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APEC 2025 Returns to Traditional March Dates – Make Your Plans to Join Us in Atlanta for Our 40th Anniversary – March 16-20, 2025

A PEC 2024 in Long Beach broke all records for attendance but now we're back to work getting ready for another record-breaking year. So, now it's on to APEC 2025, March 16-20 at the Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart. Please note that this date is a week later than I earlier reported, so kindly mark your calendars.

The brand new website is going live and I recommend that you check ( for information about the calls for Technical Session and Industry Session submissions as well as proposals for the Professional Education Seminars.

Technical Sessions
Prospective authors will be asked to submit a digest explaining the problem that will be addressed by the paper, the major results, and how this is different from the closest existing literature. Papers presented at APEC must be original material and not have been previously presented or published. The principal criteria in selecting digests will be the usefulness of the work to the practicing power electronic professional. Reviewers value evidence of completed experimental work.

Professional Education Seminars
Professional Education Seminars at APEC 2025 will address the need for in-depth discussion of important and complex power electronics topics. Seminars are three-and-a-half hours (including breaks) in length, can range from broad to narrow in scope, and can vary from introductory to advanced in technical level. Topics are to address the practical issues of the specification, design, manufacture and marketing of power electronic components, products, and systems.

Industry Sessions
The Industry Sessions run in parallel with the technical sessions and have proven to be very popular. Submissions are due by late August. Speakers are invited to make a presentation only without submitting a formal paper. The target audience for these sessions differs from the engineers in typical technical sessions and may include system engineers/architects and business-oriented people such as purchasing agents, information technologists, regulatory agencies, and other people who support the power electronics industry.

Make your plans to be part of APEC 2025. Be sure you have this important event on your calendar and in your budget for next year. And do your part to make it an even better conference by volunteering to be on the peer-review panel in areas where you are qualified. See you in Atlanta.

One final note: It is perhaps fitting that the dates for APEC 2025 have been moved to now include March 17th – St. Patrick's Day. Tony O'Gorman, who was to be APEC 2025 Genera Chairman, passed away suddenly on May 6th. Tony, we will miss your dedication and your wry Irish humor. We'll raise a glass to you and to St. Pat – slainte!

Provided by Greg Evans,
APEC 2025 Publicity Co-Chair




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