award category into 2018 will provide more opportunity to promote the Award-winning technology and it will continue to encourage manufacturers to submit Award-eligible systems.

Stakeholders with questions can contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at and (202) 343-9408 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at and (202) 862-1145. To view previous Award categories and criteria, please visit

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Refrigerator and Freezer Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an ENERGY STAR Residential Refrigerator and Freezer Product Review Letter. The product review letter is available on the ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for Partners webpage under the Current tab.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholder:

The full data set and analysis for the ENERGY STAR Computers V7.0 Draft 1 Specification has been posted on the ENERGY STAR Computers V7.0 Specification Development webpage for reference.

Please direct any questions to Ryan Fogle, EPA at; or John Clinger, ICF, at

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria Development web page for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018.  On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the thirteen eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, August 17th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2018 recognition criteria.  Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria Development web page for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018.  On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the thirteen eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, August 17th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2018 recognition criteria.  Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington, DC

Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (ACIM) V3.0

EPA released the final ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 specification on May 19, 2017. The specification will take effect on January 28, 2018. EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who provided valuable feedback throughout the specification development process.
These new performance requirements for ACIMs offer end users up to 20% energy savings compared to standard products, depending on size and type.
In addition to updating performance requirements, this specification establishes optional connected functionality criteria for commercial ice makers. The connected criteria may offer end users new convenience and energy-saving features such as the ability to establish minimum or critical capacity of ice in the storage bin at all times.

Looking for more information? The ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice Makers V3.0 Cover Memo, Specification, and Data Plots are available here.

Location: Washington, DC

Updates to ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers

EPA is launching the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher Version 3.0 Specification Revision process. On Friday, July 14th, EPA published a Discussion Guide, which is available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwashers Version 3.0 product development webpage.

Stakeholder engagement is a core component of the ENERGY STAR specification revisio n process. EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST focused on key topics introduced in the Discussion Guide. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions V8.0 Final Draft Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and Final Draft Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR TVs product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft 1, Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification. The cover letter and Draft 1 Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR Computers product development webpage.

EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the Draft 1, Version 7.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by August 3, 2017. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.

In addition, EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 specification on July 18, 2017 from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. Please register here if you plan on attending.

Please contact  Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns. For any other computer-related questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or other Interested Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of the ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data and cover letter at for final review. Once final, this document will replace the ENERGY STAR Program Guidance Regarding LED Package, LED Array and LED Module Lumen Maintenance Performance Data Supporting Qualification of Lighting Products dated September 9, 2011.
If you have any concerns about this final draft, please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, by Friday July 7, 2017 at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Residential Ceiling Fans Draft 2 Version 4.0 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and specification are now available.

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed Draft 2 Version 4.0 criteria. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to launch the ENERGY STAR Audio Video Version 4.0 Development Process. The Version 4.0 cover letter and Discussion Document are available on the ENERGY STAR Audio Video Version 4.0 product development webpage.
EPA will host a webinar on Monday, July 17, 2017 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Time to discuss these documents. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Radulovic Verena
Phone: 202-343-9845
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a brief call on Friday, June 23, 2017 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss stakeholder feedback that EPA has received on the Version 8.0 TVs Draft 2 Specification regarding the persistence of Automatic Brightness Control (ABC). If you would like to participate in this call, please register here.
Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the final ENERGY STAR® Product Specification for Lamps (Light Bulbs) Version 2.1. The cover letter and specification are available at
Version 2.1 will replace Version 2.0 on October 1, 2017.

Questions, comments, or concerns may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Final Version 1.1 Specification. The specification and other associated documents are now available on the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners, Connected Appliance Stakeholders, and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have released the Final ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Test Method to Validate Demand Response. The final test method and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Product Development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. 


To assist with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. This year, the first day will focus on lighting, and the second and third days will cover a range of product categories, including appliances, electronics, water heaters, and HVAC. Session descriptions and speaker information will be provided at a later date. 
Mark your calendars! On the afternoon of Sunday, October 22, EPA staff will gather in a central location at the meeting hotel for a short, informal welcome. Attendees arriving on Sunday afternoon can pick up their meeting materials and stop by to connect with EPA staff and other attendees before the formal start of the meeting.

Back to Top

Due to updated administrative guidelines, EPA is unable to offer co-sponsorship opportunities for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.
Partner-hosted events and other gatherings offered in conjunction with the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offer value-added networking opportunities for program stakeholders after each day’s sessions have ended. With no official sponsor reception taking place as part of the meeting this year, EPA is happy to share information on any partner-hosted events open to all meeting attendees in future meeting materials and communications. Interested partners should contact Elizabeth Caiafa of ICF at

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Online registration will be announced later in the summer. For planning purposes, please note that this year’s fee is expected to be higher than in past years, in the range of $600 - $700. This increase in cost is due to the absence of co-sponsorship support, which has traditionally offset meeting fees for attendees. The fee covers the option of food and beverages—breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks—offered by the hotel for the duration of the three day meeting.
For sleeping room reservations, please see section five (5) below.

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The ENERGY STAR Expo is under development. For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics, lighting, and HVAC products during the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided later in the summer. 

Back to Top

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago:
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000

To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Back to Top

Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any questions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

Location: Texas

Dear ENERGY STAR Partners,

The unofficial start to summer is just around the corner, and in addition to barbeques and beaches, Memorial Day is also known as a great time to get a good deal on a variety of products. This coming weekend the state of Texas is holding their annual ENERGY STAR Sales Tax Holiday, and we wanted to make sure that our partners were ready to spread the word about the great deals being offered for energy-efficient products. As part of the promotion, consumers can purchase the following ENERGY STAR certified products tax free this coming weekend:

  • Air Conditioners (with a sales price of $6,000 or less)
  • Refrigerators (with a sales price of $2,000 or less)
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Light Bulbs
  • Clothes Washers
  • Dishwashers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Programmable Thermostats

This year’s tax-free ENERGY STAR Sales Tax Holiday begins Saturday, May 27, and goes through midnight on Monday, May 29 (Memorial Day). For more information on this promotion, refer to the State of Texas Comptroller’s website. Check out the social media messaging below to share this news with your online followers.

Happy Memorial Day!


Social Media Examples



  • This weekend (5/27-5/29), qualifying @ENERGY STAR products will be tax-free during the Texas ENERGY STAR Sales Tax Holiday. Products include ceiling fans, air conditioners, clothes washers, dishwashers, programmable thermostats, and more:
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Automatic Commercial Ice Maker Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (ACIM) Version 3.0 Final Program Requirements. The final specification and cover memo are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Maker product development webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 1.1 Final Specification, which adds scope for ultra-low temperature freezers. The cover letter and specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers PD Page.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
Planning is well underway for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 23-25, 2017 in Chicago, IL.
To assist partners in making initial travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide the following information on location and accommodations.
Meeting location: The Sheraton Grand Chicago
301 East North Water Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60611
(312) 464-1000
To book your rooms at the Sheraton Grand Chicago

  • Call reservations directly at 1-888-627-7105 and refer to “ENERGY STAR” or
  • Go to 2017 ENERGY STAR Partner Meetings to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $279/night - single/double
  • $309/night - triple
  • $339/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms in the ENERGY STAR room block is October 1, 2017. Rooms are limited and available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
The preliminary draft agenda is under development and will be circulated in the coming weeks. As a reminder, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes and Commercial and Industrial Programs will also be offering stakeholder meetings at this location and during the same date range.
Meeting updates will be emailed to partners as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

For more information, visit:

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners, Connected Appliance Stakeholders, and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have released the Draft Final ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Test Method to Validate Demand Response for stakeholder review. The draft final test method and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Product Development webpage.
Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryers Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released Final ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryers Version 1.1 specification. The Final specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryers Product Development webpage.
Please direct any specific questions to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

ENERGY STAR® Automatic Commercial Ice Maker Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (ACIM) Final Draft Version 3.0 specification for stakeholder review. The Final Draft specification and cover memo are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Maker product development webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Furnaces Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized the amended ENERGY STAR Furnaces Version 4.1 Specification. The cover letter and specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Ceiling Fans Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Residential Ceiling Fans Draft 1 Version 4.0 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and specification are now available.
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Friday, April 28th, 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed Draft 1 Version 4.0 criteria. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders:

This is a friendly reminder that EPA will host a webinar to discuss the Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft Version 1.1 Specification on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.
Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft Version 1.1 Specification for stakeholder review. The draft specification and all supporting documents are available on the Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers product development webpage.

EPA will host a webinar to discuss the proposed Version 1.1 revisions, which bring ultra-low temperature freezers (ULTs) into scope, on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.
Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Boxes & Cable Boxes Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a cover memo regarding Set-top Boxes and Cable Boxes with Mesh Networking products and the development of a Version 5.1 Specification.  The cover memo is available on the Set-top Boxes & Cable Boxes V5 Specification Product Development webpage.

Please e-mail any feedback on these proposed changes to by April 28, 2017.  All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website, unless the submitter specifically requests otherwise.  After the review of stakeholder comments, EPA intends to finalize these changes as a Version 5.1 Specification.

Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to launch the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Version 2.0 Development Process. The Version 2.0 Launch Letter, Version 2.0 Draft 1 specification, and Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Test Method are available on the UPS Version 2.0 product development webpage.
EPA is also releasing a Version 1.1 Draft Specification. The Version 1.1 Draft Specification is available on the UPS Version 1.0 product development webpage.
EPA will host a webinar to discuss the specification and test method revision drafts on Thursday, April 13, 2017 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions V8.0 Draft 1 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and Draft 1 Specification are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR TVs product development webpage.
EPA will be hosting a webinar on Monday, March 20, 2017 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Time to discuss these documents. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Emmy Feldman, ICF, at or 202-862-1145.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Emmy Feldman
Phone: 202-862-1145
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Automatic Commercial Ice Maker Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (ACIM) Draft 2 Version 3.0 specification for stakeholder review. The Draft 2 specification, cover memo, and data plots are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Maker product development webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Final Version 3.1 Specification. The cover letter and specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to launch the ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment Version 3.0 Development Process. The Version 3.0 Launch Letter and Discussion Document are available on the Imaging Equipment product development webpage.
EPA will host a webinar to discuss the specification development launch on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners, Connected Appliance Stakeholders, and Other Interested Parties:

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) will host a webinar to discuss the draft ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Test Method to Validate Demand Response on February 22, 2017, at 2:00p.m. (EST). If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here. The draft test method and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Product Development Webpage.
Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.0 specification. The Final Draft specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Steve Leybourn, ICF, at or 202-862-1566.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholder,

Due to a scheduling conflict, EPA has updated the Computers Version 7.0 launch webinar date and time.  EPA will now host the webinar to discuss the specification development launch on Monday, February 13, 2017 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Appliances, Electronics, Lighting and Water Heaters. This year’s meeting will take place Monday, October 23 – Wednesday, October 25, 2017, in Chicago, Illinois.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees wiill include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, lighting or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, lighting or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.
  • As in 2016, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held October 23-25, at the same location.
  • New in 2017, EPA is pleased to announce that the ENERGY STAR Commercial and Industrial Program will also be offering a stakeholder meeting at this location and during the same date range.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate as a partner, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Chicago, Illinois!

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to launch the ENERGY STAR Computers Version 7.0 Development Process. Please see the Computers Version 7.0 Launch Letter, Discussion Document, and Test Reporting Form for more information.
EPA will host a webinar to discuss the specification development launch on Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar here.

Questions may be directed to Ryan Fogle, EPA, at or 202-343-9153, or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: San Jose, Ca

Dear ENERGY STAR® Storage Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites stakeholders to join EPA for a discussion of recent storage developments and applicable data analysis in support of upcoming ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 and Version 2.0 specification developments. EPA will host this stakeholder meeting on January 19, 2017 from 8:30-5pm Pacific Time in San Jose, CA in conjunction with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) technical symposium. The meeting will be held at The Westin San Jose. Planned discussion topics covered will include:
-  Latest analysis of available product data
-  The Green Grid (TGG) Point-of-View white paper conclusions
-  Emerald V3.0 specification overview
-  File-access test procedure overview
-  Discussion on taxonomy updates
-  New storage technologies and emerging trends discussion
A call-in option, additional meeting details, and finalized agenda will be provided in a follow-up email closer to the event. Please RSVP here if you plan on attending. Additional details on the accompanying SNIA technical symposium can be found here. Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Automatic Commercial Ice Maker Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (ACIM) Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification for stakeholder review. The Draft 1 specification, cover memo, and data plots are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Maker product development webpage.

EPA will host a webinar to discuss the ENERGY STAR ACIM Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification and certification process on Wednesday, January 25, 2017, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST. Please register for the webinar if you are interested in attending.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders,
With the forthcoming effective date of the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 specification, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind you that luminaires certified as shipping with ENERGY STAR lamps (section 8) must be certified to the active ENERGY STAR lamp specification at the time the luminaire is manufactured. Luminaire listings will be impacted on January 2, 2017 if the certifications are not updated to include lamps certified under Lamps Version 2.0.
ENERGY STAR brand owner partners should contact their certification bodies to update their luminaire certifications.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 


Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 3.0 Final Specification. The cover memo and specification are now available on the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC product development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Final Version 1.0 Program Requirements. The cover letter and final specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers PD Page.

Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholders,
ENERGY STAR representatives will be attending the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on Wednesday through Friday, January 4–6, 2017, and would welcome the opportunity to meet with stakeholders attending CES during this time.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with ENERGY STAR representatives while at CES, please contact Emmy Feldman,, no later than noon on Friday, December 30th, 2016.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR and we look forward to meeting with you soon!


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders,
With the forthcoming effective date of the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 specification, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind you that luminaires certified as shipping with ENERGY STAR lamps (section 8) must be certified to the active ENERGY STAR lamp specification at the time the luminaire is manufactured. Luminaire listings will be impacted on January 2, 2017 if the certifications are not updated to include lamps certified under Lamps Version 2.0.
ENERGY STAR brand owner partners should contact their certification bodies to update their luminaire certifications.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 


Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 3.0 Final Draft Specification. The cover letter and specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Lighting Partner or other Interested Stakeholder:
In response to stakeholder request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the comment deadline for the ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data to Friday, December 9, 2016. The document, along with an accompanying cover memo, is available on the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Luminaires page here. Once final, this document will replace the ENERGY STAR Program Guidance Regarding LED Package, LED Array and LED Module Lumen Maintenance Performance Data Supporting Qualification of Lighting Products dated September 9, 2011.

Partners and stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on the document to by Friday December 9, 2016. Please indicate “Comments – ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data” in the email subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless marked “Do Not Post” or similar request.
Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or to set up a meeting at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Sent on Behalf of:
Taylor Jantz-Sell
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
We Missed You!

The 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 25 – 27, 2016.
More than 500 retailers, manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, third-party program implementers, and other stakeholders joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for three days of meetings and sessions designed to facilitate information exchange and lessons learned, and to help spur and facilitate ongoing collaborations to advance the market for energy efficiency, with a focus on ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, lighting, and water heaters.
Eighteen topical sessions were offered, more than 30 ENERGY STAR partners displayed their ENERGY STAR certified products in the Product Expo, and 16 meeting rooms were used for 321 separate meetings over three days. As in past years, the meeting was co-located with the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting, offering partners and stakeholders in both program areas opportunities to connect to an even broader group of peers.
Participants celebrated ENERGY STAR Day, and enjoyed a Wednesday evening reception hosted by Sears Holdings Corporation at Club 44.
Presentations are now available on the website. You can access them by visiting and clicking on the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting image.

Select Meeting Highlights

1. ENERGY STAR Lighting—high-quality and affordable ENERGY STAR LED bulbs are helping people across America save energy, save money, and protect the environment. Partners shared the importance of delivering a quality product to consumers and looked to the future by discussing new developments in connected lighting technology and new test methods for dimming and flicker. In the next year, stay engaged with EPA on the ever important specification dialogue and look for opportunities to partner with ENERGY STAR on the new lighting promotion – Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR. Connect with us at

2. The ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform—energy efficiency program sponsors representing more than 15 percent of the U.S. market are in phase-one pilots of this nationally coordinated midstream efficiency program, and are gearing up to expand the initiative to 30 percent of the U.S. market by late 2017. Energy efficiency program sponsors, retailers, and energy efficiency program implementation and evaluation contractors met to help shape plans for the coming year and continue to build scale and infrastructure for this exciting new platform. On October 24, the day before the meeting, EPA marked the inaugural year of ESRPP pilots with a press release.  Get involved and help us build this long-term market transformation initiative for retail-based products! For more information:

3. ENERGY STAR Best Value Finder: A New Tool for Cost-Conscious Consumers—this session gave partners a sneak peek at a new consumer resource for smart savings, the ENERGY STAR Best Value Finder. It features ENERGY STAR refrigerators, televisions and light bulbs being offered at the lowest prices. In addition, the tool offers location and product relevant rebates and deals shared by partners. If you missed the session, or want to provide additional feedback, please email to obtain access to the password-protected site. EPA intends to launch the tool later this month.

4. 2016/2017 ENERGY STAR Marketing and Communications Update—in this session, EPA provided an update on successful product promotions from last year, including Flip Your Fridge, and the room AC, pool pumps and water heaters promotions. EPA also unveiled the new STAR Chart, which features some new, exciting promotions for 2017, including laundry and a big focus on lighting. 

The new Light the Moment with ENERGY STAR campaign was unveiled. A year-long campaign featuring a national call-to-action for Americans to change out 300 million inefficient bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs, the focus of the campaign will be to drive sales by leveraging the emotional and rational aspects of lighting to capture consumer interest, attention, and imagination. Campaign materials will address product benefits while resonating on an emotional level and will emphasize what sets ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs apart from other bulbs. 

EPA will be distributing partner letters in the coming weeks detailing these promotions and providing materials for participation. We look forward to your participation. For more information, contact Jill Vohr at  

5. ENERGY STAR Water Heaters—through several sessions, retailer, manufacturer, and energy efficiency program sponsor partners underscored the tremendous opportunity for energy savings and environmental benefits associated with educating consumers to purchase ENERGY STAR certified water heaters. Together, EPA and partners are working to overcome the biggest barriers for consumers in purchasing energy efficient water heaters—emergency replacement, lack of information, limited contractor/plumber engagement and education, and the challenge of overall cost.
Now is the time to get involved! Rebates are large and widespread, tax credits are available, and energy savings are significant. Take advantage of resources to help sell ENERGY STAR certified water heaters, including information exchange webinars, a webinar in early spring of 2017 to present detailed plans for the 2017 fall promotion, highlight best practices, and launch related initiatives to engage plumbers and contractors with energy efficiency programs. Get involved and build on the excitement generated by this year's promotion in helping to make next year's water heater promotion a big success. Contact Steve Ryan at for more information.

6. Appliance Roadmapping—A year-long appliance roadmapping effort culminated with an interactive session focusing on connected products and homes. The session featured panelists representing consumer, utility, retailer and manufacturer experts, who provided insights into their industry activities and the opportunities to bring forth products for home energy savings in the connected market. Partners networked and discussed collaborative initiatives for stakeholders to engage in and how ENERGY STAR could place role. 

7. ENERGY STAR Certified Sound Bars—EPA offered a session featuring consumer electronics experts who shared market and trend insights for sound bars, one of the fastest growing consumer electronics products. The discussion spotlighted how partners are promoting ENERGY STAR certified sound bars through marketing and through the ESRPP. Be sure to download the slides from this session for great market insights and takeaways on how sound bars are used in the home. 

Stay Tuned for Next Year!
We hope that you can join us next year. EPA is researching venues and dates for the 2017 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. Please look for a save-the-date email soon. Current information and updates will also be posted at
The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Team



Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers PD Page.

Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Stakeholders:

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a Clothes Washers webinar on November 3, 2016, at 2:30p.m. (EST). The discussion will focus on the Draft 2 Version 8.0 specification and draft Test Method for Determining Residential Clothes Washer Cleaning Performance for stakeholder review. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  
The Draft 2 specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.0 Draft 2 and draft Test Method for Determining Residential Clothes Washer Cleaning Performance for stakeholder review. The Draft 2 specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.
Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Ryan Fogle, D+R International, at or 301-588-6590.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner and/or Stakeholder:
The final recognition criteria for clothes dryers are now available on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received feedback on the clothes dryer proposal from a range of stakeholders.  Utilities expressed support citing the importance of testing a more consumptive dryer setting while some manufacturers asked EPA to forego this requirement citing testing burden.  EPA has retained this targeted requirement that the Agency believes balances well the need to address a more consumptive mode that approximately one third of consumers select and testing burden. 
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or other Interested Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data (referred to as “Use of LM-80 document”) for stakeholder review at Once final, this document will replace the ENERGY STAR Program Guidance Regarding LED Package, LED Array and LED Module Lumen Maintenance Performance Data Supporting Qualification of Lighting Products dated September 9, 2011.
This document includes minor technical updates based on developments in technology and understanding that have materialized in the last five years with input from LED package manufacturers. Stakeholders will have four weeks to review and provide comment. (Please feel free to request a meeting in lieu of or in addition to submitting comments.) The goal is to publish a more useful set of requirements as soon as possible to help facilitate broader and clearer use of LM-80 data for certification of ENERGY STAR solid-state lighting products.
Users of the existing guidance will notice that the biggest update is in format. Key substantive updates are summarized below, and note boxes throughout the document explain the updates made.

  • It is noted that EPA intends to adopt updated industry standards that address LM-80 testing and projections in upcoming specification revisions (i.e., V2.1). That includes Addendum A to IES LM-80-08, ANSI/IES LM-80-15, and Addendum B to IES TM-21-11. The “Use of LM-80 document” will be applicable to test reports produced in line with these newer standards once V2.1 specifications are released.
  • Updates to the Content of LM-80 Test Reports for ENERGY STAR Certification (Section 3):
    • This section now clearly delineates the requirements for chip-on-board (COB) LED packages and for LED arrays constructed as an assembly of LED packages on a printed circuit board (PCB). It also calls for reporting spectral power distribution or color rendering index of the sample.
  • For chip-on-board (COB) LED packages:
  • The requirement that LM-80 testing be conducted on “the largest LED array that the manufacturer believes will be used in a product” was replaced with a new requirement that the same LM-80 report can represent packages having average current density per LED die less than or equal to the tested LED package.
  • The requirement that models for which the test data are deemed applicable to exhibit electrical power density less than or equal to the tested LED package was clarified;
  • The requirement in item 7.b.iii was clarified to not be constrained by the quantity of phosphor; and
  • The requirement that models for which the test data are deemed applicable exhibit “equal or fewer LED dies” was removed in order to not limit industry use of greater quantities of smaller dies, which typically results in lower overall electrical and thermal stress on the epitaxial structures which improves lumen maintenance.
  • The requirement that models for which the test data are deemed applicable exhibit “die spacing greater than or equal to the tested LED array” was removed because it was deemed overly burdensome and unrealistic to expect a laboratory to remove LED package encapsulant(s) and take accurate measurements of the die spacing dimensions.
  • Previous item #2 that stated “A minimum of one reported case temperature (TS) greater than or equal to the in situ measured TMPLED value must be included in the LM-80 test report for the employed subcomponent(s)” was removed because this is addressed in IES TM-21-11;
  • The correlated color temperature applicability section was restructured for clarity and expanded to include 2200K and 2500K;
  • Average current density per LED die was added as an option for meeting item 4; and
  • Item 6b was revised to be based on “average current density per LED die” rather than “average calculated current per die.”
  • For Application of LM-80 Test Reports for ENERGY STAR Certification (Section 4):

Transition Timeline and Next Steps:
EPA seeks feedback on the following proposed timeline for implementation:

  • On the date of final publication of this document, these requirements may apply to LM-80 testing already completed, currently underway or in the final planning stages.
  • 90 days after final publication of this document, these requirements for reporting of LM-80 test data apply to all issued or revised reports. Preexisting test reports issued prior to that date may be referenced as existing without any changes.

Partners and stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on the document to by Friday November 18, 2016. Please indicate “Comments – ENERGY STAR Requirements for the Use of LM-80 Data” in the email subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless marked “Do Not Post” or similar request.
Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or to set up a meeting at (202) 343-9042 or or Daniel Rogers, ICF, at (908) 233-0554 or
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Sent on Behalf of:
Taylor Jantz-Sell
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager 

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ceiling Fans Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans Version 3.1 Final Specification. The cover letter and specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants to thank stakeholders for their participation in the Televisions webinar on Monday, October 3rd. The slides from the Version 8.0 launch webinar were posted to the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development webpage along with the data that was presented.
Stakeholders are encouraged to submit feedback and additional data to EPA on the Version 8.0 launch documents no later than Tuesday, November 1st. Comments and data should be submitted to
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for eleven eligible product categories, a refined draft of the recognition criteria for clothes dryers, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA responses.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 25-27, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.
11.    2016 CO-SPONSORS


This is a friendly reminder that online registration closes on Monday, October 10th.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite. Please also note that cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted after October 10th due to hotel commitments.

If you haven’t already done so, please be certain to register online as soon as possible by visiting the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and clicking on the blue “Click and Register” button.
The $375 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.
Benefits of registering early include:

  • Access to the password-protected mobile application designed to help registered attendees make the most of your on-site meeting experience;
  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.
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Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors' offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.

EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.

These Summaries are available for download at or you can click on the individual products below to link directly to the individual summaries:

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EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting. 

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EPA staff are attending the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and the 2016 ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting in New Orleans, and are looking forward to meeting with you onsite!
EPA has set aside an hour during the afternoons of Tuesday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 26 to make it easier for partners to connect informally with agency staff. During these times—noted on the agenda as “EPA Office Hours”—all available EPA staff will gather in a central location in Storyville Hall. They will be available for introductions, making connections on areas of mutual interest, and arranging in-depth follow-up meetings.
This year, EPA attendees include representatives from the ENERGY STAR Labeled Products, Certified Homes, and Commercial & Industrial Programs. In addition, staff from sister programs WaterSense and the Responsible Appliance Disposal Program (RAD) will be in attendance and hosting working sessions, and ENERGY STAR leads for several Regional Offices will also be present. Specific location information will be shared onsite through the online meeting community for each meeting.
In the meantime, a list of EPA attendees and their areas of focus follows here. Please feel free to reach out to them directly:

Peter Banwell

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Sales & Marketing, ESRPP)

Craig Bernstein

Region 7*

Daniel Cronin

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Lighting/HVAC Marketing)

Melissa Fiffer

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Appliances/Connected PD)

Dean Gamble

ENERGY STAR Certified Homes

Sally Hamlin

Responsible Appliance Disposal Program

Rebecca Hudson

ENERGY STAR Certified Homes (Multifamily High Rise Program)

Taylor Jantz-Sell

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Lighting PD)

Beth Livingston

WaterSense Program (Consumer Outreach and Awareness)

Maureen McNamara

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Planning

Tracy Narel

ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial (Energy Efficiency Programs)

Danny Orlando

Region 4*

Kimberly Pardue-Welch

Region 8*

Jonathan Passe

ENERGY STAR Certified Homes

Steve Ryan

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Water Heaters Marketing)

Jonah Schein

WaterSense Program (Labeled Homes)

Zachary Shadid

ENERGY STAR Certified Homes

Kristinn Sharpe

Climate Protection Partnerships Division (ENERGY STAR Brand/Communications)

Mariah Steele

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Program Integrity)

Rosemarie Stephens-Booker

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Appliances/Electronics Marketing)

Hewan Tomlinson

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Energy Efficiency Programs, ESRPP)

Jill Vohr

ENERGY STAR Labeled Products (Marketing & Communications)

Mike Zatz

ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial (including existing multifamily properties)

* For additional information about EPA’s Regional Offices, please visit:
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As part of EPA’s month long Change the World Tour, Brighten a Life with ENERGY STAR, Sears is partnering with a national nonprofit that has been working for more than 40 years to transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing communities. On October 23rd and 24th, 2016, Sears volunteers will provide homeowners in the Hollygrove-Dixon neighborhood of New Orleans with critical home repairs. Volunteers will also expand their reach to the surrounding neighborhood providing necessary lighting upgrades to additional homeowners.
If you would like to participate as a volunteer in helping to install these upgrades in the days leading up to the Partner Meeting, you can register here. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Campbell, Director of Sustainability/Green Leadership with Sears Holdings Corporation, at
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The 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting online community is open, and registered attendees have already begun updating their profiles and connecting with other attendees! This community is password protected and only offered to registered attendees via individualized links. It is accessible on your internet browsers via desktop and mobile devices, and can be saved to your mobile device’s home screen to function as a mobile application. Please note that it is not a native applicationand thus cannot be downloaded in an app store. EPA will provide guidance on saving the website to your home screen closer to the meeting date.
With this app, attendees will be able to do the following:

  • Schedule meetings and network with other attendees in real-time;
  • Access information on sessions, speakers, and sponsoring and exhibiting organizations;
  • Use interactive maps to navigate the ENERGY STAR Expo and other meeting spaces; and
  • Receive important live updates from EPA on-site.

Log on today and update your profile so that you may begin connecting with other attendees!
If you have lost the invitation email that contains your individualized link or have any questions, please contact Teresa Withee, ICF, at
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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the one-on-one networking session guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.  

For information on scheduling a meeting room, please contact Teresa Withee at

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EPA recognizes that many partners opt to host off-site private events during the meeting timeframe, and would like to share information on scheduling so these events do not conflict with official program events:

  • There will be a short, informal welcome gathering on Monday, October 24 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in Vitascope Hall on Level Three of the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. Pick up your meeting materials during early registration hours and then stop by to greet your peers before the start of the meeting!  Please note that the gathering will be cash bar only.
  • Sears Holdings Corporation will host a reception on Wednesday, October 26 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at Club 44, right around the corner from the Hyatt Regency.

If you need additional information, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF, at
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The 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans.

Hyatt Regency New Orleans
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70113

The Hyatt Regency New Orleans is sold out across the meeting dates; however, please inquire with the alternate hotel recommendations below regarding their availability.  We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. The following are nearby (within 0.5 miles) alternate hotel accommodations:

The Hyatt House
The Hilton New Orleans
Le Pavillon
The Blake Hotel New Orleans
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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
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11.  2016 CO-SPONSORS


Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 3.0 Draft 2 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available.
EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, October 6th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed Draft 2 criteria. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and Jacob Bayus at ICF, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Version 4.0 Specification. The cover memo and other associated documents are now available on the Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Version 4.0 Specification webpage.
Questions may be directed to Kirsten Hesla, EPA, at and 202-564-2984 or Adam Spitz, ICF International, at and 916-231-7685.

Contact Name: Adam Spitz
Phone: 916-231-7685
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Boxes Brand Owners, Service Providers, and Other Interested Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind partners that after October 1, 2016, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new set-top boxes to the Version 4.1 specification and will only certify set-top boxes to the Version 5.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing set-top boxes certifications to the Version 4.1 specification until December 31, 2016. After this date, only set-top boxes certified to the Version 5.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

Please contact EPA at with any questions.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.



The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test
Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT




The sixth webinar in this series, titled: “The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test” will take place on Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT. During this webinar, we will provide an overview of test methods, research, and standards under development. We will engage in a discussion the merits of component-level versus system reliability and how future ENERGY STAR specifications might address product reliability.

  • Dr. Nadarajah Narendran of the Lighting Research Center will share findings from ASSIST research on SSL accelerated life and stress testing.
  • Dr. Jianzhong Jiao will provide an overview of industry standards work on component and product level “life” test methods.
  • Mike Ting, Senior Principal Energy Consultant with Itron’s Consulting and Analysis group, will give an update and overview of the LED lamp stress testing project being conducted on behalf of the California Public Utilities Commission.

Speaker Biographies:



Nadarajah Narendran
Director of Research, Lighting Research Center (LRC)

Nadarajah Narendran is the director of research at LRC and a professor in the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Dr. Narendran is well known throughout the lighting industry for his pioneering research in the field of solid-state lighting. His focus is in the areas of LED performance, packaging, and lighting application. He leads the Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST), an international organization of researchers, manufacturers, and government agencies dedicated to overcoming the technological hurdles facing LED lighting and helping speed its market acceptance.



Dr. Jianzhong Jiao
Independent Consultant for LEDs and Lighting Technologies

Dr. Jianzhong Jiao is an independent Consultant for LEDs and Lighting Technologies. He is an internationally recognized lighting expert. He has been actively involved in the development of—as well as being influential in—LEDs and LED lighting standards development activities, technical conferences, and industry consortiums. He serves as the past Chair of: SAE Lighting Committee, NGLIA, and NEMA SSL Technical Committee. In IESNA he serves as the Treasurer of the Testing Procedures Committee, is a member of the Roadway Lighting Committee, Vice Chair of the Computer Committee, and Vice Chair of the Light Source Committee.



Mike Ting
Senior Principal Energy Consultant with Itron’s Consulting and Analysis group

Mike Ting is a Senior Principal Energy Consultant with Itron’s Consulting and Analysis group. Mike has over 20 years of experience in energy efficiency, specializing in market potential studies, strategic planning studies, and program evaluation. Prior to joining Itron, Mike worked at the International Energy Agency and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.



Save the Date
Follow-Up: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting
December 29, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT

This webinar will cover the rapidly changing market for connected lighting. During this webinar, we will discuss the market for residential connected lighting and any considerations for utility programs. We will explore the performance and presence of ENERGY STAR certified connected lighting products in the market.



Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact


Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

New Details Available for ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
New Orleans, LA | October 25-27, 2016

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is closer than you think! Resources have been added to the ENERGY STAR website to help you make the most of your trip to New Orleans:


New! 2016 co-sponsors

Registration for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! Mark the dates on your calendar and plan your stay to get the most out of this important training and networking opportunity. By registering early, you will gain access to a password-protected mobile application designed to help registered attendees make the most of your on-site meeting experience.

The three-day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. Lighting sessions will be held on Oct 27 and important crosscutting topics and networking events for lighting partners will be held on Oct 26. In particular, you’re not going to want to miss the Tearing Down the Last Barrier to Efficient Lighting session. ENERGY STAR partners have some big news to share!

The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors
  • Retail partners
  • Manufacturing partners
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program
  • Other organizations from the energy efficiency community

Partner with ENERGY STAR and Brighten a Life
ENERGY STAR Day | October 25th, 2016

ImageENERGY STAR Day is a national celebration that encourages people to make a commitment to saving energy and protecting the environment from climate change with the help of ENERGY STAR. This year, our outreach will focus primarily on the benefits of ENERGY STAR lighting.

ENERGY STAR Day will leverage the call-to-action from our 2016 ENERGY STAR Change the World Tour: “Brighten a Life with ENERGY STAR”.

We encourage all partners to join with us in celebrating ENERGY STAR Day this October. Below are a number of different opportunities for participation:

  • Be an ENERGY STAR Pledge Driver—Encourage your customers and employees to commit to an energy-saving action by taking the ENERGY STAR pledge.
  • Hold an ENERGY STAR Day Event for your employees, customers, or other group—Host your own ENERGY STAR Day event focused on brightening lives with energy efficiency through education or other activities.
  • Spread the word online, in social media, or other outreach channel available to you—Use your digital or other outreach channels to encourage your consumers to take energy-saving action with ENERGY STAR and get the word out about how your organization is brightening lives with ENERGY STAR.
  • Participate in EPA’s ENERGY STAR Day Twitter Party—EPA will celebrate ENERGY STAR Day with a Twitter party to recognize all the great things people across the country are doing to Brighten a Life with ENERGY STAR. Join our party and let the social media universe know what your organization is doing to brighten lives!

EPA will support your participation by providing you ENERGY STAR Day promotional graphics, pledge driver support, as well as educational materials for your events. All materials are available at We will also recognize your participation in ENERGY STAR Day throughout our owned media channels including online at, on social media, shout outs on our ENERGY STAR Day Twitter Party, and through our consumer newsletter.

Light Up Black Friday!

EPA plans to feature ENERGY STAR certified products as great gifts for the holiday with a Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday promotion. The tagline, “The Best Gifts Do Great Things” will be coupled with a call-to-action that encourages consumers to choose ENERGY STAR products for holiday gifts. Leading up to Black Friday, EPA plans to feature Black Friday deals available on ENERGY STAR products from our partners to provide an even greater incentive for consumers to choose ENERGY STAR. 

Partners are encouraged to share deals on ENERGY STAR certified products over the Black Friday/holiday timeframe with EPA at EPA will, in turn, feature these deals through our promotional efforts. Recognizing that holiday planning is upon us, we encourage you to let us know ASAP if you are interested in participating.

ENERGY STAR Webinar Series

Webinar SeriesTogether with its invaluable partners, ENERGY STAR presents a new webinar series to further the technical discussion, understanding, importance, and relevance of key technical topics to the ENERGY STAR program and lighting specifications. Four webinars remain for 2016, which take place from 1:00pm—3:00pm on the dates below:


September 29

The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test

Booth BoothBooth







December 29

Follow-Up: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting









Each session features multiple technical experts on the designated topics and provide a forum for open discussion among ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders. Register and download presentation slides here.

Lamps & Luminaires Specification Update

ENERGY STAR Lamps Specification 2.0 was finalized on December 31, 2015 and EPA recently made minor revisions to the wording, published on February 11. This specification raises the bar for efficacy and performance, reduces testing burden while maintaining performance integrity, and establishes the first set of testing and baseline requirements for color tunable and connected lamps. More than 1,900 lamps have been certified to Version 2.0! Check out the list.

Updates include:

  • Increased efficacy levels for all lamp types.
  • Expanded scope connected lamps, color tunable lamps, and self-ballasted induction-driven electrodeless lamps.
  • Improved alignment with the Luminaires V2.0 specification.

More information is available at


Finalized on May 29, 2015, Luminaires Specification Version 2.0 recently became effective June 1. To date, more than 8,000 products have been certified to Version 2.0.

Updates include, but are not limited to:

  • New option to satisfy most testing requirements by including an ENERGY STAR Certified Lamp
  • Additional retrofit-kit products added for wall sconces and ceiling mount luminaires
  • Removal of socket restrictions
  • Simplified minimum light output requirements
  • Testing guidance for measuring color-tunable luminaires

More information is available at

Highlight Your Latest and Greatest Products!


As lighting product manufacturers and brand owners you can gain increased visibility for your certified products by showcasing the latest certified products, videos, and reviews on ENERGY STAR’s Facebook Tab. To see how the tab works and view current content visit the ENERGY STAR Facebook LED Tab. For more information on submitting your graphics, videos, blog posts, and articles for posting to the ENERGY STAR Facebook LED tab email Jessica Lorenz at


Utility programs can leverage all the content right on your own Facebook tab, seamlessly co-branding the tab, and product manufacturers and brand owners can gain increased visibility by showcasing the latest certified products, videos, and reviews. To see how this promotion works and how you can promote your partnership with ENERGY STAR check out the current sweepstakes running on the Facebook tab. Submit your graphics, videos, blog posts, and articles to Jessica Lorenz at As a reminder, only materials that prominently display the ENERGY STAR mark will be featured.

Check out ENERGY STAR's Great Marketing Resources!

Use these resources to educate consumers, colleagues, social media followers, and friends and family too! Also check out the recently reorganized ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page to access all this great content and more.

For consumers:

Renovate with LED Lighting Factsheet

Ask the Expert

Dimmable ENERGY STAR Infographic

Light Bulb Purchasing Guide

ENERGY STAR Lighting FAQs "Ask the Expert" Video

Light Bulbs Product Finder

Light Fixtures Product Finder

The Energy Source

Find more resources on the ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page

Partner Training Resources:


ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

"Illuminated" – EPA's Lighting Podcast

ENERGY STAR Lighting Training Center


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a stakeholder webinar on Monday, September 12th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017. Please register for this webinar here.
Please visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page for important correspondence from EPA concerning the proposed recognition criteria. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the twelve eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Ceiling Fan Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fan Version 3.1 Draft for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken at EPA, or 202-343-9375 and/or Jacob Bayus at ICF International, or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Version 4.0 specification for stakeholder review. The cover memo and draft specification are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers product development webpage

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Ice Maker Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 Launch Letter for stakeholder review. The Launch Letter can be found on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice Makers product development webpage.
EPA will host a webinar on September 1, 2016 from 1:00pm – 4:00pm Eastern Time to review the Launch Letter. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Kirsten Hesla, EPA, at and 202-564-2984 or Adam Spitz, ICF International, at and 916-231-7685.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Contact Name: Kristen Hesla
Phone: 202-564-2984
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Stakeholders:
In response to stakeholder request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the comment deadline for the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.0 Draft 1 specification to Wednesday, September 7. The draft 1 specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Ryan Fogle, D+R International, at or 301-588-6590.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.

Reminder: The State of Dimmable LED Lamps
Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT

The sixth webinar in this series, titled: “The State of Dimmable LED Lamps” will take place on Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT. During this webinar, we will provide an overview of compatibility standards (e.g. NEMA SSL 7A and SSL 7B) and the latest industry developments for dimming LEDs. We will also engage in a discussion regarding how current ENERGY STAR requirements address dimming.

  • Ethan Biery, Design and Development Leader at Lutron Electronics, will bring us up to speed on the latest industry standards work on dimming, specifically an update on NEMA SSL7A and B.
  • Tom Stimac, GE Lighting, will discuss lamp-dimmer compatibility testing, specifically how the ENERGY STAR testing is going, how it compliments internal testing, and considerations for the future.
  • Jennifer Dolin, LEDVANCE Corp (formerly OSRAM SYLVANIA), will share the latest news on the industry development of a labeling graphic to match dimmers to lamps, a consumer facing indicator of SSL7A designs.

Speaker Biographies:


Ethan Biery
Design and Development Leader, Lutron Electronics

A design and development leader working at the forefront of LED technology, Ethan Biery focuses on maintaining and strengthening strategic alliances with leading lighting companies. He also helps guide the development of LED-related standards, such as the National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA) SSL 7A. He works closely with Lutron’s LED Center of Excellence to improve compatibility between LED loads and Lutron controls. In addition, he participates in customer trainings and industry presentations and has authored numerous technical whitepapers and trade journal articles. Ethan’s technical work has been recognized with six patents. He was also selected to represent the United States as a 2013 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Young Professional, and was a subsequent recipient of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Next Generation Award. He also is a member of the Technical Management Committee for the U.S. National Committee to the IEC, where he contributes to the development of international electrotechnical standards.


Tom Stimac
Chief Innovation Manager for GE Lighting

Tom joined GE in 2001 designing LED systems, and over the years has taken on several roles including Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance, Senior Consulting Engineer and System Manager-LED Lamp. In his current role, Tom helps drive strategy, seamless cross-functional communication, and execution as more energy-efficient and connected products are being developed—and transforming the Consumer Lighting industry. Tom has a deep technical knowledge of LED systems and significant experience representing GE in industry organizations (ANSI, UL, NEMA, Zhaga). Tom holds both a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Cleveland State University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.


Jennifer Dolin

Jennifer Dolin has been with OSRAM SYLVANIA since 2004, where she is the manager of sustainability and environmental affairs. She oversees environmental sustainability issues including lamp and ballast recycling, greenhouse gas emissions reporting, and OSRAM SYLVANIA’s Global Care corporate responsibility initiatives. Ms. Dolin spent 10 years with the United States EPA in Washington, DC, first as an early member of the ENERGY STAR labeling team and then as the creator and manager of the SmartWay program for the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). Ms. Dolin holds a master’s degree from Tufts University in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, is a LEED® Accredited Professional, Lighting Certified, and IES co-vice chair of the ASHRAE High Performance Buildings SSPC 189.1.

Save the Date
The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test
September 29, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT

This webinar will provide an overview of test methods, research, and standards under development. We will engage in a discussion the merits of component-level versus system reliability and how future ENERGY STAR specifications might address product reliability.

Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact

Join Us

Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 1.0 Draft 3 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers PD Page.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407. Questions on the test method should be directed to Bryan Berringer, DOE, at, or 202-586-0371

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Washington, DC

Please see the Televisions Version 8.0 Page for the updated launch letter and data assembly form, uploaded today. These updated documents include additional instructions for testing HDR content.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications



The State of Dimmable LED Lamps
Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT




The sixth webinar in this series, titled: “The State of Dimmable LED Lamps” will take place on Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT. During this webinar, we will provide an overview of compatibility standards (e.g. NEMA SSL 7A and SSL 7B) and the latest industry developments for dimming LEDs. We will also engage in a discussion regarding how current ENERGY STAR requirements address dimming.

  • Ethan Biery, Design and Development Leader at Lutron Electronics, will bring us up to speed on the latest industry standards work on dimming, specifically an update on NEMA SSL7A and B.
  • Tom Stimac, GE Lighting, will discuss lamp-dimmer compatibility testing, specifically how the ENERGY STAR testing is going, how it compliments internal testing, and considerations for the future.
  • Jennifer Dolin, LEDVANCE Corp (formerly OSRAM SYLVANIA), will share the latest news on the industry development of a labeling graphic to match dimmers to lamps, a consumer facing indicator of SSL7A designs.

Speaker Biographies:



Ethan Biery
Design and Development Leader, Lutron Electronics

A design and development leader working at the forefront of LED technology, Ethan Biery focuses on maintaining and strengthening strategic alliances with leading lighting companies. He also helps guide the development of LED-related standards, such as the National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA) SSL 7A. He works closely with Lutron’s LED Center of Excellence to improve compatibility between LED loads and Lutron controls. In addition, he participates in customer trainings and industry presentations and has authored numerous technical whitepapers and trade journal articles. Ethan’s technical work has been recognized with six patents. He was also selected to represent the United States as a 2013 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Young Professional, and was a subsequent recipient of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Next Generation Award. He also is a member of the Technical Management Committee for the U.S. National Committee to the IEC, where he contributes to the development of international electrotechnical standards.



Tom Stimac
Chief Innovation Manager for GE Lighting

Tom joined GE in 2001 designing LED systems, and over the years has taken on several roles including Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance, Senior Consulting Engineer and System Manager-LED Lamp. In his current role, Tom helps drive strategy, seamless cross-functional communication, and execution as more energy-efficient and connected products are being developed—and transforming the Consumer Lighting industry. Tom has a deep technical knowledge of LED systems and significant experience representing GE in industry organizations (ANSI, UL, NEMA, Zhaga). Tom holds both a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Cleveland State University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.



Jennifer Dolin

Jennifer Dolin has been with OSRAM SYLVANIA since 2004, where she is the manager of sustainability and environmental affairs. She oversees environmental sustainability issues including lamp and ballast recycling, greenhouse gas emissions reporting, and OSRAM SYLVANIA’s Global Care corporate responsibility initiatives. Ms. Dolin spent 10 years with the United States EPA in Washington, DC, first as an early member of the ENERGY STAR labeling team and then as the creator and manager of the SmartWay program for the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). Ms. Dolin holds a master’s degree from Tufts University in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, is a LEED® Accredited Professional, Lighting Certified, and IES co-vice chair of the ASHRAE High Performance Buildings SSPC 189.1.



Save the Date
The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test
September 29, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT

This webinar will provide an overview of test methods, research, and standards under development. We will engage in a discussion the merits of component-level versus system reliability and how future ENERGY STAR specifications might address product reliability.



Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 25-27, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.


Registration for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Page and click on the blue “Click and Register” button.
The $375 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.
There will be an evening reception from 6:30 – 8:30 PM on Wednesday, October 26th, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Additional details pertaining to location will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. 
The online system will be available until October 10, 2016 and EPA strongly encourages partners to register in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:

  • Access to a password-protected mobile application designed to help registered attendees make the most of your on-site meeting experience.
  • Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online);
  • Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings;
  • Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting; and
  • Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in.

After October 10th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.  Please also note that cancellations and registration refunds cannot be accepted after October 10th due to hotel commitments.
All attendees, including ENERGY STAR Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.
Back to Top

In 2016, EPA is excited to offer attendees a mobile application to help you make the most of your meeting and your time on-site. Beginning on or around August 18th, each attendee who has registered will receive an email with an individualized link that invites you to join the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting community online. The app is password protected and only offered to registered attendees via these individualized links. It will be accessible on your internet browsers via desktop and mobile devices, and will offer a range of services to attendees upon registration—from networking with other registered attendees in real-time, to meeting scheduling, to information on the agenda, sessions and speakers, the ENERGY STAR Expo and related offerings and events.
Further guidance on using this app to book networking rooms for your private meetings will be distributed on or around August 18th.
Back to Top

EPA is working with the Hyatt Regency New Orleans to make the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible. In 2016, offerings include a range of guest room conservation measures, facility energy efficiency, water conservation, and recycling programs, reduced printing and shipping of meeting materials, and enhanced use of email, web, and mobile platforms for meeting information exchange. Additional information on the Hyatt Regency New Orleans’ environmental program can be found here.
Back to Top

Sleeping rooms at the New Orleans Hyatt Regency are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans:
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70113
(504) 561-1234
To book your rooms at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $249/night - single/double
  • $299/night - triple
  • $324/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Cut-off date: The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms is October 3, 2016. 
Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
Back to Top

A handful of exhibitor spots remain available for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Expo for retailer and manufacturing partners interested in the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The Expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components.
The cost for a basic booth is $200. Details on what is included in the booth package, including floor plans and other information, will be distributed shortly.
To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR Expo, please contact Teresa Withee, ICF International, at, no later than August 19th.  In 2016, the meeting's co-sponsors have the opportunity to make early booth selections.
Back to Top

EPA is pleased to provide another update to the preliminary agenda and companion document with detailed session descriptions.  A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.  Please note that these documents are still subject to change. 
Please also note that in 2016 the order of sessions will be as follows:

  • Day 1, Tuesday, October 25: appliances and water heaters
  • Day 2, Wednesday, October 26: plenary, consumer electronics, and cross-product interest
  • Day 3, Thursday, October 27: lighting

Back to Top

EPA recognizes that many partners opt to host off-site private events during the meeting timeframe, and would like to share information on scheduling so these events do not conflict with official program events:

  • There will be a short welcome gathering hosted by EPA on Monday, October 24.
  • Sears Holdings Corporation will host a reception on Wednesday, October 26, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
  • As plans become more fully formed we expect more time will open up for independent evening activities.

If you want to coordinate on timing of events and need additional information, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Back to Top


Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
Back to Top





Dear ENERGY STAR Stakeholder:
The 2015 Unit Shipment Data Summary Report has been posted to the ENERGY STAR Unit Shipment Data webpage. This report includes aggregate shipments provided by ENERGY STAR brand owner partners and estimated market penetration for each ENERGY STAR product included in the data collection effort.
If you have any questions about the summary report, please contact Kathleen Vokes at or Ranette Chrea, ICF International, at
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 8.0 Launch Letter for stakeholder review. The launch letter and data assembly form can be found on the ENERGY STAR Televisions product development webpage.
EPA will host a webinar on October 3, 2016 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern Time to review the data received and proposed approaches to energy saving features. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.

Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017.  On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2017 Criteria Development web page, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the twelve eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Monday, September 12th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2017 recognition criteria.  Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Computer Server Version 3.0 Draft 1 Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Computer Server PD Page.

EPA will be hosting a webinar on Friday, August 12, 2016 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time to discuss these documents. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here

Questions may be directed to Steven Hanson, EPA, at or 202-343-9836 or John Clinger, ICF International, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a Clothes Washers webinar on August 3, 2016, at 1:00p.m. (EST). The discussion will focus on the Draft 1 Version 8.0 specification, stakeholder feedback, and timeline. Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Product Development website.

If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.



Reminder—Follow-Up: Evaluating Color Quality
Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT




The fifth webinar in this series, titled: “Follow-Up: Evaluating Color Quality” will take place on Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM–3:00PM EDT. This follow-up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.

ENERGY STAR specifications for lighting products came about at the turn of the 21st century to establish a national platform of voluntary lighting criteria that would help drive adoption of efficient lighting. A patchwork of specifications across the U.S. created a complex and cumbersome environment for manufacturers.

Since then, efficient lighting products—and the ENERGY STAR specifications for them—have evolved. With the introduction of solid state lighting, ENERGY STAR lighting specifications introduced an R9 requirement to help ensure that the saturation of reds would not be sacrificed in design tradeoffs. Other considerations have been given, based on the prioritization of color rendering and design tradeoffs between CRI and efficacy. Over the years significant and meaningful research has been performed to better understand and address this topic. In 2015 the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America released a new two-metric approach for evaluating light source color rendition, TM-30-15, which included a new reference-based metric and a new saturation-based metric. The international body that governs light color standards, CIE, is evaluating their reference-based metric as a replacement for CRI. The research that led to broad acceptance of a two-metric approach to color rendition was covered in our last webinar by Jean Paul Freyssinier, Yoshi Ono, and Michael Royer (their presentations are available at

This Thursday, each of our speakers will address the two questions we are, perhaps, really after: “Is there an easy way to keep out the bad stuff?” and “How do we know what won’t disappoint?”

  • Mark Lien, Industry Relations Manager, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. The IES is dedicated to the art and science of quality lighting. Evaluating color quality is one aspect of this commitment. Standards and metrics are essential to maintaining quality and providing consistency. How color quality is being addressed within this context will be the focus of Mark Lien’s presentation.
  • Dr. Kevin Houser, Professor of Architectural Engineering at Penn State University and Editor-in-Chief of LEUKOS, the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, will discuss the characteristics of light source spectra that contribute to color preference. This will include discussion of light source gamut (including saturation and hue shifts), chromaticity, the influence of objects being viewed, and the spectral design of light sources.
  • Dr. Mark Rea, Professor and Director of the LRC, will give his perspective on the utility of color metrics in his presentation "Evaluating Color quality: Food for thought," and offer considerations for users, manufacturers, and regulators.

Speaker Biographies:



Mark Lien
Industry Relations Manager, Illuminating Engineering Society

Mark has designed lighting systems for a wide range of applications including residential, retail, healthcare, and both conventional and nuclear power plants. He has provided lighting education, presenting, and teaching services throughout North America, Asia, and the Middle East and has served on the Board of Directors of the Illuminating Engineering Society and as Chair of the IES Progress Committee. He has attained the Lighting Certified (LC) designation from NCQLP and is a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP) with the Association of Energy Engineers.



Dr. Mark Rea
Director, Lighting Research Center

Mark S. Rea, Ph.D., is Director of the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and Professor of Architecture and Cognitive Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He teaches courses in leadership and in visual and circadian processes and supervises graduate students at M.S. and Ph.D. levels. Rea is well known for his research in circadian photobiology, mesopic vision, psychological responses to light, lighting engineering, and visual performance. He is the author of more than 250 scientific and technical articles related to vision, lighting engineering, and human factors and was the editor-in-chief of the 8th and 9th editions of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Handbook.



Dr. Kevin Houser
Professor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Houser is a Professor of Architectural Engineering at Penn State and the editor-in-chief of LEUKOS, the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). In the past he was a founding faculty member of the Architectural Engineering program at the University of Nebraska and Manager of Lighting Education at Philips Lighting. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, Lighting Certified by NCQLP, and a Fellow of IES. He is a current board member of Lux Pacifica and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Architectural Lighting.



Save the Date
The State of Dimmable LED Lamps
August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT

This webinar will provide an overview of compatibility standards (e.g. NEMA SSL 7A and SSL 7B) and the latest industry developments for dimming LEDs. We will also engage in a discussion regarding how current ENERGY STAR requirements address dimming.



Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact



Join Us

Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
In response to stakeholder request, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the comment deadline for the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.0 Draft 1 specification to Monday, August 22. The draft 1 specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Ryan Fogle, D+R International, at or 301-588-6590.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Version 8.0 Draft 1 for stakeholder review. The Draft 1 specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Version 8.0 Product Development website.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or 202-343-9464 or Ryan Fogle, D+R International, at or 301-588-6590.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications



Follow-Up: Evaluating Color Quality
Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT




The fifth webinar in this series, titled: “Follow-Up: Evaluating Color Quality” will take place on Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT. This follow up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.Our experts for this webinar will include:

  • Mark Lien, Industry Relations Manager, Illuminating Engineering Society
  • Dr. Mark Rea, Director, Lighting Research Center
  • Dr. Kevin Houser, Professor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Speaker Biographies:



Mark Lien
Industry Relations Manager, Illuminating Engineering Society

Mark has designed lighting systems for a wide range of applications including residential, retail, healthcare, and both conventional and nuclear power plants. He has provided lighting education, presenting, and teaching throughout North America, Asia, and the Middle East and has served on the Board of Directors of the Illuminating Engineering Society and as Chair of the IES Progress Committee. He has attained the Lighting Certified (LC) designation from NCQLP and is a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP) with the Association of Energy Engineers.



Dr. Mark Rea
Director, Lighting Research Center

Mark S. Rea, Ph.D., is Director of the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and Professor of Architecture and Cognitive Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He teaches courses in leadership and in visual and circadian processes and supervises graduate students at M.S. and Ph.D. levels. Rea is well known for his research in circadian photobiology, mesopic vision, psychological responses to light, lighting engineering, and visual performance. He is the author of more than 250 scientific and technical articles related to vision, lighting engineering, and human factors and was the editor-in-chief of the 8th and 9th editions of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Handbook.



Dr. Kevin Houser
Professor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Houser is a Professor of Architectural Engineering at Penn State and the editor-in-chief of LEUKOS, the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). In the past he was a founding faculty member of the Architectural Engineering program at the University of Nebraska and Manager of Lighting Education at Philips Lighting. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, Lighting Certified by NCQLP, and a Fellow of IES. He is a current board member of Lux Pacifica and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Architectural Lighting.



