he PSMA Energy Efficiency Committee has joined with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) for a Workshop, "Are You Smart Enough for the Smart Grid?" The workshop is scheduled to be held in Long Beach, CA just before the APEC 2013 Conference. This is not just another "Smart Grid" meeting. It is designed to zero in on the interface between the Grid and Power Converters and how each will evolve as the "Smart Grid" is adopted. The workshop will explore how power converter designs and specifications will need to be modified for the "Smart Grid." More important, the Grid and the Power Converter will be examined as an interactive system, looking for ways that the whole can be optimized. There may be ways that Power Converters can be optimized to benefit the Grid that are unexplored because the interfaces are not understood. Grid operators do not ask, because they are unaware of what is possible. Power Converter designers do not offer, because they are unaware of what would be helpful. The Workshop Agenda includes these topics:
- What is the Grid? -- With emphasis on Grid dynamics and control.
- Keeping the Grid Working -- Normal operation, emergency response and recovery.
- What is the "Smart Grid"? -- With emphasis on aspects of the Grid that affect Power Converters.
- Influences on the Grid -- Regulations. Standards. Lack of Harmonization. Competing jurisdictions. Social consciousness. Human behavior. Carbon footprint –“Green.” Life-cycle costs. Energy costs. Variable rates. Maximizing profits (legitimate). Manipulating profits (unethical).
- Evolving Loads and Power Sources -- The increasing use of constant power loads and maximum power point tracking sources, particularly distributed sources, may make the Grid less stable and less resilient.
- Evolving Communications -- More and more data will be exchanged between the Grid and user's equipment.
- Security -- What are the security issues, and how can we protect against them?
- Grid Stability -- What are the stability issues, and how can we improve Grid stability and resilience?
- Energy Storage -- Energy storage is much more than just batteries. Maximizing energy storage and the control of that energy is essential to restoring Grid stability and resilience.
- Autonomous Response -- This is the response of equipment to measured parameters (as opposed to commanded response by a remote control). Autonomous response may improve stability, and it certainly is more secure.
- Changes to the User's Equipment -- We will explore anticipated and possible changes to Power Converters and related equipment as the Smart Grid evolves.
- System Optimization -- The Grid and the Power Converter will be examined as an interactive system, looking for ways that the whole can be optimized.
Regular and Associate Members of PSMA are invited to attend this valuable, all-day workshop at NO CHARGE! However, seats are very limited and interested attendees must contact the PSMA Association Office if they wish to register. PSMA Regular and Associate member companies will receive a copy of the final report, when available, as a benefit of membership. The Report will also be available to non-members at a price of ~$2500. If your company is not already a member of PSMA, this is a great opportunity to get an instant return on your investment. Provided by Greg Evans, APEC 2013 Publicity Chair | |  |