t the 2014 PSMA Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, Mark Dehong Xu, President of CPSS, presented an overview of CPSS and suggested some areas for discussion on possible future cooperation between PSMA and his organization. This is a summary of the presentation. CPSS was founded in 1983 as a national society in China. The vision of CPSS is to advance power supply technology and industry in China and build a top level society of both academia and industry. The organization has grown to 3000 individual members (primarily from academia) and 520 Enterprise members. The enterprise members include companies involved with the design and manufacture of: - Switching power supplies
- Drivers for LED lighting
- Inverter and motor drives
- Inverters for photovoltaic and wind power
- Components including semiconductors, capacitors, inductors, transformers batteries, heatsinks and cooling for packaging
The organization of CPSS includes the Secretariat (Association Office), seven working committees and ten technical committees. The primary activities of the society involve organizing and sponsoring technical conferences, exhibitions, publications and training. Together with the Ministry of Science and Technology, CPSS confer a number of recognition awards including Technology Invention, Science and Technology Progress, Outstanding Contributions and Youth Scholars.
The publications available include:
- Journal of Power supply (a bimonthly publication)
- Power supply Information (magazine featuring information on the power Supply industry)
- CPSS Newsletter (issued semimonthly and distributed via email)
- China Power Supply Industry Yearbook (published in July each year)
The CPSS website (www.21dianyuan.com) was established in 2006 and currently has over 150,000 registered members. The site provides news about technology, new products, buying leads, posting of job opportunities for power supply professionals. In addition, the site hosts four Webinars each month on new technology and products.
Since 2006, CPSS has organized and sponsored the “China International Power Supply Exhibition” (CPSEXPO) held in Shenzhen and Shanghai. These Exhibitions have been very popular with 136 to 378 exhibitors participating and 7100 to 15,300 visitors attending. At the conclusion of his presentation, Mark Dehong Xu, President of CPSS, reported that cooperation between CPSS and PSMA began in 2002 and was highlighted by the participation of Arnold Alderman (PSMA Chairman at that time) at the CPSS biannual national conference. Arnold also took part in the China & USA Power Supply seminar during the conference. However, in recent years the relationship between the two organizations has become dormant.
Mark Dehong Xu, President of CPSS suggested the following areas of possible future cooperation between CPSS and PSMA:
- Membership cooperation between the organizations and encourage CPSS companies to join and participate in the PSMA Technical Committees
- Cooperation in exhibition – recruit members to join exhibitions at CPSEXPO and APEC
- PSMA to become a technical co-sponsor of CPSEXPO, give a keynote presentation on PSMA at the 2014 conference and participate in the exhibition with a complimentary exhibit booth
- CPSS website to post PSMA news and the PSMA website to post CPSS news
- Introduce PSMA reports and publications to CPSS companies
- Provide internet links on each website
The presentation was well received and the PSMA Board of Directors will be discussing possible initial areas of cooperation between PSMA and CPSS.
At a luncheon held during APEC 2014, representatives of CPSS and PSMA discussed possible areas of future cooperation.
Top Left to right: Zhang Lei (Executive Director CPSS), Joe Horzepa (Executive Director PSMA),
Jim Marinos (President PSMA), Liu Jinjun (CPSS Executive).
At table Left to Right: Carl Blake (Chairman PSMA), Mark Dehong Xu (President CPSS),
Arnold Alderman (Advisory Council PSMA)
Provided by Joseph Horzepa,
Executive Director, PSMA