Save the Date
The State of Dimmable LED Lamps
August 25, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT

This follow up webinar will provide an overview of compatibility standards (e.g. NEMA SSL 7A and SSL 7B) and the latest industry developments for dimming LEDs. We will also engage in a discussion regarding how current ENERGY STAR requirements address dimming.



Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact



Join Us

Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.



ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has been America’s resource for saving energy and protecting the environment.  Join the millions making a difference at


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 25-27, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.
3.      Updated! 2016 CO-SPONSORSHIP
To assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions.  A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting.  Please note that these documents are still subject to change. 
Please also note that in 2016 the order of sessions will be as follows:
  • Day 1, Tuesday, October 25: appliances, water heaters, and consumer electronics
  • Day 2, Wednesday, October 26: plenary and cross-product interest
  • Day 3, Thursday, October 27: lighting
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Save the date!  Join Sears Holdings Corporation at a cocktail reception from 6:30 – 8:30 PM on Wednesday, October 26th.  Details regarding location are forthcoming.
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As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.
EPA would like to thank the following partners for their generous support of the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:
Sears Holdings Corporation
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Philips Lighting North America Corporation
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
The Home Depot
GE Lighting
Greenlite Lighting Corporation
Cordelia Lighting, Inc.
Lights of America
Altair Lighting
EarthTronics, Inc.
Globe Electric, Inc.
EPA would also like to recognize the following partners for their ongoing support of the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting: Nationwide Marketing Group, LG Electronics, Inc., Feit Electric, Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), and Cree, Inc.
Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2016 will only be available until July 15, 2016.  While limited co-sponsorship opportunities are still available at this time, EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met earlier than the above-stated date.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
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The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans:
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70113
(504) 561-1234
To book your rooms at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)
  • $249/night - single/double
  • $299/night - triple
  • $324/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.
Cut-off date: The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms is October 3, 2016. 
Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
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For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics and lighting products during the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the ENERGY STAR Expo is still under development.
More detailed information on exhibitor opportunities will be available in late July. In the meantime, if you are interested in exhibiting at this year's ENERGY STAR Expo, please contact Teresa Withee at to reserve a spot. In 2016, the meeting's co-sponsors have the opportunity to make early booth selections.
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EPA recognizes that many partners opt to host off-site private events during the meeting timeframe, and would like to share information on scheduling so these events do not conflict with official program events:
  • There will be a short welcome gathering hosted by EPA on Monday, October 24.
  • The Sears Holdings Corporation will host a reception on Wednesday, October 26, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
  • As plans become more fully formed we expect more time will open up for independent evening activities.
If you want to coordinate on timing of events and need additional information, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
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Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
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Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.



Reminder—Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker
Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT




The fourth webinar in this series, titled: “Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker” will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT.

  • Alex McEachern, Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC will discuss the history of flicker standards and the evolution of flicker standards domestic and abroad.
  • Jon McHugh, McHugh Energy Consultants Inc. will discuss the flicker requirements in California’s title 24, how they were developed and how they are being implemented. He will also talk about the upcoming California JA10 flicker database and how designers can specify not only products that comply with California's minimum requirements but also specify products that meet the more stringent IEEE PAR 1789 standard.
  • Andrew Bierman, Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) will discuss the LRC’s latest assessment of dimmable ENERGY STAR lamps and the flicker observed using a variety of different metrics, such as flicker index, percent flicker and the LRC direct flicker detection metric. He will highlight what each metric tells us about the likelihood a user will observe direct flicker. Several examples of flickering lamps will be shown to demonstrate how observations relate to measured quantities and how the LRC metric captures the non-periodic flicker characteristic often seen with dimming products.

Speaker Biographies:



Alex McEachern
Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC

Active in writing and approving international power standards, Alex is the chairman of the IEC Working Group that sets the standard for power quality instruments, and the Chair of voltage sag standard for the semiconductor industry, SEMI F47. He is a Fellow -- the highest possible member -- of the IEEE.

He is an inventive fellow, too, with 30 U.S. patents awarded so far. But among all his accomplishments, McEachern is proudest of the fact that companies that he has created have been responsible for over 3,000 man-years of employment.



John McHugh
McHugh Energy Consultants Inc.

Jon McHugh is a registered Mechanical Engineer and owner of McHugh Energy Consultants. McHugh Energy has managed lighting and daylighting energy code enhancement proposals for the Canadian Model Energy Code for Buildings, California’s Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1. Mr. McHugh proposed a flicker test method that includes the use of Fourier transforms to filter data for calculating percent flicker below given cut-off frequencies and helped guide research that applied this test method to a variety of electric light sources. This flicker test method and calculation procedure is referenced by the recently adopted 2016 California Title 24 building standards (Appendix JA10) and Title 20 appliance standards for LEDs.



Andrew Bierman
Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC)

Andrew Bierman is a Senior Scientist at the RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research activities are in the areas of vision psychophysics, lighting controls, and the measurement of lighting efficacy. Research activities include improving photosensors, development of a load-shedding fluorescent lighting system, and research into the non-imaging effects of light on human physiology and well-being via the circadian system. Andrew Bierman holds an M.S. degree in Lighting and a B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is Lighting Certified (LC).



Save the Date
Follow-Up Webinar: Evaluating Color Quality
July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT

This follow up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.



Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact



Join Us

Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.



ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has been America’s resource for saving energy and protecting the environment.  Join the millions making a difference at



Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.

Reminder—Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker
Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT
The third webinar in this series, titled: “Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker” will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT.
  • Alex McEachern, Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC will discuss the history of flicker standards and the evolution of flicker standards domestic and abroad.
  • Jon McHugh, McHugh Energy Consultants Inc. will discuss the flicker requirements in California’s title 24, how they were developed and how they are being implemented. He will also talk about the upcoming California JA10 flicker database and how designers can specify not only products that comply with California's minimum requirements but also specify products that meet the more stringent IEEE PAR 1789 standard.
  • Andrew Bierman, Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) will discuss the LRC’s latest assessment of dimmable ENERGY STAR lamps and the flicker observed using a variety of different metrics, such as flicker index, percent flicker and the LRC direct flicker detection metric. He will highlight what each metric tells us about the likelihood a user will observe direct flicker. Several examples of flickering lamps will be shown to demonstrate how observations relate to measured quantities and how the LRC metric captures the non-periodic flicker characteristic often seen with dimming products.
Speaker Biographies:
Alex McEachern
Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC
Active in writing and approving international power standards, Alex is the chairman of the IEC Working Group that sets the standard for power quality instruments, and the Chair of voltage sag standard for the semiconductor industry, SEMI F47. He is a Fellow -- the highest possible member -- of the IEEE.

He is an inventive fellow, too, with 30 U.S. patents awarded so far. But among all his accomplishments, McEachern is proudest of the fact that companies that he has created have been responsible for over 3,000 man-years of employment.
John McHugh
McHugh Energy Consultants Inc.
Jon McHugh is a registered Mechanical Engineer and owner of McHugh Energy Consultants. McHugh Energy has managed lighting and daylighting energy code enhancement proposals for the Canadian Model Energy Code for Buildings, California’s Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1. Mr. McHugh proposed a flicker test method that includes the use of Fourier transforms to filter data for calculating percent flicker below given cut-off frequencies and helped guide research that applied this test method to a variety of electric light sources. This flicker test method and calculation procedure is referenced by the recently adopted 2016 California Title 24 building standards (Appendix JA10) and Title 20 appliance standards for LEDs.
Andrew Bierman
Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC)
Andrew Bierman is a Senior Scientist at the RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research activities are in the areas of vision psychophysics, lighting controls, and the measurement of lighting efficacy. Research activities include improving photosensors, development of a load-shedding fluorescent lighting system, and research into the non-imaging effects of light on human physiology and well-being via the circadian system. Andrew Bierman holds an M.S. degree in Lighting and a B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is Lighting Certified (LC).
Save the Date
Follow-Up Webinar: Evaluating Color Quality

July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT
This follow up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.
Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact
Join Us
Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.


Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.

Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker
Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT
The third webinar in this series, titled: “Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker” will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT.
  • Alex McEachern, Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC will discuss the history of flicker standards and the evolution of flicker standards domestic and abroad.
  • Jon McHugh, McHugh Energy Consultants Inc. will discuss the flicker requirements in California’s title 24, how they were developed and how they are being implemented. He will also talk about the upcoming California JA10 flicker database and how designers can specify not only products that comply with California's minimum requirements but also specify products that meet the more stringent IEEE PAR 1789 standard.
  • Andrew Bierman, Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) will discuss the LRC’s latest assessment of dimmable ENERGY STAR lamps and the flicker observed using a variety of different metrics, such as flicker index, percent flicker and the LRC direct flicker detection metric. He will highlight what each metric tells us about the likelihood a user will observe direct flicker. Several examples of flickering lamps will be shown to demonstrate how observations relate to measured quantities and how the LRC metric captures the non-periodic flicker characteristic often seen with dimming products.
Speaker Biographies:
Alex McEachern
Fellow, IEEE & Convenor, IEC
Active in writing and approving international power standards, Alex is the chairman of the IEC Working Group that sets the standard for power quality instruments, and the Chair of voltage sag standard for the semiconductor industry, SEMI F47. He is a Fellow -- the highest possible member -- of the IEEE.

He is an inventive fellow, too, with 30 U.S. patents awarded so far. But among all his accomplishments, McEachern is proudest of the fact that companies that he has created have been responsible for over 3,000 man-years of employment.
John McHugh
McHugh Energy Consultants Inc.
Jon McHugh is a registered Mechanical Engineer and owner of McHugh Energy Consultants. McHugh Energy has managed lighting and daylighting energy code enhancement proposals for the Canadian Model Energy Code for Buildings, California’s Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1. Mr. McHugh proposed a flicker test method that includes the use of Fourier transforms to filter data for calculating percent flicker below given cut-off frequencies and helped guide research that applied this test method to a variety of electric light sources. This flicker test method and calculation procedure is referenced by the recently adopted 2016 California Title 24 building standards (Appendix JA10) and Title 20 appliance standards for LEDs.
Andrew Bierman
Senior Research Scientist, RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC)
Andrew Bierman is a Senior Scientist at the RPI Lighting Research Center (LRC) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research activities are in the areas of vision psychophysics, lighting controls, and the measurement of lighting efficacy. Research activities include improving photosensors, development of a load-shedding fluorescent lighting system, and research into the non-imaging effects of light on human physiology and well-being via the circadian system. Andrew Bierman holds an M.S. degree in Lighting and a B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is Lighting Certified (LC).
Save the Date
Follow-Up Webinar: Evaluating Color Quality

July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EDT
This follow up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.
Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact
Join Us
Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.

Dear EPA-recognized Audio/Video Equipment Certification Body:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the Audio/Video Version 3.0 web service to include Sound Bar as Product Type. Additionally, the updated web service includes more detailed definitions for Product Type, Components With Separate Enclosures and Power Supplies, Components of the System, and Amplifier Channels.

Please visit the XML Web Services Submission Process page at for technical documentation on the XML submission system, including information on authentication, submission, validation, and the testing process, and on the Web-Service Definition Language.
Along with this change to the data reporting requirements, EPA is requesting that CBs submit certifications for each enclosure subject to the Audio/Video Eligibility Criteria for systems with multiple enclosures. The entries will be associated using the same Certification ID and Model Number, increasing the importance of to keeping those exactly the same for each enclosure. To minimize burden, this direction is only required for future certifications. However EPA encourages partners and CBs to update existing certifications using this protocol to allow utility programs to provide incentives for individual types of ENERGY STAR certified enclosures, such as the Retail Products Platform tool that are focused on individual types of enclosures. This will also allow consumers to better understand the type of component certified as ENERGY STAR.

CBs may direct any questions to
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR® program.

Location: Washington, DC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 2 Version 4.0 specification for stakeholder review. The cover memo and draft specification are now available.

Any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers product development webpage



Dear ENERGY STAR Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to invite you to a kick-off call for the ENERGY STAR® Connected Appliance Roadmapping Working Group, on June 15th, from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM EST. You can access the link to register for the webinar on the Appliance Roadmapping website ( Please review the site in advance of the kick-off call, as we will be adding a draft discussion document framing objectives and outcomes for the working group. We welcome your feedback on this document, and invite you to consider taking on a leadership role facilitating topics that interest you.
Since the launch of the ENERGY STAR appliance roadmapping effort in fall 2015, EPA has hosted two interactive webinars focused on charting progress and identifying consumer value for connected appliances. During the webinar on April 7, 2016, EPA polled participants on potential working group topics: Connected Room AC, Connected Kitchen Suite, and Connected Consumer Messaging. Rather than choosing among the topics, partners, and stakeholders expressed interest in each one. They also indicated cross-cutting, overarching trends, as well as a role for EPA in bringing key stakeholders together, compiling resources for partners, and raising awareness/education to consumers. EPA invites all interested partners and stakeholders to participate in one Connected working group to be held June through Oct 2016, culminating in a half-day roadmapping session at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans on Oct 26, 2016.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.


Dear Luminaires Partner:
Please note that the effective date for the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Program Requirements is June 1, 2016. As of June 1, the ENERGY STAR list of certified products will only contain products certified to the Version 2.0 specification, and luminaires certified to the Version 1.2 specification will be removed from the list.

An archived list of products certified to Luminaires V1.X will be provided on the archive tab at as a resource to industry stakeholders.
Please contact EPA at with any questions.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
As a reminder, on May 25th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Collaborating on Consumer Messaging: Educating on Efficient Product Use and Replacement/Recycling. In light of smaller unit savings in some appliance product categories, ENERGY STAR Partners expressed an interest in collaborating with ENERGY STAR and each other to enhance and expand consumer messaging in order to support education and sales goals. This webinar will serve to facilitate information sharing and gather input for ENERGY STAR to utilize in developing new partner communication resources.
During the webinar, we will discuss the following topics and hope to gather feedback from the audience:
·        Challenges in the appliance market and some of the ways ENERGY STAR is helping to address those challenges.
·        Priorities in your consumer messaging and content that has proven effective.
·        Advancing appliance messaging beyond energy efficiency to include more messaging around environment, connected home, or other aspects.
·        Opportunities for the replacement/recycling message across appliance product categories and partner priorities.
We are pleased to invite you to register and participate in the webinar. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.
In order to help make these webinars as interactive as possible, we would like to invite you to ask questions and provide comments during the webinar using GoToWebinar capabilities.
Thak you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.

Reminder: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting
Thursday, May 26, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT

The third webinar in this series, titled: "Latest Trends in Connected Lighting" will take place on Thursday, May 26, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT.

  • Amanda Parrilli, Director of Strategic Development, The Home Depot will discuss where we are in the smart home evolution, how connected lighting fits into the smart home portfolio at retail, and what features are resonating with consumers.
  • Tom Hamilton, Vice President of Marketing, Ketra will discuss the what, how, and why of connected lighting, including teeing up barriers to adoption and providing insight on what the lighting industry can do to break down those barriers.
  • Michael Poplawski, Senior Engineer, PNNL will discuss the complexity and importance of interoperability for connected lighting as well as the many benefits of energy reporting, along with related active standards development efforts.

Speaker Biographies:

Amanda Parrilli
Director of Strategic Development, The Home Depot

As Director of Strategic Business Development for Smart Home, Amanda Parrilli is responsible for leading all Home Automation strategy and execution for The Home Depot. In her role she is focused on Product Assortment, Visual Merchandising, and Partnerships in support of Home Automation growth. Ms. Parrilli rejoined The Home Depot in July of 2014 after holding roles in a Home Depot leadership program from 2002 – 2006.

In 2006, Ms. Parrilli left Home Depot to get her MBA and spent six years in the Payments industry. She spent time at Citigroup Inc. supporting The Home Depot Private Label Credit Card and spent five years at First Data Corporation, the leading payment processor. Parrilli holds bachelor’s degrees in business administration and economics from Trinity University. She also has a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard Business School.

Tom Hamilton
Vice President, Ketra

Tom Hamilton is Vice President of Marketing at Ketra, a dynamic LED lighting and controls manufacturer based in Austin, TX. Prior to joining Ketra he was Global Product Manager for LED-based interior accent lighting and general illumination products at Philips Color Kinetics. While attending graduate school, he was a consultant at QD Vision, a company that is developing next generation Organic LED (OLED) display and lighting solutions. He has served multiple terms in executive committee roles with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). Mr. Hamilton received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and received MBA and MS degrees from Boston University.


Michael Poplawski
Senior Engineer, PNNL

Michael Poplawski joined PNNL in 2009 as a Senior Engineer following 12 years in the commercial semiconductor industry. His work experience includes stints with domestic and foreign component manufacturers ranging in size from start-up to conglomerate, and in various functions including device engineering and reliability, circuit design, application support, and technical marketing. His current efforts are focused on supporting the Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting program, primarily in the areas of technology evaluation and demonstration, standards and specification development, and the estimation of lighting energy end-use consumption. Michael is a member of IES and IEEE, serves on multiple standards development committees, and consults with numerous energy efficiency organizations and specification bodies.


Follow-Up Webinar: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting
December 29, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT

This follow-up webinar will cover the rapidly changing market for connected lighting. During this webinar, we will discuss the market for residential connected lighting and any considerations for utility programs. We will explore the performance and presence of ENERGY STAR certified connected lighting products in the market.

Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact


Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machines Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Vending Machines V3.2 cover memo for stakeholder review. The cover memo is now available.
Questions may be directed to Kirsten Hesla EPA, at and (202)-564-2984 or Adam Spitz, ICF International, at  and (916)-231-7685.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Fryers Brand Owners or Other Interested Stakeholders:
As a reminder, as of May 15, 2016, partners may no longer have new product submittals certified to the existing ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 specification requirements. However, existing certifications to Version 2.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until September 30, 2016.
Although performance levels for standard vat gas, large vat gas, and large vat electric fryers did not change from Version 2.0, partners should work with certification bodies to ensure their products are certified to the Version 3.0 specification and continue to appear on the ENERGY STAR certified product list.
All products, even those where performance requirements did not change, will need to be updated and submitted using the Version 3.0 XML-based web service.

For any questions, please contact Kirsten Hesla, (202) 564-2984 and, or EPA at

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Version 5.0 Final Program Requirements for service providers and brand owners. The cover memo and other associated documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Product Development Page
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Fryers Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind brand owner partners that after May 15, 2016, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new commercial fryers to the Version 2.0 specification and will only certify commercial fryers to the Version 3.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing commercial fryers certifications to the Version 2.0 specification until September 30, 2016. After this date, only commercial fryers certified to the Version 3.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.

Please contact EPA at with any questions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Partners, EPA-recognized Certification Bodies, and Other Interested Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to change the data CBs report for Audio/Video equipment Version 3.0 to allow consumers and utilities to identify specific enclosures – specifically soundbars. By adding the product type “soundbar” to the web service, EPA will be able to identify these specific certified components or enclosures in the Product Finder Tool. In addition, the web service is not clear about how to submit data on models with multiple enclosures. EPA has proposed modified field descriptions to provide further direction on how to submit the components of these systems.
Along with this change to the data reporting requirements, EPA is requesting that CBs submit certifications for each enclosure subject to the Audio/Video Eligibility Criteria for systems with multiple enclosures. The entries will be associated using the same Certification ID and Model Number, increasing the importance of to keeping those exactly the same for each enclosure. To minimize burden, this direction is only required for future certifications. However EPA encourages partners and CBs to update existing certifications using this protocol to allow utility programs to provide incentives for individual types of ENERGY STAR certified enclosures, such as the Retail Products Platform tool that are focused on individual types of enclosures. This will also allow consumers to better understand the type of component certified as ENERGY STAR.
For example, in the case of a model that combines a soundbar and a separate powered subwoofer, a CB would submit two certifications: one where the “Product Type” is “soundbar”, and the other where the “Product Type” is “subwoofer”. The two would have the same Certification ID and Model Number, while the data fields describing the number of channels, power draw, and other characteristics would differ and correspond to the given enclosure, as each was tested individually.

Lastly, to make it clear to end-users which enclosure the certification applies to, CBs are encouraged to insert additional text, such as a parenthetical “(Subwoofer component)” or “(Soundbar component)”, after the Model Name.
The following changes, marked in red below, will be incorporated into the Audio/Video V3.0 web service in late May. You may submit any comments or concerns regarding the updated requirements to no later than May 26th with “QPX Review” in the subject line. Planned edits to the web service are outlined below.

Edits to the ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video Template

In Product Finder?





Data Type




Product Type

If model consists of several components with separate enclosures (not counting any external power supplies), indicate the product subtype of the specific component being certified. To qualify for ENERGY STAR, each component shall meet all applicable ENERGY STAR criteria in all possible control protocol configurations.

For models that are systems composed of multiple enclosures, CBs shall submit certifications for each enclosure subject to the Eligibility Criteria, linking the certifications through the same Certification ID and Model Number.
CBs are encouraged to insert additional clarifying text, such as a parenthetical “(Subwoofer component)” or “(Soundbar component)”, after the model name.



Enumeration Data


  • Blu-ray Disc Player
  • DVD Player
  • CD Player
  • Audio Amplifier - Limited Bandwidth
  • Audio Amplifier - Full Spectrum
  • Home Theater AV Receiver
  • Home Theater in a Box
  • Compact/Shelf Audio System
  • iPod/MP3 Player Dock
  • Clock Radio
  • Subwoofer
  • Soundbar
  • Powered Speaker System
  • Other


Components With Separate Enclosures and Power Supplies

Indicate Yes if model consists of several components with separate enclosures (not counting any external power supplies). Indicate No if model consists of one enclosure (not counting any external power supplies).

For models that are systems composed of multiple enclosures, CBs shall submit certifications for each enclosure subject to the Eligibility Criteria, linking the certifications through the same Certification ID and Model Number.
CBs are encouraged to insert additional clarifying text, such as a parenthetical “(Subwoofer component)” or “(Soundbar component)”, after the model name.



Enumeration Data


  • Yes
  •  No


Components of the System

Required if Components With Separate Enclosures and Power Supplies is Yes. Provide all components of the system, including the one in this submission.

For models that are systems composed of multiple enclosures, CBs shall submit certifications for each enclosure subject to the Eligibility Criteria, linking the certifications through the same Certification ID and Model Number.
CBs are encouraged to insert additional clarifying text, such as a parenthetical “(Subwoofer component)” or “(Soundbar component)”, after the model name.




Max Length: 1000



Amplifier Channels

For certifications of individual enclosures with amplifiers, select Other and specify the integer number of channels for the enclosure.



Enumeration Data


  • 2.1
  • 5.1
  • 7.1
  • Other
  •  N/A

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Light Commercial HVAC Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Version 3 Draft 1 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375 or Jacob Bayus, ICF, at or 202-791-8871.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 25-27, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.
4.      2016 CO-SPONSORSHIP


In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with a preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the meeting.  Additional information pertaining to session descriptions and speakers will be provided at a later date. 
Please note that in 2016 the order of sessions will be as follows:

  • Day 1, Tuesday, October 25: appliances, water heaters, and consumer electronics
  • Day 2, Wednesday, October 26: plenary and cross-product interest
  • Day 3, Thursday, October 27: lighting

Back to Top
EPA recognizes that many partners opt to host off-site private events during the meeting timeframe, and would like to share information on scheduling so these events do not conflict with official program events:

  • There will be a short welcome gathering hosted by EPA on Monday, October 24.
  • The formal ENERGY STAR reception(s) are still TBD, but are expected to take place on Tuesday, October 25 and/or Wednesday October 26.
  • As plans become more fully formed we expect more time will open up for independent evening activities.

If you are interested in hosting a formal ENERGY STAR reception or want to coordinate on timing of events, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Back to Top
The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans:
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70113
(504) 561-1234
To book your rooms at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $249/night - single/double
  • $299/night - triple
  • $324/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Cut-off date: The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms is October 3, 2016. 
Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
Back to Top
As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
Back to Top
For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics and lighting products during the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the ENERGY STAR Expo is still under development. Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.
Back to Top
Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
Back to Top

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.
Latest Trends in Connected Lighting
Thursday, May 26, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT

The third webinar in this series, titled: "Latest Trends in Connected Lighting" will take place on Thursday, May 26, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT.

  • Amanda Parrilli, Director of Strategic Development, The Home Depot will discuss where we are in the smart home evolution, how connected lighting fits into the smart home portfolio at retail, and what features are resonating with consumers.
  • Tom Hamilton, Vice President of Marketing, Ketra will discuss the what, how, and why of connected lighting, including teeing up barriers to adoption and providing insight on what the lighting industry can do to break down those barriers. 
  • Michael Poplawski, Senior Engineer, PNNL will discuss the complexity and importance of interoperability for connected lighting as well as the many benefits of energy reporting, along with related active standards development efforts.


Speaker Biographies:
Amanda Parrilli
Director of Strategic Development, The Home Depot
As Director of Strategic Business Development for Smart Home, Amanda Parrilli is responsible for leading all Home Automation strategy and execution for The Home Depot. In her role she is focused on Product Assortment, Visual Merchandising, and Partnerships in support of Home Automation growth. Ms. Parrilli rejoined The Home Depot in July of 2014 after holding roles in a Home Depot leadership program from 2002 – 2006.

In 2006, Ms. Parrilli left Home Depot to get her MBA and spent six years in the Payments industry. She spent time at Citigroup Inc. supporting The Home Depot Private Label Credit Card and spent five years at First Data Corporation, the leading payment processor. Parrilli holds bachelor’s degrees in business administration and economics from Trinity University. She also has a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard Business School.
Tom Hamilton
Vice President, Ketra
Tom Hamilton is Vice President of Marketing at Ketra, a dynamic LED lighting and controls manufacturer based in Austin, TX. Prior to joining Ketra he was Global Product Manager for LED-based interior accent lighting and general illumination products at Philips Color Kinetics. While attending graduate school, he was a consultant at QD Vision, a company that is developing next generation Organic LED (OLED) display and lighting solutions. He has served multiple terms in executive committee roles with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). Mr. Hamilton received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and received MBA and MS degrees from Boston University.
Michael Poplawski
Senior Engineer, PNNL
Michael Poplawski joined PNNL in 2009 as a Senior Engineer following 12 years in the commercial semiconductor industry. His work experience includes stints with domestic and foreign component manufacturers ranging in size from start-up to conglomerate, and in various functions including device engineering and reliability, circuit design, application support, and technical marketing. His current efforts are focused on supporting the Department of Energy Solid- State Lighting program, primarily in the areas of technology evaluation and demonstration, standards and specification development, and the estimation of lighting energy end-use consumption. Michael is a member of IES and IEEE, serves on multiple standards development committees, and consults with numerous energy efficiency organizations and specification bodies.
Follow-Up Webinar: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting
December 29, 2016 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT
This follow-up webinar will cover the rapidly changing market for connected lighting. During this webinar, we will discuss the market for residential connected lighting and any considerations for utility programs. We will explore the performance and presence of ENERGY STAR certified connected lighting products in the market.
Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact
Join Us
Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times.
Location: Chicago, Il

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
The ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service Team will be hosting a stakeholder meeting at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show in Chicago, IL on Monday, May 23 from 3-5pm CT. The meeting will be held in the Lakeside Center - Room E265 in the McCormick Place.  

Several topics, including current and upcoming specification revisions for several product categories, will be discussed. An agenda will be distributed electronically prior to the meeting. Interested partners and stakeholders are encouraged to attend! 

  • What: ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service Stakeholder Meeting
  • When: May 23, 2016 from 3-5pm CT
  • Where: Lakeside Center, Room E3265, McCormick Place
  • RSVP: Please RSVP by clicking here and sending us a quick email. 

Please note: The Lakeside Center is located east of the Main Hall. To get there, walk east from the Grand Concourse in the direction of Lake Michigan. Walk across the Sky Bridge and into the Lakeside Center (East Building).

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

The ENERGY STAR Commerical Food Service Team


Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage memo for stakeholder review that outlines two minor updates to the Version 1.0 Specification. The changes include an update to reflect the new version of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Emerald Power Efficiency Measurement Specification and an edit to the storage device replacement requirements.

Questions may be directed to Steven Hanson, EPA, at or 202-343-9836 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Greenlite/Dollar Tree Promotion
Lightfair International
Partner Meeting
Partner of the Year 2016
Ask the Expert
Webinar Series
Lamps and Luminaires Spec Updates
Check out ENERGY STAR's Great Resources
Celebrating Earth Day with Low-Cost ENERGY STAR Certified LED bulbs

In celebration of Earth Day, more consumers will benefit from lower utility bills and discover the simple choice for energy savings—ENERGY STAR! Beginning this spring and continuing through Earth Day, Greenlite and the Dollar Tree are launching a nationwide promotion to highlight the benefits of energy-efficient lighting and the value of ENERGY STAR. This campaign presents an opportunity to bring high-quality ENERGY STAR certified LED light bulbs to the Dollar Tree consumer. Limited-time $1-per-bulb pricing on Greenlite ENERGY STAR certified LED lamps is made possible by 20+ private, public, and municipal utilities:

  Arizona Public Service
Baltimore Gas & Electric
Cape Light Compact
DTE Electric Company
Duke Energy Progress
Energy Trust of Oregon
Focus on Energy
Kentucky Power Company
National Grid
Puget Sound Energy
Riverside Public Utilities
Rocky Mountain Power
Snohomish PUD
Tacoma Power
Tucson Electric Power
UniSource Energy
Western Massachusetts Electric
Lightfair International 2016
Visit us at Booth #1663


Stop by the ENERGY STAR booth from April 26 – 28 in San Diego, CA at the largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference—Lightfair International. This is the perfect time to have all your ENERGY STAR related questions answered by our experts and show us your latest products!

Lighting Efficiency and all that Jazz! 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
New Orleans, LA | October 25-27, 2016
Partner Meeting

EPA is excited to welcome you to another annual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting! Mark the dates on your calendar and plan your stay to get the most out of this important training and networking opportunity. The three-day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. Lighting sessions will be held on October 27 and important crosscutting topics and networking events for lighting partners will be held on October 26.

The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders.

Attendees will include:

Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors
Retail partners
Manufacturing partners
Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program
Other organizations from the energy efficiency community

If you are interested in lending your support to the meeting, co-sponsorship opportunities will be available. Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be made available in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you at the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans!

Congratulations, ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year 2016 Winners!

EPA congratulates the lighting manufacturing, retail, and utility partners who have excelled in energy efficiency innovation, education, and public service this past year. Visit for a list of all the 2016 Partner of the Year award winners.

Ask the Expert: The Place for Energy Efficiency Education

With all the exciting developments in ENERGY STAR certified lighting, there has never been a better time to connect your customers to the ENERGY STAR Ask the Expert blog. Ask the Expert is the trusted destination for energy efficiency education. The blog covers seasonal topics like dimmable lighting for Valentine’s Day and condensed, sharable information on products, like the post titled "10 Things you Didn’t know About ENERGY STAR® LED Lighting."

A new lighting entry is planned for each month of this year, so stay tuned to Ask the Expert and share these useful educational tools with your consumers. You can also peruse the backlog of entries by sorting them by tags, like "Lighting."

ENERGY STAR Webinar Series
Webinar Series

Together with its invaluable partners, ENERGY STAR presents a new webinar series to further the technical discussion, understanding, importance, and relevance of key technical topics to the ENERGY STAR program and lighting specifications. The first webinar, Understanding and Addressing Flicker, took place on February 25, with seven more scheduled for the rest of the year:


May 26

Latest Trends in Connected Lighting

June 30

Follow-Up: Understanding and Addressing Flicker

July 28

Follow-Up: Evaluating Color Quality

August 25

The State of Dimmable LED Lamps

September 29

The Quest for a Short Term Reliability Test

December 29

Follow-Up: Latest Trends in Connected Lighting

Each session features multiple technical experts on the designated topics and provide a forum for open discussion among ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders. Register and download presentation slides here.

Lamps/Luminaires Specification Updates

ENERGY STAR Lamps Specification 2.0 was finalized on December 31, 2015 and EPA recently made minor revisions to the wording, published on February 11.

Updates include:

Increased efficacy levels for all lamp types.
Expanded scope connected lamps, color tunable lamps, and self-ballasted induction-driven electrodeless lamps.
Improved alignment with the Luminaires V2.0 specification.

More information is available at

Finalized on May 29, 2015, Luminaires Specification Version 2.0 goes into effect on June 1.

Any luminaire manufactured as of June 1, 2016 must be certified under V2.0 to bear the ENERGY STAR mark.
All certifications to Luminaires V1.2 expire on June 1, 2016.
After December 1, 2015, no new products can be certified under Luminaires V1.2.

More information is available at

Highlight Your Latest and Greatest Products!
Lighting Tab

The ENERGY STAR lighting Facebook tab highlights ENERGY STAR certified lighting products in the marketplace, shares purchasing tips, and highlights the quality that these ENERGY STAR lighting products provide to customers. Partners can take advantage of this marketing opportunity for free. The three promotion periods listed below are open to interested partners. Please contact us if you would like to host a sweepstake and promote your partnership with ENERGY STAR.

June 20 to August 28
August 29 to November 6
November 7 to January 15

Utility programs can leverage all the content right on your own Facebook tab, seamlessly co-branding the tab, and product manufacturers and brand owners can gain increased visibility by showcasing the latest certified products, videos, and reviews. To see how this promotion works and how you can promote your partnership with ENERGY STAR check out the current sweepstakes running on the Facebook tab. Submit your graphics, videos, blog posts, and articles to Jessica Lorenz at

Check out ENERGY STAR's Great Marketing Resources!

Use these resources to educate consumers, colleagues, social media followers, and friends and family too!

For consumers:

Renovate with LED Lighting Factsheet
Ask the Expert
Dimmable ENERGY STAR Infographic
Lighting Made Easy Infographic
Light Bulb Purchasing Guide
ENERGY STAR Lighting FAQs "Ask the Expert" Video
Light Bulbs Product Finder
Light Fixtures Product Finder
The Energy Source
Find more resources on the ENERGY STAR Lighting Resources page

Partner Training Resources:

ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
"Illuminated" – EPA's Lighting Podcast
ENERGY STAR Lighting Training Center

Be sure to contact


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Version 2.1 Specification. The cover letter, specification, and additional supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Computer Server Product Development Page
Questions may be directed to Steven Hanson, EPA, at or 202-343-9836 or John Clinger, ICF International, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  will host a Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers webinar on Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 1:00p.m. (EST) to discuss Draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Version 4.0 Specification. If you would like to join, please register  here

The cover memo and draft specification are now available and any associated information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers product development webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Version 5.0 Final Draft Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification, test method, and additional supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Product Development Page
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

Planning is well underway for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 25-27, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.  EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates on the meeting:



The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans:
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70113
(504) 561-1234

To book your rooms at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)

  • $249/night - single/double
  • $299/night - triple
  • $324/night - quad
  • Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Cut-off date: The hotel’s cut-off date for reserving rooms is October 3, 2016. 
Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Back to Top

EPA is developing a preliminary draft agenda outlining the basic flow of the meeting. However, to assist partners in making initial travel plans, the order of sessions is anticipated to be as follows (subject to change):

  • Day 1, Tuesday, October 25: appliances, water heaters, and consumer electronics
  • Day 2, Wednesday, October 26: plenary and cross-product interest
  • Day 3, Thursday, October 27: lighting

Back to Top

As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

Back to Top

For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics and lighting products during the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the ENERGY STAR Expo is still under development. Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.

Back to Top

Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!


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Energy Department Announces Funding to Train Engineers, Provide Energy Assessments for Small- and Medium-sized Manufacturers

The U.S. Department of Energy today announced approximately $35 million in funding, subject to congressional appropriations, to assist small- and medium-sized U.S. manufacturers with increasing their energy efficiency, productivity, sustainability and competitiveness and to help address the shortage of engineering professionals with applied energy-related skills. The Industrial Assessment Centers program provides hands-on training and extensive education for undergraduate and graduate engineering students in manufacturing processes, energy assessment procedures, and energy management systems.

Full story


Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving toward completion of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Specification this summer. Version 1.0 will include energy criteria for both laboratory refrigerators and freezers. EPA has also collected some Ultra-low temperature Freezer (ULT) data, and is grateful to those stakeholders who have submitted it. Unfortunately, we do not have enough data to set ULT requirements in Version 1.0. EPA anticipates developing a Version 1.1 revision in late 2016 to add ULT products to scope, with accompanying energy criteria, provided that we can grow the EPA data set sufficiently. To this end, EPA is encouraging stakeholders to participate in the My Green Lab effort described below. As always, you are also welcome to submit your own testing data directly to EPA.
My Green Lab, as part of the Center for Energy Efficient Laboratories (CEEL), has received funding from the California utility companies to test ULT freezers to the EPA ENERGY STAR test method in order to provide the EPA with the data necessary to develop ENERGY STAR ULT requirements.  The CEEL is looking for manufacturers to submit ULT freezers for testing, at no charge.  This lab testing will be conducted by the Food Service Technology Center, which is a partnership effort between Fischer Nickel, Inc. and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). All data will remain confidential to the public, but will be shared with the participating manufacturer, EPA and the California utility companies. 
If you are receiving this email and are not on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer mailing list and would like to be, please email with your full contact information.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
On April 7th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Connected Appliances: Working Group Topics. This webinar, a follow-up to our February 4th discussion, will tee up potential Connected working groups on Room AC, Kitchen Appliances, and Consumer Messaging. Within these categories we will talk more in depth about topics of interest to partners, including: connected features with energy saving potential, identifying consumer value, and ways EPA can help link utilities, manufacturers, and other interested partners/stakeholders. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the Roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Boiler Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Commercial Boiler Version 1.0 Interim Proposal for stakeholder review. The proposal document is now available.

Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken, EPA, at and 202-343-9375 or Adam Spitz, ICF International, at and 916-231-7685.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:

As a reminder, on March 23rd, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Dishwashers: Defining Key Aspects of ENERGY STAR Customer Satisfaction. Similar to clothes washers, manufacturers have indicated attributes that may be important to consumers such as drying performance, cycle time, and cleaning performance. This webinar is an opportunity to begin framing the aspects of ENERGY STAR dishwasher performance that are most critical to customer satisfaction. During the webinar, we will discuss the following topics and hope to gather feedback from the audience: 

  • We will provide a status update on ENERGY STAR dishwasher criteria and answer any questions you may have relating to this criteria.
  • We are interested in highlighting the latest dishwasher technology and features, especially relating to energy savings. We will start the conversation by covering some features we have seen in the market, but will call on the audience for any features you would like to discuss.
  • We would like to hear your thoughts on which performance factors are most important to your customers and how we can ensure that ENERGY STAR products continue to deliver on efficiency and performance.

We are pleased to invite you to register and participate in the webinar. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.

In order to help make these webinars as interactive as possible, we would like to invite you to ask questions and provide comments during the webinar using GoToWebinar capabilities. Please click here for instructions on how to use these capabilities.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released, for stakeholder review, the ENERGY STAR TVs V7.1 Draft Program Requirements, which propose an additional definition. The cover letter and Draft Program Requirements are now available. All other associated documents can be found on the ENERGY STAR TVs product development webpage.
Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or 202-343-9845 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Matt Malinowski
Phone: 202-862-2693
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications.

Evaluating Color Quality
Thursday, March 31, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST

The second webinar in this series, titled: "Evaluating Color Quality" will take place on Thursday, March 31, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST.

  • Jean Paul Freyssinier, Senior Research Scientist, LRC will discuss what light source color characteristics are important for general illumination, pose the question “What is good color rendering?” and discuss the merits for using two metrics to describe good color rendering. He will also review LRC research on white light and the impact of light source tint on overall acceptability. 
  • Dr. Michael Royer, Lighting Engineer, PNNL will discuss the basics of TM-30, as well as research results showing how TM-30 relates to human perceptions in a specific consumer context. The latter discussion will focus on the limitations of considering only average measures (i.e., fidelity + gamut), and how/why existing sources aren’t optimized for preference.
  • Dr. Yoshi Ohno, NIST Fellow, Sensor Science Division (President, CIE - International Commission on Illumination), will present the latest information on the CIE activities on a new color fidelity metric (update of CRI) based on TM-30, future plan for color quality metrics, and go through the research performed at NIST on negative Duv and color saturation preference.

Speaker Biographies:

Jean Paul Freyssinier
Senior Research Scientist, LRC

Jean Paul Freyssinier is a Senior Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Lighting Research Center. He received a BS in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a MS in Lighting from RPI. His research interests include solid-state lighting, LED performance, technology transfer, energy-efficient lighting design, photometry, the spectral effects of lighting, and education. For over 15 years, he has been involved in lighting technology research and development at the LRC. His lighting experience includes working as principal of design in a full-service architectural lighting and automation design firm in Mexico.

Dr. Michael Royer
Lighting Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Michael Royer is a lighting engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), where for the past five years he has worked on the U.S. Department of Energy's solid-state lighting program. He focuses on technology development issues, helping to improve product performance through research, testing, standards development, and engagement with various elements of the lighting industry. Prior to joining PNNL, Michael earned a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from Penn State University, receiving the 2013 Taylor Technical Talent Award from the IES for his published work. Michael was named a future leader of lighting by LD+A magazine in 2010, and has authored over 40 journal articles and government reports.

Dr. Yoshi Ohno

Yoshi Ohno received his Ph.D. in engineering from Kyoto University, Japan. He started his career at Panasonic in Osaka, and joined NIST in 1992. He served as Group Leader for Optical Sensor Group from 2003 to 2012, and appointed as NIST Fellow in 2010. He has a wide range of research interests, which include photometry, metrology, and color quality of light sources. Ohno is a Fellow of IES, and very active in national and international standardization work in IES, ANSI, and CIE. He is known as the primary author of LM-79 and ANSI C78.377. He led development of CIE S025 Test Method for LED lamps, LED luminaires and LED modules (2015), and now serves as President of CIE.

Follow-Up Webinar: Evaluating Color Quality
July 28, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST

This follow-up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting.

Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo and supporting documents regarding the launch of Computer Servers Version 3.0 specification development. For more information, please refer to the cover letter and ENERGY STAR Computer Servers V3.0 Product Development Page.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Appliances, Electronics, Lighting and Water Heaters.  This year’s meeting will take place Tuesday, October 25 – Thursday, October 27, 2016, in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR Expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders.  Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, lighting or water heater products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR appliance, electronics, lighting or water heater products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.

As in 2015, the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting will be held October 25-27, at the same location.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates.  More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in lending your support to the meeting, co-sponsorship opportunities will be available.  An email with details on related opportunities will be sent out to all partners in April. 
If you are interested in participating in other ways, learning more, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2016 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:

On March 23rd, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Dishwashers: Defining Key Aspects of ENERGY STAR Customer Satisfaction. Similar to clothes washers, manufacturers have indicated attributes that may be important to consumers such as drying performance, cycle time, and cleaning performance. This webinar is an opportunity to begin framing the aspects of ENERGY STAR dishwasher performance that are most critical to customer satisfaction. During the webinar, we will discuss the following topics and hope to gather feedback from the audience: 

  • We will provide a status update on ENERGY STAR dishwasher criteria and answer any questions you may have relating to this criteria.
  • We are interested in highlighting the latest dishwasher technology and features, especially relating to energy savings. We will start the conversation by covering some features we have seen in the market, but will call on the audience for any features you would like to discuss.
  • We would like to hear your thoughts on which performance factors are most important to your customers and how we can ensure that ENERGY STAR products continue to deliver on efficiency and performance.

We are pleased to invite you to register and participate in the webinar. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo and supporting documents regarding an update to the latest version of the Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) as well as a proposal to remove the required Maximum Power Configuration test point. The cover letter and proposed language revisions are available on the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Product Development Page. Stakeholder feedback and analysis supporting the proposed revisions are also posted on the Product Development Page. Due to a distribution error in an earlier notice of this memo, recepients of this e-mail are granted a one week extension to the comment period. The new deadline for comments is Friday, March 18, 2016. 
Questions may be directed to Steven Hanson, EPA, at or 202-343-9836 or John Clinger, ICF International, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Collaborating on Consumer Messaging: Educating on Efficient Product Use and Replacement/Recycling webinar, originally scheduled for March 9th, will now take place on Wednesday, May 25th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern. We apologize for any inconvenience and welcome you to check the Roadmapping website for updates on the Roadmapping process. We will send a reminder email closer to the webinar date with additional information on discussion topcis. In the meantime, we welcome you to register here.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.

Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program is excited to launch a new webinar series covering this year’s most compelling energy-efficient lighting topics. Join this engaging webinar series focused on driving technical discussions, research, and learning about relevant topics for lighting specifications. Understanding and Addressing Flicker Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST REGISTER NOW The first webinar in this series, titled: “Understanding and Addressing Flicker” will take place on Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST.

Dr. James Gaines, of Philips Lighting, will lay out the broad strokes and fundamentals of flicker, such as what we mean when we talk about “flicker,” and provide a high level update on the latest research and industry work on this topic. He will also discuss the position of the lighting manufacturing industry. Dr. John Bullough, from the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will discuss research-based metrics for quantifying the detection and acceptability of stroboscopic effects from flickering light, and application and visual task considerations for using those metrics in real-world situations. Andrew Bierman, from the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will focus on analyzing people’s sensitivity to flicker using sinusoidal waveforms as the basis for predicting the detection of flicker from any arbitrary wave shapes (e.g., square wave, rectangular pulses, rectified sinewave, noise). He will demonstrate the inadequacies of current flicker metrics and propose a metric for direct flicker perception that works for all frequencies and waveform shapes.

Speaker Biographies:

Dr. James M Gaines Senior Principal Engineer, Philips Lighting James Gaines is a Senior Principal Engineer and has worked on SSL topics since 2000, both in Philips Research and in Philips Lighting. Since August 2010, he has worked for Philips Lighting in Burlington, MA on topics including SSL standardization activities and support for the launching of SSL products in the U.S. From 2004 to 2010, he worked for Philips Lighting/Advance Transformer Company in Chicago on SSL product development. James Gaines received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Colorado. Dr. John Bullough Director of Transportation and Safety Lighting Programs, LRC Dr. John Bullough is a senior research scientist and adjunct faculty member at the Lighting Research Center (LRC), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. John directs the transportation and safety lighting programs at the LRC and conducts research in the areas of human factors, visual performance, color vision and glare. He is a Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society, and also is a member of the U.S. national committee of the International Illumination Commission. He chairs the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Visibility and serves on the board of directors of the Council for Optical Radiation Measurements.

Andrew Bierman Senior Research Scientist, LRC Andrew Bierman is a Senior Scientist at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research activities are in the areas of vision psychophysics, lighting controls and the measurement of lighting efficacy. Other research activities include improving photosensors, development of a load-shedding fluorescent lighting system and research into the non-imaging effects of light on human physiology and well-being via the circadian system. Andrew Bierman holds an M.S. degree in Lighting and a B.S. in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is Lighting Certified (LC). Follow-Up Webinar: Understanding and Addressing Flicker June 30, 2016 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM EST This follow-up webinar will cover the practical applications of the research and recommendations from experts. Discussion will center on what considerations, if any, could be made for a wide range of stakeholders and programs participating in the advancement of energy-efficient lighting. Contact Us: Interested in presenting as an expert during one of the upcoming webinars? Please contact

Join Us Visit our website to view a complete list of upcoming webinar topics, dates, and times. ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has been America’s resource for saving energy and protecting the environment. Join the millions making a difference at


Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:

Please find several important ENERGY STAR Appliance updates below.
Connected Webinar:
Thank you to those who attended the Connected Appliances webinar on February 4th. We appreciate the comments provided during the webinar, and welcome you to provide additional feedback. Please reach out to Melissa Fiffer ( with any comments or to arrange a conversation with our appliance team. The slide deck for this webinar can be found on the Roadmapping website along with additional information on the Roadmapping effort and upcoming webinars.
Due to the large amount of participation during this webinar, we were unable to get through the entire content we had planned. This is a great problem to have, and we truly appreciated the interactive conversations! To ensure we are able to cover all aspects of the connected webinar that we had promised, we are scheduling a second webinar for connected. It will be held April 7th, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Eastern and you may register here.
Connected Q&A Document:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released final ENERGY STAR product specifications which include optional connected functionality criteria for the following product categories:

  1. Clothes Dryers
  2. Clothes Washers
  3. Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation
  4. Dishwashers
  5. Refrigerator-Freezers
  6. Lighting
  7. Pool Pumps
  8. Room Air Conditioners

Subsequently, as partners work to design connected products and implement the optional ENERGY STAR criteria, EPA has received and responded to clarifying questions from a number of stakeholders across product categories in the following topic areas:

  1. General
  2. Communications / Open Standards / Open Access
  3. Energy Consumption Reporting
  4. Remote Management
  5. Delay Defrost (for Refrigerator-Freezers), and
  6. Demand Response (including use case scenarios)

EPA has compiled these questions and EPA responses into the Connected Q&A Memo-posted here. In publishing this Connected Q&A memo, EPA intends to make its interpretations of the connected criteria broadly available to all interested stakeholders. 
EPA has posted the Connected Q&A Memo under the Product page for each relevant product category where there are final connected criteria, i.e., Clothes Dryers, Clothes Washers, Dishwashers, Refrigerator-Freezers, Room Air Conditioners, and Pool Pumps. EPA intends to refresh this document as additional questions or requests for clarification arise. We encourage stakeholders to review this memo, and to share questions and feedback with Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at and 202-343-9464, or Doug Frazee, ICF International, at and 443-333-9267. 
Clothes Washer Webinar:
On February 24th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Clothes Washers: Defining Key Aspects of ENERGY STAR Customer Satisfaction. Recent conversations with manufacturers noted that customer satisfaction with ENERGY STAR products, including clothes washers, is multi-faceted, and especially relevant as energy and water use decline. This webinar will extend the discussion of partner perspectives on which clothes washer performance attributes are most important to consumers and how they might be assessed. During the webinar, we will discuss the following topics and hope to gather feedback from the audience:

  • We will provide a status update on ENERGY STAR clothes washer criteria and answer any questions you may have relating to this criteria.
  • We are interested in highlighting the latest clothes washer technology and features, especially relating to energy savings. We will start the conversation by covering some features we have seen in the market, but will call on the audience for any features you would like to discuss.
  • We will discuss performance factors that are important to your consumers and the challenges associated with measuring them. We would like to hear your thoughts on which performance factors are most important to your customers and how we can ensure that ENERGY STAR products continue to deliver on efficiency and performance.

We are pleased to invite you to register and participate in the webinar. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.

Contact Name: Melissa Fiffer
Phone: 202-343-9464
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Version 5.0 Draft 2 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Product Development Page. Also posted on the Product Development Page are the draft Service Provider Partner Commitments, comment responses to the Draft 1 specification, an updated test method from DOE, and the Draft 2 dataset.
On Tuesday, February 23, 2016 from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM Eastern Time, EPA will host a webinar to provide a more detailed discussion of the proposed changes. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions via the web or phone. To register for this webinar please click here.
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is excited to share the release of a new feature that provides consumers with real time access to price and availability of ENERGY STAR products. This feature is one of many ways EPA is working to make the best resource possible for energy efficiency information. This release incorporates input from partners and will provide consumers with information on where to purchase specific ENERGY STAR models that will help them save energy and reduce carbon emissions.
This initial release is limited to a subset of the products listed on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient website – specifically Clothes Washers and Refrigerators. Over the coming months, EPA plans to deploy this feature for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Dishwashers, Televisions, Computer Monitors, Ventilating Fans, and Ceiling Fans and expand the number of retailers included to provide as many options for consumers as possible. Once the feature is fully deployed for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models, EPA will pursue scaling the effort to cover all ENERGY STAR products sold at retail.
 Please share any questions or interest in this initiative via or by contacting me directly at 202-343-9019 or We look forward to working with you as we deploy this new feature.

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Stakeholders or Other Interested Parties,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a clarification to the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans Version 4.0 specification. The cover letter and the amended specification are now available.
Questions may be directed to Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Abigail Daken
Phone: 202-343-9375
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
On February 4th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host our next webinar of the Roadmapping series, Connected Appliances: Charting Progress and Identifying Consumer Value. Building on discussions had d​uring the ENERGY STAR Partner meeting in Portland, Oregon, this webinar will discuss the current state of ENERGY STAR connected, exciting connected products and features, and challenges associated with defining a value proposition for connected appliances in the U.S. market. We are pleased to invite you to register and participate in the webinar. You can access the link to register for the webinar, as well as information on other upcoming webinars and the roadmapping process, on the Appliance Roadmapping website.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
At the beginning of December, we announced an upcoming series of webinars that will build upon conversations had during the Appliance Roadmapping session at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Portland, Oregon. On January 12th, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern, we will host the Outlining Appliance Specification Revisions webinar that will discuss an outline of anticipated appliance specification efforts, as well as the latest technologies and features for each appliance product category. That outline, and the link to register for the January 12th webinar, can be accessed on the Appliance Roadmapping website.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances. 


ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Newsletter

Fall 2015 Edition

In this issue...

Dealer Outreach

Product Development Updates

Opportunities for Partners: ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award

Recent Events: EEI & NAMA

Share Your Story

Look for the Next Fall CFS Newsletter!

ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award (ETA) Overview

Online Resources: ENERGY STAR CFS Marketing Materials




Dealer Outreach

EPA is interested in working with Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment dealers to advance market uptake of ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment. If you would like to work with us, please reach out to

The ENERGY STAR team looks forward to collaborating with you on this effort!

Back to the top

ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award (ETA) Overview

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. The Emerging Technology Award is another way the ENERGY STAR program promotes new and forward-thinking technologies that offer significant energy savings.

Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation (DCKV)

Systems offered by Gaylord Industries Inc., Halton Company, Intellinox, Melink Corporation, Spring Air Systems, and Captive Aire Systems received the ENERGY STAR 2015 Emerging Technology Award for DCKV.

The full list of recognized DCKV systems can be found at

Low GWP Refrigerant Systems

EPA will be adding Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerant Systems as a 2016 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award category. Recognition criteria has been finalized and EPA is accepting manufacturer submittals for technologies that meet the Award requirements.

Additional information can be found at

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Share Your Story

ENERGY STAR wants to hear from YOU! Customers care about a restaurant’s or commercial kitchen’s conservation practices – share your story and be recognized by EPA.

EPA encourages organizations that are using ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment to share their story. For those who do, EPA will send you an ENERGY STAR Certificate of Recognition to inform others of your accomplishment and inspire others. EPA will also communicate your recognition on the ENERGY STAR website, social media, and CFS newsletter. Organizations who are featured can link their website to the ENERGY STAR story posted on the ENERGY STAR website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your efforts and bring additional value to your organization.

The success stories from Reb Robin Gourmet Burgers and Shari’s Café & Pies are posted here.

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Online Resources: Updated ENERGY STAR CFS Marketing Materials

Product Sell Sheets

Updated product Sell Sheets for each of the eight ENERGY STAR certified CFS product categories are now available. These resources offer key selling point that dealers, designers, consultants and manufacturers can use to educate potential customers about projected lifetime savings, available rebates, design approaches that reduce energy consumption, and so much more. The ENERGY STAR CFS Sell Sheets can be found at

Guide for Cafes, Restaurants & Institutional Kitchens


The ENERGY STAR Guide for Cafes, Restaurants, and Institutional Kitchens has been updated with the latest ENERGY STAR savings information and industry data.

The Guide provides operators with information on ENERGY STAR certified Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment including how to save energy by looking beyond the sticker price of a piece of equipment. The Guide includes tips on how to operate and maintain kitchen equipment and save energy and water. Operators will also get a better understanding of energy savings equipment options for the rest of their facility, outside of the kitchen.

The ENERGY STAR Guide for Cafes, Restaurants, and Institutional Kitchens can be downloaded at ENERGY STAR CFS partners are encouraged to link to the Guide on their website and distribute the Guide to staff, customers, and other interested parties.

For those interested in co-branding the Guide and/or the eight product-specific Sell Sheets, please contact

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Recent Events

Edison Electric Institute (EEI) National Key Accounts Workshop

Representatives from the ENERGY STAR team recently attended EEI’s 2015 Fall National Key Accounts Workshop from October 25 – 27, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. Team members made valuable connections with food service industry leaders and energy managers. The team is looking forward to harnessing the momentum from EEI and working with all of our partners on ENERGY STAR’s upcoming initiatives!

2015 National Automated Merchandising Association (NAMA) Coffee, Tea, & Water

Kirsten Hesla, U.S. EPA, and additional ENERGY STAR team members attended the 2015 National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) Coffee, Tea, & Water Show in Washington, D.C.

EPA hosted a stakeholder meeting on November 4, 2015 to discuss the recently released ENERGY STAR Commercial Coffee Brewer Draft 1 Version 1.0 Specification. EPA provided an overview of the specification development effort and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions or provide comments regarding the specification.

Stakeholders were asked to provide written comments to EPA by November 30, 2015 to

The Draft 1 proposal, stakeholder meeting slides, and other supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Coffee Brewers V1.0 product development webpage.

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Product Development Updates

Specification Update – Commercial Ovens

EPA released the Final Version 2.2 Commercial Ovens Specification on October 7, 2015. This specification adds single and double gas rack ovens to the list of eligible products. Qualifying models will be added to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens product list as they are certified.

Previous draft proposals and stakeholder comments are available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens V2.2 product development webpage.

