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Remembering Executive Director Joe Horzepa

P SMA is sad to report the passing of Executive Director Joe Horzepa on May 25th. Joe had been the Executive Director of PSMA for 30 years following a successful 35 year career at AT&T/Bell Laboratories. Under Joe's leadership PSMA went from an organization of around 60 members, all located in North America, to a truly international organization with over over 200 members located around the globe. In 1991 PSMA became a co-sponsor of APEC (Applied Power Electronics Conference) and introduced the popular Industry Sessions to expand upon the existing offerings of Technical and Educational Sessions. Joe was instrumental in this effort and in expanding PSMA's influence by sponsor or co-sponsor eight regular workshops, conferences and symposiums held around the world.

Joe believed in empowering people to help them reach their potential and he tried to form a personal bond with the members of the PSMA Board of Directors and Advisory Council. He believed the power and value of PSMA resides in the people who belong and engage in PSMA. Cian O'Mathuna, Advisory Council member and founder of PwrSoC, said to Joe "I just want to tell you again how much you have done for me – dragging me kicking and screaming to believe in myself and allowing me to stand on your giant shoulders and encourage me to develop and articulate the PwrSoC vision."

Earlier this year at the PSMA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with APEC 2024, former PSMA Chair Fred Weber introduced the Joe Horzepa Lifetime Service Award in his honor. This award is intended to honor PSMA members who have served PSMA for at least 10 years and displayed an outstanding dedication and commitment to the goals of PSMA and its members. Joe was very flattered to have this award created in his honor although, with his typical modesty, he felt it was not necessary to name the award after him. The first recipient of the award will be announced at APEC 2025 in Atlanta, GA.

Members of the PSMA community were quick to send in tributes when they heard the news of Joe entering hospice which were shared with him and his family. PSMA Chair Trifon Liakopoulos said "As I step into the role of leading PSMA, I am filled with immense gratitude for the path you have paved. Your vision, leadership, and dedication have been the foundation of everything we achieve today and will strive to accomplish in the future.

From the very beginning, you have been a guiding light for all of us. Your unwavering commitment to PSMA has not only built a successful organization but has also inspired countless individuals, myself included. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I've had to learn from you and for the invaluable guidance you've provided.

I am humbled and honored to be Chair of the PSMA. The principles and standards you established will continue to guide us as we move forward. Your legacy of excellence, integrity, and compassion is embedded in every aspect of our work, and we are committed to honoring and building upon it."

Joe is survived by his wife of 61 years Judy, his three children, Mary Beth, John and Lisa and his grandson Michael. His impact on the power electronics industry and on PSMA specifically will be remembered by all who had the opportunity to meet him.


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