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The 11th IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications November 4 – 6, 2024, Dayton, OH

T he Eleventh IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA 2024) is a premier technical conference focusing on the latest developments in wide bandgap (WBG), and Ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor technology. Hosted annually, WiPDA brings together experts from industry and academia to explore advancements, share insights, and discuss the future of WBG power devices and applications. WiPDA helps to bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering collaboration, innovation, and advancements in the field of power electronics.

The workshop will take place from November 4th to 6th, 2024 at the Marriott at the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH.

WiPDA is brought to you by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), the Power Supply Manufacturer's Association (PSMA), and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) and will feature a wide range of technical sessions, keynote speeches, tutorials, and poster presentations. The technical sessions will cover various topics, including the latest developments in wide bandgap materials, device structures, packaging, and thermal management.

The keynote speeches will be delivered by leading experts in the field of wide bandgap power devices, providing valuable insights into the latest advancements and future trends. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions with the speakers and other attendees, exchanging ideas and gaining new perspectives on the latest research and developments.

Conference Highlights

  • Tutorial Sessions: One day training opportunities on a wide range of topics with invited world-renowned experts from devices to applications.
  • Technical Sessions: Engage with experts in the field through a series of technical sessions covering a wide range of topics related to WBG power devices and applications.
  • Poster Sessions: Explore cutting-edge research and network with researchers and industry professionals during the poster sessions.
  • Exhibitor Showcase: Discover the latest products and technologies in the exhibitor showcase, featuring leading companies in the power electronics industry.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, researchers, and industry leaders during networking breaks and social events.
  • Women in Engineering Event: The IEEE PELS Women in Engineering (WiE) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Committee is hosting a WiE Breakfast Event on November 5th and offering a travel reimbursement program, reimbursing up to $750 of conference-related travel expenses.
  • Social Event: Join us for an evening at the Heritage Center of Manufacturing & Entrepreneurship. Explore the many exhibits that focus on the rich technology of Dayton including: the Carousel of Dayton Innovation; the collection of antique NCR cash registers; a 4-D animatronic theatre; and the original Deeds Barn where Charles Kettering and the Barn Gang built the first automobile self-starter, transforming the automobile industry.

Sponsorship Opportunities

WiPDA offers various sponsorship levels to suit your organization's needs. From exclusive sponsorships to branding opportunities, showcase your company's commitment to advancing power electronics technology. For more information contact

The organizing committee is excited to provide our sponsors and valued audience members with an opportunity to learn from leading experts, network with peers, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in wide bandgap power devices and their applications.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Dayton!

Please subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed of the latest news and receive deadline reminders for WiPDA 2024. Also, join the conversation with the WiPDA group on LinkedIn.

Provided by Renee Yawger
WiPDA 2024 Publicity Chair



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