Specification Revision – Commercial Fryers

EPA released the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 3.0 Commercial Fryers Specification on October 9, 2015. The final day to submit comments and supporting data was on November 6, 2015. EPA held a webinar to discuss the Draft 1 proposal on October 20, 2015. EPA reviewed the comments received and intends to finalize the Version 3.0 requirements by the end of the year.

The draft proposal and stakeholder webinar are available on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Fryers V3.0 product development webpage.

Specification Review – Commercial Refrigeration Equipment (CRE)

In response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) amended final rule scheduled to take effect on March 27, 2017, EPA will launch a specification review of CRE before the end of the year. Pending the information that EPA collects during the review, EPA may decide to revise the specification.

Specification Review – Commercial Dishwashers

The ENERGY STAR Commercial Dishwasher specification covers a wide array of electric high and low temperature stationary rack and conveyor machines.

EPA plans to launch a specification revision of Commercial Dishwashers in early 2016. In preparation for the specification revision, EPA encourages manufacturers and other interested parties to apply the recently revised ASTM F1696-15 and ASTM F1920-15 test methods to their eligible commercial dishwashers in support of EPA’s data assembly effort.

The data will be used to set the revised levels for the ENERGY STAR specification. For any questions related to this revision, or data submission, manufacturers and third-party entities can e-mail

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Opportunities for Partners: ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award

Get recognition for your efforts! Each year, EPA honors organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through energy efficiency.

EPA is currently reviewing applications that were received for recognition in 2016. Winners will be recognized at the ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony on April 13, 2016 in Washington, DC. in 2016.

Winners will be recognized at the ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony on April 13, 2016 in Washington, DC.

If you have questions, please send an email to

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Look for the Next Winter Commercial Food Service Newslet


Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a revised ENERGY STAR Set-top Box V5.0 Draft 1 dataset. The revised dataset now includes examples of the energy profiles of set-top boxes meeting Draft 1 as well as a correction to the deep sleep calculation for Thin Clients and Over-the-top Internet Protocol set-top boxes.

Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the final ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment Program Requirements including Version 1.0 Specification. The cover letter and all other associated documents are now available on the Large Network Equipment Product Development webpage.

Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Portland, Oregon

Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Stakeholders:
Earlier this fall we announced the beginning of a roadmapping effort for ENERGY STAR appliances, and invited all of you to an initial conversation on The Road Ahead: Mapping Opportunities in the Appliance World at the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Portland, Oregon. We were encouraged by partners’ willingness to engage in a facilitated dialog on major opportunities and challenges, on topics including the future of laundry as a system, and leveraging ENERGY STAR in the context of consumer satisfaction and sustainability. Time was limited during our initial one-hour discussion, but participants expressed overwhelming interest in continuing the conversation, starting with a series of webinars to flesh out each topic and determine next steps. Partners also indicated that they would like to see an outline of anticipated appliance specification revisions. The pre-meeting introductory content, as well as the slides shared at Partner Meeting, are now available on the Appliance Roadmapping website. This site will serve as the home for regular updates as our dialog continues.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a discussion series of webinars, as follows, reflecting the themes that emerged from our October session. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to indicate your interest in one or more of the webinar topics, to share your relevant experiences, or to suggest additional ideas. We will send a notification with webinar log-in information as the dates approach. The topics, dates, and times for these initial webinars follow:

1. Connected Appliances: Charting Progress and Identifying Consumer Value
February 4, 2016 from 1:00-3:00pm Eastern
During the October session, we heard manufacturer, utility and retail perspectives on the future of connected appliances, in the context of laundry products. Partners highlighted examples of connected functionality and hinted at future technological developments, but also noted challenges associated with defining a value proposition for connected appliances in the U.S. market. This webinar is an opportunity to continue the conversation from both the product development and marketing angles.

2. Clothes Washers: Defining Key Aspects of ENERGY STAR Customer Satisfaction
February 24, 2016 from 1:00-3:00pm Eastern
In conversations leading up to the October session and during the session itself, manufacturers noted that customer satisfaction with ENERGY STAR products, including clothes washers, is multi-faceted, and especially relevant as energy and water use decline. This webinar will extend the discussion of partner perspectives on which clothes washer performance attributes are most important to consumers and how they might be assessed.
3. Collaborating on Consumer Messaging: Educating on Efficient Product Use and Replacement/Recycling
March 9, 2016 from 1:00-3:00pm Eastern
In light of smaller unit savings in some appliance product categories, throughout the October session partners expressed an interest in collaborating across categories (manufacturer, retail and utility) and with ENERGY STAR to enhance and amplify consumer messaging. Two topics that received particular attention were tips on efficient product use, and the opportunity for replacement/recycling across appliance product categories.

4. Dishwashers: Defining Key Aspects of ENERGY STAR Customer Satisfaction
March 23, 2016 from 1:00-3:00pm Eastern
Similarly to clothes washers, manufacturers have indicated attributes that may be important to consumers such as drying performance, cycle time, and cleaning performance. This webinar is an opportunity to begin framing the aspects of ENERGY STAR dishwasher performance that are most critical to customer satisfaction. 

We also see value in setting up an in-person meeting that could serve as a culminating conversation on topics explored during this effort. We seek recommendations on an industry gathering, conference, trade show or association meeting that could serve this purpose.

EPA has prepared an outline of anticipated appliance specification efforts, accessible here. We encourage stakeholders to review the outline, and discuss questions and comments with us. In particular, feedback on industry trends as well as utility program considerations is especially welcome and helpful to our planning. We will host a webinar, Outlining Appliance Specification Revisions, to discuss the outline, as well as the latest technologies and features for each appliance product category, on Tuesday, January 12th from 1:00-3:00pm Eastern. You may register here.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. We look forward to your active involvement in this collaborative opportunity for appliances. 


Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy have released the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Draft 1 test method for stakeholder review. The cover letter and test method are now available. The V5.0 Draft 1 dataset is also available.
As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar on December 9 at 12:00–2:00 pm Eastern Time. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer V1.0 Draft 2 Specification and other associated documents for stakeholder review. These documents can be found on the Lab Grade Product Development Page. EPA will host a webinar to discuss this Draft on Monday, December 7 from 1 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar if you are interested in attending.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR ® program.

Other Upcoming Refrigeration Opportunities
Additionally, EPA would like to inform stakeholders about an upcoming meeting that discusses the JUMP initiative. JUMP is an Oak Ridge National Laboratory campaign series that connects innovators to industry; it provides in-kind technical support and recognizes best ideas at industry events and demonstrations. The Low Temperature Intrinsically Safe Defrost Campaign is co-sponsored by GE and focused on developing a low-cost system to remove ice from the evaporator while conforming to UL 250 Flammable Refrigerants Addendum. The idea submission deadline for this challenge is January 15, 2016. JUMP is hosting a webinar this Tuesday, November 17th from 3:00-4:00pm Eastern Time; register online here. 


Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Set-top Box V5.0 Draft 1 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are now available.

Also, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar on December 9 at 12:00–2:00 pm Eastern Time. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please register here.  
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or 202-862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Dear ENERGY STAR® Storage and Server Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning a series of two meetings to discuss recent storage and server developments and applicable data analysis at the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) facility in Colorado Springs, CO from November 18-19. If you are planning on attending in-person either day, please register here. A detailed agenda and call-in details for the two day meeting are shown below (times shown in Mountain Time):
Wednesday, November 18:
8:30-8:45am: Welcome & Agenda
8:45-9:00: ENERGY STAR Storage overview
9:00-9:45: Storage Unit Shipment Data discussion
10:00-10:45: EPA Emerald data analysis discussion
10:45-12:00pm: TGG Emerald data analysis & assessment discussion
12:00-12:30: Follow-on discussion on above analysis (if needed)
12:30-1:00: Lunch break
1:00-1:20: Preliminary summary of Emerald Version 3.x
1:20-2:00: NAS Test Procedure & data discussion
2:00-2:30: Proposed new taxonomy
2:45-5:00: Storage technical topics: new technologies, emerging trends, new terminology, etc.
Remote Attendance Details for November 18:
Call-in: Toll Free: 1-866-439-4480, Participant Pin: 32063756 #
Webex: Go to:, Select Green TWG F2F or GSI/Green TWG F2F, Enter name, email and password = gogreen
Thursday, November 19:
9:00-9:15am: Welcome & Agenda
9:15-11:45: TGG SERT data analysis & assessment
12:00-12:30pm: TGG presentation/discussion on maximum power configuration
12:30-1:00: Lunch break
1:00-2:00: SPEC presentation on SERT metric proposal
2:00-3:00: Server technical topics: new technologies, emerging trends, etc.
3:00-3:30: Wrap-up and final Q&A 
Remote Attendance Details for November 19:
Call-in Toll Free 1-877-423-6338, Participant Pin: 436598 #
GotoWebinar: Register prior to the meeting
Questions may be directed to Robert Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,

In preparation for the meeting being hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Monday, November 16 from 1-2:30 PM Eastern Time, please review the proposed changes to the Final Test Method and accompanying Cover Memo posted on the LNE PD page. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will discuss these proposed revisions to the Large Network Equipment Final Test Method during the call.
If you would like to participate in the meeting, please register here.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,

We Missed You!

The 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting took place in Portland, Oregon on October 12 – 14, 2015.

Approximately 550 retailers, manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, third-party program implementers, and other stakeholders joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take part in a dynamic meeting focused on facilitating collaborations among partners to advance energy efficiency through ENERGY STAR products.

More than twenty topical sessions were offered, over thirty ENERGY STAR partners displayed their ENERGY STAR certified products in the Product Expo, and twenty meeting rooms were used by attending retailers, energy efficiency program sponsors, manufacturers, EPA-recognized third parties, and other program stakeholders for independent working meetings spanning the full three-day meeting. Participants were welcomed by Margie Harris, Executive Director of the Energy Trust of Oregon, and enjoyed a Tuesday evening reception hosted by Sears Holdings Corporation at the Portland Art Museum.

Presentations are now available. Please visit and click on the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting image.

Select Meeting Highlights



The ENERGY STAR Lamp Specification—When complete, the current draft ENERGY STAR specification will help bring high-quality LEDs into even more American homes than ever. Partners shared insights and suggestions as to the direction of the ENERGY STAR program for lamps, and a range of sessions facilitated information exchange on the evolution of LED technology and lighting market trends. Stay engaged with EPA and make your voice heard in this important specification dialogue by contacting



The ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform—Energy efficiency program sponsors representing roughly 15 percent of the U.S. market are gearing up with EPA and participating retailers to launch phase-one pilots of this nationally coordinated midstream efficiency program. Get involved and help us build this long-term market transformation initiative! Contact Hewan Tomlinson at for more information.



Flip Your Fridge—EPA announced plans for the 2016 Flip Your Fridge national promotion, including an exciting new collaboration between ENERGY STAR partner LG Electronics USA and The Rachael Ray Show. In a one-time video message aired during this session, Rachael expressed her enthusiasm about ENERGY STAR and an expected Earth Day 2016 segment. Please get involved! Resources, including marketing materials, are available at Contact Rosemarie Stephens-Booker at for more information.



2016 ENERGY STAR Change the World Community Service Tour—Attracting a large and excited group of partners, this session featured breakouts for participants to discuss the finer details of the Tour with EPA and other interested parties and fine-tune project ideas and collaborations. There is still time to get involved! EPA welcomes project ideas and any questions at:



ENERGY STAR Water Heater Promotion—Focusing on direct consumer outreach and planned replacements of water heaters 10 years and older, EPA discussed its national outreach effort and collaboration with Partners. A panelist session also featured manufacturers, retailers, and utilities discussing their efforts in promoting early replacement of older water heaters with more efficient ENERGY STAR certified models. Get involved and build on the excitement generated by this year's promotion in helping to make next year's water heater promotion a big success. Contact Steve Ryan at for more information.



Appliance Roadmapping—Partners worked together to outline opportunities and challenges in the world of appliances with an engaging and thoughtful dialogue led by EPA. Contact Melissa Fiffer at to join this ongoing conversation.

Stay Tuned for Next Year!
We hope that you can join us next year. Please look for a save-the-date email from EPA ENERGY STAR in the coming months. Information will also be posted at

The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Team


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a meeting on Monday, November 16 from 1-2:30 PM Eastern Time. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will present a few specific proposed revisions to the Large Network Equipment Final Test Method.
If you would like to participate in the meeting, please register here.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Storage and Server Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning a series of two meetings to discuss recent storage and server developments and applicable data analysis at the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) facility in Colorado Springs, CO from November 18-19. A proposed overview of the two day meeting is shown below, though the agenda is not finalized yet (times shown in Mountain Time):


Wednesday, November 18:

8:30am-12pm: Storage Session - EPA and TGG Storage data analysis, unit shipment data discussion

12-1pm: Lunch

1-5pm: Storage Session - Review of upcoming Emerald Version 3.0, discussion on new technologies and considerations for ENERGY STAR Storage Version 2.0 development


Thursday, November 19:

8:30am-12pm: Server Session – Industry led SERT data review, SERT efficiency metrics discussion

12-1pm: Lunch

1-5pm: Server Session - Discussion on new technologies and other considerations for ENERGY STAR Servers Version 3.0 development


If you are planning on attending in-person either day, please register here. Additional information about the event can be found here. Call-in details and a finalized agenda will be provided in a follow-up email coming soon. Questions may be directed to Robert Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner and/or Stakeholder:
The final recognition criteria for refrigerators are now available on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016 Criteria Development web page. While the response to our proposal to recognize top freezers was mixed, we did hear from both manufacturers and utilities who expressed support. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized the criteria as proposed on September 30.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind stakeholders that there will be a one hour conference call to enable a focused discussion specific to a set of the comments received in response to the Version 1.0 Large Network Equipment Final Draft Specification and Final Test Method. The call will take place on Monday, October 26 from 1-2PM Eastern Time. Call-in information for those who would like to participate is shown below:
Toll-free Number: 877-423-6338
International Number: +1-571-281-2578
Access Code: 436598

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for large network equipment certified to the Large Network Equipment Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements with interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are available for review on the Large Network Equipment Product Development webpage, and technical documentation regarding the XML submission system is available on the XML Web Services Submission Process page at
The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Final Draft Large Network Equipment Version 1.0 Program Requirements and include information that will appear on the list of certified products as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on the requirements to no later than November 2, 2015.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a one hour conference call to enable a focused discussion specific to a set of the comments received in response to the Version 1.0 Large Network Equipment Final Draft Specification and Final Test Method. The call will take place on Monday, October 26 from 1-2PM Eastern Time. Call-in information for those who would like to participate is shown below:
Toll-free Number: 877-423-6338
International Number: +1-571-281-2578
Access Code: 436598

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Fryer Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 3.0 Commercial Fryers specification. The Draft 1 and EPA Cover Memo are available on the Commercial Fryers Version 3.0 specification development webpage. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar to discuss the Draft 1 proposal from 1:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern Time on October 20, 2015. Stakeholders can register for the webinar here.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here to view important correspondences from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for eleven eligible product categories, a revised proposal for refrigerator-freezers, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA responses included.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here to view important correspondences from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016 Criteria Development web page, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for eleven eligible product categories, a revised proposal for refrigerator-freezers, the EPA cover memo, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA responses included.
Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Appliance Partners and Other Stakeholders,
It has been a busy and productive year for ENERGY STAR appliances, with specification revisions completed across a number of product categories, and the addition of a brand new category for clothes dryers. Your participation, expertise and innovation have been key to our efforts to continually recognize the most energy and water saving products across each of these categories. As we look ahead to the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, and to future years of ENERGY STAR appliance specification development, the timing is ripe for a facilitated dialogue with all of you – partners including appliance retailers, manufacturers and utilities – to roadmap the future of ENERGY STAR for appliances and chart ways we can work even better together.
We would like to invite you to The Road Ahead: Mapping Opportunities in the Appliance World session scheduled for Wednesday, October 14th at 10am Pacific during the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Portland, Oregon. This session is in lieu of our usual appliance specification update session and is product development-focused. As a reminder of all that we’ve accomplished together in the past year, please feel free to reference the summary slide deck as background for our discussion.
In preparation for the Road Ahead session, we received informative, candid and insightful feedback from partners, which helped us to identify major opportunities and challenges facing ENERGY STAR appliances in the next five years. Several overarching themes emerged touching on the future of laundry as a system; ways to navigate the crossroads of smaller savings in some categories, continued priority of consumer satisfaction, and opportunity to achieve broader sustainability goals; and opportunities for collaborative consumer messaging to encourage greater efficiency. Please come ready to share your experiences and suggestions – every piece of input is valuable to our process.
Recognizing that with only an hour for this initial session, we will only scratch the surface, we will also leave ample time at the end of the session to agree on next steps and assess interest and willingness in continuing the conversation on these and other topics.
We look forward to connecting with you in person in Portland! Please do not hesitate to contact Melissa ( with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Melissa Fiffer
ENERGY STAR Appliance Product Manager


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following reminders about the upcoming 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:





























If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Portland!




This is a friendly reminder that online registration closes in ONE DAY on Wednesday, September 30th. After this date, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite, space allowing.

Register by visiting and clicking on the registration button. Benefits of registering online include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in

All attendees, including speakers and expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in booth payments.

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EPA continually looks for ways to reduce the level of resources associated with meetings. For 2015, EPA and the Hilton Portland have taken several steps to make this year's ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting as resource efficient as possible.

The Hilton Portland & Executive Tower works to decrease its impact on the environment and improve sustainability through a robust environmental program that addresses energy and water efficiency, recycling and composting, waste minimization, and other efforts including an environmental purchasing policy, and offering preferred status to environmentally responsible suppliers of products and services.

Paperless Meeting Effort

EPA invites meeting participants to join the effort to go paperless for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. As in past years, EPA will email all attendees who register online final meeting materials the week before the meeting. Each individual can choose to print only those materials they deem most critical.

Final materials include the agenda, the agenda companion document with detailed session descriptions and speaker information, the participant list with email addresses, representing those who registered online prior to September 30th, as well as other relevant logistical information.

The agenda and agenda companion document will also be available online prior to the meeting, at

A hard copy of the meeting agenda will still be provided to all attendees on-site.

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Join Sears Holdings Corporation at a cocktail reception at the Portland Art Museum at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 13th. Walking directions to the Portland Art Museum will be provided along with all other electronic versions of the meeting materials.

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the One-on-One Networking Session Guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.

For information on scheduling a meeting room, please contact Allison Robinson, Cadmus Group, at

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EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.

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The 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower from October 12 – 14, 2015.

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower
921 SW 6th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

Sleeping rooms at the Hilton Portland are sold out, however, alternate hotel accommodations are still available. We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. The following are nearby (within 0.2 miles) alternate hotel accommodations:

The Paramount Hotel

The Nines, Portland

The Heathman Hotel

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Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following updates and reminders about the 2015 ENERGY STAR Product Partner Meeting being held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR:

























If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Portland!




This is a friendly reminder that online registration closes on Wednesday, September 30th. If you haven't already done so, please be certain to register online as soon as possible, by visiting and clicking on the registration button.

Benefits of registering early include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in

After September 30th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

All attendees, including speakers and expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in booth payments.

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Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors' offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.

EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.

These Summaries are available for download at or you can click on the individual products below to link directly to the individual summaries:


2015 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance Programs


2015 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs


2015 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs


2015 ENERGY STAR Summary of Water Heater Programs (New!)

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As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the One-on-One Networking Session Guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.

For information on scheduling a meeting room, please contact Allison Robinson, Cadmus Group, at

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EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Back to Top


The 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower.

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower
921 SW 6th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

Sleeping rooms at the Hilton Portland are sold out, however, alternate hotel accommodations are still available. We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. The following are nearby (within 0.2 miles) alternate hotel accommodations:

The Paramount Hotel

The Nines, Portland

The Heathman Hotel

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Dear Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,

As a reminder, EPA will be hosting a webinar to discuss the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment (LNE) V1.0 Final Draft SpecificationTuesday, September 22 from 12 PM – 1 PM Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar if you are interested in attending.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Portland, Oregon

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following updates and reminders about the 2015 ENERGY STAR Product Partner Meeting being held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR:





















If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Portland!




This is a friendly reminder that online registration closes on Wednesday, September 30th. If you haven't already done so, please be certain to register online as soon as possible, by visiting and clicking on the registration button.

Benefits of registering early include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in

After September 30th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

All attendees, including speakers and ENERGY STAR Product Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in booth payments.

Back to Top


The Portland Hilton hotel is sold out, however, alternate hotel accommodations are still available. We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. The following are nearby (within 0.2 miles) alternate hotel accommodations:

The Paramount Hotel

The Nines, Portland

The Heathman Hotel

Back to Top



As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the One-on-One Networking Session Guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please contact Allison Robinson, Cadmus Group, at

Back to Top


EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Back to Top


Back to Top


Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fan Brand Owner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please note that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fan Program Requirements is October 1, 2015. As of October 1, the ENERGY STAR list of certified products will only contain products certified to the Version 4.0 specification, and all ventilating fans certified to the Version 3.2 specification will be removed from the list.

For more details, please visit

Please contact with any questions regarding the Version 4.0 specification, third-party certification processes, or becoming an ENERGY STAR Brand Owner Partner.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment (LNE) V1.0 Final Draft Specification, Final Test Method, and other associated documents for stakeholder review. These documents can be found on the LNE Product Development page.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Portland, Oregon

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with new information, updates, and reminders about the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR:  

























If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Portland, OR!  


As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings over the meeting dates. For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the One-on-One Networking Session Guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.


EPA is pleased to provide the final meeting agenda. Please note that a version of the current companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.


The Portland Hilton is almost sold out, however, a very limited number of rooms may still be available for certain nights. We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. The hotel cut-off date to receive the negotiated rate is September 11, 2015.

Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, please call the hotel directly at 1-800-HILTONS and refer to "ENERGY STAR".

*Sleeping rooms rates: $199/night single/double, $209/night triple, $219/night quad (plus all applicable state and local taxes).

Recognizing that some attendees may be unable to secure their desired dates at the meeting hotel, the Hilton Portland has offered the following recommendations of nearby (within 0.2 miles) alternate hotel accommodation:

The Paramount Hotel

The Nines, Portland

The Heathman Hotel


Registration for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit and click on the blue "Register Now" button.

The $175 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 13th, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing are TBD.

The online system will be available until September 30, 2015 and EPA strongly encourages all partners to register in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in

After September 30th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

All attendees, including speakers and ENERGY STAR Product Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, Oregon.  





















The Portland Hilton is almost sold out, however, a very limited number of rooms are still available. We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible as the hotel cut-off date to receive the negotiated rate is September 11, 2015, or until the room block is full, whichever comes first.

Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, please call the hotel directly at 1-800-HILTONS and refer to "ENERGY STAR", or go to 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

*Sleeping room rates: $199/night single/double, $209/night triple, $219/night quad (plus all applicable state and local taxes).

Recognizing that some attendees may be unable to secure their desired dates at the Hilton Portland, we would like to offer the following recommendations of nearby (within 0.2 miles) alternate hotel accommodations:

The Paramount Hotel

The Nines, Portland

The Heathman Hotel 503-241-4100



Registration for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit and click on the blue "Register Now" button.

The $175 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 13th, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing are TBD.

The online system will be available until September 30, 2015 and EPA strongly encourages all partners to register in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in


After September 30th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

All attendees, including speakers and ENERGY STAR Product Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Oven Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Final Draft Version 2.2 Commercial Ovens specification. The Final Draft and cover memo are available on the Commercial Ovens V2.2 product development page.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and Central Air Conditioner (CAC) Brand Owner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind brand owner partners that after September 15, 2015, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new ASHPs and CACs to the Version 4.1 specification and may only certify products to the Version 5.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to ASHPs and CACs to the Version 4.1 specification until September 14, 2015.  Also, please be reminded that as of September 15, 2015 any product manufactured and labeled as ENERGY STAR must meet Version 5.0 requirements.
Please contact EPA at with any questions about the certification of ASHPs and CACs.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Join ENERGY STAR® for Emerging Green 2015:

Electronics in a Circular Economy
September 22-24;
Portland, Oregon USA

In cooperation with leading global conferences, North America's Emerging Green Conference is the premiere gathering of technology leaders to discuss the advances, challenges and future of sustainable electronics. From September 22-24 in Portland, Oregon, participants will have a unique opportunity to network with and influence leaders in the global electronics industry.

Program Highlights:
With more than two dozen sessions and high-level keynotes, experts and thought leaders will focus on the unique hurdles and opportunities that electronics pose to a circular economy. ENERGY STAR is sponsoring the session on Strategies for Greener Data Centers and Clouds which will explore methods for reducing GHG emissions in the face of a projected growth in cloud computing of 45% per year. Learn more and register today:
ENERGY STAR invests heavily in partnerships in the CE and IT sector to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. Key activities in this area currently include product specifications for Servers, Data Storage, Network Equipment, Computers and Displays, and more. ENERGY STAR has worked with industry partners to develop and promote groundbreaking product testing and efficiency standards for CE and IT equipment that are being adopted globally to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.
Hotel Reservations Deadline
Book your room at The Nines Hotel by August 22 to get the special conference rate of $219 per night.

Location: Portland, Oregon

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, Oregon.
























Registration for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! To register, please visit and click on the blue "Register Now" button.

The $175 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 13th, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing are TBD.

The online system will be available until September 30, 2015 and EPA strongly encourages all partners to register in advance of this date. Benefits of registering early include:


Receipt of all final meeting materials one week prior to the meeting (these are only sent to attendees who registered online)


Advance notice to your peers that you will be attending the meeting, allowing them to connect with you in advance to arrange one-on-one networking sessions and other meetings


Inclusion of your name and organization in the online meeting participant list that is updated in real time on the online meeting registration page, and distributed via email to all registered attendees immediately prior to the meeting


Pre-printed name badges for faster onsite check-in

After September 30th, attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

All attendees, including speakers and ENERGY STAR Product Expo exhibitors, must pay the meeting registration fee, which covers the expense of food and beverages made available to them throughout the meeting. Registration fees are not included in ENERGY STAR Product Expo booth payments.


Sleeping rooms at the Portland Hilton are going fast. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

The hotel cut-off date for reserving sleeping rooms under the ENERGY STAR meeting rate* is September 11, 2015 or until the room block is full, whichever comes first. Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

The meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower:

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, please call the hotel directly at 1-800-HILTONS and refer to "ENERGY STAR", or go to 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

*Sleeping room rates: $199/night single/double, $209/night triple, $219/night quad (plus all applicable state and local taxes).


A handful of exhibitor spots remain available for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting Expo for retailer and manufacturing partners interested in the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting, and is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components.

The cost for a basic booth is expected to range between $30 – 50. Additional information, including exact cost, floor plans, RSVP deadline, and the exhibitor package, will be distributed shortly.

To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR expo, please contact Allison Robinson, The Cadmus group, at, no later than August 21st.


To assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide an updated preliminary agenda and an updated initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change:




Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
Please visit here for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016. On the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016 Criteria Development web page, you will find the draft recognition criteria documents for the twelve eligible product categories and the EPA cover memo.
EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, August 25 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2016 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear Large Network Equipment Manufacturer and Other Interested Stakeholders,

As a reminder, EPA will be hosting a webinar to discuss the LNE Draft 2 Specification tomorrow, Wednesday, July 8 from 12 PM – 2 PM Eastern Time. Please register for the webinar if you are interested in attending.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Oven Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Draft 2 Version 2.2 Commercial Ovens specification. The Draft 2 and data plots are available on the Commercial Ovens V2.2 product development page.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment (LNE) V1.0 Draft 2 Specification and associated documents for stakeholder review. The cover letter, draft specification, and revised test method are now available. Other associated documents can be found on the LNE Product Development page.
Questions may be directed to Katharine Kaplan, EPA, at or 202-343-9120 or John Clinger, ICF, at or 215-967-9407.

Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a summary of questions and answers on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner V4.0 installation criteria, as well as an optional checklist of side curtain design considerations.  This document is available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Partner website under “Supporting Documents.”

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or (202) 343-9494 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Sarah Medepalli
Location: Portland, Oregon

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR.
























In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you an updated preliminary agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version of this companion document with speaker information will be circulated closer to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.


EPA is pleased to offer ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. Display space is extremely limited this year, so booths will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and limited to one booth per partner. EPA is working with the Hilton Portland to maximize the use of space. As a result, smaller tabletop space may also be available for organizations preferring that format.

The product expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components. In the unlikely event that there is surplus display space after the RSVP deadline, it will be offered to interested EPA-recognized third parties at that point.

Additional information—including cost, floor plans, RSVP deadline, and the exhibitor package—will be distributed at a later date.

To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR expo, please contact Allison Robinson, The Cadmus group, at


The meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower:

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, please either call the hotel directly at 1-800-HILTONS and refer to "ENERGY STAR", or go to 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR Room block.

Sleeping room rates: $199/night for single/double, $209/night for triple, $219/night Quad, plus all applicable state and local taxes.

Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 11, 2015. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.


As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting. 

EPA would like to thank the following partners for their generous support of the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:

Sears Holdings Corporation

Best Buy Co., Inc.

LG Electronics, USA
Philips Lighting Company
The Home Depot

GE Lighting
Greenlite Lighting Corporation

Cordelia Lighting
Feit Electric Company, Inc.
Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)

Altair Lighting
Globe Electric

Please note: Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2015 will only be available until July 3, 2015.

While limited co-sponsorship opportunities are still available at this time, EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met earlier than the above-stated date.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at


Additional updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Portland!



Dear Lighting Stakeholder:
Please find below two new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that have been recently posted to the ENERGY STAR® website under the Lighting Product Certification subfolder.The following FAQs clarify that CFL ballasted SSL retrofit kits are not covered by the Luminaires Specification Version 1.2 or Version 2.0. As a reminder, FAQs can be accessed through Please be sure to use the ‘subscribe’ feature to receive a notification when an existing FAQ is updated, and please review the newest FAQs to be sure that you are aware of EPA’s interpretation to assist your clients with ENERGY STAR certifications.
Please contact for any questions not addressed by the FAQs.
Lighting Product Certification subfolder

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program.


The following Document submitted to Docket Number 15-MISC-03 has been published:

Thank you.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR.






















In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the draft preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. Additional information pertaining to session descriptions and speakers will be provided at a later date.

Back to Top


The meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower:

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, please either call the hotel directly at 1-800-HILTONS (1-800-445-8667) and refer to "ENERGY STAR", or go to 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR Room block.

Sleeping room rates: $199/night for single/double, $209/night for triple, $219 night Quad, plus all applicable state and local taxes.

Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 11, 2015. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Back to Top


As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.

Please note: Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2015 will only be available until July 3, 2015.  

EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met earlier than the above-stated date.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

EPA would like to thank the following partners for their generous support of the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:

Sears Holdings Corporation

Best Buy Co., Inc.

Philips Lighting Company
The Home Depot

Feit Electric Company, Inc.
Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)

Back to Top


For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics and lighting products during the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the ENERGY STAR Product Expo is still under development. Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.

Additional updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Portland!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner, Stakeholder, or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released the ENERGY STAR Luminaires Version 2.0 Final Specification.  The specification, cover letter, and a document with considerations for recertification of existing products can be found at
There will be an informational overview of the changes to the Luminaires program on June 5, 2015 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time.  Please click below to register:
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites your feedback on candidate technologies for the 2016 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award. The deadline to submit nominations is June 19, 2015.
The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories then become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:

  • Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share);
  • Offered by more than one supplier;
  • Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs;
  • Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations;
  • Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment);
  • Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records;
  • Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.

There is no restriction on who may provide feedback or submit a nomination. However, nominations submitted by manufacturers must be accompanied by laboratory and/or field performance data. Please note that EPA is accepting nominations for technology categories only; nominations for individual products will not be accepted. Nominations should be sent to
Stakeholders with questions can contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9408 and Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at or (434) 202-7875. To view previous Award categories and criteria, please visit

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer V7.1 Specification, which incorporates final connected criteria. The cover letter and final specification are now available.

Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or (202) 343-9494 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Oven Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 2.2 Commercial Ovens specification and upcoming stakeholder meeting announcement. The Draft 1 and meeting details are available on the Commercial Ovens V2.2 product development page.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Portland, Oregon

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

Planning is well underway for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, OR. EPA would like to make you aware of the following updates:














The meeting will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower:

To book your rooms at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower:


Call 1-800-HILTONS (1-800-445-8667) and refer to "ENERGY STAR" or


Visit the Hilton's personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block: 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.

Sleeping room rates (all applicable state and local taxes are additional)


$199/night - single/double


$209/night - triple


$219/night - quad

Cut-off date: The hotel's cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 11, 2015.
Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.


As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

Please note: Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2015 will only be available until July 3, 2015.  EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met earlier than the above-stated date.


In the coming weeks, EPA will circulate a preliminary draft agenda outlining the basic flow of the meeting, to assist with travel planning.

For those interested in exhibiting their ENERGY STAR certified appliances, water heaters, electronics and lighting products during the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the ENERGY STAR Product Expo is still under development. Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.

Additional updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Portland!


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Draft Final Specification for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 product development web page at Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or Austin Gelder, ICF, at or (770) 419-9249.  If you are attending the LIGHTFAIR International conference this week, you can stop by the ENERGY STAR booth (3177)  for further information.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:
Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding an upcoming Large Network Equipment (LNE) working session call on May 13, 2015, from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. The discussion will focus on resolving any remaining open discussions related to the specification and test method prior to the release of the next set of draft documents. Any feedback received from stakeholders in response to previous EPA inquiries will be posted on the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment V1.0 product development webpage prior to the meeting.

If you would like to participate in the May 13 meeting, please register here.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 6.0 Specification. The final specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 6.0 product development webpage. Questions may be directed to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at or (202) 343-9494 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Sarah Medepalli
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind brand owner partners that after May 15, 2015, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new ventilating fans to the Version 3.2 specification and will only certify ventilating fans to the Version 4.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing ventilating fan certifications to the Version 3.2 specification until September 30, 2015. After this date, only ventilating fans certified to the Version 4.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.
Please contact EPA at with any questions.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

EPA will be holding meetings in Washington, D.C. on April 20, 2015 to discuss ENERGY STAR Lamps and Luminaires specification development.  The meetings will be held at the Mariott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008 in the Madison Room. A conference line and web based meeting will also be available for those who cannot attend in person.

To RSVP to attend in person, please email Please indicate if you are attending the morning or afternoon meeting, or both.

ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 Discussion
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
RSVP for the Lamps Webinar
ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 PD page

ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Discussion
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
RSVP for the Luminaires Webinar
ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 PD page
If you have any questions about either call, please contact the ENERGY STAR Lighting Inbox at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial HFHC Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an important memo reminding stakeholders of the ENERGY STAR HFHC specification revision effort. The memo is available on the Commercial HFHC V3.0 product development page.
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 Draft 2 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 product development web page.

On Monday, April 20, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern, EPA will host a webinar and in-person meeting in Washington, DC providing a more detailed discussion of the proposed changes, a call in line will also be made available. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions via phone, web or in person. To register for this webinar please click here; to attend in person simply RSVP to

Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or Austin Gelder, ICF, at or (770) 419-9249.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Stakeholder:

Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the adoption of the SERT Version 1.1.0 tool in the Version 2.0 Computer Servers Program Requirements. A memo discussing the details of this update can be found on the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Version 2.0 Product Development Webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 Draft 2 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 product development web page.

On Monday, April 20, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern, EPA will host a webinar and in-person meeting in Washington, DC providing a more detailed discussion of the proposed changes, a call in line will also be made available. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions via phone, web or in person. To register for this webinar please click here; to attend in person simply RSVP to

Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or Austin Gelder, ICF, at or (770) 419-9249.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a connected specific Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, to address any questions and/or clarifications regarding the optional connected criteria included in the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Version 4.0 specification. The FAQ is available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Partners page under the Supporting Documents.
Please direct any specific questions to Melissa Fiffer, EPA, at, 202-343-9494, or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International at, 202-677-5201.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Oven Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo announcing the launch of the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification revision effort. The memo is available on the Commercial Ovens V2.2 product development page.  
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 6.0 Final Draft Specification. The specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 6.0 product development webpage.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

As a reminder, EPA will be facilitating two open discussions on connected lighting and lighting product packaging. The discussion on connected lighting will take place this Wednesday, April 1st from 2:00-4:00pm. Please remember to register by clicking the links below. 

Lamps and Luminaires with Connected Functionality:

Lamp and Luminaire Product Labeling and Packaging:

If you have any questions about either call, please contact the ENERGY STAR Lighting Inbox at
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. 

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:
Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding an upcoming Large Network Equipment (LNE) working session call on April 3, 2015, from 12-2 PM Eastern Time. The discussion will focus on product testing and the potential inclusion of products with fiber optic ports. Any feedback received from stakeholders in response to previous EPA inquiries will be posted on the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment V1.0 product development webpage prior to the meeting.

If you would like to participate in the April 3 meeting, please register here.  
First Time GoToWebinar Users: 
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

EPA will be holding meetings in Washington, D.C. on April 20, 2015 to discuss ENERGY STAR Lamps and Luminaires specification development.  The meetings will be held at the Mariott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008 in the Madison Room. A conference line and web based meeting will also be available for those who cannot attend in person.
To RSVP to attend in person, please email Please indicate if you are attending the morning or afternoon meeting, or both. 

ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 Discussion
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
RSVP for the Lamps Webinar
ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 PD page

ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Discussion
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
RSVP for the Luminaires Webinar 
ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 PD page

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program


ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Newsletter

Winter 2015 Edition

Updated! ENERGY STAR CFS Website

Webinar Opportunities for Partners

Partner Spotlight: TriMark USA

Recent and Upcoming Events: 2015 NAFEM and NRA Show

Product Development Updates

Data Assembly Effort: Commercial Coffee Brewers

DCKV Systems Receive 2015 Emerging Technology Award

Partner Reminder

Look for the spring newsletter next!



Updated! ENERGY STAR CFS Website

Want to connect with ENERGY STAR, but unsure where to start? For product information updates go to the ENERGY STAR CFS website or then “Find ENERGY STAR Products.” Use the “Business & Government” tab for the “Commercial Food Service Equipment” page or the link The recently updated CFS equipment webpage links to all eight product category pages and provides helpful resources for manufacturers, energy efficiency program sponsors, dealers, distributors, customers, and other stakeholders.

For resources with savings figures and energy efficiency tips, see the equipment savings fact sheets, the lighting fact sheet, the ENERGY STAR Guide for Café’s, Restaurants and Institutional Kitchens, or sign-up for the quarterly CFS newsletter. For information on incentives on ENERGY STAR and energy-efficient equipment, visit the “Buying Guidance” tab or If you’re purchasing ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment, use the CFS equipment savings calculator, the ENERGY STAR product finder, and the Where to Buy list of ENERGY STAR dealer partners.

For more information on resources, or questions on the ENERGY STAR CFS website, email:

Image of the ENERGY STAR CFS landing page


Recent and Upcoming Events: 2015 NAFEM and NRA Show

2015 NAFEM Show
EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program Manager Una Song and additional team members attended the 2015 North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) Show from February 19-21, 2015 in Anaheim, CA where more than 550 exhibitors were in attendance. NAFEM is a trade association of 500+ foodservice equipment and supplies manufacturers providing products for food preparation, cooking, storage and table service.

While at the show, the ENERGY STAR team met with various stakeholders to view new energy-efficient technology coming to market and discuss plans for specifying and marketing ENERGY STAR certified products. EPA would like to thank all ENERGY STAR partners who hosted the team at NAFEM 2015 and thank all partners for their promotion of ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment.

ENERGY STAR representatives also attended meetings for the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) from February 17-18, 2015 at the Southern California Edison (SCE) Foodservice Technology Center in Irwindale, CA.

2015 NRA Show
The National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show is May 16-19, 2015 in Chicago, IL. NRA's Conserve team welcomes you to visit their interactive tasting booth in Chicago. In addition, Conserve will host also a great line-up of panelists across its sustainability education sessions. For more details you can follow on Facebook & Twitter @ConserveNow or e-mail

If you haven’t visited the NRA’s Conserve website recently, take a tour now! Conserve helps restaurateurs navigate best practices in energy efficiency, food waste reduction, recycling, and water conservation.

What you’ll find:
- Bright Ideas newsletter with monthly ideas, best practices, cost-cutting solutions and real-world advice.
- Walking the Talk environmental blog featuring information, suggestions and ideas from sustainability experts in the field.
- YouTube channel consisting of 60+ videos, including “Conserve Conversations” with leaders from such companies as Chipotle, Starbucks, Ted’s Montana Grill, and independent restaurateurs, too.

ENERGY STAR representatives will also be in attendance at the NRA Show 2015. If you would like to meet with an ENERGY STAR representative at the Show, please contact


Data Assembly Effort: Commercial Coffee Brewers

EPA regularly looks for new opportunities to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by expanding the ENERGY STAR program to new product categories. EPA is interested in product categories that will deliver significant benefits to consumers and the environment. Recently, commercial coffee brewers were identified as a candidate for the ENERGY STAR program based on their total aggregate potential energy savings and wide distribution across many types of commercial and institutional operations. Coffee brewers represent a significant portion of the plug-load for commercial kitchens, buildings, and other institutional establishments (e.g. office break-rooms and lodging), as they are often left in an “always-on” mode.

According to preliminary test results conducted at the Pacific Gas and Electric’s Food Service Technology Center (FSTC), some coffee brewers can achieve an idle energy savings of up to 40% with improved insulation. Additional energy can be saved by turning off the decanter warmers when not in use.

In March 2014, EPA launched an effort to develop a new ENERGY STAR specification for commercial coffee brewers. The ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Coffee Brewers specification is currently under development. The initial draft specification will be developed once sufficient data is available, and will be distributed for public review and comment. Updates on this development effort, including draft specifications and supporting documents, are available on the ENERGY STAR commercial coffee brewer website at:

Stakeholders interested in receiving future correspondence or becoming involved in the specification development process can contact Timing for a Draft 1 release of the specification is primarily dependent on how much energy performance data EPA assembles.

If you have data on how commercial coffee brewers use energy, please contact Adam Spitz, ICF International, at (202) 862-1226 and Adam can also address any questions regarding this data assembly effort.


Partner Reminder

Help us Keep CFS Incentive Data Up to Date
If you’re an energy efficiency program sponsor (EEPS), keep an eye out for an email from with instructions on submitting your incentive information for inclusion in the 2015 ENERGY STAR CFS Incentive Guide. This tool details both ENERGY STAR and energy-efficient CFS equipment rebates available across the country. It also provides information about CFS rebates from more than 100 utilities, so make sure you're a part of it!

You can access the CFS Incentive Guide under the “Buying Guidance” tab through or directly at


Look for the next Commercial Food Service Newsletter this spring!

Webinar Opportunities for Partners

The ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) program staff is available to host webinars to help educate your staff, distributors, dealers and others on the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified products. On January 29, 2015, EPA held a webinar aimed at educating school administrators about the ENERGY STAR program, including how they can save energy, water, and money. The webinar provided attendees with tips on navigating the ENERGY STAR website. It also gave an overview of the available ENERGY STAR CFS tools and resources to help school kitchen administrators make energy-efficient equipment purchasing decisions.

If you are interested in scheduling a webinar for your organization and/or customers on the ENERGY STAR CFS program or the 2015 Emerging Technology Award for Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation (DCKV), please contact:

The ENERGY STAR CFS Website from the January 29, 2015 School's Webinar


Partner Spotlight: TriMark USA

TriMark USA., an ENERGY STAR CFS equipment dealer partner, is the country’s largest provider of equipment, supplies and design services to the foodservice industry. TriMark USA has 12 divisions offering full-service equipment and supplies distribution, design-build expertise, and government services across 26 locations nationwide. TriMark USA became an ENERGY STAR CFS dealer partner in 2013. They collaborate with ENERGY STAR brand owner partners to provide national chains, independent restaurants, healthcare institutions, hotels and resorts, event facilities and education institutions with ENERGY STAR certified equipment.

TriMark USA actively promotes savings and rebates available through ENERGY STAR certified CFS products by pointing customers to resources such as the ENERGY STAR Guide for Café’s, Restaurants, and Institutional Kitchens. One way TriMark USA highlights the certified products they carry and ENERGY STAR CFS resources is through their TriMark blog. Through these blogs, the company has showcased the benefits of the ENERGY STAR certified CFS products they carry, including estimated lifetime and annual savings, cost saving tips as well as the features and benefits of using ENERGY STAR products.

TriMark USA is an authorized dealer for many ENERGY STAR CFS equipment manufacturers including Hoshizaki, Hobart, Traulsen, and Vulcan. Product categories that TriMark USA provides include commercial refrigerators, fryers, combination ovens, convection ovens, griddles, ice machines, and dishwashers.

To learn more about TriMark USA, visit


Product Development Updates

Component Inspection Verification Pilot – Commercial Steam Cookers
EPA will be completing the transition to third-party certification by requiring the certification of steam cooker products not previously certified (i.e. those qualified for the program prior to the imposition of third-party certification in 2011). Legacy products that have been verified since 2011 may use the test reports from verification testing for purposes of certification. All legacy products must be certified by December 31, 2015 to maintain ENERGY STAR qualification.

In addition, EPA will be piloting an optional modified approach to verifying the ongoing performance of commercial steam cookers in 2016. This approach will be available to certification bodies who want to offer this option and commercial steam cooker partners who want to fulfill their verification obligations in 2016 using component level inspections similar to those used in current safety and sanitation verification procedures. Other CFS categories will continue to be subject to the selection and verification testing process currently in place. EPA will consider the long-term feasibility of this approach for commercial steam cookers and potentially other CFS categories based on the results of the pilot.

Specification Revision – Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets
In November 2014, EPA launched the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets specification revision effort. Current requirements are being reviewed, in part, due to concerns that cabinets capable of operating in "wet" mode are not being tested in a manner representative of their intended use. In order to determine if separate levels need to be set for "dry" only and "wet" cabinets. EPA is actively assembling energy performance data for cabinets that operate in “wet” mode based on the ASTM F2140-11 “wet” mode test procedure. EPA is also interested in assembling technical information and performance data for other types of hot food holding equipment, such as: drawer warmers, universal holding cabinets, and cook and hold products. Interested stakeholders can contact Adam Spitz, ICF International, at or 202.862.1226.

Specification Revision – Commercial Ovens
EPA will be launching the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens specification revision effort, expanding the scope to include rack ovens.

More information on the ENERGY STAR product development process can be found at:


DCKV Systems Receive 2015 Emerging Technology Award

Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation (DCKV) systems offered by Gaylord Industries Inc., Halton Company, Intellinox, and Melink Corporation received the ENERGY STAR 2015 Emerging Technology Award. These systems are being recognized for their significant energy saving potential, offering operators as much as 60 percent or more in utility savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To view the list of qualifying systems visit: EPA will be working with utilities and other partners in the ENERGY STAR network to educate designers and operators on the benefits of DCKV technologies and promote Award winning systems in 2015.

EPA's Una Song presenting the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for DCKV to Gaylord.

EPA's Una Song presenting the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for DCKV to Halton.

EPA's Una Song presenting the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for DCKV to Intellinox.

EPA's Una Song presenting the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for DCKV to Melink.

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted.

EPA will review DCKV Award applications on a rolling basis. Manufacturers will DCKV systems that meet the Award criteria are encouraged to apply and can contact for more information.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

EPA is  holding a webinar and an in person meeting for Luminaires V2.0 Draft 2 in Washington, D.C. on March 17, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.  If you would like to attend and have not already done so, please register for the webinar at:

To attend in person, RSVP to

The deadline to submit comments on the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Draft 2 is April 3, 2015.  Comments should be submitted to and indicate "ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Draft 2 Comments" in the subject line.    

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.    


Dear CAC/ASHP Partners and other interested parties:
Since finalizing the version 5.0 specification for Central Air Conditioning and Air Source Heat Pumps with expanded scope to include ICM coil combinations, EPA has been working with ENERGY STAR certification bodies (CBs) to finalize policy about certification of and verification testing of these combinations. 
Below is a draft of directive to CBs on this topic.  Please share any comments or questions about the draft directive by March 17, 2015 via
Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR!
Draft Directive: ENERGY STAR Verification Testing Guidance for Independent Coil Manufacturers (ICM) Combinations
Central Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump (CAC/ASHP) products are certified based on a combination of products – the indoor unit (coil) and outdoor unit. In cases where the coil is manufactured by a different company than the outdoor unit, certification bodies (CBs) will need to coordinate testing based on the availability of outdoor units from previously verified system manufacturer combinations.
For Independent Coil Manufacturers (ICM) combinations, the outdoor unit will be drawn from among those models listed in the ENERGY STAR program by the system manufacturer. Verification testing selections are required to include an outdoor model that has been verified to perform at least at 95% of its rating as part of the system manufacturer’s combination within the previous three years. If available, the CB is required to conduct verification testing of the ICM combination using a unit sample that was verified. Otherwise, the CB is required to obtain an outdoor unit for testing from a model that was part of a combination verified within the last three years. [Note: Under this scenario, each outdoor unit previously verified would need to have been at least 95% of its rating]. If no outdoor model that can be paired with the ICM indoor model has been verified within the past three years with at least 95% of its rating, a system that includes a relevant outdoor unit should be tested as soon as possible. The ICM combination should be verified after that occurs, assuming there is at least one outdoor unit available from the system combination tested that is verified to be at least 95% of rated efficiency.
Sample Size
Per directive 2011-04, the multiple test sample approach is relevant for most ICM combinations as it applies to products covered by federal energy conservation standards. For this multiple test sample approach, four models of the indoor unit from the ICM should be available for testing. These four models are required to each be paired with the same selected outdoor unit sample. In the event that a Partner opts to follow the single test sample approach for certification, only one ICM model is required to be paired with the outdoor unit sample. 

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Draft 2 for stakeholder review. The cover letter and draft specification are available on the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 product development web page. Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or Austin A. Gelder, ICF, at or (770) 419-9249.
EPA will be holding a webinar and an in person meeting in Washington, D.C. on March 17, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. To register for the webinar please click here.  If you wish to attend in person, please RSVP for the meeting to with the subject line “RSVP Luminaires V2.0 Draft 2 Meeting”.  Please note that space will be limited for the in-person meeting. 
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Steam Cooker Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released information concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Steam Cooker Certification Requirements and Pilot Program. The cover memo and the pilot program document are available on the Compliance Assessment Pilot Program webpage and the ENERGY STAR Commercial Steam Cookers webpage

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances & Consumer Electronics.  This year’s meeting will take place on October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, Oregon.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders.  Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community. 

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates.  More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

If you are interested in participating in other ways, learning more, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Portland, OR!

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances & Consumer Electronics.  This year’s meeting will take place on October 12-14, 2015 in Portland, Oregon.
The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.
The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders.  Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community. 

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates.  More information pertaining to the draft agenda and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

If you are interested in participating in other ways, learning more, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2015 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Portland, OR!

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo regarding a clarification for performing the workstation maximum power test on products with alternate operating systems. The memo is available on the ENERGY STAR Computers Product Development Page.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:

EPA is  holding a webinar and an in person meeting for Lamps V2.0 Draft 1 in Washington, D.C. on March 3, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.  If you would like to attend and have not already done so, please register for the webinar at:

To attend in person, RSVP to
The deadline to provide comments for Lamps V2.0 Draft 1 is March 13, 2015.  Comments should be submitted to and  indicate "ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.0 Draft 1 Comments" in the subject line. 

Save the Date: April 20th
EPA is announcing stakeholder specification discussion meetings for ENERGY STAR® Lamps V2.0 and ENERGY STAR® Luminaires V2.0 will both take place on April 20, 2015 in Washington, DC.  The Lamps meeting will be in the morning, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern, and the Luminaires meeting will be in the afternoon from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.  


Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:
Please see this important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding an upcoming Large Network Equipment (LNE) working session call on March 6, 2015 focused on defining scope and product family. Two supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment V1.0 product development webpage. Details for this call on March 6 and two subsequent calls  can be found in the document titled ”LNE Working Sessions Schedule and Outline for Scope – Product Family Discussion”.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Final Version 4.0 Specification. The specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Version 4.0 product development webpage.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

What do ENERGY STAR LED bulbs and Valentine's Day have in common? Mood lighting, of course!

Help ENERGY STAR consumers set the mood and save energy this Valentine's Day with ENERGY STAR dimmable LED bulbs! ENERGY STAR is offering you a new and simple opportunity to highlight the dimmable ENERGY STAR LED bulbs that you are manufacturing, selling, or rebating! Let's work together to show consumers that these ENERGY STAR dimmable LED bulbs are the simple choice in energy efficiency.


As part of this effort, we have created a fact sheet about dimmable LEDs, as well as other shareable, educational content that we will be distributing through a new dimmable LEDs promotional page ( that will go live on February 10th. The promotional page will leverage the theme of Valentine’s Day to make the benefits of LED dimmable bulbs more relevant and personal to our consumers.

To drive traffic to this page, we will be leveraging digital media, including our consumer newsletter, reaching more than 500,000 consumers as well as our social media sites.  We invite our partners and stakeholders to do the same through your own social media and customer networks.

To that end, please see below for some fun, suggested social media messages and shareable graphics leveraging the theme of Valentine’s Day that we will be sending out to our consumers – and it would be great if you could also send them to your consumers and/or retweet and share the messages during the promotional timeframe of February 10th-14th.

What: Promote ENERGY STAR LED dimmable bulbs to help consumers set the mood and save energy this Valentine's Day. 


When: Post this messaging and graphics anytime during the week of February 10th-14th

How: Share this messaging and graphics on your social media accounts. Please contact to receive the new factsheet and any of the four images below and include them in your posts, tweets, and/or webpages! Please note that will not be active until February 10th

Suggested Facebook Posts: 

  • What do #LED bulbs and #ValentinesDay have in common? MOOD LIGHTING! Dim the lights on date night and save energy with @ENERGY STAR dimmable LED bulbs! [Insert graphic here.]
  • Did you know that most @ENERGYSTAR certified #LED bulbs are dimmable? Set the mood AND save energy this #ValentinesDay! [Insert graphic here.]
  • Making a #ValentinesDay dinner at home? Add some ambiance and save energy with @ENERGYSTAR dimmable #LED bulbs! [Insert graphic here.]


Suggested Twitter Posts: 

  • What do lighting and #ValentinesDay have in common? @ENERGYSTAR dimmable #LED bulbs! [insert graphic here.]
  • #DYK that most @ENERGYSTAR certified #LED bulbs are dimmable? [Insert graphic here.]
  • Set the mood AND save energy this #ValentinesDay with @ENERGYSTAR dimmable #LED bulbs! [Insert graphic here.]
  • Celebrate #ValentinesDay with @ENERGYSTAR dimmable LED bulbs! [Insert graphic here.]
  • Making a #ValentinesDay dinner at home? Add some ambiance and save energy with @ENERGYSTAR dimmable #LED bulbs! [Insert graphic here.]
  • Fall in love with @ENERGYSTAR dimmable #LED bulbs this #ValentinesDay! [Insert graphic here.]

