SolarTech UK 2014

The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre

Great Britain is now the most exciting growth market for solar in Europe. No country in the EU is better-placed for growth and new solar deployment than the UK. No country has more potential for future solar deployment. UK has over 17GW of solar to deploy in the next seven years. And no country has a better mix of ingredients to support the solar industry. David Cameron recently expressed his desire to “make Britain a global showcase for green innovation and energy efficiency” and “one of the best places for green energy, green investment, and crucially for green jobs anywhere in the world.” Greg Barker, Minister of state for energy and climate change adds: “Let there be no doubt. Affordable, scaleable, and reliable solar power is at the heart of that vision.”

Focusing on recent technology and commercial market developments within PV, CSP, CPV, OPVC, BIPV, Thin Film and solar thermal, SolarTech UK, a strictly B2B conference and exhibition will be held in London on 24-25 March 2014.