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PSMA Capacitor Committee and IEEE PELS Capacitor Workshop

Date: Saturday March 14. 2020
APEC 2020 New Orleans, California

The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) and the IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS) will be jointly sponsoring an all-day workshop on Saturday, March 14, 2020, the day before the start of and in the same venue as APEC 2020 in New Orleans LA.

This workshop has been an annual event that has continued to grow over the years. The 2019 workshop, "The Impact of Wideband Technologies on Application of Capacitors - A Deep Dive on Capacitor Technology", was held the in Anaheim, CA Saturday March 16, the day before the start of APEC 2019. The keynote speaker was Gene Sheridan, the CEO and co-founder of Navitas Semiconductor and focused on Capacitor requirements for GaN switching systems.

The 2020 day-long Capacitor Workshop will feature presenters from market-leading capacitor manufacturers, and preeminent contributors from universities around the world. The technical lecture presentation sessions will each be followed by an open panel Q&A to offer attendees the opportunity to engage with the presenters.

There will be technology demonstration stations during the breakfast, lunch, and networking sessions. This will provide a unique opportunity for attendees to network and to meet professionals and view up close the various technologies and their advantages.  This workshop will address the needs of both beginners and advanced designers of dc-dc converters, frequency drives, inverters and other power conversation applications. The focus will be on how redefined traditional technologies and the latest technologies and topology developments meet the challenging requirements in the case of temperature, frequency, lifetime and more.

Meanwhile keep checking for the latest news on the upcoming workshop.

Provided by members of the Capacitor Workshop Organizing Team:

Pierre Lohrber   Wurth Electronics
Fred Weber   Future Technology Worldwide


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