Commercial Opportunities for Energy Harvesting

Santa Clara, CA

This fifth annual IDTechEx event provides insight into energy harvesting technologies, case studies and markets, ranging from consumer electronics and sensors all the way to vehicles, building and industrial automation.

Attendees to this event will learn:

  • Who needs energy harvesting, the ROI and sectors close to adoption. End user and integrators from a diverse range of markets present their needs and experiences.
  • All the technology options - from energy harvester choices, energy storage options, through to the latest in low power electronics and wireless sensors and related technologies such as thin film harvesters and supercapacitors.
  • The current state of the technology at the event tradeshow.

...and all with an analytical, commercial outlook, taking into account market requirements, competitive technologies and development roadmaps. More than 400 people attend this event to aid their critical business and technology development strategy decisions in this emerging, high growth topic.

Application Focus

Application-focused sessions cover the opportunity of energy harvesting in the built environment, showing how it is enabling smart - and more energy efficient - buildings and smart cities, merging with the Internet of Things (IoT) and M2M evolution. Sessions also focus on industrial wireless monitoring, transportation and consumer electronics. The conference features some of the world's largest user and integrator companies presenting on their needs and many are in attendance to learn how they can use these new technologies to address their challenges.

Technology Focus

The event assesses the merit of the following technologies from world leading companies and research institutes:

  • Energy harvesting technologies, including thermoelectric, piezoelectric, photovoltaic, electromagnetic, wireless power transfer and multi modal versions
  • Thin film batteries and supercapacitors
  • New manufacturing techniques
  • Ultra low power electronics and power management
  • Indoor Positioning Systems and wireless sensor technologies including RFID, Internet of Things, RTLS and WSN at different protocols

In addition, this year's event is co-located with Internet of Things & Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) USA, Printed Electronics USA and Supercapacitors USA - enabling you to meet and interact with colleagues in other exciting technologies and allow you to gain the most from your attendance, with more than 120 exhibitors.