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The Winter ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is now available! This edition includes timely updates and vital information that touch several key areas of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

This newsletter will be available next week on the Resources for Lighting Partners page. Past editions of the ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter are always available at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Consumer Electronics and IT Stakeholders:
Robert (RJ) Meyers will be on a temporary 4 month assignment at another EPA office starting on February 9th, 2015. During his absence, his product specifications will be managed by other EPA team members and will continue to be supported by ICF International. Starting February 9th, if you have questions regarding any of RJ's product specifications, please direct them to the following contacts:
Large Network Equipment
Katharine Kaplan, 202-343-9120
John Clinger, 215-967-9407
Small Network Equipment
Verena Radulovic, 202-343-9845
John Clinger, 215-967-9407
Katharine Kaplan, 202-343-9120
John Clinger, 215-967-9407
Steve Ryan, 202-343-9123
John Clinger, 215-967-9407
Steve Ryan, 202-343-9123
John Clinger, 215-967-9407
Steve Ryan, 202-343-9123
Matt Malinowski, 202-862-2693
For all other questions, please contact Katharine Kaplan,
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program


Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a cover memo concerning an extension of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers data assembly effort to March 30, 2015. This letter and the associated testing report template and test method documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Lab Grade V1.0 product development webpage at
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:
EPA will host a webinar for large network equipment stakeholders and other interested parties on Friday, January 30 from 12 PM – 2 PM Eastern Time to outline several remaining challenges to developing an ENERGY STAR LNE program and encourage further discussion of solutions among stakeholders and the ENERGY STAR team over the coming months. The following areas will be covered during the call:
1) Discussion on test and report vs. level setting in Version 1.0
2) Discussion on the separation between SNE and LNE, whether by throughput, port count, maximum total link capacity, or other options.
3) How to handle differences in modular vs. semi-modular products within the context of a product family
4) How to incorporate fiber optic ports into the specification in a fair and consistent way
5) How to define product family and testing configuration for complex modular products
6) Investigation of methods to reduce testing cost in LNE products with many data ports, including the use of a snaked-traffic topology
7) Investigation into the use of fixed-speed fan settings to allow a wider range of ambient temperature during test
If you would like to participate, please register prior to the meeting.
First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.
Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:
Dial: 877-423-6338
International Number: +1-571-281-2578
Access Code: 436598
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Final Draft Version 4.0 Specification. The draft specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners V4.0 product development webpage. EPA welcomes comments to by Monday, February 2, 2015. 
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholders:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to thank stakeholders for the constructive feedback provided in response to the draft verification testing guidance issued on December 5, 2014. The directive for verification testing of the products certified under ENERGY STAR Lamps specification V1.0 and V1.1 has been revised based on that feedback. In addition, while EPA’s initial proposal reflected industry’s request that lumen and color maintenance for LED lamps be measured earlier than 6,000 hours, since the draft guidance was released, EPA has received 6,000-hour test results revealing that more than 10% of LED lamps tested in 2014 did not experience failures until being evaluated for 6,000-hour requirements. Based on this information and in the interest of maintaining the integrity of the LED lamp market, EPA has decided to retain the full 6,000-hour testing of LED lamps to evaluate lumen and color maintenance as well as rated life. EPA will re-evaluate the guidance after assessing the results from 2015 verification testing.
EPA would also like to thank partners and stakeholders for their input on the importance of verification testing and exploration of options for reducing testing time and costs. Directive #2015-01: ENERGY STAR Lamps Verification Testing – Test Requirements, Sample Sizes and Retesting for Marginal Failures is posted for EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) on the Third-Party Certification Directives web page. Please contact me with questions at (202) 343-9042 or As always, thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
Taylor Jantz-Sell
ENERGY STAR Lighting Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ENERGY STAR Lamps Verification Testing– Test Requirements, Sample Sizes and Retesting for Marginal Failures
For purposes of ENERGY STAR verification testing, CBs must test certified lamps against the following limited set of core performance requirements, as applicable to the specific model.
·         Efficacy
·         Light output or center beam intensity (verify for equivalency claim)
·         Light output ratio (Directional lamps only)
·         Luminous intensity distribution (Omnidirectional and Decorative LED lamps only)
·         Correlated color temperature
·         Color rendering (Ra for all lamps, R9 for LED lamps)
·         Color maintenance (LED lamps only)
·         Color angular uniformity (Directional LED lamps only)
·         Lumen maintenance (1,000 hours for CFLs, 3,000 and 6,000 hours for LED lamps)
·         Rated life (observation of operational CFL units after 4,000 hours of operation and 6,000 hours for LED lamps)
·         Run up time (covered CFLs only)
·         Rapid cycle stress test
·         In-situ temperature test (LED lamps that utilized early certification only)
CBs must subject each lamp model to two additional tests, selected at random by the CB, from among the requirements listed below.
·         Frequency
·         Transient protection*
·         Start time*
·         Run up time* (bare CFLs only)
·         Power factor*
·         Dimensional requirements
Verification testing must be conducted in the same manner it was for certification, with the following exceptions:
1.)   Instead of performing the lumen maintenance tests for 40% of rated life for CFLs, an observational check should be made at 4,000 hours to confirm that >90% of units are surviving at that time;
2.)   Lifetime and lumen maintenance testing should use the highest wattage measured of a single unit sample to determine the testing temperature (unless product is marked not for use in enclosed or recessed fixtures);
3.)   If CFL start time measured in verification testing exceeds 100 milliseconds it is no longer exempt from full rapid cycling;
4.)   CBs are required to follow sample size approaches as outlined by the relevant performance criteria, with the exception of tests marked above with an asterisk, for which partners have the option to test one sample for purposes of verification testing.
Marginal Failures
Specific to verification testing of ENERGY STAR Lamps, a marginal failure is the degree of failure of a particular performance requirement that triggers a retest, as defined in the Lamps Verification Testing: Marginal Failure Table. If a marginal failure occurs, CBs should notify the affected partner and initiate retesting, or procurement of new units for retest, within five business days. Partners may opt out of a retest by accepting disqualification of the model.
Reporting to EPA
Consistent with procedures for other ENERGY STAR product categories, CBs are required to report testing failures on any of the performance requirements to within two days of determining a testing failure, and include with this submission all relevant test reports. In the event of a marginal failure, CBs should notify EPA at that retesting will occur. If the partner opts out of retesting, the marginal failure should be reported within two days as a failure. EPA will then notify the partner per the ENERGY STAR Disqualification Procedures.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 7.0 Final Specification. The Final Specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions V7.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or (202) 343-9845 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 7.0 Final Draft for stakeholder review. The Final Draft and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions V7.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Verena Radulovic, EPA, at or (202) 343-9845 or Matt Malinowski, ICF, at or (202) 862-2693.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the final specification for ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans V4.0. The final specification and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans V4.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Abi Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Sarah Medepalli

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that the new version of ENERGY STAR’s online Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME) is now available at
DIME is designed to provide partners with an easily accessible, user-friendly online search tool to help manufacturers and retailers identify incentive and marketing opportunities for promoting ENERGY STAR certified products, and to enable all partners to coordinate with the appropriate contact from other partner organizations on promotional opportunities.  Features of the upgraded DIME tool include a streamlined look and feel, a search by state, incentive type, and/or product, an option to view zip codes covered by each promotion, and a filter by utility option!
Incentive information included within the ENERGY STAR DIME tool is based on information that energy efficiency program sponsor partners have submitted to ENERGY STAR. Energy efficiency program sponsors are encouraged to review the accuracy of their program information on a regular basis and provide updates to their ENERGY STAR Account Manager (or email 
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program!


Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Brand Owner or Other Interested Party,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Version 6.0 supplemental proposal. The proposal and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 6.0 specification development page or at EPA welcomes comments to by Wednesday, January 14, 2015. 
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 Draft 1 for stakeholder review. The cover letter, draft, comments and agency response are available on the ENERGY STAR Luminaires V2.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Taylor Jantz-Sell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9042 or Austin Gelder, ICF, at or (770) 419-9249.
EPA will be holding a webinar and an in person meeting in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.  Please RSVP for the meeting to with the subject line “RSVP Luminaires V2.0 Draft 1 Meeting”, and indicate whether you intend to attend in person or online.  Please note that space will be limited for the in-person meeting.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Stakeholders and Other Interested Parties:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Version 5.0 Specification. The final specification and cover memo are available on the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump V5.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Abi Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:
After consulting with industry and other stakeholders throughout the year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed guidance for verification testing of the products certified under ENERGY STAR Lamps specification V1.0 and V1.1.
EPA would like to thank partners and stakeholders for their input on the importance of verification testing and exploration of options for reducing testing time and cost while maintaining confidence that tests confirm that products continue to meet ENERGY STAR levels. Information on stakeholder discussion of verification testing can be found at
Below you will find draft guidance that outlines verification testing parameters for ENERGY STAR lamps for 2015 and a table outlining marginal failure criteria for optional retesting here. While we have more than five years of verification testing history for compact fluorescent lamps, we have only one year of testing for LED lamps and much to learn about these products post-certification. This guidance maintains the majority of tests required for certification with allowance for testing two non-core tests consistent with industry’s proposal. It also includes optional reduced sample sizes for some tests. Rapid cycle stress test remains a core test at this time, due to the importance of this test for lamp reliability. EPA will re-evaluate the guidance after assessing the results from 2015 verification testing.
Please provide any concerns about this guidance to by December 19, 2014.
The final guidance will be posted as a directive for EPA-recognized certification bodies at Please contact me with questions at (202) 343-9042 or As always, thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
Taylor Jantz-Sell

ENERGY STAR Lamps Verification Testing Draft Guidance for Certification Bodies – Test Requirements, Sample Sizes and Retesting for Marginal Failures
For purposes of ENERGY STAR verification testing, CBs are required to test certified lamps against the following limited set of core performance requirements, as applicable to the specific model.

  • Efficacy
  • Light output or center beam intensity (verify for equivalency claim)
  • Light output ratio (Directional lamps only)
  • Luminous intensity distribution (Omnidirectional and Decorative LED lamps only)
  • Correlated color temperature
  • Color rendering index
  • Color maintenance (LED lamps only)
  • Color angular uniformity (Directional LED lamps only)
  • Lumen maintenance (1,000 hours for CFLs 3,000 hours for LED lamps)
  • Rated life (observation of operational units after 4,000 hours of operation)
  • Run up time (covered CFLs only)
  • Rapid cycle stress test
  • In-situ temperature test (LED lamps that utilized early certification only)

CBs are required to subject each lamp model to two additional tests, selected at random by the CB, from among the requirements listed below.

  • Frequency
  • Transient protection*
  • Start time*
  • Run up time* (bare CFLs only)
  • Power factor*
  • Dimensional requirements

Verification testing must be conducted in the same manner it was for certification, with the following exceptions:

  1. Instead of performing the lumen maintenance tests for 40% of rated life for CFLs and the 6000 hour test for LEDs, an observational check should be made at 4000 hours to confirm that >90% of units are surviving at that time;
  2. Lifetime and lumen maintenance testing should use the highest wattage measured of a single unit sample to determine the testing temperature;
  3. CBs are generally required to follow sample size approaches as outlined by the relevant performance criteria.  For the tests marked above with an asterisk, partners may be given the option to test one sample for purposes of verification testing.

Marginal Failures
Specific to verification testing of ENERGY STAR Lamps, a marginal failure is the degree of failure of a particular performance requirement that triggers a retest, as defined in the linked table. If a marginal failure occurs, CBs should notify the affected partner and initiate retesting, or procurement of new units for retest, within five business days. Partners may opt out of a retest by accepting disqualification of the model.
Reporting to EPA
Consistent with procedures for other ENERGY STAR product categories, CBs are required to report testing failures on any of the performance requirements to within two days of determining a testing failure, and include with this submission all relevant test reports. In the event of a marginal failure, CBs should notify EPA at that retesting will occur. If the partner opts out of retesting, the marginal failure should be reported within two days as a failure. EPA will then notify the partner per the ENERGY STAR Disqualification Procedures.




Contact Name: Taylor Jantz-Sell
Phone: 202-343-9042
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Brand Owners and Other Interested Parties:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans V4.0 Final Draft for stakeholder review. The Final Draft and all supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans V4.0 product development webpage at Questions may be directed to Abi Daken, EPA, at or (202) 343-9375 or Sarah Medepalli, ICF, at or (202) 677-5201.
Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR Furnace Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached correspondence from the US Environment Protection Agency regarding the Agency’s intention to amend Version 4.0 of the ENERGY STAR Furnace specification to adopt the revised federal Furnace Fan Test Method and new furnace efficiency metric FER. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR®.

File attachments:

Dear Audio/Video Equipment Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR® Audio/Visual Specification Version 3.0.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioning and Air Source Heat Pump Brand Owners and other interested parties: 

Please see the attached important correspondence regarding the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioning and Air Source Heat Pump V5.0 Final Draft. 

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share the final ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2015 recognition criteria for Dishwashers.  Please see the attached correspondence for additional information.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to thank you for attending the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting that took place in Scottsdale, AZ, from October 27-29, 2014. In particular, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through the logistical challenges associated with relocating the meeting from the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown to The Phoenician due to the electrical fault at the original venue.

The presentations from the meeting are now available online at

Thank you for your support and contributions to this year’s meeting. We look forward to your participation at next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

We appreciate your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Thank you,


Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the specific concepts and definitions presented in this document, as well as any comments of a more general nature, to by December 12, 2014

Additionally, EPA will be hosting a webinar for lab grade refrigerators and freezers brand owners and other interested parties on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 from 12 PM – 2 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion. 

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 436598#

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Thank you for your continued interest in the ENERGY STAR® Draft 1 Version 4.0 Room Air Conditioners Specification. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes stakeholder comments on the draft specification submitted by Wednesday, November 19, 2014.

As a reminder, EPA will be hosting a webinar for room air conditioner stakeholders on Monday November 24th, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time. The webinar information is listed below. As a reminder, the draft specification is available here.

Please Register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 487537#

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR®.


Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Stakeholder:

As a reminder, the comment deadline for the Luminaires V2.0 Discussion Document is this Friday, November 14, 2014. You can find the document posted at Please be sure to submit any questions or comments to inform Draft 1 of the Luminaires V2.0 Specification to Unless noted “DO NOT POST”, all comments will be posted.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington DC

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Notice of extension of Comment Period for Small Diameter Directional Lamp and General Service LED Lamps - Docket No. 14-AAER-1

The public written comment period for the small diameter directional lamps and General Service LED lamps has been extended to 4:00 p.m. pacific standard time, on November 14, 2014.

For complete details, please see the notice on our website at

For more information:
(If link above doesn't work, please copy entire link into your web browser's URL)

Carol Greenwood
California Energy Commission
Web Team



File attachments:
Contact Name: Carol Greenwood
Address: 1516 Ninth Street MS-29
City: Sacramento
State: Ca 95814
Country: USA
Comments: 916-654-4287
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fans Stakeholder or other interested party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to thank you for attending the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting that took place in Scottsdale, AZ, from October 27-29, 2014. In particular, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through the logistical challenges associated with relocating the meeting from the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown to The Phoenician due to the electrical fault at the original venue.

The presentations from the meeting are now available online at

Thank you for your support and contributions to this year’s meeting. We look forward to your participation at next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting

We appreciate your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Thank you,




Today is ENERGY STAR Day, and this year we are celebrating the collective accomplishments of our first-ever ENERGY STAR Change the World Tour representing generous private and public sector organizations that have partnered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to make a difference in people’s lives through energy efficiency community service projects. We’re calling it the power of positive energy and ask you to join us in celebrating ENERGY STAR Day by sharing your own stories about the Power of Positive Energy.

Check out these videos for a sneak peak of what the tour is all about.

U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Recognizes ENERGY STAR Day


 Happy ENERGY STAR Day from the Change the World Tour



Join our Twitter Party, experience their stories, and share your own stories for prizes!  

Date: Wednesday, October 29

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm (EDT)

Place: Twitter!

How to Join: Follow #ESPositiveEnergy

Join us tomorrow, October 29 at 2:00 pm (EDT) for our ENERGY STAR Day Twitter Party. We’ll be sharing videos and pictures from our Change the World Tour events and talking about how we can make positive change through energy efficiency. Share your own story about the Power of Positive Energy to earn prizes!

Visit our Tour landing page for more information on the tour plus how you can share your own power of positive energy using the hashtag #ESPositiveEnergy

Enjoy your ENERGY STAR Day and we'll catch up with you tomorrow at 2 pm!

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached Specification Discussion Document from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), launching a revision of the ENERGY STAR specification for luminaires (V2.0). Comments are due by November 14, 2014.

EPA is hosting an in person meeting to discuss this document and next steps in the luminaires specification revision process on October 30, 2014 from 9am – Noon (local time) in Phoenix, Arizona in conjunction with the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.

If you plan to attend this meeting in person, please click here.

If you are interested in attending, but are unable to attend in person, please sign up for the webinar by clicking here.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Room Air Conditioner Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Room Air Conditioner specification. EPA will be hosting a webinar for room air conditioner stakeholders and other interested parties on Monday, November 24, 2014 from 1 PM – 3 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion. 

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 487537#

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Dear ENERGY STAR® partners and stakeholders,

Online registration for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now closed, but there is still space available at the meeting. Those wishing to register must do so onsite.


Date: October 27–29, 2014

Location: The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown

340 North 3rd Street

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: (602) 262-2500

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following additional updates and reminders:

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!


In an effort to reduce the level of resources associated with the meeting, EPA is proudly offering all meeting materials in electronic format, with the exception of the meeting agenda, which will still be printed and provided to all attendees onsite.

We encourage all attendees to print out only those documents they deem the most necessary.

Attached are the following final meeting materials:

  • Updated Meeting Agenda (a printed version will also be provided onsite)
  • Updated Agenda Companion
  • Meeting Participant List
  • Directions to the Sears Reception on Tuesday, October 28, at 7:00 PM at the Arizona Science Center


The Sheraton and Westin Phoenix Downtown Hotels are located just five miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

The hotels do not provide a shuttle from the airport, however for your convenience, taxis and Super Shuttle shared ride van service are readily available curbside outside of baggage claim. Access to the Greater Phoenix light rail system, as well as other public transportation, is also available at the airport terminals and within three blocks from both hotels. Town car service, provided by Execucar, may be arranged and is available 24 hours a day.

  • Curbside Taxis are readily available at the taxi station in the ground transportation area outside baggage claim. Follow the signs to Ground Transportation on the North Curb of all Terminals. Rates are approximately $20-$25 to the hotel.
  • For curbside Super Shuttle, follow the signs to Ground Transportation on the North Curb of all Terminals. To make a reservation with Super Shuttle please call (800) 258-3826 and press #3. The rate is $13 per person or $55 for the entire vehicle. Tax & gratuities are not included.
  • To make a reservation with Execucar Town Car Service for curbside pickup or baggage claim meet and greet, please call (602) 232-4600. The flat rate is approximately $25 and does not include a gratuity.
  • Valley Metro Light Rail fares are $2.00 one-way. Hours of Operation are Sunday – Thursday from 4:40am to 11:00pm, Friday from 4:40am to 2:00am, and Saturday from 5:00am to 2:00am. Take the SKY TRAIN from the airport terminals to the light rail train stop (44th St. & Washington). Continue with the METRO LIGHT RAIL Westbound Train and exit at the Van Buren/Central/1st Ave station for either hotel. The Sheraton hotel is located three blocks from the Van Buren/Central/1st Ave station, and the Westin is located one block away.
  • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel Only: If you are heading TO the airport FROM the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, transportation is available between the hours of 6:00am and 1:00pm for $12 per person. The shuttle runs every 30 minutes, and reservations are not required. To utilize this transportation option, step outside the main entrance of the hotel and locate a Bellman/Doorman for assistance.



Dear EPA-recognized Certification Body or Other Interested Party:

Please find below one new Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) that has been recently posted to the ENERGY STAR® website under the Third-Party Certification folder. As a reminder, FAQs can be accessed through Please be sure to use the ‘subscribe’ feature to receive a notification when an existing FAQ is updated, and please review the newest FAQs to be sure that you are aware of EPA’s interpretation to assist your clients with ENERGY STAR certifications.

Please contact for any questions not addressed by the FAQs.

Third-Party Certification

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of a new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder search tool for consumers and the 2014 ENERGY STAR Program Summaries for Appliance, Consumer Electronics, and Lighting Programs!

ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder

The ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder ( provides consumers with an easily accessible, user-friendly search tool to find special deals or rebates that ENERGY STAR partners offer to consumers to encourage the purchase of energy-efficient products. Features of the upgraded ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder include a streamlined look and feel, a search by zip code and/or product option and a filter by utility option!

Incentive information included within the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder is based on information that energy efficiency program sponsor partners have submitted to ENERGY STAR. Energy efficiency program sponsors are encouraged to review the accuracy of their program information on a regular basis and provide updates to their ENERGY STAR Account Manager (or email

Please note that midstream and upstream incentives or promotions are not featured through this consumer-facing tool unless they are passed through to the consumer in the form of a price markdown or discount. These types of incentives are included in The Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME), which is designed to facilitate partner collaboration. DIME will be updated to provide greater search functionality in the coming months.

ENERGY STAR Program Summaries

Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors’ offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be in Phoenix, Arizona from October 27-29. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.

Attached, please find:

  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs

EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.

We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix and thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program!

File attachments:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of a new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder search tool for consumers and the 2014 ENERGY STAR Program Summaries for Appliance, Consumer Electronics, and Lighting Programs!

ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder

The ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder ( provides consumers with an easily accessible, user-friendly search tool to find special deals or rebates that ENERGY STAR partners offer to consumers to encourage the purchase of energy-efficient products. Features of the upgraded ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder include a streamlined look and feel, a search by zip code and/or product option and a filter by utility option!

Incentive information included within the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder is based on information that energy efficiency program sponsor partners have submitted to ENERGY STAR. Energy efficiency program sponsors are encouraged to review the accuracy of their program information on a regular basis and provide updates to their ENERGY STAR Account Manager (or email

Please note that midstream and upstream incentives or promotions are not featured through this consumer-facing tool unless they are passed through to the consumer in the form of a price markdown or discount. These types of incentives are included in The Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME), which is designed to facilitate partner collaboration. DIME will be updated to provide greater search functionality in the coming months.

ENERGY STAR Program Summaries

Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors’ offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be in Phoenix, Arizona from October 27-29. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.

Attached, please find:

  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs

EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.

We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix and thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program!

File attachments:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of a new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder search tool for consumers and the 2014 ENERGY STAR Program Summaries for Appliance, Consumer Electronics, and Lighting Programs!

ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder

The ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder ( provides consumers with an easily accessible, user-friendly search tool to find special deals or rebates that ENERGY STAR partners offer to consumers to encourage the purchase of energy-efficient products. Features of the upgraded ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder include a streamlined look and feel, a search by zip code and/or product option and a filter by utility option!

Incentive information included within the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder is based on information that energy efficiency program sponsor partners have submitted to ENERGY STAR. Energy efficiency program sponsors are encouraged to review the accuracy of their program information on a regular basis and provide updates to their ENERGY STAR Account Manager (or email

Please note that midstream and upstream incentives or promotions are not featured through this consumer-facing tool unless they are passed through to the consumer in the form of a price markdown or discount. These types of incentives are included in The Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME), which is designed to facilitate partner collaboration. DIME will be updated to provide greater search functionality in the coming months.

ENERGY STAR Program Summaries

Every year, EPA prepares reports on energy efficiency program sponsors’ offerings for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting to help partners prepare for the upcoming 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be in Phoenix, Arizona from October 27-29. The summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and energy efficiency program sponsors.

Attached, please find:

  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs
  • 2014 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs

EPA thanks all of the partners who contributed their program information for the new ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder, DIME, and the ENERGY STAR Program Summaries.

We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix and thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program!

File attachments:

Dear Electronics Brand Owners and Other Interested Stakeholders:   

EPA has updated relevant ENERGY STAR electronics product specifications to reflect that the Single- and Multiple-voltage EPSs shall meet the Level V or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol.  This update does not affect currently certified products but rather allows products with a level VI EPS to be certified as ENERGY STAR.  Please contact with questions.

File attachments:

Dear Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Stakeholder:

On July 9, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), together with the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), and Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA), and ENERGY STAR® Certification Bodies (CBs), met to discuss ongoing data quality issues, program implementation consistency, and future specification efforts.

The follow-up teleconference meeting has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, October 15th, at 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (Washington, DC)/ October 16th at 9:00 AM Japan Standard Time (Tokyo). 

No need to re-register for this call but if you haven’t, please register via email to by Friday, October 10, 2014, to receive further web access information.

Please use the following call-in information to connect:

  •          U.S./Canada toll free: 1-866-299-3188, access code 202-343-9046
  •          Outside U.S./Canada:  +1-706-758 -1822, access code 202-343-9046 


1. Introductions – ITI, JEITA/JBMIA, EPA

2. Review of action items from the July Workshop – EPA

3. Product Scope – update on addition of wide format ink jet – EPA

4. Active 0/1/2 times – JEITA

5. Re-registration of products into families – EPA, JEITA

6. US-EU Data exchange update – EPA

7. Continuous improvement – request for future agenda items – All

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.  

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2015. At the link to the right or below this message, you will find the final recognition criteria documents for eligible product categories, HVAC qualitative criteria submission guides, and a stakeholder comment summary with EPA response.  Also included is a proposed recognition criteria document for Residential Dishwashers as the Agency is seeking additional comments related to cleaning performance requirements for dishwashers, prior to finalizing criteria for that category.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: WebEx

Dear ENERGY STAR® ICT Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

EPA/ITI Discussion on System Efficiency

In follow-up to the System Efficiency Workshop jointly hosted by ITI and EPA in June, we are hosting a conference call to carry forward two exciting topics discussed at the in person meeting. Please join!


Tuesday, 9/30, 2-4pm EDT

Call in 800-768-2983, code 6265753#

Webex login and password: Password=holistic (all lower case)


Metrics:  We will lead a discussion of a proposal for developing and advancing a straw man document regarding metrics: both the needs that metrics will fulfill and the some proposed metrics to be developed. 

Lessons Learned: Since June, EPA and ITI have mined case studies and interviewed winners of the ENERGY STAR Buildings Challenge regarding use of ICT enabled system efficiency. We will share top level findings and also discuss how to best leverage these and other lessons learned to educate audiences with the intention of broadening the use of ICT efficiency solutions, informing metrics, and identifying projects ripe for a pilot.

Thanks to Eric Masanet, a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Resources, Conservation, and Recycling has been organized to generate a compendium of case studies, cutting-edge research, and critical commentaries on present and future information and research needs on the energy and resource efficiencies of ICT systems. The special issue will be guest edited by Neal Elliott of ACEEE, Katharine Kaplan of the U.S. EPA's ENERGY STAR Program, and Kathrin Winkler of EMC. It will solicit articles from researchers and critical thinkers in academia, industry, government, and NGOs who are working to understand, quantify, and communicate the energy and resource efficiency implications of ICT. This special issue should provide an invaluable "stake in the ground" on current knowledge, information gaps, and future work needed by all stakeholders in the field, and its call for papers will be publicized widely.

Thank you.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with new information, updates, and reminders about the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held October 27-29, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ:





If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix, AZ!


The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown is sold out and no longer accepting reservations. However, a very limited number of rooms is still available at the Westin Phoenix Downtown.

We recommend that you make your reservations as soon as possible. To book sleeping rooms at the Westin Phoenix Downtown:

  • Call the Westin at (866) 961-3775 and refer to “ENERGY STAR,” or
  • Visit ENERGY STAR’s personalized web page for the ENERGY STAR room block by clicking here: 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting (Westin) and selecting the Westin Phoenix Downtown.

Sleeping rooms are offered at the meeting rate of $189/night for single/double until the hotel cut-off date of Friday, September 26, 2014. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The meeting rate does not include all applicable state and local taxes, and is available for 3 days prior and 3 days after the meeting, subject to availability at the time of reservation.


The Sheraton and Westin Phoenix Downtown Hotels are located just five miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The hotels do not provide a shuttle from the airport, however for your convenience, taxis and Super Shuttle shared ride van service are readily available curbside outside of baggage claim. Access to the Greater Phoenix light rail system, as well as other public transportation, is also available at the airport terminals and within three blocks from both hotels. Town car service, provided by Execucar, may be arranged and is available 24 hours a day.

  • Curbside Taxis are readily available at the taxi station in the ground transportation area outside baggage claim. Follow the signs to Ground Transportation on the North Curb of all Terminals. Rates are approximately $20-$25 to the hotel.
  • For curbside Super Shuttle, follow the signs to Ground Transportation on the North Curb of all Terminals. To make a reservation with Super Shuttle, please dial (800) 258-3826 and press #3. The rate is $13 per person or $55 for the entire vehicle. Tax and gratuities are not included.
  • To make a reservation with Execucar Town Car Service for curbside pickup or baggage claim meet and greet, please call (602) 232-4600. The flat rate is approximately $25 and does not include a gratuity.
  • Valley Metro Light Rail fares are $2.00 one-way. Hours of Operation are Sunday – Thursday from 4:40am to 11:00pm, Friday from 4:40am to 2:00am, and Saturday from 5:00am to 2:00am. Take the SKY TRAIN from the airport terminals to the light rail train stop (44th St. & Washington). Continue with the METRO LIGHT RAIL Westbound Train and exit at the Van Buren/Central/1st Ave station for either hotel. The Sheraton hotel is located three blocks from the Van Buren/Central/1st Ave station, and the Westin is located one block away.
  • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel Only: If you are heading TO the airport FROM the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, transportation is available between the hours of 6:00am and 1:00pm for $12 per person. The shuttle runs every 30 minutes, and reservations are not required. To utilize this transportation option, step outside the main entrance of the hotel and locate a Bellman/Doorman for assistance.


Online registration for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is available until October 17, 2014.

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button. The $210 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 28th, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location is TBA.


Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Brand Owner Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please note that the effective date for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR® Telephony Program Requirements is October 1, 2014. As of October 1, the ENERGY STAR list of certified products will only contain products certified to the Version 3.0 specification, and all telephony certified to the Version 2.2 specification will be removed from the list.

As a reminder, Voice over Internet Protocol Telephones are newly eligible for ENERGY STAR certification under Version 3.0. For more details, please visit

Please contact with any questions regarding the Version 3.0 specification, third-party certification processes, or becoming an ENERGY STAR Brand Owner Partner.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with new information, updates, and reminders about the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held October 27-29, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ:



If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix, AZ!

1. One-on-One Networking Sessions – Sign up InstructioNS

As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a number of rooms to conduct independent meetings. For 2014, EPA is pleased to extend use of these networking rooms for partner use to include Sunday, October 26 and Thursday, October 30, in addition to their availability over the regular meeting dates.

For information on scheduling a meeting room, please see the attached guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.


EPA is pleased to provide the attached final meeting agenda. Please note that a new version of the attached companion document with detailed session descriptions including speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Reminder: ENERGY STAR Water Heater sessions will be offered at the ACEEE 2015 Hot Water Forum taking place from February 22 – 24, 2015, at the Hilton Nashville Downtown, in Nashville, TN. For more information, contact Steve Ryan at Meeting details will be posted at

3. Online Registration is OpeN

Registration for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! The online system will be available until October 17, 2014.

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button. The $210 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 28, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location is TBA.


Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for less than two weeks, based on availability. The hotel cut-off date is September 26, 2014.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown:

Due to limited availability at the meeting hotel, sleeping room blocks have been established at two hotels this year: the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown. The hotels are located approximately one block from each other and offer the same sleeping room rate.

Sleeping room rates at both hotels are $189/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Both hotels are making these rates available for 3 days prior and 3 days after the meeting, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

To book sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown

To book sleeping rooms at the Westin Phoenix Downtown

The cut-off date for reserving rooms at both hotels is September 26, 2014. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP Specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by October 10, 2014.

In addition, EPA will be hosting a stakeholder webinar September 23, 2014 at 1:00 PM EST to review the specification and gather feedback from industry and other stakeholders. To attend, please register here.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The September 2014 ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is attached and now available on the ENERGY STAR website at This edition includes updates and information pertaining to many aspects of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

Current and past editions of the ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter are always available at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP Specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by October 10, 2014.

In addition, EPA will be hosting a stakeholder webinar September 23, 2014 at 1:00 PM EST to review the specification and gather feedback from industry and other stakeholders. To attend, please register here.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the inclusion of Large Format High Performance Ink Jet products in the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Imaging Equipment.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 1.1.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the release of the Draft 2 Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Televisions Specification. EPA will host a webinar on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the documents with stakeholders.

Please register here prior to the webinar.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:
U.S. or Canada: +1 (877) 423-6338
International: +1 (571) 281-2578
Participant code: 456417

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Stakeholder:

On July 9, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), together with the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), and Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA), and ENERGY STAR® Certification Bodies (CBs), met to discuss ongoing data quality issues, program implementation consistency, and future specification efforts.

The presentation materials and meeting summary are now posted on the Imaging Equipment Product Development page for Version 2. A follow-up virtual meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 24th, at 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (Washington, DC)/ September 25th at 9:00 am Japan Standard Time (Tokyo).  Please register via email to by Friday, September 19, 2014, to receive call-in information.

One of the action items was to amend the existing Imaging Equipment Product Finder tool to list Model Name rather than Model Number in the model headline. This change has already been made and is live.

In the interim, EPA has been informed that there are new model types coming on the market that could meet the ENERGY STAR performance criteria but are not listed within the product scope.  In response, EPA will be updating “Table 1: Evaluation Methods for Imaging Equipment” in the Eligibility Criteria to include large format high performance ink jet printers, within the OM evaluation method.  This change only expands the scope of products and does not impact existing qualifications or the data being collected by CBs.  EPA will update the specification version to Version 2.1.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to attend a webinar on Thursday, September 4, 2014 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2015.

For those interested who have not already registered, please register prior to the meeting. To save time before the meeting, please check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Brand Owner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers Specification.  EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2015. At the link to the right or below this message, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the twelve eligible product categories, a draft HVAC qualitative criteria submission guide, and the HVAC systems proposal stakeholder comment summary with EPA response.

EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, September 4 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2015 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Steam Cooker Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Steam Cookers Compliance Assessment Pilot.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with new information, updates, and reminders about the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held October 27-29, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ:








If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix this fall!


Registration for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open! The online system will be available until October 17, 2014.

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button.

The $210 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 28, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing TBD.

Hurry! Sleeping rooms are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for approximately another month, based on availability. To reserve your hotel room(s) see item 4 of this message.


As of August 15, 2014, we have reached capacity for the ENERGY STAR Product Expo and booth sign-up is closed. To maximize opportunities for you to tour the exhibits and interact with the ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners showcasing their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting, the ENERGY STAR Product Expo will be located in the space immediately adjacent to the main meeting room. Please stop by and visit!


EPA is pleased to provide additional updates to the preliminary agenda-at-a-glance and companion document offering detailed session descriptions. Please note that the agenda and session descriptions are still subject to change. A version of the companion document with speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.

As you plan your schedule, please note that the preliminary agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are noted as “plenary” and “cross product interest,” and they are scheduled for Tuesday, October 28.

EPA recognizes the value ENERGY STAR partners place on in-person networking and collaboration opportunities at this meeting. As in past years, dedicated meeting rooms will be offered to facilitate such interactions. Information on how to participate will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting. In the meantime, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager with questions or for more information.

Reminder: ENERGY STAR Water Heater sessions will again be offered through a separate venue. More information will be provided in the coming months.


Hurry! Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for another month, based on availability. The hotel cut-off date is September 26, 2014.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown:

Due to limited availability at the meeting hotel, sleeping room blocks have been established at two hotels this year: The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown. The hotels are located approximately one block from each other and offer the same sleeping room rate.

Sleeping room rates at both hotels are $189/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Both hotels are making these rates available for 3 days prior and 3 days after the meeting, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

To book sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown

To book sleeping rooms at the Westin Phoenix Downtown

The cut-off date for reserving rooms at both hotels is September 26, 2014. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.


EPA would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support of the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:


Sears Holdings Corporation


Best Buy Co., Inc.

Nationwide Marketing Group


LG Electronics, USA

Philips Lighting Company

Samsung Electronics America

The Home Depot


Greenlite Lighting Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation


Arizona Public Service (APS)

Cordelia Lighting

Feit Electric Company, Inc.

GE Lighting

Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)


Globe Electric

L’Image Home Products, Inc.

Overdrive Lighting

Xcel Energy

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to thank those who provided comments regarding the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Final Draft Specification and Test Method. Based on the comments received, please see the attached important correspondence from EPA concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Final Program Requirements and Test Reporting Form.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the proposed recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2015. At the link to the right or below this message, you will find the proposed recognition criteria documents for the twelve eligible product categories, a draft HVAC qualitative criteria submission guide, and the HVAC systems proposal stakeholder comment summary with EPA response.

EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, September 4 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2015 recognition criteria. Please register for this webinar here. Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Large Network Equipment Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the specific concepts and definitions presented in this document, as well as any comments of a more general nature, to by August 29, 2014

Additionally, EPA will be hosting a webinar for large network equipment stakeholders and other interested parties on Wednesday, August 13th from 2 PM – 5 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion. 

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 436598

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Stakeholder:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Large Network Equipment Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the specific concepts and definitions presented in this document, as well as any comments of a more general nature, to by August 29, 2014

Additionally, EPA will be hosting a webinar for large network equipment stakeholders and other interested parties on Wednesday, August 13th from 2 PM – 5 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion. 

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 436598

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for computers certified to the Computers Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements updates to the existing Computers Version 6 Desktop, Notebooks, and Integrated Desktops data requirements, marked in red, with ENERGY STAR partners and other interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are attached and technical documentation regarding the XML submission system is available on the XML Web Services Submission Process page at

The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Final Draft Version 6.1 Computers Program Requirements and include information that will appear on the list of certified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on the draft data requirements to no later than July 31, 2014.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lab Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Lab Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:

As a follow-up to the Servers Off-Season stakeholder meeting, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to clarify for stakeholders that the Test Reporting Template is not required to be submitted for the certification of enterprise server products.  This template is intended only to serve as a guide for labs which they may optionally use to record test results or to help them develop their own forms.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 1.1.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lab Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Stakeholders or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Lab Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fan Partner and Other Stakeholders:

This is a reminder that EPA plans to hold a stakeholder meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET today to discuss ENERGY STAR Draft 1, Version 4.0 Ventilating Fan specification in greater detail. If you would like to participate and have not yet registered, please register for the webinar here.

Also, stakeholders have requested EPA to extend the comment deadline as they would not be able to provide comprehensive feedback by the original deadline. Given that, EPA has extended the comment deadline for the Draft 1 Version 4.0 Ventilating Fan specification to July 31st to accommodate this request. As a reminder, please send all comments to

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
The ENERGY STAR Team is pleased to provide you with the following updates on the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on October 27-29, 2014:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The ENERGY STAR Team is pleased to provide you with the following updates on the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on October 27-29, 2014:

1.     Updated! MEETING AGENDA
In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide an updated draft agenda and an initial companion document with detailed session descriptions. A version with speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting. Please note that these documents are still subject to change.
As you plan your schedule, please note that the agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are identified in the agenda as “plenary” and “cross product interest,” and the majority of these sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, October 28.
EPA recognizes the value ENERGY STAR partners place on in-person networking and collaboration opportunities at this meeting. As in past years, dedicated time and meeting rooms will be offered to facilitate such interactions. In 2014, EPA is pleased to extend these networking rooms for partner use on Sunday, October 26 and Thursday October 30.
More information on how to take advantage of the in-person networking offerings will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting. In the meantime, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager with questions or for more information.
EPA is pleased to offer ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The product expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components.
Additional information—including cost, floor plans, the exhibitor package, and RSVP deadline—will be distributed within the next two weeks. Space is limited, and booths will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Any surplus display space will be offered to EPA-recognized third parties after the RSVP deadline.
To reserve a spot in the ENERGY STAR expo, please contact Kristen Catanese, ICF International, at
The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown:
Due to limited availability at the meeting hotel, sleeping room blocks have been established at two hotels this year: The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown. The hotels are located approximately one block from each other and offer the same sleeping room rate.
Sleeping room rates at both hotels are $189/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Both hotels are making these rates available for 3 days prior and 3 days after the meeting, subject to availability at the time of reservation.
To book sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
To book sleeping rooms at the Westin Phoenix Downtown
The cut-off date for reserving rooms at both hotels is September 26, 2014. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.
Co-sponsorship is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be available until early August or until co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are satisfied.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
EPA would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support of the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:
Sears Holdings Corporation
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Nationwide Marketing Group
Philips Lighting Company
The Home Depot
Whirlpool Corporation
Arizona Public Service (APS)
Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)
Globe Electric
Overdrive Lighting
Xcel Energy
Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at with any additional questions.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!
File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Party:

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to a webinar on residential dishwashers July 9, 2014 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time.  This webinar will highlight the revisions captured in the ENERGY STAR Draft 2 Version 6.0 Residential Dishwasher specification published June 17, 2014. 

For those interested who have not already registered, please register prior to the meeting.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Final Draft Specification and Test Method. EPA welcomes your input on the attached Computers Version 6.1 Final Draft Specification and Test Method. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to no later than Friday, DATE, 2014.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact .

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 

File attachments:
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to distribute new information to data center storage stakeholders concerning the Emerald Specification Training/Demo Session that will be held by SNIA on July 14-17. The updated information for this training is below.  EPA encourages laboratory and CB staff that oversee storage testing to take advantage of this training opportunity to see the test method hands-on.

Training: Industry-at-large training for SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V2.0 in support of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Specification

Dates: July 14-17, 2014

Location: SNIA Technology Center, Colorado Springs, CO

Target Audience: Storage vendor companies test and measurement engineers, independent industry labs participating in USA EPA Energy Star Data Center Program and offering SNIA Emerald testing services, EPA recognized certifying bodies for the Data Center Program. Maximum training class will be 50 (fifty) professionals.

Objectives and Methods: Based on a year of industry experience working with the SNIA Emerald test methodology and an expanded core of professionals becoming involved, the training objectives in 2014 are tailored to review and observe the test methods in a streamlined fashion, while adding in a day of case studies for learned lessons from testers and certifying bodies. If you attended this training in 2013, there will be merit in attending 2014 for the updates, case–studies, and networking.

Classroom led instruction by subject matter experts to provide an end-to-end learning experience on how to set-up a data center storage system under test (SUT), conduct a test and measure sequence for the SUT, and complete SNIA and EPA program reports for the measured results from the SUT. Classroom experience is augmented with a series of SNIA Lab demonstrations for each test process step. The experts include those who have authored the SNIA Emerald Specification, SNIA Emerald referenced test and measurement tools, and program managers for the SNIA Emerald Program and the EPA ENERGY STAR program for Data Center Storage.

Training Fee: Non-SNIA members $495 USD; SNIA Members $295 USD; SNIA GSI Members Complimentary
Send email to emerald– if you believe you are eligible for a discount code.
Payment is by credit card as part of the registration process.

To Register:

Training Outline:

July 14th, 1:00 PM-6:00 PM, (choose one track):

  • Track 1: Enterprise data center storage fundamentals, IO fundamentals, and overview of capacity optimization technologies
  • Track 2: Classroom and hands-on training workshop: Working with Power Meters

July 15th-17th: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM, (all attendees in all sessions)

  • Classroom presentations on specification, tools, methods, procedures for SNIA Emerald and EPA Energy Star for Data Center Storage including updates to the tools, methods, and the data collected/submitted for each program
  • Storage system to be tested set-up, SUT test and measurement augmented with SNIA lab demonstrations, and data reduction/analysis
  • Shared case studies from storage manufacturers, industry test labs, and program certifying bodies
  • Optional evening session, 1x1 hands-on lab with experts for SUT test and measurement including, SUT setup, power meter setup, IO workload script tailoring, data measurement and verification, data analysis

For more information, visit:

SNIA Emerald Program:
SNIA Emerald Specification:
SNIA Emerald 2013 Training Materials and Videos:
SNIA Technology Center:
EPA ENERGYSTAR Data Center Storage Program:
EPA ENERGYSTAR Storage Submissions and Postings:
EPA ENERGYSTAR Third Party Certification:
Contact us:

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Program Requirements.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Party:

As a reminder, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to a webinar tomorrow, June 18, 2014 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time that will showcase a set of new Product Finder tools for accessing and analyzing ENERGY STAR product lists including product features. The Product Finder tool kit includes a consumer-facing tool for sorting and filtering all ENERGY STAR products by key attributes, an advanced platform for analyzing the full sets of data on ENERGY STAR products, and an API for automated access to ENERGY STAR products. The webinar will be geared towards a broad audience including program managers, retailers, manufacturers, implementation support contractors, and IT support professionals.

For those interested who have not already registered, please register prior to the meeting.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Ventilating Fan Partner and Other Stakeholders:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR Ventilation Fans.

EPA plans to hold a stakeholder meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET on July 10, 2014 to discuss this proposal in greater detail. If you’d like to participate, please register for the webinar here.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Battery Charging Systems Manufacturing Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind manufacturing partners that after May 31, 2014, EPA-recognized certification bodies are required to cease certification of new battery chargers to the Version 1.1 specification due to the upcoming specification sunset date of December 31, 2014. Certification bodies may continue to submit administrative modifications to existing battery charger certifications to the Version 1.1 specification until December 31, 2014 at which time all battery chargers will be removed from the ENERGY STAR website and qualified products list. A static list of formerly qualified battery chargers will be posted on the website at that time.

Please contact EPA at with any questions about the sunsetting of battery chargers.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Workshop

Dear ENERGY STAR® ICT Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Networked devices and networking equipment, as integrated systems, have the potential to contribute significant net energy savings. While it costs energy to maintain network connection and enable system-wide solutions, energy savings gained from holistic system design can outweigh gains from individual device-specific improvements.    

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in conjunction with the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), welcomes your participation in a joint workshop that will explore roles for the ENERGY STAR program and others in promoting energy savings using such system effects, pathways to defining and measuring systems/intelligent efficiency, and opportunities for leadership and education.

The EPA-ITI Workshop on Enabling Energy Efficient Systems builds on previous conversations between the EPA, ITI members, and other key stakeholders on the potential savings from, and technical requirements for, system energy efficiency.  This topic was part of the road-mapping workshop and exercise begun in 2012;   materials from that effort are available here, and of particular relevance is the Track 2 Informing Document available here.

Our goals for the workshop include:

  • Deepening our collective systems perspective (as opposed to device only perspective);
  • Deepening our understanding of the language and landscape of metrics for measuring system efficiency;
  • Identifying areas of shared interest in educating a wide range of users; and
  • Identifying specific next steps to continue this work, from development of educational materials to exploring the potential for pilot projects.

Workshop Logistics

What: EPA-ITI Workshop on Enabling Energy Efficient Systems

When: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 9 am–4 pm

Where: ITI’s offices at 1101 K St., NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC.

In-person attendance is encouraged, but call-in capability will be provided. 

A more detailed agenda and supporting materials, intended to help shape discussion during break-out sessions, will be distributed to all confirmed participants and posted to the ENERGY STAR website here:

Please RSVP by June 12, 2014, to, and indicate whether you will join in person or by phone.   Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA ENERGY STAR Program, at or Erica Logan at with questions about this workshop.

Thank you for your interest in the ENERGY STAR program.

Dear ENERGY STAR® HVAC Partner and Other Stakeholders:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the revision of the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient system status and messaging requirements.

EPA plans to hold a stakeholder meeting from 2:00 to 4:00 PM ET on June 30, 2014 to discuss this preliminary proposal for 2015 Most Efficient HVAC requirements in greater detail. If you’d like to participate, please register for the webinar here.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® ICT Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please see attached the agenda for the EPA-ITI Workshop on Enabling Energy Efficient Systems, which will be held in Washington, DC, on Thursday, June 26.

If you have not already, please RSVP by June 12, 2014, to, and indicate whether you will join in person or by phone. In-person attendance is encouraged. Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA ENERGY STAR Program, at or Erica Logan at with questions about this workshop.

Thank you for your interest in the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the release of the Draft 1 Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Televisions Specification. EPA will host a webinar on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the documents with stakeholders.

Please register here prior to the webinar.                                     

First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:
U.S. or Canada: +1 (877) 423-6338
International: +1 (571) 281-2578
Participant code: 456417

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner, Recognized Certification Body, or other Interested Party,

To allow partners flexibility to upgrade ENERGY STAR certified LED lighting products with newer or better LEDs without complete product retesting, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering providing technical guidance to certification bodies as outlined below. This guidance is intended to benefit partners, consumers, and the environment by allowing ENERGY STAR products to keep pace with the rapidly advancing LED technology.

Partners are reminded that they must share any product modifications, including changes to product components that could result in the product not meeting ENERGY STAR requirements with their CB to determine what retesting is necessary to maintain the product certification.

EPA welcomes feedback on this draft guidance. Please provide any comments or questions to EPA no later than Tuesday, July 1 2014. Comments can be sent to Taylor Jantz-Sell at or

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Please visit us at the ENERGY STAR booth (#7846) in Lightfair 2014 June 3-5 in Las Vegas, NV.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) welcome your participation in an upcoming discussion about how to test residential clothes washer cleaning performance. 

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 18, from 9:30am – 12:30pm at 950 L’Enfant Plaza (6th Floor), Washington, DC 20585. This discussion will focus on considerations for developing a fair and repeatable test method for ENERGY STAR clothes washer cleaning performance. Please RSVP via email to Brenda Edwards, DOE, at (202.586.2945) by Friday, June 6, 2014.  Note, foreign nationals will need to RSVP as soon as possible to allow the paperwork to be processed by security.

Building on 15 years of valued partnership and success in driving increasing energy and water efficiency, EPA is looking to partners for continued opportunities to deliver efficiency without sacrificing cleaning performance.  EPA and DOE are offering this opportunity to collaborate to outline the attributes of a test method that would be meaningful and easily achieved.  Key topics for discussion at the roundtable are:

  • Attributes of a cleaning performance test procedure:

    • Test load composition and size

    • Cycle selection(s)

    • Detergent usage

    • Capacity measurement

  • Repeatability and reproducibility

  • Test burden

  • Harmonization with energy and water use measurement

  • Differentiation of performance

  • Timing with Appendix J2 and upcoming standards dates

Please direct questions about this roundtable to Ashley (
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the proposal for Version 1.1 ENERGY STAR Specification for Lamps.

File attachments:
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Draft Test Procedure. EPA welcomes your input on the attached Version 6.1 Draft Computers Test Method and Test Reporting Form. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments to no later than Friday, June 13th, 2014.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact .

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 

File attachments:
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to notify data center storage stakeholders that an Emerald Specification Training/Demo Session will be held by SNIA on July 14-17. EPA encourages laboratory and CB staff that oversee storage testing to take advantage of this training opportunity to see the test method hands-on.

Training: Industry-at-large training for SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V2.0 in support of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Specification

Dates: July 14-17, 2014

Location: SNIA Technology Center, Colorado Springs, CO

Target Audience: Storage vendor companies test and measurement engineers, independent industry labs participating in USA EPA Energy Star Data Center Program and offering SNIA Emerald testing services, EPA recognized certifying bodies for the Data Center Program. Maximum training class will be 50 (fifty) professionals.

Objectives and Methods: An integrated, interactive instruction through the use of the SNIA data center lab, SNIA technology center workbenches, and campus classroom led by subject matter experts to provide an end–to–end learning experience on how to set–up a data center storage system under test (SUT), conduct a test and measure sequence for the SUT, and complete SNIA and EPA program reports for the measured results from the SUT. The experts include those who have authored the SNIA Emerald Specification, SNIA Emerald referenced test and measurement tools, and program managers for the SNIA Emerald Program and the EPA Energy Star program for Data Center Storage. Training program for 2014 will extend the 2013 training program to reflect updates to the SNIA Emerald Specification, updates to the EPA ENERGY STAR Storage program, tools and methods, case–studies, and learned lessons.

Fees: Non-SNIA members $495 USD; SNIA Members $295 USD; SNIA GSI Members $0

Training Outline:

Day 1: 1:00 PM–6:00 PM, data center storage fundamentals, with a show and tell in SNIA lab

Days 2-4: 8:00 AM–6:00 PM

  • · Classroom presentations on specification, tools, methods, procedures
  • · Storage system set–up, test and measurement in SNIA lab and SNIA workbenches
  • · Classroom presentations on industry services for labs, test engineers, and auditors

* Detailed agenda to be posted shortly

For more information, visit:

SNIA Emerald Program:

SNIA Emerald Specification:

SNIA Emerald 2013 Training Materials and Videos:

SNIA Technology Center:

EPA ENERGYSTAR Data Center Storage Program:

EPA ENERGYSTAR Third Party Certification:

Contact us:

Forward to a Colleague: Click here to forward this to a colleague.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Attached please find a notice from Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) regarding how FEMP will handle workstations with Wake-on-LAN capability.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. 

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The May 2014 ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is now available on the ENERGY STAR website and attached here. This edition includes updates and information pertaining to many aspects of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

Current and past editions of the ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter are always available at

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification.  EPA will lead an in-person stakeholder meeting on June 24 – 25, 2014 in Washington, DC to discuss topics related to the recently effective Version 2.0 as well as the upcoming development of Version 3.0.  Please RSVP to by May 28, 2014 if you wish to attend this meeting or call-in to the meeting if you cannot attend in-person.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to a webinar on June 18, 2014 from 1-3 PM Eastern Time that will showcase a set of new Product Finder tools for accessing and analyzing ENERGY STAR product lists including product features. The Product Finder tool kit includes a consumer-facing tool for sorting and filtering all ENERGY STAR products by key attributes, an advanced platform for analyzing the full sets of data on ENERGY STAR products, and an API for automated access to ENERGY STAR products. The webinar will be geared towards a broad audience including program managers, retailers, manufacturers, implementation support contractors, and IT support professionals.

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing - use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 457-698

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
Planning is well underway for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, which will be held October 27-29, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona. EPA is pleased to provide you with the following updates on the meeting:
The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown:
Due to limited availability at the meeting hotel, sleeping room blocks have been established at two hotels this year: The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown and the Westin Phoenix Downtown. The hotels are located approximately one block from each other and each offer the same sleeping room rate.
Sleeping room rates at both hotels are $189/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Both hotels are making these rates available for 3 days prior and 3 days after the meeting, subject to availability at the time of reservation.
To book sleeping rooms at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
To book sleeping rooms at the Westin Phoenix Downtown
The cut-off date for reserving rooms at both hotels is September 26, 2014. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.
To assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the attached preliminary draft agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. More details will follow in the coming months.
Please note that ENERGY STAR Water Heater sessions will again be offered through a separate venue. More information will be provided in the coming months.
As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.
Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2014 will only be available until July 3, 2014. EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met before July 3.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at
Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.
Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at
For questions or additional information, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by Monday, May 19, 2014.  

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear EPA-recognized Certification Body, Boiler Manufacturing Partner, or Other Interested Party: 

It has been brought to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) attention that the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Spring Meeting will conflict with the boilers training webinar previously scheduled for Thursday, May 8. So that affected boilers stakeholders can attend both events, EPA has revised the boilers training webinar to be held on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm Eastern Time. Parties that have already registered do not need to re-register. 

As a reminder, this webinar is meant to orient ENERGY STAR® boilers manufacturing partners and EPA-recognized CBs to EPA's third-party certification process for all ENERGY STAR products. As you may know, on May 15, 2014, CBs may no longer certify products to Version 2.1, and only Version 3.0 will be available for certification. This webinar is intended to facilitate transition to Version 3.0 and to third party certification of all boilers. Boilers that meet the Version 3.0 requirements will need to be certified to this version by the effective date of October 1, 2014 to remain on the qualified product list.

Please RSVP via registration link no later than COB Monday, May 12, 2014, if your organization is interested in participating. Further information regarding the Boilers Version 3.0 specification can be found on the boilers specification development page

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.  

Please register prior to the meeting. 

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

U.S. or Canada: +1-877-423-6338

International: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 316317



National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show 2014
Christopher Kent and Una Song, EPA, and additional ENERGY STAR team members will attend the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show 2014 from May 17-20, 2014 in Chicago, IL. The ENERGY STAR team will visit partners on the show floor to discuss newly certified product offerings and ENERGY STAR collaboration opportunities.

EPA invites partners and stakeholders to schedule individual meetings with ENERGY STAR representatives. Email us to schedule a meeting. In addition, EPA will review marketing materials prior to the Show, upon partner request.

Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Key Accounts Workshop
Representatives from the ENERGY STAR team attended the Spring 2014 EEI Key Accounts Workshop in early April in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. EEI provides the ENERGY STAR CFS program a great opportunity to engage with energy managers and other food service industry leaders working towards improving energy efficiency in their operations.

Location: Webinar

Dear EPA-recognized Certification Body, Boiler Manufacturing Partner, or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a webinar for EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) and boilers manufacturing partners on Thursday, May 8, 2014 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm Eastern Time to orient ENERGY STAR® boilers manufacturing partners and EPA-recognized CBs to EPA's third-party certification process for all ENERGY STAR products. As you may know, on May 15, 2014, CBs may no longer certify products to Version 2.1, and only Version 3.0 will be available for certification. This webinar is intended to facilitate transition to Version 3.0 and to third party certification of all boilers. Boilers that meet the Version 3.0 requirements will need to be certified to this version by the effective date of October 1, 2014 to remain on the qualified product list.

Please RSVP via registration link no later than COB Monday, May 5, 2014, if your organization is interested in participating. Further information regarding the Boilers Version 3.0 specification can be found on the boilers specification development page.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

U.S. or Canada: +1-877-423-6338

International: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 316317


Location: Webinar

Dear EPA-recognized Certification Body, Boiler Manufacturing Partner, or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a webinar for EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) and boilers manufacturing partners on Thursday, May 8, 2014 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm Eastern Time to orient ENERGY STAR® boilers manufacturing partners and EPA-recognized CBs to EPA's third-party certification process for all ENERGY STAR products. As you may know, on May 15, 2014, CBs may no longer certify products to Version 2.1, and only Version 3.0 will be available for certification. This webinar is intended to facilitate transition to Version 3.0 and to third party certification of all boilers. Boilers that meet the Version 3.0 requirements will need to be certified to this version by the effective date of October 1, 2014 to remain on the qualified product list.

Please RSVP via registration link no later than COB Monday, May 5, 2014, if your organization is interested in participating. Further information regarding the Boilers Version 3.0 specification can be found on the boilers specification development page.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

U.S. or Canada: +1-877-423-6338

International: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 316317



Dear ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to release updates to the Advanced Clothes Dryers 2014 Emerging Technology Award Criteria for stakeholder review and comment.  Comments should be submitted by May 5, 2014 to

Thank you for your continued support of the Emerging Technology Award.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner Stakeholders:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 3.1 Room Air Conditioner Specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR®  Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP Specification. EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by May 16, 2014.

In addition, EPA will be hosting a stakeholder webinar May 5, 2014 at 1:00 PM EST to review the specification and gather feedback from industry and other stakeholders. Please RSVP to by April 30, 2014.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Program Requirements for Manufacturers and Service Providers.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear Televisions Partner or EPA-Recognized Certification Body:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has two important announcements regarding the Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR® Televisions Specification.

