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Meet Your Directors

Four members of the Board of Directors are elected at the PSMA Annual Meeting held every year during the APEC conference. Each Director serves a three year term and is eligible to be reelected for one additional term. 

In this issue we would like to introduce you to Ajay Hari.

Ajay Hari is a senior director of applications engineering at onsemi where his group primarily works on SiC solutions for the automotive market. Ajay held leadership roles in systems and applications engineering at onsemi and National Semiconductor/TI defining Ac-Dc and isolated Dc-Dc PWM controllers and introduced many industry-first products compatible with Wide Bandgap devices. Ajay started his career at General Electric specializing in resonant power conversion.

Ajay has a Master of Science in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Florida and has authored many technical papers, articles, and holds over 20 patents in power electronics.



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