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PSMA Core Loss Database Coming Soon

D id you know that open-source does not apply only to software?

I always defend that the world of Power Magnetics is quite behind other engineering sectors regarding software tools and data standardization. Sure we have tons of devices to characterize small signal parameters, like inductances or capacitances, but if we talk about real power large-signal characterization we don't have so many. And the ones we have are really expensive, which makes them affordable only to large companies, and they tend to keep their measurement data private due to competition.

To change this situation, two parallel efforts are underway. The first is the development of a  standard format for exchanging core data electronically. Members of the IEEE PELS ETTC are working on this by updating the existing IEEE 393 standard. The second effort is to make the exchange of data easy. To this end, the PSMA, through the  Magnetics Committee has initiated a special project to create  an open-source database, where everybody can upload their measure core loss, and everybody can read it and use it for free, including clean structured data about the magnetic and measurement setup used for each data point.

And because this does not make too much sense without an affordable way of measuring the core loss, we are developing an open-source measurement equipment based on the Triple Pulse Test developed by Jun Wang at the University of Bristol And yes, that includes the schematic and layout of the boards, the firmware, the control software, and the connection to the public database.

Interested in knowing how you can properly measure large-signal core losses in your laboratory? Do you want to collaborate in an open-source project that aims at fully characterizing magnetic components in an affordable way? We will be presenting at the PSMA workshop at APEC 2025 this year, come and visit us!"


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