Number of Units Required for Testing

For certification of televisions to Version 6.1 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Televisions Final Rule (DOE Final Rule), manufacturing partners have the option to test and report measured data for one representative unit or multiple units per the sampling requirements as defined in 10 CFR § 429.25. The attached Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR Television Program Requirements incorporate this change which takes effect immediately. No other changes have been made to the Eligibility Criteria. Section 4.4 Number of Units Required for Testing of the product specification now reads:

4.4.2 One of the following sampling plans shall be used to test the Representative Model for ENERGY STAR certification:

i. A representative unit shall be selected for testing as the Representative Model; or

ii. Units shall be selected for testing per the sampling requirements defined in 10 CFR § 429.25, which references 10 CFR § 429.11.

During verification testing, the CB will determine the number of units to test as outlined in Directive 2011-04 Test Sample Sizes and Determining Testing Failures. This directive requires products to be tested for purposes of verification consistent with how they were tested for purposes of qualification.

Guidance for Submitting Version 6.1 Data to EPA

For certification of televisions to Version 6.1 with the DOE Final Rule, attached are the finalized Televisions Version 6.1 updates to the existing Televisions Version 6 web service, marked in red. It is the manufacturing partner’s responsibility to ensure representations of their products are in accordance with the DOE Final Rule after April 23, 2014; therefore, if a television is tested to the DOE Final Rule, then the CB must collect relevant Version 6.1 data as outlined in the attached document.  EPA will inform CBs when the web service changes have been made in late April.

In the interim, CBs may submit Televisions Version 6.1 models using the existing Televisions Version 6 web service. For DOE Final Rule Reported Annual Energy Consumption (kWh), CBs may use the Estimated Annual Energy Use (kWh/year) field to submit data. CBs must indicate in the “Notes field” that the television was tested using the DOE Final Rule Test Procedure for Television Sets. For all other fields, when submitting Version 6.1 Televisions, CBs are required to collect information in the attached document. Once the web service for Version 6.1 is available, CBs are required to submit the Version 6.1 data for any televisions tested to the DOE Final Rule.

Please direct any questions regarding testing products or submitting data for Televisions Version 6.1 to

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy concerning clarifications to the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances & Consumer Electronics.

 Although venue and location arrangements are still being finalized, EPA recognizes that partners need to do advance planning. While this information is subject to change, EPA expects the meeting to take place on October 27-29, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ.

 The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.

 The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.

Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. Specific details and information pertaining to hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

 If you are interested in lending your support to the meeting, co-sponsorship opportunities will be available. An email with details on related opportunities will be sent out to all partners in April.

 If you are interested in participating in other ways, learning more, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

 Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2014 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in Phoenix, AZ!



Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Test Method. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on this document to by April 25, 2014.

Additionally, EPA will be hosting a webinar for lab grade refrigerator and freezer manufacturing partners and other interested parties on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion.

Please Register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:
U.S. or Canada: +1 (877) 423-6338
International: +1 (571) 281-2578
Participant code: 436598

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.



File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers Stakeholders:

 Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 7.0 Clothes Washers Program Requirements.

 Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder,

 The ENERGY STAR Lighting Road Mapping web page is now live. The page offers meeting materials including a high level summary of discussions from the January 30, 2014 meeting at the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) headquarters.

Stakeholders can visit the page at

To facilitate ongoing engagement on the topics addressed in the first meeting, Alex Boesenerg of NEMA will be setting a series of conference calls, beginning March 27, 2014 from 1:30-3:00pm ET.

The first call will focus on a key theme from the meeting, Balancing quality assurance/meeting consumer quality expectations with time to market, testing cost, and expected rise in consumer cost, which will include discussion of core criteria for verification testing of lamps.

If you are interested in participating in the upcoming call, please contact Alex Boesenberg of NEMA via email at

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to release Advanced Clothes Dryer 2014 Emerging Technology Award Draft Criteria. In support of this effort, EPA is looking for industry stakeholder feedback on the attached draft eligibility requirements. Comments should be submitted by April 1, 2014 to

Thank you for your continued support of the Emerging Technology Award.




File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning a supplemental Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR testing and certification proposal for set-top boxes.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholders:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Program Requirements.  EPA has revised the accuracy requirement for data modelers.  The attached memo contains a full explanation of this revision to the Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Program Requirements.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR ®  Dishwasher Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Dishwasher Specification.  EPA welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by March 31, 2014.

In addition, EPA will be hosting a stakeholder webinar Friday March 21, 2014 at 1:00 PM EST to review the specification and gather feedback from industry and other stakeholders.

Please register prior to the meeting;

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Battery Charging Systems Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Battery Charging Systems Program.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR Set-top Box specification. EPA will be hosting a webinar on Friday, January 31, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the Final Draft specification with stakeholders.

Please Register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:
U.S. or Canada: +1 (877) 423-6338
International: +1 (571) 281-2578
Participant code: 198920

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the Version 6.1 ENERGY STAR Televisions specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award Supporter,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is continuing to work on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award for 2014. Following is an update on these efforts:

Emerging Technology Award (ETA) Program Overview

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories can then become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:

  • Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share);
  • Offered by more than one supplier;
  • Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs;
  • Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations;
  • Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment);
  • Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records;
  • Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.

Emerging Technology Award Events for 2012 – 2013

2012: In February 2012, EPA finalized the award criteria for advanced clothes dryers.  Subsequently in October 2012, EPA notified stakeholders of the intent to extend the award into 2013, maintaining the Award criteria finalized in February 2012.

2013: EPA issued a letter to stakeholders on August 7, 2013 seeking ideas for new technologies for consideration for categories for 2014 award criteria development. EPA has completed its review of several proposed technologies.

Advanced Clothes Dryers: Revision of Criteria for 2014 and Extended Recognition of 2013 Award-Winning Models

EPA is pleased to announce its intent to revise the Advanced Clothes Dryer Emerging Technology Award Criteria for 2014. Revised award criteria is currently in development, and the Agency will provide an update to stakeholders when draft criteria are complete.

In addition, dryers that meet the 2013 Emerging Technology Award criteria may continue to use the Award label until the finalization of the 2014 Award criteria. Dryers that meet the 2013 levels can continue to apply through the end of January 2014.

Demand Controlled Ventilation

EPA is also pleased to announce Demand Control Ventilation (new energy saving technology for commercial kitchens) as a new category for the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award in 2014. The Agency plans to distribute a draft of the proposed criteria in January 2014 followed by a comment submission period ending in February 2014.

For more information on the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award, visit the website at  Specific questions regarding the Award can be directed to Peter Banwell, EPA, at (202) 343-9408 or


Thank you for your continued support of the Emerging Technology Award.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Battery Charging Systems Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Battery Charging Systems Specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Specification. In consideration of the holiday, EPA has provided additional time for review and welcomes stakeholder comments submitted to by Friday, January 17, 2014. 

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the  Final ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Telephony Program Requirements.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Version 3.0 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:


Dear ENERGY STAR® UPS Partner or Other Interested Party,

Based on recent stakeholder questions regarding the Dc-output UPS voltage for test, the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency have updated guidance for the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Test Method by adding the following:

Section 3.D – Dc-output voltage for test: If the Dc-output UPS is unable to operate at the designated voltage for test from Table 2, the output voltage shall be the highest normal operating voltage supported by the UPS.

Please see the attached document which is also posted on the UPS Partner Page.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwasher Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

 Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwasher Specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Manufacturing Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the specific concepts and definitions presented in this document, as well as any comments of a more general nature, to by January 10, 2014.


Additionally, EPA will be hosting a webinar for computer manufacturing partners and other interested parties on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 from 2 PM – 4 PM Eastern Time to encourage further discussion.

Please register prior to the meeting.

First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.

Telephone conferencing – use the information below to connect:

Dial: 877-423-6338

International Number: +1-571-281-2578

Access Code: 316317

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.




File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The December 2013 ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is now available. It will be posted shortly on the ENERGY STAR website at This edition includes updates and information pertaining to many aspects of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

  • ENERGY STAR Lighting Webinars 12/5
  • Illuminated: New ENERGY STAR Podcast
  • ENERGY STAR LED Bulb Challenge Milestone
  • Holiday Cheer with ENERGY STAR Light Strings
  • Reminder about Marketing Non-standard Lamps
  • Philips Makes it Rain ENERGY STAR at Atlanta Hawks Season Opener
  • The New Product Finders Have Arrived!
  • Plentiful ENERGY STAR Options & Resources Available as Incandescent Bulbs Phase Out
  • Lamps V1.0 Final Specification Released
  • Road Mapping Meeting Rescheduled
  • Bulk Purchasing Tool Quantity Quotes Re-launches


Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machine Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

This is an announcement notifying you that the clarifications to the ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines specification have been finalized. The Version 3.1 specification makes clear the eligibility of refrigerated beverage vending machines that vend beverages along with other refrigerated products. The final document reflects the changes proposed in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) letter distributed to stakeholders on July 10, 2013. In 2014, EPA will investigate potential efficiency requirements and relevant test procedures for adding non-refrigerated vending machines into the scope of covered products. The Version 3.1 specification can be found at

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) welcome lighting stakeholders to a rescheduled initial road mapping discussion on January 30, 2014 from 1:00 – 5:00PM EST at NEMA headquarters in Rosslyn, VA. This meeting is expected to be the first in a series intended to facilitate engagement on ENERGY STAR lighting topics. Please find a draft agenda attached, and RSVP via email by December 30th to Alex Boesenberg at Due to space limitations we ask that organizations limit participation to a single representative.

Meeting Objectives

This meeting offers participants a unique and meaningful opportunity to identify, prioritize, and begin to work together on lighting topics that will help shape the future of lighting efficiency efforts. To make the most of this opportunity, EPA and NEMA ask that you prepare in two important ways:

1) Attend the ENERGY STAR lighting webinars on December 5th 2013 to get the latest in program developments. ENERGY STAR program documents that describe current lighting requirements and the specification development process are available on the ENERGY STAR website for your review (titles and links noted below).

2) Identify several topics to discuss and share with EPA and NEMA via email at and Your thoughts on topics that this unique group of lighting stakeholders can work on together both at this meeting and afterwards to contribute to future lighting efficiency efforts. Two examples of discussion topics previously identified include:

a. Communicating lamps (delivering consumer convenience with lowest power possible)

b. Faster methods for certification of next generation LED lamps while maintaining quality

At this meeting, participants will prioritize topics and break into groups to begin their joint work. Please find the draft meeting agenda attached and provide your feedback to EPA and NEMA by January 10th 2014.

ENERGY STAR Program Documents

ENERGY STAR Guiding Principles

How a Product Earns the ENERGY STAR Label

ENERGY STAR Lamps: V1.0 Specification and Cover Letter and specification development materials

ENERGY STAR Luminaires: V1.2 Cover letter and specification development materials

To learn more about ENERGY STAR product certification, including directives given to EPA-recognized certification bodies (CB), visit For a complete searchable list of answered questions about certification and verification for ENERGY STAR lighting products, visit For information on ENERGY STAR verification testing, visit

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Televisions Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the launch of the Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Televisions specification development process and EPA's intent to amend the existing Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Televisions specification to allow for the use of the Department of Energy's Final Rule on Test Procedures for Television Sets.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® S Room Air Conditioner Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Framework Document. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to by December 9, 2013.


Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR Boilers® Manufacturers or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final Draft Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Boilers. Stakeholders may provide written comments to by December 13, 2013.
Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Battery Charging Systems Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

 Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Battery Charging Systems Specification.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partner or Other Interested Party:

 Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft Version 3.0 specification.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner, Stakeholder, or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released an update to the Center Beam Intensity Tool for the ENERGY STAR Lamps specification to better reflect the Tool’s capabilities and limitations. The Center Beam Intensity tool was built using published data for common incandescent and halogen PAR and MR lamps in the market. The Tool’s underlying calculations remain unchanged, but now it will be clear when values entered are not supported by the underlying dataset. These updates were made to ensure that values generated by the tool reflect the intention of the tool and the incumbent technology dataset it was built from.  Please note that the updated tool attempts to account for the vast majority of limitations but not all scenarios have been accounted for, and the user should review all included notes.

An updated version of the Center Beam Intensity Tool is available for download on the Light Bulbs for Partners  page under Resources.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Steam Cooker Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the Agency's interest in evaluating an alternate approach to ENERGY STAR verification testing for commercial food service (CFS) products, through an initial assessment project for Commercial Steam Cookers.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

 Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Telephony Final Draft Specification and Final Test Method.

 Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning minor editorial changes to the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Program Requirements and a sample calculation document.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the final ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2014 recognition criteria. At the link to the right or below this message, you will find the recognition criteria documents for the eleven eligible product categories.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit



Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Computer Servers Program Requirements.  EPA has learned of a new update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT).  Computer Servers should now be tested with SERT Version 1.0.2.  The attached memo contains a full explanation of this clarification to the Version 2.0 Computer Servers Program Requirements.


Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that two certification bodies (CBs) are now recognized to certify data center storage products for the ENERGY STAR program. Manufacturers may begin working with these CBs to enroll in the CBs' supervised or witnessed manufacturers’ testing laboratory (S/WMTL) programs and to certify product data. Since the XML web service will not be live until late 2013, EPA-recognized CBs must notify once products are certified in order for partners to gain access to the logos. CBs must upload certified products through the XML web service once it is live.

  • TUV SUD America, Inc.
  • UL Verification Services, Inc.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Product Partners and Other Interested Parties:

We are happy to inform you that with the end of the government shutdown, the ENERGY STAR program is in business again. All ENERGY STAR product lists are now available with newly certified products being added and other program functions such as the processing of partner applications and specification development efforts have resumed.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

Location: webinar


Dear Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Manufacturer and Other Interested Party:


Due to the government shutdown, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have rescheduled the ENERGY STAR® Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 2 Test Method stakeholder discussion.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2013, at 11AM EDT. Please RSVP to by Tuesday, October 22, 2013, to receive call-in and webinar log-in information.


We appreciate your flexibility, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Cancelled

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

EPA is pleased to announce that the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances, and Consumer Electronics will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 7-9, 2013.

The three day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders.

The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include:

  • Utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs;
  • Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Manufacturing partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or consumer electronics products;
  • Organizations involved in the ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification program; and
  • Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community.

While many details pertaining to the meeting are still under development, we are pleased to provide you with the following updates so that you may begin to plan accordingly:


The meeting will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans:

To book your rooms, please either call the Sheraton New Orleans at (888) 627-7033 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting,” or go to 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates: $190/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes.

Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 9, 2013. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis, so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.


In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA will provide you with a draft agenda outlining the flow of the meeting in the coming weeks.

EPA is interested in working with ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders in the development of the meeting agenda. If you have suggestions on session topics, speakers, or related ideas, please email these to Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at no later than March 4, 2013.


As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly sponsor the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.

Please note: Co-sponsorship opportunities in 2013 will only be available until April 8, 2013.

EPA reserves the right to close co-sponsorship opportunities early in the event that co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met earlier than the above-stated date.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

Information on exhibitor opportunities will be provided at a later date.


Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at:

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!




Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Cancelled

Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with the following updates and reminders about the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 7-9, 2013:









If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!




EPA is pleased to offer ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The product expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components.


In the event of surplus booths, the opportunity to display will be opened up to recognized EPA third-party entities beginning August 12, 2013.


For additional information about exhibitor booths, please contact Kristen Catanese, ICF International, at



The meeting will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans:


To book your rooms, please call the Sheraton New Orleans at (888) 627-7033 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting”, or click here 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to the Sheraton’s personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates: $190/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Room rates are extended 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

Reminder: the hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 9, 2013. Rooms are still available for the meeting dates, but please make your arrangements as soon as possible as they are offered on a first come, first served basis. Although the ENERGY STAR room block is still open for the main days of the meeting, if you are planning on arriving early or staying late after the meeting has ended, room availability on those days is limited.


To assist with travel planning, EPA is pleased to provide a preliminary draft agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. A companion document with detailed session descriptions will be available in early August. Please note that speaker information will be added to this document closer to the meeting.

As you plan your schedule, please note that the preliminary agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are noted as “plenary” and “cross track”, and the majority of them are scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th.

EPA recognizes the value ENERGY STAR partners place on in-person networking and collaboration opportunities at this meeting. As in past years, dedicated time and meeting rooms will be offered to facilitate such interactions.

More information on how to participate will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting. In the meantime, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager with questions or for more information.

Reminder: This year, ENERGY STAR Water Heaters will be offered as a stand-alone topic at the ACEEE 2013 Hot Water Forum taking place from November 3-5, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. For more information, please contact Steve Ryan, EPA, at Meeting details will be posted at


EPA would like to thank and recognize the following co-sponsors for their generous support of the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:

Diamond Co-Sponsor
Sears Holdings Corporation


Platinum Co-Sponsors
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Nationwide Marketing Group


Gold Co-Sponsors
Electrolux Major Appliances
LG Electronics, Inc.
Philips Lighting Company
Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.
The Home Depot


Silver Co-Sponsors
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Whirlpool Corporation


Bronze Co-Sponsors
Feit Electric
Lights of America
Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)


Green Co-Sponsors
Cordelia Lighting, Inc.
Globe Electric
Xcel Energy


EPA is pleased to share an exciting opportunity for meeting attendees to join Rebuilding Together’s annual Community Rebuild event taking place on Saturday October 5, 2013 in the Hollygrove neighborhood of New Orleans, Louisiana. Hundreds of volunteers from local corporate and community partners come together every October to support the efforts of Rebuilding Together New Orleans as they work to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners; partners fund projects, provide in-kind donations, and roll their sleeves up and get involved.


To sign up, please contact Amy Seusing (, 202-518-3113) or Rosha Peavy (, 202-518-3112).

Location: cancelled

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

With planning for the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans underway, the ENERGY STAR Team is pleased to provide you with the following updates:








EPA is pleased to join with Rebuilding Together to offer ENERGY STAR meeting attendees a chance to participate in a local community service rebuilding event. Taking place Friday, October 4 through Sunday, October 6, the event will kick-off the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting that opens on Monday, October 7, 2013.

The event will offer ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders an opportunity to give back to their host community, and a chance to draw attention to the importance of ENERGY STAR and the role of energy efficiency in recovery efforts in communities across the country that have been hard hit by difficult economic conditions and devastating weather events.

For more information on the event and how you and/or your organization can participate, please contact Rebuilding Together’s Amy Seusing (, 202-518-3113) or Rosha Peavy (, 202-518-3112).

[Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.]

Rebuilding Together’s focus provides critical repairs, accessibility modifications and energy efficiency upgrades to low-income homes and community centers at no cost to service recipients. Rebuilding Together seeks to extend their impact beyond the individuals served to revitalize and stabilize vulnerable neighborhoods and communities across the country. The organization has close to 200 local affiliates that complete approximately 10,000 rebuild projects a year thanks to the efforts of nearly 200,000 volunteers from corporate partners, skilled trade professionals, and everyday good citizens.


In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the attached preliminary draft agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. More details will follow in the coming months.

New for 2013: The order of the product tracks has been reversed this year. Monday, October 7 and Tuesday, October 8 will feature Appliances and Consumer Electronics sessions. Lighting sessions will begin on Tuesday, October 8, with Wednesday, October 9 fully dedicated to lighting. All plenary and cross-track sessions will take place on Tuesday, October 8.

This year, ENERGY STAR Water Heaters will be offered as a stand-alone topic at the ACEEE 2013 Hot Water Forum taking place from November 3-5, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. For more information, please contact Steve Ryan, EPA, at Meeting details will be posted at


The meeting will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans:

Please note that the ENERGY STAR room block is still open for the main days of the meeting. However, if you are planning on arriving early or staying late after the meeting has ended, hotel rooms on those days are limited and only based on availability.

To book your rooms, please call the Sheraton New Orleans at (888) 627-7033 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting”, or click here 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to the Sheraton’s personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Sleeping room rates: $190/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes.

Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 9, 2013. Rooms are still available for the meeting dates, but please make your arrangements as soon as possible as they are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Room rates are extended 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, but availability for these extended dates is already limited, and rates are subject to availability at the time of reservation.


As in past years, EPA is pleased to jointly co-sponsor the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting.

While we have almost reached our co-sponsorship requirements for 2013, some co-sponsorship opportunities remain available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

EPA would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support of the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:


Sears Holdings Corporation


Best Buy Co., Inc.

Nationwide Marketing Group



LG Electronics, Inc.

Philips Lighting Company

The Home Depot


Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Whirlpool Corporation


Feit Electric

Lights of America

Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP)


Cordelia Lighting, Inc.

Globe Electric

EPA would also like to thank the following co-sponsors:

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Xcel Energy

Back to Top


Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at

If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!



File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Cancelled

Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,

Due to the ongoing government shutdown, the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana has been cancelled.

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.




Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,

The 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting will take place on October 7-9 as planned, unless any gap in government funding continues past this week.  EPA will provide an update with the final status of the partner meeting no later than Friday, October 4.

We apologize for any inconvenience this uncertainty may cause you, and thank you for your continued support of EPA and the ENERGY STAR Program.




Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Ovens Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing an amendment to the test method referenced in the current (Version 2.0) ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification.

On June 1, 2013, the ASTM F1496-13 Standard Test Method for Performance of Convection Ovens was approved.  The only change to the updated ASTM F1496 test method was to add a definition to the “energy to pan” formula, used in calculating cooking-energy efficiency.  This definition was added to help clarify the inputs needed for the cooking-energy efficiency calculation and does not change the testing methodology.  As such, this amendment will not impact models currently certified to Version 2.0 or require retesting of ovens tested using the ASTM F1496-12.

The attached Version 2.1 specification references the revised ASTM F1496-13 test method in place of Version 2.0 ASTM F1496-12 and takes effect immediately.  No other changes have been made to the Eligibility Criteria.  Stakeholders with questions can email

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Manufacturer and Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) concerning the release of the ENERGY STAR® Draft 2 Test Method for Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers.

Also, on Thursday, October 17, 2013, at 11AM EDT, EPA and DOE will hold an online stakeholder meeting to discuss EPA and DOE’s proposed draft test method and receive stakeholders’ comments and concerns. Please RSVP to by Tuesday, October15, 2013, to receive call-in information.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 4.1 STB specification. The attached slide deck contains updated proposals reflecting data and comments shared in response to EPA's August 29 memo and discussion on the September 16, 2013 webinar.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:


Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for computers certified to the Computers Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements with ENERGY STAR partners and other interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are attached and technical documentation regarding the XML submission system is available on the XML Web Services Submission Process page at


The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Final Version 6.0 Computers Program Requirements and include information that will appear on the list of qualified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on these templates to no later than September 25, 2013.


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the draft agenda for the ENERGY STAR Lighting Road Mapping Meeting on October 9, 2013.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that four certification bodies (CBs) are now recognized to certify small network equipment for the ENERGY STAR program. Manufacturers may begin working with these CBs to enroll in the CB’s supervised or witnessed manufacturers’ testing laboratory (S/WMTL) program and to certify product data. Since the XML web service will not be live until late September, EPA-recognized CBs must notify once products are certified in order for partners to gain access to the logos. CBs must upload certified products through the XML web service once it is live.

  • CSA International
  • Nemko Canada, Inc.
  • TUV SUD America, Inc.
  • UL Verification Services, Inc.

EPA continues to review applications from qualified organizations and expects that other CBs will soon gain recognition to certify small network equipment. EPA maintains an updated list of recognized CBs by product category on the third-party certification website, and stakeholders can search by the small network equipment category to see when new CBs or accredited laboratories are added:

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Stakeholders:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Computer Servers Program Requirements.  EPA has learned of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT).  Computer Servers should now be tested with SERT Version 1.0.1.  The attached memo contains a full explanation of this clarification to the Version 2.0 Program Requirements.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:


Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the core changes EPA expects to include in the forthcoming Final Draft Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR Set-top Box Specification. Stakeholders are invited to join a call on Monday, September 16th from 12 PM to 2 PM Eastern Time to discuss these proposals. Please RSVP by September 10th via email to  EPA also welcomes written stakeholder feedback no later than Tuesday, September 10th via email to


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Data Center Storage, which includes the following:

  • EPA cover memo outlining next steps for stakeholders
  • ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Data Center Storage: Partner Commitments, Final Version 1.0 Eligibility Criteria, Final Test Method
  • Final Draft Specification and Test Method Comment Summary and Response


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner, Stakeholder, or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 1.0 Final Specification. 


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: New Orleans, LA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following updates and reminders:
1. One-on-One Networking Sessions -- Sign-up Instructions
2. Online registration is open!
3. Hurry! Sleeping room cut-off is September 9, 2013
Please note that the preliminary agenda and agenda companion document with detailed session descriptions are available at Summaries of energy efficiency program sponsors’ ENERGY STAR programs for appliances, electronics and lighting can be found at
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans, LA!
1. One-on-One Networking Sessions – Sign up Instructions
As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a limited number of rooms to conduct independent meetings. For information on scheduling these private meeting rooms, please see the attached guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the initial number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.
2. Online Registration is Open
Registration for the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is open until September 20!
To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button.
The $145 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.
There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 8, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing TBD.
3. Hurry! Sleeping Room Cut-Off is September 9, 2013
Hurry! Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton New Orleans are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for another 2 weeks, based on availability. The hotel cut-off date is September 9, 2013.
To book your rooms:

Call the Sheraton New Orleans at (888) 627-7033 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting” or

2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to the Sheraton’s personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block.

Each October, Rebuilding Together New Orleans brings together hundreds of volunteers from local corporate and community partners to improve the homes and lives of local low-income homeowners by funding home improvement projects, providing in-kind donations, and working on-site.
On Saturday, October 5, 2013, ENERGY STAR partners will participate in a day of service, offering in-kind donations of ENERGY STAR certified products, volunteer support, and more. EPA is excited to kick-off its national 2013 ENERGY STAR Day celebrations there: please stay tuned for more information on our plans for the day!
A limited number of individual volunteer slots are still available. If you are interested, please contact Robin Young at or at (504) 636-3060, by August 30. Volunteers are responsible for their own transportation to and from the worksite, lunch, and snacks, and a $20 fee per person to cover administrative expenses.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: webinar


Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Partner or Other Interested Party:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a stakeholder webinar today (Monday) August 26th from 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time to discuss the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Draft 2 Specification and Final Draft Test Method. Please find the webinar and conference call-in details below.


To register for the meeting,


Phone conference line:


Passcode: 456417


First Time GoToWebinar Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use GoToWebinar.


To view the latest documents, please visit and follow the link to “Telephony.”


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: webinar


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

 If you have not already registered, please email Log-in information will be sent to registrants tomorrow (Wed. 8/21). To view the documents, please scroll to the bottom of and follow the link “ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2014 Recognition Criteria Development.”


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partner or Other Interested Party:


Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 2 Version 3.0 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  • Commercial Clothes Washers
  • Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
  • Residential Freezers
  • Residential Refrigerators
  • Set Top Boxes
  • Vending Machines
  • Water Coolers

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).


The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.


Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs. Users can still download Excel-based qualified product lists from the advanced view. To access an Excel list, click Export, then select .xls .xlsx or .csv.


For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Partner or Other Interested Party:


Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Telephony Draft 2 Specification and Final Draft Test Method. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy will host a stakeholder webinar on Monday, August 26th from 1 to 3 PM Eastern Time. To RSVP, please email by Thursday, August 22nd.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites your feedback on candidate technologies for the 2014 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award.  The deadline to submit nominations is October 4, 2013.


The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g. widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted.  As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories then become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:


  • Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share);
  • Offered by more than one supplier;
  • Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs;
  • Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations;
  • Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment);
  • Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records;
  • Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.


There is no restriction on who may provide feedback or submit a nomination.  However, nominations submitted by manufacturers must be accompanied by third-party performance data.  Please note that EPA is accepting nominations for technology categories only; nominations for individual products will not be accepted. Nominations should be sent to


Extension of Advanced Clothes Dryer Category for 2014

EPA has decided to extend the Advanced Clothes Dryer award into 2014.  In launching this category in 2012, EPA intended to provide manufacturers a full year to promote qualifying technologies. EPA just recently awarded the first qualified model in June of this year, leaving only 6 months for possible promotion. Extending the award category into 2014 will provide more opportunity to promote the winning technology and encourage manufacturers to submit additional technologies that also meet the award criteria. EPA also just released its second draft of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Clothes Dryer criteria so revisions to the test method referenced for Advanced Dryers may be necessary.  EPA will work with industry stakeholders over the next few months to determine whether revisions to the award criteria are needed to align with the Version 1.0 test procedure and metric, and coordinate timing for the 2014 Award with the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 specification development effort.   


Stakeholders with questions can contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at or (202) 343-9408. For additional details on the Award, please visit

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders,


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to provide you with the following updates and reminders about the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held October 7-9, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana:











If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!


Registration for the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now open!

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button.

The $145 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

There will be an evening reception on Tuesday, October 8, generously sponsored by Sears Holdings Corporation. Location and timing TBD.

Hurry! Sleeping rooms are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for another month, based on availability. To reserve your hotel room(s) see item 5 of this message.



To assist with travel planning, EPA is pleased to provide the attached updated preliminary agenda outlining the flow of the meeting, and a companion document offering detailed session descriptions. A version with speaker information will be circulated prior to the meeting.


As you plan your schedule, please note that the preliminary agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are noted as “plenary” and “cross track”, and the majority of them are scheduled for Tuesday, October 8.

EPA recognizes the value ENERGY STAR partners place on in-person networking and collaboration opportunities at this meeting. As in past years, dedicated meeting rooms will be offered to facilitate such interactions.

More information on how to participate will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting. In the meantime, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager with questions or for more information.

Reminder: in 2013, ENERGY STAR Water Heaters will be offered as a stand-alone topic at the ACEEE 2013 Hot Water Forum taking place from November 3-5, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. For more information, please contact Steve Ryan, EPA, at Meeting details will be posted at



EPA is pleased to provide partners with three important energy efficiency program sponsor products program summaries. Attached please find:

  • 2013 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance Programs
  • 2013 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs
  • 2013 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs

These summaries are designed to help enhance collaboration among retailers, manufacturers, and utilities/energy efficiency program sponsors by providing information about energy efficiency programs for ENERGY STAR certified appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting products.

EPA thanks all partners who contributed their program information for these documents.



EPA is pleased to offer ENERGY STAR retailer and manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. The product expo is only open to ENERGY STAR partners who manufacture or sell ENERGY STAR certified products or components.


Partners must RSVP by August 12. Remaining display space will be released to recognized EPA third-party entities beginning August 13, 2013.


To RSVP, and for additional information about exhibitor booths, please contact Kristen Catanese, ICF International, at




Hurry! Sleeping rooms at the Sheraton New Orleans are going fast, and the ENERGY STAR rate is only available for another month, based on availability. The hotel cut-off date is September 9, 2013.

To book your rooms:

Call the Sheraton New Orleans at (888) 627-7033 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting” or
Click here 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting to link to the Sheraton’s personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block. 

Sleeping room rates: $190/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Room rates are extended 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, if availability remains at the time of reservation.

General hotel information:


Each October, Rebuilding Together New Orleans brings together hundreds of volunteers from local corporate and community partners to improve the homes and lives of local low-income homeowners by funding home improvement projects, providing in-kind donations, and working on-site.


On Saturday, October 5, 2013, ENERGY STAR partners will participate in a day of service, offering in-kind donations of ENERGY STAR certified products, volunteer support, and more. EPA is excited to kick-off its national 2013 ENERGY STAR Day celebrations there: please stay tuned for more information on our plans for the day!


A limited number of individual volunteer slots are still available. If you are interested, please contact Robin Young at or at (504) 636-3060, by August 30. Volunteers are responsible for their own transportation to and from the worksite, lunch, and snacks, and a $20 fee per person to cover administrative expenses.






File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Roadmapping

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholders:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) welcome your participation in a roadmapping discussion for ENERGY STAR Lighting. Please plan to remain in New Orleans, LA, following the ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, the afternoon of October 9, 2013 from 3:30 - 6:00pm for this valuable discussion.


Key Objectives for this roadmapping discussion are:

  •  Build on 15 years of partnership to foster the future success of the ENERGY STAR program for lighting;
  •  Look ahead creatively to the next 5 years, with the goal of realizing ENERGY STAR requirements that deliver on consumer expectations for lighting quality and efficiency; and
  •  Establish pathways to furthering engagement between the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and lighting manufacturers and energy efficiency program sponsors on an ongoing basis.


An agenda and questions to stimulate discussion are forthcoming but this session will focus on:

  • Directions for the ENERGY STAR lighting specifications
  • Efficiency programs
  • Business and R&D plans expectations for the next 3-7 years
  • Anticipated  technological changes
  • Impacts of other programs (i.e. DOE Federal Minimum Standards) on lighting products and their ENERGY STAR criteria.


We look forward to your participation in this discussion.  Please contact Taylor Jantz-Sell or Alex Boesenberg with questions. Online registration for the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is now available! Please visit to register and for more updated meeting information.


Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR. 


Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Manufacturing Partner, EPA-recognized Lighting Certification Body, or EPA-recognized Lighting Laboratory:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to reduce duplicate testing of the same light source during verification testing for luminaires by directing certification bodies (CBs) to share test data for light sources used in multiple luminaires. This proposal is to address manufacturer concerns about duplicate light source testing.


ENERGY STAR certified luminaires with replaceable light sources often use the same light source which has raised a unique situation for verification testing. For example, some GU24 lamps listed on the Certified Lighting Subcomponent Database (CSD) are used in multiple luminaire models made by different partners, making repetitive testing of the lamps likely. The CSD allows certified light source data to be used by all CBs for certification, to help reduce testing burden for luminaires manufacturers. A subcomponent listed on the CSD is not an ENERGY STAR certified product and therefore is not subject to verification testing; however, an ENERGY STAR certified luminaire is subject to all of the relevant performance requirements, including those tests used to determine the data listed on the CSD per Directive 2012-01.


To reduce testing duplication of the same light source used in multiple luminaires selected for verification testing, EPA is proposing, as outlined below, to direct CBs to share light source test data within each twelve-month verification testing cycle. Each luminaire would still be subject to all relevant luminaire-specific testing.


Shared Light Source Data for Directional Luminaires:

The following performance criteria are specific to the light source, and should be tested on one set of light source samples as applicable:


  • Lumen Maintenance

          o 3 samples for Fluorescent and Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 2 for Lumen Maintenance

          o 1 sample for Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 1 for Lumen Maintenance

  • Source Run-Up Time (Fluorescent Indoor Luminaires Only)

          o 3 samples


The test data should then be shared across all luminaires that use the same light source certified by the CB, per verification testing cycle.


Shared Light Source Data for Non-Directional Luminaires:

If the luminaire is classified as non-directional, the following performance criteria specific to the light source should be tested on one set of light source samples and the test data should be shared across luminaires that use the same light source by the CB, per verification testing cycle:


  • Luminous Efficacy and Output

          o 3 samples

  • Lumen Maintenance

          o 3 samples for Fluorescent and Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 2 for Lumen Maintenance

          o 1 sample for Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 1 for Lumen Maintenance

  • Correlated Color Temperature

          o 3 samples for Fluorescent and Solid State Lighting

          o 1 sample for Solid State Lighting

  • Color Rendering

           o 3 samples for Fluorescent and Solid State Lighting

          o 1 sample for Solid State Lighting

  • Color Maintenance (Solid State Indoor Luminaires Only)

          o 3 samples for Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 2 for Color Maintenance

          o 1 sample for Solid State Lighting that was certified using Option 1 for Color Maintenance

  • Source Run-Up Time (Fluorescent Indoor Luminaires Only)

          o 3 samples

If a light source is duplicated across both directional and non-directional luminaires, the representative set light source samples shall be tested for the non-directional luminaire performance, and lumen maintenance and run-up time may be shared with directional luminaires.

Please share any questions or concerns about this policy with EPA by sending your comments to no later than August 30, 2013.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Griddles Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share with you important correspondence on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 Commercial Griddles specification.

On June 26, 2013, EPA issued a memorandum announcing a change to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Griddles Version 1.2 specification affecting the ENERGY STAR commercial griddle certification and verification testing processes.  The amended Version 1.2 specification discontinues use of the cooking-energy efficiency requirement as a basis for qualifying commercial griddles, while retaining the current normalized idle rate as a sole efficiency criteria for ENERGY STAR certification and verification testing.  The amended Version 1.2 specification adds a cooking-energy efficiency reporting requirement, as well as reporting the fat and moisture content (%) of the test product, using the current ASTM test methods.

In the absence of any expressed concerns with these proposed changes, EPA has finalized the document, and Version 1.2 is effective immediately.

For additional supporting documentation regarding this amendment, please visit Commercial Griddles for Partners.

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Dear ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2014 criteria. Please submit written comments to by Friday, September 6th. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, August 22nd, from 11 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed 2014 recognition criteria. To participate in this webinar, please register with by Thursday, August 15th. You will find all proposed recognition criteria documents at the link below or to the right of this message.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partners and Other Interested Stakeholders:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for storage products certified to the Data Center Storage Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements with ENERGY STAR partners and other interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are attached and technical documentation regarding the XML submission system is available on the XML Web Services Submission Process page at


The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Final Draft Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Specification and include information that will appear on the list of qualified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on this template to no later than August 15, 2013.


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  • Light Fixtures
  • Ventilating Fans

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs. Users can still download Excel-based qualified product lists from the advanced view. To access an Excel list, click Export, then select .xls .xlsx or .csv.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs. Users can still download Excel-based qualified product lists from the advanced view. To access an Excel list, click Export, then select .xls .xlsx or .csv.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit


Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR Boilers® Manufacturers or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 2 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Boilers.

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar to discuss the Draft 2 proposal on August 20, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Eastern Time. Stakeholders interested in participating in this discussion should RSVP to by August 16, 2013.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Final Draft Specification, draft SNE qualified product exchange (QPX) data entry template, and Draft 3 stakeholder comment summary and response. Please submit comments to by Monday, August 12th.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump (CAC/ASHP) Partner or Other Interested Party:

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Monday, July 22, 2013, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Eastern Time to discuss the recently released Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR CAC/ASHP Framework document. If you would like to participate in this discussion, please RSVP to by COB Wednesday, July 17, 2013. Conference call and log-in information will be provided to attendees prior to the meeting.


To view the Framework and related documents visit the ENERGY STAR website at (click on CAC or ASHP). EPA's presentation and discussion notes will be posted to this Web page following the July 22 meeting.

If you cannot participate in the stakeholder discussion and would like to schedule a separate meeting with EPA to discuss the Framework, please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International, at In addition, EPA will accept written comments on this draft through August 2.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!


Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached the Tuesday, July 9 stakeholder webinar presentation and the proposed Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Telephony Manufacturer Partner Commitments for stakeholder review. Please submit written comments to by Friday, July 19.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

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Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 Set-top Box Specification. EPA will continue to accept comments sent to through July 10, 2013.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

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Dear ENERGY STAR® Vending Machine Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:


Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning a clarification to the ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machine Version 3.0 specification.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Final Draft Specification and Test Method.  EPA will host a webinar on July 9, 2013 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the documents with stakeholders.  Please RSVP for the webinar to no later than July 5, 2013.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Draft 1 Specification and Draft 3 Test Method for Telephony. EPA and DOE will be holding a webinar to discuss these drafts on Monday, July 8 at 1 – 3 PM Eastern Time. Please RSVP by emailing by Wednesday, July 3rd.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Stakeholder:

The Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Telephony stakeholder webinar is rescheduled for Tuesday, July 9 from 3 to 5 PM Eastern Time. EPA hopes this change will better accommodate stakeholders’ schedules following the holiday weekend. To participate, please RSVP to by Wednesday, July 3.

To view the Draft 1 specification and Draft 3 test method documents, please visit and follow the link to “Telephony.”


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY

Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Large Network Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Large Network Equipment Framework Document and Draft 1 Test Method.  EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy will host a webinar on July 2, 2013 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the documents with stakeholders.  Please RSVP for the webinar to no later than June 28, 2013.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Computers Final Draft Specification and Test Method.  EPA will host a webinar on July 9, 2013 from 12 – 2 PM Eastern Time to discuss the documents with stakeholders.  Please RSVP for the webinar to no later than July 5, 2013.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see the attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Central Air Conditioner/Air-Source Heat Pump Specification. EPA will continue to accept comments sent to through August 2, 2013.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Final Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: New Orleans Louisiana

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is pleased to share an exciting opportunity for partners to join Rebuilding Together’s annual Community Rebuild event taking place on Saturday, October 5, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Hundreds of volunteers from local corporate and community partners come together every October to support the efforts of Rebuilding Together New Orleans as they work to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners. Partners fund projects, provide in-kind donations, and/or roll their sleeves up and get involved.


What: Rebuilding Together Community Rebuild event, “Building a Greener Community”

  • 1 day volunteer event, media tour, and press event
  • Approximately 5 homes rebuilt
  • Links to national ENERGY STAR campaign and the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
  • Delivery of energy efficient products and educational materials to community members
  • ENERGY STAR Partner Community Celebration with opportunities to meet homeowners and volunteers

When: Saturday, October 5, 2013, from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Where: Hollygrove neighborhood, New Orleans

How: To sign up, please contact

Hurry! Sign up by June 28, 2013 to make this an ENERGY STAR partner event!

This high visibility community service event takes place immediately before the 2013 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. If enough partners sign up by June 28, Rebuilding Together can make this an ENERGY STAR partner event that kicks off the annual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting.


The event would give partners a chance to promote their ENERGY STAR products and show how they are helping Americans—particularly those in need—save energy, money, and help protect the environment. This high impact event will provide opportunities to engage the media, branding and recognition on all event collateral, an opportunity to launch new products, participate in social media outreach activities, and more!

For more information, visit:

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Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Griddles Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Griddles Draft Version 1.2 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

File attachments:
Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Dear EPA-recognized Certification Body, Laboratory, or Manufacturer:


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to notify certification bodies (CBs), laboratories, and manufacturers that the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Specification is anticipated to be finalized in July 2013. All storage products tested under Version 1.0 will require use of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) EmeraldTM Power Efficiency Measurement Specification.


EPA strongly encourages CB and laboratory participation in an Emerald Specification Training/Demo Session run by SNIA in late June. Those that will be running or witnessing testing for Version 1.0 of ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage should attend this session. Details are enclosed below, with further information to be disclosed to those who register.


Training: Industry-at-large training for SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency Measurement Specification V2.0 in support of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Data Center Storage Specification.

Dates: June 24 - 27, 2013

Location: SNIA Technology Center, 4410 Arrows West Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Target Audience: Storage vendor companies, test and measurement engineers, and certification bodies and laboratories participating in the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Storage program. Training class will be limited to 50 professionals.

Objectives and Methods: An integrated, interactive instruction through the use of the SNIA data center lab, SNIA technology center workbenches, and campus classroom led by subject matter experts to provide an end-to-end learning experience on how to set-up a data center storage system under test (SUT), conduct a test and measure sequence for the SUT, and complete SNIA and EPA program reports. The experts include authors of the SNIA Emerald Specification and SNIA Emerald referenced test and measurement tools, as well as SNIA and EPA program managers.

Fees: Non-SNIA members $495 USD; SNIA Members $295 USD; SNIA GSI Members $0

Schedule (final version to be posted the week of May 29th):

June 24, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Data Center Storage fundamentals, with a show-and-tell in SNIA lab

June 25 - 27, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM: Classroom presentations on the specification, tools, methods, procedures, storage system set-up, test & measurement in SNIA lab, and SNIA workbenches. There will also be classroom presentations on industry services for labs, test engineers, and auditors.


More Information:

SNIA Emerald Program: or

SNIA Emerald Specification:

SNIA Technology Center:

EPA ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Program:

EPA ENERGY STAR Third Party Certification:

SNIA Contact:

Attendance is strongly encouraged. Please sign up for the event at the registration site indicated above ASAP.

EPA will request evidence of your participation as a prerequisite for CB or laboratory recognition for Storage Version 1.0.  Once the specification revision is finalized, EPA may send a further notice for another online CB training session focused solely on the ENERGY STAR specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Specification.

EPA and DOE will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 from 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time to discuss these documents. To RSVP, please send an email to by Friday June 21, 2013 .


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  •        Ceiling Fans
  •        Light Bulbs
  •        Pool Pumps

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs. Users can still download Excel-based qualified product lists from the advanced view. To access an Excel list, click Export, then select .xls, .xlsx, or .csv.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 2 Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR Specification for Set-top Boxes. EPA will be holding a webinar to discuss this draft on Monday, June 17 at 12–2:30 pm Eastern Time. Please RSVP by emailing by Thursday, June 13.

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer Specification.

EPA and DOE will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 from 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time to discuss these documents. To RSVP, please send an email to by Friday June 21, 2013 .

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR


Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  •    Boilers
  •    Dehumidifiers
  •    Furnaces


The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

For more information, visit:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Residential Dishwashers Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 Residential Dishwashers specification.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  •          Displays
  •         Televisions

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

For more information, visit:

Location: Washington DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

  •          Displays
  •         Televisions

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

For more information, visit:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Television Manufacturing Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind manufacturing partners of the upcoming Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Television specification that shall take effect on June 1, 2013. On June 1, 2013 only those Television models that have been third-party certified as meeting the Version 6.0 requirements will appear on the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List.

Please contact EPA at with any questions about the certification of televisions.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR Refrigerator/Freezer Stakeholders or Other Interested Parties:

This message serves to notify stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerator and Freezer specification, Final Refrigerator and Freezer Demand Response Test Method, and associated supporting documentation. Please see the attached correspondence for full details. Distributed materials will also be available on the ENERGY STAR Product Development website. (Click on "Refrigerators/Freezers").


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Draft 3 Specification. EPA will host a webinar on Thursday, May 30 from 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time to discuss these documents. To RSVP, please send an email to by Tuesday, May 28.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Chicago, IL

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer stakeholder meeting during the upcoming National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show in Chicago, IL. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification, which is scheduled for release in early May. Meeting details are provided below:

Date: Monday, May 20, 2013

Location: McCormick Place, Room S106A

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Additional guidance regarding registration will be provided along with the Draft 1 specification. Stakeholders with questions can email

Thank you.


Location: Telephone Conference

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting an ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers stakeholder meeting on Monday, May 20, 2013, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (CDT) at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show.

Location: McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. Room S106A

For remote attendees, please find the log-in and audio information below:


Telephone conferencing

Use the information below to connect:

Toll-free: +1 (877) 423-6338
Toll: +1 (571) 281-2578

Participant code: 132085


To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is

ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting.


Unable to join the meeting? Follow these steps:

1. Copy this address and paste it into your web browser:

2. Copy and paste the required information:

Meeting ID: CommRefFrez

Entry Code: RefFrez


If you still cannot enter the meeting, contact support:

If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: newletter

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The May 2013 ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is now available (attached here). It will be posted shortly on the ENERGY STAR website at This edition includes updates and information pertaining to many aspects of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

  • Lighting Specification Update
  • ENERGY STAR Awareness Continues to Grow
  • ENERGY STAR Certified 100W LED Equivalent Now Available!
  • First GU-24 Light Engine Added to CSD
  • 2013 ENERGY STAR Awards Honorees
  • Efficiency Vermont Brings Efficient Lighting to Low-Income Households
  • ENERGY STAR Connects with Partners at Industry Events
  • Save the Date: ENERGY STAR Partner Meeting is Headed to New Orleans!
  • The ENERGY STARs Across America Map is Back!
  • Join ENERGY STAR in the Drive to Sell 20 Million LED Bulbs
  • New Product Finder – Coming Soon!
  • New EPA Report: Four Years of CFL Testing: Assessment and Next Steps

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner or Other Interested Party:

EPA is holding a webinar on Lamps Draft 4 on Monday, May 13, 2013 from 2-3pm EST. Advanced registration is required by sending an email to that provides attendee name(s), company name, phone number(s) and email address(es). For proper routing, please include “Lamps Draft 4 Webinar” in the subject line of the email.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Draft 1 Version 3.0 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

File attachments:
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

EPA will be holding an in-person meeting to discuss the Draft 1 Version 4.1 Set-top Box specification on Friday, March 29, in Washington, DC. Webinar and call-in options will also be provided. Additional details and the Draft itself will be sent out shortly for your review.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR and please do not hesitate to contact with any questions in the meantime.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of new product finder tools for the following products:

Geothermal Heat Pumps
Roof Products
Room Air Cleaners
Room Air Conditioners

The product finder tools provide consumers, partners, and interested third parties with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool. EPA encourages ENERGY STAR Manufacturing Partners to review your listed models and verify the accuracy of the data. Any concerns about data quality should be reported to your EPA-recognized certification body (CB).

The product finder tools will display the same product attributes that appear on the current qualified product lists and will allow manufacturers to display additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. Such identifiers can make it easier for purchasers and consumers to find ENERGY STAR certified products.

Utilities, retailers, and other more advanced users can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs.

For updates on products finder tools, including additional key features and a full list of previously released product finder tools, please visit

For more information, visit:




Dear EPA Computer Server Manufacturer or Interested Party,

As you may be aware, EPA is in the process of collecting feedback regarding data requirements that certification bodies will be required to provide to EPA for Computer Servers certified to the Computer Server Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR specification. These requirements include information that will appear on the lists of qualified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes.

EPA encourages you to review the draft data requirements template attached to this email and to provide feedback (to as changes are much easier to incorporate during the review than later in the process. Please respond as soon as possible with any comments you may have.

Thank you for your support.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for computer servers certified to the Computer Servers Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements with ENERGY STAR partners and other interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are attached and are available on

The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Computer Servers Version 2.0 Program Requirements and include information that will appear on the list of qualified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on these templates to no later than April 24, 2013.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning Lamps Version 1.0 Draft 4.

The ENERGY STAR lighting team will be at LIGHTFAIR in Philadelphia, PA from April 23 – 25, come visit us at booth #134.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Refrigerator/Freezer Stakeholders or Other Interested Parties:

This message serves to notify stakeholders that the U.S Environmental Protection (EPA) has released the Final Draft of Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Refrigerator and Freezer specification and associated supporting documentation. Please see the attached correspondence for full details. Stakeholder comments on this Final Draft specification are due to EPA,, by April 12, 2013. Distributed materials will also be available on the ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site at and click on “Refrigerators/Freezers.”

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR® program.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Imaging Equipment.

For more information, visit:




File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Boxes Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 1 Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR Specification for Set-top Boxes. EPA will host an in-person meeting in Washington, DC, to discuss this Draft 1 specification on Friday, March 29, from 10 am to 4pm Eastern Time. Please RSVP by emailing by March 27. Call-in and webinar capability will be provided for remote attendees.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Set-top Box Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached the presentation from the Friday, March 29, 2013 Draft 1 Version 4.1 Set-top Box (STB) Specification Meeting and the proposed Version 4.1 ENERGY STAR STB Manufacturer Partner Commitments for stakeholder review.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 4 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Data Center Storage. EPA will host a webinar on April 2, 2013 at 1:00 PM EST. The agenda will be focused on changes introduced in Draft 4. Please RSVP to no later than March 29th. Call-in and webinar capability will be provided.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

for more information, visit:

File attachments:
Location: Washington, DC

Dear ENERGY STAR® Water Cooler Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Water Cooler Version 2.0 specification.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:

 Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partners or Other Interested Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of compiling information EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to provide to EPA for imaging equipment certified to the Imaging Equipment Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR specification. EPA would like to share the draft data requirements with ENERGY STAR partners and other interested stakeholders for review. The requirements are attached and will soon be available on

The data collection requirements are intended to be consistent with the specification requirements described in the Final Draft Version 2.0 Imaging Equipment Specification and include information that will appear on the lists of qualified products, as well as information that EPA needs for internal purposes. EPA has also shared these draft data requirements with CBs and welcomes any comments or questions about them. Please submit any feedback on these templates to no later than March 21, 2013.


Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

for more information, visit:



File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a supplemental data assembly effort for the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Small Network Equipment specification. This note is a friendly reminder that EPA will only accept data submitted to by the deadline this Thursday, March 21, 2013. The data form and latest test method are attached.

Please contact Una Song, EPA, at or (202) 343-9024; or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (215) 967-9407 with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:
Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Version 2.0 Specification Published

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published the Final Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Servers Specification and the Final ENERGY STAR Servers Test Method. EPA and The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort over the past year to contribute feedback to this specification revision process.

The Version 2.0 Specification introduces new Active State Efficiency criteria, requiring all server products to run the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation's (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) and report the results. These results will be used in a later Version 3.0 Specification to set active efficiency levels. It also greatly increases the scope of products covered, now including the majority of the server market by adding blade, multi-node, and resilient servers on top of existing coverage of rack and pedestal servers from Version 1.0.

In addition, this specification: Introduces a new approach to product families that requires significantly fewer tests of individual configurations to qualify. Cuts memory adders by more than half, to reflect rapid improvements in this component’s energy efficiency, and maintains rigorous idle power requirements for one and two socket rack and pedestal servers. Includes the option of testing systems with Auxiliary Processing Accelerators (APAs), allowing systems to be shipped with GPGPUs or similar components. Allows products with 3 phase power supplies to qualify. And updates requirements for power and temperature sampling, including an allowance for systems that implement time stamping of data.

Changes to the Version 2.0 Specification from the Final Draft include: An expansion of the rounding rules for blade chassis. Based on stakeholder input on the Final Draft, EPA and DOE have relaxed the requirements to allow for rounding to the nearest power domain. An expansion of form factor restrictions in product families, to enable products that differ only by superficial mechanical differences to be qualified within the same product family. And changed Section 4.1 to detail general reporting rather than focus on the PPDS, as EPA does not intend to use the PPDS for Version 2.0.

Changes to the Version 2.0 Test Method from the Final Draft include: Additional three-phase voltages for the European Market. Based on stakeholder input on the Final Draft, DOE has included 400 V ac 50 Hz in the list of supply voltages for European market. Input frequency option of 50 Hz or 60 Hz for the Japanese market to reflect the voltage standards of Japan. The same expansion of rounding rules for blade chassis as stated in the Specification. Change in section 5.2 F) to clarify that the controller system and the Unit Under Test (UUT) should be connected to the same network switch and must be configured to communicate via the network. Change in section 5.1 J) to ensure that the UUT offers at least one Ethernet port for the purpose of testing. Based on stakeholder input DOE has deleted the requirement of setting up the UUT with minimal I/O add-in cards. And general Test Method updates to be consistent with SERT requirements.

EPA shares its partners' desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, so that users can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date. With this in mind, EPA has established the following timeline: Effective today, manufacturers may begin testing eligible products against the Version 2.0 requirements. On the week of March 18th, the QPX forms will be distributed to stakeholders for review. By April 5th, manufacturers and Certification Bodies (CBs) should submit comments on the QPX forms, for review by EPA In April, EPA will finish creating the data submission forms for CBs. CBs must successfully complete a test submission in order to retain their ENERGY STAR recognition. Once the above are completed, product test results will begin appearing on the ENERGY STAR website.

After August 30th, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to the Version1.1 specification. Existing certification to Version 1.1 will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification until December 16, 2013. In September, EPA will organize an "off-season" meeting to review SERT data submission and discuss a variety of topics relating to future versions of the servers specification.

As of December 16, 2013, all servers will have to meet the Version 2.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 1.1 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR qualification.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers, which includes the following:

  • EPA cover memo outlining next steps for stakeholders
  • ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Computer Servers: Partner Commitments, Final Version 2.0 Eligibility Criteria, Final Test Method
  • ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Test Reporting Template
  • Final Draft Specification and Test Method Comment Summary and Response

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers, which includes the following:

EPA cover memo outlining next steps for stakeholders
ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Computer Servers: Partner Commitments, Final Version 2.0 Eligibility Criteria, Final Test Method
ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Test Reporting Template
Final Draft Specification and Test Method Comment Summary and Response

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Boiler Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

EPA discovered that the proposed date of March 12th for the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Boilers specification webinar conflicts with other boiler industry events taking place around the same time. To maximize stakeholder participation, the webinar will now take place on Monday, March 18th, from 2-4 PM ET. If you would like to participate in this discussion, please RSVP to by COB Thursday, March 14, 2013. Conference call and log-in information will be provided to attendees prior to the meeting.

To view the Draft 1 specification and related documents visit the ENERGY STAR website at (click on Boilers). EPA's presentation and discussion notes will be posted to this Web page following the March 18th meeting.

If you cannot participate in the stakeholder discussion and would like to schedule a separate meeting with EPA to discuss the Draft 1 specification, please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International, at In addition, EPA will accept written comments on this draft through March 26th.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

For more information, visit:


Contact Name: Sarah Medepalli

Dear Game Console Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the EPA Recognition Program for Game Consoles including the Final Performance Requirements, Test Method, Test Reporting Template, and Final Draft Comment Summary and Response.

File attachments:
Contact Name: Bryan Berringer
Phone: 202 586 0371
Location: San Jose, CA

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Manufacturer or Other Interested Stakeholder:

Thank you for your participation in the development of the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Version 2.0 Specification. In addition to the release of the final documents, there are a number of important milestones or events that will take place in the coming months and which are listed below. Please note that this timeline extends over much of the next year and may be subject to some changes as events progress.

March 4th, 9am - 4pm PST: Computer Servers Version 2.0 kick-off meeting at the Intel campus in San Jose, CA. This meeting will have both remote and in-person options. A separate email will be sent asking for RSVPs.
Tentative agenda:

· Certification body training session for Computer Servers specification

· Specification overview, Q&A, and discussion with stakeholders

· Scheduling: Milestones to look out for between now and the effective date (a more in-depth version of this timeline)

· International aspects of ENERGY STAR Computer Servers

· Test procedure overview, including discussion of U.S. Department of Energy and Navigant experiences running SERT

· Open session to discuss any other topics concerning ENERGY STAR


There will also be opportunities for one-on-one meetings between ENERGY STAR and interested stakeholders after the meeting above concludes on March 4th or during the morning of March 5th.

