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APEC 2022 – On the Houston Launchpad for March 20-24 Event

A ttendees of the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2022) will converge on Houston, TX, March 20-24, 2022, returning to an in-person event after two years. The conference and exhibition will continue the long-standing tradition of addressing issues of immediate and long-term interest to the practicing power electronic engineer. Outstanding technical content, including Technical Program Papers, Industry Sessions and Professional Education Seminars, is offered at one of the lowest registration costs of any IEEE conference. APEC 2022 promises to provide attendees with a truly significant professional experience. Complete details for registering and hotel booking can be found at APEC Registration.

Photo courtesy of Space Center Houston

APEC has secured discounted rates at two hotels near the Houston Convention Center. Attendees are encouraged to secure their hotel reservations early, as these hotels are expected to book up well in advance of the conference. Hotel reservations can only be made following conference registration. Links to APEC's contracted hotels will be sent via an automatic registration confirmation email.  For more details, please visit the Travel Information page.

A special highlight of APEC 2022 will be the Wednesday evening Social Event at the NASA Space Center. The entire facility, including the Johnson Space Center Park, will be open exclusively to APEC Conference Registrants. The event will be catered by Wolfgang Puck, and it might even include surprise appearances by former astronauts.

On the Saturday prior to the start of APEC2022, PSMA and PELS will again be sponsoring two workshops, the seventh High Frequency Magnetics Workshop and the fifth Capacitor Workshop. For more information see the articles on each workshop in this issue of the UPDATE.

Speaking for all of us on the APEC Conference Committee, I invite you to come to Houston to be part of our annual gathering. You really don't want to miss it.  Check the APEC website for details (

If you haven't already made plans to attend, don't wait any longer. Be sure you have it in your 2022 budget to attend this exceptional event – truly The Premier Event in Applied Power Electronics

Provided by Greg Evans,
APEC 2022 Publicity Chair



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