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IPC-9592C – A Call to Action

I PC-9592B was release 13 years ago and many things have changed in the industry since that update. We are in the process of reforming the IPC 9-82 Committee responsible for updating this standard. We currently have 14 volunteers to work on the new update and could use at least 11 more to form a viable committee.

Topics that may be included in the update are:

Topics from the abandoned IPC-9592C revision:

  • Section 4 - Design for Reliability
    • Focus more on requirements versus guidelines
    • Create templates for stress analysis for each component type

  • Section 5 - ATC Test
    • Define additional temperature ranges and associated cycle requirements
    • Update dwell times based on component technology used in the assembly

  • PCBs
    • Review and update surface finish requirements and recommendations
    • Define method to determine MSL for PCBs (MSL 2a may not be applicable for all technologies)

  • Appendix D - HASS Testing
    • Add details on HASS test requirements

  • Add Appendix F - Section 5 Templates
    • Qualification test template
    • Qualification report templates

New topics that may be included:

  • Review Applicable Documents
    • Add new applicable standards
    • Review existing standards cited for applicability

  • Addition of WBG Devices
    • Component derating (Appendix A)
    • Qualification and life testing

  • DC-DC Converter Reliability Prediction

  • Firmware Testing and Security
    • Firmware update process

  • Current Sharing and Redundancy
    • Design best practices
    • Test and qualification

  • Manufacturing Test Requirements Update
    • Basic functional verification
    • Stability and dynamic loading
    • Redundancy verification

Additional topics will also be considered based on feedback from committee members committing to this update. Initial meetings of the committee will discuss these and any other topics to include in the update. Members will set priorities, and subcommittees will be formed to address each topic to be addressed. Subcommittee section chairs will also be chosen as part of this activity.

Weekly participation is expected from committee members. Typically, there are weekly sub-committee meetings and monthly full committee meetings. Besides the meetings, each sub-committee will assign tasks each member to update or write a specific part of the update. Time commitment should be roughly 4 hours per week for each subcommittee member and approximately 6 hours per week for the subcommittee chair.

If interested in participating in this update, please contact Eric Swenson at: Thank you for your consideration in joining this effort.


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