n behalf of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, the organizers of INTELEC® 2017, invite technical contributions for presentation and discussion that will be held on the 22-26 October, 2017 at the Gold Coast in sunny Queensland, Australia. The INTELEC forum is broad in technical scope, and contributions to the Technical Program range from academic and industry-based research and development, to field application trials and practical engineering experiences, to the economics and cost-benefit analyses of different technical solutions for ICT energy infrastructure. The topics and subject-matter interest areas for INTELEC® 2017 include, but are not limited to:
- ICT Energy Infrastructure design & functionality
- Back-up power & UPS
- Power system architectures & distribution systems
- Power Electronics
- Batteries & Energy Storage
- Renewable & alternative energy sources
- Energy Efficiency & Thermal Management
Language The official language of INTELEC® 2017 is English. All submissions and presentations must be in English. Technical Program The Technical Program for INTELEC® 2017 will consist of parallel technical streams of presentations of the papers (and posters) accepted for inclusion in the IEEE Conference Proceedings, educational tutorials, one or more workshops and special interest seminars, and a commercial 'product-exposure' stream for manufacturers and solution providers. Abstracts (Digests) The abstract/digest should consist of sufficient material and information considered necessary by the author(s) to demonstrate relevance and technical merit of the paper. Digests should not be shorter than 400 words and a maximum of two (2) A4 pages inclusive of any diagrams and/or figures. Abstracts will be assessed by blind peer review. Author(s) can nominate their preference for their paper to be delivered as either an oral presentation or as a poster. However, the final presentation type will be at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee. Tutorials A number of educational tutorials and training seminars will be offered at INTELEC® 2017. Tutorials and/or training seminars are conducted on a commercial basis. Proposals from individuals or companies interested in providing tutorial or training services should consist of 1000 word (max.) summary outlining scope and content, and should include presenter credentials and contact details. Workshops & special interest seminars INTELEC® is renowned for lively and informative workshops and special seminars in topical areas within the industry. Workshops and special seminars arise from interest and passion within the INTELEC® community and rely on the participation and input of conference delegates. Ideas for workshop and seminars subject matter for INTELEC® 2017 are welcome. Commercial Product Stream As part of the Industry Exhibition at INTELEC® 2017, a separate technical content stream is available for manufacturers and product providers to give formal technical presentations to conference delegates without the need to observe the prohibition on commercial promotion which applies in the peer-review process of technical papers. Papers in the Commercial Product Stream are not included in the Conference Proceeding or IEEE Xplore, but the Commercial Product Stream is listed in the Conference Program. Papers submitted for the Commercial Product Stream should not be merely sales or marketing material and will be accepted on the basis of the technical content and merit outlined in an abstract or summary of the proposed paper. Key dates: - Technical Papers
- Abstract submission by 24 March, 2017
- Notification of acceptance by 12 May, 2017
- Submission of full paper by 11 August, 2017
- Other
- Tutorial Proposals by 28 April, 2017
- Workshops & Special Seminar proposals by 28 April, 2017
For more information and to submit a paper, please visit www.intelec2017.org/call-for-contributions.php.