March 5th: ENERGY STAR presentation at The Green Grid Forum in San Jose, CA (not specific to Computer Servers)

Weeks of either March 4th or 11th:

· Final Computer Servers Version 2.0 specification published

· Data entry documents distributed to stakeholders for review

o These are the documents that certification bodies fill out and submit to EPA

· Manufacturer or third-party lab testing may commence once the Final specification has been published.


Mid-March to April: ENERGY STAR processing of data entry documents and administrative work

April: First products will appear on the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List for Version 2.0

Late Q3 2013: General time period for an "off-season" face-to-face Computer Servers discussion, likely in Washington, DC. The objective will be to discuss issues relating to Version 2.0 or for consideration in the future Version 3.0, outside the time pressure of specification development.
Tentative agenda:

· SERT data review

· Testing/reporting of servers thermal characteristics

· Power management capabilities of computer servers

· Auxiliary Processing Accelerators (APAs)

· SERT expansion

o DC power testing

o New architectures

o APAs


December 2013: Effective date of Computer Servers Version 2.0 specification


If you have any questions, please contact Robert Meyers, EPA, at or (202) 343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (215) 967-9407.


Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR




Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: 202-343-9923
Location: Santa Cara or Call in

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partner or Other Interested Party:

EPA will host an in-person Version 2.0 Computer Server kick-off event on March 4, 2013 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST to discuss various details of the finalized specification and test method. The meeting will take place at the Intel Corporation SC9-Auditorium, 3601 Juliette Lane, Santa Clara, CA. Due to the short notice for this meeting, a call-in option will be provided for those who will not be in the Santa Clara area and cannot join in-person. The agenda for this meeting is shown below (all times PST):

· 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM CB Training and specification overview

· 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Specification Q&A with stakeholders, Certification Bodies

· 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Scheduling, milestone, and process discussion for Servers V2.0.

· 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch

· 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM International activities of ENERGY STAR Computer Servers

· 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Test procedure Q&A, experiences running SERT.

· 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Open discussion, questions

Please RSVP to no later than February 28, 2013 and please indicate whether you will be joining in-person or calling in. Call-in details will be provided prior to the meeting.

In addition, Robert Meyers will be speaking at The Green Grid Forum on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 from 1:40 PM – 2:30 PM at the Santa Clara Convention Center, providing an overview of the ENERGY STAR program’s accomplishments as well as information on its near-term plans. ENERGY STAR team members will be available to meet with interested parties on the evening of March 4th (from 5 PM onwards) or the morning of March 5th (prior to 11 AM).

For questions about the meeting, please contact Robert Meyers, EPA, at or (202) 343-9923, or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (215) 967-9407. For questions on meeting logistics, please contact Henry Wong, Intel, at or (650) 815-5379.

 Thank you for your interest in the ENERGY STAR program.

For more information, Visit:



Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Ovens Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Final Draft Version 2.0 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

For more information, visit:


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Boilers Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Boilers.

For more information, Visit:


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Imaging Equipment.

Please also note that EPA will be holding a webinar to further discuss the proposed changes to the Version 2.0 Specification on February 22, 2013. Please RSVP to no later than February 21, 2013.


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a supplemental data assembly effort for the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Small Network Equipment specification prior to the conclusion of its development. The timeline for this final data assembly period will be February 21, 2013 – March 21, 2013. EPA will only consider data submitted in the attached data form to by Thursday, March 21, 2013. This form is also located on the ENERGY STAR website at

EPA thanks all stakeholders that have previously submitted data on small network equipment. EPA urges stakeholders who are interested in supporting this final data assembly effort and have questions or have identified any unavoidable deviations from the attached ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Small Network Equipment Final Draft Test Method to contact EPA as soon as possible.

Please contact Una Song, EPA, at or (202) 343-9024; or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (215) 967-9407 with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432

Dear ENERGY STAR® Decorative Light Strings Partner,

As a reminder, all products manufactured on or after February 15, 2013 must be third-party certified in order to carry the ENERGY STAR mark. A list of EPA-recognized certification bodies is available here. Products manufactured after February 15, 2013 that carry the label, but have not been certified will be subject to corrective action from EPA.

Please submit any questions regarding ENERGY STAR requirements for Decorative Light Strings to

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service (CFS) Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the WaterSense® Draft Specification for Commercial Pre-Rinse Spray Valves.

Thank you!


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Insulation Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

Please see the documents linked below for important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning proposed changes to the Draft Definitions and Testing Requirements Version 1.0 for the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR Program.

Cover Letter
Draft Definitions and Testing Requirements Version 1.0 (Rev. Feb-2013)

These and additional program documents can be found here.

Comments on the Draft Definitions and Testing Requirements Version 1.0 (Rev. Feb-2013) are due by February 8, 2013, to

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Furnace Manufacturing Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind manufacturing partners of the upcoming Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Furnace specification that shall take effect on February 1, 2013. On February 1, 2013 only those Furnace models that have been third-party certified as meeting the Version 4.0 requirements will appear on the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List.

Please contact EPA at with any questions about the certification of furnaces

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Commercial Ovens Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the Environmental Protection Agency concerning ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Draft 4 Version 2.0 specification.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 Clothes Washers specification.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:
Location: Newsletter

ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food

Service Newsletter

January 2013
In this issue...

New Energy Star Product Finder Tool

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a new product finder system to provide consumers, ENERGY STAR partners, and other stakeholders with an easily-accessible and user-friendly product search tool. The tool will provide advanced search capabilities, allowing users to find and compare ENERGY STAR certified products based on energy use and other attributes.

The new product finder tool has a basic search function which allows users to filter products on the qualified product lists (QPLs) based on key attributes such as product type, brand, and size. More advanced users can access detailed datasets and take advantage of the advanced export and filter options suited to their needs.

EPA plans to have the new product finder up and running for all product categories by mid-2013.
The new tool will make ENERGY STAR data easier to access and use. Product details can still be displayed in the downloadable Excel file version.

Important Updates to Qualified Product Listings

Unit Shipment Data (USD) Collection Effort
As part of the ENERGY STAR Manufacturer Partnership Commitments, EPA collects shipment data on an annual basis to determine the market penetration of ENERGY STAR certified products. This year, EPA distributed USD collection forms to partners on January 7, 2013.

If your organization has not already submitted this data, please send completed forms to by March 1, 2013 to avoid partnership suspension. Partners that do not submit USD on time will be temporarily removed from the ENERGY STAR website. For more information, please visit

Ice Maker & Dishwasher QPL Updates
As of February 1, 2013, the ENERGY STAR QPLs for commercial ice makers and commercial dishwashers will be updated to reflect only those models that have been certified to Version 2.0 of the respective specification and submitted to EPA by an EPA-recognized certification body. As of February 1, 2013, manufacturers are expected to cease labeling of any new models that have not been certified to the Version 2.0 specifications.

Product Spotlight: Commercial Griddles

As with most ENERGY STAR certified Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment, the standard gas or electric commercial griddle is energy intensive. ENERGY STAR certified commercial griddles can reduce your energy use by 10 percent or more.
The griddle is considered the “work horse” of the kitchen. A versatile piece of equipment, a griddle is typically used throughout the day from frying eggs and bacon in the morning to grilling steaks at night. Many standard models are equipped with manual or modulating controls, which often remain on throughout the course of the day. In 2009, EPA set out to identify griddles that use energy more efficiently by developing an ENERGY STAR specification for griddles.
All ENERGY STAR certified griddles have thermostatic controls accompanied with strategically placed temperature sensors. Thermostatic controls reduce temperature fluctuations, thus improving temperature control of the cooking surface and allowing the griddle to be more responsive to the introduction of uncooked or frozen food loads. These temperature control designs reduce cook and recovery times resulting in greater efficiency, higher production capacities, and offering the operator significant energy savings.
Other approaches to reduce griddle energy consumption include the use of highly conductive or reflective plate material and sub-griddle insulation on electric griddles. Some gas griddle manufacturers incorporate high-efficiency technologies such as infrared burners and steam. ENERGY STAR certified models can help save approximately $110 and $190 in energy costs annually for gas and electric griddles, respectively.
Over the course of the product’s lifetime, approximately 12 years, operators could save up to $1,100 (gas models) and $1,800 (electric models). Often, there are also prescriptive incentives available through your local utility to help offset initial purchase costs. For more information on incentives, check out the CFS Incentive Finder on the commercial kitchen landing page under “buying guidance”.
As with most pieces of commercial cooking equipment, griddles are most efficient when cooking full loads, so be sure to maximize the cooking surface area whenever possible! Performance tests have shown substantial gains in cooking energy efficiency and production capacity while cooking heavy or full loads versus light or partial loads.
The current list of ENERGY STAR commercial griddles can be viewed at Learn more about the savings potential and benefits of ENERGY STAR certified griddles with the Commercial Griddles Fact Sheet and ENERGY STAR Training Center.

Partner Spotlight: Taylor Company

Founded in 1926, Taylor Company is an industry leader, manufacturing CFS equipment that uses the latest technologies to ensure safety, energy efficiency, and product performance. Taylor is well known for its griddles and soft serve and frozen beverage machines and has been an active ENERGY STAR manufacturer partner for commercial griddles since the ENERGY STAR specification took effect in the summer of 2009.
Taylor Company’s Crown® series griddles are ENERGY STAR certified, and the company is actively involved in specification development efforts. According to Patricia Bennett, Sr. Director of Global Marketing at Taylor, “The ENERGY STAR partnership is a core part of Taylor’s commitment to innovative and energy-efficient design.”
Taylor Company is dedicated to technical training and innovative product development. The company trains thousands of professionals and conducts research and development for new technologies in its 25,000 square foot Taylor Technical Center which was built in 1997. Taylor’s Product Manager, Patti Kroening, is an active participant in multiple ASTM International committees which develop industry-recognized test methods designed to measure the performance and energy efficiency of food service equipment.
To learn more about Taylor Company, visit:

Upcoming Events

Webinar for Restaurant Operators
On January 30, 2013 from 2:30-3:30, Burton Energy Group will host Una Song, ENERGY STAR Program Manager; Gabriel Palmisciano, McDonald's USA's Energy Efficiency Manager; and Manitowoc's SVP of Marketing, Dean Landeche for a one-hour webinar to discuss how they partner to reduce energy use for their restaurants and their customers. If interested in attending, email us!

NAFEM Show 2013

Christopher Kent and Una Song, EPA, and additional ENERGY STAR team members will be attending the NAFEM Show 2013 from February 7-9, 2013 in Orlando, FL. ENERGY STAR representatives will also be attending the ASTM meetings held prior to the NAFEM Show, February 5-6, 2013.

The NAFEM Show 13

EPA looks forward to visiting with ENERGY STAR partners throughout the show. EPA would also like to remind partners about the importance of protecting the ENERGY STAR brand as a valuable marketing tool. Signage and marketing materials at the trade shows and conferences should follow ENERGY STAR’s Identity Guidelines at: Please contact for questions or to request a meeting at NAFEM.

Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Key Accounts Workshop

Representative(s) from the ENERGY STAR team will attend the next EEI Key Accounts Workshop from March 9-13, 2013 in Chicago, IL. ENERGY STAR representative(s) will engage with energy managers and other leaders in the food service industry who are working towards improved energy efficiency in their operations. Restaurateurs and Energy Efficiency Program Sponsor partners who wish to meet with ENERGY STAR during this time are encouraged to contact

Product Development Updates

EPA is currently working with industry stakeholders to revise two product specifications. Updates are provided below and more information can be found on the ENERGY STAR Product Development website at:

Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers

EPA launched the Version 3.0 Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer specification revision effort on October 26, 2012. The primary focus of this revision is to align elements of the ENERGY STAR specification with U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) standards for commercial refrigeration equipment (e.g., test conditions, scope, and definitions). Given the high market penetration of ENERGY STAR models reported in 2011, EPA will also re-evaluate the current efficiency levels to ensure that ENERGY STAR continues to provide value to end-users. EPA anticipates releasing a first draft of the Version 3.0 specification in February 2013 and encourages stakeholder feedback and participation during the revision process.

Commercial Ovens

EPA continues to develop the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR specification for Commercial Ovens, releasing a Draft 3 Version 2.0 specification on October 12, 2012. A Draft 4 of the Version 2.0 specification is scheduled for release in late January and ENERGY STAR representatives will be attending NAFEM to meet with stakeholders. Combination ovens, a new category for ENERGY STAR, will be immediately eligible for qualification once the final specification is published (scheduled for March or April 2013).
Stakeholder questions can be directed to Christopher Kent, EPA, at (202) 343-9046 or or Adam Spitz, ICF International, at (202) 862-1226 or

NRA’s Operator Innovations Awards – Call for 2013 Sustainability Nominations

The National Restaurant Association’s (NRA’s) annual Operator Innovations Awards, in its second year, celebrates restaurant operators who are transforming the industry through innovation. NRA is now calling for applications across the awards’ five categories, including Sustainability.
The panel of judges will scrutinize, evaluate, and find the very best – then recognize them in front of the foodservice universe at the NRA Show 2013 in Chicago (from May 18-21, 2013). For recognition in the Sustainability category, the judges seek innovations that conserve resources, reduce waste, increase energy efficiency, support sustainable sourcing, and minimize environmental impact.
Commercial and non-commercial operators can self-nominate or be nominated by individuals throughout the industry – including manufacturers, dealers and distributors, media and other restaurant and foodservice industry professionals.
Have you done or seen something that deserves the spotlight? Nominate now at by the February 4, 2013 deadline.

Reminder: Hobart’s Sustainability Grant Deadline Approaching

The Hobart Center for Foodservice Sustainability (HCFS) continues to accept applications for its annual $5,000 grant until January 31, 2013. Now in its sixth year, the HCFS grant honors the best-executed food service sustainability project of the year and is designed to promote leadership in sustainability best-practices.
Organizations from K-12 and higher education programs to corporate dining, healthcare, lodging, casinos and restaurants are welcome to apply. Hobart encourages applicants to provide descriptions of specific foodservice equipment used to achieve sustainability goals, including whether the equipment is ENERGY STAR certified.

Pictured above is the 2012 HCFS award winner, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Photo by Paul G. Wiegman.
The 2013 HCFS grant recipient will be announced at the NRA Show 2013. For more information, visit or

Look for the next Commercial Food Service Newsletter in April!

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partner or Other Interested Party:

EPA and DOE will host a brief webinar on January 31st, from 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time, to discuss the Final Draft Specification and Test Method documents. This is a reminder to RSVP if you would like to participate in the webinar. Please RSVP to no later than January 29th if you have not already done so.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


Dear ENERGY STAR Partners & Friends,

Continuing a tradition he started at his first inauguration in 2009, President Obama is calling on Americans in all 50 states to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and participate in the National Day of Service on Saturday, January 19th, 2013.

The National Day of Service is the First Family’s most treasured inaugural event – but it’s not just about January 19th: The President will be asking Americans to make an ongoing commitment in their communities, focusing on seven issue areas: health, faith, education, the environment, honoring our veterans and military families, community resilience, and economic development.

Here in Washington, DC, please join EPA and ENERGY STAR on the National Mall for a historic Service Fair to engage with federal agencies and service organizations from across the country on the issues you care about. ENERGY STAR’s “Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR” national campaign exhibit will be featured in the Environment section of the fair to encourage all Americans to join with millions of others in taking small steps that make a big difference in protecting the climate. Visitors will be able to learn about energy-efficient practices that will save energy, save money, and reduce greenhouse gases to help prevent climate change; participate in interactive learning activities; and sign up online to take the Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR Pledge.

Speaking and performing at the Service Summit will be National Day of Service Honorary Chair Chelsea Clinton, Presidential Inaugural Committee Co-Chair Eva Longoria, singer-songwriter Ben Folds, Iraq war veteran and Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, American Heart Association spokesperson and television personality Star Jones, actress Angela Bassett, gospel singer Yolanda Adams, U.S. Rep and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and the Washington Children’s Choir. The event will be emceed by local radio host Tommy McFly.

EPA is proud to be a partner for the National Day of Service. Whether you are planning to be in DC or remaining at home, we encourage you, your family, friends and clients to learn, serve, and pledge to “Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR” on the National Day of Service.

Don’t wait – commit to being part of the National Day of Service.

Thank you,



Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The Draft Test Methods for the ENERGY STAR Lamps Draft 3 Specification have been released. Please visit to review the documents.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Partner or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to participate in a webinar to discuss Draft 3 of the ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 1.0 specification on Friday, January 11, 2013 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm (EDT). Please RSVP no later than Thursday, January 10, 2013 to to receive webinar log-in details.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Servers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Final Draft Specification and Test Method for Computer Servers.


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lighting Stakeholder:

The December 2012 ENERGY STAR Lighting Newsletter is now available (attached here). It will be posted shortly on the ENERGY STAR website at . This edition includes updates and information pertaining to many aspects of the ENERGY STAR Lighting program, including:

· Success in St. Paul

· Lighting Resources Just a Click Away

· New Resources for Luminaire Manufacturers

· ENERGY STAR on the Road!

· Lighting Pattern Book

· Specification Update

· EPA Clarifies Policy on Brand Owners

· The Winter Holidays and ENERGY STAR Decorative Light Strings

· Achieve Savings by Choosing ENERGY STAR

· 2012 Verification Testing Results

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


File attachments:

ENERGY STAR® Refrigerator/Freezer Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 5.0 Connected Product Criteria for Refrigerators and Freezers.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Lamps Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Lamps.


File attachments:
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will be hosting an ENERGY STAR telephony webinar on Tuesday (tomorrow), December 18, 2012, from 2 PM to 4 PM EST to discuss the Draft 2 Test Method and data assembly. Below please find the log-in and audio information:

Click to Join the meeting.

Audio Information

U.S. and Canada: +1 (877) 423-6338

International: +1 (571) 281-2578

Participant code: 456417

First Time Users:

To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting.


Unable to join the meeting? Follow these steps:

  1. Copy this address and paste it into your web browser:
  2. Copy and paste the required information:

Meeting ID: 7N6WQ9

Entry Code: ESPhones


If you still cannot enter the meeting, contact support

If you have any questions, please contact To view the latest test method and specification development documents, please visit

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.



Dear EPA Game Console Stakeholders:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final Draft for Game Console Performance Requirements and the associated Test Method.

Thank you.



File attachments:

ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 Clothes Washers specification.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Telephony Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Draft 2 Version 3.0 Telephony Test Method and specification development data call.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Imaging Equipment Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Imaging Equipment.


File attachments:

Voluntary California Quality Light‐Emitting Diode (LED) Lamp Specification - Final Staff Report

Online: December 5, 2012.

For more information:

(If link above doesn't work, please copy entire link into your web browser's URL)



Kevin Kidd

California Energy Commission

Web Team

Contact Name: Kevin Kidd
Address: 1516 Ninth Street MS-29
City: Sacramento
State: Ca 95814
Country: USA
Comments: 916-654-4287

Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Due to a prior planned industry meeting occurring on December 11th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is rescheduling the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment stakeholder webinar to be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012 from 12 PM - 2 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please RVSP via email to by December 4, 2012.

To view the latest small network equipment specification documents, please visit

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


ENERGY STAR® Residential Refrigerator/Freezer Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Draft 2 Test Method to validate Demand Response.

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Partner:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the proposal for Version 1.2 ENERGY STAR Specification for Luminaires.


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers

Contact Name: Pierre Deforge
Phone: 415-875-6139

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers

File attachments:
Contact Name: Pierre Deforge
Phone: 415-875-6139
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Stakeholder:

 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the deployment of a new product finder system for providing consumers, partners, and interested third parties with greater access to ENERGY STAR products. This product finder system is built off of existing ENERGY STAR information, providing consumers with an easily-accessible, user-friendly search tool, as well as providing utilities, retailers and others with advanced search capabilities. The first phase of this launch includes clothes washers and cordless phones.

 The backbone of this system is a database that is populated with product information provided by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) via an XML-based transfer. The new system will display the same product attributes as appear on the current qualified product lists, but it will allow manufacturers to provide additional identifying information for models such as SKUs, UPC codes, and retail model numbers. These can be provided by CBs to make it easier for consumers to find ENERGY STAR products. In addition, this system allows EPA to update lists of products nearly daily, providing information in a more timely manner to all parties.

 The basic search tool for ENERGY STAR products is designed for consumers and provides the ability to easily filter products based on key attributes, such as product type, brand, and size. This tool also allows consumers to compare products, sort by energy efficiency, and share search results. More advanced users who are focused on promoting ENERGY STAR products can access the detailed datasets (qualified product lists) directly at, sign up for a user account, and take advantage of filter and advanced export options best suited to their needs. This advanced view also has capabilities for creating graphs and charts and setting up an API to allow automated updates to ENERGY STAR information.

 EPA plans to have the new product finder up and running for all product categories by mid-2013. EPA will be providing an overview of this tool for interested stakeholders on November 29, 2012 from 1-2:30 PM EST. Please RSVP to by November 26 if you are interested in participating in this webinar. For updates on datasets available in the product finder system, please visit the What's New section available at An RSS subscription to this page is also available.

 Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.



Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the Final ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2013 Recognition Criteria.

Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.

For more information, visit:


File attachments:


Dear ENERGY STAR® Small Network Equipment Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the ENERGY STAR Small Network Equipment Version 1.0 Draft 2 Specification and Final Draft Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

For more information, visit:

File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholder:

The attached document outlines a proposed path forward to finalizing the Version 1.0 Data Center Storage specification. In particular, it contains potential changes to testing requirements and general timeline information.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: 202-343-9923

EPA is committed to helping consumers find the most efficient televisions. In this rapidly evolving market, EPA raised the bar on ENERGY STAR television requirements in 2008, 2010, and the latest requirements that took effect on September 30, 2011. These revisions have led to decreases in the power consumed by even large qualified televisions. Televisions that meet these new requirements are on average greater than 40% more energy efficient than conventional models. ENERGY STAR-qualified sets of 50 inches and above have to be extra efficient to ensure consumers who opt for the biggest screens don’t blow their power budget. A qualified 60-inch TV, for example, is on average 60% more efficient than a conventional model. By revising the ENERGY STAR TV requirements three times in four years, EPA challenged the market to achieve aggressive efficiency gains concurrent with ongoing improvements in performance. Manufacturers have responded with rapid advancements in technology that prioritize performance and keep power consumption down.

Newer LCD-based TVs often use LEDs (light-emitting diodes) rather than traditional fluorescent backlights, making them the most efficient type of flat panel TV today. At the same time, other technologies like plasma continue to meet stringent ENERGY STAR levels.

With more than 19 million televisions greater than 40 inches expected to ship this year, the new requirements will guide purchasers of the largest televisions to more efficient choices. If all televisions sold in the United States met the new ENERGY STAR requirements, Americans would save over $4 billion annually in energy costs while reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the emissions of more than 5 million cars.

File attachments:

Currently, almost half of U.S. households (57 million households) own a dedicated game console. In recent years, game console have caught the attention of energy efficiency advocates and domestic and international regulators. In response, game console manufacturers and EPA are working on developing energy efficiency criteria for game consoles, to reduce the environmental impact of these products. EPA has proposed recognizing companies that meet these requirements. Note that this is not an ENERGY STAR certification (products will not earn the label), but instead it is a voluntary agreement that will reflect company-wide commitment from industry manufacturers to meeting the final efficiency criteria with current or next generation game consoles. The program is expected to be effective/final before the end of 2012.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120

UPSes are used in the home to provide temporary power for computers, home theaters, or other appliances in case of power outages. They also protect expensive electronics from power fluctuations that could be potentially damaging.

  • The new ENERGY STAR UPS specification helps consumers identify the most energy efficient battery backup and electrical equipment solutions on the market.
  • Consumers looking for energy efficient battery backups for their computers and home theaters can now look for the ENERGY STAR label.
  • Data on UPS energy performance across the entire load range of the product is now available to consumer and purchasers.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120

Audio/video equipment covers a wide range of equipment from home-theater-in-a-box systems and audio amplifiers to DVD players and docking stations.

  • This revised (Version 3.0) specification establishes new On Mode power consumption requirements for Blu-Ray players, which are 30 percent more stringent than under the Version 2.0 specification.
  • This specification establishes an allowance for multiple networking and control protocols (including Gigabit Ethernet or Wi-Fi protocols) implemented in a single product, and adds definitions for Consumer and Commercial Amplifiers to the specification to allow EPA to establish future efficiency criteria once data is available.
  • EPA also found that the Auto Power Down (APD) requirement may be a barrier for some Commercial Amplifiers as they are required by their customers to be on and ready at any time. In the interest of ensuring ENERGY STAR products deliver on consumer expectations, EPA has amended the APD requirements to allow Commercial Amplifiers to ship with APD disabled as long as they meet the Idle Mode power requirements.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington DC

The Display Version 6.0:

  • Adds a definition for enhanced-performance displays and establishes new On Mode power consumption requirements for displays with a viewable diagonal screen size from 12 to 30 inches and for computer monitors greater than 30 inches.
  • Establishes a new maximum Sleep Mode power requirement of 0.5 watts for all displays, and a power management requirement that all computer monitors must enter Sleep Mode after the connection to a host is discontinued.
  • During Sleep Mode, allows for multiple networking and control protocols, including Gigabit Ethernet or Wi-Fi protocols, and additional capabilities, such as occupancy sensors or memory, implemented in a single product. It establishes a hierarchy under the Test Method for testing network connected products in Sleep Mode and lighting conditions for testing products with automatic brightness control (ABC) enabled by default.

*Added savings: Computer monitors that meet the Version 6.0 requirements are on average 20-30 percent more energy efficient than conventional models. Savings from computer monitors will grow to over $800 million in energy costs, with a reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to that of nearly 1 million cars.

Location: St. Paul, Minnesota

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners:

In preparation for the upcoming 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota October 22-24, EPA is pleased to provide three important energy efficiency program sponsor product program summaries for appliances and water heaters, consumer electronics, and lighting.

The Summaries, which provide information about energy efficiency program sponsors’ promotions of ENERGY STAR qualified products, are designed to help enhance collaboration between retailers, manufacturers, and utilities or other energy efficiency program sponsors.

EPA thanks all the partners who contributed their program information for these important documents.

Attached, please find:

  • 2012 ENERGY STAR Summary of Appliance & Water Heater Programs
  • 2012 ENERGY STAR Summary of Consumer Electronics Programs
  • 2012 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs


The ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting offers great opportunities for partners to meet one-on-one to help each other develop and plan upcoming ENERGY STAR promotions. If you haven’t already registered, please be certain to do so as soon as possible so your peers know you will be attending. This will allow them to reach out to you to schedule meetings.

To register online and see a list of attendees registered to date, please visit and click on the “Register Now” button.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR - We look forward to seeing you in St. Paul!


File attachments:

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Partner, EPA-Recognized Body, or Other Stakeholder:

Please see attached important correspondence from the U.S. Department of Energy concerning additional guidance for the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies Version 1.0 Test Method.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Contact Name: Bryan Berringer
Phone: 202 586 0371
Location: St Paul



Registration for the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held in St. Paul, MN on October 22-24, 2012 is now open!

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button.

The $34 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

Two evening receptions have been generously sponsored by Best Buy Co., and Lowe’s Inc. The receptions are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday, October 22nd: Event location TBD, sponsored by Lowe’s Inc.
  • Tuesday, October 23rd: Please join Best Buy Co., Inc. for a reception at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The Science Museum is located on the banks of the Mississippi River in downtown St. Paul and is within walking distance of the meeting hotel. The Minnesota themed reception will include access to Science Museum exhibits and more!


ENERGY STAR manufacturing partners have the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting.

EPA has extended the cut-off date for prospective exhibitors to August 31st to ensure robust participation in this product expo. For information about exhibitor opportunities, please contact Kristen Catanese, ICF International, at

Please hurry as this is the last chance to sign-up for an exhibitor booth!!


If you haven’t already done so, please book your hotel accommodations as soon as possible.

Cut-off date:

The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 24, 2012. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.


Crowne Plaza St. Paul - Riverfront

611 East Kellogg Boulevard

St. Paul, MN 55101

To book your rooms:

  • Please call the Crowne Plaza, St. Paul at (651) 292-1900 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting,” or
  • Link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block at:
  • Sleeping room rates: $121/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. The hotel has graciously extended this government lodging rate to all meeting participants. This rate will also be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.


EPA invites partners to join the effort to reduce the level of resources associated with this meeting by opting to go paperless!

In a departure from past years, all meeting materials will be provided in electronic format, with the exception of the meeting agenda, which will still be provided to all attendees on-site.

Meeting materials will be emailed to registered attendees by mid-October, so you can print only those materials you feel to be most critical, and reduce unnecessary printing, shipping, and waste.

EPA will also offer a Smartphone-friendly meeting application for a short period prior to and during the meeting. This application will provide easy access to key meeting materials—such as the agenda, the agenda companion piece that provides details about each session, the hotel map, and more—from Android and Apple-based devices.

During the registration process, you will be prompted to indicate your preferences with regard to printed materials. Information on how to download the mobile app will be sent to registrants closer to the meeting date.


As you plan your schedule, please note that the preliminary agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are noted as “plenary” and “cross track.”

An updated agenda-at-glance and a companion document with detailed session descriptions and speaker information will be available shortly.

EPA recognizes the value ENERGY STAR partners place on in-person networking and collaboration opportunities at this meeting. As in past years, dedicated time and meeting rooms will be offered to facilitate such interactions.

More information on how to participate will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting. In the meantime, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager with questions or for more information.


EPA would like to thank and recognize the following co-sponsors for their generous support of the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:

Diamond Sponsors

Best Buy Co., Inc.

Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Platinum Sponsors

Electrolux Major Appliances

Minnesota Utilities: Xcel Energy, CenterPoint Energy, Great River Energy, Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency

Nationwide Marketing Group

Sears Holdings Corp.

Gold Sponsors

Greenlite Lighting


The Home Depot

Whirlpool Corporation

Bronze Sponsors

Feit Electric

Lights of America, Inc.

Samsung Electronics

TCP, Inc.

Green Sponsors

Appliance Smart, Inc.

Cordelia Lighting

Globe Electric



Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: St. Paul, MN

EPA is pleased to announce that the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances & Electronics will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota on October 22-24, 2012. In response to overwhelming partner feedback, the meeting will be shortened to 3 days but it will still be a combined meeting covering ENERGY STAR lighting, appliances, water heaters, and electronics. The meeting will include plenary sessions, topical sessions, campaign and communications sessions, ENERGY STAR product displays, and the opportunity to interact, organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. The meeting is open to all ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders. Attendees will include: Energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or electronics products Manufacturer partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or electronics products Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community Please mark your calendars and reserve the dates. Specific details and information pertaining to hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. If you are interested in lending your support to the meeting, co-sponsorship opportunities will be available. An email with the details on co-sponsorship opportunities will be sent out to all partners shortly. If you are interested in participating in other ways, learning more, or if you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting in St. Paul, MN! The ENERGY STAR Team

File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: St. Paul, MN at The Crown

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to provide you with the following updates and reminders about the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting: NEW! UPDATES 1. GREEN MEETINGS 2. CO-SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITOR INFORMATION REMINDERS 3. LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS 4. MEETING AGENDA 5. NETWORKING Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted online at Please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in St. Paul! * * * * 1. GREEN MEETINGS In support of EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment, the agency practices environmental stewardship in all areas of its work. This year, EPA will provide more information to meeting participants about environmental stewardship efforts associated with this meeting. As a first step, EPA invites partners join the effort to reduce the level of resources associated with this meeting by opting to go paperless! To facilitate this effort, EPA will email partners meeting materials normally in the registration packet, so each partner can choose to print only those materials that they deem most critical. EPA will also offer a Smartphone-friendly meeting application for a short period prior to and during the meeting. This application will provide easy access to key meeting materials—such as the agenda, the agenda companion piece that provides details about each session, the hotel map, and more—from Android and Apple-based devices. During the registration process, meeting attendees will be prompted to indicate their preferences with regard to printed materials and access to the mobile app. The hard copy meeting agenda will still be provided to all attendees on-site. Please stay tuned for additional updates on these efforts! 2. CO-SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITOR INFORMATION EPA is pleased to announce that co-sponsorship opportunities are now available for those partners wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting. In addition, EPA is pleased to offer ENERGY STAR manufacturing partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR certified products at the meeting. For information about co-sponsorship and/or exhibitor booths, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at 3. LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The meeting will be held in St. Paul, MN from October 22-24, 2012 at The Crowne Plaza, St. Paul: Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 24, 2012. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. To book your rooms: Please call the Crowne Plaza, St. Paul at (651) 292-1900 and identify the "ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting," or Link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block at: Sleeping room rates: $121/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. The hotel has graciously extended this government lodging rate to all meeting participants. This rate will also be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Back to Top 4. MEETING AGENDA EPA is pleased to provide the attached updated draft agenda to assist you with your travel plans. Please note that two new Lighting sessions have been added on Monday. As you plan your schedule, please note that in addition to the product-specific sessions, the agenda includes many sessions that will be of interest to all partners. These are noted on the draft agenda as "plenary" and "cross track." 5. NETWORKING Recognizing that ENERGY STAR partners derive great value from their in-person interactions at the meeting, EPA will make a suite of rooms available for partner use throughout the meeting. This year EPA is also offering "Retailer Meet & Greets." This is a dedicated 2-hour block of time during which retailers will be stationed in separate rooms, all centrally located near the main meeting space. This networking opportunity will be structured to allow partners to visit as many retailers as possible during this time to make or renew contacts, and learn more about the retailers' ENERGY STAR program goals, objectives, and opportunities for co-promotions for the coming year. EPA will be providing detailed instructions for taking full advantage of all structured and unstructured networking opportunities in the coming months—including how to schedule meetings, different networking opportunities, and specific room options.

Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear Large Network Equipment Manufacturer and Other Interested Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the launch of an effort to develop a new ENERGY STAR® specification for Large Network Equipment. EPA will host a scoping and test procedure kickoff webinar on Wednesday, October 24th from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Please RSVP to no later than Wednesday, October 17th.

The attached launch letter provides an overview of the ENERGY STAR program, explains the Program’s interest in large network equipment, and shares EPA’s initial thoughts on this product category.

To be added to the large network equipment e-mail distribution list, please send your full contact information to

Stakeholder participation is critical to developing a meaningful specification and to the overall success of ENERGY STAR. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at, or 202-572-9432. Please direct any specific test method questions to Bryan Berringer, DOE, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: 202-343-9923
Location: St Paul, Minnesota

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to offer the following reminders and updates:


Just a friendly reminder that online registration for the meeting closes on Friday, October 12th.

If you haven’t already done so, please be certain to register as soon as possible. This will inform your peers that you will be in attendance at the meeting and allow them to reach out to you in order to schedule one-on-one networking sessions. It also allows us to accurately anticipate attendance at the meeting. Please note that after October 12th, online registration will no longer be available and attendees will only be able to register for the meeting onsite.

To register online, please visit and click on the registration button.


If you are unable to book rooms at the meeting hotel, alternate hotel accommodations are being offered by the Crowne Plaza’s sister property, the Doubletree by Hilton – Downtown St. Paul. The hotel is located approximately 3 blocks from the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the properties are also connected by Skyway.

DoubleTree by Hilton St. Paul Downtown

411 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, MN 55101

(651) 291-8800

The Doubletree by Hilton will be honoring the $121 rate. To book a room, please call (651) 291-8800 and ask for the ENERGY STAR room rate.


One-on-one meeting rooms are still available. To schedule a meeting room, please contact Kristen Catanese, ICF International, at


EPA will email registered attendees the final meeting materials as well as information on how to access the meeting App for Smartphones no later than October 19th. Final meeting materials will include the agenda, the agenda companion document, participant list with email addresses, and other logistical information.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in St. Paul!




Dear ENERGY STAR® Server Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 3 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers. Draft 3 is attached and accompanied by a cover letter, updated test method, test method comment responses, Draft 2 comment responses, and the Version 2.0 Draft PPDS template. Stakeholders are encouraged to review these documents and provide written feedback via email to by Friday, September 28, 2012.

EPA is planning to host a webinar to discuss Draft 3 on Thursday, September 20, 2012, at 11 AM Eastern Time. To participate, please RSVP by emailing by Monday, September 17th. Webinar access instructions will be distributed to RSVPs prior to the meeting.

As a reminder, materials from the Version 2.0 server development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR website at and follow the link to “Computer Servers.”

Please direct any specific questions on the specification to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at, or 202-572-9432. For questions on the test method, please contact Bryan Berringer, DOE, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition will extend into 2013 as an ongoing element of the ENERGY STAR program. The attached letter provides highlights from our evaluation of the pilot program and proposes 2013 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition criteria for 11 product categories:

  • Boilers
  • Central Air Conditioners, Air-Source Heat Pumps, and Geothermal Heat Pumps (ducted and ductless)
  • Clothes Washers
  • Furnaces
  • Refrigerators
  • Televisions
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Computer Monitors
  • Residential Windows
  • Ventilating Fans

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Thursday, September 27, 2012 from 11 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time to discuss the proposed recognition criteria. To register, please email by Tuesday, September 25, 2012. Please share written comments not later than Friday, October 12, 2012 to

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR Program.

File attachments:
Location: St Paul Mn

Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders,

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer the following updates and reminders:


As in past years, EPA is offering attendees a limited number of rooms to conduct independent meetings. For information on scheduling these private meeting rooms, please see the attached guidelines. Please note that in order to provide all partners equal access to these rooms, EPA has limited the number of slots available to each requestor, with additional slots offered subject to availability.


EPA is pleased to share an updated agenda for the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting. Please also review the accompanying agenda companion document which provides detailed session descriptions. Please note that a future version of the agenda companion document will also include updated speaker information.

These documents are also available on


Registration for the 2012 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held in St. Paul, MN on October 22-24, 2012 is now open!

To register, please visit and click on the blue “Register Now” button.

The $34 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting.

Two evening receptions have been generously sponsored by Best Buy Co., and Lowe’s Inc. The receptions are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday, October 22nd: Event location TBD, sponsored by Lowe’s Inc.
  • Tuesday, October 23rd: Please join Best Buy Co., Inc. for a reception at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The Science Museum is located on the banks of the Mississippi River in downtown St. Paul and is within walking distance of the meeting hotel. The Minnesota themed reception will include access to Science Museum exhibits and more!


Rooms are going fast, so if you haven’t already done so, please book your hotel accommodations!

Cut-off date:

The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 24, 2012. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible.


Crowne Plaza St. Paul - Riverfront

611 East Kellogg Boulevard

St. Paul, MN 55101

To book your rooms:

  • Please call the Crowne Plaza, St. Paul at (651) 292-1900 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting,” or
  • Link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block at:
  • Sleeping room rates: $121/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. The hotel has graciously extended this government lodging rate to all meeting participants. This rate will also be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation.

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in St. Paul!




File attachments:
Contact Name: Elizabeth Caiafa
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Server Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 3 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers. Draft 3 is attached and accompanied by a cover letter, updated test method, test method comment responses, Draft 2 comment responses, and the Version 2.0 Draft PPDS template. Stakeholders are encouraged to review these documents and provide written feedback via email to by Friday, September 28, 2012.

EPA is planning to host a webinar to discuss Draft 3 on Thursday, September 20, 2012, at 11 AM Eastern Time. To participate, please RSVP by emailing by Monday, September 17th. Webinar access instructions will be distributed to RSVPs prior to the meeting.

As a reminder, materials from the Version 2.0 server development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR website at and follow the link to “Computer Servers.”

Please direct any specific questions on the specification to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at, or 202-572-9432. For questions on the test method, please contact Bryan Berringer, DOE, at, or 202-586-0371.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released Draft 3 of the ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage V1.0 specification on June 22, 2012. This draft contained a number of new proposals developed in discussions with stakeholders over the previous six months. One of the major changes contained in the document was a proposal to test workload optimized, homogeneous drive systems and then allow them to be combined into mixed drive systems. Some stakeholders have responded by advocating for a shift back to heterogeneous system testing, while others have supported the homogeneous test proposal. To facilitate an open and transparent discussion on this important topic, EPA has developed the attached document to highlight its concerns with heterogeneous system testing and to continue the existing conversation on the merits of different approaches to system level testing of storage products.

EPA plans to hold a stakeholder conference call to discuss the issues raised in this document on Wednesday, September 5th from 3-4 PM Eastern Time. We hope that this will provide all parties an opportunity to further discuss their concerns with the two approaches proposed thus far—homogeneous vs. heterogeneous testing. To participate, please RSVP by emailing by Monday, September 3rd. Call-in details will be distributed to RSVPs prior to the meeting.

Please direct any specific questions on specification development to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at, or 202-572-9432.

Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are pleased to inform you that the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) has been finalized and will take effect on August 1, 2012. Enclosed please find the following documents: • EPA cover memo outlining next steps for stakeholders • ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for UPS: Partner Commitments, Final Version 1.0 Eligibility Criteria, Final Test Method • ENERGY STAR UPS Test Reporting Template • Final Draft Specification and Test Method Comment Summary and Response Stakeholders with questions may contact RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693. Please direct specific questions on the Final Test Method to Bryan Berringer at, or 202-586-0371.

Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: 202-343-9923

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Stakeholder or Other Interested Party:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the release of the Revised Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for UPSs. The Requirements consist of revised Eligibility Criteria (marked Rev. Jul-2012), and the Final Partner Commitments and Test Method previously released in May. The revised Eligibility Criteria include a clarification to the requirements for Diesel Rotary UPSs (DRUPS), requiring the demonstration of compliance with the Clean Air Act for models sold in the United States.

These revisions were proposed in a memo to stakeholders distributed on June 25; this proposal was further revised based on stakeholder comments, resulting in the version being distributed today. EPA thanks stakeholders for their feedback.

 The Requirements are attached and accompanied by a cover letter from RJ Meyers, EPA Product Manager for UPSs. If you have any questions, please contact RJ Meyers at (202) 343-9923 or or Matt Malinowski at (202) 862-2693 or


Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program!


File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a minor addition to the requirements for diesel-rotary UPS (DRUPS) systems under the UPS V1.0 specification. Please see the attached memo for more details. EPA welcomes stakeholders to submit written comment on the proposal to by Wednesday, July 11, 2012. To view the specification, please visit and follow the link to "Uninterruptible Power Supplies." Please direct any specific questions regarding the proposal to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply Stakeholder:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a minor addition to the requirements for diesel-rotary UPS (DRUPS) systems under the UPS V1.0 specification. Please see the attached memo for more details. EPA welcomes stakeholders to submit written comment on the proposal to by Wednesday, July 11, 2012.

To view the specification, please visit and follow the link to “Uninterruptible Power Supplies.” Please direct any specific questions regarding the proposal to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923.

Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.


File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923
Location: Webinar

 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the release of the Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Data Center Storage. The draft is attached and is accompanied by a cover letter and Draft Test Method. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents and submit comments to EPA via email to by Friday, July 27, 2012. EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, tentatively starting at 1:00PM EST. The agenda will be focused on elements from Draft 3, Product Families, and other key topics. Please RSVP to no later than Tuesday, July 3, 2012 with the subject "RSVP – Storage Draft 3 specification meeting." If you have any questions, please contact Robert Meyers, EPA, at or (202) 343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (202) 572-9432. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.

File attachments:
Contact Name: John Clinger
Phone: (202) 572-9432
Location: Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the release of the Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Data Center Storage. The draft is attached and is accompanied by a cover letter and Draft Test Method. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents and submit comments to EPA via email to by Friday, July 27, 2012. EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, tentatively starting at 1:00PM EST. The agenda will be focused on elements from Draft 3, Product Families, and other key topics. Please RSVP to no later than Tuesday, July 3, 2012 with the subject "RSVP – Storage Draft 3 specification meeting." If you have any questions, please contact Robert Meyers, EPA, at or (202) 343-9923; or John Clinger, ICF International, at or (202) 572-9432. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program

File attachments:
Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce that three certification bodies (CBs) are now recognized to certify UPS products for the ENERGY STAR program. Manufacturers may begin working with these CBs to enroll in the CB's supervised or witnessed manufacturers' testing laboratory (S/WMTLs) program and to certify product data. • American Certification Body, Inc. • CSA International • Curtis-Straus LLC, a Bureau Veritas Company EPA continues to review applications from qualified organizations and expects that other CBs will soon gain recognition to certify UPS products. EPA maintains an updated list of recognized CBs by product category on the third-party certification website, and stakeholders will soon be able to search by the UPS category to see when new CBs are added: Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

File attachments:
Location: Notification Only

To: ENERGY STAR® Computer Stakeholder or Other Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 2 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers. The draft is attached and accompanied by a cover letter and revised data analysis memorandum. Stakeholders are encouraged to review these documents and provide written feedback via email to by June 8, 2012. As communicated to stakeholders on May 5th, EPA is planning to host a stakeholder meeting in Washington, DC on May 23rd, 2012, tentatively scheduled for 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Eastern Time. Further details on the meeting, venue, and agenda will be forwarded shortly. To attend, please RSVP by emailing with your full contact information and "RSVP" in the subject line. As a reminder, materials from the Version 6.0 Computer specification development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR web site at (selecting the link for "Computers"). Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Location: Notification Only

To: ENERGY STAR® Computer Stakeholder or Other Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 2 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers. The draft is attached and accompanied by a cover letter and revised data analysis memorandum. Stakeholders are encouraged to review these documents and provide written feedback via email to by June 8, 2012. As communicated to stakeholders on May 5th, EPA is planning to host a stakeholder meeting in Washington, DC on May 23rd, 2012, tentatively scheduled for 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Eastern Time. Further details on the meeting, venue, and agenda will be forwarded shortly. To attend, please RSVP by emailing with your full contact information and "RSVP" in the subject line. As a reminder, materials from the Version 6.0 Computer specification development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR web site at (selecting the link for "Computers"). Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Response Requested

Dear ENERGY STAR® Server Stakeholder: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 2 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers. The draft is attached and accompanied by a cover letter, updated test method, and dataset. Stakeholders are encouraged to review these documents and provide written feedback via email to by June 6, 2012. As communicated to stakeholders on May 5th, EPA is planning to host a webinar to discuss the draft on May 24th, 2012. Further details on the meeting, venue, and agenda will be forwarded shortly, along with an opportunity to RSVP. If you or a colleague did not receive this draft distribution message directly and would like to receive an update on final webinar plans, please send an email to with your full contact information. As a reminder, materials from the Version 2.0 Server development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR web site at (selecting the link for "Computer Servers"). Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


Location: Notification Only

To: ENERGY STAR® Server Stakeholder: As previously communicated, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a webinar to discuss the Draft 2 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computer Servers on May 24th, 2012. The meeting will be held from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Eastern Time. To participate, please RSVP by emailing with your full contact information and "RSVP" in the subject line. If you plan to attend the hosting of the webinar in person in Washington, DC, please indicate this in the body of your RSVP email. Access instructions for the webinar will be distributed to RSVPs next week. As a reminder, materials from the Version 2.0 Server development process may be accessed on the ENERGY STAR web site at (selecting the link for "Computer Servers"). Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Server Stakeholder: Please see the following details regarding the May 24th ENERGY STAR Server Draft 2 Webinar: Log In Information: Meeting time: May 24, 2012 11:00 AM (EDT) Add to my Outlook Calendar: AUDIO INFORMATION -Telephone conferencing Use the information below to connect: Toll-free: +1 (877) 423-6338 Toll: +1 (571) 281-2578 Participant code: 693908 FIRST-TIME USERS To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting. TROUBLESHOOTING Unable to join the meeting? Follow these steps: 1. Copy this address and paste it into your web browser: 2. Copy and paste the required information: Meeting ID: TCQKS9 Entry Code: Ms`^d~6sz Location: If you still cannot enter the meeting, contact support: NOTICE Microsoft Office Live Meeting can be used to record meetings. By participating in this meeting, you agree that your communications may be monitored or recorded at any time during the meeting. In-person Participants, Only: Individuals recorded as in-person participants have been emailed venue information and details. If you did not receive this message and do wish to attend the hosting of the webinar in-person, send an email to no later than Wednesday, May 23rd.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Notification Only

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share a finalized update to the Vision and Guiding Principles for ENERGY STAR products. This document re-affirms the government's longstanding commitment to the core ENERGY STAR program principles that have made it successful. These include a focus on products that meet the highest energy conservation standards without sacrifice in performance or functionality and an emphasis on transparency and a collaborative relationship with industry and other stakeholders. EPA appreciates the thoughtful and constructive input provided on the draft update, which informed a number of refinements to the attached document. A general summary of the feedback received is in the attached cover letter. A more detailed comment response document will also be available on the ENERGY STAR website at EPA looks forward to our continued partnership on the ENERGY STAR program.

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Boiler Manufacturer or Other Interested Party:

EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Eastern Time to discuss the recently released Draft 1 Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Boiler specification. If you would like to participate in this discussion, please RSVP to by COB Friday, March 8, 2013. Conference call and log-in information will be provided to attendees prior to the meeting.

To view the Draft 1 specification and related documents visit the ENERGY STAR website at (click on Boilers). EPA's presentation and discussion notes will be posted to this Web page following the March 12th meeting.

If you cannot participate in the stakeholder discussion and would like to schedule a separate meeting with EPA to discuss the Draft 1 specification, please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International, at In addition, EPA will accept written comments on this draft through March 26th.

Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!


Contact Name: Sarah Medepalli
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to announce the release of the Draft 1 Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Computers. The Draft is attached and is accompanied by a cover letter and test procedure. Due to file size, the EPA dataset analyzed in support of Draft 1 development will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Computers Specification Development page found here, along with other relevant documents. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents and submit comments to EPA via email to by March 13, 2012. Stakeholders are also invited to participate in a Webinar to discuss specification development and provide feedback directly to EPA. The Webinar will be held on March 1, 2012. Please RSVP no later than February 28, 2012 by emailing with your contact information and "RSVP" in the subject line. Meeting details will be forwarded to participants shortly before the meeting. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Stakeholder participation is critical to developing a meaningful specification and to the overall success of ENERGY STAR. Please feel free to contact RJ Meyers at (202) 343-9923 or with any questions or comments.

Contact Name: Robert Meyers
Phone: (202) 343-9923
Location: Webinar

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computers Partner or Other Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar to discuss the Computer Draft 1 Version 6.0 Specification on March 1, 2012 from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Please RSVP no later than February 28, 2012 by emailing with your contact information and "RSVP" in the subject line. Meeting details will be forwarded to participants shortly before the meeting. As a reminder, Draft 1 materials are posted to the ENERGY STAR website – go to and select the link for "Computers." Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last formalized a detailed description of the principles underlying the ENERGY STAR products program in 2003. Given the significant changes and expansion of the program over the past several years, EPA seeks to re-affirm the government's longstanding commitment to the core ENERGY STAR program principles that have made it successful. These include a focus on products that meet the highest energy conservation standards without sacrifice in performance or functionality. They are grounded in transparency and a collaborative relationship with industry and other stakeholders. With this distribution, the Agency is launching a process to engage partners in an update of the Vision and Guiding Principles document, consistent with the evolution of the program since the original document was developed. Stakeholders interested in providing input on the ENERGY STAR Vision and Guiding Principles document are encouraged to contact us and/or submit comments or questions to no later than February 22, 2012.


Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners, Here at EPA, we are excited to get started with the 2012 Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR campaign! We are writing today to get all of our valued partners involved, as we continue with our collective goal of educating the public on saving energy and protecting our environment. This year, we are excited to bring back the ENERGY STARs Across America event series. The concept is simple. We know that partners across the country are hosting energy-saving events all year long. This event series allows EPA to amplify your events on a national level by making it a star on our map! All approved event submissions will be promoted on our new and improved ENERGY STARs Across America online map. Visitors to ENERGY STAR's website will have access to the map and can find partner-sponsored events to visit in their neighborhood. In prior years partners told us that they wanted to participate in a national campaign, yet still be able to design and implement their own promotions and events. The ENERGY STARs Across America event series is the perfect way for your organization to be a part of this national movement towards energy saving—while still holding on to the creativity you need to outreach to the public you serve. Each event star will include the partner/event name, time/location and a link to more information about the event on your website. New improvements will make it easier to navigate and more exciting for the user. Additional improvements will give partners the opportunity to promote the map on their website and social media pages for even broader reach. EPA will promote the map and bring attention to partner activities in media markets across the country and online, showing a broad audience what you are doing to educate the American public. Submitting your events for the event series is the first and most important way that your organization can work with the campaign this year. In 2011 partners submitted almost 800 events and we look forward to promoting even more events in 2012. In order to be included, your event simply has to focus on educating the public about energy efficiency and feature ENERGY STAR. The campaign kicks off on April 3rd and runs through October 31st. If you would like your event(s) on the map by the kick off, please send your submission to your ICF account manager by March 15th. We will continue to collect new submissions throughout the year. In order to make your star as informative as possible, please include the following information in your submission: Partner name Event title Date and time of event Complete address of event (street address, city, state and zip code needed) Event description (150 characters or less, including spaces) Description of how this event will feature ENERGY STAR Your pledge driver status (are you a current pledge driver?) Description of how you will drive pledges at the event Estimated number of attendees Partner event URL or pledge driver page URL ENERGY STAR publications requested? ENERGY STAR giveaways requested? Are you interested in promoting Team ENERGY STAR at your event? Contact info (name, phone number, email address) Shipping info (contact name, phone number, complete address) For more information about this event series and the big plans for this year, please see the attached webinar deck. There you will find details on EPA giveaways and materials available for partner use. Also, be sure to check out our Event Toolkit for information on EPA-provided partner resources and directions on reserving our ENERGY STAR booth for you events. We look forward to working with you this year! Sincerely, Brittney Gordon U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Program 202-343-9122 (P)


Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: This message is a notice of the attached final clarification to the ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 Computer specification. This memorandum will be accessible from the ENERGY STAR website in the coming days. As noted upon EPA's proposal of this clarification, EPA will work with stakeholders as part of the Version 6.0 specification development effort to ensure the structure of the requirement remains appropriate. Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the final 2012 recognition criteria for the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR. In the second year of this pilot effort, eight product categories will be eligible: clothes washers, air-source heat pumps, central air conditioners, furnaces, geothermal heat pumps, boilers, refrigerator-freezers, and televisions. With this letter, the Agency has included the final recognition criteria, a comment response document, and instructions for obtaining recognition in 2012. For more information regarding the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2012 pilot program, please visit or send an email to Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: web based
EPA and DOE are nearing the release of a Final Draft for the ENERGY STAR UPS V1.0 specification and test method. To effectively and efficiently wrap up work, we are planning the following events over the next two months: End of January: Release of a memo to stakeholders outlining modest changes proposed for the Final Draft specification and test method. Mid-February: One to two short webinars (~2 hrs) to discuss the proposed changes outlined in the memo and address stakeholder questions. Shortly after the webinars, EPA and DOE will release the Final Draft specification and test method incorporating stakeholder feedback on both Draft 3 and the memo. EPA and DOE do not anticipate any major changes to the Final Draft and thus propose a condensed two week comment period followed by publication of the final specification and test method. As discussed during the November 8th webinar, there will be a delay between the specification publication and effective date to allow for EPA recognition of certification bodies and laboratories. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923 , or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693 . Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear Uninterruptible Power Supply Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: Thank you for participating in EPA and DOE’s recent webinar on the Draft 2 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Specification for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) held on August 1, 2011, and for submitting comments. As EPA and DOE continue to resolve issues raised by stakeholders regarding the Draft 2 specification and test method, it has become apparent that the October 14 date for finalization proposed in the Draft 2 specification cannot be achieved. While both EPA and DOE share stakeholders’ desire to release the UPS specification as quickly as possible, neither Agency wishes to release the specification prematurely. Following a discussion with DOE, EPA is adjusting its timeline with the intention of finalizing the specification before the end of 2011. In particular, the updated timeline (attached) includes a Draft 3 specification, which will be released later this month, followed by a written comment period and webinar. The specific date of the webinar and the comment period deadline will be announced upon release of the Draft 3 specification. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693.
EPA would like to remind stakeholders about the status of dataset assembly for the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Computer Servers program. The dataset assembly period for blade servers is currently ongoing, with data due to EPA December 31, 2011. The submission period for one-socket and two-socket (1S/2S) dataset development closed on October 31, though EPA is happy to accept any additional data that stakeholders may still be generating for these systems. The timeline for relevant deadlines and EPA's final guidance on the data assembly process are available on the ENERGY STAR website. Go to and click on the link for “Computer Servers.” Please send all data electronically via email to by the dates specified. EPA wishes to thank all stakeholders that have submitted data for 1S/2S servers and asks stakeholders interested in providing further data in this category to contact EPA as soon as possible. Your input is instrumental for the specification development process. Please contact with any questions.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Interested Stakeholders: Since the launch of the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR pilot program in May 2011, manufacturers, utilities, retailers, and international partners have participated by manufacturing and selling products with superior efficiency and promoting the more than 150 models recognized as ENERGY STAR's Most Efficient. In the interest of allowing sufficient opportunity for testing, EPA is extending the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR pilot through the 2012 calendar year. While EPA intends to maintain the same basic scope and, to a large degree, the requirements of the 2011 pilot period for 2012, the Agency is proposing a limited number of modest changes. These proposed changes are described in the attached cover letter and supporting documents. Please submit comments on the proposed criteria to by December 15, 2011. In addition to sharing these documents for stakeholder review, EPA will host a conference call on November 30, 2011 from 12-2pm US Eastern Time to discuss the proposed criteria with interested parties. Thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: conference call
Dear EPA-Recognized Certification Bodies (CBs), ENERGY STAR® Storage stakeholders, or other interested parties: EPA will hold a conference call to begin the discussion of certification and verification of data center storage under the ENERGY STAR Third-Party Certification program. The call will be held on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011, from 3pm - 4pm Eastern Time. To participate, please send an RSVP email to by Monday, December 12th, 2011. Call-in details will be provided. EPA intends for this discussion to bring together representatives from both the industry and certification body communities to discuss the unique aspects of testing this highly-configurable product category. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or 202-343-9923 ; or John Clinger, ICF International, at, or 202-572-9432 . Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: This message is a notice of a possible clarification to the ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 Computer specification. As industry continues to take advantage of low-power technology from the mobile space in more traditional computer platforms, products are beginning to offer idle power levels on par with what was previously seen only in low power modes. Though such products may lack a traditional system sleep mode, they present a significant energy savings opportunity. To account for such products under the current Version 5.2 specification, EPA is proposing the following clarification for stakeholder review: *** For low-energy desktop computers that lack a discrete system sleep mode but otherwise fit both the scope of the ENERGY STAR Computer program and any applicable product type definitions, power in Idle may be used in place of sleep in the TEC equation, provided both of the following are true: Display sleep is implemented as required by the specification (after 15 minutes of inactivity, enabled upon shipment); and Idle power is less than or equal to 10 watts. *** EPA welcomes written comments on this proposed clarification and will consider those forwarded to by Thursday, December 8th. Final guidance will be issued after EPA reviews feedback. EPA will work with stakeholders as part of the Version 6.0 specification development effort to address such products formally within the program. Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Office Equipment Stakeholder, As many of you know, the United States and the European Union share a bilateral agreement on the ENERGY STAR program specific to Office Equipment. This agreement reflects the two regions' commitment to collaborating on and making use of harmonized ENERGY STAR requirements for Office Equipment. In place since 2000, the most recent renewal of the agreement is scheduled to expire in December 2011. Recognizing the important value this agreement offers to our Office Equipment partners, EPA is writing today to share the good news that negotiation of the next five-year renewal of this agreement is now complete. On November 29, 2011, U.S. EPA Administrator Jackson and EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger initialed the agreement before being distributed to EU Member States for their concurrence. EPA expects this administrative process to be complete in the first half of 2012. The new agreement continues harmonization on computers, imaging equipment, displays, and servers and will be updated with enterprise storage, small network equipment, and uninterruptible power supplies as these ENERGY STAR specification development efforts are completed. The success of this collaboration is extraordinary, and it is a testament to the continuing commitment of partners like you to develop and market energy efficient Office Equipment. Estimates show that in the last 5 years the U.S. ENERGY STAR program for Office Equipment resulted in savings of more than 223 TWh and energy bill savings of $22 billion. For the EU market, estimates show that in the last 3 years the EU ENERGY STAR Office Equipment program resulted in savings of more than 10 TWh and energy bill savings of 2 billion euros. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Interested Stakeholders: EPA will host a webinar on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 12-2pm US Eastern Time to discuss ENERGY STAR's Most Efficient proposed 2012 recognition criteria with interested parties. Please RSVP no later than 10am Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 to to receive webinar log-in details. Please only RSVP if you have not done so already. Please send any questions or requests for assistance to You can find more information about the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient pilot at Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders, EPA would like to thank you for attending the 2011 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting that took place in Charlotte, North Carolina from November 7-10, 2011. The presentations from the meeting are now available to you online at A few presentations for the sessions are not posted and will either be coming soon or have been excluded at the request of the presenter. Thank you for your support and contributions to this year’s meeting. We look forward to your participation at next year’s ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting and appreciate your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Thank you.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Stakeholder: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) specification and test method. Attached for your review and comment you will find: · A cover memo from RJ Meyers, EPA · Draft 2 Comment Summary · Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Specification · Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Test Method · Revised Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Power and Performance Data Sheet · Revised Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Partner Commitments Comments should be submitted via email to by Tuesday, November 22, 2011. EPA will host a stakeholder webinar on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST to discuss the Draft 3 specification and test method and address stakeholder questions. To participate in this online meeting, please RSVP by Thursday, November 3, 2011, by emailing If you have any questions, please contact RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder: EPA would like to remind stakeholders about the status of dataset assembly for the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Computer Servers program. The dataset assembly period for blade servers is currently ongoing, with data due to EPA December 31, 2011. The submission period for one-socket and two-socket (1S/2S) dataset development closed on October 31, though EPA is happy to accept any additional data that stakeholders may still be generating for these systems. The timeline for relevant deadlines and EPA's final guidance on the data assembly process are available on the ENERGY STAR website. Go to and click on the link for “Computer Servers.” Please send all data electronically via email to by the dates specified. EPA wishes to thank all stakeholders that have submitted data for 1S/2S servers and asks stakeholders interested in providing further data in this category to contact EPA as soon as possible. Your input is instrumental for the specification development process. Please contact with any questions. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: Charlotte, NC
Dear ENERGY STAR® Partners and Stakeholders, Planning for the 2011 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting is underway! The four day meeting will include plenary sessions with policy and program updates at the national, regional, and local levels; topical sessions to expand on certain plenary topics and address a range of product-specific issues; campaign and communications sessions; an ENERGY STAR product expo; and the opportunity to organize and conduct one-on-one networking meetings and interact with other ENERGY STAR stakeholders. While many details pertaining to the meeting are still under development, we are pleased to provide you with the following updates so that you may begin to plan accordingly. LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The meeting will be held in Charlotte, NC from November 7-10, 2011 at The Westin Charlotte: To book your rooms, please call The Westin Charlotte at 1 (866) 837-4148 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting,” or go to to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block. Sleeping room rates: $199/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is October 14, 2011. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. Rates will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. MEETING SCHEDULE In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the attached draft agenda outlining the flow of the meeting. EPA is interested in working with ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders in the further development of the meeting agenda. Feedback on session content or topics, speakers, or related ideas is welcome. Please email these to Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at CO-SPONSORSHIP The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to jointly sponsor the 2011 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting with those partner organizations wishing to take a leadership role in the meeting. Please note that in a departure from previous years, co-sponsorship opportunities in 2011 will only be available until July 29, 2011, or until co-sponsorship goals for the meeting are met, whichever is earlier. If you are interested in learning more about available co-sponsorship opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Charlotte! The EPA Planning Committee 2011 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
    In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with with attached updated draft agenda.

    Recognizing that ENERGY STAR partners derive much value from the opportunity to interact and network with their peers at the meeting, EPA has developed the following special sessions designed specifically to foster these types of interactions. Please note that additional specific guidance and information pertaining to each of the sessions and how to sign-up will be distributed to partners in the coming weeks:

    Quick Connect Sessions: Quick Connect sessions offer partners the opportunity for quick introductions and/or to connect with new and existing contacts through the exchange of business cards. Quick connect sessions are complementary to, and serve as a pre-event for the Facilitated Networking sessions.

    Facilitated Networking Sessions: Facilitated Networking sessions provide a chance for energy efficiency program sponsors to meet with individual manufacturers and retailers to share upcoming programs and collaborative opportunities and to discuss specific opportunities for cooperation on 2012 ENERGY STAR product promotions.

    One-on-One Networking Sessions: EPA will provide an inventory of rooms during certain times each day for partners to conduct one-on-one networking meetings.

    Retailer Summits: Retailer Summits are “invite only” forums for the host retailer to present their ENERGY STAR plans for 2012 to all energy efficiency program sponsors and invited manufacturers at one time. Each retailer will present their current and future ENERGY STAR program goals and objectives, and articulate ways in which they would like to partner with program sponsors and manufacturers. Due to time constraints, a limited number of Retailer Summit slots are available between Tuesday, November 8th and Wednesday, November 9th. These are offered to our retail partners on a first-come, first-served basis.

    A companion piece to the agenda with detailed session descriptions will be provided by late September.

    As in past years, EPA is offering ENERGY STAR partners the opportunity to showcase their ENERGY STAR products at the meeting. To ensure maximum visibility, the expo will be located along two sides of the Grand Ballroom, where plenary sessions and meals will take place. The room will be open for the duration of the meeting. Please see the agenda for details.

    Approximately 30 exhibit spaces are available to all partners on a first-come, first-served basis. Given the reduction in booth spaces available from previous years, and in order to maximize the availability of booths for all partners, EPA is implementing a two-tiered approach this year.

    Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th the expo will be dedicated to lighting products, with set-up on Sunday and tear-down on Tuesday evening.
    Wednesday, November 9th and Thursday, November 10th the expo will be dedicated to appliance, water heater, and electronics products. Set-up will be Tuesday evening and tear-down on Thursday afternoon.
    Only those partners that manufacture, sell, or promote all product categories will be allowed to display on all four days.

    We invite all those interested in a booth reservation to contact Elizabeth Caiafa, at as soon as possible as spaces are limited. Confirmations to partners will be sent within 48 hours of receipt. Please do not assume you have a booth until you receive a confirmation.

    Fees: 8’x10’ booth with pipe and drape and identification sign, approximately $150 + Drayage and Storage Fees.

    Final fees will be announced shortly but are not expected to exceed the above. Partners will also have the ability to contract any additional services through the exhibitor services company. All services are the responsibility of the exhibitor.

    EPA has worked with the Westin Charlotte to offer those partners desiring a private meeting room the opportunity to book a hospitality suite. Please note that all costs associated with the hospitality suites and services requested are the sole responsibility of the partner.

    Hospitality Suite Rates: $299/night plus all applicable taxes.

    For those organizations wishing to secure a hospitality suite, please contact Jessica Wolf at the Westin Charlotte at or (704) 335-2105.

    A limited number of co-sponsorship opportunities are still available! To allow partners time to respond to this email, EPA has extended the sponsorship cut-off date to August 15, 2011. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at

    EPA would like to thank and recognize the following co-sponsors for their generous support of the 2011 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting:

    Diamond Sponsors

    Electrolux Major Appliances

    Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

    Sears Holding Group, Inc.

    Platinum Sponsors

    Greenlite Lighting

    Nationwide Marketing Group

    Whirlpool Corporation

    Gold Sponsors

    Samsung Electronics

    Silver Sponsors

    GE Appliances and Lighting

    Bronze Sponsors

    Duke Energy Corporation


    Osram Sylvania

    EPA would also like to thank the following co-sponsors:

    Best Buy

    Bosch Home Appliances




    Xcel Energy

    EPA anticipates that the online meeting registration system will be available to partners in late August. An email announcement with a link to the registration site will be sent out to all partners once it is active.

    We look forward to seeing you in Charlotte. If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at!

There are 160 million set-top boxes in the United States, one for every two people, and that number is rising. Many homes now have one or more basic cable box. These set-top boxes can be big energy users because their drives, tuners and other components are on 24 hours a day, even when not in active use. Set-top boxes consume $3 billion in electricity per year in the US — and 66 percent of that energy goes to powering the box when no one is watching and shows are not being recorded.

EPA developed two novel approaches to achieve even greater energy savings through the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR set-top box specification. The first approach is a Deep Sleep option, which encourages manufacturers to design products that can achieve very low power consumption (2 watts or less) when not in use. EPA indicates that the typical ENERY STAR qualified boxes today consume approximately 16 watts in sleep mode annually. If every set-top box in the U.S. automatically enters Deep Sleep state for just four hours per day, energy cost savings would increase by an additional $350 million per year.

The second approach is to encourage the deployment of multi-room thin-client devices in homes that are currently served by two to three high-powered set-top boxes with digital video recording (DVR) functionality. This multi-room architecture allows for all but one big energy using DVRs to be removed from every home. For a home with three televisions, set-top box savings can be as much as 30 percent versus the typical ‘one DVR per television’ scenario. The more televisions in the home, the more energy savings can be achieved through multi-room and thin-client architectures.

Finally, EPA has completed development of a Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR set-top box specification, scheduled to take effect in July, 2013. To qualify for Version 4.0, set-top box products will have to achieve approximately 20 percent additional improvement in energy use over the new Version 3.0 requirements

Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
EPA is extending the duration of the dataset assembly effort in support of Version 6.0 Computer specification development. The new deadline for submission of data to is September 30, 2011. The deadline is being extended to accommodate the clarification announced by EPA on August 12th regarding integrated display testing protocols. EPA shares industry’s goal of developing a robust dataset for use in revising the ENERGY STAR Computer program and believes this extension will allow sufficient time to complete testing of systems with integrated displays. EPA appreciates stakeholders’ efforts and thanks both those who have already provided data and those with ongoing testing. Please contact with questions, and thank you for your support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: web-based
EPA is kicking off the dataset assembly effort for development of the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Computer Specification. Attached with the message is a cover memo, test method, and dataset assembly forms split by product type. For consideration, data must be forwarded to using the appropriate form by Wednesday, September 14, 2011. The dataset forms incorporate feedback received from stakeholders earlier this month. There is a single form for Desktop, Integrated Desktop, and Notebook computers, and one form each for Workstations, Small-scale Servers, and Thin Clients. Please refer to special instructions in the first worksheet of each. As noted previously, EPA is also distributing a draft Full Network Connectivity validation procedure. It has been developed to verify the presence of Full Network Connectivity functionality as dictated by the Ecma-393 standard and the current ENERGY STAR V5.0/5.2 Computer specification. EPA welcomes comments on this document as well via and will accept comments through August 17th.
Location: web-based
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 2 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) specification. Attached for your review and comment you will find: · A cover memo from RJ Meyers, EPA · Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Specification Comment Summary · Draft 2 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Specification · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Power and Performance Data Sheet · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Test Method · Draft Data Form for DC-output UPSs/Rectifiers · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Partner Commitments Comments should be submitted via email to by Thursday, August 11, 2011. EPA intends to host a stakeholder webinar on Monday, August 1, 2011 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST to discuss the Draft 2 specification and address stakeholder questions. To RSVP, please email If you have any questions, please contact RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Location: online
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR Product Labeling and Commercial Buildings teams will jointly host an online stakeholder meeting on Monday, August 8, 2011, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Time to discuss data center efficiency initiatives as they relate to the communications and measurement requirements for uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). Please refer to the attached EPA memorandum for more details. To participate in this online meeting, please register by Friday, August 5, 2011, by emailing with the subject “RSVP " ES UPS Buildings Meeting.” If you have questions in the meantime, please contact RJ Meyers, EPA, at or (202) 343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or (202) 862-2693.
Location: web-based
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 2 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) specification. Attached for your review and comment you will find: · A cover memo from RJ Meyers, EPA · Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Specification Comment Summary · Draft 2 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR UPS Specification · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Power and Performance Data Sheet · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Test Method · Draft Data Form for DC-output UPSs/Rectifiers · Draft ENERGY STAR UPS Partner Commitments Comments should be submitted via email to by Thursday, August 11, 2011. EPA intends to host a stakeholder webinar on Monday, August 1, 2011 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST to discuss the Draft 2 specification and address stakeholder questions. To RSVP, please email If you have any questions, please contact RJ Meyers, EPA, at, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Server Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder: Attached for your review is an updated Dataset Discussion Document that incorporates requested clarifications and suggestions received from stakeholders. It is intended as a resource for further stakeholder feedback and discussion, specifically addressing the following: · Remind stakeholders of the dataset effort goals and scope · Reflect stakeholder comments received on the five-point family testing proposal · Review the configuration permutations that are of interest to EPA · Describe EPA's thoughts on the possible role of modeling data in the effort (derived from manufacturer power calculators) · Revise the program development timeline EPA hopes to host a conference call to discuss the dataset effort with stakeholders in the coming weeks. Once a date has been finalized, stakeholders will be notified via email. If you did not receive this message directly and would like to receive future program notices, please email and request to be added to the stakeholder contact list for the ENERGY STAR Server program. Reminder: SPEC SERT® Development SPEC continues development of SERT, the evaluation tool to be used by the ENERGY STAR program in future disclosure of active mode efficiency for qualified servers. A testing opportunity for a beta version of SERT will begin soon. Organizations interested in participating are encouraged and reminded to contact EPA at for further instructions. Organizations who are members of SPEC are encouraged to coordinate with their SPEC representatives to get involved, or alternatively to contact EPA for assistance. As a reminder, a discussion of prerequisites for testing is available on slides 35-36 of EPA's presentation from March 11th. As a reminder, the latest revision of SPEC's design document is available here. Comments are welcome and should be directed to Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!

Dear EPA-recognized certification bodies, ENERGY STAR® manufacturing partners, and other interested parties, Please note that EPA is extending the time to provide comments on EPA's draft policy regarding certification of reported values for ENERGY STAR. Please send an email with any comments or concerns about this policy to Kathleen Vokes at, noting "Certification of Reported Values" in the subject line by June 1, 2011. EPA will finalize this policy after reviewing these comments. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Dear Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties: EPA would like to announce the release of the Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Specification for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs). The Draft is attached and is accompanied by a cover letter and an updated, Final Draft 2 ENERGY STAR test method. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents and submit comments to the EPA via email to by May 27, 2011. Stakeholders are also invited to an in-person meeting to discuss specification development and provide feedback directly to EPA. The meeting will be held by EPA in Washington, DC, on Thursday, May 12, 2011, from 9 AM to 3:00 PM, Eastern Time. A meeting agenda and logistics information are also attached. If you have not yet registered to participate in the meeting, whether in person or virtually, please do so by Monday, May 9, 2011. Please RSVP by emailing with the subject “RSVP " ES UPS May 12 meeting.” Please direct any specific questions or concerns to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Dear Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties: EPA would like to announce the release of the Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Specification for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs). The Draft is attached and is accompanied by a cover letter and an updated, Final Draft 2 ENERGY STAR test method. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents and submit comments to the EPA via email to by May 27, 2011. Stakeholders are also invited to an in-person meeting to discuss specification development and provide feedback directly to EPA. The meeting will be held by EPA in Washington, DC, on Thursday, May 12, 2011, from 9 AM to 3:00 PM, Eastern Time. A meeting agenda and logistics information are also attached. If you have not yet registered to participate in the meeting, whether in person or virtually, please do so by Monday, May 9, 2011. Please RSVP by emailing with the subject “RSVP " ES UPS May 12 meeting.” Please direct any specific questions or concerns to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Dear Uninterruptible Power Supply Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties: Following discussions with manufacturers and end-users, EPA has revised its proposed ENERGY STAR® test method for uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), resulting in the Final Draft Test Method attached to this message. Also attached are a cover memo, summary of responses to comments, relevant excerpts from the latest draft industry standard referenced by the test method (IEC standard 62040-3/FDIS), and updated data entry form. With the publication of the Final Draft Test Method, EPA hopes to begin gathering data for use in specification development. To address stakeholder concern regarding insufficient time, EPA will be splitting the dataset assembly period into two phases: · Phase 1: Sharing of existing test data (through January 14, 2011) · Phase 2: New testing according to Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method (through March 18, 2011) Please see the cover letter for additional detail on each phase. In the next few weeks, we look forward to receiving your existing test data (tested according to draft versions of IEC 62040-3) and working with you to guide new testing according to the Final Draft Test Method Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in ENERGY STAR.
Location: Washington, DC
EPA invites interested stakeholders to RSVP for EPA’s March 11th Version 2.0 Computer Server Stakeholder meeting. EPA will be holding this in-person meeting in Washington D.C. on Friday, March 11, 2011, from 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Eastern Standard Time. This meeting will be focused primarily on revisions to the product family structure in the program and assembly of a dataset necessary to validate revisions to requirements. To participate in this online meeting, stakeholders must register to attend no later than Friday, March 4th, 2011. Please RSVP by clicking this link, or by emailing with the subject “RSVP " ES Server March 11 meeting.” Please note that due to space constraints, EPA can only accept a maximum of two in-person participants per organization. EPA plans to offer a conference call-in line and shared meeting materials for remote attendees. EPA will provide opportunities for brief stakeholder presentations at various points in the meeting; if interested, please indicate a proposed topic in your RSVP email. EPA asks that those who intend to participate in this meeting review the attached Discussion Guide in advance and come to the meeting prepared to contribute to the discussion on the topics presented. Attached with this message are (1) a Dataset Discussion document describing EPA’s revisions to product families, (2) a Dataset Test Method document that includes directional updates to definitions and the test method, and (3) a tentative agenda for the stakeholder meeting. These documents will be discussed at the meeting and are provided for stakeholder comment in advance of dataset assembly efforts and composition of further specification drafts. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
EPA invites interested stakeholders to RSVP for EPA’s March 10th Version 6.0 Computers Stakeholder meeting. Attached is a Version 6.0 Discussion Guide for review and a tentative agenda. EPA will be holding an in-person meeting on Thursday, March 10, 2011, from 9 AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time, in Washington DC, to kick off the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 specification development process. To participate in this online meeting, stakeholders must register to attend no later than Friday, March 4th, 2011. Please RSVP by clicking this link, or by emailing with the subject “RSVP " ES Computer March 10 meeting.” Please note that due to space constraints, EPA can only accept a maximum of two in-person participants per organization. EPA plans to offer a conference call-in line and shared meeting materials for remote attendees. EPA will provide opportunities for brief stakeholder presentations at various points in the meeting; if interested, please indicate a proposed topic in your RSVP email or by contacting EPA asks that those who intend to participate in this meeting review the attached Discussion Guide in advance and come to the meeting prepared to contribute to the discussion on the topics presented. Thanks you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Location: Washington, DC
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Commission are pleased to announce the revision of the ENERGY STAR Computers specification. EPA will follow the standard ENERGY STAR specification revision process to develop the Version 6.0 specification, working closely with all interested stakeholders to ensure that the new requirements effectively recognize the top performing models on the market in terms of energy efficiency, without sacrificing product performance. Please review the attached announcement from the EPA regarding the development effort for the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Computers specification. EPA also invites stakeholders to an in-person meeting intended to engage stakeholders early in specification planning and development on Thursday, March 10, 2011 in Washington, DC. EPA encourages stakeholders to save this date and will provide further details on the meeting and RSVP instructions in the coming weeks. We encourage you to participate in the ENERGY STAR specification revision process. If you know of others who may be interested in participating, please forward this announcement and encourage them to send their contact information to and ask to be added to the list of interested parties. Please direct any specific questions to Robert Meyers, US EPA, at, or Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: conference call
Dear Data Center Storage Manufacturer or Other Interested Party: Please review the attached documents which describe EPA’s interest in additional energy performance data for storage products that are currently being considered for inclusion in the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification. EPA plans to host a conference call on Wednesday, February 23, 2011, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET to discuss the topics covered in the attached document, and to respond to stakeholder questions. You may RSVP for this call via email to If you have any questions, please contact Una Song at or (202) 343-9205, RJ Meyers at or (202) 343-9923, or Stephen Pantano, ICF International, at or (202) 862-1551. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Dear Uninterruptible Power Supply Manufacturers and Other Interested Parties: Following discussions with manufacturers and end-users, EPA has revised its proposed ENERGY STAR® test method for uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), resulting in the Final Draft Test Method attached to this message. Also attached are a cover memo, summary of responses to comments, relevant excerpts from the latest draft industry standard referenced by the test method (IEC standard 62040-3/FDIS), and updated data entry form. With the publication of the Final Draft Test Method, EPA hopes to begin gathering data for use in specification development. To address stakeholder concern regarding insufficient time, EPA will be splitting the dataset assembly period into two phases: · Phase 1: Sharing of existing test data (through January 14, 2011) · Phase 2: New testing according to Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method (through March 18, 2011) Please see the cover letter for additional detail on each phase. In the next few weeks, we look forward to receiving your existing test data (tested according to draft versions of IEC 62040-3) and working with you to guide new testing according to the Final Draft Test Method Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in ENERGY STAR.

EPA will continue to recognize EPSs, End-Use Products Using EPSs and their manufacturers at until December 31, 2010. Manufacturers must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark or EPS graphic in association with all products manufactured on or after December 31, 2010. (Qualified products manufactured before that date are allowed to carry the ENERGY STAR mark or EPS graphic on their packaging and product literature, as applicable. Retailers and distributors will be allowed to sell off their existing inventory.) No new promotional materials for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs (printed and electronic) featuring the ENERGY STAR mark or EPS graphic may be produced after December 31, 2010. (Manufacturers are allowed to use up existing printed material, including packaging, in order to minimize waste.) To minimize the cost of labeling changes and be in compliance by December 31, 2010, manufacturers of EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs may remove ENERGY STAR references on websites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. The purpose of this letter is to inform stakeholders of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to sunset the ENERGY STAR® programs for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs. As proposed in the May 2010 communication, these two ENERGY STAR programs will be sunset effective on December 31, 2010.

Deadline to submit completed spreadsheet to remain on the EPA's contact list.
As you may already know, on June 7, 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with the assistance of the data center industry, launched a new energy performance rating for stand-alone data centers and those within commercial buildings, to be used in EPA’s online benchmarking tool, Portfolio Manager. We are writing to you today to remind you of the many resources available to help you measure your data center energy performance and of the benefits of the ENERGY STAR partnership. How to Remain on EPA’s Contact List: EPA is implementing some administrative changes to more effectively reach the data center audience that will be using the rating in Portfolio Manager and provide program updates. To remain on our contact list, you must provide your contact information by completing all fields in the attached spreadsheet and send it back to us no later than Friday, December 17, 2010 by replying to this email. Please complete all required fields so that this information can be incorporated into our contact database. If you would like to list more than one contact for your organization, please try to coordinate and combine the contact information in one file. New Data Center Specific Resources: You will find several new resources developed to help you use the rating on the ENERGY STAR Rating for Data Centers website including: · The Quick Reference Guide to Benchmarking provides step-by-step instructions for benchmarking a data center in Portfolio Manager. · Frequently Asked Questions provide further guidance about the data center rating model. · The ENERGY STAR for Real Estate web page can help managers of data centers located within office buildings learn more about how to benchmark their entire buildings. · The ENERGY STAR Labeled Building Registry lists all buildings that have earned the ENERGY STAR, including the several data centers that have received this recognition to date. Become an Official ENERGY STAR Partner: Through this voluntary climate protection partnership, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program provides partners with the resources to create a strategic approach to energy management and promote energy efficient products and practices. All partners are listed on our website and can promote their partnership by leveraging a trusted, influential brand that is recognized by over 75% of Americans. Data center owners and managers, as well as the service and product providers that support data centers, can join by using the following links: · Data center owners and managers: public, private, or government organizations with buildings that want to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities that they own, manage, operate or lease can join by completing the online partnership agreement. · Service and product providers: Organizations that provide energy efficiency services and/or products to commercial buildings in the United States, and help their clients benchmark in Portfolio Manager or apply for the ENERGY STAR can complete the online application. You can check the current partner lists (for buildings and service and product providers) to see if your organization is already an ENERGY STAR partner. Thank you again for your continued support of ENERGY STAR and the development of the energy performance rating. The ENERGY STAR Team
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to invite you to a webinar to discuss key factors that impact your Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) purchase decisions. The EPA is interested in understanding what product characteristics are considered during your procurement process and what data could be provided by the ENERGY STAR program to aid you in selecting the most energy efficient UPS products for your specific needs. This webinar is aimed primarily at soliciting feedback from end-users, though the EPA welcomes UPS manufacturers to attend as well. ENERGY STAR is the trusted, government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, encouraging both energy-efficient products and practices. Products can earn the ENERGY STAR label by meeting the energy efficiency requirements set forth in ENERGY STAR product specifications. EPA is therefore encouraging end-user as well as manufacturer participation in this process, as it will result in a more effective specification that addresses their needs and concerns. Comments made by webinar participants will be considered by EPA as it continues to develop its ENERGY STAR efficiency specification for UPSs. The webinar is scheduled for Monday December 13, 2010, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm EST. Please RSVP to no later than Thursday, December 9, 2010, if you would like to participate. For your reference you will find attached to this announcement a list of preliminary questions to promote discussion of UPS end-users’ concerns and how EPA can best promote energy-efficient purchasing decisions. The draft ENERGY STAR UPS test method and relevant excerpts from the reference IEC 62040-3 test method are also attached. This test method will inform ENERGY STAR specification development. For additional information on the specification development process, please visit and follow the link for “Uninterruptible Power Supplies." If you know of others who may be interested in participating in this meeting, please forward this announcement and encourage them to send their contact information to to be added to the stakeholder contact list. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in ENERGY STAR.
As previously announced, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the draft ENERGY STAR® test method for uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). The document is attached to this email, as are a cover memo, relevant excerpts from the draft industry standard referenced by the test method, and data collection form. The final date for provision of comments on the draft test procedure will be December 8, 2010.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Interested Stakeholder: This message is to inform Computer stakeholders that EPA is now accepting submittals of desktop, integrated desktop, and notebook computers evaluated under the Ecma-393 standard for review under the full network connectivity (“proxying”) set of weightings in the Version 5.2 final specification. The Version 5.2 specification is available on the ENERGY STAR Enhanced Testing and Verification web site, or at the following direct link: During finalization of the Version 5.2 specification in October, EPA received stakeholder concerns regarding the set of TEC weightings used for notebooks; similar comments were not received for desktops. Stakeholders expressed a desire to review the proposed notebook weightings to develop an alternative set of weightings that provided more of a TEC benefit, reflecting the efficiency benefits of full network connectivity in sleep. Given EPA’s deadline to finalize the specification, and the current availability of systems capable of meeting the Ecma-393 standard, EPA decided not to delay implementation and proceeded with the original proposals for Version 5.2. EPA intends to revisit the weightings for notebooks as part of the next specification revision, Version 6.0, which is set to commence shortly. Please direct questions to Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR! * * * Submitting Products that Support Full Network Connectivity in Sleep Mode Partners intending to submit computers to EPA for qualification under the requirements for Full Network Connectivity compliant to Ecma-393 must follow the following procedures: 1. Contact EPA at to provide email notification that a computer will be submitted meeting the Ecma-393 standard. Include in the email the exact model number that will be used in the OPS submittal and evidence that the system complies with the standard AND the level of proxying functionality: “Base Capability,” “Remote Wake,” “Service Discovery/Name Services,” or “Full Proxy.” 2. After receiving feedback from EPA, complete an OPS submittal. a. Include evidence that the system complies with the Ecma-393 standard in the laboratory report including the level of proxying functionality. b. In the OPS form, select “Yes” in response to the question “Product meets approved Full Network Connectivity Standard?” if the option is available. c. Complete the form using measurements taken with the listed level of proxying engaged during the test, as required in the specification. 3. EPA will review the submittal based on the level of proxying functionality and the appropriate set of weightings. Please direct questions and comments to

The U.S. Environmental Production Agency (EPA) is now gathering data on the energy performance of storage system power supplies to inform the development of minimum PSU efficiency and power factor requirements for the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage specification. EPA will consider in its analysis data received via e-mail to by Friday, November 19, 2010. Throughout the specification development process to date, stakeholders have noted that the efficiency and power factor of storage PSUs is not well-characterized. In order to collect as much PSU test data as possible, EPA will include in its analysis manufacturer and third-party PSU data submissions during this effort. EPA encourages stakeholders to submit test data on any PSU in the marketplace that is designed for or used with storage equipment. All testing should be performed per the latest revision of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Generalized Internal Power Supply Test Protocol, Ver. 6.5, which is available for free download at Storage PSU fan power may be excluded from efficiency calculations for all submissions, but should be recorded and reported separately. To the extent possible, EPA would like to receive a test report with content similar to the example shown in Appendix A of the EPRI Test Protocol, in Excel format. EPA will include in its analysis, data that includes at a minimum, the following: Manufacturer name & model number First year of product manufacture Nameplate rated input/output voltage, frequency, and power Measured efficiency, power factor, and fan power (W) at 10%, 20%, 50%, and 100% loading conditions Intended use (e.g. drawer/redundant, drawer/non-redundant, controller/redundant, controller/non-redundant) All data submissions will be anonymized by EPA and made available for review and analysis in preparation for the Draft 2 specification. Data will be analyzed in an open and transparent stakeholder forum. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Una Song, US EPA, at, or Stephen Pantano, ICF International, at

Location: webinar
As previously announced, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the draft ENERGY STAR® test method for uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). The document is attached to this email, as are a cover memo, relevant excerpts from the draft industry standard referenced by the test method, and data collection form. The final date for provision of comments on the draft test procedure will be December 8, 2010. EPA would also like to remind you that it will be hosting a Webinar to discuss the draft test method on Friday, November 19, 2010, from 11 am to 2 pm Eastern Time. During this webinar, EPA and stakeholders will discuss IEC standard 62040-3, and address a series of questions regarding the appropriateness of this test procedure for the ENERGY STAR program. Please RSVP to no later than Wednesday, November 17, 2010, if you would like to participate. Those that have RSVP’d will receive additional information shortly. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program. Please direct any specific questions to RJ Meyers, EPA, at or 202-343-9923, or Matt Malinowski, ICF International, at or 202-862-2693.
Location: conference call
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized revisions to the ENERGY STAR Partner Commitments and Product Specifications to implement third-party certification requirements for ENERGY STAR qualified products. These final documents, as well as all comments received, are posted at: Additional details regarding implementation are provided in the attached EPA cover letter. In particular, the letter: · Describes the changes made to these Program Requirements, which will be active January 1, 2011. A summary of key comments EPA received on proposed edits to these documents and EPA’s response to these comments is also attached to this email; · Provides instructions for manufacturer partners to recommit to the ENERGY STAR program and its third-party certification requirements. Questions and answers regarding the recommitment process are attached to this message; · Explains how partners will qualify products beginning on January 1, 2011; and · Invites manufacturer partners and other interested parties to join EPA on a conference call on November 12, 2010 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss the implementation of third-party certification requirements. To participate in this call, please RSVP by November 8, 2010 to Stakeholders can view more information on the new third-party certification structure and implementation by visiting the ENERGY STAR website at: Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: web-based
Dear ENERGY STAR Partners and Interested Stakeholders: EPA and DOE are seeking feedback on a proposed new program element to identify and advance highly efficient products in the marketplace ("super star"). This new effort - an extension of the ENERGY STAR® brand - is targeted to “early adopters” and seeks to highlight super-efficient products within specific product categories, where they exist. This proposal is informed by EPA and DOE’s commitment to maintain the credibility and value of ENERGY STAR to the general public while investigating opportunities to do more with this successful program. Comments are due to EPA on October 29, 2010. EPA will be holding a webinar on October 19 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time to describe the consumer research to date and focus group findings. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: After registering you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webinar. System Requirements: PC-based attendees Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Macintosh®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newer
Location: webinar
EPA and DOE are seeking feedback on a proposed new program element to identify and advance highly efficient products in the marketplace ("super star"). This new effort - an extension of the ENERGY STAR® brand - is targeted to “early adopters” and seeks to highlight super-efficient products within specific product categories, where they exist. This proposal is informed by EPA and DOE’s commitment to maintain the credibility and value of ENERGY STAR to the general public while investigating opportunities to do more with this successful program. Comments are due to EPA on October 29, 2010. EPA will be holding a webinar on October 19 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time to describe the consumer research to date and focus group findings. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: After registering you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webinar. System Requirements: PC-based attendees Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Macintosh®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newer
Location: Denver, CO
EPA is pleased to announce that the 2010 ENERGY STAR Partner Meeting for Lighting, Appliances & Electronics will be held in Denver, Colorado on October 4, 5, 6 & 7, 2010. In a departure from previous years where the meetings were held separately, this year they will be combined at a single venue. Attendees will include: -Energy efficiency program sponsors implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR programs -Retail partners promoting ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or electronics products -Manufacturer partners producing ENERGY STAR lighting, appliance, or electronics products -Other organizations active in the energy efficiency community Please mark your calendars. Specific event details to help you make travel arrangements will be forthcoming. Sponsorship opportunities for your organization are available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at ICF International, For all other questions, please email Thank you.
Location: Denver, CO
Planning for the 2010 ENERGY STAR Partner Meeting is underway! This year the meeting will offer tracks for Lighting, Consumer Electronics, Appliances, and Water Heaters. While many details pertaining to the meeting are still under development, we are pleased to provide you with the following updates so that you may begin to plan accordingly. LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado from October 4-7, 2010 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown: To book your rooms, please either call the Sheraton Denver Downtown at 1-888-627-8405 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Meeting”, or go to to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block. Sleeping room rates: $158/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Rates will be available 2 days prior and 2 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 3, 2010. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. MEETING SCHEDULE In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the following information pertaining to the flow of the meetings: Sunday, October 3, 2010 Lighting Track: Arrival and early registration Monday, October 4, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 1 Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 2 Wednesday, October 6, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 3 (until midday) Consumer Electronics Track: Day 1 Appliances Track: Day 1 Water Heater Track: Welcome session (evening) Thursday, October 7, 2010 Appliances Track: Day 2 Water Heater Track: Day 1 Networking receptions will also be offered during the meeting. EPA is interested in working with ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders in the development of the meeting agenda. Suggestions on session topics, speakers, or related ideas are welcome. Please email these to Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at MEETING EXPO EPA is offering ENERGY STAR partners the opportunity to showcase products at the meeting. Approximately 40 exhibit spaces are available for the duration of the meeting and are available to all partners on a first-come, first serve basis. We invite all those interested in a booth to contact Elizabeth Caiafa, at Fees: 8’x10’ booth with Pipe and Drape: Approximately $360 + Drayage and Storage Fees (Partners will have the ability to contract any additional services through Freeman. All services are the responsibility of the exhibitor.) SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship opportunities are available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Location: Denver, CO
Planning for the 2010 ENERGY STAR Partner Meeting is underway! This year the meeting will offer tracks for Lighting, Consumer Electronics, Appliances, and Water Heaters. While many details pertaining to the meeting are still under development, we are pleased to provide you with the following updates so that you may begin to plan accordingly. LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado from October 4-7, 2010 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown: To book your rooms, please either call the Sheraton Denver Downtown at 1-888-627-8405 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Meeting”, or go to to link to a personalized web site for the ENERGY STAR room block. Sleeping room rates: $158/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Rates will be available 2 days prior and 2 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 3, 2010. Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. MEETING SCHEDULE In order to assist you with your travel plans, EPA is pleased to provide you with the following information pertaining to the flow of the meetings: Sunday, October 3, 2010 Lighting Track: Arrival and early registration Monday, October 4, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 1 Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 2 Wednesday, October 6, 2010 Lighting Track: Day 3 (until midday) Consumer Electronics Track: Day 1 Appliances Track: Day 1 Water Heater Track: Welcome session (evening) Thursday, October 7, 2010 Appliances Track: Day 2 Water Heater Track: Day 1 Networking receptions will also be offered during the meeting. EPA is interested in working with ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders in the development of the meeting agenda. Suggestions on session topics, speakers, or related ideas are welcome. Please email these to Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at MEETING EXPO EPA is offering ENERGY STAR partners the opportunity to showcase products at the meeting. Approximately 40 exhibit spaces are available for the duration of the meeting and are available to all partners on a first-come, first serve basis. We invite all those interested in a booth to contact Elizabeth Caiafa, at Fees: 8’x10’ booth with Pipe and Drape: Approximately $360 + Drayage and Storage Fees (Partners will have the ability to contract any additional services through Freeman. All services are the responsibility of the exhibitor.) SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship opportunities are available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at Updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa at We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Location: Denver, CO
Dear ENERGY STAR® Products Partners and Stakeholders, Registration for the 2010 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting being held in Denver, Colorado, October 4-7, 2010, is now open! In order to register for the meeting, please visit and click on the registration link. REGISTRATION The $350 registration fee for the meeting includes breakfast, lunch, and meeting breaks for the duration of the meeting. MEETING SCHEDULE The preliminary program agenda can be found on Please visit the Web site periodically for updates and additional session details as the event nears. One-on-one networking sessions will also be offered during the meeting. Instructions for signing up for a breakout room will be available shortly and will be communicated to all partners in a future email. MEETING EXPO EPA is offering ENERGY STAR partners the opportunity to showcase products at the meeting. Approximately 40 exhibit spaces are available for the duration of the meeting and are available to all partners on a first-come, first served basis. To date a number of partners have reserved spaces, but we still have a few remaining slots. We invite all those interested in reserving a booth to contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at An exhibitor package with information pertaining to shipping, booth fees, layout, move-in and move-out dates, etc. will be distributed to exhibitors in the upcoming weeks from the exhibit contractor, Freeman. We anticipate that an 8’x10' booth fee will be in the $350-500 range and will include the booth, side dividers and one identification sign. Drayage and storage fees, plus any additional services, are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and can be contracted directly through Freeman. SPONSORSHIP U.S. EPA would like to thank and recognize the following co-sponsors for their support of the 2010 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting: Platinum Sponsors Sears Holding Group, Inc. Technical Consumer Products Gold Sponsor Electrolux Major Appliances Bronze Sponsors Best Buy Co., Inc. Cree Feit Electric Company, Inc. GE Greenlite Lighting Samsung Electronics Support Sponsor MaxLite Sponsorship opportunities are still available. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at LOCATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado, from October 4-7, 2010, at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. To book your rooms, please either call the Sheraton Denver Downtown at 1-(888)-627-8405 and identify the “ENERGY STAR Meeting,” or visit the personalized ENERGY STAR room block Web site. Sleeping room rates: $158/night for single/double, plus all applicable state and local taxes. Rates will be available 2 days prior and 2 days after the event, subject to availability at the time of reservation. Cut-off date: The hotel cut-off date for reserving rooms is September 3, 2010. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis so please make your arrangements as soon as possible. Additional updates on the meeting will be provided as they become available and will also be posted on the ENERGY STAR meetings page at If in the meantime you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Caiafa, ICF International, at We look forward to seeing you in Denver! Regards, EPA Planning Committee 2010 ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting
Location: n/a
Dear ENERGY STAR® Partner or Interested Party: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized its Conditions and Criteria for Recognition of Certification Bodies (CBs) for the ENERGY STAR Program (“CB Requirements”). These final requirements are an important step in the enhanced testing and verification effort that EPA intends to have in place for all ENERGY STAR qualified products at the end of the year. Comments and Responses to Final Draft EPA published a final draft of these requirements on July 23, and subsequently received and considered input from stakeholders. Stakeholder comments on the final draft will be made available on the ENERGY STAR website at Several stakeholders commented on the requirement that CBs maintain a substantial North American presence, seeking additional clarification. EPA understands that international accreditation bodies (ABs) and laboratories are an essential part of the testing and verification program it is putting in place, and fully intends to recognize ABs and laboratories from around the world. However, CBs play a different and more comprehensive role in EPA’s scheme. Because CBs will be taking full ownership of qualified product data and will be running verification testing programs, EPA expects to maintain a close working relationship with these organizations. In the interest of clarification, EPA has revised this requirement to make clear that the CB must meet EPA’s expectations as to the availability of personnel and timeliness of responses to requests for information. EPA will make case-by-case determinations on a CB’s ability to meet this requirement as part of the application process. EPA carefully considered all comments and made the following minor changes in this final version: Provided direction that CBs shall have a procedure to verify partner claims as to what constitutes a “family” of models and what may be considered a representative model from that family. Clarified that CBs must consider product families when determining the pool of products subject to verification testing. Specific guidance on determination of models subject to verification testing will be given during the CB application process, as this procedure varies by product category. EPA appreciates commenter concerns regarding the number of products subject to verification testing, and will account for the diversity of products in the ENERGY STAR program when providing guidance to CBs. Collaboration with Other Programs With the finalization of the CB requirements, EPA would like to take this opportunity to alert potential CBs to the potential for more broadly supporting the ENERGY STAR program. In California, manufacturers of certain products are subject to the Appliance Efficiency Regulations in Title 20 of the California Code of Regulations, requiring the submittal of specific product information to the California Energy Commission (CEC). Product models in these categories that are not certified to the CEC, and not listed in the CEC's appliance efficiency database, are not eligible to be sold or offered for sale in California. Accordingly, rebates and other efforts to promote the sale of ENERGY STAR qualified product models in California are potentially undermined if those models are not compliant with Title 20 and not listed in the CEC's appliance database. EPA encourages prospective ENERGY STAR CBs to offer a Title 20 reporting service in conjunction with their ENERGY STAR certification programs to facilitate greater penetration of ENERGY STAR products in the California market, and reduce the reporting burden for ENERGY STAR partners. Links to California's Appliance Efficiency Regulations, and certification information for the CEC's Appliance Efficiency Program can be found at: Globally, EPA has effectively franchised the ENERGY STAR program to a number of other countries and regions, including Canada and the European Union. While these partner countries and regions have the discretion to tailor testing and verification requirements for their markets, EPA anticipates that some, if not all, will choose to leverage certification programs operating in the U.S. EPA expects to work with CBs on a case-by-case basis to address coordination issues as they arise. CB Application Process and Next Steps An application for EPA recognition of CBs will be available on the ENERGY STAR website in the coming weeks. The application will ask potential CBs to provide considerable information on their certification programs, including but not limited to their procedures for data review, verification testing, procurement of units for verification testing, challenge testing, and establishing confidence in witnessed or supervised manufacturers’ testing laboratories. EPA will carefully review all procedures and documentation and will subsequently schedule conference calls with applicant CBs to discuss product-specific issues and elements of their proposed certification programs. These conversations will be considered part of the application process. EPA encourages interested organizations to submit an application as soon as possible; the Agency recognizes the significance of having a broad range of organizations involved to implement these important improvements to the program. EPA will post the names of all recognized CBs on its website. Applications for EPA recognition of ABs, and the list of currently recognized ABs, are available on the EPA website at The application for laboratories is also available, and in the coming weeks, the Agency will begin accepting applications from labs that have an appropriate scope of accreditation granted by an EPA-recognized AB. EPA is currently updating ENERGY STAR partner commitments and eligibility criteria to reflect the new testing and verification requirements, and plans to share drafts of these documents with stakeholders in early September. Proposed edits to the eligibility criteria will be narrow in scope and will not substantively modify the technical requirements for eligibility. EPA intends to finalize these updates in early October. I encourage you to visit our site to track the Agency’s progress in implementing the enhanced testing and verification program. Should you have any questions, please contact Eamon Monahan at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR. Sincerely, Ann Bailey, Chief ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

EEDBR 33 FW: ENERGY STAR Decision to Sunset the EPS and the End-Use Products Using EPSs Programs Dear ENERGY STAR® External Power Supply (EPS) and End-Use Products Using EPSs Manufacturers and Other Interested Stakeholders: Please find attached to this email an important letter from EPA regarding the decision to sunset the ENERGY STAR programs for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs. Please direct any questions to or by clicking here. Thank you.


No new qualifying product information will be accepted by EPA as of July 31, 2010. The purpose of this letter is to inform stakeholders of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to sunset the ENERGY STAR® programs for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs. As proposed in the May 2010 communication, these two ENERGY STAR programs will be sunset effective on December 31, 2010.


No new Partnership Agreements for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs will be accepted by EPA as of July 26, 2010. The purpose of this letter is to inform stakeholders of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to sunset the ENERGY STAR® programs for EPSs and End-Use Products Using EPSs. As proposed in the May 2010 communication, these two ENERGY STAR programs will be sunset effective on December 31, 2010.

Location: San Jose, CA
The EPA will be hosting an in-person stakeholder meeting to discuss comments received on the Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification and to initiate the next round of storage data collection. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, 2010, from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM Pacific Time, at the Sainte Claire Hotel in San Jose, CA. For the convenience of stakeholders, this meeting is being held in conjunction with the Storage Networking Industry Association 2010 Summer Symposium. For more information on this event, visit: A conference call line will be provided for those who cannot attend in person. Additional information will be distributed shortly. Please note: Whether you plan to attend in person or via conference call, you must RSVP to no later than Friday, July 9, 2010. As a reminder, documentation from all previous specification development activities is available for download at
Location: conference call
The EPA will be hosting a conference call for stakeholders next Wednesday, June 30, 2010, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time (9:30 AM to 11:00 AM PST). This conference call will provide an opportunity for further discussion following up from the May 27th online meeting on the Draft 1 specification. To participate, please RSVP here no later than Monday, June 28, 2010. If responding on behalf of others, please include any other participants’ contact information in the email and the number of call-in lines anticipated. EPA will distribute meeting details to all RSVPs shortly before the meeting. Please contact Evan Haines, ICF International ( with questions, and thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
Contact Name: Evan Haines
The U.S. Environmental Production Agency (EPA) is pleased to offer for comment the attached Draft 1 ENERGY STAR® Version 2.0 Computer Server specification. Below is a list of enclosed materials: -Cover_Memo_Draft_1.pdf " A letter from EPA explaining the key components of the draft; -SRV_Draft1_v2.pdf " The Draft 1 specification; -Draft_1_PandP_Datasheet.pdf " A revised template, including sample data, intended to provide a graphical presentation of how the new active mode requirements might be displayed on the future PPDS; and -SERT-Design_2010-03-17.pdf " A written description from SPEC on their Server Energy Rating Tool (SERT) design. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments and feedback via email to by May 21, 2010. EPA and SPEC ask that comments specific to the SERT tool design document also be forwarded to the address above. EPA appreciates efforts stakeholders can take to organize responses by document sections. All materials related to the computer server specification development process will be available on EPA’s ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site at (click on Revisions to Existing Specifications). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Andrew Fanara, EPA, at (206) 553-6377 and or Evan Haines at (202) 862-1158 and Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.
Dear ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage Stakeholder: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the release of the Draft 1 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification. EPA welcomes your feedback on this document. Comments on Draft 1 are due via email to no later than May 21, 2010. The documents linked below will soon be available on the ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site at Click on the link for “Data Center Storage.” As a reminder, EPA will be hosting an in-person stakeholder workshop to review preliminary analysis and results from the ENERGY STAR storage data collection process and initial feedback on the Draft 1 specification. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 15, 2010, from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern Time, in the St. John 24 conference room at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL. A Web conference service and conference call line will be provided for those who cannot attend in person. Additional information will be distributed to confirmed attendees in advance of the meeting. Please note: Whether you plan to attend in person or via conference call, you must RSVP to no later than Tuesday, April 13, 2010. For the convenience of stakeholders, this workshop is being held in conjunction with the Storage Networking World (SNW) Spring 2010 conference. If you are planning to attend the event in person, you are encouraged to use the following link to obtain a badge for SNW: Attendees may also reserve rooms at the host hotel via the following link: As a reminder, documentation from all previous data center storage specification development activities is always available for download at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Location: Orlando, FL
Dear ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Stakeholder: This message is to inform you that the EPA will be hosting an in-person stakeholder workshop to review preliminary analysis and results from the ENERGY STAR storage data collection process. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 15, 2010, from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern Time, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL. For the convenience of stakeholders, this workship is being held in conjunction with the Storage Networking World Spring 2010 conference. For more information on this event, visit: A Web conference service and conference call line will be provided for those who cannot attend in person. Additional information will be distributed shortly. Please note: Whether you plan to attend in person or via conference call, you must RSVP to no later than Friday, April 9, 2010. EPA will also be establishing an online forum in which stakeholders can collaborate, discuss, and perform their own analysis on the ENERGY STAR test data set. For access to the forum, please email your request to As a reminder, documentation from all previous data center storage specification development activities is available for download at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Deadline to RSVP for the in-person stakeholder workshop to review preliminary analysis and results from the ENERGY STAR storage data collection process.
As a reminder, in the coming weeks EPA will be hosting a series of webinars on the proposed enhancements to testing and verification for ENERGY STAR qualified products. Program-wide Webinar The program-wide webinar will take place on March 26, 2010 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time. This discussion will build on the concepts presented during the ENERGY STAR stakeholder call on November 12, 2009 regarding enhancements to ENERGY STAR verification. To register for this webinar, please email by Tuesday, March 23 and note "verification call" in the subject line. Please note: you do not need to RSVP again if you have already submitted your RSVP information. On March 24, confirmed registrants will receive details for the call. Product-specific Webinars EPA will also be hosting a series of webinars from March 29 through April 6 to focus on testing issues related to specific product categories. The information presented in these webinars will build on the concepts presented during the program-wide stakeholder webinar regarding enhanced testing and verification on March 26, 2010, but focus specifically on the new proposed requirements for the specific product categories. The schedule for these webinars is presented on the ENERGY STAR Web site here. To register for these product-specific webinars, please email by Thursday, March 25 and note the relevant product-specific title in the subject line. Please note: you do not need to RSVP again if you have already submitted your RSVP information. Confirmed registrants will receive further details for the calls. All information regarding these webinars will be posted on our Web site at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.

 Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholder: EPA will hold a stakeholder conference call to discuss the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) specification framework on Wednesday, March 24, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, Eastern Time. If you have not yet done so, please RSVP to by March 19. Meeting materials will be distributed to participants in advance of the call. Please use the following call in information: Phone Number (US): 1-877-423-6338 Phone Number (International): +1-571-281-2578 Access Code: 328668 As a reminder, all materials related to the UPS specification revision process, including the specification framework, are available on the ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site at Click on the link for “Uninterruptible Power Supplies.” Please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International, at with questions.

Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: conference call
Dear ENERGY STAR® Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholder: EPA will hold a stakeholder conference call to discuss the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) specification framework on Wednesday, March 24, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, Eastern Time. If you wish to participate in this meeting, please RSVP to by March 19. Meeting materials will be distributed to participants in advance of the call. Please use the following call in information: Phone Number (US): 1-877-423-6338 Phone Number (International): +1-571-281-2578 Access Code: 328668 As a reminder, all materials related to the specification revision process for UPSs, including the specification framework, are available on EPA's ENERGY STAR product development Web site at Click on the link for “Uninterruptible Power Supplies.” Please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at or Sarah Medepalli, ICF International, at with questions. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: n/a
Deadline to RSVP for the stakeholder conference call to discuss the ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) specification framework on Wednesday, March 24, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, Eastern Time. If you wish to participate in this meeting, please RSVP to by March 19. Meeting materials will be distributed to participants in advance of the call.
Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: web-based deadline
The U.S. Environmental Production Agency (EPA) would like to invite interested parties to test the energy performance of storage products that are currently being considered for inclusion in the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR® Data Center Storage specification. Please review the attached cover letter, data collection procedure, and test data collection sheet for further information. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit test data via e-mail to no later than Friday, February 12, 2009.
Location: n/a

Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stakeholder: Please see the attached letter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announcing their intent to launch development of an ENERGY STAR specification for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs). This announcement outlines EPA’s goals and next steps for the specification development process. If you know of others who may be interested in participating in this process, please forward this announcement and encourage them to send their contact information to to be added to the stakeholder contact list. Please direct questions to Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR.

Location: The San Jose Marriott, San Jose, CA
Dear ENERGY STAR® Servers and Storage Stakeholders: Representatives from the US EPA will be in attendance at The Green Grid Technical Forum in San Jose, CA in early February, and will be hosting information sessions to provide updates on recent ENERGY STAR servers and storage specification development activities. Given the timing of this event with respect to ongoing data collection and comment periods for both product categories, EPA intends for these meetings to be informal and informational in nature. EPA will share details of recent progress, identify key issues that require further stakeholder input, discuss timelines for the completion, and answer questions from the stakeholder community for each specification. The sessions will take place on February 2, 2010, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM PT, at the San Jose Marriott. A conference line and Webinar will be available for participants who cannot attend the meeting in person. The preliminary agenda is as follows: Servers (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM) Draft 1 Version 2.0 specification development overview & progress report Tier 1 Rollover Criteria Power & Performance Data Sheet SPEC efficiency rating tool development Opportunities for energy performance data disclosure Storage (1:30 PM to 4:00 PM) § Draft 1 Version 1.0 specification development overview & progress report § Preliminary stakeholder feedback & lessons learned from data collection A more detailed agenda will be distributed in the coming weeks. Please RSVP to or no later than Friday, January 22. Indicate in your response whether you will be participating in person or via Webinar, and which of the two sessions you plan to attend. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
  • In an effort to address the inconsistencies in how data center energy efficiency metrics are applied at a global level, a group of global leaders met on February 2, 2010. The meeting resulted in the identification of goals and desired outcomes in developing and applying energy efficiency metrics, as well as an agreement on guiding principles for measuring energy efficiency in data centers. These guiding principles are meant to help drive a common understanding of energy efficiency in data centers.

    Attached please find a copy of the guiding principles established on February 2.

