2nd International Electric Drives Production Conference and Exhibition 2012

Alexander Kühl
+49.911.5302 9090
+49.911.5302 9070
Contact e-mail

ncreasing power consumption, CO2 reduction, growing mobility or progressing automation – none of these future megatrends is possible without powerful electric drives. The electrification of the automobile powertrain is considered crucial, as the whole sector is facing difficulties resulting from the substitution of the conventional combustion engine. Besides advancing ideas on the design of powerful electric drives, the organization of the manufacturing processes and systems is of great importance.

The second International Electric Drives Production Conference offers an outstanding platform for the exchange of experiences for developers, researchers and potential users.

The focus of the conference is set on the presentation of highly innovative products from various industries as well as manufacturing processes and strategies. Following the conference, there will be an industrial exhibition, tutorials, a poster presentation, technical tours and an accompanying program.