37th International Communications Energy Conference, October 18-22, 2015, Osaka, Japan
NTELEC®, International Telecommunications Energy Conference, is the annual world-class technical forum presenting the latest in communications power systems, energy storage and energy conversion. This year's exciting conference program will include key note and plenary sessions from today's industry leaders as well as technical presentations, continuing educations tutorials and workshops and poster sessions. This leading conference will also include a comprehensive technical tour and social program for networking amongst industry peers.
The scope of the conference will include but not limited to the following communications power and energy systems topics:
Communications Power Systems - Outside plant power systems (twisted pair, customer premises etc.)
- Renewable energy generations (Wind, PV, Hybrid)
- Islanded and grid-connected autonomous power systems
- Power systems (High and/or low voltage DC; High and/or low voltage AC) for central offices/data centers
- Power distribution architectures for communications equipment
- Wireless power transfer for handheld communications devices
Energy Storage for Communications Systems - Architectures for energy storage
- Battery technology (lead, zinc, lithium, sodium)
- Flow battery technology
- New fuel cell technology
- Energy management techniques
- Energy modeling and simulation
Power Conversion for Communications Equipment - Circuit topologies and control techniques for AC/DC, DC/DC and DC/AC power converters
- Utility interface inverters for energy generation and storage
- AC and DC UPS
- High efficiency and high density power supplies
Site Support Systems - Disaster recovery and mitigation
- Engine generator technology
- Physical and thermal design
- Grounding and EMC
- Codes, standards and specifications
For more information, please visit www.intelec2015.org