    We hope that these principles will help you in your efforts to improve the efficiency of data centers, and welcome your questions by e-mail to
On January 13, 2010, eight leading organizations that set or use data center energy efficiency metrics, including the 7x24 Exchange, ASHRAE, The Green Grid, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, U.S. Department of Energy’s Save Energy Now and Federal Energy Management Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Program, U.S. Green Building Council, and Uptime Institute, met to discuss these metrics for data centers and formed a task force to further define these measurements. This task force, which has met regularly since the initial summit, has prepared the attached Recommendations for Measuring and Reporting Overall Data Center Efficiency. The goal of this document is to recommend a consistent and repeatable measurement strategy that allows data center operators to monitor and improve the energy efficiency of their facilities. A consistent measurement approach will facilitate communication of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), the recommended energy efficiency metric from the agreed upon guiding principles, among data center owners and operators. More information about the guiding principles from the January meeting can be found here: The attached document addresses how to measure PUE in dedicated data centers. The task force will continue to meet to develop recommendations for how to measure PUE for data centers in larger mixed-use facilities. We hope that these recommendations help you understand how to measure and publish overall data center infrastructure energy efficiency, and we welcome any questions by e-mail to
Location: Washington, DC
In an effort to assist data center operators wishing to assess the energy efficiency of their facilities, eight leading organizations that set or use data center energy efficiency metrics met on January 13, 2010 in Washington, DC. The outcome of the meeting is an agreement to three guiding principles for measuring energy efficiency in data centers at the present time. These guiding principles are meant to help the industry have a common understanding of energy efficiency metrics that can generate dialogue to improve data center efficiencies and reduce energy consumption. Each of the participating organizations has agreed to promote these guiding principals to their members and stakeholders in an effort to bring uniformity to the measurement of data center energy efficiency, while the dialogue continues to advance existing metrics. Attached please find a copy of the guiding principles established on January 13. We hope that these principles will help you in your efforts to improve the efficiency of data centers, and welcome your questions by e-mail to
EPA will be hosting a conference call to discuss feedback received on the Final Draft ENERGY STAR requirements for game consoles on December 21, 2009 at 12:00PM (noon) eastern standard time. Stakeholders interested in participating are asked to RSVP by Friday, December 18th by clicking here or emailing with "RSVP - Game Console Discussion 12/21" in the subject line. The draft game console requirements may be found on the ENERGY STAR website at
Location: web-based
Deadline for feedback on the cover letter, Draft Preliminary Data Collection Procedure, and test data sheet that will be used to inform further development of the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage specification.
Location: web-based
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Interested Stakeholder: Please find attached the Draft Final ENERGY STAR Requirements for Game Consoles. The following items are included for your reference: A cover memo from Katharine Kaplan, U.S. EPA; Draft Final Requirements for Game Consoles; Final Version 5.0 Computer Specification (effective July 1, 2009). The Draft Final Requirements document contains only sections relevant for consoles. Upon finalization, these requirements will be incorporated into the overall Computer Specification as Version 5.1. Computer partners (other than game console partners) will not be required to take any steps to maintain their partnership with EPA for Version 5.1, nor will they need to re-qualify products qualified under Version 5.0. The deadline to submit comments has been extended. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the Draft Final and provide written comments to Katharine Kaplan, US EPA, at and Evan Haines, ICF International, at by December 4, 2009. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Andrew Fanara of the US EPA and ENERGY STAR program will be presenting at the 7x24 Exchange’s 2009 Fall Conference. The conference will be held from November 15-18th in Phoenix, AZ. Additional details on the conference, including registration information, are included at the end of this message. Andrew’s presentation will discuss energy efficiency resources available to data center management to help tackle energy capacity challenges and market improvements as they are made. The ENERGY STAR program's growing portfolio of resources for data center efficiency will be covered, with updates on efforts for servers, storage equipment, and a building efficiency metric. Also discussed will be emerging utility sector efficiency initiatives and policy developments of interest to the data center industry. About the 7x24 Fall Conference: This conference is designed for anyone involved with 7x24 infrastructures " IT, data center, disaster recovery and network/telecommunication managers; computer technologists; facility or building managers, supervisors and engineers. Vendors, consultants, or anyone concerned with uninterrupted access to critical information will also find the conference of value. Brochure: Registration:
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
Location: web-based meeting
Join the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a webinar on Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 1 pm EST for updated results on the development of the energy performance rating for data center infrastructure. EPA has been reviewing industry feedback and conducting further analysis of the data center rating model since our last meeting and will discuss these results and present the planned rating model. Registration is now open and will be closing on Friday, November 6. Space is limited. As in the past, we expect that the session will fill up quickly so please register as soon as possible by clicking on the link below. You will then receive an email confirmation which provides you with the information that you will need to join the session the day of the webinar so please keep this message handy. Topic: ENERGY STAR Data Center Rating Development Results Webinar Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009 Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00, New York) Link: Session Number: 711 531 874 Registration password: This session does not require a registration password. Contact us at if you have any questions about this webinar. We look forward to seeing you on November 12. Thank you. The ENERGY STAR Team
Location: 1310 L Stree, NW Washington DC
Dear Trade Association Representatives for ENERGY STAR Products: EPA and DOE invite your organization to come, in person, to the meeting described below. Due to space limitations, we ask that your organization send no more than 3 participants in total from your association or your membership. All participants must register for the meeting by emailing by Wednesday, November 4, 2009. If you are unable to join in person, please feel free to participate via the conference call by registering as a conference call participant using the above email address. The meeting will be held at EPA at 1310 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005. Please arrive 15 minutes before the meeting time as you will need to obtain a visitor's pass and complete a security check. We look forward to your participation in this discussion. Best regards, Katharine Kaplan ENERGY STAR Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Phone: 202-343-9120 Fax: 202-343-2200 Dear ENERGY STAR Product Manufacturer or Retailer Partner: DOE Assistant Secretary Cathy Zoi and EPA Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy would like to invite you to join them via conference call on November 6, 2009 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The purpose of the call is to provide additional information regarding the new ENERGY STAR Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two agencies on September 30, 2009. In particular, we would like to share our thoughts about the important role stakeholder consultation will play going forward. Please contact to register for the call. The conference call number will be sent to confirmed registrants next week. Participants are encouraged to submit questions/comments in advance. Please send your questions to by close of business Monday, November 2. Representatives from relevant trade associations will be invited to attend in person.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: web-based deadline
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Interested Stakeholder: Please find attached the Draft Final ENERGY STAR Requirements for Game Consoles. The following items are included for your reference: A cover memo from Katharine Kaplan, U.S. EPA; Draft Final Requirements for Game Consoles; Final Version 5.0 Computer Specification (effective July 1, 2009). The Draft Final Requirements document contains only sections relevant for consoles. Upon finalization, these requirements will be incorporated into the overall Computer Specification as Version 5.1. Computer partners (other than game console partners) will not be required to take any steps to maintain their partnership with EPA for Version 5.1, nor will they need to re-qualify products qualified under Version 5.0. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the Draft Final and provide written comments to Katharine Kaplan, US EPA, at and Evan Haines, ICF International, at by November 6, 2009. Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR.
Location: announcement
EERE Funding Up 3 Percent to $2.24 Billion for Fiscal Year 2010 President Obama approved the fiscal year (FY) 2010 appropriations for DOE on October 28, including $2.24 billion for the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The funds represent a modest 3% increase in funding for EERE, which received $2.18 billion in annual appropriations in FY 2009 (not counting special one-time appropriations under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act). The funding is about 3% lower than the amount requested by DOE in its annual budget request, and Congress earmarked more than $292 million in EERE funds for congressionally directed projects, effectively lowering the EERE budget to $1.95 billion. See the full history, texts, and related documents on the appropriations act, H.R. 3183, on the Library of Congress' Thomas Web site, as well as the White House press release on the act's approval. Among the big winners under the new appropriations act is EERE's Building Technologies Program, which garnered $200 million in FY 2010 funding, a 43% increase above the $140 million received by the program in FY 2009. The Federal Energy Management Program, a much smaller program aimed at energy use at federal facilities, is receiving $32 million in funding, a 45% gain over FY 2009. And among renewable energy technologies, wind energy is funded at $80 million for FY 2010, another 45% gain. The Solar Energy Technologies Program also fared well, with a 29% increase in funding to $225 million for FY 2010. Most other programs received more modest increases in funding. The appropriations also include $63 million for facility and infrastructure upgrades at DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. See pages 102-112 and 143 (PDF pages 106-116 and 147) of the final version of the appropriations bill (PDF 4.1 MB), and for comparison, see the final page of EERE's "Fiscal Year 2010 Budget-in-Brief" (PDF 504 KB). Download Adobe Reader. In addition to the EERE funding, the appropriation act includes $125 million for the research and development of technologies for the smart grid, energy storage, and clean energy transmission and reliability. It also provides $43 million for the Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program, an amount expected to be repaid with loan fees, and $20 million for the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program. The act also extends the latter loan program to include the manufacturing of vehicles that carry at least two adult passengers and achieve the equivalent of 75 miles per gallon. That will allow loans to go toward the manufacture of vehicles that might not otherwise qualify as light-duty vehicles, including three-wheeled vehicles. The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program was established by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA). See pages 21-22, 31, and 143 (PDF pages 25-26, 35, and 147) of the appropriations bill (PDF 4.1 MB) and pages 23-25 of the EISA (PDF 821 KB). Congress has also appropriated $40 million for the Rural Energy for America Program, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). That's up from only $5 million in FY 2009 but is less than the $68 million that the USDA requested. The 2008 Farm Bill provides $60 million in mandatory funding for the program in FY 2010, bringing the total funding to $100 million. That's expected to support about $50 million in grants and about $350 million in loan guarantees for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects at farms, ranches, and rural small businesses. President Obama approved the USDA appropriations on October 21. See the full history, texts, and related documents on the appropriations act, H.R. 2997, on the Thomas Web site; the White House press release on the act's approval; page 79 of the appropriations bill (PDF 317 KB); and for comparison, pages 8 and 56 of the USDA budget summary for FY 2010 (PDF 1.5 MB).
Dear ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage Stakeholder: On Thursday, October 15, 2009, the US EPA hosted a working session to discuss test procedures and plans for preliminary testing of data center storage products. Several industry representatives presented their perspectives on energy efficiency test procedures. Presentation materials have since been posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site at EPA intends to distribute a draft proposal for preliminary testing in the next week for stakeholder review and comment. In the meantime, please e-mail any feedback on the meeting materials or new proposals for consideration to Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Location: Chicago, IL
ENERGY STAR® Consumer Electronics Partner Meeting MEETING NOTICE Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:00 a.m. " 5:00 p.m. Location: Hotel Sax Americas Ballroom 333 N. Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60610 Reservations: 877.569.3742 Tel: 312.245.0333 Web: A special room rate of $215 per night is being made available to attendees, based on availability. To make accommodation arrangements at the Hotel Sax, please contact them directly and request the rate for the 2009 ENERGY STAR Appliance Partner Meeting. Hotel Sax is located in the heart of downtown Chicago and accessible from both, Chicago O’Hare and Midway airports. Synopsis: EPA is pleased to offer a full day meeting for ENERGY STAR partners and stakeholders to hear what’s happening with the country's newest ENERGY STAR consumer electronics programs, share take away tools and information to advance their own plans, and learn how best to leverage national EPA and industry efforts to advance energy efficiency in electronics products. Who should attend: Energy efficiency program sponsors who are implementing or interested in developing ENERGY STAR consumer electronics programs; retail partners that promote ENERGY STAR consumer electronics; manufacturer partners that produce ENERGY STAR consumer electronics; and other organizations active in the energy efficiency community. EPA will make meeting materials available online after the meeting for interested parties who cannot attend. To register: There is no fee for this workshop, but participants must register as space is limited and accurate counts are needed. Please RSVP by contacting Amanda Byrne by email ( or phone (703) 934-3044 by August 14, 2009. RSVPs are required by August 14, 2009 to confirm your attendance. Sponsorship opportunities are available for refreshments. Please contact Amanda Byrne if you are interested. This meeting will begin at the conclusion of the ENERGY STAR Appliance Partner Meeting and take place at the same location. To RSVP for the Appliance Partner Meeting, please visit For more information: Visit our website for regular updates and a preliminary agenda, which will be coming soon. Contact: Hewan Tomlinson (email:, phone: 202-343-9082); Steven Ryan (email:, phone: 202-343-9123). EPA is grateful to Best Buy for providing lunch and refreshments.
Location: Chicago, IL

The 2009 Electronics Partner Meeting is fast approaching. This full day meeting will be held on September 24th at the Hotel Sax in Chicago, Illinois. If you have not already done so, we would like to remind you to RSVP now as the last day to register is August 14, 2009. There is no fee for this workshop, but participants must register as space is limited and accurate counts are needed. RSVP by contacting Amanda Byrne by email ( or phone (703) 934-3044 by August 14, 2009. We hope you will be able to participate in the meeting to hear what’s happening with the country's newest ENERGY STAR electronics programs, share take away tools and information to advance your own plans, and learn how best to leverage national EPA and industry efforts to advance energy efficiency in electronics products. Sponsorship opportunities are available for refreshments. Please contact Amanda Byrne if you are interested. Visit our website for regular updates. This meeting will begin at the conclusion of the ENERGY STAR Appliance Partner Meeting and take place at the same location. To RSVP for the Appliance Partner Meeting, please visit Thank you.

Location: Washington, DC

Dear Battery Charger and External Power Supply Stakeholders: Within the next week, the U.S. Department of Energy will issue a Federal Register notice that announces a Public Meeting and availability of a Framework document for battery chargers and external power supplies. This notice initiates a rulemaking to evaluate energy conservation standards for battery chargers and to review and consider amending the current standards for Class A external power supplies. You are invited to participate in a public meeting at the Department of Energy in Washington, D.C. on July 16, 2009, to discuss your views and/or comments during a briefing on this proposal. The meeting will be held at the U.S. Department of Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 1E-245, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585 Foreign nationals, including those with green cards, wishing to attend the public meeting must inform the Department as soon as possible. Clearance for foreign nationals from sensitive countries require up to 30 days to process and must be received by DOE by June 16, 2009. Attached to this email are two related documents: “Security Clearances for Foreign Nationals.doc” explains how foreign nationals may obtain security clearances and “Foreign Visitor Form .doc” is the form foreign nationals submit to the Department of Energy. The “Foreign Visitor Form .doc” has questions #20-33 already filled out and only requires answers for questions #1-19. In order to accommodate stakeholders that are unable to attend the public meeting, the Department will broadcast the meeting live over the Internet. The web broadcast will allow stakeholders to listen in and view the slides of the presentations, however stakeholders will be unable to submit comments or questions during the web broadcast. In order to ask questions during the public meeting, stakeholders must attend the meeting in person. Details on how to register for the web broadcast will be provided the week of July 16, 2009. I hope that many of you that can not attend the public meeting will be able to join us for the web broadcast. Further information on this and other rulemakings concerning battery chargers and external power supplies can be found at our homepage ( The Federal Register notice, Framework document and Technical Draft Report will also be posted on the web page after issuance. Thank you for your continued participation in the Department's work on battery chargers and external power supplies. Best regards, Victor Petrolati General Engineer Office of Building Technologies (EE-2J) Department of Energy 202-586-4549

Contact Name: Victor Petrolati
Phone: (202) 586-4549
After consulting ENERGY STAR stakeholders with interest in the Thin Client product category of the upcoming Version 5.0 Computer Specification, EPA has decided to maintain the same effective date for Thin Clients as the rest of products types covered by V 5.0: July 1, 2009. The Version 5.0 Computer Specification was finalized on November 17, 2008. This final specification listed an effective date of July 1, 2009 to allow manufacturers time to review and revise their product offerings in light of the new requirements. As a new product category within the existing computer program, the topic of an earlier effective date for Thin Clients was raised to EPA. This suggested approach was consistent with EPA’s standard procedure of setting immediate effective dates for specifications covering products not previously addressed by ENERGY STAR. EPA sought comment in an email to stakeholders on January 26, but received limited response. A few stakeholders, however, shared some concerns that advancing the Thin Client effective without sufficient notification during the course of specification development could favor some manufacturers and disadvantage others. EPA shares this concern and, as such, Thin Clients will share the same July 1 effective date as the other computer types covered by Version 5.0. Further information on the effective date is available in Section 5 of the final specification, available on the Computer Specification Development page at Please contact Katharine Kaplan, US EPA, at or Evan Haines, ICF International, at with questions. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Vancouver, WA
US Department of Energy DOE Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing Workshop June 24 " 25, 2009 Vancouver, Washington The DOE’s second 2009 Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Manufacturing Workshop will build on the work begun at the inaugural workshop in April. Stakeholder inputs will help shape a SSL Manufacturing Roadmap, intended to guide future SSL manufacturing development. For more info:
Location: announcement
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Industry Stakeholder: EPA is pleased to inform stakeholders that the ENERGY STAR Online Product Submittal (OPS) tool is now available for Version 5.0 Computer submittals for manufacturers who have recommitted to the Version 5.0 program. This message contains details on accessing the new module along with two specification clarifications to elements of the specification. Online Product Submittal tool is now available for Version 5.0 Effective immediately, ENERGY STAR computer partners may access the new OPS module for Version 5.0 and commence submittal of products to EPA for review against the new Version 5.0 requirements. Products qualified under Version 4.0 remain in the system for further edits should partners wish to resubmit for 5.0 qualification; new fields for 5.0 will automatically appear in the product entry when partners select the “edit” feature next to the product in the OPS list. All current 4.0 products intended for continued qualification after the July 1 effective date must be updated accordingly to seek qualification; products that are not updated will not appear on the Version 5.0 qualified product list. Below are additional details on the updated OPS module: · Current OPS accounts will automatically be able to access the new version using existing usernames and passwords. Partner representatives may request new OPS access accounts via the My ENERGY STAR Account (MESA) tool. · Products will only be reviewed against the Version 5.0 requirements and only products submitted by partners who have recommitted to the Version 5.0 specification will be reviewed. For information on recommitting to Version 5.0, please see guidance here, and the attached commitment form. · EPA intends to complete a usability enhancement update to the module in July (this update will also include a new field to collect configuration identification codes). This update will improve some of the automated features of the tool and will not impact products submitted prior to the enhancement. · The first list of qualified Version 5.0 products will appear on July 1. Reviewed products will not be officially considered qualified until this effective date for the 5.0 spec. Please contact with additional questions on submitting products for Version 5.0. Clarifications to Version 5.0 Computer Specification Power Factor for Low Output Internal Power Supplies: As introduced in an email to stakeholders on May 26, EPA will revise the Version 5.0 specification to provide an exemption for internal power supplies with maximum rated output power less than 75W from the power factor requirement for internal power supplies. The only comment received during the comment period on the proposal was related to framing the exemption in terms of output power rather than input to align with the ENERGY STAR Server Specification requirements, and EPA has reflected this suggestion in the final guidance. Step 9f of the Test Procedure (Appendix A): EPA was informed of upcoming technologies that facilitate optimized hard drive operation by through the presence of permanent, non-removable specialized cache on the motherboard. While not internal to the drive, such features mirror the desired function of integral disk cache in hybrid drives. EPA had not intended to hinder such technologies in step 9f of the Appendix A test procedure with the description of drive cache and will change the text of this test procedure step to the following: Primary hard drives may not be power managed (“spun-down”) during Idle testing unless containing non-volatile cache integral to the drive (e.g. “hybrid” hard drives or similar non-removable disk caching architectures). If more than one internal hard drive is installed as shipped, the non-primary, internal hard drive(s) may be tested with hard drive power management enabled as shipped. If these additional drives are not power managed when shipped to customers, they must be tested without such features implemented. Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR program.
Location: web-based deadline
Dear ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder: Please find attached the Draft 1 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification for your review and comment. The following items are included for your reference: 1. psma://{A cover memo from Kathleen Vokes, U.S. EPA}; 2. psma://{The Draft 1 Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification}. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to by Friday, June 19, 2009. As a reminder, test data for products to be considered for inclusion in the specification is also due no later than June 19, 2009. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at or Stephen Pantano, ICF International, at Thank you for your continued support of ENERGY STAR!
Contact Name: Kathleen Vokes
Phone: 202-343-9019
Location: web-based deadline
All data collection participants must submit their Data Collection Forms with 12 months of IT and energy data no later than Monday, June 15, 2009. Since this is the final data collection, all data must be submitted no later than this date in order for it to be reviewed and analyzed in a timely manner for the rating development this summer. Prior to submitting your data, please make sure that you have met all guidelines outlined in the “Instructions” tab, and especially the following criteria: 1. 12 months of IT and energy data covering the same period of time (or at least 11 months if 12 are not available by June 15) 2. Measured IT energy at the output of the UPS meter and/or the input of the PDU meter 3. Completed the number of racks and UPS Utilization on Tab 2 We will be closely reviewing the data and may contact you if any questions about your data remain, and your quick response will be necessary in order to stay on schedule for the rating development. Completed Data Collection Forms and any additional questions should be sent to Finally, we would like to thank all participants for their continued support of this important initiative. We are excited that the time has come to develop the ENERGY STAR Rating for Data Center Infrastructure and we look forward to continue to work with you. Thank you. The ENERGY STAR Team
Location: web-based
The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Specification for Computer Equipment will be effective on July 1, 2009. This letter provides important information to help your company commit to this new specification, an update on qualification of computers under Version 5.0, and a proposed clarification regarding power factor of internal power supplies with input power less than 75W. Please note that after June 1, 2009, to allow for final development of the online product submittal tool in advance of the effective date, manufacturers may no longer join under the existing Version 4.0 PA or report qualified Computer models in OPS under the 4.0 PA. Partnering under the Version 5.0 Specification Existing ENERGY STAR Partners: To continue your partnership with ENERGY STAR under Version 5.0, please complete and submit an updated Commitment Form (attached below). Existing partners must recommit to the Version 5.0 specification by June 30, 2009 in order to have the benefit of uninterrupted partner status. Send completed commitment forms to New ENERGY STAR Partners: Manufacturers that are not currently an ENERGY STAR Partner will need to complete and submit both a Partnership Agreement and a Commitment Form. Please complete the Manufacturer Partnership Agreement Packet which can be found on the ENERGY STAR Web site at Click on ¡°Manufacturers of ENERGY STAR Qualified Products.¡± This Agreement needs only to be signed once; after that, you may expand your participation into other product areas, as appropriate, by submitting an updated Commitment Form. Qualifying Products under the Version 5.0 Specification - OPS Testing Opportunity All computers, including models originally qualified for ENERGY STAR under previous computer specifications, with a date of manufacture on or after July 1, 2009 must meet the requirements in the new Version 5.0 specification in order to qualify for ENERGY STAR (including additional manufacturing runs of models originally qualified under previous specifications). Please note that after June 1, 2009, manufacturers may no longer join under the existing Version 4.0 PA or report qualified Computer models in OPS under the 4.0 PA. EPA is currently completing development of an online tool that partners can use to report qualifying product models to EPA. The ENERGY STAR Online Product Submittal (OPS) tool for Computer Equipment will go live in mid-June 2009. A draft version of the OPS tool is scheduled for availability between June 2 and June 5 to give partners an advance look at the system and provide an opportunity for comment. EPA would welcome representatives from current computer Partners to test the system with sample data. Data entered into the staging system will not be saved. Please contact Evan Haines,, by June 3 to express interest and receive a username and password to the staging system. After completion of testing and when OPS is available, Partners will need to enter data regarding products qualified using the QPI form into OPS. For products originally qualified under Version 4.0, data from current product listings will be available in OPS for partners to revise and amend for resubmittal under Version 5.0. Since required data for products must match the revised evaluation methods in the new specification, partners should anticipate filling in new and revised fields as appropriate to the new specifications. Existing Version 4.0 products that are not revised and resubmitted as discussed above will automatically be removed from the list of qualified products upon the effective date of the specification. EPA appreciates your patience and cooperation as we proceed through this transition. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please feel free to contact Katharine Kaplan at or Evan Haines, ICF International, at Internal Power Supply Power Factor Requirement for Low Input Power Supplies: As a reminder, the final Version 5.0 specification included a requirement that all internal power supplies used in ENERGY STAR qualified computers meet a ¡Ý0.9 power factor requirement at 100% of rated output. EPA recently received comments from two stakeholders requesting an exemption on the Power Factor requirement for low input internal power supplies. While few of these power supplies were included in computers submitted under Version 4.0 for EPA to investigate, it was suggested that the inclusion of thin clients and greater qualification of small form factor desktops under Version 5.0 would lead toward larger presence of computers with internal power supplies of ¡Ü100W input power. In support of an exemption, data was provided showing a negative impact on efficiency of low output internal power supplies due to power factor correction, and stakeholders cited the EN/IEC 61000-3-2 exemption of products under 75W input from harmonic distortion requirements. Additionally, this issue was raised in development of the external power supply requirements and development of the power supply requirements in the ENERGY STAR Server specification and an exemption was included in these development efforts. While no comments to this effect were received during development of the 5.0 computer specification, EPA does feel that the comments on EN/IEC 61000-3-2, presence of exemptions in other areas of the program, and low to no impact on efficiency do warrant a clarification to exempt low input internal power supplies from the power factor requirement. As such, EPA proposes an exemption of internal power supplies with maximum nameplate input power ¡Ü75W from the 0.9 power factor requirement. EPA welcomes comments on this clarification received via by June 5, 2009. EPA will evaluate any comments received before finalizing this clarification, and will inform stakeholders of the outcome via email prior to the effective date of the Version 5.0 computer specification.
Location: web-based
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the attached Final Draft ENERGY STAR® Version 1.0 Computer Server specification. Please note that this is the final opportunity to comment on EPA’s proposal prior to finalization. Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments on the Final Draft specification and Power and Performance Data Sheet to Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at no later than May 8, 2009. The data set used to derive newly proposed I/O Idle allowances will be available for download from the ENERGY STAR Enterprise Server specification development Web page at within the next several days. Stakeholders with questions or concerns can contact Andrew Fanara, EPA, at (206) 553-6377 or
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
Location: webinar
Topic: ENERGY STAR Data Center Data Collection Update Meeting Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009 Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York) Session Number: 715 082 646 Registration password: This session does not require a registration password. Please click the following link to see more information about and to register for this session.
Location: web-based
Deadline to register for the 5/7/09 ENERGY STAR Data Center Data Collection Update Meeting
Location: web-based

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host an online stakeholder meeting on Monday, March 16 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST to discuss the recently released ENERGY STARÒ Draft 4 Computer Server specification. To participate in this online meeting, stakeholders must register no later than Thursday, March 12. Please RSVP to Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at If registering colleagues along with yourself, please include names, email addresses, and whether phone connections to the audio portion of the meeting will be shared. There will be a limited number of lines available so attendees representing the same company are encouraged to share a connection. Instructions for joining the online meeting will be provided via email to confirmed attendees on Friday, March 13. The Draft 4 specification and supporting documents are available on the ENERGY STAR Web site at (Click on New Specifications in Development). For those stakeholders who are unable to join the discussion, slides and meeting notes will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Web site. Stakeholders with questions can contact Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at (202) 862-1266 or Andrew Fanara, EPA, at and (206) 553-6377.

Contact Name: Rebecca Duff
Location: web-based
After careful consideration, EPA proposes allowing early qualification of thin clients under the provisions set forth in the Final Version 5.0 Computer specification for the US and other non European Union markets. EPA is proposing that the Agency begin accepting Thin Client data submittals for review on February 20, 2009 (“Thin Client effective date”). For the European Union, the Thin Client effective date is twenty (20) days after publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. EPA foresees the following conditions applying to this proposal for Thin Client qualification prior to the overall July 1, 2009 effective date: Manufacturers qualifying Thin Clients must be partners to the ENERGY STAR Computer program; Submittals will be completed via a temporary Qualified Product Information form while revisions to the OPS tool continue through the spring; and Only Thin Clients will be accepted for review prior to the July 1, 2009 effective date; all other product categories covered by the Version 5.0 Specification will be addressed under the standard timeline and through the OPS tool. Only Thin Clients will be eligible for posting to the ENERGY STAR Qualified Product List prior to the July 1, 2009 effective date. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the provisions above and provide written comments to by February 6, 2009. EPA anticipates forwarding related items and forms after review of stakeholder comments. Please contact or with questions.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: webinar
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Commission (EC) are pleased to present you with the Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Displays specification for products under 30 inches viewable diagonal screen size, and the Final Annex 1 to this specification. EPA will distribute the Final Version 5.0 Displays specification for all products on March 30, 2009, which will go into effect on October 30, 2009. EPA wishes to thank all stakeholders who have provided feedback during the specification development process. Attached for your review, please find the following documents: - Final Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Displays Specification - Annex 1: Test Procedures for Displays with screen area less than 30 inches diagonal - EPA c over memo These documents will be made available shortly on the ENERGY STAR Web site at On Wednesday, February 18, 2009, from 11 AM to 1 PM, Eastern Standard Time, EPA will host a Webinar to discuss the revised On Mode power consumption requirements for professional displays. If you wish to participate in this Webinar, please RSVP to Elliott Rector, ICF International, at If you have any questions or concerns about the attached documents, please contact Christopher Kent at (202) 343-9046 or
Contact Name: Christopher Kent
Phone: (202) 343-9046
Location: conference call
EPA thanks stakeholders who provided comments on Draft 2 of the Verification Testing Guidelines and Procedures Manual for Computers. EPA will be hosting a conference call to discuss these comments and proposed changes for this manual on Tuesday, February 17th from 2-3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. EPA is incorporating stakeholder comments into a Draft 3 of the manual for discussion and will distribute a copy via email prior to the call. To participate in this call, please RSVP via e-mail to no later than Friday, February 13th. Call-in details for the meeting will be distributed to confirmed attendees prior to the call. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Vokes, EPA, at
Location: web-based
Deadlline for all data collection participants to submit Data Collection Form with IT and energy data through December. Completed Data Collection Forms and any additional questions should be sent to
Location: Web-based
Deadline to submit comments on the Draft 3 specification and Power and Performance Data Sheet to Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at Stakeholders interested in reviewing the data used to derive proposed Draft 3 power supply and Idle requirements can download masked datasets from the ENERGY STAR enterprise server specification development Web site at (Click on New Specifications in Development). This data and all supporting specification documents will be posted to the Web site by the end of this week. Manufacturers are encouraged to submit additional data points for EPA consideration in the Final Draft using the appropriate data collection sheets also found on the Web site. Questions regarding the data analyses can be sent to Arthur Howard, ICF International, at
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
ENERGY STAR Data Center Data Collection Second Session 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time To attend this session, you must register in advance. Topic: ENERGY STAR Data Center Data Collection Update Meeting Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008 Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00, New York) Session Number: 711 334 806 Registration password: This session does not require a registration password. Please click the following link to see more information about and to register for this session. Once you have registered, you will receive an email message confirming your registration and providing you with additional information on how to join the session. If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact us at
Extended deadline to submit comments on elements of the Draft Final Specification, most particularly the Desktop proposal, released to stakeholders on October 23. EPA will release the Final Version 5.0 Computer specification on November 14, 2008.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington, DC
Dear ENERGY STAR® Computer Partner or Other Interested Stakeholder: Please find attached Draft 2 of the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification for your review and comment. The following items are included for your reference: A cover memo from Katharine Kaplan, U.S. EPA; Draft 2 Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification; Masked Dataset; Notes on Draft 2 Dataset; and Computer Verification Testing Guidelines and Procedures Manual V1 0.pdf. Included in the Key Program Requirements for ENERGY STAR Computers are verification testing requirements to enhance ENERGY STAR's program integrity efforts. The specific criteria for testing are included in the attached â€"ENERGY STAR for Computers Verification Testing Guidelines and Procedures Manual Version 1.0” which was drafted based on stakeholder input. Please see the cover memo for comment period information on this document. Stakeholders are encouraged to review Draft 2 and provide written comments to Katharine Kaplan, US EPA, at and Evan Haines, ICF International, at by September 26, 2008. EPA will host an in-person meeting with Stakeholders in Washington, D.C. on September 26, 2008, at which Draft 2 considerations and comments will be discussed.
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: Washington, DC
US ENERGY STAR - Display Specification (Draft 1, v5.0) stakeholder meeting. ENERGY STAR is hosting a stakeholder meeting as part of its development of a new version to its current Computer Monitor specification. Intended to broaden the scope of the specification to allow other types of electronic displays to qualify (i.e. digital picture frames and professional signage), the spec includes limits for active mode, sleep mode and off mode and is projected to become effective in October 2009. More info about the meeting and specification can be found at:
Location: Web Based
Comments on the Draft 2 ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification are due next Friday, September 19. All interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback to Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at Please also copy Arthur Howard, ICF International, at The Draft 2 specification documents and template for idle data collection can be found on the ENERGY STAR Web site at (Click on New Specifications in Development). Server manufacturers are also encouraged to submit idle data by September 19. Questions regarding the data collection sheet can be sent to Arthur Howard at Stakeholders with questions or concerns regarding the proposed requirements or specification development process can contact Andrew Fanara, EPA, at or (206) 553-6377.
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
Location: Phone Conference
This message provides call in information for a conference call specific to Workstations. On August 29, EPA distributed information regarding EPA's upcoming Computer Stakeholder meeting on September 26, the thin client directional draft, and data collection efforts underway. With this message, EPA offered to host a conference call specific to workstations. A handful of stakeholders requested that EPA host this call. As such, EPA will host a call Tuesday, September 9, from 2-3 Eastern Time to discuss workstation data received and proposed path forward for Draft 2 of ENERGY STAR 5.0 for Computers (planned for distribution September 12). Call in information follows: 866-299-3188 (domestic) 706-758-1822 (international) access code for all callers is 202-343-9120#
Location: web based
As you know, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to develop an ENERGY STAR® specification for computer servers. EPA is considering including DC-DC powered servers in the specification, based on the availability of an industry accepted test procedure and energy efficiency performance data to determine proposed levels. Attached is a Draft Generalized Test Protocol for Calculating the Energy Efficiency of Internal AC-DC and DC-DC Power Supplies – Revision 6.4.1 for stakeholder review and comment. This test procedure, developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Ecos, has been revised to specifically address the conditions needed to test DC-DC power supplies, specifically power supplies with 48 VDC and -48 VDC input. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to send comments on the test procedure to Baskar Vairamohan, EPRI, at by August 29th. Manufacturers are also encouraged to send sample DC-DC power supplies to EPRI to allow for validation of the test conditions and procedure being proposed. Finalizing these revisions to the test procedure is a critical first step toward addressing these product types under ENERGY STAR. EPA is also interested in the following questions related to how the test procedure might be used for purposes of ENERGY STAR testing and qualification: Input voltage for DC-DC Supplies is indicated as 48 VDC or -48 VDC only. Does 48 VDC input cover the majority of the market of DC-DC server power supplies, or should other voltage inputs be considered for ENERGY STAR qualification? Input conditions for AC-DC Supplies are indicated as 230V 60Hz for single-output power supplies and 115V 60Hz for multi-output supplies. Are these input conditions sufficient for ENERGY STAR testing, or should other input conditions (different voltages and/or frequencies) be considered for ENERGY STAR qualification? Suggestions regarding the inclusion of DC-DC power supplies in the ENERGY STAR computer server specification should be directed to Arthur Howard, ICF International, at Thank you.
Location: Seattle, WA
Andrew Fanara, EPA, will present on the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) National Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Program and provide an update on the big picture of how government and industry are advancing toward the goal of improved energy efficiency in data centers.
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
Location: San Francisco, CA
Dr. Paul Mathew and William Tschudi PE, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will present and demonstrate the DC Pro Beta Version Save Energy Now DCiE Software Tool. Other scheduled speakers for the July 18th San Francisco event include: · Jon Haas - Intel Corporation Eco-Technologies Initiative Manager · Phil Reese – Stanford University IT Services · Bob Quinn - 3Leaf Systems Chairman, CTO & Founder · Curt Tom - Lawrence Livermore National Labs Data Center Manager · Mike Ryan PE, SUN Microsystems Global Labs and Datacenter Design Services · Tom Trill - Qimonda Vice President · Aaron Wangenheim - Base Partners President · LaMonte Thomson - Babcock and Brown IT Operations North America · Ivan Casanova - DataSynapse Vice President
Location: web based
Data Collection Expression of Interest Form Deadline Extension
  • On March 20, 2008, the US Environmental Protection Agency kicked-off a data collection initiative to help develop an ENERGY STAR rating for data center infrastructure. EPA is calling on data center owners and operators to collect data on energy use and operating characteristics from a large number of existing data centers, including both stand-alone facilities as well as data centers located in office and other types of buildings.

    If you have not already done so, we ask that you submit your Expression of Interest Form (see attached) as soon as possible. We are extending the deadline for submitting completed Expression of Interest Forms to July 1. The extension will provide interested organizations additional time to prepare for the data collection, which must also begin by July 1. We are excited by the overwhelming interest from the industry to participate in this data collection, and want to ensure that all interested organizations have enough time to prepare.

    EPA looks forward to our continuing collaboration with the data center industry on this extremely important initiative. For more information, and to submit Expression of Interest forms, please contact us at

    Thank you.
    The ENERGY STAR Team
Location: web based
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting an online stakeholder discussion on Wednesday, April 2 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT. The following are the objectives of the meeting:

    · To encourage continued discussions among industry members and provide updates between draft specification releases and larger stakeholder meetings.

    · To summarize stakeholder comments received on the Draft 1 specification to date and provide EPA’s initial perspective.

    · To provide additional clarification on proposed requirements, overall objectives, next steps, and upcoming opportunities for further discussion.

    To participate in this online meeting, stakeholders must register to attend no later than Friday, March 28, 2008. Please RSVP to Christina Morris, ICF International, at If registering colleagues along with yourself, please include names, email addresses, and if phone connections to the audio portion of the meeting will be shared. There will be a limited number of lines available so attendees representing the same company are encouraged to share a connection.

    Instructions for joining the online meeting will be provided via email to confirmed attendees by Tuesday, April 1. The Draft 1 specification is available electronically on the ENERGY STAR Web site at

    Please note that if you cannot join this meeting there will be other opportunities to discuss proposed specification requirements over the next several months. In addition, meeting notes will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Web site within 2 weeks of the meeting.

    Stakeholders with questions can contact Rebecca Duff, ICF International, at or Andrew Fanara, EPA, at

    Thank you for your interest in ENERGY STAR!
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
Location: web-based
  • E-mail sent on behalf of EPA and DOE's ENERGY STAR program:

    Attached are final installation and computer usage scenario data collection instructions, updated to reflect stakeholder feedback received during the comment period. Of note, an additional section has been added to reference PC Usage, a program that collects computer activity as well as application activity. EPA asks interested stakeholders to begin collecting data as soon as possible to provide this information by March 26, 2008. Data collected before this date will be considered, as referenced in the previous message, to help ensure that computers are evaluated while running a meaningful mix of tasks and applications that emulate a user’s real-world experience.

    EPA received feedback requesting a method to look at application activity as a part of the usage data collection. PC Usage collects this type of data and stakeholders may choose to use either PC Usage or the previously introduced UTrack in their data collection procedures. EPA intends to use data received using these two tools in its analysis of computer usage scenarios. Download links to the two tools are provided below and in the Procedures document.

    UTrack is available online at
    PCUsage is available online at

    EPA thanks Intel (UTrack) and VIA Technologies (PC Usage) for graciously providing the two software tools for this effort. EPA also thanks stakeholders in advance for participating in this important research effort. Please contact Evan Haines, ICF International, at with questions.

    Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR!

    [note: please contact Evan Haines if you did not receive the attachment that accompanied the above-quoted e-mail]
Contact Name: Evan Haines
Location: web-based
  • Announcement sent on behalf of the EPA and DOE's ENERGY STAR program:

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the following Final Draft Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR EPS specification. This document outlines the proposed new energy-efficiency requirements that EPS models would need to meet in order to earn the ENERGY STAR. It is intended that once final, this document will replace the current Version 1.1 specification.

    A masked version of the dataset used by EPA to determine the proposed energy-efficiency requirements in this Final Draft Version 2.0 EPS specification is included as an attachment to this memorandum. Also, summary charts and graphs depicting the EPS data and the proposed levels are enclosed for stakeholder review.

    Stakeholders are requested to provide comments on the Final Draft specification no later than March 11, 2008. Please send comments via e-mail to Robin Clark, ICF International, at All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development Web site, unless the submitter specifically requests that their comments remain confidential. EPA plans to finalize the Version 2.0 specification in March 2008, allowing industry approximately nine months transition time prior to the new specification taking effect.

    Thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR!

    [note: please contact Robin Clark if you have not received the attachments that went out with the above-quoted e-mail]
Contact Name: Robin Clark
Phone: 202-862-1223
Contact Name: Evan Haines
Location: web-based
Contact Name: Katharine Kaplan
Phone: 202-343-9120
Location: web-based
  • "In support of the Tier 2 Computer effort, EPA invites interested stakeholders to assist ENERGY STAR in collecting data on typical usage patterns for Desktop and Notebook computers. This message provides an opportunity to comment on a proposed procedure for this effort. Attached are a procedure document and UTrack, a data collection tool provided for this effort by Intel. Stakeholders may submit comments on this process to Evan Haines,, by January 29, 2008.

    Tier 2 of the Computer program will utilize an Energy Efficiency Performance Assessment (EEPA) tool to evaluate desktop and notebook-related product categories running a predetermined workload. With this usage data collection effort, EPA intends to build a robust dataset to help ensure that computers are evaluated while running a meaningful mix of tasks and applications that emulate a user’s real-world experience. UTrack is a program that collects time stamped data on CPU activity (C-States and allocation), and I/O activity via keyboard or mouse. A sample of the data collected is provided in the attached procedure document and a UTrack readme file is included in the zip file.

    EPA will address comments received by the 29th and release final guidelines, timeline, and the attached data collection tool the first week of February. Interested stakeholders will be encouraged to begin testing at that point with the firm goal of sharing gathered data with EPA by Mid-March.

    Please reply with questions and, as always, thank you for your support of ENERGY STAR!"
Contact Name: Andrew Fanara
Phone: (n/a)
ENERGY STAR - US Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) V 1.1

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment V 1.1 (EVSE)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) V 1.1

Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) V 1.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Air Conditioners
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) - Start year: : 2009

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Conditioner

Room Air Conditioner

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Residential Air Source Heat Pump

Residential Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and Central Air Conditioner (CAC)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Cleaners V 2.0 - Start year: : 2020

Room Air Cleaners V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) V.6.0 - Start year: : 2019

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)  V.6.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Conditioners V 4.2 - Start year: : 2015

Room Air Conditioners V 4.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) V.6.1 - Start year: : 2023

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)  V.6.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Conditioners V 5.0 - Start year: : 2023

Room Air Conditioners V 5.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP)

Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Conditioners V 6.0

Room Air Conditioners V 6.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Room Air Conditioners 7.0

Room Air Conditioners 7.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Audio Products
ENERGY STAR - US Audio Consumer Products - Start year: : 2002

 Audio Consumer Products


Efficiency specifications for home audio products

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Audio/Video V 2.0 - Start year: : dead

Audio/Video V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Audio/Video V 3.0 - Start year: : 2013

Audio/Video V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Audio/Video V 4.0 - Start year: : 2017

Audio/Video V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Battery Chargers
ENERGY STAR - US Battery Chargers - Start year: : 2006

Battery Chargers


Battery charging systems recharge an array of cordless products, including power tools, personal care products, yard care products, and small household appliances. To be eligible for ENERGY STAR qualification, a battery charging system must not exceed a maximum Nonactive Energy Ratio, which is based on the nominal battery voltage (Vb). Nonactive Energy Ratio (ER) is defined as the ratio of the accumulated nonactive energy (Ea) divided by the battery energy (Eb). ER = Ea / Eb.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) V 1.2

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment V 1.2 (EVSE)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Cordless Phones
ENERGY STAR - US Cordless Telephone Efficiency - Start year: : 2008

Cordless Telephone Efficiency


The specification defines the standby mode for cordless phones and answering machines.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Desktop Computers
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Efficiency - Start year: : 2007

Computer Efficiency




ENERGY STAR's new specifications for computers apply to a variety of products including desktop and notebook (or laptop) computers, game consoles, integrated computer systems, desktop-derived servers, and workstations. Different modes of operation are addressed.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Specification V 5.0 - Start year: : 2009

Computer Specification V 5.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Efficency V 6.0 - Start year: : 2011

Computer Efficency V 6.0



Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 6.0 - Start year: : 2013

Computers V 6.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 6.1 - Start year: : 2014

Computers V 6.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Workstations - Start year: : 2007

Computer Workstations

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 7.0 - Start year: : 2018

Computers V 7.0


The following are EPA’s priorities for theVersion 7.0 revision:

·Revise the energy requirements for allproducttypes, including soliciting stakeholder feedback on the methodology used to determine the energy requirements.

·Introduce more aggressive power management and/or alternative low power mode requirements.

·Raise the internal power supply efficiency requirements.

·Evaluate the feasibility of an active state benchmark for Workstations based on the Linpack and SPECviewperf benchmark results collected in Version 6.0/6.1certification. ·Considerscope amendments to add ultrathin clients, exclude small scale servers, and consider the classification of interactive displays.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 8.0 - Start year: : 2020

Computers V 8.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 7.1 - Start year: : 2018

Computers V 7.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computers V 9.0

Computers V 9.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Dishwashers
ENERGY STAR - US Dishwashers Residential V 5.2 - Start year: : 2012

Dishwashers Residential V 5.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Dishwashers Residential V 6.0 - Start year: : 2014

Dishwashers Residential V 6.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Dishwashers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2021

Commercial Dishwashers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Dishwashers Residential V 7.0 - Start year: : 2020

Dishwashers Residential V 7.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Dishwashers V 2.0

Commercial Dishwashers V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Clothes Dryers
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Dryers - Start year: : 2017

Clothes Dryers

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Dryers V 1.1

Clothes Dryers V 1.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: External Power Supplies
ENERGY STAR - US External Power Supplies Efficiency - Start year: : 2005

External Power Supplies Efficiency V 1.1


Efficiency specifications for AC-AC and AC-DC External Power Supplies. Includes minimum average efficiency over 25% to 100% load and maximum No-load power consumption.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US External Power Supplies V 2.0 - Start year: : 2008

External Power Supplies V 2.0


Final Draft (2/19/08) External Power Supplies Version 2.0 Efficiency Specifications for AC-AC and AC-DC External Power Supplies (STANDARD MODELS - EXCLUDES LOW VOLTAGE MODELS: <6 V & >550 mA) Includes minimum average efficiency over 25% to 100% load and maximum No-load power consumption.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Code of Conduct for External Power Supplies - Start year: : 2009

Code of Conduct for External Power Supplies

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Power Supplies
ENERGY STAR - US Uninterruptible Power Supplies - Start year: : 2012

Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Uninterruptible Power Supplies V 1.1 - Start year: : 2017

Uninterruptible Power Supplies V 1.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Printers
ENERGY STAR - US Imaging Equipment 2.0 - Start year: : 2007

Imaging Equipment 2.0


The ENERGY STAR imaging specification covers printers, scanners, and all-in-one devices.There are two approaches used, depending on the product type. Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) Approach â€" A method of testing and comparing the energy performance of imaging equipment products, which focuses on the typical electricity consumed by a product while in normal operation during a representative period of time. The key criteria of the TEC approach for imaging equipment is a value for typical weekly electricity consumption, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Operational Mode (OM) Approach â€" A method of testing and comparing the energy performance of imaging equipment products, which focuses on product energy consumption in various low-power modes. The key criteria used by the OM approach are values for low-power modes, measured in watts (W). Power allowances are permitted for functional additions to the basic product.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Imaging Equipment V 3.0 - Start year: : 2019

Imaging Equipment V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Imaging Equipment V 3.1 - Start year: : 2019

Imaging Equipment V 3.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Imaging Equipment V 3.2

Imaging Equipment V 3.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Refrigerators
ENERGY STAR - US Residential Refrigerators and Freezers V 5.1

Residential Refrigerators and Freezers V 5.1



Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Refrigerators/Freezers
ENERGY STAR - US Refrigerators and Freezers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2014

Refrigerators and Freezers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Laboratory Grade Refridgerators & Freezers V 1.0 - Start year: : 2015

Laboratory Grade Refridgerators and Freezers  V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers V 4.0 - Start year: : 2017

Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Residential Refrigerators and Freezers 4.0 - Start year: : 2016

Residential Refrigerators and Freezers 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft V 1.1 - Start year: : 2017

Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft V 1.1


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Draft Version 1.1 Specification for stakeholder review.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers V 5.0 - Start year: : 2022

Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers V 5.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Servers
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Efficiency - Start year: : 2007

Computer Efficiency




ENERGY STAR's new specifications for computers apply to a variety of products including desktop and notebook (or laptop) computers, game consoles, integrated computer systems, desktop-derived servers, and workstations. Different modes of operation are addressed.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
under review
ENERGY STAR - US Server - Start year: : TBD

Regulations for Servers

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Servers V 2.0 - Start year: : 2013

Computer Servers V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Servers V 2.0 - Start year: : 2013

Servers V  2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Servers V 2.1 - Start year: : 2016

Computer Servers V 2.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Servers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2019

Computer Servers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Computer Servers V 4.0

Computer Servers V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Set Top Boxes
ENERGY STAR - US Digital to Analog Converter Boxes - Start year: : 2007

Digital to Analog Converter Boxes (DTAs)


A digital-to-analog (DTA) converter box is a device which converts digital television broadcast signals to analog signals. The U.S. is scheduled to shift to digital-only TV broadcasts on February 18, 2009. As of this date, consumers with analog TVs who do not subscribe to cable or satellite services and rely solely on over-the-air broadcasts for their TV-viewing will need a digital-to-analog converter box, or DTA, in order to continue receiving television broadcasts. Products qualifying for ENERGY STAR must consume no more than 8 watts in On Mode and 1 watt in Sleep Mode and automatically power down after 4 hours or less of user inactivity.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Set-Top Boxes V 3.0 - Start year: : 2011

Set-Top Boxes V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Set-Top Boxes V 4.1 - Start year: : 2012

Set-Top Boxes V 4.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Set-Top Boxes V 5.0 - Start year: : 2015

Set-Top Boxes V 5.0



Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Set-Top Boxes V 5.1 - Start year: : 2017

Set-Top Boxes V 5.1


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a cover memo regarding Set-top Boxes and Cable Boxes with Mesh Networking products and the development of a Version 5.1 Specification

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Televisions
ENERGY STAR - US Television Efficiency - Start year: : 11/1/2008

Television Efficiency


This specification covers the on-mode and standby requirements of large screen LCD, plasma, and rear projection TV's.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 5.3 - Start year: : 2012

Television V 5.3

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 6.0 - Start year: : 2013

Television V 6.0



Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 7.0

Television V 7.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 6.1 - Start year: : 2013

Television V 6.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 7.1 - Start year: : 2016

Television V 7.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Television V 8.0 - Start year: : 2016

Television V 8.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Televisions V 9.0

Televisions V 9.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Televisions V 9.1

Televisions V 9.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Clothes Washers
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Washer V 7.0 - Start year: : 2013

Clothes Washer V 7.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Washer V 7.1 - Start year: : 2015

Clothes Washer V 7.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Washer V 8.0 - Start year: : 2018

Clothes Washer V 8.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Clothes Washer V 8.1

Clothes Washer V 8.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Flat Panel Displays
ENERGY STAR - US Displays V 6.0 - Start year: : 2013

Computer Monitors, Digital Picture Frames, and Professional Signage

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Lighting
ENERGY STAR - US Solid State Lighting (SSL) Lumina - Start year: : 2008

The ENERGY STAR SSL Program Requirements are intended for general illumination. SSL general illumination products were not previously covered by any ENERGY STAR product category, although there are other product categories using light emitting diodes (LEDs) for non-illumination purposes, including indication and decoration.


This specification covers the requirements for SSL products used for general illumination, including those with decorative function if a decorative SSL product serves a significant general illumination function. The criteria apply to both residential and commercial products and only to products designed to be connected to the electrical mains.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 

Lighting, LED

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Lamps V 1.0 - Start year: : 2013

Lamps V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Lamps V 1.1 - Start year: : 2014

Lamps V 1.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Lamps V 2.0 - Start year: : 2015

Lamps V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Lamps V 2.1 - Start year: : 2017

Lamps V 2.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Luminaires V 2.2 - Start year: : 2019

Luminaires V 2.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Recessed Downlights V 1.0

Recessed Downlights V 1.0


Will replace the Luminaires V 2.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Lamps V 2.2

Lamps V 2.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Large Network Equipment v 1.1 - Start year: : 2016

Large Network Equipment V 1.1


Products that meet the definition of Large Network Equipmentin Section 1 of this document are eligible for ENERGY STAR certification under this specification. Products explicitly excluded from Version 1.1 are identified in Section 2.2.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Bottle and Can Vending Machines
ENERGY STAR - US Vending Machines 3.1 - Start year: : 2013

Vending Machines 3.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Vending Machines V 3.2 - Start year: : 2016
Vending Machines V 3.2
Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Vending Machines V 4.0 - Start year: : 2020

Vending Machines V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Ventilation
ENERGY STAR - US Ventilating Fans - Start year: : 2014

Ventilating Fans 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Ventilating Fans V 4.1 - Start year: : 2018

Ventilating Fans  V 4.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Heating & Cooling Systems
ENERGY STAR - US Furnace V 4.0 - Start year: : 2013

Furnace V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Boilers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2013

Boilers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) - Start year: : 2009

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Residential Air Source Heat Pump

Residential Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and Central Air Conditioner (CAC)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Furnaces V 4.1 - Start year: : 2017

Furnaces V 4.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Dehumidifiers V 5.0 - Start year: : 2018

Dehumidifiers V 5.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) V.6.0 - Start year: : 2019

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)  V.6.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP) V.6.1 - Start year: : 2023

Air Conditioner and Air-Source Heat Pump and CVP (CAC/ASHP)  V.6.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP)

Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pumps (CAC-HP)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH)

Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP)

Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Air Source Heat Pump V 6.2

Air Source Heat Pump V 6.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Water Heaters
ENERGY STAR - US Water Heaters V 4.0

Water Heaters V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Water Heaters V 5.0

Water Heaters V 5.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Water Coolers
ENERGY STAR - US Water Coolers V 2.0 - Start year: : 2/1/2014

Water Cooler V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Water Coolers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2022

Water Coolers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: LED

Lighting, LED

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US LM-80 LED Lighting - Start year: : 2011


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Data Center Equipment
ENERGY STAR - US Data Center Energy Efficiency - Start year: : TBD

Data Center Energy Efficiency

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Data Center Storage V 1.0 - Start year: : 2011

Data Center Storage V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Large Network Equipment - Start year: : 2012

Large Network Equipment

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Small Network Equipment V 1.0 - Start year: : 2013

Small Network Equipment V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Large Network Equipment V 1.0 - Start year: : 2015

Large Network Equipment V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Uninterruptible Power Supplies V 2.0 - Start year: : 2017

Uninterruptible Power Supplies V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Data Center Storage V 1.1 - Start year: : 2018

Data Center Storage V 1.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Data Center Storage V 2.0 - Start year: : 2021

Data Center Storage V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Small Network Equipment V 2.0 - Start year: : 2022

Small Network Equipment V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Data Center Storage V 2.1

Data Center Storage V 2.1

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Computer Monitors
ENERGY STAR - US Monitor Efficiency - Start year: : 2006

Monitor Efficiency


Computer monitors must meet stringent requirements in On, Sleep, and Off modes in order to earn the ENERGY STAR.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: General Efficiency Standards



Established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 for energy-efficient comuters, the ENERGY STAR program, in conjunction with the Department of Energy, has grown to encompass more than 35 product categories for the home and workplace, including consumer electronics, office equipment, appliances, and external power supplies. ENERGY STAR is working with other organizations to harmonize efficiency specifications.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US DIME Program - Start year: : 2006

DIME Program (Database of Incentives and Marketing Exchange)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: HVAC
ENERGY STAR - US Light Commercial HVAC

Light Commercial HVAC

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Light Commercial HVAC V 3.0 Draft 1 - Start year: : 2016

Light Commercial HVAC V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Light Commercial HVAC V 3.1 - Start year: : 2018

Light Commercial HVAC V 3.1


The effective date for the Version 3.1 ENERGY STAR Light Commercial HVAC Program Requirements is January 1, 2018

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Variable Speed HVAC - Start year: : 2020

Variable Speed HVAC

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Light Commercial HVAC V 4.0 - Start year: : 2023

 Light Commercial HVAC V 4.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Appliances, General
ENERGY STAR - US Appliances


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Ovens V 2.0 - Start year: : 2014

Commercial Ovens V 2.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Griddles V 1.2 - Start year: : 2009

Commercial Griddles V 1.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Steam Cookers - Start year: : 2003

Commercial Steam Cookers

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Steam Cookers

Steam Cookers

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Ovens V 2.2 - Start year: : 2015

Commercial Ovens V 2.2

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 

Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinet (HFHC)

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Fryers V 3.0 - Start year: : 2015

Commercial Fryers V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Boilers V 1.0 - Start year: : 2016

Commercial Boilers V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Ice Maker V 3.0 - Start year: : 2016

Commercial Ice Maker V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Ceiling Fans Residential V.4 - Start year: : 2018

Ceiling Fans Residential V.4

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Ovens V 3.0 - Start year: : 2023

Commercial Ovens V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Commercial Electric Cooktop V 1.0

Commercial Electric Cooktop V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Residential Electric Cooking Product V 1.0

Residential Electric Cooking Product V 1.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: DVD
ENERGY STAR - US DVD products - Start year: : 2002

DVD products




Efficiency specifications for DVD playing products

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Telephony
ENERGY STAR - US Telephony


Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Telephony V 3.0 - Start year: : 2014

Telephony V 3.0

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: Games
ENERGY STAR - US Game Console - Start year: : 2013

Game Console

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
Application: 1-watt Standby
ENERGY STAR - US Television Efficiency - Start year: : 11/1/2008

Television Efficiency


This specification covers the on-mode and standby requirements of large screen LCD, plasma, and rear projection TV's.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
ENERGY STAR - US Cordless Telephone Efficiency - Start year: : 2008

Cordless Telephone Efficiency


The specification defines the standby mode for cordless phones and answering machines.

Start Year / StatusReg Sort 
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