PSMA Capacitor Survey

Thank you for taking part in our survey.

The PSMA capacitor committee is a group of volunteers knowledgeable about capacitors and power electronics. Members include people from capacitor makers, the power electronics industry, and leading consultants. The members and their companies can be excellent resources for designers and users of capacitors. We want to provide insights to the different capacitor technologies and share our knowledge so you can get the best solution for your application. In order to be able to continue to achieve this in the future, we need your help. Please take the time to provide us your feedback.

Best regards,
The PSMA capacitor committee co-chairs Stephan Menzel, Andrew Mikulski, and Frank Puhane

Learn more about APEC and PSMA


Which type of capacitor technology are you using? (Check all that apply)
What is your typical voltage range, power level as well as frequency range that you apply to capacitors in your applications?
Are you experiencing technical drawbacks, challenges or issues with capacitors within your applications?
Are you aware that there is capacitor workshop hosted by PSMA annually on the Saturdays directly before APEC?