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EnerHarv2022: The Second International Energy Harvesting Workshop

April 5-7,  2022
ASSIST Center, North Carolina State University

"Building the Ecosystem for Powering the Internet of Things"

EnerHarv 2022 will bring together experts from around the world working on all technical areas relevant to energy harvesting, power management and its IoT applications. This workshop, organized and sponsored by the Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA), will be held on the Centennial Campus of NC State University in the award-winning Hunt Library. The workshop will be hosted by the ASSIST NSF Engineering Research Center.

The vision of EnerHarv 2022 is to create a focal point for experts and users of energy harvesting and related technologies to come together and to share knowledge, best practices, roadmaps, experiences and to provide opportunities for collaboration that will increase the uptake of such technologies.  The workshop is targeted at a broad audience from industry and academia working on materials and devices for energy harvesting and storage, low-power sensors and circuits, micro power management, and their applications in powering IoT devices for health and environmental monitoring, assisted living, and monitoring of equipment and buildings.  The program for the Workshop will be divided evenly between lecture sessions, functional demonstrations, and interactive panel discussions with plenty of time reserved for networking and team-building prospects.

More information on the workshop can be found at

General Chairs

Mehmet C. Ozturk, Professor
NC State University, Electrical Engineering
Brian Zahnstecher, Principal, IEEE Senior Member

Technical Chairs

Shad Roundy, Associate Professor
University of Utah, Mechanical Engineering
Mike Hayes, Head of Group
ICT for Energy Efficiency, Tyndall National Institute

Provided by PSMA Energy Harvesting Committee co-chairs
Mike Hayes, Tyndall National Institute
Brian Zahnstecher, PowerRox

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