Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017
Location: Ballroom D, Tampa Convention Center
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM - 8:05 AM Opening Remarks (Ed Herbert, PSMA)
8:05 AM - 9:40 AM Keynote Session
- Impact of Magnetics on Power Electronics Converter Performance – State of the Art and Future Prospects (Johann Kolar, ETH Zurich)
- Smaller-Faster-Lower Cost—Magnetic Materials Meet Rigorous Demands in Today’s High Power Fast-Paced Design Landscape (Donna Kepcia, Magnetics)
- Panel Q & A (Kolar, Kepcia)
9:40 AM - 10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Special Issue Session - Measurement of AC Power Loss
- Openning Remarks (Ray Ridley, Ridley Engineering)
- Survey of Different Test Methods (Charles Sullivan, Dartmouth)
- Waveforms for Simulating Magnetic Cores (Bruce Carsten)
- Challenges to Improving the Accuracy of High Frequency (120 MHz) Test Systems (Zoran Pavlovic, Tyndall)
- Parameter Extraction (Data Crunching) (Ed Herbert, PSMA)
- Industry Standardization (Chuck Wild, Dexter Magnetics)
- Panel Q & A (Ridley, Sullivan, Carsten, Pavlovic, Herbert, Wild)
12:00 Noon - 2:00 PM Technology Demonstration Session
- DI/DT Measurments of Inductance (JC Sun, Bs&T Technologies)
- Developing Models and Simulations from Measurment Data (Andreas Muesing, Gecko-Simulations)
- Correlation Between Modelling and Measurments of a Common Mode Choke (Rodney Rodgers, Allstar Magnetics)
- Magnetics Characterization Equipment/Test Set (Bruce Carsten)
- Core Loss Measurement on High Phase Angle Material (Ryu Nagahama, IWATSU)
- Materials and Design Tools for Magnetics Suitable for 1 MHz+ Switching Frequencies (Chris Oliver, Micrometals)
- Modelling Modular UR Cores (Kevin McGivern, McGivern Technologies)
- Simulations and Measurements of Proximity Loss (Ray Ridley, Ridley Engineering)
- Calculation of AC Losses of Filter Inductors in Inverters (Lorandt Foelkel, Wurth Elektronik)
- Magnetic Supplier Technology Roadmaps (Chuck Wild, Dexter Magnetics; Rudy Geisler ,National Magnetics; Chris Spadafora, EPCOS/TDK; Joel Salas, Ferroxcube)
2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Technology Issues Session
- Package and Integration Technology in Point-of-load Converters (Laili Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University)
- Developing Materials and Geometries for High Frequency Power Magnetics (John Lynch, Fair Rite)
- Panel Q&A (Wang, Lynch)
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Special Issue Session - Spice Modelling of AC Power Loss
- Overview of Modelling Methods (Charles Sullivan, Darthmouth)
- Spice Models For Conductor Losses (Ray Ridley, Ridley Engineering)
- Spice Models for Core Losses (Ed Herbert, PSMA)
- Panel Q & A (Sullivan, Ridley, Herbert)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Social Hour, Plus Technology Demonstrations