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International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP 2022)

P SMA is excited to again be a co-sponsor of the 2022 edition of the International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP) which will be held August 24-26th, on the beautiful campus of Aalborg University, in Aalborg, Denmark. Attendance to the Workshop will be available in-person and virtually. As with all PSMA workshops or webinars, IWIPP has attracted excellent speakers and provides networking opportunities.  The program of IWIPP 2022 will include 6 keynote addresses from leading power technology experts and a broad range of technical sessions, all of which are included in the registration fee.

IWIPP is a workshop focused on Power Packaging and related Technologies which are . are the keys to creating high-density power sources. Attendance at this important workshop can keep you and your colleagues on the cutting edge of power packaging technology.

Call for Papers

If you have technology advancements or research accomplishments to share with the community, Technical Chairman Nick Baker, Assistant Professor, Aalborg University, invites you to submit a digest for review by the technical committee. Papers are sought that address important challenges in power electronic components and systems and present solutions to increase reliability and manufacturability while targeting increased performance and reduced system cost. Papers can range from core material technologies to complete power converters.

The complete list of topics of interest can be found at Call for Papers – IWIPP. The submission portal of the website Submit your Abstracts – IWIPP is now open to accept submissions. Abstract submissions are due January 28th, 2022.
Travel Restrictions Due to COVID-19

The IEEE, PSMA and the IWIPP 2022 organizing committee are carefully monitoring the developing COVID-19 outbreak. The IWIPP 2022 leadership is committed to supporting conference participants who may be unable to travel to Aalborg, Denmark from affected regions. If an attendee has an accepted paper but does not wish to travel due to COVID concerns, or has difficulty obtaining a VISA, the committee will provide opportunities for virtual participation, presentation of her/his paper, and networking.

Sponsored by:
Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA)
IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
IEEE Electronic Packaging Society (EPS)
IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS)
European Center for Power Electronics (ECPE)

Provided by Brian Narveson,
IWIPP 2022 Publicity Chair

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