4th Israeli Power Sources Conference & Exhibition

Daniel Hotel

The 4th Israeli conference for Power Sources, Batteries, Fuel Cells and EV will meet to discuss and provide a platform for technological innovations and business opportunities.

The conference will discuss the latest advances in the field found in Israel and abroad and support the Electrochemical, E-Mobility and Smart Grid Industry in Israel.

All presentations will be in English.

The conference will be held once a year and is the leading Israeli Power Sources & EV conference, bringing together world wide participants from leading private and public Companies, Start-ups, Investors, Academics and Businesses that are interested in the Energy field.

Senior keynotes and experts will present the lectures.

An Exhibition will run alongside the conference. 

Electric & Hybrid vehicles test & drive opportunity will be available for the conference attendants.


Power sources users, Pack assemblers, Power sources manufacturers, Power sources suppliers, Academic members, R&D engineers, EV suppliers and customers, Market researches, Battery recyclers, Media members.

Participation includes lunch and all proceeding materials, presentations, posters etc.