s a co-sponsor of APEC, the PSMA is helping to spread the word about the opportunity for a passionate exhibitor representative to volunteer on the APEC Conference Committee as an Exposition Co-Chair. This is a key role for the success of APEC 2022 and onwards. The Expo leadership team is made up of an Exposition Chair and two Co-Chairs. Naturally this opportunity requires leadership, management, and organizational skills.
Key responsibilities of the exhibitor representative: - Identify ways to retain exhibitors for future APECs.
- Recommend ways to attract new exhibitors & attendees.
- Offer suggestions to improve the conference experience for both exhibitor and attendees.
- Maintain a good relationship with other exhibitors.
- Understand and represent the interests of exhibitors.
- Understand and represent the APEC Conference Committee to exhibitors.
- Provide input on the exhibitor floorplan before exhibitors select booths.
- Provide input to the APEC Steering committee for exhibition selection criteria for future APEC locations and conference management.
Key candidate selection criteria: - Must participate on the APEC conference committee monthly conference calls (approximately 60-90 minutes long each call).
- Preference for a representative who is able to travel to APEC Planning Meeting for on-site tour.
- Must proactively share how committee decisions impact the exhibitor community.
- Must be willing to help resolve exhibitor issues and issues with exhibitors.
- Preference for a current exhibitor who has exhibited at least three times at previous APECs.
- Preference for a representative from a small or medium sized company.
- Must be willing to serve a minimum of 3 years (note: all committee members serve at the pleasure of the General Chair, who may choose someone else if he/she prefers).
If you would like additional information or are interested in volunteering for this position, please contact Frank Cirolia, APEC Social Media Chair, at frank.cirolia@aei.com.
Provided by: Frank Cirolia, APEC Social Media Chair and PSMA Marketing Committee Co-Chair